Mulgrave Annual Report 2013-2014

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MULGRAVE SCHOOL Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life

Annual Report to the Community September 2013 to October 2014

CONTENTS Message from the Chair of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Message from the Head of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mission, Values and Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Who We Are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mulgrave 2020 Strategic Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Imagine Mulgrave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Our Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Curriculum and Academic Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mulgrave School Alumni Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Arts, Athletics, Service and Outdoor Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Our Divisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Mulgrave Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 This is Our Mulgrave — Our School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Looking to the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD, HARRY WIERENGA It has been quite a year at Mulgrave. We have continued apace on our ‘Good to Great’ journey, moving ahead on a variety of fronts, while at the same time, continuing to ensure that each child has a wonderful, unique education and each family feels fully part of our special community. I am indebted to all of the board members who have served the school in a governance capacity the last year. It has been a real team effort, not only by the full board, but also by the present and past parents who have sat on board committees during this period. All of our main committees have been active, but especially the Finance, Buildings and Governance committees who have done good work in overseeing our big projects as well as important board policy development. I am particularly grateful to the board members who are stepping down this year, including Sharon Glover (Past Chair), Ender Ilkay (Vice Chair), and Shelina Neallani who have helped steer the board through some exciting and challenging times in the last six years. While parents and board members play an important part in Mulgrave’s development, there is no doubt that it is the remarkable team of teachers and administration staff that are responsible for the rich Harry Wierenga

educational experience on offer to our children and the continued sense of ambition and development that our school has. They are dedicated, highly skilled and caring people who continually go the extra mile to make a Mulgrave education very special. I am very grateful to them all. The wider Mulgrave community has again played a critical part in the school’s success this year. Our list of

Board Chair

parent volunteers, covering all aspects of school life, is more extensive than ever; there are many ex-parents who are still involved in the school, and we have a large number of alumni who are now reconnected to the school in a variety of ways. It is, however, the way that our community has supported the capital campaign to fund the new senior school project that has really set us apart from similar schools. More than 50% of current Mulgrave families (excluding new families) have now pledged to support the campaign, and this figure is going up every day as we strive to reach our goal. My appreciation goes out to every one of you – however you support our school – for all that you do.


MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL, JOHN WRAY I am pleased to report that it has been another outstanding year at our school. Although work has been happening on the new senior school project, the remainder of the school (with the exception of the sports field) has been unaffected, and our students have continued to excel in all areas of school life. It is impossible in this report to give a full picture of the activities, achievements and experiences of our students across all four divisions of the school. Avid readers of our weekly newsletter, ‘Connexions’, will get a flavour of the breadth, depth and richness of the Mulgrave experience, and beyond that, the opportunity that I have to visit the many classrooms and learning spaces in the school expands this view considerably. Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge the powerful learning that goes on beyond our campus in all four strands of education (academics, the arts, service and athletics and outdoor education), locally, nationally and internationally. I am grateful to the gifted and dedicated team at Mulgrave that makes all of this possible. I will not even try to outline the considerable successes of our students, but I must comment on the 2014 IB Diploma results, which in many senses, are a culmination of the learning that has taken place at Mulgrave – some of which has spanned up to thirteen years for some students. The Class of 2014 broke all previous school records for the IB diploma; they achieved results that put Mulgrave amongst the John Wray

highest performing IB schools in the world, and on the back of this, they achieved some great university placements. Good job! Our school has remained largely full this year, with only a few spaces available in the senior grades. Attrition (students leaving) was extremely low this year and staff turnover also minimal. We are already turning our minds to the next year in admissions and will be holding open houses as usual throughout

Head of School

the fall. It is important that we continue to share Mulgrave’s story with the North Shore community and beyond, and as part of this effort, we will be refreshing the Mulgrave brand in the coming months. As an IB World school, we want our reputation to be known both locally and internationally; our recent membership with the prestigious Council of International Schools (CIS) is an important step in that process. The Board and the leadership teams continue to work together with an eye to the future and to ensure that Mulgrave remains focused on our goal to embrace the most effective of worldwide, best practice at the same time ensuring that every one of our students has a very unique and special educational experience that enables them to fulfil their potential.






The Mulgrave Report to the community celebrates our achievements and demonstrates how we meet our mission as an educational institution. This annual publication is distributed to current parents, alumni, alumni families and staff. The 2013–2014 report covers the school year starting in September 2013 and ending October 2014. This report contains only a small selection of our collective achievements. We hope you enjoy reading it and welcome your feedback.

At Mulgrave we believe: • Individual values are based on personal integrity and acting with respect towards others. • Our sense of community and friendship is founded on humility, empathy, commitment and inclusion. • Lifelong learning is built upon curiosity, creativity and innovative thinking. • A global perspective and environmental and social responsibility are central to becoming true world citizens.

OUR MISSION AND VISION • All members of our community strive for balance and understand that striving for one’s personal best should be enjoyable. “It is clear that the school’s Mission Statement is not only well understood by all who make up the school community at Mulgrave, but demonstrated daily through the actions and interactions of the school Leadership Team, faculty, governing body, parents, and most importantly, its students.” – Council of International Schools

Inspiring Excellence in Education and Life By inspiring excellence – the continuous pursuit of personal best – in education and life, Mulgrave strives to equip lifelong learners to thrive in a culturally diverse and interdependent world and to embrace, with passion and confidence, their responsibility always to do their best to support others and to make a difference by serving their communities, both locally and in the world at large.

WHO WE ARE • Mulgrave is a co-ed, non-denominational International Baccalaureate (IB) World School predominantly serving the North Shore of Vancouver. • As an independent day school with a reputation for academic excellence, we offer the IB curriculum in Pre-K through to Grade 12 in a spectacular West Vancouver setting: - Primary Years Programme (Pre-K to Grade 5) - Middle Years Programme (Grade 6 to 10) - Diploma Programme (Grade 11 and 12) • Academic, athletic, artistic and service opportunities comprise the four strands of a Mulgrave education. Our well-being is celebrated, but giving back and making a difference through both local and international projects are an integral part of our community.

