A M ES SAG E FRO M TH E H E AD Dear Students of the Class of 2018, As I reflect on the journey we have had together throughout your years at Mulgrave, I am grateful to have so much to celebrate today at this milestone event, your convocation. You have worked hard to earn your graduation diplomas, and the accolades coming your way are well-deserved. I hope that you revel in the satisfaction of knowing that you have given your best and have grown into remarkable young adults who are ready to take on even more of what this world has to offer. Their Mission statement asserts that the IB aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. I believe that you fit this description, and this outcome is exactly why I have devoted my life to education. If we all take a step back to reflect on the headline events of the past year at a global level, we could easily be convinced that our world is in a bit of a crisis. I am struck by the amount of violence and the number of conflicts that have been instigated by what is essentially a knowledge gap that has been filled with fear instead of empathy or kindness. This cannot continue. There are some big ideas that are causing rifts in our society: technology, globalism, democracy, free enterprise, and political ideology. We are being divided into divergent groups: conservative versus liberal, urban versus rural, those who have the skills to navigate these complex systems and those who do not. I wholeheartedly believe that it is only through education that we can change the current path that we are on, and specifically, I believe that a broad and holistic liberal arts education that emphasises understanding, compassion, and pluralism is the key to a more peaceful future.
Developing the skills to bring together disparate people and having a conversation where we can begin to understand that we share a common destiny is transformative. Being able to engage with people who have wildly different perspectives is a great strength and personal quality. As Mulgrave graduates, I have no doubt that you can do both these things and trust that you will use these gifts for good in the way that you see fit. You carry within you the energy and idealism that will generate reconciliation and harmony. You have the core strength to find your own happiness, on your terms, and enough left over to shoulder the burden of those less fortunate. As future leaders, we need you to answer the big and troubling questions of this world because you are radical, brave and challenging. And I hope you’ll never stop because the kind of challenges you will take on will lead us exactly where we need to be. There may be times when you feel tired because the struggle isn’t easy and the journey can be long. When that happens, I hope you’ll remember that you have a community made up of friends, family, and teachers who are there to help you refresh your purpose, make you laugh, and send you off again, reinvigorated and ready for the next chapter. Now just make sure that your path leads you back to Mulgrave from time to time so that we can continue to celebrate you and hear of your many adventures. Because, tbh :), we will miss you. My warmest regards,
John Wray Head of School 3
SAFIA AD ELYAR Safia is one of our Afghan students who came to Mulgrave in 2015. Over the past three years, she has developed her English speaking and writing skills. She has been an active member of the Sparks Club where she has helped write and illustrate a storybook titled “Sofia Plants a Bird” for the Early Childhood programmes in Sparks Academy in Kabul and here at Mulgrave. She has also helped design a calendar to show diversity and highlight Afghanistan’s historical places. Safia is a mentor to many of the Kindergarten students on the school bus, regularly helping children in any way she can. Safia is very proud of the speech she gave at the Remembrance Day assembly last year. As part of her Capstone Project, she prepared a lesson plan about yoga and then taught yoga for the first time to students in Sparks Academy in Kabul. Safia is interested in studying to become a nurse. She will either study Health Sciences at Langara College or at the University of Calgary before going into nursing.
G R AYSO N B EC K Grayson has been at Mulgrave since Kindergarten, which makes him one of our ‘lifers’. During his time here, he could often be found where some boisterous activity was taking place. Grayson played rugby and soccer at Mulgrave, but his interest in sports also went beyond school teams. He played for the West Vancouver Soccer Club and the West Vancouver Field Hockey Club. Grayson enjoys the outdoors and has achieved a Gold level in the Duke of Edinburgh programme. A high point for Grayson was the service trip to Ladakh where he worked with an underserved community in Northern India and hiked the Himalayas. Next year, Grayson will be attending Western University where he plans to study economics.
AR ELL B RYS KI Arell joined the Mulgrave community in Grade 8 and quickly got involved in many aspects of school life. She is very much a team player who is wellrespected by her peers and clearly excels in collaborative environments. One of her favourite memories is helping to organise Spirit Week 2017, which was a resounding success. The theme of inclusion, showcased through activities for the week, perfectly demonstrates Arell’s keen interest in engaging in important social causes. This is also apparent in her leadership roles in Model United Nations and as a Senior Prefect where she always worked to support student initiatives. Arell also found opportunities to reveal her less serious side by entertaining peers and teachers at the Grad Talent Show and never missing an opportunity to share a pun during her Monday Morning Announcements routine. She rounded out her activities with involvement in badminton. She is looking forward to studying life sciences at either McGill or UBC.
AI D EN C AR ER E Aiden is a Mulgrave ‘lifer’, and his contributions to school life and leadership were acknowledged by the school community through his election as Head Boy this school year. Aiden has many memories from Mulgrave but especially enjoyed the Grade 9 trip to Eastern Canada and Grade 9 classes in Social Studies, made even more entertaining with Saba’s commentary and mischief. A well-rounded student who has taken full advantage of Mulgrave’s holistic approach to education, Aiden has participated in our outdoor education Duke of Edinburgh programme and kickstarted the mental health group Heads Up when he was in Grade 10. Aiden’s passion for theatre and performance has also featured highly in his time at Mulgrave, especially acting in the Senior School productions of Peter Pan and Against Progress, as well as singing in the Senior School Choir. Next year, Aiden will be furthering his love of acting at Chapman University where he will study a major in screen acting.
JAC K Y C HAN G Jacky has been at Mulgrave since Grade 4. During his time here, he has been involved in many activities including soccer, basketball, tennis and rugby. His service commitments at Mulgrave focused on supporting school events, as well as taking on the role of Ambassador providing new students and parents with personalised tours. Jacky has a passion for film that runs in his family. In addition to striving to also complete the IB Diploma, he has helped out in the family film business while learning life lessons from his part-time work. Jacky has shown grit and resilience in ultimately achieving all the demands of the Diploma, and these are qualities that will stay with him for life. His favourite memory at Mulgrave is the Grade 9 trip to Eastern Canada. Jacky has secured offers from Queen’s, Western, Ottawa, Waterloo and Toronto universities, but he is likely to take up a place at UBC where he ultimately wishes to pursue international relations.
MAT TH E W C HA S MAR Matthew joined Mulgrave in Grade 1 and since that time has been regularly involved in public speaking, most recently representing Mulgrave in debate and the World Scholar’s Cup. In particular, his opportunity to attend WSC rounds in both Bangkok and at Yale University were both challenging and incredibly enjoyable experiences. He has also been involved in Mulgrave’s bands for 7 years, playing the trumpet. Matthew has participated in a variety of service commitments, including organising Global Week as part of Global Nomads and being both a Green Prefect and a member of our Student Council. Some of Matthew’s fondest memories relate to the school trips he has had the chance to attend: many camps (especially the Grade 10 winter camp), the Grade 9 Eastern Canada trip, and other trips for band and extracurricular activities. Matthew has not yet decided on where he will be attending university next year; however, it will likely be either Huron or UBC.
YI LI N (EL AI N E ) C H EN Yilin (Elaine) came to Mulgrave in Grade 11 and has been an exemplary school citizen for the past two years. During her time at Mulgrave, she enjoyed exploring science and mathematics. She has participated in multiple competitions and science fairs such as Sanofi Biogenius, the Brain Bee Vancouver, where she achieved second place, and the Canadian Open Math Contest where she achieved the Provincial honour roll. Although not enrolled in Visual Arts, she still enjoyed art-related activities such as being a member of the Design Club and volunteering to be a student-leader for the Junior School Art Club. Next year, Elaine will attend Johns Hopkins University where she will be pursuing her interest in science by studying biophysics.
AI DAN C L AR KE SCOT T Aidan joined the Mulgrave community in Kindergarten. From an early age, he quickly developed interests in technology, computer science, photography, film-making and, more recently, software engineering. He was an integral member of the theatre tech crew from Grade 6 to Grade 11 and has taken part in multiple school productions. Additionally, his interest in music and involvement in our band programme since Grade 5 has led him to become lead trumpet chair in the Senior Jazz Band. He has also participated in the ZOOM Film Festival since Grade 7, winning best overall film in Grade 8. He will look back fondly on the time he spent laughing at lunch with his friends in Ms. Ferreira’s room. A significant academic accomplishment was winning first place in the physics category of the Grade 7 Science Fair. Next year, Aidan plans to study computer science at the University of British Columbia.
