New Students Guide 2015

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2015 Macquarie University Law Society


Find us



Building W3A, Macquarie Law School (Bottom Level)

Contact us Telephone: (02) 9850 7939


Facebook page: MacquarieUniversityLawSociety

Keeping in touch! MULS Facebook Page

Facebook Cohort

The Facebook page is your direct link to the latest news and information concerning MULS activity. ‘Like’ the page to keep in the loop so you never miss important information or a key date organised by your representatives at MULS!

Joining your respective Facebook cohort will allow you to interact with other students as well as receive streamlined information from the MULS team that is specifically tailored to your year. For LLB (both combined and straight), join the LLB group of the year you started; JD students, join the JD group of the year you started; and, external students, join the externals group. Links are available on the MULS Facebook page under the tab ‘Cohorts’.

Website Information on the latest events, opportunities and links to important publications can be found at

Newsletter Keep an eye on your Macquarie Gmail Inbox for the MULS newsletter. It will have all the latest information about upcoming events and opportunities.


IMPORTANT DATES MULS EVENTS Below are some highlights of the MULS calendar. For more details, including how to get tickets to the relevant events, be sure to regularly check the MULS website and Facebook page. First Year Morning Tea

3 March

First Year Law Camp

20 – 22 March


26 March

Law Revue Auditions

8, 9, 10 April

Sports Gala Day

26 April

Law Cruise

Week 8/9, Semester 1


13 August

Law Revue Performances

23 August – 5 September

Social Justice Trivia Night

Week 8, Semester 2

Law Ball

9 October

MULS COMPETITIONS First Year students are able to compete in the MULS Junior Client Interview competition in Semester Two. The Junior Client Interview is only open to 1st and 2nd year students, and registration will begin in August. Make sure you check out the competitions page on the MULS website for important information regarding competitions when it becomes available:

UNIVERSITY DATES For the academic calendar and other important administrative dates see: about/calendar.html.


PRESIDENT ’S WELCOME Tim Grellman PRESIDENT To all new law students, Congratulations on beginning your studies as a law student at Macquarie University and welcome to the beginning of what will be an incredibly enriching and enjoyable journey for you. My name is Tim Grellman and I am your President of the Macquarie University Law Society (MULS). As a law student, you are automatically a member of MULS and will be for the duration of your degree! MULS is the largest student group at Macquarie University and enhances your law degree by: assisting you in your personal and professional development through social justice initiatives and careers events; providing you the chance to strengthen your skills through legal competitions and sporting programs; offering you the opportunity to perfect your writing talents by being published; and, ensuring you have a massive amount of fun in the process through our exciting socials. The MULS Executive is fully committed to enriching your degree by providing these wonderful initiatives. For this reason, I welcome and encourage you to engage with MULS. Consider entering a MULS competition, writing for one of our publications, engaging in our social justice initiatives and careers events or simply letting your hair down at one of our fabulous social events. Do not hesitate to find out more about what MULS can offer you. Feel free to check out our website or email me - I can’t wait to hear how you are settling into your degree. I’m looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. I wish you all the very best for your first semester of law, Tim.


DIRECTOR’S WELCOME “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger. Wise words from a great man. In the next 4-5 years, you will come across many struggles. You might find yourself chugging moccachinos at 4 am as you scramble to make that 9 am submission time for your take-home exam. It could be that you pore over applications for that coveted part-time job or clerkship to launch your career as a professional badass. Law is a competitive career path and there may even be the odd time you’ll want to throw the book at the wall in frustration. (Very bad move, trust me. That thing is 1000 pages thick. You’d might as well throw your nokia brick phone or a grenade through the wall.) At the end of the day, none of that matters. Why? Because you’re a beast. You’ve got what it takes to make it this far and the future is unwritten and exciting. MULS gives you the opportunity to make friends for life with your compatriots in this struggle. You will create priceless memories of lavish social events and great times spent on the sporting field or mock trial court. As Student Engagement director, I’d encourage every one of you to get involved and be the best you can be. I look forward to getting to know all of you and seeing you grow into stronger versions of yourselves. The years ahead hold limitless potential. Welcome to Macquarie Law! We’re all gonna make it ;) Satya.


