MULS 2024 Clerkship Guide

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Vice-President (Publications)

(Career Engagement) Elena Corry Vice-President (Marketing) Mikaela


The Macquarie University Law Society operates many of its Clerkship Presentations on our Wallumattagal Campus, the traditional land of the Wallumattagal clan of the Dharug Nation. Their cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land since the Dreamtime. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.


The views in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of Macquarie University or MULS members. Although accuracy was ensured as of 20 May 2024, MULS advises all Summer Clerkships applicants to verify information with the respective firms.

The information included in this publication does not constitute professional advice. Accordingly, users acknowledge their responsibility for actions taken based on this guide and will not hold any MULS members liable for resulting damage

TABLE OF CONTENTS 07 Clerkship Fundamentals 19 Online Testing 15 The Application 22 Interviews 29 Networking 35 Meet the Clerkship Firms CONTRIBUTORS
Jordan Lau
Alice Mahdavi
President Sonia Wensley Editor

Welcometothe ClerkshipGuide


Welcome to the 2024 Clerkship Guide! At MULS, we understand the Clerkship Process can be an extraordinarily difficult, stressful and laborious time, though we also recognise that it can encourage students to excel and discover their best attributes. The Clerkship Guide is designed to demystify the application process and provide insight into the range of firms and practice areas that students have the option of applying for. This year, my team has constructed a beginning-to-end overview of what is involved in the clerkship process, how students can be best equipped for it and the personal development benefits that it can offer.

Phone Number


Email Address

We intend for this Guide to be your crutch throughout the process - a resource that can be referred back to for general information and small enquiries. For those familiar with clerkships, we anticipate that the Guide will be most optimally used to fill gaps in your knowledge regarding niche areas of the clerkship process from cocktail evenings to Zoom interview etiquette. 2024 will also see the reintroduction of the Resume & Cover Letter Guide, which we recommend all students look out for to enhance their written application skills.


This publication is the product of diligent work by our Publications, Career Engagement and Marketing portfolios who should be commended in their work this year. I would also like to extend a thanks to our sponsors and their sustained and invaluable support for the Macquarie University Law Society. We are honoured to continue our collaboration with you.


is marks an exciting collaboration between the areers and Publications Portfolio, showcasing the dication and hard work of individuals who have elessly strived to provide you, with the tools and sights to excel in your clerkship applications. A erkship presents an exceptional opportunity to ne your legal skills and gain firsthand experience a commercial law firm. Even if you are uncertain out pursuing this path, I encourage you to explore e insights offered within these pages and nsider applying.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind those who are reading that a clerkship is not the only path into commercial law. While it can be a valuable experience, it's essential to recognise that there are multiple avenues to pursue if you're interested in this field. The clerkship application journey can be demanding, so it's crucial to take care of yourself and seek support when needed. Remember to put your best foot forward while maintaining a healthy balance.



I extend my sincere gratitude to all the contributors who have provided valuable insights to students eager to learn more about the firms they wish to apply to.

Special thanks to Alice, Vice-President (Career Engagement), Jordan, VicePresident (Publications), Elena, Vice-President (Marketing) and Sonia, the Editor, for their hard work and tireless efforts in producing this publication. The countless hours invested by the dedicated team have resulted in a Clerkship Guide that I hope will assist fellow MQ Law Students in their pursuit of clerkships. Best of luck for everyone who is applying for clerkships this year!

Phone Number
Email Address Phone Number 123-456-7890

m delighted to welcome you to the 2024 cquarie University Law Student Society kship Guide. This guide is prepared by our derful President, Vice-President (Publications), the Vice-President (Marketing), who have all ked extremely hard to provide you with all of the s to succeed in applying for clerkships in 2024!

Phone Number


erkship offers students a unique opportunity to ate a career in commercial law and gain a pse of the workings of a large firm. The lication process itself is an invaluable erience, allowing you to reflect on your skills and butes while presenting your qualifications for a cific legal role.

Email Address

erspective on clerkships, emphasising not only position but also the importance of maintaining y p y eing throughout the application and interview process. Featuring interviews with students who have successfully completed summer clerkships, this guide offers an insider’s view on excelling at every stage of the clerkship journey.


This publication has been meticulously crafted to function in synergy with our comprehensive Resume & Cover Letter Guide, as well as the Clerkship Series featured on the MULS Justified Podcast on Spotify.

We extend our profound gratitude to our sponsors for their generous support of this Clerkship Guide and our other initiatives, which enable us to provide these valuable resources to our members.

Should you choose to apply, we extend our best wishes for your success!



08 Clerkship 101

09 Clerkship Timeline

10 Common Practice Areas




is a clerkship?

Legal clerkships are paid employment programs lasting approximately ten weeks. In New South Wales, clerkships primarily run over the summer break. They provide students with the opportunity to experience working in commercial law firms, across different practice areas.

02 Why should I do a clerkship?

For students with an interest in commercial law, the clerkship program can serve as a reliable stepping stone into a graduate position and other future employment opportunities

The clerkship program allows students to gain knowledge and hands-on experience, as well as construct valuable networks prior to graduation. As clerks often complete 2-3 rotations within a firm, clerkships provide law students with an insight into a diverse range of law which can assist students in developing their particular interests.

03 Who is eligible to apply?

According to the Law Society of New South Wales Clerkship Guidelines, law students in their penultimate and final years are eligible to apply for clerkships We recommend that students inquire with firms prior to applying regarding their eligibility and visa requirements.



The Application | 10 June

Students are required to submit a number of documentation which demonstrates their experience, attributes and interest in the firm This may include a cover letter, resume, official academic transcript and a psychometric test Applications will close for most firms on 7 and 14 July at 11:59pm

First Round Interviews

Successful applications will be invited to participate in an interview with firm representatives either over Zoom or in the firm’s office

Second Round Interviews & Networking Events

Firms will often run second round interviews to ask you further questions and determine whether you would suit their firm. This can be followed by a cocktail evening where you can meet other potential clerks.

Offers | 11 September

Offers to join the clerkship program will all be sent out on Wednesday 11 September 2024 Once you have received an offer you may accept or decline You must accept your offer by Thursday 12 September 2024 at 5pm.



Corporate Law Commercial Litigation

Corporate is the main transactional area of most clerkship firms In a Corporate Law team, you will be mainly undertaking ‘frontend’ work involving large corporations such as the drafting and negotiation of corporate agreements, managing a company ’ s IPO or acting in an advisory capacity for a company ’ s governance structure

The group is often divided into smaller subgroups such as:

Mergers and Acquisitions

Private Equity; and Corporate Governance.

Competition and Consumer Protection

Competition Law concerns the way companies act with respect to products, competitors, customers and suppliers A Competition and Consumer Protection team can take two forms; as an advisory team ensuring their client is acting in compliance with the relevant legislation and new consumer regulation; and as a litigation team defending against claims of anti-competitive trading This team will have significant involvement with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the leading competition authority and regulator in Australia

Environment and Planning

Environment and Planning Law focuses on the legal ramifications of land use and how this can affect the built and natural environment. Lawyers from this team will engage with issues of native title, compulsory land acquisition and land valuations for projects or land purchases their client is conducting This team can often interact with other projectbased teams such as Infrastructure and Construction and Energy on large-scale projects.

Commercial litigation focuses on the ‘backend’ side of commercial work Lawyers in this team are tasked with representing clients in commercial disputes and will often take part in complex and multifaceted commercial trials. These types of teams allow firms to service all facets of a company ’ s business, from providing regulatory and transactional advice to resolving disputes when they arise As Commercial Litigation encompasses many of the other practice areas mentioned in this Guide, Commercial Litigation teams often look for adaptable graduates with a wide skill set

Real Estate

Real Estate is an extension of Property Law which specialises in the buying, selling, leasing and development of land and commercial properties Lawyers in this team will often undertake extensive leasing tasks for substantial developments with numerous tenants but can also manage and negotiate deals for residential property. This involves managing issues including conveyancing, property finance, leasing disputes, and land use regulations

Banking and Finance

Banking and Finance concerns the debt components of a corporate transaction. This can range from, but is not limited to, project finance, debt capital markets, consumer financial services and securitisation Work in this team predominantly focuses on transactional and regulatory advice, with lawyers engaging with a wide range of financial institution clients While a commerce of applied finance double degree is not a prerequisite to practise in this area, a knowledge of financial markets may assist your transition into this team


Employment and Workplace Relations

From litigation, to workplace investigations employment law will expose you to a wide range of matters which may include advisory work, contract drafting and transactions Employment Law is a diverse practice area where matters revolve around an employment relationship, from hiring through to management, including workplace relations, industrial relations, work health and safety, executive remuneration, and discrimination and diversity Most Employment Law disputes are dealt with in the Fair Work Commission which makes decisions on matters relating to the Fair Work Act. Due to the wide range of work that is undertaken in Employment Law, you will be equipped with a diverse set of skills that are transferable across the industry

Restructuring and Insolvency

Restructuring and Insolvency encompasses a manner of issues pertaining to bankruptcy Restructuring is the advisory side of the practice area, where lawyers will advise clients on the optimal way to restructure and manage the repayment of a debt they hold This is a preventative measure to avoid insolvency However, if a company is in a poor financial situation, R&I lawyers will manage the insolvency and liquidation process which may involve ascertaining where company debt is owed, negotiating voluntary arrangements and disputing the redistribution of company assets Insolvency lawyers can also act for the creditors in recovering debt from insolvent companies

Insurance Public Sector

Across all kinds of commercial law firms, Insurance Law is one of the largest and most represented fields of law Firms will often be selected on an Insurance Panel to assist insurance companies such as GIO, EML and Allianz with complex insurance claims that require substantive litigation or specialised expertise. Lawyers in this team will manage specific claims and can work across a wide variety of insurance fields including Public Liability, Compulsory Third Party and Motor Vehicle Accident, Workers Compensation, Medical Negligence and Cyber Liability insurance

Public Law is a legal field that deals with the relationship between individuals, corporations, and the government Public lawyers work on administrative law, constitutional law, legislative challenges, governance, human rights, public policy, and judicial review. They advise on regulatory compliance, handle disputes with government agencies, and represent clients before tribunals and courts, including the High Court of Australia Sometimes, this may even include assisting clients involved in Federal Inquiries and Royal Commissions

Taxation Pro Bono

Taxation is a complex field which concerns advising clients on their rights and responsibilities pertaining to the payment of tax under the Corporations Act and Taxation Administration Act While you may advise individual clients on matters of income tax, your work may also extend to taxation on business entities on various types of asset taxes including cross-border trading taxation disputes Lawyers in this team can manage a range of advisory and regulatory tasks including: communicating and coordinating with tax officials regarding clients’ tax issues; maintaining and organising tax files, records and statements of clients; and assessing and reviewing tax data while preparing tax returns

Pro bono practice refers to the provision of legal services either for free or at a reduced rate to individuals, communities, and organisations who may not have access to justice otherwise This practice covers a broad range of legal issues, including immigration and refugee law, family law, environmental law, human rights, and social justice matters It is the legal profession’s form of giving back and using their resources to make a real difference


Intellectual Property Energy and Natural Resources

This practice area focuses on the registration, enforcement and breach of commercial trademarks Similar to Competition and Consumer Protection, this practice area also undertakes both advisory and litigious work, and will have a strong collaboration with Commercial Litigation teams Intellectual Property lawyers are responsible for developing strategies to protect the commercial potential of brands while mitigating the risk of breaching competitor trademarks.

Infrastructure and Construction

Infrastructure and Construction Law concerns the contracting, financing and building of major projects and physical infrastructure Lawyers in this team will have to grapple with complex issues throughout the development and delivery of major infrastructure projects On the transactional side, this team can manage the dealmaking and contracting of services for the project and advise private investors and developers On the litigation side, Construction Litigation Lawyers can manage dispute that occur between parties during and after the construction of the project This team can also collaborate with various other teams, including Environment and Planning for land use compliance and the Banking and Finance team for project financing

Energy and Natural Resources Law is a rapidly expanding practice area which focuses on the sale and management of resources and the construction and use of energy facilities. This is an extensive area of law as it encompasses a wide range of transactions from oil and gas mining to renewable energy and power supply Lawyers in this team will be involved in providing advice to energy companies on compliance and relevant environmental safety regulation as well as providing due diligence research for energy providers.

Digital Law

Digital law is a broad umbrella term for advisory and litigation services pertaining to the creation, use and management of digital technologies Work in this practice area can involve a number of emerging areas including digital privacy litigation, generative AI usage and ICT procurement Digital Law intersects with a number of other practices including Intellectual Property and Competition Law, meaning that lawyers in this practice area are exposed to a wide variety of work.


Get organised

Preparing early for clerkships is vital! The process starts much earlier than might be expected, so be sure to be researching firms you are interested in and their application windows up to 12 months in advance to make sure you don’t miss them. It is a good idea to put the key dates of firms you like in your calendar so you are reminded of them when the time comes around

Knowing what you need to do and when to do it is so important for managing stress Allowing yourself the time to have the applications organised before they are due can help you avoid the unnecessary stress of trying to sort your applications on time.

Maintain a daily routine

Routines can be helpful for avoiding the mental load or deciding what to do each day By scheduling your day you will know what you're doing and focus on it without thinking about what you are doing next

Additionally, consistent scheduling can help you remind yourself to eat, drink, and take breaks regularly When things get stressful, having the burden of these tasks removed can assist a lot in making it all go smoother.

Schedule your breaks

Make sure to rest! You probably hear this all the time, but if you don’t actually rest then you will burn out. Scheduling your breaks means you can actually rest peacefully during them rather than feeling guilty about having the break. Be sure to schedule your breaks regularly and long enough so that you do rest

Get enough sleep

Sleep plays a significant role in your performance levels and is vital for recovery after stressful days. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you have one bad night of sleep don’t fret but try not to make a habit of it!

Accepting rejection

No matter what it is you ’ re trying to do, rejection is can be a natural part of the process. When it comes to the clerkship process, keep in mind the high volume of applicants for a small pool of job offers. Even participating in the clerkship process itself is beneficial as it allows you an opportunity to build a variety of soft skills which are transferrable to array of professional and personal settings Try to keep in touch with the firm representatives you have met during the process. Most importantly, know that when you are ready to try again, you will have the benefit of this lived experience


If you are finding it difficult to cope with the stress of the clerkship process or are experiencing personal difficulties, please reach out to the university’s free health and wellbeing service, Student Wellbeing. They are located at the Australian Hearing Hub, 16 University Avenue, and they offer free counselling services.

Additionally, all students can access their 24-hour information and referral service by dialling ‘1800 CARE MQ’ (1800 2273 67). This service is free and available around the clock. You can also find this number on the back of your campus card.

Please also consider the helplines below for other accessible mental health services

Macquarie University

Phone: 9850 7497

Email: /support/wellbeing

Beyond Blue Headspace Lifeline (24 hours) NSW Mental Heath Line
1300 224 636 1800 650
14 1800 011
511 Other Mental Health Resources
Wellbeing contacts:


What do firms look for in candidates?


How can I improve my chances of getting a clerkship?


What happens if I don’t receive an offer?



Strong Academics

The application process is used by firms to determine whether a candidate would excel within their firm's environment. One of the metrics used by firms to judge this is a student's academic performance. Whilst top marks are not an express requirement, a strong and consistent academic record can boost your application. Firms will often request a formal copy of your most recent academic transcript and focus particularly on the WAM of your law degree.

Since you will need a formal copy of your academic transcript, be sure to request one from Student Connect [https://students mq edu au/study/assess ment-exams/academic-transcripts] well in advance to avoid additional stress.

Your WAM will be noted at the bottom of the transcript so that you do not have to calculate it yourself.

