Clerkship Guide 2017

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Macquarie University Law Society

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Platinum Sponsors

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Macquarie University Law Society


I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce this guide to the summer clerkship program. Students study law for many reasons, going well beyond the desire to practise as a lawyer as a career path: the intellectual pursuit, the desire to make a difference in the world, and the chance to build a set of skills that can be used in diverse professional contexts. Your education at Macquarie is an important step in developing the great knowledge and many skills you will use throughout your working life. The summer clerkship program provides a valuable opportunity to see the operation of the legal profession first hand. It can further enable you to create important networks and provide you with a personally challenging, but rewarding, experience. The summer clerkship is often seen as an important rite of passage for law students, as it provides exposure to the daily operation of the law in key commercial settings. The learning that comes from working with law firm partners, senior associates and other law staff provides a unique insight into the interpretation and application of the law. You will return to your study with new insights not

Macquarie University Law Society

only about the law and its operation but also about yourself, your skills and capabilities and your character. We have found that students who undertake clerkships are also wonderful ambassadors for the Macquarie Law School, and you may well have the opportunity to see how our alumni spend their professional lives. While competition for clerkships can be tough, it is an opportunity that is well worth pursuing. Irrespective of the career path you ultimately follow, the experience from the clerkship should serve you extremely well. You all have a lot to offer and the advice in this guide will provide you with great tips on how to prepare and work your way through the process. My congratulations to the Macquarie University Law Society, especially to the Editor and the Publications team, for their hard work in putting together this excellent guide. Dr Vijaya Nagarajan Acting Dean Macquarie Law School

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7 An Introduction to Clerkships


Clayton Utz

8 An Overview of the Clerkship Process

24 Interview Skills

Allens Linklaters

9 Clerkship Week

28 Video Interview Skills


30 Mastering the Interview

Baker McKenzie

33 What to Wear

College of Law

34 Cocktail Evening and Networking

DLA Piper

Gilbert + Tobin

Henry Davis York

Herbert Smith Freehills

K&L Gates

King & Wood Mallesons


Thomson Geer

Index: Participating Law Firms



35 Offer Etiquette

11 Where Do I Start?


12 Common Practice Areas 15 Writing an Outstanding Cover Letter 17 The CV: Tips 21 Online Materials

PART IV – THE EXPERIENCE 37 Q&A with the Clerks

22 cvMail

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EDITOR Peter Zivkovic DESIGNER Nathan Li CONTRIBUTORS Dr Vijaya Nagarajan, Rhiannon Bell, Nicholas Southall, Leith Sawalha, Tania Currie, Brodie Purdon, Sebastian Hanscomb, Victoria Whiteman, Kristina Hewetson, Jessica Millner, Mitchell Bazzana and Aaron Wong. SPECIAL THANKS TO Sarah Li Yee Lien, for her tireless work and guidance; Lachlan Mack, for coordinating the content provide by the firms for this guide; and the team at the Macquarie University Career and Employment Service, for their useful suggestions. DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, nor the Macquarie University

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Law Society, and are in no way associated with Macquarie University. Best efforts have been made to ensure that all information in this guide is correct as of 30 April 2017, but such information is subject to change without notice. The advice is merely advisory and should not be relied upon as professional advice. This publication is distributed free of charge, with the understanding that the authors, Editor and any persons related to this publication are not responsible for the results of their actions or omissions on the basis of any information provided within this publication. The user of this guide, therefore, acknowledges that he or she will take responsibility for his or her actions and will under no circumstances hold the Editor, authors or Macquarie University Law Society responsible for any damage resulting to the user or anyone else from use of this publication. MULS encourages all summer clerkship applicants to obtain confirmation of all information from the firms in question.

Macquarie University Law Society



Summer clerkships are a fantastic opportunity for students to gain valuable work experience in commercial law. For some who have already decided on a career in commercial law, clerkships represent a chance to begin a career. For others who are yet to settle on their post-university trajectory, clerkships provide an opportunity to gain an insight into the practice of commercial law and consider whether they are suited to working in such an environment. At the very least, should a student work as a summer clerk and decide not to pursue commercial law, clerkships are highly regarded and are an impressive addition to a resume.

The MULS 2017 Clerkship Guide aims to introduce the clerkship process, providing students with information on the law firms participating in the program, how to apply for these roles and the various stages of the application process. However, applying for a clerkship is not an exact science, and each student ought to think about the qualities and experience they possess when considering the best way to frame their application. It is my hope that this guide will provide students with the tools they need to perform to the best of their abilities in the application process.

I am proud to welcome you to the 2017 Clerkship Guide. Many of you may have come to law school aspiring to specialise in corporate and commercial law. Clerkships are a fantastic opportunity for students to realise this dream and to accumulate real world experience in a firm. This process, however, may seem somewhat daunting at the outset.

These give you the chance to engage with Human Resources, graduates and recent summer clerks to gauge which firms are the best fit for you.

The Clerkship Guide is here to help demystify the process, from setting out your CV to being interviewed. You’ll find advice on writing cover letters, how to navigate the intricacies of cocktail evenings, and a collation of tips and tricks from former clerks. The best advice I can give you is to ensure you do your research. Identify what the strengths of a firm are, their practice areas and their clients. One way you can learn more about a firm is by attending events coordinated by our hard-working Career Engagement team.

Macquarie University Law Society

Peter Zivkovic Executive Officer (Editor) Macquarie University Law Society

On behalf of Macquarie University Law Society, I thank all the contributors to this guide – your insight and experience ensures our prospective clerks can be their best in this process. We are also thankful for the ongoing relationships with our sponsors – your support is invaluable and our students benefit immensely from it. Finally, I thank Peter Zivkovic and the Publications department for their hard work in delivering a meticulously written and designed Clerkship Guide. To all 2017 applicants, I wish you every success in the clerkship process and your future career aspirations. Rhiannon Bell President Macquarie University Law Society

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AN INTRODUCTION TO CLERKSHIPS What is a Clerkship? The NSW Law Society coordinates two major employment programs for law students: graduate employment programs (for final year students) and summer clerkship programs (for penultimate year students). Clerkships are typically paid employment programs at law firms, running for approximately 10 weeks over the summer holidays. These positions provide an opportunity for students to experience life in a commercial firm and to develop networks and personal skills. Clerkships may also lead to offers of graduate employment. What are the requirements? To be eligible to apply for a clerkship students should be in their penultimate year of study. Students that fall outside of this criterion, such as final year students, should enquire whether the firm they are interested in intends to accept candidates who do not meet this requirement. However, aside from the above requirement, there are no specific prerequisites or standards that must be attained in order to submit an application. Nevertheless, the three general qualities that firms look for in applicants are: 1. Strong academic records – Your transcript says a lot about your work ethic and the areas of law in which you have excelled. Whilst spectacular marks will not guarantee you end up becoming a clerk, they can enhance the credibility of your application.

Macquarie University Law Society

Almost all firms will require a current academic transcript, which you can order from Student Connect. Your GPA is indicated at the bottom of your transcript. You should not leave this to the last minute; it is additional stress that can be easily avoided. 2. Work experience – What is important here is to show any work experience that shows you have relevant skills to work in a legal environment. For instance, work that can demonstrate time management skills will be beneficial as such a skill is crucial when working in commercial law. Clerkships are designed as work experience within the legal sector. Having prior legal work experience may be helpful, but it is not essential. 3. Varied extracurricular activities – Firms are not only interested in your academic results or work experience. They are seeking students with skills relates to communication, organisation, commercial awareness and commitment to a career in the law. This can also be used to address any gaps in your academic results or work experience. Even abstract extracurricular activities can illustrate that you possess relevant skills and can demonstrate commitment.

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Key Dates for the 2017 Clerkship Application Process Applications open Thursday 15 June Applications close Sunday 16 July, 11:59pm Interviews commence Monday 14 August Offers may be made Wednesday 4 October Offers must be accepted or rejected by 5pm, Friday 6 October These dates, while sourced from the NSW Law Society, are advisory, and may be subject to change for each firm. Applicants are encouraged to confirm these dates with the firm in question.

Improving your chances of gaining a clerkship 1. Work on your academics – whilst not the only factor considered, your marks are important. 2. Get involved at university – consider volunteering on a MULS subcommittee, signing up for Macquarie Mentors, competing in a moot or helping out with a charitable cause. 3. Get legal work experience – consider volunteering at a Community Legal Centre or undertaking a PACE work placement unit. 4. Start honing your CV and cover letter – if you require assistance contact the Macquarie University Career and Employment Service. 5. Consider purchasing corporate attire – should you receive an interview; you want to look the part. Such clothing can be also useful for MULS career events and competitions.

An overview to the clerkship process 1. The Application – most firms require you to submit a cover letter, resume and an official academic transcript and they may also ask you to fill out an online questionnaire. Depending on the firm, applications can be submitted via: •


An online application on the firm’s website; or,

A ‘Student Application Form’ that is downloadable from the NSW Law Society website.

See the firm directory at the end of this publication for an indication of each firm’s preferred medium of applications. However, this is subject to change and applicants are encouraged to double-check the application requirements for each firm. 2. First Round Interviews – a firm will invite you to attend an interview if they are impressed by your application. 3. Second Round Interviews & Cocktail Evenings – should your first interview go well, a firm may invite you to attend a second interview and, in some circumstances, a cocktail evening. 4. Offers – Based on how you performed in steps 1-3, you may be offered a summer clerkship position! 5. Accepting or declining offers – Once you have received an offer, or offers, for those of you who have performed exceptionally well, you may decide to accept or decline. Even if you decide to decline an offer, it is courteous to thank your interviewer via email and call the HR representative at the firm.

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CLERKSHIP WEEK Nick Southall & Leith Sawalha Executive Officers (Corporate Careers)

What is Clerkship Week? Clerkship Week is the ultimate event in the corporate careers calendar. Encompassing a broad range of networking events and skills seminars drawing together Australia's leading firms, Clerkship Week is crucial in preparing for the upcoming applications season. Having expanded in recent years, it is more like a clerkship month, with events running from the 3rd until the 25th of May. It is a good idea to set some time aside from your busy university schedule to actively prepare for the events if you want to get the most out of them. The following events are scheduled to run after the publication of this guide:

How to Prepare & What is Expected from You? Get Involved! It is important to come to as many of the events as you can. It would be a poor strategy to pin all your hopes on that one firm and you may discover that other firms have more to offer than you thought. Many of the seminars are focusing on skills that may be applied to clerkships generally, and providing students with an insight into the legal industry in a general sense. Even if you are a few years off applying for clerkships, these events will give you the insight and focus to begin preparing effectively right now. Dress to Impress!

MinterEllison Application Skills Seminar Tuesday 16 May, 1pm – 2pm Top-tier firm, Minter Ellison, are sending recent clerks and HR representatives to advise you on the finer points of legal resumes and covering letters. This seminar is all about getting through the initial filtering of applications and presenting yourself well on paper. Clerkship Fair Thursday 18 May, 6pm – 8pm This is the biggest clerkship event of the year and brings together a host of leading firms for one extended networking event. This is your opportunity to make a great impression on firm representatives and to ask detailed questions about the kind of work that is undertaken in each practice area, helping you to decide which firms will be the best fit for your personality and interests. Clerkship Q&A Monday 22 May, 12pm – 1pm Macquarie University students who have undertaken clerkships at a variety of firms will be on hand to tell you about their personal experiences, give advice on how to get in and inform you about to expect, should you undertake a clerkship. Gilbert + Tobin Penultimate BBQ Thursday 25 May, 12pm – 1pm This is a more relaxed networking event to cap off Clerkship Week. Come along to meet G+T HR representatives and recent clerks for an informal BBQ. You can practise your networking skills and will have ample opportunity to ask in-depth questions about G+T’s clerkship program.

Macquarie University Law Society

Many of the Clerkship Week events are more formal affairs. If you make a great first impression and if you look like a corporate lawyer, it is that much easier for the firm representatives to imagine you that way as well. There is every chance that someone you meet at one of these events will end up as your interviewer! Be Prepared! Research is critical, as knowing a bit about the firms will allow you to ask insightful questions when interacting with firm representatives. This will not only make the firm representatives more forthcoming, yielding better information for you, but it is likely that they will be impressed (and hopefully remember you). It is also important to have a think about where your interests lie, how each firm might fit with that and, should this be where your interests lie, develop your general commercial awareness.

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WHERE DO I START? 1. Research the firms that align with your interests. Information to research includes:

Note: This process is not necessarily limited to penultimate students. Also, for those who may be in the early stages of your degree, undertaking this process may help you identify gaps in your experience.

Practice areas, culture, and values;

Organisation structure and partners;

Recent transactions, business affairs, and clients.

This information can usually be found on the firm’s website. Alternatively, students may speak with former clerks, graduates and HR representatives. News sources such as the Australian Financial Review and Lawyers Weekly may also prove useful. Additionally, you may wish to research the legal industry more broadly and consider trends in the legal market. 2. Identify the firms you intend to apply to and consider your motivations for selecting these firms. 3. Research the application process of the firms you find attractive, including the HR representative and addressee that will appear on your cover letter. 4. If available, deconstruct any selection criteria and ensure that you are eligible for the role. 5. Create a short list of your experiences, demonstrating how you fit the criteria and culture of the firm.


Employer presentations and career events, including bi-annual Careers Fairs;

Did you know that Macquarie University has its own Career and Employment Service? Their role is to help students to plan and prepare for their career through the following services:

An online job portal, offering a range of paid and volunteer jobs, online resources, and employer profiles; and

Weekly ‘resume rescue’ group sessions where you can get specific feedback on your resume and pick up ideas from other people.

One-on-one career appointments that are tailored to your needs, including providing advice on career planning, gaining experience, and evaluating options; Monthly skill development workshops on topics including networking, interview technique, and effective use of LinkedIn;

Macquarie University Law Society

All of these services are accessible via the CareerHub website (available at www.careerhub. ). You can also visit the Career and Employment Service, located on Level 2 C7A (MUSE building) near Student Connect or, alternatively, send an email to

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Corporate law firms often have a practice group dedicated to ‘Corporate Law’. This group deals with corporate litigation and transactions that are purely commercial in nature. The group is often divided into smaller sub-sections, such as Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity, Company Law and Governance, and Superannuation Funds Management.

Insolvency law is an area of law governed primarily by the Corporations Act. This area deals with the deterioration of companies, as well as the relationship between the company, its shareholders, and creditors when the company can no longer pay its debts. Insolvency law covers both litigious and transactional matters, ranging in size from extremely large corporate restructures to relatively small debt recovery matters.

In this area, you may encounter work dealing with contractual arrangements between companies, advising clients about the administration and governance of their company, or providing advice about the legality of mergers and acquisitions. Whilst the work may be complex and challenging, you will likely be dealing with important transactions with large companies and have a busy workflow. There is also the potential for variation in the type of work that you will be undertaking in this practice area. EMPLOYMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LAW This practice area covers a number of areas, including, but not limited to, relating to unfair dismissal, discrimination and equal opportunity, occupational health and safety, trade practices, and contracts. In this group, you may also be involved in employment litigation (as corporations may be sued by employees for discrimination, unfair dismissal, and other grievances), client meetings, legal research on client issues, drafting letters of advice, or corresponding with the Industrial Relations Commission and other courts and tribunals.

