Clerkship Guide 2018

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Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society

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Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

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Editor’s Note Summer clerkships (sometimes referred

For those students who know they

to as seasonal or vacation clerkships) are

want to pursue a career in commercial

a fantastic opportunity for penultimate

law, clerkships are a great opportunity

year students to gain valuable experience

to begin your career with strong

working at large commercial law firms.

foundations. For those unsure of

As positions in the clerkship program of

whether they would like to work in

any firm are limited and highly sought

commercial law, clerkships provide a

after, the application process tends to be

valuable insight into what working at

rigorous, stressful and very competitive.

those firms is like and allow you to make

While the task may seem daunting, do

better career decisions. For those not

not let it deter you. The MULS 2018

interested in a career in commercial

Clerkship Guide provides an insight

law at all, don’t ignore this opportunity.

into how clerkships work and what the

Even if it is not what you want to do

application process requires. That being

in the future, clerkships can provide

said, there is no ‘right way’ to go about

valuable legal experience and skills that

the process. There are certainly some

can help you in all future career paths.

wrong ways, and this guide will help you

For students who are not yet in their

avoid those, but every person is different,

penultimate year, don’t put this guide

and every firm is different.

down yet! It is still a fantastic resource for job applications in general. Michael Graziano Executive Officer (Editor)

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, nor the Macquarie University Law Society, and are in no way associated with Macquarie University. Best efforts have been made to ensure that all information in this guide is correct as of 1 May 2018, but such information is subject to change without notice. The advice is merely advisory and should not be relied upon as professional advice. This publication is distributed free of charge, with the understanding that the authors, Editor and any persons related to this publication are not responsible for the results of their actions or omissions on the basis of any information provided within this publication. The user of this guide, therefore, acknowledges that he or she will take responsibility for his or her actions and will under no circumstances hold the Editor, authors or Macquarie University Law Society responsible for any damage resulting to the user or anyone else from use of this publication. MULS encourages all summer clerkship applicants to obtain confirmation of all information from the firms in question.

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5 9

PART I: INTRODUCTION 6 An Introduction to Clerkships 7 An Overview of the Clerkship Process 9 Clerkship Week PART II: THE APPLICATION 10 Where Do I Start? 11 Common Practice Areas 13 The CV: Tips 18 Writing an Outstanding Cover Letter 20 Online Materials 21 cvMail


PART III: INTERVIEWS, COCKTAIL EVENINGS AND OFFERS 23 Interview Skills 27 Video Interview Skills 29 Mastering the Interview 31

What to Wear

32 Cocktail Evenings and Networking 33 Buddy Programs 33 Offer Etiquette

39 52

PART IV: THE EXPERIENCES 36 Q&A with the Clerks


Allens Linklaters


Baker McKenzie

Clayton Utz

College of Law

Gilbert +Tobin

K&L Gates

King & Wood Mallesons


Thomson Geer

Index: Participating Law Firms


Editor: Michael Graziano Designer: Nathan Li Special thanks to: Daniel Lim, for his assistance

and guidance, Kush Sood, for coordinating the content provided by the firms for this guide, and the team at the Macquarie University Career and Employment Service, for their useful suggestions. Contributors: Edward Basha, Rhiannon Bell, Anneliese Cooper, Emma Croft, Natalie Harvell, Jessica Lau, Nick Meyer, Danielle Mizrahi, and Thomas Moult.

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Introduction Macquarie University Law Society

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An Introduction to Clerkships What is a Clerkship?

an application. Nevertheless, the three

The NSW Law Society coordinates

general qualities that firms look for in

two major employment programs for

applicants are:

law students: graduate employment programs (for final year students)


Strong academic records – Your

and summer clerkship programs (for

transcript says a lot about your work

penultimate year students). Clerkships

ethic and the areas of law in which

are typically paid employment programs

you have excelled. Whilst spectacular

at law firms, running for approximately

marks will not guarantee you a

10 weeks over the summer holidays.

clerkship offer, they can enhance the

These positions provide an opportunity

credibility of your application.

for students to experience life in a commercial firm and to develop networks

Almost all firms will require a

and personal skills. Clerkships may also

current official academic transcript,

lead to offers of graduate employment.

which you can order from Student Connect. Your GPA is indicated at

What are the requirements?

the bottom of your transcript. You

To be eligible to apply for a clerkship,

should not leave this to the last

students should be in their penultimate

minute; it is additional stress that

year of study. Students that fall outside

can be easily avoided.

of this criterion, such as final year students, should enquire whether the

2. Work experience – What is

firm they are interested in intends to

important here is to show any work

accept candidates who do not meet

experience that shows you have

this requirement. However, aside from

relevant skills to work in a legal

the above requirement, there are no

environment. For instance, work that

specific prerequisites or standards that

can demonstrate time management

must be attained in order to submit

skills will be beneficial as such a

Improving your chances of gaining a clerkship 1.

Work on your academics – whilst not the only factor considered, your marks are important.

2. Get involved at university – consider volunteering on a MULS subcommittee, signing up for Macquarie Mentors, competing in a moot or helping out with a charitable cause. 3. Get legal work experience – consider volunteering at a Community Legal Centre or undertaking a PACE work placement unit. 4. Start honing your CV and cover letter – if you require assistance contact the Macquarie University Career and Employment Service. 5. Consider purchasing corporate attire – should you receive an interview; you want to look the part. Such clothing can be also useful for MULS career events and competitions.

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skill is crucial when working in commercial law.

Key Dates for the 2018 Clerkship Application Process

Clerkships are designed as work experience within the legal sector.

Monday 18 June

Having prior legal work experience

Applications open

may be helpful, but it is not essential. Sunday 15 July 3. Varied extracurricular activities –

Applications close at 11:59pm

Firms are not only interested in your academic results or work experience.

Wednesday 26 September

They are seeking students with

Offers may be made

skills relates to communication, organisation, commercial awareness

Friday 28 September

and commitment to a career in the

Offers must be accepted or rejected

law. This can also be used to address

by 5:00pm

any gaps in your academic results or work experience.

These dates, while sourced from the NSW Law Society, are advisory, and

Even abstract extracurricular

may be subject to change for each

activities can illustrate that you

firm. Applicants are encouraged to

possess relevant skills and can

confirm these dates with the firm in

demonstrate commitment.


An Overview of the Clerkship Process 1.

The Application – most firms require

2. First Round Interviews – a firm

you to submit a cover letter, CV and

will invite you to attend an

an official academic transcript and

interview if they are impressed by

they may also ask you to fill out an

your application.

online questionnaire. 3. Second Round Interviews & Depending on the firm, applications

Cocktail Evenings – should your first

can be submitted via:

interview go well, a firm may invite


you to attend a second interview

An online application on the

and, in some circumstances, a

firm’s website; or,

cocktail evening.

A ‘Student Application Form’ that is downloadable from the NSW Law Society website.

4. Offers – Based on how you performed in steps 1-3, you may be offered a summer clerkship position!

See the firm directory at the end of this publication for an indication

5. Accepting or declining offers – Once

of each firm’s preferred medium

you have received an offer, or offers,

of applications. However, this is

you may decide to accept or decline.

subject to change and applicants

Even if you decide to decline an

are encouraged to double-check

offer, it is courteous to thank your

the application requirements for

interviewer via email and call the HR

each firm.

representative at the firm.

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Clerkship Week What is Clerkship Week?

How to Prepare & How to Impress

Clerkship Week is the ultimate event

- Get Involved!

in the corporate careers calendar.

To get the most out of these

Encompassing a broad range of

opportunities, it is important that you

networking events and skills seminars

come to as many events as you can!

drawing together Australia's leading

Even if you have your heart set on one

firms, Clerkship Week is crucial in

firm, it is wise to cast a wide net. Besides,

preparing for the upcoming applications

you might even discover another firm

season. Having expanded in recent

that you really like! The presentation

years, it is more like a clerkship month,

and skills seminars will focus on

with events running from the 4th until

skills that can be applied to clerkship

the 22nd of May. It is a good idea to

applications generally and will give you a

set some time aside from your busy

comprehensive insight into the industry.

university schedule to actively prepare

If you’re not in your penultimate year,

for the events if you want to get the

these events will still be worth your while

most out of them.

as they will give you an idea of what to work toward over the next year or so,

The following events are scheduled to

before it’s your turn to apply!

run after the publication of this guide: - Dress to Impress! Many of the Clerkship Week events are Tuesday 8 May

formal and you want to make a great

Allens Personal Branding Workshop

first impression as you network. There is every chance that someone you meet at

Thursday 10 May

one of these events will end up as your

Clifford Chance

interviewer! Dress well - get changed out of your MULS Hoodie and track pants

Wednesday 16 May

before you attend these events.

Herbert Smith Freehils Networking Session

- Be Prepared! To get the most out of your networking

Thursday 17 May MULS Clerkship Fair

opportunities, research is critical to your success. Comprehensive preparation will not only help you to know what you want

Monday 21 May MinterEllison Application Skills Workshop Tuesday 22 May Clayton Utz Firm Presentation

to ask, but your more insightful questions are sure to impress firm representatives. Know a little bit about each firm and what further information you can ask them for, but also have a good idea of where your interests lie so that you can prioritise firms that are best suited to your career goals. By Jessica Lau and Anneliese Cooper Executive Officers (Corporate Careers)

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The Application Macquarie University Law Society

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Where do I start? 1.

Research the firms that align with

2. Identify the firms you intend to apply

your interests. Information to

to and consider your motivations for

research may include:

selecting these firms.

Practice areas, firm culture and values;

• •

3. Research the application process

Organisational structure and

of the firms you find attractive,


including the HR representative and

Recent transactions, business

addressee that will appear on your

affairs and clients.

cover letter.

This information can usually

4. If available, deconstruct any selection

be found on the firm’s website.

criteria and ensure that you are

Alternatively, students may speak

eligible for the role.

with former clerks, graduates and HR representatives. News sources such

5. Create a short list of your

as the Australian Financial Review

experiences, demonstrating how you

and Lawyers Weekly may also prove

fit the criteria and culture of the firm.

useful. Additionally, you may wish to research the legal industry more

Note: This process is not necessarily

broadly and consider trends in the

limited to penultimate students. Also, for

legal market.

those who may be in the early stages of your degree, undertaking this process may help you identify gaps in your experience.

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY CAREER AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Did you know that Macquarie University has its

An online job portal, offering a range of paid

own Career and Employment Service? Their role

and volunteer jobs, online resources and

is to help students to plan and prepare for their

employer profiles; and

careers through the following services: • •

Weekly ‘resume rescue’ group sessions, where

One-on-one career appointments that are

you can get specific feedback on your resume

tailored to your needs, including providing

and share ideas with others.

advice on career planning, gaining experience and evaluating options;

All of these services are available via the CareerHub website (available at www.careerhub.

Monthly skill development workshops on topics You can also visit the Career and

including networking, interview techniques and

Employment Service, located on Level 2 18WW

how to use LinkedIn effectively;

(MUSE building) near Student Connect or, alternatively, send an email to

Employer presentations and career events, including a bi-annual Careers Fair;

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Common Practice Areas This list of practice areas is not exhaustive and is only a starting point. Be sure to research each firm’s practice groups and areas of specialisation


research on client issues, drafting letters

Corporate law firms often have a practice

of advice, or corresponding with the

group dedicated to ‘Corporate Law’. This

Industrial Relations Commission and

group deals with corporate litigation and

other courts and tribunals.

transactions that are purely commercial in nature. The group is often divided


into smaller sub-sections, such as

Insolvency law is an area of law governed

Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity,

primarily by the Corporations Act. This

Company Law and Governance, and

area deals with the deterioration of

Superannuation Funds Management.

companies, as well as the relationship between the company, its shareholders,

In this area, you may encounter work

and creditors when the company can

dealing with contractual arrangements

no longer pay its debts. Insolvency law

between companies, advising clients

covers both litigious and transactional

about the administration and governance

matters, ranging in size from extremely

of their company, or providing advice

large corporate restructures to relatively

about the legality of mergers and

small debt recovery matters.

acquisitions. Whilst the work may be complex and challenging, you will likely

Work in this area of law may include

be dealing with important transactions

drafting court documents and other

with large companies and have a busy

transactional documents, court

workflow. There is also the potential for

appearances and advocacy, company

variation in the type of work that you will

searches, drafting advice for clients

be undertaking in this practice area.

on the verge of insolvency or those that have already become insolvent,


negotiating with creditors to resolve


a company’s debts, negotiations with

This practice area covers a number

the appointed manager of a company’s

of areas, including, but not limited to,

assets once it is insolvent, and a wide

relating to unfair dismissal, discrimination

variety of other tasks.

and equal opportunity, occupational health and safety, trade practices, and


contracts. In this group, you may also

The Litigation and Dispute Resolution

be involved in employment litigation (as

team in a firm can expect to deal with

corporations may be sued by employees

litigious matters referred from other

for discrimination, unfair dismissal, and

departments of the firm that do not

other grievances), client meetings, legal

wish to deal with the litigation. This

Macquarie University Law Society

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practice group also provides advice and

during the sale and purchase of real

assistance with mitigating conflicts and

estate and businesses, completing

preventative strategies to avoid situations

complicated arraignments to do with

before they occur.

tenures and titles, or undertaking negotiations for variations of leases.

