2012-2013 Yearbook

Page 1

2330 Cypress Bowl Lane, West Vancouver, B.C. V7S 3H9 tel. 604 922 3223 fax. 604 922 3328 Published in Canada Printed in the USAst


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Kaspar Ahamed

Gabriella Awde

Nelson Bai

Vincent Bian

Carolina Cantu

Cecilia Chen

Parker Cheung

Jacob Dorling

Chloe Duhs

Vanessa Grdina

Ellysaiya Haddad

Tryton Haddad

Zayan Jamal

Beien Lara Gris

Ava Myring

Kayla Shariff

Mark Macnutt Lawson


Mikayla Morris


( 3 yeorS)

Abby Sun

L É # j # C ] Armaan Viranl

Renee Wang

Isabelle Wortman

Norah Zhao

Marcus Zhou

What does 'Balance' mean to you Ms. Morag?

A balanced diet is a chocolate In eacb band!


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Mikael Ahmadi-Niri

Viona Ahmadi

Saum Akhavan Sharif

Kennedy Armstrong

Yesรณn Cai

Tatiana Calderon

Tiger Cheng

Amber Chi

Arshaun Emami

Kimberley Gollner

Sophia Halenar

Ashton Hill

Laila Beckman

Lisa Hooja

Gavin Li

Tina Li

Jake Lippman

Nina Liu

Cruiz Macdonald

Kameron Macintyre

Isla Maclean

Farhana Mangalji

Lucas Martin

Sidney Martin

Marek Novak

Mikaela Nyandoro

Gabriel Prisecariu

Daniel Ransanz

Wyatt Rebeck

Rhoan Roulston

Misha Rubin

Lisa Saba

Ryan Sadeghi

Liyana Samji





Eila Shokravi

Teagan Vodrey

Tom Walsh

Adam Wong

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Alina Xu

Natalie Cheung

Natasha Chittock

Elena Clay

Ali Dhanani

Lily Dong

Sofia Ferreira

Sara Ganschow

Evangeline Grdlna

Charles Harland

Reine Huang

Omar Jamal

Larisa Jin

Aligue Khorchidian

Andrew Lang

Kiera Lang


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Luis Lara Alvarez

Brooklyn Lede

Vanessa Liu

Ellis Logan

Charlotte Macnutt-Lawson

Coco Manderson

Alia Mangalji

Jaya Melville

Gordon Moore

Ines Morisset

Jake Myrlng

Amanda Niu

Jayden Noormohamed

Erika Panahandeh

Martina Revello

Barra Roulston

Jacob Shull

Stephanie Su

Kayam Suleman

Kate Vrsnlk


Alexander Wootten

Grace Wootten

Andrew Xu

Carrie Xue

David Yang

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Luis?

Balance is when you don’t fall off. Luis Lara Alvarez (Kindergarten) Atria Zehtab

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Matteo Ayrton

Kiana Bagherpour

Shaya Behmard

Katherine Brand

Chantelle Brewster

Kiana Chang Sigel

Milo Chang Sigel

Jada Chang

Aveary Che

Gabrielle Coglon

Mitchell Dai

Navik Desai

Andy Du

Benjamin Dyment

Genevieve Dyment

Gabriel Gonzalez

Terry Hao

Raihan Hassam

Mia Huang

Sara Janmohamed


Ethan Ko

James Kondo

Kennedy Kopke

Frank Lu

Taya Marchant

Sam McGaw

Donald McLeod

Kieran Melville

Pasha Mourachov

Malcolm Murray

Billy Peng

Aha Rajwani

Shaiv Ramdhanl

Cameron Roseman

Jenna Rowland


Ava Wilson

Jessica Wu

Wendy Xu

Jerry Yu

Abtin Zehtab

Claudia Zhang

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Ella?

It means you can do one thing, and another at the same tíme. 1 Keep balanced with electronic devices and dinting the tree in back yard. I do each thing a bit. Ella van der Werff (Grade 1)

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Kameel Ahamed

Milad Ahmadi-Niri

Olivia Awde

Madeline Bellamy

Sebastian Calderon

Luke Chittock

Talulla Cox

Aman Dhillon

Amrita Dhillon

Madeleine Gable

Steven Gabier

Phoenia Gao

Walker Gelbard

Matthew Gollner

Karina Gulamani

Teresa Jin

Sia Jutha


Roslyn Kirkwood Fraser





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Ben Kwon


Brandon Lang


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Lucas Liu

George Luo

Raya Mamdani

Lukas Marosits

Lialah Mavani

Quinn McKay

Kenda Murray

Milan Novak

Annabella Nowtash

Annabelle Onrot

Parker Taylor

Pacey Tian

George Tian

Vishanth Vijayakumar

James Zhang

Max Zhang

Jefferson Zhou

Talshl Zoshima


Ashley Wong

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Daisy?

It weans being steady. Tils is balance in Aúnese: Daisy Li (Grade 2)

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Inaya Alibhai

Daniel Aminbakhsh

Rashed Arafeh

Guytano Ayrton

Alex Bai

Ellyana Baumet

Kate Birch

Madelaine Brewer Yazdi

Brandon Cai

Tristan Campeau

Oscar Chan

Ethan Chang

Ryan Cheah

Koby Chen

Kai Sun Cho

Grace Ezzati

Jeffrey Felcan

Finn Grathwol

Khirad Hassam

Angel He

Kamran Hemani

Ziyan Hemani

Divya Hooja

Gian Kim

Matthew Kondo

Jamil Lalani

Matthew Lede

Nevin Louie

Madelyn Marchant

Max McCarter



Jack McDonnell

Sam Meka

Olesya Menshykova

Lydia Moore

Veronica Morabito

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Ahna Noormohamed

Jenny Pan

Deepesh Ramesh

Paula Ransanz

Teagan Sacre

Shaiya Sayani

Solomon Shapiro

Chelsea Sharp

Ali Talib

Kaiden Talib

Cayden Tay

Grace Lily Wray

Selina Zhu

Sophy Zhu

Peyton Pownall

Felix Qin

Pranav Ramdhani

Mira Saba

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James Bateman

Jaden Bourchier

Jed DeCooman

Khayali Dhanji

Kevin Du

Melissa Foster

Hayden Gelbard

Katharine Gregory

Amin Gulamani

Ewan Hadden

Kenichi Hagiya

Yash Jain

Zia Janmohamed

Ryan Kearns

Arka Khorchidian

Kai Kopke

Tianna Lawton

Erika Layton

Adelyn Lee

Alex Lepoidevin

Lucy LePoidevin

Ryan Li

Eli Lippman

Adrian Lu

Victoria Lu

Ellie Mitchell

Jolene Morabito


Farbod Majzoubi

Aly Mamdanl

Amanda Qian

Joaquin Revello

Aleksei Rubin

Alyza Samji

Kaden Sayani

Alicia Steinmann

Miles Sullivan

Emily Tan

Emily Tang

Christian Thorson

Jack Wray

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Ms Schmidt?

Jenny Xu

Reco Xu

"Awell-developed sense of Junior is the pole that adds balance to your step as you walk tie tightrope of life." William Arthur Ward .

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What does 'Balance' mean to you, Mr. Jamieson?

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." Albert Einstein


Theodora Barreira

Cliff Beckman

Sarah Berton

Kevin Calder

Braxton Calkins

Kayley Chang

Nicole Cheah

Connor Chittock

May Cho

Joshua Chow

Will Collister

Hollie Cottell

Julia Cross

Azad Dharamsi

Nikki Ebrahimi-Siaghi

Nicholas Eschweiler

Robert Gable

Clara Gonzalez

Kaden Gulamanl

Su Ann Ho


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Mark Horner

Jinhyo Huh

Lindsay llkay

Catherine Jiang

Claire Joyce

Sahra Kassim-Lakha

Benjamin Kendrick

Terry Kim

Zoe Kortje

Rosie Li

Hannah Li

Yijun Li

Raiden Louie

Callum Macintyre

Niki Mahmoudi


Serina Oh

Behbod Panahandeh

Andrew Park

Stacy Piskova

Deepak Ramesh

Vania Rezaei

Jayden Shull

Campbell Southey

Mikhail Talib

Kristjana Walker

Connor Walsh

Tim Wang

Luna Wang

Tal Williams Wood

Augustin Wright

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Frank Xiao


Lyris Xu


Iris Xu

Christie Yang

Jonathan You

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What does 'Balance' mean to you, Ms Wiebach?

"Sometimes tie most important tiling in a whole day is tie rest we taie between two deep breaths." David Zheng

Etty Hillesum

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Ms. Drexl?

"Balance, peace and joy are tie fruits of a successful life. It starts by recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.� Thomas Kincaid



Justin Abrary

Raiyana Alibhai

Ava Aminbakhsh

Colin Beaulieu

Nathan Bidder

Jack Birch

Annika Boldt

Madeleine Campeau

Angela Chen

Michael Chen

Linda Chen

Maggie Cheng

Quinn Sun Cho

Cecile Dai

Christopher Demirel

Jocelyn Desabrรกis

Emma Eastman

Maxwell Elyzen

Jessica Felcan

Leo Guo

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Natalie Hanna

Logan Harris

Maggie Haugom

Mollie Haugom

Elissa Henwood

Rhianna Hiom

Andrew Horner

Lillian Huang

Adam Jamal

Aleem Karmali

Imraan Karmali

Matthew Katz

Natasha Kearns

David Kim

Nicole Lee


Celina Manji

Andrew March

Sayeed Mavani

Meridy Meikle

Harry Meka

Imu l c o a v e I


Alisha Muljiani

Chloe Nakatsuru

Lucas Oh

Sebastian Paisley

Reagan Pownall

Cole Rajani

Dale Roseman

Keaton Ross-Ghali

Ryan Sewell

Chelli Shapiro

Pegah Abyaneh

Florian Steinmann

Jarick Vance

Mackenzie Walsh

Simon Wang

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Ingrid White

Lucas Wong

Ji Sang You

Carrie Zhou

Aileen Zhou

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Nathan?

Balance is knowing wken to turn off Minecraft and get on witfi work that you're supposed to do. Nathan Bidder (Grade 6)




Melina Amirsharafi

Una Bach

Tessa Barrow-Precious

Grayson Beck

Aiden Carere

Jacky Chang

Matthew Chasmar

Sydney Chow

Aldan Clarke Scott

James Cross

Rachael Deng

Hannah Dixon

Laura Fabian

Timothy Frewin

Matthew Frost

Nikky Hakimi

Devon Harris

Isaac Hole

Alec Boldt

Kevin Hu

Sparsh Jain

Helen Jo

Joanna Joannou

Lauren Joyce

Michelle Jung

Ari Kaufman

Angela Kim

Young Jun Kwon

Nelli Larjava

So Yi Lee

Joshua Levy

Samantha Levy

Prosper Liu

Sharon Liu

Emanuele Mainoll

Isabella Manderson

Liam March

Charles Martin


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Sarah Mejia

Jack Morin

Lauren Mounzer

Min On

Koleton Palmer

Veronica Steek

David Sui

Sofia Sullivan

John Taghavi

Kayla Iman Talib

Carsen Teasdale

Daphne Valen

Sloane Valen

Lara Washington

Alexander Wortman

Matthew Zhang

Torean Vance

Lily Wang

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Jerry?

You should laugh every day. Jerry Liu (Grade 7)



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Martin Abrary

Mason Andrews

Nicolas Beaulieu

Alexander Beckman

Flavie Belanger-Jones

Liana Biasucci

Alexander Brun

Michael Calder

Jia Lin Chen

Matthew Cho

Emma Dean

Jack Decooman

Emilie Desabráis

Emma Godin

Rafael Gonzalez

Liam Gray

Basundhara Dutta


Eilis Eschweiler

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Amy Guinan Browne

Aria Guld

Daisy Harris

Jordan Henderson

Ethan Henwood

Grace Heppell

Jacob Hiom

Kevin Hu

Zakir Jamal

Jeong Hyun Jang

Jenissa Janmohamed

Louis Keleher

Aramis Khorchidian

Lucky Kim

Madeleine Kirkwood

Hank Liu

Shining Liu

Parinaz Mahmoudi

Kiyaana Manji

Thomas McIntyre





Tegan Peterson

Jackson Pike

Sebastiaan Prins

Adam Rahemtulla

Martha Shaw

Poppy Shaw

Natasha Somani

Sara Somani

Judson Stanton

Nicole Stanton

Ray Tan

Katharine Turner

Shanil Verjee

Joshua White

Samuel Wilkinson

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What does 'Balance' mean to you, Michael?

It means balancing your time between friends, family, having fun and playing sports as well as school work.

Claudia Zhang

Michael Calder (Grade 8)



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Bishr Alimohamed

John Allen

Jude Arafeh

Georgia Boddez

Bryson Bourchler

John Cao

Jack Chen

Krista Cook

Kristopher Coppln

Joel Cox

Ahmed Dharamsl

Matthew Durrans

Victor Feng

Laura Gollner

Sophia Hayward

Chelsea Henry

Anniqa Karmali

Keeyan Kazemi


Jordan Beck

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Emma Berton

Rebecca Kendrick

Kevin Kwong

Soraiya Lalani

Milla Larjava

Emme Lee

Zoe Leonard

Alex Li

Annika Li

Weiyun Li

Phillip Martin

Zoe Morin

Sarah Orsmond

Angela Pai

Shelly Park

Hannah Rahim

Gregory Read

Nadia Rodrigues

Sara Shahbaz

Jordan Somani

Carl Steffens


Karl Lukas Steiniger

Meagan Stewart


Merina Uhrle

Mats Van Rhijn

Jaylan Vance

Sydney White

Danielle Wierenga

Madeline Williams

Jessie Xiang

Angela Xiao

Kenny Yang

Bill Yuan

Tom Zhang

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Bishr?

Balance is about deciding what your priorities are and trying to fit everything in so that you can do your best. Bishr Alimohamed (Grade 9)





Ghazal Aghagoli

Andy Aguilar Medina

Amir Saman Ahmadi Vafa

Zoe Anderson

Claire Attridge

David Bai

Dara Barrow -recious

Sydney Beckman

Boyd Borjiet

Samantha Bottrill

Christina Catliff

Sunny Choi

Emily Chow

Aine Corrigan Frost

Benny Jean Cytrynbaum



Terry Gao

Clement Gesret

Micaela Goh

Ryan Gray

Sarah Halldorson

Cameron Henderson

Rasmus Hvld

Jamilla Janmohamed

Helen Jeong

Angela Joannou

Richard Jung

Nicola Kent

Andrew Lee

Bridget Liao

Joanne Lim

Rachel Lu

Katie Lu

Jerico Lumanlan

Stephen Lynch

Thomas Lynch

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Freya Ma

Daniela Martin

Liam Mitchell

Stephanie Mounzer

Victoria O'Brien

Curren Page

William Pullen

Jena Roper

Hirmand Saffari

Omar Salemohamed

Sean Tan

Sandra Thies

Mitchell Thompson

Kelcy Timmons

Jolee Tung

Ilya Van Nieuwenhuyse

Nicholas Wimmer Manderson

Trevor Withers

Alyssa Witts

Ji Na You



Alexandra Zhou

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Mr Cusbert?

For tie want of a nail, tie kingdom was lost. (this is taken from a longer quotation of unknown origin: For want of a nail the shoe was lost; For want of a shoe the horse was lost; For want of a horse the battle was lost; For the failure of battle the kingdom was lost— All for the want of a horse-shoe nail.)


Ruby Zhu

Oscar Zimmerman

Matthew Abrary

Uzuazo Akalamudo

Nicholas Allen

Michael Arnould

Kelvin Au

Benjamin Boddez

Lucy Bogle

Bronwyn Carere

Sophie Chappell

Celine Chen

Crystal Cheng

Ruby Choi

Fraser Christian

Meg Coleman

Heather Corbett

Cole Coupland

Brent Coutts

David Cross

Tasha Fischer

Rose Gallo

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Noah Guld

Sophia Gupta

James Guscott

Marcus Harm

Sukhmun Hare

Samiya Hassan

Connor Hughes

Dax Inman

Michael Ji

Rachel Johnston

Ammar Karmali

Cayla Kaufman

Ashleigh Kearns

Sean Kim

Abigail Korbin

Sabrina Lalani

Annika Lee

Nika Maghsoud

Fuzhan Majzoubi

Carlos Martin

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MJ Mayo

Hayley McIntyre

Morgan McIntyre

Aaron McKenzie

Jasmine Meikle

Stanislav Menshykov

Daniel Moffatt

Megan Moffatt

Helia Movasaghl

Aleem Muljlani

Jananeh Nasr

Anisha Navaratnam

James Pike

Andy Qiu

Katrina Ross Ghali

Yahya Sahiholnasab

Micah Smith

Justin Smyth

Connor Stanton

Alex Stedman

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Megan Steffens

Gina Stylianides

Emma Tallos

Holly Thomson

Lotte Van Rhijn

Will Wang

Sandy Wilson

Carol Wu

Amy Xing

Sam Xu

Ray Yue

Matthew Zwimpfer

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Ms. Ferreira?

I got lost, but look wbat 1 found. Irving Berlin

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Ameeqa All " Never, never, never give up" -Winston Churchill Thank you so much to my family and friends who have supported me all the way through this journey. It's been a crazy ride - love you long time.

Mark Baöet “Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did I the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place” - Don Dawson, Dazed and Confused

Florence Belanger-jones "I'll never look back with regret. I will always believe in the ideal. I hope to be remembered, not recalled. And I hope to make a difference." Thanks to everyone in the grade for making our Grad 2013 a memorable year. Special thanks to all my friends who made it go by so quickly. Shout-out to my bailer girls for a great season.

Margaret Berton It’s hard to summarise 13 amazing years in 50 words. Mulgrave has been my second home ever since I started here, way back in 2000 at the Winter Club. It’s been a wild ride, but for now goodbye, and THANKYOU to all the people along the way for making me who I am today.

Ellen Beveridge Jane Austen wrote: “Life, if you live it right, keeps surprising you, and the thing that keeps surprising you the m ost...is yourself.” From enjoying the hard work to acting center stage, this has been true for my seven years at Mulgrave. I would like to thank my wonderful teachers - your energy, passion and encouragement has inspired me to pursue my dreams. To my darling and crazy friends, you are the reason why I know I can get through each day, no matter what happens. Thank you for making me laugh every day, and long may it continue. xoxo Ellie

Cara Blair

SKek Kin (Justin) CKan “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” - Churchill It’s been a great 12 years, Mulgrave. Special thanks to all the friends, family, teachers and - of course - Sparknotes for the help along the way.

Adam CKandani “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.” - Jack Layton


(Iran d ie t (Jason) CJiang "Mulgrave School represents our young and crazy days. It gave us the most wonderful times of our life. From now on, it's time for us to spread our wings and chase our dreams."

Xiao Han (David) Cien "Together we'll go far." Wells Fargo Bank have lived in four countries and studied in five schools during my short lifetime. It is without a shadow of a doubt that the three and a half years I spent at Mulgrave and in Canada have been the highlight of my globetrotting. My time at Mulgrave has transformed the way I think and has shaped the person I am today. To everyone in the graduating class of 2013, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Yi Cira Dal Growing up came in a blink of an eye. I have so many memories here, and as cheesy as this sounds, I owe so much to everyone who's stuck with me through everything. I love you kids! I’m ready for the rest of my life - everyone, stay amazing.

Nielólas Diirrans I cannot describe how incredible my 12 years at Mulgrave have been. The opportunities I have had, the people that I have met and the things that I now know are a credit to the teachers, staff, my friends and family. Mulgrave has forever changed my life and I thank you all so much for being a part of it. -o “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Alexandra EameKoiilt As a lifer, I owe much of who I have become to my school. In many ways, Mulgrave has shaped the individual I have become. As I prepare to leave what has been my home for thirteen years, I want to offer this message: "W h a t w e h a v e d o n e fo r o u rs e lv e s a lo n e d ie s w ith u s ; w h a t w e h a v e d o n e fo r o th e rs a n d th e w o rld re m a in s a n d is im m o rta l. ’-Albert Pike

Teachers, staff, administration- you have done so much for me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Gloria Feng “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” -William Shakespeare Good luck with life guys! May the odds be ever in your favour!

(Mstopier French “You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.” - Wayne Gretzky 100 words is not really a lot of space to write how every person of our grad class is so awesome, but you all have imprinted memories that I hope to never forget. I know that each person in our grad will be successful in some form, and that is something to look forward to! I wish you all the best!

CMstlan Frost 'Td like to thank the IB for this graduation diploma, my family for all their time and financial aid and of course Jesus."

Spencer Gair “Don’t Panic”

Melissa Godin “Imperfection is a beauty, madness is a genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring” -Marilyn Monroe At the end of the day what you did isn’t going to be nearly as interesting as who you did it with. Thanks for the memories grad 2013! à la folie!

Josfma Goii The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions.

Ctristoplier Gollner " I ate the plane " -OB Sealey I had a great year with all of you! Way to push through Grad 2013! 60

Brian (Andrew) Graystone "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin I have had a wonderful 13 years at Mulgrave (yes, I'm a lifer), and wish you all the best in the future.Andrew Graystone


jae Yeon Hwang Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me to "just keep swimming" :)

Nicolas Isla Luttmann “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” -R obert H Goddard

Ha Yan Jang They say life is like riding a bicycle: “To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Being an IB student is like having to ride your bike up a steep hill every day! You might keep a kind of balance. I mean, you keep the bike moving. Balance would mean some free time with no homework! Here I am at the top of the hill. I kept the bike going— but I feel like my legs have 61 changed to wood. Enjoy your life!


