President's Report: Session 1, 2018

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President’s Report


Session 1, 2018 I.




Semester 1 Highlights


III. Department Reports












Career Engagement


Members and friends of the Macquarie University Law Society (‘MULS’),


Social Justice


It is my privilege to present this report on behalf of the 2018 Executive Council.










Leon Warren | President Macquarie University Law Society

This report is intended to provide an overview of MULS and insight into its internal operations, whilst highlighting areas of achievement and areas for improvement moving forward into Session 2, 2018.




I. Introduction MULS has experienced many exciting developments in its 43 years of operation, and 2018 is no exception to this trend. In 2018, the twenty-nine member Executive Council and 5 MULS Representatives have been working across six distinct departments to deliver the best possible opportunities and experiences for MULS members. This report will cover the operations and initiatives of each of these departments in detail below. MULS continues to maintain a strong position as a result of the hard work of Executive Councils both past and present. In 2018, our vision has been to: •

Maintain and improve the governance framework established by previous Executive Councils;

Gradually transition to a new membership platform whilst ensuring the smooth running of the society and holding Executive Members accountable for their actions (‘Administration’);

Maintain high-quality events and initiatives financially without compromising the ability of future Executive Councils to do the same (‘Finances’);

Advance the education of members by running events and initiatives which complement the academic pursuits of law students (‘Education’);

Further strengthen our career initiatives to facilitate networking between Australian and global law firms and Macquarie Law students, as well as promoting alternative career pathways in law (‘Career Engagement’);

Provide opportunities for members to interact with and learn about issues affecting the wider community (‘Social Justice’);

Offer a range of social events for the purposes of encouraging interaction between members and promoting a balanced lifestyle (‘Events’);

Maintain the strength of MULS competitions whilst implementing a new mooting competition structure (‘Competitions’);

Continue publishing a range of high-quality publications and continue building MULS’ large social media presence, including the introduction of a new membership platform and newsletter (‘Publications’).

To achieve this vision, I have encouraged the Executive Council to work collaboratively, communicate transparently, support each other, and utilise the resources provided by previous Executive Councils. This report will expand on how this approach has influenced our ability to strengthen each of our MULS Departments and the general operation of the society.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

II. Semester 1 Highlights Semester 1 was a busy semester for all departments. Highlights from the semester included: •

Introduction of an entirely new membership platform, Education portfolio and MULS Newsletter;

11 well-attended careers and clerkship related events;

5 internal and 4 external competitions, including transitioning to a new subject-based mooting competition structure;

Over 200 MULS Hoodies sales;

A successful and well-attended First Year Law Camp, Start of Semester Drinks and Law Cruise.

MULS ran a total of 43 initiatives for its members in Semester 1, with an additional 26 initiatives anticipated for Semester 2.


Runners Up at the International Media Law Moot held in India.

Free lunch for MULS Members at the Introduction to Careers BBQ.

Team activities at First Year Law Camp.

Penultimate-year students asking the big questions at Clerkship Fair.

MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

III. Department Reports ADMINISTRATION Executive Members Leon Warren | President Renata Labio | Secretary

Ongoing initiatives ALSA Council, SCLSS Committee, O-week Stall, 6x Board Meetings, 3x Executive Council Meetings, Open-Day Presentations (Semester 2)

New in 2018 MULS Membership, Friends of MULS, University Law Leadership Briefing Events

Department Report The MULS Administrative department is comprised of Renata Labio, MULS Secretary, and myself. In 2018, MULS has been active in liaising with other law student societies at Australian Law Students Association Councils and Special Committee of Law Student Societies (SCLSS) meetings, which have provided an invaluable opportunity to learn from other societies and share ideas and advice. The Administrative department has also been busy liaising with the law school, university and other external bodies, including attendance at university Law Leadership Briefings alongside the ViceChancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Executive Dean of Arts, Acting Dean of Law and prestigious alumni to discuss the future of Macquarie Law and the campaign for the new Michael Kirby Law School Building. The introduction of a new membership platform has provided the Administrative department with previously inaccessible record of members. This record also includes a list of registered alumni and ‘Friends of MULS’ which we anticipate will be of great benefit moving forward. MULS currently has approximately 900 registered members, with the figure increasing significantly each time member discounts are offered on events and merchandise. 93% of these members are Macquarie law students. The Administrative department has made strong progress in our relationship with Student HQ and the Law School. We are working together to ensure all our obligations towards Student HQ are met and looking to amend the Constitution to ensure simplified and transparent compliance. We are working with the Law School to ensure their inclusion in our events which will bolster MULS events in the future, which has already resulted in a collaborative First Year Afternoon Tea. The Administrative department is also investigating potential constitutional amendments to streamline communication and ensure clarity in Executive responsibilities. By trialling new measures for reviewing and reporting on events through the Post-Event Reflection Template, which must be completed for all major initiatives, we are in the process of collating a comprehensive database for future years that will ease the handover process.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