Work may include dealing with matters

This area often has a high level of

relating to drafting or considering

contact with clients as each property

pleadings, particulars, evidence and

deal is unique and requires a thorough

subpoenas, attending settlement

understanding of the desires of

discussions or alternative dispute

particular clients.

resolution discussions, preparing for trial and court attendances, drafting advice to


clients, attending discussions with clients

Tax lawyers are rarely involved in

and opposing legal representatives,

detailed analyses of financial accounts.

assisting with evidence and discovery,

It is not strictly necessary to have a

meeting with witnesses and taking legal

background in accounting or finance to

statements, or general research to assist

become a tax lawyer, but some firms

in preparation for trial.

do encourage you to undertake further accounting-based study if you settle


in the group. The focus is on the legal

Property law covers a range of practice

analysis of tax-based issues and the

groups, often including matters related

practical application of the law.

to construction and infrastructure, as well as the environment. For instance,

In tax, you must constantly maintain

within a Construction team, you may

and update your knowledge of the law.

face work such as negotiating, drafting,

Tax work requires constant reference

and advising clients on contracts for

to both statute and case law, and tax is

large-scale infrastructure work and

the subject of a continuous stream of

building construction or providing

legislation and much litigation. Lawyers

advice in relation to the financing of

must also maintain their knowledge of

infrastructure developments.

other areas of commercial litigation such as property, contract, trust and company

The Property group is a very extensive

law, as there is usually a link between

and important area of legal practice.

commercial and tax issues.

Property lawyers deal with a range of legislation and have skills that are high


in demand. Their work may range from

The Banking and Finance group deals

large-scale matters to relatively minor

mainly with the debt component of

transactional negotiations. Typical

corporate transactions. Teams are

property work includes advising on

generally broken down into more

commercial, industrial and retail property

specialised sub-teams, such as finance

matters, reviewing property contracts,

(focusing on financing developments

advising on the due diligence process

or exploiting assets), debt capital

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markets, consumer financial services

of facility infrastructure and access

(drafting contracts and arrangements

agreements, and liaising with the ACCC

for financial service providers and large

on behalf of clients.

corporations), securitisation, or property finance (assisting in managing the


finance of commercial, residential and

Energy and Natural Resources is a

retail properties).

relatively new, fast-paced and ever growing group within the industrial

Work in this group may include preparing

sector. Increasingly, top tier firms are

and coordinating conditions precedent,

expanding their energy and resources

drafting and reviewing various types

area of practice, both on a national and

of securities and drafting various

international scale. It is recognised as an

documents including board minutes,

extremely important area of law, which

powers of attorney, short form loan

is underpinned by both economic and

agreements, legal opinions, deeds of

environmental concerns, and captures a

release and documentation in relation

wide range of transactions from oil and

to financial assistance. You may also

gas mining to renewable energy and

be involved in preparing for, and

power supply.

coordinating, signings and completions, researching and preparing advice on


various legal issues, and corresponding

This group revolves around IP

with clients and team members.

services, including the registration, commercialisation and enforcement


of IP rights. This team develops legal


strategies to protect the commercial

This is a specialised group within the firm

potential of brands, as well as

that essentially deals with breaches of

engaging in litigious work if there is a

the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

breach of IP rights.

(Cth). This Act is divided into two main parts – sections dealing with regulating

Work in this group may involve drafting

the level of competition between

advice on the identification, protection

businesses and companies, and sections

and management of patents and

regulating consumer protection (known

trademarks, drafting agreements relating

as the Australian Consumer Law).

to licensing, franchising, and transferring rights, advising on copyright, confidential

Competition work will likely involve

information and unfair competition

advising companies prior to proposed

issues, enforcing all IP rights using

mergers whether the ACCC will accept

dispute resolution or litigious methods, as

such a change in their industry, advising

well as advising on marketing agreement.

clients how to restructure mergers to ensure a healthy level of competition remains within the market, advising with respect to the development

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The CV: Tips


Be honest – don’t include anything

5. Be as brief as possible – this is

that you could not discuss in detail

about highlighting your skills and

during an interview.

experience, so keep your sentences short, use bullet points, and do not

2. Use professional language – avoid

exceed 3 pages.

slang and colloquial language. 6. Tailor the information – relate your 3. To calculate your Law WAM

experience and achievements to the

(referred to as ‘Course Weighted

criteria in the job description – this

Average’ at Macquarie University):

shows HR that you’ve taken the time

a. Write up a list of all of the LAW/

to consider and research the firm as

LAWS/LAWZ units that you have

a serious choice.

completed. b. Multiply the final mark for each

7. Be consistent in your formatting –

graded of these units by the

we recommend Times New Roman or

value of that unit in terms of

Arial in size 12 point.

credit points. c. Sum the resulting values (weighted marks). d. Divide the sum of the weighted marks by the total number of

8. Avoid clutter – while narrowing margins may help to fit more content, ensure that your page still appears uncluttered.

credit points that you have attained in LAW/LAWS units.

9. Thoroughly proofread your CV – pay attention to spelling, grammar, and

4. Keep it up to date – in general,


leave out any content older than 4-5 years.

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10. Convert it to a PDF.

Macquarie University Law Society

STRUCTURE Whilst the exact structure of your CV is a personal choice, it should definitely include the following information:

5. Community Involvement a. Organisation i.

A brief explanation of the organisation if it isn’t well-


Personal Details: Name, address, phone numbers, and email address.

known ii. Positions held

You may also wish to include your LinkedIn profile address.

6. Hobbies or Other Qualifications a. Hobbies

2. Education (including any relevant

b. Other Qualifications, such


as a First Aid Certificate or

a. Tertiary

Responsible Service of Alcohol

b. High School


3. Work/Professional Experience

7. References: most people do

a. Company and Job Title

not provide these and state that

i. Responsibilities

they are ‘available upon request’.

ii. Key Achievements

However, firms generally like for them to be included (their name,

4. Extracurricular Activities a. Society/Activity/Sport i.

job title, company, and a contact phone number).

Position Titles

ii. Achievements iii. Participation

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Format use by a successful applicant in the 2017 Clerkship Program — content is only used to illustrate the formatting

FIRST LAST | 0400 000 000 EDUCATION Exchange University Name of Course 

10 – 28 July 2017

An intensive, short term course studied through a Summer School program

Macquarie University Bachelor of Other/Bachelor of Laws     

2014 – 2018 (expected)

GPA: 3.88/4.0, LAW Weighted Average Mark: 83.4 2016: Highest Achiever in a Unit (Example Law) 2015: Equal second place in Jurisprudence 2014: Macquarie Law School Prize for [Subject] 2014: Prize for [Subject]

High School  

2008 – 2013

[ATAR], Band 6 results in Legal Studies and Business Studies Peer Support Leader and Peer Tutor

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Macquarie University Research Assistant (1-2 days per week)  

WriteWISE Leader 

May 2017 – Present

Assisting with a lecturer’s book on taxation law Responsible for proof-reading and footnote editing

February – May 2017

(2-3 hours per week)

Ran consultations for students seeking guidance with assessment tasks, time management, and interpreting feedback on assignments

Café Barista (casual)

February – December 2016

 Prepared and served food and beverages and interacted with customers

Private Tutor (5 hours per week) June – October 2015  Ran tutoring sessions with a HSC student for Mathematics and General Maths Electoral Commission NSW Election Official 

Issued votes, guarded ballot boxes, and counted papers on election day

David Jones Casual Media Advisor Christmas Casual Media Advisor 

March 2015

May 2014 – February 2015 December 2013

Processed sales and returns, handled cash and credit transactions, and answered telephone enquiries especially during the busy Christmas period

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VOLUNTARY EXPERIENCE Macquarie Social Justice Clinic Volunteer (1 day per week) 

Key tasks included legal research, interviewing clients seeking asylum, editing, drafting advice for clients, and preparing chronologies based on FOI documents

Rotary Youth Leadership Conference 

January 2017

Received a Rotary Youth Leadership Award to attend an intensive week-long leadership skills conference, sponsored by Rotary Club

OTHER EXTRA-CURRICULAR EXPERIENCE Macquarie University Law Society (MULS) March 2014 – Present 2017: Position 

Responsible for [tasks associated with this position]

2016: Position  Responsible for [tasks associated with this position]2016: Client Interview, Negotiations, and Witness Examination Competitor Macquarie University Volunteer Mentoring 

March 2015 – May 2016

Mentored 300+ students for the Human Sciences Faculty, LEAP and WriteWISE

Rowing Club  

Participate three days per week in group rowing Assist with financial management of the club

The Brief Online (MULS blog) o Nine articles covering a range of topics, including [topics]

July 2004 – Present


REFERENCES Name: Reference 1 Name Role: Employer Contact Numbers: 9999 9999 / 0400 000 000 Email: Name: Reference 2 Name Role: Rowing Coach Contact Number: 0400 000 000 Email:

Macquarie University Law Society

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First Last

Curriculum Vitae

00 Street Drive Suburb 2000 0400000000


Macquarie University Bachelor of Laws, (Major)  Awarded PACE Scholarship  Awarded Student Leadership Scholarship  3.66 GPA


High School Higher School Certificate  Head Prefect  Dux Legal Studies  Awarded ‘All Rounder’ Scholarship


Professional Experience

Legal Development Officer/Paralegal March 2017-Current Law firm (part time)  Dual role: I work alongside the Managing Partner to assist with the sales, marketing and business development of the firm, in addition to conducting standard paralegal work  Manage the B2B sales of the firm and prepare marketing materials  Analyse client case information and prepare legal matters including drafting business documents and contracts for intellectual property, employment law, and wills & estates  Research cases and precedents and conduct administrative duties Head of Grant Department Company (full time) Nov 2015-Dec 2016  Managed 13 staff in preparation of R&D Tax Incentive Applications and other programs for our clients, reported directly to the Global CEO  Handled all staff recruitment, HR and staff training for the department  Researched, prepared and calculated R&D Applications before lodgment with the ATO  Worked alongside 8 other department heads in a cooperative environment  Attended sales conferences and conducted B2B roles  Under my leadership, the department experienced a 500% growth in revenue Manager of Special Projects Law firm (full time)  Managed all aspects of online and B2B marketing of the firm  Liaised with software developers and oversaw creation & implementation of online legal ‘contract creation and debt recovery’ platform  Recruited and trained new employees/interns Sales Team Leader Marketing company (part time)  Tasks included direct sales and boosting ‘Officeworks’ brand product reach to university students (online and face-to-face)  The team I led was awarded ‘Best National Team’ for 2015 Rugby Coach High School

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April-Oct 2015

Jan-April 2015


Macquarie University Law Society

Volunteer Experience

Macquarie University Law Society  Sub-Committee 1 and Sub-Committee 2


Company Secretary of Charity Charity (Not-for-profit)  Instrumental in the creation and registration of the charity  Led weekly board meetings and assisted in the organization of events  Liaised with ATO, ASIC and ACNC Extension English Mentor and Leader of Group Workshops  Extension English Mentor  NSW State Library HSC Mentor

Sept 2015- Nov 2016

2017 2014-2015


Scholarships Sydney University Deans Scholarship Macquarie University PACE Prize Macquarie University Student Leader Scholarship High School All Rounder Scholarship

2014 2014 2014 2011-2013

Awards Award for Excellence - Company Employee of the Year – Company Employee of the Month – Law firm Award for Best HSC English Extension 2 Major Work in NSW Advocacy Prize - High School Dux of Legal Studies - High School NSW Model United Nations Assembly Winner

2016 2015 2015 2013 2013 2011-2013 2013


Senior Counsel - MULS Mooting Team Senior Team Manager- Dream Consortium Campaign Team Leader- Student Services Australia Head Prefect of High School Member of High School Executive Leadership Team

Extra-Curricular Activities Advocacy  Member of Macquarie University Law Society (Engagement and Co-Curricular SubCommittees)  MULS Junior and Senior Mooting  MULS Client Interview  Australian/NSW Model United Nations  Australian/NSW Constitutional Convention

2014, 2017 2016 2015 2013 2013

Sport/Other  Black belt in Karate  Rugby (Captain and State Represented Player)  State Track and Field Representative  Skydiving (AFF License In Progress)  Skiing


Professional Reference 1: Principal, Law firm Reference 2: R&D Tax Manager, Company

04 0000 0000 04 0000 0000

Personal Reference 3: Executive Producer and Head of Factual Programming, Company

04 0000 0000

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Writing an outstanding cover letter GENERAL TIPS:



Use a business letter format. Paragraph 1 – Introduction

2. Limit it to one page.

In this paragraph you should state why you are writing to the company

3. Find out who will be receiving your letter and double check their

and provide a general overview of the content of your letter and application.

name – ensure that you address the letter to a person, not a generic

Paragraph 2 – Why me?

‘Dear Sir/Madam’. If you don’t have

Highlight outstanding achievements

their name, try phoning the firm’s

or experience that you may have and

reception and enquiring.

indicate why these make you attractive to the firm.

4. Be enthusiastic and positive – make your letter read this way.

Paragraph 3 – Why the firm? This is the most difficult paragraph;

5. Use your cover letter to supplement your CV; don’t simply reproduce it!

requiring both commercial awareness and an understanding of the firm. You should indicate why you wish to work for

6. Use the wording of the employer’s advertised criteria to link your skills

the particular firm and what motivated you to submit your application.

and experience to the role. For instance, you may cite recent matters 7. Tailor your application for each unique firm.

that the firm has been involved in, or mention firm representatives that you have spoken with who have inspired you

8. Demonstrate commercial awareness,

to apply.

such as knowledge of firm clients, employees, and recent transactions

Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

(but only if they are relevant).

This final paragraph should thank the firm for considering your application and

9. Convert the final product to PDF.

indicate your eagerness to work for the firm in question.

10. 1Proofread! Remember, your cover letter not only shows off your written communication skills, but your attention to detail. It is important to make a good first impression by avoiding careless mistakes.

