5 Ways to Stop Arguing with your Spouse about Money METRO LIFE, SHAKING UP THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE
Five ways to earn NOW, with the Multiple Stream Global Guru,
Joan Wright
Letter from the Editor in Chief So, we have been having this ongoing conversation since last year about who should grace each of our Multiple Streams cover in 2019. We wanted to be intentional in highlight humans who were changing the game of life one passion, one business or one transformation at a time. We are over the moon excited for those who accepted our offer and we look forward to you enjoying them as much as we did. I am delighted and honored that this genius and force to be reckoned with, Joan Wright-Good agreed to appear on this our 2019 first cover. As you read, you will agree that she was the perfect choice for our cover story not just because of her charm and charisma but more so because of her bravery, astuteness, will to overcome, her expertise and philanthropic work in the global community. Running several businesses does not keep her from her passion to serve God, serve the despondent, the abuse, the battered women or from serving start-up entrepreneurs and infopreneurs (Authors). Her quiet disposition and eagerness to serve is an illustration of who she really is as a human and a professional. As a trained Attorney, Publisher, Minister, Marketing CEO, and the Founder of the Good Life Global brand, Joan fiercely teaches entrepreneurs how to use their raw organic talents, gifts and passion to create wealth in multiple ways, to live healthier lives and foster godly relationships. This use of their imagination and gifts along with right collaborations and nurtured relationships which keep God at the head, is what she postulates is the formula for wealth longevity. Proceeds from her tour were donated to her charity in Jamaica, the Maxfield Park Children’s home. She also donated business scholarships to over 10 individuals. Joan will be keynoting a brunch for Secretaries’ and Professional Administrator’s week this April. It will feature a gathering of Professionals like herself, who will be sharing not only their success stories, they will be giving Administrators practical tools to help them find their sweet spots in the current job, grow in their career and in their bank accounts. She is currently assisting her husband as he starts his Addiction Recovery Wellness Coaching business. Together, their story is amazingly inspiring. I hope you will enjoy our features, news, fashion, business ideas, our advertisements, products and services. Remember to subscribe, share your views, share the stories, connect with us to be featured or to advertise your business, product or brand. And yes, say a little prayer for us! Love, Angella W Feature Writers and Interviewers Que Johnson Shani Curry StVil Che’Re Cornett Deane Good Sally Sauter’ Angel Joseph Fashion Joan Wright-Good Collection Makeup Grace Daniel-Kalio Hair Stephanie Verdieu Jane Harris
Beauty and Grace Intrigue Stylez Virgin Hair Fantasy
8 10 12 14 16 22 24
Metro Life, Shaking up the City of Lafayette | Pastor Caleb Moran
Singleness and Valentines Day | Que Johnson
Why I Hate Vision Board Parties| Terisha Lee
Style Your Way to Success| Stacey Emerson
Cover Story – She has the multiple streams magic touch | Joan Wright Good
5 Ways to overcome Failure | Deane Good
5 Ways to Stop Arguing with your Spouse about Money | Shani Curry StVil
Shaking up the City of Lafayette
“When my son was diagnosed with Leukemia, we were told he wasn’t going to make it. He had a tumor the size of a football in his little 3-year-old chest”
Pastor Caleb is a well-known voice in the Christian community. Hailing from the city of Lafayette this relatable man of God sat down to answer a few questions Multiple Streams Magazine had for him. And what part of Louisiana is it located? Youngsville, LA Can you walk us through what inspired you to branch off into ministry? Yes, at a young age my life was touched by the power of God. It was undeniable that God had plans for my life much bigger than my own. At the age of fourteen I knew ministry would be my life’s calling. How would you describe your journey so far? What were some of the struggles along the way? My wife and I have served in ministry together for 17 years, 10 being in our own ministry. The past 10 years has been a roller coaster of many things – but God has always remained faithful to His Word. We have been so blessed to see thousands of people influenced by the power of Jesus Christ. Throughout the past decade, we have encountered many obstacles and challenges that have helped to shape us into the organization we are today. From starting with no team, no help, and no budget, moving locations 5 times, the constant developing
and growing of leaders, to the constant turnover of those you developed and grew – you can see how we have come a long way. In the summer of 2017, my youngest son was diagnosed with Leukemia. At the same time, we were faced with our current church facility we were leasing being sold, literally pulled out from underneath us, and many of our church members had to relocate due to the economy in our area. Facing one of the biggest family battles we had ever faced, coupled with the biggest financial attack our ministry has ever faced, brought us to a place of intense faith and trust in God. Through that challenge we became a better challenger. How has your organization impacted your city? We have seen thousands of lives impacted through Metro. We currently partner with local hospitals and other organizations through our Hope Project – blessing people who are in need and in a critical health condition. Through our Brown Bag Project, we have fed hundreds of families and neighborhoods, as well as provided Christmas gifts for those in need in our community. We have future plans to develop a service specifically tailored to families with special needs children or family members, a drug rehabilitation center, a school of arts, as well as many neighborhood development projects with housing and recreational centers. Who else deserves credit- have you had mentors and supporters along this journey? How have they helped? None of this would be possible if it was not for our parents, who have loved us throughout the whole process, as well as showed us as children how to serve Jesus. Our pastors also deserve a lot of the credit. Metro, itself is the reason it is what