ABOUT MULS Macquarie University Law Society (MULS) is run by Macquarie Law students for Macquarie Law students. The primary role of MULS is to compliment the Law School and University to ensure that all students get the most out of their experience whilst here at Macquarie. MULS works closely with students, the Law Faculty, University staff and external parties to provide the most opportunities possible. These include: assisting students in personal and professional development; providing students the opportunity to propose new ideas and communicate them internally and externally; and, giving students the opportunity to enjoy their University life through competitions, publications, socials and sporting events - all whilst making connections and having fun in the process. As a law student here at Macquarie, you are automatically a member of MULS, making it the largest student-run society on campus. As a member, you are entitled to get involved as much or as little you like – there is no obligation. However, the Law degree is unlike any other degree available, so we encourage you to participate as much as you can! Throughout your studies, you will work as a team with the same group of people. Naturally, you will want to form friendships and networks. You will have opportunities to practice the skills you have learnt in your studies, both within and outside the grounds of Macquarie. MULS aims to provide you with these chances, and facilitate your access to information and events so you can get the best out of Law School. The most important thing to remember is that MULS is here to help all Macquarie Law Students. MULS is your society. We want to ensure that your time here at Macquarie is the most fun, rewarding, informative, educational, and worthwhile experience you’ll ever have! Welcome to Macquarie University Law and welcome to MULS.


THE MULS TEAM AND STRUCTURE As per our constitution, MULS is run by an elected Executive of twenty-four people. ELECTIONS are held at the end of each year with all law students eligible to nominate themselves for a position, as well as vote in the election.

President Administration

THE EXECUTIVE is comprised of two parts. Firstly, THE BOARD which is made up of the PRESIDENT and six portfolio DIRECTORS. Secondly, THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL which is comprised of the Board as well as fifteen EXECUTIVE OFFICERS each responsible for certain tasks in the operation of MULS. THE BOARD is responsible for making primary decisions for MULS with each BOARD DIRECTOR working closely with their respective team of EXECUTIVE OFFICERS in their portfolio.

The next few pages will introduce you to each portfolio, providing information on some of the many opportunities offered by MULS, as well as the Executive members who make up the MULS team for 2015.

Directors Executive Officers


ADMINISTRATION The ADMINISTRATION portfolio includes the SECRETARY and TREASURER. This portfolio is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the society involving communication with MULS members, the executive and the university. It aims to keep the society organised and on top of the society’s finances. THE SECRETARY is required to minute executive meetings, meet with University staff/ groups, correspond on behalf of the society, update the constitution and ensures that all executive members are fulfilling their obligations.

THE TREASURER is required to handle all monetary transactions related to the Society’s activities, keep accounting records and provide assistance with budget decisions.

Valiant Warzecha SECRETARY

Sidonie Greig TREASURER

Congratulations, and welcome to the Macquarie Law Family! I am Valiant Warzecha, the Secretary for 2015 and am currently in my final year of a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics) with a Bachelor of Laws. My role involves overseeing the administration of the Society, liaising with external stakeholders and assisting the President in his general supervision of the respective MULS departments. If you have any administrative enquiries or would like further information about any aspect of MULS operations, I am contactable at the above address.

As the treasurer, I am responsible for ensuring that all the finances of MULS are being administered in an organised, professional and ethical manner. As a society, we want to guarantee that all financial inflows and outflows are promoting both the current and future needs of MULS and its members. If you are involved in MULS and have any queries or concerns in regards to the finances of MULS, do not hesitate to send me an email me.

I hope to see you on campus and at the many MULS events throughout the year – if you see me on campus, please don’t hesitate to come say hi or stop me for a chat!


STUDENT ENGAGEMENT STUDENT ENGAGEMENT aims to facilitate student interaction within University life, both with MULS and the Law School, as well as externally, such as through the Australian Law Student’s Association (ALSA). Through the appointment of representatives for first years, JD students and External and Distance students, the Executive Officer (Campus Experience) will ensure that all students have access to the many opportunities offered by MULS. Satayjeet Marar DIRECTOR (STUDENT ENGAGEMENT)


Law can take you many places. Hot places… cold places.. MULS is here to make sure you’re prepared for it all …and have a great time along the way. I’m Satya, your Student Engagement director. Congrats on taking your first step on the journey toward becoming a pokemon master lawyer!