20 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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Format use by a successful applicant in the 2017 Clerkship Program — content is only used to illustrate the formatting

First Last Address Suburb NSW Postsode Ms Recruiter Clerkship Program Recruiter Law Firm Address Sydney, NSW 2000 7 July 2017 Dear Ms/Mr Recruiter’s Name RE: APPLICATION FOR 2017/2018 SUMMER CLERKSHIP I write to apply for the [Law Firms] Clerkship Program in the Sydney office. I am a penultimate year student studying [other] and law at Macquarie University. I am interested in [this firm]’s clerkship program because of your reputation in areas of interest to me, commitment to service, and many positive experiences I have personally had with your firm during my degree. Due to my interest in the interaction between law and politics, I am particularly attracted by [this firms]’s consistently strong performance in government and construction, as a result of your retention and engagement of key lawyers in this area. [law firm] also has an impressive commitment to service, evidenced by its leadership in pro bono practice and its recent award of the Good Law Firm Award. Finally, I have enjoyed the legal issues presentations and learned much about poverty and the law at the lawyers’ Speaker’s Night that [law firm] sponsored this year. It therefore comes as no surprise that many of my peers chose [law firm] as the place to begin their career and continue to speak highly of their experiences. To date, my average law mark is 83.47, and I look forward to graduating with 1st Class Honours. I have consistently performed well across all law subjects, and received the highest mark of my cohort in Foundations of Commercial Law last summer. My experiences range from work in retail, legal research, marketing, and rowing, which have developed my flexibility, ability to adapt to changing environments, and communication skills. My work as a Student Editor of the Macquarie Law Journal, volunteer experience at the Social Justice Clinic and extensive contributions to Macquarie University Law Society (MULS) publications have honed my legal research and analysis skills. Finally, my experience as [position] in [Society] has developed my leadership and teamwork skills by working in a team to deliver increased student engagement, a new Equity Policy, and stronger relationships with the university. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my application with you further. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Yours sincerely First Last

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Online Applications Firms may require you to submit your

4. Provide experience from all relevant

applications using cvMail or a similar

aspects of your life. As well as any

application portal through their website.

legal experience, consider including your part time job, work experience,


volunteer work, and sporting activities.


Finish your research about the firm and the position beforehand. Some portals, such as cvMail, have

5. Avoiding referring to the same example more than once.

time limits of 90 minutes before it automatically logs you off.

6. Don’t rush your application; pay attention to detail. The firm may

2. Read all of the portal FAQs and instructions before starting your

disregard your application on the basis of small careless mistakes.

application. 7. Be honest – all the information 3. Prepare responses to questions that

provided will be subject to academic

may be asked on the online portal,

transcript checks and reference

such as:


a. Discuss your university activities and achievements.

8. Ensure that you have someone else read over your answers. If possible, ask someone who works in the legal

b. Discuss any further interests,

industry to proofread it for you.

activities, or achievements. 9. Keep a copy of any answers you c. Indicate your career objectives, which may include:

submit as they may be referred to in interviews.

i. Interest ii. Job preferences

10. Ensure that you submit a copy of

iii. Reason(s) why you chose

your official academic transcript.

your course of study.

You should also bring a copy to any interviews. Official academic

d. Talk about any other relevant

transcripts are purchased from

skills you may possess (foreign

Student Connect. Do not leave getting

language, computer work-related

your transcript until the last minute –

skills, etc.).

you may find that some details on the transcript need correcting or you may

e. Provide additional information

22 | Clerkship Guide 2018

need to pay any overdue fees before

– elaborate on factual material

being issues with your transcript,

already presented and how it is

which is particularly stressful on the

related to the position.

day of an interview.

Macquarie University Law Society

CV Mail cvMail is a portal that provides


information about law firms and


the legal industry, and enables law


students to apply for jobs and schedule

Left align as much text as possible and adhere to a single column layout,

interviews online. 2. Underline major headings using the GETTING STARTED:

equal (=) character,

For first time log-in, follow these steps: 3. Underline minor headings using the 1.

Go to and

hyphen (-) character,

register as a first time user. 4. Start bullet points using the hyphen 2. Create your personal profile by

character, and

clicking the ‘Personal Profile’ button on the left hand side of the screen

5. Use white space to give the text a

and filling in your personal details.

spacious feel (i.e. two lines before each heading, etc.).

3. Complete your academic profile by clicking on the ‘Academic Profile’

Submitting a cover letter? Cut and paste

button, also on the left hand side.

your customised cover letter into the

You will need to enter information

appropriate field in the online application

about your education background

form. Ensure that your cover letter is in

(university degree(s) and their

plain text formatting.

starting and finishing dates) and your academic results according to the instructions provided. 4. You can now apply to the firms via the Application Manager. To do so, click on the ‘Apply Here’ button next to the firm you wish to apply for. 5. For each firm, choose the State, Territory, or country you wish to apply to, and select the type of application you wish to submit (vacation or graduate) from the tabs.

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Interviews, Cocktails and Offers 24 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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Interview Skills The following information is kindly provided by the Macquarie University Career and Employment Service. For more information, they can be reached by phone (+61 (2) 9895 7372), email ( or by visiting the team at Level 2, 18 Wally’s Walk (MUSE Building), Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW 2109 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).



Understand yourself


First impressions count. Try to connect with your interviewer at

What skills do you have? Take into

the beginning.

account skills from all aspects of your life, work, internships, education,

extra-curricular activities, community

and confident handshake. Introduce

involvement and volunteer work.

yourself in 30-40 seconds.

What interests you? What are you

3. Try to make the session smooth

passionate about? What issues are

and comfortable for you and the

important to you?


How would you describe your ideal job?

2. Greet the interview with a warm

What are your goals, both short and long term?

4. Be polite and take instructions from the interviewer. 5. Maintain good and confident eye contact with the interviewer(s) throughout the interview.

What type of work environment do you prefer?

6. Smile, take a deep breath and relax. It helps you be comfortable

Understand the employer

so you can focus on the interview and be yourself.

Research the organisation through the web, library, newspaper

articles, professional associations

gestures, as well as posture and

and networking.

hand movements.

Learn about the position’s job responsibilities.

7. Be aware of your eye contact and

8. Beware of using slang, colloquial expressions or improper grammar.

Brainstorm some questions to ask the employer about their organisation’s environment.

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Following up:

Listen carefully to the questions before answering to make sure you fully understand what is being asked.

Take notes right after your interview is finished and use them to remind

2. Keep your answer brief, sell yourself

yourself of what was discussed in the

quickly, and keep your information


relevant to the job. • 3. Use real life examples in your

Within 24-48 hours send a thank you letter to the interviewer(s)

responses. Get to the point quickly


and smile along the way. o 4. Emphasise positive things about

Your appreciation for the interview and the opportunity to

yourself and give examples to

learn more about the company

demonstrate your good qualities and strengths, Examples:


Reaffirm your interest and enthusiasm about the position

a. ‘I am a team player. I worked on

and qualifications

XXXX project and performed as XXXX role in the team.’


Email is appropriate if there is a quick turnaround time to fill the

b. ‘I am on the committee of my


University student club and I was responsible for XXXX’.


A well written thank you is always preferred

c. ‘My experience in working with a team of XXXX professionals

Review your performance at the

made me a quick learner. For

interview and think of any areas for

example XXXX’


5. Promote yourself in an honest and

If you receive an offer, inform and

confident manner. Ask interesting

thank everyone who helped you in

and work related questions.

the process •

If you do not receive an offer, follow up with the interviewer(s) to discuss what you could do to improve your next interview performance and send email thanking them for taking the time to consider your application.

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 Dress in a professional, conservative


and neat manner:

Rapport building questions are asked to get a better understanding of you.

Men: a well-tailored suit, conservative tie and polished

Tell me about yourself?

Why have you applied for this role?

Describe yourself in one word.

shoes •

Women: a well-tailored suit with minimal makeup and jewellery

 Review your resume and work history so you are ready to speak about both


Your resume indicated that you have experience in X. Could you tell us

 Arrive 15 minutes before the

more about that area?

interview •  Bring extra copies of your resume

You have stated in your resume that you have completed X extracurricular activity. How will that help you in this role?

 Smile, take a deep breath and relax. This will help you to be comfortable so that you can focus on the


interview and be yourself

Tell me about the degree you have studied and why did you decide to study X?

 Be aware of your eye contact, gestures, posture and hand movements

How will your university education benefit your future career?

 Beware of using slang, colloquial expressions or improper grammar

Tell us what experience and training you have that qualifies you for this



 Waffle around with your answers - TECHNICAL FAMILIARITY  Ask for comments on your performance during the interview  Bring a friend or relative

Knowledge assessment and issue interpretation •

What legal issues will you need to be mindful of in this role?

 Wear heavy cologne •

What are the technical skills you learned from your past jobs that

 Fidget

relate to this role?  Play with your hair / jewellery during the interview

Why do you believe you are qualified for this position?

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can be made on how you will behave

in the future.

Are you good at handling several tasks and responsibilities simultaneously?

E.g., “Tell me about a time when...” Each question requires a detailed answer

How good are you at solving

from your past. They may focus on

conflicts? Can you give an example?

issues such as problem solving, initiative and teamwork. Your responses need to

Tell me about a problem you faced

include the situation, what was required

whilst working in a team.

of you, your actions, and what you learnt. Preparation is crucial for this type of

How did you resolve the problem?


Describe a situation where you


successfully convinced others of your




- COMPANY AWARENESS Knowledge of the organisation •

Why do you want to work at our

POINT: answer the question

2. REASON: justify your answer and link it to the role 3. EVIDENCE: provide relevant example


using STAR

What do you know about our

SITUATION: Describe the background of a specific


experience •

Why does this industry/job/company interest you?

TASK: Activities needed to complete


ACTION: Activities you have

Career goals vs. the job you are applying

done and how you did it.


Incorporate the difficulties or problems you solved

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Why did you leave your last position?

RESULT: Outcome

4. POINT: re-emphasise your key skills and abilities gained and relate it back

What career goals have you set

to the role




An interview is a two way selection

These interviews assume that based

technique – it is just as important that

on your past behaviour, predictions

you are able to make an informed

28 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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decision about the company and the

vacant position as it is for the company

How do you keep abreast of new developments in the industry/field?

about you. As a new graduate this should be a relatively easy answer. Professional

Relevant questions may include:

membership, reading newspapers/ 1.

What kind of training program is

journals and if you really want to

available for this role?

appear well informed, talk about a recent industry development or issue.

2. Can you tell me about your background and how and why you

What are your weaknesses?

joined this organisation? Talk about weaknesses that are unconnected with the position,

3. How will you assess that I’m doing a good job? What will I have achieved

or a gap in knowledge/skills that

in 6 or 12 months?

you are in the process of learning. You need to demonstrate that you have a strategy to overcome any

4. What is the next step in the selection


process from here and when should I expect to hear from you next? •

What are your salary expectations?

5. What are some of the skills and abilities necessary for someone to

Find a benchmark – talk to people,

succeed in this job?

go to the Careers homepage and look at the Graduate Destination


Survey. You also need to know about ‘salary packages’, which include

What is your understanding of the

superannuation, holiday leave loading

position you have applied?

and overtime.

Prepare for this one by reading the job description (or the job descriptions of similar roles), talking to the contact person, HR Dept. or recruitment consultant. Ask questions at the interview. •

What will you bring to this organisation? The critical thing in answering questions about strengths is to demonstrate where you have developed and used these skills.

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Video Interview Skills The following information is kindly provided by the Macquarie University Career and Employment Service. For more information, they can be reached by phone (+61 (2) 9895 7372), email ( or by visiting the team at Level 2, 18 Wally’s Walk (MUSE Building), Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW 2109 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

Video interviewing is increasingly being

Run the practice session if offered

used in graduate recruitment by both

and check if you microphone and

public and private sector. Here’s how you

audio is working and clear.

can perform your best in this round of the selection process.


Get a good night’s sleep.

Charge your computer, find leads,

PRIOR TO THE DAY OF THE INTERVIEW Choose a quiet location, preferably sitting at a table on a comfortable chair

webcam and any other equipment

at the right height for the interview and

you may need.

your preparation. You may: ON THE DAY OF THE INTERVIEW •

Prepare for your interview as you

would for a face to face interview;

Make sure your computer is fully charged.

research the organisation, research yourself (why do I want this job,

Consider leaving a sign on the front

what can I offer?), prepare your

door advising callers not to ring the

answers to common interview

bell or knock, and to return later.

questions, prepare examples for behavioural questions, prepare

Take the landline phone off the hook.

Make sure dogs or other pets are

questions to ask the 'interviewer', do your research on appropriate salary for the role, arrange a mock

secured in another room where

interview with the Careers Service, a

barking etc will not be heard.

friend or family member. • •

Read through your resume.

Dress appropriately in professional attire (top as well as bottom and shoes).

Plan what you are going to wear. •

Check the background space behind

Practise recording yourself answering

you is neat and neutral with no


distractions or inappropriate material displayed (unmade bed).

Read and reread all the instructions provided prior to the interview.

30 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Close or lock the door of the room

Make sure you are clear on what is

and advise other housemates that

expected. If not, seek clarification via

you cannot be disturbed for the

phone or email if possible.

period of the interview.

Macquarie University Law Society

Close the window if you are likely to

as naturally as you can.

be disturbed by outside noises such as traffic (even bird calls can come

Try to remain animated and friendly.

Avoid touching your face or hair, or

through loudly and can be distracting for the assessor).

fidgeting. •

Check that your face is well lit and avoid back lighting which can leave

you in the shadows.