JAM ES C ROS S Jamie has been at Mulgrave since Grade 2. In many ways, Jamie epitomises what it means to be a great Mulgravian. An impressive service and leadership record as a member of the Service Action Council and Mulgrave Public Square in school, along with his involvement in the West Vancouver Youth Philanthropy group outside of school keeps Jamie highly engaged in service opportunities. He has combined this with participation in the school’s volleyball and basketball teams and the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. On top of that, Jamie has been an active participant in the school’s choirs, and this has, in part, led to his real passion for singing, something that he has done for service and fun at a local senior’s home. Jamie’s favourite memory is participating as a singer in our Mulgrave’s Got Talent event and at Memory Lane. As a top academic student (after getting through some tough challenges), Jamie has been accepted at a number of universities with scholarship offers in Canada, UK and the US. He will likely attend either Whitman or St. Andrews. 6
R AC HAEL D EN G Rachael joined the Mulgrave community in Grade 7 and embraced the many opportunities that have been offered to her here. She has been a Student Ambassador, a member and leader of Model United Nations, Prefect for Global Nomads, and a member of the Service Action Council. She has lent her creative talent to the Graphic Design Club and the Arts Council, and her beautiful voice to the Concert Choir, Jazz Choir and Chamber Choir. Rachael has earned her Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Her love of learning was clear when she discussed researching and writing her Extended Essay at the EE Celebration, which she lists as one of her most memorable moments. UC Berkeley is very lucky to count Rachael as a future student, and she is looking forward to studying integrative biology while simultaneously pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, with a minor in Public Health. Rachael has been selected as the P.E.O. STAR Scholarship nominee for the West Vancouver chapter of the P.E.O. International Sisterhood.
AI DAN D ES LI PPE Aidan joined Mulgrave at the start of Grade 9. Over the past four years, he has made a significant contribution to the community through theatre and film. He has been a leading hand in designing and executing theatre productions with over ten of these under his belt. He is proud of his participation in the past two ZOOM Film Festivals and the awards he and his group members received. Aidan has reached out to the community around him through his involvement in North Shore MedVents, an organisation that focuses on teaching its members medical skills in order to provide first aid support to both community and scouting events. In the process, Aidan has grown as a person, becoming more independent and organised after being awarded the rank of quartermaster in 2016. Aidan’s technical skills and willingness to help will be missed in the classroom and around the school as he moves on to further develop them in his future endeavours.
L AU R A FAB IAN Laura is a Mulgrave ‘lifer’ having been at the school since Kindergarten. She has demonstrated her Mulgravian qualities during her academic career through her active involvement and achievements in all strands of education. In recent years, this has been demonstrated through her participation as a member of the Mulgrave Emergency Response Team, the Grad Committee, and as captain of the Mulgrave World Partnership walk team (where the team raised a large sum of money to contribute to the alleviation of developing world poverty). Additionally, Laura has stayed active as a member of basketball and swim teams and exercised her creativity through musical theatre, ballet, and choir. Laura’s favourite memory is the Grade 6 talent show performance of ‘I Want’ by One Direction with Isabella and Veronica. Laura has received offers from McGill University, the University of British Columbia, and Western University, but she will likely take up a place at Ryerson where she hopes to study psychology and criminology. 7
JACO B FEN G Two activities stand out in Jacob’s memory since joining Mulgrave School in Grade 9. The first is the trip to Rivers Inlet where he particularly enjoyed catching fish and making sure that they met a painless end. The second is all the time he spent in the gym with fellow meatheads. In fact, he made the gym routine the focus of his Capstone Project where he encouraged others in the gym; he also combined his interest in biology and exercise during a volunteer opportunity at a physiotherapy clinic. His passion for exercise saw him on the sports field as a member of the Mulgrave rugby team. Jacob freely admits that his greatest challenge during his school years has been getting up in the morning to be on time for classes. As he leaves his secondary school years behind, Jacob will miss biology class where he has learnt much about style from Mr. O. We will all particularly remember Jacob for his wry humour evident when presenting his memes, and we wish him well as he heads to sunny Saskatoon for university next year.
TI M OTHY ( TI M MY ) FR E WI N Timothy (Timmy) is one of our ‘lifers’, and he has made a huge contribution to athletics in the school. As a member of the soccer, basketball and rugby teams, Timmy has always displayed complete commitment to the team. He was rewarded for his tenacious training on the basketball court by being selected for the North Shore All-Star team. Timmy’s passion for sports was evident as House Captain and Sports Coordinator, and in particular when organizing the Mulgrave Invitational Tournament for rugby, which formed the basis for his Capstone Project. During the tournament, he used his well-developed organisational skills and learned to trust others to complete their jobs. His greatest challenge was to get volunteers to turn up on time. Life-long memories that will stay with Timmy are the Eastern Canada trip in Grade 9 and the Grade 8 hiking trip up Garibaldi. Timmy has earned acceptances to Western, Queen’s, University of Toronto, and UBC; he will either attend Western (where he was offered a scholarship) or UBC next year, and we wish him every success.
ZE ZH UAN G (B RYAN) G E Ze Zhuang (Bryan) joined Mulgrave in Grade 8. One of his fondest memories was the trip to Rivers Inlet in Grade 10, a wonderful opportunity for him to adjust to the Senior School and develop stronger bonds with his peers through activities such as fishing and just hanging out in the youth lounge. Bryan has enjoyed playing on both our badminton and basketball teams, volunteering to scorekeep for many games. Bryan has also taken advantage of various leadership opportunities. For example, he was part of the logistics crew that was responsible for organising Battle of the Houses in Grade 10. A significant achievement for Bryan was his Personal Project in which he created a board game by using his programming skills. He has furthered his interest in computer science by writing an Extended Essay on the subject, focusing on the time and space complexities of four different sorting algorithms. Next year, Bryan plans to study computer science and engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles.
N I KK Y (N I KKI) HAKI M I Nikki joined Mulgrave in Grade 6 and quickly made herself an integral member of the Mulgrave community. She has a range of talents and interests, from swimming to slam poetry. Nikki has earned her lifeguarding certification, and she has given back to the school community by coaching the Junior School Swim team. She is an active member of her grad class and applied her organisational skills to their fullest through her work with the Grad Committee and as a CityFest Youth Ambassador. She helped to organise Grad Ball and City Fest, a youth-led event on the North Shore that features music, art and food. One of Nikki’s most memorable moments was when she turned up to school on a snow day, not realising the school was closed and being greeted by Mr. Jones in the ugliest Christmas sweater she had ever seen. Her sense of humour and easy laughter will be missed next year. Nikki is very proud of being accepted into McGill University, her first choice, where she will study cognitive science.
D E VO N HAR R I S Devon joined Mulgrave in Grade 6. In his years here, Devon has shown a love for sports and has played on and coached numerous teams. This year, he has been the Deputy House Captain for Smith, and he coached the Grade 7 Boys Soccer Team. Devon also played rugby and basketball with great devotion. In fact, Devon won the All Heart award for rugby and the award for the Middle School Male Athlete of the Year. Not surprisingly, Devon’s favourite memory was when the Senior Boys Rugby team won the first annual Mulgrave Invitational Tournament. Devon has received offers from Western, Ryerson, and Brock. In the fall, Devon will attend Western University where he plans to study sports management (and possibly play rugby).
DAVI D H ERZ David has been at Mulgrave since Grade 8. Getting to know him over the last five years, three things have stood out: his sense of humour, the fact that he often appeared to look guilty of planning something, and his ability to obfuscate. This he always denied, but there were incidents such as a laser light show on the roof of the English class. David participated in a variety of activities, both inside and outside of school. These consisted of him captaining Curie House and playing rugby, volleyball and golf for the school teams. A highlight for him was when he custom-built a mountain bike for his Grade 10 Personal Project. Next year, David plans to study business management at either McGill or the University of St. Andrews.
