Multisport Magazine Summer 2016

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As my family grows and their interests broaden I find myself and my camera not only attending triathlon events on the weekends but also nippers carnivals, swimming carnivals, gymnastic competitions and when they can find the time surfing. We are blessed to call the Gold Coast home making outdoor sports a pleasure to be part of. In my opinion, the camaraderie, companionship and support that I see at local triathlon events is by far the most inspiring and heart warming of all the sports I attend. Whether you are coming first, coming last or somewhere in between, on one leg, two legs, hands and knees or in a wheel chair... the crowd support is amazing. You should give yourselves a pat on the back and know that you make triathlon a very inclusive sport to be part of and everyone who toes the line at a triathlon has set themselves a goal to be a better athlete and that is a great community to belong too. Credit has to go out to the Race Directors and their hard working team who put on such a great day, with motivational music pumping and great commentators like a Gold Coast favourite Noel Phillips - the day is in good hands! If you are thinking about taking up the triathlon challenge in 2016 I hope this gives you that extra bit of encouragement that you need to have a crack... you won’t regret it! Not sure where to start? Google your local Triathlon Club and the doors will open! Celebrate your triathlon journey with us, share your inspiring stories and send us your pictures. Support our advertisers, enter our competitions and get social with us on facebook and Instagram. Look out for us five times a year in race packs, aquatic centres, parkruns and multisport outlets! I hope you enjoy the fun between our inspiring pages and pick up the odd tip or two along the ride. Until next issue, take care...

Swim like you’re going to drown. Ride like you stole it. Run like they are chasing you 4 l MultisportMagazine



to our March edition of Multisport Magazine now covering triathlon and multisport stories from Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria!



What’s next on your race bucket list? “Australian Ironman Port Macquarie - it will be my 1st Ironman since Hawaii 2001 and I’m looking forward to doing this event with our son Mark, it will be his first Ironman having taken up the sport of triathlon less than 12 months ago”.

“Up the Buff 25km trail run - why? Because it looks bloody hard. Ran part of it last Saturday & it’s a killer! Gold Coast Marathon - need to better my debut time of 3:28 from 2015 and Coastal High 50 - 50km just before I turn 50!!”


Cover: Sam Betten winner 2016 Hell of the West Photo courtesy of

EDITOR I PUBLISHER Natalie Kuhnemann p. 0402 266 196 e. ADVERTISING SALES MANAGERS Brian Upton p. 0412 365 265 e. Amanda Kyneur p. 0414 248 251 e. ACCOUNTS Monica Puntoriero e. DIGITAL MANAGER Kye Wylde Multisport Magazine is published by Multisport Magazine Pty Ltd ABN: 41 467 297 282. Multisport Magazine Pty Ltd uses due care and diligence in the preparation of this magazine, but it is not responsible or liable for any mistake, misprint, omission or typographical error. Multisport Magazine Pty Ltd prints advertisements provided to the publisher but gives no warranty and makes no representation as to the truth, accuracy or sufficiency of any description, photograph or statement. Multisport Magazine Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Multisport Magazine Pty Ltd reserves the right to refuse any advertisement for any reason. © Copyright - no part of Multisport Magazine may be reproduced in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher.


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22. 23.

Shiny happy [fast] people bring the fun back to triathlon


Age-grouper of the Issue

Reader Q & A’s


Qld Directory

Gold Coast Airport Marathon preparation tips



Benefits of the breath


Tips for getting back in the saddle after a break / holiday



The New Boss - we interview the new CEO of Triathlon Australia


Do socks really matter?


How to treat Runner’s Knee


Mistakes older athletes make and how to ovoid them


SWIM 16.

To sink or swim?

RIDE 18.

Coaching or gear? Get the most bang for your buck

Have you got a race nutrition plan sorted yet?


Message from Triathlon NSW


Age-grouper of the Issue


M.A.M.I.L Banter


Message from Triathlon Victoria


Challenge for Change - GTC’s mission to raise funds & awareness for the John Maclean Foundation


#8in8in8 - 8 iron distance triathlons in 8 days in the 8 states/ territories of Australia


The Club Hub


Challenge Melbourne Post-Race Review


Hydrate your way to Success


Defying the odds - we join the adventure with Guy Andrews


Tips to have a crack at Australia’s toughest 24 hour challenge





We share the latest and greatest products to hit the tri scene


Plan for the excitement that lies ahead with our Race Guide!






Message from Triathlon Qld



Hell of the West Post-Race Review

The do’s and don’t’s of training and racing post surgery

From Shoes to race entries you have to be in it to win it! MultisportMagazine l 5


SHINY, HAPPY (FAST) PEOPLE Words: Keiran Barry, National Talent Coach

WHY DO PEOPLE DO TRI? A lot of people do it to get faster, to win, to compete, to challenge themselves, while others do it because they enjoy the social aspect, to stay fit, to lose weight etc. But no matter what the level of athlete, we all have one thing in common – we want to be happy, we want to have fun. In my 20 plus years as a coach I know I got as much wrong as right and that I still have a lot to learn but there is one thing that I am certain of - when the enjoyment disappears from anything we stop doing it. A frequent comment from retiring athletes is they knew it was time to stop because it wasn’t fun anymore; they lost their drive and their passion. I think it’s vital we all take little steps to keep the fun in what we do. In 2012 I was appointed as coach with Dan Atkins for the Youth Olympic Festival. It was a ten-day camp, with two tough races and many of the athletes in the squad were 6 l MultisportMagazine

coached by others, so the impact Dan and I could have was very limited. To make our job a little harder we had some accommodation issues and ended up being jammed into the British team lodge. So aside from sharpening up a few skills, our main focus as coaches was to make sure we had a happy group of athletes.

genius, but he was anything but grumpy. Wayne has a number of coaches who work with him at the club and for most of the time during sessions he observed. Occasionally he would step in to change an activity.

We didn’t employ clowns (Atkins is a natural in this role anyway) or spend days at themes parks, we just kept the mood light and tried to make the training sessions fun. The feeling in the camp was great and it was no surprise that our talented group of athletes performed exceptionally well. What did surprise us was the feedback from other team’s coaches – who said their athletes were intimidated by our teams relaxed, positive attitude.

When I asked what was it that made him step in and change an activity, he simply replied “Because the players were bored”. All the drills he introduced had a competitive or fun element to them and often both. He was working with professionals, most of whom are extremely well paid, but he is acutely aware of the need to keep athletes engaged. Wayne openly admits that a big part of his success as a coach comes from his understanding of the players need to be treated as people and their basic human desire to be happy.

A couple of years ago I got to spend a few days with the Newcastle Knights and their head coach at the time, Wayne Bennett. Bennett has reputation as a genius coach and grumpy bastard. He is certainly a

This year TA held our national junior camp at the AIS. The camp follows the first race of the national junior series and runs for four days; so naturally by the end of the camp athletes are tired and often flat.


The key focus of the final morning’s run session was speed and agility. I watched several coaches battle to motivate tired athletes to run hard with varying levels of success. One of the coaches, Grant Landers from WA conducted his groups warm up as a “treasure hunt” around the AIS grounds. Their run session featured maze racing, mini transition where athletes started bare foot, had to race to points around grid searching for their shoes, jumping over coaches who lay in their way and so on. The end result was a session that bore no resemblance to a tri training session but resulted in a group of athletes having fun and completing a great speed and agility session, with a heap of skills thrown in.

training fun but if you want some inspiration, have a look at the Sheldon College Facebook page sheldontriathlonclub/ Chris Lang is a serious tri coach with a performance focus but he makes sure the junior and senior athletes in his program enjoy what they do.

These are just a few examples of many things I’ve seen that make me think of the importance of fun, but as a general observation I’d say that too many coaches and athletes forget about happiness and focus solely on performance.

• Drive somewhere different to start your ride or run

What we often forget is that the weight of scientific and anecdotal evidence highlights the strong correlation between happiness and peak performance. Many coaches do a great job of making


It’s really important to remember that not all your sessions need to be targeted and focussed. Making some sessions fun or having a fun element in every session won’t have a negative impact on fitness but it will help keep your mind focussed and keep you loving the sport of tri long term. Have fun, cheers Keiran.

• Multiple relays in your swim sessions • Take out the lane ropes and swim 3 or more to a lane. • Make one ride a week off road • Trail run

• Fartlek runs where one person sets the pace per effort • Ocean swims • Fancy dress rides / runs / swims • Work on new skills – such as riding rollers • Do some adventure racing / off road racing • If you only race long – target a few club races or short events and race with a smile

Keiran, National Talent Coach. Keiran Barry has a degree in Exercise Science. He has coached triathlon since 1995 and worked with hundreds of age groupers over this time. He has coached elite athletes to world cup wins. Keiran was a coach at the 2000 Olympics and 2002 Commonwealth Games.

The Aussie Ocean Swim returns for the second year as part of The Australian Surf Life Saving Championships (The Aussies). This is a unique opportunity for non-members of Surf Life Saving to be part of this iconic festival. Entry is $40 and open to all ocean swimmers 16+.

Register today at

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GETTING BACK IN THE SADDLE »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Words: Michelle and Dale Hemley


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As an Exercise Professional/Coach, I find this time of year really interesting. Our athletes (of all ages) usually reach February in one of the following categories: Super Fit. Some of us use the extra time off (combined with summer weather) to hit the trails, pool, ocean or gym and complete extra training sessions or a training camp. Super Un-Fit. In contrast, others find it hard to get moving over the holiday period. When travelling and away from your regular routine, it can be easy to laze about and over indulge. Making a come back after an extended time off is one of the hardest things you have to do as an athlete. It doesn’t matter if your break has been due to illness, injury, pregnancy or simply taking some time out, returning to training and racing is hard, both physically and mentally. It can be terrifying to think you will never reach your previous level of fitness and often a ‘comeback’ is harder psychologically then anything else. Here are some things to consider as you head back towards triathlon glory...



Coming back should be a gradual process and takes a lot of patience. If you start off too quickly, trying to do too much too soon you will either hurt yourself, make yourself sick or suffer a long recovery. We see a lot of ‘one session heroes’ who smash out a hard session after being out of it for a month, then they are too sore to do anything for the next four days. You gain more benefits being able to train consistently, so smashing yourself once a week and taking days to recover will not fast track your fitness at all. Pick a goal and work backwards, building up the volume and intensity of your training in increments as you get closer to the event. A gradual process is particularly important for older athletes to avoid injury.



and the saying ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’ definitely rings true. Start slowly at a lower point and build from there. It is a great idea to include some testing as a part of your training so you can base your current training levels on the results and gage improvements over time. This can be a simple time trial, a functional power test on a bike, a VO max test, a blood lactate test or basic test sets for swim, cycle and run that give you something to work off.



Everyone is an individual with different backgrounds and physiological makeups. Don’t look at others and compare how quickly they get back to peak fitness compared to you. For one thing, you don’t know the full story to what they are doing or the extent of their break. Keep the focus on you, your goals and consistently getting your work done.



Know that cardio fitness is easier to regain than strength and power. For example, an experienced runner can feasibly be back running longer distances again after a few short weeks. What takes longer to regain is power, strength and having your bodies tissues used to the impact of bearing your weight again. Therefore, don’t just focus on improving your ‘fitness’ and trying to swim/cycle/run further each week. Take the time to do your functional strength, massage rollers and establish good nutritional practices. This gives your body a fantastic foundation so it can handle the increased training load as you build the work, while ensuring good habits are in place.

losing muscle mass and in power generated sports, this has a big impact. In triathlon, this is why you often see people who have lost a lot of weight suddenly have big drops in power on the bike. A way to keep track of this is to have your body fat percentage tracked regularly. Make sure you are always measuring under the same conditions and using the same tool to ensure consistency.



So many athletes try to go it alone, not wanting to spend the money on a dietitian, personal trainer or coach. While this really does depend on your experience, we see so many people struggle along on their own getting constantly injured, not improving and even putting themselves in harm’s way by attempting the latest fad fitness or diet information they picked up on the internet. A return from injury or break will be so much quicker and better executed with professional guidance to keep you on track (and at times, hold you back!)



Be prepared to feel like crap when you first start back, but remember this important point; consistency is key. Keep plugging away week after week, believe in yourself and you’ll get there. Good luck with your preparation for Cairns 70.3 and let us know how you go!’



If you have put on weight during your break, be aware that weight loss needs to occur gradually so it is sustainable and so you can ensure you are losing fat, not muscle mass.

Many athletes attempt to start training back at the level they were previously. For example, if they were holding four minute km’s for a threshold running effort before they had their break, that is the speed they try to hold from the first session back.

Too many people become concerned with the weight on the scales, however to be a top performing athlete what you actually need is a high power to weight ratio. Maximising your lean body mass compared to your body fat is key.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite work like that

Depending on your height, if you are losing more than 1kg a week, you are probably

Michelle & Dale Hemley are passionate coaches with over 20 years experience in endurance sports. They have competed with great success in triathlons from Sprint to Ironman and have raced the prestigious Hawaii Ironman five times between them with podium finishes in their respective age groups.

