3 minute read




Muscles bulging. Sweat dripping. Full workout gear. And an hour of your time. That’s the amount of intensity needed for fitness progress, right? As it turns out, this fallacy is one that Tanja Totzauer (Coach T) has been working hard to dispel for both students and staff alike.

“A lot of people have the misconception that if they come for a workout, they have to have all their gear, put in an hour, and leave dripping in sweat. In reality, a lot of our students and staff come to the fitness centre for 10-20 minutes in their uniform or work attire, and still get in a great workout - they’re even sore the next day!”

As we approach the completion of the new Athletics and Performing Arts Centre, Coach T will be working hard to get as many students involved in fitness training as possible, not just our athletes. “It’s not just about staying fit physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. A lot of our students have demanding workloads and they come for workouts to reduce stress, especially during exams. It’s so important for students to move their bodies and make that mind-body connection.”

The same goes for our staff. Encouraging and educating staff to schedule a short block of time in their day to dedicate to movement has been a priority for Coach T, as it can greatly improve wellbeing and productivity.

So, what’s the vision? “My goal is to have people alter their perspective around fitness and challenge the mindset that ‘the more you sweat, the better’. I want people to understand that it’s about consistency, feeling good, moving your body, and normalising fitness to make it part of your daily schedule.”

To show how quick and easy it can be, Coach T has put together a mini workout series that can be done from anywhere. All you need is a chair! 1STEP DOWNS Start with one foot on the chair Slowly step down from the chair with control, as your knee bends reach your arms forward Tap your foot to the floor but do not put any weight on it, keep all the weight on the front foot Push yourself back up, arms return to your sides as your front leg straightens


Start with the top of one foot resting on the chair and transfer weight to front foot While maintaining upright posture begin to bend the front knee Continue to lower your hips and bend your knee while keeping your torso upright Pause at the bottom of the movement and drive through your front leg to bring your body back up to the start position


Start with your toes on a chair and hands on the floor directly under your shoulders. Keep your head in line with your spine and hips high by tucking your chin and looking towards your feet Begin lowering your head towards the floor by bending your elbows, tightening your core, and keeping your legs straight Continue through the range of motion as far as you can, pause at the bottom Press back up to your starting position



Lift one leg off of the chair using your core and glutes Slowly bring that leg away from the chair and the body, and lower it to touch the ground without bending your knees or changing your plank position Slowly bring that leg back to the start position without touching your toes to the chair. Repeat given repetitions on one side before switching legs

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