I SA AC H O LE Isaac Hole joined our Mulgrave community in Grade 4 and maintains that his first day at Mulgrave is one of his fondest memories of his years here. He says he remembers walking in the doors and realising that this was the school for him. Isaac has followed his passions at Mulgrave since that first year – as a part of the basketball team throughout Junior and Middle School and the Cross Country team through Middle and Senior School. Isaac has always been a giving member of the community as a Student Ambassador and most recently as a member of the Grad Committee. His friendly good nature has always helped him make quick connections, and as an Ambassador, he has been a capable representative, so it is no surprise that his friends chose him to represent the Class of 2018 as a committee member. In the coming year Isaac is looking forward to attending the University of Alberta to study economics. Congratulations, Isaac!
Y U TO N G (EK AL AN) H O U Yu Tong (Ekalan) joined Mulgrave in Grade 11 and quickly became involved in the school community. Ekalan has immersed herself in a wide variety of activities both inside and outside of school. Over the years, this has included her involvement in being a Senior Service and Social Justice Prefect, as well as participating in both the Model UN Club and the ZOOM Film Festival. Ekalan was very active in the service domain, and she has spent more than 500 hours volunteering since Grade 9. She went to Guatemala on a service trip and donated books to local libraries and Project Somos. Ekalan indicated that a highpoint for her at Mulgrave was the time she spent in Ms. Morgan’s English class. She received offers from UCLA, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University. Ekalan will be attending Stanford in the fall where she plans to major in English literature.
J ES S I C A H U Since her arrival at Mulgrave in Grade 9, Jessica has exhibited a passion for visual arts. By her own admission, her life became consumed by Art Studio and her art portfolio, the fruits of which were exhibited in spectacular style at the Grad Art Exhibition. As a member of the Mulgrave School Visual Arts Prefect team, she contributed to the organisation of visual art events in and around the school. For her Capstone Project, she was proud to have her designs selected to be showcased in Vancouver Fashion Week. By being involved in this event, she learnt the value of long-term planning and the challenges of relying on other people or companies to meet deadlines. Jessica was also a regular player on the badminton team. She feels that she has changed significantly over the past four years at Mulgrave and appreciates all the ups and downs that she has experienced. Next year, Jessica will pursue her passion for form and function while studying at the Parsons School of Design in New York.
KE VI N H U Kevin joined the Mulgrave family in Grade 4 and grew from a member of the Junior School Leadership Club to be a Middle School Ambassador, a member of SSAC, and part of the Grad Committee this year. Outside the walls of Mulgrave, Kevin worked at UBC as an engineering instructor of kids camps and volunteered with St. John’s Ambulance. While Kevin accomplished a significant amount of service and has been active as a player on the soccer, rugby and basketball teams over the years, it is the memories of trips taken with friends that stand out most in his mind as he reflects back over the last 8 years. In particular, he recalls ‘hotel room hopping’ with friends in Eastern Canada and drinking gallons of chai tea each morning in Kenya. It is fitting, therefore, that Kevin hopes to travel more both with family and friends in the months before he starts university to study engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
H ELEN HYERYO O N J O Hyeryoon (Helen) joined Mulgrave in Grade 7. For the past 6 years, she has been a part of the Mulgrave music community, choosing to be an active member of the Middle and Senior Concert Choir, Concert Band, and Jazz Band. Through her involvement, she has been able to improve her alto saxophone skills and build confidence performing on stage. Helen is particularly fond of the music trips to Whistler and Banff, where she was able to listen to other groups perform and build stronger friendships. Other highlights include being a part of the Arts Council and Grad Committee, learning how to organise events and collaborate with others. Helen also participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award by rock climbing in Squamish. Through this trip, Helen was able to physically challenge herself and learn how to keep pushing past her comfort zone to reach higher levels of achievement. Next year, Helen plans to study mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
J OAN NA (J OJ O) J OAN N O U Joanna (Jojo) joined Mulgrave in Grade 2, and she has accomplished a great deal in all aspects of school life since then. Throughout her time at Mulgrave, Joanna has been involved in many global and local service initiatives, creative extracurricular activities, as well as several sports teams. Joanna has had a role on the Senior Service Action Council, Senior Prefect Team, and was elected as Deputy Head Student. Her most memorable service initiative was travelling to Ladakh in India with her peers in an effort to provide support to a local school and clinic. Additionally, Joanna has been an active member of choirs, several theatre productions, as well as being a valuable player on both the basketball and volleyball teams. She plans to attend the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in the fall to pursue a career in business.
AR I K AU FMAN Ari has been a Mulgrave student since Grade 1 with the exception of a single year away at another school. During his time here, Ari has shown himself to be a high-performing but balanced student with a very positive outlook on life who has served to be a real influence on those around him. He has contributed significantly to the Grad Committee in the past year, and over the last couple of years, he has participated in debate, rugby, piano, cross country and rowing. In fact, Ari worked to establish the Mulgrave Rowing Club to inspire and involve others in his favourite sport. Ari’s favourite Mulgrave memory is the Memory Lane event where he starred in many stories of past endeavours! Ari has been accepted to the University of Victoria, Queen’s, and McGill University. He has decided to heed the siren call of Montreal and take a place at McGill where he will study engineering.
AN G EL A KI M Angela joined the Mulgrave family in Grade 5 and was excited to embark on the many adventures available. In her time here, she has participated in school trips to China, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, and Ladakh, which have impacted her deeply. She is a consummate musician and has lifted her voice to support the Jazz, Chamber, and Concert Choirs. She has been involved in Jazz and Concert Band, as well as the Strings Ensemble. She has represented the Titans on the basketball and badminton courts and been a member of Cypress Service and Student Voice. She has continued to fuel her spirit of adventure by rock climbing in electives and earning Bronze and Silver Awards in the Duke of Edinburgh programme. Angela has entertained many with the K-Pop Club and debated through her involvement in Model UN. However, out of all of her adventures, it’s the simple pleasure of hanging out with friends during recess time that tops her list of favourite Mulgrave memories. Angela is excited to be heading to the University of Toronto to study sociology at the St. George’s Campus.
C H U IWEN KO N G Chuiwen joined Mulgrave in Grade 9, though it is in her senior years that she feels she has grown most as a person. Despite her busy schedule in Grades 11 and 12, she found this time truly precious with too many unforgettable memories to list. Chuiwen enjoys both the arts and athletics, as demonstrated by her participation in the ZOOM Film Festival and as a member of the Senior badminton team. Chuiwen’s Capstone Project, which involved working with children at the SOS International Village in Beijing, had a profound effect on her understanding of how other children and people live and validated her passion for working with children. Chuiwen was accepted to the University of Toronto, the University of Hong Kong, and several UK universities; she plans to attend University College of London and is interested in joining their education programme.
N ELLI L ARJAVA Nelli has been at Mulgrave since Grade 5 and in that time has taken part in myriad activities as a participant and leader. Over the years, she has acted as a House Grade Representative, Deputy House Captain, and as a member of the Athletics Council. From the start, Nelli discovered her athletic proclivities and contributed to Mulgrave’s sports programmes in many ways. Nelli participated on the swim, basketball, cross country, and track and field teams. One of Nelli’s fondest memories was the Grade 8 hiking trip to Garibaldi; her other was winning 2nd place at basketball provincials. Nelli’s true passion is basketball, and she was captain of the Senior Girls team in both 2017 and 2018. Nelli has been awarded a $1000 BCSSGBA basketball scholarship, and in the fall, she intends to attend Western, majoring in Kinesiology.
B R AN DO N L AU Brandon was welcomed into Mulgrave in Grade 11; although he joined the school late in his academic career, he jumped in and looked for ways to get involved. He was eager to help ensure that the grad year was a great one for his peers, and so he joined Grad Committee. He was instrumental in one of their first initiatives of arranging grad jackets. He put his organisational skills to work again when he took on managing grad parking with impressive efficiency. One of his favourite memories of life at Mulgrave is the semi formal where he enjoyed the evening, hanging out with friends. His calm and supportive attitude will be missed. Next year, Brandon is planning to call upon those managerial skills of his as he pursues his desire to study business locally at either Langara, SFU or UBC. We wish him great success!