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BENEFITS OF THE BREATH Words: Rachel Vickery

BREATHING TO OPTIMISE SPORTS PERFORMANCE You know the feeling – your chest is tight, you’re working hard to suck air into your lungs but you just can’t get enough in. Your breathing feels erratic, out of control, noisy even. You KNOW you are fitter than this but you can’t seem to find that next gear. Your heart rate is higher than it should be and the only way for you to keep going is to back off your pace. Is it asthma? Lack of training? Too much coffee? Maybe; but it’s more likely how you’re breathing that is the problem– not only how you breathe when you’re training and racing but how you breathe at rest too. Your mind and body follow your breathing pattern. If your breathing is shallow and 10 l MultisportMagazine

out of control then your technique and movements will be jerky and panicked, and your mind all over the place. If your breathing is calm, and under control – even at the highest of physical intensity – your mind will be focussed and calm, your body movements fluid and you’ll perform to your potential.

improve 20km TT time by 1.5% (Vickery, Kilding & Nicholls; unpublished manuscript, 2008). Most of my athletes can drop their heart rate by 5-10 beats a minute; they feel calmer and more focused, can push harder for longer, in racing and training. Pretty impressive gains by just learning to breathe better!

Most athletes know to take “deep breaths”, or “breathe into their belly”, to calm themselves and bring their breathing under control. This is an incredibly useful tool, however if you only breathe into your belly for a few breaths, then revert to a shallow, upper chest pattern, you are short-changing the powerful performance gains that your breathing can bring you.

Before you read any further check how you are breathing right now. Are you breathing through your nose or mouth? Is your breathing shallow, restricted to your upper chest, or can you feel the belly moving with breath? Is your breathing jerky or is it calm and rhythmical? Are your shoulders lifted? Your abs clenched? Sitting there now you should be breathing in and out through your nose, in a calm, rhythmical way, your belly moving gently in and out with each breath. Your exhalation should be slightly longer

What sort of gains? Four weeks of focussed breathing retraining can increase peak power in competitive cyclists by 3.2% and


than your inhalation, and there should be a gentle pause between breaths. If you’re not breathing this way it might be causing some of the issues shown in Table 1.

face is in the water and then try to breath out and in when their mouth is out of water. You don’t have time for this and you’ll end up in trouble!

How you breathe at rest directly impacts how you breathe with exercise. Athletes who breathe poorly at rest are likely to be compromised in some way when they do sport; they simply don’t have the breathing capacity necessary to optimise oxygen inhalation when exercising. Performance is then inhibited accordingly.

• During pool sessions breathe out hard when you are on the wall between sets. It may only be one or two breaths, but it’s like pushing the reset button on your breathing.

Ideally, when you start to exercise, breathing should deepen. Throughout your session breathing rate will increase so that the athlete’s body can get the gas exchange it needs for high intensity sport. The exhalation requires more force, and lasts for the same length of time as the inhalation, and ideally the breathing pattern stays in a steady rhythm. When you commence exercise with shallow breathing you quickly lose control of the breath. The emphasis on the inhalation, rather than the exhalation, means you end up ‘breath stacking’– you take one breath on top of the next and before you know it you feel like you can’t take a full breath. “When in Doubt, Breathe Out!” is the best mantra to use here. Exhaling creates space for the next breath that you need to get into your lungs. This tip will get you out of trouble any day of the week! To optimise your breathing as an athlete, and to ensure you are performing to your potential, the most powerful thing you can do is to learn to breathe with your belly at rest. As with the rest of your training, learning how to do this takes time and practice. There are number of things that cause you to start breathing into your upper chest and the magic behind really fixing the problem lies in identifying and addressing these factors. However, here are a few quick tried and tested tips that will help you breathe powerfully with control during your sport.



• Learn to breathe with your belly, through your nose, so you breathe like this even when you aren’t thinking about it. This creates the efficient foundation for powerful breathing with sport.



• Breathe out fully under water before you turn to take your breath. It’s amazing how many swimmers hold their breath when their



• Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears – especially in TT position. Feel what happens to your breathing when you shrug your shoulders up to your ears. It doesn’t feel so easy does it! • As you breathe in, feel your belly fall forward, as you breathe out it will come back up. • Keep your mouth only slightly open when you breathe in, and push the out through pursed lips. Think about blowing on a hot drink, rather than trying to fog up a window! • When done properly the bike leg becomes an awesome “rest” for your breathing and a great way to drop your heart rate to save yourself for the run.



• Use the same mouth control as for the bike and focus on making the breath out longer than the breath in. For example breathe in for 2 steps, out for 3. Find a rhythm that suits you, just try to always have the exhalation as the longest part of the breath • Keep your torso up and shoulders relaxed.



• Coming into T1 or T2 concentrate on breathing out hard and trying to slow your breathing down. It is easy to get caught up in the rush and panic of transition, which causes your heart rate to spike and you to make silly mistakes. But remember – your body and mind follows your breathing. Focus on your breathing through transition, to keep your mind calm and focused on what you are doing, and your heart rate down.



• Make sure you keep breathing when you are training your core strength. I see a lot of athletes who work their core hard but hold their breath when they do it!

POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES OF POOR BREATHING MECHANICS BREATHING Unusual shortness of breath Inspiratory stridor / wheeze Difficulty getting enough air into chest Noisy breathing, cough Erratic breathing / breathing out of control Difficulty "catching breath" after an effort Sore throat post exercise, voice changes PHYSIOLOGICAL Unusually high heart rate (resting / exercise) Premature fatigue Unable to reach "top gear" Heavy legs, Loss of power, Slow recovery Regularly "hitting the wall" not explained by food / drink PHYSICAL Sore / tight shoulders and neck Thoracic and Lumbar pain Chronic shoulder injuries Chest / rib cage pain / stitch Unable to reach next level of performance Loss of technique - loss of fluid stroke / excess bike movement MENTAL / EMOTIONAL Loss of focus & Mental Clarity "Busy Brain" / difficulty switching off Poor sleep / Panicky Increased "Fright & Flight" Reactive rather than in "Flow" Inability to perform under pressure Anxiety / nerves become overwhelming Rushed / panicked transitions


Rachel Vickery is a High Performance Consultant and Sports Physio and has worked with elite athletes with breathing-related issues for 18 years, including many of Australasia’s top triathletes. breathingandperformance@

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MILES STEWART Words: Shane Smith




Since his retirement in 2004, Stewart has had to face some tough personal challenges, and all the skills he had learnt in professional sports were unable to help him. That steely determination, the win-atall-costs attitude, the selfishness required was holding him back in the ‘normal’ world. So after three years of soul searching he started his new professional career that has now led him to become the CEO of Triathlon Australia. Former International Editor for US Triathlete magazine, Shane Smith caught up with Stewart at his favourite café on the Gold Coast and below is what they chatted about over a short black and a vanilla latte. Thanks for the coffee mate and taking the time to meet up and discuss your new role at Triathlon Australia and to talk triathlon in general. So let’s get started with a few questions about your past, present and future. Multisport Magazine (MM): How are you settling into the role as CEO of Triathlon Australia? Miles Stewart (MS): Pretty good. Starting a year out from the Olympic Games was a tough time to begin but having been on the board for three years previously really helped out knowing who was who. Being involved in the High Performance Program and understanding the Australian Sports Commission and the AIS was really helpful and the feedback so far has been positive. And like anything I do in life I plan to give everything I have and I think I can make a difference.

MM: After you retired from racing in 2004 what plans did you have for the future? MS: I didn’t really have a plan to retire so I didn’t really have any plans to move on from racing. I think when you have an end date it becomes an issue (with your performance). So, I woke up one day and rang my father and had a coffee with him at Mooloolaba and told him I was done. It had been 20 years of racing and my body had had enough. So, I just woke up one morning and said that was it. Interestingly enough I have never raced a triathlon since. So I really was finished. Luckily during that time I was working with a sports psychologist from the AIS named Clark Perry. I was really lost with what to do and he said I had two options: Have a break/holiday to get over what I have done or try and use my name to forge my way into a career. But he said at some point I was going to need a rest as it takes a while to get over the grief or loss of the type of lifestyle and career I had. I felt that the best option was to transition into a career while I had a name, which I felt, would be short lived. So I spoke to a friend of mine who was an ex-policeman who’d changed careers and moved into a retail leasing. He showed me some plans of a shopping centre he was working on. He explained the deals he was doing, the meetings he was having in coffee shops and cafes, and I thought when I wasn’t training that was all I was doing so this career path sparked some interest. And Real Estate was something I was passionate about so I started with PRD Real Estate on the Gold Coast and then I got a job in Brisbane developing properties and fell into the role. It was one of the hardest things I have had to do, going from an expert in one field (triathlon) into something I knew very little about and starting out at the bottom. However, this was great as it allowed the development of new skills and developing a base to build a solid career. One of the issues I really did see in myself was all those skills that made me a good athlete didn’t necessarily make me a good person in a work place environment. Being competitive, wanting to destroy people or wanting to mentally get above people are not really social things inside a working environment. I was lucky to be working with a friend of mine who pulled me aside one day and he said I had to stop measuring him to the level I was holding myself, as it’s not fair. I was holding myself to a level that is unattainable and he didn’t want to do that or be constantly measured. So, I quickly realized in that environment I was the odd one out and I had to change.

MM: So how long did it take you to make the change? You were an athlete from the time you were eight-years old as a speed skater before becoming a triathlete. MS: It took me about eight years to get it right. The way I was taught to view the world was very one dimensional and about winning at all costs. As a team leader this is not a great quality to have. There are elements of it that I needed but I also needed personal skills which included looking after and supporting people. In an athletic environment you had to be good or you were spat out the back, but in a work environment if you are struggling it is important to offer support. It took me a while to realize the better you are the more work you got, the worse you were the more support you got to improve, which is opposite to sport. In sport if you were no good you were gone. It took a while for me to adjust to that way of thinking. MM: Anne Gripper, your predecessor, was one of the few CEO’s who left TA in a better position than when she started. What legacy do you think Anne left and what are the next stages you are going to lead TA through? MS: Anne took over the sport at a completely different time than what I have. When Anne took over, TA was a mess and they were struggling to survive and Anne coming into the sport at that time was when we needed a calm, stable influence and Anne absolutely provided that. If someone asked me if I would go back and take on the CEO role five years ago, it would be an absolute no from me. There was just too much going on and it wasn’t about building but surviving and Anne not only helped the sport survive but once again flourish – and that’s her legacy. Anne of course worked closely with then President Peter Hedge who helped stop the bleeding and made the tough decisions. He is a brilliant bloke who the sport desperately needed at the time. He didn’t necessarily need the sport but the sport needed him. Without him we may have been in a fair amount of trouble. Those five years saw an amazing, amazing turnaround and Peter, Anne and also David Ferrier helped. That board went through absolute hell but their results has now got us in a position to grow. My job now is to take this to the next level and get us more self sufficient and work on the commercialization. And yes there is work around the high performance program. MM: Is that a priority? MS: Yes an absolute priority! I feel the high performance guys cop a hard time. MultisportMagazine l 13


organisers) but they are, to me, one of our biggest providers, they are some of our biggest clients and we need to make sure those relationships are strong. Since I have been here I have set about to make sure I have touched base with everyone and have an open dialogue with these guys and talk about how we can help one another. I feel like that is going really well. The race directors may have felt like they haven’t been communicated to in the past but one of my biggest mandates when I came into head office has been very simple; we are either looking after a member or helping someone who does. I look at race directors and they help our members. They put on races and provide opportunities for them to compete and we absolutely need to have a partnership there.

We could have great age group races, really happy competitors, a good pro program and safe races. But if the elite guys are not racing well, the perception is the sport is suffering. Which is a pretty heavy task. We could have our biggest membership base ever but if the guys aren’t winning races then everyone thinks the sport in Australia is in trouble. I can tell you now most aspects of our sport are doing very well and in good shape. MM: Let’s turn our attention to the business of the sport. How can TA stay relevant and guide the sport in the future now that big business has come in and running the majority of the sport? Where can TA fit in? MS: We are one of the only sports that run their events with external race providers. That in itself makes us rather unique. Even with the Commonwealth Games, we are one of the only sports that has an outside provider delivering the event. So that dynamic is an interesting one. I certainly don’t feel we should be race directors. That should be left for the experts and I certainly feel we don’t need to be experts in that area. We would rather work with the race directors hand-in-hand than pretend to do it ourselves.

We must deliver great services which they currently pay for via sanctioning, technical officials, volunteers and make sure they feel like they get value from what we provide. From the race directors’ point of view we need to get better at sharing information, making sure we can quantify what is going on in the sport and provide meaningful data to them around trends of what the athletes want and do. MM: Last one mate, what can we expect to see from the leadership of Miles Stewart over the next few years? MS: What I would like to leave is high performance results swinging back up again and a robust program around that. I think we have the bones to do that and with a bit of tweaking and time we should see that ship rise. Having athletes on the top podium in Hawaii is always a fantastic thing for us. But what I would really like to see is some revenue coming back into the sport that we currently don’t have today. I would really like to build a commercial platform that makes us less reliant on government funding moving into the future. I also want to see an increase in technical officials across all levels – level one, two and three and help finish off the unification of the states that Ann (Gripper) has put a lot of good work into.

But how do we stay relevant? I think our relevance is in governance, strategy, looking after the age group membership side of the business, technical officials and safety.

MM: Can you explain the unification? MS: At the moment we work under a federated model which means we have a national body (TA) and a state body (e.g. Triathlon Queensland). Each state has its own board and works independently. There is a lot of value in that as they can manage state based relationships, funding and they do a lot of great work in their communities.

We have probably had some fractured relationships in the past (with event

But this is quite clunky and cumbersome and we are not using the strengths we have

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in each state and we need to be streamlined and efficient. Right now for example we have nine websites to maintain and nine sets of accounts that need auditing each year but in a unified model there would be one governing body and state advisory committees, but all the finances and decisions would be made from one body. One of the problems we have is we currently have 42 staff and 75 board members. With unification we would have 42 staff and seven board members which would make decision-making quicker and more streamlined but the state advisory committees would still provide that connection at state level to make sure all the services are being provided. MM: Thanks for your time Miles and all the best with your new role, we look forward to seeing what the future holds.



