MULS Welcome Booklet 2014-2015

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Welcome Booklet 2014-2015

The University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL


PRESIDENT ! Hello and Welcome! Firstly, a huge congratulations for getting into university! Now the pressure is off, it’s time to relax and be introduced to the renowned Manchester University Law Society (MULS) - the largest student-run body at the university. MULS is the main student law society at the School of Law and we open our arms to all Law, Law with Politics/Criminology and Criminology Students. MULS has a joint objective of delivering to you an outstanding social calendar, whilst steering you towards a prosperous career path and an outstanding exam results sheet. We aim to create a diverse package with something that appeals to each and every law student here at Manchester. From low cost trips abroad to the famous Law Ball, MULS really is member-focused because we want to make your time here at Manchester as extraordinary as possible. This booklet has been created to give you a little insight into what you can expect if you join MULS. I wish you all the best this year and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. MULS is the society for you! Best regards,

Claire Newman President

Road to a Law Degree ! Congratulations guys and gals! You are about to start on one of the best experiences of your life. Summer is almost over and soon you will be traveling to your new home for the next best three years of your life. You will make lifelong memories, form lifelong friendships and most importantly at the end of this all of you will have learnt so much about yourself.


As your Vice President, my aim is to work very closely with the President and the whole MULS committee to make sure we deliver some exciting opportunities, trips and events to you. We need your support to grow even bigger and better this year and you can help us achieve this by:


1. Attending networking events – Applications for training contracts and vacation schemes now include a section where you can write about the contacts you have made.


2. Attending the social events – The social events can only be successful if you attend and they are a great way of meeting people.


3. Attending lectures and seminars – Yes, you are bound to prefer the comfort from your bed for those devilish 9am lectures but trust me ATTEND, ATTEND and ATTEND those lectures, they can be the difference between a 1st or a 2nd class honours.


If you have any questions please just drop us an email and we will be happy to answer any question that you might have. I personally look forward to meeting every single one of you.


Welcome to Manchester, let your journey begin.

Zeeshan Mirza Vice President

SOCIAL LIFE WITH MULS - Parisa Rahim Social Secretary

Welcome all freshers! 
 As the Social Secretary, I have been designated with an extremely strenuous and mentally stimulating task, one that only a very few can understand and very few can undertake. Before you overwork, that already overworked your brain. I am responsible for all the legendary parties that will be thrown on behalf of the Law School. Here is a quick insight into what you can expect.



Champagne and Chocolates ! A black tie evening where the noise of clanging champagne glasses fills the room, served alongside the finest Belgian chocolate. Guests will hopefully appreciate a night with something far more ambitious than voddy 'n' coke in a plastic cup. Non-alcoholic bubblies will also be an option to accommodate for everyone. This event is free for all first years.



Christmas Dinner As the Christmas holiday approaches, we end the semester on a festive high. Students and lecturers gather for a fine three-course meal as well as an assortment of drinks. It will come as no surprise if you find your seminar taker opening up the dance floor. Halal and vegetarian options will be available.

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Manchester Square Gardens

To be held just before the Easter break, the garden party is a new addition to the pact. Think marquees, think BBQ, think lots of strawberries and cream. A much laid-back, day event with a fantastic array of entertainment, it's set to be an unmissable event.

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Parisa Rahim Social Secretary



Hi everyone! Hi everyone! Welcome to MULS, I'm Lydia, Communications Secretary this year. I lived at home in my first Welcome to MULS, I'm Lydia communications year at university because I wasn't actually ready secretary this year but I also lived at home in my first to come to Uni but it turned out to be the best year at university. I lived at home because I wasn't thing I did! actually ready to come to Uni but it turned out to be the best Ithing did! . felt excluded for living at home havei never because your experience is what you make it. I have never felt excluded for living at home because yourMy experience whatis you make it. advice toisyou to get involved!

My advice to you is to get involved! From the outset I took part in all aspects of the Society including going on the bar crawls and From the outset I took part in all aspects of the society socials. Despite it involving asking for multiple including going on the bar crawls and socials Despite it favours of your course mates and sleeping on involving asking multiple favours of your course mates friends' floors, it's worth it because you're never and sleeping onleft friends isolated or out. floors it's worth it because you're never isolated or left out. I was also a first year representative for the I wasSociety also first for the society last lastyear yearrepresentative which was a great way to make year lots which was a great way to make lots of friends. of friends.

