Clerkship Guide 2014

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CLERKSHIP GUIDE 2014 Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014


Dean’s Welcome


I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce this guide to the Summer Clerkship programme. Students study Law for many reasons: it is a good intellectual discipline, it is interesting in


itself and it offers the chance to build skills that are valuable in many different professional contexts. There are even some who study law because they intend to be lawyers! Whatever your reasons for being a Law student I do commend the Summer Clerkship programme to you. It offers the opportunity to see the operation of the legal profession first hand, the opportunity to create valuable


networks and, above all, the opportunity to test yourself in a challenging but rewarding professional environment. Competition for clerkships is fierce and this, in itself, reflects their value and how desirable they are. If you succeed in winning a clerkship the hard work has only just started. But the experience will be worthwhile, for you will both gain the benefit of an authentic work experience and you will return to your studies with new insights not only about the Law and its operation in practice but also about yourself, your skills and capabilities and your character. Students who are in clerkships are also wonderful ambassadors for the Macquarie Law School. SUPPORTING SPONSORS

So please do look into this opportunity and be confident when you apply – someone has to win that place and there is no reason why it should not be you. And I am confident that whatever you do it will be to the credit of our Law School. Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the Macquarie University Law Society and especially the editor and the publications team for their hard work in putting together this excellent guide.

Professor John Simons

Executive Dean | Faculty of Arts Macquarie University [ 2 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society







PART I - INTRODUCTION Clerkships page 6 An Overview of the Application


Process page 7


Clerkship Week


page 8

The Interviews page 23 Style Guide page page 26 Cocktail Evening and Networking Guide page 29


Offers page 30



What not to do in your clerkship


applications page 10


Cover Letter page 13

Common Practice Areas page 37

CVs page 15

Allen & Overy | Allens Linklaters | Ashurst |

CV mail and online applications

Baker & McKenzie | Clayton Utz | DLA Piper |

page 20

Gilbert + Tobin | Henry Davis York | Herbert Smith Freehills | Johnson Winter Slattery | King & Wood Mallesons | K & L Gates | Landers & Rodgers | Minter Ellison | Norton Rose Fullbright | Thomson Geer

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EDITOR Valiant Warzecha DESIGNER Nathan Li CONTRIBUTORS John Arthur, Andrew Clark, Emma Frampton, Jessica Mandla, Melanie McLean, Sophie Millett, Mr David Mullen, Tom Platt, Olivia Rolleston, Prof. John Simons, Luke Salem and Eliza Sheridan

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor nor Macquarie University and are in no way associated with Macquarie University. Best efforts have been made to ensure that all information in this guide is correct as of 30 April 2014 but is subject to change without notice. The advice is merely advisory and should not be relied upon as professional advice.

Thanks to the UNSW Law Society for allowing the reproduction of their question bank.

This publication is distributed free of charge with the understanding that the authors, editor and any persons related to this publication are not responsible for the results of their actions or omissions on the basis of any information provided within this publication. The user of this guide, therefore, acknowledges that he or she will take responsibility for his or her actions and will under no circumstances hold the Editor, authors or Macquarie University Law Society responsible for any damage resulting to the user or anyone else from use of this publication.

I would also like to acknowledge the excellent work done by Nathan Li (NXL Design), he has truly revitalised the face of this guide.

MULS encourages all summer clerkship applicants to obtain confirmation of all information from the firms themselves.

A special thanks to Andrew Clark, Kristina Cavanna, Fraser Browne, Jack McDonell, Luke Salem, Max Turner and Laura Webster for their time, effort and invaluable counsel in the production of this guide.

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014


President’s Welcome

Editor’s Note

As an aspiring clerk, your time should be spent

Most law students are unsure in

ensuring that you are as adequately prepared as

which area of law they want to

possible, rather than spending your time worrying

specialise and even by fourth year many

about competition, the harsh economic climate and

are still contemplating whether a career in

whether you will even receive an offer. Hence the

law is for them at all. Summer Clerkships are a brilliant

Clerkship Guide endeavours to eliminate these

opportunity to explore the career path that is Commercial

concerns and equip you with all the necessary skills to

Law whilst gaining paid experience in some of the largest

assist your development of a high quality application.

law firms in Australia.

Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in a

The process of writing a professional job application and

commercial law firm or not, the Clerkship application

of being interviewed by a corporate HR department will

process is invaluable. From drafting your CV and

prove to be an invaluable experience when entering the

cover letter to stunning whoever sits at the opposite

immensely competitive graduate job market. The Guide

end of the interview table, you are bound to acquire

has undergone somewhat of a renaissance this year

a unique set of professional skills that can be applied

and is the culmination of countless hours of research

to any of your vocational and extra-curricular pursuits.

and expert advice from past clerks. It has been prepared

Your law degree is destined to lead you along an

with the goal of maximising the intake of Macquarie Law

unpredictable path – both the Clerkship application

students into 2014 Summer Clerkship programs by giving

process and this Guide will ensure that you are well-

you, the applicants, the best possible tools to make a

equipped to face whatever lies at the end of that road.

clerkship reality.

I would like to thank the many students and legal

I strongly encourage you to apply to as many firms as

professionals for their valuable insights into the

possible not only for the experience but also to increase

Clerkship process – your experiences are integral to

your chances of receiving an offer. When applying, bear

preparing our members for the industry. Thank you

in mind that the firms are deciding whether or not to invest

to our 2014 Sponsors for their contributions to the

in you and potentially your future with their firm. Never

Clerkship Guide and their commitment to all MULS

undervalue yourself or the experiences that you can bring

members’ professional and personal development. A

to the role - no matter how abstract. Show the firms how

final thank you and congratulations to MULS’ Editor,

you can be a unique and valuable investment opportunity!

Valiant Warzecha – this publication is a reflection of your creativity and diligence.

Best of luck for the process ahead,

To all 2014 applicants, I wish you every success.

Valiant Warzecha

Max Turner

Editor | Macquarie University Law Society

President | Macquarie University Law Society

[ 4 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

Part I:


Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014




Clerkships are paid employment programs at large law


firms that take place over the summer holidays. They are

1. Work on your academics – it’s never too late to do

targeted at 4th Year LLB and 2nd Year JD students as an

better in your subjects!

opportunity to experience life in a commercial firm, gain practical legal experience and potentially lead to graduate

2. Get involved at University – sign up for a mentoring


program, write for The Brief, compete in a MULS competition or help out with a charitable cause!

WHAT IS NEEDED TO GET A CLERKSHIP? Firms place varied emphasis on the qualities they look for

3. Get legal work experience – it is always possible to

in applicants, some of the general ones include:

gain experience by: •

Volunteering at a Community Legal Centres (CLC’s)

1. Strong academics – some firms may only consider

– help out on a regular basis (one day a week). This

applicants who have a certain grade threshold (usually a

experience is highly attractive to firms as it shows you

distinction average) or Law GPA.

recognise the importance of social justice initiatives are


Your transcript says a lot about your work ethic and the areas of law you have excelled in.

Undertaking PACE/work placement units (LAW488 or

Spectacular marks are not a pre-requisite for gaining

551) – these placements can be in a commercial or

a clerkship but they can enhance your application’s

public interest context.


Volunteer at your local law firm or barrister’s office.

2. Varied extracurricular activities – this is where you

4. Start honing your CV and Cover Letter early –

can stand out from other applicants by having unique

practice makes perfect!

experiences and interesting talking points for potential


MULS Careers and MQ Careers are able to provide assistance with editing your CVs and Cover Letters.

Firms want to know who you really are!

Any extracurricular can be helpful, it is all a matter of

5. Consider purchasing corporate attire if you do not

how you highlight them.

already have it – even if you don’t get an interview it is always good to have clothing for a professional context.

3. Work experience – time management is crucial for working in a commercial environment, managing work and study can easily demonstrate this. •

Do not underestimate any non-legal work experience; you may be able to emphasise skills that translate into a legal environment!

Legal work experience is not essential but it can be helpful to show that you can work in a legal environment.

[ 6 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

DON’T BE DISHEARTENED! If you think you are lacking in any of these areas, it all depends on how you sell your experiences and it is still possible to improve your chances.

Macquarie University Law Society

AN OVERVIEW OF THE CLERKSHIP APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Applying – most firms require you to submit a cover

2. First Round Interviews – firms will invite you attend an

letter, resume and an official academic transcript (they may

interview if they are impressed by your application.

also ask you to fill out an online questionnaire). 3. Second Round Interviews & Cocktail Evenings – if Applications can be submitted via:

the firms are further impressed by your performance at the

CV mail;

interview they will invite you to attend a second round of

A custom online application on the firm’s website; or,

interviews and possibly a cocktail evening.

A ‘Student Application Form’ downloadable from the 4. Offers – based on your application and your interviews/

NSW Law Society Website.

cocktail evening experience, you may be offered a summer clerkship position! 5. Accepting or declining the offers – you can accept SEE THE FIRM DIRECTORY at the end of this Guide for each firm’s medium of applications – please note: this may be subject to change and applicants are encouraged to double-check the application process requirements for each firm

or decline an offer. It is always courteous to thank your interviewer via email and call the HR representative at each offering firm.


* THESE DATES, whilst sourced from the NSW Law Society, are advisory and may be subject to change for each firm. Applicants are encouraged to confirm these dates for the respective firms.



Wednesday 18th June 2014

Applications for Summer Clerkships Open

Monday 21st July 2014

Applications for Summer Clerkships Close at 5.00pm

Monday 18th August 2014

Interviews for Summer Clerkships Commence

Friday 26th September 2014

Offers for Summer Clerkships can be made

Monday 29th September 2014

Offers for summer clerkships must be accepted or rejected by 5.00pm

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014


THE ESSENTIALS: CLERKSHIP WEEK By Jack McDonell Careers Officer, Macquarie University Law Society



Clerkship Week is the Careers Portfolio’s biggest single


week of the year. Many of Australia’s biggest and best law

Come to as many of the events as you can.

firms will be at Macquarie University to provide you with

Whilst Clerkships are predominately targeted at penultimate

invaluable information. The week of 19th May will be split

year students, the earlier you get your head around the

into the following events:

process the more likely you are to succeed.

1. Clerkship Q+A

Dress to impress.

Past Macquarie Law Clerks have graciously given up their

A detailed style guide is on page 26 in this Clerkship Guide,

time to answer all of those questions about what being

but the simple rule is to be professional. You never know

a Clerk is like, and all of the information you didn’t know

who you are going to meet at a Clerkship event and as

about the application process.

such you should be sure to dress your best. Wear a suit, polish your shoes and come as though you were starting

2. Networking Skills

your first day of your legal career.

The most underutilised skill by most law students is networking. This event will cover; how to approach a firm

Be prepared.

representative, what firm representatives want to know

about you and what questions you should be looking to ask in order to make yourself memorable.

Do your research about the firms in attendance, know who you are talking to and make a good impression.

Bring your CV to the Interview Roulette. Make sure your CV is up to date with all your latest achievements

3. Interview Roulette

and skills.

Run the same day as the Clerkship Fair, this event is all about your employability. Firms have given up their time to

Stay tuned for dates and details to be advertised on the

give you a taste of what a law firm interview is like. If there

MULS Facebook page and Website closer to the time.

are things that need changing in your style, presentation or resume itself then this is the best time for you to find out

Wishing you all the best for Clerkship Season.

that information. 4. Clerkship Fair The main event for Clerkship Week is the Clerkship Fair. All students should be looking to come to this event so that they can understand the Australian legal landscape as a whole. At the Clerkship Fair you can meet past clerks as well as firm representatives, you could even decide which firm you want to work for when you graduate.

[ 8 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

Part II:

The Application Process Standing Out in the Crowd Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014


WHAT NOT TO DO IN YOUR CLERKSHIP APPLICATION By David Mullan - former HR Recruiter and current Tutor, Macquarie University Law School

This statement is confident: “I have excellent academic results, with a high distinction average.” It draws to our attention the grades of the applicant. The high distinction average justifies the claim that the applicant has excellent academic results. This statement is arrogant: “I am a genius, I excel at everything I do.”

Each year law firms receive hundreds of applications many of these applications are terrible. Years ago I decided to start keeping record of the bad applications I received. I pulled out quotes from atrocious cover letters and started emailing them to friends. They forwarded the email to their friends and soon I was receiving replies from all over Sydney. Human Resources managers and angry lawyers had been keeping their own lists which they were only too

It is not, and cannot be, justified by any objective measure. This is nothing more than the applicant’s opinion of himself. Worse, it is a particularly high opinion. If this applicant were true to his word he would be a fool not to start his own firm. Anything is better than hiring him: his unequivocal excellence will be wasted as a clerk.

happy to share.

General Rule 1

My book covers the most common errors in cover letters:

unless you have solid evidence to back up your claim:

To avoid sounding arrogant, avoid the following words

arrogance, entitlement, eroticism, nonsense, providing too much information and carelessness. What follows is the chapter on arrogance, the most common of the errors.

“Genius” “World Leader” “Supreme Excellence” “World Class”

Arrogance “Why should you hire me? Perhaps the better question is why not? I am the best of all worlds: the best academics, the most hard working and a great personality.” Accounting graduate application, 2009 An introduction to arrogance Arrogance is the cornerstone of the bad application pyramid. It accounts for around 70% of the pyramid. I suspect the cause of the problem is poor interpretation of good advice. Somewhere along the line, you have probably

“Transcendent” “Magnanimous” “Elite” “Sans Pareil” (don’t use French in your application). Unsuccessful strategies to combat arrogance 1. A common strategy employed by applicants is to shove the word “humble” in the middle of an arrogant statement. “I consider that to be a successful investment banker, a

heard the following:

person must be well rounded by way of commitment to extra-

“You need to sell yourself. Don’t be afraid to talk up your

and varied employment history. I humbly submit for your

curricular activities, contributions to the wider community,

achievements. Be confident.”

approval that I am exceptional in all of these areas...”

Good advice. Now before you write anything, recognise

2. Other efforts include shoving the word “relative” in the

that there is a massive difference between confidence

middle of an arrogant statement.

and arrogance.

[ 10 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

“I do have experience in leading my peers. I led my university team to success in a group assignment. The role of leader emerged as the group realised that relatively I am the expert” These strategies are ineffective. Track records of arrogance Some applicants have a track record of arrogance. They have been dismissed from a couple of jobs because they just couldn’t get along with the people there. If this is you, how do you avoid revealing this arrogance in your resume? My suggestion is not to draw attention to the fact that you were dismissed for arrogance. In fact, just avoid telling


them you were dismissed. Submit an application with no arrogant statements. If you were dismissed from a previous

month’s worth of photocopying? If so, delete it.

employer for your arrogant ways, leave that employer out of your employment history – or at least have a good lie ready

It’s ok to boast a little, at least about the right things. An

as to why you left.

applicant who claims to be an effective team player is of no concern. Effective team players roll up their sleeves and

In a nutshell, avoid this:

photocopy. An applicant who claims to be a team leader

“I am not afraid to speak out and offer my ideas. On my

is of more concern. You are applying for an entry-level

second day working at [firm] as an office clerk I realised the

job here, not a management role. Someone who thinks

existing system was grossly inefficient so I lobbied to have

they are the leader is unlikely to photocopy, they will try

changes made.”

and direct others to do so. Finding no-one below them to do their bidding, they will complain. We hate hearing

Inspection of this applicant’s work experience revealed that


he was at the “grossly inefficient” firm for an impressive duration of 14 days.