Previous Experience

Law firms often prefer well-rounded candidates who have acquired a range of skills that may assist them during practice. Whether you have legal work experience or not, firms will still look favourably upon any type of work experience where you demonstrated leadership, organisation, time management and attention to detail. Handling cash, being consistently punctual to work or managing stock intake are all skills which can be used to explain how you are a dependable candidate.

If you have gained legal experience through a paralegal, legal assistant or work-experience type role, be sure to explain the types of work you undertook and how this expanded your knowledge of the law in practice


Employers value candidates who are able to show commitment to an organisation or cause they value outside of their work or study. Volunteer or community assistance work can demonstrate your devotion to betterment of others and willingness to enhance the lives of those in need. Comparably, legal extracurriculars such as law society work or competitions can demonstrate your interest in the law and dedication to expanding your understanding of the legal profession. Depending on the commitment level, extracurriculars can also explain having gaps or faults in your academics and work experience


Practice interviews

While you don’t have to recite your interview-speech into the mirror, it can be incredibly valuable to sit down with a friend or family member and walk through what you would say in a real interview A mock-interview of this kind can make you familiar with your resume and teach you how to respond to unexpected questions in real time.

Read Widely

Part of being a good lawyer is knowing how the law is changing around you. Be sure to keep up-to-date with new legislation or case law by reading articles published by firms, law journals or even Linkedin posts.

Get to know the firms ahead of time

While you don’t have to recite your interview-speech into the mirror, it can be incredibly valuable to sit down with a friend or family member and walk through what you would say in a real interview A mock-interview of this kind can make you familiar with your resume and teach you how to respond to unexpected questions in real time.


Macquarie University offers a dedicated Career and Employment Service to assist studentsinapplyingforjobsandplanningtheircareers.Theseservicesinclude:

One-on-one career appointments where students can discuss their career goals and gain advice on career planning, gaining experience, and discovering their options; Monthly skill development workshops that cover various topics such as networking, interview techniques, and how to effectively use LinkedIn

Employer presentations and career events, which include a bi-annual Careers Fair

An online job portal with a range of paid and volunteer positions, as well as online resources and employer profiles

Weekly "resume rescue" group sessions where students can receive specific feedback on their resumes and share ideas with others.

All of these services are easily accessible via the CareerHub website, which can be found at You can also visit the Career and Employment Service in person on Level 1 of 18WW MUSE, send an email to, or call them on (02) 9850 7372. 17

HowcanIimprovemychancesof gettingaclerkship?


Do not be concerned if you do not receive a clerkship offer as there are many other avenues into commercial law! Below we have outlined a few options for you in progressing your commercial aspirations.

Graduate applications

In addition to clerkship programs, many firms also offer a graduate program which allows successful candidates to rotate through various practice groups in the firm and eventually settle in their chosen area. Importantly, more firms offer graduate programs than clerkship programs so we recommend broadening your range of applications as you may come across a firm which suits you better

Reaching your dream firm

It is important to recognise that clerkships are not the only opportunity for you to apply and work for a specific firm. Most firms employ a large percentage of their lawyers from graduate streams or at varying levels of PQE, so it is possible for you to apply again further into your career. If available, we recommend you apply for your chosen firm’s graduate program. If you are unsuccessful with the pathway, be sure to look out for job postings at this firm on Linkedin or on the firm’s regular mailing list Persistence is key in finding the right firm for you.

Exploring different fields

Keep in mind that private law firms are not the only option when seeking a corporate legal career. Graduate lawyers can undertake a range of corporate careers, including working as in-house counsel for large and midsized companies, as lawyers for Big 4 Accounting firms such as PwC or for government agencies such as ASIC, the ATO and the ACCC.



20 cvMail 21 Psychometric Testing


cvMailisaportalandonlineapplication platformwhichfirmsusetoconduct applicationsforclerkshipsandgraduate programs.Thisplatformalsoprovides generalinformationaboutthelegal professionandallowslawstudentstoapply forjobsandscheduleinterviewsonline

For first time log-in, follow these steps:


Register as a first-time user at http://www cvmail com au


Create your personal profile by clicking on the 'Personal Profile' button located on the left-hand side of the screen. Enter your personal details as instructed


Complete your academic profile by clicking on the 'Academic Profile' button, also on the left-hand side

Enter information about your education background, including starting and finishing dates for university degrees and your academic results


Access the Application Manager to apply to firms Click on the 'Apply Here' button next to the firm you wish to apply for


For each firm, select the state, territory, or country you wish to apply to, and choose the type of application you wish to submit (vacation or graduate) from the tabs.

Follow these steps carefully to ensure that your cvMail profile and applications are completed accurately and efficiently.

Gettingstarted: 20


Psychometrictestingreferstoarangeof personalityandlogic-basedtestswhichaim atencapsulatingwhoacandidateisoutside oftheirresume Beforemeetingyouin person,thisisthebestwayforafirmto determineifyourpersonalityalignswith theirvalues

TypesofPsychometric Testing

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests are a set of multiple choice questions which test your mathematical, comprehensive and logical reasoning skills. There is no requirement to prepare for this test as it is aimed at capturing your skills holistically.

Personality/Motivation Test

Personality tests are used to determine your emotional intelligence and judge how well you can respond to social problems that may arise in everyd Results from these tests will help indicate whether you will be a goo for the firm and its culture.

During this test you will be given a hypothetical situation where you a choose the options that seem mos suitable for you. There are no ‘righ ‘wrong’ answers so you should ans each question truthfully in accord with your personal values.


Practice: If you are feeling unsure on completing the test, we encourage you to complete some practice tests online to familiarise yourself with how it will run

Plan your time carefully: Time management is key for these types of multiple choice questions. As questions are weighted equally, it will assist your overall score to leave difficult questions for later.

Be mentally prepared: As this test requires you to be your best self, ensure that you have prepared yourself to respond on instinct and are in the correct headspace. This means getting sufficient rest the night before, leaving enough time to set up your desk and checking your WiFi is properly connected

INTERVIEWS: VIDEO AND IN-PERSON 23 Interview Skills 27 Star Questions 25 Types of Questions 28 Video Interview Skills

Understanding the dynamics of job interviews is paramount. They are not merely sessions of questions and answers, but rather strategic opportunities for marketing where you are the product. Your objective is to persuade the interview panel of two key aspects: your possession of the requisite skills and experience they seek, and your suitability for the role.

significantly alleviate nervousness and enhance your confidence, enabling you to respond to questions accurately and authentically


1. 2. 3. 4.

Ensure you are well-acquainted with the details of your resume and relevant experiences.

When identifying your skills, take into account all aspects of your life, including professional work, internships, education, extracurricular activities, community involvement, and volunteer work.

Contemplate your ideal job and the attributes you seek in a role.

Determine your short-term and longterm objectives. Prepare examples from your personal experiences that you can employ to respond to behavioural questions.



Investigate the organisation through various sources such as their official website, published materials, media articles, professional associations, and networking platforms. This will provide you with a holistic understanding of the organisation's operations, culture, and values.


Exhibit your knowledge about the firm and express genuine interest. This can be achieved by discussing recent developments, projects, or initiatives undertaken by the organisation during the interview.


Familiarise yourself with the responsibilities associated with the position you are applying for. This will enable you to align your skills with the job requirements




Research the interviewer's professional background. Platforms like LinkedIn can provide valuable insights into their role within the firm, their area of expertise, and their tenure. This can help you tailor your responses and questions more effectively.


Develop a list of thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the organisation's environment, culture, or their role This not only demonstrates your interest in the role but also provides you with a better understanding of what to expect if you are selected.

During the interview

Remember, first impressions are pivotal. Aim to establish a positive connection with your interviewer right from the outset

Greet your interviewer with a firm, confident handshake. Introduce yourself succinctly within a span of 30-40 seconds.

Strive to make the interview process seamless and comfortable for both parties involved.

Maintain a relaxed, courteous, and professional attitude. Exhibit positive body language by using open hand gestures, maintaining consistent eye contact, and offering a warm smile.

Take a moment to breathe deeply, smile, and relax. This will help you feel at ease and concentrate on the interview while staying true to your personality.

Be conscious of your gestures, posture, and hand movements. Avoid crossing your arms, fidgeting, slumping in your chair, or diverting your gaze to your hands or outside the window.

Refrain from using slang, colloquial expressions, or incorrect grammar

Exhibit active listening skills by providing comprehensive responses and avoiding monosyllabic answers.

Try to understand the company’s culture and the type of individuals who work there. This will help you assess whether you would be a good fit for the organisation

After the interview



Immediately after the conclusion of the interview, take a moment to jot down notes about the discussion. This will help you remember key points and allow for a thorough review later

If you are fortunate enough to receive an offer, make sure to express your gratitude to everyone who assisted you throughout the process.


If you do not receive an offer, take the initiative to follow up with the interviewer(s). Discuss potential areas for improvement in your interview performance Additionally, send a courteous email thanking them for considering your application.



Startup Questions

Rapport building questions are asked to gain a better understanding of you.

Resume Related Questions

These questions are designed for you to link your previous experiences within the position you are applying for.

Academic Relevance

Show how your university studies relate to your application and how this has helped develop your understanding of the law

Technical Familiarity

Assessment of knowledge and issue interpretation

Tell me about your self?

HINT: Summarise your education and professional background Mention your strengths and link these to why you would be a good fit for the role/ firm

Why have you applied for a clerkship?

Describe yourself in one word.

Your resume indicates that you have experience in X, could you tell us a bit more about this area?

You have stated in your resume that you have completed X extracurricular activity, what skills did this teach you that may translate into this role?

Tell us why you have chosen to study law?

We can see you are studying X as your second degree, how will you apply the skills and insights you have learnt from your X degree in a commercial setting?

What are the technical skills you learned from your past jobs that relate to this role?

Why do you believe commercial awareness is important and how do you stay on top of current affairs?

Please explain the judgment of a recent case you have found interesting and why did it resonate with you?



This is an opportunity to showcase your skillset by using specific examples Skills Assessment

Give us an example of a time where you had multiple tasks due, and what techniques you used to prioritised them.

How do you deal with conflicts and provide an example?

Tell us about a problem you faced while working in a team and how this was resolved?

Describe a situation where you successfully convinced others of your idea.

Company Awareness

Assessing your knowledge and interest in the organisation you are applying for.

Motivation and Career Orientation

Demonstrate that your career goals line up with those of the firm.

Why do you want to work at this company and not at a competitor firm?

What particular areas of work are you interested in that we offer and why?

Why do you think you would make a good fit in this firm?

What are your long term career goals?

Where do you see your self 5 years from now?

How can this firm help you achieve your goals?

Motivation and Career Orientation

These questions enquire about your past behaviour to make predictions on how you will behave in the future, e g: “Tell me about a time when ” Each question requires a detailed and specific answer from your past They may focus on issues such as problem-solving, initiative and teamwork Your responses need to include the specific situation, what was required of you, your actions, and what you learnt Preparation is crucial for these types of questions.

Tell me about your greatest achievement. Describe a time when you were able to successfully work with someone you found difficult.

Describe a time there was too much to do in too little time. How did you manage to complete all the tasks?

Give me an example of a time where you had to cope with interpersonal conflict when working in a team. How did you deal with it and what was the result?


The Star Model is a great way to structure your responses to interview questions!


Describe a specific situation or experience which is relevant to the question asked.


Explain the task in detail and what the task was and the role you played.


Outline the actions you took to carry out the task. Incorporate the problems that you solved and your thought process through out.


What was the outcome of the situation? Was the course of action effective and was the task completed?

An interview is a two-way selection meeting – it is just as important that you are able to make an informed decision about the company and the position as it is for the company about you Asking good questions helps you to do so and also shows that you care about the position and have put deep thought into it. Ask questions you genuinely want to know the answers to, not just to impress the interviewer.

How will you assess that I’m doing a good job? 1. What is the next step in the selection process from here and when should I expect to hear from you next? 2. What are some of the skills necessary for someone to succeed in this job? 3 Could you elaborate on the specific duties and responsibilities of this position? 4. Can you describe a typical day in this role? 5.


With the growing popularity of software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, some firms may elect to hold their interviews online. Here is how you can successfuly navigate an online interview.


The video interview can take a range of different formats depending on the nature of the interview and stage of the application process. This may include:


A set of pre-recorded questions where applicants are given a set time frame (usually around 30 seconds to 3 minutes) to record their answers. While some interviews may give the applicant mulitple attempts, it is common for these tests to only offer one attempt

A set of pre-recorded questions with unlimitedopportunities for the applicant to record their answers.


2. A ‘selfieinterview’where the applicant is required to record a 2-4 minute video introduction of themselves.


Your computer setup and background can make a substantial difference in how you present yourself. Choose a room where your face is well lit and visible

Ideally, have a white or blank background rather than a messy room. If you are strapped for time, it is acceptable to use a digital Zoom background or the blur feature

Ensure the room is in a quiet space where you will not be interrupted by pets or family members


Ensure that prior to the interview you have:

Checked you have stable internet connection

Checked that your microphone and speakers are both functional

Dressed in proper business attire, as if you were attending an in-person interview

Placed any relevant notes set out in front of you

Taken a bathroom break before the interview

Take away any possible distractions including alarms or other devices. Place a glass of water and tissues nearby in case they are needed

NETWORKING & COCKTAIL EVENINGS 30 Cocktail Evenings 33 LinkedIn Networking 32 Networking 34 Further Information


The clerkship application process does not just comprise of high-stress interviews, but also includes more enjoyable social testing. In addition to interviews and psychometric testing, some firms also allow candidates to attend a cocktail evening where they can meet their fellow prospective-clerks over canapes and drinks. While this stage of the application can be used to evaluate a candidates' interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence in a social setting, it is also an opportunity for candidates to build relationships with people who could be their future colleagues. It is important for firms to know whether you will be able to establish positive connections with both colleagues and clients alike, so ensure to enter this night with a calm headspace and the aim of being yourself.

RSVP Etiquette

We understand that if you are applying for multiple firms, a clash may arise if cocktail events are scheduled on the same night. If you have two cocktail evenings which coincide, it is courteous to email the HR representative of the second cocktail evening that you will unfortunately be late or may not be in attendance Note that attendance is strongly encouraged, so it is best to prioritise your preferred firm.

Entering a conversation

Ensure that in a one-on-one conversation, you begin by introducing yourself and shaking hands firmly with the other person. Maintain eye contact while you are speaking and politely notify the person you are speaking to if you need to leave the conversation.

For group conversations, it may not always be best to introduce yourself at first instance as someone may already be speaking. It is polite to quietly join the group and introduce yourself at the next available opportunity Try not to be rigid in your approach as this may often lead to seeming impersonal.

Prepare some conversation starters

Conversation does not come naturally to all of us, so we recommend preparing some topics of conversation prior to the event While conversation may usually default to the clerkship application process, university, or current work, also consider general topics such as the news, sports or recent films

TipsonNetworkingat CocktailEvenings


Do’s and don'ts of alcohol

While alcoholic beverages may be served at these events, you are under no obligation to drink them. If drinking alcohol does not align with your personal values, it is perfectly acceptable to be drinking a non-alcoholic beverage or water. Often drinks are used as a tool to maintain composure when speaking, so it may be beneficial to at least be holding a glass of water.

Conversely, if you are drinking alcohol, we highly recommend you do not overindulge on what is served. Be cautious of your alcohol tolerance and be wary not to consume an amount that may begin to affect the way you are speaking or

While there may be other people in the room that you already know, we recommend not sticking with these people for the whole night It is far more valuable to explore the room and meet new people who you may share common interests with, or have aligning personalities This way you will be more familiar with the cohort if you are successful in your application.

