MULS Resume and Cover Letter Guide 2023

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What makes a standout cover letter?




What are some

clerk sh pi a p pl i c a t i o n t i p s ?


Dear student,

We have created this guide on how to write your CV and cover letter to assist you with your clerkship applications.

We understand that this can be a very challenging time for students, and aim to make the process easier by being transparent on what we are looking for in a cover letter and CV.

We have provided an example of a strong cover letter and CV and have shared details around what makes them strong examples.

We considered sharing an unsuccessful example but decided that we could provide more detail in the section on "tips to avoid".

We would like to note that while we have only provided one successful example of a cover letter and CV, there are many variances of these. Please don't feel like your reasons and experiences need to be the same to be successful at Ashurst. We are looking for diverse and well-rounded candidates with different experiences and backgrounds.

We hope that by providing this guide it may assist you with the fundamentals of a successful cover letter and CV.

We are acutely aware of how competitive and stressful this process can be, so we encourage you to take care of yourself and to remember that this is not the only pathway into a career in commercial law.

Lastly, we wish you all the best with your clerkship applications.

Yours sincerely,

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Publications Director

Mikaela Mariano

Welcome to the inaugural MULS Resume and Cover Letter Guide! This mini handbook offers valuable tips, tricks, and sample documents to enhance your job application process, regardless of your career path. It's your invaluable reference throughout your journey!

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Kristy Spinelli, our Careers Director, who conceptualised this idea and has been involved in every step of the process, from pitching the idea to me to seeing the final product through.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to Julien Ortiz, the talented Graphic Designer behind this guide, who dedicated countless hours to ensure its aesthetics are both appealing and engaging.

Lastly, a special thank you goes to Jo Dean and the team at Ashurst for their invaluable contribution to the content of this Guide. All of your experiences, wisdom, and willingness to support students from all walks of life is truly inspiring.

Career Engagement Director

Kristy Spinelli

Thank you for reading the Resume and Cover Letter Guide, the first of its kind for MULS. The intention of this publication is to support students further with their applications, and features feedback on a resume, cover letter, and answers questions students may be hesitant to ask. While primarily tailored towards clerkship applications, all students seeking resume and cover letter advice can benefit from the valuable insights within this comprehensive publication.

This Guide represents a collaborative effort between MULS Publications, MULS Careers, and law firm, Ashurst, who has kindly contributed the substantive content within this publication.

On behalf of MULS, I would like to extend my gratitude to Jo Dean and the team at Ashurst for the assistance and expert knowledge they have generously provided herein. I would also like to thank Publications Director, Mikaela Mariano, and Graphic Designer, Julien Ortiz for their diligence in curating this invaluable resource.

We hope you enjoy the Resume and Cover Letter Guide!


Jo Dean

Hannah Tulloch

Janet Chhlean

Patrick Stratmann

Betül Tumenci


Julien Ortiz

Thank you to all the contributors who helped make this guide possible!

Resume Guide by


0412 345 678 | |



Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts (Chinese studies)

Law WAM: 70.45

Professional Experience

Company | Supply Chain Coordinator

Clear contact details.

YEAR - present

Nov 2021 - present

• Liaised with a network of over 50 suppliers to fulfill daily replenishment orders under strict deadlines

• Improved internal workflows and collaborated with key suppliers on new ordering processes to streamline our interstate expansion to Melbourne during a period of rapid growth.

• Lead project to measure product dimensions, providing data for future storage space analysis and planning

X Estates Co Ltd | Business Consulting Intern

Oct 2021 – Dec 2021

• Developed strategies to support the development of Khon Kaen, Thailand into a geopolitically significant smart city through greater cross-border Aus-Thai business investment.

• Conducted cross-border market research to understand the city’s specific industry opportunities and pain points

• Interviewed key stakeholders in government, academia and the AgriTech industry to understand their interests and identify key areas of alignment for further collaboration

X Pty Ltd | Legal Intern

Experience presented most recent to least recent.

Recommended three bullet points detailing experience.

Feb 2020 - Mar 2021

• Drafted commercial site licensing agreements and worked with clients to bring them to final execution.

• Completed general administrative tasks such as:

• drafting and reviewing documents including execution memorandums, lessor disclosure statements, NDA’s and leases;

• using GlobalX to lodge property documents and conduct title searches; and

• due diligence to ensure organisational compliance.