THE MULGRAVE DIFFERENCE • Highly skilled, caring and committed teachers who go the extra mile to support each child • Small class sizes, with three classes per grade through the Junior School • Outstanding university preparation • Well-rounded education with a focus on personal growth and leadership • Commitment to holistic education involving athletics, the arts and community service • Innovative school focused on teaching 21st century skills • Rich array of co-curricular opportunities • Key features include Mandarin and the use of technology to enhance learning “Mulgrave is a close-knit community – almost like a second family. The teachers listen to you and want your feedback because they, like we as students, reflect on their teaching and use our feedback to improve their practice and support us more effectively as we strive to meet our potential.” ­– Mulgrave Student 5

MULGRAVE 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN Mulgrave’s Strategic Plan lays out a vision for the future development of our school. It was approved by the Board following extensive community consultation in 2011. During the coming year, the Board will embark on a further inclusive strategic planning process that will culminate in the publication of a new strategic plan by the end of 2016. During the past year, we have achieved significant progress in our eight key strategic plan focus areas. Below are some of the highlights of our journey from good to great in the last year: STRATEGIC GOAL #1 Personalisation of Learning, Support and Curriculum • Further expansion of the Learning Support teams in Junior and Upper School, providing support for students who have a range of additional learning needs • Expansion of the Associate teacher scheme to all K-2 classrooms, allowing greater individual attention and support at this critical stage • Further development of the LEAP Elective programme in the Middle School to give students a wider range of elective academic and non-academic choices that meet their needs and interests • Embedding of assessment for learning strategies, especially increased use of diagnostic feedback and rubrics as part of the learning and reporting process • Further expansion of the use of standardised and assessment data to monitor student performance and plan appropriate intervention • Revised Units of Inquiry in the Junior School with more open ended inquiry approaches


STRATEGIC GOAL #2 Development of Modern 21st Century Skills, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 • Further planning work completed in framing a K-12 skills continuum and mapping skill development across the school with the aid of specialist software • New digital literacy courses introduced at the start of the year • Focus on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the Middle School

STRATEGIC GOAL #3 Strengthening the Arts, Athletics, Citizenship & Outdoor Education • Outdoor Education staff increased and new programme options provided • Further strengthening of the Upper School Music, Choral and Instrumental programmes • Increased service opportunities, especially off site, for Upper School students • Additional athletics staff to strengthen team coaching STRATEGIC GOAL #4 Development of the International Dimension, Especially the Strengthening of Additional Languages • Additional language assistants hired to support oral learning in all languages • Chinese programme further strengthened with additional provision for extended study • Spanish introduced as a Grade 10 option • Language teacher and peer tutoring schemes introduced STRATEGIC GOAL #5 Strengthening of Community • New MVP structure to develop a wide range of activities with a focus on including families from a diverse range of backgrounds • More Open Door sessions for parents in all divisions with a focus on classroom visits, parent feedback and curriculum and learning information sessions • Strengthening of the buddy system for new families

STRATEGIC GOAL #6 Valuing of Staff and Development of their Capacity to Embrace Change • Further significant investment in staff training. Many staff now train other teachers internationally. New teachers from UBC being trained at Mulgrave • More focussed late start/early finish collaborative planning and training times for teachers continuing to have a significant impact on skills and practice • Increased administration support, helping alleviate teachers’ administrative workload STRATEGIC GOAL #7 Acquiring of Land and Enhancement of Facilities to Support New Programme Needs • Work on the new Senior School is nearly complete with a projected completion date of January 2015; the new kitchen area is already operational • We have now completed the purchase of all the lands to the south of the school • Detailed planning is underway for the renovation of parts of the existing school once the Senior School is completed STRATEGIC GOAL #8 Raising of Funds to Secure Future Development • More than $25m raised in pledges from Mulgrave families for the new Senior School project Strategic Fundamentals Reminder The strategic fundamentals, in terms of our essential character as a school, are that we should continue for the period of 2011 to 2016 at least, to be an independent, coeducational, Pre-K-12, three classes per grade, non-denominational day school for families that live on the North Shore of Vancouver.



It takes a village to raise a child...

$19 million raised

Ground Breaking

JUNE 2013







$20 million raised


January 2014


it takes a community to build a school.

$22 million raised




$24 million raised




$25 million raised





OUR COMMUNITY The spirit of community is vibrant and thriving at Mulgrave School. It is through the sheer hard work and dedication of our students, staff and parents that Mulgrave continues to excel on the world stage.



Mulgrave is blessed with an outstanding teaching faculty. Talented and world class in every sense, our teachers are IB teaching professionals who are passionate about what they do and are continuously looking to do things better.

Inspiring excellence in education and life is our mission. We go to great lengths to ensure our students receive the personalised guidance, care and support they need to find their passions, become lifelong learners, and grow into their roles as stewards of a changing world.

“All of you [teachers] have inspired this friendship with the world for our children. For that, we are deeply grateful and we feel fortunate to be part of the Mulgrave community. Henry Brook Adams says, ‘A teacher affects eternity; he (she) can never tell where his (her) influence stops.’ Please know your influence will continue to inspire our children as they undertake their life journey.” – Mulgrave Parent “They are passionate educators who work tirelessly to present a curriculum that is rich, personalised, and engaging. Most importantly, they take the time to get to know their students and encourage them to reach their true potential.” – Mulgrave Parent


“As a student at Mulgrave, I was exposed to a wide range of cultures, languages and global service opportunities. As a participant in the GEO trips, my passion for travelling and improving global conditions was fueled. At Mulgrave, I was raised to be a global citizen.” – Mulgrave Alum

MVP The Mulgrave Volunteer Parents Association (MVP) helps coordinate all parent volunteer, social and fundraising activities with the school. Working together with staff and parents, the MVP’s primary goal is to sustain Mulgrave’s sense of community and foster a broad-based spirit of participation. When it comes to the MVP, the range of talent and volunteer spirit knows no bounds. We cannot thank them enough for the amazing work and countless volunteer hours they give generously year upon year.



Parents play an integral role in our community – key partners in the shared care and success of our students. With their invaluable support and input, we strive collaboratively to help our students reach their true potential. Whether involved in social events, volunteering in the library, or cheering on our teams, our parents share the Mulgrave vision of inspiring excellence in education and life. We are incredibly grateful for how much they do to make our community what it is today.