Hi guys, my name is David, and apart from being your average third-year Human Resources/Law student, I’m also your Campus Experience Officer! You may be wondering – what is my role? I’m here to ensure that YOU have the best on-campus experience by providing you with opportunities to get involved in MULS! Law school is meant to be both challenging and exciting, and I will strive to make the latter possible through numerous fun initiatives over the coming months. Ladies and gents, be prepared for some seriously unexpected surprises (which may or may not include camels)!

With the assistance of David and the rest of the Student Engagement team, it’s my job to make sure you’re getting the most out of the opportunities we offer. Through educational seminars, debating events and a range of other initiatives, we want to see you not just having fun but also growing as a human being. Whether you dream of saving baby rhinos in Bangladesh; working as a mob lawyer in Sydney or brokering million dollar deals in New York, there is something for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns about your law experience or making the most of it, be sure to hit me up for a chat. You can also approach your capable first-year reps, Lachlan Greenberg and Libby Goode who are here to inspire you to be the best you can be. Good luck and see you at first year camp!


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT’s aim is to make you aware of various social justice issues and provide you with opportunities to learn about them, engage with them, support them, and be involved. We’ll run a number of events throughout the year to do this and also keep you abreast of volunteering opportunities. We’re new to the departmental crew this year, the result of amalgamating the former Social Justice Portfolio (under the Student Engagement Department) and the former MULS affiliate, MUSCLE (Macquarie University Students for Community Legal Engagement). We’re excited to bring you the best from our past and fresh ideas in 2015. Enjoy your first year!

Eleanor Sanderson DIRECTOR (COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) I’m in my fourth year of law and media. I’m known for being that nerdy girl in class who doesn’t shut up, but this transfers well to MULS as I won’t shut up about making sure there are opportunities for law students to engage with social justice issues. We’ll be bringing you volunteering opportunities, speaker nights, and more. In my spare time I… who am I kidding? I’m a law student. In my imaginary spare time I read, go to the beach, and make food. I also struggle with dressing weather appropriately.

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Phillipa Hodgson COMMUNITY OUTREACH OFFICER communityoutreach@

I am the Social Justice Advocacy executive officer and presently in my sencond year of Juris Doctor (JD) at Macquarie University. During my role in MULS, I aim to create awareness regarding the social justice subject through various events, activities and conversations. Having first hand experience working with the disadvantaged communities, I will be able to provide insights to Macquarie University Law students about my experiences and future prospects within this sector. I am sure I will have a great time with MULS team and its members during my role

Hi! I’m Pip Hodgson, I’m in my third year at Macquarie University studying Arts/ Law with a major in Indigenous Studies and I am this year’s Executive Officer for Community Outreach. My two greatest loves in life are engaging with the local community to achieve social justice and garlic bread. Whilst I’m probably not in the position to offer any type of carbohydrate goodness, I will most certainly strive to provide opportunities for law students to get involved in the local community through legal outreach initiatives.

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CAREER ENGAGEMENT The CAREER ENGAGEMENT portfolio’s role is to represent MULS’ interests to our sponsors. This entails securing the society’s sponsorship, liaising with sponsors and assisting with the coordination of careers events, enabling us to deliver accurate and current information to you about corporate and public interest career opportunities.

Matthew O’Connor DIRECTOR (CAREER ENGAGEMENT) My role as Director is to represent MULS’ interests to Law firms and our sponsors. This entails securing the societies sponsorship, liaising with sponsors and assisting with the coordination of careers events. Hailing from country northwest NSW, I have traded my tractor in for law text books and now spend most of my time in the library. So feel free to come and have a chat about career opportunities and events. Enjoy your first year at Macquarie Law School!


Sheridan New PUBLIC INTEREST CAREERS OFFICER publicinterestcareers@

My name is Pavitra Raja and I’m currently studying my second year in the Juris Doctor program. As the Corporate Careers Officer, my role is to represent MULS’ interests to law firms and our sponsors, and to organise kick-ass career events, which will help you in your path to become successful lawyers!