• Prepared research briefs regarding telecommunications, electricity, and land tax law.

Education Company | Study Skills Coach

Dec 2019 - Mar 2020

• Coached students and taught them essential mindsets and study skills needed to set them up for success in the HSC and beyond.

• Listened to my students and adapted the 10-unit course curriculum to each student’s needs and learning styles.

Leadership and Volunteering Experience


Vice President Internal

Jul 2020 – Aug 2021

• Advised 6 early-stage social enterprises through validation, iteration and growth and guided them in navigating business models and strategy, legal issues such as incorporation and IP, and distribution of funding and resources.

Refers to a tangible achievement.

Showcases passion for giving back.

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• Achieved $XXXX in total revenue from sale of products such as tomato chutney and t-shirts featuring art made by at-risk youth.

• Re-designed recruitment processes and marketing to align with identified skill gaps, driving 30% greater engagement with STEM students throughout the recruitment process.

• Implemented training for over 100 internal members, including leadership, design thinking and project management workshops.

Nationals Competition Coach

Jun 2021 – Jul 2021

• National Champions for 2021 amongst 13 Australian universities judged by representatives from KPMG, Westpac and Unilever.

• Coached a team of 3 speakers to give a 12-minute speech with 6-minutes of Q and A showcasing 2 of our social enterprises and their impact and progress in the last financial year

The X Project | Team Member

Mar 2019 – Jun 2019

• Conducted research to identify major pain points in the elderly space focusing on issues of physical mobility, social isolation and cultural disconnect.

• Drove project through to the prototyping stage, creating an MVP which engages elderly people of diverse backgrounds in a language and cultural exchange program with students to foster social and generational connection.

University Orientation Week | Volunteer

Oct 2018 - Feb 2019

• Collaborated with 190 diverse students to facilitate the biggest Orientation Week in the Southern Hemisphere.

• Led two 3-hour campus tours and six timetable tours for approximately 60 first year students, familiarising them with UNSW’s academic faculties, support services and extracurricular opportunities.

University Medical Revue Society | Head of Promotions

Mar 2018 - May 2018

• Organised logistics for a 3-week promotional campaign, teaching 45 cast members interactive promotion skills and selling a total of 927 tickets.

Other Information

• Other Activities: University Law Revue Society 2017 Technical Assistant; University Law Society Intermediate Negotiations Competition 2018 and Beginners Mooting Competition 2017; Volunteer Army Platoons Cadet 2018.

• Certifications/Achievements: Enactus Australia National Champions 2021; Best High Performer Global Professional Immersion Program (Consulting) 2021.

• Interests: Volleyball, International Film/Animation, Reading, Travelling.

Referees Available upon request.

Shares personal interests.
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No need to include referee details, can just list as ‘available upon request.’

Cover Letter Guide

Dear Hiring Manager Name,

I am a final year Bachelor of Law/Arts (Chinese Studies) student at "X University" and am writing to you regarding my application for Ashurst's Summer Clerkship Program. I see Ashurst as the best firm for me to combine my academic and professional experiences with my passion for entrepreneurship and innovation.

To me, Ashurst is synonymous with a spirit of excellence and entrepreneurship, where innovative legal solutions are spearheaded by a sharp client focus. This desire to get to the heart of a client's needs is evident in the creativity of your legal offerings, such as Ashurst Advance and FinTech Legal Labs, which exemplify the firm's ability to use innovative technology and multi-disciplinary expertise to become a trusted advisor to their clients. This aspect draws me to Ashurst as I believe an end-to-end, collaborative approach to clients' businesses is exceptionally important to being a successful lawyer and developing innovative business and legal solutions. I was also impressed how the firm has driven such innovation in the client experience from the ground up: training and encouraging lawyers to pursue their interests and work directly with clients from an early stage. This autonomy and self-development resonates with my experience as a Supply Chain Coordinator at "X Company", where, beyond daily deliverables, I took the initiative to be involved with new store launches, taking on more crucial responsibilities and driving process improvements to streamline workflows for our teams. Thus, I look forward to the opportunity to undertake complex and challenging legal issues in order to craft exceptional client solutions.