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Work in this area of law may include drafting court documents and other transactional documents, court appearances and advocacy, company searches, drafting advice for clients on the verge of insolvency or those that have already become insolvent, negotiating with creditors to resolve a company’s debts, negotiations with the appointed manager of a company’s assets once it is insolvent, and a wide variety of other tasks. DISPUTE RESOLUTION The Litigation and Dispute Resolution team in a firm can expect to deal with litigious matters referred from other departments of the firm that do not wish to deal with the litigation. This practice group also provides advice and assistance with mitigating conflicts and preventative strategies to avoid situations before they occur. Work may include dealing with matters relating to drafting or considering pleadings, particulars, evidence and subpoenas, attending settlement discussions or alternative dispute resolution discussions, preparing for

Macquarie University Law Society

trial and court attendances, drafting advice to clients, attending discussions with clients and opposing legal representatives, assisting with evidence and discovery, meeting with witnesses and taking legal statements, or general research to assist in preparation for trial. PROPERTY LAW Property law covers a range of practice groups, often including matters related to construction and infrastructure, as well as the environment. For instance, within a Construction team, you may face work such as negotiating, drafting, and advising clients on contracts for large-scale infrastructure work and building construction or providing advice in relation to the financing of infrastructure developments. The Property group is a very extensive and important area of legal practice. Property lawyers deal with a range of legislation and have skills that are high in demand. Their work may range from large-scale matters to relatively minor transactional negotiations. Typical property work includes advising on commercial, industrial and retail property matters, reviewing property contracts, advising on the due diligence process during the sale and purchase of real estate and businesses, completing complicated arraignments to do with tenures and titles, or undertaking negotiations for variations of leases. This area often has a high level of contact with clients as each property deal is unique and requires a thorough understanding of the desires of particular clients. TAXATION LAW Tax lawyers are rarely involved in detailed analyses of financial accounts. It is not strictly necessary to have a background in accounting or finance to

Macquarie University Law Society

become a tax lawyer, but some firms do encourage you to undertake further accounting-based study if you settle in the group. The focus is on the legal analysis of tax-based issues and the practical application of the law. In tax, you must constantly maintain and update your knowledge of the law. Tax work requires constant reference to both statute and case law, and tax is the subject of a continuous stream of legislation and much litigation. Lawyers must also maintain their knowledge of other areas of commercial litigation such as property, contract, trust and company law, as there is usually a link between commercial and tax issues. BANKING AND FINANCE The Banking and Finance group deals mainly with the debt component of corporate transactions. Teams are generally broken down into more specialised sub-teams, such as finance (focusing on financing developments or exploiting assets), debt capital markets, consumer financial services (drafting contracts and arrangements for financial service providers and large corporations), securitisation, or property finance (assisting in managing the finance of commercial, residential and retail properties). Work in this group may include preparing and coordinating conditions precedent, drafting and reviewing various types of securities and drafting various documents including board minutes, powers of attorney, short form loan agreements, legal opinions, deeds of release and documentation in relation to financial assistance. You may also be involved in preparing for, and coordinating, signings and completions, researching and preparing advice on various legal issues, and corresponding with clients and team members.

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COMPETITION AND CONSUMER PROTECTION This is a specialised group within the firm that essentially deals with breaches of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). This Act is divided into two main parts – sections dealing with regulating the level of competition between businesses and companies, and sections regulating consumer protection (known as the Australian Consumer Law). Competition work will likely involve advising companies prior to proposed mergers whether the ACCC will accept such a change in their industry, advising clients how to restructure mergers to ensure a healthy level of competition remains within the market, advising with respect to the development of facility infrastructure and access agreements, and liaising with the ACCC on behalf of clients.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) This group revolves around IP services, including the registration, commercialisation and enforcement of IP rights. This team develops legal strategies to protect the commercial potential of brands, as well as engaging in litigious work if there is a breach of IP rights. Work in this group may involve drafting advice on the identification, protection and management of patents and trademarks, drafting agreements relating to licensing, franchising, and transferring rights, advising on copyright, confidential information and unfair competition issues, enforcing all IP rights using dispute resolution or litigious methods, as well as advising on marketing agreement.

ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES Energy and Natural Resources is a relatively new, fast-paced and ever growing group within the industrial sector. Increasingly, top tier firms are expanding their energy and resources area of practice, both on a national and international scale. It is recognised as an extremely important area of law, which is underpinned by both economic and environmental concerns, and captures a wide range of transactions from oil and gas mining to renewable energy and power supply.

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Suggested structure and contents:

1. Use a business letter format.

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

2. Limit it to one page.

In this paragraph you should state why you are writing to the company and provide a general overview of the content of your letter and application.

3. Find out who will be receiving your letter and double check their name – ensure that you address the letter to a person, not a generic ‘Dear Sir/Madam’. If you don’t have their name, try phoning the firm’s reception and enquiring. 4. Be enthusiastic and positive – make your letter read this way. 5. Use your cover letter to supplement your CV; don’t simply reproduce it! 6. Use the wording of the employer’s advertised criteria to link your skills and experience to the role. 7. Tailor your application for each unique firm. 8. Demonstrate commercial awareness, such as knowledge of firm clients, employees, and recent transactions (but only if they are relevant). 9. Convert the final product to PDF. 10. Proofread! Remember, your cover letter not only shows off your written communication skills, but your attention to detail. It is important to make a good first impression by avoiding careless mistakes.

Macquarie University Law Society

Paragraph 2 – Why me? Highlight outstanding achievements or experience that you may have and indicate why these make you attractive to the firm. Paragraph 3 – Why the firm? This is the most difficult paragraph; requiring both commercial awareness and an understanding of the firm. You should indicate why you wish to work for the particular firm and what motivated you to submit your application. For instance, you may cite recent matters that the firm has been involved in, or mention firm representatives that you have spoken with who have inspired you to apply. Paragraph 4 – Conclusion This final paragraph should thank the firm for considering your application and indicate your eagerness to work for the firm in question.

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Example of a cover letter [Name] [Address] [Suburb, State, Postcode] [Email Address]

[Title, Recipient] [Position] [Firm] [Address] [Suburb, State, Postcode]


Dear [Title Recipient], RE: APPLICATION FOR 2017/2018 SUMMER CLERKSHIP I am in my penultimate year of [Degree] at Macquarie University and [Firm] is my priority firm for a Summer Clerkship in 2017/2018. I am particularly attracted to [Firm] for its reputation as an industry leader in a number of areas of commercial law in which I am very interested. In [Practice Area] Partner [Partner’s name] has advised leading clients on headlining transactions, reflective of the strength and expertise of its [practice group]. Being extremely interested in [area of law], the chance to be involved with a leading [group] in Australia, made up of exceptional solicitors who would be great mentors, makes [firm] an ideal place to begin my career. My experiences to date have further provided me with the skills and knowledge that would make me a strong candidate for a summer clerkship position at [Firm]. My diversity and motivation is best seen through my current work as a [legal assistant/paralegal] at [firm/place of work], which has provided me with an appreciation of some of the commercial considerations underlying [legal sectors]. In my work as a [legal assistant/paralegal] I have engaged in diverse tasks that have provided me with experience in undertaking research, drafting discrete legal advices, and exposure to [specific legal task(s)]. To complement my legal experiences, I am involved in a range of volunteer and co-curricular activities, such as [position]. My ability to solve problems and achieve results is evidenced through my [Organisation of Events/ Initiatives + Explanation]. Finally I have substantially benefited from my involvement in [hobbies/volunteer work] has helped hone my communication skills, whilst at the same time being an immensely rewarding experience. My average law mark to date is [LAW WAM] and I am looking forward to graduating with [Class] Honours. I am passionate about the law above all else, and have committed to excelling at [Degree] which is indicative of my commercial awareness. This is also reflected by the fact that I have recently finished writing my Honours thesis on [subject matter], as well as the High Distinctions I received in [Subject] (Grade) and [Subject] (Grade). I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my application with you further. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Yours sincerely, [Name] You are strongly advised not to copy this sample. Content is only used to demonstrate the formatting.

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THE CV: TIPS General Tips


1. Be honest – don’t include anything that you could not discuss in detail during an interview.

Whilst the exact structure of your CV is a personal choice, it should definitely include the following information:

2. Use professional language – avoid slang and colloquial language.

1. Personal Details: Name, address, phone numbers, and email address. You may also wish to include your LinkedIn profile address.

3. To calculate your Law WAM (referred to as ‘Course Weighted Average’ at Macquarie University): a. Write up a list of all of the LAW/LAWS/ LAWZ units that you have completed. b. Multiply the final mark for each graded of these units by the value of that unit in terms of credit points. c. Sum the resulting values (weighted marks). d. Divide the sum of the weighted marks by the total number of credit points that you have attained in LAW/LAWS/LAWZ units.

2. Education (including any relevant achievements) a. Tertiary b. High School 3. Work/Professional Experience a. Company and Job Title i. Responsibilities ii. Key Achievements 4. Extra-Curricular Activities a. Society/Activity/Sport

4. Keep it up to date – in general, leave out any content older than 4-5 years.


5. Be as brief as possible – this is a summary of the highlights, so keep your sentences short, use bullet points, and do not exceed 3 pages.

iii. Participation

6. Tailor the information – relate your experience and achievements to the criteria in the job description – this shows HR that you’ve taken the time to consider and research the firm as a serious choice. 7. Be consistent in your formatting. We recommend Times New Roman or Arial in size 12 point. 8. Avoid clutter – while narrowing the margins may help fit more content, ensure that your page still appears uncluttered. 9. Thoroughly proofread your CV, pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 10. Convert it to a PDF.

Macquarie University Law Society

Position Titles

ii. Achievements

5. Community a. Organisation i.

Brief explanation of the organisation if it isn’t well-known

ii. Positions held 6. Hobbies or Other Qualifications a. Hobbies b. Other Qualifications, such as a First Aid Certificate or Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate. 7. References: most people do not provide these and state that they are ‘available upon request’. However, firms generally like for them to be included (their name, job title, company, and a contact phone number). Clerkship Guide 2017 | 17

CV Example 1 JANET KING 700 Harris St, Ultimo, NSW 2007 E: L: M: 0444 444 444 EDUCATION Macquarie University 2014 – 2018 (expected) Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts (Major in Social Justice) • 3.6 Law GPA 76 Law Average • Completed Exchange Program to the University of Oxford (2015) • Macquarie Law School Award for Law, Lawyers, and Society (2013) Hornsby Girls High School 2006 – 2013 • 98.70 ATAR and First in Legal Studies • School Captain LEGAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Crownies Solicitors March 2015 – November • Assisted the firm’s Principal in a wide-ranging practice, involving commercial litigation, property transactions, corporate and estate management matters. • Conducted legal research and reviewed new legal developments in case law and legislation. • Proof-reading, editing and office administration.


NON-LEGAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Company February 2013 – Present Sales Assistant (10 hours per week) VOLUNTEERING EXPERIENCE Macquarie University September 2013 – Present Mentor (2 hours per fortnight) • Sent weekly emails to new law students for five weeks with information about settling into university. • Assisted at Academic Orientation, on Library Information Desk, and on the Orientation-Week stall. Society February 2014 – March 2015 Secretary (15 hours per fortnight) • Liaised with academic and non-academic stakeholders. • Reformed Constitution to expand sub-committees. • Awarded Best Student Group – Faculty of Human Sciences by Macquarie University. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Legal Professional Skills • Macquarie Law School First Year Moot — Quarter-Finalist (2012) • MULS Junior Client Interview Competition — Champion (2013) • MULS Negotiations Competition — Grand-Finalist (2014) • Contributor to The Brief (2012 – present) Mentoring, Programs & Teams • Merit Scholars Aspiring Professionals Program • Social Soccer Team INTERESTS, SKILLS & LANGUAGES • French – limited working proficiency • Saxophone • Soccer REFEREES Jack Rizzoli, Crown Prosecutor Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Phone: (02) 9999 9999

Owen Mitchell, Professor Macquarie Law School Phone: (02) 9999 9999

You are strongly advised not to copy this sample. Content is only used to demonstrate the formatting.

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CV Example 2 PERSONAL DETAILS Name Martha Costello Mob 0444 444 444 Email Linkedin EDUCATION 2014-2018

Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) with Bachelor of Laws Macquarie University • Law Weighted Average Mark: 75.2 (Distinction Average) • Global Leadership Program (GLP), Contributor to The Brief (Law Student Publication), Negotiations Competition


Killara High School • HSC Band 6 in: Advanced English, English Extension 1, Biology • Flute Quartet, White Ribbon, Prefect LEGAL EXPERIENCE


Company (Law internship in [Location]) Legal Intern (One month) [Company] is a community-based organisation dedicated to supporting indigenous communities in [Location]. • Reviewing laws and policies of [Location] • Establishing framework/guidelines to lead communities through negotiations • Undertaking site visits to remote villages, interviewing stakeholders and collating findings in a variety of formats (including bilingual versions)

2015 Shoe Lane Chambers Paralegal/Legal Assistant (2 days per week, full-time) • Receptionist responsibilities e.g. taking phone calls, booking client appointments • Preparing briefs to counsel • Drafting letters and general correspondence • Specific work on client files • General office administrative tasks OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE 2013

Company Administrative Assistant (Casual position) • Preparing mail-outs • Data analysis through use of Microsoft Excel VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE


Careers Fair Volunteer • Part of the Registration team • Directing students to the Fair and assisting exhibitors as required

Macquarie University Law Society

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Volunteering in Peru (Peru’s Challenge) (One month) Peru’s Challenge is a non-governmental organisation that seeks to develop sustainable schools and communities for those living in the rural villages surrounding Cuzco, Peru. • Alongside a team of 17 other volunteers from Macquarie University, completed the construction of a new classroom for students in the village of Quilla Huata • Taught English, Geography, Art, Sports and Computers to the students • Conducted house visits to assist with social work • Ran workshops to teach basic health and hygiene to the students


SPARK Mentor (St Vincent de Paul Society) • Helped primary school children from refugee backgrounds with homework and communication skills on a weekly basis, after school LANGUAGES •

English (fluent), French (fluent) EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES

2015 The Brief (MULS Publication) Sub-editor and online contributor • Edit articles before they are published in the magazine, checking for spelling and grammatical errors as well as errors of law • Regular contributor to the online blog 2013/2014

Negotiations Competition • Participated in Negotiations Competition in 2013 and 2014 HOBBIES AND INTERESTS Playing the flute, Indian classical dancing, tennis, swimming, academic and non-academic writing and reading. REFEREES Name: Clive Reader Position: Queens Counsel Company: Shoe Lane Chambers Contact Phone Number: 9999 9999 Name: Billy Lamb Position: Senior Clerk Company: Billy Lamb Lawyers Contact Phone Number: 0444 444 444

You are strongly advised not to copy this sample. Content is only used to demonstrate the formatting.

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Macquarie University Law Society

ONLINE APPLICATIONS Firms may require you to submit your applications using cvMail or a similar application portal through their website.

General Tips 1. Finish your research about the firm and the position beforehand. Some portals, such as cvMail, have time limits of 90 minutes before it automatically logs you off. 2. Read all of the portal FAQs and instructions before starting your application. 3. Prepare responses to questions that may be asked on the online portal, such as: a. Discuss your university activities and achievements. b. Discuss any further interests, activities, or achievements. c. Indicate your career objectives, which may include: i. Interest ii. Job preferences iii. Reason(s) why you chose your course of study. d. Talk about any other relevant skills you may possess (foreign language, computer workrelated skills, etc.). e. Provide additional information – elaborate on factual material already presented and how it is related to the position that you are applying for.

Macquarie University Law Society

4. Provide experience from all relevant aspects of your life. As well as any legal experience, consider including your part time job, work experience, volunteer work, and sporting activities. 5. Avoiding referring to the same example more than once. 6. Don’t rush your application; pay attention to detail. The firm may disregard your application on the basis of small careless mistakes. 7. Be honest – all the information provided will be subject to academic transcript checks and reference confirmation. 8. Ensure that you have someone else read over your answers. If possible, ask someone who works in the legal industry to proofread it for you. 9. Keep a copy of any answers you submit as they may be referred to in interviews. 10. Ensure that you submit a copy of your official academic transcript. You should also bring a copy to any interviews. Official academic transcripts are purchased from Student Connect. Do not leave getting your transcript until the last minute – you may find that some details on the transcript need correcting or may need to pay any overdue fees, which is particularly stressful on the day of an interview.