MISTAKES OLDER ATHLETES MAKE Words: Peter Reaburn My 50 years of training and competing at state, national and international level in sport have taught me many lessons. 30 years of researching the aging athlete have given me some knowledge. Both experience and knowledge tell me that as we age our performance declines and we appear to take longer to recover. Based on this experience and knowledge, below is what I see as the seven most common training mistakes older athletes make, especially those of us coming back into competition after many years away from sport.

sessions, not go like a ‘bull at a gate’ as we used to as 20 year olds.



If there is one lesson I have learnt over the years, it’s the importance of the principle of ‘progressive overload’. Too many older athletes, particularly those new to sport or not having trained for years, train too hard, too long or too often. Tiredness, overtraining, burnout and injuries are usually the result. The key is to progressively increase how long, how often and how hard we train, and in that order.



I am a huge believer that performancefocused older athletes need to train with intensity. While I appreciate not every masters athlete wants to win a medal, most of us want to perform at our best on event day. Research on athletes both young and old has consistently shown that intensity (how hard we train) is the key to improved performance.



There is no doubt about it, older athletes’ minds are still young. However, our bodies are aging. Research has shown us that as we age, muscle mass drops and the heart doesn’t beat as fast. Thus strength, power, speed and endurance decrease with age. Research has also shown us that our ability to recover from hard training decreases and that for genetic or lifestyle reasons our chronic disease risk factors can catch up with us. Taken together these factors mean that as we get older we need to start training more cautiously and slowly and recover harder and smarter between training

However, intensity also brings with it tiredness, fatigue and an increased risk of injury. Prepare the body well for the hard work by developing a good base, getting the muscles and joints strong and then progressively building the intensity.



I have a saying: train hard but recover harder. As we get older, research has shown us that our muscles don’t bounce back like they used to. This means we should take longer between quality (hard or long) training sessions but also be very focused on recovery strategies science has shown work – active recovery, compression garments, hot-cold contrast baths/showers, food and fluids, ice (water), pool work, massage, spas and stretching.



Older athletes have friends, partners, family and work commitments. These commitments mean time demands and thus stress demands. I’ve learnt over the years what the stress research has said for years – the stress response of exercise and life are the same. Thus, during times of psychological stress, cut back on the intensity, duration or frequency of training and, from my experience, in that order!



You know when you are tired, when a ‘niggle’ may mean trouble coming, when your training performance is poor, when the throat starts to hurt, when you get grumpy with family and friends. These are signs that you need to rest, recover harder, or change your training habits. If not, you’ll pay the price.



I see too many of my multisport mates doing what everyone else is doing. They train with much younger people and/or follow the pack. As we age our physiologies, our health, our ability to recover, life demands and our fitness all change. While it’s great to train and be pushed in groups, there are times when we need to ‘do our own thing’ and that thing is what our bodies are telling us to do, not our minds! Older multisporters need to ‘listen to their bodies’, train smart and use the ‘principles of training’ as their guide, train hard but recover harder, and cut back on training when the stress of life, family and work get on top. Stay active for life!

Peter: Peter Reaburn is an Associate Professor of Sport Science at CQUniversity. He has completed the Hawaii Ironman and is a former Australian Ironman Triathlon Champion (50-54 years). Author of ‘The Masters Athlete’ and an avid blogger:

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TO SINK OR SWIM »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Words by Brenton Ford - Water is almost 800 times denser than air. If your legs are sinking when you swim, the extra drag created by your legs makes it’s very hard to swim at speed for long. When we do video analysis for triathletes at our freestyle clinics, one of the first things we look for is the heels breaking the surface every couple of kicks. This indicates a good body position – horizontal in the water. So what if you’re a ‘sinker’? Does it simply come down to body composition and genetics and are you destined to be a lifelong ‘slow’ swimmer? Absolutely not. While body composition can impact your buoyancy in the water, there are six main reasons your legs might be sinking in freestyle. Let’s take a look at them.



Body position is all about balance. Your head can weigh around eight kilos and when you lift that above the water, as a result of pure balance, your legs and feet will drop in the water. When you take a breathe, be sure that you

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are breathing to the side and not lifting your entire head above the surface. Ideally keep part of one goggle in the water while breathing. This will help you avoid overrotating when taking a breath.



This is the most common cause of sinking legs that we see at our freestyle clinics. There are a few things we have our triathletes do in the extension and catch to ensure they’re getting a good press on the water. The extension phase is once your hand enters the water to when it finishes reaching forward. The fingertips should stay just below the wrist and the wrist just below the elbow during this part of the stroke. This is the first step to avoid pressing down on the water. During the catch phase (when your hand is at full extension out front to when it’s about to pull past your shoulder) you should be tipping your fingertips and forearm down while keeping your elbow high to begin

Looking to far forward




Pressing down on water



tight, not big and slow. Pointing your toes away from you and turning your feet inwards slightly gives you better range of motion if you have stiff ankles from years of running and riding.

Our mantra when it comes to swim posture is ‘swim tall’. The chest is out, your shoulders are back, drawing your belly button into your spine and squeezing your bum cheeks together.

Making corrections in one aspect of your stroke can have a domino effect on the rest of your technique. We find that two to three corrections with most triathletes provides them with the technical fundamentals to become a strong swimmer and exit the water feeling fresher than they normally would.


This creates great connection through your core instead of being like a wet noodle in the middle of your body! This simple mantra can have a big impact on your swimming by creating better connection through your entire body, allowing you to transfer power from your catch all the way through to your kick. pressing back on the water. If your elbow is dropped here, your feet and legs may drop low in the water.



Relaxed breathing is one of the fundamentals of fast swimming. What’s the first thing they teach babies in swim school? Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. When you hold your breath during freestyle it can cause you to panic breathe and panic kick. This can result in kicking from the knees (see point #6) and lifting the head to breathe (see point #1). Gradually exhale when your face is in the water for better body position and relaxed swimming.



If you are looking directly forward, for most people, it can cause your legs and hips to sink down. This tends to lift your head higher than necessary, create a large arch in your back and disconnect the core and hips from the stroke. Most swimmers are comfortable looking 40-45 degrees forward or slightly further down. It all depends on the individual though.



Are you kicking like you’re riding a bicycle? Are your toes pointing down to the ground instead of behind you? This is another cause of sinking legs. The kick should be small and

Is Your Swim Leg Holding you Back from Achieving your Goals? Join professional triathletes Clayton Fettell and Annabel Luxford and learn the secrets to fast open water swimming in the new video course, ‘The Art Of Triathlon Swimming’. • • • •

Master open water swimming technique Be confident swimming in a pack Conserve energy for your bike and run Exit the water sooner without working harder

The ‘Art Of Triathlon Swimming’ is available for stream and download anytime at

To book into a freestyle clinic near you with underwater filming and video analysis go to

Brenton: Brenton Ford, founder of Effortless Swimming, a coaching organisation that helps triathletes improve technique, fitness and speed in their swimming. Brenton has been national Master’s swim coach of the year and has won four national master’s club championships.


Not Getting The Personal Coaching Your Swim Stroke Needs? • Underwater filming • One to one coaching to help triathletes become stronger swimmers. • Eliminate frustration • Learn the fundamentals of fast freestyle • See an increase in speed and efficiency Clinics held in Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Cairns, Adelaide, Proserpine, Launceston and Hobart. Book at:

MultisportMagazine l 17


COACHING OR GEAR? GET THE MOST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK Words: Sara Carrigan, OAM Professional Cyclist Q. “As a weekend warrior on a budget (not much left after entry fees and travel costs), I have a little bit of money to throw at my cycle leg this year. I’m considering either upgrading my road bike, getting a TT bike or getting some lessons; how would you suggest I best spend my money?” Dan



it goes, the facts with pros and cons on cycling lessons Vs upgraded road bike / new Time Trial (TT) bike.


My immediate thought after reading this question was a preference towards investing in cycling lessons. This instant response could possibly be explained by bias, given that I am a coach and I know how valuable knowledge, skills and coaching can be or perhaps it can be explained by my childhood and how my Dad always told me that equipment comes secondary and that training my body was more important than buying equipment.


I sat and pondered a while longer how I was going to write an answer that is not swayed one way or the other, and simply supply the facts to help you make an informed decision as to what may be best for you in your current circumstances. Someone’s current circumstances will certainly be the deciding factor on what direction is the best. So here

• Can psyche out the opposition when they see your brand spanker

Pros • A new bike always feels faster • Does wonders for your mental state, you know the saying … Look good, feel good, go good! • Can feel more confident on a new bike • Can gain more motivation to want to go out on the new stead • If you don’t have the best set-up on your current bike then a new bike can be fitted properly for correct position, optimal power production and comfort. • If the dollar is not really an issue, a new bike each year is the go – hell, the pros do! • Upgrading a bike may not actually mean the entire thing, it may just be investing in a good set of tyres and wheels • Keeping up with the trends to impress your mates

The Torhans AeroZ Designed to be the most functional and aerodynamic lay-flat hydration system available.

Cons • That ‘new bike’ feeling only lasts so long until you are after the next way to get faster. • Cost may be a limiting factor



Pros • A Time Trial bike feels fast as soon as you swing the leg over • Able to get in a more aerodynamic position on a TT bike • Does wonders for your mental state because you ‘know’ you can go faster on a TT bike! • Can psyche out your competition when they see your sleek, fast, aerodynamic machine! • Can gain more motivation to want to go out and put in quality TT efforts • It’s too much hassle and/or don’t like taking your TT bars on and off your road bike • If the dollar is not really an issue, have a new road bike and TT bike set up in complimentary positions that allow you to transition from one to the other without much strain on the body. • Keeping up with the trends to impress your mates, your road bike just doesn’t cut it with TT bars. • Cost may be a limiting factor

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Cons • TT bikes handle differently to road bikes due to their geometry and aerodynamics and you might not feel confident, steady or fast around corners and down descents. • Due to discomfort and body inflexibility, your TT bike may not end up that aero! • Might not feel as comfortable on a TT bike (especially when it has been set up be fast and aerodynamic) so you may not ride it as much as you thought. The less you ride your TT bike, the less confidence and bike handling you have, which diminishes performance.



Pros • Perfect if you are time poor to help you get maximal gains out of minimal time • Feel confident you are doing the right thing in not wasting energy second guessing your decisions or feeling guilty that maybe you should’ve done that extra effort

Cons • The coach you find may not be the right fit so do your research, finding the right fit is the key In my opinion, whether you wish to simply enjoy riding your bike or to achieve lofty goals, coaching wins hands down both from a safety point of view and a performance point of view. From a safety point of view, you owe it to yourself, you owe it to the others you ride with and you owe it to those with whom you share the road to be a better bike handler, to have better skills, and to ride with confidence. From a performance point of view, you owe it yourself to relish in greater enjoyment on the bike, to further profit from all the training you may be doing, to be more efficient, to reduce both nervous energy and unwarranted physical energy expenditure, which helps to translate into better times. In Summary, a new bike has instant, short lived benefits but coaching can serve many aspects on and off the bike and can last a life time.

• Learn knowledge that will serve you well for many years to come • Help you determine the huge potential and vast scope to improve on the bike that will strengthen your overall race through less waste of nervous energy and being more tactically astute, race aware, and physically proficient and efficient. • Properly structured and periodised training can reduce incident of injury and illness • Can psyche out the opposition knowing you have a great training plan and that you look confident in what you are doing. • Can gain more motivation to want to go out training with purpose, structure and reason

Sara: Professional cyclist, Sara Carrigan OAM is one of Australia’s most passionate advocates for sport. Sara has been a professional cyclist for over 13 years, greatest sporting success is winning a gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics.

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20 l MultisportMagazine

REAL FUEL FOR REAL ATHLETES Temple Nutrition uses real food powders, real salts and real minerals to deliver a real, sustainable energy source. These unique blends will drive you to perform better, go harder and recover faster without risk of cramps, stomach issues or the dreaded energy rollercoaster.

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RETURNING TO TRAINING POST OP Words: Britt Caling - APA Titled Sports Physio


To undergo a total joint replacement in any region of the body is very major surgery and both you and your treating post-operative Physio need to respect the extensive nature of the surgery. Some Surgeons have the philosophy that returning to jogging following joint replacement should not occur, however in reality it is possible, and does occur in some individuals. To do this a number of factors need to be taken into consideration, including: 1. Your pre-surgery activity levels, biomechanical issues and running technique 2. The Surgical technique used for your knee replacements 3. How your recovery progresses 4. Your lifestyle and current future lifestyle goals Your pre-surgery lifestyle and activity preference will have some impact on whether it is practical for you to return to running. For example, if you were not a runner before your knee pain developed, then it would not be advisable to suddenly decide to try and become a runner postoperatively, as running is actually an activity that requires a lot of skill and practice to

get it “right” so that your joint forces are minimised. Running does place more stress on lower limb joints and will wear your replacements faster than other lower impact sports, so you also need to decide if you are prepared to accept this risk for the future. The post-operative advice you are given by your surgeon is often dictated by his/ her philosophy on longer-term prognosis (ie some Orthopaedic Surgeons are more conservative than others and just don’t like the thought of increased wear on your prosthesis full-stop), their own experience with exercise, and the severity of your biomechanical issues, that may have contributed to needing the surgery in the first place. Sometimes in Total Knee Replacement surgery the Surgeon will change the alignment of your knee joint from what it previously was. If this is the case, your ability to return to impact weightbearing sports, without causing symptoms in other body regions, will be very limited. How you recover and regain your muscle strength and function is one of the most important factors in whether or not you may be able to return to jogging. Strength and strength-endurance in your quads, calves and hamstring muscles, and those around your hip joints, are particularly important to helping protect your knee joint prosthesis.

