MULS Resume & Cover Letter Guide 2024

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In collaboration with:

Foreword JoDean

Senior Manager, Early Careers Ashurst

Dear student

We have created this guide on how to write your CV, cover letter and respond to short answer questions to assist you with your clerkship applications

We understand that this can be a very challenging time for students, and aim to make the process easier by being transparent

on what we are looking for in a short answer responses, cover letter and CV

We have provided an example of a strong cover letter and CV and have shared details around what makes them strong examples.

We considered sharing an unsuccessful example but decided that we could provide more detail in the section on "tips to avoid"

We would like to note that while we have only provided one successful example of a cover letter and CV, there are many variances of these. Please don't feel like your reasons and experiences need to be the same to be successful at Ashurst. We are looking for diverse and well-rounded candidates with different experiences and backgrounds

We hope that by providing this guide it may assist you with the fundamentals of a successful cover letter, CV and how to respond to short answer questions.

This year we have decided to remove the cover letter from our application process and ask short answer questions instead We made this decision as we want you to put your time and effort into the content and not have to worry about the structure of a cover letter

We are acutely aware of how competitive and stressful this process can be, so we encourage you to take care of yourself and to remember that this is not the only pathway into a career in commercial law

Lastly, we wish you all the best with your clerkship applications.

Your sincerely

Foreword RuthBeran

National Career Strategist The College of Law

Dear Student,

We're thrilled to welcome you to a guide that's packed with insights and tips, tailormade to help you shine in the legal world's fierce competition Here at The College of Law, we're not just about teaching law; we're here to guide you through the early, often daunting stages of your career.

Together with Ashurst, we've put together this guide to make sure your first steps into the professional world are as confident and effective as they can be

Let's face it, the legal field is competitive. You've probably heard it from your lecturers, classmates, and mentors That’s exactly why your resume and cover letter need to do more than just list your qualifications they need to tell your story in a way that catches the eye of your dream employer

Here’s what we’ve lined up for you in this guide:

The Big Picture: Start by knowing your audience and tailoring your resume accordingly AI might screen your application before it gets to a human, so align your resume to the skills required in the job advert

Making Your Skills Shine: We'll help you figure out which of your skills are the real showstoppers and how to highlight them in a way that feels genuine and impressive

Presentation & Polishing: The little details matter a lot We’ll share some straightforward tips on keeping your application looking sharp and error-free.

Your Resume Checklist: Before you send anything out, check it against our handy list to make sure you’ve nailed every detail

Your law degree and PLT are just the beginning. Knowing how to open doors with them is what can really make a difference. That’s why we created this guide to give you practical, easy-to-follow advice that will help you not just meet, but exceed expectations

So dive in, use these tips, and start crafting applications that stand out

Warm regards, Ruth

Welcome JordanLau

Vice-President (Publications) MULS

It is an honour to welcome you to the second edition of the Macquarie University Law Society’s Resume & Cover Letter Guide.

In any profession, a good first impression is imperative to establish character and foreground your authenticity as an applicant. In this guide, we aim to capture the

necessary steps an applicant should take to ensure they make the best first impression through key application documents including their Resume, Cover Letter, Short Answer Question responses and CV

This publication is uniquely insightful as it couples the valuable expertise of Ashurst’s Jo Dean and the College of Law’s Ruth Beran. Through their knowledge, this guide accurately summarises what types of applications are preferred by early-careers experts and talent teams. The team at MULS are incredibly thankful for the kind work of our sponsors in collaborating with us on this guide

We hope that this publication may act as a useful resource in your future applications


Vice-President (Career Engagement) MULS

I am delighted to present the second edition of the Resume and Cover Letter Guide This publication is designed to provide comprehensive support to students during their job application process, particularly throughout the clerkship period. This guide provides meticulous feedback on resumes and cover letters while addressing common challenges students encounter in their application writing This guide is the product of a valuable collaboration between the Macquarie University Law Society and international law firm, Ashurst, who have generously sponsored and contributed to the content of this publication