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CVMAIL cvMail is a portal that provides information about law firms and the legal industry, and enables law students to apply for jobs and schedule interviews online.

Getting started: For first time log-in, follow these steps: 1. Go to and register as a first time user. 2. Create your personal profile by clicking the ‘Personal Profile’ button on the left hand side of the screen and filling in your personal details. 3. Complete your academic profile by clicking on the ‘Academic Profile’ button, also on the left hand side. You will need to enter information about your education background (university degree(s) and their starting and finishing dates) and your academic results according to the instructions provided.

5 key tips to help you manage plain text formatting: 1. Left align as much text as possible and adhere to a single column layout, 2. Underline major headings using the equal (=) character, 3. Underline minor headings using the hyphen (-) character, 4. Start bullet points using the hyphen character, and 5. Use white space to give the text a spacious feel (i.e. two lines before each heading, etc.).

4. You can now apply to the firms via the Application Manager. To do so, click on the ‘Apply Here’ button next to the firm you wish to apply for. 5. For each firm, choose the State, Territory, or country you wish to apply to, and select the type of application you wish to submit (vacation or graduate) from the tabs.

Submitting a cover letter? Cut and paste your customised cover letter into the appropriate field in the online application form. Ensure that your cover letter is in plain text formatting.

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Macquarie University Law Society



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INTERVIEW SKILLS The following information is kindly provided by the Macquarie University Career and Development Service. For more information, they can be reached by phone (+61 (2) 9895 7372), email (careers@ or by visiting the team at Level 2, C7A (MUSE Building), Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW 2109 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

BEFORE THE INTERVIEW Understand yourself •

What skills do you have? Take into account skills from all aspects of your life, work, internships, education, extra-curricular activities, community involvement and volunteer work. What interests you? What are you passionate about? What issues are important to you?

How would you describe your ideal job?

What are your goals, both short and long term?

What type of work environment do you prefer?

Understand the employer •

• •

Research the organisation through the web, library, newspaper articles, professional associations and networking. Learn about the position’s job responsibilities. Brainstorm some questions to ask the employer about their organisation’s environment.

DURING THE INTERVIEW 1. First impressions count. Try to connect with your interviewer at the beginning. 2. Greet the interview with a warm and confident handshake. Introduce yourself in 30-40 seconds. 3. Try to make the session smooth and comfortable for you and the interviewer. 4. Be polite and take instructions from the interviewer.

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5. Maintain good and confident eye contact with the interviewer(s) throughout the interview. 6. Smile, take a deep breath and relax. It helps you be comfortable so you can focus on the interview and be yourself. 7. Be aware of your eye contact and gestures, as well as posture and hand movements. 8. Beware of using slang, colloquial expressions or improper grammar. ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS 1. Listen carefully to the questions before answering to make sure you fully understand what is being asked. 2. Keep your answer brief, sell yourself quickly, and keep your information relevant to the job. 3. Use real life examples in your responses. Get to the point quickly and smile along the way. 4. Emphasise positive things about yourself and give examples to demonstrate your good qualities and strengths, Examples: a. ‘I am a team player. I worked on XXXX project and performed as XXXX role in the team.’ b. ‘I am on the committee of my University student club and I was responsible for XXXX’. c. ‘My experience in working with a team of XXXX professionals made me a quick learner. For example XXXX’ 5. Promote yourself in an honest and confident manner. Ask interesting and work related questions.

Macquarie University Law Society


Take notes right after your interview is finished and use them to remind yourself of what was discussed in the interview Within 24-48 hours send a thank you letter to the interviewer(s) expressing: -



- •

Your appreciation for the interview and the opportunity to learn more about the company Reaffirm your interest and enthusiasm about the position and qualifications Email is appropriate if there is a quick turnaround time to fill the position A well written thank you is always preferred

Review your performance at the interview and think of any areas for improvement If you receive an offer, inform and thank everyone who helped you in the process If you do not receive an offer, follow up with the interviewer(s) to discuss what you could do to improve your next interview performance and send email thanking them for taking the time to consider your application.

 Review your resume and work history so you are ready to speak about both  Arrive 15 minutes before the interview  Bring extra copies of your resume  Smile, take a deep breath and relax. This will help you to be comfortable so that you can focus on the interview and be yourself  Be aware of your eye contact, gestures, posture and hand movements  Beware of using slang, colloquial expressions or improper grammar DON’T  Waffle around with your answers  Ask for comments on your performance during the interview  Bring a friend or relative  Wear heavy cologne  Fidget  Play with your hair / jewellery during the interview TYPES OF QUESTIONS STARTUP QUESTIONS Rapport building questions are asked to get a better understanding of you.


Tell me about yourself?

 Dress in a professional, conservative and neat manner:

Why have you applied for this role?

Describe yourself in one word.

Macquarie University Law Society

Men: a well-tailored suit, conservative tie and polished shoes


Your resume indicated that you have experience in X. Could you tell us more about that area?

You have stated in your resume

Women: a well-tailored suit with minimal makeup and jewellery

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that you have completed X extracurricular activity. How will that help you in this role? ACADEMIC RELEVANCE •

Tell me about the degree you have studied and why did you decide to study X?

How will your university education benefit your future career?

Tell us what experience and training you have that qualifies you for this position?

TECHNICAL FAMILIARITY Knowledge assessment and issue interpretation •

What legal issues will you need to be mindful of in this role?

What are the technical skills you learned from your past jobs that relate to this role?

Why do you believe you are qualified for this position?


Are you good at handling several tasks and responsibilities simultaneously?

How good are you at solving conflicts? Can you give an example?

Tell me about a problem you faced whilst working in a team.

How did you resolve the problem?

Describe a situation where you successfully convinced others of your ideas.

COMPANY AWARENESS Knowledge of the organisation •

Why do you want to work at our company?

What do you know about our company?

Why does this industry/job/ company interest you?

MOTIVATION AND CAREER ORIENTATION Career goals vs. the job you are applying for •

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Why did you leave your last position?

What career goals have you set yourself?

WHAT IS BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEWING? These interviews assume that based on your past behaviour, predictions can be made on how you will behave in the future. E.g., “Tell me about a time when...” Each question requires a detailed answer from your past. They may focus on issues such as problem solving, initiative and teamwork. Your responses need to include the situation, what was required of you, your actions, and what you learnt. Preparation is crucial for this type of interview. USE THE PREP-STAR MODEL TO ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. POINT: answer the question 2. REASON: justify your answer and link it to the role 3. EVIDENCE: provide relevant example using STAR

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SITUATION: Describe the background of a specific experience

What is your understanding of the position you have applied?

TASK: Activities needed to complete

ACTION: Activities you have done and how you did it. Incorporate the difficulties or problems you solved

Prepare for this one by reading the job description (or the job descriptions of similar roles), talking to the contact person, HR Dept. or recruitment consultant. Ask questions at the interview.

RESULT: Outcome

What will you bring to this organisation?

4. POINT: re-emphasise your key skills and abilities gained and relate it back to the role ASK THE INTERVIEWER THE RIGHT QUESTIONS An interview is a two way selection technique – it is just as important that you are able to make an informed decision about the company and the vacant position as it is for the company about you. Relevant questions may include: 1. What kind of training program is available for this role? 2. Can you tell me about your background and how and why you joined this organisation? 3. How will you assess that I’m doing a good job? What will I have achieved in 6 or 12 months? 4. What is the next step in the selection process from here and when should I expect to hear from you next? 5. What are some of the skills and abilities necessary for someone to succeed in this job?

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The critical thing in answering questions about strengths is to demonstrate where you have developed and used these skills. How do you keep abreast of new developments in the industry/field? As a new graduate this should be a relatively easy answer. Professional membership, reading newspapers/ journals and if you really want to appear well informed, talk about a recent industry development or issue. What are your weaknesses? Talk about weaknesses that are unconnected with the position, or a gap in knowledge/skills that you are in the process of learning. You need to demonstrate that you have a strategy to overcome any weaknesses. What are your salary expectations? Find a benchmark – talk to people, go to the Careers homepage and look at the Graduate Destination Survey. You also need to know about ‘salary packages’, which include superannuation, holiday leave loading and overtime.

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VIDEO INTERVIEW SKILLS The following information is kindly provided by the Macquarie University Career and Development Service. For more information, they can be reached by phone (+61 (2) 9895 7372), email (careers@ or by visiting the team at Level 2, C7A (MUSE Building), Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW 2109 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

Video interviewing is increasingly being used in graduate recruitment by both public and private sector. Here’s how you can perform your best in this round of the selection process. PRIOR TO THE DAY OF THE INTERVIEW Choose a quiet location, preferably sitting at a table on a comfortable chair at the right height for the interview and your preparation. You may: •

Read through your resume.

Plan what you are going to wear.

Practise recording yourself answering questions

Read and reread all the instructions provided prior to the interview. Make sure you are clear on what is expected. If not, seek clarification via phone or email if possible.

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Prepare for your interview as you would for a face to face interview; research the organisation, research yourself (why do I want this job, what can I offer?), prepare your answers to common interview questions, prepare examples for behavioural questions, prepare questions to ask the 'interviewer', do your research on appropriate salary for the role, arrange a mock interview with the Careers Service, a friend or family member.

Run the practice session if offered and check if you microphone and audio is working and clear.


Get a good night’s sleep.

Charge your computer, find leads, webcam and any other equipment you may need.


Make sure your computer is fully charged.

Consider leaving a sign on the front door advising callers not to ring the bell or knock, and to return later.

Take the landline phone off the hook.

Make sure dogs or other pets are secured in another room where barking etc will not be heard.

Dress appropriately in professional attire (top as well as bottom and shoes).

Check the background space behind you is neat and neutral with no distractions or inappropriate material displayed (unmade bed).

Close or lock the door of the room and advise other housemates that you cannot be disturbed for the period of the interview.

Close the window if you are likely to be disturbed by outside noises such as traffic (even bird calls can come through loudly and can be distracting for the assessor).

Check that your face is well lit and avoid back lighting which can leave you in the shadows.

Macquarie University Law Society


Visit the bathroom before you start.

Have a glass of water handy, also tissues and /or cough lozenges if necessary.

Have a copy of your resume and pen and paper in front of you.

Have your mobile phone on silent or better still, switched off. Warn friends ahead of time not to call or text whilst the interview is in progress.

Exercise your voice a little.

Do some stretches to help you feel relaxed.

Take some deep breaths.

Smile and think positively - you are going to enjoy this experience!


Follow directions carefully. Typically you will be given a minute or so to prepare each answer, then a couple of minutes to deliver your response.

Speak clearly and confidently.

Look at the camera, not down at the desk or table.

Try to remember to keep a pleasant expression on your face, and speak as naturally as you can.

Try to remain animated and friendly.

Avoid touching your face or hair, or fidgeting.

Avoid making unnecessary noise such as shuffling papers, tapping a pen or moving unnecessarily in your chair.

Macquarie University Law Society

Applicants undergoing video interviews report that the most difficult aspect of the interview is receiving no feedback or visual cues from the ‘interviewer’ after they have given their answers. To combat this, you can try to visualise the person who will be watching your video, and their reaction to your answers. As with all interviews, give answers that are relevant and succinct. Don't try to fill up the allocated time with unnecessary words if you believe you have already fully answered the question. It's important to remember that a video interview is a "real" interview, just like when you interview in an office. Your answers will be weighed and selection decisions will be made, just as they would if the interview was in-person. In fact, given that the interview can be scored and reviewed, it can be even more important than a typical first round phone or screening interview. It is a good idea, immediately after the interview, to write down all the questions and the answers you gave before they fade from memory. This may be useful if there is a further round of interviewing ahead. Here are some useful links for further information: • files/%239%20Vieple.pdf

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MASTERING THE INTERVIEW Tania Currie Career Development Consultant, Macquarie University Career and Employment Service


conveying a professional impression.

Performing well at interviews is a skill that comes with practice. But much of your interview success and confidence happens before the day – the key is in your preparation.

Google your interviewers: They’ll most likely ‘Google you’, so use social media to your advantage (but just don’t mention this on the day!). Take a little time to research your interviewers’ experience, expertise and practice area/role within the firm to help you understand their focus/perspective and know how to talk their language. Remember law firms are really looking for someone who they like/can see themselves working well with and who fits into their organisation so look for any interests, passions or work attitudes you might have in common that will help you connect with them during the interview.

TOP INTERVIEW PREPARATION TIPS Read more than their website: You've heard it before, but it’s critical to find out as much as you can about the firm and their clerkship program. If you want to be a stand out on the day (and use this information to your advantage) consider what else you can do to understand their culture, strategy and expectations other than what you read on their website. For instance, look for their latest annual report, any news articles or past clerk tips/testimonials. Has a past MULS executive or Macquarie law student clerked there that you can talk to? Go that extra step in your research. Prepare for gap or probing questions: Re-look at the application you submitted so you can expand on this in your interview. Consider if there are any gaps in your experience, interest, degree, commitment etc that they might perceive from your application – how would you handle a question like this on the day? Know what to expect: Don’t be afraid to ask for more information to help you prepare. Email or phone the week beforehand to reduce surprises and know what you can expect on the day. Often you’ll be able to find out the interview length, format and who you’ll be meeting. You’ll also be showing your keen and, most importantly, be

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Don’t overlook the basics: Plan what you’re going to wear and the logistics of how you’re going to get to the interview in advance (do a practice run if you can). Aim to be there 5-10 minutes before your interview time. And when it comes to your attire, err on the side of caution - dark suits with ties, shirts and skirts in conservative designs are best. Prepare some questions: Interviews are a two-way process, so use your interview to also assess this clerkship opportunity and consider whether if it will be right for you. Plus, it shows your interest if you’ve taken the time to prepare a few probing questions of your own to ask. Steer clear of anything that’s been provided in the job advertisement or clerkship material supplied. Instead, ask questions focussed on ‘what’s in it for you’, such as training or promotion opportunities. Consider questions that will give you more insight into the clerkship; for instance, how they would measure a

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clerk’s success / performance, what would be involved in a typical day for a clerk at the firm in question. Plan some specific skill examples: Expect some behavioural questions based on the key skills required for the clerkship. You can prepare your thinking for these questions beforehand by going back to the skills highlighted in the clerkship advertisement and looking at where in your past experiences you’ve successfully put these into practice. Typically you’ll be asked for an example of when you’ve used a range of transferable skills like problem solving, teamwork, organisational skills and communication. Choose the strongest example possible from your collective experience (extracurricular activities, your casual job or degree). Use the renowned STAR technique to plan your answer – consider the Situation, Task you were given, Action you took and the end Result. Practise describing your examples out loud. Even if the behavioural questions you encounter on the day are slightly different to what you’ve planned, you’ll be in the right mindset for handling these and will have a great technique for pulling together an example. Consider your body language: 90% of communication is non-verbal; so on the day, the way you communicate your answers will play a big role in how well you connect with your interviewers and how your information is received/ believed. Remember to sit up straight, face your interviewers, smile and maintain direct but natural eye contact. Show signs of active listening (nodding, paraphrasing), use natural hand gestures and slow down your speech. Think beforehand how you’ll hold your hands and place your feet.

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Is there anything you tend to do when you’re nervous (twiddle a pen or sweep your fringe behind your ear)? Consider how you can keep these behaviours in check during the interview. Also, try and tune into your interviewer’s non verbal communication cues; be guided by their eye contact and facial expressions as a means of judging the length of your answers and gauge their interest or understanding. Expect the unexpected: Law firms are famous for asking left field or tough interview questions. They may ask: •

What’s something we don’t know about you?