Key Point! A good application is confident, not arrogant.

General Rule 2 Your application is not the place to reveal that you were

Claim to be good at things if you are good at them. Claim

fired from a previous job due to your arrogance.

to be excellent at things if you are excellent at them. Do not use anything stronger than the word “excellent”. Anything

Successful strategies to avoid arrogance

beyond “excellent” is in danger

The most effective way to avoid arrogant statements is to

of sounding arrogant.

stop being arrogant. Don’t include anything in your Even if you are certain you are not arrogant, go back

application that suggests you

through your application. Recognise that one of the key

think you are above lifting

skills of a low-level professional services employee is doing

boxes for a living.

FOR MORE ADVICE and unique insights, the book ‘Why We Didn’t Hire You’ by David Mullan can be found on

awful procedural jobs without complaint. Does anything in your application suggest that you are not prepared to do a

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014

[ 11 ]



4. Firm’s recent transactions (or mergers), business

1. Read the job criteria and application requirements to make sure you are eligible.

affairs and clients; 5. Structure, activities and rotations of the clerkship

2. Find out about each individual firm’s application process.

offered; 6. The HR Representative and addressee for the letter;

3. Analyse the job by deconstructing the selection criteria and assessing how your skills would address them.

and, 7. Present market condition of the legal industry.

4. Research the firms and their practice areas – why do you want to work for them? 5. Create a short list of ‘evidence’ for how your

This information can be ascertained from: a)

experience and skills address these criteria and conform to the firm’s culture.

The firm’s website – pages that deal with culture, people and the clerkship program.


Former clerks, graduates and HR representatives – as employees and successful applicants, these people will

RESEARCH The key to writing an attention grabbing cover letter is

be the best source of information. c)

to know the firm you are applying for inside and out information to research may include:

Look up firm rankings – the best source is http://www.


News sources such as the Australian Financial Review and Lawyers Weekly.

1. Firm’s practice areas and strengths; 2. Organization structure and partners;

Start your research as early as possible - this knowledge is

3. Firm’s culture and values;

also applicable for the Clerkship Fair and Interviews

[ 12 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

WRITING AN OUTSTANDING COVER LETTER GENERAL TIPS: 1. Use a business letter format. 2. It should be one page maximum. 3. Know and double check your recipient – make sure you address the letter to a person not a generic ‘Dear Sir/ Madam’. 4. Be enthusiastic and positive – make your letter read this way. 5. Sell yourself and your experiences! 6. Add to your CV using the cover letter, don’t reproduce it! 7. Link your skills and experience to the role – use wording of the employer’s advertised criteria to show your suitability. 8. Tailor your application for each firm – they are all unique! 9. Demonstrate commercial awareness - don’t name drop firm clients or employees unless they are relevant, talk about recent transactions and how you would like to be a part of them. 10. Convert the final product to PDF.

SUGGESTED STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS: Paragraph 1: Orientation State why you are writing to the company and a general overview of what is in your letter/application.

Paragraph 2: Why me? Highlight the details of outstanding achievement/leadership that you may have and why these make you attractive.

Paragraph 3: Why the firm? This is the most difficult paragraph – you need to demonstrate commercial awareness and an understanding of the firm whilst relating this information to why you want to work with them. You can cite recent matters the firm has advised on which relate to your interests. It is also helpful to mention firm representatives or relevant people you have spoken who have inspired you to apply.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion A final paragraph thanking the firm for considering your application and indicating your eagerness to work for them.

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014

[ 13 ]


ntent used (structure and co applicant by a successful ral offers in who gained seve hip Program) the 2013 Clerks

[Name] [Address] [Suburb, State, Postcode] [Email Address]

[Title, Recipient] [Position] [Firm] [Address] [Suburb, State, Postcode] [Date]

Dear [Title Recipient], RE: APPLICATION FOR 2014/15 SUMMER CLERKSHIP I am in my penultimate year of [Degree} at Macquarie University and I am writing to apply for a Summer Clerkship position at [Firm]. For the past 4 weeks I have had the incredible opportunity to paralegal within the [Firm’s X Practice Group] where I have been providing [Service] to the team, as well undertaking additional research tasks where required. Being extremely interested in [area of law], the chance to sit within perhaps the leading competition group in Australia, with the likes of [Lawyers], has been an invaluable opportunity. As a direct result of this experience, I have developed a strong desire to clerk at [Firm], with a view to hopefully securing a graduate position with the firm. I am particularly attracted to [Firm] for its reputation as an industry leader in a number of areas of commercial law in which I am very interested. [Firm]’s ability to attract clients such as [Clients] are reflective of the strength and expertise of its [X, Y and Z] practice groups. My interest in these areas is reflected by the fact that I recently finished writing my Honours thesis on [subject matter] (for which I received a mark of A), as well as the High Distinctions I received in [Subject] (Grade) and [Subject] (Grade). My average mark in law to date is [Law WAM] and I am looking forward to graduating with [Class] Honours. I feel that my legal studies have substantially benefited from my involvement in [Activities]. My ability to solve problems and achieve results is also evidenced by my achievements so far in directing competitions as the [Position]. In organising [Events, Statistics], I am proud to have achieved [Outcomes of Events or Initiatives]. I feel that my professional experience has further provided me with the skills and knowledge that would make me a strong candidate for a summer clerkship position at [Firm]. Working as a commercial/legal assistant at [Firm] provided me with an appreciation of some of the commercial considerations behind the formation of public and private contracts, as well as large-scale tender proposals. Working as a paralegal at [Firm] in its [Practice area] groups provided me with experience undertaking research, drafting discrete legal advices, and exposure to large-scale litigious matters involving discovery. I feel these experiences have been complemented by my work as a [Job]. [Specific information about Job] has helped hone my communication skills, whilst at the same time being an immensely rewarding experience. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my application with you further. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Yours sincerely, [Name]

[ 14 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

Having written an outstanding cover letter, firm


representatives should want to know more about you - in other words, a brief summary of your work experience, extra curricular and achievements in the form of a CV.

GENERAL TIPS: 1. Be honest – if you are given an interview, you need to be able to discuss the CV content in depth (if this is not possible, don’t include it). 2. Use professional language •

Use action verbs i.e. achieved, delivered, attained (firms can filter through applications using such keywords)

3. Keep it up to date – generally it shouldn’t have any content older than 4 to 5 years. 4. Be as brief as possible – it is a summary of your highlights, not a personal history! •

Use short sentences and bullet points.

It should not be longer than 3 pages.

5. Tailor the information – relate your experience and achievements to the professional criteria in the job description. 6. Use a simple, consistent and easy to read format: •

Use headings to sign post your information.

Use dot points to highlight information.

Use a consistent theme and fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial for a professional look and size 12 point to ensure legibility.

Narrow your margins to fit more content but remain uncluttered.

7. Spell and grammar check – thoroughly proofread your CV even for punctuation. 8. Convert it to PDF for submission – it is the professional standard!


3. Work/Professional Experience

6. Hobbies or Other Qualifications

Whilst the exact structure of your

a. Company and Job Title

a. Hobbies – things that you

CV is a personal choice, it should

i. Responsibilities

interested in

definitely include the following

ii. Key Achievements

b. Other Qualification – such as a First Aid Certification or RSA

information: 4. Extra Curricular Activities


1. Your Details: Name, Address,

a. Society/Activity/Sport

Phone Numbers and Email Address

i. Position Titles

7. References – most people do

(even Linkedin profile IP address)

ii. Achievements

not provide these and state that

iii. Participation

they are ‘available upon request’.

2. Education

However, firm usually like them to

a. Tertiary

5. Community

be included – give their Name, Job

i. Achievements

a. Organisation

Title, Company and a contact phone

b. High School

i. Brief explanation of the


i. Achievements

organisation if it isn’t well known

ii. Positions held

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014

[ 15 ]


CHARLES EMMERSON WINCHESTER III 23 Midson Road, Epping NSW, 2121 Tel: (02) 9869 3457 Mobile: 0433 050 345 Email:

a successful (format used by rs ined several offe applicant who ga – kship Program in the 2013 Cler to illustrate the content used is formatting)

EDUCATION Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) and Bachelor of Laws 2011-2015 (expected) Macquarie University, Sydney Achievements: • Grade Point Average 3.825 • Faculty Award for Meritorious Performance 2013 • Faculty Award for Meritorious Performance 2012 • Merit Scholar Scholarship 2011 - 2015 Higher School Certificate 2010 Killara High School UAI: 97.25 Achievements: • School Captain 2010 • Inter-school Debating Champion Team 2010 • Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award • Prefect and Cadet Under Officer (2008) WORK EXPERIENCE Legal Department, Miscellaneous Law Firm February 2013 – present Research Assistant/Paralegal (Part time) Responsibilities: • Drafting advices for Senior Associates and Partners. • Researching key areas of firm practice and updating firm intranet, wikis and databases. Achievement: • Drafted the Miscellaneous Firm’s Manual on Property Acquisition Procedure. Commercial Law Firm November 2012 – February 2013 Records Management Assistant (Full time) Responsibilities: • Identification of files, barcoding case files, preparing files for Access off-site storage, delivery of files retrieved from off-site to lawyers, file location and retrieval, updating databases. Kings School February 2011 – March 2012 Swimming Coach (Part time) Responsibilities: • Running race days for up to 50 swimmers from four schools. Coaching up to 15 swimmers (age 13-18). Coaching involves analysing the relative strength and weaknesses of swimmers for technique, confidence and fitness and overseeing a training regimen to resolve them.

[ 16 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

Achievement: • The team was achieved 5 gold medals and 4 silver in the Combined Associated Schools Swimming competition for the duration of my tenure. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Macquarie University Law Student Society Careers Officer (elected) December 2012 – November 2013 Committee Member, Governance Reform Committee 2012 Achievements: • Created consistent format for disseminating careers information and event • Responsible for organising the annual Clerkship Fair in 2014. Participation in Mooting & Skills Competitions • Senior Client Interview Competition National Representative, 2012 • Kirby Contract Moot Quart-finalist 2012 • Negotiations Competition, Runner Up, 2013 • Paper Presentation Competition, Winner, 2013 Australian Law Students' Association Careers Officer December 2013 - present Councillor December 2012 - present National Negotiation Championship, Semi-Finalist

July 2013

Student Representation Faculty of Business and Economics Representation Academic Senate, (campus wide election) Swimming Australian Short Course Champion 200M Individual Medley July 2013 Australian Long Course Champion 100M Individual Medley January 2013 Full Blue for Swimming, Macquarie University Awarded October 2013


COMMUNITY Youth Action Inc. Youth Action is the peak representative body for youth services in NSW and the primary advisory body to the NSW Government on issues affecting young people. Governor, Board of Governance May 2013- present Governance and Risk Sub-Committee June 2013 – present Other Qualifications Responsible Service of Alcohol (Current) Senior First Aid Certificate (Current)


REFERENCES Available upon request.

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2014

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CHARLES EMMERSON WINCHESTER III 23 Midson Road, Epping NSW, 2121 Tel: (02) 9869 3457

a successful (format used by rs ined several offe applicant who ga – kship Program in the 2013 Cler to illustrate the content used is formatting)

Mobile: 0433 050 345

Email: EDUCATION Macquarie University

2011 – 2015 (expected)

Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) with a Bachelor of Laws •

3.825 Law GPA

Killara High School

2005 - 2010

97.25 ATAR.

Band 6 (over 90) scores in Extension English, IPT, Ancient History and Chemistry.

LEGAL EXPERIENCE Legal Department, Miscellaneous Law Firm February 2012 - Present Research Assistant/Paralegal (16 hrs p/w) •

Drafting advices for Senior Associates and Partners.

Researching key areas of firm practice and updating firm intranet, wikis and databases.

Commercial Law Firm

November 2012 – February 2013

Records Management Assistant (38 hrs p/w) •

Identification of files, barcoding case files, preparing files for Access off-site storage, delivery of files retrieved from off-site to lawyers, file location and retrieval, updating databases.


February 2011 – August 2012

Swimming coach (20 hrs p/w) •

Running race days for up to 50 swimmers from four schools. Coaching up to 15 swimmers (age 13-18). Coaching involves analysing the relative strength and weaknesses of swimmers for technique, confidence and fitness and overseeing a training regimen to resolve them.

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Macquarie University Law Society December 2013 – Present Executive Officer (Careers) •

Liaising with the Director of Firm Engagement and firms for Clerkship Week.

Disseminating careers related information.

Proof reading CVs and Cover Letters.

Key achievement: •

Created consistent format for disseminating careers information and event.

Successful organisation of the 2014 Clerkship Fair.

[ 18 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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The Brief

December 2011 – December 2012

Editorial Sub-Committee •

Sourcing and editing contributions;

Coordinating graphic design and printing; and

Ensuring adequate distribution of the magazine.

Key achievements: •

Substantially increased student contributions; and

Published a “40 Years of Macquarie Law” special edition, in conjunction with the Macquarie Law School and its Alumni.


Member of the Editorial Review Committee for The Brief.

Member of the MULS Basketball and Touch Football teams.

Paper Presentation Competition Winner.

2012: •

Member of Social Basketball and Touch Football teams.

Faculty of Business and Economics Merit Scholar Mentor

Faculty of Business and Economics Team Leader


Academic and non-academic writing and editing.

Playing Rugby League, Swimming and Netball.

Playing guitar.

REFEREES Charles Harris Senior Associate Miscellaneous Firm 0436 045 354 David Storie Head of P.E Department Kings School 9857 3980

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Firms often require you to submit your applications using cvMail or equivalent application portal through their website.

GENERAL TIPS: 1. Make sure you have already done your research about the firm and the position. 2. Pre-prepare responses to question that may be asked on the online portal, the most common include: a. Discuss your university activities and achievements b. Discuss any further interests, activities or achievements c. Indicate your career objectives – may include fields: i. Interest ii. Job preferences iii. Reason/s why you chose your course of study d. Talk about any other relevant skills you may possess (foreign language, computing or computer workrelated skills). e. Provide additional information – elaborate on factual material already presented and how it related to the position that you are applying. 3. The application portals such as cvMail have time limits of 90 minutes before it automatically logs you off. 4. Read all the portal FAQs and instructions before starting your application 5. Provide relevant information from all relevant aspects of your life (part time job, work experience, volunteer work, sport etc..) 6. Avoid referring to the same example more than once. 7. Don’t rush your application and pay attention to detail – applications can be discarded for small careless errors. 8. Be honest – all the information provided will be subject to academic transcript checks and referee confirmation. Don’t get caught out! 9. Proof read your answers and get someone else, preferable who works in the legal industry, to check your answers. 10. Keep a copy of any answers you submit – they may be referred to in interviews. 11. Make sure you submit a scanned copy of your official academic transcript (it is also a good idea to bring a copy to any interviews you may get).

