Industry insurance:
What is it, who needs it and why it’s like orange juice
How do you properly insure your management rights business? Every business takes out insurance and 24 hours a day, seven days a week ARAMA is working to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Management and Letting Rights (MLR) industry. The average worth of each MLR business in Australia is a hefty $1.5 million, and we provide insurance for the industry, not just through discounted conventional policies covering fire and accident, public liability and legal fees, but more importantly, through our advocacy and the way in which we continue to represent this fascinating industry. This year we celebrate 30 years of ARAMA at work, and it was our advocacy in the 1990s that safeguarded the management rights industry against legislation that would have ruined it.
Trevor Rawnsley, CEO, ARAMA
But we also safeguard our members through innovative assistance. Under our new exclusive, membership service called A-LEGAL, ARAMA provides free legal cover of up to $250,000 if our members become involved in litigation over such matters as protecting their contract from unfair termination, workplace health and safety, unfair dismissal, tax audits, defamation, discrimination or in other disputes associated with
caretaking service agreements. If you don’t need legal protection of up to $250,000 good, but it is also good to know that if you do, ARAMA is there to support you.
array of free operational advice, and members can benefit from the fact that we are available to give advice and assistance 24/7, 365 days a year.
In 2020 we also launched A-MAP, ARAMA’S Member Assistance Program, which provides a crisis counselling hotline if our members need emergency stress relief. Our members can pick up a phone and in 20 minutes they can be talking to a qualified psychologist or crisis counsellor, who will give them the tools and advice to deal with whatever problems they face in these stressful times.
As the ARAMA CEO, I have fielded calls from our members on Saturdays and Sundays, and even over the Christmas break, when there have been emergencies.
If you don’t need A-MAP to help you navigate your way through the daily stresses then good for you, but it is good to know that if you do, ARAMA is there to support you. A-MAP and A-LEGAL are free for ARAMA members. No one else provides these services to management rights holders. ARAMA also provides a priceless
While you may not need ARAMA on weekends and public holidays it is good to know that ARAMA is there to support you in times of need. I do not know of any other peak industry body that provides this level of service to its members. ARAMA has worked hard over the last 30-plus years to help create and build the MLR industry into one of the best business models in the world. ARAMA was involved in the legislation that made management rights the lifeblood of the Queensland tourism industry and we have been ResortNews | February 2022