FINANCE Executive Members Matthew Harris | Treasurer

Ongoing initiatives Yearly financial audit, annual departmentalised budgets

New in 2018 Xero accounting software

Department Report Following net losses in 2016 and 2017, our Treasurer Matthew Harris and I have worked closely together to ensure that MULS is able to continue providing high-quality events and initiatives without compromising the ability of future Executive Councils to do the same. In 2018, MULS has thus far maintained its financial position whilst engaging in thorough financial and budgetary reform. I wish to extend personal thanks to Matthew for his many hours of work spent preparing documents for our annual audit, creating the 2018 MULS Budget and for his ongoing hard work in managing this important element of the society. In accordance with our Constitution, budgetary matters remain confidential to the Board and consequently will not be disclosed in this report. A full financial breakdown will be provided at the Society’s AGM in October and the results of our financial audit are also reviewed yearly by both the ACNC and the University.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

EDUCATION Executive Members Cynthia Constantin | Director – Education Eamon Melican | Executive Officer – Campus Experience Sian Sykes | First Year Representative

Ongoing initiatives First Year Afternoon Tea, JD Drinks

New in 2018 How to Succeed in Law School Panel Event, 2x AGLC3 Referencing Seminars, WestlawAU Workshop, LexisNexis Workshop (Semester 2), Education Guide (Semester 2)

Julian Favero | First Year Representative

Liam Cross | JD Representative

Department Report

Chris Alchian | External Representative

Following an Extraordinary General Meeting in November last year, MULS introduced a new Education department and Director (Education) position for the purposes of affirming our commitment to advancing the education of our members. Our Director (Education), Cynthia Constantin, has been engaging with the law school in this regard whilst also organising highly successful AGLC3 Referencing Seminars.

First year students mingling with staff and fellow students at the First Year Afternoon Tea.

Our Director (Education), Cynthia, addressing a full house at the first of two AGLC3 Referencing Seminars.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

The Education Department has also been investigating the implementation of an Education Guide to be released in Semester 2 which is intended to aid students in developing study habits and to provide useful resources. Cynthia’s work in establishing this new department has been excellent and I commend her on running and organising so many initiatives in her department’s inaugural semester. The MULS Representatives have consistently provided assistance in marketing events and providing feedback from their relevant cohorts. Their initiative has resulted in several ideas being generated for Semester 2, relating particularly to external students and initiatives relating to mental health and wellbeing.

CAREER ENGAGEMENT Executive Members Kush Sood | Director – Career Engagement Anneliese Cooper | Executive Officer – Corporate Careers Jessica Lau | Executive Officer – Corporate Careers Jazmine Reid | Executive Officer – Public Interest Careers

Travis Stuart | Executive Officer – Sponsorships Evan Thomson | Alumni Representative

Ongoing initiatives Introduction to Careers BBQ, Ashurst Interview Skills Presentation, Clayton Utz Firm Presentation, MinterEllison Application Skills Presentation, Allens Firm Presentation, Clerkship Mentoring Program Launch, Clerkship Fair, Options with Law Fair (Semester 2), College of Law PLT Presentation x2 (Semester 2), ANU GDLP PLT Presentation (Semester 2)

New in 2018 Norton Rose Fulbright Firm Presentation, Clifford Chance Firm Presentation, Herbert Smith Freehills Networking Skills, Allens Personal Branding Workshop, Macquarie University Careers Service Networking Skills Session, Alumni Cocktail Evening (Semester 2), MULS & MUNS Careers in International Diplomacy (Semester 2), MULS & MUBS Technology and the Law Event (Semester 2)

Department Report MULS continues to provide a vast range of career engagement opportunities for MULS members. Clerkship season and its associated events ran very successfully and with greater attendance across the board than previous years. MULS brought 8 firms onto campus for student presentations during Semester 1 and 14 set up stalls at our premiere careers event, the Clerkship Fair. The Career Engagement Department has recently expanded to include a new Alumni Representative position, for the purposes of expanding the MULS network and running initiatives to connect students with alumni. MULS is planning to run a large Alumni and Friends Cocktail Evening in early September to strengthen our alumni network and encourage interaction between members both past and present. We are currently working alongside the university to make this event as holistic and successful as possible. The Department has also been active in liaising with other student societies and the university to run collaborative careers events in Semester 2.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