When have you made a mistake and what did you learn from this?

Although these are hard to prepare for, expecting some challenging questions on the day will mean you won’t be as thrown by them. ADDITIONAL TIPS You should also consider the following tips to help you perform your best on the day and leave a lasting professional impression. DURING YOUR INTERVIEW First impressions count •

First of all, arrive on time.

Introduce yourself, offer a firm hand shake, and make eye contact and smile. However, don’t just save this for your interviewers though, you’ll need to make an impression with everyone you come into contact with on the day, including the receptionist.

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Mind your manners •

Be sure to turn off your mobile and give your full attention to the interviewers.

Be courteous and professional at all times, this extends to avoiding saying anything negative about previous organisations and employers.

AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW Send a follow up thank you •

Email a quick thank you message to the key contact at the firm within a day of your interview.

Reinforce your interest in the role and include a comment about something from your discussion/ meeting to help jog their memory.

Be honest and stay positive •

Don’t pretend on the day to impress. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't be afraid to admit it, but stay positive. Rather than "I don't have any experience with that", you could say "although I haven’t come across that before I adapt quickly and successfully learnt on the job in my past roles" and back this up with an example of when you have learnt a new skill/ tackled an unfamiliar situation.

Be yourself (and show some of your personality!) •

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Try and relax as much as you can and be true to yourself. Remember firms are looking for someone who they think will fit in and that they will enjoy working with so without dropping your professionalism, try and show them a little of your personality.

Everyone at the interview stage has the skills and grades for the role but it may come down to how well you connect with your interviewers that makes the difference and helps you stand out from other law students.

Reflect on what you could do differently next time •

Brainstorm some ideas and alternative responses for the questions you found most challenging or the ones you felt you didn't handle well.

Need help preparing for a clerkship interview or want to get some more interview practice? Why not book a mock interview or an appointment with the Career and Employment Service to get some feedback on your interview technique.

Macquarie University Law Society

WHAT TO WEAR? First impressions matter. Of course, you may still get a clerkship without adhering to every single rule listed here – some interviewers may not care what you look like – but why take the chance?

General Tips: • Compendium: A plain black leather compendium containing copies of your CV, cover letter, academic transcript, and passport-sized photos. •

Ensure that your clothes are freshly laundered and neatly pressed.

Men’s Style Shoes: Black leather and well-polished. Lace ups are more conservative than slip-ons, but both are acceptable. Belt: Black leather with a silver-coloured minimalist buckle. Cufflinks: Should match your belt buckle. You should opt either for a plain silver colour or plain silver with a coloured enamel that matches your tie. Watch: Any watches should match your cufflinks and belt. Facial hair: Clean-shaven is usually best.

If you choose to wear a perfume or cologne, only apply it lightly.

Your fingernails should always be cut short, clean, and neat. Avoid dark nail polishes.

Be sure to plan this out in advance – you don’t want to spend the interview distracted by uncomfortable items of clothing!

Women’s Style Skirt/Dress: In either case, ensure that the skirt falls just above or below the knee. Dark colours are the safest option, such as black, blue, or grey. You’re unlikely to be comfortable in something that is too tight, so ensure well ahead of the interview that the fit is appropriate. Pants: If you prefer pants, ensure that they are suit pants. Shirt: Collared or modest blouses are recommended. Keep in mind that bold prints can be distracting. Blazer: Ensure that this matches your other clothing. Shoes: It is best to wear black court shoes with a small heel, however, closed-toe black flats are an acceptable alternative. Both work well with neutral stockings. Jewellery: If you choose to wear any, ensure that it is understated. Hair: You may choose to leave your hair down if it is sufficiently neat, but a low ponytail or bun is best if that may be distracting. Makeup: Keep it natural and professional.

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COCKTAIL EVENINGS AND NETWORKING Most law firms hold a cocktail night as part of their interview process to observe their prospective clerks in a more social environment. The ability to network is particularly important in a commercial law practice because relationships with colleagues and clients are a major priority. Cocktail evenings are also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the firm and potential career opportunities. You may also get advice for attaining long term goals.

Networking at Cocktail Nights 1. RSVP etiquette: If you have two cocktail evenings in one night, it is always courteous to email the HR representative for the second cocktail evening you will attend to let them know that you will be late. 2. Politely entering a conversation: a. For one on one conversations, begin by introducing yourself, making eye contact, and firmly shaking hands. b. In group conversations, the best way to break the ice is to chime in or ask if you may join the conversation. c. If canapés and drinks are circulating, this can be an excellent icebreaker. 3. Hold your drink in your left hand: No one likes to shake a clammy and cold hand. 4. Have some conversation starters prepared: It is always best to talk about something current, whether it be the news, sport, or an occurrence at the firm. The best source for this is the firm’s Facebook page. 5. Make a unique impression (in a good way): Leave the person you are speaking to with something that makes you memorable. a. Develop a personal brand – have something that makes you stand out. b. Hone your ‘elevator pitch’ – a 30 second to 2-minute spiel about who you are. c. Use open body language and smile – be friendly and approachable.

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d. Be humorous and engaging within the bounds of good taste and professionalism. 6. Working the room: Only conduct a conversation as long as the conversation remains fresh, and do not limit yourself to friends. It is better to leave before the conversation becomes stale. 7. Remember why you are there: Most of these events will have an excellent selection of food and alcohol. Be mindful of your manners and don’t over-indulge. 8. Always politely exit a group or conversation: Wait for a dip in conversation and excuse yourself. a. For one on one conversations, try ‘It was lovely meeting you, Person X. I think I will grab another drink. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening!’ (If the person is by themselves it is always polite to integrate someone else in the conversation before you leave so you don’t alienate the person). b. In group conversations: ‘Well, it was fantastic meeting you all; I must use the bathroom. I hope to see you all soon!’ 9. Exiting the cocktail evening: As you leave, it is always a good idea to thank the HR representative for the evening. 10. Practise! Networking skills can always be improved. Do this by attending the Networking Skills event and other similar nights run by student groups, such as the Economics, Commerce and Finance Society.

Macquarie University Law Society

OFFER ETIQUETTE Most firms will make their offers on the same day to ensure that each applicant has a fair chance to decide which firm they would like to work for.

If you are lucky enough to be made multiple offers, the best way to make your decision is to: 1. Seek the counsel of HR representatives, friends, or partners at the firms. 2. Consider if the firm’s strengths and practice areas match your interests. 3. Identify any additional benefits of working at a firm, such as any graduate positions or paralegal work offered after the clerkship.

Macquarie University Law Society

It is always courteous to thank the interviewing partner/solicitor via email and call the HR representative at each offering firm, irrespective of whether or not you accept a position at their firm. TIP: If you reject an offer, the HR representative will probably ask why. It is always wise to have a well thought out answer; you don’t want to burn bridges anywhere!

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BRODIE PURDON Henry Davis York

Why did you choose Henry Davis York?

between semesters and found that to be achievable and not too overwhelming.

Coming into the clerkship process, a friend who had already clerked at HDY told me it was a great place to work, that the people were friendly and supportive, the work was interesting and there were unlimited free Tim Tams. I went home and did a bit of research, finding that on top of what he’d said, HDY are an independent Australian firm who specialise in Government work and have a strong stand-alone Environment and Planning team. That was enough for me!

Describe a typical day as a clerk.

What do you think made your application stand out? I think a diversity of experience is important. I didn’t have very much legal experience but I had been on exchange, done a bit of volunteering and undertaken a PACE unit which interviewers would often ask about, so I think those extracurricular activities can definitely make an application stand out from the crowd. What were some of the questions you were asked during your interview at Henry Davis York? I was asked a lot of standard questions about why I would you like to work at HDY and what I hoped to achieve professionally in the next five years, but I was also asked my opinion on Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies, my favourite novel, as well as why I would choose to work for a domestic rather than international firm. The application process is notoriously time-consuming and stressful. How did you approach this period and balance your competing commitments?

The best thing about my clerkship was that no two days were the same. While most firms offer only two rotations, I was lucky in that HDY offered three rotations, meaning I was able to meet more people and try more things than most clerks. A day could include anything from attending mediation, court or a client interview, to an in-depth training session on the benefits of the Oxford comma. What was the most challenging aspect of your clerkship? I honestly think the application and recruitment process was the hardest part. Once I had accepted the offer, my clerkship was actually a lot more fun than I expected. HDY were very supportive and there was never a time when I felt that if I didn’t know how to do something, I couldn’t just ask. Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? If you are wondering whether or not to apply for a clerkship, I think you should give it a go. The cover letter and CV template you will hone through this process will stay with you for years to come, not to mention the invaluable interview and networking experience. Even if you decide that commercial law is not for you, the graduate application process will feel 100% less intimidating having been through the whole thing before. And if you get one, you get a bunch of automatic new mates, a sweet paid job for the summer and a priceless little window into life at a commercial law firm.

I made a goal to complete at least one application per day during the break

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SEBASTIAN HANSCOMB King & Wood Mallesons

What stood out about King & Wood Mallesons?

Did you ask any questions at the end of the interview? If so, what?

Although I laughed it off when I was given the advice myself, at the end of the day KWM was largely a ‘gut’ decision. It was the place that I felt most comfortable, and had lawyers who made me feel most welcome across interviews and information nights. Of course, having the courage to rely on my gut was helped in no small part by the well recorded successes of the firm across all the major areas of practice!

It’s essential to have at least 2 or 3 questions ready to go at the end of an interview. My advice is to pull from a stock of more than that, in case one of your go-to questions has already been answered in the course of conversation.

What was the most challenging question asked during your interview at King & Wood Mallesons? How did you respond? One of the hardest questions asked at any interview is ‘why us?’ Everyone involved in the recruitment process knows that applicants are likely interviewing at a variety of firms, so answering this question sincerely requires a genuine interest in the firm that can be extremely hard to develop after just one or two visits and a read through of the marketing material. I responded by focussing less on what I had been able to glean from the advertising, and more on what I had observed with my own eyes. Things like how passionate the lawyers I met at the information night were, or how a particular comment made in a partner’s speech had resonated with me – all the while doing my best to tie these things back into what made me a worthwhile candidate for the firm.

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Two my favourite questions to ask were (particularly if I had been able to find out if the interviewer had worked at another firm) ‘what made you choose KWM?’ and ‘how does KWM tackle the challenge of converting good lawyers into good managers as they rise through the ranks and eventually become partners?’ These questions weren’t asked just so I could look interested; the answers were genuinely impressive and gave me a great idea of what it would be like to work as a part of the team. The application process is notoriously time-consuming and stressful. How did you approach this period and balance your competing commitments? I was on holiday in Europe during the application window, and so spent the long hours on trains tapping away at my laptop keyboard rather than enjoying the scenery. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement! Ultimately, you will need to be strategic in your approach. We are extremely fortunate that the Law Society regulates the process so that applications open

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and close on the same date. Treat them like an assessment, and try to work regularly on them. In particular, start drumming out draft versions of your basic cover letter as early as possible – what you thought was good on day 1 will make you cringe on day 10, and you’ll have time to refine it! Describe a typical day as a clerk. My typical day as a clerk was a fantastic taste of what it would be like to work as a solicitor at KWM. Right from the outset I was given a range of different types of work across a number of matters. Importantly, I was not only treated like I knew what I was doing, but was always, always welcome to come and ask for clarification and instruction. Working in Dispute Resolution and then Environment & Planning, many of my days revolved around completing a number of discrete tasks, like drafting memos summarising research, or organising material for court. There were ongoing tasks that I was brought in on, many of them having been started before I arrived and continuing after I left!

internal café with anyone who was looking to stretch their legs and social events planned by the firm. What was the highlight of your clerkship? Setting aside the opportunity to do really interesting work for really interesting clients, the highlight of the clerkship for me was the opportunity to meet and become friends with my fellow clerks. Never before has it been so easy to make a bunch of new friends, many of whom I expect to be close to for the rest of my life – regardless of where our careers take us! Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? A clerkship is a fantastic, structured way to start a career in commercial law. Take the application process seriously, don’t sell yourself short and have fun getting to meet such a wide variety of people at the information evenings and interviews. Don’t be disappointed if you miss out either; while it might seem like it now, a clerkship is not the only route into the profession.

I had the opportunity to attend at barrister’s chambers, client meetings and internal discussions on a number of occasions – at one meeting I got to give the client some preliminary advice on the results of my research, all under the watchful eye of my partner of course! Days of work were punctuated by lunch with my fellow clerks, coffee at KWM’s

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Why did you choose HWL Ebsworth Lawyers?


Firstly, they were the only firm I had an interview for, so it wasn’t a hard choice. But I wasn’t really intending on receiving, let alone accepting, a clerkship at all. My attitude was that I may as well go through the process as a bit of experience. However, when I went to the HWLE assessment centre and spent time at the firm, I actually loved it and found that the firm had an attractive culture. In addition, their clerkship program seemed like it would be great training, and the prospects of receiving a graduate position at the end seemed good. If you’re on the fence about applying for clerkships at all, my advice would be to go for it – you have nothing to lose. How did you tailor your application(s) (resume / cover letter) to the firm(s) you applied for? I spent time researching each firm from their websites and made a note of their work, values and culture. A lot of the firms also have ‘careers’ sections on their websites, which set out what they’re looking for in their employees. I then addressed why I was interested in their work, how my values aligned with theirs and how I fitted with the firm’s culture in my cover letter/application. Most firms also have information on their websites about cases they’ve worked on. It might be a good idea to read up on some of the important cases,

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particularly in the practice group you’re applying for or interested in and drop a bit of knowledge about them in the interview. But don’t stress about this or force it, it’s probably very obvious if someone has simply memorised the website. What were some of the questions you were asked during your interview at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers? The interviews at HWLE were casual and conversational. We had already participated in an assessment centre prior to the interview, so they had already assessed our academic marks, ability to think on our feet and skill in building arguments. In summary, they wanted to know who we were and asked us questions such as: •

Why did you decide to study law?

What is your favourite subject at uni?

Tell us about your hobbies and extra-curricular activities.

Why do you want to work at this firm?

Why do you want to work in _______ practice group?

Tell us about your past experience/ jobs.

How do you organise your time?

What is your proudest achievement?

What was the most challenging aspect of your clerkship? The most challenging aspect was adapting to working in such a large firm

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and not wanting to be an inconvenience. At first it was a bit overwhelming, but the team I was placed in were extremely welcoming and only too happy to help me out. They encouraged me to get involved and provided tips, such as when to wear a jacket and how to address people in court. What was the most challenging question during your interview at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers? How did you respond? I was a bit thrown by the question “what is your proudest achievement?”, and I responded by saying my proudest achievement was my community involvement. The partner who interviewed me said this is exactly what they’re looking for - people who are well-rounded and have a perspective that is bigger than academic achievements. Lots of my fellow clerks had amazing and diverse hobbies like running food blogs, volunteering at the RFS and completing a Rubik’s Cube in less than 7 seconds (#goals). So if you have something that makes you unique – definitely mention it in your application. What was the highlight of your clerkship? I was able to attend a mediation session with one of the solicitors, which was a really great experience. I also spent a lot of time in court, observing the processes and protocols. It was valuable to see the different aspects of

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dispute resolution and litigation. Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? It sounds cliché, but actually just relax and be yourself. Assessment centres and interviews can be very nerveracking. However I noticed it was the people who spoke at the assessment centre with a quiet confidence that were offered clerkships, not the people who were obviously nervous or the people who were boastful about their achievements. In regards to being yourself, you should put your best self forward, however, if you’re not the right fit for the firm, you wouldn’t want to work there anyway. Every firm is looking for someone different, so try to find firms that share your values and that have a good culture. Secondly, it’s never too late to build your CV and get experience. Look for any opportunities you can in any legal field. Not only will this help in getting you through the CV vetting process (I noticed 99% of people at the assessment centre had legal experience), but every new work experience you have gives you a greater picture of what you want to do, as well as building your personal confidence and knowledge about legal practice.