J I M I LEE Jimi has been at Mulgrave since Grade 8. Over the five years she has been here, Jimi has been an active contributor to the service and leadership strand, including as a Student Ambassador, a member of the Student Voice group, a volunteer for the Junior School Art Service Club, and as part of Envision Vancouver for her Capstone Project. She has played for the school tennis team and has been a regular member of the school band. Jimi’s favourite school memory is her personal project in Grade 10 where she tried cooking for the first time and made a cookbook for traditional Korean food. While some would regard Jimi as a quiet, rather shy person, those who know her well have come to realise that Jimi has strong opinions, a great sense of humour and is powerfully articulate. Jimi has offers from Queen’s, McMaster, Ottawa and Toronto universities, but she plans to attend UBC to study computer engineering.
S U B I N LEE Subin came to Mulgrave in Grade 1. Over the past twelve years, she has left a strong impression on this community and has been committed to balancing her life in the areas of health, academics, and service. Knowing the importance of health since childhood has allowed her to develop an interest in swimming and yoga. Since Grade 7, Subin has also been heavily involved in her Race for the Kids team. In the process, she has helped raise money to increase awareness about childhood cancer. Likewise, her Capstone Project has led to numerous donations to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. As a member of the Arts Council, Subin has also helped to support many events and performances throughout the year. Through her various commitments, she has acquired essential communication skills and learned to move beyond her comfort zone. Her plan for the future is to join the Faculty of Arts in visual studies at the University of Toronto. Subin’s bright smile, energetic personality, and kindness towards others will be missed.
J OS H UA LE V Y Joshua Levy, one of a lucky few who have the status of Mulgrave ‘lifer’, joined the school in Kindergarten. Josh has always been an active member of the Mulgrave community (literally!) playing basketball, volleyball, tennis and soccer. One of his favourite Mulgrave memories includes Junior School recesses spent out on the hill building stick forts. Another was the horseback riding trip completed as part of his Duke of Edinburgh experience. Notable moments from that trip include being partnered with a strong-willed horse who wanted to jump over every stream and Boris falling off his horse! From Senior School lunches and weekends spent preparing for debate tournaments to travelling the Lower Mainland for provincial championships to playing in band and serving as a dedicated member of MERT, Josh has truly embodied the Mulgrave spirit. He was recognised by his peers as Deputy Head Boy, a role he has handled with great maturity. Josh intends to study business at McGill, Western, UBC, University of Toronto, or Queen’s.
C H R I STI N E LI Christine started at Mulgrave in Grade 10. During her years at Mulgrave, she has been known for her exemplary citizenship and her involvement in many activities. Most notably, she captained Smith House, was a Grad Committee Prefect, and an admirable Student Ambassador. Christine has also been a very productive member of the volleyball, tennis, badminton, and basketball teams, and has been a participant in Mulgrave’s Model United Nations. Volunteerism is an important value to Christine, and she dedicated her summers to working with inner-city children in China. A highlight for her was going on the Grade 10 Rivers Inlet trip where she met local Indigenous children and caught fish. Christine has received acceptances from McGill, York, Western and Durham. Next year, she plans to study commerce at the University of Toronto.
ZH U OYAN G (LI N DA) LI Zhuoyang (Linda) entered Mulgrave School in her Grade 9 year, and I have had the pleasure of having Linda in my homeroom since that time. My first impression of Linda was of a hard-working, bright young woman who was unfailingly positive in every situation that came her way. Her smile at each of our homeroom meetings brought a sense of cheer to our little group. Linda is truly an all-around student who appreciates and excels in many aspects of learning. This is evidenced by her accomplishments in a vast array of activities such as choosing to take both physics and music as two of her IB Diploma Programme courses! In fact, one of her best memories of her years as a senior student include the music class in which she and Chelsea were the only two students! That was personalised learning at its best. Linda has acceptances from a number of prestigious universities, including McGill, the University of Toronto, the University of California at San Diego and Irvine, and the University of Southern California. It is at USC where she hopes to study history and law.
J ER RY LI U Jerry joined Mulgrave’s community in his Grade 6 year, and it has been a delight to watch him mature from a Minecraft-playing Grade 7 student to a graduating young man who is looking forward to a promising career in the film industry. Jerry’s most vivid memories of his years at Mulgrave include his work on global outreach service trips to Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Kenya as well as locally, within the school, as a member of the Mulgrave Emergency Response Team. Jerry has also been a member of the golf team, and it is not surprising that his sport is one that requires strong spatial relations and mental toughness. His accolades over the years include the ZOOM Film Festival for several years running and recognition for his completion of both Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Jerry has acceptances from a number of notable visual arts schools, including Emerson College and Kanbar Film Institute at Tisch School of the Arts at New York University (NYU). Jerry plans to move to New York City to attend NYU and study film production.
PIYE (FR AN K ) LI U Piye (Frank) is a man of few words and provided me with exactly 13 words to write his Convocation biography. Since he joined the school in Grade 10, Frank has been a regular on the badminton and basketball teams. His most memorable event was watching a film on the struggles and hardships that residents face in their daily lives in Syria. In the future, he aims to assist those affected by military conflicts to the best of his ability. We have also come to see Frank’s passion for computers. One day while tinkering on a power supply in his garage and almost causing an explosion, he had the idea to use the heat produced in devices to make electricity. This became the focus of his Extended Essay, which he describes as an unforgettable experience. Through the EE he developed greater patience and overall maturity by learning to be fully prepared to conduct scientific research. His interest in computers led to his Capstone Project, volunteering at Free Geeks. It is, therefore, not surprising that after graduating, Frank will study computer science at UBC or Waterloo. 15
PROS PER LI U Prosper has been at Mulgrave since Grade 7, and in that time, has participated in a myriad of activities, both in and outside of school. Over the years, he has been a member of MSAC, an executive member of Mulgrave Public Square, and a volunteer Ambassador. Prosper is an accomplished cellist. He is a member of the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra and the WVYB and participated at the Casalmaggiore International Music Festival and the North Shore Music Festival. Prosper’s favourite Mulgrave memory was the Grade 10 Fall Camp trip to Rivers Inlet. His most memorable out of school achievement was receiving his RCM ARCT Diploma in Piano Performance. This accolade represents all the hard work and long hours that he has put into playing piano and symbolises a major milestone. Prosper has been accepted to a number of universities, including the UBC, the University of Waterloo, the University of Toronto, New York University, and the University of Washington. Prosper intends to attend NYU in the fall.
EMAN U ELE MAI N O LI It was Grade 6 when Emanuele joined Mulgrave. Since then, he has shared his passion for the environment with all of us. This has led him to be the head of the Garden Club and the leading prefect on green issues at Mulgrave. Many teachers’ dinners have been enhanced by the produce from our school garden, and we are grateful to Emanuele and the other members of the club for taking such great care of our garden. Emanuele’s favourite memory of Mulgrave was the Grade 9 trip to Eastern Canada; however, it is his love for cars and how things work that Emanuele will be most remembered for. This includes his Extended Essay on how humidity affects the discharge of electrical current; his creative design skills are to be admired. Emanuele is looking forward to continuing his passion into how things work by studying engineering next year at the University of British Columbia.
PR IYAT MAI R Priyat joined Mulgrave at the start of Grade 11. Having spent much of her life in Tanzania, the biggest challenge for her was to adapt to a new culture and to make new friends. Before too long, she established new friendships with our Afghan students and has been instrumental in helping them learn English. She has been an active member of the Sparks Club where she has helped to write and illustrate a storybook titled “Sofia Plants a Bird” for the Early Childhood programmes in Sparks Academy in Kabul and here at Mulgrave. One of Priyat’s fondest memories is helping young children with arts, crafts, and colouring books in a hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Her kind spirit allows her to connect with younger children in a genuine way and so her volunteer work is much appreciated. Next year, she plans to study arts or business at either Simon Fraser University or UBC.
I SAB ELL A MAN D ER SO N Isabella has been at Mulgrave since Kindergarten, making her one of our ‘lifers’. During her time here, she has been a vivacious participant in a myriad of activities, including as a member of the Grade 7 Volleyball team. Isabella also acted as a volunteer Ambassador, helping guide visitors around our school during open houses. When asked to pick a favorite Mulgrave memory, Isabella stated that she loved the Eastern Canada trip, despite the cold weather. Isabella also emphasised that the connections she has made with her teachers are particularly special to her. Her proudest achievement is her Visual Art installation, which combined not only her artistic talent but also her commitment to addressing social issues. Isabella intends to attend either Ryerson or FIDM with a focus in fashion communication.