Avoid making unnecessary noise such as shuffling papers, tapping a pen or moving unnecessarily in your chair.


Applicants undergoing video interviews

report that the most difficult aspect of

Visit the bathroom before you start.

the interview is receiving no feedback or •

Have a glass of water handy, also

visual cues from the ‘interviewer’ after

tissues and /or cough lozenges if

they have given their answers. To combat


this, you can try to visualise the person who will be watching your video, and

Have a copy of your resume and pen

their reaction to your answers.

and paper in front of you. As with all interviews, give answers •

Have your mobile phone on silent or

that are relevant and succinct. Don't

better still, switched off. Warn friends

try to fill up the allocated time with

ahead of time not to call or text

unnecessary words if you believe you

whilst the interview is in progress.

have already fully answered the question. It's important to remember that a video

Exercise your voice a little.

interview is a "real" interview, just like when you interview in an office. Your

Do some stretches to help you feel

answers will be weighed and selection


decisions will be made, just as they would if the interview was in-person. In fact, given that the interview can be

Take some deep breaths.

Smile and think positively - you are

more important than a typical first round

going to enjoy this experience!

phone or screening interview.

scored and reviewed, it can be even


It is a good idea, immediately after the

Follow directions carefully. Typically

interview, to write down all the questions

you will be given a minute or so to

and the answers you gave before they fade

prepare each answer, then a couple

from memory. This may be useful if there is

of minutes to deliver your response.

a further round of interviewing ahead.

Speak clearly and confidently.

Here are some useful links for further

information: •

Look at the camera, not down at the


desk or table. •

Try to remember to keep a pleasant expression on your face, and speak

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Mastering the Interview The following information was kindly provided by: Tania Currie, Career Development Consultant, Macquarie University Career and Employment Service.


you’ll be able to find out the interview

Performing well at interviews is a skill

length, format and who you’ll be meeting.

that comes with practice. But much of

You’ll also be showing your keen and,

your interview success and confidence

most importantly, be conveying a

happens before the day – the key is in

professional impression.

your preparation. Google your interviewers: They’ll most TOP INTERVIEW PREPARATION TIPS

likely ‘Google you’, so use social media to

Read more than their website: You've

your advantage (but just don’t mention

heard it before, but it’s critical to find out

this on the day!). Take a little time to

as much as you can about the firm and

research your interviewers’ experience,

their clerkship program. If you want to

expertise and practice area/role within

be a stand out on the day (and use this

the firm to help you understand their

information to your advantage) consider

focus/perspective and know how to talk

what else you can do to understand their

their language. Remember law firms are

culture, strategy and expectations other

really looking for someone who they like/

than what you read on their website.

can see themselves working well with

For instance, look for their latest annual

and who fits into their organisation so

report, any news articles or past clerk

look for any interests, passions or work

tips/testimonials. Has a past MULS

attitudes you might have in common that

executive or Macquarie law student

will help you connect with them during

clerked there that you can talk to? Go

the interview.

that extra step in your research. Don’t overlook the basics: Plan what Prepare for gap or probing questions:

you’re going to wear and the logistics of

Re-look at the application you submitted

how you’re going to get to the interview

so you can expand on this in your

in advance (do a practice run if you can).

interview. Consider if there are any gaps

Aim to be there 5-10 minutes before

in your experience, interest, degree,

your interview time. And when it comes

commitment etc that they might perceive

to your attire, err on the side of caution

from your application – how would you

- dark suits with ties, shirts and skirts in

handle a question like this on the day?

conservative designs are best.

Know what to expect: Don’t be afraid

Prepare some questions: Interviews are

to ask for more information to help

a two-way process, so use your interview

you prepare. Email or phone the week

to also assess this clerkship opportunity

beforehand to reduce surprises and know

and consider whether if it will be right for

what you can expect on the day. Often

you. Plus, it shows your interest if you’ve

32 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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taken the time to prepare a few probing

and how your information is received/

questions of your own to ask. Steer

believed. Remember to sit up straight,

clear of anything that’s been provided

face your interviewers, smile and

in the job advertisement or clerkship

maintain direct but natural eye contact.

material supplied. Instead, ask questions

Show signs of active listening (nodding,

focussed on ‘what’s in it for you’, such

paraphrasing), use natural hand gestures

as training or promotion opportunities.

and slow down your speech. Think

Consider questions that will give you

beforehand how you’ll hold your hands

more insight into the clerkship; for

and place your feet. Is there anything you

instance, how they would measure a

tend to do when you’re nervous (twiddle

clerk’s success / performance, what

a pen or sweep your fringe behind your

would be involved in a typical day for a

ear)? Consider how you can keep these

clerk at the firm in question.

behaviours in check during the interview. Also, try and tune into your interviewer’s

Plan some specific skill examples:

non verbal communication cues; be

Expect some behavioural questions

guided by their eye contact and facial

based on the key skills required for the

expressions as a means of judging the

clerkship. You can prepare your thinking

length of your answers and gauge their

for these questions beforehand by

interest or understanding.

going back to the skills highlighted in the clerkship advertisement and looking

Expect the unexpected: Law firms are

at where in your past experiences

famous for asking left field or tough

you’ve successfully put these into

interview questions. They may ask:

practice. Typically you’ll be asked for an example of when you’ve used a range of

transferable skills like problem solving,

What’s something we don’t know about you?

teamwork, organisational skills and communication. Choose the strongest

example possible from your collective

When have you made a mistake and what did you learn from this?

experience (extracurricular activities, your casual job or degree). Use the

Although these are hard to prepare for,

renowned STAR technique to plan your

expecting some challenging questions on

answer – consider the Situation, Task you

the day will mean you won’t be as thrown

were given, Action you took and the end

by them.

Result. Practise describing your examples out loud. Even if the behavioural


questions you encounter on the day are

You should also consider the following

slightly different to what you’ve planned,

tips to help you perform your best on

you’ll be in the right mindset for handling

the day and leave a lasting professional

these and will have a great technique for


pulling together an example. DURING YOUR INTERVIEW Consider your body language: 90% of

First impressions count

communication is non-verbal; so on the

First of all, arrive on time.

Introduce yourself, offer a firm hand

day, the way you communicate your answers will play a big role in how well you connect with your interviewers

Macquarie University Law Society

shake, and make eye contact and

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 33

smile. However, don’t just save this

Everyone at the interview stage has

for your interviewers though, you’ll

the skills and grades for the role but

need to make an impression with

it may come down to how well you

everyone you come into contact with

connect with your interviewers that

on the day, including the receptionist.

makes the difference and helps you stand out from other law students.

Mind your manners AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW •

Be sure to turn off your mobile

Send a follow up thank you

and give your full attention to the interviewers.

Email a quick thank you message to the key contact at the firm within a

day of your interview.

Be courteous and professional at all times, this extends to avoiding saying anything negative about previous

organisations and employers.

Reinforce your interest in the role and include a comment about something from your discussion/ meeting to

Be honest and stay positive •

help jog their memory.

Don’t pretend on the day to impress.

Reflect on what you could do differently

If you don't know the answer to a

next time

question, don't be afraid to admit it, but stay positive. Rather than

Brainstorm some ideas and

"I don't have any experience with

alternative responses for the

that", you could say "although I

questions you found most

haven’t come across that before

challenging or the ones you felt you

I adapt quickly and successfully

didn't handle well.

learnt on the job in my past roles" and back this up with an example

Need help preparing for a clerkship

of when you have learnt a new skill/

interview or want to get some more

tackled an unfamiliar situation.

interview practice? Book a mock interview or an appointment with the

Be yourself (and show some of your

Career and Employment Service to


get some feedback on your interview technique.

Try and relax as much as you can and be true to yourself. Remember firms are looking for someone who they think will fit in and that they will enjoy working with so without dropping your professionalism, try and show them a little of your personality.

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What to Wear First impressions matter. Of course, you

may still get a clerkship without adhering

If you choose to wear a perfume or cologne, only apply it lightly.

to every single rule listed here – some interviewers may not care what you look

like – but why take the chance?

Your fingernails should always be cut short, clean, and neat. Avoid dark nail polishes.


Compendium: A plain black leather

Be sure to plan this out in

compendium containing copies

advance – you don’t want to

of your CV, cover letter, academic

spend the interview distracted by

transcript, and passport-sized

uncomfortable items of clothing!

photos. •

Ensure that your clothes are freshly laundered and neatly pressed.



Shoes: Black leather and well-

Skirt/Dress: In either case, ensure that the skirt falls just

polished. Lace ups are more

above or below the knee. Dark colours are the safest

conservative than slip-ons, but both

option, such as black, blue, or grey. You’re unlikely to be

are acceptable.

comfortable in something that is too tight, so ensure well

Belt: Black leather with a silver-

ahead of the interview that the fit is appropriate.

coloured minimalist buckle.

Pants: If you prefer pants, ensure that they are suit pants.

Cufflinks: Should match your belt

Shirt: Collared or modest blouses are recommended. Keep

buckle. You should opt either for a

in mind that bold prints can be distracting.

plain silver colour or plain silver with coloured enamel that matches your tie. Watch: Any watches should match your cufflinks and belt. Facial hair: Clean-shaven is usually best.

Blazer: Ensure that this matches your other clothing. Shoes: It is best to wear black court shoes with a small heel; however, closed-toe black flats are an acceptable alternative. Both work well with neutral stockings. Jewellery: If you choose to wear any, ensure that it is understated. Hair: You may choose to leave your hair down if it is sufficiently neat, but a low ponytail or bun is best if that may be distracting. Makeup: Keep it natural and professional.

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Cocktail Evenings and Networking Most law firms hold a cocktail night as

4. Have some conversation starters

part of their interview process to observe

prepared: It is always best to talk

their prospective clerks in a more social

about something current, whether it

environment. The ability to network is

is the news, sport, or an occurrence

particularly important in a commercial

at the firm. The best source for this is

law practice because relationships

the firm’s Facebook page.

with colleagues and clients are a major priority. Cocktail evenings are also an

5. Make a unique impression (in a

excellent opportunity to learn more

good way): Leave the person you

about the firm and potential career

are speaking to with something that

opportunities. You may also get advice

makes you memorable.

for attaining long term goals.

a. Develop a personal brand – have


b. Hone your ‘elevator pitch’ – a 30

something that makes you stand out. 1.

RSVP etiquette: If you have two

second to 2-minute spiel about

cocktail evenings in one night, it

who you are.

is always courteous to email the HR representative for the second cocktail evening you will attend to let them know that you will be late.

c. Use open body language and smile – be friendly and approachable. d. Be humorous and engaging within the bounds of good taste

2. Politely entering a conversation:

and professionalism.

a. For one on one conversation, begin by introducing yourself,

6. Working the room: Only conduct

making eye contact, and firmly

a conversation as long as the

shaking hands.

conversation remains fresh, and

b. In group conversations, the best

do not limit yourself to friends.

way to break the ice is to chime

It is better to leave before the

in or ask if you may join the

conversation becomes stale.

conversation. c. If canapés and drinks are

7. Remember why you are there: Most

circulating, this can be an

of these events will have an excellent

excellent icebreaker.

selection of food and alcohol. Be mindful of your manners and don’t

3. Hold your drink in your left hand: No one


likes to shake a clammy and cold hand.

36 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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8. Always politely exit a group or

9. Exiting the cocktail evening: As you

conversation: Wait for a dip in

leave, it is always a good idea to thank

conversation and excuse yourself.

the HR representative for the evening.

a. For one on one conversation, try ‘It was lovely meeting you,

10. Practise! Networking skills can

Person X. I think I will grab

always be improved. Do this by

another drink. I hope you enjoy

attending the ‘Networking Skills’

the rest of the evening!’ (If

event and other similar nights

the person is by themselves

run by student groups, such as

it is always polite to integrate

the Economics, Commerce and

someone else in the conversation

Finance Society.

before you leave so you don’t alienate the person). b. In group conversations: ‘Well, it was fantastic meeting you all; I must use the bathroom. I hope to see you all soon!’

Buddy Programs Some firms offer a ‘buddy program’

comfortable asking in an interview. It

to applicants in order to assist and

is also common for applicants to email

guide them through the process. For

back and forth with their buddies with

the firms that do offer this program,

questions and comments. Unless the

applicants will usually be paired up

buddy offers otherwise, it’s generally

with a recent graduate or junior lawyer

best to keep the conversations over

from the firm before the first interview,

the phone and email, and not social

or between the first and second

media. Where you end up with

round interviews. You will usually

buddies from a few different firms, it

have the opportunity to meet up

is still important to meet up with, or at

with your buddy before and/or after

least contact, all of them, as they will

an interview over coffee. It is a good

each have unique advice and insights

idea to come to these meetings with

into their own firms.

some questions that you wouldn’t feel

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Offer Etiquette Most firms will make their offers on the

It is always courteous to thank the

same day to ensure that each applicant

interviewing partner/solicitor via email

has a fair chance to decide which firm

and call the HR representative at each

they would like to work for.

offering firm, irrespective of whether or not you accept a position at their firm.

If you are lucky enough to be made multiple offers, the best way to make

TIP: If you decline an offer, the HR

your decision is to:

representative will probably ask why you decided to decline the offer. It is always


Seek the counsel of HR

wise to have a well thought out answer;

representatives, friends, or partners

you don’t want to burn bridges anywhere!

at the firms. 2. Consider if the firm’s strengths and practice areas match your interests. 3. Identify any additional benefits of working at a firm, such as any graduate positions or paralegal work offered after the clerkship.