Yuta KftucM Congratulations to all the Grad class of 2013!

joo Wliau (Louis) Kim Congratulations to all the Grad class of 2013!

Ki Beom Oimmy) Kim Now what?

M Yi Kuai “Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about thefuture, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.� -Ida Scott Taylor 62

Alexander Lee “ E n jo y y o u rs e lf. T h e s e a re th e g o o d o ld d a y s y o u 're g o in g to m is s in th e y e a rs a h e a d ” Thank you to everyone at Mulgrave for helping me throughout this

final year of IB! Without my friends, family, and teachers, it would have been impossible. I have truly enjoyed all the years I have had at Mulgrave, from spending time with my friends, to helping out in Kenya. It seems so crazy how time goes by so fast! To the Grad Class of 2013: Thank you for all the amazing memories we have created together, I wish you all the best in whatever journey life takes you

Wan-Hu (Charlotte) Lee Many congratulations to the grad class of 2013!

jun Da (Tommy) Lee Stay strong, and keep dominating, because tomorrow when I leave Mulgrave, it’s the start of my conquering in the real world. Good luck to grad 2013 and hope you guys pursue your passion!

Aryan Magfisoud I f y o u 're try in g to a c h ie v e , th e re w ill b e ro a d b lo c k s ...b u t o b s ta c le s d o n 't h a v e to s to p y o u . I f y o u ru n in to a w all, d o n 't tu rn a ro u n d a n d g iv e up. F ig u re o u t h o w to c lim b it, g o th ro u g h it, o r w o rk a ro u n d it. - Michael

Jordon. Over the years, I met bunch of great friends and people, and I’ll miss every single one of them. I want to thank my family for always being supportive and caring. Also, good luck to everyone who is finishing or entering the IB programme; it is a challenge, but it is worth it! 63

Barbara Mainoli You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality. -Walt Disney

Noojan Mazaheri Dear Mulgrave, Thanks for the amazing 9 years! I’m going to be so lost without you. but I can’t wait.

jonathan Meanings So I just write something and it will go in the yearbook?

jae Hee (Chelsea) Noh “Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember i L.M. Montgomery


Grayson O'Brien Thank you everyone who has helped me and stuck with me through Mulgrave. I can honestly say it's because of all my friends helping me out, the teachers and my parents who for some reason care and helped so much also my parents who were there every step of the way. Thank you everyone for making my 13 years at Mulgrave perfect.

Ya Hsuan (Debbie) Pal A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, hundreds of memories all for one place that brought us together- Mulgrave. I’ve had a WONDERFUL time here with you all, and it has become a magnificent part of my life. So, thank you to my dearest friends, families and teachers who were there for me! YOU MAKE ME HAPPY! :D As they say, “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you may look back and realize they were big things.” And really, life isn’t measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath

Seonyoung (Eunice) Part "Hope" is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops - at all. -Emily Dickinson

Stephanie Porter Apparently I’ve grown a bit. Being a lifer, this whole thing is very nostalgic. I want to thank everyone in the Mulgrave community for shaping me into the woman I am today. Highschool is like toilet paper, you don’t really miss it until it’s gone.


Hannali-Rose Radford " A fte r th e g a m e th e k in g a n d p a w n g o in to th e s a m e b o x ." - Italian proverb

Thank you to the wonderful people I have had the privilege of sharing my years in high school with, and to those who have shared the 13 year ride. To those special few I call my sisters, thank you for being the highlight of my day, every day. Lastly, to my parents who have supported every decision I've made for the past 13 years. Lots of love and luck to everyone of grad 2013!

Emma Rabemtulla “Remember today, for it is the beginning of always. Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your dreams can hold. Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true.” -Walter Winchel

Racket Read "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." -Dr. Seuss Thanks for everything Mulgrave, and good luck to everyone!!

Alia Ridley So listen, we need to talk. You know, we had a fun run, but I’m just ready to find something deeper...more complex. Seriously, it's not you it's me. I just need to move on with my life and experience new things, so i'm sorry, but I have to leave you. Goodbye forever Highschool. Thank you to all my friends, family and teachers; I couldn't have done it without you. Shout out to my homegirls, you know who you are. 66

Toby Roper 'E d u c a tio n : T he p a th fro m c o c k y ig n o ra n c e to m is e ra b le u n c e rta in ty '

- Mark Twain The past few years AT MULGRAVE have truly been a memorable journey, and I am grateful to all the outstanding people, my teachers, my fellow grads and my family, who have shared it with me. It has been quite the ride, and I am sure the best is yet to come. Until we meet again Grad 2 0 1 3 ,1wish you good times, good health, and good luck!

Honor Rozee “ T h e o n ly re a s o n fo r tim e is s o th a t e v e ry th in g d o e s n ’t h a p p e n a t o n c e ” -A lbe rt Einstein. Thanks to all my family and teachers who helped me through everything! Shout outs to AR, LY, and CB I love you all too too much. Hooper for lyfe. Thanks Leduc and basketball for keeping me together. #23 and #13, never forget. It’s been real Mulgrave, Kirk out.

jt Mín Seung "Graduation is here, you've really come far, Rejoice and be happy, accept who you are. Address every day with purpose and aim, Decide what you want, make living your game. Opportunity awaits you, just walk through the door, New moments each day are yours to explore." -Anon Thank you!! Yuta - thanks for bearing with us XD

Emily Sewell “A jo u r n e y is b e s t m e a s u re d in frie n d s ra th e r th a n miles?’

-Tim Cahill

To my closest friends, my greatest support, my teachers and my family. You will always be a part of my journey and thank you for helping me make the most of it 67

jasmine Somani “You must be the change you wish to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi. These are words that I live by. GRAD 2013

Amlr-Hosseln Tavakolizadefi “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

Josef Thompson I would like to thank my family, friends, and teachers for helping me always believe in myself. We have overcome one of life’s many challenges, and now it is time to set upon a new one. I wish all of my classmates the best in whichever direction their lives take them.

Tori Timmons “She who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten”

Madeline Turner "L ife m o v e s p r e tty fa st. I f y o u d o n 't s to p to lo o k a ro u n d o n c e in a w h ile y o u c o u ld m is s it." ~ Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

It's true. The X-blocks we spent just trying to keep each other awake, lunches we spent cramming for our next-block tests, and the nights we spent fighting the urge to procrastinate made the days seem long-but the years were short, and the memories unforgettable. I want to thank everyone for all of the laughs, tears and yes 10,000+ photos I now have. I couldn't have done it without you! I wish you all the best in the future Grad 2013, see you around!

Naiaslia Yirani Over the last five years, I have made many connections with the teachers and students at Mulgrave. I would like to extend a large thank-you to all the brilliant teachers that I have had. Mulgrave has impacted me the most by allowing me to be involved in the community through opportunities that the school gave me. I would like to thank my mom for supporting me throughout IB; her continued guidance and support has helped me through all my IB

Mackenzie Wallster A big thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me during my time at Mulgrave! From Kindergarten to now I have constantly had memorable teachers and a great group of friends who made my junior and upper school experience what it is today. I'll never forget it!

Katfiryn Witte "You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!"- Doctor Seuss Best of luck to my grad class of 2013! 69

Ian Widdows "Act my age? This is my age, I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once." Words to live by class of 13, you guys have been the best experience of my life.

Yannis Willi Good memories come from bad ideas, right Jimmy? Grads, we ball so hard teachers want to hurt us. It was a wild journey through unknown territory but we made our stand and conquered this once innocent region of Mulgrave. Thanks for all the support and good times. You’ll be missed, not only as individuals, but as a family.

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“live [v]: breathe; laugh; hope; smile; cherish; believe; inspire; bask; dance; indulge; colour; love; wonder; dream; fly” Thank you mum and dad. Thank you to my friends and all the Mulgrave staff.



Se Won (Will) Yoon In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger - something > better, pushing right back.

Lauren Young We all have our purpose, we all have our strengths. Being at Mulgrave, I was able to develop my strengths and start to think about my purpose and what I have to offer. I have no idea what I want to be in the future, but I have made certain that I want to be happy. I have spent 13 years at Mulgrave, and I wouldn't trade even a day. I’m a lifer, and proud of it! I want to thank the teachers for all their support and dedication to the students. “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” So instead of goodbye, I’ll just say, see you later Mulgrave! #churchillianforlife

U» CT» ) Time flies, especially when you procrastinate.

You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. — Ziggy l‘d like to thank my friends, family and teachers for the support throughout the years. Congratulations class of 2013!


O i the'r arrval a t the hotel o ir gorgeous goads got the red carpet treatm ent - literally. Parents and siblings lined the red carpet h true paparazzi style, cameras flashing, everyone cheering, with music blasting and a Ihe-ip of celebrities to g^eet them hduding Harry Stiles from One Prection, Peyoncé and Mila Kunis! The venue, flowers and dimer were fabulous, as was the sirprise entertainment, including a glamorous chorus of o ir Grad girls singing ‘ We Are Family* and from the boys, a sprrted rendition of ‘ Gangnam S tyle*. Thanks to Renee Gout’s brilliant drection and choreography, these mmbers kick-started the evening’s dancing and thanks also to a g^eat P J, and Grads, parents and teachers ready to party, we rocked the house! Many thanks go to o r Grad Pal student reps, Elie Peverdge and Partie Mardi, plus parentreps Val Roper and Elaine Grotefeld and to al who he|aed create such a N i^ t to Remember. And of corse to John Porter, whose FVP of the evening will enable us to do ju s t that.

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Abeiint Studia in Mores

1. Kathryn White - most likely to be a teacher 2. Margaret Berton - most likely to be a crazy cat lady 3. Nicolas Isla Luttmann and Emily Sewell - cutest couple 4. Aryan Maghsoud - best facial hair 5. Rachael Read - most likely to stalk One Direction on their world tour! 6. Spencer Gair and Melissa Godin - best style 7. Cara Blair and Alia Ridley - never seen apart 8. Tori Timmons - biggest klutz

John G2

Joseph L. G5

Class of KN

Sayeed M. G6

Gleb V. G5

W Dina Y. G8

Krishna V. G8

Kevin K. G9

: Ellen Z. G8

Siri C. G8

Madeline W. G9

Danielle W. G9

Poppy S. G8_______________________________________ Jordan H. G9

Middle School Art

Jessica S. G9

Joanna J. G7

Victor F. G9

Jordan B.G9

Stephanie M. G10

Honor R. G12

Christina C. G10

Sandra T. G10 !

Mackenzie W. G12

Senior School Art


Bronwyn C. G11

Helen J. G10

Debbie P. G12

Jena R. G10

Carol W. G11

Amy X. G 11

Fuzhan M. G 11

Devon Y. G12

Emily S. G12

Innocence Lost This year, the passionate theatre students of Mulgrave took on the controversial topic of the Steven Truscott case in In n o c e n c e Lost, a play written by Beverley Cooper. Through many rehearsals the cast learned to develop their characters by researching and investigating the trial of Truscott; a real event in Canadian history. It was important to both the cast and crew that this story was portrayed as realistically as possible, to emphasize the life events of this young boy. Through emotional monologues and the development of intricate relationships, the story of Steven Truscott was brought to life on Mulgrave School's stage. This style of theatre was new to many of us, however, with the guidance of Mr. Pope, the cast learned new theatrical conventions and techniques. We know that, our director, Mr. Pope is dedicated and enthusiastic about every aspect of what he does and he pushed us to do the same and bring out our full potential. It was great working alongside such a great cast and crew for the school production this year. Working with the talented students of Mulgrave is always something that I look forward to. Being a part of the Mulgrave theatre family is a great experience; we get to grow as actors and bring to life current and interesting plays such as In n o c e n c e Lost. Congratulations to all involved! Ashleigh Kearns

Be Emperor's New (lottes On Thursday May 2nd, 2013, over 60 Junior School students performed David Read's adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's cautionary tale, T he E m p e ro r's N e w C lo th e s . It was a truly delightful performance that incorporated ballet (thanks to the Goh Ballet's Tanya Phelps for her direction and choreography), song and dramatic performance. Nicola Ferguson and Jillian White had been working with the drama club since September and similarly, Claude McLean with his singers in preparation for the big day. The large cast comprised of several lead roles as well as a chorus which, in classic Greek style, commented on the action of the players. For young people, with many out of school activities, this was a challenging task, but they showed great commitment, energy and enthusiasm. It was a pleasure to see such a bonded and encouraging team. As well as the directing team of Nicola Ferguson, Jillian White and Claude McLean, a virtual army of Mulgrave teachers stepped forward to help with costumes, scenery, make-up, ticket sales and advertising. All of the students did an amazing job and were proud to be a part of such a successful production. Bravo!

Banff ft tie Rocky Mountain Music Festival April 2013 a group of Mulgrave singers travelled to Banff for the RockyMountain Mulsic Festival. There were kids from all over Canada, of different ages and with different talents, all motivated by a love of music and to share their music with everyone else. The energy at the festival was incredible. We saw choirs from all over Canada as well as the Count Basie Orchestra. The whole concert was very great. The emotion that they were able to produce as a group, their dynamics, the vocal percussion, the movement, their vowels, their focus - everything that we are told daily, came to life before our eyes when we watched these singers (who were our age!) performing their sets. It was fascinating! Our performances went really well. When we got on stage, we just did what we had rehearsed and it felt really good. The space also sounded lovely - we had never sung somewhere so suited to music before. We finished the performance, and went into the hallway shouting with joy! And of course all the free time and bonding was a lot of fun. All in all, it was a once in a lifetime experience, and I am so glad I had this opportunity. Sophia Gupta


Grade 4-6 (M rs & Band Another year of music-making has flown by, for students in G4 to 6. Beyond the classroom music courses, many students participated in cocurricular choir under Mr. McLean and in G5 and 6 band classes with Mr. Steffens. Those who participated in both band and choir for the year receive the hard-earned music pin. Memorable choral events in the first term included the Remembrance Assembly and the popular Rotary Seniors Christmas Luncheon at the West Vancouver Seniors Centre, while the Winter Concert and the Singalong Assembly involved both choir and band members. Celebration of Music was our big second term event, for all G4-6 co-curricular musicians. Band members had a full-day retreat earlier that term, which was followed by a three-day retreat trip in April. G6 Choir members provided the singing for a musical version of The Emperor’s New Clothes, which kept them busy in April. A highlight for G4 and 5 Choir members was the achievement of a gold standing at the Fraser Valley Kiwanis Festival in early May, and being awarded the trophy for most promising elementary or middle school choir. The third term’s Spring Concert was a grand finale event for all students in G4 to 6, while G6 band members were still slated to perform at their Closing Ceremony, to wrap up the year musically.


Oscar Zimmerman

Kelcy Timmons

Freya Ma


Alex Zhou

Zoom Film Festival is a 48-hour provincial student film festival that was orignially conceived by Mulgrave teacher, Laurie Graves and is hosted annually by Mulgrave. The festival is now in its 12th year and has one of the highest participation rates of any student film festival in the province. It is aimed mostly for students between Grade 11 and 12. Over 400 students were involved from schools across the province. Each year it continues to grow, due in large part, to the quality of the prizes, kindly donated by our sponsors. Zoom continues to be a highlight for Mulgrave students and once again,they were recognized for their efforts at the awards night. On Saturday, December 8th, over $70,000 worth of scholarships and prize money was awarded! Congratulations to all Zoomfest 2012 Nominees and Winners! We were especially grateful to all our sponsors: Mulgrave School, Vancouver Film School, Gulf Islands Film & Television School, Powell River Friends of Film Society, Tarlington Training, The Vancouver Sun, Lome Lapham Sales & Rentals Inc., and Pacific Cinematheque Summer Visions, making this historical and overall “net� successful event possible. Senior Category Mulgrave students were awarded prizes in the following categories: Vancouver Sun Best Editing 3rd Nyctohylophobia Mulgrave School Lome Lapham Best Cinematography 3rd Agora Mulgrave School Brendan Archibald Passionate Filmmaker Award Mulgrave School Agora Isabelle Kirkwood -Cinem atography GIFTS Best Junior Technical 2nd Refresh Mulgrave School 3rd Tears & Ashes Mulgrave School Tarlington Best Junior Performance 3rd Tears & Ashes Mulgrave School


Maddy Kirkwood

Grades camp Grade 3's began their Mulgrave camp experience with an 'in school' camp, tie-dying and a local nature walk. Student camp leaders from the Senior School made the camp experience even more enjoyable!

Grade 4 Camp The Grade 4 camp was a journey to the Sea to Sky Outdoor School at Camp Elphinstone on the Sunshine Coast. The Grade 4's were all “Web Weavers”, and learned about life and the concept of interdependence.



Grade 5 camp The Grade 5 students ventured off to the Sea to Sky Outdoor School, at Camp Fircom on Gambia Island to revisit the environmental experiences and build on their understandings from the previous year at Camp Elphinstone. The three day programme, “Discovery�, focused on the concept of sustainability, team building and leadership development.

Grade 6 camp The Grade 6 students visited Loon Lake to continue the team building activities as well as to explore what it means to be a risk-taker. With expert guides and instructors, the students took part in activities ranging from rock climbing and high ropes courses to team oriented low ropes, raft building and orienteering.


Grade 2 camps In the fall, the Grade 7’s departed for Gambier Island where the Pinnacle Pursuit staff led the students through three days of activities. The students learned about Leave No Trace ethics, how to light a campfire, knot tying, and how to set up a tarp shelter. On the last night, the students slept under the tarp shelters that they created. What a great start to the year!

In the spring the Grade 7's were snowshoeing the network of trails around Cypress Nordic. They explored, played games, and enjoyed the fun of winter exploration. In June, they spent half a day hiking in Lynn Headwaters Provincial Park. While on the trip the students learned the essentials of group pacing and group management. They also learned how important it was to wear and pack the correct clothes for unforeseen weather changes.

Grade 8 Camps The Grade 8’s were backpacking on their three day fall camp. The students spent their time in Garibaldi Park, either camping at Cheakamus Lake or Garibaldi Lake. On this trip the students experienced cooking on camp stoves and sleeping in tents for the first time with the school. What an adventure!

Two lessons were spent on Cypress Mountain where the qualified staff took the Grade 8’s through a series of skills to enhance their confidence and abilities on skinny skis. In June, the Grade 8’s left the school for an entire day to learn the essentials of kayaking in Deep Cove. This day trip saw the students learning how to pack and carry a kayak, decipher a chart, make good route decisions based on weather, distance, and abilities, as well as revisiting tarps and knots. The other half of the day was spent on the water, learning kayaking strokes and on water safety. The students should be very well prepared for their Grace 9 Fall Camp next year!


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tirade 9 camps

Travelling by kayak, the Grade 9 students headed into Indian Arm for their three day camp. A new mode of expedition for these students, they learned how to pack and paddle a double kayak improving their team building skills. Led by Deep Cove Canoe and Kayaks the Grade 9’s paddled by day and slept in tents by night. Some groups enjoyed a night paddle where they experienced the magical wonders of the bio illuminessence.

Two lessons were spent on Cypress Mountain where the qualified staff took the Grade 9’s through a series of skills to learn and practice the complex nature of skate skiing.

Grade 10 camps The second week of school, me and my classmates left for an unforgettable experience to Good Hope Cannery. Located at the north of BC in Rivers Inlet, we had to take a ferry, a bus, a boat, and plane to get to this remote location. Once we got there, it was breathtaking. We stayed in a cannery surrounded by water and small islands nearby. The sunsets were beautiful and the food was delicious. We visited the first nation’s village, conducted science experiment in Watums (a dangerous bear zone), and we went fishing, This was very exciting as I had never caught a fish before. I cannot emphasize how amazing this place was, it highlighted the true beauty of British Columbia. I hope to one day return to this amazing historical destination and create new memories in such a lovely place. Daniela Martin


Winter Camp takes place at Manning Park where the grade is divided into two groups and sent out for three days of winter adventure. The first night was spent at Lone Duck campsite, learning how to set up and use a winter camp and build snow kitchens which always sparks creativity. After camp was set up we went for a snowshoe exploring the surrounding areas and learning about safe backcountry travel. The following day we snowshoed down to the lodge where we spent the afternoon out doing a rotation of activities including avalanche awareness and a social studies assignment. The second night was spent in cabins but before we headed to bed the group either tobogganed or skated for their evening activities. Waking up on the third day the students participated in a skate ski lesson before heading home for some rest! 107

Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journeys Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Kayak Trip: May 24-26. 2013

Participants: Angela Pai, Emme Lee, Annika Li, Karl-Lukas Steiniger, Angela Xiao, Mats Van Rhijn, Jesse Xiang Victor Feng, Rebecca Kendrick, Kristopher Coppin, Anniqa Karmali Sarah Orsmond, Emma Berton, Joel Cox, Phillip Martin Chaperones: Ali McTavish, Lina Augaitis, Brad Ovenell Carter, Rebecca Brunswick Werner On Friday morning, we left the school heading to paddle the beautiful Sechelt Inlet. After carrying down the boats, packing the boats, and some lunch we paddled out to Halfway Bay. It was windy and the students paddling skills were put to the test. Once at Halfway Bay, our home for the next two nights, we set up camp, explored the area and had a campfire to finish off a busy day. The second day proved to be windy once again so we learned more about navigation, had a kite building and flying competition and set out for a coastal hike. In the early evening, we were able to sneak in a quick paddle. In the evening some students tried to light a fire without a lighter while others tried their hand at beach acrobatics and yoga. We arrived home the following day after a successful and fun trip! Duke of Edingburgh Silver Sailing Trip: April 5-7, 2013

Participants: Alyssa Witts, Angela Joannou, Benny Jean Cytrynbaum, Ghazal Aghagoli, Freya Ma, Helen Jeong, Ji Na You, Samantha Bottrill, Sandra Thies, Sarah Halldorson, Ruby Choi, Dara Barrow-Precious, Alex Zhou, Lauren Forester Chaperones: Ali McTavish, Lina Augaitis The Maple Leaf Tall Ship was our home for this three-day, two night trip. When we arrived in Sidney B.C., the group was divided into two crews and we learned the parts of the boat and how to sail. The wildlife was bountiful and we were treated to seeing oreas, seals, and eagles. We moored on PrĂŠvost Island for the night and were able to step ashore for a little pre-dinner hike. The second day, the girls decided our route and distances and then we sailed away towards the Belle Chain Islands. Here we were treated to a sea lion rookery, where there were over 200 Stellar and California sea lions hauled out on the rocks. A little while later we once again saw a playful pod of oreas. We anchored at Russel Island the second evening and once again went ashore to play a couple of games and stretch our legs before dinner. The last day was a quick sail back to Swartz Bay and onto the ferry home. It was an amazing learning experience with great memories!