SOCIAL JUSTICE Executive Members Despina Bouletos | Director – Social Justice Pelin Ersoy | Executive Officer – Advocacy Luke Gallen | Executive Officer – Community Outreach

Ongoing initiatives Clayton Utz Social Justice Speaker Night, MULS Social Justice Facebook Page, MULS x Will It Your Way (Semester 2), Trivia Night (Semester 2), Mental Health Month (Semester 2)

New in 2018 Clayton Utz Harmony Day Forum

Department Report MULS has continued its determination and commitment to advancing social justice and community wellbeing throughout 2018. The initiatives run by the Social Justice department thus far included an inaugural Harmony Day Forum and a speaker night on Environment and the Law, which both attracted large and engaged audiences. The Department also arranged for a fundraiser BBQ at the MULS Sports Gala Day, with proceeds being donated to The Footpath Library. I would also like to thank the department’s subcommittee who have also contributed to the running of these initiatives. The departments larger events, Trivia Night and Mental Health Month, are currently being organised for Semester 2.

The Social Justice team and guest speakers at the Harmony Day Forum, sponsored by Clayton Utz.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

EVENTS Executive Members Natalie Hissey | Director – Events Nessa Salvador | Executive Officer – Socials Harley Sawalha | Executive Officer – Socials Casey Thomas | Executive Officer – Sports

Ongoing initiatives First Year Afternoon Tea, First Year Law Camp, Law Cruise, Sports Day, Clayton Utz Social Sports teams (Touch Football and Fast5 Netball), Start of Semester Drinks 1, Start of Semester Drinks 2 (Semester 2), SCLSS Intervarsity Sports Day (Semester 2), Allens Law Ball (Semester 2)

New in 2018 N/A

Department Report The Events department continued the traditions of Start of Semester Drinks, Law Cruise and the MULS Sports Day this semester, with all events running successfully from both a social and financial perspective. Law Cruise was undoubtedly the highlight this semester and saw greater than 350 MULS members sailing down Sydney Harbour. Sports Day is also an important aspect of the MULS calendar as the Society prides itself on encouraging a balanced and healthy lifestyle. The day was very well organised and ran successfully, helped along by lovely weather which has otherwise forced cancellations in previous years. This year’s Allens Law Ball promises to be as spectacular as the last, with details to be released in the coming weeks!

Final night of the 2018 Law Camp.

Grand final teams at the MULS Sports Day.


MULS | President’s Report Session 1, 2018

COMPETITIONS Executive Members

Ongoing initiatives

Bethany Leise | Executive Officer – Professional Skills

Allens Negotiations competition, King & Wood Mallesons Senior Client Interview, MULS v SULS Annual Competition, Sir John Peden Contract Law Moot, Herbert Smith Freehills Junior Client Interview (Semester 2), Herbert Smith Freehills Foundations Moot (Semester 2), Maddocks Novice Moot (Semester 2), Allens Witness Examination (Semester 2), MULS v UTS LSS Margaret Cunneen Witness Examination (Semester 2), Sir Harry Gibbs Constitutional Law Moot team (Semester 2), Michael Kirby Contract Law Moot team (Semester 2), Paper Presentation (Semester 2)

Samantha Marshall | Executive Officer – Foundations

New in 2018

Sarah Schooley | Director – Competitions Ashleigh Lister | Executive Officer – Competitions Advocacy Marica Ratnam | Executive Officer – Competitions Advocacy Cyrus Daruwalla | Executive Officer – Professional Skills

Isabelle Messenger | Executive Officer – Foundations Nadine Jacob | Executive Officer – External

Clayton Utz Championship Moot, King & Wood Mallesons Contract Law Moot, Criminal Law Moot, International Media Law Moot team, Herbert Smith Freehills Delhi International Negotiation Competition team, Torts Moot (Semester 2), UNSW Intervarsity Skills Competition team (Semester 2), UTS Technology Law Moot (Semester 2)