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The Experiences Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 39

Edward Basha HWL Ebsworth

What do you think made your

How did you prepare for your

application stand out?


I think having a diverse range of

Thorough interview preparation is key. Be

volunteer and legal work experience was

sure to have done your research on the

a strength.

firm and be able to clearly articulate why you want to work there.

Whilst the technical skills acquired from legal experience are helpful, it is

Looking through the clerkship guide

the transferrable skills – such as time

and talking to former clerks, you will be

management, ability to work in a team,

able to get a good understanding of the

initiative and problem-solving skills - that

questions you will be asked. You may

firms place emphasis on.

want to make a document with a bank of these questions.

Don’t stress if you don’t have legal experience. Focus on the skills that you

Once you have thought about how you

have developed from the experience that

would respond to each question, practice

you do have and how these skills will

as much as you can and get feedback

make you an asset to the firm.

from a variety of people. Be sure to develop genuine responses to these

Ultimately, everyone will have something

questions. Rote-learned responses will be

different to offer, it is about knowing


what this is and communicating this effectively in your application.

40 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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What were some of the questions you

How did you approach the stressful

were asked during your interview?

and time-consuming application

At the start of the interview, you can

process while juggling your other

expect to be asked questions such as:


“Tell us about yourself”

In terms of the application process itself,

“Why commercial law?”

this usually falls – at least partially –

“Why are you attracted to this firm?”

during the semester break. Try to get

“Why would you be an attribute to

all of your applications done over the

this firm?”

holiday period.

“What practice groups are you interested in and why?”

Writing a good cover-letter and answering the firm-specific application

You will invariably be asked behavioural

questions well is very important and is

questions. These are typically the most

also a lot more time consuming than you

challenging and will require the most

would expect. Try to allow as much time

preparation. Questions I was asked

as possible for this part of the process.

throughout the process were: • •

• •

“Tell us about a time when you

Once it gets to interview stage,

exercised integrity”

organisation is key. Be sure to know

“Tell us about a time when you were

when your work, university and extra-

working in a team and relationships

curricular commitments are at the outset.

broke down. Why do you think

This will help you to gauge how time-

this happened and how did you

pressured you are going to be at various

overcome this?”

points. Once you know this, you will be

“Tell us about a time when you were

able to organise interviews at the least

managing competing deadlines”

pressured times. It will also allow you

“Tell us about a time when you led a

time to re-arrange work and university


commitments if need be.

Did you ask any questions at the end of

What was the most challenging aspect

your interview and what were they?

of your clerkship?

It is a good idea to have a bank of

I found the most challenging aspect

questions that you can ask at the end of

of the clerkship to be the recruitment

your interview.

process itself. Effectively balancing university, work and extra-curricular

You may ask your interviewers what drew

commitments whilst going through

them to this firm and what they believe

the process definitely requires a lot of

differentiates this firm from other firms.

time-management skills! As mentioned

This will help you understand the culture

earlier, be sure to be on top of your

of the firm and what it has to offer.

commitments from the outset.

You may want to ask about the specifics of the work that your interviewer is involved in. This may include questions about what their day-to-day work involves, what aspects of the work they find most satisfying and what aspects they find most challenging.

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Rhiannon Bell King & Wood Mallesons

Why did you choose King & Wood

each firm. The structure was quite similar,

Mallesons (KWM)?

but I would come up with different

I chose KWM for three main reasons.

reasons for wanting to work for each

Firstly, I knew I wanted to work at a

firm. Where possible, I also had a friend

leading international commercial law firm,

from each firm I was applying to read

and I know that KWM has a very strong

my cover letter and give feedback. Also,

reputation in the Asia Pacific. Secondly, I

I made sure I got the terminology of the

asked all the firms I interviewed at ‘What

role correct – some firms refer to their

are the firm’s goals in the coming years?’

programs as Sessional Clerkships, others

KWM had by far the best answer, others

call them Summer Clerkships, so make

weren’t so clear. Finally, you’re going to

sure you keep that in mind.

hear a lot about something called ‘gut feel’. My decision was confirmed by how

It’s also worth checking with each firm to

I felt when I received that phone call on

see what their application requires. For

offer day.

example, I wasn’t asked to prepare a CV or cover letter when I applied to KWM,

How did you go about tailoring your

instead I prepared answers to three short

CV/ cover letter to each firm that you

answer questions.

applied to? My CV was almost identical for all

How did you prepare for your

the firms, bar one that asked me to


anonymise it. My cover letter differed for

My interview preparation built upon

42 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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the extensive research I did in the

One thing to note is that results come

applications process. I made sure I

out on 12 July this year for Session 1,

had a printed copy of every part of

and clerkship applications close on 15

my application that I had sent to each

July. Ask each firm whether they would

firm – so don’t forget to save it before

like you to hold off on submitting your

you submit! I would then go through

application until results are out, or if

the general questions I’d be likely to be

they are happy for you to send through

asked, but I didn’t go in having rehearsed

an updated transcript later. One of the

answers to every possible question. I

firms I applied to encouraged the latter

also checked whether anything new

option because there was time sensitive

had happened since I’d submitted my

psychometric testing involved.

application. Did you attend the cocktail evening? If Did you ask any questions at the end of

so, how did you approach this event?

your interview and what were they?

Yes, I attended several cocktail evenings

You must always ask questions at the

throughout the process. Most firms

end of the interview. I took the advice

would hold one for each round, with

of a former Summer Clerk and would

some firms like KWM holding a couple

always take in a list of questions for each

of other optional events. Whilst you are

firm. That way, I had time to think about

not necessarily obligated to attend these,

my questions, and I never ran the risk of

they do offer a great opportunity to

having absolutely no idea what to ask.

determine whether you would ‘fit’ in their

I usually had some generic questions I

culture. For example, KWM invited us

could ask almost anywhere, but I always

to attend an event called ‘Inside a Deal’,

had specific questions about the firm.

where they gave us a unique insight into some of the firm’s recent transactions.

How did you approach the stressful and time consuming application

I always went to each firm on a full

process while juggling your other

stomach, and with a change of shoes in


my handbag (there’s nothing worse than

I started early. Before clerkship

blisters!). Try to keep track of who you

applications opened, I made a list of

met, and be sure to remember who your

where I wanted to apply, and started

first and second round interviewers and

researching. Knowing I was going to

buddies (if relevant) are, because people

be studying abroad in London for

will undoubtedly ask you about that.

the last two weeks of the written

Try to also have a couple of questions

application period, I started compiling

about the practice areas that the firm

my applications the day that they

offers. Also, when offered canapes,

opened. I wrote a list of what each firm

decide whether to accept based on how

required (Cover letter? CV? Short answer

many people are there and the relative

responses? Psychometric testing?), and

difficulty of consumption. If you’ve got 5

slowly worked my way through it across

or more people in the group, it’s probably

several days. I also dropped down to

safe to go for that slider. If you’re in a one

three subjects in Session 2, which made

on one conversation, be wary.

a world of difference to my performance, marks, and general sanity levels.

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particularly for the clerks who can volunteer at the Homeless Persons Legal Service; What were some of the questions you were asked during your interview? •

I was asked the same question from the application last year: regarding Allens biggest opportunity and challenge in the current legal market so I would recommend reading over your answers in the applications before any interviews.

Every firm will generally ask you why you want to work there and about

Emma Croft

your interest in commercial law so have good answers prepared for


those. •

I was asked about my experiences with disagreements/challenges at work and during Law revue and how I dealt with them

Most of the firms I interviewed with were more interested in my non-legal

Why did you choose Allens?

experience than legal experience

I chose Allens not only because of the

because they really value skills such

people but because of the:

as customer service that aren’t

taught in the clerk or grad programs.

International opportunities with a firm that is also top tier;

• •

A lot of firms will ask you what areas

International opportunity offered

of law you are interested and why.

during the clerkship;

While you should definitely express

Culture of knowledgeable people

an interest in an area if you have

who make an effort to foster the

one (because it will be noted later

learning of everyone at the firm by

on when you put in your practice

filling in all the people who work on

group preferences) the firms also

a matter on its facts so that even

appreciate an open mind because

if they are doing the smallest task,

you hear a lot of stories from

they understand why and what it

partners who say they were set on

contributes to.

pursuing one area and found they

Their culture of caring was also

liked another better.

indicated to me by the HR team that

They might also ask you to tell them

cares about everyone who applies-

about something that’s not on your

indicated by their memory of names


and their effort to recover my coat

• 44 | Clerkship Guide 2018

when it was stolen during their

How did you go about tailoring your

information session.

CV/ cover letter to each firm that you

Their contributions to technology:

applied to?

developing apps, helping start-ups,

Obviously be very careful when


writing the letters that you address

Wide pro bono opportunities,

them all to the right person because Macquarie University Law Society

firms receive a lot of applications so

of Choice, had an aboriginal

a small mistake like that makes it very

reconciliation action plan,

easy for them to eliminate you.

engaged in pro bono work, etc.

I predominantly left my cover letter the same in terms of the introduction

What was the highlight of your clerkship?

and paragraphs about my work

Aside from making great friends, Allens

experience and achievements,

gave us a number of opportunities to

however I changed the paragraph

dually learn about the firm and have fun,

addressing why I wanted to work at

for example they took us on a tour of

the firm using the following format:

the Childrens Hospital they contribute


General sentence about the

to, they set aside a day for us all to do

desirability of working for the

a mock client presentation in groups

firm: for example the global

and last year we had a film competition

nature of the firm and the high

where we made films in groups then

calibre of the work they would

viewed them with popcorn in the last

do due to clients such as x & y.

week. This is on top of the firm drinks

Mention any recent awards

we organised as a clerk group for charity

that the firm has received that

and two Christmas parties.


would set it apart, for Allens this year you could mention

Do you have any last words of advice

that they are the top law firm in

for aspiring clerks?

GradAustralia's list of Top 100

Graduate Employers for 2018. -

I would then look up practice

of your applications. •

you meet during the process from

Legal500 and tie this in to

each firm. A lot of the firms will ask

the practice groups I was

you who you have met, especially if

interested in and why. For

you refer to the people or culture of

lines of “working within the

the firm during your interviews. •

Be nice to the other prospective

firm’s Legal500 tier 1 ranking

clerks because they will be watching

Dispute Resolution practice

your interactions at the information

group appeals to me because

and cocktail evenings and they can

of my experience as a litigation

cut people on that basis.


If you mention any cases the firm

Then I would search in the “news”

has worked on in your application,

section of the firm sites or do a

be prepared to talk about it in the

general Google search for the

interview because your interviewing

firm name and “Technology” to find examples of the firm’s work

partner may have worked on it. •

Subscribe to the lawyers weekly

in this space and comment on

emails before your interviews

their innovation. For example, for

and applications: the articles give

Allens you might reference their

you a good indication of current

Accelerate program and recently

issues facing the legal industry and

opened Technology hub. -

Write down the names of everyone

group ranking sites such as

example something along the


Spend at least 2 hours on every one

I would finish the paragraph by

reference to them will set you apart. •

If there is an area if law you are

referring to their social justice

unsure whether you would like: try it

initiatives- noting whether

out in the clerkship rather than the

they were a Workplace Gender

grad program so that you only have

Equality Agency Employer

to do 5 weeks of it instead of a year.

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Clerkship Guide 2018 | 45

Nick Meyer MinterEllison

Why did you choose MinterEllison?

What do you think made your

I found myself leaning towards

application stand out?

MinterEllison as my top preference at the

As soon as I started my applications, I

very start of the process, mostly due to

knew from the get-go that my marks

their high degree of excellence, modern

would not been nearly as impressive as

outlook on being their clients best

some of the candidates, and that I would

partner, and their great work culture.

have to rely on my work experience,

It became apparent fairly early on that

personality, and extra-curricular activities

they pride themselves on recruiting a

to get me through. With this in mind, I

wide range of candidates with various

structured my entire CV, cover letter, and

life experiences and backgrounds.

linked most of my application questions

Out of all the firms I was interested in,

back to my previous work experience. I

MinterEllison were the firm who best

had worked at a start-up for a few years

demonstrated, a high-performance

and was part of the team when the

and collaborative culture, and had an

company quadrupled in size, this not only

innovative approach on the future of the

gave me some great conversation points,

legal service industry. The choice was

but also a wide variety of experience

only made that much easier after talking

which I could use to my advantage. Your

to some of the staff at the events and

application is the gateway to an interview

seeing how passionate and fulfilled they

so make sure it reflects your best self.

were about working at Minters.

My interview not only covered my

46 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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professional experience to date, but also

the program. Whether it be discussing

my personal interests. At the time I was

the application process, helping each

undertaking my private skydiving license

other complete a particular legal task,

and this piece of information on my

or bonding over dominating the other

application was a great icebreaker for the

firms at clerk sport, myself and the

interview. The Partners were interested to

other 36 clerks managed to form a deep

know more about the driver for getting

friendship that still continues to this day.

the license, this showed me that they a

The work you do as a clerk is engaging,

genuine interest in my whole self, rather

interesting, and provides you with a

than just my grades or work experience.

great insight into what working a toptier firm is like, however the relationships

Can you describe a typical day as a

you build and the culture of the firm are


what really stood out to me over the

I couldn't even begin to try to surmise

clerkship period.

a typical day as clerk as each day was so different and new! Over the

Do you have any last words of advice

summer I rotated through Mergers &

for aspiring clerks?