This guide provides practical advice and professional insights that are crucial for enhancing job application materials, thereby increasing the chances of securing clerkships and other employment opportunities By addressing common concerns and providing expert feedback, this guide empowers students to present themselves boldly and competently to prospective employers I would like to extend special thanks to Jo Dean and the team at Ashurst for their invaluable support and insightful contributions. Your dedication and expertise have provided students with the tools and knowledge they need to confidently showcase their unique strengths and perspectives in their applications

We hope you enjoy the Resume and Cover Letter Guide, happy reading!

TipsonrespondingtoShort AnswerQuestions

Take your time to read the question.

Be precise and specific, don't waffle, being able to write concisely is important.

Be honest in your answers

Be aware of word limits and check that your response will not be cut off Many systems will not allow additional words.

What attributes do you possess that wouldmakeyouan assettoourfirm?

Don't regurgitate your CV, this is an opportunity to show the firm a bit more of who you are

Ensure that you have provided the relevant details and actually answer the question

Consider ways to demonstrate skills through mini stories or examples, rather than simply making statements. If someone tells you “I’m a strong communicator” that’s one thing. If you get to see their communication in action, that’s another Demonstrate your skills by describing how they’ve shown up and worked well for you in the past. Use stories to illustrate your skills.

Ensure responses are free from common mistakes, including grammatical and spelling errors

Proofread your applications carefully. Ask a friend or family member to proofread your application before submission

Consider how you can highlight your strengths and how they align to the key requirements of the role when answering questions. Add further detail around why you are a strong applicant for the role

Ensure that your motivation and enthusiasm can be expressed through your answers. If the question is asking about your motivation, your response should convince the firm of your genuine desire to be a lawyer there, and that you are aware and prepared to commit the time and effort required to complete your given tasks.

Remember that attention to detail is extremely important Consider writing your answers in a MS Word document first to check for any potential spelling errors before copying and pasting into the application.

Many firms provide a section where you can include any additional information relevant to your application. This is your opportunity to address any extenuating circumstances or issues that may be of concern, such as gaps in education or employment, and failed subjects



Ensure that this is accurate with no spelling mistakes

Clearly articulates specific reasons for interest in Ashurst

Links reasons for interest in Ashurst with personal strengths which makes interest in Ashurst seem genuine Highlights additional motivations to join Ashurst and shares how this relates to their personal values

Clearly links motivations to join Ashurst with personal experience

Explains how they have developed key strengths.

Tipsonpreparingyour CoverLetterandCV


Graduate Ashurst

How to prepare for your cover letter

When preparing for writing a cover letter, it is important to start with the basics That is, a thorough understanding of the cover letter's purpose in the scope of your clerkship application. Then, an understanding as to your best approach considering cover letter format and substance

The cover letter represents an introduction opportunity to the team reviewing your clerkship application Depending on your direction, the cover letter should leave the reviewing team with an understanding as to your relevant background, experiences, understanding of the firm's work, and how you see yourself acclimating to the firm. Your language should be clear and concise, avoiding technical language and unnecessary legal jargon. As one of a limited number of opportunities to self-promote throughout the clerkship application, do not shy away from demonstrating what makes you unique and the achievements of which you are most proud with humility

Your cover letter can be used as an opportunity to demonstrate an understanding as to what the firm represents regarding services, expertise, clientele, and culture. A great starting point of research includes firm websites, newspapers, clerkship-related university events, and other networking opportunities hosted by the firms However, for those who are keen, these sources should be just that, the starting point Gaining an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of a firm can be challenging from an external perspective. Seek opportunities to hear about the experiences and insights from those who are within the firm. Reach out to university alumni, firm representatives you meet at clerkship events and organise opportunities to speak with them about their work and experiences

Start early There is an art to writing a well curated cover letter, that succinctly tells a story about who you are, who the firm is, and why they align nicely. Afford yourself the opportunity to amend and mould your cover letter throughout the clerkship process as you learn about the different firms Where possible, have your cover letter reviewed from friends and family, and those working in the legal space

A strong cover letter will be tailored to the firm. Your reasons as to why you want to work at the firm should be genuine and well-researched. While it may be tempting to save on labour, copying and pasting information from other cover letters, this route has pitfalls which are avoidable

How to prepare / tips for your CV

Creating a professional and favourable impression through your CV is key and will carry forward through various stages of your application.