[ 20 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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cvMAIL cvMail is a law student portal that provides information about law firms, the legal industry and enables law students to apply for the jobs and schedule interviews online. GETTING STARTED For first time log in, follow the following steps: 1. Go to and register as a firsttime user. 2. Create your personal profile by clicking on the ‘Personal Profile’ button on the left hand side of the screen and filling in your personal details. 3. Complete your academic profile by clicking on the ‘Academic Profile’ button, also on the left hand side. You will need to enter information about your educational background (university degree(s) and their starting and finishing dates) and also your academic results according to the online instructions. 4. You can now apply to the firms via the Application Manager. To do so, click on the ‘Apply Here’ button next to the firm you wish to apply for. 5. For each firm, choose the State, Territory or country you wish to apply to, and select the type of application you wish to submit (vacation or graduate) from the tabs. SUBMITTING A COVER LETTER? Cut and paste your customized cover letter into the appropriate field in the online application form, ensure your cover letter is in plain text formatting. 5 KEY TIPS TO HELP YOU MANAGE WITH PLAIN TEXT FORMATTING: 1. Left align as much text as possible and adhere to a single column layout; 2. Underline major headings using the equal (=) character; 3. Underline minor headings using the hyphen (-) character; 4. Start bullet points using the hyphen (-) character; and 5. Use white-space to give the text a spacious feel (i.e.two lines before each heading etc.) NOTE: Make sure the firm you are applying to is receiving applications through cvMail.

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Part III:

Interviews, Cocktail Evenings and Offers [ 22 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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THE INTERVIEWS Interview Process involves two rounds of interviews:

4. Body language – use open body language (face,

The first round is a more structured and formal, usually

gestures and hands) to show you are receptive to what the

conducted by a partner or HR rep; it will contain a

interviewer is saying. When seated you should be sitting

mixture of questions to get to know you.

back in the chair with your lower back supported. Moderate

The second round is more informal, focusing on

your eye contact (approximately 80% making contact and

whether you will fit into the firm’s culture.

20% looking away) and actively listen to the interviewer,

giving appropriate acknowledgement for what is being said. You will be notified by email prior to the interviews who will be conducting your interview – do some research on their

5. Responding to questions – listen to the questions

backgrounds and the clients they have worked with.

asked and don’t be afraid to clarify the question if you are unsure what is being asked. A useful way to structure


complex answers to difficult questions is to break it down

Be sure to bring a few copies of your:

into a STAR:

a) CV

b) Cover Letter c) Official academic transcript not only as a point of

faced. •

reference for yourself but also if your interviewers do not have a copy spare.

Situation – describe a scenario or issue you have Task – describe the tasks that needed to be performed and the ideas you had to remedy the scenario.

Action – describe what you did and how you dealt with challenges.


Results – outline the results achieved.

1. Beginning confidently – be mindful of your tone, body language and facial expression. It is always useful to have

6. Concluding strongly - end the interview with a phrase

a strong opening phrase, for example: ‘Hello, I am Alan

that thanks the interviewer indicating a genuine desire to

Shore, it’s nice to meet you!’. However, be spontaneous

work at the firm, prompting future contact with them. For

and open to other opening conversation.

example, “Thank you for your time, I’d love to work at your firm and I look forward to hearing from you soon”.

2. Shaking hands – a firm but gentle handshake is the best way to communicate enthusiasm. Allow the interviewer/s to

After the second round interviews, it is likely that you will

initiate or lead the handshake, face the them and lean into

be assigned a buddy (graduate lawyer at the firm) who

the handshake whilst relaxing your upper body. Practice

will give you a tour of the firm’s office and take you out for

makes perfect – shake hands with 10 different people in the

coffee. This is an opportunity to ask any questions that you

days leading up to the interview!

may not have felt confident asking the interviewer and/or pick the graduate’s brains about life at the firm. Though this

3. Rapport building – have some form of topical

is not a formal part of the interview, it is important to be on

conversation prepared to break the ice (ensure it is

your best behaviour – the graduate is likely to directly work

appropriate for the interview/ interviewer). Be aware of the

with one of the interviewers.

interviewer’s body language, mirror their movements in a subtle way to help build rapport. It is also polite to wait until you are offered a seat before you sit.

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When firms interview you there are several general styles of interview questions that can be asked of you (they are

Q: “Tell me about a time when you displayed… leadership; initiative; or, teamwork.”

likely to mix these different types):

Q: “Tell me about a time that your initiative affected change.”

1. Conversational/ straight forward questions – these

3. Hypotheticals – these questions test your competency

type of questions will usually be asked if you are being

in certain situations to ascertain how you would respond in

interviewed by a lawyer at the firm - they will be trying to

reality; these questions are usually the most difficult. The

ascertain if they would be able to work with you and you

best way to answer this type is to remain calm despite any

would fit into the firm’s culture. Such questions may be

urgency the interviewer may place on the situation and

sourced from unusual parts of your resume. For example:

think in a clear and logical manner. For example:

Q: “Tell me about yourself.”

Q: “Why do you want to work for us?”

gone home except you (because you are a dedicated

Q: “What is your greatest accomplishment?”

paralegal) and a client calls up the office needing

Q: “It is late in the day, everyone in the office has

immediate advice regarding a matter the firm is 2. Behavioural questions and analysis – these questions

representing them. You are extremely confident

ask you to reflect upon past experience as a means

about the answer and the client needs the answer

of ascertaining how you would react in the future. For

immediately, what do you do?”


GENERAL • Tell me about yourself. • How would you describe yourself? • What are your strengths and weaknesses? • What are your long term and short term goals and objectives? How are you preparing yourself to achieve them? • What do you see yourself doing five years from now? • Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?

Question Bank Questions reproduced with kind permission of the UNSW Law Society.

[ 24 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

COMMUNICATION • Have you ever had to persuade people to your way of thinking? • Describe a situation when you had to explain a difficult concept to someone. Tell me about your approach. How do you know they understood?

EDUCATION • Why did you choose to study law? • What university subjects did you like best? Least? Why? • Do you have plans for continued study? An advanced degree? • What courses have you taken that prepared you for this position? • What part of your education do you see as being most relevant to this position? • Is your academic performance any indication of how you will do this job? • What do you like about your discipline of study? • Why did you fail / perform poorly in this subject?

CAREER RELATED QUESTIONS • Why do you want to be a corporate lawyer? • Do you have a geographical preference? Where would you like to work? Why? • Will you relocate? Are you willing to travel? • Why should we consider you for this position? • In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company? • What others skills would you like to develop in the future? • Is there anything else we should take into account to help us make a decision?

WORK EXPERIENCE • Do you have any vacation employment or previous experience in the legal context? • Most jobs have their frustrations and problems. Describe some that have been particularly dissatisfying to you • What have been the most satisfying aspects of jobs that you have held? • What has been the value of your previous work experience? • Where in your previous job have you demonstrated commerciality? Macquarie University Law Society


of the firm’s sphere of operation. The purpose behind

At some stage of the interview, the interviewer is likely

these interviews is to see how you would interact in a team

to ask you if you have any question - it is essential that


you have at least a couple of questions prepared for the interviewer.

There are four main types of people in a group interviews: 1. The Talker – dominant member who tends to be in

General ones could include:

control of the situation, usually overbearing and may

“What do you do within your practice group?”

impose their ideas on other members.

“What will I do as a clerk at your firm?” (projecting into

2. The Quiet person – reluctant member who tends to go

the role is always positive)

with decisions of other group members.

“What is the work/life balance like at Firm X?”

3. The Complainer – over reflective and pessimistic

“Why did you decide to work for this firm?”

member who may divert discussion away from the topic at hand.


4. The Mediator – the unifying member who wants to find

A group of 5 or 6 applicants can be indirectly interviewed at

a compromise between the various factions i.e. drawing out

once through the discussion of a problem scenario under

the opinions of the quiet person to contrast the talker. This is

the observation of a ‘ghost interviewer’ who witnesses the

the optimum style to adopt!

group dynamic and traits of the individuals. These problems are usually open-ended and may cover ethics or an aspect

CLIENT FOCUS • What is your definition of “excellent” client service? • Tell me about a time when you went beyond the call of duty to help a client. • Describe a situation that illustrates how you developed a positive relationship with a client.

LEADERSHIP • Have you been in any situations where you have been required to perform as part of a team? What was the situation, what part did you play in the team and what was the outcome of the exercise? • Can you describe a time when your team fell apart. What was your role in the outcome? • What kind of people do you find difficult to work with? Why? • Tell me about a difficult situation when you pulled the team together. • Tell me about a time when you took a leadership role of a group. • What is your style of influencing / leading people?

PROBLEM SOLVING • Here is a problem that we faced recently ...How would you have dealt with that? • Tell me about a time when, despite careful planning, things got out of hand. • How would you deal with a problem you had not encountered before?

Macquarie University Law Society

HOBBIES • What are your outside interests? • Who is your favourite novelist? • Do you like/dislike football? WORK ETHIC • How do you work under pressure? •

How do you balance work priorities and those of your personal and family life? Give me an example of when you had to work to an important deadline. What did you do to ensure that the deadline was met?

UNUSUAL SPECIFIC QUESTIONS • How would you feel about working for a tobacco company? • What was your favourite album of this year? • How would you deal with a problem you had not encountered before?

ORGANISATIONAL COMMITMENT • Why did you decide to seek a position with this company? • What do you know about our company? • What do you understand is the current climate of the legal industry? • How do you keep informed professionally? • Give me an example in your career where you felt like giving up but managed to keep going.

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First impressions matter. Ask any interviewer how long it takes them to decide whether a candidate is proceeding to the next round - the answer is invariably less than 5 minutes. Your visual appearance is the first indicator to your interviewer of whether or not you will 'fit in'. This style guide won't land you on the front cover of Vanity Fair - it will probably make you look like the person interviewing you we make no apology for that - after all don't you want to do the same job as the person interviewing you? I'll start with a qualification. Yes, there is a chance that you can disregard some of these rigid prescriptions and still land a clerkship - indeed a minority of interviewers may not care what you look like - but why take the chance? The following prescriptions will guarantee that your appearance will never be counted against you. Shoes: Black leather - well polished. Lace ups are more conservative than slip ons, but both are acceptable. Belt: Black leather with a silver coloured minimalist buckle. Picture: Andrew Clark

Cuff links: Must match your belt buckle. You should opt either for a plain silver colour or plain silver with a coloured enamel that matches your tie. Watch: If you choose to wear a watch, it should match your cuff links and belt. Compendium: A plain black leather compendium containing copies of your cv, cover letter, academic transcript and passport sized photos. Avoid attending interviews with a bag. Placing your phone, wallet and keys inside the compendium will ensure your suit pockets do not look bulky. COCKTAIL/INFORMATION NIGHTS

MEN’S STYLE – Andrew Clark (Allens Linklaters)

In addition to interviews, many firms will invite you to a cocktail night. I suggest you wear the same outfit as you would wear to the interview, with a marginally brighter tie. However, this is not an opportunity to wear a novelty tie. I typically opted for red stripes on a background of navy blue.

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WOMEN’S STYLE – A panel of successful female clerks

When dressing for a clerkship interview, keep in mind that your image is the first thing that will form your interviewers’ impression of you. The key thing to remember is to dress modestly. Here are a few tips to achieve this: •

If you’re going to wear a skirt, make sure it falls just above or below the knee.

If you are more comfortable in pants, make sure they are suit pants and are not too tight.

In terms of shirts, collared or modest blouses are appropriate, but avoid bold prints, which are distracting.

If you’re going to wear a dress, it should also fall just above or below the knee and not fit too tightly. Dark colours are the safest option – think black, blue or grey.

You should always have a matching blazer with you and neutral stockings are best.

All of your clothes should be freshly laundered.

Picture: Emma Frampton and Sophie MIllet

You should wear black court shoes with a small heel. However, if you are not comfortable in them, wear closed-toe black flats.

Any jewellery worn should be understated. Small studs are best for ears, necklaces should be dainty and watches are fine.

For hair, a low pony-tail or bun is common to draw attention to your face, but don’t be afraid to wear your

This is the attire you should wear to cocktail nights too. If

hair out so long as it is neat. If you are going to be

you are attending interviews and cocktail nights straight

distracted with it out it is best to put it up.

after university classes then you should avoid taking

Make-up should look natural and professional, keep to

textbooks and study notes with you to the events. It’s not

neutral tones for eyes and lips.

about being boring, but don’t wear something that makes

Perfume should be faintly applied.

people focus more on what you’re wearing, than what you

Your fingernails should always be cut short, clean and

are saying. Most of all, make sure you are comfortable in

neat. Avoid dark nail polishes and fake nails.

what you are wearing as this will give you confidence.

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[ 28 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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THE COCKTAIL EVENING AND NETWORKING Most law firms hold a cocktail night as part of their

b. Hone your ‘elevator pitch’ - a 30 second to 2 minute

Interview Process to observe prospective clerks in a more

spiel about who you are and what makes you tick;

social environment. This is often found the be a large

c. Use open body language and smile - be friendly

stumbling block for prospective clerks because professional

and approachable; and,

networking is a skill set that is rarely taught or developed.

d. Be humorous and engaging within the bounds of good taste and professionalism.

Commercial law practice (and any law practice for that

5. Working the room – only conduct a conversation as

matter) is strongly driven by the ability to build relationships

long as the conversation remains fresh and do not limit

with colleagues and clients and networking is an ongoing

yourself to friends.

process of relationship building. Cocktail evenings are an

a. Never remain attached for a group for an extended

excellent opportunity to learn more about the firm and the

period of time unless the conversation is strong, it is

lawyers that work there, the career opportunities that may be

likely that conversation can become stale and strained

available and to gain advice for attaining long term goals.

if you run out of things to say. 6. Hold your drink in your left hand – no one likes to

NETWORKING AT COCKTAIL NIGHTS 101 1. RSVP etiquette - if you have two cocktail evenings on

shake a cold clammy hand. 7. Remember why you are there - most of these events

the one night, it is always courteous to email the HR

will have an excellent selection of food and alcohol. Be

representative for the second cocktail evening you will

mindful of your manners and don’t over indulge.

attend and let them know that you will be late. 2. Politely entering a conversation

8. Always politely exit a group or conversation – wait for a dip in conversation and excuse yourself for

a. For one on one conversations - begin by


introducing yourself, make eye contact and firmly

a. One on one - ‘It was lovely meeting you Person X,

shake hands.