Acquisitions, Construction, and Dispute

Before starting the process last year,

Resolution (fun fact- Minters lets you

someone offered me a great piece of

do 3 rotations instead of 2!). Each team

advice which had a huge impact on

has a different dynamic and culture and

how I approached the applications:

it was great to experience the different

be confident and don't sell yourself

opportunities across the three areas.

short. It can be incredibly difficult to

On any given day, I could be going to

write about your accomplishments

court to attend hearings, sitting in on

and successes while also trying to be

client meetings, running across town to

modest and not come off arrogant.

deliver important documents, drafting

However I would encourage all who

450+ page contracts, researching

apply to not be afraid of emphasising

different aspects of the law, preparing

your achievements and being confident

arguments for Partners to use in a

in your own skillsets, especially when it

negotiation, drafting letters and advice,

comes time to interview. You need to

proof reading documents- the list goes

find a way of standing out amongst all

on! Not only did I get great practical

of the candidates so make sure your

experience but the clerkship was also a

application has something that the

social time. There was often daily coffee

selectors can remember you by. For

catch ups, karaoke and trivia nights, the

me, this was including my sky diving

annual Minters clerk video to work on,

license (three partners later went on to

and plenty of after work socialising with

recognise me as the 'sky diving dude' on

the rest of the clerks.

my first day!) but it could be an random fact about yourself, a quirky hobby or

What was the highlight of your

achievement, or something else that


makes your application leap of the page

By far, the highlight of my clerkship

and gives the selectors an opportunity

was meeting my fellow Minters clerks

to know who you are as a person, not

and getting to know them throughout

just as a law student.

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Natalie Harvell Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Why did you choose Corrs?

experience and would be comfortable

It came down to two firms for me, and it

answering a range of questions, including

was a really tough decision. Ultimately it

thinking about which skills gained in

came down to my gut feeling. The Corrs

my non-law experience are transferable

lawyers I met throughout the recruitment

to the legal profession (especially soft

process were not only incredibly smart,

skills). I also had a real think about what

but they were also genuine, down to

I wanted my career to look like and how

earth and keen to have some fun along

Corrs could held me achieve that. This all

the way and this really resonated with

helped me to make sure I was prepared

me. I was also drawn to Corrs because

to provide genuine answers to any

the divide between partners and other

potential questions. Of course, I also did

lawyers has been completely broken

some quick research on my interviewing

down. The open plan office contains

partners and made a mental note of

‘pods’, with partners sharing a pod with

any interesting work they had done and

their team. I felt that this would provide

whether they had any common interests

me with invaluable opportunities to learn

with me. Lastly, and perhaps most

from watching and listening as well as

importantly, I prepared some questions

receiving regular feedback.

to ask at the end of the interview.

How did you prepare for your interview

What were some of the questions you

at Corrs?

were asked in your interview?

I began by reviewing my CV and cover

If you have made it to the interview

letter to make sure I was familiar with my

stage, the firms already know you’re

48 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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academically brilliant and you have the

no such thing as a ‘typical day’. During

skills and experience they are looking

my IP/IT rotation, I did a lot of research

for. Therefore, the interview is all about

and had the opportunity to assist in

seeing whether you’re a person they

answering some really fascinating legal

would enjoy working with. Both my

questions about new technologies.

interviews at Corrs were very casual and

During my corporate rotation, I spent

friendly, with questions such as:

a lot of time getting to know the team,


Tell us about your background and

helping prepare for the Corrs publication

how you came to do law.

‘M&A Year in Review 2018’ and assisting

2. Why do you want to pursue a career in commercial law?

with due diligence. I also got to do some contract drafting. Lastly, during my

3. What draws you to Corrs?

property rotation, each morning started

4. What motivates you?

with grabbing a coffee with the team, however the rest of my day was always

Did you ask any questions at the end of

different. I had the chance to attend

your interview and what were they?

client meetings alongside a partner,

Definitely - asking questions is vital

prepare correspondence, draft proposals

for showing the interviewers you’re

and do some interesting research on a

interested but also useful to help you

niche area of property law.

think about whether the firm is right for you. I stuck to questions that I genuinely

Do you have any last words of advice

wanted to know the answers to, such as:

for aspiring clerks?


What does a typical day look like as a

The best advice I received during my

lawyer at your level?

clerkship was “Be yourself!” - and this

2. Why did you choose to work at Corrs and what has kept you here? 3. What is the most challenging thing in your area of practice? 4. What do you think are the most

would also be my final advice for aspiring clerks. Being genuine throughout the clerkship process, particularly in the interviews, is so important because it not only helps the firm decide whether you’re

important skills to work on for a

the right fit, but it also helps you realise

successful legal career?

which firm you feel most comfortable with. When you’re working late nights,

Describe a typical day as a clerk.

being around like-minded people makes

Unlike many other firms, the Corrs

a big difference. During the interviews,

clerkship is structured in three rotations,

a great personality will stand out a lot

and my experiences in each rotation

more than a great resume!

were completely different. There was

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Clerkship Guide 2018 | 49

documents that you submit. It is important that you approach your applications like another subject, whereby you chip away at them consistently. What I came to find, is that it takes time for your preliminary applications to evolve into the final product so don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can knock them over in 24 hours! What was the most challenging aspect of your clerkship? I think the most challenging aspect of your clerkship is getting one! It is undoubtedly competitive and everyone wants to get their foot through the door. However, the

Thomas Moult Maddocks

clerkship itself is super enjoyable, the people are supportive, you have the opportunity to get involved in some really complex work and along the way, you develop some really close friendships with your fellow clerks and colleagues. Did you attend the cocktail evening? If so, how did you approach this event? Personally, I think ‘preparing’ for a cocktail event is going about it all wrong. It Is not an

Why did you choose Maddocks?

interview, but rather, an opportunity for both

I think as you float through the process and rub shoulders with different

yourself and the firm to get to know each

clerks and representatives from each firm you start to suss out each

other better. Partners, associates, support staff

firm’s distinct cultural ‘vibe’. Maddocks has a strong public-sector

and other clerks are all human! I believe that

practice that was a huge pull for me, I really have enjoyed working

if you be yourself, have a laugh and enjoy the

across both the public and private sectors, immersing myself in the

drinks (in moderation) you will give yourself

different types of work each sector brings to the table. However, my

the best opportunity to work out whether you

interest in the work aside, I knew after my first interview that Maddocks

connect with the firm and whether the firm

was the firm for me, I connected with the people on more than a ‘legal

connects with you.

level’ and the firm’s values really interlined with my own. It was clear to into nurturing and developing their clerks/graduates. It sounds corny

Do you have any last words of advice for aspiring clerks?

but I think in the end, Maddocks was a gut feeling for me and a decision

Firstly, don’t pass up on the opportunity! At

I definitely do not regret!

the time, putting hours upon hours of work

me throughout the process how much time and energy Maddocks puts

into your applications may seem hopeless, How did you approach the stressful and time consuming application

however, I can assure you it is worth it.

process while juggling your other commitments?

Secondly, don’t become disheartened when

Have your applications done and dusted early! In my case, I thought it

the rejection letters start rolling in. This is a

would be a good idea to leave my applications to the 24 hour long-hall

part of the process and I am yet to hear of a

flight to Europe where I would ambitiously complete them on my small

clerk who received positive responses from

economy fold-out tray. Despite this gallant attempt, I still ended up

every firm they applied to. Don’t view this

working consistently on my applications throughout my trip enjoying

as a defeat, but rather, as a sign that maybe

the Santorini views whilst writing about my love for commercial law…

you and that firm weren’t right for each

But In all seriousness, the application questions posed by each firm are

other. Finally, be yourself and try to enjoy the

far more elaborate than you believe them to be at first glance, not to

process as much as possible treating each

mention the countless edits and proofing that goes into perfecting the

stage as a stepping stone. Good Luck!

50 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society

How did you go about tailoring your CV/ cover letter to each firm that you applied to? Research, research, research. I can’t stress how important it is to research your firm. Check what your firm is known for, what it’s strong at and what its culture is like. What recent matters has it been involved in? What awards has it won? What deals have they done? I think the key is to not copy and paste a standard cover letter for every application. It really needs to read like you’ve thought about that specific firm, spent time researching it, and really want to work for that firm. You also need to think about yourself fitting in with that firm and make someone

Arda Reznikas Gilbert + Tobin

else think that you will. So, select your achievements, skills and attributes that you think that firm will prize. Describe a typical day as a clerk. A typical day as a clerk began with getting into Barangaroo in the morning, grabbing a coffee from G+T’s café, admiring some great Barangaroo views, having a chat with the other clerks, before heading to my desk. Most often I’d have some work to get on with from

Why did you choose G+T?

the previous day. If I’d finished working on

I chose G+T as I wanted to start my career off in a top tier firm, and

something, my mentor or buddy would always

everywhere I looked it was consistently ranked tier 1 in the areas of law

have something interesting for me to help out

I was interested in (competition law and corporate law). Of course, I’d

with. Often we’d have some great clerkship

also heard so much about G+T being the most innovative firm, and its

activities running during the day – like the

proud, progressive social stance. Ultimately, I felt like the firm was both

Design Jam competition or my pro bono

culturally and professionally aligned with my interests.

project. Lunch usually meant catching up with the other clerks to talk about what they

What were some of the questions you were asked in your interview? I think I should firstly note that my interviews felt more like conversations than interviews. The experience was definitely more conversational than at some other firms.

were up to in their practice groups. Usually after work, I’d catch up with some clerks, unless it was a clerkship sports night over at Rushcutters Bay, or firm drinks.

I think that an aspiring clerk should always be prepared for some standard questions. Why that specific firm? What type of law interests

What was the highlight of your clerkship?

you? What do you like outside of the law? How would you deal with

The people and the culture of the firm. During

having competing responsibilities? You should always be prepared to

my clerkship rotations, I sat right next to a

answers questions about your key skills, like teamwork, leadership and

partner and a senior lawyer, and was always

time management, with examples.

included on matters they were working on. I

But at my interview, I think the greatest aspect to it was that I got

was invited to meetings/calls with clients and

to ask my interviewers questions, and really hear what they had to say

given real responsibilities – I never felt like I was

about the firm and their experiences. It was more like a chat than an

‘just’ a clerk. I learnt so much about the law,


but also the clients’ industries. I think these are due to the culture at G+T. Its open plan office spaces really encourage participation.

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 51


The Firms 52 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society


Graduates in Law

Aim beyond pure legal knowledge. Beyond commercial advice. Be known for something more: a clarity of thought and an instinct for problem solving that can influence governments and leading businesses the world over. Join us and we’ll help you enrich and expand your worldview, grow your skills and influence new ways of thinking. In other words, we’ll help you move minds.

Begin now at Connect with us on

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Clerkship Guide 2018 | 53

Great change is here.

Are you ready? At Allens, we’re focused on advancing our industry through equipping our people with the skills and experience they need to be the lawyers of the future. We’re ready to define tomorrow. Are you? With us, you’ll be more than a lawyer. Our people are technical experts, but they’re also trusted business advisers who think bigger, more broadly and more strategically. Together, we solve complex legal challenges, and collaborate across practice areas and disciplines to guide our clients. We work across borders too, thanks to our alliance with Linklaters. This strategic partnership opens up worlds of opportunity for our business and our people, including rotations in Linklaters London, Hong Kong and Singapore for our graduate lawyers. In a rapidly changing world, we seek opportunities to innovate, embracing creative thinking, new approaches and emerging technology. And we don’t just use them to benefit ourselves and our clients. We believe strongly in driving positive change to do right by our community too. Our teams are open, inclusive and encouraging, giving you the chance to learn and grow, but your development will be down to you. You’ll have the flexibility to drive your career, and we’ll recognise your achievements and hard work as you progress through the firm. Are you ready to begin?

Clerkship program

Will you make great change happen?

A clerkship with Allens is the first step in a rewarding legal career. The program will give you invaluable insight into our work and culture. With support from a buddy and development supervisor, you’ll work on real matters for real clients and be involved in projects.

> Programs run from three to ten weeks

Graduate program

> Ongoing support and buddy system

Clerkship > Available at our Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney offices

Comprising two 12-month placements in different practices, our graduate program offers exposure to stimulating legal challenges. In each rotation, you’ll gain a depth of experience that comes from seeing matters through. However, at Allens we don’t work in silos so you won’t be limited to working with one partner or by your practice areas. Working with different teams and leading organisations, you’ll grow a solid skills base and develop the agility needed to thrive in our ever-changing world.

> Exposure to one or two practice groups

Early careers at Allens provide highly tailored training through the Allens Academy. Developed in partnership with the Australian National University, our Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice will help you transition from | Clerkship Guideand 2018 law 54 graduate to legal expert trusted business adviser.

> A 12-month legal seminar series (Cornerstone Program)

Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP.

Graduate program > Two 12-month rotations in your areas of interest > Secondment options in London or Asia via our alliance with Linklaters > Ongoing supervision, coaching and mentoring > Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (via Allens Academy)

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Clerkship Guide 2018 | 55

Your journey begins with a world-class summer clerkship

Real client work. Invaluable coaching. A tailored development program. A genuine insight into working with our Firm – while building great friendships. Plus, we offer the unique opportunity to build your global knowlege and network – through an International Clerkship.

Ready to explore our world? Angelique Wanner +61 2 8922 5596

Become a world-class lawyer. Join the firm that was born global. Find us at @BakersAUS

56 | Clerkship Guide 2018

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Macquarie University Law Society

Staying true to your direction is what defines Clayton Utz. We’ve built a culture that’s unlike any other law firm, but don’t just take our word for it. A good lawyer needs compelling evidence so meet our people and judge for yourself.

Academic brilliance certainly counts, but graduates who thrive here have something extra – a natural passion for connecting with people and a strong sense of self. That’s what staying true is all about. If you have these qualities, Clayton Utz is for you.