What further propelled me to apply was Ashurst's commitment to their people and the community. The firm's IDB Action Plan, Proactive Ally Guide and Spectrum employee network demonstrate a practical and tangible approach to diversity, inclusion, and opportunity. Seeing both top-down and bottom-up support is especially heartening to me both on a professional level, to foster diverse perspectives, and personal level, as I feel confident that I can bring my whole self to work. In addition, I loved that the firm's commitment to its people also extended to its community, through Ashurst's outstanding Pro Bono practice and its expertise in advising hundreds of not-for-profit organisations. This particularly resonates with my experience at Enactus which taught me the importance of leveraging expertise to assist the most vulnerable within society. Thus, by working at Ashurst, I am confident that I can leave a positive impact on our communities.

My personal and professional experiences have instilled in me a willingness to take initiative, a passion for technology and a drive for continual growth. As a legal intern in the in-house legal team at "X Company", my exposure to major commercial deals with Australia's top telecommunication companies sparked my interest in the need for a strategic and pragmatic approach to commercial law and negotiation. The varying nature of my research tasks taught me both the importance of accumulating a functional understanding of areas of law on short notice as well as attention to detail needed in preparing in-depth research briefs tailored to the company's interests. Further, as Vice President (Internal) of Enactus and a speaker representing our social enterprises on the national stage, I have cultivated a strong commercial acumen, utilising Design Thinking methodologies to advise our six social enterprises on sustainable growth and to build our long-term organisational strategy. Combined with balancing a fulltime study load and part-time job, this has equipped me with the resilience, stakeholder communication and project management skills to confidently navigate the uncertainty presented by Ashurst's cutting-edge environment.

I am truly excited by the prospect of what I may achieve working at Ashurst, and I hope to have the opportunity to discuss this with you further at a later date.

Yours sincerely,

Ensure this is accurate with no spelling mistakes.

Clearly articulates specific reasons for interest in Ashurst.

Links reasons for interest in Ashurst with personal strengths which makes interest in Ashurst seem genuine.

Highlights additional motivations to join Ashurst and shares how this relates to their personal values.

Clearly links motivations to join Ashurst with personal experience.

Explains how they have developed key strengths.


How to Prepare Your Cover Letter

The Structure of a Cover Letter

While a cover letter can take many forms, a typical cover letter would comprise two parts:

The first part addresses why you are interested in the firm and the specific practice area. It is usually one to two paragraphs long. Do incorporate the research you have undertaken on the firm here and avoid being generic. This part should be different for each application.

The second part expands on why you are the best fit as a law clerk at that firm. While cover letters may appear like another box-ticking exercise, cover letters are a great opportunity to sell yourself. Highlight your academic record, work and extracurricular experiences, reflect on the skills you have learnt and most importantly, link that to why you would thrive as a law clerk. This part can remain unchanged in your applications.

My Top Tips For Writing Cover Letters

My critical tip is to research the firm you are interested in. Some questions you may want to ask yourself include:

• What are the firm's values?

• What practice areas does the firm specialise in?

• Has the firm been involved in pro bono initiatives or social causes?

• Is the firm innovative?

• What differentiates this firm from others?

I often found the firm's website to be a good starting point. Take your time navigating the website and familiarising yourself with the firm's brand. If there are any specific legal projects or initiatives that intrigue you, include them in your cover letter! Another helpful resource is the firm's annual report which usually reflects on the highlights of the past year. You should also read any recent news surrounding the firm. I encourage attending networking events to gain real insights into what it is like to work at the firm and the culture more generally. (This is optional!)

My other tip is to proof-read your cover letters. Before submitting your cover letter, ensure that you have no spelling errors, that the correct firm's name is included, and that all references to other firms have been removed. It is a small step that may prove critical to progressing to the next stage.


• Avoid writing your cover letters at the last moment. Provide yourself enough time to research the firm.

• Avoid being too general in your cover letters!

While writing cover letters may seem daunting, the key to a strong cover letter lies in its preparation. Good luck with your applications!

Writing a cover letter is a necessary component of the clerkship application process. Having personally engaged with the process, I am happy to share the top tips I have learnt along the way.