Exiting the event

As you leave, it is courteous to thank the HR representative for inviting you to, and hosting, the evening



Networking is the art of creating positive connections with people who you may share common career interests with, with the aim that the relationship may lead to mutually beneficial career or social development. In the context of law, we often refer to networking as a way for you to connect and make a lasting impression on firm representatives and other clerkship candidates to become more familiar with the profession. Networking is a fantastic tool for career growth as it can often lead to the exchange of advice, the creation of friendships or the acquisition of clients.

Networking Basics

It is important to remember that networking is merely another word for talking. While it may seem intimidating, we urge you to perceive networking as a conversation with a friend or stranger where you aim to ascertain key details about their interests, motivations and similarities with your own personality. At dedicated networking events, everyone in the room will be open to speaking and learning more about you which should alleviate any lingering concern.

Networking Events

Most corporate events including panels, speaker nights or program launches often have a session at the start and end dedicated to networking If you would like to expand your networking skill set and make new connections, keep an eye out for legal events on topics which interest you. It is likely that you will be able to connect with experienced figures in that area of the profession and can lead to advice and mentorship. MULS also runs a number of clerkship presentations which include

networking sessions for students to connect with firm HR representatives and fellow students.



Knowledge Approachability


LinkedIn Basics & Etiquette

The social media application, LinkedIn, can be a useful tool If you are looking to network with a specific person in a particular field. It is not uncommon to reach out to people through LinkedIn to ask substantive information about their firm or practice group, just ensure that you are respectful and courteous to your chosen individual. We recommend connecting with the individual by writing a personalised invitation to connect which reads similar to the below:

Profile Tips

If you are reaching out to people on LinkedIn, it is best to curate your own profile so that the people you reach out to can determine what type of advice to give you. Ensure your LinkedIn profile has the following details:

This way, if the individual is to accept your request, you have already foregrounded the conversation and allowed the recipient to take some time to consider their answer. It may even be a possibility for you to catch-up with the individual for a coffee chat, though we recommend corresponding on LinkedIn prior to arranging this.

Please ensure to be respectful of peoples’ time if you decide to utilise this method. Some individuals may not always be available to give advice or catch-up for coffee. If you experience rejection, thank the recipient for their time and continue your search.




Etiquette for Handling Multiple Offers

Most firms make their offers on the same day after completing their interviews to give all applicants an equal opportunity to decide which firm they want to work for If you are fortunate enough to receive multiple offers, the best way to make a decision is to: Seek advice from trusted mentors or advisors, HR representatives, or partners at the firms.

Consider if the firm's strengths, practice areas, and values align with your interests. Identify any additional benefits of working at a firm, such as job security, work-life balance, and professional development opportunities after the clerkship. It is always important to thank the interviewing partner/solicitor via email and call the HR representative at each offering firm, regardless of whether or not you accept a position at their firm.

Tip: If you decline an offer, the HR representative may ask why you decided to decline. It's important to have a well-thoughtout answer to avoid burning bridges.

Mentorship Programs


Rejection Etiquette

If you are unsuccessful in securing a clerkship position at a firm, don't be disheartened by the initial disappointment. Instead, view it as an opportunity to learn and improve for future applications to the firm or elsewhere Take some time to reflect on your application and consider what you could have done differently to achieve a better outcome.

After the rejection, it is also appropriate to send an email to the HR representative or your interviewer to express your gratitude for their time and consideration. Politely ask if they have any feedback about the specific reasons for your application's rejection that can help you in your future job search. While you may not always receive a response, it's worth reaching out, especially if you made it past the initial application stage. Remember to remain professional and gracious in your communication, as it's important not to burn bridges with potential employers.

The buddy program is a valuable opportunity for prospective clerks to receive guidance and support from someone who has gone through the same process. If offered by the firm, you will be paired with a recent graduate or junior lawyer who can answer any questions you may have about the firm or the clerkship process. You may have the chance to meet with your buddy over coffee to discuss your questions before or after your interviews. It's important to maintain professional communication with your buddy, typically via phone or email, unless your buddy suggests otherwise If you end up with buddies from multiple firms, it's still important to reach out to all of them as they will each have unique insights into their respective firms. Remember to be respectful of your buddy's time and expertise, and express gratitude for their support throughout the application process.


By joining the Law Society of NSW as a student member, you become part of a community of over 33,000 members whose wellbeing and success are our priorities.

Our purpose is to help you grow into the best lawyer you can be by providing you with professional development and engagement opportunities to support you as you transition from student to professional.


5 Access to the online Law Student Portal containing information on upcoming events and programs in addition to helpful information and resources to give you a headstart in your career

5 Exclusive and early access to a range of professional, networking, social and wellbeing events including:

• The Law Students Careers Summit

• Student and Young Lawyers Golden Gavel Competitions

• Graduate and Clerkship Recruitment Programs and information sessions

5 Exclusive access to our range of career, study and wellbeing resources and publications including:

• Student Connect e-newsletter

• LSJ Online

• Thriving in Law Guides

5 Tips and advice on applying for graduate and clerkship positions

5 Resume writing and interview guidance and examples

5 Access to a range of Law Society of NSW wellbeing services including our 24/7 confidential phone line


If you are currently studying or have recently completed a course in law, sign up for complimentary student membership today. Scan here or visit student-registration



SaskiavanSteensel Lawyer - A&O Shearman


I always had an interest in work that would provide exposure to international legal opportunities, so A&O Shearman was the natural choice. It became very clear early on that the firm provides numerous opportunities at different career stages to facilitate such international opportunities. For example, clerks are taken to an international office for a week

during the clerkship to provide you with an introductory insight into both the global network and international secondment opportunities that you may wish to pursue later in your career. Additionally, when a lawyer has settled in a practice group, the firm takes you to a training week in London, where you are able to meet colleagues from around the world at a similar career stage to you.

On a more day-to-day basis, most of the clients we work for are international, and we frequently collaborate with colleagues in different countries when providing legal advice. This essentially means that all the work we do has an international aspect to it, making for continuous learning opportunities and collaboration with interesting minds across the globe.

In addition to the international opportunities the firm offers, the firm also offers excellent ongoing training (both structured programs and on-the-job training) and interesting pro bono work for individuals at all levels across the firm. The culture at A&O Shearman is highly collaborative, and all of the individuals I came across throughout the clerkship interview process were always helpful and kind. Given the fact that you spend majority of your week at work, the fact that the firm has genuinely nice and supportive people who are invested in your success makes a big difference.



As someone who wasn’t sure what practice group I wanted to end up in, the clerkship and graduate rotations worked really well for me. My approach was to take all opportunities to try different and diverse areas of law. As a result, I have experienced work that has varied in nature from transactional, litigious and advisory. Having conversations with individuals in different practice groups can also help to get an idea of the type of work undertaken at a macro and micro-level, and what a clerk/graduate can expect if they choose to rotate through that area.

It may also be helpful to reflect on the areas you have particularly enjoyed through university. Practising is very different to studying, but it can help to give you some sort of direction as to what you find most exciting.


First and foremost, the clerkship process can be very stressful, so make sure you are looking after yourself and don’t leave the applications to the last minute!

Take the time to research which firms appeal to you most, why they appeal to you, and note those specific points in your cover letter. Find interesting points about the firm (e.g. previous deals they have been involved in, pro bono work they have done, training they provide) and link those points to your career aspirations. Firms go through a lot of applications at once, so try and find your point of difference and make sure you are tailoring your cover letter to each firm.


Accept Shape what’s next

Join us:
Belong. Excel.
© A&O Shearman 2024

Your future starts here

At A&O Shearman, you don’t have to blend in to belong and you don’t need to wear yourself down to excel. Join our summer clerkship program and we will support you to learn as much as possible about who we are, give you access to the people and leaders you’ll work alongside and develop the skills you need to excel with us.


In May 2024, Allen & Overy and Sheaman & Sterling merged to create A&O Shearman, a global law firm built to achieve unparalleled outcomes for the world’s leading businesses. Building on the legacy of both firms and with some of the greatest legal talent around the world, A&O Shearman is the first fully integrated global industry-leading law firm.

At A&O Shearman, we recruit the best and ask for the best of you. We provide challenge, support and a place for you to belong. And together we excel.

We invest in you – you’ll constantly learn and grow with exceptional professional and personal development opportunities. We invite you to bring your whole self to work.

You belong – Teamwork is essential, and you’ll achieve more together than you would alone. We’re building a workplace where progress is made by harnessing our differences. We nurture a friendly, dynamic and stimulating atmosphere, where you’re valued for who you are, as much as you’re valued for what you do.

You excel – With high expectations and high performance, this is an environment where you can truly excel, building enduring relationships with clients as you tackle challenging and rewarding assignments.


Our summer clerkship program is a great way to experience firsthand our work and culture. During the program, you will gain real experience working alongside our lawyers on real deals and cases as well as specifically designed exercises that provide a valuable insight into the role of an A&O Shearman lawyer. Bespoke training will be provided by some of our leading lawyers in Australia and across our global network.

In addition to completing rotations in two of our practice areas in the Sydney office, our previous summer clerks have been able to spend time in one of our Asia Pacific or US offices during the program. This experience will give you a greater understanding of our global network and a taste of future opportunities at A&O Shearman.

As your career progresses with A&O Shearman, you will be given a range of choices to develop your experiences, such as taking up the opportunity to spend time working in another office, whether that’s a rotation as a junior lawyer, a longer term secondment or a permanent transfer.


At A&O Shearman, we advise on our clients most strategically important business decisions. With a track record of advising on complex, Australian and cross-border matters for market leading

organisations, we are able to offer our clients the best of both worlds: the expertise and resources of a global elite law practice coupled with seasoned practitioners with Australian and international experience.

We focus on innovative and expert legal solutions across a broad range of areas: mergers and acquisitions; private equity; capital markets; regulatory and funds; anti-trust/competition; litigation and dispute resolution; banking and finance; infrastructure and projects; energy and resources; communications, outsourcing and technology and tax.


There is no typical A&O Shearman lawyer. We realise each person has their unique skills and qualities. Our shared culture and the values inspire the way we work and behave: instinctively thoughtful, collectively ambitious, insightfully inventive and refreshingly open.

In addition to excellent academic results, we seek law students in their penultimate year who are team players, have a global mindset, are good communicators, have strength in planning and organisation, are adept at problem solving and have general commercial awareness with an overall ambition to build a career at A&O Shearman.

Belong. Excel. 2


2023/2024 Summer Clerk - Allens


Real Estate and Development (RED)

Commercial Disputes (CLD)


When choosing what practice groups to rotate through, reflect on what university subjects you most enjoyed and what types of work (litigation, transactional, advisory) you would be most interested in doing. The cocktail nights are a great opportunity to discuss with people from the firm what their work involves.

However, the clerkship also offers you a great opportunity to gain exposure to new areas, so be open to trying new things.

I chose Real Estate and Development as I had an interest in environment and planning law after taking some environmental law electives and working in the area before my clerkship. Equally, I was eager to gain some exposure to transactional work, which is offered on the Real Estate side of the team.

My interest in mooting throughout university led me to pick Commercial Disputes, as I was interested in experiencing litigation work in practice. I was also aware of how diverse the disputes practice area is at Allens, and was keen on trying new things.

I also was eager to experience both a small (Real Estate and Development) and large (Commercial Disputes) team, to gain an understanding of the different dynamics between the two.


During the application process, Allens stood out to me for several reasons. There were four key reasons why I was drawn to the firm:


First, throughout the entire clerkship process, every person I interacted with from Allens was genuine, open and passionate about their practice. I realised that Allens was a firm that I would feel comfortable bringing my true self to work and be valued for it. I also felt that Allens was genuinely interested in my development and training. Further, from my own research and hearing people speak at the cocktail evenings, I knew that my values aligned with the firm’s.

Second, as one of Australia’s leading commercial law firms, I knew that doing a clerkship at Allens would provide me opportunities to undertake complex and rewarding work across an array of areas. I was particularly drawn to Allens given its excellence in practice areas that are of interest to me, namely environment and planning, infrastructure, and energy and natural resources. The opportunity to work in market leading practices in these areas made a clerkship at Allens highly attractive.

Third, I was attracted to the structure of Allens’ graduate program, which consists of two 12 month rotations. Whilst other firms offer shorter graduate programs with more rotations, in my view one year is a perfect amount of time to fully immerse yourself into a practice area and a team, especially given most teams deal with matters that span several years. As a result, I felt that this structure would give greater confidence in choosing which area to settle in once I complete the graduate program.

Finally, I was excited by the opportunity to take on valuable pro-bono work in the community on causes that are significant to me.


First, the clerkship process is lengthy and intense and as a result can be tiring and stressful. It’s important not to spread yourself too thin and instead focus your attention on the firms that you genuinely want to work at. In order to determine what firms are best for you, take some time to research each firm and understand what is most signficant to you.


This may include the particular practice groups at each firm, opportunities for pro bono work, international secondment opportunities or firm values and culture. Doing this will also allow you to tailor your application to each firm you apply to, as it is important that your application illustrates your genuine interest in working there.

Second, whilst it can certainty be a daunting experience, make the most of the cocktail nights and other social events. Speaking to people from as many practice groups as possible and asking what their work involves will allow you to understand which firm and specific practice groups interest you the most. Further, these nights grant you an insight into the culture of the firm, which is extremely valuable as you want to accept offers from firms that you feel you will both enjoy and feel comfortable working at.

Finally, its important to be resilient as the clerkship process is highly competitive and challenging. Take advantage of all your experiences, especially feedback from rejections, to grow and continue to develop your skills and knowledge.


During my clerkship I was involved in a number of highly interesting tasks. During my first week in Real Estate and Development I was invited by a partner to sit in on a call with a client who had a biodiversity issue, a particular interest of mine. From this I conducted detailed research on the client’s issue and prepared a draft advice that was later sent out to the client who followed up with further questions and issues that I worked on. I was also involved in some due diligences for large commercial transactions, which enabled me to work with colleagues across teams and offices.

In Commercial Disputes I was tasked with preparing multiple research notes on a broad array of areas including equity and trusts, commercial contracts, superannuation, class actions, and construction. I also had the opportunity to work closely with a team of lawyers on a matter throughout the entire rotation.


Regarding this matter, I was tasked with drafting a large substantive part of an advice which was sent to the client, reviewing evidence, and attending weekly project update calls with Allens colleagues from other offices, the client’s representatives and expert consultants.

Finally, I had the opportunity to get involved in both pro-bono and committee work. This involved attending clinics at both the Homeless Persons Legal Service and the Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS). A particular highlight was calling refugees whilst at the RACS clinic and advising those refugees that they had been granted permanent residency visas. I also worked on matters for each of these organisations, where I drafted court documents and conducted research.


The clerkship was everything that I expected and more. There were three key things that went beyond my expectations.

Although I came to expect this after my experiences during the clerkship application process, I really appreciated how open and willing senior lawyers were in getting me involved in different types of work and matters. I also valued the level of constructive feedback I received and how often I was able to seek feedback on my work. Together these allowed me to gain experience across an array of areas that I may have otherwise not had the chance to work in, and instilled me with the confidence to keep developing and taking on new challenges.

Further, I felt genuinely supported by the firm throughout the entire clerkship. Key to this was the firms respect for the legal services award hours, and the commitment by everyone I worked with to ensure my working hours were sustainable. This granted me the capacity to make the most of, and enjoy, every day of the clerkship.

Finally, I really valued the camaraderie among the clerkship cohort. The clerkship involves a lot of social events and opportunities to get to know other clerks, including weekly sport, clerk cruise, and informal lunches together. As a result, I fostered some valuable friendships across the cohort.


Shape the future with Allens

At Allens, we’re focused on equipping our people with the skills and experience they need to be the lawyers of the future. We’re ready to define tomorrow. Are you?