My advice to you to is embrace any opportunities to get in MULS, whether it beit be My advice to is you to embrace any opportunities toinvolved get involved in MULS, whether applying for first year year representative, joining otherother societies or going on our Because it it applying for first representative, joining societies or going on trips, our trips, because will broaden youryour social circle, give give you confidence and enhance youryour experience. will broaden social circle, you confidence and enhance experience. Living at home requires a little extraextra efforteffort but ifbut you havehave mademade that that choice don'tdon't worry, youryour Living at home requires a little if you choice worry, experience will will still be as the population! experience stilljust be as justamazing as amazing asrest the of restthe ofstudent the student population! I hope youryour first first year year at university is amazing and to I'm quite jealous! I hope at university is amazing andbetohonest be honest I'm quite jealous! If you anything don'tdon't hesitate to contact me. See you in September! If need you need anything hesitate to contact me. See you in September!

Lydia Norman ! Communications -Lydica Norman Secretary

Communication Secretary



WELCOME ALL INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Welcome all international students to the University of Manchester! I am your student representative and I will be addressing any of your needs and concerns throughout the upcoming year. International students make up a great portion of the University of Manchester, especially the Law School, and we strive to welcome everyone with open arms. Our aim is for international students to intermingle with the lifestyle of Manchester and walk away after three years feeling like they have
 experienced all that Manchester and the UK have to offer. If you wish to travel to various locations in the UK in an inexpensive way, I can assist you in booking a range of interesting trips. Throughout the year MULS will be hosting all kinds of events to introduce international students to the Law School and the best way to make new friends and enjoy your time at Manchester is to come and participate. Even if English is not your first language, do not let that deter you from enjoying yourself since, believe me, you are not the only one. Come out, join MULS, and make the best of Manchester for the next three years.

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Julia Kun

International Representative


Firstly, congratulations on securing your place at the greatest university in the world.


Manchester is an excellent place to study law. Not just because of its quality academics and sterling reputation, but also because of the vibrant sweep of socials our Society manages to cram into each semester. Studying law at Manchester is also a really inclusive gig, and one that cultivates a sense of belonging amongst all students – old and new. Everyone is brought into the fold here, where close-knit relationships begin life in the room of your first group academic adviser meeting, and flourish in the 4:00AM taxi ride back from a night on Deansgate Locks.


Further congratulations are due if you’re reading this as a future Law with Politics undergrad! The lawpol jewel sits proudly atop the Law School crown, a fact that is unanimously envied and disputed by all straight-LLBers (how do you like those AAA requirements now?) While your first year modules are all set, the amount of flexibility available to you through second and third year is both vast and accommodating. From Chinese politics to political philosophy, and international relations to the politics of the media, the subject matter platter offered here is incredibly diverse.


Throughout the year I’ll be working with MULS and the Politics Society to help you squeeze everything out of next year, and to represent your thoughts on how we, as a committee, are running the MULS ship. Congratulations again, and welcome.

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Jack Webb

Law with Politics Representative


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As the MULS Law with Criminology Representative, my duties are to ensure that the within Law with Asstudents the MULS Lawthe with Criminology Criminology programme (LLB) Representative, my duties are toare ensure that recognized within the Law School the students within the Law with and not forgotten as it has been (LLB) the issue the past Criminology program areinrecognized with the segregation of the law programme within the Law School and not forgotten as (LLB) it has and beenthe thecriminology issue in the programme past with the (BA) involving the events, or informative segregation of the law program (LLB) and meetings and presentation with firms, or the criminology program (BA) involving special speakers. In the past year as the the events, or informative meetings andLaw with Criminology has presentation withRepresentative firms, or specialthere speakers. been anpast increase students In the year in as attendance the law withforcriminology within the Law with Criminology representative for 2013-2014 there has been programme for the different social events an increase in attendance for students within and MULS excursion trips. As the the law with criminology program for the Representative 2014-2015, I willexcursion be different socialfor events and MULS working continue this integration trips. Astothe representative for 2014-2015 I between dual honour programmes and will be working to continue this integration MULS as dual well honor as closely with the between programs and MULS as Criminology Society the Lawsociety with well as closely with to theallow criminology Criminology to have access to to allow the programme Law with Criminology program their resources, events and trips, creating to have access to their resources, events and equal for opportunity all students for in the trips,opportunity creating equal all Law School. students in the law school.