Patrick Stratmann Graduate Betül Tumenci Graduate

How to prepare your CV

A CV is a summary of your education, employment history, skills and experience, extracurricular activities, and interests. The aim is to clearly communicate your education, work experience and highlight your skills and achievements that make you suitable for this role. It is the first impression that a firm has of you, it needs to be;

• Succinct

• Professional

• Use active verbs to highlight your skills and qualifications

• Free from spelling and grammatical errors

CV Structure

Use headings to divide your CV into appropriate sections;

• Personal contact details at the top (name, mobile, email and LinkedIn)

• Education (include any academic achievements, awards or scholarships)

• Work experience (include job title, start/finish dates of employment, name of employer, duties and responsibilities, and any specific accomplishments)

• Extracurriculars (include involvement in university, community, competitions, teams and any language skills could be included here if relevant)

• Hobbies/interests (ensure these are genuine and current as you are likely to be asked about these in your interview.

• Referees this can state available on request.

Formatting Tips

• Use bullet points rather than lengthy sentences or detailed paragraphs of text.

• Keep your CV to two pages.

• Use a consistent template.

• Use clear, easily legible fonts.

• Always go from most recent to least recent.

• Leave a reasonable margin.

• Have as many resources as possible review your CV university services, family, or friend to ensure no spelling or grammatical errors.

Tips to remember: Cover letter

• Ensure cover letter is addressed to correct person and firm.

• Ensure you articulate your specific reasons for joining the firm. Generic cover letters will be screened out.

• Ensure no spelling mistakes and that the cover letter is grammatically correct.

• Ensure the cover letter is no longer than a page — do not stretch margins or shrink font size.

• Don't replicate your CV in your cover letter — rather use the cover letter to talk about your strengths and achievements.

• Don't undersell yourself, this is not a time to be modest.

• Utilise your resources — your university careers service, clerkship guides, tips from employers on campus and your friends/family.


• Ensure consistency in formatting.

• Ensure your CV is neat with clear font and headings.

• Be concise — CVs shouldn't be longer than 2 pages.

• Don't include a photo.

• No need to include written references.

• Listing your high school and ATAR is not necessary.

• Always list experiences from most recent to least recent.

• Bullet points under each position/experience make it easier for the reader to review. Don't include more than 2-3 points per position / work experience.

• Don't leave off non-legal work experience — all your work experience is relevant.

• Don't just list your skills — show us how you achieved those skills and share your achievements.


Clerkship Application Tips

Seasonal clerkships present an exciting opportunity to students eager to enter the legal workforce. Accordingly, it is important that clerkship applications are crafted meticulously, precisely, and in a manner that is bespoke but not superfluous.

Research the firms.

Demonstrating an authentic interest in a law firm must be informed by accurate research. It is the best way to demonstrate knowledge and understanding about the firm's practice areas, its workplace culture, and any indications of/plans for future innovation. It is also a great way to ascertain which firms align with your interests. Some things to take note of and reference in your application include practice areas, firm culture, values, recent transactions and clients. You can find this information through having a look at the firms' websites, attending firm events and networking sessions, speaking to former clerks or current employees. News sources such as the Australian Financial Review and Lawyers Weekly are also a great way to develop commercial awareness and gain an understanding of market trends.

Start early.

The clerkship application process can be daunting and time consuming. Starting your preparation as early as possible by taking note of important dates (eg. deadlines, information sessions, networking nights, interviews) and considering which firms are of interest to you can help make the process more manageable. Using a spreadsheet to keep track of your applications and upcoming deadlines can also be useful.

Meet with firm personel in advance of applyng.

Reaching out to lawyers and other employees within firms is an excellent way to gain practical insights into working at particular organisations. It can also serve as a reliable avenue for asking questions about the experience of working at a certain firm, and as a result, will help to develop a more accurate impression of working at that firm. LinkedIn's filter search feature is great for this. Do not be afraid to reach out to people for a coffee catch up to learn more about their day-to-day on the job and their experiences at the firm!

Elaborate on why you want to work at the firm.

Genuine interest comes across much better than a generic application. Avoid an absent-reasoned application for a clerkship at a firm. Rather, explain your unique interest in that firm in particular, and why it appeals to you as an aspiring legal professional. Consider why the firm you are applying for attracts your interest and integrate an explanation of that into your application authentically. A useful tip is to copy all of your answers into a word document when you are crafting your applications. This will help you with other applications down the line and is also a great way to prepare for interviews.

Write clearly.

Remember that the firm is sampling you as not only an aspiring legal profession, but as an individual, based on how you write. Avoid careless grammatical errors and be very mindful of tone, phrasing, syntax and other details that will influence how your application is read.