Hello all, my name is Sheridan New and I am a fourth year B International Studies/B Laws student. My role in MULS is the Public Interest Careers Officer which means that I will be providing information and organising events to inform you about noncorporate careers. This mainly includes careers in government departments, NGOs and noncommercial firms. Having just returned from my semester abroad, I am really excited to jump in and meet you all!

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COMPETITIONS COMPETITION experience complements your law degree. Competitions improve your skills of basic legal knowledge, professional manners, time management skills and teamworkoriented practices. It is also a great way for you to develop friendships with other students. This year MULS will provide students the opportunity to compete in several exciting and challenging competitions. For first years, we have Junior Client Interview which will run in second semester. For those who perform exceptionally well, we also have external competitions where successful students will be ambassadors for Macquarie Law on the domestic and international stage.



My name is Baheej Sheikh and I am currently in my 4th year of studies in Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws with a Major in Economics. I will be your Director of Competitions this year. With my awesome team, I will be responsible in providing you with the opportunities to engage in advocacy (mooting for example), professional skills (client interview for example) and external/ inter-varsity (ALSA for example) competitions. My role might sound a bit boring (probably is), but I’m actually not that bad. I’m partly Bangladeshi and Indian - I know, why am I not doing IT right? I was born in Australia and then lived in Malaysia for 13 years and Abu Dhabi (UAE) for 6 years and now I am here to hopefully develop a career that won’t disappoint my family. Video games are a guilty pleasure of mine, but I would not put it above having a good time with friends and playing sports.

My name is Mitchell but everyone calls me Baz. I'm a 3rd year student studying Commerce Law and will be your Competitions Advocacy officer for the year to come. This means I am the first point of contact for anyone competing in Junior and Senior Mooting in Semester 1 and Witness Examination in Semester 2. For first years the mooting competition is run in house by the law school however I hope to see many of you competing in Witness Examination later in the year. I look forward to getting to know many of you over the coming weeks and wish you all the best in your first year of law."

Anyway, I won’t tell you anymore about myself now because I would like to get to know you as well. So, welcome to Macquarie; hope to see you all soon!

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Lachlan Mack COMPETITIONS (PROFESSIONAL SKILLS) OFFICER Hey MULS! My name is Lachlan and I am now entering the third year of my Law/Arts degree here at Macquarie. This year I will be working alongside the rest of the Competitions team to provide engaging and highly beneficial competitions for all law students. More specifically, I will be organising client interviewing, negotiations and paper presentations under my role as Executive of Competitions- Professional Skills. I encourage everybody to get involved as much as they can as Competitions are a great way to build and consolidate practical legal knowledge and skills. If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me.

Kristina Hewetson COMPETITIONS (EXTERNALS) OFFICER Hi there, I'm Kristi and I am in my third year of a Bachelor of Laws/Arts degree majoring in Public Policy, Law, and Governance. I'm passionate about Macquarie, mooting, and friendship! As your External Competitions executive officer, I organise intervarsity competitions with other universities and liaise with Macquarie academics for the selection of our best competitors. Having the chance to represent Macquarie in competitions is incredibly rewarding and invaluable experience. If you'd like to know where competitions can take you in the future, come talk to me!

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EVENTS The EVENTS portfolio is one of the biggest in MULS, and is responsible for bringing you a host of fantastic social and sports events throughout the year. This year is already shaping up to be a big year, with the Law Cruise, MULS Sports Gala Day, Law Ball and the highly anticipated First Year Law Camp planning already under way. Make sure you keep a look out for ticket sale dates on our MULS Facebook page and website so you don’t miss out on the fun!

Sharan Kandola DIRECTOR (EVENTS)


As a passionate Director of Events, my team and I have some big, exciting events planned for the coming year. A five year law degree can seem kind of long and daunting, but I’ve got some great news for you - you’re not alone! I believe the best way to make the most of the following years is to go through it with friends by your side. I’ve made sure that MULS events this year will be the perfect opportunity to socialise and have fun with fellow law and non-law students alike; whether it be shooting some hoops during social netball or dancing under stars as we pass the harbour bridge on our 700-person annual cruise party. Your year begins with a big weekend away at first year camp; think themes, parties, new friends, games, trivia, FUN (and of course, the “what happens at law camp stays at law camp” moments).