A clerkship at Allens is the first step in a rewarding legal career, and will give you invaluable insights into our work and culture. With support from a buddy and development supervisor, you’ll work on real matters for real clients and be involved in a variety of projects. The programs:

 run from three to 10 weeks;

 are available at our Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney offices;

 feature ongoing support, including a buddy system; and

 include exposure to one or two practice groups.


In each rotation, you’ll gain a depth of experience that comes from seeing matters through to the end, and get exposure to stimulating legal challenges. At Allens, we don’t work in silos, meaning you won’t be limited to working with only one partner or by your practice areas. You’ll work alongside a range of partners and lawyers, giving you exposure to a wide variety of tasks. Working with different teams and leading organisations, you’ll grow a solid skills base and develop the agility needed to thrive in our ever‑changing world. The programs include:

 two 12‑month rotations in different practice areas;

 secondment opportunities in London or Asia, via our alliance with Linklaters, or with clients;

 ongoing supervision, coaching and mentoring;

 completing a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (via University of New South Wales); and

 a 12‑month weekly legal seminar series (Cornerstone Program).

Until now, I hadn’t really considered what my career might look like after my clerkship...
Since joining Allens however, I found myself completely inspired, especially by the female powerhouses.
19782D Find out more at
Shape the future with Allens Find out more at 19782D


A day in the life of a Summer Clerk

Kevin Adidharma Macquarie University

6:30 a.m This is my new wake up time since starting the clerkship after 5 years of being a typical uni night owl. It’s getting easier as I develop a routine and rhythm for the morning though so progress is being made. A shower and skincare are absolute non-negotiables for me so it’s always nice to have a little time for these small indulgences in the morning. On a typical morning, I’m on the bus by 7:30 AM to avoid the worst of the city traffic on the M2.

8:30 a.m By now I’m typically in the office, saying hi to some lawyers in the competition team who are already in and checking my emails to see if there’s anything from the evening prior that’s been given to me. Indeed there is so I set up my time and get to work on it. The task was to draw up a table that would allow my supervising lawyer to respond to an expert report used by the other side of a dispute.

11:45 a.m I’m finally done with my first task and right on cue, another task is given to me by my buddy to help him out with a business development publication on the state of competition law in Asia Pacific. A call goes out in the level 7 groupchat for some coffee so we take a walk and co-ordinate again with the other clerks. we’re straight back into work when we get back since this is due at midday tomorrow.

1:30 p.m I log into a teams meeting set up by HR whilst finishing the sushi I’ve bought for lunch today. Clerks are nothing if not talkative. The meeting is to discuss the next steps for graduates looking to start immediately after the clerkship’s end. We’re given information about PLT arrangements, start dates, and a verbal offer for our contract to start in late February.

4:00 p.m We put the last touches on our research for the Asia-Pacific quarterly publication and send it back for review. The article will be checked over by a publication committee over the coming week and returned to us for edits.

5:00 p.m My supervising lawyer comes back to me with a task for tomorrow morning to cross check some documents we’ve been provided by opposing counsel. This is another part of the matter I worked on this morning and its always interesting to see the disparate pieces coming together

5:30 p.m I’m done for the day so I save all my work and write up my morning reminder of where I left off this afternoon. I find writing it helps me get into gear quickly the next morning and lose less time on my timesheet to ‘admin’.

7:30 p.m Finally home after all the traffic. After eating dinner and setting out my lunch for tomorrow, I work on some uni assessments that I have due as part of my PACE placement. My uni will be done by the end of this week so I’m looking forward to some more free time in my evenings and even a bedtime before midnight.

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Graduate at Law - Baker McKenzie


My decision to join Baker McKenzie in 2022 was driven by its unparalleled global reach and reputation for spearheading top-tier crossborder deals. During my clerkship I rotated through the Banking & Finance and Transactional Practice Groups (Financial Services) as I had always been attracted to working on cutting-edge global transactions.

These two rotations allowed me to get a real and true insight into what kinds of deals each of these teams handle and understand what is really involved in the exciting multijurisdictional matters spanning various disciplines of law.

From the get-go, the training and development workshops, presentations and pro-bono opportunities we received throughout the program gave us such a valuable head start to progressing our legal careers. These equipped myself and my clerk cohort with the tools we needed to dive straight into the daily workflows involved in all kinds of exciting and complex matters. My most memorable takeaway from my clerkship was just how down to earth and genuine the people at Bakers are. It really is astounding to be surrounded by a diverse range of seriously good people across all different levels throughout the entire firm, many of whom I’ve formed really close friendships with outside of the office. Of course, I can’t neglect mentioning our in-house barista, Christina, who brings so much laughter on our coffee runs to our Level 46 café.


Towards the end of my clerkship, I was offered a paralegal position in the Banking & Finance team whilst I finished my final year at Macquarie University. During this time I was a vital part of the Banking & Finance team where I supported the team across the lifespan of deals. I was also invited to many client events where I could meet and engage with the clientele we’d regularly work so closely with.



The Graduate Program at Bakers involves three rotations lasting six months each where graduates are given the opportunity to become heavily involved in the ins-and-outs of their particular practice group. Since starting as a Graduate in March this year, I’ve been rotating through the Construction team which offers both litigious and transaction work across major development projects. In this time, I’ve attended Supreme Court Hearings, been part of numerous client meetings and have undertaken extensive drafting of complex pleadings, preparing contracts and client correspondence. I’ve also received numerous training workshops specifically focussing on ensuring each of us graduates thrive as lawyers in commercial law.

Bakers continuously gives me opportunities to engage with exciting and significant cross-border matters alongside our various worldwide offices. Outside of work, Bakers has been incredibly respectful and flexible around my studies and was completely supportive when I decided to take some time off to travel throughout Europe and Japan prior to starting my Graduate role.

We have plenty of ongoing social events, community initiatives and Diversity & Inclusion committees happening, so there’s always something unique to get involved with at Bakers!


My advice to students applying for clerkships this year is threefold:

1. Firstly, seek a firm that offers not just a position, but also a pathway for longterm professional growth and career progression.

2. Secondly, seek a firm that is right for you. If you’re wanting to work for an internationally renowned and globally connected firm, Bakers might be a good fit for you!

3. Lastly, ask questions! There is plenty more to learn about life at Baker McKenzie so do reach out to our fantastic people who can share all of their experiences at Baker McKenzie.


Graduate at Law - Baker McKenzie


Since the clerkship applications began, I always found that Baker McKenzie stood out to me as a firm that valued me as an individual as opposed to just one of hundreds of applicants.

During the cocktail night following the first nterview, I admired how welcoming everyone I spoke to was.

I was able to receive helpful advice from various individuals at Bakers. Everyone was also very willing to speak to their own experiences at the firm, which definitely played a role in me wanting to commence at the firm.

The application process at Bakers is very streamlined. The firm really wants to understand who you are as a person – one of the reasons we do not use any psychometric testing! Following the application, there is a first round of interviews, conducted generally by a Partner and a Senior Associate. The firm does well in allowing you to interview with individuals who have similar interests and enjoy a nature of work similar to what you have outlined in your application.

Following the first interview, successful candidates are given the opportunity to get to know the firm and their potential interviewers at a cocktail evening. Second round interviews follow shortly after the cocktail evening, and are conducted in a similar fashion by a Partner and a Senior Associate. Throughout the process, from receiving your first interview offer until clerkship offer day, Bakers pairs you up with a buddy to guide you through the process. I found this to be a really helpful point of contact throughout the entire process as I was able to receive useful and practical tips for the interviews from someone who had been in my shoes not that long ago.


My tip for interviews at Bakers, as cliché as it sounds, is to focus on what you believe your strengths are, not what you may think partners want to hear. Through both my interviews, while my past experience was important, there was a greater focus on my interests outside of work. Come prepared being your own biggest cheerleader!

During my clerkship, I rotated through Financial Services and Technology, Communications and Commercial team (TCC) within the IPTech Group. Combined, both of these rotations enabled me to gain a wide array of experiences across a range of legal disciplines. Whilst in Financial Services I was able to assist on advisory work and statutory interpretation, my IP rotation allowed me to conduct research on a range of unique matters for internationally recognised clients.


In 2023, I was able to continue as a paralegal in Financial Services through which I was able to gain a deeper sense of the work offered within the team.

I then commenced as a Graduate in March this year, and am rotating through the Construction team.


Since my first day at Bakers in November 2022 until now, I have found the culture incredibly warming. Whether it be at the Level 46 café, or whilst working with different teams across the firm, you really see the culture of friendship everyone at Bakers always boasts about!

Bakers also places huge importance on continuous learning. We have regular learning seminars and ‘lunch & learn’ sessions throughout the week across different practice groups within the firm. A weekly newsletters of upcoming sessions works to ensure that everyone in the firm is continuously learning and upskilling.




2023/2024 Summer Clerk - Clayton Utz


hat drew me to Clayton Utz was the inviting d friendly atmosphere that I felt when I tended the various clerkship events. From eaking to the lawyers and partners of the firm ho were present at these events, I was able to in an insight into the culture of the firm and sess whether I see myself being a part of ayton Utz, and the answer was yes.

The lawyers and partners were extremely friendly, genuinely had an interest in the topics we discussed, and provided an environment where I was not afraid to ask questions. Being able to feel comfortable in an environment was such an important factor when I was considering the firms that I wanted to apply for, and Clayton Utz undoubtedly hit this benchmark.

Furthermore, Clayton Utz has an amazing reputation and is known for working on a wide range of interesting, complex matters for a diverse array of clients. Two important factors that I was looking for in a firm were that no one day would be the same, and that my abilities would continually be challenged. Due to the wide range of complex work that Clayton Utz undertakes, such as acting in high profile class actions, royal commissions, and transactions involving large corporations, I knew that every day would be different and that I would continually be challenged, allowing my skills to grow and develop.

Another factor that drew me to Clayton Utz was the firm's commitment to pro bono work. As I have always had an interest in social justice and utilising my law degree to help others, finding a firm that had a well-established pro bono practice was important to me.


Clayton Utz certainly has a commitment to pro bono work as it was the first large Australian law firm to establish a formal pro bono practice, and has grown exponentially with the average lawyer completing approximately 57.6 hours of pro bono work each. As such, I knew that by joining Clayton Utz, I would not only have the opportunity to work in a top tier commercial firm, but I will also have the opportunity to assist those in need.


Choosing my preferences for my clerkship rotations was a difficult decision as there are so many unique and interesting areas that Clayton Utz has to offer.

Going into my clerkship, I knew that I had an interest in Employment law, so I ensured that I made this my first preference and was very fortunate to have been able to work in the Workplace Relations, Employment and Safety (WRES) team during my clerkship. Deciding on the remainder of my preferences was difficult as I did not know enough about each practice area, so I took one or more of the following steps (for each practice group) to ensure my decision was the right one for me:


Email a graduate/lawyer/partner who was currently working in a practice group/particular team that I was interested in, asking some general questions about the work they do, and whether they were happy to catch up over a coffee.


2. At the coffee catch ups, I would take notes to ensure that I collated all the information that was relevant in helping me make my decision.


If the graduate/lawyer/partner were happy to organise a coffee catch up, I would meet with them and ask further and more specific questions about their practice group/particular team.

After all the emails were received/coffee catch ups were complete, I went over the information and made decisions based on this and the overall vibe of the practice group. I always made sure I asked myself "do I see myself doing this forever"?


What advice would you give to students who are applying for clerkships?

The advice I would give to students who are applying for clerkships is to do your best in your applications and trust that whatever is meant to be for you will be. Make sure you keep an open mind throughout the whole process, because there will be times where something won’t necessarily go your way. In particular, have an open mind about working in different firms and different teams that you may not have expected, or did not anticipate working in when applying for clerkships. You may discover a whole new area of law which you love. This mindset will help you enjoy the experience so much more and you will take a lot more away from it than you would have ever imagined.

Another piece of advice that I would give to students applying for clerkships is to ensure you manage your mental wellbeing throughout the application period. The Clerkship period is always a stressful time for each applicant that is going through the process. Whether you have a wealth of experience or not, the uncertainty of the process can be anxiety-inducing. There is always an internal fear of not progressing past the application stage or interview stages. To ensure I was looking after my mental health and my wellbeing, I tuned out from all conversations with other people regarding clerkships.

Ensure you set boundaries with yourself and others during the clerkship application period as this will allow you to preserve your peace and manage your mental health. For example, I did not disclose any information about my clerkship applications with others, except those who were not going through the application process. Make sure you rely on your support network during this time, especially when you are feeling stressed and anxious as it will certainly help ease any stresses or anxiety that you are experiencing.


Imagine your tomorrow

Sometimes it's hard enough to know where you will be tomorrow, let alone in ten years. Who knows what the world will look like then.

But you know you want to be ready for it. You want to help create it.

That means building up your legal skills, industry knowledge and networks. Doing work that stretches you and shapes society. Learning more about yourself and the world. Forging connections in Australia and overseas. Making friends.

We get that. It's what we do every day.

Here's what one CU graduate lawyer learnt along the way.

Ready to imagine?

You'll find more information about early careers at Clayton Utz on our site




Our two-year Global Graduate Program turns gifted beginners into elite professionals. You will be afforded the breadth of experience needed to emerge as a confident business adviser.


Our vision is to be the global law firm of choice for the world’s leading businesses of today and tomorrow.

Today our firm enjoys a position at the forefront of our profession. We are proud of what we achieve every day, working in collaboration and partnership with our clients and wider stakeholders to secure their long-term, sustainable success.

But we are not complacent.

Our strategy recognises that the world we operate in is changing and that we too must be ready to change if we are to continue to lead and shape our sector:

Putting clients first

We expect our people to put the interests of our clients first: we invest in understanding client organisations, their operating context and the opportunities and challenges they face.

Creating the best team

We believe in the power of teams, rather than individuals: to secure successful outcomes, we bring together groups of people with just the right mix of sector, product and jurisdictional knowledge.

Giving product advice

We give practical advice: we draw on the huge range and depth of our expertise to develop commercial, effective solutions for clients.

Nurturing a culture with integrity and respect at its core

We are committed to nurturing a high performance culture founded on robust ethical standards, professional integrity, responsibility, accountability, inclusiveness and kindness. Our values-based Code of Conduct sets the standard for what we expect of ourselves and of each other.

Investing in the future

We invest for the future: we have always taken the view that we must invest today to build the firm our clients will need 15, 20 or more years into the future. As a result, our resources are worldclass, whether our people, our know-how, our approach to client service, or our sheer geographic footprint across 32 major financial centres across the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.


We are one of the largest international law firms in the world, with over 30 offices across the globe. We believe every career at Clifford Chance should be rewarding and stimulating – full of opportunities to learn, thrive, and grow. That’s why we’re so proud of our inclusive, friendly, and team-based approach to work.

We work with our clients on market-shaping transactions and headline-hitting disputes. Most of our matters span international borders and involve numerous cross-practice groups – for example, our award winning investor-state arbitration team work on international mandates with overseas clients, colleagues and counsel on a daily basis.

Our one firm global strategy is focused on targeted growth led by the needs of our core clients, those who we can best support with the breadth and depth of Clifford Chance expertise, across the sectors and geographies, which matter most to them.

Whichever area of the business you join, you’ll become an integral part an innovative, diverse and ambitious team of people.

Clifford Chance is a place where the brightest minds and the best of colleagues meet.


Our clerkship program will provide you with a real insight into life as a lawyer at an elite global law firm. You will have two rotations in different practice areas over the course of the Clerkship Program. You will work alongside partners and fee earners on real-time matters and be given the opportunity to attend world class training.

Who should apply?