Pay attention to the presentation of your CV.

Your CV should be written, formatted and presented with clarity and ease of reading in mind. Do not produce a lengthy document or adopt a picturesque style in disregard of clarity. Rather, consider what experience should be highlighted, and the degree to which you should elaborate on your listed experiences.

Look after yourself.

Clerkship season is notorious for being an overwhelming and stressful process, especially when you are juggling multiple applications. A lot of people you will interact with throughout the process sympathises with you and so many of them have likely been through the same process before. Be confident in yourself and your own value. Make sure to continue with your regular daily practices, such as exercise and hobbies, to stay clear minded and calm about the process.

Finally, be yourself.

Although it may sound cliché, it is important to be yourself. Every firm is quite different and diverse so being authentic will help you and the firms find the right fit.

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Questions students

were too afraid to ask:

For students applying for a clerkship for a second time, will they be prevented from applying again? Are their resumes and cover letters kept on file?

Students who are in their final year can apply a second time and we will consider their application. Resumes and cover letters are kept on file as per our privacy statement. Second applications will be considered based on the new application.

What factors do firms use to "cull" applications?

We review applications based on all details provided, we are looking for well-rounded candidates. We review your cover letter, CV, transcript and psychometric testing results. We are looking for diverse candidates with various backgrounds and experiences.

What tips do you have to make your application?

Start early and research the firms you wish to apply for thoroughly. Tailoring your cover letters takes time. Utilise a variety of sources to find out information about firms, do not rely on their website. LinkedIn, AFR and other news press, employer presentations are some examples of information sources. Ensure your documents are professional, succinct and free from errors. Ensure you clearly articulate why you want to work at a firm and how your strengths / values align with the firm.

How can I include my non-legal work experience in my resume to boost my application?

We strongly encourage candidates to include non-legal work experience in their applications. Legal work experience is not a pre-requisite. You gain transferable skills working in customer / client based roles, including hospitality and retail.

Can you include work experience you have only possessed for three months?

Yes, there is no minimum time in a role before you can include it on your CV but please be transparent with dates.

Do firms need ATARs, and how important are they?

You are not required to share your high school ATAR as part of your application.

Is there a grade cut off for applications? If so, what is it?

There is not a grade cut off for applications. We introduced psychometric testing to level the playing field and allow us to collect more information. We do not look at any information in isolation. We review your entire application, your transcript is only one part of your application. The process is competitive and it will be challenging if you have a pass average unless there is extenuating circumstances which you can share on your application form if you want to.

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Tips for success

Make a great first impression

Consider your personal brand, how you want to be perceived and recognised in terms of your strengths. The best way to create a good impression is by being authentic.

A great attitude, enthusiasm for any task and the ability to quickly build rapport is an asset.

Remember, a 3.5 to 4-week clerkship is an extended interview for a graduate position in locations with multi-clerkship opportunities.

Show initiative and seek opportunities

Have a clear picture of what you want from your clerkship, what you want to learn about the firm, and the type of work you want to get involved in.

Take the initiative to get to know your team as well as other practices across the firm, meet as many people as possible and try to get involved in different types of work, projects and activities.

Communication is vital

Take on various work for different people across the team, but don’t forget the importance of managing your priorities.

Clerkships involve several training sessions and activities. You will also be completing various projects for people across your team; make sure you keep your team and supervisor updated on your workload and training schedules to ensure your success.

Get feedback

A clerkship is an excellent opportunity for you to learn and develop your legal knowledge and skills, remember to request feedback after completing tasks, as acting on this feedback is a great way to demonstrate your ability to learn quickly – an essential skill for junior lawyers.

Take the time to follow up with the team members that have assigned you tasks and get their thoughts on the work you have completed - just be concious of their workload and the timing.

Develop your networks

Speak to as many people as possible. This is your opportunity to find out if Ashurst is the place you want to begin and grow your career.

Take every opportunity to meet people from across the firm to learn about the practice groups, and if they are people you would like to work with in the future.

Lastly, take the time to get to know your fellow clerks - you may be colleagues one day!

At Ashurst our people are our greatest asset. We invite you to explore the stories of our people, history and culture at all levels of the firm, both past and present and hope that in doing so, you will reflect on creating your own story of Ashurst.

Scan the QR code to find out more.

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Begin your story now at


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