it is today – the people. Without the hundreds of volunteers and the amazing staff and leadership, we simply could not reach as far as we have been able to over the past 10 years. And most of all, my wife. Without her by my side and her constant support, I don’t know how we would be where we are today. What has been your biggest accomplishment? I don’t think we have seen our biggest accomplishment yet. I say that meaning that I know our best days are still ahead of us. But I can say the 10,000 people we have seen given their lives to Christ over the past 10 years would be a pretty big reason to celebrate. Speak about a time you witnessed God’s remarkable work in your life. When my son was diagnosed with Leukemia, we were told he wasn’t going to make it. He had a tumor the size of a football in his little 3-year-old chest. We trusted God the whole time and knew that our son would live to fulfill God’s plan for his life. Today, he is in full remission and doing amazing. His story has touched thousands of lives around the world. What keeps you motivated and driven? – The call. I have never forgotten why I do what I do – people. I was once lost in life and I remember what that was like. That keeps me driven to help others who are lost and need purpose. Please provide any contact information. Share with our readers how your ministry can be reached. (Social media) Facebook, Instagram, Twitter - @calebwmora Interviewer: Che’Re Cornett Junior Journalist
am a dreamer and I know most of you are too. Heck! There was a time I dreamt that I would become the owner of businesses helping women and men everywhere. Like that dream, many of us who are single dream of the day that our king gets down on one knee with the exact ring you picked out in your dream as he confidently says the words “will you marry me�. Standing in shock with tears of joy flowing rapidly down the face as you scream yes, yes, yes as if in extasy! What a beautiful dream right? Well for many women, who had that dream during the Christmas season, Valentines Day is fast approaching and well, the dream is still not the reality, oh shucks
not another holiday and a lover’s one at that! A few of you might be saying well I have someone so that makes me taken. No, my dear, it makes you committed to the person you’re dating and that can be a beautiful thing but what happens when one person wants an official commitment more than the other? “cupid doesn’t lie, but you won’t know unless you give him a try” thanks for singing along with me my 112 fans! Now if you don’t know the group 112, I can’t help you and yes, I am rolling my eyes in disbelief. On a more serious note though, what do you do when one person wants an official commitment and the other does not? I have asked this question to quite a few ladies who are more committed to
the person they are dating than the person, and the number one answer remains, “he’s not ready”. The funny thing is, around holiday times, like Christmas and Valentine there always seems to be an increase of engagements surrounding you. Some expected while other you least expected, “what he had a girlfriend, let alone is ready to be married?” The gram is famous for these surprises. In all fairness, God bless the happy couples but for many singles the holiday times means holiday blues. Here are a few tips to keep you happy during the holidays: 1. Reminder: never force or pressure anyone to put a ring on ‘it’. 2. Spend your single time on perfecting you to
become the best version of yourself 3. Keep hope alive, love isn’t lost so it knows its way to you 4. Celebrate the love that others share, what you celebrate you attract 5. Know that a ring does not define you. However, if your desire is to be married, your ring finger will not always be bare. Happy Valentine’s Day! Written by: Que Johnson Media and Publicist Agent Instagram: iamquejohnson Business Instagram : themediadocz Facebook: Que Johnson
erisha Lee is an International Speaker, Purpose Strategist, and Success Development Consultant who hates vision board parties. A master in teaching the art of propensities this PH.D. Candidate at St Thomas University, Miami Gardens, Florida, uses her professional and inspirational strategies and experiences to help on the cusp and wellestablished decision makers to achieve the benefits of increased faith, identified purpose and unlocked success, so that they can live a more fulfilled life. She would rather assist her clients with this application rather than have them cut and paste other people’s realities from magazines. Terisha holds degrees in the areas of psychology, religion, philosophy and family studies. As the Founder of a speaking and consulting firm, Propensities by Terisha Lee, which focuses on the propensity of Faith, Purpose and Success her results-oriented programs span organizations and careers such as Churches (or you can use Houses of Worship), Colleges, Corporate clients and Small businesses. Terisha is currently conducting research on the resiliency of African American women and has been a public speaker since the age of 14. Featured on the Good Life Global Tour 2018, and in print media such as, RollingOut, VoyageMIA, Sheen, I Am Queen, The Jamaica Gleaner, The Jamaica Observer, Multiple Streams Magazine, and radio such as, WMBM Miami, Terisha has earned the respect and affection of many industry leaders. Often labeled a Purpose Advocate Terisha works with individuals from all walks of life through workshops, facilitating, organizing, speaking and consulting to grow and develop propensities that enhance their life’s journey. This Louisville, Kentucky native is a wife, and mother who believes that as humans we possess enough to achieve limitless success. We caught up with this CEO, Wife and Mother to ask the question most asked: What is Propensity?