Duke of Edinqburqh Silver Bike Touring Trip: Mav 9-12, 2013

Liam Mitchell, Jena Roper, Micaela Goh, Will Pullen, Christina Catliff and Stephanie Mounzer Chaperones: AM McTavish, Lina Augaitis, Ferninand Van Zyl 13 Mulgrave students and 4 Chaperones endless adventure for the weekend. The KVR trail is very popular for bike tourists as it takes you over trestles, through tunnels and impressive scenery with spectacular views. We were lucky enough to experience much of the diversity, spectacular views, challenges, and adventures that this trail has to offer. We arrived to Penticton late Thursday evening and spent our first night by the beautiful Skaha Lake. The second day we arrived at Chute Lake where we got our bikes and panniers. We biked from Chute Lake to Summerland. It was hot, dusty, and beautiful! The day ended with a dip in the lake and dinner in a waterfront park. The second day we started riding from the Summerland Rodeo. We cycled past Thirst Lake and finally reached Osprey Lake, our home for our last night out. We had the opportunity to make a fire, roast marshmallows and create delicious smores. Luckily, we packed up just before the torrential rain started to pour !

Duke of Edinburgh Gold RockCLimbing Trip: June 21 -25,2013


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Inman, Jasmine Meikle, Justin Smyth, Rose Gallo, Sophia Gupta, Flo Belanger-Jones

Chaperones:Lina Augaitis, Lian Anson the lake before our first dinner at camp. Saturday through Monday we were out at the Skaha Bluffs learning anchors, rappelling, ascending, and of course working on our rock climbing skills. Everyone improved and found success both on and off the rock. We climbed at different crags each day which offered a variety of levels and styles. We made campfires each night and enjoyed sharing stories from the day. Tuesday morning we practiced some yoga and partner stretching/acrobatics before heading back on the bus and on our way home. It was a great 5 day climbing trip!

M e of Edinburgh Award Winners 2012-2013 Grade 9

Grade 11

Emma Burton - Bronze

Sophie Chappell - Bronze Mitchell Mayo - Bronze Connor Hughes - Bronze

Grade 10 Ghalzal Aghagoli - Bronze Zoe Anderson - Bronze Samantha Botrill - Bronze Benny Jean Cytrynbaum - Bronze Kevin Fabien - Bronze Lauren Forster - Bronze Andrew French - Bronze Ryan Gray - Bronze Sarah Halldorson - Bronze Jamilla Janmohamed - Bronze Angela Joannou - Bronze Stephanie Mounzer - Bronze Jena Roper - Bronze Sandra Thies - Bronze Jolee Tung - Bronze Ji Na You - Bronze

Celine Chen - Silver Crystal Cheng - Silver David Cross - Silver Sophia Gupta - Silver Connor Hughes -S ilve r Annika Lee - Silver Anisha Navaratnam - Silver Grade 12 Ameeqa Ali - Silver Tina Zhang - Silver Margaret Burton - Gold Nick Durrans - Gold Hayan Jang - Gold Toby Roper - Gold

On Wednesday, June 19tlr2ûig^the Miiltjraye School Board of Directors voted urianimouslÿ rn fa v ô rtffbeginning the construction of a new^senior schoot th^' ^ f A V », v summer, during the end-of-yeár Junior S ch o o f* ;-£v ceremonies, students celebrated this major-milestone^ ’ ^ ^ ^ in Mulgrave’s history. , A * ;v V A A groundbreaking ceremony wakheid Friday, dwrfe 28 , * to commemorate the beginning of construction on our ; vV f , new senior school.Over 200 people gathered, along * ■’it-, with Jordan Sturdy, MLA West Vancouver Sea-to-Sky;." . % Av Marc Dalton, MLA Maple Ridge-Misdion, A j t Parliamentary Secretary for Independent Schools; and r * Dr. Peter Froese, Executive Director of the Federations ^ of Independent Schools (FISA) to celebrate this*"» ^ ^ this .» y , t \ ' 7 t ;’v momentous occasion. . A > * ^ ‘^ " > ¿1 'V.Vr; %î "4 ’ f a


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Library Stats

Summer Reading Celebration Ice Cream Party Over 900 books were read by 180 students from Grade 2 to 6 during the summer. We celebrated with rainbow sherbet ice cream and mini marshmallows. Scholastic Book Fair 6 days of “All Star Books� A new home for the Junior School Salmon Fish Tank Over 50 salmon eggs hatched and were released in a local stream Red Cedar Book Awards 921 books were read by 110 grade 4 to 6 students who qualified to vote for their favourite Red Cedar titles for 2012/2013 Manny Malhotra Visit 67 grade 8 students listened to a talk by Manny Malhotra from the Vancouver Canucks Library Volunteers 17 volunteers on circulation desk 7 on special projects 1 2 weekly book covering Library Circulation 2012/2013 school year 25,598 books circulated 450 holds were placed 1034 patrons Over 41,000 titles 52,867 copies Popular titles for 2012 - 2013 school year S m ile a n d D ra m a by Raina Telgemeier D ia ry o f a W im p y K id : T h e L a s t S tra w by Jeff Kinney M a tc h e d by Ally Condie G o n e by Michael Grant D iv e rg e n t b y Veronica Roth M a rk o f A th e n a by R. Riordan T he E n e m y by Charles Higson 115

As a celebration of our school’s community and spirit, Mulgrave’s 19th Annual Spring Gala was another wonderful evening. The Gala raises important funds for the school, but this year’s benchmark of success was not the dollars raised, but rather the number of attendees. In both categories it was a huge success. Held on May, 11, 2013 at the Westin Bayshore Hotel, the Gala theme was “What Happens In Vegas”. Many parents, staff and friends of Mulgrave attended this fabulous evening and fun was had by all! Great thanks go to Neilin Dhanji and her team of MVP volunteers who dedicated weeks of work to ensure the success of the evening

This year, I have been working on my major in school service commitment: MERT. The Mulgrave Emergency Response team has been a highlight of this year for me. Under the expert guidance of Mr Graham Gilley, as a MERT attendant, I have been given the opportunity to help others and learn about leadership in the process while completing my CAS commitments. Because of MERT, I have had many new and interesting experiences and new surprises each day. With my MERT responsibilities, I have to miss some class time and then catch up later. This not only takes a lot of responsibility, but it takes a lot of hard work as well. MERT has been a great experience and one that I would recommend to other students. Connor Stanton

12West Yanconyer Community Day Parade

Global OiitreacI)

The trip to Shanghai was an amazing experience that cannot be fully described in words. The sights I saw and the people I met where incredible. Each day was another adventure! The focus of this trip was to improve our spoken Chinese - which we did, but we also got to go sightseeing, and also learnt about Chinese culture during our time there. We visited the Oriental Pearl TV Tower which is the tallest building that I have ever been too, looking down I saw a magnificent view of cars, the park and the ocean. I ate some exotic (and unusual) food, learned about history, culture, art and so much more. Shanghai is very different compared to Canada and I got to see a whole new life and actually got to live in it as well. My homestay and her family were so nice to me during the trip. They fed me until I was stuffed and I still can’t thank them enough for driving me around every day to see new places. I got to meet new people, experience a totally different culture, and see another part of the world with my own eyes, as well as improve my Mandarin! Thanks to Ms Chen and Mrs Ferguson for all of their organisation. It was an enjoyable and fun trip that I will never forget. by Emily Chow

• Eastern Canada

On February 6th, forty-four Grade 9 students and five teachers embarked on a whirlwind eight day trip to the chilly climes of Ontario and Québec. Our first stop, Ottawa gave the students an opportunity to see Parliament in action, visit many museums and skate on the Rideau Canal. After this cold introduction (-22 on our evening walking tour!) we made our way to La Belle Province and a traditional Québécois sugar shack. We danced, played the spoons and ate copious amounts of maple syrup. While in Québec City we attended Carnival and the spectacular Ice Hotel. We also spent one of our days dogsledding - a real highlight of the trip. Our final destination, Montréal afforded us the opportunity see Notre-Dame Basilica, the Biodome, McGill University and dine with pirates (who took it upon themselves to kidnap our mascot ‘Justin Beaver’ temporarily!). The universal opinion of all involved was that the trip was not only a wonderful education opportunity, blending the history, language and culture of Canada, but also a great deal of fun.

Eastern USA

Our trip to the Eastern USA was so fantastic! I was a little bit nervous about being away from home for so long without my parents, but I was so busy that I didn't even have time to think about home sickness. Also, even though I have lived in the USA before and have family there, it was still like a whole new experience because of all the things I learned and heard about. We saw all of the memorials in Washington D.C. and heard about all of the history in Boston. We visited Harvard University as well as lots of different museums and art galleries. Ms Mitchell was training for a marathon, so she ran to Mount Vernon (George Washington's home) while we rode on the bus! When we went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Mrs Ferguson was in heaven! We were all in heaven at the Hershey factory! Mr Steffens took lots of amazing photos of the trip and Ms Yakachuk couldn't believe it when a break-dancing troupe in New York had t-shirts that said "I heart Yak"! We went to New York for the day and saw evidence of the huge storm that had just blown through. It was great to see the show "Chaplin" on Broadway! This was a fantastic trip and it was amazing how much we packed into a few days!

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Kenya 2013 - It wasn't until we had said our goodbyes that the fact that we were leaving Africa really hit us. We said sincere thank you’s and good byes to our facilitators and the Maasai warriors and the process of leaving became much heavier. We can honestly say that this experience will forever impact us in so many different ways. We learned the culture, history and stories of the Maasai society, got to experience what life is like for students in Oleleshwa, met amazing Maasai warriors and staff members who guided us throughout the trip. We learned that people really aren’t that different after all, no matter where we live, what we believe or how we look. We realized that even if there may be slight differences, those differences don’t come in the way of meeting new people or being immersed in new culture. No matter what our ups and downs were, we surely can say that Kenya 2013 trip was a life changing experience! by Ruby & Jack

The China trip was fantastic and made a husge impression on me. I have never been great at communication. Honestly, I very pretty well sucked at it, but at the moment when I was teaching the Kung Fu orphans English, I could feel the connection between us. My group included Ranna and Louis, and because I was the only one able to speak Mandarin, I had to behave independent so I would not let them down. Of course, it was hard because I am not fluent, and my vocabulary in Mandarin is not great, but my understanding was ok. The orphans had accents and it was sometimes difficult to understand what they were saying. We drew the words we taught them, acted them out and said them the way someone would in a conversation. Luckily they seemed to understand. They caught up fairly quickly and we also succeeded in teaching them a song. I don't mean to brag, but I’m pretty sure our class was the best at singing and I was very proud of them and our group for teaching them. I really felt connected with them and it really felt like we understood each other better even though we didn’t speak the same language, even though our culture is so different, and a lot more. I felt like we connected somehow as cheesy as that sounds. I hope you get inspired to go on a Me to We trip as well, because it will make a huge impact on your life, by Angela Kim

Junior School Sports - Striving for Excellence “Sports serve so cie ty b y pro vid ing vivid exam ples o f exce lle nce .” - George F. Wilt (Pulitzer Prize winning journalist,

columnist and author)

During the 2012-13 school year, more than 300 Mulgrave Junior School students strove to attain excellence by participating in sports including basketball, volleyball, soccer, swimming, rugby, crosscountry, and track and field. As one would expect, there was a wide range of athletic abilities among these students. Some are bigger, stronger and faster than their peers. Some are blessed with wonderful eye-hand coordination; others are not. However, all are equally challenged to do their best. If success were to be measured solely by wins and losses, some of our students and teams cruised easily to great success. Others struggled, and for them, victories were rare. Mulgrave’s Junior School student-athletes are winners because, with dedication and determination, they challenge themselves and each other to overcome hurdles and problems. Shining examples of inspiring excellence can be achieved both on and off the athletic field of play by even the most unlikely people. This idea is reflected in the following quote from Clara Hughes. She described herself as a delinquent teenager, but Ms. Hughes is the only Canadian to have won medals in both the Summer and Winter Olympics [six in total], and the only person of any nationality to have won multiple medals in both. As a result of her success in sports and her humanitarian work, Ms. Hughes was named as an Officer of the Order of Canada. She is involved with Right to Play, an athlete-driven international humanitarian organization that uses sports to encourage the development of disadvantaged youth in developing countries, and is National Spokesperson for the Bell Let's Talk Mental Health initiative. In her words: “I w ant people to be inspired that I've alw ays strived fo r excellence a n d I've alw ays gone beyon d w hat anybody e ve r thought I could do, w hat I thought I m yse lf could do. A n d I've allow ed m yse lf to be inspired, kept m y eyes open a n d m y senses open to inspiration aro un d me. ”

Who knows what Mulgrave’s young student-athletes might someday achieve? They are building the foundation for excellence now. Ms. Straub 134

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It was an exciting season for our Grade 5 boys’ basketball team. Their commitment and hard work at practices and games allowed our team to finish with a strong performance at the ISEA championships. Over the season, the players demonstrated improvements with all facets of the game, but most importantly they learned that when they play with a positive and supportive attitude on the court, great things can happen. The Grade 5 boys’ basketball team represented Mulgrave School with pride and should be proud of their efforts this year. Congratulations and see you next year on the court!

<J>S £ °y s This was a great year in Mulgrave Rugby for the Grade 5 & 6’s. The season started off slow with many students gaining their first opportunity to play this fantastic sport. The team worked through their “4T’s”, Train, Try, Tackle and Trust, to gain more strength, experience, and understanding. With each game, the team became more structured and competitive and the games became more enjoyable. The team played their hearts out at the ISEA Play Day, finishing with some qualities wins and a well-deserved tie against St. George’s. The Grade 5’s played on, demonstrated their speed, skill and tactics in a few extra matches, letting the other ISEA schools know they will be a force to be reckoned with next year!


It was an exciting finish to the ISEA soccer season for our Grade 6 boys. Their commitment and hard work at practices and exhibition games paid off, as the team finished with 3 wins and a loss at the ISEA play day. The boys played with a lot of heart and determination as they competed against their rival schools. Over the season, they demonstrated improvements with all facets of the game, but most importantly they learned to play together with strong fundamental skills and communication, and never giving up until the final whistle. The Grade 6 boys’ soccer team represented Mulgrave School with pride and should be proud of their efforts this year. Congratulations to all members of the team.

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I Shooting, passing, dribbling, and I favourite layups all made for an exciting season. Everybody gave it their best to win our games, from f playing defence, to jumping for the I rebounds. Throughout the season we J all improved and reached our goals, I thanks to our motivating coaches, Ms. Straub and Ms. Wiebach. i By Sahra Kassim-Lakha 5W



J S ĂŠirlS V*IM*II "T h is life is lik e a s w im m in g p o o l. You d iv e in to th e w a te r, b u t y o u c a n 't s e e h o w d e e p it is. "

-Dennis Rodman

This year the Junior Swim team was an amazing success. We had over 50 students from grades 3-7. We have some amazing swimmers and some who are still developing with the help of our amazing coach Mr Gardiner. But he couldn’t do it alone. There were about six Middle School coaches who trained and coached us. Also, thanks to Jolee Tung, we were able to have another swim meet within the season. She planned and organize the whole swim meet, which allowed us to have more practice and get to know what the ISEA swim meet would be like. Especially since it was also at UBC. We did a fantastic job at the meet and overall had a great season. Celina Manji - Gr.6


What a year for the Grade 6 Girls Volleyball team! After working all season on accurate serves, controlled passing and positive communication, the girls brought out their best performances and hustle in the ISEA tournament. Team A came out undefeated in all of their 7 games with Team B winning all but one of their matches!!! Outstanding performances in all aspects of the games were displayed by every one of our athletes and the girls should feel extremely proud of their accomplishments this year. Coach Yakachuk and Black were especially excited to see the positive communication taking place on the court and the hard work and sportsmanship throughout the season. We wish all the girls luck and continued fun on the volleyball court. Coach Black and Coach Yakachuk

The weather was cool, cloudy and dry. In short, it was perfect for the ISEA track and field meet at Minoru Park in Richmond. The overcast skies contrasted with the colourful blurs of warmup suits, track tops and shorts as 630 eager and energetic students from 12 ISEA schools met in friendly and spirited competition. Mulgrave was well represented by 43 athletes who competed in: 60 and 100 m sprints; 800, 1200 and 1500m runs; 4x100m and 4x200m relays; high jump; long jump; and shot put. Our students were cheered on by a large and vocal contingent of proud parents, grandparents and siblings. Their support was important as our Thunderbolts produced some impressive results.


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On June 2nd 2013, 176 Mulgravians laced up their runners in support of childhood cancer research. Running in honour of two Mulgrave students, Mikael and So Yi, our team once again earned the trophy for having the largest community team. Smiles were aplenty as our team crossed the finish line and cheered on our many walkers and runners. During the past five years, our school team has raised more than $40,000 for the oncology ward at Children’s Hospital, and we all hope to see you out at this year’s ChildRun! •vW ..v

Wow! What a near perfect season for the Gr.8/9 "Dream Team". Before I tell you about the climax of our mesmerizing performance on the court, I, Tom Zhang on behalf of the basketball team, would like to give a special thank-you to our coach Mike "Phil" Olynyk. We couldn't have asked for a better coach and Mr.O toughened us mentally and physically throughout the year. In this season, we won over half of our games and came in 3rd for the ISA Bantam tournament at Agassiz. Some of the fantastic plays we incorporated into our games included Lucky Kim completely dominating the paint in one game and scoring 16 points, Louis Keleher playing "White on rice" defence every game, Jackson Pike running up and down the court so fast that stopping was not an option, Jack Chen draining 3 pointers with hands in his face and much much more. Overall, everyone contributed to their lines, played hard, and had fun. by Tom Zhang

Boys BoSk-ctU ll

This season students from grade eight and nine combined to form A and B teams - blending experience with strength, enthusiasm and skill. The Bantam team had a great season - training hard for regular matches culminating in a tournament that saw us place fourth. Our coaches encouraged and supported us throughout the season so a big thank you to Flo, Ms Chiu and Ms Brunswick. J O S :


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Not known for her athletic ability, Oprah Winfrey summed up running in a nutshell when she said “Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.” What we got out of running this season was a series of challenging races, practices that were lots of fun, and conversations that introduced us to new friends. Races and practices took the team to Ambleside, Cleveland Dam, Loutet Park, Rice Lake and Squamish. A late fall resulted in perfect, dry, conditions for all races. With our biggest team ever, we had twenty three athletes compete over the season and fielded teams in all divisions. The best team result came for the Bantam Girls who placed third when they had a complete squad. The Bantam Boys are another promising group who will place well when they are able to have all four runners available. Many thanks to coaches Mr. Michael Moore, Mr. Ferdinand van Zyl, Mrs. Carrie Turunen and Ms. Christine Giesbrecht for their time and encouragement during the season.

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This was the first year the Grade 7 Boys entered the “A” League, which included St George’s, Collingwood, St John’s and Southridge. Unfortunately, when we made the decision to move into this league, we did not realise how difficult it would be. The teams in this league play at a very high level given their many extra tournaments and involvement in other leagues beyond the ISA, and are at the top of the province. Our two weekly practices and occasional games were not enough to bring us up to the standard required and so while we had a rough season, there were positives. We held Collingwood and St John’s within reach in two games but the major positive was the improvement our players demonstrated. The boys learned some new skills and some plays that will help them in their league next year. Thanks go to our coaches, Yahya and Mr. Cusbert.

The Mulgrave Grade 7 Boys Division Two basketball team enjoyed their season. Although the team competed in Division Two of the ISEA league, they played many top teams, as those schools with only one team registered for Division Two play. The team was competitive and the players showed marked improvement in their individual skill development and understanding of team play. The boys’ play was characterized by enthusiasm and effort. They thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to compete and represent the school.