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 57



While working in a law firm is definitely an asset, it’s not the be-all, end all. Demonstrating that you’ve developed skills that are transferable to a commercial context is the most important. For example, I was asked about my experiences in retail, start-ups and mentoring rather than my paralegal experiences. If you have something incredibly cool and unique to add, that’s also a bonus because you want to convey your personality (I put in my applications that I was a black belt in karate).


Danielle Mizrahi Clayton Utz WHAT STOOD OUT TO YOU ABOUT CLAYTON UTZ? Clayton Utz was my stand out firm for a number of reasons. Fom the get-go, every single person I interacted with (whether they were a Partner or a grad) was incredibly welcoming, down to earth, happy to chat and emphasised that you don’t need to conform to a particular mould to succeed here. I walked out of every event with the sense that I would be happy to have a career at CU (and as yet, I haven’t been disappointed!). Secondly, it was very important to me to be able to continue volunteering and community engagement once I began a career in law. Clayton Utz is one of the only law firms to impose a mandatory amount of pro bono hours a year, so it was a natural fit for me. Lastly, despite being an independent firm, Clayton Utz has relationships with some of the best law firms worldwide meaning that if I were to one day consider working overseas, I would have a variety of firms and locations to choose from.

WHAT DO YOU THINK MADE YOUR APPLICATION STAND OUT? I believe my application stood out because I had legal and non-legal work experience, internships and extracurricular 58 | Clerkship Guide 2018 activities.

I’d come into the office early each morning so I could make a list of the tasks I’d need to do for the day, read the newspaper, or catch up with the other clerks (often found getting their coffee fix at Café Clutz). I would either continue with tasks I had been working on the previous day, or, if I had ‘capacity’ (a word every clerk will come to know at one stage or another) I would trawl the floor asking if anyone needed a task completed. Around 1pm I would make my way outside to meet the other clerks for lunch. After lunch, I would continue with my work or ask for new tasks if I had completed my previous ones. During my clerkship I was not often asked to work back late, but I always checked with my Partner whether there was anything pressing that I could help with before leaving.

WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CLERKSHIP? The highlight of my clerkship was definitely meeting the other clerks who have since become good friends. We had the opportunity to bond the week before our first rotation started, and had the all important task of deciding on, and creating a costume for the End of Year party. After much deliberation (and one coup) 42 Peter Pans attended the party (which was incredible). Another highlight was my rotations. Both my teams were incredibly welcoming, gave me interesting work, and were happy to help me with every question (no matter how silly I thought it was).

Macquarie University Law Society

Activate your career. Practical Legal Training programs that better activate your career. Leading, and in tune with your profession, The College of Law offers the largest range of flexible programs, all purpose-driven to ensure you have the best start to your career. • Just 5 days face-to-face attendance • Study full-time, part-time, online or on-campus • Emphasis on task-based learning • More than 15 start dates in Sydney in 2018

Maggie Quach

Lawyer, Lander & Rogers Lawyers Graduate of the Practical Legal Training program

Learn more at or call 1300 111 Macquarie University Law856 Society

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 59

Gilbert + Tobin

BE MORE BE PART OF THE MOMENTUM A Gilbert + Tobin clerkship is both positive and challenging. You’ll work directly with partners and lawyers who will assist with your professional development and challenge you intellectually. While your main focus will be corporate work, everyone at G+T has the opportunity to assist on pro bono matters and participate in firm-wide activities. As you progress through your rotations you will develop invaluable skills and knowledge and gain first-hand experience of our various practice groups. Our Sydney program runs for 9 weeks, consisting of two four-week rotations across the firm’s practice areas. During both rotations each clerk is assigned a supervising partner, mentor and buddy to assist with on-the-job training. Participating in our customised in-house training will build your confidence and help you understand the mechanics of legal practice. You’ll have the chance to jump right in and immerse yourself in a leading corporate law practice. And we’ll encourage you to contribute ideas and your own fresh perspective.

Preference is given to students in their penultimate year of study. We’re not a prescriptive firm when it comes to our people; we invite individuality and diversity. We also hold ambition, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit in high regard. Our people are collaborative, passionate and dedicated – but most of all they enjoy what they do and never forget to have fun. We seek clerks and graduates who will complement our practice groups and don’t feel the need to take themselves too seriously.

Applications for 2018-19 summer clerkships in our Sydney office are open from Monday 18 June to Sunday 15 July 2018. For more information about applying for a clerkship or for program dates please visit, or contact Kristie Barton on 02 9263 4575 or at

60 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Find out more at GTLAW.COM.AU

Macquarie University Law Society


GRADUATE CAREERS IN LAW Join our outstanding graduate program with a law degree and potential to succeed, and experience real responsibility, a flexible career path and an innovative, collaborative environment to help you thrive. Join us as a Herbert Smith Freehills graduate with your degree behind you, but a world of opportunity in front of you. Don't just experience it, be a part of everything. SEARCH HSF GRADUATES AUSTRALIA FOR MORE Macquarie University Law Society



TOP 100



My vacation clerkship


Social life

Training and development

When you arrive as a fresh-faced clerk in December, the festive season is well and truly underway at Herbert Smith Freehills. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to have fun with your new colleagues and bond with your fellow clerks. Highlights include the firm-wide and practice group Christmas functions, the clerk cruise, inter-firm sport, and fun BYO dinners at questionable CBD dumpling houses.

Herbert Smith Freehills really values the training and development of young talent. Opportunities you’ll have to learn and develop your skills include:

One thing I never expected was how seriously lawyers take their costumes. Don’t be intimidated by the array of weird and wonderful characters you’ll encounter at themed events – you and your clerk buddies will have your own awesome gear to show off.

Practice groups

Herbert Smith Freehills really values the training and development of young talent.

Herbert Smith Freehills occupies a high position in the directories and the collective student imagination, but those weren’t the only reasons I decided to join the firm. I was also looking for a place which genuinely values developing its people and has a sense of humour – friends of mine who had been clerks highly recommended the experience, so needless to say I was keen on joining Herbert Smith Freehills from the outset. The final selling point was actually having the opportunity to meet people from the firm at various stages of the process. The firm has a uniquely relaxed approach to its interviews, which are conversational and conducted oneon-one rather than behavioural or by panel. All the people made me feel welcome and the firm really seemed like a place where people took their professional work seriously, but were personable and always willing to have a laugh.


If you have absolutely no idea what area of law you want to work in, the clerkship is perfect for you. I was placed into Employment, Pensions and Incentives during my first rotation and Environment, Planning and Communities during my second. Despite having no prior knowledge or experience in these areas, I soon developed a working understanding of them and thoroughly enjoyed the learning process. Both groups work with highly specialised legislative frameworks, and so they undertake a mix of transactional, advisory and litigious work. As a clerk, this meant that I was given lots of different tasks, including legal research, helping to draft advice, correspondence, witness statements and court documents, as well as assisting with relevant aspects of due diligence. Highlights of my time in both groups include being a part of meetings with a pro bono client about to appear in the Fair Work Commission, presenting on updates to planning law, attending judgment for a regulatory prosecution in the Land and Environment Court, and taking a trip to Newcastle with my team to meet with environmental regulators for a client. These were fantastic learning opportunities that gave me an exciting insight into what commercial lawyers do on a daily basis.

••Attendance at graduate training

videoconferences. I was able to attend training on exciting topics such as Workplace Health and Safety (an introduction to the model legislation) and Cross-border Employment Law (a primer on employment law in the Asia-Pacific region and common issues that arise when employers operate in multiple jurisdictions);

••Frequent presentations about the firm’s

different practice groups and various matters of commercial relevance. These are really useful for getting a sense of where you might want to rotate in the future and the firm’s view on technological developments (which for me included blockchain and cybersecurity);

••Participation in the ‘developmental exercise’

early in the clerkship. This entails being given a fictional scenario and three hours to fire off a memo to a partner who you’ll later present to with another clerk. While it’s challenging, you’ll have experienced giving advice under pressure and received some great feedback. Don’t stress – the exercise isn’t there to judge whether you make the cut to receive a graduate position, but to give you an opportunity to identify both your strengths and some areas in which you can improve; and

••Allocation of a coach (an experienced

lawyer) and a buddy (a graduate). These are the people who are there to help when you don’t even know where to begin on a task. Everyone is genuinely interested in your learning and development, and in my experience always took the time to explain the factual and legal context of a matter even if it wasn’t needed to perform the task at hand.

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BE A PART OF EVERYTHING Join us as a Herbert Smith Freehills Vacation Clerk and you’ll do more than just experience life at a leading law firm, you’ll be a part of everything we have to offer.

Everything about us

With 27 offices around the world, we can show you exactly what a world class law firm has to offer, giving you the chance to work as part of an international team, on high-profile matters, for some of the most significant organisations in the market. Our focus is on the future: the future needs of existing and new clients, the future of the legal profession and investing in our future lawyers. That’s why we aim to attract the best talent from a broad range of backgrounds, ensuring we are optimising our position as a progressive, forward thinking professional services business. At Herbert Smith Freehills, you’ll be given the opportunity to develop the skills you need to help solve our clients’ most complex challenges in thoughtful and innovative ways.

What we look for

We recruit people with the desire and ability to be exceptional, commercial lawyers. This means that we look for more than just a great academic record and strong technical aptitude. We seek people who are curious, empathetic and understand the importance of building relationships with clients and colleagues. We also look for an international mind-set and a desire to work within our global network, not just one office. Complex cross-border deals. A market-leading Disputes division. Worldwide reach. If you’re ready to be a part of it all, we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Macquarie University Law Society


Clerkship program

There’s nothing more important than finding a role and an organisation that’s right for you and there’s no better way to really get to know our profession than gaining practical, hands-on experience. Our vacation clerkships will immerse you in our business, networks and the international world of law. We encourage students to participate in our vacation clerkship program and we fill the majority of our graduate positions through this program. As a vacation clerk, you will be given extensive training on all aspects of the firm, drafting and research skills. Current lawyers and partners will speak to you about what they do and the nature of work in each part of the firm. You’ll attend workshops and presentations that will give you an insight into the depth and breadth of our practice areas and international reach. You’ll be invited to a range of events giving you the opportunity to network with partners, associates and graduates, as well as with your fellow vacation clerks.

Joining us

We offer a range of summer and winter clerkships across our Australian offices. If you have queries about graduate or vacation clerk positions, please visit our website: vacation-clerkships or contact one of our graduate recruitment team.

Key dates and deadlines SYDNEY Approximate number of positions


Clerkship programs


Applications for all 2018/19 programs open

18 June 2018

Applications for all 2018/19 programs close

15 July 2018

Offers made

26 September 2018

Please note: An application should only be submitted to the office where you intend to start your career as a graduate. Multiple applications will not be considered.

Our global practice groups • Alternative Legal Services (ALT) • Competition, Regulation and Trade • Corporate • Dispute Resolution • Employment, Industrial Relations and Safety • Finance • Projects and Infrastructure • Real Estate

Contacts James Keane Graduate Recruitment Consultant T +61 2 9322 4313

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 63

© Herbert Smith Freehills 2018 NOF176854_v6_advertorial_A4_Sydney /160318

GROW YOUR CAREER Looking for a law firm that is defined by its universal experience and unsurpassed commitment to client service? With approximately 2000 lawyers across 5 continents, you will be joining a team of passionate professionals who work across: • Corporate & Transactional • Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety • Energy, Infrastructure and Resources • Litigation & Dispute Resolution • Finance • Policy & Regulatory SYDNEY • Financial Services Clerkship applications open: • Real Estate 18 June 2018 • Intellectual Property Clerkship applications close: Join us and grow your career.

15 July 2018

Check out our Facebook page. /klgatesgraduaterecruitingau /klgateslaw 64 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Watch our brand video. /klgateslaw

Macquarie University Law Society


Most ranked individuals and (equal) most Band 1 practices 2017 Chambers Rankings – Australia

4 Best law firm (revenue over $200m)

ds AFR Client Choice Awar 2017 (and 2016)

7 25,000 hours spent on pro bono in 2017

2 Fastest growing Big 8 firm Peer Monitor – growth Q3 FY17

by revenue,

3 Highest portion of female equity partners The Australian Law Partnership Survey Dec 2017



Silver Employer Status for LGB TI Workplace Inclusion 2017

No. 1 firm for Asia Pacific M&A Mergermarket CY 2016 and 1H 2017 M&A league tables – by deal count and deal value

Australian Workplace Equality Index

8 WGEA Employer of Choice Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)


expertise g n i d a e L rt in sma ts and contrac ain blockch


29 AU Grads have completed a rotation in another KWM office (international/ domestic) since 2015 KWM inter


ve AC Innovati 2017 FT AP ards winner Lawyers Aw the Business in n tio va A ‘Inno KWM’s DN of Law’ for acts initiative ntr Smart Co


KWM internal

KWM Become App is available from the App Store or Google play now.

In Competition China Law blog Insight blog

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Clerkship Guide 2018 | 65

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As an elite international law firm headquartered in Asia, we are reshaping the legal market by challenging our people and our clients to think differently about what a law firm can be today, tomorrow and beyond. Exceeding the expectations of our clients is a key priority, and as such the world’s leading organisations turn to us to unlock their biggest opportunities and deliver solutions to their most vexing challenges. With ambitious thinking and innovation in our DNA, we partner with our clients to bring to life pioneering solutions which will help them to adapt, reinvent and grow. We believe innovation comes from giving our people room to grow, and as such actively encourage input and ideas at all levels of the firm. Our people are encouraged to think differently and shape their own career path, supported at every step of the way, with world-class training, coaching and hands-on experience. There is no ‘one size fits all’ career model, and we offer multiple opportunities for our lawyers to gain experience and thrive. At King & Wood Mallesons we provide you with the opportunities to reimagine the law to become what you want to be. Are you ready?