Her response: Propensities are propensities are characteristics, traits, habits, inclinations or tendencies. Knowing the propensities associated with great faith, walking in purpose and attaining success, EMPOWERING YOU, to identify your personal calling. While these areas are three distinct areas, and you can choose to work with me in just one, you will find often times they intersect. I’ve put in the work, I’ve studied, I’ve researched. Yes! actually conducted research studies on success, resiliency, & purpose. I’m ready to share with you the propensities of empowered people. Participation in my uniquely structured workshops is exactly what you need TO BOLDLY WALK IN PURPOSE. Why do you hate Vision Board Parties? I just want to scream enough already with them. I think they are played out and has for many, replaced the voice and hand of God. I believe when people become stuck, they need real help. I am not a coach. I AM YOUR ADVOCATE. The workshops I host allows like minds to learn and grow together utilizing my signature programs. They are empowered to make sense of their frustrations and not live the dreams and expectations of others. In March of this year I will be hosting my very first workshop of 2019 under the theme ‘Ant-Vision Board’. The objective of this workshop is to challenge participants to actively pursue the next level and accomplishing their goals. Utilizing multifaceted approach, we will appeal to more than just your eyes but challenge you to dig deeper in body, mind, and soul. Encouraging you to Strive toward not what is popular success but what is your personal success. Follow me on social media for seminar information. Connect with Terisha Facebook: Instagram: lee/
graduating college with a dual degree in Physical Therapy and Exercise Science. As instructed by my mother I did something practical getting a career in area that would sustain me as I followed my dreams to be a fashion designer and wardrobe stylist. So, for a few months I worked as Physical Therapist Assistant solely until I mustered up the courage to open the online store. When I opened, I didn’t receive one sale, I didn’t consult one person and I did not know what marketing was…. I JUST DID IT! Although this seems silly it was the best thing I had ever done because if I hadn’t started that day prior to learning I probably would not have started. What I realized is the more I learned the more I realized I didn’t know enough. Right? Wrong. The moment I started was the more I realized that I was purposed in fashion. God had given me a gift not only of style but of positive FAITH that all things will work out despite what it looked like. So, as I continue this journey, I am learning daily how to do new things and how to grow my business. I am learning facets of fashion that I had no idea existed and I am loving the journey. So, how did I get to where I am today? Faith, knowledge and God’s promise to complete a good work in me.
Stacey Lynn let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you? I cannot say it has been smooth or easy. In fact, it has been the most difficult experience I have had in life but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I d0n’t believe anything worth having is easy. You appreciate the things you work for, the things you sweat over and the things that keep you on your toes. Learning how to be in business and be the business has been a challenge in itself but learning how to do business was just the tip of the iceberg for difficulty. The long nights and mind control that it takes to continue in business when things don’t seem to work out the way you planned is the biggest challenge. Daily convincing yourself as a business owner that you are enough, you are special, you are successful is the part that most people only glaze over when taking about entrepreneurship. Your mind is the rough road that you have to constantly pave over every day in order to one day see the fruit of your labor. The struggle to tear down generational curses of complacency, comfort and poverty is some of the other obstacles that must be overcome in order to build a successful business. So, has this road been easy? No, but this road is necessary and appreciated to say the least. The late nights, the early mornings, the broke weeks and the long months of hoping for a sale was not easy but I wouldn’t trade it for the world because the lesson is in the hard work.
I started with a desire and dream to be a designer and wardrobe stylist to the stars. At a young age I knew that I wanted to be in fashion so with big dreams I began my online clothing store, immediately after
So, as you know, we’re impressed with HER Treasures Boutique – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
oday we are styling for success with Stacey Lynn Emerson of HER Treasures Boutique. It took us some time but we caught up with her to chat about styling for success and more.