Hey! I'm Kristina and I'm in my third year of Arts/Law here at Macquarie. As the Sports Officer it's my job to coordinate the social sports teams and organise events such as the Gala Day and the MULS City2Surf team. Joining a sports team is a great way to meet new friends and get involved, so don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like to find out more!

The social butterfly in me is super excited buckle up, it’s going to be a big year!

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My name is Maria Toma and I’m in my third year of studying HR and Law. As you would know, law school is not exactly a walk in the park. As one of your 2015 Social Officers, my goal is to deliver you with exciting opportunities throughout the year to take a breath of fresh air and appreciate the incredible social environment that MULS has created for you. Keep an eye out for our fantastic 2015 events as they will be BIGGER and BETTER than ever and you don't want to miss out on what we have planned for you!

Hola! My name is Deen Rad and I will be one of your Social officers for 2015! Along with studying Applied Finance and Economics, last year was my first year of law and thanks to MULS had an amazing time on and off campus. With the socials team I hope to make sure that everyone shares that same experience this year and gets involved with some of the biggest and best events on campus! All hosted by MULS!

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PUBLICATIONS The Director (Publications) and PUBLICATIONS team made up of Executive Officers of Publicity, IT, Editor, and Brief Editor are collectively responsible for our brand, image, website, social media, newsletters and publications. It’s our job to make sure you know what MULS is all about, the many opportunities available to you, to give you creative outlets for writing and editing and to make things look pretty. We are passionate, innovative and always looking for help in our projects, so if you are interested in helping out, send an email to Emma at

Emma Grimley DIRECTOR (PUBLICATIONS) My name is Emma Grimley and I am a 4th year Bachelor of Arts (Media)/Bachelor of Laws Student. My team and I this year will be responsible for ensuring you get a feel for MULS and law student life through our website and other online spaces, guides, and our own magazine The Brief. This year we are all about getting you guys reading all the time and online. Keep your eye out for exciting stuff through our work this year.

Mikaela Heise PUBLICITY OFFICER Hello first years! I am Mikaela Heise, the Executive Officer of Publicity for 2015 and am currently in my fourth year of a Bachelor of Arts (Media) with a Bachelor of Laws. This year I will be responsible for the Society’s publicity and marketing to ensure you receive all the info needed to participate in the many MULS events and offerings. So next time you’re Facebook stalking or choosing between the X-Pro II and Valencia filters on Instagram, check out the MULS pages for all the latest news and announcements!

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Philip Siomos IT OFFICER

Brendan Lord EDITOR

Patrick Barkachi BRIEF EDITOR

Hey guys! I am Phillip,a 3rd year Social Science (Politics)/ Law student and the IT Officer of MULS. No, I'm not here to fix your Mac or to give you a spare charger when you're low. But I am running the MULS website (www.muls. org), so if you are experiencing problems, or if you have some bright ideas for the site, get into contact with me!

Greetings all, I’m Brendan, the Editor for all MULS publications in 2015 except for The Brief. I’m in my final year of an extended Arts/Law degree, where I’ve spent just as many hours in Macquarie’s Ubar as I have the library, if not more. Be sure to look out for the Clerkship Guide in Semester 1, and the Careers Guide to be released later this year both in print and online, for which I’m responsible. I’m always down for a chat or a cold pint if you see me around campus, so don’t be a stranger and say hello!

I’m Patrick Barkachi and I’ll be the Editor of ‘The Brief” for 2015. I’m in my 4th year of Law and although it definitely gets hard at times I’ve loved every bit of it. Throughout 2015 I hope to maintain the high standard to which The Brief has been run in the past due to our intelligent and dedicated Editors. I aim to bring innovative changes to The Brief that will help cement MULS as the leading law society in NSW… although we already know that. I’m always looking for your help! Send me a message if you would like to get involved or if you would just like to find out more about ‘The Brief