The Board of Directors is entrusted to operate and run the school on behalf of the Mulgrave Independent School Society. The Society is a not- for-profit registered charity. There are twelve parent or ex-parent members of the Board and each Director is elected for a three year term. The Mulgrave Board as of September, 2014: • Harry Wierenga, Chair • Ender Ilkay, Vice Chair • Harry Hole, Secretary • Richard Cheah, Treasurer • Sharon Glover, Past Chair • Mehrdad Ezzati • Silvia Heinrich • William Ko • Shelina Neallani • John Pao • Jihad Saba • Helaine Shepard • Malik Talib

BOARD COMMITTEES Our committees are comprised of Board members, staff, students and parents, and serve in the following areas: • Finance • Building and Grounds • Nominations • Land • Executive • Audit • Governance


CURRICULUM AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Mulgrave offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme to all students. We believe the IB is the best education available today to help prepare our students for tomorrow. It is through an IB education that we can equip our students to become true global citizens, and develop the skills and qualities they need to thrive in their future lives. The three IBO programmes are: • Primary Years Programme (Pre–K to Grade 5)

• Middle Years Programme (Grade 6 to 10)

• Diploma Programme (Grade 11 and 12)

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. ACADEMIC RESULTS Our results for 2013–2014 are strong overall and continue to show improvement in key areas. A brief overview of examination results is provided.




Junior School Fraser Institute 2013–2014: Mulgrave is again ranked number one in the Province.

Mulgrave’s IB Diploma 2014 results were the best in the history of the school and continue the trend of improved results year-on-year. 2014 highlights include: • The highest ever pass rate at 97% • The highest ever number of students scoring 40+ points • The highest ever number of students to achieve over 35 points • 75% of students scored 30 points or higher

English 10




Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10




Science 10




English 12




June 2014 Provincial Mulgrave All Independent Exam Passing Rates School Schools

All Schools in the Province

English 10




Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10




Science 10




English 12






All Schools in the Province

60% 95.0%

June 2014 Provincial Mulgrave All Independent Exam Mark Averages School Schools



In the exams written, our students exceeded all provincial and independent school averages comfortably.




• Average subject grade exceeded the worldwide average in nearly 90% of the subjects examined

% of Mulgrave Diploma Students Awarded the Full IB Diploma


• The single highest point total by a Mulgrave student in the school’s history

All of our statistics from this year are considerably above worldwide averages and represent a significant further strengthening of Mulgrave’s already high academic standards.

20% 0% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT Mulgrave graduates from the Class of 2014 were awarded over $1 million in scholarships and are attending universities across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia. 2014 graduates accepted places at the following schools:



University Students Attending

University Students Attending

Carleton University


Claremont-McKenna College


Concordia University


Columbia University


McGill University


New York University


Mount Allison University


Queen’s University


Southern California Institute of Architecture


University of Alberta


Stanford University


University of Pennsylvania


University of Southern California


Wellesley College


Williams College


University of British Columbia


University of Ottawa


University of Toronto


University of Victoria


University of Waterloo


University of Western Ontario


WORLD SCHOOLS University Students Attending


Laiden University, Netherlands


St. Andrew’s University, UK


MULGRAVE SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Guided by a desire to foster lifelong connections between past, present and future Mulgrave students, families, staff and faculty, Mulgrave launched its Alumni Relations programme and Alumni Association in January 2014. Building on the success of the third annual Alumni Basketball Game, hosted in December 2013, the Alumni Association works not only to reconnect with former Mulgrave families and students, but also to create relationships between current and past Mulgravians.

Highlights include: • • • •

Formation of an Alumni Steering Committee 3rd Annual Alumni Basketball Game 2nd Annual Alumni Rugby Game Inaugural Pathways event, which featured a meet-and-greet for current students, their families and over 20 alumni who spoke about their wide array of post-secondary experiences and pursuits

• Alumni volunteers at ‘Spring for Mulgrave’ Gala • Open-door policy for alumni visitors • Fall 2014 Alumni Spotlight Series, which profiles a successful Mulgrave graduate each week


ARTS, ATHLETICS, SERVICE AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION ARTS The arts are a universal form of human expression and a unique way of knowing that engage us in affective, imaginative and productive activity. Learning through the arts helps us to explore, shape and communicate our sense of identity and understanding of the world, while providing opportunities to develop self-confidence, resilience and adaptability. 2013-2014 highlights included: • Rogue of the Railway & One Act Festival • Junior School Musical Production – The Music Man • Upper School Christmas Concert • K-G3 Christmas Potpourri and K-G3 Musical Bouquet • G4-6 Winter Concert and G4-6 Spring Concert • Zoom Film Festival • Bars, Frames & Brushes • G4-5 Choir, Kiwanis Fraser Valley Music Festival • Choir Trip (Banff) • JS Band Camp • Performing Arts-a-Palooza • G4-6 Celebration of Music • G2-6 Music Recitals


• G10 Theatre Class Global Night • Unsung Heroes Photo Exhibition • Norman Foote Concert featuring G4-6 Choir • IBDP Art Exhibition • G11-12 Theatre IBDP Performance Night • Cantando Music Festival • G9-12 Los Angeles Art Trip • Welcome Social and Sing • Middle School Arts Revue Assembly • Fall Fusion Concert • Mulgrave Students featured in ISABC Art Show • February Blues MS Band and Choir Night • 3 Mulgrave Students (Carl S, Connor H, and Sean K) selected to sing in BC Music Educator Association Honour Vocal Jazz Ensemble

2013/2014 HIGHLIGHTS • Sr. Boys Soccer – 13th at Provincials

• Sr. Boys Volleyball – Bronze at SJS Tournament

• Sr. Boys Rugby – 6th at Provincials

• Sr. Girls Basketball – 5th in province, Bronze at Her Hoops Tournament, attended World Youth Basketball Tournament (WYBT) in Kona, Hawaii, Gold at Cross Zone Tournament, Gold at Lower Mainland Championships

• Sr. Swimming – North Shore Champions, Silver at Zones, advance to Provincials (individual gold and silver medals), Syncronised Swim Team – gold at Provincials

• Juvenile Boys Rugby – Gold at ISA Rugby Sevens Tournament

• Sr. Girls Volleyball – Gold at SJS Tournament, Gold at Carver Tournament, 10th at Provincials, Bronze at Lower Mainland Zone Championships