HER Treasures Boutique is an online clothing store focused on empowering women to be proud to “HER” through fashions that go beyond societal classifications of style. We provide women’s clothing from S to 3x specializing in clothing that is for a sexy yet classy audience. We are known for our quality, style and great customer service. I am most proud that despite what the trends are we stay in our own lane allowing our motto to always shine through. I would say that our ability to cater to HER both externally and internally through our clothing is what sets us apart from most companies. Allowing us to speak to HER through our choice of styles and filling her internally with confidence letting her know she is a Treasure to this earth. So, what’s next? Any big plans? Our future goals are to branch into a fashion production company including a design and production center for wholesale and retail production of fashions, a modeling school, etiquette and self-esteem classes, along with career development courses focusing on the arts. I plan to expand HER Treasures Boutique to many parts of the world with the emphasis on empowering women around the world to be confident and to trust in their dreams. We are also in the near future looking to start a non-profit to assist women less fortunate and providing care in other parts of the world. We are also looking forward to continuously growing our brand and allowing our marketing to improve. Here are 4 tips to dress for success: A professional should always wear appropriately fitting clothes. This means wearing your correct size. If you have lost or gain weight and is unsure of your size get a professional sizing done. When conducting business, a professional should avoid blouses or sweaters that are transparent, tight fitting, have low necklines, cropped or details that detract from your face. Shoulders should be covered. A professional should make sure they have at least one structured tailored suit in their closet. - Before you leave home get the details on dress code from the host, employment agency or business partner, to avoid surprises. The last thing you want to do is to stick out like a sore thumb as an invited guest to any event. Connect with Stacey or HerTreasures at: • Website: • Phone: 7087375414 • Email: • Instagram: @hertreasuresboutique • Facebook: HER Treasures Boutique • Twitter: @HERTreasuresBtq
Five ways to earn NOW, Multiple Stream Global Guru,
Joan Wright-Good “They call me crazy because I have multiple streams of income but here is my definition of crazy: Waking up early, rushing to get into traffic, leaving your kids with strangers, working for peanuts at a job or jobs that you hate that does nothing but stresses you and keep you on a clock, then rushing back in traffic to get home to catch up on days of chores, homework and attention deficit husbands and other family members. Then you are stuck with doing this routine for 40 years, expecting a change, only to die poor. On the contrary the person who is not governed by time, who can invest where they want to, write off Kingdom projects, shop where they want to, give to whom they desire and still retire with multiple streams of residual income in my opinion, is the smart one. I am not a big believer in the secret of success, I believe God has given us all the ability to create and make wealth from what we create. He’s given us the unique ability to form covenants and relationships to increase our influence and a great big universe to impact. Joining all these elements together create a pot of wealth ready to be stirred and distribute. When you find out what you are good at, then find out who needs what you have and cultivate it to fit their needs, it’s a no brainer that you will discover wealth. There are two things however, that causes us to stay in lack. No, I am not talking about fear, the lack of capital, or lack of trust, hanging with the wrong people or none of that. Number 1 thing is most people are asking for want they cannot manage and two, many are not ready for the opportunity when it comes. If you cannot manage pennies, stop jumping on every six and seven figure bandwagon and hitch a ride in the money mindset and money management uber. You have to be intentional about implementing goals not just setting them. You have to prepare your response to an opportunity before the opportunity arrives. Do you see what happens when we do not prepare for hurricanes? You have to put your evacuation plans in place before the disaster strikes, proactive not reactive. Lastly, don’t ever say you cannot or you don’t know how to, instead say this out loud: “If I don’t have it, somebody does.” So, one of the questions I am asked the most as a
Global Business Consultant and stream of income influencer is: How Quickly Can You Turn an Idea into Cash? My response always is, “let me count the ways”: Step 1: Sift through your gifts, talents, passion and expertise. Find one that is easy to sell Step 2: Find a lake or farm (market) you can work Step 3: Find the hungriest fish in the lake or the best unfarmed land and establish long-term relationships there Step 4: Research the right bait that your fish will be hooked to or the right seed to plant Step 5: Create a MORAL irresistible bait. Design your seed and/or bait to be unique Step 6: TNT – Test ‘N Track your bait/seed Step 7: Roll out in a major way – your launch should be driven by results not what’s popular, don’t be afraid to be the only one using the method you choose. Trendsetters don’t bend or break Step 8: Continue to develop your product, upsell, cross sell, to add more streams. Rinse and repeat I go more in-depth with the above with my clients. Yes, although the term is misrepeated let me say it, your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men but after you get in the room you cannot get lazy. Room occupation comes with responsibility. How many hours do you believe Michael Jordan practiced his game shots per day to become the legend he is? If we are not willing to do the time, then we can’t complain about the crime of being broke. That said, here are 5 streams of income that you could peruse for wealth building. There are myriads more: 1.Tax Lien investments - tax lien investing is a fun way to invest, it allows you to travel all over the country to visit dozens of tax lien auctions. It is important to note that any travelling, seminars or courses that you enroll in is tax deductible. Tax leining allows you to start with a small amount of money and still be successful no matter what the condition of your credit rating is. 2. IP – Intellectual Property – Consider writing a book even if it’s an eBook. Everyone has at least one book within them. If you have been alive long enough or have a gift or job for a while, you have enough information and experience right now to turn into a lifetime stream of income. Turn your thoughts, Facebook posts, quotes, and job specialty into a stream. Don’t ever give away your ideas for free, there is a cost attached to your genius. Remember the story of Chicken Soup for the