In the upcoming academic year, plans to Inimprove the upcoming academic year,the plans to the relations between Law improve between Society the Lawwill be Society the andrelations the Criminology Society andPlans the Criminology Society put forth. already in action for will the be put forth. Plans already in action for the next academic year involves the Manchester next academic year involves the Manchester University Criminology Society (MUCS) University Criminology Society (MUCS) and the MULS law with criminology and the MULS Law Criminology representative beingwith allowed to attend their

Representative being allowed to attend their meetings on a regular basis trying to help create a bridge the two societies meetings on a between regular basis trying to help and be a neutral voice hearing the issues create a bridge between the two societiesand trying upvoice with hearing solutions, and betoacome neutral theand issues and collectively as two representing trying to come withsocieties up solutions, and the entire student body of the representing Law School to collectively as two societies come up with ideasbody that of affect the students the entire student the law school to both socially and academically. Some other come up with ideas that affect the students events/ideas still in the early both sociallythat andare academically. Somestages other ofevents/ideas planning are the joint degrees and that are still in the early stages criminology students mixer event,and as well as of planning are the joint degrees an event possibly introducing a littleashealthy criminology students mixer event, well as competition between them witha small an event possibly introducing little healthy challenges for groups etc., or fun bowling or competition between them with small comedy nights the Law challenges for for groups etc., with or fun bowling or Criminology students get with to know the comedy nights for thetoLaw other students students in the same programme but in Criminology to get to know the different years. other students in the same program but in different years. As the Law with Criminology Representative, I try my best to make sure As the Law with Criminology that students within with representative I try the my Law best to make sure Criminology programme are aware that students within the Law with of the different events held byare MULS Criminology program awareand of that the I bring backevents to the held Society ideas and different by MULS and that I feedback that insociety the bestideas interest the bring back toisthe andof feedback students, the Society to students grow and that is inallowing the best interest of the improve. of my duties, I’m allowingOn thetop society to formal grow and improve. also quiteofeasy to approach On top my formal duties,and I’mI encourage also quite students to come toand meencourage directly ifstudents they have easy to approach to come to me directly if theyand have any any questions or concerns I understand questions or concerns and I understand that that the transition to university can be a hard the scary transition university be a hard and and one, to however withcan MULS and the scary one, however with MULS and the amazing MULS committee we try our best MULS committee we the try our best toamazing make sure students are given support to make students are studies given the support they needsure to excel in their and they need to excel inuniversity their studies and further enhance their experience further enhance their university experience here in Manchester. here in Manchester.

Aliza Siddique

- Aliza Siddique

Criminology Representative Criminology Representative


Hey everyone, I’m Aarom and I’ll be your Sports Secretary this year! Highly regarded as one of the best courses for campus sport at Manchester, law has a variety of teams that attract talented players and offers a great social environment in which to succeed in your chosen sport and develop friendships through regular socials and sporting events. Football The team currently competes in the Campus Leauge division 1 after a strong end to the season, finishing last season in 4th place and narrowly missing promotion. Trials will be held in September 2014 to gain a place in the squad of 16. Netball Testament to the strength of the law netballers, we have two teams competing in Campus League 1. As well as competing in the Campus League, we are in the process of organising friendlies against other law netball teams from different universities such as York and Liverpool Rugby The rugby team plays in Campus League 1 this year after competing in the North West League two years ago. The law rugby team is very strong, competing year on year for the title, often only narrowly missing out. Trials will be held in September 2014 to gain a place in the squad of 22. MULS Sports Tournament This annual event takes place in March, with MULS proudly welcoming over 14 universities across the UK to our tournament every year since the tournament began over 5 years ago. This large event is made possible by our generous tournament sponsor, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Every year the event proves to be a success with law students across the country making close links and creating fond memories about their time at university. This year MULS has taken positive steps to make the event even larger with the addition of extra matches, and plans are also afoot to create some entertaining secondary events during the day for those teams that get knocked out in the early stages. A highlight of the day is often the food and refreshments being held at 256 Fallowfield after the tournament ends and the after party held at Manchester’s highly popular club ‘Missoula’ on Deansgate Locks.!

Aarom Rafi Sports Secretary

Where Next? Val Thorens, France

! Where Will MULS Take You !? 
 MULS trips are a fantastic way to travel cheaply whilst making lifelong friends. The trips that MULS run are centered on being affordable and catering to the needs of all. One of our trips this year will be to Amsterdam. We are looking to arrange a visit to The Hague court in order for our travels to coincide with Law - but I can imagine some students will want to take advantage of the wealth of night life. Cities MULS have previously invaded include Berlin and Val Thorens, France!




Advocacy Society
 Whether you intend to practice as a solicitor or a barrister, the advocacy skills that a moot teaches are invaluable. In addition, getting involved in a moot will develop many transferable skills such as research, legal analysis, presentation and teamwork. The School of Law Advocacy Society aims to develop such skills by offering expert support and training, hosting regular sessions that complement a short guide to mooting, which is distributed to all members. The Society also hosts an annual internal mooting competition sponsored by an international law firm and judged by practitioners in the North West, as well as preparing teams to participate in national mooting competitions. Another innovative and very popular facet was added to the society with the development of ‘speed mooting’, which requires a student to prepare a mooting problem in a short period of time; offering a true test of mooting ability. The Society also supports students wishing to pursue a career at the Bar. You will have the opportunity to meet practising barristers on the Northern Bar Circuit, and pupils already working in Chambers and students on the BPTC course.