Penultimate year students who are available to participate in the March 2026 Graduate Program.

How many clerks do we take?

Perth: 5 – 8

Sydney: 8 – 12

Clerkship dates

Perth: November – December 2024

Sydney: November 2024 – January 2025

When to apply?

Perth: 24 June – 28 July 2024

Sydney: 10 June – 14 July 2024

It takes immense drive and motivation to stay ahead in a world that’s changing as fast as ours. If you’re excited and inspired by that, Clifford Chance could be the right firm for you.

Scan the QR code to submit your application.

For enquiries, please email:

Meg Green

Office: Sydney

Clerkship year: 2020

Joined the firm: 2022


Our Global Graduate Program is one-of-a-kind in Australia:

• Four rotations, each lasting six months

• Globally significant and headline-hitting work

• World-class training

• International secondment to an overseas office for six months

• No red tape, with access to colleagues and clients around the globe

• Market leading salary and benefits package

In addition to international secondment, you will have the opportunity to work across our award-winning teams in Perth and Sydney, including:

Litigation & Dispute Resolution Corporate Antitrust & Competition

How to apply?

Financial Markets

Graduate offers are primarily made to students who successfully complete the Clerkship Program. We occasionally open direct applications to students who have not completed our Clerkship Program.

How many graduates do we take?

Perth: 4 – 6

Sydney: 7 – 10

University: University of Notre Dame (Fremantle)

I started my career with Clifford Chance in the Perth office, where as a clerk I rotated through the Arbitration and Regulatory teams. The interview process involved interviews with lawyers with a range of experience which was a great way to meet a variety of people across the firm and get an understanding of the work Clifford Chance does from the start. The tasks I was given during my clerkship were challenging and interesting and provided great insight into what it would be like to join the firm.

As a trainee, I have rotated through teams in our Perth, Sydney and Hong Kong offices. Each of these experiences has given me ample opportunities to try new things and helped to develop my skills as a lawyer. It is truly a global firm and being able to work across the different offices and collaborate with lawyers around the world is a fantastic opportunity. Across the firm, people are welcoming and provide a lot of support and encouragement to trainees, no matter their level of experience.

My advice: be comfortable to be yourself! We are very welcoming and want to get to know you. It will also ensure you have a better understanding of whether the firm is the right fit for you. 2402-009887


SladjanaKuridza Law Graduate - Corrs Chambers Westgarth

What does the application and interview processlooklikeatCorrs?

The Corrs application process is a little different to most firms. Along with submitting your CV, you are required to answer two questions which are almost like a deconstructed cover letter. These questions are an opportunity for you to talk about what interests you about Corrs and what makes you a great clerkship candidate.

If successful, you will then be selected for an interview with a firm partner, senior associate, and HR representative. Corrs only conducts a single round of interviews before making offers. You will also be invited to attend the office for an information evening, which will give you an opportunity to learn more about the firm.


My clerkship rotations were in the banking and finance, environment and planning and real estate practice groups. As someone who had previously worked in litigious practice groups, I wanted to get a taste of transactional work and learn something completely new. I really enjoyed energy and natural resources law and environmental law in university, so I selected environment and planning as a clerkship rotation. I would recommend thinking about the kind of subjects you enjoyed at university, as well as picking rotations that will give you broad exposure to different practice areas that reflect your interests.

What does a day as a clerk at Corrs Chambers Westgarth look like and what workwereyouinvolvedin?

A day as a Corrs clerk is exciting from start to finish. During the clerkship, I had the opportunity to be involved in a confidential company acquisition, with multiple practice groups working on the same transaction. t was exciting to know that I was contributing to an important transaction for the firm and that my work would go out to multiple external stakeholders.


The acquisition was later written about in national newspapers. Besides being exposed to high profile clients and transactions, as a clerk you spend a lot of time making connections with partners and associates who are extremely friendly, and who you may end up working with in the future.


You can expect to gain a comprehensive set of skills throughout the clerkship as you are given the opportunity to work on live and ongoing matters. Depending on the practice group, you can expect to improve your time management skills as you will be working on multiple tasks with competing deadlines. You will also enhance your communication skills as you will be asking questions about the client, the task or project you are working on and report on your progress.

Importantly, you will enhance your networking skills as you meet your team in each rotation and build relationships with people across all levels of the firm. WhydidyouchooseCorrs?Whatqualitiesmakeyourfirmstandout?

One of the greatest qualities about Corrs that stood out to me was the firm’s distinguished reputation in commercial litigation and arbitration. I wanted the opportunity to work with prestigious national and international clients on complex matters, alongside some of the best litigation lawyers in the country. Another key factor for me was that Corrs truly invests in the learning and development of its graduates. I loved that Corrs strives to produce the best graduates in the country, and that the firm would invest in my professional and personal development. This allowed me to become a valuable team member, contribute to the ongoing success of the firm and provide the best outcomes for our clients.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Corrs Chambers Westgarth'sprogram?

My advice to prospective clerks is to think about the qualities that interest you about Corrs and how it aligns with your values and skills. Write down a list of things that stand out to you about the firm and why each factor is important to you. This will help you make a unique application, but also clearly communicates what you want Corrs to know about your interests and skills.


Corrs Chambers Westgarth is Australia’s leading independent Australian law firm. We’re known for delivering legal excellence, exceptional client service and outstanding results.

Our significant work

We let our work speak for itself. We’re proud to work with some of the biggest organisations in the world on their most important matters.

Our clients include more than half of the top 50 ASX-listed companies, some of the largest privately owned companies in Australia and a number of global Fortune 500 companies. We work with well-known organisations like AGL, Australia Post, BP, Blackstone, CBA, Coles, eBay, Fortescue Metals, Google, Hancock, Johnson & Johnson, Medibank, NAB, PayPal, Stockland, Tesla, TPG Telecom, Rio Tinto, BHP, TransGrid, Wesfarmers, Westpac and Woodside. We also work with Federal and State governments, as well as on major transactions that make the news

Our Lawyer Development Program

The Lawyer Development Program is designed to support you in the formative stage of your career. It aims to build the capabilities and relationships that will drive career progression and underpin future successes, as rapidly as possible. Unique features of the program include:

• Mentor partner – You will be allocated a mentor partner (in most cases your supervising partner in your first rotation) who remains in this role throughout the program and potentially beyond. This will build a personal and enduring relationship that transcends everyday transactional work. You will also be supported in each rotation by a supervising partner and SA/SC who will source meaningful and challenging work.

• 12 x 6 x 6 rotation structure – The first practice group rotation is 12 months to ensure you have time to learn on the job and build strong capabilities and relationships in your first year. In the second year, when you have an increased level of experience and confidence, you will complete two six-month rotations in order to gain exposure and build relationships across different groups.

• Formal learning – The program incorporates comprehensive formal learning opportunities including our national Graduate Academy, local Graduate Orientation, practical legal training with the College of Law, practice group induction sessions and the national Legal Excellence program.

Corrs Graduate Academy

At the start of the Lawyer Development Program, we bring all our graduates together in one location for a multi-day learning experience where you can meet with your peers, learn and have fun.

Graduate Academy is specifically designed for new graduates and aims to:

• welcome you to the firm;

• help you to understand the future direction of the firm and our vision for success;

• develop the core knowledge and skills essential to being an effective graduate;

• further develop your connections with peers in person; and

• meet and learn from firm leaders.

Diversity and inclusion

We strongly believe that diversity in all its forms should be embraced and celebrated. This benefits our people, our clients, our firm and the industry at large.

Our people bring their full selves to work, and we foster an environment where everyone can thrive. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion includes gender equality, cultural diversity, LGBTQ inclusion, First Nations inclusion, carers support and accessibility and disability inclusion.

Our six highly engaged and active D&I networks are dedicated to building a culture that values and celebrates diversity at Corrs (Pride@Corrs, Corrs NOW, Corrs Parent and Carer Network, Abilities@Corrs, Reconciliation Committee, Cultural Diversity Committee).

Pro bono and community

Our pro bono program is designed to uphold the principles of justice, equality and community, and contribute to fulfilling the firm’s purpose to ‘Imagine, inspire and together create a better future’.

• Our people are committed, and actively encouraged, to support disadvantaged and marginalised individuals and groups, charities and not-for-profit organisations through pro bono legal work, volunteering and workplace giving, all of which form part of our dedicated pro bono and community engagement program.

• We provide extensive support to clients, industry and academic institutions working collaboratively explore challenging and emerging issues resulting in significant social impacts.

More than just work

We provide opportunities for professional and personal growth for both legal and business services staff.

We encourage staff to be socially active and participate in social and sporting events as well as learning and development activities. Some of our other social activities include mixed netball, Pilates and yoga, touch football, cricket day, Friday night drinks, family days, trivia nights, legal retreats, End of Financial Year and Christmas parties.

Corrs recognises the importance of health and wellbeing and is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace through a variety of programs and policies. Our wellbeing program provides a range of initiatives to assist people in maintaining good overall health. Importantly, we also recognise the role a person’s manager plays in their

Key dates 2024

Seasonal clerkship offers

Cassandra Galea People & Performance Consultant +61 2 9210 6314

wellbeing. We place emphasis on effective ‘everyday leadership’ and have processes in place to monitor a person’s welfare and workload.

International opportunities

We invest in international experiences that help our lawyers grow their skills, cultural understanding and relationships worldwide.

Through our long term relationships with leading law firms across the world, we advise on the most significant global matters and connect with the best lawyers internationally to provide our clients with the right team for every engagement. Our lawyers have been on international secondments to leading firms in Amsterdam, New York, London, Milan, Paris, Tokyo, Singapore and more.

Our International Study Scholarship supports the continuing professional development of exceptional legal staff. The Scholarship provides financial support for the completion of a master’s degree at the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge (full time on campus).

Most Innovative Law Firm

2023 Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Award Asia Pacific

Thea Allen People & Performance Consultant +61 3 9672 3442

Danica Streader People & Performance Consultant +61 7 3228 9387

Jennifer Jacobs People & Performance Consultant +61 8 9460 1621

Corrs Chambers Westgarth @CorrsLaw @Corrslawyers @corrslawyers Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Clerkship applications open Monday 10 June Monday 1 July Monday 15 July Monday 24 June Clerkship applications close Sunday 14 July Sunday 11 August Friday 9 August Sunday 28 July
September Wednesday 16 October Wednesday 9 October Friday 13 September


JaydaWatson 2023/2024 Summer Clerk - DLA Piper


Initially, what drew me to DLA Piper was its global reach, diverse practice areas, and the idea of engaging with complex, high-profile matters. Throughout the recruitment journey, there were numerous aspects of DLA that stood out to me. However, it was the remarkable individuals I encountered along the way who truly shaped my decision. From the outset, the impressive and genuine people I had the privilege of meeting made a lasting impression.

The support I received, particularly from my buddy, who patiently answered my questions and eased my nerves, provided invaluable insight into the firm's culture, giving me a glimpse of the supportive community at DLA Piper that I could be a part of.


I tried to approach rotations with an open mind, viewing any opportunity as a chance for invaluable learning. Engaging in conversations with individuals from various teams I was interested in provided insights into a typical 'day in the life' experience within those practice areas. What stood out to me was the passion and excitement exhibited by people in their respective fields - a contagious enthusiasm that fueled my desire to explore every option.

That being said I rotated in Employment and Corporate and I found both experiences incredibly rewarding. Ultimately, the diversity and continuous learning inherent in both areas left me feeling fulfilled and excited about the possibilities ahead.


A website can only tell you so much. I would say, to truly understand a firm's culture and values, engage in conversations with as many people associated with the firm as possible. Pay close attention to the kind of individuals the firm attracts —are they people you admire and would like to emulate? Bold. Exceptional. Supportive. Collaborative. In my own experience, interacting with employees of DLA revealed that their stated values weren't just words on a webpage; they were actively embodied in their daily work lives.


DLA Piper


Clerkship Programme

Our seasonal clerkship is designed to give you insight into what sets us apart. Our programme starts with an induction which provides a comprehensive introduction to the legal sector and the firms strategy, practice groups, sectors and clients. It also builds your skills and networks. Following induction, you’ll have the opportunity to experience working in a practice group and benefit from being


Clerkship intakes:

Graduate Programme

During your graduate programme, you’ll experience three six month rotations in our different practice groups and Pro Bono and Law& teams, giving you breadth in your knowledge of the law as well as the practical skills that will stay with you for your entire career. By the end of your graduate programme, you will emerge with a clearer understanding of where your talent and interests lie. The experience you’ll have gained – and the networks you’ll have nurtured – will provide a strong foundation for your future career at DLA Piper.

Recruitment Process

given real responsibilities. Whether you’re attending a court hearing, contributing to a client meeting or assisting a large corporate transaction, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to reach your potential. At the completion of your clerkship you will also be eligible for consideration for a graduate role on our graduate programme.


Priority offers will be made to candidates who participate in our Clerkship Programme.

Find out more about our programmes and application dates:

DLA Piper is a global law firm operating through various separate and distinct legal entities. Further details of these entities can be found at This publication is intended as a general overview and discussion of the subjects dealt with, and does not create a lawyer-client relationship. It is not intended to be, and should not be used as, a substitute for taking legal advice in any specific situation. DLA Piper will accept no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of this publication. This may qualify as “Lawyer Advertising” requiring notice in some jurisdictions. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Copyright © 2024 DLA Piper. All rights reserved.| MAR24 | A22455-2
Brisbane, Melbourne Summer Nov/Dec 2024, Winter June/July 2025 4 weeks Perth Summer 1 Nov/Dec 2024, Summer 2 Jan/Feb 2025 4 weeks Sydney Summer Nov/Dec 2024 and Jan/Feb 2025 8 weeks



2023/2024 Summer Clerk - Gadens


What appealed to me most about Gadens was the strong emphasis that the firm places on its workplace culture. Having prior worked in the firm, I was confident when applying for clerkships that the culture here was as good as the firm preaches.


The rotations I completed during my clerkship were in the Corporate and IPT practice groups. I have previously worked in a litigation team so I wanted to pick rotations which would allow me to experience other areas of law. Corporate and IPT aligned well with the path that I could see myself taking in the future.


The clerkship application process can be daunting but it is important to stay focused on the parts of the application process that you can control. Make sure to really personalise and tailor your applications and cover letters to the firms that you are applying to and start the application process early so you are not rushing your applications.


Make sure to really immerse yourself in the experience and participate in all the activities and opportunities that are provided to you. It is a great opportunity to learn about the firm and what they can offer so be sure to speak with as many people.


Don’t just make up the numbers. Don’t force yourself to fit a mould. Be valued for being you. Join a firm that values different voices, fresh ideas and independent thinkers.

To learn more about our Early Careers Programs, application dates and more, please scan the QR code.

gadens Carlyna Yap, 2022 Graduate.


2023 Summer Clerk - Gilbert + Tobin

Choosing my clerkship at Gilbert + Tobin (G+T) was a decision that I will never regret. From being able to work on large matters with top quality lawyers, to bonding with my cohort of other summer clerks, the summer clerkship at G+T was an invaluable experience. Having only previously worked at smaller law firms, this program exposed me to what private practice entails at a top tier law firm and allowed me to find the areas of work I was most interested in.

My first rotation was in Banking + Projects, specifically the Energy + Infrastructure team.

Having never worked in an area like this before, this rotation was a true eye opener I recommend everyone try. The team made me feel very welcome from day one and ensured I got to experience everything this team has to offer. The tasks I undertook in this team covered a broad range. For example, I helped on several research tasks, prepared chronologies, and assisted in drafting memos to clients on various matters. I was fortunate enough to be in a team that had both front end and back-end work, which meant I could see things from both the transactional side, but also the litigation side. I was even lucky enough to attend court on several occasions, which was a great experience.