Your CV communicates your professional and non-professional experiences, educational qualifications, skills, and personal interests A quality CV will be well-organised and concise, guiding the reader through a clear understanding of your background A CV should clearly communicate your work history and the responsibilities your previous roles entailed, emphasising what improvements you contributed to a particular role or organisation. Keep details of each experience to several key points, with experiences listed in the order of most recent

While it may depend on the preferences of the firms, a CV should be kept within two-pages of length. Attending HR presentations and networking events are valuable opportunity to gauge firm preferences, or to ask questions regarding CV drafting particulars Guides such as the MULS Cover Letter & CV Guide are opportunities to take notes as to firm preferences and experiences of successful applicants.

Keep in mind that you are writing a CV for the HR team to review, and to be used as a point of reference throughout the application process Hence, it is important that you can converse regarding qualifications or experiences listed in your CV.

When you reflect back on your applications, what is something you would have done differently?

Reflecting upon my clerkship application experience regarding preparing cover letters and CVs, to have better prepared, I would have sought out more opportunities to speak with individuals at various firms and stages of career progression

While the networking events and presentations are a fantastic opportunity to hear about the firm, there often remains the opportunity to learn more about the firm and practice areas of interest by speaking with individuals who currently or previously worked within the firm or practice area.

Get accustomed to reaching out to university alumni who work at the firm, whether clerks, graduates, or lawyers Where professional in your approach, people are often happy to talk about their work, or point you in the direction of someone who might be interested in a coffee and conversation Start early, be genuine in your interest and approach, take notes, and incorporate your learnings into your cover letters and future conversations

What other questions you think clerks are too afraid to ask?

What specific type of person or qualities does the firm look for?

There is not a specific type of person or set of qualities which will either guarantee you a clerkship offer or prevent you The firms look at a wide range of criteria and preferences, allowing each applicant the opportunity of putting forward their application.

While the firms are certainly looking for applicants with strong experience and academic backgrounds, there is not a one size fits all model. Having undertaken a clerkship at Ashurst, I have witnessed the wide range of personalities, backgrounds, and experiences that my clerk colleagues brought forward into the clerkship program.

Do you need previous legal experience to get a clerkship?

No. While working previously in a legal environment or position can assist in developing an array of relevant skills and knowledge, lack of prior legal experience will not prevent you from successfully applying for a clerkship. Having undertaken a clerkship at Ashurst, alongside people without prior legal experience, I can attest to this Should you not have previous legal experience, emphasis should be placed on your understanding of the transferability of skills and attributes you have developed

Demonstrate where and how you developed critical skills such as critical thinking, attention to detail, effective written and verbal communication, research and analysis skills, time management, alongside an array of other desirable attributes


Beforeyourfingersstartdancingacrossyourkeyboard,slowyourthought processdownandtakestockofthebigpicture.Youwanttoensureeverysection andwordinyourresumeisintentional.Thisprocessstartswiththinkingabout howyou’regoingtomakesureyourresumeisopened,readwithinterest–and createsapositiveandlastingimpression.


First things first: who will be reading your resume? It’s likely to be one or a combination of these people:

An in-house HR manager or recruitment manager

Keywordstherecruiterislookingfor appliedthroughout

An outsourced legal recruiter

Firm partners or other senior lawyers

Directors or managers

If you know your resume will be vetted by an in-house HR manager or recruiter, who doesn’t have a legal background, your word choice is crucial They will be looking for key terms to make sure you have the right skill level for the position.