• Sr. Boys Basketball – 4th at ISAA Championship, Silver at Lower Mainland Championship

• Six students represented Canada in athletics in the last year: Nick A (rugby), Boyd B (sailing), Kris C (karate), David C (rowing), Sukhmun H and Connor H (water polo)

• Sr. Badminton – Bronze at North Shore Playoffs

• G7 Soccer – Bronze at ISEA Championship • G8 Girls Basketball – bronze at ISAA Championship • Jr. Badminton – Bronze at NSSSAA Playoffs

• Sr. Tennis – 4th at North Shore Playoffs • Jr. Girls Volleyball – Bronze at ISAA Championships, Bronze at SJS Tournament • Juvenile Girls Basketball – Gold at Carver’s Jr. Girls Basketball Tournament

ATHLETICS Mulgrave offers a rich variety of athletic opportunities. Our teams play in leagues with both local and other independent schools, and belong to a number of different organisations including BC School Sports, the North Shore Secondary Schools Athletic Association (NSSSAA) the Independent Schools Athletic Association (ISAA) and the Independent Schools Elementary Association (ISEA). Our coaches support students as they strive for individual excellence. Great emphasis is also placed on sportsmanship, leadership, commitment, team play and respect for others.




Mulgrave’s Global Outreach programme is more than just international trips. We are a K–12 global citizenship programme that facilitates global awareness, engagement and experiential service learning through the classroom, community, and excursions, including international trips. We embrace the 21st century ideal of “global citizenshift” — the need for greater mindful, active and compassionate engagement in social and environmental responsibility as true world citizens. Below is a list of organisations with whom we are involved:

Through multi-sensory learning in nature-based contexts, Mulgrave’s Outdoor Education programme builds resilience in its students, along with an appreciation for our natural surroundings and the skills to actively participate in, and advocate for, our remarkable local region.

• Me to We/Free The Children

• North Shore Harvest Project

• ChildRun BC Children’s Hospital

• Heart and Stroke Foundation

• Somaly Mam Foundation

• Terry Fox Foundation

• Rainbow Refugee

• One Drop

• Kids Help Phone

• World Partnership Walk: Aga Khan Foundation

• SOS Children’s Villages • Project Backpack: Directions Youth Services Centre • War Child Canada


• Animal Advocates • West Vancouver Youth Appreciation Awards – in May 2014, over 30 of Mulgrave’s Upper School Students received a West Vancouver Youth Appreciation Award

Fall Camps Starting with an overnight ‘camp’ at the school for Grade 3, the programme is designed to take students through a progression of physical and mental challenges that are authentic and age appropriate. The ability to face and overcome such challenges helps build selfesteem by demonstrating to participants that they can thrive in a variety of physical and social environments.

• Grade 3: Camp Mulgrave • Grades 4 & 5: Camp Elphinstone & Fircom • Grade 6: Loon Lake, Maple Ridge • Grade 7: Camp Daybreak, Anvil Island • Grade 8: Garibaldi Provincial Park – Backpacking • Grade 9: Indian Arm – Kayaking • Grade 10: Multi-disciplinary trip – Rivers Inlet/Good Hope Cannery • G10: Snowshoe Winter Camp, Manning Park



This elective programme strives to provide students with the opportunity to develop a broad understanding of outdoor skills and knowledge. Through a two year progression, students will advance from basic skills and experiences through to applying more advanced skills and knowledge to the expedition environment in a safe and competent manner.

Founded in 1956 by Prince Philip, this worldwide programme of distinction allows youths to develop a sense of responsibility to themselves and to their community. At Mulgrave, students actively participate in adventurous journeys at all three award levels. These trips are planned, organised and implemented by the students.

Summit 1

Summit 2

• Activities participated in: hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, snow shoeing, classic cross country skiing, skate skiing, downhill skiing, kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding

• Activities participated in: trail building, expedition skill develop ment, wilderness first aid, avalanche awareness, telemark skiing, kayaking, rock climbing • Fall Expedition: Garibaldi Provincial Park – Backpacking

• Year-end Expedition: Indian Arm - Kayaking

• Winter Expedition: Seymour Provincial Park – Snow Caving • Spring Expedition: Gulf Islands – Kayaking

School Year Adventurous Journeys: Bronze: Gulf Islands, Sailing Silver: Juan De Fuca Trail, Vancouver Island – Backpacking Gold: Clayoquat Sound, Vancouver Island – Kayaking






Listening to the voices of our students on how to best improve the quality of education at our school is an important part of who we are. Senior School students as Prefects and House Captains hold positions of considerable influence in the school. This past year, we have endeavoured to build upon a structured approach to student voice to ensure we engage students dynamically in dialogue about all facets of school life. SCHOOL PREFECTS 2013/2014


1. Lucy Bogle

Churchill Yahya Sahiholnasab (Captain) Annika Lee (Deputy) Christina Catliff (Deputy)

2. David Cross (Deputy Head Boy) 3. Sophia Gupta 4. Connor Hughes (Head Boy) 5. Ammar Karmali


6. Ashleigh Kearns 7. Anisha Navaratnam (Deputy Head Girl) 8. Megan Steffens (Head Girl) 9. Matthew Zwimpfer







Smith Nicky Allen (Captain) Angie Joannou (Deputy) Boyd Borjiet (Deputy) Luther King Samiya Hassan (Captain) Karl-Lukas Steiniger (Deputy) Mats Van Rhijn (Deputy) Curie Connor Stanton (Captain) MJ Mayo (Deputy) Victoria O’Brien (Deputy)

OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP • Junior School Leadership Team • Middle and Senior Service Action Council • Mulgrave Public Square • Arts Council • Athletics Council • House Leadership Team • Mulgrave Emergency Response Team (MERT) • Senior Prefect Team • Global Week Organising Committee




• IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) – outstanding preparation for formal schooling

• Caring and nurturing teachers – small class sizes

• Highly trained and experienced teachers and assistants • 1:8 teacher to child ratio • Focus on developing socialisation and basic learning skills in a play and inquiry-based environment • Wonderful purpose-built facility • Introduction to Mandarin Chinese


• Teachers and Associate teachers in all K, 1 & 2 classrooms • IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) as the core academic programme • Specialist teachers for PE, Music, French and Mandarin