Soul? Each book was a compilation of 101 stories contributed for free, several years later and many books later the founder is a multi-millionaire. Don’t ask me about those who contributed for free. 3. Teach what you know, what you do, and what you’ve learned over time online. You must have a core expertise that is revolutionary and will change people’s way of thinking. Whatever you have become very good at, can make you a lot of money if you know how to teach it to others. 4. Network Marketing – I know I know, I’ve never done it and don’t plan on it, but I know a few millionaire clients who do and it works well for them because of how they go about choosing the right one. According to former MLM expert and Author, Robert Allen, there are three basic principles to follow when choosing the right plan. If you’ll follow these, you should hit bullseye. 1: Select the right company. 2: Use the right marketing system. 3: Use the right leadership system. When choosing the right company examine the
following: are you passionate about it, what is the consumption rate - do consumers use the product daily, weekly, monthly, or infrequently? You want a product with high frequency consumption. Why? Because it generates frequent reorders. Then you want to choose the Right Compensation Plan according to your rank - intrapreneurs/ distributors/associates /affiliates. Make sure to check your local Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been filed against the company. Once you’ve selected a product, a company, and a compensation plan, you’re ready to launch your business, using the Right Marketing System. 5. Affiliate Marketing: This has become a billiondollar business. It’s a Lead generator for other businesses. You can do this to earn money immediately by simply, contracting with companies to use or wear their product or attend their events then endorse it. You can also contact their customers encouraging them to buy other products or services they sell. You can purchase a database
of leads and charge a fee per name to send out an endorsement to. If they buy or support your client, then that fee can be increased. For example, if you charge $2 per person and you send to a list of 5,000 and 2,500 purchase that is $5,000 you just earned. Again, why are multiple streams of income important? Well if you live in the United States of America, you would have seen how many people were affected by the recent Government Shutdown. If you depend on anyone’s check to survive, you’ll always need a life boat to prevent drowning. “Do you have multiple streams of income now? “Do you get paid multiple times for every hour you work?” “Do you earn income even when you are not working? “Will your income streams continue to flow after you die?” “Can you give yourself a raise any time you want?” “If your main income stream dries up, could you survive for a year without income?” If you answered ‘NO’ to anyone of these questions, then we have a problem. Not to worry as the Soul-utionist to streams issues my team and I can help you. As a new entrepreneur investor when you are looking at multiple streams of income, you want to make sure there are low start-up costs, high perceived value, high markups, mobility (can operate from anywhere in the world) and registered or copyrighted. Then you must ensure you have a conversion system. And if you don’t know how to
do these then you want to get help. This leads me to my final point! Get Help - Sometimes You Need Someone to Show You the Way Most people live their lives unaware of the incredible opportunities that exist all around them. Have you ever heard of the woman who saved her entire savings to take a cruise to America? When she finally had enough money, she bought her ticket and packed days of food with her. She stayed in her cabin and did not do much site seeing because she did not want her food and water to run out. With one day left on her journey and all food consumed, she decided to splurge on a meal. She showed up for the final banquet buffet, and, bracing herself to hear the cost, she timidly asked the server how much a meal like this would cost. He calmly reply, “Absolutely nothing all of the meals are included with your ticket.” The woman was beyond shock. Life is like that for many. Don’t get to the end of your life’s journey only to realize that you could have had more peace, joy, vacations, money, and more FOOD only if you had asked those who serve to help you. You can choose to work with a money coach, a business manager or transformational Coach like me who have a track record of starting businesses
for my clients, writing and publishing books for them, creating global platforms for my clients with business and speaking tours and events. Or you can choose to go it alone. Just don’t be like the Children of Israel who went around the wilderness for years when they could have been in paradise from day 8. If you want next level success you must hire next level help. If you have a dormant passion/hobby/interest or talent, connect with me. Do you have unique knowledge on something, expertise, or skill? What about a unique story of success or failure? Overcoming weight, fear, addiction, poverty, or trouble raising your children. If you have a ton load of content, let me help you write that book. One of my companies is a Publishing company and if you hate marketing, hire us, we do that too. If you want to succeed fast you must, do the right thing the right way in the right order. Once you have decided on your area of expertise and identified your market, the process of leaving a legacy that outlives you is inevitable.” Joan Wright-Good, the award winning CEO of Business Startup & Marketing Solutions, JWG Publishing House and the Creative Director for the Joan Wright Good Collection and the Good Life Global brand,” is a unique global leader in that on one hand she will teach you how to create