Regaining this muscle function can take much longer than you may expect, and is not guaranteed to return just because you exercise. Lastly, my philosophy as a Sports Physio (which may be criticised by some) would be to help you achieve your goal. If the goal for you is to be able to return to jogging, as it is an important part of your lifestyle, then I would discuss the surgical technique and any biomechanical concerns with your surgeon. Hopefully we could then put into place plan to guide you in what would be required to help you return to jogging. Some people do return to jogging following knee and hip replacements, but as you can see above, many factors influence whether this ultimately does occur or not. Good luck with your choices.

Britt Caling, An APA Titled Sports Physio at Gold Coast Physio & Sports Health and an adventure race athlete plus ultra-runner. Britt has been appointed as Australian Team Headquarters Physio for Rio Olympics and has a special interest in analysing sports technique, in particular running, triathlon, swimming, cycling and paddling.

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RUNNING Q&A’S Q. HI JACKO, I RUN IN THE MORNING, SO WAS POORLY PREPARED AND HAD A DISASTROUS TWILIGHT MARATHON EXPERIENCE IN 2015. HOW SHOULD I PREPARE DURING THE DAY FOR MY NEXT TWILIGHT EVENT SO THAT IT IS A FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE? Words: Jackson Elliott A. Getting nutrition right for any race is tricky and can be a personal thing. Especially when we are talking half and full marathons. I recall doing this race a few years ago and thinking the same thing, how am I going to fuel my body to run in the afternoon? It is a personal choice and something that needs to be rehearsed in training. With a race in the afternoon the easiest thing to do would be to switch a few run sessions to the afternoon and see how the body repsonds to different foods and the timing between running and last consumed. Generally speaking three to four hours is when you would want to have your last bit of ‘real’ food. After this time, just an energy bar or drinks usually do the job. Another option is to experiment with energy gels pre-race. Again I would not recommend doing this on race day for the first time however if you are training at 5pm and have not eaten since lunch a small bar or gel 20mins before the session may provide you with enough energy to complete the run. Trial and error is the key to getting the best out of yourself when dealing with race day nutrition. Given the distance is a half marathon I would suggest having at least something in the stomach a few hours before as you are going to be out there burning it for a while. Also getting hydration right is something to consider. I often see runners consuming not enough or too much liquids pre-race. It is good practice to start hydrating 24 hours out from the race. This helps to prevent that bloated uncomfortable feeling we get if we try and cram our hydration in a few hours out from a run. I hope this helps and good luck.

Q: I LIKE TO RUN FAST PACED, HIGH IMPACT SHORT RUNS AND LONG DISTANCE RUNS 10KM AND OVER. SHOULD I USE DIFFERENT SHOES FOR EACH DISTANCE? Words: Ryan Mannix A: It sounds as though you are stepping up your running and incorporating some harder workouts which is great and your running will definitely benefit. Generally speaking in relation to changing shoes to match your workout, if affordable, I think it’s a great idea to have a couple of different styles of shoes to rotate through your weekly runs. Here’s why: when you are doing a long run, you want a shoe that is going to provide you with some good cushioning, possibly support (depending on the way you run) and should not be too concerned with its weight. The extra support and cushioning that a standard training shoe has is going to help soften the impact of a long run and help reduce injury. When doing your shorter, faster runs, I think it’s a good idea to get into a more lightweight, minimal shoe. There are many of these on the market and are often referred to as racing shoes. They definitely feel different and can even change the way you run, shifting you toward a more forefoot strike, as the foot contacts the ground later in the stride due to less of a heel. However, I wouldn’t run in these for my longer runs, which many athletes do. Even though they can improve your running efficiency and reduce impact on the knees and hips by bringing your foot strike closer to under your hips, I still believe that the less support and cushioning these shoes provide opens up greater risk of injury. Not to mention the fact that when you put the lighter shoes on you almost want to run faster! And are best saved for these faster runs and even races, if you are competing. Rotating shoes will help them last a lot longer. Good luck getting out there with the faster stuff. I’m sure you will notice a difference when running in the two types of shoes and the many benefits it can provide.



Jackson Elliott, Teacher and Coach - Level 1 ATFCA. Coach at Nudgee College 2000-2005 Assistant Coach X-Country and Athletics, Marymount Primary 2006-2013 Head Coach X-Country and Athletics. 2013 QLD X-Country Champion 8k and 12k.

Ryan Mannix has been a runner and duathlete for over 20 years. He has trained and raced in Kenya and Europe as a runner before moving to duathlon, where he represented Australia at an Elite level. Ryan has now turned his attention to coaching both runners and triathletes, and is the current Triathlon Victoria Coaching Course facilitator.

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5 KEY POINTS TO PREPARE WELL FOR YOUR FIRST GOLD COAST AIRPORT MARATHON Words: Brad Beer 1. Enter the event early There seems to be an indescribable ‘pull’ or certain magnetic energy that draws the best out of your preparation when you have made a solid commitment by officially registering for the Gold Coast Airport Marathon. This magnetic energy will work in your favour when you have the inevitable tough days in training when you are fatigued, sore, or just generally lack-lustre in your approach. 2. Get a running buddy If you really want to increase the likelihood of achieving your goal of running the Gold Coast Airport Marathon, seek out a running partner. The accountability that comes with having a running partner will make a huge difference in the quality of your preparation, and ultimately the success of your goal or otherwise. The benefits of such accountability are particularly important in keeping your training on track for your marathon attempt. 3. Leave enough time to prepare well The problem with too short a preparation

time is the resultant pressures that are produced (both mentally and physically) as the runner tries to ‘cram’ kilometres and training ahead of the looming event date. In order to provide some guidance around the time required for an adequate and sensible marathon preparation, no less than 20 weeks of programmed preparation is recommended. 20 weeks will allow enough time for a progressive build, adequate recovery, enough long runs, and a smart taper before the event. 4. Act on your niggles early Too often, runners preparing for marathons make the mistake of ignoring what starts out to be a low level pain or niggle. If the pain has not settled by the following run, then the trend of a worsening injury is evident. Waiting to see ‘what happens’ will ultimately cost you time and possibly lost fitness through a longer then required rehabilitation program, than if you had acted immediately. Consult with your running physiotherapist or other health professional in order to

establish a diagnosis, prognosis, and rehabilitation plan. 5. Don’t ignore rest Sadly, rest is ignored in the training diaries and programs of many runners, both recreational and elite. Rest can be taken in the form of a complete rest day, a rest or recovery session or even some easy weeks or blocks of time. In order to get the training-to-rest ratio correct for your training and event preparation, engage the services of a qualified running coach or seasoned marathon runner. Enter at About Brad Beer Brad Beer is a Gold Coast based physiotherapist, author of Amazon best seller ‘You Can Run Pain Free!’, avid runner and leading authority on running injury prevention and rehabilitation.








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SOCK IT TO ME! Words: Madeleine McMahon, Sports Podiatrist

DO SOCKS REALLY MATTER? The socks you wear on your feet play a vital role in training and race days. We want to eliminate any variables that may slow us down because - let’s face it - a painful blister could be the difference between first and second place. Finding the perfect pair is imperative and once you have them you will never let them go. The environment your shoe provides can be unfriendly to your feet – high temperatures, minimal ventilation, high pressure points and friction can all lead to negative outcomes. The 5 seconds it takes to put on a pair of socks is worth the time, as they will protect your feet and help you stay blister free! We recommend Technical socks as they are specifically designed to cope with these conditions. The materials used come in varying percentages, but they generally have a combination of natural and synthetic fibres.

MATERIALS • Moisture wicking – brands will have their own spin on naming this material (Coolmax, Thor-wick, iWick). This material ensures water and sweat are drawn away from the skin to the outer layer of the sock, keeping your feet dry. It regulates temperature and allows your socks to dry quicker.

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• Silver - Anti-odour and antimicrobial. Decreases likelihood of fungal and bacteria infections eg) Tinea Pedis • Wool – warmth and insulation • Nylon – strength and durability • Lycra – stretch • Cotton – Breathability. Usually in a low percentage as it attracts and absorbs moisture. All socks have different features and it is up to you to decide what is most comfortable. All good sports and running stores will have samples that you can try on and some brands offer your first pair for free.



FEATURES TO CONSIDER • Thickness – do you like to feel the shoe more or something soft and cushioned underneath? Do you get hot feet? This can vary on the weather and you may have a summer and winter pair. It can also depend on how you prefer your shoe to fit. • Length – invisible, ankle, mid and high. • Fit – correct sizing, gender specific and anatomical fit for left and right feet. If you are sitting on the fence, remember comfort is king and the right sock is an investment in a comfortable, more enjoyable running experience. Yours in keeping people active and happy!


Madeleine McMahon is a Sports Podiatrist at Pro Feet Podiatry who has a special interest in treating endurance athletes, in particular runners, triathletes and hikers.







The large quadriceps muscle and it’s tendon joins onto the knee cap (called the patella) and passes through to attach onto the lower leg. The knee cap is critical in helping the large quadriceps muscle bend the knee efficiently by the knee cap sliding backwards and forwards in a shallow groove at the front of the knee that is lined with smooth cartilage.

Feet rolling inwards (also called pronation, flat feet, dropped arches) results in your knee following your feet and rotating inwards. If we can minimise the amount of rolling in of the feet, then we can minimise the inward rotation of the knee to keep the knee cap sitting in its smooth groove. Getting feet to track straight is achieved by matching the correct amount of support in your shoes as well as using an orthotic to get perfect function. Run technique adjustments are sometimes needed to get the foot landing in the right position relative to the ground and your body.

A huge amount of force is transmitted by the quadriceps muscles through the knee cap when running or riding and misalignment can result in inflammation and pain of the cartilage under the knee cap.



The pulling of the outside part of the quadriceps muscle pulls the knee cap towards the outside of the groove that it is meant to be sitting in. The knee cap can’t slide as well and inflammation and pain quickly builds under or around the knee cap.

As a runner lands on one leg it is common for the opposite hip to drop and this also causes the upper leg and the knee to rotate inwards. To avoid the hip dropping comes down to firstly having enough strength and stamina in the small gluteus muscles that hold the hips level when running. Once it has been determined that there is enough core strength and fitness with these muscles, it is critical that these muscles are being activated and used when running. Run technique is critical to make sure the body is in the correct position for these muscles to start doing the job of holding the hip level when running.

There are two causes of the knee rotating inwards when running - feet rolling inwards and secondly the hip dropping.

Once these root causes of Runners Knee are addressed, runners will find that they are no longer limited with their training volumes.

Rotation of the knee inwards when running is by far the single biggest cause of ‘Runners Knee’. As the knee rotates inwards, the runners momentum is heading inwards as well, so the outside part of the quadriceps muscle (and the ITB) has to contract strongly to try and keep the runner tracking straight ahead.

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RUNNERS KNEE BASIC CHECKLIST: Correct amount of support in shoes Prescription orthotic by a sports podiatrist Gluteus muscle assessment for strength and endurance Run Technique Assessment for Gluteus muscle engagement Shoes Feet Gear Sports Podiatrists can help with all of this and more all under one roof.

Pete: Peter Charles has a Bachelor Health Science (Podiatry), MAPodA, Accredited Podiatrist, Bachelor Science. Owner of Shoes Feet Gear. Peter is a passionate runner and triathlete.


5 REASONS TO ‘PLAY IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT’ AT THE JUPITERS PAN PACIFIC MASTERS GAMES 1. Be a part of the world’s biggest and best biennial masters games The Jupiters Pan Pacific Masters Games first began in 1998 and has grown to become an integral event on the biennial sporting calendar for the Gold Coast, Queensland and Australia. The previous edition attracted 13,505 athletes and their supporters with more than half coming from interstate and overseas resulting in a massive boost for Queensland in both the tourism and sport industries. It has cemented its position as Australia’s premier multi-sport event and is currently on par in terms of participation levels with some of the biggest sporting occasions in the world such as the Olympic Games. 2. 42 sports to choose from including four new additions We have 42 sports on the program ranging from individual sports such as athletics, indoor rowing and swimming to team sports such as baseball, football and indoor cricket. We’ve even added four new sports to the program this year including table tennis, paddling - ski & SUP, equestrian – show

jumping and athletics – distance running. Check out the sports program today! 3. Compete at some of the best sporting venues in Australia The Gold Coast is home to some of the most outstanding sporting facilities in Australia and many sports at this year’s Jupiters Pan Pacific Masters Games will be utilising them. Swimming, diving and fitness challenge will be held at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre while the redeveloped Coomera Indoor Sports Centre will host basketball. Both of these world class venues will be used for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. 4. Jam-packed entertainment program We have a comprehensive entertainment program planned for the event which will provide participants the opportunity to celebrate achievements, socialise with teammates, friends and family and enjoy the camaraderie for which the event is renowned. Past entertainment line-ups have featured some of Australia’s most iconic musicians including Ian Moss, Melbourne Ska Orchestra, Dragon and Daryl Braithwaite. 2016 line-up coming soon!