• Focus on developing a wide range of skills

• Engaging learning environment

• iPads in Grade 2 – 6 classes to provide technology enhanced learning

• Inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning

MIDDLE SCHOOL (GRADES 7–9) • IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) as the core academic programme • A range of personalised course offerings through the Learning Enrichment and Personalisation (LEAP) elective programme • Strong pastoral care and mentoring through a 1:1 advisory programme • Focus on inquiry based learning, the application of 21st century skills and experiential learning opportunities • Well-rounded education with a focus on personal growth • Established bring-your-own-device (BYOD) technology integration with a focus on the development of digital literacy and citizenship skills • A comprehensive offering of co-curricular activities to support growth, development and exposure in arts, athletics, leadership and service

SENIOR SCHOOL (GRADES 10–12) • IB Diploma Programme (DP) in Grades 11/12 • Outstanding preparation for university and beyond • Emphasis on four strands: Academics, Arts, Athletics and Service • Focus on developing critical thinking, research and selfmanagement skills alongside international mindedness • Student commitment to service learning • Students graduate with IB and BC Diplomas



June 30, 2014

Assets Cash and short term investments Account receivables Prepaid expenses

$ 9,332,818 1,011,316 362,817

10,706,951 Property and equipment Total Assets

43,066,612 $ 53,773,563

Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

$ 5,244,557

Deferred revenue


Bank Loan


Bonds payable


Family deposits


Value of interest rate swap


33,151,074 Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets


16,778,723 $ 53,773,563


NUMBER OF STUDENTS BY DIVISION (As of September 2014) 56

June 30, 2014


Revenues Tuition and fees


$ 14,415,474



Fundraising and donations








25,960,406 Expenses Amortization

$ 1,184,485

Interest on long term debt


Other operating expenses


Salaries and benefits


Unrealized change in swap liability

13 23





16,796,066 Excess of revenue over expense

NUMBER OF STAFF BY DIVISION (As of September 2014)









(Middle/Seinor School)

Net assets, beginning of year 7,614,384 Net assets, end of year

$ 16,778,224

STUDENT RESIDENCE (As of September 2014) 8%









We often call Mulgrave ‘a second home’ and not just because we spend a lot of time here. Families at Mulgrave get involved, become committed and care deeply about the well-being - not just of their own children – but of the whole community. Teachers and students say the same thing: This is our Mulgrave. Our School. And in the habit of all good IB learners, we take action to show that we belong and that we care. Every day and often on the weekends, parent volunteers are to be seen giving endlessly of their time and talents to help where they can; teachers go above and beyond to support students in their learning and students themselves reach to new heights of personal best and give back in service to their communities. Our Mulgrave community also gives generously in financial support for the Schools’ development. We are deeply grateful to the many Mulgrave families and teachers who have supported the future of our School with a financial contribution in the 2013-14 school year. This includes the 96% of full-time teaching and administrative staff who have donated to the new Senior School capital campaign. Thank you, Our Mulgrave Community, for your support.

Anonymous (12)

Richard & Yasmin Baumet

Chen Kuang Chang & Mei-Huei Shea

Douglas Corbett & Valerie Cook

Mulgrave Staff (91)

Ali Behmard & Maryam Zeineddin

Charles & Eve Chang

Kevin Coutts & Suzanne Spencer

Phillip Abrary & Charlotte Henriksson Abrary

Yewbnesh Belayneh-Steck

James & Irene Chappell

Adrian Cox & Tracy Starnes

Tobin & Mandana Bellamy Michael Berton & Catherine Hurlburt

Robert & Grace Chasmar

Robert & Carolyn Cross

Marwan & Sadeem Chatila

Jianfeng Cui & Wei Hong (Iris) Li

Alexandra Best

Chun Che & Chan Hon Goh

Gregory Cusbert

Qian Jiang Bian & Jingying Tang

Fengsheng Che & Jin Gu

Michael & Barbara Cytrynbaum

John & Sharon Bidder

Richard (Siu-Hoe) Cheah & Yvonne Chan

Ling Jun Dai & Yolanda Jin

Ge Le Chen & Bi Ying Zhang

Ellen D’Atri

Hamid & Mahtab Abyaneh Amir & Rosalind Adnani Mozafar Agha Goli & Fatemeh Joolaie Omar Aguilar Medina & Adriana Medina Gallardo

Michael & Suzanne Birch

Saleem & Zahra Ahamed

Jason & Rebecca Bond

Alaeddin Ahmadi & Mitra Tarameshloo

Boeing Borjiet & Holly Chen

Amir Hossein Ahmadi-Vafa & Shahnaz Bosjin

Heinrich Brand & Heidi Bekker

Amir Akhavan Sharif & Sanaz Esfahani

Tim Brown & Tracy McMenemy

Munir & Alida Ali Amyn & Zahra Alibhai Tony & Kim Allard Michael Allen Amin Aminbakhsh & Bita Bateni Bashar Arafeh & Ruba Abdelkhaleq Tony & Therese Armstrong Alfred Au & Charlotte Kwok

Frazer Bourchier & Marcie Schareck James & Nicole Brandon Paul & Alexandra Brun Michael Burgener & Farrah Nanji Paul & Katrina Bushell ChuQuan Cai & Linda Gao Hongjun Cai & Xiaohong Li Wei Ming (Tony) Cai & Ying Jin Keith & Mary Francis Calder Jesse & Elizabeth Calderon

Glenn & Gina Ayrton

Blair & Jan Calkins

Mohsen Bagherpour & Fatemeh Ghannadi

Jules & Keitha Campeau Fabricio Cantu & Aline Drivet

Jinling (Kim) Bai

Ron Carere & Wendy Jones Carere

Song (Bernard) Bai & Annie Kong

Christopher & Kymberley Catliff

Wagner & Claudia Barreira

Jonathan Cawkell & Tasha Lamb

Amir Bateni & Nazanin Fasihi

Andrea Chan Philip Chan & Irene Tong


Sai Kwan Chan & May Zhang

Jie Chen & Xiao Hui Zhuang Xin Chen & Rong (Adriana) Li Yijian Chen & Jenny Liu Yizhong (Thomas) Chen & Lily Lu

Farid & Sashah Damji Craig Davis & Sarah Lee Shae de Jaray William DeCooman & Julie DeCooman