I think will grab another drink. I hope you enjoy the rest

b. In group conversations, the best way to break the

of the evening!’

ice is to chime in or alternatively asking if you may join

(If the person is by themselves it is always polite to

the conversation.

integrate someone else in the conversation before you

c. If canapés and drinks are circulating, this can be

leave so you don’t alienate the person).

an excellent icebreaker.

b. Group: ‘Well it was fantastic meeting you all, I

3. Have prepared conversation starters - it is always best to talk about something current whether it be

must use the bathroom – I hope to see you all soon!” 9. Exiting the Cocktail Evening – on your way out, it is

the news, sport or an occurrence at the firm (the best

always a good idea to thank the HR representative for

source for this is the firm’s Facebook page).

the evening.

4. Make a unique impression – leave the person

10. PRATICE! PRACTICE! PRATICE! – Networking can

you are speaking to with something that makes you

always be improved, attend the Cocktail Evening as


part of Clerkship Week and other similar nights run by

a. Develop a personal brand – have something that

campus groups such as the Economics Finance and

makes you stand out;

Commerce Society.

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TIP: If you reject an offer, it is likely that the HR representative will ask you why you have chosen to reject the offer - it is always wise to have a well thought out answer, you don’t want to burn bridges anywhere!

Firms will make their offers on the same day to ensure that each applicant has a fair chance to decide which firm they would like to work at. If you are lucky enough to be made multiple offers, it will be a difficult decision to make, the best way to make this decision is to: 1. Seek the counsel of HR reps, buddies or partners at the firms. 2. Consider if the firm’s strengths and practice areas match your interests? 3. Are there structural benefits of working at a firm i.e. graduate positions or paralegal work afterwards? It is always courteous to thank the interviewing partner/solicitor via email and call the HR representative at each offering firm irrespective of whether or not you accept a position at their firm.

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Part IV:

Q&A with Clerks Macquarie University Law Society

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– Allens Linklaters

– Gadens






I don’t think my application did this enough, but what

Q: Tell me about a time where you made a mistake at work.

I have learnt from talking to people who were very

A: I spoke about a time when working as a primary school

successful with obtaining interviews is that having a

swimming instructor a child from the class went missing

‘hook’ is very important. You need something to make

between the times when I collected the group from the

yourself stand out from the immense pile of paper that

class room and walked them to the pool area. It turns out

the recruiter is reading through. Whatever your ‘hook’

that the child had forgotten his swimming gear and was

is, make it interesting – whether it is ballroom dancing,

embarrassed, so he ran off and hid in a toilet cubicle. The

travel or entrepreneurship.

way I spun this event as a positive was by speaking about the steps I took to remedy the mistake - specifically by


alerting the Principal and activating the lost pupil procedure


and by implementing a roll call when collecting the class


and arriving at the pool to ensure kids weren’t able to sneak


away during the walk across the school grounds.

Obviously you have to start with the firm’s website. Look for the buzzwords they like and use them to figure


out what they value, and whether that matches up with


what you can bring to the table.

ACTUALLY DO DURING THE TYPICAL DAY? The work you do on a day-to-day basis varies significantly

After that, use any information you can find (online,

depending on several factors. Namely, the practice group

or through people in the know) to demonstrate your

you are in; how busy the group is; the nature of the matters

knowledge of the firm throughout your cover letter.

being dealt with; and how much time your supervisors have to explain your allocated work. If you are in a litigious


group, the two mainstays of your time will be legal research


on points of law - much like the hypothetical questions


you do in law exams (only with far higher stakes!) and

I attended client meetings and then assisted with

document management, such as preparing documents

subsequent work on the matters, helped draft

to be forwarded to barristers or (the dreaded) responding

documents such as contracts and leases, did research

to discovery requests. In transactional groups like M&A

work and generally assisted the lawyers in their general

you will be spend the majority of your time cross-checking

day-to-day work. The level of trust placed in me was

completion checklists with the contract between the parties

immense, and sometimes scary, but I found that the

and/or conducting due diligence to ensure an entity is in

greater the challenge was, the more I would rise to it.

good financial health and is in compliance with its legal obligations.

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- K&L Gates

– Ashurst





I don’t think it’s any one thing that firms are looking for

Why do you want to come to this firm? What was your

in particular. Rather, I think it’s important to demonstrate

favourite album of this year? When have you shown

a broad range of skills, interests, experiences and

leadership? Can you tell me about a time that you

achievements which highlight your adaptability and

worked in a team situation?

willingness to take on a challenge. In addition to showcasing your various achievements, I think it’s


important to highlight that you have interests and passions


that fall outside of the law in order to show that you are a

“Can you tell me a specific example of a time that you

relatable person and can strike a balance between work

made a mistake at work and how you responded to it?”


I said that I once made a mistake writing a case note


by omitting a key relevant point of law. I noted that I did

Having previously only worked in-house, I wish I had known

not think that the point of law was relevant but when

a bit more about private practice and how commercial

my supervising lawyer reviewed the work, I was made

firms actually operate in order to give my applications a

aware of the mistake. I indicated that I am now more

more professional edge. For example, commonly used and

cautious in determining the relevance of legal principles

pretty self-explanatory terms in the legal profession like

and asked my supervisor when I was unsure. However,

“front-end” (drafting and transactional work) and “back-end”

the interviewer did not think that my response was

(dispute resolution and litigation) were new to me until the

specific enough and asked for the name of the case.

interview process.

Given that it was an old example, I simply couldn’t answer. The moral of the story is to be prepared and to


make sure that you give examples that you can back


up with detail!

ACTUALLY DO DURING THE TYPICAL DAY? I was really surprised how involved in matters and how


much responsibility I was given as a clerk. A typical day


in my first rotation in the Intellectual Property team might


include accompanying lawyers to the Federal Court,

Clerks do everything from photocopying to legal

assisting in research for patent litigation or drafting

research. As a clerk you may be asked to run some

responses to Trade Mark Examiners. In my second rotation

documents up to court, draft a letter of advice, or take

in the Construction team I was given a great deal of

notes in a client meeting. At Ashurst clerks also receive

responsibility which included formulating my own ideas for

training almost every single day. This enhances an

cross-claims and presenting at team meetings on recent

already stellar learning experience. Of course, sport

updates to the law.

and other social events are frequent and provide many highlights outside of the office!

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– King & Wood Mallesons

- Gilbert and Tobin






To be honest I think I had a very generic application

I utilised a four paragraph structure for my cover letter.

that didn’t particularly stand out. I guess I was generally

Firstly, the introduction was a short statement of who I am

strong across the board (eg a mix of extra-curricular

and the position I was applying for. The second paragraph,

involvement, professional experience, industry

‘why me’ changed substantially for each firm. Here I

awareness etc) without any apparent weaknesses.

addressed the criteria each firm was looking for by reading their application criteria or website to figure out which skills,


qualifications and experiences were most relevant to that


firm. Likewise, the third paragraph was totally different for


each firm, this was the ‘why them’. I focused on why exactly


I was interested in their firm as a result of my previous

Research into the market and then conveying that

interactions with them, or research through their website,

awareness and interest in the cover letter. This can

industry contacts, news websites and general awareness

be hard to do by yourself just using the internet since

of current news and deals. Finally, I concluded with a

it seems every firm purports to be a “market leader”

paragraph that generally remained the same in thanking

across the board and it’s sometimes hard to read

the person for their time and stating that I look forward to

between the lines. There isn’t much else you can do

hearing from them.

unless you can talk to someone that knows the market, i.e. either an employee at a big firm or even a previous


successful candidate.



Everyone’s day-to-day clerk experience will differ


depending on your firm and practice group. I personally


had the opportunity to work and socialise with lawyers at

“So tell us a bit about yourself?”

all levels from graduate to partner. I attended meetings and

I think I responded saying “uhhhh I want to clerk at your

conference calls with clients, conducted legal and business

firm”. (Don’t say that).

research, compiled case notes, drafted, reviewed and edited documents, and worked on some due diligence. I was fortunate enough to see some of my advices sent to clients, with minimal revisions! I also drafted an article for the Australian Human Rights Bulletin, and attended a probono community program with the Salvation Army Street Level Mission. I also spent some time drafting an article for the Australian Human Rights Bulletin, due to be published later this year.

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Macquarie University Law Society


– King & Wood Mallesons

WHAT DO YOU WISH YOU KNEW WHEN YOU WERE APPLYING TO THE FIRMS THAT YOU NOW KNOW? Don’t underestimate the strength of your past job experience. I had contemplated taking my past experience as a waitress and a retail assistant off of my CV because I didn’t think it would do me any favours. However, I was surprised to find that those roles often featured in my interviews and my interviewers appeared pleased to see that I had what they described as “real-world experience”. ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS, WHAT WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE AS A CLERK – WHAT DID YOU ACTUALLY DO DURING THE TYPICAL DAY? My work was very diverse, so much so that I could not describe a ‘typical’ day as a summer clerk at KWM. My work included attending court hearings or briefings with counsel, sitting in on international conference calls with clients, conducting extensive research on interesting areas of the law, bearing the responsibility of getting a client to sign important contracts, writing online blog posts about high-profile court cases, assisting on pro bono matters and even drafting legal advice to clients. HOW DO YOU THINK YOUR APPLICATION STOOD OUT? ANY TIPS? I don’t think that I will ever truly know the answer to this question. But the approach that I took was firstly considering the skills and traits that were desirable to each commercial law firm. I derived this from researching each firm (as they often list these skills) and from talking to People & Development representatives of various firms. These skills may include leadership, client / customer service, time management, excelling outside of your comfort zone, team work etc. Following this, I used my CV to directly match my experience to these skills or traits. I also ensured that I mentioned a broad range of involvement (both inside and outside of university) to illustrate a breadth of experience. HOW DID YOU GO ABOUT TAILORING YOUR APPLICATION (BOTH THE RESUME AND COVER LETTER) FOR THE FIRM/S THAT YOU GOT OFFERS? In addition to what I outlined above about aligning my experience to the skills that each of the firms required, I listed a couple of reasons why each firm appealed to me in preparation of writing my cover letters. I considered such things as the firms’ tier rankings in specific legal areas or industry sectors that are of interest to me, opportunities for working abroad, the firms’ values or their strategic directions etc.

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Part V:

Common Practice Areas and the Firms

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This list of practice areas is not exhaustive, it is advisable to research each firm’s practice groups and areas of specialization.

CORPORATE LAW Corporate law firms often have a practice group dedicated

Work in this area of law may include drafting court

to pure “Corporate Law”. This can confuse students, as

documents and other transactional documents, court

the firms are corporate law firms, so what are all the other

appearances and advocacy, company searches, drafting

departments doing? This group deals with corporate

advice for clients on the verge of insolvency or those that

litigation and transactions that are purely commercial

have already become insolvent, negotiating with creditors

in nature. The group is often divided into smaller sub-

to resolve a company’s debts, negotiations with appointed

sections, such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity,

manager of company’s assets once it is insolvent, and a

Company law and Governance, and Superannuation Funds

wide variety of other tasks.

Management. LITIGATION AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION In this area you may encounter work such as dealing with

The Litigation and Dispute Resolution team in a firm can

contractual arrangements between companies, advising

expect to deal with litigious matters referred from other

clients about the administration and governance of their

departments of the firm that do not wish to deal with the

company or providing advice about the legality of mergers

litigation themselves, as well as matters that are brought

and acquisitions. Whilst the work may be complex and

straight to the team. This practice group deals largely

challenging, you will likely be dealing with some very big-

in managing litigious matters, but also provides advice

named transactions with large companies, a busy workflow

and assistance with conflict mitigation and preventative

and large variations in the type of work that you will be

strategies to avoid situations before they occur.

dealing with.

Work may include drafting or considering pleadings, particulars, evidence and subpoenas, attending settlement


discussions or alternative dispute resolution discussions,

This practice area covers a number of areas of law,

preparing for trial and court attendances, drafting advice

including (but not limited to) unfair dismissal, discrimination

to clients, attending to discussions with clients and

and equal opportunity, occupational health and safety, trade

opposing legal representatives, assisting with evidence

practices and contract. In this group you may be involved

and discovery, meeting with witnesses and taking legal

in work such as employment litigation (as corporations

statements, or general research to assist in preparation

are often sued by employees for discrimination, unfair

for trial.

dismissal, and other grievances), client meetings, legal research on client’s issues, drafting letters of advice or


corresponding with the Industrial Relations Commission

Property law covers a range of practice groups, often

and other courts and tribunals.

including Construction and Infrastructure, Environment, and Property. Within a Construction team, you may face


work such as negotiating, drafting, and advising clients on

Insolvency law is an area of law legislated primarily by the

contracts for large-scale infrastructure work and building

Corporations Act. This area deals with the deterioration

construction or providing advice in relation to the financing

of companies, as well as the relationship between the

of infrastructure developments.

company, its shareholders, and creditors when the company can no longer pay its debts. Insolvency law

The Property group is a very extensive and important area

covers both litigious and transactional matters, ranging

of legal practice. Property lawyers deal with a range of

in size from extremely large corporate restructures to

legislation and have skills that are high in demand. They

relatively small debt recovery matters.

deal with everything from large-scale matters to minor

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transactional negotiations. Typical property work includes

and preparing advice on various legal issues, and

things such as advising on commercial, industrial and retail

corresponding with clients and team members.

property matters, reviewing property contracts, advising on the due diligence process during the sale and purchase


of real estate and businesses, completing complicated

This is a specialised group within the firm that essentially

tenuring and titling arrangements or undertaking

deals with breaches of the Competition and Consumer

negotiations for variations of leases. This area often has

Act 2010 (Cth). This Act is divided into two main parts –

a high level of contact with clients as each property deal

sections dealing with regulating the level of competition

is unique and requires a thorough understanding of the

between businesses and companies, and sections

wishes of clients.

regulating levels of consumer protection.


Competition work will likely involve advising companies

Firstly, it is important to note that the tax lawyers are rarely

prior to proposed mergers whether the ACCC will

involved in detailed analysis of financial accounts. It is

accept such a change in their industry, advising clients

not strictly necessary to have a background in accounting

how to restructure mergers to ensure a healthy level

or finance to become a tax lawyer, but some firms do

of competition remains within the market, advising with

encourage you to undertake further accounting based study

respect to the development of facility infrastructure and

if you settle in the group. However the focus is on the legal

access agreements, and liaising with the ACCC on behalf

analysis of tax based issues and the practical application of

of clients.

the law. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES In tax, perhaps more than in other areas of practice, a need

Energy and Natural Resources is a relatively new, fast-

exists to constantly maintain and update your knowledge

paced and ever growing group within the industrial sector.

of the law. Tax work requires constant reference to both

More and more top tier firms are expanding their energy

statute and case law, and tax is the subject of a continuous

and resources area of practice, both on a national and

stream of legislation and much litigation. Tax lawyers must

international scale. It is recognised as an extremely

also maintain their knowledge of other areas of commercial

important area of law, which is underpinned by both

litigation such as property, contract, trust and company law

economic and environmental concerns, and captures

as tax issues are usually linked to other commercial issues.

a wide range of transactions from oil and gas mining to renewable energy and power supply.