My second rotation was Corporate Advisory, specifically private M&A. Like the last rotation, this was an area of law I had zero experience in, which made it quite daunting. However, on the first day my team made me feel very welcome and spent a considerable amount of time going through key concepts with me and explaining my role. Within no time I was involved in several tasks, assisting on big deals, and being given the opportunity to do real valuable work. This rotation provided insight on what it was like to work in the private M&A division on large deals.

In addition to the invaluable work experience, the training on offer by G+T was also something I had never experienced before.


The first week of the clerkship was spent in training sessions going over key points, such as conducting legal research, how to navigate the software systems at G+T and helpful tips on how to excel as a summer clerk. These training sessions continued throughout our time in the clerkship, often having multiple training sessions and workshops throughout the week, with partners frequently attending and sharing their insight with us. On top of the training, all members in our teams were readily available to answer any questions we had. It was reassuring to be able to ask anyone at the firm any type of question and not feel like you were bothering them.

“You are constantly learning and being involved on interesting matters. No matter what area you end up in as a clerk, the team will always make you feel involved and be readily available to answer any questions you mayhave.”

The social aspect of the clerkship at G+T was another major highlight. It didn’t matter who I was speaking with, whether it was a junior lawyer or a partner, there was a real sense of engagement from the person on the other side of the conversation; I could really tell they were interested in getting to know me. I can confidently say I would meet at least one new person a day during my clerkship. In both my rotations, I was taken out to grab a coffee or lunch so my team had a better opportunity to get to know me, which also gave me more opportunity to ask questions about the work they do. The clerkship was also a chance for us to build relationships with our fellow summer clerks. As a cohort, we participated in a weekly sport competition, attended end of year functions, team lunches and firm drinks.

The summer clerkship at G+T was an unforgettable experience and the perfect way to start a career in private practice. I am excited to continue my journey at G+T.

STARTS HERE With a challenger mindset, G+T is always pushing the status quo and taking a stand on things that matter. That’s why we constantly seek new ideas, fresh energy and different perspectives from our clerks and graduates. Work at the forefront of significant change in our society and economy, and open the door to experiences that will shape your career – wherever you want it to take you. Join us, and help us build Australia’s best corporate law firm. » Visit


There’s never been a better time to be part of G+T. The pace is fast, the energy is high, and the people are smart, supportive and fun. Open the door to opportunities without limits, and see where G+T can take you.

Our clerkships in Melbourne, Perth or Sydney offer a unique chance to experience one or two practice areas in corporate law, and learn from some of Australia’s most talented legal minds.

In Sydney, we offer a summer clerkship with two 4-week rotations across two practice areas and the option to apply for the Aurora Internship, a fully funded 5- to 6-week winter internship.

Is a G+T clerkship right for me?

The G+T clerkship experience is open to law students in their penultimate and final year of study.

Our culture is built on inclusivity and individuality, and we want you to feel like you can be yourself at work. Our people are ambitious, creative and entrepreneurial – they bring energy and a can-do mindset, and are willing to challenge assumptions. If that sounds like you, you’ll feel like you belong here.

What will I experience?

“I think graduates today are looking for the whole package – collaborating with the best people on interesting work, being stimulated in an inspiring office, being valued for their input. And I feel like I’m in the perfect place for that at G+T.”

Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you.

Kristie Barton

Talent Attraction + Brand Manager +61 2 9263 4575

During your three-, four- or eight-week clerkship (depending on location), you’ll be provided with a supervising partner, a mentor and a buddy who will help you develop your day-today legal and personal skills. You’ll also grow with the help of structured in-house training, covering drafting and technical skills through to business development and personal branding.

You’ll mainly work within one or two of our corporate law practice areas, and you’ll also have the chance to work on innovation projects or pro bono matters. This is your opportunity to explore areas you’re interested in, push out of your comfort zone and bring your own ideas and perspective to the team. Plus, you’ll build a valuable network that will support you throughout your career – wherever it takes you next.

I’ve clerked at another firm – can I still apply?

G+T clerks typically receive priority offers for graduate roles, and we have a high conversion rate. However, graduating students are always welcome to apply to our 18-month graduate programs. Look for graduate vacancies on our website.

Clerkship application dates

Monday, July 1 2024 Sunday, August 11 2024 PERTH Monday, June 24 2024 Sunday, July 28 2024

» Learn more about our clerkship programs at

Monday, June 10 2024 Sunday, July 14 2024






us about yourself?

My name is Samantha! I was a vacation clerk at HSF over the 2023/2024 summer period and rotated through the Employment and Disputes (Commercial Litigation) teams. I am currently a paralegal at the firm, gaining further practical experience in Disputes. Prior to clerking at HSF, I worked in various paralegal roles across different legal sectors.

The Clerkship Application Process

Throughout the application process, I found myself increasingly drawn to the vibrant and friendly culture at HSF. The HR recruitment team ensured that we always felt supported and connected. We were constantly kept in the loop regarding upcoming events and were provided with further opportunities to connect with staff (which included lots of coffee catch ups!).

Interviews were conducted one-on-one with a HSF Partner. This enabled me to have in-depth conversations about my future ambitions and why I truly

wanted to work at the firm. In my firstround interview, I was paired with an Employment Partner and was able to express my keen interest in labour law. The constant dialogue I had with the firm enabled me to understand what ‘life was like at HSF’ in a meaningful way.

The Clerkship Program

My experience at HSF has been invaluable! I have undertaken a wide range of legal research and writing tasks, which has helped me develop my written communication and time-management skills. I have also undertaken pro-bono work, attended client meetings, and assisted with trial proceedings. The most exciting aspect of this work is seeing the practical application of my university studies in a real-life setting. I have felt supported by my coach (a Senior Associate) and buddy (a junior solicitor) in navigating complex tasks and seeking general advice. I believe that the in-depth training at HSF will help prepare me to become a true professional.

What advice do you have for students applying for a clerkship?

My main advice to prospective clerks is to be open-minded and willing to try new experiences when considering which firms to apply to. If you are interested in a particular practice area – take the initiative to speak with solicitors in that field at cocktail evenings or other social events. Be curious and come ready with questions to ask!

Mostly importantly, remember to be your authentic self and embrace your own personal experiences, as that can bring unique value to the firm. The clerkship process is a great opportunity to network and build professional connections and friendships – so make the most of it.

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We're Herbert Smith Freehills, one of the world's leading international law firms. Join us and you'll be at the centre of high-profile cases, high impact deals and you'll grow from new experiences every day.

About us

With over 24 offices spanning Asia, Europe, Australasia, and the Middle East, careers at Herbert Smith Freehills offer our graduates the opportunity to experience being part of a truly global law firm. Working with some of the most significant organisations in the world, opportunities to have social impact, and learning from our world-class team every day will enable you to create solid foundations on which to build your career in law.

We’re proud to say that we put people first. Our firm is built on a diverse culture, reflective of the societies in which we live and work. That’s why inclusivity is key to our success. At Herbert Smith Freehills, you’ll be valued for what makes you different and accepted for who you are. We recognise the power of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation, collaboration and business outcomes. So, whether it’s working on the latest advancements in digital law, taking part in some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions around, or helping people through our extensive pro bono work – you’ll develop the skills to solve the most complex challenges in thoughtful and innovative ways.

We welcome different

Great lawyers are both curious and creative. We encourage you to challenge assumptions and open yourself up to new ideas. So, what exactly are we looking for?

There’s no single path to becoming an exceptional commercial lawyer. We look beyond your academic record and your technical aptitude. We’re focussed on finding people who have the curiosity to explore all the angles and the empathy to place themselves in their client’s shoes.

In line with our 10 Actions for Change we are proud to use the Rare Contextual Recruitment System (CRS). The CRS allows us to understand each applicant’s achievements in the context that they have been gained. We understand that not every candidate’s achievements look the same on paper – and we want to recruit the best people, from every background.

Clerkship program

We select many of our graduates through our vacation clerkships. During this immersive experience, you’ll receive hands-on practical experience, as you work on some of the diverse challenges facing the team you’re collaborating with.

You will gain a deeper understanding of life at the firm and what your future could look like if you join us. Some key features include the opportunity to:

• Sit within a specific team, delivering real work for key clients

• Before you join, submit a preference for a team to tailor your experience

• Navigate the first step of your career with partner and graduate mentoring support

• Attend workshops and presentations covering all our practice areas

• Contribute to our pro bono practice

• Work with cutting edge technology through our innovation projects

• Networking opportunities to meet people across the firm

Joining us

We offer a range of summer and winter clerkships across our Australian offices. If you have queries about graduate or vacation clerk positions, please visit our website: vacation-clerkships or contact one of our graduate recruitment consultants.

Key Dates & Deadlines

Clerkship programs 1 Summer

Applications for all 2023/24 programs open Mon 10 June 2024

Applications for all 2023/24 programs close Sun 14 July 2024

Offers made Wed 11 Sept 2024

Please note: An application should only be submitted to the office where you intend to start your career as a graduate. Multiple applications will not be considered.



SYDNEY Positions 35-40
Graduate Recruitment Manager


Bec Muller - Former Clerk/Current Paralegal at HFW

600am – I wake up bright and early to start the day with some exercise I'm currently training for a half marathon, so I head out for a run to start my morning. When I get home, I get ready and have some breakfast before jumping on a tram to the office.

845am – When I arrive at my desk, I check my inbox and make a to-do list for the day I do this by flagging task-based emails, and ascertaining deadlines and priorities

9.15am – The clerk cohort and casual paralegals head out of the office to grab some coffee. Where to go for coffee is always hotly debated, however, Axil Coffee Roasters across the road seems to please everyone

930am – I return to my desk and conduct some research on enforcement of costs orders

10.30am – A senior lawyer approaches my desk and asks if I would like to write up a media article for a matter that I have been heavily involved in during my clerkship. Having been fortunate enough to attend a Court of Appeal hearing for this matter a couple of days earlier, I jump at the opportunity My first draft receives a few comments and I incorporate this feedback into my second and final revision, which is published later in the week

12.00pm – Every fortnight the Melbourne Construction team has a meeting in one of our boardrooms. There is a partner update, admin update, HR update and presentation on a specific area relevant to construction law This week the presentation is on 'green hydrogen' – a source of renewable energy I find it interesting hearing about the future of green hydrogen As HFW is a global firm, we turn our mind to the growth of the global green hydrogen market and what this means for construction lawyers and industry.

200pm – After I return from my lunch break, one of the partners calls me into his office and I take notes for a meeting with Counsel and the client After the meeting, the partner provides some context and I have the opportunity to ask questions I now have three new tasks that will inform advice to this international client.

3.00pm – I tidy up and send off the meeting notes to the partner before starting on a research memorandum: the first of the three tasks I received earlier I utilise HFW's databases to collate and summarise trusts cases relevant to our client's position

5.15pm – After completing my timesheets for the day, I pack my bag and head out to grab a drink with the other clerk. We catch up on how things are going for her in the Insurance team and speak about our plans to travel post-clerkship

Entrepreneurial | Creative | Collaborative

Who are we?


HFW is an international lawfirm with a strong global presence and a reputationfor providing an excellent service to an impressivelist of domestic and international clients. Withover 600 lawyers working across the Americas, Europe,the Middle East, Asia and Australia, we take a progressive approach to our role in commercial business – thinking creatively and pragmatically to support ourclients. With our head office in London, HFW provides a global and seamless service 24 hours a day.

We leaders in our specialist sectors, being Shipping, Construction, Commodities, Corporate & Commercial, Insurance & Reinsurance andAerospace.

Our clerkship program

What does HFW look for?

HFW looks for people who have a global mindset and an interest in international matters, with a particular affinity for our specific sectors and focus, and interested in disputes matters. We look for people who are afraid of a challenge, and are eager to learn the skills that will berequired to shine in their careers. Our ideal applicant is down-to-earth, well rounded, with good attention to detail and a teamoriented mindset. We also lookfor people who are open to and will chase opportunities, and have the intellectual rigour to work on complex matters.


Our clerkship program will introduce students to all of our sector groups, providing an opportunity to understand what different areasdo, and meet our professionals across all areas. During the clerkship, you will be assigned a mentorand buddy in one of our major sector teams, predominantly Insurance/ Reinsurance and Construction, where you will experience working on real matters, both domestic and international. You will also have a key contact in other groups to facilitate exposure to the work of that group.

Ourgraduate program

Graduates will participate in a 12-month rotational program. This will include three placements, two of which will be in your local office, with the option of a third in either another Australian office dependent on availability.

HFW is a collaborative, team oriented environment. We are inclusive and haveadiverse variety of team members enabling different ideas and approaches to thrive. Our entrepreneurial culture means that you can see ideas implemented quickly and we are nimble in response to client and market requirements. This is a workplace where we expect respect and open communication and get it every day.

How to apply

Applications for clerkships can be submitted via

Applications should include a current CV, a copy of your academic transcript, and a cover letter addressing why you would like to work with HFW, what you can bring to the team, and something that will help us get to know you, such as your extracurricular activities and interests.


JWS is a leading independent Australian law firm.

We work on high-profile and complex transactions and disputes, always with a focus on commercial outcomes.

We are a firm of or more than 450 people, including 85+ partners, located in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth.

Choose your next

Energy & resources Corporate

Dispute resolution Competition & antitrust

Restructuring & insolvency

Intellectual property & IT Tax


Environment & planning

Projects, infrastructure & construction

Funds management

A better start

Corporate crime & investigations

Accelerate your career with us. Our business model and supportive culture will give you the best start in your legal career.

You will have the opportunity to work across all practice areas, with no fixed rotations, giving you more freedom to choose your work and pursue your professional interests.

Real estate Private
& venture capital
ivnvestment Finance A BETTER PLACE TO WORK


We’reKing&WoodMallesons Thetoptier internationallawfirm,fromAsia,forthe world Wearedrivenbyasimplepurpose–touseourmasteryofthelawforthe lastingprosperityofourclients,people andcommunities.


Wearemakingprogress towardsourtargetof40% femalerepresentationat partnershiplevel

Wecreateanenvironmentwhereyoucan thriveandmeetyouraspirationsandgoals InnovationisinourDNA Weequipyouwith theskillstopartnerwithourclientsand bringpioneeringsolutionswhichhelpthem adapt,reinventandevolve.Weknow innovationcomesfromgivingyouroomto grow.AtKWM,youcanshapeyourown careerpath,supportedeverystepofthe waywithworld-classtraining,coachingand hands-onexperience

OurLGBTIQ+InclusionNetworkat KWM(LINK)raisesawarenessofand advocatesinrelationtoLGBTIQ+ issuesandconcerns,andpromotes inclusion,providessupportandbuilds asenseofcommunityforLGBTIQ+ identifyingpeopleandallies

Wehaverecordedover 630,000probonohours since2001 89%ofPartners& Lawyersparticipatedin probono

Diversityofthought,perspectiveand experienceiscriticaltoourculture We provideabroad,inclusiveandopen environmentinwhichyouareencouraged tobringyourwholeself Wearenotabouta onesizefitsallcareersmodel.Weoffer multipleopportunitiesforyoutogain experienceandthrive.

AtKWMwehelpyouLearn Master Lead

286organisations receivedLegalAssistance inFY22

Over$15Mraisedand donatedviaDigDeep®since 2001



Applicationsopen: 10June2024

Applicationsclose: 14July2024 Applyviaouronlineapplicationsystemat kwmcom/careers

Weofferseasonalclerkshipsthatgiveyou insightintowhatit’sliketobealawyerat King&WoodMallesons.You’llgettoknow ourpeople,thewaywework,ourculture, practiceareas,clientsandmore.