The Grade 7 Girls Basketball team had a great season. They gained valuable experience through lots of closely fought games. All players on the team contributed to the team’s success. Highlights from the season include a 3rd place finish at the SJS tournament in November. They lost a heart-breaking battle against York House, 34-32, in the first round of the ISEA championships but went on to finish 5th overall. All the best next year girls!


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The Grade 7 girls volleyball team had a very successful season. All team members were extremely enthusiastic and hard working. Everyone on our team was eager to help others and learn new skills! We were a very strong team and were able to be very successful, because of our amazing coaches Megan Moffat and Megan Steffens. They helped to encourage us to do our best and try new things, as well as teach us new skills and improve already knew. I really enjoyed ng on the grade 7 volleyball team definitely looking forward to next year! Thanks for a great season!

7 6 iv |S V * I M It was an exciting finish to the ISEA rugby season for our Grade 7 boys. Their commitment and hard work at practices and exhibition games paid off, as the team finished with a strong win over Southridge School and hard fought loss against Collingwood at the ISEA play day. Over the season, they demonstrated improvements with all ;ets 'f the most oortantly they learned to play together with strong fundamental skills Sol and a supportive attitude on the pitch. The Grade 7 boys’ rugby team represented Mulgrave School with pride and should be proud of their efforts this year. Congratulations to all

The 2012 season of grade 7 boys soccer was a blast! We were blessed with unseasonably warm weather and a team of dedicated athletes. Our top goal-scorers, Devon Harris and Charles Martin, and our brilliant goalies, Alec Boldt, David Sui, and John Taghavi, kept us competitive during the season. Congratulations go out to our most improved athlete, Young-Jun Kwon, and our player with the most heart, Joshua Levy. An even bigger congratulation to all the other players for their hard work and skill on the field. Despite early morning practices and much confusion over game locations the whole team pulled together and played a fantastic season. We ended championships with a 6 - 1 victory that saw the entire team, goalie included, charge in one last attack! GO TITANS!

6>r*Ă e 1 ^ otter The Bantam Girls Volleyball team showed that the future is bright for girls volleyball at Mulgrave. The girls managed to win their first three games of the year beating very strong competition that included AAA competition such as West Vancouver Secondary. With an eye towards development, the girls made large strides in improving theirfundamentals and understanding of the game that will serve them well as they advance into their more competitive playing years. Jhe girls were a very tight knit group that clearly enjoyed spending time together, which could be seen/heard on bus rides through flawless renditions of Taylor Swift and other pop classics. It will be exciting to see in the near future how this promising group meshes with the older grades in the upcoming volleyball seasons. 146

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6>°If T e t* Our Junior Badminton team enjoyed another remarkable season, finishing undefeated in NSSSAA matches. In the final, Mulgrave defeated West Vancouver 6 matches to 5, an incredible performance as West Vancouver was also undefeated going into the final, with a previous win-loss record of 11-0. It was our 3rd straight title and 4th title in the past 6 years. In the other two years, Mulgrave finished 2nd. In the Vancouver and District Championships, Mulgrave defeated the champion team from Burnaby and New Westminster 7-4.

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Our Jr. Girls volleyball team had a very productive season finishing 4th (out of 12 teams) in NSSSAA league play, winning a silver medal at the SJS Digit tournament and a bronze medal at the I ^ A Championships. Along the way, everyone improved their volleyball skills and learned many valuable lessons about mental toughness and positive response. We were forced to deal with many injuries to some of our key players throughout the season but we worked together to overcome these setbacks and maintain a very high level of play. Stay tuned for much more from these girls as they are a talented and resilient group with a very bright future. Go Titans Go!!


The Grade 10 boys played in exhibition games against mostly North Shore teams. Zak Nash, a former student, who was the co-coach, worked his passion and strategies into the mix of games and practices; the team and I would like to sincerely thank him for his on-going commitment to the school. Even against bigger and more experienced teams our scoring and rebounding tended to be balanced and several players had the opportunity to lead during the season. A fourth place finish at the Carver tournament was the highlight of the year. We never gave into the temptation to get down on ourselves and Itiis group deserves a great deal of crejdit for wearing the Blue and White honorably. Congratulations to our team MVP Keyin Fabjan, All lin Eschweiler, ancL l i rirmanp Sattari was MIP. Beyond the" previously mentioned, Ryan G, Rasmus H, Liam M, Andrew L. qjid d B formed the core for practices and games and improved a great deal. Additional participation came from Mitch T, Trevor W, and David B., and the team appreciated their assistance.

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Our G8/9A boys basketball team had a great season. The team was filled with lots of skill, athleticism and heart. This year the boys team was placed in the NSSSAA league and competed against the top grade 9 boys on the north shore and did so with a positive nature. Highlights of the season were competing in the Agassiz tournament beating a team with mostly grade 10 boys and holding their own against a team that went on to win the tournament. During the season, tjie boys competed every game showed their immense skill for the ming game. Another highlight was of up with a big win for our last g e year, showing their outstan ing ph sicality and fepeed. This grou of ys have lots of passion for the g,‘ me of sketball anji will ride that love ntil their nior year. Way to go boys This year our Grade 8-9 volleyball ¿earn had a season to remember. It was filled with ups and downs, wins and losses, close games, amazing plays and a few players getting spiked in the face. Some of the highlights of this memorable season was our first game which was before our first actual practice. While the other team was practicing their spikes Mr. O showed us what a volleyball looked like and explained the rules of the game. Over the season our team has improved drastically we went from not knowing the rules all the way to the point where we beat St. Georges in a game. The year was filled with laughs celebrations and smiles and great memories.

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<JuVei»i|e 6ir|$ £*Skett>*|l Throughout the course of the volleyball season, the juvenile team has not only developed significantly, but have also found a new love for the sport. With the ongoing and skill-building practices, our team worked together and developed new skills. Because of the extensive hard work through practices, games and tournaments, we grew as a team, and learned to work together. Not only did the juvenile team improve upon overhand serves, passing, control and communication, we were a supportive, cohesive and passionate team. We learned to never give up, and to be there to catch each other when we fell. Thanks to our great coach Ms. Chiu, the one who made this all possible, we have been able to play in many outstanding games and tournaments, all of which we loved to participate in. Good work ladies, we’re proud captains! 150

Our G8/9A girls basketball team were a force with which to be reckoned all season long. They were the perfect mix of heart, size, speed, skill and tenacity. They went undefeated in their first tournament of the year winning every game be an average of 20 points. They continued their impressive play throughout the remainder of the season going undefeated in NSSSAA league play. The perfect season ended in the playoffs when they were upset by 3 points in the semi-finals. Th« bounced back to win the bronze medal game in a convincing manner thus earning them a berth to the Vancouver and District Championships (V&Ds). This is the first time any of our Middle School basketball teams has ever made V&Ds. Stay tuned for much more from this special group of young athletes as their basketball future is very bright. T h w fra v e their sights set on being the first team in school history to win a Provincial banner at the senior level. GO Little Lady Titans GO!!!

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The Gr. 8-9 Juvenile Rugby Boys had a very successful and productive season. We had many new players who had never played rugby before but became important parts of our team. Our season w æ very hectic with lots of games an^frots of rainy practices; playing v Æ ? first game against Collingwood after o n l^o n e practice, I think that we played véry well and it was very exciting to see ouj/Æellow teammareswlr as hard as they co and put their bodies on the line for t s a k ^ o f o u r team. Throughout season us boys got more experienced and played lots of tough teams but we never gave up and we played with tons very of effort. TJm ,year has be* successful, exhilarating productiveseasonj can’t wa] rugby season!

J w e n ile £«y$ GVISAA Badminton Team had a rewarding 2013 season. From early March to end of May, together with Junior and Senior Teams, the players had been practiced diligently to improve their techniques and skills. Besides intramural games, the team played against teams from Argyle, Carver Christian, and Stradford Hall. The season culminated with the qualifying GVISAA Tournaments at Deer Lake . Aleem Muljiani was nominated the team Most Valuable Player, while David Bai was the team’s All-heart Player and Ji Na You was the team’s Most Improved Player.



The Senior Boys Basketball Team took great strides this year towards developing into a competitive team on the floor. The team enjoyed success playing an up-tempo style of game that was centered around turning defense ¡ into offense. Through this opportunistic approach the team was able to exploit many opponents in transition and through secondary offense. The boys competed throughout the year in a very tough league, often against AA competition. The boys season ended in a hard fought battle against Pemberton in the I zone semis where the team fell just short of reaching the finals. The boys should be proud of the development I that was made this season as it came as a direct result of their hard work, commitment to the team, and strong leadership from the grade 12 players. The guys are excited for what should be an exciting 2013-2014 season as many of the players will be returning klH iflIQJI for their Grade 12 year.

This years Sr. Boys Volleyball season was a great one. We bonded as a team and constantly improved at every practice. Through fitness, skill, hard work & fun the team pursued to push their limits. Having not applied for a league on the North Shore/Burnaby, our team stuck to tournaments including a trip to Kelowna with many games in a short period of time. This gave the team the experience of challenging many other teams at different skill levels. This also allowed us to better prepare for the tournament and focus on our weak points to perfect them when game time comes around. From Uzuazo's vertically downward quicks to Connor's rocket spikes and Michael's intense mindset, the team noticed progression and the beginning of excellence. Just wait till next year #1. 152


We were a small, but mighty team and we were definitely known for being spirited. The team competed in an exhibition season where they faced teams like Meadowridge and Bodwell. Being a small team, each player received a lot of game time which helped everyone gain lots of valuable playing experience. However, it was the last game against Fraser Academy which demonstrated our resilience in never giving up. We were down in the third period, yet were able to turn the game around into a victory by scoring 10 points in the last quarter. It can be confidently said that all the girls had loads of fun and saw great improvement in their basketball abilities. Thanks for coaching Sasquatch Adam!

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Our Sr. Girls basketball team had another impressive year on the court this year. Highlights include winning the first tournament of the year in Ashcroft, winning the bronze medal at the ISAA Championships, winning the Lower Mainland Zone Championships (making it 5 years in a row and 7 out of the last 8) and finishing 6th at the Provincial Championships in Prince George. Flo and Lauren were named NSSSAA All-Stars (2nd team and Honourable Mention) while Flo was also named a 2nd team All-Star at Provincials. Honor was the backbone of the team playing with unbelievable heart and toughness all season long regardless of the situation. All three G12s will be greatly missed next year and have left some mighty big shoes to be filled. Thankfully, our young group of G10s are skilled and tough enough to continue to culture of success established by our departing seniors. GO Lady Titans GO!!! 153

This year was a building year for the Senior Girls Volleyball team. Under the leadership of Coach Wylen Wong the team fine tuned their skills and battled hard in the North Shore league. Highlights from toe season include a second place finish at the SJS Tournamen

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This year's Rugby Team played extremely well. Even before the season even began, quite a few of the players were doing exercise in the early hours of the morning. Mulgrave quickly established itself as a force in the league, dominating the early games. When we played St. Georges, we played a very strong game in which we came out on top. Faced with Rockridge and Collingwood, intimidating teams, the Mulgrave boys never once backed down and played very well. This rugby team has definitely left its mark this year. These players have progressed throughout the year and it was an honor to serve as their captain this year. I’m confident that their season next year will be the best Mulgrave has ever seen. I consider the players on this team my brothers, and found a saying I thinkthat fits perfectly into the rugby family at Mulgrave “For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.”


The Titans had an amazing season by finishing 3rd out of 16 in the province, however the real amazing part was that we gained a team of 20 players throughout grades 9-12 and played up in the Double A division. Every player ensured that they played their best in their assigned position for the benefit of the team. Throughout our season we had many close games and fortunately we managed to peak at just the right time going into Zones. Our defense led by co-captains Nick D and Toby R held their own and only allowed three goals against within the five playoff games. On the other side of the pitch our offense led by midfielder and co-captain Matthew Z created 11 goals within these 5 games with Yahya S winning the Golden Boot (with 5 goals). Our team consisted of ten Gr 12 players who will all be missed, however with the help of our coaches Mr. Keleher and Mr. Hardy, the dedication of the team and our inspiring finish to the season, there is no doubt that there will be a continuation of our proud soccer tradition.





The Sr. Swim Team had a very successful season this year. There were many new members as well as returning veterans. As a team, we came 2nd at ISAs, 2nd at Zones, and won the NSSSAA banner to top it off. The team is to be commended for their strong showing at Provincials including a high number of finalists and podium finishes. To the mixed medley relay who won silver two years in a row... w e ll get them next year! It is still amazing how our non-existent carpool system carried us through, so special thanks to all the parents for always giving us rides. All in all, it was a season full of memorable experiences and of course, lots of fast swimming. Many thanks to Mr. Gardiner, Ms. Turunen and Ms. Roy for being great swim coaches once aqain. 155

Our Senior Tennis team had an outstanding year in terms of translating individual strengths to transforming into a strong supportive team. Each player was committed, determined to play well and showed levels of sportsmanship for which they were praised by competing teams. Special recognition, however, needs to be extended to our graduating seniors; Alex L, Nie I, Emily S, Flo, Ameeqa A and Rachael R. Stay tuned as next year promises to be an exciting year. “On three, Go Titans” .

Afii»i«r T What does 'Balance' mean to you, Mr. Jones?

People don’t care tow muct you know until ttey know tow muct you care John C. Maxwell


Senior Sctool Awards Grade 10 Presentations S u b je ct A w a rd s E nglish 10 - N icola K ent A .C .E . 10 - C am e ro n H en de rson F rench 10 - N icola K ent M an darin 10 - E m ily C ho w S ocial S tu d ie s 10 - L auren F orste r S cie nce 10 - T in Y an (Jolee) Tung M a th e m a tics 10 - Jo sh u a R ue th er M a th e m a tics 11 - Jin Yu (A lexa nd ra) Z hou In strum en ta l M usic 10 - O sca r Z im m erm an C ho ra le 10 - Je rico (M arion) Lum anlan Ja z z E n sem b le 10 - C laire A ttridge Film S tu d ie s 10 - C olin E sch w e ile r & A n d re w F rench T h e a tre A rt 10 - A n d re a A g u ila r M edina V isual A rt 10 - H elen Jeong P hysical E d uca tio n 10 - B oyd B orjiet P e rson al P ro je ct 10 - R yan G ray M ulgra ve A w ard A w a rd e d to stu d e n ts w h o have scored h ig hly in each o f the a ttrib u te s a ssociated w ith the a w ard. M -anners, U -n iqu en ess, Lo ve of learning, G -en ero sity, R -espect, Attitude, V -erve, and E -xce lle nce C h ristin a C atliff A n g e la Jo an no u Sarah H alldorson B oyd B orjiet Je rico (M a rio n) Lum anlan Je n a R oper E ffort A w a rd A w a rd e d to the stu d e n t w ho has put a co n siste n tly high level of e ffo rt into a cad em ics, the arts, a th le tics o r se rvice, or a co m b in a tio n of th o se strands. G hazal A g ag h oli E m m a E a m er-G ou lt Lauren F orste r Z oe A n derson R achel Lu Jo sh u a R eu th er S p irit A w a rd A w a rd e d to the stu d e n t w h o m otivates, leads, and insp ire s and w ho is positive and inclusive. T he m an ifesta tio n o f th ese q u a litie s m ay va ry d ep e n d in g on the age of th e student. For exam ple , the o ld e r the stu de nt, the m ore the lea de rship c o m p o n e n t sh ou ld be d e m on strate d . C olin E sch w e ile r V icto ria O ’Brien Liam M itchell K evin F abian A n d re a A g u ila r-M e d in a T h o m a s Lynch

Grade 11 Presentations

Grade 12 Presentations

S u b je ct A w a rd s IB E nglish 11 - R ose G a llo & M atthew Z w im p fe r IB F rench 11 - A b iga il Korbin IB M an darin 11 - M arga re t C olem an IB S panish 11 - A m m a r Karm ali IB G e o g ra p h y 11 - C ole C ou pla nd IB H istory 11 - Ja sm in e M eikle & G e orgia (G ina) S tylia nid es IB C h e m istry 11 - S o ph ia G upta IB ESS 11 - H ea th er C orbe tt IB P hysics 11 - H ongyi (A ndy) Qiu IB B io lo g y - C rystal C heng IB M a th e m a tics 11 - C ole C ou pla nd C ho ra le M usic 11 - Justin Sm ith Ja zz E n sem b le 11 - B rent C outts IB Film 11 - Isabelle Kirkw ood IB T h e a tre A rts 11 - S ophie C ha pp ell IB V isu al A rts 11 - C eline C hen IB T h e o ry o f K n ow le dg e 11 - M atthe w Z w im p fe r

S u bje ct A w a rd s IB E nglish 12 - F loren ce B e la n g e r-Jo n e s IB F rench 12 - Ellen B e veridg e IB M an darin 12 - Y a H suan (D ebbie) Pai IB S p an ish 12 - E m ily S ew ell IB G e o g ra p h y 12 - S h ek Hin (Louis) Kim IB H istory 12 - B a rba ra M ainoli IB E co no m ics 12 - T ori T im m o n s IB C he m istry 12 - T o b y R oper IB E S S 12 - M arga re t Berton IB P hysics 12 - X iao Han (D avid) C he n IB B io lo g y 12 - B a rb a ra M ainoli IB M a th e m a tics 12 - X iao H an (D avid) C hen C ho ra le M usic 12 - E m m a R ah em tu lla Ja zz B and E n sem b le - C h ris to p h e r F rench IB Film 12 - Ki Beom (Jim m y) Kim IB T h e a tre A rts 12 - K athryn W hite IB V isual A rts 12 - M a rg a re t Berton IB T h e o ry of K n ow le dg e 12 - Jo sh u a G oh E xten de d E ssay 12 - M a cke n zie W a llste r

M ulara ve A w ard A w a rd ed to stu d e n ts w h o have scored h ig hly in each of the a ttrib utes a ssociated w ith the aw ard. M -anners, U -n iqueness, Love of learning, G -en ero sity, R -e spe ct, Attitude, V -erve, and E -xce lle nce C eline C hen, S o ph ia G upta G e orgia (G ina) S tylia nid es D ong W o o k (S ean) Kim M itchell (M J) M ayo M egan S teffens, M atthe w Z w im p fe r

M ulgra ve A w a rd A w a rd e d to stu d e n ts w h o have scored h ig hly in each of the a ttrib u te s a sso cia te d w ith the a w ard. M -anners, U -n iqu en ess, L-ove of lea rning, G -en ero sity, R -espect, A -ttitu d e, V -e rve , and E -xce lle nce M a d e lin e T u rn e r B a rba ra M ainoli N icolas Isla -L uttm a nn M arga re t B erton N icho la s D urran s M acke nzie W a llste r

E ffort A w a rd A w a rd ed to the stu d e n t w ho has put a co n siste n tly high level of e ffo rt into a cad em ics, th e arts, a thle tics o r service, or a co m b in a tio n of th o se strands. H elia M ovasaghi A leem M uljiani C arol W u C rystal C heng R ose G allo B ronw yn C arere B re nt C outts S p irit A w a rd A w a rd e d to the stu d e n t w h o m otivates, leads, and insp ire s and w h o is positive and inclusive. T h e m an ifesta tio n of th ese q ua litie s m ay va ry d e p e n d in g on the age of the stu de nt. F or exam ple , the o ld e r the stu de nt, the m ore th e lea de rship c o m p o n e n t should be d em on strate d . A n ish a N avaratnam C o n n o r H ughes M eredith (Lucy) Bogle S a m iya H assan A m m a r Karm ali R obert (Jam es) G u scott C o n n o r S tanton

E ffort A w ard A w a rd e d to the stu d e n t w ho has put a co n siste n tly high level o f e ffo rt into a cad em ics, th e arts, a th le tics o r service, o r a c o m b in a tio n of th o se strands. A rya n M ag hso ud A m e e q a Ali Yi C hu Dai A lex Lee N oojan M aza he ri K athryn W hite S u m m it Stars A w a rd e d to the stu d e n t w ho se d e d ica tion to th e ir stu d ie s has e na b le d th em to o vercom e b arrie rs M elissa G odin C hris G o lln e r

S pirit A w ard A w a rd ed to the stu de nt w ho m otivates, leads, and insp ire s and w ho is positive and inclusive. T he m anifestation of th e se q ua litie s m ay va ry d ep en din g on the age o f the student. For exam ple, the o ld er the student, the m ore the leadership co m p o n e n t sh ould be dem onstrated. Ja sm ine Som ani G rayson O 'B rien Jo na tha n M eakings S tephanie P orter Florence B e lan ge r-Jo ne s Lauren Y oung

T he M ulgrave S tar T ro p hy, donate d by the T h o m a s fam ily, is p re sen te d to the S enior S chool stu d e n t w ho se particip a tion and a ch ie ve m e n t in one o r m ore are as o f the S enior M usic p ro g ra m m e have been e xcellent.

Tori Timmons

T he Bard A w a rd is presented to a S e nio r S chool stu d e n t fo r e xcellen ce in th e a trica l p erform ance.