5. It’s on the Gold Coast We leave the best reason till last. It’s on the Gold Coast. From the iconic Surfers Paradise beach to the sophisticated dining precinct of Broadbeach and out to the lush, green Hinterland, there’s a new experience waiting for you at every turn. Theme parks, worldrenowned beaches and year-round sunshine are just a few of the reasons 10.5 million visitors flock to this vibrant city each year - a destination which is as scenic and peaceful as it is fast paced and active. Start planning your trip to the Gold Coast today. *Enter the Jupiter Pan Pacific Masters Games before 29 February for your chance to win 1 of 10 Games Fee entries.

Play it, Live it, Love it on the Gold Coast in 2016!

Over 40 sports

Nightly entertainment

13,000 participants

The world’s biggest and best biennial masters games!


5-13 November 2016

#PPMG16 MultisportMagazine l 27




Words: Dietitian and Sports Dietitian from Dietitian Approved, Taryn Richardson



Before we delve into race nutrition, lets not discount the value of your everyday eating plan. The foundations of daily healthy eating are where you will see the greatest performance benefits. Day-to-day nutrition helps you optimise your general fitness and training capacity, recovery system, immune function and both fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Once you’ve got the foundations right here, then you can focus on fine-tuning things come race day. OK got that sorted – read on!



Nutrition and hydration are very individual, so what works for your training buddy may not work for you. We are all different with different taste preferences, food preferences and gut preferences. 28 l MultisportMagazine

The amount of carbohydrate needed during a race depends on the individual athlete and also the distance being raced: For the shorter duration events <60-75minutes, your fuel tank is unlikely to empty completely to the point of “hitting the wall” or “bonking”. You have enough carbohydrate stored in the form of glycogen to get you through the race. Performance may still benefit from consuming a small amount of carbohydrate e.g. a gel, gummy or sports drink. There is good evidence that even a mouth rinse of carbohydrate is enough to send sparks flying in the central nervous system and give you a pick me up when you need it. Something to consider if ingesting carbohydrate while racing is impractical or digestively difficult for you. For longer events though >90minutes (OD, 70.3, IM and beyond), eating and drinking during a race will be imperative if you want to reach the finish line in one piece. The longer the duration, the greater your needs are. For the endurance events such as

70.3 and IM, carbohydrate needs can be higher than we can absorb with glucose alone. It’s worth playing with multiple types of carbohydrates (e.g. glucose + fructose) as these are absorbed through different channels in the gut, increasing your carbohydrate availability beyond what glucose alone can provide. Depending on the environmental conditions and what sort of sweater you are, will dictate how much fluid +/- electrolytes you need to replace. See last editions article on hydration.



Depending on the distance of you next event, carb loading may be beneficial. Carbohydrate loading refers to practices that aim to maximise muscle glycogen stores. Typical muscle glycogen resting values sit around 100-120mmol/kg wet weight (ww) in trained muscle. Correctly carb loading can pump stores up to 150-250mmol/kg ww. There are a few common misconceptions I often see associated with carb loading: • You don’t need to carb load for a sprint distance triathlon. Your fuel tank will sufficiently last you for the duration of the race, provided you consume carbohydrate in your everyday diet.


Swap ut! it o


• Carb loading does not mean drinking a beer the night before a race! –sorry. • Carb loading doesn’t mean eating junk food like pizza, bakery goods or hot chips. The focus is on carbohydrate, not fat or too much fibre. Swap that donut for a thick slice of raisin toast with honey or jam. • Carbohydrate loading requires an exercise taper. If you continue to train hard right up to your event, there is little opportunity for our muscles to store extra glycogen. • Carbohydrate loading doesn’t make you faster. It enhances performance by prolonging time before fatigue sets in, extends the duration of steady state exercise and improves performance over a set distance or workload.



Do some research and find out what nutrition and hydration is available out on course and at what intervals. The more prepared you are going into the race, the less you leave to chance on the day. If the sports drink on the run isn’t something you’ve ever had before, consider trying it in training so that you know you’ll tolerate it during a race if you want (or need) to drink it.



Now is the time to practice your race nutrition plan in training. Don’t turn up on race day and wing it with a new gel or sports drink. Use brick sessions, long sessions or race simulations to test out what you plan to do on race day. This will iron out any kinks with the logistics of eating and drinking – for instance, trying to peel a banana while down on the drops is not something I’d recommend trying for the first time in a race ☺ It will also ensure your tummy handles that form of nutrition and there are no surprises. Race day nutrition also needs to be seen in the context of the preceding days, the pre-event meal, during the event and postrace recovery. Consider spending the time developing a personalised plan with your Accredited Sports Dietitian to optimise your performance racing. Happy Training ☺ Taryn

Taryn: Taryn Richardson is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Sports Dietitian. She spends half of her time consulting in private practice and half of her time working with the Australian Triathlon and Para Triathlon teams at the Australian Institute of Sport (dream jobs!).

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DEFYING THE ODDS Words: Team Captain Guy Andrews

Lake Wanaka, nestled in New Zealand’s South Island an hours drive from Queenstown is one of the prettiest areas I have visited. A very European feel, tourism being its main attraction with an active ski season in the winter and plenty of action sports running during summer including the two day Epic Multisport Race ‘Red Bull defiance’. Defiance is a two person team race consisting of mountain biking, running and paddling. Athletes must traverse the course together in male, female or mixed categories. My team mate for the weekend was former 10,000m running champion Paul Patrick whom boasts a PB 10km of 27min 59sec, admittedly in 1993 also when I was a lot faster at most things involving surf Ironman disciplines.

The event boasted a number of the very best adventure athletes from around the world but interestingly a number of them call Wanaka home. Paul and I were about to find out why this region develops some of the best exponents of the sport.



Stage one: 43km mountain bike ride on private farm trails alongside Lake Wanaka 1250m elevation gain. The pace was on straight out of the gate with speeds approaching 40km/h on gravel farm roads that soon gave way to many hills splitting the 120 racers far and wide. We consolidated in 10th place and feeling ok. Stage two: 11km run/scramble 800m elevation gain including a 100m abseil. Paul was off quite fast enjoying his natural state of running but I was soon able to set the pace on the more technical climbing section.

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The abseil was spectacular and we enjoyed some nice exposure on the side of an overhanging cliff. Being Pauls second time in a harness and first time off a cliff his main focus was not looking down! Soon we were running again headed towards the shortened Kayak leg. Stage three: Kayak 4km shortened from 17km. We were a bit disappointed in the shortening of this leg due to weather as we had superior boat speed to the teams that had closed in around us and the small buffer we had established in eighth place was soon evaporated in the added 14km run stage. Stage 4 -14km run I was done with running already but we still had the 14km Millennium track alongside Lake Wanaka to complete before end of day one. At that point Ryan Sandes, Red Bull sponsored international trail runner cruised by us with his female team mate on a tow line!


Meanwhile the leaders 21 year old Tasmanian Alex Hunt and Kiwi Daniel Jones some 60min ahead had finished and taken apart a world class field. Other Australian notables Team Peak Adventure of Jarad Kohlar and James Pretto had a tough day claiming seventh overall in around 5hr 40min Paul and I trundled in at race time 6h5min in ninth place.



Stage one: 18km Paddle Finally on familiar turf back in the water for the paddle across lake Wanaka and down stream 18km in fast water, this leg was done in 1h 25min before a short 3km run up to a shot gun clay pigeon shooting test. The penalty for missing was two minutes in a hold box. We got through clean but soon realised two minutes in the pen was meaningless when compared to what laid ahead!

Stage two: 28km mountain bike ride 1100m elevation gain This farm track mountain bike ride just kept on giving. We climbed for almost two hours with our compulsory gear on our backs, it was day two and we were becoming quite fatigued. Not as fatigued it seemed at Team peak Adventures Jarad Kohlar who was struggling on the climb as we passed by. Stage Three: 30km Mt Roy Trek 1600m elevation gain. What a stage, equally spectacular as it was brutal. We set out conservatively carrying all our gear and water needed for at least four hours on foot in an Alpine environment.

After three hours of climbing we made the high point and decided since we were not winning anything we would crack out the phone and get some great pics! As we were busy in selfie heaven, Team Peak Adventure managed to catch us and consequently descended the mountain faster beating us home by 20 minutes. Day two for us was a nine hour ordeal that I wasn’t really fully prepared for but never the less enjoyed in hindsight. Alex Hunt and Daniel Jones lead all day and won overall in around 12hr30min Interestingly international mixed teams placed second and third outright while Team Peak Adventure placed sixth male team and Team Guy Andrews Adventure seventh male team. Defiance Is a tough running centric race that needs to be taken seriously if you’re looking at racing and not just surviving!

“If there is any multisport race to do in the world right now, Red Bull Defiance is it!” Jess Simson: Women’s One Day Coast to Coast Champion 2014

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MUST BRING ITEMS? Take a good wetsuit and good gloves, a tonne of calories, shoe options incase you get blisters, tape and good support crew.


X-TRIATHLETE TALKS AUSTRALIA’S TOUGHEST 24HR CHALLENGE FORMER TRIATHLETE MATT MURPHY TALKS US THROUGH HIS TRANSITION FROM TRIATHLON TO OBSTACLE RACING AND SHARES HIS TIPS TO COMPETE IN AUSTRALIA’S TOUGHEST 24HR CHALLENGE TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF? I was a high school runner who turned to triathlon because I could ride a bike and I could kind of swim :-) By the age of 19 I was the U23 Australian Triathlon Champion. I represented Australia at the U19 World Triathlon Champs and twice in U23 World Triathlon Champs. After some very serious injuries overseas I returned to Australia and started a business - an outdoor training company www. and within two years had around 400 clients. With my clients in mind I wanted to start taking them to events within New South Wales and that’s where I got the Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) bug. My first ever OCR was Tough Bloke - I came first and never looked back. I take my clients to different obstacle races about three times a year and everyone loves it... including me.

HOW DID YOU TRANSITION FROM TRIATHLETE TO OBSTACLE RACER? OCR has the obvious difference with no bike so that’s a little easier and more often then not you will face a short swim but nothing like a 1500m olympic distance swim. 32 l MultisportMagazine

Within an OCR event your heart rate can get super jacked and depending on the type of obstacle, you can go from running at threshold to all of a sudden carrying a 30kg sand bag up a hill and going completely lactic or you could hit an obstacle that you just can’t complete and have to do a 30 burpee penalty.

The mental side and the cold. Be prepared for both. Know you’re going to hurt and just remember it will be over in less then 24 hours.

ANY TIPS FOR STRIVING ATHLETES? Go out slow and you will survive a lot longer and your body won’t shut down too early in the event. Know in your head you’re going to hurt a lot but it will be over soon enough, put your head down, grit your teeth and smash it. Make sure you put your biggest effort in during the night laps. Everyone can go fast in the day but it’s the night that counts. Finally think how lucky you are to have a body that you can put through this type of event, there are many people out there who could only dream of doing this event - you are truly blessed.

The transition is quite easy as long as you mentally prepare yourself that as with triathlon, if you’re going to race hard and have a good crack, it’s going to hurt like hell.

HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR A 24HR ENDURO? Make sure you get a few very long runs or hikes in the body a few months out so that the body is ready to spend 24 hours on its feet. It doesn’t have to be a hard pace but just get out there and spend some solid time on the legs at least six to ten hours should be the goal at some point.

EVENT SNAPSHOT True Grit: Australian 24hr Enduro What Is it? Australia’s only 24hr Obstacle Race. 10km loop on repeat with 30+ obstacles per lap When Is it? 11 June 2016

Hit the gym around twice a week. You need to be strong so you don’t fall in a hole early on in the event.

Who can compete? Anyone can enter. Individually or in a team of 2, 4 or 6

Finally... pull ups, pull ups, pull ups and more pull ups! They are key. Make sure you train three sessions per week mixing up your pull ups.

Where Is it? Hawkesbury River, 1½ hour drive north of Sydney

You will thank me later for this hot tip!


strategic partners

NSW 5 - 6 March 2016

27 February 2016 Yamba, NSW Coffs Harbour



Events for all levels

19-20 March 2016 Mount Kosciuszko, NSW

19 - 21 August 2016

02 April, 2016 Forster, NSW

11-12 June 2016

Sydney, NSW

World’s Toughest Daylight Triathlon

11 June 2016 Hawkesbury River, Sydney

20 March 2016 Kurnell, NSW

Hawkesbury River, Sydney

06 March 2016 Newcastle Foreshore

3 April 1/2 marathon, 10, 5, 2km Newcastle and Merewether

VIC 21.1KM / 10KM / 5.5KM / 3.5KM / KIDS DASH



Canberra, ACT

12 March 2016

24 April 2016 Penrith


Wollongong Harbour

19-20 March 2016

15 May 2016

Every Saturday morning at 7am. Free, 5km run it’s you against the clock.

24 April 2016

Penrith, NSW



YA R R A W O N G A - C O B R A M - T O C U M W A L

13th March 2016

Showcase your event here to a captive audience of 45,000+ multisporters for only $150.00.

Every Saturday morning at 7am. Free, 5km run it’s you against the clock.

23 April 2016 Penrith

6 March 2016


24 April 2016

Wandong Victoria

Jindabyne, NSW

10k and 5k trail run

Werribee South

10 April 2016 8 - 10 April 2016

Abbotsford, Victoria

APRIL 24 2016

19 - 20 March 2016



16-17 April 2016 Dunsborough, WA

Warrnambool, Victoria

Every Saturday morning at 7am. Free, 5km run it’s you against the clock.