Youwilllearntheday-to-dayskillstoget youstarted,thecorepracticeteamsat King&WoodMallesons,ourculture,and ourpeople You’llfindthatpeoplefrom everypartofthebusinesswillhelpyouby sharingtheirknowledgeandwalking besideyouthroughtheearlystagesof yourcareerandbeyond


Weofferafuture-focusedexperienceand investheavilyinyourdevelopmentto supportyouthroughoutyourjourney

Youwillbenefitfromabespoke comprehensivelearninganddevelopment programtailoredspecificallyforour graduates


Becomingcertifiedcarbonneutralby December2022

Settingscience-basedtargetsby December2023andreachingnetzero emissionsby2050

Source100%renewableenergyforour Australianoperationsbefore2024

Ourcommitments: Keycontact

Updateandre-certifyourEnvironmental ManagementSystembyJune2022

Ourgraduateprogramhasanemphasison legalexcellence,technicalexpertise, commercialskills,knowledgemanagement, legalprojectmanagement,innovation, socialandself-developmentandclient focus.


Cultureofinnovation,collaborationand highperformance

Multiplecareerpathwayswhereyoucan shapeyourfuture

World-classtrainingandcoachingto unleashyourfullpotential

Highimpactworkfortheworld’s leadingorganisations





Undertakevariousenergy,paper,water andwastereductioninitiatives(ongoing)


A P L A C E W H E R E T O G E T H E R W E L E A R N , T O G E T H E R W E M A S T E R , T O G E T H E R W E L E A D Complete,awatingverifiation Complete Complete Complete Ongoing PEOPLE&DEVELOPMENTMANAGER




Areaofrotation:Employment(M&A)andTaxation University:MacquarieUniversity Degree:B Com/LLB

Whatkindofworkdidyoucomplete duringyourclerkship?

Duringtheclerkship,Iwasexposedtoarange oftasksincludinglegalresearch,drafting memorandumsforinclusioninclientadvices, preparingbriefs,publications,reviewing complexmaterials,attendingclientmeetings, andvariousadministrativetasksonanadhoc basis.

Whatwastheapplicationand interviewprocesslike?

TheapplicationandinterviewprocessatKWMwas rigorousbutfair Applicantshadtosubmitan anonymisedresumeandrespondtoapplication questionsaswellasanonlinetask Applicantshad toprovidetheiracademicachievements,work experience,extracurricularactivities Afterbeing shortlisted,Iwentthroughtworoundsof interviews,whichincludedbothacasual, informativesitdownwithaseniorpartnerand solicitorandafriendlylunchwithKWM representatives Theprocessallowedmeto demonstratemyskillsandalignmentwiththe firm.

Whatkindofsupportdidyou receiveasaclerk?

Asaclerk,Ireceivedexceptionalsupportfrom boththelawyersandthefirm'ssupportstaff.I hadadesignatedbuddyanddevelopmentcoach whobothprovidedmentorship,guidanceand feedbackthroughoutmyclerkship Inaddition, therewereregularcheck-insandtraining sessionstoensureIhadthenecessaryresources andsupporttoexcelinmyclerkcapacities

Whatkindoftrainingdidyou receive?Whatopportunitiesfor learningandgrowthhaveyoubeen offeredatKWM?

AsaclerkatKWM,Ireceived comprehensivetrainingtoenhancemy legalskillsandprofessionaldevelopment KWMofferedarangeoftrainingprograms, includinglegalresearch,drafting,and insightsonlegaltransformationand generativeartificialintelligence In addition,therewereopportunitiesto attendCLEsandindustryeventstostay apprisedonlegaltrendsandrecent industrydevelopments


ThecultureatKWMiscollaborative,inclusive andsupportivewithacentral,guidingfocus onitspeople Thereisastrongemphasison teamworkanddevelopingapositivework environment Thefirmvaluesdiversityand activelypromotesacultureofrespectand inclusion ThelawyersandstaffatKWMare alwaysapproachableandwillingtoassist, creatingasupportiveandcollegiate atmosphere

Whatareyoumostproudof throughoutyourclerkship?

Iamproudofmycontributiontotheprobono initiativeinmyclerkship Beingabletousemy legalskillstomakeapositiveimpactonlivesof individualsinneedwasfulfilling Itupheldmy beliefintheimportanceofgivingbacktothe communityandusingthelawasatoolforsocial justice

WhydidyouchooseKing&Wood Mallesons?

IchoseKing&WoodMallesonsbecauseofits fundamentalandcentralfocusonitspeople Thefirmhas anenviablereputationasamarketleading,fullservice commerciallawfirminAustralia.Thefirm'scommitment toexcellence,clientfocus,andinnovativeapproachto legalpracticealignwithmyownvaluesandcareer aspirations.Iwasalsoattractedtothefirm'sstrong emphasisonprofessionaldevelopmentandthe opportunitiesforgrowthandadvancement

ThinkingofyourtimeatKWM,doyou haveanypersonalstoriesabouthowyour skillswereencouragedthroughlearning anddevelopmentopportunitiesordid youcollaboratewithteammembersin thepursuitoflegalmastery?

DuringmytimeatKWM,Ihadanumberofpersonal experienceswheremyskillswereencouragedand developedthroughlearninganddevelopment opportunities Notably,Ihadthechancetowork closelywithateamofexperiencedlawyersona complexlitigationmatter Throughouttheprocess, theyactivelyencouragedcollaborationand knowledge-sharing.Wehadregularteammeetings wherewediscussedlegalstrategies,analysedcase lawandbrainstormedarguments Thiscollaborative environmentnotonlyfacilitatedasenseof camaraderie,butalsoenabledmetocontributemy owninsightswhilelearningfromtheexpertiseofmy colleagues.


Myhighlightwastheopportunitytogainfirst-hand experienceinliaisingdirectlywithaclient.Isatinonaclient callwithfascinatingsubjectmatterconcerningtaxlawinthe contextofultra-highnetworthindividualsandtrusts I workedwithateamofexperiencedandtrulyremarkable lawyers Thishighlightsolidifiedmypassionforcommercial lawandshowcasedthecalibreofworkatKWM



Areasofrotation:RealEstate,TaxandInternationalFundsM&A University:MacquarieUniversity Degree:BachelorofCommerce(Accounting)+BachelorofLaws(Hons)

Whatkindofworkdidyoucomplete duringeachrotationofyourgraduate program?

Myfirstteam,RealEstate,wasatransactional team,whichmeantIhadtheopportunityto becomeheavilyinvolvedinduediligence, reviewingcontractsandminordrafting.Inmy secondteam,Tax,Ipredominatelyworkedon discreteresearchtasksandadvicewriting However,Ialsodabbledinlitigationworkingon documentreviewandcasetheoryIamnowinthe Superannuationteamwhichmainlyconsistsof draftingregulatoryadvice.


Thefirstsixmonthsarefun!Youstartby doinganintensive4-weekPracticalLegal Trainingcoursewithyourgraduatecohort, whichmeansyouquicklybecomefastfriends witharound30amazinglike-mindedpeople AlthoughIhadpreviouslyclerkedatKWM,I wasverynervousaboutstartingasa graduatebecauseIdidn’tknowwhatthe expectationswereofmeasagraduate lawyer Havingsuchatight-knitcohort providedsomuchsupportduringthosefirst sixmonthsbecausewewereconstantly helpingeachother,andIquicklyrealised everyonewasgoingthroughthesame experience


Welcomingandhumble!Myfavouriteandalsothe mostsurprisingpartaboutworkingatKWMisits understatedculture Eventhoughsomeonemight bethesmartestintheroom,nooneeveractslike it,andpartnersoftenaskandtrulyconsideryour ideasandopinions Itisakindandsupportive workplacewhereseniorsgenuinelycareabout yourdevelopmentandhappiness KWMcompletely rejectsthe‘biglaw’stereotypeculturethatIwas expecting

Whatskillsdoyouconsider importanttosucceedinyourroleas agraduate?Isthisdifferenttoyour initialexpectations?

Asagraduate,youneedtohavestrongattention todetail,strongcommunicationskillsand approachtaskswithenergyandaneagernessto learn!Iinitiallyexpectedintelligence,speedanda strongknowledgebasetobedesired However,I havediscoveredthatbeingabletoidentify mistakesorinconsistencies,communicate capacityandmanagetimingexpectationsare foundationalattributesthatdevelopateam’s trustinyouasagraduate,whichinturnwillgive youtaskswithgreaterresponsibility

Whatareyoumostproudofthroughout yourgraduateprogramtodate?

IammostproudofanadvicethatIdraftedinmy taxationrotationrelatingtoaproposeddemerger I wasgiventheopportunitytopreparethefirstdraft, andIabsolutelylovedit Despitethisbeingmyfirst attemptatdraftingamemoofadvice,itwasona complicatedareaoflaw,andIrelishedthechallenge andhadsomuchfunwritingit Itfeltverysimilarto writingauniversityhypotheticalproblemquestion!

Howwouldyoudescribethesocial aspectofthegraduateprogram?

Asagraduatecohortisroughlyaround30 graduates(foraFebruaryintake;otherwise,itis roughly15gradsstartinginAugust),youwill becomeveryclosewithyourgraduatecohort andtheothergraduatesinthecohortsabove andbelow Itisaverysocialandfunexperience becauseyouofteneatlunchtogetherandcatch upoverFridaynightdrinks

Canyouthinkofatimewhenyou contributedtocreatingapositive impactduringyourgraduateprogram?

I'vebeendelightedtoworkonseveralprobono projectsthroughoutmygraduateprogram,each leavingapositiveimpactinitsownuniqueway! However,myfavouriteworkwasdraftingan adviceforacharityseekingdeductiblegift recipientstatus.Ireallyenjoyedthistask becauseIwasstillparticipatingincomplicated andchallengingcommercialwork,butknowing thatmyeffortswerecontributingtoagood causeaddedanextralayeroffulfilmenttothe task

WhydidyouchooseKing&Wood Mallesons?

IchoseKWMbecauseofitsesteemed reputationasaleadinglawfirminAustralia Followingthenews,Isawtheincredibledeals thatKWMadvisedon,suchasactingforBlock, Inc (formallySquare)initsacquisitionof Afterpay,whichwasthelargestM&Adealin Australia Iwantedtolearnfromthebest,andI knewthatacareeratKWMwouldprovideme withthebestopportunitiestoworkonexciting, complexandrewardingtransactions

WhowouldyourecommendKWMto? IwholeheartedlybelievethatKWMisanamazing workplace,soIwouldhappilyrecommenditto anyone.However,duetoKWM’ssupportiveand welcomingculture,someonewhoiskind,willing tolistentotheirseniorsandjuniorsandenjoys workingcollaborativelywithinateamwillthrive mostatKWM



SophieCant Graduate - Maddocks


nt about Maddocks at a Women in Law ll I attended, facilitated by my on accommodation at Dunmore Lang

Vanessa Andersen, a Partner in the Employment, Safety & People team hosted the session and was effortlessly bubbly, friendly and passionate about the work she did and the people she worked for. From there, I was captivated by the warm and welcoming culture at Maddocks, which continues to show itself every day. It was never a goal of mine to work in a top tier firm. Instead, I chased the goal of working in an environment that valued my individuality, had a strong focus on mentorship and career development and respected my desire for a work-life balance. Maddocks possess each of these in abundance and after meeting a few employees at their clerkship networking event, I knew Maddocks was the place for me.


During my clerkship, I rotated through the Real Estate team and the Employment, Safety and People team. I chose these areas based on my interest in these subjects at university. I was then lucky enough to be offered a paralegal position with the Employment team for my final year of university where my passion for this area of law grew.


I am currently in my first graduate rotation at Maddocks in the Construction and Projects team. Funnily enough, this team was at the bottom of my list when I was a clerk as I assumed I would have no interest in the area. However, after hearing how a fellow graduate loved her rotation in the team, I decided to give it a go. It just goes to show how important it is to remain open minded.

Although we are yet to find out our final two graduate rotations, I hope to rotate through the Employment team and maybe give something else a go that I never would have thought about –because you just never know what you might take a liking to!


My biggest piece of advice is to be yourself. Tailor your cover letters, highlight experiences that have shaped you and share your hobbies and interests! You’re going to thrive most in an environment that suits your personality and shares your values, so find a firm that fits you; don’t change to fit the firm.


About Maddocks

Maddocks has close to 90 partners, who work alongside more than 600 people across our offices in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney.

Our sector areas of focus are in: – Education – Healthcare – Government – Technology – Infrastructure, Energy & Utilities – Property Development

We offer specialist legal expertise in the practice areas of: Employment & Workplace, Corporate & Commercial, Government Advisory, Real Estate, Dispute Resolution & Litigation and Construction.

Our Clients include medium to large private organisations, high net worth individuals and families, ASX200 companies, Commonwealth, State and local governments, leading tech companies, education institutions, not-forprofit organisations and high profile property developers.

We are guided by our core values of integrity, stewardship, collaboration, commitment to doing things better, and respect for the individual and diversity.

From Day One

From Day One you will experience what it’s like to work at Maddocks. This means you will have challenging, meaningful work, gain exposure to clients, be given a good level of responsibility, work in a supportive and collaborative team and have regular access to our partners.

The training you receive throughout your clerkship will ensure you are thoroughly prepared and ready to get involved in and contribute to client work straight away.

The program begins with a comprehensive orientation which includes training and development activities. You will also meet the people you’ll be working with. During the program you will rotate through two practice groups of your preference, with support in each rotation from a buddy and coordinator. You will receive feedback from partners and others you work with, and a feedback review at the end of each rotation.

Of course it’s important to have some fun too and you will have plenty of opportunities to experience life at Maddocks through a range of social and sporting activities.

Beyond Day One

You will have access to top quality work for high calibre clients. This will enable you to develop both your technical legal skills and business acumen on a diverse range of complex and interesting projects.

Working autonomously and collaboratively, you will be supervised, mentored and supported by recognised experts in their respective legal fields at every stage of your career progression. In addition, the firm offers a significant range of outstanding training and development programs tailored to a wide variety of needs and interests. Maddocks is very proud of and committed to its pro bono program which engages lawyers to contribute to the community in a meaningful way or perhaps your interests and passions will lead to your involvement in one of our Diversity, Inclusion and Innovation projects.

Key Dates, Process and Contact

Here are the important dates for our 2024/25 clerkship program:

Applications open 10 June 2024

Applications close 14 July 2024

Offers made 11 September 2024

Offers must be accepted by 12 September 2024

Our summer clerk application process includes:

– Submitting your CV, cover letter, academic transcript and responding to short answer questions

– Attending an information and networking evening

– Participating in one interview with a People & Culture representative and a Partner

– Attending a cocktail evening with staff and Partners

For more information on career opportunities at Maddocks, please contact:

Samuel Jurd | People & Culture Manager +61 2 9291 6286

We recruit our Graduates from our Summer Clerk program and assist them in completing their Practical Legal Training.

Scan this QR code to discover more about what it’s like to work at Maddocks.



2023/2024 Summer ClerkMcCullough Robertson


The first thing that drew me in were the people. After meeting a couple of them at the MULS clerkship fair it was immediately apparent that they were not only highly intelligent but also remarkably approachable individuals who were genuinely invested in their work.

Not only could they have a laugh, but they were interested in getting to know me and the other applicants to ensure that the growth in the Sydney office was not just for the sake of growth, but to bolster the environment they already had going.

Despite being a larger Australian firm, I quickly discovered that the Sydney office valued operating through smaller, Partner led teams. Having come from a boutique law firm, I found the prospect of collaborating with legal professionals across all levels, including partners, resonated with my previous experience of working in team environments.

Throughout both the interview process and since starting at the firm, McCullough Robertson has stayed true to the values it holds. They readily invest in the development of clerks and paralegals, demonstrating a genuine commitment to supporting individuals in their pursuit of career aspirations within the organisation.