Hannah Rose-Radford & Alexandra Goult

T h e F ilm m ake r o f the Y e ar A w a rd is presented to the stu d e n t film m e r w h o has d e m on strate d p assion fo r film a s a m edium and w ho uses film to inspire and to se rve o th e rs .A le x a n d e r Lee

G old S ervice A w ard T he G old S e rvice Pin reco gn ises G rade 12 stu de nts w h o have m ade long-term excep tion al co n trib u tio n s to service leadership a t M ulgrave, d em on strate d th ro ug h sch oo l-b ase d, c o m m u n ity a nd /or global se rvice and a w a re n ess initiatives. S tud en ts are recognised fo r th e ir level of co m m itm e nt, a ttitude, initiative and indep en d en ce. A dam C handani, Ja sm in e S om ani M argaret Berton, Em m a R ah em tu lla Y a -H su an (D ebbie) Pai, M ark B akhet

T he V isual A rtist of the Y e ar A w a rd is p resented fo r e xcellen ce in V isual A rts in the S enior S chool. Ya-Hsuan (Debbie) Pai

Trophy Awards

T he G lobal A w a re n e ss A w ard is pre sen te d to a S e nio r S chool M odel U nited N ations particip a nt w h o b est d e m on strate d p articipation, p re p a re d n e ss and p erseverance.

T he C arolin e S teve nso n Brown M em orial A w ard, donate d by the Neill fam ily, is presented to the S e n io r S chool stu d e n t w ho d em o n stra te s d eligh t in crea tive w ritin g . Bronwyn Carere T he English Inspiration A w a rd is presented to the S e nio r S chool student w ho se love of E nglish literature and lan guage inspires o th e rs. Ameeqa Ali T he M adam e Lo & F am ily F rench Legacy A w ard “J ’a pp re n d s le F rançais par co e u r” Melissa Godin S enior S chool H um an ities A w ard (Social S tudies) is p resented to the S e nio r S chool stu d e n t w ho exhibits passion and e xcellen ce in the stu d y o f h istorica l and c o n te m p o ra ry hum an e n viro n m e n ts and so c ie tie s . Ellen Beveridge T he M ulgra ve S e n io r S chool M a th em a tics A w ard, donate d b y the Pirani fam ily, is p re sen te d to the stu d e n t w ho d em o n stra te s e xcellen ce in M ath e m a tics. Hongyi (Andy) Qiu The M ulgrave S e n io r S chool S cie nce A w ard, d o n a te d by the A b le tt fam ily, is pre sen te d to the top G rad e 12 S cience stu de nt w ho is enrolled in a m inium of tw o s c ie n ce s.Ja e Yeon Hwang T he M ulgra ve S cie n ce In no vatio n A w ard is pre sen te d to the stu d e n t w ho exhibits th e spirit of scien ce and d is c o v e ry .E m m a Rahemtulla

T he S e n io r S chool P u blic S p ea king A w a rd is pre sen te d to the stu de nt w ho has achieve d the hig he st o verall sta nd ing in co m p e titive public s p e a kin g . Ameeqa Ali S e nio r S chool D ebating A w ard For a chievin g th e h ig h e st o verall sta nd ing in co m p e titive debating.

Rose Gallo & Carlos Martin

Xiao Han (David) Chen & Toby Roper

T he G lobal L ea de rsh ip A w ard, donate d by the W a la ko ff fam ily, is a w a rded to the stu d e n t w ho has d e m o n stra te d e xem pla ry lea de rship in glo ba l se rvice and citize n sh ip related to h um an itarian ism a n d /o r su stain ab le d e v e lo p m e n t. Mark Bakhet T h e U n ive rsity o f T o ro n to N ational B ook A w ard is pre sen te d to the S e nio r S chool stu d e n t w ho, in the opinio n of M ulgra ve and the U nive rsity of T oro nto , p o sse sse s both excep tion al a ca d e m ic a b ility and person al q ualities. Lauren Young T he L ig htho use P ark P reservation S ociety B ook A w a rd is p re sen te d to a g ra du atin g stu d e n t w ho has an in te re st in n atural history and has d e m o n stra te d e n g a g e m e n t w ith the natural w orld. Andrew Graystone T he M oller S u sta in a b ility A w ard, a g ra n t o f $250 d o n ate d by the M oller fam ily, is pre sen te d to stu d e n ts w h o have d e m on strate d ded ica te d and active lea de rship in co nse rva tion and su stain ab ility. Each g ra n t will be d o n ate d to the o rg a n iza tio n of the aw ard w inn ers' choice.

Sophia Gupta, Ashleigh Kearns & Megan Steffens

T he T o n y M acoun B u siness S ch ola rsh ip is p re sen te d to the g ra du atin g stu d e n t w ho has d e m o n stra te d a co n siste n t p assion fo r and interest in b usine ss and w ho has been a ccepted into a u n ive rsity busine ss o r p re -b usin ess p ro gram m e fo r the 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 a ca d e m ic year.

Adam Chandani

T he M ulgra ve A rt F oundation A w ard - S enior S chool is presented to the stu de nt w ho has m ade e xcep tion al co n trib u tio n s in tw o or m ore a re as of the Arts, sh ow ing passion, interest, initiation, and e n g ag em en t at M ulgra ve and beyond. T he w in n e r rece ive s a $ 10 00 a rt g ra n t.T o ri Timmons T he M ale and F em ale A thletes of the Year aw ard, donate d by the H oughton fam ily, is p re sen te d to th e athle tes w h o d isplay leadership, sp o rtsm a n sh ip and all around athle ticism

Yahya Sahiholnasab Florence Belanger-Jones

T he O u tsta nd ing A ch ie ve m e n t in A ca de m ics a w a rd s a re p resented to the fe m a le and m ale stu de nts w h o have a chieved a high a cadem ic standing.

Jae Yeon Hwang Joo Whan (Louis) Kim

T he B ruce M. H icks P ublic S ervice A w ard “ E quality T hro ug h A ction". P resented to co m m e m o ra te the C an adian C h a rte r of R ights and Freedom s. Adam Chandani T he S e n io r S chool L ea dership Aw ard, d o n ate d by 2 00 5 /2 0 0 6 H ead S tudents, S hea de Ja ra y and R ebecca C ynader, is presented to the S e nio r stu de nt w ho has m ade excep tion al co n trib u tio n s to lea de rship in one o r m ore of citizen ship , a thle tics and a rts . Natasha Virani T he A le xa n d e r E dw ard P riest M em orial C up is a w a rded to the S e n io r S chool stu d e n t w ho d em o n stra te s the love of learning.

Toby Roper

T he G o ve rn o r G e n e ra l's A ca d e m ic M edal is a w a rded to th e G rade 12 stu d e n t w ho a chieve s the h ighest a verag e on th e ir O fficial T ra n scrip t o f G rad es as issue d by the M in istry of E ducation.

Xiao Han (David) Chen

T he In ternational B a ccala urea te A w ard is a w a rd e d to the stu de nt w ho has, d uring the tw o ye ars of the D iplom a P rogram m e, d em o n stra te d the q ua litie s o f an active, co m p a ssio n a te and lifelong learned through his o r h er co m m itm e n t to A cadem ics, C reativity, A ction and Service.

Emma Rahemtulla

T he C ha irm an 's A w ard, donate d by the R obertson fam ily, is a w a rded to the S e nio r S chool stu d e n t w ho has d e m on strate d e xcellen ce in citizen ship , a cad em ics, the arts and athle tics. Ellen Beveridge

Middle School Awards Grade 7 Presentations

Grade 8 Presentations

Bronze Service Award Aiden Carere, Aidan Clarke Scott, Matthew Frost, So Yi Lee, Lauren Mounzer Alyssa Shull, Kayla-lman Talib

Bronze Service Award Matthew Cho, Kevin Hu, Betsy Liu, Mary Noh, Adam Rahemtulla, Shanil Verjee, Ji Soo You, Ellen Zhang

Silver Service Award Tessa Barrow-Precious Joanna Joannou

Silver Service Award Nicolas Beaulieu, Liam Gray Daisy Harris, Jordan Henderson Madeleine Kirkwood, Kiyaana Manji

Subject Awards Design Technology 7 Tessa Barrow-Precious English 7 - Sparsh Jain French 7 - Jamie Cross Mandarin 7 - Minoh (Michelle) Jung Mathematics 7 - Hyeryoon (Helen) Jo Performing Arts 7 - Jack Morin Physical Education 7 - Alyssa Shull

International Service Pin Award Flavie Belanger-Jones, Jordan Henderson, Louis Keleher Lucky Kim, Madeleine Kirkwood Betsy Liu, Katherine O'Brien Sara Somani, Samuel Wilkinson Global Citizenship Award Flavie Belanger-Jones Katherine O'Brien Subject Awards Design Technology 8 - Bridget Meka English 8 - Jordan Henderson

Science 7 - Ari Kaufman

French 8 - Jae Yoon (Mary) Noh

Social Studies 7 - Lauren Mounzer

Mandarin 8 - Krishna Vijayakumar

Visual Art 7 - So Yi Lee

Mathematics 8 - Adam Rahemtulla

Mularave Award Aiden Carere Ari Kaufman Joshua Levy Alyssa Shull Una Bach Joanna Joannou

Performing Arts 8 - Jeong Hyun (John) Jang

Effort Award Matthew Chasmar Veronica Steek David Sui Rachael Deng

Social Studies 8 - Joshua White

Spirit Award Timothy (Timmy) Frewin Devon Harris So Yi Lee Sofia Sullivan

Physical Education 8 - Nicole Stanton Science 8 - Adam Rahemtulla

Visual Art 8 - Shanil Verjee Mularave Award Kevin Hu Adam Rahemtulla Michael Calder Daisy Harris Eilis Eschweiler Katharine (Kat) Turner Effort Awar

Nicolas Beaulieu Krishna Vijayakumar Aria Guld Madeleine Kirkwood Spirit Award Alex Beckman Mason Andrews Jordan Henderson Nicole Stanto

Grade 9 Presentations Bronze Service Award Jude Arafeh, Bryson Bourchier Matthew Durrans, Sophia Hayward, Chelsea Henry, Jaylan Vance, Madeline Williams, Angela Xiao Silver Service Award Ahmed Dharamsi, Anniqa Karmali, Soraiya Lalani, Emme Lee, Zoe Leonard, Sarah Orsmond, Angela Pai Hannah Rahim, Gregory Read Nadia Rodrigues, Jordan Somani, Karl Lukas Steiniger Meagan Stewart, Danielle Wierenga International Service Pin Award Victor Feng, Phillip Martin Angela Pai, Carl Steffens Karl Lukas Steiniger, Jessie Xiang, Angela Xiao Global Citizenship Award Victor Feng, Anniqa Karmali Soraiya Lalani, Phillip Martin Angela Pai, Hannah Rahim Angela Xiao, Tom Zhang West Vancouver Youth Appreciation Award Zoe Leonard & Hannah Rahim Subject Awards Design Technology 9 - Madeline Williams English 9 - Jordan Beck French 9 - Nadia Rodrigues Mandarin 9 - Philip Martin Mathematics 9 - Yin Jie (Jacky) Tian Performing Arts 9 - Jude Arafeh Physical Education 9 - John Allen Science 9 - YiFan (Jessie) Xiang Social Studies 9 - Gregory Read Visual Art 9 - Chelsea Henry

Mularave Award Matthew Durrans Ahmed Dharamsi Carl Steffens Emme Lee YiFan (Jesse) Xiang Danielle Wierenga Effort Award Kristopher Coppin Gregory Read Emma Berton Georgia Boddez

The Moller Sustainability Award

Spirit Award Bishr Alimohamed Phillip Martin Zoe Leonard Meagan Stewart

Middle School Leadership Award

Trophy Awards Duke of Edinburgh Award

Emma Berton

Middle School Creative Writing Award Sydney White Middle School French Award Jordan Beck Middle School Mandarin Award

Eilis Eschweiler

Madat Ali Pirani Memorial Cup

Emme Lee

The Funston Award

Jordan Beck

Middle School Mathematics Award

Arveen and ArmĂłn Shokravi Batttle of the Houses Trophy Presented to: Karl-Lukas & Mats van-Rijn on behalf of


House Cup Presented to: Ahmed Dharamsi on behalf of Curie

Hannah Rahim

Outstanding Contribution to School Leadership:

Sophia Hayward Jordan Somani Jordan Henderson Chan Hwi (Matthew) Cho Lauren Mounzer Kayla-lman Talib

IB Learner Profile Attribute Award Inquirer - Torean Vance Knowledgeable - Joshua White Thinker - Sebastiaan Prins Communicator - Bishr Alimohamed Principled - Shanil Verjee Open-minded - Zoe Morin Caring - Sarah Orsmond Risk-taker - Bridget Meka Balanced - Matt Durrans Reflective - Siri Coupland Chairman’s Award - Middle School

Anniqa Karmali

Kevin Hu

Middle School Science Award

Hannah Rahim

Middle School Male Athletic Award

Kristopher Coppin

The Bruno Straub Award

Anniqa Karmali

The Rising Star Award

Carl Steffens

The Downey Award

Jaylan Vance

Mulgrave Arts Foundation Award - Middle School

Nadia Rodrigues


Junior School Awards


P.E. Awards

Grade 4 Awarded to students who showed commitment and pride in their school, through effort and participation in three or more Mulgrave ISEA competitions and play days this year

Grade 4

Amin Gulamani, Ewan Hadden, Aly Mamdani, Jed DeCooman, Isaac Manji Grades 5 and 6 P.E. Awards are awarded to students who showed commitment and pride in their school, through effort and participation in four or more Mulgrave ISEA competitions and play days this year.

Grade 5

Joshua Chow, Kaden Gulamani, Mark Horner, Connor Walsh, Augustin Wright, Sarah Berton, Kevin Calder, Sahra Kassim-Lakha, Joseph Li, Mikhail Talib, Tal Williams-Wood, Nicholas Eschweiler Grade 6

Chloe Nakatsuru, Ingrid White, Celina Manji, Harry Meka, Simon Wang, Raiyana Ali, Nicole Lee, Andrew Horner, Jenna Mamdani, Ji Sang You


Awarded to Grade 5 and Grade 6 students who have demonstrated a year-long commitment to both the vocal and instrumental performance strands of the music programme, through their co-curricular work, beyond the comprehensive classroom music course. They have participated in both co-curricular Choir and Band for all three school terms and have performed in the major school concerts for the year.

Copper Music pins

Sarah Berton, Connor Chittock, May Cho, Hollie Cottell, Azad Dharamsi, Kaden Gulamani, Su-Ann Ho, Lindsay llkay, Catherine Jiang, Sahra KassimLakha, Hannah Li, Serina Oh, Augustin Wright, Christie Yang, Pegah Abyaneh, Angela Chen, Nicole Lee, Meridy Meikle, Lucas Oh, Ji Sang You Silver pins

A silver pin is awarded to studen in G6 who are receiving the music pin for the second year in a row.

Raiyana Alibhai, Jocelyn Desabráis, Natalie Hanna, Andrew Horner, Lillian Huang, Matthew Katz, Natasha Kearns, Nicole Leslie, Jenna Mamdani, Celina Manji, Alisha Muljiani, Chloe Nakatsuru, Aileen Zhou, Carrie Zhou

Friday 21st June 2013, 8:30-10:30am

Service Awards

In the Junior School service pins and certificates are awarded to students from Grades 3 to 6 who commit to a full year of service in either Kid’s Care Club, Cypress Service or Grade 6 Leadership, having attended at least 70% of the meetings. During weekly service club meetings, these students demonstrate principled and responsible attitudes and behaviour that help to bring about positive action.

Copper Service

Copper service pins are awarded for one full year of service. The following students receive Copper service pins.

Grade 3

Daniel Aminbakhsh, Jack McDonnell, Khirad Hassam, Niki Evini, Solomon Shapiro, Ahna Noormohame, Ali Talib, Chelsea Sharp, Deepesh Ramesh, Ellyana Baumet, Divya Hooja, Grace-Lily Wray, Inaya Alibhai, Jamil Lalani, Kamran Hemani, Kaysan Dhanji, Mikkah Damji, Mira Saba, Nevin Louie, Oscar Chan, Shaiya Sayani

Grade 4

Miles Sullivan, Kaden Sayani, Ellie Mitchell, Aly Mamdani, Adelyn Lee , Emily Tang, Ewan Hadden, Alicia Steinmann, Amin Gulamani, Jed DeCooman, Zia Janmohamed, Eli Lippman Grade 5

Hannah Li, Hollie Cottell, Lindsay llkay, Lyris Xu

Grade 6

Cole Beaulieu, Annika Boldt, Christopher Demeril, Max Elyzen, Adam Jamal, Aleem Karmali, Imraan Karmali, Nicole Leslie, Ethan Lippman, Chloe Nakatsuru, Lucas Oh, Ryan Sewell, Jarick Vance, JiSang You, Aileen Zhou, Carrie Zhou, Chelli Shapiro, Katherine Bateman, Florian Steinmann Bronze Service

Bronze service pins are awarded for two full years of service.

Grade 4

Yash Jain, Jenny Xu, Jaden Bourchier, Lucy LePoidevin, Khayali Dhanji, Amanda Qian, Gabi Novak, Isaac Manji, Sahra Rajani, Victoria Lu Grade 5

Kala McKay, Markus Marosits

Grade 6

Linda Chen, Michael Chen, Emma Eastman, Matthew Katz, Peter Luo, Sayeed Mavani

Silver Service

Silver service pins are awarded for three full years of service.

Grade 5

Braxton Calkins, Christie Yang, Su-Ann Ho, Kaden Gulamani, Raiden Louie, Sahra Kassim-Lakha, May Cho Grade 6

Raiyana Alibhai, Natalie Hanna, Lillian Huang, Natasha Kearns, Nicole Lee, Meridy Meikle, Alisha Muljiani

Gold Service

Gold service pins and certificates are awarded to those students who have committed to four full years of service in the Junior School.

Ava Aminbakhsh, Jocelyn Desabráis, Andrew Horner, Jenna Mamdani, Celina Manji, Cecile Dai

Spirit Award

Awarded to the student who motivates, leads, and inspires and who is positive and inclusive. 3B - Koby Chen 3C - Olesya Menshykova 3U - Kaysan Dhanji 4J - Alyza Samji 4S - Jolene Morabito 4T - Zia Janmohamed 5C - Tara Mehr 5D - Luna Wang 5W - Davis Moore 6F - Andrew March 6RJ - Chloe Nakatsuru 6Y - Paige Leonard

Effort Award

Awarded to the student who has put a consistently high level of effort into academics, the arts, athletics or service, or a combination of those strands. 3B - Divya Hooja 3C - Ahna Noormohamed 3U - Paula Ransanz 4J - Adelyn Lee 4S - Hamish Kirkwood 4T - Victoria Lu 5C- Joshua Chow 5D - Julia Cross 5W - Iris Xu 6F - Reagan Pownall 6RJ - Alisha Muljiani 6Y - Jenna Mamdani


This prize is awarded to students who have scored highly in each of the attributes associated with the award. M-anners, U-niqueness, L-ove of learning, Generosity, R-espect, A-ttitude, V-erve, and E-xcellence. 3B - Ellyana Baumet, Lydia Moore 3C - Kaiden Talib, Max McCarter 3U - Mikkah Damji, Nevin Louie 4J - Khayali Dhanji, James Bateman 4S - Yash Jain, Katharine Gregory 4T - Gabriella Novak, Sahra Rajani 5C - Azad Dharamsi, Kayley Chang 5D - Zoe Kortje, Markus Marosits 5W - Sahra Kassim-Lakha, Su-Ann Ho 6F - Rhianna Hiom, Imraan Karmali 6RJ - Michael Chen, Lillian Huang 6Y - Chelli Shapiro, Lucas Oh

Trophies The Madat E. Jamal Award - Awarded to the student who has displayed outstanding aesthetic awareness & creativity in the visual arts Maggie Cheng 6Y The Koenig Family Award - For fine arts & performance

Augustin Wright 5C, Zoe Kortje 5D

Violet Witty Memorial Award - For perseverance

Madeleine Campeau 6F

Everett Allan Larose Memorial Award for Positiveness Awarded to the student who most exemplifies a positive attitude towards self, fellow students & faculty

Ethan Lippman 6RJ

Dynapro Cup - Presented by Dynapro for creative endeavours in science. Awarded to the student who expresses a real interest in inquiry as it relates to scientific topics and the experimental process.