RaceGuide Plan for the excitement that lies ahead with Multisports’ Race Guide, covering the regional events. If you wish to showcase your event on this page please email:





Southbank, Qld

6 March 2016

Individual / team entries

Mooloolaba, Qld

13 March 2016

14 May 2016

Currumbin Valley, Qld

22 May 2016


20 March 2016


17-19 June 2016

Coolangatta, QLD


3 April 2016

6 March 2016 5km course

13 May 2016

Currumbin Valley

20 March 2016

Mooloolaba, QLD

16 & 17 April 2016

North Stradbroke Island

Date: 16 - 17 July 2016

Athletes must be currently involved in triathlon training, competing and aspiring to achieve elite representation in triathlon.


16km or 25km trail race

15 - 17 April 2016

Gold Coast

QLD 10 April 2016 Gold Coast, Qld

Sunshine Coast, Qld

16-17 July 2016

Runaway Bay Sports Super Centre

11 September 2016

Alice Springs, Queensland

8-15 October 2016

Gold Coast, Queensland

5-13 November 2016

Apply at: or or email: kaity at

20 - 21 August 2016

Airlie Beach, Qld

Every Saturday morning at 7am. Free, 5km run it’s you against the clock.

31 July 2016 Brisbane 100k, 50k, 20k 10k

Celebrating 22 Years

2-3 July 2016

Airlie Beach, Qld

Individual / team entries

Gold Coast, Qld





36 l MultisportMagazine




arly starts, limit testing training sessions, study on technique and technology, maintaining equipment and all of this in the fine balance of life and work. Sound tempting? Many of us find the work life balance difficult enough to juggle let alone managing our sport endeavours around all that life throws at us. However, with a core belief in maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle, our ability to be a parent, partner and productive employee are all enhanced because of the positive changes to mind and body. I’m often asked to say a few words when visiting with clubs, award functions, or speaking to other sports. I always have a few points prepared for impromptu messages, and they primarily revolve around three themes: consistency, self-awareness, and silver bullets. Consistent approaches to sport, work and life are always productive. The very best athletes maintain amazing consistency. They

are actually human and feel hard sessions like the rest of us, but champions make it look easy - always. They set realistic and achievable goals. Many of us set goals which focus on an outcome rather than a process to give yourself a chance to achieve an outcome. For example, we may set a goal to win gold in the Nissan State Series. Well the thirty or forty other people in my age group may set the same goal, and if I then come in second or even lower, am I really a failure? I don’t think so. Set goals which give you a chance to win gold. Maybe some examples may be hitting certain power outputs consistently on the bike, making all your swim sessions, completing all the sets in the gym. All of these examples are totally in your control and will lead to improving performance.

articulation of thoughts, beliefs, motivations, and emotions. Finally, silver bullets. During my youth, I was always in search of the one thing that would improve my performance, fix all my shortcomings and provide me with consistency. It doesn’t exist. Everything requires work and there are occasions where it doesn’t result in success. Learning from failure is one of the best parts of life, and one of the best pieces of advice I’ve received is that feedback is a gift. I’m looking forward to the business end of what has been a terrific triathlon season so far.

SEE YOU IN TRANSITION. Tim Harradine, Executive Director Triathlon Queensland

Self-awareness is so important throughout all aspects of our life. Having a clear perception of our self is important, but equally important is our own recognition and

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NISSAN STATE SERIES BRINGS OUT THE CHAMPIONS With only two races left in the Triathlon Queensland Nissan State Series, stakes have never been higher to secure your points and take out the top spots in the Series. Good news is, the final races of the series are both State Championship races, which means extra points up for grabs. For those of you thinking about an overseas holiday in 2016, you’ll also score qualifying points towards your position in the Triathlon Australia Age Group World Championships Standard Distance and Cross Triathlon. The Triathlon Queensland Nissan State Series is the only triathlon series in Queensland that includes six State Championship races across six race disciplines including Aquathlon, Duathlon and Cross Triathlon (to name a few). Triathlon Queensland members love the variety and challenge of the series. Designed to be a true testament of endurance and performance. Athletes compete for points (awarded to the top ten finishers in each male and female Age Group category) over the triathlon season. You could potentially earn the title of Male/ Female Age Group Athlete of the Year or Male/Female Under 16 Athlete of the Year. The overall highest point scorer in the series

will be crowned the Triathlon Queensland Athlete of the Year. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RACE DETAILS Kingscliff Triathlon 20 March • Earn Nissan State Series points • Race to be State Champion - Triathlon Queensland Standard Distance Championships • Last chance to qualify for the 2016 Mexico ITU Tri World Championships where you could represent Team Australia in the Standard Distance Age Group World Championships. Trex Cross Triathlon 16 – 17 April • Earn Nissan State Series points • Race to be State Champion Triathlon Queensland Cross Triathlon Championships • Last chance to qualify for the 2016 Snowy Mountains Cross Tri World Championships where you could represent Team Australia in the Cross Triathlon Age Group World Championships. Visit for details on the Nissan State Series

DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN REPRESENT AUSTRALIA AT THE AGE GROUP WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS? The Age Group World Championships are held alongside the Elite World Championships at locations around the world each year. Triathlon Australia can select up to 20 male and 20 female athletes per age group category to represent Team Australia at the World Championships that’s up to 560 athletes per discipline - and you could be one of them! Accumulate enough points and you could qualify to wear the ‘Green & Gold’ uniform and represent your country alongside thousands of athletes from other countries – it really is the experience of a lifetime. Find all the details and selection criteria at


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TRI BEFORE YOU BUY – FREE TRIAL PASS Photo credit: Kye Wylde If you have been thinking about starting triathlon, but need that extra motivation to train, March is the time to TRI with a free club trial pass. Triathlon Queensland are providing the opportunity for you to join in on organised training sessions with affiliated triathlon clubs in Queensland until March 31, for free! Launched at the start of February, Tri Before You Buy has already seen over 30 clubs across Queensland invite people to take the plunge and get involved with a triathlon club in their area. Whether you are new to triathlon, want to train with a group, for a specific event or access coaching, we can find a triathlon club to suit you. Early on in the year, a lot of people are looking for new experiences and to find a sport or recreational activity that they can stick to, helping them maintain a healthy active lifestyle while also fitting in with their work and family commitments. The Tri Before You

Buy trial pass helps people test the waters and take their multisport involvement from participating in one-off events to embracing it as a lifestyle in their day to day pursuits. Finding the right sport or exercise for you is essential to being able to sustain an active and healthy lifestyle. The last thing you want to be doing is grinding out sessions in the gym and feeling like it is a chore. When you enjoy a sport and train in the right environment, you’ll find that you start making the time to fit sessions in and you’ll actually look forward to them, even if it is a 5am start. One of the many benefits of joining a club is having a network of people that are invested in your training journey and there to support you along the way. Visit for more details on Tri Before You Buy and the full list of participating clubs in Queensland.



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BETTEN & COOGAN THRIVE IN HELL Words: Shane Smith I Photos: Wayne Pratt Photography

SAM BETTEN AND KYM COOGAN REIGNED SUPREME IN THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE E&E WASTE HELL OF THE WEST HELD IN GOONDIWINDI. LOCATED 4-HOURS WEST OF BRISBANE A STRONG FIELD GATHERED TO RACE THE STATE AND NATIONAL LONG COURSE CHAMPIONSHIPS. The 25th Anniversary weekend of the Hell of the West kicked off on Friday night at the Royal Hotel with a gala night to induct the men and women who have raced 20-plus years into the Legends Club. Those included were Alan Pitman, Gareth Buckley, George Takis, Craig Rule and Lyn Fulton. Also recognised were Goondiwindi Triathlon Club Life members which included the race co-founders David Vincent and Lex Drier, volunteers Bill Wright, Peter Adams and the Sinclair family, while long time club treasurer and commentator Geoff Webb was also inducted. Also unveiled on the night was the Hell of the West honor board, which is a permanent feature to be displayed at the local pool, honoring all the past champions. The stage was now set for a great weekend of racing and fun. Although there was some concern regarding heavy rain in the lead up to the race, on Sunday the skies were clear but more importantly the McIntyre River only had a light current running – a relief for organizers and 540 athletes alike. The 2km swim saw the Open category take off at blistering pace with Sydney’s Mitch Dean, a three-time champion, leading the pack that contained Sam Betten, Michael Fox and Giles Clayton. The four men led the field out of the water just seconds apart, however once onto the bike a flat tyre would end Dean’s race, leaving Betten, Fox and Clayton to fight it out on the bike. The conditions were the best seen in years in Goondiwindi and 2014 champion Betten made his move on the bike, recording the fastest time of the day to lead into T2. After a quick transition, Betten was onto his favourite leg and increased his lead over the field and also produced the fastest run of the day. His time of 3:35:59 40 l MultisportMagazine


just missed Luke McKenzie’s race record by 36 seconds. In the women’s open event Kym Coogan dominated the field with a strong all round performance. After trailing former World Junior Champion Pip Taylor out of the water, Coogan produced the fastest bike and run times to cross the line victorious in 4:13:30 to win by over seven minutes. Although Coogan took line honors, there were some outstanding performances in the 20-24 year age group, where Coogen’s winning time was over taken by Nina Derron (4:09: 37) and Emily Donker (4:12:33), who started in a separate wave 10 minutes behind the open wave. The 2016 Hell of the West also doubled as the National and State age group championships with points awarded to athletes for selection to the Australian Long Course team. The 2017 event looks set to be an even bigger year, with QLD and NSW clubs vowing to take on the Red Dog Triathlon club, who have won the Neil Pagey award for the most club members attending the Hell of the West for the past three years. We are also pleased to announce that it will be a TA National Long Course Championship event again so lock in February 5 2017.

OPEN TOP 3 1st Male 2nd Male 3rd Male 1st Female 2nd Female 3rd Female

Sam Betten Michael Fox Kieran Storch Kym Coogan Briarna Mackie Kate Bramley

AGE GROUP WINNERS 18-19 Male Jessy Grant Female Kaitlyn Price 20-24 Male Nathan Dortmann Female Nina Derron 25-29 Male Aaron Eicher Female Jody Brighton 30-34 Male Anthony Carpenter Female Alison Maher 35-39 Male Jared Medhurst Female Kylie Burchardt 40-44 Male Charlie Low Female Rosie Mcgeoch 45-49 Male David Chick Female Angela Clark 50-54 Male Andrew Rowlings Female Marion Hermitage 55-59 Male Colin Forrest Female Janet Mcafee 60-64 Male Phillip Hermitage Female Lynn Davies 65-69 Male Allan Pitman Female Lyn Fulton 70+ Male Loch Blatchford

3:35:59 3:41:17 3:43:31 4:13:30 4:21:12 4:24:00

4:18:26 4:28:36 4:01:13 4:09:37 4:07:50 4:52:59 4:04:17 4:30:26 3:52:52 4:39:51 4:02:24 4:15:35 4:04:13 4:30:57 4:21:25 4:35:19 4:33:22 5:20:53 4:58:36 6:49:33 4:52:12 5:59:02 7:54:25



For the second year, the very popular ‘Kids Fun Run’ is being brought back after the inaugural event last year attracted 200 primary school students. The event is organised by the Whitsunday Running Club, which is thrilled at the speed the festival has grown, year on year.

The annual Airlie Beach Running Festival sees the mainland capital come to life in July, as up to a thousand runners and their families descend on the seaside town.

“We always felt there was a demand for a multi-event running festival but we have grown exponentially. We get a lot of families coming up and spending a week in the Whitsundays enjoying the 74 islands and vibrant mainland resort town with freshwater lagoon, shops, restaurants and plenty of activities on offer. And the winter weather in the Whitsundays is glorious” said Event Organiser Wendy Downes.

Now in its fourth year, the festival takes in some of the Whitsundays’ most stunning scenery. The course weaves its way past the Coral Sea, along beaches and boardwalks and through marinas and tropical vegetation.

In September, the Whitsunday Running Club follows the festival up with the exciting ‘Run the Great Whitsunday Trail’, which sees 200 entrants pounding the beautiful rainforest trail through the Conway National Park.

For the super-fit and competitive, there’s the Half Marathon, incorporating the Athletics North Queensland half-marathon (21.1km).

Now in its tenth year, this challenging event is inviting just 25 people to do it twice – there and back!

There’s also a 10km run, a 5km fun run for the strollers, a 5km team event for businesses and clubs, and a half-marathon relay (three runners).

That’s a total of 57.4kms on one of the most challenging but ultimately rewarding courses you will ever run. For the less brave, the course is the usual 28.7kms.

The Whitsundays have it all when it comes to holidays and now the stunning region in North Queensland also has it all when it comes to running festivals and trail runs.

1st May 2016 - Blackbutt QLD • Individual & Teams • 30/30 Challenge: Run 30k/Ride 30k • Duathlon: Run 4k/Ride 18k/Run 1k • Rail Trail Fun Run: 8k 42 l MultisportMagazine

The scenery alone makes it worth doing, with views out to the Whitsunday Islands from the trail, which literally cuts through the mountains and valleys of the Conway Ranges. Run the Great Whitsunday Trail September 11, 2016 Airlie Beach Running Festival July 16 and 17, 2016

Make a weekend of it and camp the night before.


SAUCONY Mens Kinvara 6

BROOKS Mens Adrenaline GTS15

ASICS Womens Kayano 22

MIZUNO Womens Enigma 5

26 STORES LOCATED ACROSS QUEENSLAND Love the Run® is a registered trademark of The Athlete’s Foot Australia. © 2015 Models subject to availability.



TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF? I grew up in Brisbane where I played every sport known to man, from surf lifesaving to touch football to karate and everything in between. It is no wonder I have settled on a sport which has three disciplines! I purchased my first road bike, an aluminium Giant, in 2011 and entered my first Olympic Distance race in the Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival in 2012. Accustomed to the sport, I was proud to win my age-group at Mooloolaba in 2013 and 2014. Following these achievements, I took the next step and got myself a proper coach, Ross Young from Endurance Team in 2014. From my very first race, I caught the spirit of triathlon competition and haven’t looked back. Highlights of my triathlon career include Noosa Triathlon Open female champion 2015, first age-grouper and 10th female overall; Sunshine Coast 70.3 2015 1st place (AG 25-29), first age-grouper and 5th female overall; World Duathlon Championships Adelaide 2015 1st place (AG 25-29); Cairns 70.3 1st place, first agegrouper and 8th female overall. I am eagerly looking forward to another successful season in 2016 after having a well-earned rest over the Christmas and New Year period. My key events this year include three 70.3 events and several Olympic Distance races. Having successfully qualified for the 70.3 World Championships, my major goal is to win this race in my home state of Queensland. On a more personal level I am an agegrouper who works as a full-time pharmacist and understands the balance required to manage expectations with life, work and triathlons. I was even lucky enough to meet my husband, Paul, through the sport so I am forever grateful for the friendships and networks in the triathlon community!

a team swimmer once as both the swimmer and runner. I loved the atmosphere and enthusiasm of the sport so much I wanted to do all three legs... so got myself a road bike in 2011 and have never looked back!



Having a consolidated lead in the 2015 Noosa Triathlon Open Category, I had the opportunity to relax, soak in the atmosphere, high-5 everyone and enjoy the amazing moment of finishing my 2015 season on a high!

Having a background in surf lifesaving and swimming meant I was handy to call on when a triathlon team needed a swimmer! I completed in two Noosa Triathlons, once as


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Coach: Ross Young from EnduranceTeam. Strength and conditioning Coach: Kriss Hendy from KH Strength and Performance. I think a great coach is someone that takes the time to understand you, your goals, key races and works with you to establish a plan. I think a coach needs to be flexible to change and adapt sessions to the athlete and their schedules. Overall, you need to trust your coach and their training so open communication is paramount. I receive my training via online program and I find communication invaluable so Ross knows how I am feeling and performing…. albeit sometimes I don’t talk to him for weeks… sorry Ross ;)


WHO INSPIRES YOU? Roger Federer, not only because he is an amazing athlete but his discipline, focus, confidence and temperament on and off the tennis court showcase a true champion. What bike do you ride? Cervelo P3 Di2 What shoes do you run in? Training: Asics GT-2000, 2E width. Racing: Asics Gel DS – Racer (I wear men’s racing shoes as they are wider in the forefoot) What’s on your iPod? Anything Top 40 or pop! At the moment I am loving Heroes (we could be) and Stronger (Kayne West). Favourite healthy snack? Mangoes Favourite treat? Ice cream or anything salted caramel related. Top 3 dinner guests? Roger Federer, Ricky Gervais (lover of animals and hilariously funny) and Richard Branson. Who do you follow on social media? Athlete Food (great Instagram of recipes and tips for endurance athletes) WITsup – Women in Triathlon, say no more! Jens Voight - shut up legs mantra!

What do you do when you aren’t participating in triathlon? I enjoy trying new cafes or coffee shops! The benefits of training are I can enjoy a sneaky cake or treat ☺ Best piece of triathlon related advice you’ve received? Get all of your nutrition whilst on the bike, once you start running it will be too late!

YOUR MANTRA? If it isn’t’ broken, it isn’t real pain. I often repeat this over and over in my head when doing tough sessions.

learnt that not every day will be perfect, you won’t always hit the times or feel great, but you need to prepare for these conditions as not all races will have ideal circumstances.

GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? I want to win the 70.3 World Championships in my Age Group Category and then potentially take Professional Licence in the 2017 season onwards. Thanks for your time Jacqueline and good luck with your goals.

What would you suggest people focus on if they want a Kona spot? Balance, consistency and a coach which understands your goals! When you have a Kona goal, build a plan that works backwards from the ultimate outcome but keep your focus on what you need to do in the here-and-now.

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ON YOUR JOURNEY? Consistency is key, balance is necessary and support is paramount to build an athlete that truly loves the sport of triathlon! I have MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE

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Club: Team T Rex Triathlon Club When and why did you start coaching? I have been a PT for 23 years, I took up triathlon for variety after being a competitive distance runner, and my clients began asking how they could join the sport, so I upskilled to become a triathlon coach. What makes you a successful coach? Understanding different personalities and needs, being adaptable in an ever changing environment, cutting the ego out of coaching, being friendly and approachable, making training fun! Continually learning and growing as a coach, creating a network of like minded fellow coaches who share knowledge in an effort to “connect not compete”. Being happy! Describe your coaching methods: I use a variety of coaching methods, my main method is the “drip feed technique”... this gives the athlete their squad session in stages so they can be completely present and focus on each component of the session ensuring quality from the start to the finish.

Top 3 dinner guests? Chris McCormack, Jan Frodeno and Luke McKenzie

In your opinion, what makes a great athlete? Consistency, work ethic, background in either swim, bike or run, progressive coaching guidance that is personalized, mental toughness, quality versus quantity training approach, awareness of recovery and its importance, life and training balance. Tell us something about yourself we don’t know? I was the fitness coach for three of the V8 supercar drivers for three years! What bike do you ride? Specialized Venge and Specialized Shiv TT with Roval CLX 60 race wheels What shoes do you run in? Asics Cumulus What’s on your iPod? Guns N Roses Favourite healthy snack? Avocado, cacao and a teaspoon of maple syrup all mashed up! (it’s like chocolate mousse)

Most commonly used app? Garmin Connect and Training Peaks Favourite movie? Rocky Best piece of coaching advice? Be honest, diligent, friendly and always keep a little fun in your sessions. Sometimes the most productive sessions are based on fun! Challenges of your job? Early mornings and late nights, maintaining communication with a broad variety of athletes with different goals and needs. Keeping people motivated and happy... mostly! Best part of your job? Being a triathlon coach is a dream job, the best parts are the faces and the places! Sharing an athletes successes and achievements, along with supporting them through the tough days.

Favourite treat? Strawberry Freddo Frog

MultisportMagazine l 47


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The SPTC has a full triathlon training program catering for the beginner to the Ironman, kids and juniors. Sign on, new members welcome – all levels. Jenny Alcorn 0409 550 445

• Specialised triathlon sessions targeting performance minded triathletes • Weekly individual programming tailored to athletes individual needs • Individual analysis of each discipline

Call Dane on 0438 369 281 MultisportMagazine l 49



50 l MultisportMagazine



A MESSAGE FROM TRIATHLON NEW SOUTH WALES special characteristic of our sport is that it is one of the few where athletes of all abilities can participate alongside the world’s best.

2016 has already seen Age Groupers and first-time triathletes toe the start line at Kamay Botany Bay National Park to swim, cycle and run in the Triathlon Series alongside inspirational athletes such as World Champs Craig ‘Crowie’ Alexander, Gwen Jorgenson, and Aaron Royle who is currently the only Australian triathlete assured of a spot at the Rio Olympic Games. Participation opportunities for triathletes with disabilities have never been greater. Triathlon NSW have been instrumental in promoting the vision and providing the opportunity for Paratriathletes to participate in Australian events. We are excited to be hosting the International Triathlon Union World Paratriathlon Event at the Sydney International Regatta Centre on 23-24th April. Athletes with disabilities will have the

opportunity to compete in an Open event prior to the world’s best Paratriathletes battling it out for the World Championship title and the opportunity to represent their country in Rio for the debut of triathlon at the Paralympics. This huge weekend of racing will also feature the Open and U23 Sprint Triathlon Oceania Championships and draft legal Age Group Sprint World Championship qualifier races as well as a junior Aquathlon. We can be proud of the inclusive nature of our sport but there is always more that can be done. If you are a vision impaired athlete or would like to find out more about how to support or include these athletes, Blind Sports NSW supported by Triathlon NSW and other sporting organisations are holding a multisports day at North Bondi Beach on 4th March to promote an inclusive sporting environment for people with blindness and low vision. The event will include buddy swimming, tandem cycling and a beach run/walk.

Adding to the numerous events for all ages and abilities in the first quarter of this year, high school students will get a taste of triathlon and multisport in the Open events as part of the 2016 NSW All Schools Triathlon Championships on 2-3 March 2016 at Sydney International Regatta Centre. The more experienced students will take on the draft legal Championship event competing for National Championships selection. The highlight of the triathlon calendar for many of our Members is the Club Champs at Forster on the beautiful north coast. Held at the pointy end of the season, Club champs is an opportunity to give your all for your Club and let your hair down with your mates. Together we can share our passion for triathlon and continue to grow this wonderful tradition of Club Champs. The first quarter of 2016 is full of opportunities for all ages and abilities to get involved in triathlon, which ones will you take? Phil Dally - CEO, Triathlon NSW

NEW SOUTH WALES For all your Triathlon needs, visit MultisportMagazine l 51


AGE GROUP DRAFT LEGAL BIKE EQUIPMENT In the last issue of multisport we discussed Triathlon Australia’s move to a draft legal format of racing. The move aims to ensure that that Australian Age Groupers get the most appropriate race experience leading into the draft legal International Triathlon Union (ITU) Age Group World Championships Sprint distance in Mexico. With the draft legal test events for the Age Group World Championship qualifying races set to take place in Canberra on 12th March and Penrith on 23rd April, Triathlon Australia requires Age Groupers to ensure they have the correct race day equipment and skill level. Competitors bike and associated race day equipment will be checked and must comply with the new ITU Competition Rules. Competitors whose equipment does not comply with the Rules will NOT be allowed to race on the day. A full Draft Legal Age Group Racing Bike Skills Guide and Draft Legal Age Group Races Bike Equipment Rules can be found on Enter the draft legal Age Group National Qualifying Races at:

AGEAGE GROUP DRAFT LEGAL BIKE EQUIPMENT GROUP DRAFT LEGAL BIKE EQUIPMENT Traditional drop-style handle bars and brake levers Place bike number supplied in your race pack on the seat post

The ends of both handle bars must be securely covered with end plugs

Wheels must have a minimum 12 spokes


Clip on aerobars

52 l MultisportMagazine

Short clip -on aerobars

Handlebars with built in aerobars



The draft legal Age Group World Championship qualifying race at the Sydney international Regatta Centre will kick off a world class triathlon event including the World Paratriathlon Event (WPE) and Sprint Triathlon Oceania Championships on the 23-24th April. As one of the key qualifying races for paratriathletes towards selection for the Paralympic Games in Rio, the WPE will see athletes from all over the world take to the starting line at the Regatta Centre. Australian athletes likely to be selected for the WPE include World Championship medallists Bill Chaffey (five times PT1 winner), Katie Kelly with guide Michellie Jones (PT5), Kerryn Harvey (PT3), Emily Tapp (PT1), Kate Doughty (PT4) and Justin Godfrey (PT3). The WPE will have races in all PT1 to PT5 ITU classes with a total of ten ‘medal’ events. Athletes are classified according to their activity limitation and impairment. PT1 - Wheelchair users. Athletes must use a recumbent handcycle on the bike course and a racing wheelchair on the run segment. PT2/ PT3 /PT4/ - Includes athletes with comparable activity limitation and an impairment of, but not limited to, limb deficiency, hypertonia, ataxia and or athetosis, impaired muscle power or range of movement assessed through classification process. In both bike and run segments, amputee athletes may use approved prosthesis or other supportive devices. PT5 - Total or Partial visual Impairment (sub-classes B1, B2, and B3). A guide from the same nationality and gender is mandatory throughout the race. Athletes must ride a tandem during the bike segment.

Paratriathlon will make its debut at the Paralympic Games this September however there will only be six medal events. The Sprint Triathlon Oceania Championship will see Elite and U23 athletes from the Oceania region including Pacific countries and New Zealand contest the coveted title in preparation for the ultimate test in Rio. Encouraging participation and promoting our Sport’s values of health, enjoyment, belonging, respect and achievement on this exciting weekend of triathlon and multisport, Triathlon NSW will also host an Open Paratriathlon and junior Aquathlon. Entries are now open at

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TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF? I’m 46 years old and married with two children. I live Penrith in NSW and have been involved in triathlon since 1996. I worked in the printing industry for 22 years and was coaching part time during this period. I now work at Atmosphere Health & Fitness Club in Penrith in a full time role as the Multisport Coach and have the luxury of working in one of the best facilities in Australia. I work split shifts most days and work a six day week, so we can cover the needs of all our athletes.

YOUR CLUB/COACH ETC… I have always been a member of Panthers Triathlon club since I started way back in 1996 and love the club. I held the club coaching position for about four years but stepped down as my kids got a bit older and our family commitments around their sport prevented me from giving the position 100%. I now have the privilege of helping many of our club members and many other junior and age group triathletes due to the strong triathlon focus we have put in place at Atmosphere. I oversee and implement coaching and training programs for age group athletes, professional athletes, junior development and performance programs and schools triathlon programs.

WHY TRIATHLON? I just fell into it sort of. John Maclean (first paraplegic athlete to finish Kona) is a family friend and he convinced me to do the St George Olympic distance race out at Penrith Regatta Centre, this was just after he lapped me twice in a 1500m effort in the pool, I raced with no idea of what I was doing, but I loved it and have never looked back.

BEST RACE MEMORY? A really hard one to pick as there are so many for different reasons, but if I had to pick one it would be finishing my first Ironman at Forster in 1998. I borrowed a bike from Andy Haynes, a PTC member. 54 l MultisportMagazine

It was a sweet Cannondale 2.8 with Zipp 440s. I didn’t even change the bike position because one, I had no idea and two, I was too scared to touch anything on the bike in case I scratched it. Dave Richardson from Panther Cycles warned me not to damage Andy’s pride and joy. No pressure! The sense of achievement was massive and the camaraderie of my club mates was overwhelming. I also found my love of long distance here.