multiple streams of revenue and create a global brand and on the other preach and lay hands on you like nobody’s business. As a bold yet humble, beautiful, business mogul she is determined to leave her mark on the world, no matter what. The Jamaican native is not your typical money maven who emanated from humble beginnings rising to the top to make a name for herself, to the contrary Wright-Good is passionate about all things philanthropical as she supports several charities as a corporate responsible business owner. Business and ministry are her life. Embarking on a whirlwind business tour in 2018, the busy and booked CEO took her platform to several countries spanning 14 cities to manifest her mission of creating other millionaires and successful entrepreneurs to become balanced personally and spiritually. Wright-Good’s brand has expanded exponentially since her entry into the business startup, marketing and publishing arena. Starting her first business in 2001 where she managed Singers, Musicians and TV celebrities, the notorious entrepreneur then moved on to becoming the founder of Rizpah Fashions, a fashion hub for local celebrities. In 2008 she also became an Author and Publisher. When Wright-Good rebranded to Business Start-up & Marketing Solutions her life also turned around. She became a multi streams income earner and the
2016 President Community Changemaker awardee, a locally and globally recognized brand, she will be awarded for her contribution as a global business leader in August 2019 at the Wheatle Global Ball at the prestigious Waldorf Astoria hotel in Chicago. She moved to the US in 2005 temporarily with the hopes of establishing a career but after about 2 years found herself cleaning the bathrooms at Arby’s restaurant in Fort Lauderdale even though she was a College graduate. She returned home to Jamaica in time to experience a bitter divorce and her life changed forever. After completing a law degree, she permanently moved to the US in 2011, remarried and enrolled into a master’s program. A few short months after her 2012 graduation she founded her company which started in her living room and has never looked back. She now owns other businesses: JWG Publishing Company; a clothing line; the Boss Mogul Academy where she does coaching, mentoring and touring which are very successful she tells us. She does not believe anyone can survive off of one stream of income, which is why she’s passionate to see others become financially free as much as spiritually free. She teaches this concept on her tours, live events and on her school platform. Her next course teaching students how to create 5 streams of income takes place February 4th, 11th and 18th and if a student
misses one date, they can attend the next date. You can catch her on a love stage in a city near you as this Preacher, Teacher, Speaker is fully booked for 2019. The mother of two and wife of Minister, Rev. Deane Good is a living epitome of her written works, she’s moved ‘From Brokenness to Victory’ and has proven that she’s definitely “Different for a Reason – Maximizing her Difference”. No longer identified by the victimization of her past, this superwoman continues to lead by example. Connect with Joan Wright-Good if you are interested in increasing your net worth, if you would like to write a book, if you are looking for a cute outfit or if you would like to learn business strategies that work. Connect with Joan at: FaceBook: @joanwrightgood Instagram: @joanwrightgood LinkedIn: @joanwrightgood Snapchat: @joanwrightgood FaceBook Public page: Joan Wright Good Empowers
5 Unconventional
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5 WAYS TO OVERCOME FAILURE Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston Churchill-
ailure and Success are the opposite of each other in definition but have the potential to be identical in life challenges.
Success is defined as a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment of goals, wealth or other. Failure- only exists when your efforts and aspirations end short of an intended goal. The effort has to end in order for it to be in the category of failure. The number 1 fact we know about failure is that it is not prejudice nor does it discriminate against race, gender, ethnicity or geographical location. Every great King, President, CEO, Parent, Teacher, and child have experienced a moment of failure. Understanding failure and then doing something to correct it is how we overcome the experiences we fall short of. I recently read a Harvard Business Review which suggests that “once a failure has been detected, it’s essential to go beyond the obvious and superficial reasons of it to understand the root causes for it. This requires discipline-better yet, the enthusiasmto use sophisticated analysis to ensure that the right lessons are learned, and the right remedies are employed. The job of leaders is to see that their organizations don’t just move on after failure but stop to dig in and discover the wisdom contained in it”. Here are 5 things to remember when dealing with overcoming failure: 1. Failure does not exist without an embraced mindset – in other words you must
welcome it and accept it for it to set in. DON’T DO IT! 2. Failure does not exist unless there is not a presence of effort – when there is no effort to win you will fail. DETERMINE IN YOUR MIND THAT YOU WILL WIN! 3. Failure is what exist when our efforts walk out of the door – COMMIT TO YOURSELF THAT YOU WILL NOT ALLOW YOUR EFFORTS TO DIE. EVEN WHEN IT IS HARD, COMMIT TO GETTING HELP INSTEAD OF GIVING UP! 4. What you may think is failure could be God’s redirection to better – SEEK HIS ADVICE! 5. When failure repeats itself, check to see what or who the common denominator is and then find out what is the lesson that you need to take away from it. The greatest thing about failure is that it helps me to understand success. No one ever succeeded without a failing experience, failure can be life’s best teacher. It forces you to re-invent yourself and refine your approach and methods. Every now and then, failure will keep your expectations realistic and grounded. Best of all, some failures eventually lead to success, if you remain flexible and adaptable in your approach. As an Addiction Recovery Wellness Coach, I know you know that I have gone through a few seasons of failure myself. Some were very disappointing to