BANKING AND FINANCE The Banking and Finance group deals mainly with the debt


component of corporate transactions. Teams are generally

This group revolves around intellectual property (IP)

broken down into more specialised sub-teams, such as

services, including the registration, commercialisation

finance (focusing on financing developments or exploiting

and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The

assets), debt capital markets, consumer financial services

team develops legal strategies to protect the commercial

(drafting contracts and arrangements for financial service

potential of brands, as well as engaging in litigious work if

providers and large corporations), securitisation, or property

there is a breach of IP rights.

finance (assisting in managing the finance of commercial, residential and retail properties).

Work in this group may involve drafting advice on the identification, protection and management of patents and

Work in this group may include preparing and coordinating

trade marks, drafting agreements relating to licensing,

conditions precedent, drafting and reviewing various

franchising, and transferring rights, advising on copyright,

types of securities, drafting various other documents,

confidential information and unfair competition issues,

including board minutes, powers of attorney, short form

enforcing all IP rights using dispute resolution or litigious

loan agreements, legal opinions, deeds of release and

methods, advising on marketing agreements and many

documentation in relation to financial assistance. Preparing

other aspects of IP law.

for and coordinating signings and completions, researching

[ 38 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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Global career Global expertise Global opportunity

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Aust ralia


Shang hai

Paris Beijing London

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Broadening your horizons comes as standard Join one of the global elite, visit 2,821 Lawyers

Š Allen & Overy 2014

Macquarie University Law Society

525 Partners

43 Offices

30 Countries Clerkship Guide 2014 [ 39 ]



partners and lawyers were always willing to clarify my concerns and explain the intricacies of the tasks. These tasks allowed me to improve fundamental skills necessary to be a good lawyer.


Allen & Overy is renowned for high quality training and development. During your career you will have the opportunity to attend comprehensive training both domestically and globally to meet and learn with colleagues here and overseas, starting with our “Global Universities” run in London and attended at 18 months to 2 years of experience.


As one of only a small number of truly global elite firms, Allen & Overy Australia will offer you something different. Joining Allen & Overy means playing a part in a diverse domestic and international team spanning a fully integrated network of 43 offices in 30 countries. Clients increasingly need global service providers and we are currently one of the only firms in Australia able to provide a fully integrated domestic, regional and global offering.

The clerks attended regular “What We Do” sessions to understand how transactions are structured and run within the various practice groups in the Australian offices. We also worked on a mock transaction which required us to draft documentation in relation to the financing of an acquisition of a company. We negotiated terms with “opposing lawyers” (ie other clerks) and were accountable to our clients (partners at the firm). This exercise not only improved our drafting skills and commercial awareness but also gave us a glimpse into life as a commercial lawyer. From this exercise it is clear that Allen & Overy is committed to developing excellent lawyers.


As a Summer Clerk, you will be exposed to premium quality domestic and international work and will also participate in various exercises that simulate real transactions from beginning to end, providing a valuable insight into the role of an Allen & Overy lawyer. A large proportion of our lawyers will choose to take up the opportunity to spend time working in another office at some stage during their career, whether that’s a rotation as a junior lawyer, a longer term secondment or a permanent transfer.

Training and Development

But don’t just take our word for it. Adnan Husaini, current A&O graduate and Macquarie University alumni, completed his summer clerkship with us in 2012-13 and would sum up his 10 week experience as follows:

Quality of Work I rotated through the Mergers & Acquisition and Banking teams where I had the opportunity to assist the team on a number of multi-jurisdictional transactions. I was given an opportunity to help draft sections of a share purchase agreement before attending the negotiation meeting in relation to an acquisition of a company. Furthermore, I assisted the banking team in reviewing loan agreements and undertook the first stage of due diligence on a mine in South America. Whilst the learning curve was very steep, the

& Overy 2014 | CA1403086 [© 40Allen ] Clerkship Guide 2014

People and Culture During the summer clerkship I was able to spend ten weeks working with some incredible people that were willing to go out of their way to help me. I found that such a friendly and collaborative work environment meant that I enjoyed coming to work every morning

The International Secondment I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to spend a week in the International Capital Markets (ICM) team in the Hong Kong office where I assisted the team on four transactions. This required us to work with colleagues in the New York and London offices, which allowed me to

appreciate the importance of having a global network of experts able to provide advice. At the conclusion of the week, the ICM team was kind enough to take me to dinner at the famous Peninsula Hotel. This amazing week in Hong Kong proved that Allen & Overy is the perfect firm for anyone that wants a truly global legal career. My summer clerkship exceeded all my expectations and I cannot wait to begin my legal career. If, like me, you are seeking an international career in corporate law and want early exposure to cutting-edge transactions, Allen & Overy is undoubtedly the firm for you. To join an elite group of Summer Clerks at Allen & Overy in 2014/15, applications for the Sydney program open on Wednesday 18th June 2014 and close on Monday 21st July 2014. We accept applications from overseas students, however applicants must demonstrate a commitment to starting their legal career in Australia and have the right to live and work in Australia. We invest in hand-selecting our Summer Clerks each year and were pleased to offer graduate positions to all our Sydney Summer Clerks in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

To apply for our Summer Clerkship program in 2014/15, please visit our website: (Select Australia) The website also contains details of our Clerkship program in Perth. For further information please contact us at: Macquarie University Law Society

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Possibility in everything Allens is a leading international law firm, with partners, lawyers and corporate services employees across Asia and Australia. We work with many of the world’s leading organisations, including 55 of the world’s top 100 companies and more than 75 of Australia’s top 100 companies. Our integrated alliance with Linklaters means we are able to share resources and offer our clients a seamless service through a global network of 40 offices across 29 countries. A new way of working We’re building a law firm of the future. To maintain the leading position in the legal profession and the markets we serve, we’ve spent 190 years constantly evolving to meet the needs of our clients and our lawyers. That’s why we are leading the profession with a new career model that offers greater flexibility around the law that you practice, the people that you collaborate with, and the path you can take as you progress through our firm.

You set the pace

Our clerkship program

At Allens, we offer individual career plans that will allow you to explore your interests, find your niche and advance at your own speed. If you have the ambition, talent and desire to rise through our ranks, you can – as soon as you’re ready.

At Allens, we recruit most of our graduates through our clerkship program. Our clerkships are tailored to give you firsthand exposure to life as an Allens lawyer. Whether it is through our comprehensive training program, extracurricular events, meetings with clients or working on market-leading transactions, you’ll be given the opportunity to get practical experience alongside some of the brightest legal minds in Australia.

It’s a two-way deal. Here’s what we expect from our people, and what they expect from us. What we offer

What we expect Fast track promotion through great performance and demonstrated capability

Individual career plans and coaches so you can drive your own growth

Five career stages with clearly defined capabilities and indicators for progression

Development opportunities to meet new expectations


Remuneration and recognition linked to performance not seniority

Graduate program focused on developing core legal, commercial and leadership skills

Initiative and accountability for driving your career

Innovation, creativity and a fresh perspective

Resilience and the ability to meet challenges

Proactive engagement and relationship building with clients and colleagues

Demonstrated capability at every career milestone

Technical |excellence in all that you do

Pragmatic and commercial outlook

When you join our firm, you will learn from partners and lawyers who can help you take your career all the way. At Allens, anything is possible. Australian Law Firm of the Year – Chambers Asia Pacific 2014 to find out more. [Allens 42 ]isClerkship Guide 2014 an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP.

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© 2013 Allens, Australia 17945


Blake Ericksen, Lawyer, Allens

The importance of the energy and resources sector to the Australian economy has been readily apparent over recent years. Allens’ Energy and Resources team is led by some of the country’s leading energy and resources lawyers and has been involved in some way in many of the key transactions and developments that have taken place in the industry over recent years. Spending my first year as a lawyer working in the group has been a fantastic learning experience. When I joined the firm as a graduate, I knew from the outset that I wanted to begin my legal career working in the Energy and Resources group. It was not just the dynamic and highly relevant nature of the industry that drew me to the group, but also the fact that working in the area would expose me to a wide range of issues across a variety of areas of legal practice. Allens’ Energy and Resources practice broadly covers the areas of mineral, gas and petroleum exploration, production and marketing. Allens are often called on by leading industry participants such as Newcrest and Rio Tinto to advise on matters relating to financing, taxation, litigation, joint ventures, native title, the environment and mergers and acquisitions. Given the nature of the resources industry, much of this work has a cross-border flavour to it and a number of lawyers in the group have had the chance to work in a variety of exotic locations including Mongolia, Beijing and Africa. The developing nature of the legal systems in many of the countries in which our clients operate presents interesting challenges to both lawyers and clients. The Energy practice actively works with both government and corporate clients on a variety of issues. The complex regulatory and ownership environment in which electricity generators, distributors and suppliers operate has changed greatly over recent years, and the group has worked with participants at all levels of the industry in bringing about these changes. This has included working with government in relation to changes in the National Electricity Rules as well as the ongoing privatisation of public utilities. More recently, foreign investors have shown a great deal of interest in Australian power assets and we have worked closely with several of them on various acquisition transactions. In addition, constant technological developments in the area of power generation has given rise to a lot of interesting work relating to, for example, wind farming and solar power. Typically, over the course of several years, this work will cover the complete life-cycle of a project, from the initial development of a technology and associated financing arrangements, through to power retailing and the eventual disposal of the investment. The Energy and Resources group is also home to Allens’ climate change practice, which has been extremely busy over recent years providing advice on compliance and reporting obligations associated with legislation aimed at tackling climate change. Being an industry focused group, working in the Energy and Resources team has provided an excellent opportunity for me to work closely with other practice groups, within the firm, including Banking and Finance, Competition, Projects, and Commercial Litigation. This has meant that over the course of my graduate year, I have been able to develop a sound grounding not only in matters relevant to Energy and Resources clients, but I have also gained exposure to the types of work that these other groups are involved in. This has been invaluable in furthering my own development. I would highly recommend working in Energy and Resources. Not only is it an exciting area of law, but given the breadth of the practice, it is an ideal place to build the foundations for a successful career. Where will your career take you? It’s up to you. Whether you join us a clerk or a law graduate, we’ll support you to achieve your goals. To find out more about our programs and our people, visit

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The Summer Clerk experience

Andrew Vumbaca

A clerkship at Ashurst is a truly unforgettable experience. It is exciting, challenging and very rewarding. During my first few years at university, I can recall the more senior law students holding Ashurst in very high esteem as being a top tier law firm with a very attractive office culture. I came to appreciate just what this meant through my clerkship at Ashurst. Ashurst’s teams are characterised by friendly and enthusiastic staff at all levels who were always willing to answer any questions I may have had. The office culture generally is very much ‘open door.’ As a clerk, I found that this culture provided me with ample opportunity to get involved and even seek out work in which I had a keen interest. It also allowed me to receive feedback on my tasks and learn from senior legal practitioners. The firm also provided regular learning and development sessions on a wide range of topics from conducting research to legal drafting. These sessions are scattered throughout the clerkship and, in conjunction with receiving regular feedback, made the clerkship as a whole a valuable learning experience.

Rotating through the Banking and Restructuring & Special Situations teams, I often found that I was able to flick through the AFR on my morning commute and read about certain high profile matters with which I was assisting. The types of tasks I would receive in these teams varied from performing discovery to drafting research memoranda. Instructing lawyers would always provide me with background into the matter which allowed me to appreciate the importance of what I was doing and how my task would fit within the larger matter. I also had the opportunity to go on a one week secondment to a major domestic bank and work with both Ashurst secondees and various in-house lawyers. This was another valuable experience as it allowed me to see what clients require from their external legal advisors. On top of all this, there were many social and sporting events which ensured I always had something to do when I left the office each day with the other clerks who quickly became my close friends. A clerkship at Ashurst is an incredibly enjoyable learning experience and I simply could not think of a better way to start my career. Australia Belgium China France Germany Hong Kong SAR Indonesia (associated office) Italy Japan Papua New Guinea Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Sweden United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America [ 44 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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BORN GL BAL At Baker & McKenzie we are different in the way we think, work and behave. Like no other law firm, we were born global. We have been thinking globally in Australia for 50 years and the Australian practice is now the fourth largest in our network of 75 offices in 47 countries around the world, with more than 80 Partners and 170 lawyers across Sydney and Melbourne. We have recently celebrated our half century in the Asia Pacific and over this time have grown to 16 full-service offices across 13 jurisdictions. Our newest office in Yangon, Myanmar opened in February 2014, demonstrating our commitment to a presence in high growth regions that are important to our clients. With more than 1,000 locally qualified lawyers across the region, Baker & McKenzie is the firm with the greatest depth and breadth of coverage across the dynamic Asia Pacific markets. Baker & McKenzie Australia offers our people access to complex, market-leading matters working with some of the world’s best legal minds – people who know the law and who understand business. Our 2014/15 Clerkship Program Right from the start, our clerks get involved in real work. You will be exposed to our Australian and international clients through client meetings, shadowing, research and other everyday activities within your assigned practice group. Our clerks work closely with other lawyers, are guided by a Supervising Partner and enjoy the extra support of an experienced Associate “Buddy”. You will develop practical and legal skills through our national learning program and by attending workshops specifically designed for clerks, as well as Firm-wide sessions. In Sydney, the Summer Clerkship Program runs from late November to February each year with clerks completing two rotations. Clerks who accept a graduate role with Baker & McKenzie are eligible to apply for an International Clerkship, with the opportunity to work in one of our overseas offices in the year following their clerkship.

Our Graduate Program Over the course of the program, graduates gain experience in different areas of law before they join a particular practice group as an Associate. You will be assigned a Supervising Partner and an Associate “Buddy” in each rotation to oversee your on-the-job and formal learning.

Develop globally At Baker & McKenzie, we have a deep commitment to development. We work with each graduate to create a tailored development plan and career goals. To help you reach your goals, we provide targeted learning

opportunities — from seminars on core legal topics to practical skills development in areas such as communication, drafting and presenting. We work hard to facilitate on-the-job learning and the many ways it happens — through informal mentoring relationships, client secondments, involving graduates in global teams working on international deals or supporting them to run their own files for our award-winning Pro Bono Program.

Banking & Finance Capital Markets Commercial Real Estate Construction Dispute Resolution Employment

We have a strong culture of friendship and inclusion, and an egalitarian and collaborative working style. We are passionately global, and leverage our global expertise at every opportunity, recognising our strength is in our diversity. Established in 2009, our Australian Diversity and Flexibility Steering Group drives the development and implementation of activities in four key focus areas.

We also bring graduates from our Sydney and Melbourne offices together to help our people foster networks across the Firm, and support professional development by covering the costs of Practical Legal Training.

• BakerWomen - Gender equality and supporting the progression of women

Our regional practice group structure means many of our lawyers attend regional training in our Asia Pacific offices and, once graduates complete their Graduate Program, they will travel overseas to attend a regional orientation program with other mid-level Associates from the region.

• BakerBalance - Supporting carers and parents, employee wellbeing and workplace flexibility

In addition, the Firm offers opportunities for lawyers at varying stages of their career to work directly for clients or with our other offices in the Asia Pacific region.