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Why did you choose Baker McKenzie?


I was initially drawn to Baker McKenzie because of its reputation as a global law firm. I wanted to work in a firm where I could engage in cross-border matters which present complex and challenging issues. The opportunity to apply for an international clerkship in the year following my clerkship was also a selling point. An international clerkship involves working in one of Baker McKenzie’s 77 offices before commencing as a graduate. This wasn’t an opportunity that other firms offered. My first engagement with Baker McKenzie was in 2014 where I competed in the National Women’s Moot which was sponsored by the firm. From this experience, I knew that Baker McKenzie had fantastic initiatives for women in the workplace. I wanted to work for a firm where I could get involved in such initiatives. Whilst doing further research into Baker McKenzie, I noticed it had numerous other initiatives supporting diversity in the workplace and mental wellbeing. I loved the culture at Baker McKenzie, which was ultimately why I chose to complete my clerkship there. The people I met throughout the interview process were lovely, and I could see myself working with them. What do you think made your application stand out? During my degree, I participated in many co-curricular activities, and gained experience in a legal environment. Having a variety of experiences to draw on within my initial online application

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may have made me stand out. I could genuinely communicate why I wanted to work in commercial law, and why I was interested in specific practice areas based on my experiences. For example, I was interested in dispute resolution based on my experience in mooting competitions, and interested in privacy matters based on a PACE internship completed at Macquarie. I think that Baker McKenzie could see that I was interested in challenging myself and getting involved. To make your application stand out, focus on your strengths and communicate how they would be beneficial when working in a legal environment. What was the most challenging question asked during your interview at Baker McKenzie? How did you respond? In my first interview, I was asked to discuss some current challenges to law firms internationally. In response, I suggested that Britain’s exit from the European Union may discourage transactions by creating a volatile market, resulting in less work for law firms internationally. I also proposed that the Trans-Pacific Partnership presented an opportunity for law firms, through encouraging trade and therefore transactions. It is important to remain abreast of international affairs, and how this may affect law firms and their clients. Did you attend a cocktail evening? If so, how did you approach this event? I found the cocktail and information evening at Baker McKenzie very

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enjoyable! The evening was held after the first interview, so I already knew a few people at the firm. I approached the event by catching up with the partner and senior associate who interviewed me in the first interview. They kindly introduced me to other employees who worked in practice areas I was interested in. I was also introduced to my ‘buddy’ who had been guiding me through the interview process. He was also very helpful in introducing me to numerous people at the firm. During the evening, I tried to meet as many people as possible, and remember all of their names! I think it’s important to be natural and friendly during a cocktail evening, and not treat it like a formal interview. Try to leave a lasting and positive impression! Experience in juggling canapés and a glass of wine, whilst maintaining a free hand for handshaking, is essential. What was the highlight of your clerkship? An overall highlight was how the firm was genuine, friendly, and welcoming. It was also a supporting environment in which to develop. This was manifested in spending the clerkship working in a partner’s office, where I could follow matters very closely, and ask questions. I was also invited to attend some client meetings. It was truly an invaluable experience! Another highlight was frequently being able to attend court for various matters as I was working in the Dispute Resolution team.

Christmas party, and numerous other end of year events. Events were also co-ordinated with other firms, including weekly Friday night drinks. What was the most challenging aspect of your clerkship? It was challenging working in an environment where I was receiving work from multiple people. I had previously only worked with a sole practitioner. I tried to get involved and engage with as much legal work as possible from different matters. At first, it was difficult managing time and deadlines, but it got easier throughout the clerkship. Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? Applications for clerkships can be a long and draining process, but it is well worth it! My final advice would be to start applications early so you can prepare a good cover letter, and really think about your answers to online questions. Prepare thoroughly for interviews. I had a long word document filled with questions and draft answers that I could adapt to specific questions. Managing interviews and cocktail nights throughout the first half of semester 2, whilst completing university, was a challenge. Most firms allow you to choose your interview times; however they still might conflict with lectures and tutorials. Try and stay organised with your university work so you don’t fall behind.

Outside of legal work, the social activities were lots of fun. The clerks were invited to the Caribbean themed

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Why did you choose MinterEllison?


There are three key reasons why I chose MinterEllison. Firstly, it was clear to me throughout the clerkship application and interview process that the firm invests time and energy in mentoring their clerks and graduates. This was something I was really looking for in the place I hoped to begin my career. Secondly, the firm just felt like the right fit. The cocktail events were relaxed and I really enjoyed meeting people at the firm. Finally, there was the draw of a top-tier firm. I knew I would have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field, work on interesting and diverse matters and be exposed to notable clients. How did you tailor your application(s) (resume / cover letter) to the firm(s) you applied for? •

My tips for tailoring your application to the firms you apply for are:

Start with research – the firm’s websites, chambers rankings and general news sites are helpful.

Find ways to connect your skills and experiences to what you perceive the firm’s values and culture to be.

Be honest and actually ask yourself – why this firm?

Remember that what you put in your resume and cover letter is likely to come up in the interview so if you’re going to refer to a significant client or a case the firm worked on, know a bit about it!

Triple-check everything, such as the contact details on the cover letter. You will likely be doing multiple applications so you don’t want to mix up details.

Tailoring your applications is probably the most time-consuming part of the 44 | Clerkship Guide 2017

process but it is really important so take the time to do it. What were some of the questions you were asked during your interview at MinterEllison? Interviews would almost always begin with a general ‘tell me about yourself’ question. There were usually also behavioural questions such as ‘tell me about a time you influenced a team or group of people’ or ‘tell me about a time you achieved something you were proud of’. These behavioural questions were what I found most difficult. It is a good idea to look at your resume beforehand and think about what relevant skills you have learnt from your work, volunteer or just general life experiences. I was also asked ‘why do I want to do a clerkship at MinterEllison?’ This is an important question to have thought about before the interview. I found it useful to draw on the conversations I’d had with people at the firm cocktail and networking events prior to the interview. It is also worth remembering that the interview should feel conversational. Be yourself and go with the flow as the interviewers are just trying to get to know you. It is also your opportunity to get to know the firm and work out if it is the right fit for you, so ask lots of questions yourself! It is likely you will be given information about who will be interviewing you beforehand, this information can be helpful in coming up with relevant questions. The application process is notoriously time-consuming and stressful. How did you approach this period and balance your competing commitments? My advice for the application process is to prepare and do your research early. Write a few cover letters and then seek out feedback from friends, family or colleagues. Write practice answers to

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the sort of questions you will likely be asked in the online application, such as: •

‘why do you want to work at firm X’

‘why do you want a career in commercial law’

‘describe a significant experience or achievement’

‘what is firm X’s place in the current legal industry’

If you have given yourself the time, you can get into the rhythm of preparing applications and the whole process becomes much less daunting. You can set up your cvMail account early to get one step out of the way. If you are like me, you may wish to spend the winter break travelling (I was holed up in an Airbnb in Athens applying for clerkships after travelling the Greek Islands) but if you are properly prepared beforehand, you can still make it work. Did you attend a cocktail evening? If so, how did you approach this event? I did with some general research about the firm and the particular practice groups I was interested in, drawing a lot from what I had already done for my application. This gave me an idea of the sort of questions I would like to ask in the evening. Overall, however, there is only minimal preparation you can do for the cocktail parties. Try to stay relaxed (but professional), show interest in the people you meet and stay open to conversations about topics outside the law or the firm. Everyone at the cocktail parties is just there to meet people so try to be confident (although not too confident), just introducing yourself and making your way around the room. Also remember you are there to network with everyone from graduates to partners to other prospective clerks. Some of the

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best friends I had during the clerkship were people I met at the first networking evening. What was the highlight of your clerkship? It was a fantastic experience so it is hard to pick just one highlight. Overall the key highlight would be that by rotating through three practices groups I was exposed to a diverse range of work and was able to learn from lots of different people. Some of the work I enjoyed the most was attending court and sitting in on meetings with counsel. I also really appreciated that I was able to genuinely contribute to the teams, despite only being there for a short time, and some tasks really pushed me out of my comfort zone. For example, I assisted the running of leasing negotiation through a teleconference call with a party in Singapore. There were also a lot of social highlights to the clerkship. With a large cohort of clerks at MinterEllison there were lots of opportunities to socialise. There was clerk sport once a week, where we played against clerks from other firms and then the clerk cruise, which is not to be missed! Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? My overall advice for the process is to be yourself. In your applications and interview, highlight what makes you unique and memorable, and then own your skills and experiences. The firms are not just looking for legal experience, so find ways to show how your nonlegal skills are transferable to the world of commercial law. Finally, while the process may seem stressful, take it as it comes and try to relax! Good luck!

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Why did you choose Ashurst? There was a variety of reasons Ashurst stood out for me. Firstly, the fact it is a top tier international law firm which ranks highly in the areas of law that interest me. Secondly, that they had collaborative and inclusive culture. Finally, they offered great graduate opportunities with structured training and development programs.


In choosing Ashurst, it came down to my gut instinct about my cultural fit with the firm. I believe you should not pick a firm based purely on statistics or rumours, and should 'go with your gut' on something as important as where you want to start your legal career. What do you think made your application stand out? Partners and HR representatives tended to single out a few specific things that stood out for them on my application. Firstly, my weighted average marks and the subjects I had done particularly well in. Due to the high calibre of applicants, marks in law subjects become a very simple distinguishing factor for assessing candidates, and while it is definitely not the only factor, they can demonstrate not only academic excellence, but your passion for the law and analytical abilities. Secondly, on my cover letter I demonstrated my understanding of the firm's values, culture and current projects. Doing this shows the firm you are not just interested in a clerkship, but are interested in a clerkship at that particular firm, which is what they want to see. So make sure you research the firm and incorporate that research into your cover letter. Thirdly, my work experience was a factor. Upon applying for clerkships I had no legal experience, so don't let that deter you from applying. I did, however, have experience in the tech industry, retail and tutoring, which interviewers always wanted to know more about. They are looking for people with life experience and transferable skills more than anything and

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that can easily be demonstrated by nonlegal work or extra-curricular activities. What were some of the questions you were asked during your interview? A few of the questions you will nearly certainly be asked (and should be accordingly prepared for) are: •

Why do you want to practise commercial law?

Why do you want to work for [firm]?

What areas of law/practice groups are you interested in and why do those areas interest you?

Additionally some categories of questions to watch out for are: Behavioural questions that start with 'Tell us about a time when' or 'what would you do if'. Make sure you answer these questions with a STAR example and go into interviews with a few of these you can adapt to different questions. There may also be ‘free form’ questions, which give you an opportunity to talk about hobbies and interests. For example 'tell us something about yourself that's not on your application?' Make sure to be honest and enthusiastic when answering, as these questions are the best way to demonstrate your personality. Experience questions about experiences you have listed on your application such as 'tell me more about you work with [organisation]'. With these questions it is important to demonstrate your transferable skills that would be relevant to the clerkship. Make sure you can talk to every item you mention on your application as interviewers love picking obscure items that you didn't even think twice about and grilling you on them. Technical legal questions are rarer. However, it is not unheard of to be asked about a particular concept or theory from a subject you did in first year. My suggestion for these questions is do not try to bluff your way through an

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answer. If you can't clearly articulate the concept, just politely say that you don't know. If they are asking the question the interviewer knows the answer, so you are better off admitting you are unsure and they will appreciate your honesty. The application process is notoriously time-consuming and stressful. How did you approach this period and balance your competing commitments? It is definitely a stressful and busy period. I think it's important to plan your time based on the amount of firms you plan to apply for and subsequently receive interviews with. Firstly, I would aim to prepare and submit your applications over the break in between semesters to avoid overlap with university. You can definitely study full time and work part time successfully during the process. However, you may want to look at decreasing the number of hours you work or decreasing your study load, particularly if you anticipate receiving a large number of invitations to attend interviews and events at multiple firms. I would also recommend planning out your assessments very early in the semester to ensure you are not overloaded; in a particular week you may have 5/6 events and a major essay due on top of all your other commitments. Also, if you don't live close to the city, try to organise interviews and events on the same day to avoid multiple trips. Ensure you leave yourself adequate time in between appointments. What was the most challenging aspect of your clerkship?

What was the highlight of your clerkship? In relation to legal work, I really enjoyed working directly with a partner in the TMT (Technology, Media and Telecommunications) team on a bespoke piece of privacy law advice which I was tasked with drafting. However, my highlight overall would probably be the social experiences with my fellow clerks, in particular the inter-firm sports competition and our weekend trip away to the Hunter Valley. A clerkship is a great opportunity to expand your social circles and meet the people you will likely be working with, or against, in the future and that experience is invaluable. Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? •

Do your research on the firms, their cultures and their people.

Take the time to individualise and triple check your applications during semester break.

Spend time thinking about and preparing responses to interview questions.

Adjust your work/study load based around the number of first round interviews you receive.

Try to be yourself in the interviews, as they can see straight through rotelearned answers.

If you are lucky enough to receive multiple offers, go with your gut instinct.

Try to enjoy the ride and good luck!

For me it was performing legal research and administrative tasks that I had never come across before. After the initial fear of failure subsided these tasks became much more interesting and enjoyable. It is also important to remember that your team is always there to support you, particularly the graduates and junior lawyers who understand what you are experiencing.

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Why did you choose Allens?


I chose Allens for two reasons. Firstly, in my fourth year, I attended a presentation by Allens and Linklaters on the clerkship and graduate opportunities at their firms. I was excited by the opportunity to work across market-leading practice groups with industry-leading lawyers, fantastic training and international secondment opportunities from early on in my career. Secondly, it was the culture, which you get a sense of throughout the application process. Everyone that I met was always exceptionally approachable and struck me as taking a genuine interest in getting to know me as a person. Being able to joke and easily get along with the people there really distinguished Allens from the rest for me. What do you think made your application stand out? I think it was that my application was relatively strong across the board rather than one particular stand-out feature. Whilst all firms will differ in their application process, they will all look for you to address three key areas: •

Why them

Why you

Why commercial law

The ‘why you’ is one key way to make your application stand out. Don’t discount your non-legal experience; think about how these experiences have given you skills that are transferrable to a legal career. For instance, I spoke about how my part-time job in hospitality had given me strong people

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and time-management skills. Also think about what makes you different, whether that is a second language, competitive sport or other hobbies. This will help to make your application stand out to the reviewers and generates topics for discussion in interviews. What was the most challenging question asked during your interview at Allens? How did you respond? I was asked if thought people in England knew what they were voting for when they voted for Brexit and how Allens should respond to Brexit. This was clearly asked to see if I could think on my feet and to test my awareness of current issues. I talked about how people probably weren’t quite 100% sure of Brexit’s implications (we’re still seeing that unfold now) and that Allens should use its international alliance with Linklaters to help businesses over there adjust to the changes. If thrown a curveball question, it’s important to not panic and to justify whatever answer you take. In these instances, there’s usually no right or wrong answer (even my interviewing partner admitted he wasn’t sure what the ‘right’ answer was!). Rather, what they’re after is that you can take a position on an issue and coherently substantiate your response; after all, that’s part of being a lawyer. The application process is notoriously time-consuming and stressful. How did you approach this period and balance your competing commitments? I think it’s vital to be prepared and start early – even now. Before applications

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officially open in June, I started to think of a shortlist (e.g. 8-10) firms that I really wanted to apply for. Researching what makes these firms different, and why you’d be a good applicant, are things that you can start to do now and can take some pressure off the time you have to write your applications. As for interviews, I preferred to schedule them for the morning. It’s quite difficult to study if you have any interview later in the day, so I liked getting them over and done with first thing. If you have multiple interviews, and it’s possible to do so, try to book them all on the same day too – once you’re in that interview mind-set, it’s better to keep going and knock them all out together.

draft the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Exploitation of Indigenous Culture) Bill 2017, which was recently heard in Parliament. It was definitely something that I never thought I would be able to be a part of whilst working at a commercial firm, let alone as a clerk. From a social perspective, the end-ofclerk dinner was fantastic. It was great night to reflect on how quickly the past 10 weeks had gone and to talk to all the lawyers in a more relaxed setting away from work. Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks? •

Know what really makes each firm different. General factors such as big deals, top-tier clients or international opportunities is not enough – for the most part, all major commercial firms can offer you this. You really need to hone in on what specifically makes you want to work there – is it a particular deal that you really found interesting, or a partner that’s a stand-out in their field or did you meet somebody at a fair that made a lasting impression? It’s these sorts of detailed reasons that will illustrate that you’ve really gone above and beyond in researching the firm and know what makes them different.