LIAM MARC H Liam has been at Mulgrave since Grade 4. Over his nine years at Mulgrave, Liam has been involved in many aspects of school life and has taken advantage of the many opportunities that have been on offer, including enjoying many of the social dimensions of being part of a close-knit community of friends. In addition to school service activities, Liam has focussed on training guide dogs for the blind as part of his final Capstone Project. He has also played rugby for the school. Liam’s favourite memory is the feeling he had when he completed his Extended Essay, given the enormous amount of effort that it took. This is illustrative of the determination, resilience, and grit that Liam has shown in meeting all of the demands of the IB Diploma Programme, qualities that will stand him in good stead at university and beyond. Liam has been accepted at Western and Queen’s universities, and he hopes to major in political science.
S EBA STIAN MAR I N Sebastian joined the Mulgrave community in Grade 8 and has many good memories of spending time with classmates and friends. Film has been an ongoing passion for Sebastian. His enthusiasm for film started after he took a video production elective in his first year at Mulgrave. Since then, he has entered films in ZOOM Film Festivals for four years and was often nominated for awards. In 2017 he won the Brendan Archibald Passionate Filmmaker award and the Second Best Overall award. Other high points for Sebastian were a Me to We service trip to Ecuador and various Duke of Edinburgh excursions. His interest in outdoor education has not waned, and so his experiences with the Summit electives are some of his favourites. Next year, Sebastian will be following the Film Studies programme at Ryerson. He hopes to be a cinematographer or director one day.
S H IVAN I M EHTA In her two years at Mulgrave, Shivani quickly became known as a student who could be relied on to get things done. This quality was recognised by peers and teachers alike, and Shivani was elected a Senior Prefect. Since procrastination was always one of her worst habits, she worked hard through Grade 11 to overcome it and improve her time management. Mainly that meant shutting off her phone. She learnt much about organisation and planning through service projects like Valentine’s Grams and fundraising for medical supplies as part of her Capstone Project. This Project culminated in a trip to provide primary medication in Africa. Memories that Shivani takes with her include the Chamber Choir trip to Banff and performing High School Musical with the Prefect team in the grad assembly. Shivani is immensely grateful to all the friends and teachers who welcomed her into the school two years ago, helping her make a smooth transition. She will attend UBC next year in preparation for a career in the medical field.
SAR AH M E J IA Sarah joined Mulgrave in Grade 4 and has been involved in a variety of different clubs during this time, including the Gardening and Beekeeping Club and Changemakers. It is, however, her love of theatre and theatre arts that really sparks her passion. Her favourite memories are from the Senior School productions including her performance as the Grandmother in this year’s production of The Children’s Hour. Perhaps it was through her service work as part of her Capstone Project at a home for the elderly that gave her inspiration. Sarah found the process of this project very meaningful and thought-provoking. We are grateful to Sarah for her dedication to our performing arts programme and have truly enjoyed watching her shine on stage. Sarah has earned many acceptances from universities across Canada: UBC, McGill, University of Toronto, Western, Queen’s, SFU, McMaster, and the University of Ottawa. Sarah is looking to study social sciences next year at either UBC or McGill.
JAC K M O R I N Jack bounded onto the Mulgrave scene in his Grade 6 year and quickly sussed out leadership opportunities. He has been a part of the Grade 6 Leadership Team, MSAC, SSAC, Student Voice, a Student Ambassador for open houses and a Senior Prefect. He’s also been involved in rugby, rowing, and basketball. Not only did he give back through leadership roles, but he also flexed his artistic side, winning the ZOOM Film Festival in Grade 8 and Grade 11 and sharing his vocal skills in choir. Jack also had a few tough times at Mulgrave, one of which made it onto his list of favourite memories: he added wasabi to another student’s milk and was subsequently sent to Ms. Mitchell’s office. Fortunately, Jack learned to put his creativity to work in constructive ways, and he has been accepted to pursue film at Carleton University where he has also received an entrance award. We wish Jack great success!
L AU R EN M O U NZER Lauren has been at Mulgrave since Kindergarten, making her one of our ‘lifers’. Lauren has been a member of the Service Action Council, choir, the Senior Girls Volleyball team, and the House Leadership team. As Head Girl this past year, Lauren’s verve, integrity, and warmth have been assets. When asked to pick a favourite Mulgrave memory, Lauren stated that she loved her first class party in Kindergarten, where the class had the whole playground to themselves. Lauren’s enthusiasm and dedication to her community led her to receive a West Vancouver Youth Appreciation Award for organizing Spirit Week in 2017, where the theme was ‘LGBTQ+’ and she and the team affirmed LGBTQ+ rights. Lauren received acceptances to a number of universities, including Western, McGill, Dalhousie University, and the University of Victoria, where she has been offered an entrance scholarship. Lauren plans to attend the University of Toronto with a focus on commerce.
N G U YEN G IA (M I N H) O N Nguyen Gia (Minh) joined Mulgrave in Grade 7. With sheer determination and persistence, he has coped well with the challenges of the IB Diploma Programme. Minh is very proud of his fiery contribution to our school’s tennis team, leading it to the Provincials by playing his heart out in every match. Through the tennis team, he hopes to leave a legacy by inspiring others to join the team after he leaves, passing on the torch, so to speak. Minh has fond memories of the Grade 10 Rivers Inlet trip as he, along with two of his friends, caught a 38-pound fish, the biggest of the whole grade. Minh’s ability to collaborate and connect with others gave him a chance to compete in the international rounds of Destination Imagination. His sentimentality and fun-loving nature will be missed when he moves on to his next adventure in life to study science or pharmacology at Rutgers University in New Jersey or the University of Washington in Seattle.
C H EN G (PE TER) PEN G Peter has been at Mulgrave since Grade 5. Though Peter has been involved in many aspects of life at Mulgrave, his passion has always been in the field of science and marine biology. He has long been involved in the Science Club in various capacities and was part of the science team that won first place in the UBC Balance Lab Physics Olympiad. Beyond science, Peter has contributed to service at the school as a Student Ambassador and has led a balanced IB life through the sport of skiing and playing the piano to a high level. Peter’s favourite memory at Mulgrave was his Personal Project, not only because of his own achievements and the opportunity to combine his hobbies with his academics, but because of the incredible range of spectacular projects undertaken by his classmates. Peter has been accepted by SFU and UBC and has chosen to attend UBC where he will study environmental sciences.
C AM I S HA R AH MATIAN Camisha has been at Mulgrave since Grade 7 and in that time has participated in a myriad of activities. Over the years, Camisha has been a member of the Arts Council and the Grad Committee. At Mulgrave, she has also been involved in Model UN and the Chamber and Jazz Choirs; outside of school, Camisha has danced for over 15 years. When asked to pick a favourite memory, Camisha stated that she loved participating in the ZOOM Film Festival, making a short film with all of her friends and learning from them. Camisha’s enthusiasm and passion for learning languages led her to receive a French 8 award, a Spanish 11 award, and a DELF diploma for fluency in the French language. Camisha received acceptances to a number of universities including Queens, McMaster, York, the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto, and McGill. At this time, Camisha intends to attend McGill University with Psychology as the field of study for her major.
KE ALI N SAC R E Kealin joined Mulgrave’s community in her Grade 5 year and since that time has formed close friendships with her peers. Shout out to her Lady Titans! Many of those friendships were formed through her incredible commitment to athletic teams such as volleyball and basketball. For this, she was recognised in Middle School as Athlete of the Year. Athletic events were also the foundation for many of her favourite memories of Mulgrave: making the rounds to teammates’ hotel rooms for post game celebration or consolation and meeting Canadian teams from Alberta while playing at a tournament in Hawaii. Kealin has also been dedicated to giving something back to the school, volunteering on the Athletics Council, as a House Captain for Luther King, and as a member of the Grad Committee. While she hasn’t made a final decision about where to study, Kealin has acceptances from schools across Canada. She would like to stay somewhere close to home so as to remain near her family, particularly her younger sister, after graduation.