Zhi Hong Chen & Feng Gui (Teresa) Chang

Pei Xing Deng & Jun Hui Lai

Jun & Jinghui Chen

Dee & Amar Dhaliwal

Peter (Cunfu) Cheng & Cathy Shao Mike & Shannon Cheung Jun Chi & Yi Li Colette Chilcott Dean Chittock Geum Hwan Cho & Ji Hee Jung Frances Chow

Shailesh Desai & Tanvi Vithlani Zahir & Samina Dhanani Salim & Neilin Dhanji Alkarim & Tasnim Dharamsi Surjit & Mukhdeep Dhillon Raj (Rajbinder) & Jas Dhiman Tracey Dixon

Kelly Chow & Brenda Zheng

Guo Xin (David) Dong & Ai Mei (Hailey) Chen

Samson Chow & Eliza Lam

Matthew & Megumi Dorling

Shi Ting Ci & Yanyan Wu

Michelle Douglas

Jeff & Michelle Clay

Richard & Sandra Durrans

Richard & Heidi Coglon

David & Lana Dyment

Mark & Debbie Collister

Shahriar Ebrahimi-Siaghi & Parivash Meschi

Steve & Cheryl Cook Bertrand Coppin & Karen Ramoutar-Coppin

Atta Emami & Neda Navid Seyed Mostafa Evini & Marzieh Shafie

Tony Allard, Chair Bjorn Moller, Vice Chair and Capital Campaign Chair Brenda Blue, Treasurer Michael Cytrynbaum David Lede Thomas McIntyre

Mehrdad & Mariko Ezzati

Paul & Kathleen Hiom

Richard Kortje & Anita Early

Gang Lu & Bai (Sarah) Sun

Mark & Susan Morabito

James Fabian & Lisa Gaede

Harry Hole & Darlene Clarke Hole

Shellina Lakhdhir

Scott Lu & Hong Yang

Erik Morin & Virginia McKeown

Qiang (Jonathan) Fan & Jing Liu

Shaun Hong & Sophia Hsu

Karim Lalani & Salima Mitha

Xin Lu & Lisa He

Alan & Kit Morris

Paul Farrow & Melissa Rigatti

Amit & Veenu Hooja

Aaron & Amanda Lamkin

Yufeng Lu & Jing (Cathy) Han

Bob Feng & Mariah Ma

Judith Horner

Ernest & Angela Lang

Allan & Yoko Lu

Willie & Maureen Mounzer Serguei Mourachov & Oksana Leontieva

Ricardo & Diana Ferreira

Simon Horner & Laura Sexsmith

Mark & Tricia Lang

Haiyong Hu & Yong (Iris) Jiang

Martin & Vivian Lanko

Xing (Charles) Luan & Miao Wang Angelico Lumanlan & Merlinda Cabusas

Ataollah Movasaghi & Naisan Mirhadi

Robert & Taeko Fischer Dean & Jay Lynne Fleming

Yi Ping Hu & Yong Fen (Jenny) Zheng

Armando Lara Alvarez & Tamara Gris

Jyrki & Minna Lumme

Scott Murray & Kyly Killam

Douglas Forster & Silvia Heinrich

Markus Huang & Sarah Lei

Luke Lawson & Jane Macnutt

Haiqiang Luo & Cindy Cai

Keith & Kelly Murray

Alistair Fraser & Susan Grathwol

Peter Huang & Rebekah Yang

George & Gaylyn Lawton

Paul & Michelle Myring

Michael & Catherine Frewin

Wu Si Huang & Hong Zhu

Richard & Chiemi Layton

Wei (David) Luo & Weiying (Nancy) Zhang

Fangming (John) Fu & Qin (Queenie) Liu

Yu Na Huang & Walton Zhao

Edison Lee & Anita Chan

Claire Lynch

Saeid Naemi & Ladan Vafi Tabrizi

Deboragh Gabler

Scott & Susan Hughes

Hyun Woong Lee & Young Nam Kim

Il-Sup Huh & Seyuen Yoon

Phil Lee & Becca Wong

Kenneth & Karina Hvid

Graham & Angela Lee

Ender & Eleana Ilkay

David & Teresa LePoidevin

Bill Inman

Leon Leung & Lily Wang

Raymundo Isla & Mariana Luttmann-Isla

Jonathan & Jane Levine

Ivailo Ivanov & Nancy Bleck

Biao & Min Li

Michael & Frances Gallo Guido Ganschow & Bamrungrat Supattranon Yan Fei Gao & Ya Qing Su Yu Zong Gao & Xiao Xu Li Yuanzhong Gao & Huiping Wu Scott & Shannon Gelbard Adly Georgi & Angela Hutchinson-Georgi Anthony & Stacey Gollner Duncan & Yasmin Gordon Jason Gray & Samson Vessa Desmond & Angela Griffin

Amit & Priyanka Jain Zaheer Jamal & Sayrin Lalji Kent & Alison Jamieson Moez & Jabeen Janmohamed Amin & Nazlin Janmohamed Gill Jin & Jiehua (Lily) Li

Penny Levitt Bo Li & Wen (Lily) Qiao Dong Sheng Li & Lei Lu Jian Li & Ying Zhao Qing Li & Hongwei Luo Shengguo Li & Xia Ling Dong Tao Li & Song Song Wang

Li Ma & Wei Zhu Mingwen & Xiaohui Ma Dave & Karen MacDonald Gordon & Coralie MacIntyre Parviz & Fereshteh Maghsoud Saeid Mahmoudi & Naghmeh Ramezan Reza Majzoubi & Katayoun Hashemi Hanif & Zahra Mamdani Fereed & Lorena Mangalji Samir & Sheena Manji Zhen (Fred) Mao & Yi (Susan) Chen Ian March & Ann Gallery Danielle Marchant Jae Marchant