me and the people I love and, those who love me as well. I caused a lot of pain and suffering and would never justify the wrongs that I did. Although I used to, it was always somebody who caused me to ……It was those seasons of failure however, which allowed me to grow up, to man up, to seek help and now I am at a place where I am able to help others in the same way I was helped. Learning from failure I now embrace them as strengths instead of weaknesses because I know God’s grace is sufficient for me as it is for you. In the next publication I will share in depth with you some of my journey and how you can help a family member or yourself to be free from addictions, depression and the feeling of failure. As you examine where you are and re-examine how well you deal with failure (or not), remember, it’s your perception and response to what happens to you that determines the outcome you get in life. So, the next time you feel fear, think about the two responses you can give - F.E.A.R - Forgetting everything and run or Forgetting everything and recover. Written by Deane Good Addiction Recovery Wellness Coach, Please connect with Deane Good through the following social media outlets: Facebook: Deane Good Linked In: Deane Good Instagram: iamdeanegood
n the early 2000’s a statistic began to cycle citing that the number one cause of divorce was Money. This is just not factual. While, financial challenges made the list, what tops the list for divorce in America is infidelity. Ouch! So, now that we have that misnomer out of the way let’s tackle what many of my clients come to me for: How To Stop Arguing About Money. What I find in common about the couples that work with me to assist them in creating a healthier relationship surrounding their shared money is not the lack of money but being on the same page about how to allocate it. So, after years of both working in a ten year marriage with my husband and working with clients, here are a few things that
I have taught them to assist in minimizing money arguments and increasing their chances of being wealthier. It is very important to me for Married couples to get the money conversation right because, when they do, they increase their chances of becoming four times wealthier than their divorced and single peers. Well, not only do married couples have the benefit of combining their income, and sharing expenses but they also have the ability to divide up responsibilities in ways that work in their financial favor. That said, here are some ways that we can stop arguing about money and instead use that time to make more of it and share it in ways that allows us to create a legacy.
Stop Lying That’s the easiest way to put an end to martial money mayhem. I have worked with couples that hides their credit scores from each other. Promised to spend $300 on a child’s birthday party, but instead spend $1,000. I’ve even worked with couples that financially bully their spouses into vacation. Face it, no one is perfect, financially nor otherwise. The consequence to not confronting the truth about that hidden credit card debt, or that time you lost that bet that you thought was going to give you a $1,000 gain, but instead put you in the negative is that you get to keep up the financial facade. Why play second to a financial facade when you could just come clean about your impulsive spending and begin creating some habits that could really lead you and your mate to real wealth.
If you choose to hold on to the hardship without creating better habits it is likely that your hardships will seep into other areas. For me it is easier to change my mind, than to change my mate’s any day. So, I voice my frustrations and then move quickly to identify a solution and that’s the cycle. Create Better Plans In my experiences most, financial problems stem from not having real or solid financial plans. Honestly, if you do not have your money GOing towards a GOal, you will hold on to less and less of it. I mean why not spend all of your extra money on eating out, or plan yet another girl’s trip if the money is there and there is no real assignment for the money. So, create a Goal. If you do not own a home, create a goal to own one. If you already own one, set a goal to purchase another. If you have $10,000 in credit card debt make it a goal to eliminate it in 12months or less. If you are finding that you have no control of your money, your goals are not big enough. I solve all my problems with plans. One easy habit to shift is creating a family budget. Often, when you take the time to review the amount of money coming in versus the amount going out it can make you cringe. This kind of cash confrontation is either going to make you cringe or crunch. I advocate that you crunch the numbers. Figure out the figures so they can stop working against you and start working for you. If you are bringing in less than it takes to manage your household start by eliminating something. Once you exhaust all you can eliminate, decide if you need to ask for a raise, seek better employment, get a part time job, and, or start a business. Whatever you do, don’t just look at the plan, work the plan, because I promise you, when you get back that budget will be right where you left it!
Extend Financial Forgiveness Financial infidelity has more lasting impact than leaving the toilet seat up or eating the last chicken wing, but if we are honest it flexes that same unforgiveness muscle. For me and my house forgiveness means to release all prior animosity and anger and then create new agreements that work. If you are choosing to allow your marriage to outlive the financial transgression then you owe it to yourself to create new habits. For example, if you know that you have been historically late when paying bills then assign that responsibility to the other party. If you know that you are prone to dip into the share savings account, then disconnect all of your access to the funds. I did not say relinquish ownership to the shared savings account, I denoted that you perhaps delete the relationship from your checking account that allows you to transfer funds from your savings account.