KEY STATISTICS: • Most Popular Overall Law Employer in the 2018 AFR Top 100 Graduate Employers Rankings • One of the Top 100 Graduate Employers in GradAustralia’s 2018 Student Survey • Top 15 global brand* • 27 international offices; • One of the largest international legal networks in the Asia region with 500+ partners and more than 2000 lawyers; • Our clients range from a mix of global financial and corporate powerhouses through to new industry-makers and all levels of government • With an unmatched ability to practise Chinese, Hong Kong, Australian, English, US and a significant range of European laws

under one integrated legal brand, we are connecting Asia to the world, and the world to Asia. *Source: 2017 Acritas Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index

REGIONAL PRESENCE The King & Wood Mallesons network extends across the following regions: • Asia Pacific (Australia, Mainland China including Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore) • Europe • Middle East • North America

you’ll work closely with the partners, senior associates and solicitors in that team. It’s a hands-on role, you won’t just be watching from the sidelines. Our people have the opportunity to get involved in the many social and sporting activities that go on in the firm, as well as pro bono and volunteer work to give back to the broader community in which we work and live. Graduate Program

Applications open: 18 June 2018

We offer a unique training experience with multiple rotations and a comprehensive learning and development program for our graduates. We invest heavily in development to support graduates in fulfilling their potential.

Applications close: 15 July 2018

What you’ll learn

How to apply: Via our online application system at

The program provides a practical business foundation for junior lawyers. You’ll receive:

Our clerkships give you a clear picture of what it’s like to be a lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons. You’ll get to know our people, the way we like to work, our culture, practice areas, clients and more.

• Meaningful work covering a wide range of practice areas • Client contact and an in-depth understanding of how they operate in a commercial and regulatory environment • The opportunity to work with a range of partners, senior associates and solicitors in different practice groups • A practical understanding of areas of our legal practice • A comprehensive knowledge of the firm, our technology, our resources, our processes and, of course, the people you’ll work with.

OUR PROGRAMS Seasonal Clerkship Program

During your clerkship, you’ll learn: • The day-to-day skills to get you started – taking instructions, meeting with clients, drafting memos/documents, managing your practice and professional relationships. • Our core practice teams – who they are, what they do, how they’re structured, the clients they work for, and of course, your role within them. • Our culture – you’ll be exposed to (and encouraged) to get actively involved in the many activities and events that define KWM. • Our people – you’ll find that people from every part of the business will help you along, sharing their knowledge, and ensuring you have everything you need to succeed. Clerks usually work in one or two different practice groups, depending on the length of the clerkship. You’ll be allocated a supervisor in each of your practice groups and

As part of the Graduate Program, we also offer a Practical Legal Training (PLT) course with the College of Law to our Australian Law graduates, ensuring that you meet the requirements for admission to legal practice. The program also promotes and supports the mobility of our staff across our offices by giving you the opportunity to apply to go on exchange in one of our interstate or overseas offices. Through this, you are able to access a greater choice and variety of destinations and on-the-job experience.

Asia Pacific | Europe | North America | Middle East

Kellie Mildred People & Development Advisor (Graduates) 66 | Clerkship Guide 2018 (02) 9296 3592

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Spotlight on Safety blog

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Clerkship Profile

RHIANNON BELL Summer Clerk King & Wood Mallesons SUMMER CLERK INTAKE: 2017/18 AREAS OF ROTATION: Banking and Finance and Office of General Counsel UNIVERSITY: Macquarie University DEGREE: Bachelor of Arts – Psychology and Bachelor of Laws

Download the KWM become app today!

My time at King & Wood Mallesons was one of my greatest experiences. I got a unique insight into what it’s like to work in an international commercial law firm, learned from some truly brilliant people, and worked on complex and challenging matters. Here’s a snapshot of my clerkship experience at KWM.

constructive feedback on my work, and they were generous in the time that they gave me. Having a buddy also meant that I could ask questions about how the team worked, the workflow, and just how casual is Casual Friday?


One of the most memorable experiences during my clerkship was the opportunity to volunteer at the Sydney Children’s Hospital. After a couple of hours, the previously drab corridor walls were adorned with vibrant and cheerful paintings, just in time for Christmas. Walking through the other wards, you could certainly feel that the artwork made a tangible difference to the hallways and the people walking through them. Other highlights include winning a pitch competition called the ChangeChallenge and using my negotiation skills in Model UN.

The KWM approach to the application and interview process stood out from the other firms. The events the firm organised emphasised the importance of us getting to know the firm. Instead of a CV and cover letter, we answered three questions. This made for far more interesting conversations during the interviews, and overall, a truly unique group of summer clerks. THE WORK: Being able to do two rotations meant that I was able to explore two areas in depth. I encountered a range of work between the two teams, and appreciated how the solicitors would explain the context behind it to me, and how my work fit within the bigger picture. One of the highlights of the clerkship was being taken to two deal signings. As we were returning to the office, the Partner leading the deal took the time to explain what happened and why. That experience was far more memorable than anything I could read in a corporations law textbook! THE CULTURE: You’ll hear a lot about people choosing firms based on its culture. I was pleased to find that the impressions about the culture that I formed during the recruitment phase aligned to my experiences during the clerkship. The groups I worked in made me feel like a member of the team from day one. Whilst everyone was usually pretty busy, they were always willing to take the time to check in to see how I was going and to ensure I had enough interesting work to do.


THE SOCIAL LIFE: One of my favourite parts of the clerkship was getting to know a diverse and interesting group of clerks. The social calendar was packed with everything from an Amazing Race and inter-firm sport to the KWM Christmas Party and the Clerk Cruise. There was always someone to grab coffee with, or to join for lunch in the Botanical Gardens. WHY I CHOSE KING & WOOD MALLESONS: One of the main reasons I chose KWM was because of an answer I received in response to a question during my first round interview. I asked the Interiewing Partner about what the firm’s goals were in the coming years. Without hesitation, she gave the most coherent and understandable response of all the firms. I’d also been fortunate enough to participate in the Insight Program when I was in third year, so I already had some positive experiences with the firm. But like many other clerks will say, it really came down to my gut feeling when I received that phone call.



I was really impressed by how much KWM invested in our training and development. We covered everything from due dilligence and research skills to personal branding and managing stress. I also was allocated a Supervising Partner, Development Coach, and a Buddy for each rotation. Everyone was helpful in ensuring I had enough on, received

My cohort of clerks was incredibly diverse, so there really is no KWM ‘type’. I would therefore recommend this opportunity to anyone who wants an authentic insight into what it’s like to work in commercial law. It’s fast paced and challenging, but it is incredibly rewarding.

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Clerkship Guide 2018 | 67

At Maddocks, we are looking for people who want to make a difference. Since 1885, we have assisted our clients in matters of importance to them, engaged with the communities in which we operate by supporting organisations and individuals who need assistance, and to invest in our people as they pursue their career goals. Our approach has led to a sustained period of growth and expansion. Find out how you can join Maddocks and make a difference at 68 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society

Connect with us... Thomson Geer @ThomsonGeer

ADVICE | TRANSACTIONS | DISPUTES Domestic & Cross Border Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide

ARRIVE... A LARGE AUSTRALIAN CORPORATE LAW FIRM WHY CHOOSE US? We know you’re not just a student on work experience. We want to give you a realistic introduction to the legal profession. How does this happen? From day one, you’ll be an active member of the team, working directly with experienced practitioners. We also want you to enjoy your time with us – there are lots of social events you can join – and what better way for you to get to know your colleagues?

DEVELOPING YOUR SKILLS TO SET YOU UP FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE We will dedicate time to your development as an up and coming lawyer in our team: an investment in you is an investment in our future, and the future of our valued clients. You will find that our partners and staff are approachable and happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. We encourage our clerks, graduates and trainees to get as much exposure to different practice areas and ways of working as they can – this is a reflection of how we work as a wider organisation; a fully integrated, cohesive, national team. Macquarie University Law Society

Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide

OUR CLERKSHIP & GRADUATE PROGRAM We are looking for law students who have excelled academically, are client focused, commercially minded, and work well in a team environment. We are especially keen to talk to students who have an additional technical degree! Our structured four week program helps clerks learn through a combination of hands-on experience, training, coaching and observation. Students who complete a clerkship are eligible to be considered for a position in our next graduate program, commencing in 2020. This program runs for 12 months and includes rotation among different practice areas to help determine the area of law which best suits you.

APPLICATIONS If your ambition is to develop a career in commercial law and you possess the drive to make your ambitions a reality, we want to hear from you. If you also have a desire to work interstate one day, let us know! We welcome the opportunity to assist our team members with personal career development. Clerkship 2018 |or 69 Applications open 18 June 2018Guide via cvMail our website.

Index: Participating Law Firms The following information was

Graduate Employment

Summer Clerkship

Graduate Employment

Summer Clerkship

Allen & Overy

Hall and Wilcox


Herbert Smith Freehills


HWL Ebsworth

Australian Government Solicitor

Jones Day

Baker & McKenzie

K&L Gates

Bird & Bird

King & Wood Mallesons

Brown Wright Stein


Mills Oakley

Clayton Utz

Corrs Chambers Westgarth




Sparke Helmore

DLA Piper

Squire Patton Boggs

Gilbert + Tobin

Thomson Geer

 

 


gathered by the Editor and may be subject to change prior to the clerkship period. Candidates are encouraged to double check the information themselves and no guarantees are made regarding the accuracy of the information below.


The following


Lauren Kay (Graduate Resourcing

information was

Level 25, 85 Castlereagh Street


gathered by the


Submit applications online via: https://

Editor and may be

P: 02 9373 7700

subject to change


prior to the clerkship period. Candidates are encouraged to double check the information themselves and no guarantees are made regarding the accuracy of the information below.

The Australian Recruitment Team Submit applications online via: http://


Level 11, 5 Martin Place




P: 02 9258 6000 F: 02 9258 6999


Joanne Dean (HR Consultant – Graduate

Level 28, Deutsche Bank Place


126 Phillip Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

Submit applications online via:

P: 02 9230 5371

70 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society


Development Business Partner)

Level 27, 50 Bridge Street

Submit applications via: http://www.


(02) 8922 5596

opportunities.aspx Angelique Wanner (Talent Management



Level 22, No.1 Martin Place

Submit applications online via:


02 9286 8000


Stacey Hasler (HR Manager)

Level 11, 68 Pitt Street

Submit applications online via: https://


02 9226 9888 02 9226 9899


Jan Thomas (Office Manager)

Level 35, Tower 2


International Towers Sydney

ONLY: Submit applications online

200 Barangaroo Avenue

via or by email

Barangaroo NSW 2000


P: 02 9263 4575

(Applications should include a detailed

covering letter, CV and current academic

Kristie Barton (Clerkship Program Manager)


Submit applications online via:

CLAYTON UTZ Level 15, 1 Bligh Street



Level 27 & 34, ANZ Tower

P: 02 9353 5474

161 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 200

P: 02 9322 4313

Sarah Pinczewski (Graduate Re-

sourcing Consultant)

James Keane (Graduate Recruitment

Submit applications online via:


Submit applications online via: (Applications should


include a covering letter, detailed CV and

Level 17, 8 Chifley, 8-12 Chifley Square

current academic transcript)

SYDNEY NSW 2000 02 9210 6135


Level 14, Australia Square

Rhea Shyamkant (People & Performance

264-278 George Street


Sydney NSW 2000

Submit applications online via: http://

02 9334 8874 / nsw.

apply-now/nsw/ Nicole Ward (HR Advisor) Ashley Moffatt


(HR Coordinator)

123 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000

Submit applications online via: http://

D +61 2 8233 9535


(Applications should include a covering letter,

Karen Huntington (People &

detailed CV and current academic transcript)

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 71



Aurora Place Level 41, 88 Phillip Street

Level 12, 400 George Street



P: 02 8272 0535

03 9670 9111 03 9605 0933

F: 02 8272 0599

Jade Olsson (Human Resources

Stephanie Fancoli (Human Resources



All applications are to be submitted via

Submit applications online via:

our on the Jones Day website: http:// (All applications must include a Cover


Letter, CV and Academic Transcript)

Governor Macquarie Tower Level 40, 1 Farrer Place



Level 31, 1 O’Connell Street

02 9921 4880


P: 02 9513 2000 F: 02 9513 2399

Anna Jackson (Graduate Resourcing


Gemma Oldman (HR Business Partner)

Submit applications online via:

Submit applications online via: (Applications should include a covering


letter, detailed CV and current academic

One International Towers


Watermans Quay Barangaroo NSW 2000 +61 (2) 8266 0607


Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower

Fal Madhavani (Campus Relationship

1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

Manager — Legal and Top Education)

P: 02 9296 3592

Submit applications online via:

Kellie Mildred (People & Development Advisor (Graduates) )

Thomson Geer

Submit applications online via:

Level 25, 1 O’Connell Street,

Sydney NSW 2000

(Complete an online application and

(02) 8248 5802

include a detailed CV and current

academic transcript)

Karolina Lisowski (People & Development Manager)


Submit applications online via:

Level 27, Angel Place

123 Pitt Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 P: 02 9291 6100

F: 02 9221 0872 Ekmini Das (People & Culture Advisor) Submit applications online via:

72 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

Macquarie University Law Society

Clerkship Guide 2018 | 73

74 | Clerkship Guide 2018

Macquarie University Law Society

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