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MACQUARIE LAW REVUE The MACQUARIE LAW REVUE is a comedy sketch show, written, produced and performed by Law Students. Performed at Macquarie’s iconic Lighthouse Theatres, the show takes a satirized view of the law, politics, government, Macquarie University…and really, just life in General Audition dates are on the left and everyone is encouraged to come along. Alternatively, if you don’t want to be on stage but have a skit or two you would like to contribute, please feel free to email For more details, as well as performance dates and how to get tickets, ‘like’ the Facebook page:

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UNDERSTANDING YOUR LAW DEGREE As of 2015, Macquarie University now offers several alternative options for studying a law degree. These include the double and single undergraduate law degrees and the postgraduate Juris Doctor degree.

tell you which ‘week’ we are in (often referred to when assignments are due, etc. e.g. ‘the assignment is due Friday 5pm of Week 6).

To qualify for a degree, you must complete a set amount of units. A ‘unit’ is the same as a ‘subject’ at school. Each semester (there are two main semesters per academic year) you are able to study up to four units, unless you have been granted permission otherwise (see an academic adviser for more information). There is also the possibility of studying up to two units in a condensed session in Session 3 the summer holidays.

For information about the units you are required to study and their availability, visit the MQ Handbook: http://handbook. Note that units are not available all the time, so it is important to plan your study program carefully. Furthermore, you will note that some units are compulsory whilst others are electives, which allows you to have a choice in what you study. In certain degrees, depending on which units you study, it will allow you to be eligible for a Major or Minor in that subject.

For semester dates as well as information on when then census date is, fees are due, etc. visit the MQ Calendar: about/calendar.html. The calendar will also

If you have any questions on your program of study or wish to speak to an academic adviser get in touch with one of the Law Faculty advisers below.






Shayne Davenport

Undergraduate (surnames A-K)

W3A 519

9850 7023

Debra Ronan

Undergraduate (surnames L-Z)

W3A 518

9850 7906

A/Prof Iain Stewart

Exemptions/Credit for Previous Study (Surnames A-K)

W3A 619

9850 7090

Penelope Watson

Exemptions/Credit for Previous Study (Surnames L-Z)

W3A 512

9850 7071

Dr. Alexander Zahar

PG Masters, Diplomas and Certificates

W3A 441

9850 7077

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UNDERSTANDING HOW YOUR CLASSES WORK: A CRASH COURSE Whilst each unit will differ, it is usually standard for a unit to have both a weekly lecture and tutorial. Typically, tutorials will have compulsory attendance where as lectures will not (as the lecture will usually be audio recorded and available on iLearn). All the information covered in lectures and tutorials will be assumed knowledge when it comes to assignments, exams, etc. so be sure to listen to the lectures whether it be at home or at uni. Note, however, that technical glitches can occur which means that the lecture does not record so if you can, attend the lectures in person. Tutorials are usually based on the previous week’s lecture. Note: there are usually no tutorials during the first week, but be sure to check the unit guide just in case (some first year law subjects start tutorials in the first week)! All the unit information, including assessments and lecture schedules will be available in the Unit Guide. Available online, this document has essential information for the respective unit so ensure that you read it thoroughly. - Again, it will be expected knowledge!

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Understanding Online Resources Extra weekly materials as well as announcements made by teaching staff can be accessed via iLearn. This is a personalized website page which gives you access to the information posted by the unit convenor (the person in charge of the unit), the lecturer/s and the tutors. Ensure that you frequently check your iLearn. There is also a student forum available (on each subject page) that allows you to ask questions and interact with other students about the unit. Ensure that you do not, however, engage in any form of academic dishonesty. More information will be provided about this in the lectures. Your eStudent (different to iLearn), gives you access to administrational tools e.g. enrolling into units, choosing classes, paying fees, etc. Your MQ Gmail account should also be checked regularly. Here, important information is sent out as well as providing you with a great tool to get in touch with other students. If you need extra assistance or clarification, you can send a message to your tutor/lecture/convenor via iLearn as well as speak to them in person during their consultation hours. Details about when their consultation hours are will be in the unit guide. For more information about any of the key terms above, visit the MQ Handbook, especially the glossary ( au/glossary/search) as all the information you will need is available there. Whilst the above may seem daunting to start, it becomes second nature very quickly. Once you get the hang of it, it is all very self-explanatory!