Criminology Society A society exclusively for those who have an interest in crime and criminology. We Society aim to unite all Criminology 
 students with an interest A society exclusively forinthose who have an criminology and promote greater We aim to interest in crime and criminology. Criminology integration betweenwith students on inSociety unite all students an interest A society exclusively for those different courses criminology andstudying promote greater integration who have an interest in crime and criminology. We have a varietycourses Weofaim tostudying unite all between students oncriminology. different students with an interest in as criminology. have atovariety of socials socials as well We as visits criminology and promote greater well as visits to institutions within criminal institutions within theintegration criminal betweenthe students on different courses studying justice field.The TheManchester Manchester University justice field. criminology. We have a variety of Criminology Society is keen to promote ato promote University Criminology Society is keen a criminology identity within the socials as well as visits to criminology within criminology the School of students Law School of Lawidentity and support during their time at university and institutions within the criminal and support criminology students during their justice field. The Manchester beyond. University Criminology Society is keen to promote a criminology identity within the time at university and beyond.


School of Law and support criminology students during their time at university and beyond.

Streetlaw Society Streetlaw Society

! Pro Bono

Streetlaw Society This society provides information This society provides information on This society provides information on legal rights to community legal rights to rights community groups, on legal to community groups, e.g. schools, young offender groups,young e.g. schools, young offender e.g. schools, offender institutions and the Chinese institutions andthe theChinese Chinese institutions and community. The students research community. The students community. The students the area of law requiredresearch byresearch each under the supervision of an the area of required byby each the areaproject, oflaw law required each academic, and then in teams present project, under of an project, underthe thesupervision supervision of an their particular topic to the relevant academic, and then in teams present academic, and then community. Over in 100teams first yearpresent students regularly participate. their particular thethe relevant their particulartopic topicto to relevant community. Over first year community. Over100 100 first year students regularly participate. students regularly participate.

Pro Bono Society

This society was formed to promote the work of the Legal Advice Centre, offer workshops, arrange community outreach programs e.g. in schools, develop the use of student advisors to provide a translation service for clients, and to fundraise Society
bilingual through social events.

Pro Society ThisBono society was formed to promote the work of the Legal Advice Centre, offer

This society was formed to promote the programs work of the Advice Centre, offer workshops, arrange community outreach e.g. Legal in schools, develop the use of biworkshops, arrange community outreach programs e.g. in schools, develop the lingual student advisors to provide a translation service for clients, and to fundraise use of bilingual advisors to provide a translation service for clients, and to fundraise throughstudent social events. through social events.

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! Thankfully, I survived my first year on the committee as the MULS Treasurer. I worked closely with the President and the rest of the committee to provide MULS members with the best events possible. My personal highlight was the law ball. This extraordinary event brings together the entire Law School for one big themed end of year party. This year’s law ball is set to be another fantastic night - plans are already in motion and we cannot wait to reveal more details about what we have lined up. I am delighted to be returning to the committee this year as the returning officer (aka the ‘MULS addict’). My preferred role this year is to offer occasional sarcastic comments, sit quietly in the corner and be the resident alcoholic. The reality is that I am on the committee to offer support. To any incoming students, I would like to offer the following advice:

1. Do not underestimate how important your first year is. Yes, first year does not count towards your overall degree score. But, when you are applying for vacation schemes, mini-pupillages and other internships, employers will only have your first year grades to base their decision on. Therefore it is crucial that you obtain good grades to give you the best possible chance of securing those oh-so-competitive placements.

2. Get involved with the various events on offer. I was slow to get involved, but when I did, it really improved my university experience. It is also a fact that while lawyers are all hard-workers we also have more fun than any other course and MULS is evidence of this. -- On that note, make sure you attend our trips abroad. They are cracking. #lawyersontour

3. Get involved in the Law School. I would recommend applying for positions on MULS , but I suppose that would be biased. There are various other societies such as the Mooting, Debating, and Legal Advice Centre Society who all offer various positions of responsibility. Roles on these committees will help you to boost your CV by allowing you to develop new skills that employers look for.

4. That said, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Manage your workload and maintain your social life. It’s easier said than done, but it really is important to do. Grades are important, but having fun is equally crucial.

Alex Sprake

Returning Officer

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where: To Be Confirmed When: September 16th Fee: £30 *MULS is not endorsed by Wayne Rooney

THIS BOOKLET IS THE JOINT EFFORT OF School of Law, The University of Manchester

PRESIDENT ! Claire Newman!


VICE PRESIDENT! Zeeshan Mirza!






TREASURER ! Misha Mckenzie!













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