What does the Firm look for? We look for people who enjoy a challenge and seek new opportunities; who share our global perspective; who have sound academics and are practical in their approach; who like taking responsibility and getting things done; who express themselves confidently while staying open to new ideas; and who seek a friendly and inclusive culture that strives to make a difference to our local and global communities.

Our key areas of practice include: • • • • • •

Thrive in a culture of inclusion

• Energy, Resources and Infrastructure • Environmental Markets • Financial Services & Structured Transactions • Insolvency • Intellectual Property

• • • • •

Media Mergers & Acquisitions Private Equity Tax Technology, & Communications

• BakerDNA - Ethnic, indigenous and cultural diversity

• BakerLGBTI - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex diversity Our aim is to create and maintain a diverse, inclusive and flexible culture that allows all our people to reach their full potential.

How to apply Applications for clerkships can be submitted online at Applications should include a cover letter, as well as details of your work experience, your extra-curricular activities and interests, and your academic results. Applications for clerkships open at 9.00 am on 18 June 2014 and close at 5.00 pm on 21 July 2014.

Patricia Micallef Talent Management Consultant - Sydney +61 2 8922 5715 patricia.micallef

Baker & McKenzie, an Australian Partnership, is a member of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein with member law firms around the world. In accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organizations, reference to a “partner” means a person who is a partner, or equivalent, in such a law firm. Similarly, reference to an “office” means an office of any such law firm. Baker & McKenzie handles information in accordance with our privacy policy. A copy can be found on our website.

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A REPUTATION FOR STANDING OUT, AND FOR BEING OUTSTANDING. For over 180 years, our confident approach to complex transactions and litigation has seen us grow into Australia’s premier independent law firm.

With our programs you’ll get…

Now, with 200 partners and over 1,400 employees across seven offices, we continue to build our reputation for innovative and incisive advice. With a genuine commitment to client service, we are trusted advisers to a range of government departments and agencies, as well as leading Australian and international corporations.

► a buddy who’ll give you the inside information

If you have an unshakeable sense of what’s possible, Clayton Utz is the perfect place to build your career.

► the chance to participate in our Community Connect

► mentoring from some of the best lawyers

in the country

► meaningful performance feedback so you know

you’re on the right track

► continuing legal education programs and professional

development support, so you can become the lawyer you want to be and Pro Bono programs and really give back

► social and sporting activities, because we know

it’s not all work and no play.

It’s not just about wearing a suit No matter how good your law degree, there’s always a gap between theory and practice, and finishing university can be daunting. How do you make the jump to working in a commercial law firm? That’s where we come in. If you’re a law student in your penultimate year, our Clerkship Program will expose you to the fast pace of a full-service commercial law firm and show you the law in action. You’ll be working under the guidance of some of the sharpest legal minds in Australia, on challenging, complex and high-profile transactions and matters. You’ll be mentored by partners and lawyers who are leaders in their fields, in a firm where individuality is embraced and innovation actively encouraged. Once you’ve completed your studies, our Graduate Program gives you the perfect foundation for your legal career. You’ll hit the ground running by working on complex and sophisticated legal issues, and our rotation program means you’ll discover different areas and find the right fit. And with our tailored mentoring, you’ll get the support you need to become the best you can be.

What one word describes your Clerkship? Opportunity. There are many opportunities available for you at CU… I had the chance to work in the CU Darwin office for a week, and got the opportunity to volunteer with the Red Cross in the Tiwi Islands as part of the summer clerk secondment program. – Shirley Hu, 2013 Summer Clerk

Get the inside scoop

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CLAYTON UTZ AT A GLANCE ► Founded in 1833 by the first Australianborn solicitor to be admitted to practice. ► Seven offices across Australia. ► 200 partners and over 1,400 employees. ► Acting on some of the most high-profile and complex matters and deals (including the NBN, Barangaroo, and the Queensland Flood Inquiry). ► Major clients include top Australian and international companies, and over 250 Federal and State Government Departments, Agencies, and organisations. ► Founding member of the sustainability initiative, the Australian Legal Sector Alliance. ► Provided nearly 430,000 hours of pro bono assistance since 1997 – and rising. ► Given $5.7 million in grants to 505 charities since 2003 via the Clayton Utz Foundation.

RECENT AWARDS INCLUDE ► Who’s Who Legal 100 ► Australian Firm of the Year (2013) ► BRW Client Choice Awards » Finalist, Law Firm of the Year, Revenue > $200m (2012) ►Capital CFO Awards » Corporate Law Firm of the Year (2012) ►Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency » Employer of Choice for Women Citation (2012) ► Euromoney LMG Australasia Women in Business Law Awards » Best Gender & Diversity Initiative by an Australasia Firm (2012).

Our Sydney office recruits its graduates from the Clerkship Program.

THE CLERKSHIP PROGRAM 24 November 2014 – 6 February 2015 Aimed at penultimate year law students, this 11-week week program gives you a week orientation and two rotations in different practice areas. You will also be able to take part in additional training, networking sessions, and social/sporting activities. Applications open 19 June 2014 Applications close 21 July 2014 First round interviews conducted week commencing 18 August 2014 Final round interviews conducted week commencing 8 September 2014 Offers made 26 September 2014.

ACCELERATE PROGRAM 30 June 2014 – 11 July 2014 Our Accelerate Program is aimed at third year combined law students or equivalent. This unique program in our Sydney office lets you accelerate your career in law over your winter break. You'll get two days training and an eight day placement in one of our practice groups. It's a great way to find out more about a career in law and all students on the program get a guaranteed interview for Clerkship Program the following year. Applications open 1 April 2014 Applications close 22 April 2014 Interviews conducted week commencing 28 May 2014 Offers made 3 June 2014. Amy Lennox Graduate Recruiter (02) 9353 5598

Find out more

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FLIGHT Join a law firm that is truly going places With 4,200 lawyers in 78 offices and 32 countries around the world, working at DLA Piper means opportunities to work with world class companies on major projects both here and overseas. You’ll also benefit from cutting-edge learning and development programs, and will get to work alongside some of the best legal minds around. Take the first step to a global career and visit to learn more.

[ 48 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

DLA Piper is a global law firm operating through various separate and distinct legal entities.

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For further information, please refer to Copyright Š 2012 DLA Piper. All rights reserved. LAT03| DLA1320 | 1213

Think ahead.

Melbourne Perth Sydney

Fast-track your career with Australia’s most progressive independent law firm. To find out more visit us at Download the Gilbert + Tobin Careers App from the App Store or the Google PlayTM Store Macquarie University Law Society

Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Clerkship Guide 2014

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ABOUT THE FIRM Gilbert + Tobin is a leading independent corporate law firm and a key player in the Australian legal market. From our Sydney, Melbourne and Perth offices, we provide innovative, relevant and commercial legal solutions to major corporate and government clients across Australia and internationally, particularly the Asia-Pacific region. With a focus on dynamic and evolving market sectors, we work on transactions and cases that define and direct the market. Gilbert + Tobin has become the legal adviser of choice for industry leaders who value our entrepreneurial culture and determination to succeed. Established in 1988, Gilbert + Tobin employs more than 500 professionals. We have the highest proportion of female partners of any major Australian law firm and are acknowledged as a pioneer in providing pro bono services. Gilbert + Tobin has become the legal adviser of choice for industry leaders who value our entrepreneurial culture and determination to succeed. EXPERTISE Our reputation for expert advice extends across a broad range of service areas, including: • Banking + Finance; • Corporate Advisory; • Competition + Regulation; • Energy + Resources; • Intellectual Property; • Litigation; • Pro Bono; • Real Estate + Projects; and • Telecommunications + Project Services. OUR WORK Some clients we have recently acted for and advised are the following:  Google Inc. in its successful defence against the ACCC in regards to online advertising practices;  Aquis, on its A$276 million bid for the Reef Casino Trust (and associated entities) and proposed A$4.2 billion integrated resort development;  Nine Entertainment Co. in pulling the company back from prospective receivership, resulting in approximately A$4 billion recapitalisation;  Credit Suisse AG as agent and Credit Suisse Securities (USA ) LLC, as co–lead arranger in relation to the US$5 billion secured debt facilities for the Fortescue Metals Group;  Telstra, on the implementation of the Structural Separation Undertaking, Australia’s largest industry restructuring/de-merger arrangement;  Appointed to act for the Catholic Church’s Truth Justice and Healing Council in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse; OUR CLERKSHIP PROGRAM Our Sydney clerkship program runs for 10 weeks over the summer university break. Clerks are given the opportunity to work within two practice areas during this time. We also have a structured learning and development program in place and organise various social events and activities to allow clerks build relationships with people across the firm. Clerkship applications are open from 18 June – 21 July 2014. WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR Gilbert + Tobin is looking for ambitious, bright, friendly and enthusiastic individuals who will thrive in an environment of integrity, respect, innovation and excellence. For further information about Gilbert + Tobin, visit

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aspire. contribute. thrive.




tier 1 vision. financial services. government.

Macquarie University Law Society

banking & finance. corporate & commercial. dispute resolution. environment & planning. financial services. property & construction. government. restructuring & insolvency. workplace relations & safety. Clerkship Guide 2014

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aspire. what are your hopes and ambitions for the future? contribute. how will you make a difference to HDY, our profession and our community? thrive. what do you need to reach your full potential? Who are we?

What’s it like to be a summer clerk at HDY?

Henry Davis York (HDY) is a leading Australian law firm that specialises in the financial services and government sectors and is best known for its tier 1 insolvency & restructuring expertise.

Feature of our program

Our vision is to be a tier 1 law firm practising nationally. We work with tier 1 clients such as the Big 4 Australian banks, global investment banks, insolvency & accounting firms, fund managers, superannuation funds, regulatory bodies and key local, state and commonwealth government agencies. We offer our clients a wide range of legal services from the following practice areas: ■

Banking & Finance

Construction & Infrastructure

Corporate & Commercial

Dispute Resolution

Environment & Planning


Insolvency & Restructuring



Technology & Intellectual Property

Workplace Relations & Safety

What this means for you

Comprehensive orientation during which you will attend training sessions and meet the people you will be working with.

You will be ready to hit the ground running from day one and be given the opportunity to contribute and make a difference.

Rotations through 3 practice groups of your choice.

You will enjoy hands-on experience in the areas of law most relevant to helping you with whatever you aspire to achieve.

Supervision, advice, training & feedback from partners, senior associates and a mentor.

You will be well supported and developed throughout your time with HDY to help you thrive.

What are we looking for in a summer clerk?

Why should you apply for our program?

The quality of our people is the key to our success. Recruiting the right people at every level is therefore a critical part of our strategy. Our summer clerks become part of us and contribute to our growth and culture from day one. So, they must be:

We understand what you are looking for in a summer clerk program. We listen to what our summer clerks tell us about their experience with us and how we can build on it each year. This means we know what’s most important to you and our program delivers this for you:

Passionate about what’s important to them.

Self-driven, highly motivated and eager to develop and take on responsibility.

Exposure to tier 1 clients and high quality, meaningful work.

Energised by being part of a team and focused on “we” rather than “I”.

The opportunity to contribute and take on responsibility as part of a team.

A supportive, collaborative environment where your contribution matters and which fosters your development.

The chance to work with some great people and have fun too.

Respectful of others and respected by others.

A successful candidate will have an excellent academic record, some relevant work experience, demonstrated leadership skills and a keen interest in commercial law.

aspire. contribute. thrive.

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Visit our website to apply : 18 June - 21 July 2014

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DO YOU SHARE OUR VIEW? We understand that to become our clients’ most valued business adviser, technical ability alone is not enough. We see that being an exceptional lawyer takes a willingness to look at things from a new perspective; the ability to cut to the heart of a matter; and a belief that the business of law fundamentally rests on human relationships. Bring these qualities and we’ll expose you to inspiring people working together towards a new and distinctive vision. We’ll reward your contribution with the responsibilities, challenges and opportunities you’d expect from a leading global law firm. We see a fascinating and exciting future for the business of global law. Do you? HERBERTSMITHFREEHILLS.COM/CAREERS Macquarie University Law Society

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A PERFECT PLATFORM FOR YOUR CAREER OLIVIA ROLLESTON Olivia came to Herbert Smith Freehills as a vacation clerk in 2013-14. She is currently a paralegal in our Finance, Real Estate and Projects group and will be joining us as a graduate. A LEARNING EXPERIENCE My experience as a vacation clerk at Herbert Smith Freehills exceeded all my expectations. A clerkship is so much more than just a recruitment process. It is an incredible opportunity to learn about the world of corporate law, but also, about yourself in the workforce. As much as the application process is about a firm deciding if you are a good fit for them, you should also treat the application process as an opportunity to decide what firm is a good fit for you. It is important to know what you value in a workplace and exactly what attracts you to a particular law firm. Herbert Smith Freehills stood out to me at first because of its reputation as a leading law firm. I knew that I would have the opportunity to work on challenging and significant matters, and that I would be learning from leaders in their fields. But throughout the clerkship process, what surprised me most about Herbert Smith Freehills was the incredible amount of support that I felt and everyone's genuine interest in my development. Herbert Smith Freehills’ combination of technical excellence and more importantly, its commitment to valuing staff, has provided me with the perfect platform to begin my legal career.


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MAKING A CONTRIBUTION … I rotated in the Dispute Resolution group and the Finance, Real Estate and Projects group. From the first day, I was exposed to those “challenging and significant matters”. I was asked to review and interpret contracts, draft advices, and work on pro bono matters. I was also able to attend court, client meetings and briefings to barristers. Most importantly, in all my tasks I felt I was part of the team and contributing meaningfully to the matter. I was overwhelmed with the time my supervising partners and the rest of the teams invested in me, and this access to expert partner support and feedback confirmed Herbert Smith Freehills’ unique approach to the clerkship.

… AND GREAT FRIENDSHIPS Apart from work, some of my most memorable moments are the time I spent with friends that I made throughout the clerkship. Some highlights included the weekly sporting competition, inter-firm cruise, trivia night, and scavenger hunt. Not to mention, the many Christmas parties. I am also very proud to say that my clerk group reclaimed the "Clerk vs Employment, Pensions and Incentives group" touch footy trophy. As clerks, we also got the opportunity to attend Shopfront Youth Legal Centre, organise the “Clerk vs Partner” debate and our own Dragon’s Den-style fundraising event “The Charity Pitch”.

FINAL WORDS OF ADVICE The best advice I received throughout the clerkship was:

Be yourself in interviews. Interviews are not a test but an opportunity for the firms to get to know you and for you to get a feel of the firm too. You will get out of the clerkship, what you put in. Don’t get so caught up with “getting” a clerkship, that you don’t appreciate everything you learn from the whole process. Ultimately, my clerkship at Herbert Smith Freehills was more rewarding than I ever could have imagined. It confirmed for me that it is exactly where I want to be and I feel incredibly lucky to walk into work every day. Good luck to everyone with the application process! Olivia Rolleston Paralegal, Sydney

A clerkship is an incredible opportunity to learn about the world of corporate law, but also about yourself in the workforce.