Department Report Due to significant constitutional mooting reform enacted at the end of last year, the 2018 Competitions department have been busy implementing new weekend subject-based moots whilst continuing to run the Championship Moot (previously Senior Mooting), Negotiations, and Client Interview competitions. This new structure has made mooting more accessible to members who are unable to attend campus on weeknights or over multiple weeks. I commend the Competitions department and our Director (Competitions) Sarah Schooley on their success with the new competitions and for continuing to provide opportunities for members to develop their legal and professional skills. MULS has also achieved success in several intervarsity competitions in recent months: • • •

Winner, International Aerospace Law & Policy Group (IALPG) Australia and New Zealand Air Law Moot (Adelaide, Australia) Winner & Runner Up, UTS Negotiations Competition Runner Up and Best Speaker, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University (RMLNLU) International Media Law Moot (Lucknow, India)

I am proud to see MULS teams achieving success in international competitions and have been impressed by the quality of our internal competitions, which have been of a similarly high calibre.

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PUBLICATIONS Ongoing initiatives

Executive Members Daniel Lim | Director – Publications Maryellen Fairfax | Executive Officer – Publicity Alex Moss | Executive Officer – IT Swatilekha Ahmed | Executive Officer – The Brief Editor-In-Chief Michael Graziano | Executive Officer – Editor

MULS Hoodies, Management of MULS Facebook Page, Clerkship Guide, The Brief Edition 1, The Brief Edition 2, The Brief Edition 3 (Semester 2), Careers Guide (Semester 2)

New in 2018 MULS Newsletter, MULS Portal, Education Guide (Semester 2)

Department Report The introduction of the new MULS membership platform has created a new avenue for communication with our members. I would like to thank our Executive Officer (IT) Alex Moss for his tireless work in creating the new platform which has proven to be extremely valuable. If you are not yet a registered member or Friend of MULS, I invite you to sign up so that you may keep up to date with the latest, most relevant and important MULS news: The new MULS Newsletter is a medium through which the Executive is able to comprehensively communicate opportunities, upcoming MULS initiatives and other relevant information to members as an alternative to the MULS Facebook page. Our Director (Publications) Daniel Lim and Executive Officer (Publicity) Maryellen Fairfax have done a superb job of creating these newsletters and promoting initiatives across all mediums and I extend special thanks to both for their ongoing commitment to MULS. The Brief has continued to provide consistent and quality content since being crowned the Best Online Activity of all law student societies by ALSA last year, and we are extremely proud of the Clerkship Guide which is designed to aid students participating in the strenuous clerkship process. All publications are available on the MULS Issuu site which can be accessed here:

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IV. Conclusion MULS would not exist as it does today without the generous support of our corporate sponsors. It is through their sponsorship that MULS is able to run such a large variety of high-quality initiatives to enrich the personal and professional development of our members. I thank Ben Schreer, Lise Barry, Eleanor McGhee, Debbie Loo, Sonya Willis, Shireen Daft, Zara Bending and others from Macquarie Law School, along with Ellen Kirkpatrick, Tania Currie, Andrew Hewett, Paul Dennett, Maura Brookes, Steph Liosatos, Christina Levada and Jeff Hargrave from Macquarie University for their ongoing support. MULS is deeply grateful to each of you for your invaluable assistance. I also extend thanks to the countless number of volunteer competition judges, guest speakers and alumni who have assisted MULS this year. I wish to also express my sincere gratitude to each of our Directors, Executive Officers, Representatives and Sub-Committee members. MULS operates as a result of your enthusiasm, dedication and hard work. It has been a pleasure working alongside each of you and I commend the entire MULS team for its success so far this year. It truly is a fantastic team and I am excited to see what we are able to achieve collectively in Session 2, 2018. Finally, I would like to offer a special thanks to the MULS Secretary, Renata Labio. Renata has worked incredibly hard for the benefit of MULS and is undoubtedly deserving of special praise. Her work, professionalism and attitude is always exceptional and is an inspiration to all those who have the pleasure of working alongside her. I hope that Renata always remembers the huge contribution which she has made to the society and that she is recognised for her work by MULS for years to come. As a result of many years of hard work by previous Executive Councils, MULS continues to prosper. MULS is committed to constant improvement; where issues or areas of improvement are identified, the Executive Council will endeavour to seek a resolution that achieves the maximum benefit for the Society and its members. As President, I am committed to ensuring transparency and inclusivity and I welcome any feedback, suggestions or questions relating to MULS. I am proud of what MULS has achieved so far in 2018 and the collective contribution of the entire team in providing opportunities for all MULS members to learn and develop. I wish all members and friends of MULS all the best for the remainder of 2018.

Leon Warren President, Macquarie University Law Society

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