Be confident and relax a bit. I know that’s difficult, but I think firms first and foremost want to see that you’re an intelligent and relatable person who could hold a conversation with clients. Keeping that approach in mind whilst doing interviews and cocktail nights will go a long way.

What was the most challenging aspect of your clerkship? It was probably the unfamiliarity of the tasks that I was asked to do. Particularly whilst I was in the banking team, there were many tasks where I felt a bit out of my depth due to my lack of knowledge of the finance jargon. However, you’ll surprise yourself with how the skills that you’ve acquired throughout your degree will help you. My team was understanding of the fact that these tasks were new to us and that we might make a mistake, but were always more than happy to answer any questions that we had. Showing that you’re willing to learn and have put in a thorough, well-thought out effort will hold you in good stead. What was the highlight of your clerkship? The highlight of my clerkship, from a work perspective, was helping to

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Staying true to your direction is what defines Clayton Utz. We’ve built a culture that’s unlike any other law firm, but don’t just take our word for it. A good lawyer needs compelling evidence so meet our people and judge for yourself.

Academic brilliance certainly counts, but graduates who thrive here have something extra – a natural passion for connecting with people and a strong sense of self. That’s what staying true is all about. If you have these qualities, Clayton Utz is for you.

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As a junior lawyer, your enthusiasm is in overdrive. Everything is interesting. You have a million questions for everyone. You want to be the best. And for me, I wanted to be the best lawyer and leader I could be. Right now I’m a corporate and tax lawyer, buying and selling companies, structuring investments and having the occasional battle with the ATO.


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So, a little while after I started at Clayton Utz, I joined the social committee. A powerful assembly fuelled by lunchtime pizzawielding lawyers making important decisions like choosing the Christmas party theme. They knew I liked pizza, but had no idea I was gay. You see, I wasn’t out at work yet and this became a genuine source of anxiety for a good two years. But In May 2015 this all changed... To listen to Luke’s full story, go to: Academic brilliance certainly counts, but graduates who thrive here have something extra – a natural passion for connecting with people and a strong sense of self. That’s what staying true is all about. If you have these qualities, Clayton Utz is for you.

Macquarie University Law Society

CLERKSHIP PROGRAM If you’re a law student in your penultimate year, our Clerkship Programs will expose you to the fast pace of a full-service commercial law firm and show you the law in action. You’ll be working under the guidance of some of the sharpest legal minds in Australia, on challenging, complex and high-profile transactions and matters. You’ll be mentored by partners and lawyers who are leaders in their fields, in a firm where individuality is embraced and innovation actively encouraged.

GRADUATE PROGRAM It’s not just about wearing a suit. There’s always a gap between theory and practice, and post-university prospects can be daunting. How do you make the leap to working in the industry?

That’s where we come in. Once you’ve completed your studies, our national Graduate Program gives you the perfect foundation for your legal career. Our 2.5 week orientation program is designed to ensure that you’ll hit the ground running. It consists of PLT+, local training and a national orientation week in Sydney. Our rotations will help you discover different areas and find the right fit. From day one you’ll be working on complex and sophisticated legal issues, and with our innovative learning and development approach, you’ll get the support to become the best you can be.

You’ll get… • Three rotations of six months in our national practice groups • continuing legal education programs and professional development support • mentoring from some of the best lawyers in the country • a buddy who’ll give you the inside information

• the chance to participate in our Community Connect and Pro Bono programs and really give back

• meaningful performance feedback so you know you’re on • social and sporting activities, because we know it’s not the right track all work and no play.

We hire most of our Graduates from our Clerkship Programs. Occasionally, additional opportunities may arise. These opportunities will be listed on our website. Macquarie University Law Society

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CLERKSHIP Q&A Clayton Utz also runs a buddy program during the clerkship process and my Buddy, who was a Macquarie Alumni, went above and beyond to help me prepare for my interviews and walk me through the process. We are still in close contact to this day.


Patrick Barkachi Clayton Utz

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE CLAYTON UTZ? Clayton Utz was my stand out firm for a number of reasons. Clayton Utz is the Macquarie University Law Society’s only Platinum sponsor and have always been a massive supporter of professional development of students at Macquarie. In my time at Macquarie I was able to engage in multiple opportunities through MULS, which were funded and supported by Clayton Utz. Every single person I met at Clayton Utz was welcoming, friendly and down to earth. For me, this was true throughout the entire clerkship process, from meeting the People and Development team at the Clerkship fair and mock interviews, to meeting all the lawyers and Partners at the cocktail nights and interviews. This remained true during the Clerkship, I always felt welcome. 54 | Clerkship Guide 2017

There are a few stages of the application process. These can be classed as ‘on paper’ and ‘in person’. I believe my application on paper stood out due to my extensive involvement with the Macquarie University Law Society, as well as my practical commercial experience, in law and out. Experience at a law firm is not absolutely required, as long as you as you can demonstrate transferable skills. For example, during my interviews I was often called on to discuss my long serving experience at McDonalds. To answer this question I would focus on the transferable skills I learnt in that time, such as communication, team work, leadership and time management. For the ‘in person’ part of your application, I have to give the clichéd advice and say “be yourself”, but it’s a cliché for a reason. I was told, it’s better to be yourself and not get the job, than not to be yourself and realise much later you don’t really want the job.

DID YOU ATTEND A COCKTAIL EVENING? IF SO, HOW DID YOU APPROACH THIS EVENT? Yes, the cocktail evening is an excellent way to showcase yourself to the Partners, HR and other employees of the firm who may eventually be interviewing you later in the process. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions about practice groups you may be interested in, and to learn about new practice groups. Most importantly, the cocktail evening gives applicants an opportunity to have a drink and chat with lawyers and employees from the firm in a casual setting. My only advice for this is to relax, be yourself, enjoy the great food, don’t drink too much and try to talk to and meet as many new people as possible. Macquarie University Law Society



Clayton Utz puts a lot of time and resources into the Clerkship process in order to provide the best training and learning experience for the Clerks. Before you begin your rotations, you will be given detailed training in various practices. These sessions range from learning how to use the internal library and intranet system, to learning how to write stronger and more succinct emails, and how to take down notes from busy Partners and lawyers, to name a few. After a week-long orientation, you begin your rotations through two different practice groups.

During the clerkship process I made very good friends, whom I have kept in contact with in 2017, before I start as a Graduate in 2018.

I’m not a morning person, so I have to start my day with a coffee, otherwise I’ll be in zombie mode for a while. At most firms, you’ll find this is the typical way to start the day, which was great because I would often run into and catch up with other clerks at the café. Then I get to my desk and read over my emails. If I had work from the day before I would get stuck into it, otherwise I would be reading the paper until about 9 am. From there I would let the supervising Partner and my team know I had capacity to take on any work they could allocate. This takes me to lunch, Clayton Utz is in a great location for a variety of food options and even has an internal Cafe with great Chefs and Baristas. I would use this time to catch up with other clerks and friends at the firm, get some sun, or listen to a podcast/ watch some YouTube, relax. After lunch is right back to whatever work I was doing, which takes me to the end of the day with a coffee in between. During the Clerkship at Clayton Utz you won’t often be asked to work back late, but it’s always good to check with your Partner whether there’s anything pressing you can help with before you leave.

It was great to see how much time my rotation teams were willing to put into my development, and how welcoming everyone was throughout both of my rotations. You won’t find a bigger or better end of year Christmas party than the one held by Clayton Utz. Everyone really dresses to the theme, the events team put a lot of work into fitting out the venue and there’s lots of food, drinks and awards for the best dressed. In 2016, it was held at the Four Seasons Hotel and the theme was 60 years of Australian Television.

DO YOU HAVE ANY LAST WORDS OF ADVICE FOR ASPIRING CLERKS? The clerkship is an amazing experience and I would recommend that everyone give it a go, whether or not your ultimate goal in Law is in commercial law. The clerkship program provides invaluable professional experience, which creates a solid foundation for you to launch the rest of your career. The clerkship process may be stressful, but it’s important not to lose sight of your own mental health. Take the time to relax wherever you can. My approach was to always take Friday night and Saturday morning off from any Uni work, clerkship applications, paid work etc. That may not work for everyone, but find something that works for you. It’s also important to note that the Clerkship process is extremely competitive. You shouldn’t stress out if you are unable to land one, but take that opportunity to consider the multitude of options available to you with a Law degree from Macquarie.

WHAT WAS THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECT OF YOUR CLERKSHIP? The clerkship is an exciting time, with a lot of new experiences and learning curves. It’s important to know that you can always ask questions if you need help. It’s better to admit you have no idea what you’re doing sooner rather than later. I did that quite a lot. Everyone I worked with at Clayton Utz was more than happy to help, and would even go out of their way to explain the context around the work I was doing.

Macquarie University Law Society

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If you want to make the most of your career in law, our global network is the perfect place to start. Our worldwide capabilities give us access to the most interesting markets, the most exciting clients and the most significant and complex transactions. For you, this means the chance to work on market-leading deals with some of the most experienced and talented lawyers in our industry, together with access to international secondment opportunities from early in your career.

Initiative A curious mind is vital, as is plenty of initiative. The more adaptable you’re prepared to be and the more energy you bring, the more you’ll get out of your career here. You’ll be able to steer a path that turns possibilities into realities.



Excellence is essential; it’s a guarantee we give our clients. Intellectually rigorous, driven and eager to learn, you’ll set the highest standards for yourself and strive to be the best you can be.

It begins with our people


It’s our people who make us great. It is our priority to ensure they are constantly challenged, recognised, rewarded and empowered throughout their careers.

Successful lawyers understand that law is more than an academic pursuit. It’s about understanding the client – their objectives and the challenges they face – as well as the wider commercial environment in which we operate.

Our unique way of working


We adopt a flexible approach to the way we work, which builds strong and diverse teams, and is one of the reasons our lawyers tell us a career here is so rewarding. You won’t be limited to working with a particular partner or group. Instead, you will have the opportunity to drive your career by working with a range of lawyers and partners.

Positive people thrive in our environment. We look for people who can build sustainable careers with us; people who successfully juggle a busy life and varying commitments while maintaining their wellbeing. Like us, you’ll believe that leading a full, active life outside the law can make you a better person to work with.

We make the complex simple


We are known for the quality of our legal minds. That’s why we attract some of the most complex legal work, and why our lawyers are recognised as the best in the profession.

Our clients often tell us we have ‘great people’. And it’s true. We look for diversity – people who bring a fresh perspective and energy to everything they do, with the ability to create strong relationships with each other and with clients.

Life-long learning


As a graduate, we’re committed to giving you the best professional and personal development opportunities. Our training programs provide graduates with practical legal education of the highest professional standard. You’ll build your knowledge of the law and business and find an area of law that inspires you. We will support you with leading learning and development programs to round out your skills and put you on the path to becoming a market-leading lawyer.

The ability to work collaboratively and efficiently with others is of fundamental importance to working successfully at a commercial law firm. Negotiations involve work with multi-disciplinary teams across borders and successful lawyers work to reach the best possible outcome in transactions, mediations and arbitrations.

CLERKSHIP PROGRAM Come and explore a career with us by applying for one of our clerkships. Our clerkships offer ambitious penultimate-year law students an insight into the workings of a large corporate law firm, and offer an exceptional opportunity to experience our work, people and culture. Anything is possible with us – provided you are willing to work hard and 56 | Clerkship Guide 2017 you put your mind to. are committed to achieve whatever

Attention to detail Lawyers are expected to have an accurate and meticulous approach to their work. You need a good eye for detail to be able to communicate effectively on paper with both colleagues and clients. Attention to detail is part of providing a quality service to our clients.

HOW TO APPLY University Law Society 15306D


Graduates in Law

Aim beyond pure legal knowledge. Beyond commercial advice. Be known for something more: a clarity of thought and an instinct for problem solving that can influence governments and leading businesses the world over. Join us and we’ll help you enrich and expand your worldview, grow your skills and influence new ways of thinking. In other words, we’ll help you move minds.

Begin now at Connect with us on

Macquarie University Law Society

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ASHURST At Ashurst, you won’t just be learning from the past or from specifics. You will also be developing the instincts to tackle the most complex issues in international law and building an understanding of each client’s business. We want a broad range of minds, all united by a common set of strengths.


time zones





Internationalism is part of the fabric of our firm. It’s not just how many offices we have in how many countries. It’s how closely, how seamlessly and how naturally all of those offices work together.

The best way to understand what it feels like to work here is to actually work here! Every year, we hold clerkships in each of our offices to give you an intensive experience of our culture and the kind of work we do.

Pick up the phone. Send off an email. In the world’s largest financial and business centres across Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and the USA, there are Ashurst lawyers who’ll answer you – swiftly, efficiently, skilfully.




More access to intellectually demanding, multijurisdictional work. Great international mobility and secondment opportunities. Most of all: collaborations. Across the firm, you will find the same engaging culture wherever you are based.

3,150 people

1,250+ lawyers


OUR STRENGTHS We’re renowned for helping our clients navigate through a complex and constantly evolving global landscape. With 25 offices across the world’s leading financial and resource centres in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and the USA, we operate at the cutting edge of the financial, resources and infrastructure, corporate and new economy markets. We tackle diverse areas of law, including finance, M&A, disputes and competition. In each, we offer advice that’s as commercially astute as it is technically accurate.

We work hard to make sure they’re as useful and as stimulating as possible. You’ll spend time in our departments, where you’ll work with a supervising partner, a lawyer and a buddy who’ll get you involved in real work.

STARTING YOUR CAREER As a firm, everything we do is characterised by a pursuit of insight, understanding and clarity. We share our clients’ ambitions and we cut to the heart of their issues with speed and clarity, whether we’re working locally or globally. As a graduate, you’ll benefit from a tailored rotation plan, in-house PLT and global firm structured aQ training to help develop the highest standards of technical legal expertise, industry know-how and business and legal skills.

APPLY What you say in your application is up to you: but be sure to express your personality and tell us why you want to be a commercial lawyer – and why you’d like to join Ashurst in particular. We need people with a rare kind of mindset: an openness to the way you work, an agility to the way you think, and a strong desire to keep evolving as a professional.


To start moving your mind, begin now at

58 | Clerkship Guide 2017

Macquarie University Law Society

Your journey begins with a world-class summer clerkship Real client work. Invaluable coaching. A tailored development program. A genuine insight into working with our Firm – while building great friendships. Plus, we offer the unique opportunity to build your global knowlege and network – through an International Clerkship. Become a world-class lawyer. Join the firm that was born global.

Ready to explore our world? Angelique Wanner +61 2 8922 5596 FindUniversity us at Macquarie Law Society @BakersAUS

Find us on Facebook

Clerkship Guide 2017 | 59

Your journey continues with a world-class graduate program Market-leading work – across borders. And a global approach to development. Our graduates want the best foundation for their career – just like you. We’ve been developing our graduates into exceptional, global lawyers for more than 50 years. Become a world-class lawyer. Join the firm that was born global.