BA S I R SALEHZ ADA Basir has been at Mulgrave since Grade 11 coming to us as a student from Afghanistan. He has been an active member of Sparks Club. His proudest moment in this club is when he wrote a story and initiated a plan to make a calendar with the pictures from historical places of Afghanistan for the students back in Kabul. When asked to pick a favourite Mulgrave memory, he stated that it was participating in the Terry Fox Run. He called it a ‘motivational occasion’ in his first year here. Basir intends to take a gap year and return to Afghanistan to engage in volunteer opportunities. Upon his return to Canada, he hopes to study cinematography. Basir has stated that he truly appreciates the diversity that exists in the Mulgrave community, as it has opened him up to a better understanding of different cultures, and in his words, “work for diversity within his society, using the knowledge he has gained”.
JAE HY U N (JAY ) S EU N G Jay is one of the lucky few to claim the title of ‘lifer’. He has been strutting the Mulgrave halls and flashing that brilliant smile since Grade 1. In his many years here, he has been involved in a wide range of activities: the Cross Country team, Duke of Edinburgh outdoor education programme, and the Track and Field team. Jay has sung out loud as a member of the choir and invested his creative talents in the ZOOM Film Festival. He is especially known for his fashion sense; he was selected by his peers as the grad with the best style, a title that Jay wears with pride. One of his favourite memories is when the new Senior School opened and students finally had access to the beautiful new space and amenities. So far, Jay has been accepted to U of T, McGill, and Waterloo. He will be pursuing his talent and interest in science by studying physics, pharmacology, or biochemistry at either the University of Toronto or NYU.
LU KE S E YBO LD Luke joined Mulgrave in Grade 10 and quickly immersed himself in school life. He is a man of many talents and has embodied the Mulgrave ethos of balance, finding inspiration from his pursuits in the arts, athletics, service and leadership, outdoor education, and academics. One of Luke’s favourite moments was playing Peter Pan in the Senior School production, which saw him flying across the stage on a wire. Luke’s innate empathy and his desire to work with the whole school community resulted in him being selected as a member of the school’s MERT team. His running skills led him to success on both the Senior School Rugby and Cross-Country teams, where he was team captain this last year. It is through his dedication and leadership in these numerous activities that he was elected to be a Senior Prefect this year and the Deputy Head Boy. In addition to these numerous interests, Luke’s passion is in science, and he is planning to study mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley next year.
AR M O N S H O KR AVI Armon is a Mulgrave ‘lifer’, having joined the school in Grade 1. Though Armon’s nature is soft-spoken, the impact he has had on our community is great. He has prospered at Mulgrave and has been involved in many initiatives that have benefited our community. He has been a very active member of the Gardening and Beekeeping Club, a member of the volleyball, basketball and tennis teams, and an accomplished debater and World Scholar’s Cup competitor. Through his Capstone Project, he raised $5000 for PALS Autism School. His success with this project, combined with his all-round academic achievement, led him to apply for the prestigious Loran Scholar Award. After a very rigorous application process, Armon was the successful recipient of the $100,000 scholarship. One of his favourite memories at Mulgrave was participating in the Grade 10 camp at Rivers Inlet, an adventure that combined experiential learning with a chance to bond with friends. Next year, Armon is planning to study medical science and business at Western University. 21
ARVEEN S H O KR AVI Arveen joined the Mulgrave community in Grade 1. Over the past 12 years, he has participated in a broad range of extracurricular activities, which have allowed him to develop many skills. He has thoroughly enjoyed his roles in our tennis, basketball and volleyball teams. He is proud of his achievements in the World Scholar’s Cup, especially his award of first place in team debate, and has fond memories of his trip to Thailand. Likewise, Arveen feels very satisfied with his Capstone Project in which he and two of his classmates were able to raise about $5000 for the PALS Autism School. His contributions to this organisation and the awareness he has raised for their cause will certainly be a lasting legacy. He has also played a leading role in developing the Garden and Beekeeping Club. Next year, Arveen plans to study science in Canada at the University of Alberta, the University of Toronto, Western or SFU.
ALYS SA S H U LL Alyssa joined Mulgrave in Kindergarten, making her one our “lifers”. Alyssa epitomises a successful Mulgravian IB graduate. Her achievements in the arts, athletics and service are numerous, having been a member of MERT and the Service and Athletics Councils, a Visual Art Prefect, a Student Ambassador, a soccer coach for the Mulgrave soccer teams, and the Mulgrave team captain for the World Partnership Walk. She has been an athlete on the Girls Basketball team, Cross Country and Track and Field teams, the Swim, Soccer and Volleyball teams. Alyssa has shown grit, resilience and determination in overcoming a concussion while maintaining her academic success. Alyssa’s favourite memory was when Mr. O gave her a mark on her Grade 10 science test for writing that the three parts of DNA are D-N-A! She has been accepted at the University of Western Ontario, Ryerson, and UBC but will accept a place at the University of Toronto in the visual studies programme at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design.
SABA SO LTAN I Saba has been a Mulgrave student since Grade 8. During her five years with us, she has been involved in many different activities, including volleyball and the Gardening and Beekeeping Club, but it is on the stage in theatre productions where we have truly seen her shine: Saba was an especially beautiful and eerie oracle in Peter Pan. Her favourite memory took place while fishing on the Rivers Inlet trip in Grade 10, where she caught her first fish along with Nelli and Caitlyn. The fish was promptly named after Freddie Mercury in honor of the various Queen songs that made up the soundtrack to this trip. Saba is passionate about working with others, as she demonstrated with her Capstone Project where she volunteered with NexGen Hearing. This enabled her to build relationships based on trust and a desire to help. Next year, Saba is planning to attend UBC to study English literature with a minor in psychology.
C AITLYN SO U TH E Y Caitlyn is one of a lucky few who have the status of Mulgrave ‘lifer’, having joined the school in Kindergarten. Her many memories of her years here include volunteering with the Kids Care Club in Junior School, being a leader on MSAC and eventually becoming a MERTie as a senior student. Caitlyn is going to be sorely missed within the Mulgrave community due to her many service roles: Heads Up peer advising, SSAC, Senior Prefect team, field hockey and gymnastics coaching and more. Additionally, she has been involved in athletic pursuits such as skiing, field hockey, cross country and swimming and has performed in the Mulgrave theatre productions of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Peter Pan . However, it was during the trip to Ladakh and her work in the medical clinic that she discovered her passion for health care. To further her dream of entering this field, Caitlyn has been accepted into nursing programmes at the University of Ottawa, the University of Calgary, Queen’s, Dalhousie, and McGill.
VERO N I C A STEC K Another of Mulgrave’s ‘lifers’, Veronica arrived in Kindergarten full of questions and has not stopped questioning since. In fact, the Chemistry 11 exam was based on questions that Veronica asked during the year. She has certainly laid the groundwork to be a lifelong learner! When she is not sitting in the egg chair outside Ms. Nolan-Wood’s office, Veronica can be found enjoying French crepe days or showing visitors around the school as a Student Ambassador. Veronica places a high value on relationships as demonstrated through her involvement in Kids Care Club, Human Rights Club, Grad Committee and the West Vancouver Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). With members of the YAC, she ran ‘Give Me 5’, an event to empower the youth of West Vancouver and give them a voice. Through this event, she learnt the importance of being approachable and optimistic, of the responsibility of being a guide, and the power of reassurance. Veronica has played on the tennis, volleyball and basketball teams and enjoys kickboxing and yoga. Next year, Veronica has chosen to study pharmacology at McGill.
DAVI D S U I David has been at Mulgrave since Grade 1. Another exemplary Mulgravian, David has combined a very strong academic record with high levels of achievement in many other areas of school life. David has been a Senior Prefect, a member of the Service Action Council, the Churchill House Leadership team, and the Athletics Council. In addition, he has been a committed member of the school’s rugby, basketball, soccer, and track and field teams and an active participant in film. Indeed, his favourite school memory is the production of his final DP seven-minute film. In addition to these achievements, David will be well known for his entrepreneurship activities, both in and out of school. David has received many offers from US and Canadian universities, but he will wait to see the outcome of his ‘waitlist’ status at some of the most competitive universities in the United States before making a final decision.
