2 minute read



MULS is a voluntary, unincorporated body that aims to represent the interests of all law students at Macquarie University. At over 45 years old, the Society has seen a few hundred Executive Members filter through its offices. The MULS Executive Council has provided students with countless opportunities in professional, academic and social pursuits.



Elections are held in the second semester of each academic year. The precise date changes each year based on Constitutional requirements and the structure of the academic year. Voting will be made available to both external and internal students online.


In 2022, MULS will be governed by 37 Executive Council Members. These include the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, eight (8) Directors of Departments and twenty-six (26) Executive Officers working within the Departments. The diagram below illustrates the Executive Council:

MULS has a dual election and appointment system. The Board is elected, whereas the Executive Officers are appointed by the incoming and outgoing Boards.

The following positions that comprise the Board include: • President

• Secretary • Treasurer • Director (Education) • Director (Social Justice) • Director (Career Engagement) • Director (Competitions) • Director (Publications) • Director (Marketing) • Director (Events) • Director (Juris Doctor and Postgraduate)

The following Executive Officers are appointed by the incoming and outgoing Boards: • Executive Officer (Administration) • Executive Officer (Campus Engagement) • Executive Officer (Social Justice Advocacy) • Executive Officer (Community Outreach) • Executive Officer (Sponsorship) • Executive Officer (Corporate Careers) x 2 • Executive Officer (Public Interest Careers) • Executive Officer (Competitions - Foundations) x 2 • Executive Officer (Competitions - Advocacy) x 2 • Executive Officer (Competitions - Professional Skills) x 2 • Executive Officer (Competitions — External Advocacy) • Executive Officer (Competitions – External Professional Skills) • Executive Officer (Editor) • Executive Officer (Brief Editor-in-Chief) • Executive Officer (Publicity) x 2 • Executive Officer (IT) • Executive Officer (Sport) • Executive Officer (Socials) x 2 • Executive Officer (Juris Doctor and Postgraduate Engagement); and • Executive Officer (Juris Doctor and Postgraduate Careers).


The opportunities gained in holding an Executive position on MULS are endless. Apart from the wealth of personal experiences that such a role can provide, there is also the bigger idea of contributing back to the University and encouraging student engagement. The sky is the limit in terms of what you can do to help improve the student experience at Macquarie University. Being an Executive Council Member will also assist you in developing interpersonal and professional skills. However, if you wish to be on the MULS Executive Council…


Make sure that you do your research properly and know what is expected of you as an Executive Council Member. Holding office is a large time commitment and should not be underestimated.


Please follow the outline on page 7 of this Election Guide.

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