Ready to explore our world? Angelique Wanner +61 2 8922 5596 Find us at 60 | Clerkship Guide 2017 @BakersAUS

Find us on Facebook

Macquarie University Law Society

JOIN THOUSANDS OF S AT I S F I E D L A W S T U D E N T S ACROSS AUSTRALIA PLT Plus – today’s most in-demand Practical Legal Training (PLT) program, delivered by The College of Law. Now in its second year, our new and improved program puts you first. With a renewed focus on flexibility, convenience and practical relevant training, it’s no wonder more students are choosing PLT Plus over any other program. Now it’s your turn to discover what the fuss is all about.

5 Reasons to choose PLT Plus YOU’LL BE MORE ‘PRACTICE-READY’ PLT Plus places greater emphasis on task-based, hands-on learning. It’s also the only program that offers a Legal Business Skills Series – equipping you with vital workplace skills such as time management, leadership and communication.

Y O U ’ L L S T U D Y H O W A N D W H E N Y O U WA N T With only 5 days of face-to-face attendance plus full-time, part-time, onsite and offsite study options, PLT Plus is truly flexible. We also offer more than 10 courses a – not us. year in Sydney, allowing you to study at a time that suits


Y O U ’ L L B E M O R E AT T R A C T I V E T O E M P L O Y E R S As Australasia’s largest provider of PLT, The College of Law has a global reputation for excellence. We are also the preferred provider to 9 of the top 10 law firms in Australia.

YOU’LL GET MORE SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE With one-to-one lecturer support and comprehensive Practice Papers to take into the workplace, our goal is to help you succeed the moment you enter the professional workforce.

YOU’LL ENJOY BENEFITS TO LAST A LIFETIME As a PLT Plus graduate, you receive lifelong discounts on all our short programs – plus ongoing invitations to our alumni and networking events. What’s more, you’ll receive two subjects of credit towards the College LLM program.

For course dates or more information about our PLT Plus program visit The College of Law website or contact our Student Services Team on 1300 856 111 or The College of Law is Australasia’s largest provider of Practical Legal Training (PLT), with campuses in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. We also conduct programs in Adelaide, Canberra and regional Queensland, as well as onsite sessions in London. The College of Law’s PLT program leads to the award of a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (GDLP) which makes you eligible to apply for direct admission to your state or territory.

Macquarie University Law Society

Your career. Maximised.

Clerkship Guide 2017 | 61

SHARE OUR VISION SHAPE YOUR FUTURE DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We are a law firm with momentum. Over the past decade, DLA Piper has undergone rapid expansion, responding to global markets and helping our clients deliver on their business strategies. In doing so, we are uniquely placed to provide our people with the global career opportunities they are looking for. In Australia we are trusted legal advisors to approximately a third of the ASX I 00 companies and all levels of government. We have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra. IT’S IN OUR DNA At its heart, DLA Piper is an entrepreneurial and dynamic firm. We have a supportive and performance based culture founded on the diversity of our people, the communities we operate in and the clients we work with. WINNING 1 Global M&A volume: DLA Piper has retained its number one ranking globally for overall deal volume by mergermarket for the seventh consecutive year. #3 Global brand: DLA Piper ranked third on the Acritas Global Elite Brand Index 2016. +1,000: The world’s leading legal directories have named more than 1,000 of our lawyers and practices among the best in their fields. In Australia, we are recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. We are also members of the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation, supporting workplace psychological health and safety. YOUR OPPORTUNITIES We provide cutting-edge learning and development programs, and an opportunity to work alongside some of the best legal minds around. 62 | Clerkship Guide 2017

As a clerk, you can expect to have a varied experience both in and outside the office. You will gain firsthand experience in the practice of law by doing real legal work. Joining us as a clerk is your path to a Graduate position. At DLA Piper we recruit to retain and once you qualify, we will continue to offer you exceptional career opportunities, in an environment that is challenging, rewarding and, we believe, truly different from our competitors. We are also committed to supporting our people’s desire to experience working life in other parts of the world. For our Graduates we offer the opportunity to apply for a six month rotation to one of our offices in Asia. We believe our secondment program fosters a global mind-set and is critical to our success. WHAT IT TAKES Being an excellent lawyer requires more than just comprehensive technical knowledge. Every aspect of our approach is tailored carefully to our clients, their business needs and industry. Successful applicants are not only bright, as demonstrated through strong academics, but they also bring unique life experiences and insights to the table. Our lawyers are excellent communicators, collaborative team players and commercially minded, because our clients are the core of our business. For more information about our clerkship opportunities, please visit Macquarie University Law Society MAR17 | 3212464

Gilbert + Tobin

BE MORE If you share our ambition to be the best, Gilbert + Tobin will place you on that trajectory.

We employ a diverse mix of talented and ambitious people who are attracted to the firm because of its entrepreneurial spirit, creative approach and capacity for change. These are the reasons we enjoy a reputation as the most successful corporate law firm to emerge in Australia in many years. We advise many of Australia’s and the world’s leading organisations and focus on the most dynamic sectors. Our clients and projects span Australia, Asia and emerging African markets.

From our state-of-the-art office in Barangaroo, the partners and lawyers in our Sydney office include some of Australia’s leading practitioners in: + Banking + Infrastructure + Competition + Regulation + Corporate Advisory + Energy + Resources + Intellectual Property

Some firms may talk about providing unique opportunities. We deliver on our promise to provide real opportunities to advance your career. We provide the chance to be deeply involved in interesting, challenging work much earlier in your career, accelerating your opportunities and experience.” Danny Gilbert, Managing Partner

+ Litigation + Pro Bono + Real Estate + Projects + TMT + Project Services

If you want to work for a first-tier corporate law firm, and you want to be the best you can be, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Macquarie University Law Society

Find out more at GTLAW.COM.AU

Clerkship Guide 2017 | 63



64 | Clerkship Guide 2017


Macquarie University Law Society

Gilbert + Tobin

BE MORE Start today. Shape tomorrow.

A Gilbert + Tobin clerkship is both positive and challenging. You’ll work directly with partners and lawyers who will assist with your professional development and challenge you intellectually. While your main focus will be corporate work, everyone at G+T has the opportunity to assist on pro bono matters and participate in firm-wide activities. As you progress through your rotations you will develop invaluable skills and knowledge and gain first-hand experience of our various practice groups.

Our Sydney program runs for 10 weeks, consisting of two five-week rotations across the firm’s practice areas. During both rotations each clerk is assigned a supervising partner, mentor and buddy to assist with on-the-job training. Participating in our customised in-house training will build your confidence and help you understand the mechanics of legal practice. You’ll have the chance to jump right in and immerse yourself in a leading corporate law practice. And we’ll encourage you to contribute ideas and your own fresh perspective.

The G+T clerkship experience is open to students in their penultimate year of study. We’re not a prescriptive firm when it comes to our people; we invite individuality and diversity. We also hold ambition, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit in high regard. Our people are collaborative, passionate and dedicated – but most of all they enjoy what they do and never forget to have fun. We seek clerks and graduates who will complement our practice groups and don’t feel the need to take themselves too seriously.

Applications for 2017-18 summer clerkships in our Sydney office are open from Thursday 15 June to Sunday 17 July 2017. For more information about applying for a clerkship or for program dates please visit, or contact Kristie Barton on 02 9263 4575 or at

Macquarie University Law Society

Find out more at GTLAW.COM.AU

Clerkship Guide 2017 | 65

Gilbert + Tobin

BE MORE Join the game-changers of Australian law. Beyond an interest in Gilbert + Tobin’s practice groups and their progressive approach to legal issues, one of the largest factors in my decision to come to the firm was the people. During various clerkship functions, members of G+T consistently advocated the friendly community culture of the firm as well as emphasising the firm’s focus on innovation and efficiency. My decision was essentially an emotional one; as a law student I found it hard to differentiate between the top tier firms and chose G+T because I felt this firm gave me a genuine feel that I was important to them. A clerkship at Gilbert +Tobin is truly an incredible experience; it is challenging but seriously fun. You are given real deliverable and diverse work from day one. On a daily basis I was interacting with partners, lawyers and graduates who I felt were all so willing to share their knowledge and experiences. I was pleasantly surprised to find first-hand the lawyers I worked with were not only invested in my professional learning but also wanted to get to know me on a personal level. During my short rotation through their practice groups, this effort really made me feel like part of their team. Each day brought a new set of challenges and opportunities. One day you’re doing legal research in response to a client query; the next day you’re picking up an $18M cheque from a client.

66 | Clerkship Guide 2017

The diverse range of work I had the opportunity to get involved with surpassed my expectations of what I anticipated I would be doing as a summer clerk. On multiple occasions the memorandums and research tasks I completed were sent directly to clients – that was a great feeling! All G+T clerks were given an innovation project and pro bono project which we were required to work on during the clerkship, coming together at the end to present our findings to the firm. These tasks shed a light on the wider opportunities you have working at G+T. Participating in a ‘design jam’, coding workshop and the Hackathon further cemented my perception of G+T as a progressive and innovative firm. It was also amazing to go through this experience with 22 other smart and motivated individuals who have become some of my closest friends. As a clerk group we enjoyed activities such as a weekend away, lawn bowls, after work drinks, firm lunches, Korean BBQ night, social sports competition and trivia just to name a few. The clerkship is such a short period of time – I feel like I only scratched the surface of the learning opportunities at G+T. I wish it could have been longer. Hannah Opperman-Williams 2016/17 Sydney Summer Clerk

Find out more at GTLAW.COM.AU

Macquarie University Law Society


GRADUATE CAREERS IN LAW Join Herbert Smith Freehills and you’ll do more than just experience life at a leading law firm, you’ll be a part of everything we have to offer - whether you’re working on a high-profile takeover, catching up with an overseas client or taking on some challenging pro bono work. It’s an environment in which your perspective, ideas and experiences will make a real difference. Don’t just experience everything, be a part of it. Macquarie University Law Society


Clerkship Guide 2017 | 67




Join us as a Herbert Smith Freehills Vacation Clerk and you’ll do more than just experience life at a leading law firm, you’ll be a part of everything we have to offer. Takeovers and mergers. Arbitration and litigation. Finance and real estate. As a world class professional services business, our work is incredibly varied. Thanks to the quality of our global network and world-class Business Services professionals, we work with some of the biggest international organisations on some of their most ambitious projects. Herbert Smith Freehills is a place where you won’t just experience everything, you’ll be a part of it. So if you’ve got the drive and ambition to become a brilliant lawyer, we’d like to hear from you.

YOUR DEVELOPMENT We view you as the partners of the future, so it goes without saying that your development is incredibly important to us. Our full service practice and extensive work for international clients means you’ll enjoy a varied experience across contentious and non-contentious departments.

26 offices, including associated offices across Asia-Pacific, EMEA and North America

And there’s more to that than just a great academic record. There’s fantastic perception and communication skills. There’s confidence and collaboration skills. Empathy, an international mindset and diligence. And there’s the drive to not only experience everything, but to be a part of it.

OUR GLOBAL PRACTICE GROUPS • Alternative Legal Services (ALT) • Competition, Regulation and Trade

We have prepared some more detailed information on our website: au/grads/au/grads/join-us

• Corporate • Dispute Resolution • Employment, Pensions and Incentives

INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE SECONDMENT PROGRAM Our international network means that we can offer opportunities and experiences that are unrivalled in scope. In 2014 we launched our international secondment program for Australian graduates to our Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo and London offices and we are continuing to expand our secondment program.

As well as getting exposure to a huge breadth of work, you’ll be supported to grow your career and reach your goals with flexible training and development plans. Individually designed, these plans will allow you to gain experience in all areas and help you find what’s best for you and your career.

To read more about our international graduate secondment program including some recent experiences from our graduates go to our website: graduate-program



We are interested in who you are and the strengths you can bring. We look for exceptional people from a diverse range of backgrounds with the passion and ability to become truly brilliant lawyers.

We offer a range of summer and winter clerkships in each of our Australian offices. If you have queries about graduate or vacation clerk positions, please visit our website: careers.herbertsmithfreehills. com/au/grads/vacation-clerkships or contact one of our graduate recruitment team.

• Finance • Projects and Infrastructure • Real Estate


James Keane Graduate Recruitment Consultant T +61 2 9322 4313





Approximate number of  positions





Clerkship programs

2 summer

2 summer 1 winter

2 summer 1 winter

1 summer

Applications for all 2017/18   programs open

27 February 2017

10 July 2017

17 July 2017

15 June 2017

Applications for all 2017/18 programs close

20 March 2017

13 August 2017

6 August 2017

16 July 2017

Offers made

8 May 2017

12 October 2017

22 September 2017

4 October 2017

*Perth vacation clerkship dates to be confirmed 68 note: | Clerkship Guide 2017 Macquarie University Society Please An application should only be submitted to the office where you intend to start your career as a graduate. Multiple applications will notLaw be considered. HERBERTSMITHFREEHILLS.COM

© Herbert Smith Freehills 2016 NOF166714_Syd_v2 070317



“The diversity of the people at Herbert Smith Freehills is an invaluable feature of the firm and one that left a great impression on me during my clerkship.“ LUCA CREDENTINO VACATION CLERK WHY HERBERT SMITH FREEHILLS? I chose Herbert Smith Freehills for a number of reasons. Their preeminent reputation in a number of areas I was interested in practising in, such as mergers and acquisitions, was important, as was their extensive global presence. However, the key differentiator was the incredible sense of genuineness that I experienced throughout the clerkship application process. The one-on-one interviews with a Partner are a great example of how invested the firm is in getting to know you on a personal level. In addition, the information and cocktail evenings offered the most valuable insight into the firm, namely their culture and people. Whether it was a Graduate, a Senior Associate, or Partner, they each showed a significant level of approachability and willingness to talk to you and make you feel comfortable. Macquarie University Law Society HERBERTSMITHFREEHILLS.COM

My first rotation was with the Equity Capital Markets team in the Corporate group. It was a team that I quickly understood was involved in some significant transactions and had a market-leading reputation. I was fortunate to be placed in a team with a variety of experienced lawyers who offered outstanding support in ensuring my experience would be both challenging and rewarding. Right from the first day I was involved in researching the application of the ASX Listing Rules and Waivers for a piece of advice that was forwarded on to the client. Other highlights involved me working on a due diligence report, reviewing an Investor’s Agreement for one of the biggest transactions in Australia in 2016, and assisting with the preparation of material for a client meeting which I was able to attend. My second rotation was with the Debt Capital Markets team in the Finance group. The breadth of corporate finance allowed me to be exposed to various types of work introducing concepts I never thought could exist. Whether it was drafting a note on an APRA Prudential Standard on derivatives or preparing PPSA registration forms, the real value is in the experience itself. At university you’ll learn how to price bonds and understand how hedging instruments operate. At Herbert Smith Freehills, those concepts are enlivened and applied with real consequences. The practicality and commerciality you get to experience are fundamental to setting yourself up as a commercial lawyer and Herbert Smith Freehills naturally allows you to develop that mindset by virtue of the nature of clients and work they are involved in.

THE SOCIAL SCENE Intentionally or not, the vacation clerkship is aptly timed at the apex of the firm’s social calendar. Within the first two weeks I attended three Christmas parties! That’s in addition to the weekly inter-firm sports, spontaneous team dinners, Friday after-work clerk drinks, and anything else you are lucky to fit in. Inherently there is a distinct social element to working at Herbert Smith Freehills.