HR Managers will also want to assess whether you are a good fit for the organisation By researching their culture and values, you’ll be able to highlight the relevant attributes that best align to the organisation


If the above advice didn’t convince you to nail your key words, then this sobering fact should

Keywordstherecruiterislookingfor appliedthroughout

Resumes submitted via LinkedIn and SEEK or on some employers’ websites can be vetted by a machine before it makes it into the hands of a human being That’s because some recruiters now use artificial intelligence (AI) in the first stages of their screening process

So, go through that job ad with a fine-tooth comb and note the key skills and attributes the recruiter is looking for. And align your resume as close as possible.


The best way to get noticed as a candidate is to tailor your resume to the role you are applying for Customise your career overview, work history and skills to showcase your most relevant skills and accomplishments based on the keywords you highlighted

Keywordstherecruiterislookingfor appliedthroughout

A hiring manager should immediately be able to tell that you have relevant experience. If you have a long work history, this may mean you need to minimise or remove any positions that do not align


Youneedtoconvincethereaderthatyou’retherightfitfortheirrolebydrawing onyourrelevantworkexperienceandtransferableskills.Andyouneedto promoteyourskillsetwithpunchandauthority.


It’s not enough to write ‘Well-developed writing skills’ You need to briefly back up this claim and give it meaning Each statement should be reinforced by a one - two sentence explanation of how you developed that skill

For example: Well-developed writing skills (statement) developed through volunteering at the Community Legal Centre (explanation) The role involved undertaking preparatory writing for interviews, and I received high praise on the quality of my work (example).

Drawoutyour transferableskills

An employer understands that legal skills such as legal research, drafting and advocacy are refined and developed over time If you’re applying for an entry-level or graduate role, the hirer won’t be expecting you to illustrate all the key competencies from legal experience alone

It’s perfectly okay to highlight the relevant skills you’ve developed through your PLT, non-legal work, university studies and unpaid or voluntary work

For example, you can also draw on your PLT work placement and highlight skills, such as real client presentations and drafting letters of advice You will also be able to promote the experience you gained during this process, such as understanding how to appear in court and file an interlocutory application

Awordof advice

Make sure your LinkedIn profile and resume are consistent

It’s a major red flag for employers if key dates, job history and skillsets across the two are out of sync


Whilst sometimes it is an achievement to meet a goal, particularly in difficult circumstances beyond your control, it is also important to highlight where you have exceeded a target or had an exceptional outcome. Wherever possible, include metrics to back your achievements up and show the impact and result of what you did


Legal skills fall broadly into the ten skills listed below You can either list your skills as a separate section within your resume or embed them into your key responsibilities and achievements Analysing your skills and preparing examples will also help you highlight your experience at interview when describing your work history.

When collating examples, draw out your most recent and relevant experience to the role, and the organisation, that you are applying for Also include metrics where possible to provide context, scale and scope of your achievements and experience.


You’ll need to use strategy and creativity to think through and solve complex problems for your employer or their clients

Potential examples: learnt how to analyse case law while studying ‘Criminal law and procedure’ improved processes and systems for a retailer which led to a 20% increase in sales wrote a briefing report for a government department which led to policy change


You’ll need to use online resources such as legal databases, legislation, physical texts or when speaking to people with knowledge to find answers to legal questions

Potential examples: developed research skills through writing my honours dissertation. This required accessing, contextualising and critically examining information from primary and secondary sources utilised legal databases to research case law for a legal matter resulting in finding a precedent that changed the outcome of the case researched and identified potential customers for a small business owner which led to an increase in leads of 50%


Critical to working in a fast paced and highpressure environment, you’ll need to demonstrate the ability to juggle conflicting priorities and workloads

Potential examples: efficient and effective at prioritisation, and having to frequently juggle multiple tasks when working as a team leader at a customer help centre adapted constantly to competing deadlines and changing priorities when working on matters for a law firm dealt with multiple orders and competing timeframes from customers when working in a hospitality/retail environment