Be as prepared as you can be before the applications actually open. You should be doing your research and can be working on your CV and cover letters now. This will make the application process a lot less time-consuming and daunting.

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EXPERIENCE AN EXCEPTIONAL WORKING ENVIRONMENT We’re delighted our vacation clerks and graduates often talk about Herbert Smith Freehills' friendly yet professional culture, challenging work, regular client contact and partner support as features that distinguish us from other firms. From the start of your career you will get to know our clients, understand their perspectives, and develop your ability to deliver insightful and commercially astute advice. We will help you grow personally and professionally, in an environment where you can be your best. We see a fascinating and exciting future for the business of global law. Do you? HERBERTSMITHFREEHILLS.COM/CAREERS Macquarie University Law Society

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Think Law When you think of a law firm, what springs to mind? Grey and boring, heads stuck in legal books, and lots of ‘same same’ with no different.

Think Again. Growing the future lawyer. We see your personal excellence – whether it be technical brilliance, client impact or leadership – and empower you to be your best self. You’d be right in thinking this is an inspired choice to build a career with a global firm that’s going places.

Think Law. Think Again. Asia Pacific | Europe | North America | Middle East Visit our Facebook page Macquarie University Law Society

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King & Wood Mallesons Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place Sydney NSW 2000

Mitch Barreca Graduate Resourcing Consultant Phone: 02 9296 3573 Email:

The combination of King & Wood Mallesons and SJ Berwin in November 2013 cemented our position as the first and only international law firm headquartered in Asia – and a global top 25 law firm by revenue. Our ability to connect Asia to the world, and the world to Asia, is our key differentiator. Our local talent and connections, and our understanding of the region’s culture, combined with our international execution platform, is unique. We are focused on opening up the world’s fastest growth region for clients. We’re internationally connected market leaders who partner with businesses to create exceptional value for clients. And, we want you to be part of our success story. Statistics: • global top 25 firm by revenue and a global top 10 firm by lawyer numbers; • US $1 billion + in revenue; • 30 offices globally; • 530+ partners and 2600 lawyers (biggest international legal network in Asia region); • 78 global awards in 2013 • have clients from global financial and corporate powerhouses to the new industry-makers and all levels of government (some for over 200 years); and • the only law firm able to practice Australian, PRC, Hong Kong and English law. Summer Clerkship Program Applications open: 18 June 2014 How to apply: Via our online application system at We offer clerkships so that you get a clear picture of what it’s like to be a lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons. You’ll get to know our people, the way we like to work, our culture, practice areas, clients and more. For many, the clerkship is the first stage of continuous development at King & Wood Mallesons. We’ve designed a program to help you make the most of your time with us. During your clerkship, you’ll learn: • The day-to-day skills to get you started – taking instructions, meeting with clients, drafting memos and documents, managing your practice and professional relationships. • The core practice teams at King & Wood Mallesons – who they are, what they do, how they’re structured, the clients they work for, and of course, your role within them. • Our culture – working within your team, you’ll be exposed to (and encouraged) to get actively involved in the many activities and events that help create our unique culture. • Our people – you’ll find that people from every part of the business will help you along, sharing their knowledge, and ensuring you have everything you need to fit in, and do well.

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Melanie McLean Macquarie University Year: 2013/2014 Summer Clerk Areas of rotation: Dispute Resolution & Banking & Finance

I chose King & Wood Mallesons because it was the firm for me that ticked all of the boxes, and yet my clerkship experience at KWM exceeded my expectations in every way imaginable. KWM has an excellent, long-standing reputation and can be appropriately described as an ambitious, forward-thinking firm with a clear focus on the Asian region. I also liked KWM because of its increasing global network providing the potential to work abroad, as well as work on cross-jurisdictional matters here in Sydney. Perhaps most importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed the recruitment process with KWM. Despite it being one of the region’s leading law firms, I found KWM to be very humble in the way they promoted the firm which appealed to me. I was also left with a genuine belief that the Partners and lawyers that I met along the way were the sort of people that I would like to learn from and work with. At a firm like KWM, you are exposed to the most interesting, ground-breaking and high profile legal work for many of the world’s leading companies, even at a junior level. All the while being supported by established training programs and a friendly team of driven individuals. My first rotation was in the Dispute Resolution (Intellectual Property) practice group and my second in the Banking & Finance group. My work was very diverse, so much so that I could not describe a ‘typical’ day as a summer clerk at KWM. My work included attending court hearings or briefings with counsel, sitting in on international conference calls with clients, conducting extensive research on interesting areas of the law, bearing the responsibility of getting a client to sign important contracts, writing online blog posts about highprofile court cases, assisting on pro bono matters and even drafting legal advice to clients. I was particularly nervous about rotating through Banking & Finance as I had no background in this area. I was however pleasantly surprised by how much time my team dedicated to explaining things and making me feel as though I was still making a valuable contribution to the team. Aside from the “on-the-job” support that my respective teams provided me, KWM has established support systems comprised of a Buddy (usually a junior lawyer), a Development Coach (usually a more senior lawyer), and a supervising Partner. I was very much aware that both of my supervising Partners were extremely highly regarded in their respective fields, yet I was met with two very down-to-earth and approachable people who always had the time of day to chat to me, even as the most junior member of their team. My Development Coaches provided me with invaluable tips and insights into life as a commercial lawyer and I was able to speak candidly with them about my career going forward, all of which took place over many hot chocolates and coffees. My Buddies were very personable and would always answer my barrage of what I perceived to be silly questions with a smile. In addition to informal feedback, I appreciated the formal feedback sessions the firm provided as an integral part of my professional development. Overall, it became clear very quickly at KWM that despite the size of the firm, my own individual interests were always taken care of. Away from my desk, my summer holidays were made up of an inter-firm sports competition, trivia night and weekly drinks, an amazing firm-wide Christmas party, weekly dinners with my fellow KWM clerks and many pleasant lunches and morning teas within my teams. A definite highlight of my clerkship was the numerous community and pro bono activities that I became involved in. This included spreading Christmas cheer at the Sydney Children’s Hospital, cooking hot lunches for the homeless and disadvantaged at the Salvation Army’s Street Level Mission, doing some work for UNICEF on the rights of children and participating in the summer clerk MalleMUN- which was a laughter-filled attempt at mimicking the UN Security Council’s resolution process. Although the thought of spending your summer holidays working may seem a bit unappealing, my summer spent as a Clerk at KWM was definitely one of my best. It has left me with a clearer career direction and a great group of new friends and colleagues. I could not recommend doing a clerkship at KWM highly enough.

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VISIONARIES WANTED. We have more than 2,000 lawyers spread across five continents allowing us to share our people, expertise, clients and most importantly our success. Your career will benefit from unprecedented exposure to high profile deals on an international platform. Are you a visionary? Join us. Join us on Facebook

Choosing a career at K&L Gates is selecting to be a part of a progressive and innovative law firm that continues to grow year on year. We work with market leaders across many industries in a range of exciting areas of the global economy.

We look to recruit talented people, then provide the opportunities and support for them to achieve their best. Join us and you will join a team of passionate professionals dedicated to providing exceptional client service.

Sydney practice areas Corporate and Transactional

Labour Employment and Workplace Safety

Energy, Infrastructure and Resources

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Finance (Restructuring and Insolvency)

Policy & Regulatory

Financial Services

Real Estate

Intellectual Property

Join us – Summer Clerkship Program Applications for our Summer Clerkship Program open in June 2014. Level 31, 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW Australia 2000 Phone: +61 2 9513 2415 Fax: +61 2 9513 2399 [ 60 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

To apply and to find out more information about the firm, please visit our website at You can also follow us on Facebook at Macquarie University Law Society

ABOUT US K&L Gates, a US-based full service commercial law firm merged with the established national firm, Middletons, on 1 January 2013. Originally founded in Pittsburgh in 1946, the firm experienced rapid expansion within the United States followed by other key global locations. The Australian merger marked the continued expansion of K&L Gates into the Asia Pacific region and increased our global footprint to 48 fully integrated offices on five continents and more than 2000 lawyers globally. Clients include industry leaders, major corporations, capital markets participants and governments. We represent global household names across all industries (this not surprisingly includes Microsoft - given the “Gates” portion of our name originates from Bill Gates’ father!). Practice Areas • Corporate and Transactional • Real Estate • Energy, Infrastructure and Resources • Litigation and Dispute Resolution • Finance (Banking & Insolvency) • Intellectual Property • Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety • Financial Services • Policy and Regulatory The Summer Clerk Program at K&L Gates Over 8 weeks you will experience rotations in two different practice areas. This allows you to gain insight into a career in law, meet our people and sample our culture to determine if K&L Gates is the right career choice for you. As a law student in your penultimate year at university, this is an opportunity to gain practical work experience through participation in client meetings, court visits and involvement in real legal work. Professional development is provided throughout your clerkship. It begins on your first day with a comprehensive induction program and continues through your clerkship enabling you to learn important skills that lay the foundation for your legal career. You will work closely with a supervising partner or senior associate who is responsible for your daily work. A graduate or junior lawyer will also be there to provide buddy support throughout your clerkship. Step onto a truly global stage. Join us. Applications for 2014/2015 Sydney Clerkship program open 18 June 2014 and close 21 July 2014 To apply, please visit our website Come and meet us at the Clerkship Fair on Thursday 22 May 2014!

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CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Level 19, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Web: HR Contact: Laura Grant, Graduate Resourcing Consultant Email: Phone: +61 3 92699333

ABOUT LANDER & ROGERS Lander & Rogers is a leading independent Australian law firm operating nationally from Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. We have seven main areas of practice; • • • • • • •

Commercial Disputes Corporate Family & Relationship Law Insurance Law & Litigation Property, Projects & Infrastructure Workplace Relations & Safety WorkCover

And are a principal advisor to many publicly listed and private Australian companies, Australian subsidiaries of global companies, as well as all levels of government. We provide practical legal advice, along with exceptional client service, and we are renowned in Australia for our down-toearth and friendly culture. We have a distinctively happy workplace, achieved through selectively recruiting people who think and act collaboratively and will strengthen our culture. The firm comprises 61 partners and more than 400 lawyers, support and internal services staff. We have grown organically, resulting in a highly cohesive firm sharing a strong work and services ethic, and high staff and partner retention rates. PRO BONO & COMMUNITY SUPPORT Lander & Rogers is committed to developing a culture and business which supports the undertaking of pro bono work and other similar initiatives in the community. We have a market leading pro bono program in place which focuses on matters of access to justice, social inclusion and community service work, and is driven by a dedicated pro bono partner. We treat pro bono work as equally important to the firm as paid work. WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT Our innovative summer clerkship program is built on learning and fun and we’ll do everything we can to show you the way by giving you a chance to have a go for yourself. On joining us you’ll be teamed with two lawyers for each of your two rotations (one experienced, and another a little closer in level to you) who will immerse you in the day to day running of their practices. What that means on a practical level will vary depending on the practice group you join (we’ll ask you to indicate your preferences), and could involve

Macquarie University Law Society

• • • • •

Researching points of law and summarising your findings Drafting correspondence, court documents and sections of commercial agreements Reviewing and analysing legislation and case law, Observing our lawyers in action at meetings, conferences, mediations and court Attending practice group discussions

IT’S NOT ALL WORK We value our people and understand the importance of our staff maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle and we encourage our summer clerks to get involved in life at Landers as much as possible during their time with us. Our health and wellbeing committee, LandersMax!, encourages our people to get involved in various activities, including BootCamp, Pilates, tennis, triathlon and indoor sports competitions, language classes, in-house massage, social events and much more. WHAT WE LOOK FOR We’re in the business of dealing with people, whether that is each other, our clients, barristers or you. So, we aim to recruit people who are friendly, down to earth, and who can engage with a whole range of people in the workplace. You’ll also need intelligence to tackle the most interesting of legal scenarios, energy to absorb new concepts and a willingness to work productively with lots of different people. We don’t expect that you’ll be a gun at all of these things straight away, but when we meet you at interview we’ll be curious to learn more about your potential to handle these things in the future, based on the skills and experience you’ve already built through studying law (combined with other disciplines like arts, commerce and science) and any legal and non-legal part-time work, volunteer work and university activities you’ve tackled. A carefully prepared and professionally presented application letter and CV are the key to maximising your potential to secure an interview, and offer an excellent opportunity for you to identify the skills and attributes that you believe will be of value to our firm. See our website to learn more about the experiences of our people, why they chose Lander & Rogers, and why they choose to stay with us.

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Minter E llison’s clerkshi p progra m W hat att ributes will I n ee d to su c c e e d We look ? for ind iv iduals w Our law ho a r e p y e rs d i assionat splay pl e a bout it’s not enty of forging initiativ a bout w a c a re e hat u niv e a nd a p as r in co tech nic ersity y m m e r ci a sion for al achie ou went l law. doing t ve m ent to or yo h ei r b e a nd co m u r b st. For m a ckgrou n it m ent t W hat lea us, d, but r o b ei n g r nin g a ather yo part of n d d ev e u r su p e our coll lop m ent rior a borativ trainin We’ll eq e tea m. g will I uip you receive? t o a c h ieve you includ i ng sessi r b est t ons desi h rou g h a n u nd e g ned to a co m pr rsta nd i ehensive develop ng of et tech nic orientat hical a al a bili ion prog nd profe ties, re ra m, O u r se n ssional s e a rc h ior law y r e s s kills a p e o r nsi bilit s a re p a n ex perie d y re q u i ssionate nc e – a re m ents. a bout s nd they haring work alo are lead t h ei r k ngside s e rs i n t nowledge o m e of t heir fiel a nd he b est d – m ea n i ng yo legal m By joini u get to i nd s i n ng Minte the busi r Elliso ness. the pat n’s cler h to a h kship pr ighly su o gra m, y ccessful o u’ll put c a r e er Is t he d yourself in co m m uration on e r ci a l l a n d e aw. x t o d e ci p o s u r e de whet p r o v i d e h er c o m d by t h m ercial e clerks hip enou law is f Our vac or m e? gh ation cl e r kships work at c an be a Minter E 2 to 12 llison, w e ek p e orientat h a n d li n riod - g ion prog g t he t iving yo r asks our a m a nd u a tast acu m en. on t he j l a w y e rs u e of wha So ther o b t ra i n d er t a k e t it’s l e is no n i ng wi ev er y d a ike to b etter w l l b u y. Plus i l ay to de d you r l Find out a co m preh cide whe egal sk what a d ensive ills a nd t h er c o ay in th m m e r ci a c o m m e rc really l e life o l law is ia l ike http: f a Mint r i //clerks g h er Ellis t for yo hips.m in u! on clerk terellis W hat ov is m/ erseas o pportu n ities wi ll I hav With offi e? ces acro s s Australi ra nge of a, in As c a r e er ia a n d i opportu n t he U nities o K – t h er ur clerk Each yea e’s no l s a n d la r we off i m it to w y e rs c e r t he a nu m b er a n ex pl to enjoy ore. of higha two-we p e r e f k o r place m e m i n g Au to work nt in ou stralia in a for n clerks r Ho n g K eig n jur ong offic t he o p p isd ictio ortu nity e. This n whilst Our inte is a gre e m braci rnationa at oppor n g the lo l ju nior tu nity law yers cal cult law yer t he c h a ure. se c o n d m nce to e e n t p Hong Kon r o g ra m njoy a s also giv g office ix m ont es o u r y – one of h stint ou n g er living a t he c o m nd worki m e r ci a l Don’t ju n g i n ou capitals st take r our word of the w orld! for it v isit our M E A bro ad blog at http: //overse as.m inte rellison .co m

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Every day, every person at Minter Ellison plays a vital role in helping clients to close deals, find solutions, resolve disputes, grasp opportunities and create value. You’ll work with and be mentored by some of the best legal minds in the business. We’ll offer you real work experience and help you to develop the legal and commercial skills you need to achieve excellence.