In the McCullough Robertson clerkship program, you rotate through three different practice areas. This includes a rotation in both a transactional and litigious team.


Clerkship applications can be stressful, so the first thing I would recommend is research the breadth of clerkship opportunities available then narrow down to the ones that you are genuinely interested in working at and learning from. There is no point in going through the effort of making a perfect application to a firm you know does not align with your values or offer the opportunities you are wanting to take.

Secondly, be kind to yourself! Many students are going through the same process, and it can be overwhelming trying to juggle university work and the plethora of application deadlines.

Take time out to go for a walk or do one of those activities you have put down on your applications that you are passionate about like rock climbing, or painting or whatever else you love!

Finally, I would encourage you not to compare the number of clerkships you apply to with others, in the end, everyone who receives a clerkship offer/s ends up at a single firm. And for those who don’t receive one, the process is a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills or hone one’s you haven’t yet nailed. What advice would you give to students who are applying for clerkships?


Empowering your journey. Always.

Embark on a transformative journey at McCullough Robertson, where your aspirations take center stage. We understand that your success is unique to you, which is why we're dedicated to empowering you every step of the way with bespoke opportunities, supportive teams, and leadership from industryleading professionals.

Define your success

At McCullough Robertson, we believe in empowering individuals to define their own success - whether as future partners, working with prestigious clients on complex matters, or achieving fulfiling work-life balance.

Receive tailored opportunities

We believe in real client experiences shaping your path from day one. With hands-on work tailored to your unique interests and professional goals, you’ll get the practical experience necessary to become the lawyer you aspire to be.

Grow in a supportive environment

Join a community of like-minded professionals who champion your growth. Our collaborative teams and approachable mentors create a supportive ecosystem where you can flourish.

Be led by award-winning professionals

Your development is a top priority here. You'll enjoy direct access and an open-door policy with partners and mentors who have proven, industry-leading expertise. Our culture of collaboration ensures you'll benefit firsthand from leaders deeply invested in your growth. Brisbane | Canberra | Sydney
Scan to find out more!


Early careers at MinterEllison

Charlotte Trent, Lawyer, Sydney shares her career journey, hints and tips.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your time so far at MinterEllison?

My time at MinterEllison started as a summer clerk at the end of 2021 in the Sydney office. I then worked as a paralegal during my final year at university and started the graduate program at the beginning of 2023. I have been incredibly lucky to meet some amazing people throughout the years at Minters, including some of my closest friends and people who I look up to in the legal profession.

You’ve recently done a clerkship with us, how was that process and any advice for future clerks?

The clerkship process can be at times daunting and scary, but it is really a time to just be who you are and make no apologies for it. Something that I found out early on was that all the people I met at Minters wanted to talk more about who I was outside of having studied law and been to university, and it was really the focal point of every conversation. My advice is to definitely take every opportunity you can, be it to come up and talk to a partner at a networking event or reaching out for coffees or virtual catch-ups. The only way you will really get a feel for a place is by getting to know the people who actually work there!

What rotations have you done?

Before we started clerking, I was asked to help our Workplace team on a matter that needed some assistance for a couple of months, which was a great first exposure to Minters. During the clerkship, I rotated through Transaction Solutions and Insurance and Corporate Risk (ICR), with a particular focus on Medical Negligence. I then went on to paralegal in another part of our ICR team, this time focussing on Government clients. So far in the graduate program, I’ve rotated through Real Estate and back into Transaction Solutions. I’ve really loved getting to try lots of different areas of the firm, from disputes and court work to contracts based teams. You really never know what you will absolutely love, or realise is not your cup of tea, but that is the beauty of the rotations, you get to try a lot of different areas of law!

How much exposure have you had with international transactions / matters?

I’ve been really lucky to dive head first into my rotations, particularly while working in our Transaction Solutions team. Everyone is incredibly busy at the end of the year as clients try to wrap up deals, and I was fortunate to help out with matters that involved parties in the United States, wider North America and Europe! It was definitely an interesting experience, and juggling multiple timezones was a bit tricky to start but it was great to see how everyone worked together across the 24 hours of a day to bring the deal to a close before the end of the year.

What has been your (proudest /most memorable) moment so far?

There have definitely been a few proud moments, but I would say that seeing my work in the AFR or SMH is something really exciting! You think back to all of the hours you put into a transaction, and also how much learning you have gone through in that process. To finally see what it looks like at the end and that it has made a small impact in the world is really rewarding and definitely something that makes me smile about my work experiences so far.

Outside of your role here at MinterEllison what do you do to unwind?

My outside of work life usually begins with a gym class in the morning, because I am definitely not an after-work sort of exercise person. It’s great because a lot of my friends go to the same gym class which is in Martin Place, so we treat it like a little catch up every time we see each other. I also really like being crafty, but I’m in no way a creative person so I like to do things that come with instructions. My weekends can go one of two ways and either be starting a DIY project that I’ll finish in a half a day, or crocheting a set of dinosaurs which 6 months later I can safely say I have put in the pile of things to finish later.

Early careers at MinterEllison

Our clerks and graduates tell us that three key things make the MinterEllison experience:

1. Experiencing high profile matters in a top tier firm

2. Our culture

3. Our learning and development programs

Learn by working on real challenges

Right from the start you’ll work on real client engagements, preparing you for any challenge. Discover new areas of practice, and learn the technical knowledge and tools you need to achieve your career ambitions.

An award winning start to your career

Winner, Most Popular Clerkship Employer

Top100 Graduate Employer Awards 2024

Top Graduate Employers 2023

Australian Association of Graduate Employers

Finalist, Most Popular Law Employer

Top100 Graduate Employer Awards 2024

Top Intern Programs 2023

Australian Association of Graduate Employers

Five reasons we’re different Great roles in great matters

Our industry go-to-market strategy is key to achieving our growth ambitions. You could be working on the matters changing the landscape of law and legal practice.

Feed your curiosity

Our learning programs will help you build the skills you need to be the trusted advisor of tomorrow.

A focus on


Our wellbeing program, leave policies and entitlements ensure our people are supported.

An inclusive culture

It’s no surprise that the MinterEllison workplace culture is awarded key inclusion awards and benchmarks. We’re truly inclusive and value diversity in all its forms.

A passion for social justice

You’ll have the chance to join our pro bono and community investment program to help address disadvantage.

For information and to apply visit


Graduate - Norton Rose Fulbright

Myjourneysofar started my journey at NRF in November 2022 as a Summer Clerk and never looked back, beginning as a Clerk in the Corporate M&A and Restructuring teams. I loved the firm so much that I just couldn’t stay away and begun as a Paralegal in the IP team throughout my final year at university. Now, I am a Graduate rotating through the Corporate M&A team, assisting multiple Partners on transactions, corporate advisory, and project financing matters.

The collegiate culture of the firm encourages junior lawyers to seek out work that speaks to their interests and their strengths. As a Graduate, we’re encouraged to seek out work from multiple teams in order to understand what type of lawyer we want to be. No one at the firm, no matter how senior, is out of reach. NRF also offers Graduates the unique opportunity to complete four (or more if you need) rotations over two years with the option to be Seconded to one of our international offices or a Pro Bono client. As a full-service international law firm, if there’s a practice area you can think of, NRF provides you with the opportunity for exposure to a very wide array of law.

Thepreferredchoice NRF had been my top choice ever since beginning my law degree. The wide array of practice areas, international outlook and collegiate environment were all important factors in my decision. However, as cliché as it sounds, the people were the deciding factor. From the Receptionists to HR and to the Partners, all my interactions had been welcoming, conversational and insightful. Apart from that, NRF’s client base allows us to work on cross-border matters that are challenging, unique and stimulating. For example, one of the first projects I assisted on was a report on insolvency law reform in the Kingdom of Bhutan (how niche!)


I get into the office around 8.30am (that’s a lie, it’s more like 9.00am) and have a coffee catch-up with some colleagues from my cohort at our in-house café.


We all work in different areas of the firm and it’s interesting hearing what we’ve all been up to recently. I am currently assisting on a tech M&A deal where our client is a large telecommunications company based in the US. I spend the morning reviewing, analysing, and updating documents for our due diligence report that will assist the client in deciding whether to continue the acquisition. For lunch, we often have workshops or training sessions that anyone is welcome to attend. These can be technical workshops like how to use certain legal tech or social workshops like how to better our mental wellbeing. (On the plus side, these workshops also include a catered lunch). For the rest of my day, I can ask to assist on new matters for different Partners, work on client admin tasks, reach out to other teams for new work or sit-in on client meetings.


Knowledge of the law is important, but you are constantly learning something new every day. In my team, we live and breathe the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (in fact, I have a huge print version on my desk right now) and my knowledge from Corporations Law at university definitely helps. On the other hand, there are some aspects of M&A I had never come across before and have to many questions from my team. Above all, being friendly, approachable, and having conversations with colleagues across the firm is also a great way to build your network.


Reach out to current or past Grads/Clerks and get to know the niche areas and projects the firm has taken part in. Nothing interests an interviewer more than telling them something about the firm they had no idea about. We are an international law firm and that means showing your interest in topics and issues in an international context. You can prepare by watching a news story, listening to a daily podcast or just following news outlets on Instagram. We’re also a business, so definitely have a think about how you can show your skills in a business context whether that be past customer service experience or running a successful Depop store. Above all, if you can maintain a conversation and show why you’re interested in beginning your career at NRF, everything will be fine.


About us

We provide the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 3,000 lawyers and other legal staff across Australia, Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. And in amongst that global network, you’ll find some of the finest minds in the legal sector – all ready to aid your development.

Within Australia, we have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Canberra.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We value difference and appreciate the variety of perspectives that this brings to our business. We know that if our people are able to be themselves at work, they are more engaged and productive.

We aim to create an inclusive culture where every individual can bring their whole self to work and have a sense of belonging. We base our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion on five key pillars:

Gender equity Cultural diversity Disability confidence LGBTIQ+ inclusion

People with caring responsibilities 40:40:20

We are proud of the recognition we receive for our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in Australia.

Our Practice Areas

• Antitrust and competition

• Banking and finance

• Commonwealth Government

• Corporate, M&A and securities

• Employment and labour

Key Sectors

• Environment and planning

• Intellectual property

• Litigation and disputes

• Projects and construction

• Pro Bono

• Real estate

• Restructuring

• Risk advisory

• Tax

We are recognised for our industry focus and specialise in the following key industry sectors.

• Consumer markets

• Energy, infrastructure and resources

Key Clients

• Financial institutions

• Government

• Life sciences and healthcare

• Technology

• Transport

We aim to deliver the highest standards of legal services to our clients across our global business.

Progress with purpose

Your career is a timeline of accomplishments. Big steps and little steps that mark how you’ve grown. First days. First deals. First mistake – and how you learned from it.

So here’s your next big step – a first introduction to your future. We’re Norton Rose Fulbright; pre-eminent legal advisors to businesses and financial corporations across the world. And we might just be the right law firm to help you progress with purpose.

Email us at:

Scan to learn more about student and graduate careers




I was drawn to Thomson Geer for many reasons. The foremost reason was the supportive and collaborative team environment – it has such a large focus on mentoring and developing the skills of junior lawyers, and of celebrating successes as a team, that I knew I would feel welcomed and supported as I grew and developed in my career.

Another reason was that I liked the story of the firm: how it was a relatively young and hungry challenger to the established players in the legal industry. Thomson Geer was the perfect match of a great culture and a drive for success.


I chose my rotation areas based on the subjects that I had enjoyed at university, because I knew that I would find the substance of the work interesting. I also spent time talking to lawyers in the teams that I was interested in, both at the senior and junior level, and asked them what they enjoyed about their practice areas and what had drawn them to it. Their answers gave me a lot of insight into the daily life of their teams and what it meant to actually work in those areas. I really recommend being open-minded to rotating through different areas, because you'll often be surprised by how much you enjoy working in an area you didn't expect.


My advice for applicants would be: firstly, take a deep breath; and secondly, be authentic. A lot of students (myself included) became extremely stressed around clerkship applications. While a little bit of stress can motivate you to put your best foot forward in applications, try not to focus on what you think law firms will be looking for in applicants. Every law firm, and every team within that law firm, is unique – which means they're all looking for different things. Being yourself and showcasing your own unique experiences, strengths, and perspectives in your applications will help you find the team that's perfect for you.


Achieve your potential

Join a major Australian law firm

Starting your legal career at Thomson Geer will offer you real, hands-on experience across a wide variety of commercial disciplines and industry sectors, in a supportive and collaborative environment.

We’re ready for you

With more than 650 people, including over 140 partners, operating out of our offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra, we are one of the 10 largest firms operating in Australia.

We offer a flexible, friendly and professionally stimulating environment that puts both our trusting client relationships and our staff’s wellbeing and development at the forefront.

From day one, you’ll be an active participant in the team, involved in all aspects of legal practice, and working directly with experienced practitioners.

Are you ready for us?

We’re looking for hard-working and motivated law students who have excelled academically, are client focused, commercially minded, work well in a team environment, and are ready to commence their career with a major law firm.

We are especially keen to talk to students who have, or are working towards, a second degree in technical fields, such as commerce, engineering and science.

Applications for our 2024/2025 Sydney Summer Clerkships open on 10 June 2024 through our website.

Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Perth | Adelaide | Canberra

What do our clerks say?

“Everyone I dealt with at the firm was extremely friendly, professional and welcoming. I think the program is very well rounded. I appreciated the fact that it provided a realistic insight into working in the legal profession whilst still providing lots of support.”

“My supervisors / the team fostered a supportive yet constructive environment. The team’s approach allowed me to have the courage to have a go at tasks that challenged me. I am very grateful for my time and experience a TG.”

“The guidance from my supervising lawyer was to the highest quality I have received so far in my legal experience, having an approachable and patient mentor made an enormous difference and enhanced my learning experience.”

What’s it like to work for us?

The law is an incredibly rewarding profession, but we recognise it can be demanding. For this reason we create an environment that is flexible, friendly, personable, collegiate and professionally stimulating.

Our clients are at the centre of everything we do; so it is not only the collaborative, supportive relationships we have with each other, but also the well-established, trusting relationships we have with our clients, which make Thomson Geer a great place to work.

Our clerks participate in all our firm and office and team specific activities including Friday night socials, end of year celebrations, sporting teams, regular catch ups with mentors, comprehensive training, informative sessions about our varied practice groups and much more!

We prioritise the wellbeing of all our staff and provide sporting opportunities and encourage personal health. Our market leading EAP provides more than just work related advice but also covers topics such as nutrition, sleep, and financial wellbeing.

Our Graduate Program

Students who complete a clerkship with us will be eligible to be considered for a position in our next graduate program. This program runs for 12 months and includes rotation among different practice areas to help determine the area of law which best suits you and your career path.

Developing you

We will dedicate time to your development as an up-and-coming lawyer in our team including numerous mentoring, learning, training and information sessions throughout your time at Thomson Geer.

You will find that our partners and staff are approachable and happy to share their knowledge and experience with you.

We encourage our clerks, graduates and trainees to get as much exposure to different practice areas and ways of working as they can – this is a reflection of how we work as a fully integrated, cohesive, national team.

Who are we looking for?

All of our clerks are viewed as potential graduates, and all of our graduates as potential leaders. We therefore look for the same qualities in our clerks and graduates that our lawyers need to possess.

Our lawyers are genuinely interested in our clients and their businesses. They need a critical and curious mind and are passionate about developing solutions in their commercial context.

If your ambition is to develop a career in commercial law and you possess the drive to make your ambitions a reality, we want to hear from you!

Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Perth | Adelaide | Canberra

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