Lucas Oh 6Y

George Woods Plate - Awarded for spirit & enthusiasm - put your heart into everything you do

Ingrid White 6RJ

Stanley Ross Mitchell Memorial Award - For excellent participation & achievement in school music activities

Lillian Huang 6RJ

Public Speaking Award - For excellence in public speaking 3rd place Sahra Kassim-Lakha, 2nd place Celina Manji Winner - Azad Dharamsi Alexander Edward Priest Memorial Trophy - For a Love of Learning

Natalie Hanna 6RJ

Andrew Lambert Award for Positive Action - This award recognises the student who best demonstrates positive action, in service for the betterment of our environment or the people of our world. The student must demonstrate independence, risk-taking as well as an open-minded and caring demeanour. Sayeed Mavani 6RJ Cusbert Scholarship Cusbert Scholars are students who: Demonstrate the IB Learner Profile Have an even temper Are positive, hard-working, respectful and wellintentioned Are able to learn from mistakes Are wonderful role models for other students Are inclusive of others and never intentionally mean Are respectful and demonstrative of the school rules and standards Are able to ignore peer pressure to do what is right Are supported by parents who are respectful towards faculty and staff and openly supportive of the school’s philosophy and operation

Natasha Kearns 6F

Female Athletic Award - For the female student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all-round athleticism

Celina Manji 6RJ

Male Athletic Award - For the male student who displays leadership, sportsmanship and all-round athleticism

Ryan Sewell 6Y

House Cup - Churchill Chairman’s Cup - In annual recognition of a student who exemplifies the combined attributes of citizenship, academics, the arts and athletics

Meridy Meikle 6RJ

Joanna Adam

Sandra Albu

Rhonda Altman

Lian Anson

Linda Ash

Kim Bai

Amy Beaubien

Kate Bingham

Kristy Black

Adam Blandford Morrow

Wendy Bob

Christine Bridge

Maurice Broschart

Clayre Brough

Rebecca Brunswick Werner

Natassja By

Elizabeth Calderon

Wendy Campbell

Melanie Cannon

Jonathan Cawkell

Betty Chapin

Hazel Chee

Louise Chen

Christina Chiu


Rebecca Cowell

Jan Croxford

Nicole Digiaclnto

Tracey Dixon

Carla Donnelly

Erika Drexl

Carla Eiers

Karen Fairall

Nicola Ferguson

Diana Ferreira

John Flanagan

Catherine Frewin

Michael Frewin

Marisa Fuscaldo

Monique Gallant

Helen Gleeson

Kendra Grahauer

Tamara Gris

Lee Hardy

Morag Harris

Shirley Hawkins

Catherine Holder

Jan Hrdlna



Richard Keleher

Benjamin Kwan

Luke Lawson

Claude Leduc

Julie Lefeaux

David Lopez

Leo Lopez

Michael Lopez

Leslie Lucas

Claire Lynch

Coralie Macintyre

Gordon Macintyre

Corey Maingot

Sophie May

Alexandra McIntyre

Claude McLean

Alison McTavish

Caleigh Mingay

Karyn Mitchell

Melissa Moore

Michael Moore

Marlena Morgan

Joshua Mullen

Kumu Navaratnam

Mike Olynyk

Lynn Orsmond

Brad Ovenell Carter

Emily Parker

Patricia O Brien



Shirley Perry

Heather Pez

Karen Pinchin

Glen Pope

Cecile Poulin

Kyle Prior

Natasha Rathbone

Jane Richards

Jessica Richmond

Alvaro Rojas

Bambi Roy

Sara Sarantopoulos

Rebecca Sarrazin

Ashley Schmidt

Chloe Scott

Natalie Smyl

Libby Soper

Amy Starkey

Mark Steffens

Nicola Steiniger

Zsu Zsu Straub

Lesley Tetiker


Gerry Thomson

Pippa Thomson

Carrie Turunen

Shauna Ullman

Ferdinand Van Zyl

Monique Vodrey

Kelly Vokey


_______I I I H M



¿ J^î>m

Tania Wei

Jillian White

Joanna Wiebach

Isobel Willard

Antony Wilson

John Wray

Christine Yakachuk

Rosa Yip


Mahkameh Youssefi

Brooke Wozny


Abrary, Justin 32 Abrary, Martin 40 Abrary, Matthew 7, 51 Adam, Joanna 165 Aghagoli, Ghazal 47 Aguilar Medina, Andy 47 Ahamed, Kameel 19 Ahamed, Kaspar 8 Ahmadi Niri, Mikael 10 Ahmadi Niri, Milad 19 Ahmadi Vafa, Amir Saman 47 Ahmadi, Viona 10 Akalamudo, Uzuazo 7, 51 Akhavan Sharif, Saum 10 Albu, Sandra 165 Ali, Ameeqa 56 Alibhai, Inaya 22 Alibhai, Raiyana 32 Alimohamed, B ishr44 Allen, John 44 Allen, Nicholas 51 Altman, Rhonda 165 Aminbakhsh, Ava 32 Aminbakhsh, Daniel 22 Amirsharafi, Melina 36 Anderson, Zoe 47 Andrews, Mason 7, 40 Anson, Lian 165 Arafeh, Jude 44 Arafeh, Rashed 22 Armstrong, Kennedy 10 Arnould, Michael 51 Ash, Linda 165 Attridge, Claire 47 Au, Kelvin 51 Awde, Gabriella 8 Awde, Olivia 19 Awde, Peyton 13 Ayrton, Matteo 16 Ayrton, William 22


Bach, Una 36 Bagherpour, Kiana 16 Bai, Kim 165 Bai, Ming Jia 8 Bai, Ming Rang 47 Bai, Ming Shen 22

Barreira, Theodoro 28 Barrow Precious, Dara 47 Barrow Precious, Tessa 36 Bateman, James 25 Baumet, Ellyana 22 Beaubien, Amy 165 Beaulieu, Colin 32 Beaulieu, Nicolas 40 Beck, Grayson 36 Beck, Jordan 7, 44 Beckman, Alexander 40 Beckman, Clifford 28 Beckman, Laila 10 Beckman, Sydney 47 Behmard, Shaya 16 Belanger Jones, Flavie 40 Bellamy, Madeline 19 Berton, Emma 44 Berton, Margaret 56, 76 Berton, Sarah 28 Beveridge, Ellen 56 Bian, Vincent 8 Biasucci, Liana 40 Bidder, Nathan 32 Bidder, Phoebe 13 Bingham, Kate 165 Birch, Jack 32 Birch, Kate 22 Black, Kristy 165 Blair, Cara 77 Blandford Morrow, Adam 165 Bob, Wendy 165 Boddez, Benjamin 51 Boddez, Georgia 44 Bogle, Meredith 51 Boldt, Alec 36 Boldt, Annika 32 Borjiet, Boyd 47 Bottrill, Samantha 47 Bourchier, Bryson 44 Bourchier, Jaden 25 Brand, Katherine 16 Brewer Yazdi, Madelaine 22 Brewster, Chantelle 16 Bridge, Christine 165 Broschart, Maurice 165 Brough, Clayre 165 Brun, Alexander 40

Brunswick Werner, Rebecca 165 By, Natassja 165


Cai, Brandon 22 Cai, Ye Cheng 10 Calder, Kevin 28 Calder, Michael 40 Calder, Samuel 13 Calderon, Elizabeth 165 Calderon, Sebastian 19 Calderon, Tatiana 10 Calkins, Braxton 28 Calkins, Dane 13 Campbell, Wendy 165 Campeau, Madeleine 32 Campeau, Tristan 22 Cannon, Melanie 165 Cantu, Carolina 8 Cao, Yuehan 44 Carere, Aiden 36 Carere, Bronwyn 51 Catliff, Christina 47 Cawkell, Jonathan 165 Chan, Oscar 22 Chang Sigel, Kiana 16 Chang Sigel, Milo 16 Chang, Ethan 22 Chang, Jacky 36 Chang, Jada 16 Chang, Kayley 28 Chapin, Betty 165 Chappell, Sophia 7, 51 Chasmar, Matthew 36 Chatila, Sultan 13 Che, Aveary 16 Cheah, Nicole 7, 28 Cheah, Ryan 22 Chee, Hazel 165 Chen, Angela 32 Chen, Cecilia 8 Chen, Celine 51 Chen, Guan Hao 32 Chen, Hao Ming 44 Chen, Jia Lin 40 Chen, Louise 165 Chen, Pei Gen 22 Chen, Yufei 32 Cheng, Crystal 51 Cheng, Tiger 10 Cheng, Yu Xuan 32 Cheung, Natalie 13

Cheung, Parker 8 Chi, Yuntian 10 Chittock, Alexander 19 Chittock, Natasha 13 Chittock, William 28 Chiu, Christina 165 Cho, Chae Yeon 28 Cho, Chan Hwi 40 Cho, Kai Sun 22 Cho, Quinn Sun 32 Choi, Hye Sun 47 Choi, Ruby 51 Chow, Emily 47 Chow, Joshua 28 Chow, Kelly 165 Chow, Sydney 36 Christian, Fraser 51 Clark, Kathryn 165 Clarke Scott, Aidan 36 Clarke, Shannon 165 Clay, Elena 13 Coglon, Gabrielle 16 Coleman, Margaret 51 Collins, Megan 165 Collister, William 28 Constantineau, Jade 165 Cook, Krista 44 Coppin, Kristopher 44 Corbett, Heather 51 Corlin, Nicole 165 Corrigan Frost, Aine 47 Cottell, Hollie 28 Coupland, Cole 51 Coupland, Siri 40 Coutts, Brent 51 Cowell, Rebecca 166 Cox, Joel 44 Cox, Talulla 19 Cross, David 51 Cross, James 36 Cross, Julia 28 Croxford, Jan 166 Cummings, Aurora 40 Cytrynbaum, Benny Jean 47


Dai, Cecile 32 Dai, Garrett 22 Dai, Mitchell 16 Damji, Mikkah Ali 22

Dean, Emmanuelle 40 Decooman Jack 40 Decooman, Jefferson 25 Demirel, Christopher 32 Deng, Rachael 36 Desabrรกis, Emilie 40 Desabrรกis, Jocelyn 32 Desai, Bela 22 Desai, Navik 16 Dhanani, Ali 13 Dhanji, Kaysan 22 Dhanji, Khayali 25 Dharamsi, Ahmed 44 Dharamsi, Azad 28 Dhillon, Aman 19 Dhillon, Amrita 19 Digiacinto, Nicole 166 Dixon, Hannah 36 Dixon, Tracey 166 Dong, Xiaorui 13 Donnelly, Carla 166 Dorling, Jacob 8 Drexl, Erika 166 Du, Hao Yang 25 Du, Haoming 16 Duhs, Chloe 8 Durrans, Matthew 44 Durrans, Nicholas 63 Dutta, Basundhara 40 Dyment, Benjamin 16 Dyment, Genevieve 16


Earner Goult, Emma 47 Eastman, Emma 32 Ebrahimi Siaghi, Nikki 28 Eiers, Carla 166 Elvin Jensen, Bj?N 10 Elyzen, Maxwell 32 Emami, Arshaun 10 Eschweiler, Colin 47 Eschweiler, Eilis 40 Eschweiler, Nicholas 28 Evini, Niki 22 Ezzati, Grace 23


Fabian, Kevin 47 Fabian, Laura 36 Fairall, Karen 166 Felcan, Jeffrey 23 Felcan, Jessica 32

Feng, Victor 44 Ferguson, Nicola 166 Ferreira, Diana 166 Ferreira, Sofia 13 Fischer, Tasha 51 Flanagan, John 166 Forster, Lauren 47 Foster, Melissa 25 French, Andrew 47 Frewin, Catherine 166 Frewin, Michael 166 Frewin, Timothy 36 Frost, Christian 70 Frost, Matthew 36 Fuscaldo, Marisa 166

G Gable, Madeleine 19

Gable, Robert 28 Gabier, Steven 19 Gair, Spencer 77 Gallant, Monique 166 Gallo, Rose 51 Ganschow, Sara 13 Gao, Terry 48 Gao, Yuan Mei Lin 19 Gelbard, Hayden 25 Gelbard, Walker 19 Gesret, Clement 48 Gleeson, Helen 166 Godin, Emma 40 Godin, Melissa 77 Goh, Micaela 48 Gollner, Kimberley 10 Gollner, Laura 44 Gollner, Matthew 19 Gonzalez, Clara 28 Gonzalez, Gabriel 16 Gonzalez, Rafael 40 Grahauer, Kendra 166 Grathwol, Finn 23 Gray, Liam 40 Gray, Ryan 48 Grdina, Evangeline 13 Grdina, Vanessa 8 Gregory, Katharine 25 Gris, Tamara 166 Guinan Browne, Amy 41 Gulamani, Amin 25 Gulamani, Kaden 28 Gulamani, Karina 19 Guld, Aria 41 Guld, Noah 52

Guo, Yu 32 Gupta, Sophia 52 Guscott, Robert 52


Haddad, Ellysaiya 8 Haddad, Tryton 8 Hadden, Ewan 25 Hagiya, Kenichi 25 Hakimi, Nikky 36 Halenar, Sophia 10 Halldorson, Sarah 48 Han, Jean 166 Hann, Marcus 52 Hanna, Natalie 33 Hao, Yu Wen 16 Hardy, Lee 166 Hare, Sukhmun 52 Harland, Charles 13 Harris, Daisy 41 Harris, Devon 36 Harris, Logan 33 Harris, Morag 166 Hassam, Khirad 23 Hassam, Raihan 16 Hassan, Samiya 52 Haugom, Maggie 33 Haugom, Mollie 33 Hawkins, Shirley 166 Hayward, Sophia 44 He, Yuyang 23 Hemani, Kamran 23 Hemani, Ziyan 23 Henderson, Cameron 48 Henderson, Jordan 41 Henry, Chelsea 44 Henwood, Elissa 33 Henwood, Ethan 41 Heppell, Grace 41 Hill, Ashton 10 Hiom, Jacob 41 Hiom, Rhianna 33 Ho, Su Ann 28 Holder, Catherine 166 Hole, Isaac 36 Hooja, Divya 23 Hooja, Lisa 10 Horner, Andrew 33 Horner, Mark 29 Hrdina, Jan 166 Hu, Kevin 37, 41 Huang, Huang 16

Huang, Lillian 33 y j\ Huang, Reine 13 Hughes, Connor 52 Huh, Jinhyo 29 Hunt, Sandra 166 Hvid, Rasmus 48 Hwang, Jae Yeon 56


llkay, Lindsay 29 Inman, Dax 52 Isla Luttmann, Nicolas 61,76

Jain, Sparsh 37 Jain, Yash 25 Jamal, Adam 33 Jamal, Omar 13 Jamal, Zakir 41 Jamal, Zayan 8 Jamieson, Kent 166 Jang, Ha Yan 63 Jang, Jeong Hyun 41 Janmohamed, Alnoor 166 Janmohamed, Jamilla 48 Janmohamed, Jenissa 41 Janmohamed, Sara 16 Janmohamed, Zia 25 Jasek, Paula 166 Jeong, Hee Jin 48 Ji, Seung Woo 52 Jiang, Catherine 29 Jin, Larisa 13 Jin, Teresa 19 Jo, Hyeryoon 37 Joannou, Angela 48 Joannou,Joanna 37 Johnston, Rachel 52 Jolley, Patricia 166 Jones, Martin 166 Joyce, Claire 29 Joyce, Lauren 37 Jung, Gu No 48 Jung, Minoh 37 Jutha, Sia 19


Karmali, Aleem 33 Karmali, Ammar 52 Karmali, Anniqa 44 Karmali, Imraan 33 Kassim Lakha, Sahra 29 Katz, Matthew 33 Kaufman, Ari 37 Kaufman, Cayla 52 Kazemi, Keeyan 44 Kearns, Ashleigh 52 Kearns, Natasha 33 Kearns, Ryan 25 Keleher, Louis 41 Keleher, Richard 167 Kendrick, Benjamin 29 Kendrick, Rebecca 45 Kent, Nicola 48 Khorchidian, Alique 13 Khorchidian, Aramis 41 Khorchidian, Arka 25 Kim, Angela 37 Kim, Dong Wook 52 Kim, Gian 23 Kim, Gio 33 Kim, Joshua 10 Kim, Kyu Bum 41 Kim, Terry 29 Kirkwood Fraser, Roslyn 19 Kirkwood, Madeleine 41 Klimek, Kai 10 Klopfer, Miriam 10 Ko, Ethan 17 Kondo, James 17 Kondo, Matthew 23 Kopke, Kai 25 Kopke, Kennedy 17 Korbin, Abigail 52 Kortje, Thomas 10 Kortje, Zoe 29 Kwan, Benjamin 167 Kwon, Min Jae 19 Kwon, Young Jun 37 Kwong, Kevin 45


Lalani, Jamil 23 Lalani, Sabrina 52 Lalani, Soraiya 45 Lang, Andrew 13 Lang, Brandon 19

Lang, John 20 Lang, Kiera 13 Lara Alvarez, Luis 14 Lara Gris, Sophia Beien


Larjava, Milla 45 Larjava, Nelli 37 Latifi, Maya 10 Lawson, Luke 167 Lawton, Tianna 25 Layton, Erika 25 Lede, Brooklyn 14 Lede, Matthew 23 Leduc, Claude 167 Lee, Adelyn 25 Lee, Alexander 63 Lee, Andrew 48 Lee, Annika 52 Lee, Ava Lillie 20 Lee, Emme 45 Lee, Nicole 33 Lee, So Yi 37 Lee, Wan Hu 63 Lefeaux, Julie 167 Leonard, Paige 33 Leonard, Zoe 45 Lepoidevin, Alexander 25 Lepoidevin, Lucy 26 Leslie, Nicole 33 Levy, Joshua 37 Levy, Samantha 37 Li, Gavin 11 Li, Han Ying 29 Li, Hannah 29 Li, Iris 8 Li, Li Yin 45 Li, Shangyun 45 Li, Shu Qi 20 Li, Tian Yi 26 Li, Tina 11,63 Li, Weiyun 45 Li, Yijun 29 Liao, Bridget 48 Lim, Jung Yeon 48 Lippman, Eli 26 Lippman, Ethan 7, 33 Lippman, Jake 11 Lippman, Jerome 20 Liu, Fanghan 41 Liu, Jiarui 11 Liu, Prosper 37 Liu, Qian Rui 20

Liu, Shining 41 Liu, Vanessa Yumeng 14 Liu, Xuan Zi 37 Liu, Yan Pu 20 Liu, Ze Rui 37 Logan, Ellis 14 Lopez, David 167 Lopez, Leo 167 Lopez, Michael 167 Louie, Nevin 23 Louie, Raiden 29 Lu, Adrian 26 Lu, Chang 48 Lu, Frank 17 Lu, Katie 48 Lu, Victoria 26 Lucas, Leslie 167 Lumanlan, Jerico Marion 48 Luo, George 20 Luo, Junjie 33 Lynch, Claire 167 Lynch, Stephen 48 Lynch, Thomas 48


Ma, Guo Fang 49 Macdonald, Cruiz 11 Macintyre, Callum 29 Macintyre, Coralie 167 Macintyre, Gordon 167 Macintyre, Kameron 11 Maclean, Isla 11 Macnutt Lawson, Charlotte 14 Macnutt Lawson, Mark 8 Maghsoud, Aryan 63, 77 Maghsoud, Nika 52, 63 Mahmoudi, Niki 29 Mahmoudi, Parinaz 41 Maingot, Corey 167 Mainoli, Barbara 56 Mainoli, Emanuele 37 Majzoubi, Amirreza 26 Majzoubi, Fuzhan 52 Mamdani, Aly 26 Mamdani, Jenna 33 Mamdani, Raya 20 Manderson, Caterina 14 Manderson, Isabella 37 Mangalji, Alia 14 Mangalji, Farhana 11

Manji, Celina 34 Manji, Isaac 26 Manji, Kiyaana 41 March, Andrew 34 March, Liam 37 Marchant, Madelyn 23 Marchant, Taya 17 Marosits, Lukas 20 Marosits, Markus 29 Martin, Carlos 52 Martin, Charles 37 Martin, Daniela 49 Martin, Lucas 11 Martin, Phillip 45 Martin, Sidney 11 Mavani, Lialah 20 Mavani, Sayeed 34 May, Sophie 167 Mayo, Mitchell 53 McCarter, Maxwell 23 McDonnell, Jack 23 McGaw, Samui 17 McIntyre, Alexandra 167 McIntyre, Hayley 53 McIntyre, Morgan 53 McIntyre, Thomas 41 McKay, Kala 29 McKay, Quinn 20 McKenzie, Aaron 53 McLean, Claude 167 McLeod, Donald 17 McTavish, Alison 167 Mehr, Ranna 42 Mehr, Tara 29 Meikle, Jasmine 53 Meikle, Meridy 34 Mejia, Sarah 38 Meka, Bridget 42 Meka, Harry 34 Meka, Samuel 23 Melville, Jaya 14 Melville, Kieran 17 Menshykov, Stanislav 53 Menshykova, Olesya 23 Mingay, Caleigh 167 Mitchell, Elizabeth 26 Mitchell, Karyn 167 Mitchell, Liam 49 Modrovic, Branden 29 Moffatt, Daniel 53 Moffatt, Megan 53 Moore, Davis 29

Moore, Gordon 14 Moore, Lydia 23 Moore, Melissa 167 Moore, Michael 167 Morabito, Jolene 26 Morabito, Veronica 23 Morgan, Marlena 167 Morin, Jack 38 Morin, Zoe 45 Morisset, Inès 14 Morris, Mikayla 8 Mounzer, Lauren 38 Mounzer, Stephanie 49 Mourachov, Pavel 17 Movasaghi, Helia 53 Muljiani, Aleem 53 Muljiani, Alisha 34 Mullen, Joshua 167 Murray, Kenda 20 Murray, Malcolm 17 Myring, Ava 8 Myring, Jake 14


Nakatsuru, Chloe 34 Nasr, Jananeh 53, 63 Navaratnam, Anisha 53 Navaratnam, Kumu 167 Niu, Amanda Yan Wen 14 Noh, Jae Yoon 42 Noormohamed, Ahna 24 Noormohamed, Jayden 14 Novak, Gabriella 26 Novak, Marek 11 Novak, Milan 20 Nowtash, Annabella 20 Nyandoro, Mikaela 11