SO FIA S U LLIVAN Sophia has been at Mulgrave since Kindergarten, making her one of our ‘lifers’. During her time here, she has participated in a number of activities; she has been a member of the Girls Volleyball team, a Grad Committee member, and a volunteer Ambassador, helping guide visitors around our school during open houses. When asked to pick a favourite memory, Sofia stated that she really enjoyed the Grade 9 Eastern Canada trip. As a group, they had memorable adventures and learned about Canadian culture and history. Sofia has received acceptance to a number of universities, including the University of Victoria, Ryerson, Bishops, and the University of British Columbia. Sophia was also awarded a $2000 scholarship from UVic. At this time, Sofia intends to attend Simon Fraser University, focussing on communications, a true strength of hers.
J O H N (J O H N C H R I STO PH E ) TAG HAVI John has been at Mulgrave since Grade 1, and in those 12 years, he has participated in a myriad of activities though his interest in sports is clear based on his involvement with the Athletic Department. Over the years, John has been a member of the Senior Boys Basketball team, the Senior Boys Rugby team, and has had an active role on the Smith House leadership team. In addition, John was prefect for the Athletics Council. When asked to pick a favorite Mulgrave memory, John stated he loved going to Provincials with the basketball team. The whole experience brought the team closer together. John intends to attend Ryerson University with a focus on international finance and economics, as well as psychology.
K AYL A- I MAN (K AYL A) TALI B Kayla has been at Mulgrave since Grade 3. She has been involved in leadership in both the Middle and Senior School with active roles in MSAC and SSAC. She has great memories of We Day with her peers and is very proud of raising over $10,000 for the World Partnership Walk as captain of the Mulgrave team. Some of her favourite Mulgrave memories occurred during the Eastern USA and Canada trips. In the Senior School, Kayla was always looking for opportunities to bring people together in her roles on the House Leadership team and the Grad Committee. In order to develop her portfolio, Kayla has been in charge of Mulgrave’s Instagram account for the past year where she highlighted an insider’s perspective of student life. She has been accepted at McGill, U of T, Waterloo, and Western. Kayla has chosen Western to pursue studies in media, information and technology with the goal of moving into their Ivey Business School for post-graduate studies.
ZH IY UAN TAN G Zhiyuan, or Tang as he is fondly known, joined Mulgrave in Grade 8. Tang has participated on school sports teams, but it is his managerial skills that Mr. Leduc has greatly appreciated. Tang has helped to organise many sports tournaments, as well as manage several sports teams. He put his organisational skills to use for the greater good in the execution of his Capstone Project, for which he set up a non-profit organisation called Dawn of Light as part of an effort to feed 2000 people on the downtown Eastside. During his time at Mulgrave, Tang has embraced many opportunities that have been available to him, including his participation in the school’s Global Outreach Service trips to the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. His Dragon’s Den presentation on the Dominican trip showed his entrepreneurial skills and his love and passion for business, which he hopes to continue to develop at the University of Alberta. Tang is planning to study liberal arts in his first year and transfer to business in his second.
AVA TH O M P SO N Ava burst onto the Mulgrave scene in Grade 8 and quickly became known for being involved in everything! Her leadership was evident through all strands of school life; her many activities include roles on the Service Action Council, Athletics Council, Spirit Week team, and as Stage Manager. Indeed, many of our theatre performances in all divisions relied on Ava’s leadership behind the scenes. Sports have also given Ava many opportunities to exercise leadership. Through refereeing games, score-keeping, coaching, and organising volunteers and tournaments, she has built invaluable relationships while strengthening her time-management and leadership skills. Consequently, Ava was recognised for her contribution to leadership with a West Vancouver Youth Award. Being incredibly physically cold with Joanna while dog-sledding on the Eastern Canada trip stands out as the most memorable experience of her time at Mulgrave. Perhaps this is why Ava has chosen Western from many university offers as her choice to study communications and media/journalism. Keep warm, Ava!
TO R E AN VAN C E Torean joined Mulgrave as a Junior School student and fondly recalls his time as part of the prestigious ‘Hill Crew’ in Grade 6. From there he went on to excel in the Middle School as a debate champion. Torean has been an active member of the Senior Service Action Council, the soccer and volleyball teams, and has received numerous academic recognitions, including an award in the Grade 7 Science Fair and the Personal Project award for his delicious bread! For Torean, however, the memories that stand out the most were his service trips to Ladakh and Costa Rica where the students took showers and dried off – only to find themselves soaking again instantaneously due to the near 100% humidity. Another memory included burying the eggs of a leatherback turtle on the beach – something he is still not sure was actually real or a product of lack of sleep! As Torean departs Mulgrave for a degree in engineering at McGill, we wish him the best of luck!
S I FAN (FAN NY ) WAN G Sifan (Fanny) has been at Mulgrave since Grade 10. Although she only joined us recently, she has made a very positive impact on the school. Fanny has been involved in many service and multicultural activities both in and out of Mulgrave. She has been concerned with social justice and service issues and has been a regular member of the Senior School Student Voice group. Her commitment to languages, internationalism, and service has been exemplified through her participation in Model United Nations, her service project in Kunming, China, and her role in modelling the acquisition of intercultural skills in the Council of International Schools’ accreditation visit. The Kunming service trip is also Fanny’s favourite school memory. Fanny has been an active member of the choir and maintained her passion for martial arts outside of school. She has been accepted to the prestigious Rotman Commerce programme at the University of Toronto, although she remains waitlisted at both Wellesley College and Tufts University, either of which she will accept if offered.
YAN L AN (LI LY ) WAN G Yan Lan (Lily) has been at Mulgrave since Grade 6. During her time here, she impressed others with her Visual Art pieces. What I will remember of Lily is how she conjured up a poster of a clown, which helped our homeroom to win the door decorating competition. Lily has immersed herself in a wide variety of activities both inside and outside of school. Over the years, she was a Visual Art Prefect, a Graphic Design Club leader and a Student Ambassador. She also was part of the swim team and accompanied various Duke of Edinburgh trips. A highlight for her was working on her art projects at school on the weekends, which included designing posters for school events and starting the mural project in the underground parking. Lily’s work has been recognised through the granting of a Design Exchange Scholarship. Lily has set her heart on pursuing a career in architecture and will be attending the Southern California Institute of Architecture in the fall.
ZH I C H EN G (LEO) WAN G Leo joined Mulgrave in Grade 8 and has enjoyed all aspects of school life as demonstrated by his varied activities spanning music, sports, and leadership. He has been a member of the Middle and Senior School Concert and Jazz Bands. Leo was a contributing athlete to the basketball and badminton teams; moreover, he was an integral member of the Athletics Council and helped out with score-keeping when he wasn’t playing on the courts. To prove what an incredibly well-rounded student he is, Leo also secured the role of Visual Arts Prefect for this Grade 12 year. Outside of school, Leo continues to give back by sharing his talents as a drummer in his church worship band; he has been committed to this for the past 5 years. His favourite memories at Mulgrave revolve around the Arts Exhibition and spending time with his friends everyday. Leo has been accepted to UBC, the University of Bath, the University of Sheffield, and the University of Manchester. He is looking forward to studying architecture and has received an $18,000 scholarship from UBC. 26
L AR A WA S H I N GTO N Lara has been a member of the Mulgrave community since Grade 6 and has made her mark with her leadership and athletic prowess, as well as her disarming sense of humour. She has led the basketball team as co-captain, acted as the House Leadership Team Deputy Captain, the House Leadership Team Prefect, a member of the Athletics Council and the Arts Council, and has been entrusted with the incredibly important role of member of the MERT team. She has played basketball, volleyball, badminton, and golf for the Titans and brought her competitive spirit as a worthy contestant to games. There were times when the competition was tough, but she persevered and always walked away with a good story; indeed, she lists a golf-induced mental breakdown in the cafeteria as one of her favourite Mulgrave memories! Next year, Lara is looking forward to studying arts and humanities at the University of Toronto where they have offered her an academic scholarship worth $7500.