AbOut Minter ellisOn

Our services

We’re an Australian-based international law firm offering a full range of legal services to an impressive list of clients across Australia, in Asia and globally. Recognised for our clear thinking, our strong technical skills and ability to deliver practical solutions have led to our involvement in the Asia Pacific’s most innovative and high-profile transactions.

Global divisions Construction Corporate Dispute resolution Finance Human resources & Industrial relations Real estate Taxation Global industry sectors Energy & resources Financial services & Insurance Government Health & ageing Infrastructure Telecoms, Media & Technology

Real people achieving excellence For more information on vacation clerkships or the Minter Ellison graduate program please go to

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My goals are clear. We’re achieving them together. ‘I knew where I wanted my early legal career to take me, and the opportunity to practice in a foreign jurisdiction during my international rotation to Singapore was a key milestone. Practicing English law in one of the busiest financial centres in Asia, and negotiating investment between global corporations, was exactly the experience I was looking for. I gained deep insight into my practice group and our key sectors, and gained a vast amount of invaluable experience. Back home, I’m working with the people I met overseas, and in those jurisdictions in which I now have first-hand knowledge. With my early goals fulfilled, I feel more confident that I can achieve the bigger ones.’ Adam Hunter, lawyer, corporate advisory, joined February, 2013

To see how you could define your own path within our global legal practice, visit:

Progress with purpose [ 66 ] Clerkship Guide 2014

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INTRODUCTION Norton Rose Fulbright Australia is a member of the Norton Rose Fulbright Group, a leading international legal practice offering a full business law service to many of the world’s pre-eminent financial institutions and corporations. We are one of the largest international legal practices in Australia, with offices in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Knowing how our clients’ businesses work and understanding what drives their industries is fundamental to us. Our lawyers share industry knowledge and sector expertise across borders, enabling us to support our clients anywhere in the world. We are strong in financial institutions; energy; infrastructure, mining and commodities; transport; technology and innovation; and pharmaceuticals and life sciences. We take the view that we are only as strong as our people – which is why quality training and flexible work programmes are paramount to our business. We deliver an extensive range of training programmes targeted at specific stages of our lawyers’ professional development. Our graduate lawyers have the opportunity to be involved in a unique International Rotation Programme and to spend time in one of our International offices. SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAMME The summer clerkship programme runs for 10 weeks in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney and will commence in late November 2014. As a Norton Rose Fulbright Australia summer clerk, you will have the chance to spend five weeks in one practice group and then rotate into a different practice area for a further 5 weeks, to broaden your knowledge as much as possible. Our clerkship programme is your opportunity to start building a career with a global legal practice, doing meaningful work of value. You will also get to know our people and work closely with our Associates, Senior Associates and Partners. All in all, it is an opportunity to experience what life is really like as a commercial Lawyer. You will attend various induction sessions, as well as firm wide CLE training and talks from graduates about spending time on secondment to one of our International offices. During your time at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia you will get to participate in actual work with clients – which could involve anything from legal research to attending client meetings or court visits. Another aspect of your clerkship with us will be the social activities that you can participate in. As a summer clerk you will be included in firm specific activities including sporting events, lunches, dinners and various other social events.

Macquarie University Law Society

GRADUATE PROGRAMME The Norton Rose Fulbright Australia graduate programme runs for a 24-month period and consists of a six-month rotations, which allow you to experience a wide variety of legal work and develop a comprehensive skill set. With this breadth of experience, you will be able to confidently identify the area that best suits your talents and career goals. As part of our national graduate programme, we now provide graduates in their second year of the programme with a unique opportunity to undertake a four month rotation in one of our international offices. This formalised learning opportunity introduces you to the broader Norton Rose Fulbright Group, including regional and global clients, Partners and staff, and gives invaluable experience of different cultures and legal work. Global thinking is essential in all our graduates and you will embrace the international opportunities on offer. Throughout the programme, you will also be involved in a regular feedback process. This provides an opportunity for ongoing communication between partners and staff and ensures you maximise your learning experience. APPLICATION DATES FOR SYDNEY All applications should be submitted online at Applications Open – 18 June 2014 Applications Close – 21 July 2014 Offers Made – 26 September 2014 THE APPLICATION AND INTERVIEW PROCESS If you are interested in applying for a summer clerk position at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, you should apply online. You will need to submit your academic transcript, an up-todate CV and a covering letter. Please ensure that you include your contact details, your education/qualification details, work experience and any extra-curricular activities that you participate in. The interview process consists of two interviews and an information session over a number of weeks. You will have the opportunity to meet Partners and Associates from different groups across the practice, as well as contacts in Human Resources. Please apply online at

LOCAL CONTACT DETAILS Name: Yvette Revell Email: Telephone: +61 2 9330 8945 Office: Level 18, 225 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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We have 80 Partners and more than 500+ lawyers and staff operating out of our offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Adelaide. Our industry coverage includes clients in banking & finance, construction, energy & resources, healthcare, telecommunications, property development, wealth management, gaming & leisure, and media, broadcasting & entertainment. “As a Graduate Lawyer in the Construction practice, I was exposed to national and international players in the major projects and infrastructure spheres, and am encouraged on a daily basis to engage and work directly with clients.” Tom McKillop – Lawyer, Brisbane Our Clerkship Program At Thomson Geer we are looking for law students who have excelled academically, are client focused, commercially minded, and work well in a team environment. We recognise that the Law is an incredibly rewarding profession, but we also understand that it can be demanding. For this reason, we aim to create an environment in all of our offices that is friendly, personable, collegiate, and professionally stimulating. If your ambitions are to develop a career in commercial law and you possess the drive to make your ambitions a reality then we want to hear from you. Applications open 19 June via cvMail or the Thomson Geer website.

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CONTACT: The Australian Recruitment Team SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)


Graduate Employment

Summer Clerkship

Addisons Lawyers



Allen & Overy









Baker & McKenzie



Champion Legal



Clayton Utz



Clifford Chance



DLA Piper Australia



Gadens Lawyers



Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers



Henry Davis York



Herbert Smith Freehills



Holding Redlich



Hunt & Hunt



HWL Ebsworth



Johnson Winter & Slattery



Jones Day



Justice Policy – NSW Department of AttorneyGeneral and Justice



K & L Gates



King & Wood Mallesons



Lander & Rogers






Minter Ellison



Sparke Helmore



Thomsons Geer



TressCox Lawyers



Truman Hoyle Lawyers



ADDISONS LAWYERS Level 12, 60 Carrington Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8915 1089 Fax: 02 8916 2089 Email: CONTACT: Samantha Pearce (Human Resources Manager) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: Summer_Clerkships.aspx (Please include a covering letter, detailed CV, current academic transcript and response to application questions.) ALLEN & OVERY Level 25, 85 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9373 7700 Fax: 02 9373 7710 Email:

Macquarie University Law Society

ALLENS Deutsche Bank Place, Cnr Hunter & Phillip Streets SYDNEY NSW 2000 Email: CONTACT: Tiffany Rogers (National Graduate Recruitment Manager) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: ASHURST (SYDNEY OFFICE) Level 36 Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9258 6924 Fax: 02 9258 6999 Email: CONTACT: Amy Foulcher (Human Resources Consultant – Graduate Programs) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Please include a covering letter, detailed CV, current academic transcript and response to application questions) ASHURST (CANBERRA OFFICE) Level 36 11, 12 Moore Street CANBERRA ACT 2601 Phone: 02 6234 4078 Fax: 02 6234 4111 Email: CONTACT: Margot Kindley (Human Resources Relationship Manager) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Please include a covering letter, detailed CV, current academic transcript and response to application questions) BAKER & McKENZIE Level 27, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8922 5715 Fax: 02 9225 1595 Email: CONTACT: Patricia Micallef (Talent Management Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: BROWN WRIGHT STEIN Level 6, 179 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9394 1047 Fax: 02 9394 1011 Email: CONTACT: Brooke Glastonbury GRADUATE PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: CHAMPION LEGAL Level 3, 60 Phillip Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150 Phone: 02 9635 8266 Fax: 02 9635 1167 Email: CONTACT: Michelle Forrester SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:

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CLAYTON UTZ Level 15, 1 Bligh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9353 6111 Fax: 02 8220 6700 Email: CONTACT: Amy Lennox (Graduate Recruiter) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: clerkships/

HERBERT SMITH FREEHILLS Level 27, ANZ Tower, 161 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9322 4792 Fax: 02 9322 4000 Email: CONTACT: Leigh Dunlop (Graduate Recruitment Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)

CLIFFORD CHANCE Level 16, 1 O’Connell Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8922 8000 Fax: 02 8922 8088 Email: CONTACT: Debbie McKell (Human Resources Manager) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:

HOLDING REDLICH Level 65, MLC Centre 19 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8083 0388 Fax: 02 8083 0399 Email: roberta.tuckwell@ CONTACT: Anna Peters (Human Resources Manager) Roberta Tuckwell (Human Resources/Learning & Development Advisor) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications via email: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)

DLA PIPER AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY OFFICE) 201 Elizabeth Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9286 8520 / 03 9274 5491 Fax: 03 9274 5111 Email: CONTACT: Camilla Moore (Graduate Resourcing Manager – Australia) Cassie Jackson (Human Resources Assistant – Sydney) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript) DLA PIPER AUSTRALIA (CANBERRA OFFICE) 55 Wentworth Ave KINGSTON ACT 2604 Phone: 02 6201 3434 Fax: 02 6230 7848 Email: CONTACT: Camilla Moore (Graduate Resourcing Manager – Australia) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript) GADENS LAWYERS Level 16, 77 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9931 4831 Fax: 02 9931 4888 Email: CONTACT: Alida Milliken (Learning & Development Co-ordinator) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications via GILBERT + TOBIN LAWYERS Level 37, 2 Park Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9263 4575 Fax: 02 9263 4111 Email: CONTACT: Kristie Barton (People Team) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: HENRY DAVIS YORK 44 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9947 6532 Fax: 02 9947 6999 Email: CONTACT: Fiona Page (People and Development Officer) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)

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HUNT & HUNT Level 13, Gateway, 1 Macquarie Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9391 3000 Fax: 02 9391 3099 Email: CONTACT: Ms. Rebecca Sutherland (Human Resources Consultant) GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: graduate, in hard copy or by email to human_resources@ (Complete the Law Society Student Application Form, include a detailed CV, current academic transcript, HSC results and UAI or equivalent) HWL EBSWORTH GPO Box 5408 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Phone: 02 9334 8555 Fax: 1300 369 656 Email: CONTACT: Renee Lawton GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Submit applications, your CV, and academic transcripts online via http://www. SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM: Submission details will be provided closer to the opening date. JOHNSON WINTER & SLATTERY Level 25, 20 Bond Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 08 8239 7127 / 02 8274 9529 / 02 8247 9630 Fax: 08 8239 7100 Email: / / CONTACT: Romaine Ponniah / Robyn Howard / Megan D’Cruz SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript) JONES DAY Aurora Place, Level 41, 88 Phillip Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8272 0500 Fax: 02 8272 0599 Email:

Macquarie University Law Society

CONTACT: Natalie Berndt SUMMER CLERKSHIP AND GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Submit applications via email to: sydneyrecruiting@ (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and your academic transcript) JUSTICE POLICY – DEPARTMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JUSTICE – NSW Level 14, Swire House, 10 Spring Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 CONTACT: Jacob Campbell / Caroline Davies Phone: 02 8061 9225 / 02 8061 9238 Fax: 02 8061 9370 Email: / caroline_davies@agd. SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications via email to: Further information is available from the website at www.lpclrd. K&L GATES Level 31, 1 O’Connell Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 CONTACT: Alison Maclurkin / Robert Anderson Phone: 02 9513 2415 / 02 9513 2378 Fax: 02 9513 2399 Email: / SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: or (Complete an online application and include a detailed CV and current academic transcript) KING & WOOD MALLESONS (SYDNEY OFFICE) Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9296 3573 Fax: 02 9296 3999 Email: CONTACT: Mitch Barreca (Graduate Resourcing Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Complete an online application and include a detailed CV and current academic transcript) KING & WOOD MALLESONS (CANBERRA OFFICE) Level 5, 7 London Circuit CANBERRA ACT 2601 Phone: 02 6217 6638 Fax: 02 6217 6999 Email: CONTACT: Mary Costa (People & Development Coordinator) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Complete an online application and include a detailed CV and current academic transcript) LANDER & ROGERS Level 19, Angel Place 123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 03 9269 9333 Fax: 03 9269 9001 Email: CONTACT: Laura Grant (Graduate Recruitment Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and academic transcript) MADDOCKS Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9291 6215 Fax: 02 9221 0872 Email: CONTACT: Kate Chisholm (People & Culture Advisor)

Macquarie University Law Society

GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT AND SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM: Submit applications online via: MINTER ELLISON (SYDNEY OFFICE) 88 Phillip Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9921 8583 Email: CONTACT: Tarley Slawson (Resourcing Advisor) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV, current academic transcript and our online application). MINTER ELLISON (CANBERRA OFFICE) 25 National Circuit FORREST ACT 2603 Phone: 02 6225 3737 Email: CONTACT: Liana Hurry (Human Resources Manager) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV, current academic transcript and our online application). SPARKE HELMORE Level 15, 321 Kent Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9260 2439 Fax: 02 9373 1486 Email: CONTACT: Nicole Garrett (Recruitment Consultant) GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: THOMSONS GEER Level 25, 1 O’Connell Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8248 5802 Fax: 02 8248 5899 Email: CONTACT: Stephanie Moffitt (People & Development Business Partner) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Complete the online application form and include your covering letter, resume, and academic transcript) TRESSCOX LAWYERS 19 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9228 9398 Fax: 02 9228 9299 Email: CONTACT: Sharon Harrington (Human Resources Adviser) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: TRUMAN HOYLE LAWYERS Level 11, 68 Pitt St SYDNEY NSW 2000 CONTACT: Kathryn Edghill / Jan Thomas Phone: 02 9226 9888 Fax: 02 9226 9899 Email: / SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications via email: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)

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Macquarie University Law Society

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