O Brien, Katherine 42 O Brien, Patricia 167 O Brien, Victoria 49 O Byrne, Mary 167 Oh, Seungah 30 Oh, Yoonjae 34 Olynyk, Mike 167 On, Min 38 Onrot, Annabelle 20 Orsmond, Lynn 167 Orsmond, Sarah 45 Ovenell Carter, Brad167

P Page, Curren 49

Pai, Ya Hsuan 63 Pai, Ya Man 45 Paisley, Sebastian 34 Palacios, Hannah 42 Palmer, Kailyn 26 Palmer, Koleton 38 Pan, Jia Yi 24 Panahandeh, Behbod 30 Panahandeh, Erika 14 Park, Dae Sung 30 Park, Jae Kyun 38 Park, Soyoung 45 Parker, Emily 167 Peng, Billy 17 Peng, Cheng 38 Peng, Leon 26 Perry, Shirley 168 Peterson, Tegan 42 Pez, Heather 168 Pichota, Jaxx 20 Pike, Jackson 42 Pike, James 53 Pinchin, Karen 168 Piskova, Stanislava 30 Pope, Glen 168 Porter, Stephanie 56 Poulin, Cecile 168 Pownall, Peyton 24 Pownall, Reagan 34 Prins, Sebastiaan 42 Prior, Kyle 168 Prisecariu, Gabriel 11 Pullen, William 49


Qian, Amanda 26 Qin, Cheng 7, 24 Qiu, Hong Yi 53


Rahemtulla, Adam 42 Rahim, Hannah 45 Rahmatian, Camisha 38 Rajani, Cole 34 Rajani, Sahra 26 Rajwani, Aria 17 Ramdhani, Pranav 24 Ramdhani, Shaiv 17

Ramesh, Deepak 30 Ramesh, Deepesh 24 Ransanz, Daniel 11 Ransanz, Miguel 38 Ransanz, Paula 24 Rathbone, Natasha 168 Read, Gregory 45 Read, Rachael 77 Rebeck, Wyatt 11 Revello Lerena, Joaquin 26 Revello Lerena, Martina 14 Rezaei, Vania 30 Richards, Jane 168 Richmond, Jessica 168 Ridley, Alia 77 Rodrigues, Nadia 45 Rojas, Alvaro 168 Roper, Jena 49 Roper, Toby 7 Roppel, Cole 24 Roseman, Cameron 17 Roseman, Dale 34 Ross Ghali, Katrina 53 Ross Ghali, Keaton 34 Rosu, Tudor 24 Roulston, Barra 14 Roulston, Rhoan 11 Rowland, Jenna 17 Roy, Bambi 168 Rubin, Aleksei 26 Rubin, Mikhail 11 Rubin, Nikolai 20


Saba, Lisa 11 Saba, Mira 24 Sacre, Kealin 38 Sacre, Teagan 24 Sadeghi, Ryan 11 Saffari, Hirmand 49 Sahiholnasab, Yahya 53 Salemohamed, Omar 49 Samji, Alyza 26 Samji, Liyana 11 Sanei, Mercedes 20 Sarantopoulos, Sara 168 Sarrazin, Rebecca 168 Sayani, Kaden 26 Sayani, Shaiya 24 Schmidt, Ashley 168

Scott, Chloe 168 Seung,Jae Hyun 38 Sewell, Emily 76 Sewell, Ryan 34 Shahbaz, Sara 45 Shapiro, Chelli 34 Shapiro, Solomon 7, 24 Shariff, Kayla 8 Sharp, Chelsea 24 Shaw, Martha 42 Shaw, Poppy 42 Shokravi, ArmĂłn 38 Shokravi, Arveen 38 Shokravi, Eila 12 Shull, Alyssa 38 Shull, Jacob 14 Shull, Jayden 30 Smith, Micah 53 Smyl, Natalie 168 Smyth, Justin 53 Soleymani Abyaneh, Pegah 34 Somani, Jordan 45 Somani, Natasha 42 Somani, Sara 42 Soper, Libby 168 Southey, Caitlyn 38 Southey, Campbell 30 Southey, Emily 20 Stanton, Connor 53 Stanton, Judson 42 Stanton, Nicole 42 Starkey, Amy 168 Starkey, Ayla 17 Steek, Veronica 38 Stedman, Alexander 53 Steffens, Carl 45 Steffens, Mark 168 Steffens, Megan 54 Steiniger, Karl Lukas 46 Steiniger, Nicola 168 Steinmann, Alicia 26 Steinmann, Florian 34 Stewart, Meagan 46 Straub, Zsu Zsu 168 Stylianides, Georgia 54 Su, Li Qi 14 Sui, David 38 Suleman, Kayam 14 Sullivan, Miles 27 Sullivan, Owen 20 Sullivan, Sofia 38

Sun, Abby 8


Taghavi, John 38 Talib, Ali 24 Talib, Jenna 17 Talib, Kaiden 24 Talib, Kayla Imรกn 38 Talib, Mikhail 30 Tallos, Emma 54 Tan, Emily 27 Tan, Kiang Ming 42 Tan, Kiang Siang 49 Tang, Qimiao 27 Tavakolizadeh, Amir Hossein 63 Tay, Cayden 24 Taylor, Parker 21 Teasdale, Carsen 39 Tetiker, Lesley 168 Tetiker, Nihat 168 Thies, Sandra 49 Thompson, Mitchell 49 Thomson, Gerry 168 Thomson, Holly 54 Thomson, Pippa 168 Thorson, Christian 27 Tian, Pei Yi 21 Tian, Yanning 17 Tian, Yin Jie 46 Tian, Zhao Ji 21 Timmons, Kelcy 49 Timmons, Tori 77 Tung, Tin Yan 49 Turner, Katharine 42 Turunen, Carrie 168


Uhrle, Merina 46 Ullman, Shauna 168

YValen, Daphne 39

Valen, Sloane 39 Van Nieuwenhuyse, Ilya 49 Van Rhijn, Lotte 54 Van Rhijn, Mats 46 Van Zyl, Ferdinand 168 Vance, Jarick 34 Vance, Jaylan 46 Vance, Torean 39

Verjee, Shanil 42 Vijayakumar, Vishanth 21 Virani, Armaan 9 Vodrey, Monique 168 Vodrey, Teagan 12 Vokey, Kelly 168 Vrsnik, Kate 14


Walker, Kristjana 30 Walsh, Connor 30 Walsh, Mackenzie 34 Walsh, Tom 12 Wang, Han Yu 30 Wang, Jasmine 17 Wang, Luna 30 Wang, Renee 9 Wang, Yan Lan 39 Wang, Zi Yang 34 Wang, Zicong 54 Washington, Lara 39 Wei, Tania 169 White, Alexander 17 White, Ingrid 35 White, Jillian 169 White, Joshua 42 White, Kathryn 76 White, Sydney 46 Wiebach, Joanna 169 Wierenga, Danielle 46 Wilkinson, Samuel 42 Willard, Isobel 169 Willi, Yannis 70 Williams Wood, Talmadge 30 Williams, Madeline 46 Wilson, Alexander 54 Wilson, Antony 169 Wilson, Ava 18 Wimmer Manderson, Nicholas 49 Withers, Rachael 43 Withers, Trevor 49 Witts, Aidan 43 Witts, Alyssa 49 Wong, Adam 12 Wong, Ashley 21 Wong, Lucas 35 Wootten, Alexander 15 Wootten, Grace 15 Wortman, Alexander 39 Wortman, Isabelle 9

Wozny, Brooke 169 Wray, Grace Lily 24 Wray, Jack 27 Wray, John 169 Wright, Augustin 30 Wu, Kai Ruo 54 Wu, Letong 18


Xiang, Yifan 46 Xiao, Frank 30 Xiao, Xia 46 Xing, Amy 54 Xu, Alina 12 Xu, Andrew 15 Xu, Hui Rong 27 Xu, Lyris 30 Xu, Reco 27 Xu, Songyi 54 Xu, Wendy 18 Xu, Zheng Qian 30 Xue, Carrie 15


Yaghoubi, Dina 43 Yakachuk, Christine 169 Yang, Christie 30 Yang, Chu Fan 46 Yang, Zi Chuan 15 Yip, Devon 61 Yip, Rosa 169 Yochim, Tawnya 169 You, Ji Na 49 You, Ji Sang 35 You, Ji Soo 43 You, Qi 30 Youssefi, Mahkameh 169 Yu, Jerry 18 Yu, Jingyuan 12 Yuan, Bin Yu 46 Yue, Bangyan 54


Zehtab, Abtin 18 Zehtab, Atria 15 Zhang, Aidan 12 Zhang, Fang Han 43 Zhang, Jun Zhe 21 Zhang, Matthew 39 Zhang, Max 21 Zhang, Qingyang 18

Zhang, Shuang Di 43 Zhang, Zhong Hao 46 Zhao, Xuanzhu 9 Zheng, Zi Qi 31 Zhou, Jefferson 21 Zhou, Jinyu 50 Zhou, Marcus 9 Zhou, Rong Mei 35 Zhou, Rong Zi 35 Zhou, Zi Wei 63 Zhu, Si Yu 24 Zhu, Tian Yuan 24 Zhu, Yuning 50 Zimmerman, Oscar 50 Zoshima, Taishi 21 Zwimpfer, Matthew 54

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Ms Yakachuk?

I always try to balance tie liglit with tie heavy - a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes. Bette Midler

What does 'Balance' mean to you, Mr. Blandford-Morrow?

"It's fun to bave fun but you bave to know bow" / -Dr. Seuss

Every finished yearbook is a culm They give their time to design layouts, writ upload them, as well as plan, edit, and c yearbook is truly a labour of love! Special thanks need to go to Hazel Chee write-ups and photographs, a task that Thanks to Mark Steffens for his truly exception photographs an( cover design and thematic concept of 'Balance'. Thanks to Karen Pinchin for her superb organisation which Thanks to Elizabeth Calderon and Christine Bridge for their e d it in g 's ^ and to Jostens for her unerring support. Thanks also go to the following team of students who volunteered their time: Carl Steffens, Natasha Kearns, Stephanie Porter, Joanne Lim, Lauren Forster.

Please be Involved In next year's YEARBOOK! Nicola Fergusor

North Korea Launches Rocket The world is uneasy as North Korea launches a rocket that may have put a satellite into orbit around the Earth.

Following in his Father’s Footsteps

Amanda Todd

Liberal MP Justin Trudeau launches his bid for Liberal Party Leader on October 2, 2012.

Port Coquitlam teen, Amanda Todd, commits suicide after posting a video on YouTube telling of her experiences of being bullied.


BP Agrees to Settlement

Terrified Theatregoers

Chris Hadfield

Felix Baumgartner Takes a Leap

Shortly before the second anniversary of the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, B P reaches a settlement with thousands of businesses and individuals hurt by the spill.

In Aurora, CO, actor Christian Bale and his wife Sandra Blazlc visit the memorial that was created for the victims of the mass shooting that occurred during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield becomes the first Canadian to command the International Space Station.

Skydlver Felix Baumgartner breaks a world record by jumping from a space capsule almost 24 miles aboveground.

wel Ss mad/AFP/Getty

Obama Claims Victory

New Jersey Battles Hurricane Sandy

Despite high unemployment and a slow economic recovery, President Barack Obama wins a second term in the White House.

The Jersey Shore copes with widespread flooding, power outages and property damage resulting from Hurricane Sandy.




Malala Is Teenager of the Year Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl shot by the Taliban because she campaigned for the education of girls, is named Teenager of the Year by The Muslim Times.

Flaherty Reduces Amortization

Idle No More

Toronto's Rob Ford

People across the country take part in Idle No More protests demanding recognition for aboriginal rights.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is removed from Federal Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty reduces the maximum office after being found guilty of breaking mortgage amortization period to 25 provincial conflict of interest rules. In years from 30 years aiming to reduce January 2013, however, the Divisional Court reversed the decision. Canadian's soaring household debt.

Penny Retired

Tough Year for RIM

The penny is declared officially redundant. However, the Government announced the coin would retain its value indefinitely and that consumers will still be allowed to use them.

Research in Motion experiences a major outage in Europe, the Company's CEOs step down and shares plummet after announcing the BlackBerry 10 is delayed.

Morsi Becomes Egypt's President

Tuition Fee Hikes

Egypt holds a democratic presidential election, and conservative Muslim candidate Mohamed Morsi is declared the winner.

Protesters opposing the rise in tuition fee hikes in Quebec forced the government to pass an emergency law cracking down on demonstrations.

Students Return to Class


UN Aid for Syrian Refugees

Three weeks after the Sandy Flook tragedy, classes are relocated to the former Chalk Hill Middle School in nearby Monroe, CT. “Our collective strength and resilience will serve as an example to the rest of the world," tweeted the principal from Newtown High School.

The troubled Flostess Brands, Inc. shuts down operations, signaling a probable end for the once-popular Twinkies snack cake,

The United Nations launches a $1.5 billion aid effort to bring food, clothing, shelter and medical supplies to Syrians fleeing more than two years of war.

Ryan Cochrane, 1500-metre Freestyle Swimming - Silver

Men's Eight Rowing Team - Silver

The Canadian Press/Ryan Remiorz

Tonya Verbeek, 55kg Freestyle Wrestling - Silver a

Adam Van Koeverden, 1000-metre Kayaking - Silver The Canadian Press/HO, COC - Mike Ridewood

AP Photo/Michael Sohn

Emilie Heymans and Jennifer Abel, 3-metre Synchronized Springboard Diving - Bronze


Roseline Filion and Meaghan Benfeito, 10-metre Platform Synchronized Diving - Bronze a

Tara Whitten, Gillian Carleton and Jasmin Glaesser, Women's Team Pursuit Cycling Bronze

Clara Hughes Clara Hughes, Canadian Olympic Cyclist and Speed Skater, announces her retirement from competing in future Olympic Games.


Derek Drouin, Men's High Jump Bronze

Ă­e Canadian Press/HO,

Mark Oldershaw, 1000-metre Canoeing - Bronze

Antoine Valois-Fortier, Judo - Bronze

Brent Hayden, 100m Freestyle Swimming - Bronze

The Canadian Press/HO, COC - Mike Ridewood

a Carol Huynh, 48kg Freestyle Wrestling - Bronze

Christine Girard, 63kg W eightlifting Bronze The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck

a Women's

National Soccer Team - Bronze

Mark de Jonge, 200-metre Kayaking Bronze The Canadian Press/Frank Gunn

a Richard Weinberger, 10k Marathon Swimming Bronze

Canada Cup for Team Stoughton

T e a m S to u g h to n w in s th e ir firs t

NHL Lockout Shortens Season

Baltimore Ravens Win Super Bowl XLVII

C a n a d a C u p w ith a 4 - 3 v ic to ry o v e r

In a d r a m a t i c g a m e i n t e r r u p t e d b y a

H ockey L eague re a c h e s an a g re e m e n t

p o w e r o u t a g e a t t h e S u p e r d o m e in

M o o se Jaw , SK .

w i t h t h e P l a y e r 's A s s o c i a t i o n , r e s u l t i n g

N ew O rle a n s , t h e R a v e n s d e f e a t th e

in a c o m p r e s s e d s e a s o n .

S a n F ra n c is c o 4 9 e r s 3 4 - 3 1 ,

, pyan Rem iorz

A fte r a 1 1 3 - d a y lo c k o u t, t h e N a tio n a l

G l e n n H o w a r d in

Paul Rodriguez Beats the Street

Golfer Rory Mcllroy Wins World Title

100th Grey Cup

World Series

T h e T o ro n to A r g o n a u ts d e f e a te d

T h e S a n F ra n c is c o G ia n ts d e f e a t th e

P a u l R o d rig u e z (a k a P -R o d ) c a p tu r e s

N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d 's R o r y M c llr o y is

t h e C a l g a r y S t a m p e d e r s t o w in t h e

D e t r o i t T i g e r s 4 - 3 in t h e 1 0 t h i n n i n g

t h e g o l d i n t h e M e n ’s S k a t e b o a r d

t h e w o r l d ’s N o . 1 g o l f e r a f t e r w i n n i n g

1 0 0 t h G r e y C u p in T o r o n t o .

o f g a m e f o u r t o w in t h e W o rld S e r i e s

S t r e e t f i n a l a t X G a m e s 1 8 in L o s

th e D e u ts c h e B a n k C h a m p io n s h ip

in a s w e e p .

A n g e le s .

a n d th e B M W C h a m p io n s h ip .

Noah Graham/NHL! via Getty Images

Simon Bruty /S ports lllustrated/Getty Images

L.A. Kings Play It Cool

a Oscar Pistorius Wins on Artificial Legs

Issac Baldizon/NBAE via Getty Images

¿The Miami Heat Burn Up the Court

In g a m e s i x o f t h e 2 0 1 2 S t a n l e y C u p F i n a l s , t h e

S o u t h A fric a n s p r i n t e r O s c a r P is t o r i u s is t h e fir s t

In g a m e f iv e o f t h e 2 0 1 2 N B A F i n a l s . L e B r o n

L o s A n g e le s K in g s s k a t e t o v ic to ry , d e f e a t i n g t h e

d o u b l e - l e g a m p u t e e t o c o m p e t e in t h e O l y m p i c s .

J a m e s a n d t h e M ia m i H e a t d e f e a t t h e O k la h o m a

N e w J e r s e y D e v ils 6 - 1 .

H e t o o k h o m e tw o g o ld m e d a l s a n d a s ilv e r.

C ity T h u n d e r 1 2 1 - 1 0 6 .

¿zSSimSí*h Trending Searches 1. Pinterest 2. Hurricane Sandy 3. Olympics 4. Diablo 3 5. Gangnam Style 6. Hunger Games 7. SOPA 8. Star Académie 9. KONY 10. Zerg Rush

Rending Celebrities 1. Whitney Houston

2. Jeremy Lin 3. Michael Clarke Duncan 4. Morgan Freeman 5. Felix Baumgartner 6. Kate Middleton

7. Neil Armstrong 8. Carly Rae Jepsen 9. Lance Armstrong 10. Katie Holmes

Most Searched Musicians 1. One Direction 2. Justin Bieber 3. Drake 4. Whitney Houston 5. Rihanna 6. Adele 7. Taylor Swift 8. Nicki Minaj 9. Katy Perry 10. Madonna


Most Searched Retail

1. eBay 2. craiglist 3. Canadian Tire 4. Walmart 5. Future Shop 6. Home Depot 7. Les PAC 8. Costco 9. Ikea 10. Sears

Most Searched Canadian Sports Teams

1. Toronto Blue Jays 2. Toronto Maple Leafs 3. Vancouver Canucks 4. Montreal Canadiens 5. Winnipeg Jets 6. Edmonton Oilers T. Calgary Flames 8. Ottawa Senators 9. Toronto Raptors 10. Montreal Impact

Most Searched Canadian Food

1- Bacon 2- Poutine 3- Maple Syrup 4- Yorkshire Pudding 5. Bannock 6. Smoked Meat 7- Kraft Dinner 8- Butter Tarts 9- Sucre a la crème 1°- Sugar Pie

Most Searched Career/Job 1. Teacher

2. 3. 4. 5.

Nurse Designer Accountant

Mechanic 6. Electrician

7. Therapist 8. Lawyer

9. Chef 10. Retail/Sales Associate

Trending Career/Job !■ Civil


2- Pharmacist 3- Truck Driver 4 - Veterinarian 5 - Paralegal 6 ' Retail/Sales Associate • Electrical Engineer dancer 9 - Software Developer 1U- F,nar|cial Analyst

SOURCE: Google Zeitgeist 2012

Trending: Search queries with the highest amount of traffic over a sustained period in 2012 as opposed to 2011. Most Searched: Search queries with the largest volume of searches.

Two for Marianas Trench ► M a r ia n a s T re n c h w in s tw o g o ld e n s t a t u e t t e s a t th e 2 3 r d A n n u a l M u c h M u s ic V i d e o A w a r d s in J u n e .

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert Win Awards > A t th e 4 6 th a n n u a l CM A

fun. Releases Second Single

a w a r d s , m a r r ie d c o u p le B la k e S h e lto n a n d M ira n d a L a m b e r t t a k e h o m e t h e y e a r 's h i g h e s t

A f t e r t h e s u c c e s s o f l a s t y e a r ’s “ W e A r e Y o u n g , " f u n . h a s h i g h h o p e s f o r i t s

h o n o u r s in c o u n t r y m u s i c .

AMA Calls Carly

l a t e s t s in g le , “S o m e N ig h ts .”

Ocean Considers Fiction

Shakira Wins AMA Award

PSY Is Most Watched

C a n a d i a n p e r f o r m e r , C a rly R a e

B re a k o u t m u s ic s t a r F ra n k O c e a n

C o l o m b i a 's g l o b a l p o p s t a r S h a k i r a

W ith m o r e t h a n 8 5 4 m illio n h i t s , t h e

J e p s e n , is n a m e d N e w A rtis t o f th e

te lls a n in te r v ie w e r t h a t h e m ig h t

w in s h e r f o u r th A M A s t a t u e t t e ,

v ira l v id e o o f " G a n g n a m S t y l e ” b y

Y e a r b y t h e A m e r ic a n M u s ic A w a rd s .

w rite a n o v e l b e c a u s e h e e n jo y s th e

b rin g in g h o m e t h e a w a r d fo r

K o re a n p o p s ta r PSY b e c o m e s th e

s to r y te llin g a s p e c t o f m u s ic .