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ON-CAMPUS SERVICES AND RESOURCES Between tutorials and lectures, there are a range of things to do and ways to get involved at Macquarie University. Below are a few important ones to know;


PAL (Peer Assisted Learning)

A fantastic resource and study space, you will become well acquainted with the library as a law student. For some of the features and facilities, head to the library website:

Operating for most units and open to anyone, PAL provides the opportunity to get some extra assistance for a unit if desired. These sessions are non-compulsory but are a great way to get extra information or clarity on topics you may be struggling with. Keep an eye out for announcements of when and where PAL sessions are running for particular units – often made on iLearn, in the first lecture or in the Unit Guide.

MUSE Designed for students by students, MUSE features two floors of personal study and group spaces, 900+ power points for laptops, WiFi & LAN connection for unparalleled high speed gaming, and lots of beanbags for maximum comfort, MUSE is located just off Wally’s walk in C7A. MUSE also features a dedicated Student Connect zone, which is the front-end for Student Administration and coursework enquiries. Student Connect has self-help terminals with access to eStudent, AskMQ and the web, as well as support areas where student enquiries can be made faceto-face.

Career & Employment Service The Macquarie Career and Employment Service not only can help you look for a job but also assist in developing and refining skills that will help you land the position. For more information, check out their website: units/career_and_employment or visit the Career and Employment Centre (Level 1, C10A Building).

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Campus Wellbeing ‘Courting the Blues’ is a very interesting report released in 2009 on the attitudes towards depression and stress in our profession and the phenomenal number of law students and professionals who are too afraid to seek help (report available at Report%20Website%20version%20 4%20May%2009.pdf). As a law student, there are times when you are going to feel overwhelmed and stressed. This may be due to a heavy workload, an upcoming assessment, personal factors or the one we all feel from time to time, just … ‘because I do’. Studying law is a challenge and can be difficult and feeling stressed or overwhelmed is perfectly normal. Just because it’s normal however doesn’t mean you have to put up with it! If you find that it’s all getting ‘a little too much’ there are people available on Campus to have a chat to.

is located on Level 2 of the Lincoln Building (C8A) and provides: • Counseling services • Medical services • Disability services • Welfare services They also run workshops that can help you manage the stresses in your life. For more information, visit their website at: campus_wellbeing_support_services/ Or get in touch by phone: 9850 7497 If you need to, make sure you use these services – they are truly fantastic. Remember – it’s okay to ask for help! For more information about depression and anxiety in the legal profession, visit the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation (http:// and Beyondblue (http://

A free welfare service, Campus Wellbeing

Getting Information On Campus

Other Services On Campus

If you have any general university questions, be sure to visit where you can send an enquiry online or visit Student Connect on Level 2 of the MUSE building (C7A) or call them on 9850 6410 (weekdays 8.30-5.30).

UBar; Cafes and food outlets such as Boost Juice and Pie Face; Co-Op Bookstore; Post Office; Hair Salon: Convenience store; Fitness and aquatic Centre; Sports fields; Childcare services; Campus-wide WiFi; STA Travel. This is just the beginning! There are a range of services and facilities available on campus. For more information, visit the Macquarie University website: http://www.

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The Australian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) is the equivalent to a national version of MULS. As a law student, you are automatically a member of ALSA, making it the national representative body for over 28,000 law students. Again, run by law students for law students, ALSA seeks to bring together representatives from law societies across Australia to discuss important and common issues to ensure the best opportunities are being provided to all law students nationwide. They also host the annual weeklong conference in July, where the winners of MULS competitions head to compete in the ALSA intervarsity competitions.

Another group of which you are automatically a member of as a law student, NSW Young Lawyers seeks to support law students and young practitioners in the early stages of their journey, providing knowledge, networking opportunities and career development.

For more information on ALSA, how to get involved and the opportunities it provides, visit the website:

The SCLSS (Special Committee of Law School Societies) is a group run by NSWYL and made up of representatives from some of the major law societies around NSW. Throughout the year, SCLSS will put on many events including sports days, social events and educational forums. Attending these can be a great way to expand your horizons and meet people from outside Macquarie. Information on these events will be posted on the Facebook page and available in the newsletter.

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