ALE X AN D ER (ALE X ) WO RTMAN Alex joined Mulgrave’s community in his Grade 3 year and has worked tirelessly since that time to achieve his goal of going into a career in medicine. Unsurprisingly, his favourite Mulgrave memories are of his science classes. He recalled with great amusement the moment in his Grade 11 year when the class spoke to Mr. O in unison and Mr. O replied, “Thank you, children.” to which Lara replied, “You’re welcome, Father.” As his homeroom teacher, I have also been educated about the science-based diets Alex has tried, including an important one during his service trip to Ladakh last summer. This is a trip he remembers both fondly and with some pain, particularly an incident where the group was nearing the end of a hike and could see the pass about 20 meters in front of them…with half a dozen switchbacks in the way! This Ladakh trip cemented his decision to go into medicine as he worked with locals in their clinic. Alex’s hard work both in terms of his service and his academics paid off when he received an acceptance to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland earlier this spring.
YI C H EN (R I C HAR D) YAN G Over the five years Richard has been at Mulgrave, he has been a member of the Mulgrave Arts Council and achieved Bronze level in the Duke of Edinburgh programme. Outside of school, Richard has volunteered at North Shore Connextions and at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles as a student filmmaker. Richard’s true passion is film, and his favorite Mulgrave memory was his annual participation in the ZOOM Film Festival, for which he won multiple awards, including Senior Best Technical. Richard has also won multiple awards outside of school, including the BC Student Film Festival Most Promising Student Filmmaker 2017, North America TFF 2017 Selection, the 2016 Scholastic Regional Silver Key, and he was the winner of Reel4youth, which meant that his short film was screened at the Vancouver International Film Festival in 2017. He plans to attend USC in the fall as he has a guaranteed admission offer into USC’s School of Cinematic Arts for its Film and Television Production programme during his sophomore year.
Y U HAN (D I NA) YAN G Since joining the school in Grade 8, Dina has used her artistic talents to great effect. We felt fortunate to have her in our homeroom group at all times, but were especially grateful to be able to count on her creativity and ability to execute during the Gingerbread House and Halloween Door competitions. The haunted house and bats were amazing! Dina has combined her interest in art with service and has been an active member of the Arts Council, helping to organise a variety of events, including the mural in the lower parking lot and the final DP Arts Exhibition. Dina has also been involved in a wide range of clubs at Mulgrave: she was a member of the infamous K-Pop Dance Club, the Jazz Band, and the Senior School Badminton team. Some of Dina’s favourite moments have taken place during her final year at Mulgrave, especially events that involved the participation of the whole grade, including the popular (for the students) Grad Skip Day. Next year, Dina is going to study business management and accounting at Boston University.
ZI C H U N (C H EL S E A) YAN G Zi Chun (Chelsea) joined Mulgrave in Grade 10 and soon could be found hanging out with her friends in Ms. Chen’s classroom. It is the camaraderie and friendship of this group that she will cherish as a special memory from her time at Mulgrave. Academically, her proudest achievements relate to personal research and writing. For both her Personal Project and her Extended Essay, she researched Chinese culture and literature, which led to her writing a novel. Teachers will remember Chelsea for the superb presentation she did on the nuances of the Chinese language, cultural values and beliefs, and the adjustments that Chinese students need to go through when they transfer to Mulgrave. In addition, she recently won an award for a blog aimed at raising awareness of multiculturalism through social media. Singing in the Chamber Choir helped Chelsea realise that choirs are not about highlighting individual contributions but rather the spirit of the whole group. It is thrilling that Chelsea will pursue a career in education and will study at New York University next year.
J U NYAN G (J ER RY ) ZHAN G Junyang (Jerry) joined Mulgrave in Grade 9 and immediately gained an appreciation for the supportive environment that Mulgrave provides. He feels that without his teachers’ help and prompting, he would not have achieved his goals. Jerry has played on the tennis team, helped establish and lead the Math Club during his Grade 11 year, and is an accomplished violinist. For his Capstone Project, he joined the Free Geeks Organisation and helped recycle electronic components to raise funds for charity. Service was further exercised on the Global Outreach trip to Kenya, certainly one of his memorable experiences from his time at Mulgrave. He used his math skills to model private car populations in China for his Extended Essay, enjoying the challenge of building mathematical models to predict numbers to a high degree of accuracy. Completing his Passport will be remembered as his greatest achievement. We wish Jerry every good fortune as he studies mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech next year.
MAT TH E W ZHAN G Matthew came to Mulgrave in Grade 7 and has been an exemplary school citizen for the past six years. What stood out for me about him was his dedication to his academics and his sense of humour. He is certainly wellprepared for the challenges that will come his way. Matthew has contributed to the Mulgrave community through his dedication to activities such as the Hope in a Drop initiative, Math Club, and Global Nomads. Highlights for Matthew were his Grade 8 Mulgrave Mathematics Award and achieving second place in the 40th Physics Olympics this year. The panda hat may have helped. Next year, Matthew plans to study physics at either Cambridge University, the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, or Waterloo. He has a tough choice ahead of him, but it is a win-win situation either way.
Y U TI N G ( TI NA) ZHAN G Yuting (Tina) entered Mulgrave School in her Grade 8 year and has been an integral member of the community since then. She has consistently demonstrated a passion for both her academics and for the other strands: creativity, outdoor education, athletics, and service. Tina has joined several clubs, including the Design Club. She has played on the badminton team and enjoyed her participation in We Day where she learned more about service to others and extended that learning into the Geo trip to Costa Rica. Tina also sang in the choir and was an active member of the Arts Council. One of her favourite memories of Mulgrave is hearing Mr. Lawson yelling in the hallway after realising that his economics students didn’t read economics news! Tina has a goal of entering the field of economics or applied mathematics and has been accepted into these programmes at the University of Toronto, University College London, St. Andrews University, and McGill.
ZH EN GXI N (JAC K ) ZHAN G Jack joined Mulgrave in Grade 9, and although he did not wish to look for ways to garner attention, he still wanted to get involved, so he volunteered to help with ushering for many school activities. This is indicative of Jack’s quiet, yet always kind and helpful demeanor. Jack also joined the Junior Rugby team and enjoyed time on the field with his friends. One of his favourite Mulgrave memories was the 2018 Chinese New Year celebration where friends and families came together to celebrate the Lunar New Year with food, performances, and games. It has been a challenging and yet very rewarding journey; Jack lists achieving his full IB Diploma as one of his greatest accomplishments. He is deferring his university plans as he will be returning to Singapore to complete his required military service. We wish him the best in serving his country and with his future university studies.
WEN Q I N G (DO ROTHY ) ZHAO Dorothy entered Mulgrave’s Senior School in Grade 10 and seamlessly found her niche within the school, feeling most at home in the science wing where she volunteered as a leader for the Mulgrave Science Club. In this role she created and curated activities for younger Middle School students, as well as challenged herself further as a member of the Mulgrave Physics Olympiad team to place fourth in a recent competition. Dorothy would take breaks from her focus on science to play on the badminton team and sing in the choir. Though it was very cold, she also enjoyed the camaraderie of the Grade 10 winter camp experience. As a science teacher, I can attest to the number of times I saw Dorothy coming into my own and other teachers’ offices to discuss questions related to science. It is only fitting, then, that Dorothy is planning to study international relations and sciences at the University of Toronto, UBC, Boston College or one of the many other schools to which she has received acceptances.
BO R U I (BO R I S) ZH U Boris, who joined Mulgrave in Grade 8, has impressed us with his organisational skills and dedication to fulfilling all of his commitments. His Grade 12 goals reflect this diligence to show up to all activities; to not avoid things; to finish everything you start; to be proactive. Boris met these goals as a Prefect, sportsman, scholar and friend. Reflecting on the intensity and depth of his Extended Essay in chemistry, Boris feels that this is the greatest achievement of his school career. He can also be proud of his Capstone Project - raising funds for Kenyan Mamas - that built on the experiences from his service trip to Kenya. Through the project, Boris learned skills needed for business and entrepreneurship and realised that working in teams can be both challenging and rewarding. We wish Boris every success at Northwestern University where he will study industrial engineering and economics next year.
C L A S S O F 2 018 !
Rebecca Brunswick-Werner
Ferdinand van Zyl
Kathryn Clark
Leah Verdone
Michael Frewin
Heather Nolan-Wood
Alex McIntyre
John Wray
Michael Moore
The world is waiting.