Xiaobin Li & Lei Kong

German Marin & Ira Vergani Luis Marin & Dilma Restrepo

Martin Jones & Megan Nilsen

Xiaoguang(Richard) Li & Zhujun (Julie) Hou

Michael & Grace Marosits

Paul Jones & Maryse Belanger

Xiaoxuan Li & Xuqing Yang

Pierre & Manon Martin

David Guscott & Sharon Glover

Glen & Norah Joyce

Xin Li & Ping Liu

David & Robyn Martin

Mario & Diana Halenar

Ashif Jutha & Yasmin Virani

Xuegong Li & Ning Xu

Paul Mathieson & Stephanie Gibault

Bing Han & Yin (Nina) Jia

Youngjin Kang & Misook Cho

Yigeng (Eric) Li & Lihong (Lydia) Zhou

Sumit & Anshu Mathur

Nicholas & Debra Hann

Shafiq & Azmina Karmali

Riaz & Renisa Mavani

Thomas Hao & Vanessa Niu

Kassam Family

Zhanming (Simon) Li & Yijie (Vivian) Zhou

Bill & Kuljit Hare

Nadeem & Fantasha Kassam

Shi Cheng Lian & Wen Jia Ma

Gareth & Grahnia McDonnell

Philip & Sanaz Harland

Amir & Rashida Kassim-Lahka

Luke & Claire Harper

Aly & Zenitta Kassim-Lakha

Michael Harris & Catherine Goulet

Gary & Shary Kaufman

Richard & Ailsa Harris

Frank & Michelle Kearns

Imtiaz & Fatima Hassam

Richard & Ryoko Keleher

Howard & Fiona Haugom

Hugh & Ingrid Kendrick

Guangchuan He & Qingxue Fan

Raffi & Michelle Khorchidian

Wei He & Xiao Li Duan

Jae Bum Kim & Jie Yeon (Jenny) Lee

Yao He & Ching Wan Lam

Sang Hoon Kim & Eun Ju Park

Amir & Raheema Hemani

Donald Kirkwood

Stephen & Jillian Henderson

Joy Kirkwood

Michael & Brenda Henry

Kris Klimek & Krystine Sambor

James Heppell & Leslie Ellis

Ronald Klopfer & Natalie Marchesan

Michael & Andrea Herz

William Ko & Lillian Wong

Alan Hetherington & Mary Keast

Darrell Kopke & Yun Pui (Maria) Har

Shafiq & Fatima Gulamani Barry & Traudi Guld Hai Bin Guo & Zheng Hao (Hedy) Tao

Andrew & Helen Joannou Keith & Leanne Johnston

Chan Lim & Soo Jung Lee Alan & Andrea Linsley Steven & Chi Lippman Guo Feng Liu & Guan Pang Hui Liu & Xiao Qin Ji Hui Xue Liu & Christina Jiang Jun Tao (Tom) Liu & Lily Song Ning (Richard) Liu & Ling (Lily) Chen Songyin Liu & Xinyan Guo Xiu Jie Liu & Fang (Grace) Yin Frederic Loeven & Janet Nieckarz-Loeven Christopher & Kirsten Logan Xue Feng Lou & Lien Fei Xu Garret & Judy Louie

Bryon McCarter & Caitlin Huckell Duane & Orapun McGaw

Hanif & Marie Muljiani

Bahaedin Naemi & Sonia Mahboub Gary Nakatsuru & Rose Reynolds Ahmad Nasr & Azita Shafiei Vasee & Kumuthini Navaratnam Alan & Sarah Nicholl Zhao Jian Niu & Jenny (Wang) Zheng Shameer Noormohamed & Gopi Chande Amir & Antonia Nowtash Alexander & Lindila Nyandoro John Onrot Gordon Orlikow & Lois Belluk Lucas Pai & Hui-Feng (Jennifer) Yang Eric & Kristina Palmer Fardin Panahandeh & Fariba Farjam John & Claudia Pao So Earn (Laila) & Young Kwan Park William Peng & Echo Yang Xin Peng & Lucy Lu Tanya Petraszko Colin Pichota & Jacqueline Longo Sergey Piskov & Tatyana Piskova Tom & Iva Pownall Ronald & Stefanie Prins Danut & Mihaela Prisecariu Zamir Punja & Shirin Rahim

David McKay & Carla Fry

Yue (Jack) Qi & Junying (Catherine) Zhang

Jonathan McLean & Brenda Blue

Zhong Ming Qian & Hong Duan

Bruce & Julia McLeod

Eric Qin & Vicki Li

Kevin & Alison Meakings

Peyman Rahmatian & Farnaz Fekri

Ali Mehio & Sura Alwarid

Hemendra Ramdhani & Anithadevi Moodley

Bob Mehr & Mahtab Shafaee Bill Meikle & Susan Albert

Arturo & Reyna Ransanz

Mark & Suman Melville Oleg Menshykov & Svitlana Menshykova

Simon & Nancy Read

Dino & Erminia Minicucci Karyn Mitchell Michael & Wendy Mitchell Bjorn & Rochelle Moller Michael & Elizabeth Moore

Madjid & Sally Rassamanesh Zhongyong Ren & Qu (Queena) Wang Ricardo Revello Lerena & Lucila Planas Farnad Rezaei & Gita Ghoraishi Gareth Ronald-Jones & Suzanne Finlayson