F a v o u r ite L a tin A r tis t.

m o s t- w a tc h e d Y o u T u b e v id e o o f a ll ti m e .

Pop Fans Love One Direction

to Newcomers

A fte r a p p e a r i n g a t t h e S u m m e r O ly m p ic s , t h e

S i n g e r - s o n g w r i t e r L u k e B r y a n 's s i n g l e s , lik e " K i s s

r e c e iv e G ra m m y n o m in a tio n s fo r B e s t N e w A rtis t

p o p u la r E n g lis h -lris h b o y b a n d O n e D ire c tio n

T o m o rro w G o o d b y e ,” a r e c lim b in g t h e p o p a n d

a n d B e s t A m e r i c a n a A lb u m .

r e le a s e s its s e c o n d a lb u m ,

T h e L u m in e e r s , a fo lk -ro c k b a n d fro m

D e n v e r,

Take Me Home.

c o u n try c h a r ts .

« Great Year For Rush L e g e n d a r y tr io , R u s h r e c e iv e d t h e G o v e r n o r G e n e r a l ’s P e r f o r m i n g A rts A w a rd , w e r e in d u c te d in to t h e R o c k W a lk a t G u ita r C e n t e r a n d o ffic ia lly a n n o u n c e d a s i n d u c t e e 's f o r 2 0 1 3 in to t h e R o c k a n d R o ll H a ll o f F a m e .

«Taylor Swift Achieves a Record W ith t h e r e l e a s e o f

It's Nicki Versus Mariah in "Idol" Feud

S w if t is t h e f ir s t f e m a l e a r t i s t to r e l e a s e tw o a l b u m s w ith s a l e s

D u e lin g A m e r i c a n Id o l j u d g e s N ic k i M in a j a n d M a r ia h C a r e y s w a p i n s u l t s a n d

o f $ 1 m illio n .

t h r e a t s o n c a m e r a a n d v ia T w itte r.

TobyMac inspires AAAA

Pink Enjoys a Career First

Rapper Supports Veterans

¿CMA Celebrates Hayes At age 21, Louisiana native and multi-instrumentalist country star Hunter Hayes is named Best New Artist at the CMA Awards.

T h e A m e ric a n M u s ic A w a rd s c h o o s e

A f t e r 1 2 y e a r s in t h e m u s i c b u s i n e s s ,

F lo R id a c o n t r i b u t e s h i s t a l e n t s t o

T o b y M a c a s t h e y e a r ’s F a v o u r i t e

P in k f in a lly a c h i e v e s a N o . 1 a lb u m

t h e “G o t Y o u r S ix ” c a m p a i g n , w h ic h

C o n te m p o r a r y /ln s p ir a tio n a l A rtis t.

w ith t h e s u c c e s s o f h e r n e w e s t re le a s e ,

Bieber Makes Headlines at AMA

The Truth About Love.


h e r f o u r t h s t u d i o a l b u m , T a y lo r

h e lp s c o m b a t v e te r a n s re tu rn to c iv ilia n life .



Viewers Sing Cassadee's Praises


tmsws JOHNGtefN

ytá l

iPad Mini™ Debuts Shortly before the holiday shopping season begins, Apple® launches the IPad Mini™, a small tablet computer.

Readers Hail Return of Teen Demigods

a Teen

with Cancer Narrates Novel

Novelist Rick Riordan publishes The Mark of Athena, the third book In his popular series, The Heroes o f Olympus.

The Fault in Our Stars is a fiction bestseller about a romance between teens who meet in a cancer support group.


Electronic Gamers Cheer FIFA Soccer 13


Nintendo Opens Virtual Theme Park

Boom Cube Turns Up the Volume

Jump Up and Just Dance® 4

The latest version of the popular game allows players to analyze plays and create new offensive opportunities.

Gamers and their Mli™ characters explore NintendoLand, a virtual theme park featuring attractions based on Nintendo game worlds.

The powerful, miniature Boom Cube" speaker hangs from a keychain and sets your MP3 tunes free from your earbuds.

Just Dance® 4 is the latest version of the chart-topping dance game, featuring new songs, new workouts and six rounds of dance-off battles.

Nintendo releases Its new WH U™ game console, which features high-definitlon graphics, an embedded touchscreen and up to 32 GB of Flash storage.

Apple's 13-inch MacBook Pro® with Retina display features a stunning, high-resolution screen and an equally stunning $1,700 price tag.

The fuzzy Furby toy returns, with sophisticated technology that allows this chatty, lovable toy to learn to tell jokes and play games.

T * M i* Mr. D is a Hit

C B C te le v is io n re n e w s a s e c o n d s e a s o n o f t h e h it C a n a d ia n s itc o m

M r. D .

T h e s e r i e s is b a s e d

o n s ta n d -u p c o m e d ia n G erry D ee a n d h is e x p e r ie n c e s a s a f o rm e r p riv a te s c h o o l te a c h e r .

New Gir! Comes Back for More Teens Discover Their True identities

J e s s ( Z o o e y D e s c h a n e l ) , N ic k , S c h m id t, W in s to n a n d C e c e

Switched at Birth i s

re tu rn fo r a s e c o n d s e a s o n o f

a p o p u l a r t e l e v i s i o n d r a m a o n A B C F a m ily a b o u t tw o g ir ls ,

NewGirl o n

o n e ric h a n d o n e p o o r , w h o le a r n t h e y w e r e s w itc h e d a s in f a n ts .

Viewers Flock to Ragsto-Riches Reality Show A & E in tr o d u c e d

Duck Dynasty

Beastly Drama Is People's Choice

Learning Step by Step

Beauty&The Beast, a

d ram a ab o u t


Honey Boo Boo Makes the Most Fascinating List

A fo rm e r b a lle rin a tu r n e d L a s V e g a s

S e v e n - y e a r - o ld r e a lity s t a r A la n a

f e a tu rin g th e e c c e n tr ic R o b e rts o n

a h o m ic id e d e t e c t i v e w ith a p u z z lin g

s h o w g ir l m u s t s t a r t a n e w life a s a

T h o m p so n , b e tte r kno w n a s

c la n w h o m h a v e m a d e m illio n s by

a n d t r a g i c p a s t , w i n s t h e P e o p l e 's

s m a l l t o w n d a n c e t e a c h e r in

m a k in g a n d s e llin g d u c k c a lls .

C h o ic e a w a r d f o r B e s t N e w TV D ra m a .

Bunheads o n

A B C F a m ily .

" H o n e y B o o B o o ,” m a k e s B a r b a r a W a l t e r s ’ l i s t o f t h e y e a r ’s m o s t fa s c in a tin g p e o p le .

Bigfoot Remains at Large

¿An Eccentric English Sleuth Comes to New York

¿American Audiences Love English Costume Drama

Finding Bigfoot


is a r e a lity p r o g r a m t h a t fo llo w s

Downton Abbey

J o n n y L e e M i l l e r 's S h e r l o c k s o l v e s c a s e s i n N e w

T h e e a g e rly a w a ite d th ird s e a s o n o f

in v e s tig a to r s a s th e y s e a r c h th e w ild e r n e s s fo r

Y o rk , w ith h e lp f r o m


o n P B S f e a t u r e s a g u e s t a p p e a r a n c e b y S h irle y

e v id e n c e t h a t B ig fo o t is re a l.

L u c y L i u 's D r, J o a n W a t s o n in

a new C B S d ram a.

M a c L a in e a s a w e a lth y A m e r ic a n m o th e r-in -la w .

The People Choose Jennifer Lawrence J e n n i f e r L a w r e n c e , s t a r o f The Hunger Games s e r i e s a n d Silver Linings Playbook, w i n s t h e

James Stars in Here Comes the Boom

F a v o u r ite M o v ie A c t r e s s a w a r d a t

K e v in J a m e s s t a r s a s a b u r n e d - o u t b io lo g y t e a c h e r t u r n e d m ix e d m a r t i a l a r t s

t h e P e o p l e 's C h o i c e A w a r d s .

Here C o m

e s th e



h e r o in t h e f e a t u r e f ilm

Downey Dons Hero Suit a Third Time

A Wizard Finds His Way The Great and Powerful,

Caveman Family Discovers the World

How Superman Began

R y a n R e y n o ld s a n d E m m a S to n e

H e n r y C a v ill s t a r s a s C la r k K e n t,

The Croods,

a jo u r n a lis t w h o is b a ffle d b y h is

R o b e r t D o w n e y Jr. r e tu r n s a s T o n y

In O z :

S ta r k to f a c e n e w e n e m ie s a n d

J a m e s F ra n c o s t a r s a s a s m a ll-tim e

le n d th e ir v o ic e s to

m a g ic ia n w h o is tr a n s p o r te d to th e

a 3 D c o m p u te r-a n im a te d c o m e d y

L a n d o f O z.

a d v e n t u r e a b o u t t h e w o r l d ’s

l i f e ’s p u r p o s e w h e n e v i l i n v a d e r s

f ir s t fa m ily .

a t t a c k t h e w o r l d in

o v e r c o m e n e w c h a l l e n g e s in

Man 3.



Bond Breaks a Record S

kyfall, s t a r r i n g

D a n ie l C ra ig a s A g e n t 0 0 7 ,

Paramount Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

a Heroes Unite in Rise of the Guardians F a n s o f f a n t a s y f lic k s h e a d t o t h e t h e a t e r s fo r

the Guardians, a

m a k e s $ 8 7 . 8 m i l l i o n in i t s f i r s t w e e k e n d , t h e m o s t

R is e o f

s u c c e s s f u l o p e n i n g o f a n y B o n d f ilm .

D re a m W o rk s A n im a tio n b a s e d o n th e p o p u la r b o o k s e rie s .

3 D a n i m a t e d f ilm f r o m

s u p e r h u m a n p o w e rs . H e fin d s h is

Man of Steel.

20th Century Fox Film Corp. Aihigts msmrxi/courtesy Everett Collection


Grandparents Need Guidance B e t t e M i d l e r a n d B illy C r y s t a l s t a r a s t r a d i t i o n a l

g r a n d p a r e n ts w h o a r e b a ffle d b y th e ir g r a n d k id s in

Parental Guidance.

A President Earns His Place in History Lincoln, a

Wallflower Blooms on Big Screen

h is to ric a l d r a m a b a s e d

o n a n a w a rd -w in n in g b io g ra p h y , d e p ic ts th e la s t fo u r m o n th s o f

The Perks of Being a Wallflower,


b a s e d o n th e b e s t-s e llin g n o v el o f th e s a m e

t i tle , t e l l s t h e s t o r y o f a s h y h ig h s c h o o l f r e s h m a n a n d h is q u ir k y f r i e n d s .

t h e l e g e n d a r y p r e s i d e n t ’s l i f e .



Breaking Dawn Breaks Box Office Records The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, t h e f i n a l e t o t h e v a m p i r e

Downey Is a Fan Favourite

College Singers Perfect Their Pitch

V o te r s f o r t h e P e o p l e 's C h o i c e A w ard s c h o o s e

Iron Man


s ta r R o b e rt

Pitch Perfect,

Soundtrack Album Tops Charts

A n n a K e n d ric k s t a r s

a s a c o lle g e s tu d e n t w h o in s p ir e s a

T h e m o v ie s o u n d tr a c k fo r



fe a tu rin g p e rfo rm a n c e s

r o m a n c e s e r i e s , is N o . 1 a t t h e b o x

D o w n e y , Jr. a s t h e y e a r 's F a v o u r ite

m is m a tc h e d a c a p p e lla s in g in g g ro u p

b y A n n e H a th a w a y a n d A m a n d a

o f f i c e f o r t h r e e w e e k s in a r o w .

M o v ie A c to r.

to a c h ie v e h ila rity a n d h a r m o n y .

S e y frie d , r e a c h e s th e N o. 1 s p o t o n t h e B illb o a rd 2 0 0 c h a r t .

A Fans Root for Wreck-lt Ralph In t h e a n i m a t e d f e a t u r e f i l m

Wreck-lt Ralph,

A It’s a Wonderful Life of Pi N i n e t e e n - y e a r - o l d S u r a j S h a r m a s t a r s in t h e

Life of Pi, a b o u t

a n a rc a d e g a m e c h a ra c te r w a n ts to b e a h e ro

m o v ie a d a p ta tio n o f

in s te a d o f a b a d g u y , b u t h is w e ll-in te n tio n e d

a n d a B e n g a l tig e r w h o s u rv iv e a s h ip w re c k .

p la n s g o h a y w ire .

a te e n a g e r

a Bilbo Baggins Journeys to Theaters The Hobbit: An UnexpectedJourney i s

t h e firs t

o f t h r e e f i l m s a d a p t e d f r o m J . R . R . T o l k i e n 's n o v e l a b o u t a r e l u c t a n t a d v e n t u r e r in M i d d l e E a r t h .

Minis Are Major L ittle d r e s s e s a n d s h o r t s k i r t s g o

LED Headlights Turn Heads

o v e r j e a n s a n d le g g in g s b y d ay . A t n ig h t, th e y g o s o lo fo r d a n c e s a n d d a te s .

D r iv e r s w h o lo v e m a k in g t h e i r c a r s s t a n d o u t o n t h e s t r e e t a d d LE D h e a d l i g h t s tr ip s to c r e a te c o lo u rfu l, fu tu r is tic e f f e c ts .

YOLO Jostens

Colour Sneaks onto Sneakers

"YOLO" Is Favourite Catchphrase

Cowboy Boots Are Cool Again

Trends Point to Nail Art

R a p p e r D ra k e a n d a c to r Z a c E p h ro n

W e s te rn s ty le m a k e s a c o m e b a c k

A d h e s iv e n a il-a rt k its m a k e

B a s ic f o o tw e a r ta k e s a b a c k s e a t

p o p u la riz e YOLO, a n a c ro n y m

o n ru n w a y s a n d c a m p u s e s . C la s s ic

o u tra g e o u s m a n ic u re s e a s y a n d

a s b rig h tly c o lo u r e d a n d p a t t e r n e d

s t a n d i n g f o r “y o u o n ly liv e o n c e . ”

c o w b o y b o o t s a r e p a ir e d w ith s h o r t

a ffo rd a b le . O p tio n s in c lu d e a n im a l

h ig h -to p s a n d a th le tic s h o e s e m e r g e

Time m

s k irts o r c ro p p e d p a n ts .

p a tte r n s , s tr ip e s , p o lk a d o ts , im a g e s

a s m u s t-h a v e a c c e s s o r ie s fo r sc h o o l

a n d m o re .

a n d w e e k e n d s ty le .

a g a z i n e n a m e s it o n e o f t h e

y e a r ’s t o p b u z z w o r d s .


fJostens rVV.

T h e m u s t - h a v e n e c k w e a r a c c e s s o r y is t h e c ir c u la r

T h e g ra p h ic t e e tr e n d b e c o m e s a p e r s o n a l

A f t e r t h e s u c c e s s o f T a c o B e l l ’s D o r i t o s ® L o c o s

e x p r e s s io n o b s e s s io n . S h ir ts f e a tu r e fa v o u rite

T a c o , th e f a s t fo o d c h a in d r o p s h in ts t h a t a n e w

in fin ity s c a r f , w h ic h l o o p s a r o u n d t h e n e c k t o a d d

ly ric s , I n t e r n e t m e m e s , ir r e v e r e n t g r a p h i c s a n d

C o o l R a n c h v e r s io n is c o m in g n e x t.

c o lo u r, te x tu r e a n d w a r m th .

w itty j o k e s .

Backpacks Are Global Chic B o rin g b a c k p a c k s t a k e a b a c k

Baseball Caps Are Tops with Girls

s e a t t o c o lo u rfu l p a tte r n s in s p ire d by tr a d itio n a l g ra p h ic m o tif s f r o m a r o u n d t h e w o rld .

T h e f la t- b r im b a s e b a l l c a p t r e n d is p o p u l a r i z e d b y c e l e b r i t i e s lik e R i h a n n a . T h e c a s u a l s ty le Is p e r f e c t fo r h id in g fro m th e p a p a r a z z i.

JUST SAYIN' Hoodies Are Hot

It's a Plaid, Plaid World

Duct Tape Inspires Creative Types

Adults Find Expression Annoying

F o r e v e r y g u y , t h e r e 's a h o o d ie :

F a s h io n is ta s g o m a d fo r p la id . T h e

C ra fty tw e e n s a n d t e e n s u s e to u g h ,

T e e n s u s e “J u s t s a y l n ’ ” t o m i n i m i z e

a th le tic h o o d ie s fo r jo c k s , ro c k b a n d

tre n d s ta r ts o n d e s ig n e r ru n w a y s

c o lo u rfu l d u c t t a p e to m a k e p u r s e s ,

a n e x p r e s s io n o f c ritic is m o r

h o o d ie s fo r f a n s a n d h u m o u ro u s

a n d q u ic k ly m a k e s its w a y t o f a s h io n

w a lle ts , d e c o r a tio n s , je w e lry , f a s h io n

s a r c a s m . T h e p h r a s e r a n k s h ig h ly

h o o d ie s fo r c l a s s c lo w n s .

o u t l e t s In m a l l s a n d o n l i n e .

a c c e s s o r ie s a n d e v e n fo rm a l w e a r.

o n a M a r l s t P o ll s u r v e y i n g t h e m o s t irrita tin g w o rd s a n d p h r a s e s .


a Footwear Moonlights as Basketball Coach


Glitter Gets a Foot in Fashion's Door


Jeans Are Anything but Blue

S e n s o r s In t h e s o l e s o f N l k e + B a s k e t b a l l s h o e s

T ra d itio n a l b lu e s a r e tim e le s s c la s s ic s b u t th e

T h e tr e n d fo r " g litte r s h o e s . ” f e a tu r in g s e q u in s

t r a c k t h e w e a r e r 's e v e r y m o v e a n d s y n c s t a t s t o

n e w e s t s k in n y d e n im s f e a tu r e b o ld c o lo u rs ,

a n d s p a r k le s , in c lu d e s g lu e -it-y o u rs e lf s n e a k e r s ,

t h e p l a y e r 's iP h o n e ® .

fe m in in e p rin ts a n d m o d e rn p a tte r n s .

s k y -h ig h d e s ig n e r p la tf o r m s a n d e v e r y th in g in b e t w e e n .





Instagram Is Tops with Teens ► F a c e b o o k s n a p s u p In s ta g ra m

MoviePass™ Sends Fans Back to Theaters

a n d i t s 8 0 m illio n u s e r s . T h e s o c ia l m e d ia s i t e c lic k s w ith t e e n s , r a n k in g a s t h e

M o v i e P a s s ™ g i v e s f ilm l o v e r s t h e c h a n c e t o s a v e m o n e y b y s e e i n g u p t o o n e

to p p h o to g ra p h y d e s tin a tio n

m o v i e p e r d a y in t h e a t e r s f o r o n e l o w m o n t h l y f e e .

a m o n g a g e s 1 2 to 17.

Nike Motivates with FuelBand™


Pop Is Personal with New Coke Machine

Pinterest Attracts Interest

Apple® iPhone® 5 Sees Record-breaking Sales

N ik e h a s l a u n c h e d a n e w to o l c a l l e d

T h e F re e s ty le C o k e m a c h in e le ts

P i n t e r e s t is a s o c ia l m e d ia

T h e A p p le ® iP h o n e ® 5 s e l l s m o r e

N ik e + F u e lB a n d ™ . T h is t e c h n o l o g y

c u s t o m e r s m ix t h e i r o w n f la v o u r

p h e n o m e n o n . U s e r s “p in ” im a g e s a n d

t h a n f i v e m i l l i o n u n i t s in i t s f i r s t

to o l le ts u s e r s k n o w h o w a c tiv e th e y

c o m b in a tio n s fro m

s h a r e v irtu a l b u lle tin b o a r d s a b o u t

th r e e d a y s , s e ttin g a n e w re c o rd fo r

a re a n d re m in d s th e m

1 0 0 c h o ic e s .

f a s h io n , fo o d , tra v e l a n d s p o r ts .

o p e n in g w e e k e n d s a le s .

to a c h ie v e

m o re th a n

th e ir f itn e s s g o a ls .


Zumba® Is the Trendy Fitness lass

a Classrooms


Connect via

a Uganda Documentary Is Most Viral Video Kony 2 0 1 2

T e a c h e r s u s e Q R C o d e s , w h ic h c a n b e s c a n n e d

J u s tin B ie b e r a n d O p ra h h e lp to m a k e

a s Z u m b a® d e liv e rs h o t m u s ic , c o o l m o v e s ,

b y s m a r tp h o n e s , to d e liv e r c l a s s in fo rm a tio n a n d

a d o c u m e n ta r y a b o u t c h ild s o ld ie r s , a t t r a c t m o r e

s e rio u s fitn e s s a n d to n s o f fu n .

a s s ig n m e n ts to s tu d e n ts .

t h a n 1 0 0 m i l l i o n v i e w s in i t s f i r s t s i x d a y s o n l i n e .

T h e L a tin -in s p ire d d a n c e - f itn e s s p ro g ra m

know n


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