Hire Help If you are finding that you have “ talked the talked”, but you lose sight when it is time to walk the walk. Hire help. There are few different types of professionals that can hold you accountable for creating better habits surrounding money. You can choose to work with a money coach much like myself that has experience with assisting couples in getting to the core of their Cash Challenges. You can also select a Marriage & Family therapist that has a track record in working with couples who have communication issues surrounding their money challenges. Hire a CPA or Accountant that offers more than the standard tax preparation services. Those are all relationships that you can seek out to heal your divide. Create Financial Based Rewards We all like a little motivation, and when those motivations are monetary it sweetens the deal. Here are a few notes from my book. Keep in mind my husband is a degreed accountant and I have a heart
for inspiring people to have a better relationship with their money so my suggestions may not be as financial fun but they are “ FUND”. Yay! So, as Valentines day approaches you are likely thinking of some ways to make your honey’s heart melt. Here is my cheat sheet.... #1 Buy a lottery ticket I know, I know but what if you win. You can also add some sentiment to this gift by selecting numbers that are sacred to your union. For example, you can use the date you met, wedded, or the birth of a child. #2 Sharing is literally caring Yes, buy your mate some stock in their favorite company. If your mate has an affinity for a particular store, why not gift him and her the opportunity to share in that company’s financial growth beyond a habitual purchase. #3 Don’t Spend Dine In If you or your mate have created the goal of eliminating some of that debt you created together during the most recent holiday season, I mean December was only 2 months ago. Resist, the urge to go to a fancy restaurant instead take the amount you were going to spend. The average dining for two is America is $80. Take that amount and eat in and use the savings to either go towards your savings or pay down your debt. #4 Trade in Your Full Course Meal for a Financial course So, the average person spends $147 on Valentines day. Consider, investing in a Financial course that will teach you basic principles of investing, boosting your credit score,saving money, real estate investing, and even couponing . If you begin shopping now you may be able to grab some really cost effective options that can have a lasting impact on your marriage and your money. #5. Shop That Savings Plan If you see that you have more than $5,000 (the National average of the amount needed for 6 to 9 months emergency fund), then it is time to move that money to an account that is bearing more interest. Take a look at some online calculators that can assist you in viewing rates for savings, accounts, and money markets. If you already have those financial vehicles in place, then its time you interview at least 3 financial advisers to assist you with getting more bang for your buck. To inquire more about my how I work with women and families to assist them in dealing with the emotions of their finances, build more functional budgets and increase their credit scores visit
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Here are a few of the brands you want to SEE!
The Joan Wright Good Collection Ta spin-off from Rizpah Fashions, a clothing company founded by Joan Wright Good years ago. The new and improved collection now features fashion for the classy woman with a high end collection for the special Bella :)
A full service communication agency. Based in Chicago this company is owned by two Chics full of Black Excellence!
Photographer,who creates memories and T-shirts. They're ready to serve all your photography needs
The GIRLfessionals Network mission empowers, encourage and uplift women to their highest potential by understanding self worth, self awareness and self-esteem on a professional positive level.
Cynthia L. Thompson is a multi-talented entrepreneur, speaker, Prophet, and author of The Power of a Prophetic Mindset and the Woman You Will Journal: a 40-Day Journey to Change. Diverse in her
gifting, she is also the, publisher of the Woman You Will Magazine-a premier magazine of empowerment for women, and creator of the aromatic beauty and fragrance line Ascension, which includes her soft and delicate signature fragrance “Release”. Anointed with a true apostolic and prophetic call, her desire is to impact the world by restoring, perfecting, building and training believers to fulfill their destiny. In 2004, she founded and established Boca Raton’s first Prophetic Training Center. The Center’s focus is to teach and train 5-fold ministry officers and marketplace leaders to operate in the fullness of their prophetic power and authority. The Training Center consists of the Prophetic School for adults and the School of the Gifts for children. Furthermore, the Training Center sponsors 3-day Apostolic & Prophetic Intensive training seminars for churches, ministries and individuals throughout the United States and the world. Under her tutelage, hundreds of Pastors, Business Leaders, Students and people from varied walks of life and strata’s of influence have traveled from across the United States and abroad to gain prophetic intelligence and understand both the spiritual and the supernatural spheres. The adjective “passionate” best describes her desire to see an “eternal change” take place in people’s lives as they are transformed by the supernatural power of God. She has traveled the width and breadth of this country and the world preaching, evangelizing and healing the lost, brokenhearted, hopeless and bound. God’s powerful fivefold anointing flows and envelops her as she preaches, teaches, prophesies and ministers the word in power, truth and grace. Restoration, Deliverance, and Miracles are signs of the power of God in her ministry. She along with her husband, former NBA great Billy Thompson (Los Angeles Lakers and the Miami Heat), Senior Pastor of Jesus People Proclaim International Ministries Church in Boca Raton Florida, oversee a multi-cultural, diverse and progressively growing membership of believers which encompasses the Broward and Palm Beach County communities. With all of the aforementioned, her greatest joy comes from being the mother of 5 beautiful children Geneva, Arnell, Mercedes, Billy Jr. and Micaiah.
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