Nicholas & Valerie Roper

Moe Somani & Salma Mitha

Kees & Andrea van der Werff

Rui Song & Hongyu Zhang

Rick & Janna Van Nieuwenhuyse

Duncan Wood & Lisa Williams Edward Wootten & Ann-Margarent Tait

Chaojun Yue & Xiaojun Li

David & Sue Roppel Dion & Catherine Roseman

Jeremy & Nicola South

Gregory & Diana Vance

James Wortman & Anne LeBlanc

Lawrence Roulston & Cora MacDonald

Rick & Shemin Verjee

John & Gillian Wray

Fraser Rowland & Carmen Anderson

Mike Southey & Wendy Hurlburt Mark Stanton & Coleen Davis-Stanton

Shaine Virani

Palmer & Isabelle Wright

Shen (Victor) Zeng & Lijun (Margaret) Wu Chao (Michael) Zhang & Wendy Wang

Bambi Roy & Omri Olund

Amy Starkey

Tanvi Vithlani & Shailesh Desai

David (Hua Xing) Wu & Vivian Cao

Peter Rozee & Fanny Patterson

Mark & Susanne Steffens

Monique & Drew Vodrey

Ji (Alex) Wu & Hua (Sophia) Jiang

George & Michelle Rubin

Michael Steinmann & Alexandra Mauler

Victor & Shannon Vrsnik

Jiang Wu & Yun Yang

Karen Ruddy

Anna Stylianides

Graham & Katherine Walker

Duncan Wyllie & Airlie Wyllie

Jihad Saba & Kinga Anna Szaraz

Startmen Su & Minzhi Ye

Trent & Emma Walsh

Yu Xiang & Xue Yan (Iris) Xia

Aliakbar (Masoud) Sabaghchian & Leila Kavishi

Xue Xin Sui & Hong Xu

Cheng Wang & Wen Qiu

Yang Xiao & Linda Yang

Declan & Tracy Sacre

Azim & Navida Suleman

Dazuo Wang & Jian Dong

Peter & Louise Sullivan

Gaoquan Wang & Peiling Ma

Yu Xiang (Jacky) Xie & Ling (Isabella) Feng

Xiaofeng Sun & Yun Cui

James Wang & Cheryl Kang

Lorne Swetlikoff & Karen Popoff Amir Taghiakbari & Elham Rezaeighaleh

Lin Wang & Ying Zhang

Ali & Eli Sahiholnasab Amin Salemohamed Zerakhanu Bandeally Salemohamed Gary Sam & Ellen Lau Kamaal & Saira Samji Ali Sanei & Niloufar Torabi Salim & Farah Sayani John Scott & Mary Ann Clarke Scott Reza Shahbaz & Azadeh Shahbazi Moghaddam Fang Shao & Jessica (Jing) Li Joel & Tammy Shapiro Ryaz & Camille Shariff Aziz & Zain Shariff John & Janine Sharp Matthew & Jackie Shaw Helaine & Curt Shepard Mohammad Shokravi & Maryam Taleghani

Rahim & Christine Talib Guan Hong Tan & Fumiko Uchitani Hao Han Tang & Mei Jun Zhang Xingdong Tang & Xuehong Li Mark & Shannon Taylor Mark Teasdale & Nina Ferentinos Nihat & Lesley Tetiker Robert & Mary Thompson Paul & Panagiota Thompson Michael Thorson & Teresa Tsang Bo Liang Tian & Jin Rong Pan Shunli Tian & Hua Liang Thomas & Clara Timmons Javier Torresola & Karem Planas

Jason & Audra Shull

Ronald & Dee Turner

Newton Sigel & Lisa Chang

Marc van der Chijs & Zhiqi (Grace) Wang

Elliott & Kara Smith


Malik & Shahzma Talib

ShengCheng (Richard) Wang & Kun (Annie) Zhang Tao Wang & Xian Hua Meng

Malone & Chunling (Linda) Xie Baoyuan (Aaron) Xu & Xueou (Naomi) Yang Chong Wei Xu & Ping (Karry) Yu Qi Xu & Hai Hong Sun

Iraj Zehtab & Dorsa Mand

Chong Yang Zhang & Tracy (Cui Hong) Lu Hui Zhang & Xia Xuan Jun Zhang & Jie Shen Kefei (Miles) Zhang & Qibo (Nancy) Fu Min Zhang & Yukun Kang Peijia Zhang & Yan Fang Wei Zhang & Estelle Yu Wu Sheng (Wilson) Zhang & Yi Ying Luan Xiaoguo Zhang & Min Chen Ye Zhang & Haiyan Hu You Qu (Mark) Zhang & Jun Lian Wang Yu Hai Zhang & Xue Hua (Conney) Chen

Wei Wang

Shaoyu Xu & Jiqing (Joanna) Yu

Xiao Ying (Gavin) Wang & Xiang lan (Melody) Hu

Shijie Xu & Li (Sherry) Xue Wen Zhong Xu & Tao Yan

Xiaoming & Yuping Wang

Yong Xu & Lin Ya Zhu

Derek White & Anita Arndt

Wei Dong (William) Xue & Monica He

Weiming Zhou & Aihua Gao

Jeffrey White & Echo Liu Harry Wierenga & Janice Wells

Dennis Yang & Antonia Chau Gang Yang & Xiang Rong (Grace) Xian

David (Ruhua) Zhu & Cindy (Min) Jin

Isobel Willard

Xin Yang & Ying Ying Hu

Antony Wilson & Britt Bryan

Yong Ai Yang & Gui Xia (Angie) Wang

David & Alison Wilson

Yonggang Yang & Sunny (Xiaomin) Sun

Germaine Wimmer

Yu Ling (Leo) Yang & Mei Ding

Ralph Wimmer

Zheng & Yueping Yang

Dean & Susan Winsor

Changping Yao & Mei Yu

Michael Wong & Amy Yuen

Ali Yazdi & Sharolyn Brewer

Raymond Wong & Tina Tian

Hongbin Ye & Xiaoyi Chen Yun Ye & Jin Lu

Gang Zhao & Pan Hong Jing Zhao & Alex Hamill Hang (Herman) Zhou & Echo Liu Zhong Dong & Juan Zhou Edward Zhu & Zoe Zhang Hong Zhu & Jun Wang Yunfei Zhu & Huifang (Grace) Wang Futazo & Kori Zoshima Thomas & Adele Zwimpfer Also: Cambridge Uniforms Nicola Wealth Management RBC

Chris Solodko & Alicia Sokolowski

Scott Construction

Amin Somani

The Highbury Foundation

Every effort has been made to ensure that the names listed here are accurate. If we have made an error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify the Advancement Office so that we can make the correction. Thank you.

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE Innovation and leading-edge educational development continue to be key focus areas at Mulgrave. A well-established IB programme with growing academic success at every level demonstrates a mark of excellence that sets us on a world stage of competitive schools. Mulgrave continues to lead the way in transformative teaching and learning, as well as the development of 21st century skills and personalised learning. We continue to: • Challenge and support students to achieve their personal best in Academics, Arts, Athletics, Service, and Outdoor Education • Provide opportunities for students to pursue passions and interests within the framework of the IB programme. We have many students who are top athletes and performers • Integrate new technologies that expand the boundaries of student learning and achievement in meaningful ways • Implement the long term development plan for our facilities, and continue to target key focus areas of our Strategic Plan, Mulgrave 2020: from Good to Great • Not be complacent and strive to always take the Mulgrave educational experience to the next level • Learn from best practice worldwide


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