You can always count on your colleagues to have lunch with you or having a coffee with a Senior Associate from another team to learn about their experience. The work will be complex and challenging, but it will be equally stimulating and rewarding so that you learn to enjoy yourself along the way which will only enhance your clerkship. Being part of a large clerk cohort was a great opportunity to develop relationships with other clerks. I came into the clerkship not knowing anybody, yet can comfortably say I’ve now made a number of friends who I feel I’ve known for years. The diversity of the people at Herbert Smith Freehills is an invaluable feature of the firm and one that left a great impression on me during my clerkship.

APPLICATION PROCESS TIPS The application process is already overwhelming as it is, therefore don’t make it worse by trying to crack the magic HR formula; because it doesn’t exist! It is fundamental to be yourself throughout the entire process, especially for a firm like Herbert Smith Freehills who prides themselves on their commitment to diversity. Don’t engage in CV-boosting activities just for the sake of it. Rather, identify your strengths and let that resonate that through your application and interviews. Ideally you should have a strong, consistent academic record but remember it’s never too late to improve your marks. In addition you would want to highlight the skills and knowledge obtained through your work experience as well as any other extracurricular activities and interests you’ve engaged in. Come the interview stage it’s a level-playing field so remind yourself it’s another opportunity to leave a great impression on the interviewing Partner. I wish you good luck!

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Voted Australasian Lawyer’s Employer of Choice. (>500 employees)

GROW YOUR CAREER Looking for a law firm that is defined by its universal experience and unsurpassed commitment to client service? With approximately 2000 lawyers across 5 continents, you will be joining a team of passionate professionals who work across: • Corporate & Transactional • Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety • Energy, Infrastructure and Resources • Litigation & Dispute Resolution • Finance • Policy & Regulatory SYDNEY • Financial Services Clerkship applications open: • Real Estate 15 June 2017 • Intellectual Property Clerkship applications close: Join us and grow your career.

16 July 2017

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Watch our brand video. /klgateslaw Macquarie University Law Society

B E C O M E KING & WOOD MALLESONS A little about what we have to offer Recognised as one of the world’s most innovative law firms, King & Wood Mallesons offers a different perspective to commercial thinking and the client experience. With access to a global platform, a team of over 2000 lawyers in 27 locations around the world, we work with clients to help them understand local challenges, navigate through regional complexity, and to find commercial solutions that deliver a competitive advantage for our clients. Always pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved, we are reshaping the legal market.

KEY STATISTICS • 27 offices globally; • One of the largest international legal networks in the Asia region with 500+ partners and more than 2000 lawyers; • #1 global brand in Asia and #14 global legal brand *; • Our clients are a mix of global financial and corporate powerhouses to the new industry-makers and all levels of government (some for over 200 years); and • We are the only law firm able to practice Australian, PRC, Hong Kong and English law under one integrated legal brand. *Source: 2016 Acritas Sharp Global Elite Brand Index and 2016 Acritas Asia Pacific Law Firm Brand Index

REGIONAL PRESENCE The King & Wood Mallesons network extends across the following regions: • Asia Pacific (Australia, Mainland China including Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore) • Europe • Middle East • North America


Applications open: 15 June 2017 Applications close: 16 July 2017 How to apply: Via our online application system at

We offer clerkships so that you get a clear picture of what it’s like to be a lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons. You’ll get to know our people, the way we like to work, our culture, practice areas, clients and more. We’ve designed a program to help you make the most of your time with us. During your clerkship, you’ll learn: • The day-to-day skills to get you started – taking instructions, meeting with clients, drafting memos and documents, managing your practice and professional relationships. • The core practice teams at King & Wood Mallesons – who they are, what they do, how they’re structured, the clients they work for, and of course, your role within them. • Our culture – working within your team, you’ll be exposed to (and encouraged) to get actively involved in the many activities and events that help create our unique culture. • Our people – you’ll find that people from every part of the business will help you along, sharing their knowledge, and ensuring you have everything you need to fit in, and do well. Your role Clerks usually work in one or two different practice groups, depending on the length of the clerkship. You’ll be allocated a supervisor in each of your practice groups and you’ll work closely with the partners, senior associates and solicitors in that team. It’s a hands-on role, so you’ll not just be watching from the sidelines.

KELLIE MILDRED Graduate Resourcing Consultant, Sydney T +61 2 9296 3592 Macquarie University Law Society

Our people have the opportunity to get involved in the many social and sporting activities that go on in the firm as well as the broader community in which we live. GRADUATE PROGRAM Our graduates participate in a targeted development program, we have a framework that cultivates valuable skills and that sets them up for success now and in the future. What you’ll learn The program provides a practical business foundation for junior lawyers. You’ll receive: • Meaningful work covering a wide range of practice areas • Client contact and an in-depth understanding of how they operate in a commercial and regulatory environment • The opportunity to work with a range of partners, senior associates and solicitors in different practice groups • A practical understanding of areas of our legal practice • A comprehensive knowledge of the firm, our technology, our resources, our processes and, of course, the people you’ll work with. As part of the Graduate Program, we also offer a Practical Legal Training (PLT) course with the College of Law to our Australian Law Graduates, ensuring that you meet the requirements for admission to legal practice. The program also promotes and supports the mobility of our staff across our offices by giving you the opportunity to apply to go on exchange in one of our interstate or overseas offices. Through this, you are able to access a greater choice and variety of destinations and on-the-job experience.

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Asia Pacific | Europe | North America | Middle East



AREAS OF ROTATION: Dispute Resolution and Projects & Real Estate (Environment & Planning)

Over the course of my clerkship, there was never a moment without readily accessible support. All clerks are allocated a buddy, usually a junior lawyer who is not so far removed from their own days as a clerk. Any questions you have – they’ll be more than happy to find an answer.

UNIVERSITY: Macquarie University DEGREE: Bachelor of Business Administration with Bachelor of Laws A clerkship is the perfect opportunity to get stuck into what it means to be a lawyer at a large commercial firm. It’s also a great chance to get to know a firm and its culture. With that in mind, I’d like to give you a quick insight into my clerkship experience at King & Wood Mallesons. SEBASTIAN HANSCOMB Summer Clerk King & Wood Mallesons

In the first few weeks of the clerkship, you’ll be taught how to use the firm’s extensive IT systems. The training was excellent and easy to understand, and there was always the option of asking for more help when needed. PRO BONO AND COMMUNITY:

THE APPLICATION AND INTERVIEW PROCESS: The application process at King & Wood Mallesons is second to none; the firm uses decontextualised applications and foregoes the more traditional trinity of cover letter, resume and transcript, instead asking interesting questions that give you a chance to show off what makes you different. KWM also shines when it comes to events, including the ‘Inside a Deal’ evening, where a partner or senior lawyer runs through an exciting piece of work they’ve recently completed. THE WORK: Across both of my rotations I was kept busy with a variety of work that gave me the opportunity to see all of the different things a solicitor at KWM might find themselves doing. I particularly enjoyed the focus on context, with lawyers all too happy to explain the significance of what might be a small bit of work to a much larger matter.

KWM is big on pro bono and helping out those who need it. During my clerkship I had the chance to spend a day with the Salvation Army in Surry Hills, getting things ready for Christmas, as well as a morning at the Downing Centre assisting other KWM lawyers who were fulfilling the role of duty solicitor for the day. Over the course of the clerkship, we worked on a major project for NCYLC, using it as a chance to develop our understanding of the firm’s technology all while creating an end-product that will go on to help young people across Australia. THE SOCIAL LIFE: A clerkship isn’t all work and no fun. In fact, there is a huge amount of fun to be had. KWM organised a number of activities for the clerks, including an amazing race, bowling, and karaoke. These were complimented by inter-firm events like Monday afternoon sport and the clerk cruise.

The highlight of the clerkship was being taken to a meeting with a large government client for whom I’d been doing some research. The lawyers that took me along gave me the chance to explain my findings directly to the client, and even give a little bit of commentary on what I thought it meant for their position!

During the clerkship my cohort bonded over lunches, dinners, drinks, breakfasts – and even an afternoon tea or two. One of the best things about my clerkship at KWM was getting to meet a bunch of like-minded people, many of whom I anticipate will be friends for life.


I chose KWM because the firm is a market-leading business, filled to the brim with brilliant lawyers who are as friendly as they are great at practicing law. I saw in the firm the perfect place to develop my own skills and abilities.

The firm’s personality shines through in the way it organises and runs its information evenings and events, and in the conversations you’ll be able to have with lawyers at all of them. While the firm as a whole boasts a warm, collegiate and friendly culture, you will also find that each team (even within the same practice group) has its quirks! The use of ‘team’ is apt, as you’ll find that even as a clerk you become part of a group that works together to get things done.


WHO WOULD I RECOMMEND A KWM CLERKSHIP TO: I would recommend a KWM clerkship to anyone who is passionate about solving complex problems for sophisticated clients. There really is no better way to get your foot in the door of commercial law.

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Our clerkship program is a great way to explore a career at Maddocks and experience working in a corporate law firm. We’re not looking for a specific stereotype. We’re looking for students with strengths and qualities that are compatible with our core values. To help us achieve this we use a blind application process when reviewing candidates. During your clerkship, you will build up an understanding of the firm and the kind of work we do, as well as what it would be like to be a graduate at Maddocks. We'll offer you hands-on, practical work. You will work closely not only with lawyers but with senior associates and partners, and you’ll have exposure to complex matters and clients.

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We have a total of 530 people, including 84 Partners and more than 275 other professionals operating out of our offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. Our industry coverage and client work is diverse.

WHAT OUR GRADUATES SAY ABOUT US “At Thomson Geer, I feel like I am constantly learning and developing. The senior members of my team take an active interest in mentoring their graduates and junior lawyers through open communication, providing feedback, and direct involvement in real work. Having the support of more experienced lawyers has helped me find my place within the firm and given me confidence in my legal career.” Miranda Nelson, Lawyer “During my time in the Graduate program at Thomson Geer I was given the chance to actively participate in many real work opportunities, just some of which included attending meetings with clients, experts and counsel, drafting court documents, attending court for the entirety of a trial and appearing in court. This work allowed me to develop my skills in many different areas and gain invaluable experience early in my legal career.” Lauren Abbott, Lawyer “After two years working in the Adelaide office I applied for a role in the Sydney office when a position became vacant. I was able to seamlessly change offices and live in a new city.” Venks Ananthakrishnan, Senior Associate

OUR CLERKSHIP & GRADUATE PROGRAM At Thomson Geer we are looking for law students who have excelled academically, are client focused, commercially minded, and work well in a team environment. We are especially keen to talk to students who have an additional technical degree! We offer a structured four week program where clerks learn through a combination of hands-on experience, training, coaching and observation. Students who complete a clerkship with the firm will be eligible to be considered for a position in the firm’s next graduate program, commencing in 2019. This program runs for 12 months and includes rotation among different practice areas to help determine the area of law which best suits you.

APPLICATIONS If your ambition is to develop a career in commercial law and you possess the drive to make your ambitions a reality, then we want to hear from you. If you also have a desire to work interstate one day, let us know! We welcome the opportunity to assist our team members with personal career development. Applications open 15 June 2017 via cvMail or the Thomson Geer website.

Thomson Geer @ThomsonGeer Macquarie University Law Society

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INDEX: PARTICIPATING LAW FIRMS The following table represents information extracted from ‘LegalVitae’ on April 26 2017. ‘LegalVitae’ has indicated that this list is current as of the 1 March 2017. Applicants are encouraged to double check all information with the firm in question if in doubt.

The following information was gathered by the Editor and may be subject to change prior to the clerkship period. Candidates are encouraged to double check the information themselves and no guarantees are made regarding the accuracy of the information below. ALLEN & OVERY






 Level 25, 85 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9373 7700 

Allen & Overy

 The Australian Recruitment Team



Australian Government Solicitor

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: careers/australia/en-gb/students-and-graduates/ Pages/Apply-now.aspx

Baker & McKenzie

Barraket Stanton

Bird & Bird

Brown Wright Stein

Clayton Utz

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

 Lauren Kay (Graduate Resourcing Consultant)


DLA Piper

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: graduates/clerk/syd/htm

Gilbert + Tobin

Hall and Wilcox


Henry Davis York

 Level 11, 5 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

Herbert Smith Freehills

HWL Ebsworth

 Joanne Dean (HR Consultant – Graduate Programs)

Jones Day

K&L Gates

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:

King & Wood Mallesons


Mills Oakley

Minter Ellison


Sparke Helmore

Squire Patton Boggs

76 | Clerkship Guide 2017

ALLENS  Level 28, Deutsche Bank Place, 126 Phillip Street SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9230 5371 

 02 9258 6000

 02 9258 6999


BAKER & McKENZIE  Level 27, 50 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 8922 5596   Angelique Wanner (Talent Management Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: Macquarie University Law Society



 Level 11, 90 Arthur Street NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060

 Level 22, No.1 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

 02 8920 1344

 02 9286 8000

 02 8456 7555



 Christy Hungerford (Office Manager)

 Stacey Hasler (HR Advisor)

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:



 Level 11, 68 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

 Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers Sydney

 02 9226 9888

200 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo NSW 2000

 02 9226 9899


 02 9263 4000

 Jan Thomas (Office Manager)


SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via or by email to (Applications should include a detailed covering letter, CV and current academic transcript)

 Kristie Barton (Clerkship Program Manager)

CLAYTON UTZ  Level 15, 1 Bligh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9353 5474 

 02 9263 4111

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: HENRY DAVIS YORK  44 Martin Place SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9947 6532   Lena Ristevski (Graduate Recruitment Manager)

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)



 Level 17, 8-12 Chifley Square SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9210 6424

 Level 27 & 34, ANZ Tower, 161 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000


 02 9322 4313

 Natalie Peterson (People & Performance Consultant)


SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: graduates

 James Keane

 Zoe Wickham (Graduate Resourcing Consultant)


 02 9322 4000

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)

 123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 8233 9535   Natalie Peterson (People & Performance Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications via: Our_graduate_program.aspx

Macquarie University Law Society

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 Level 14, Australia Square, 264-278 George Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

 Level 27, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

 02 9334 8874



 Ekmini Das (People & Culture Advisor)  Nicole Ward (HR Advisor)

 02 9291 6000

 02 9221 0872

SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:

Ashley Moffatt (HR Coordinator) GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT AND SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAMS: Submit applications (cover letter, CV and academic transcript via the website

 Level 12, 400 George Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000  03 9670 9111

 03 9605 0933

  Stephanie Fancoli (Human Resources Advisor)

JONES DAY  Aurora Place Level 41, 88 Phillip Street SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 8272 0535


 02 8272 0599

  Jade Olsson (Human Resources Manager) SUMMER CLERKSHIP AND GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: All applications are to be submitted via our website at, select the Opportunities tab > select Australia > click on either the Sydney Graduate link of the Sydney Summer Clerk link to apply. All applications must include a Cover Letter, CV and Academic Transcript.

GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT AND SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM: Submit applications online via: MINTER ELLISON  Governor Macquarie Tower, Level 40, 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9921 4880   Anna Jackson (Graduate Resourcing Advisor) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via:



 Level 31, 1 O’Connell Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

 One International Towers, Watermans Quay BARANGAROO NSW 2000

 02 9513 2000

 02 9513 2399


 02 8266 0438

 David Forner (HR Business Partner)


SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering letter, detailed CV and current academic transcript)

 Geri Shanahan (Campus Recruitment) SUMMER CLERKSHIP AND GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Submit applications online via

KING & WOOD MALLESONS  Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000  02 9296 3579

 02 9296 3999

  Kellie Mildred (Graduate Resourcing Consultant) SUMMER CLERKSHIP PROGRAM ONLY: Submit applications online via: (Complete an online application and include a detailed CV and current academic transcript) 78 | Clerkship Guide 2017

Macquarie University Law Society

WITH THANKS TO Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

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