Strong people skills are essential to working and building relationship with clients and stakeholders

Potential examples: communicated empathetically and effectively with clients from diverse backgrounds, including those from diverse socio-economic areas, as shown during my time as an intern at the Magistrates’ Court increased sales through a demonstrated understanding of the differing needs and objectives of customers/clients in a business, retail, hospitality environment liaised with different stakeholders when developing initiatives for a government department


You’ll need to speak and write clearly so that specific audiences such as clients and stakeholders can easily understand complex legal concepts, cases or facts

Potential examples: developed strong communication skills through customer/client relationships in a business, retail, hospitality environment presented a business case to colleagues and received positive feedback on ability to engage and influence team members participated in the Annual Michael Kirby Contract Law Moot, which involved presenting in front of a large audience and putting forward a convincing and legally astute argument adapted communication style to explain a complex legal matters to those without a technical background in a community legal centre


As a lawyer, details like facts, spelling and numbers are important You will aim to be accurate and spot mistakes and correct them before they become an issue

Potential examples: discovered and corrected an incorrect lot number for a client’s property which could have resulted in an adverse effect in a conveyancing matter uploaded multiple documents to the law firm’s knowledge management system and ensured all details were correct commended by a number of customers for accurately explaining the financial details on complicated sales packages


You will develop knowledge and understanding in the area/s of law that you are practicing and use that expertise to solve problems, provide advice and inform your practice

Potential examples: developed expertise in migration law focusing on immigration applications from the UK whilst working at a boutique migration agent received a High Distinction for the subject Business Law assisted in developing policy on noise laws and regulations for local government


You’ll need to work well as part of a team to ensure that legal projects or cases run smoothly, to time and to budget

Potential examples:

collaborated as part of a team with four other lawyers to achieve a positive outcome for a client in a lengthy case in the Supreme Court helped draft and enact new legislation as part of a team with internal and external stakeholders organised the end of year ball for students as an elected member of the University law society


You will need to be proactive, think positively, be adaptable and be a life-long learner

Potential examples: took initiative to learn a legal project management tool, LEAP software enrolled in a Master of Business Law helped a business pivot into a new customer base during COVID, resulting in a 20% increase in sales took part in an organised legal mentoring program over six months leading to a better understanding of how the law operates

You’ll also need to be able to work independently with limited supervision and take initiative when required

Potential examples:

created an induction booklet for all new starters in a government department worked from start to finish with limited supervision on a parking infringement matter took initiative and recommended that different legal software be used by my employer After conducting research, the software was adopted resulting in time savings for all staff

Theysaythedevilisinthedetail.Thisstatementringsespeciallytrueforyour resume.Carelessnesscanundermineallthehardworkyou’veputin,sogive yourselfplentyoftimeforproofreadingandfinessingthelayout.


Make sure your resume is easy to navigate and inviting to read, with defined sections and ample white space. Apply clear headings and bulleted lists – and ensure everything is aligned. Make sure dates are easy to read, with month and year if possible.

When it comes to length, less is more Two-page resumes are ideal If that’s not possible, aim for no more than three pages. Most importantly, follow the employer’s instructions if they give set guidelines on length.

Proofreading is one of the most important stages in creating your resume A typo or misplaced apostrophe may be all it takes for the reader to decide you don’t have the

Yourresume checklist

Keywordstherecruiterislookingfor appliedthroughout

Anylegalexperiencepromotedfirstand foremost

Education(outstandinggrades,GPS, majors)andPLT

Skillsareincludedaseitheraseparatesectionorareembedded intoyourkeyresponsibilities.Don’tforgettoincludetransferable skillsparticularlyifyouhavehadapreviouscareer.

Achievementsaresupportedwithevidencesuchaspromotions, awards,customerfeedback,improvedefficienciesorturnaround time Communitycontributionandinterests Professionalassociationsand

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