WHAT DO YOU THINK MAKES A GREAT COACH? I could probably write a short book on this topic. But my personal thought process is and always will be, to be honest with your athletes, both in the positive and negative moments, listen to what they have to say instead of telling them what you think they need to hear. Inspire them to believe in themselves and their ability, especially if you coach female athletes.

WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU AREN’T PARTICIPATING IN TRIATHLON? Sleep and household chores. Now days triathlon consumes most of my life, but on the rare moments I’m not involved in some way I love watching my kids do their thing. For Jack it’s gymnastics at the NSW High Performance Centre and diving with Jade at NSWIS. I enjoy bush runs in the Blue Mountains and long bike rides when I can.

WHO INSPIRES YOU? First and foremost my wife Tracy. She encourages me in this crazy sport and has supported me in every way to chase my dreams as both an athlete and a coach, even when that has meant her doing more on her own. My kids Jack and Jade, they both work incredibly hard at their sports to achieve their dreams and it fires me up every day.

My training partners and club mates, I have so many people to draw energy from through training and together we have all improved and had fun along the way. Athletes I coach, they all bring something to the table that makes me want to be better, as a coach and as a person. What bike do you ride? Cannondale, I have owned 5 over the years and loved riding them all. Currently I’m on a Slice for triathlon and an Evo as my roadie. What shoes do you run in? INOV8 Flite195 for racing and road training and the Trailroc 245 for trail runs. What book are you reading? Just started Body Lengths by Liesel Jones. What’s on your iPod? Everything, just ask my multisport riders! Madness, Roberta Flack, NWA, Rihanna, Public Enemy, Avici, Frenzal Rhomb, Blink 182, Ben E King, SNAP, The Chimes, Foo Fighters... the list goes on. Favourite healthy snack? Banana. Favourite treat? Chocolate, any kind except Cherry ripe. Pre-race superstitions? Need to poop at least twice on race morning before getting to transition. Top 3 dinner guests? My wife Tracy, my son Jack and my


daughter Jade. We don’t get a lot of time together between all our work and training commitments so anytime I can sit and eat and be entertained by these three is awesome.

BEST PIECE OF TRIATHLON RELATED ADVICE YOU’VE RECEIVED? My best mate Brett Currie rang me when I qualified for Kona in 2014 and said “Sweeney, you can train your arse off and upset everybody in your life and you’re not going to win your age. So just enjoy the training and the experience and you will be much happier for it” I train really hard and set goals for myself but I don’t let them consume me in a negative way as the sport is important to me but it is not life.

TRAINING/LIFE MANTRA? For training I love Emil Zatopek’s quote of “It’s at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys” In life, just do your best and be yourself.

TIPS FOR PEOPLE WANTING A KONA SPOT? A Kona spot is a tough gig these days and realistically you have to have a performance and race plan that will allow to podium in your age. Firstly I say you must be realistic with what splits you can do in each leg and then work out your training structure to achieve this. Details are important to know so your training has direction and purpose. You have to make your run bullet proof as no matter what it all comes down to the run. Get a coach, work together to have an agreed to plan and then stick to it.

WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ON YOUR JOURNEY? It’s a tough but rewarding sport that gives you some of your highest and lowest moments at a personal level.

GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? Build our junior development program to allow local kids to chase their triathlon dreams. Help Atmosphere’s age group triathletes achieve their goals in triathlon. Go to Kona again. Continue to develop as a coach.

CHOPPY, BEAR AND TRAVO DISCUSS LIFE AS A M.A.M.I.L (MIDDLE-AGED MAN IN LYCRA) - THE DAILY GRIND, THE HIGHS, THE LOWS, THE WINS AND THE LOSSES! Reader question: should I wear undies under my triathlon shorts? B: Well me personally I don’t wear anything under my knicks but if I was too I don’t see anything wrong with a pair of budgie smugglers chucked on underneath. What do you guys do? Do you find the budgies cause extra rubbing? C: I spent the first few years of my triathlon career with nothing underneath until I had a very ugly incident with a new speed suit that didn’t make it through it’s first race. It started with a small split in the stitching on the inner thigh but got very ugly on the run as the join in the crutch slowly but surely gave way. I have ‘doubled up’ on race knicks ever since... Ed: Triathlon career Choppy? Exactly how much money have you earn’t during your career as a triathlete? ;-) C: Travo, what about when you turned up on race day without a pair of knicks and had to borrow Blakey’s - they were hot pink and three sizes too big? T: Boys I must admit that I adhere to peer pressure and advice when it comes to dressing myself. My biggest change came about ten years ago when I was racing along Rio Vista Boulevard in my budgies and a pair of runners only. One of my ‘non-tri’ mates drove past and saw me (not realising I was part of a race) and told me I looked like a complete tosser. From that day on I changed to knicks and wore a top!

C: The sea was angry that day, so I simply turned left and swam for shore. I lived to tell the tale, so all is good. And that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. Travo, you racing with no shirt on worries me, no-one wants to see that and surely it is against TA rules. Perhaps you should race old school, crop top and sluggo style. ... or I have just done a quick on-line search and found this is the latest in men’s triathlon fashion. T: Great deflection back to clothing Choppy! It was an angry sea and a tough swim, I know I completed it... but you could have waded it and used your parkrun skills to still do it quicker than some? B: It was an angry sea and a tough swim, I know because I also completed it... you could have borrowed your daughters water wings and still done it quicker then some Choppy? Ed: Bear and Travo 1 - Choppy 0

B: I think that’s enough talk about what we wear and what side we dress on. Time to get onto a more important matter, what exactly happened to Choppy at the Australia Day Burleigh Swim Run event? Did he choke on a mouth full of water? Did he see a shark? Did he have a swim suit malfunction or was he just underdone in the swim training? Over to you Choppy? MultisportMagazine l 55



Photo Credit: Mandy Lamont


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elcome to the February edition of Multisport Magazine. As we enter what I term the ‘championship window’ the season’s end is near and most triathletes are hoping that the training is bringing them to peak form. This might be ‘payday’ on the podium or a finish back in the field but importantly a PB performance. As a modern sport, and one I would argue is set for a bright future, triathlon provides all the benefits of a regular training plan (similar to a gym, personal trainer, bootcamp, etc) with the bonus, and important differentiation, that each training block culminates in competition/ racing/participation at a feature event. The gym/PT/bootcamp are great, but where does it end? Turn up again next week and sure there will be a few differences to the session, but all-in-all it’s the same. Not so triathlon. All the training is geared towards an event of some description and

provides a challenge through competition or the clock (the latter for me). So when the race is done we look forward to recovering, reflecting and making a plan for what’s next. The races are all unique and offer something different – the rolling hills of Mt Martha at Mornington long course, the downstream swim at Echuca (where a PB is guaranteed) or perhaps the trail run in a cross tri. It is this uniqueness that keeps us talking – it was hard, perhaps fast, usually fun and most importantly kept us engaged about the “what if’s” for next time. Every triathlete has a story, one that is often shared with family and friends. So here are a few questions to ponder … Where are you in your triathlon journey?

course and the post-race reflection with your ‘clubbies’ that are sharing you quest for a PB, for a finish line or for the podium. Remember to smile, it’s supposed to be fun!! Grant Cosgriff Executive Director, Triathlon Victoria PS – What if you’re not a member? Well, put simply you should be! Members get connected to clubs, coaches and like-minded people to train with, learn more and have fun. Members also are afforded year round training and racing insurance coverage which provides great piece of mind, especially when out on the bike.

What’s your story?


Are you sharing it with others?

Give the office a call on 9598 8686, email: or search for your nearest club.

Might one of the 44 affiliated Victorian clubs and squads be a place for you and your story? Because in my opinion that’s half the fun… the support when in ‘club kit’ on

For all your Triathlon needs, visit MultisportMagazine l 57


CHALLENGE 4 CHANGE Stephane Vander Bruggen, is Director and Level 2 Head Coach at Geelong Performance Coaching (GPC). He has coached full time for seven years in Australia and until recently his squad had never had a serious accident. Recently his world was turned upside down when three squad members were involved in life changing serious accidents, all in the space of a month. Late November 2015, one of Stephane’s best friends, Craig Morgan was involved in a hit and run incident which nearly took his life and left him with extensive internal and external injuries, including his spine. He is on the road to recovery with a mission to hopefully learn to walk again. A month later Jo Monaghan was riding with GPC and her wheel picked up a piece of metal that sliced her fork off resulting in a heavy fall on her face. She was in a coma for two weeks. Her mission will be to hopefully learn to speak again. Lastly Zoe Adams, one of my most talented athletes, fell hard on her shoulder and broke her collarbone in three pieces, which

required surgery and a long forced break. These crashes made Stephane realize that everyone who rides a bike is vulnerable and nobody is safe from the possibility of a run in with a motorist or a freak accident.

“THESE ACCIDENTS HAVE AFFECTED ME DEEPLY AS A COACH, A CYCLIST AND A PERSON AND NOT A DAY GOES BY WHERE THEY ARE NOT IN MY THOUGHTS” SAID STEPHANE. GPC squad are on a mission to raise money for the John Maclean Foundation. The John Maclean Foundation (JMF) exists to change the lives of young Australians who use wheelchairs. Their mission is to inspire, motivate and enable these great

kids to chase their dreams. JMF provides financial assistance to purchase items such as new wheelchairs, vehicle and house modifications, surgery and medical assistance, computers, remedial aids or any item that improves the quality of life for the child and their family. As part of the fundraising mission, Stephane is challenging himself to break nine hours at Ironman New Zealand and/or Ironman WA for the first time at the age of 40. “Every donation will make me push myself even harder to reach this goal and if I come in under nine hours I would encourage you to double your donation”! To donate head to: #challenge4change #SUB9 #littleaussiewheelies

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Images by Lyndel Hoy

After nine events in the State Series, 2,132 Victorian members have raced across the disciplines of aquathlon, duathlon and triathlon (cross, sprint, standard and long) stretching from the Mornington Peninsula to Brighton Beach, Yarrawonga and along the Murray River to Echuca! With double points on offer at the last two events of the series, competition for the Age Group Championships is hotting up. Race five of the Sole Motive Active Tri Series will play host to the Victorian Sprint Triathlon State Championships (Sunday 28 February) and SME360’s Gatorade Series will host the final round of the series, the Victorian Standard Distance Triathlon State Championships (Sunday April 10). Triathlon Victoria Executive Director Grant Cosgriff says “The State Series has really resonated with individual members and the chase for points has seen members racing more often, in different places and over a variety of distances/disciplines”. The 2015-16 Victorian State Series title is awarded to both individuals and clubs/ squads based on results from eleven multisport events across the 2015-16 season. Clubs must be affiliated with Triathlon Victoria to be eligible for the State Series Shield, and points are accrued from the performances and participation of club members. Less than 100 points separate first and second place in the small clubs (less than 100 members) category with Shepparton Triathlon Club narrowly edging out Geelong Performance Coaching, whilst the Bayside Triathlon Club seem to have a strong lead in the large clubs (more than 101 members) category. “The individual winners will be able to brag for a year that they are the top Victorian

VICTORIAN STATE SERIES – 2 STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS TO GO! triathlete in their age group but importantly every member who has participated in the series has a chance to win a $5000 Swift Carbon bike thanks to Jonathan Cantwell and the Swift Carbon Concept store at the St Kilda Sea Baths. There will be one male and one female winner and those who race more often have more tickets in the draw (one ticket for every entry)” said Grant. The State Series Awards and Club Shield will be presented at the annual Triathlon Victoria Awards Breakfast at Sandringham Yacht Club on Sunday 15th May. The Series is supported by Swift Carbon - Triathlon Victoria’s official bike partner, Ironman, Sports Media and Entertainment 360, Sole Motive and XOsize Events.

LARGE CLUBS Bayside Triathlon Club Mornington Peninsula Triathlon Club Melbourne Triathlon Club Echuca Moama Triathlon Club

617 413 398 302

Tri Alliance Albury Wodonga Triathlon Club Western Suburbs Triathlon Club Hawthorn Triathlon Club Wild Dog Triathlon Club Riviera Triathlon Club

203 189 175 149 74 33

SMALL CLUBS Shepparton Triathlon Club 313 Geelong Performance Coaching 237 TriSpecify Triathlon Club 205 Yarra Triathlon Club 193 Enduranceteam 171 Nunawading Triathlon Club 159 CF Racing 159 Ballarat Triathlon Club 145 SBRG Performance 133 Ringwood Triathlon Club 129 Triathlon Response Group 125 Southern X Triathlete 123 Elite Triathlon Performance Australia 114 Knox Triathlon Club 99 Eltham Tri and Open Water Club 98 Maryborough and District Triathlon Club 90 Manningham Triathlon Multisport Club 85 BCB Multisport 85 Jarasport 83 Bass Coast Triathlon Club 59 Benalla Triathlon Club 53 Casey Cardinia Triathlon Club 48 Tri Nation Triathlon Club 46 Tri Fitness 36 Tribal Triathlon Club 20 TEAM Tri Coaching 17 Latrobe Valley Triathlon Club 16 Beckworth Racing 14 Wesley Collegians Triathlon Club 12 Holistic Endurance 11 TriChicks 7 St Leonards College Triathlon Club 6 Australian Defence Triathlon Club (VIC) 4 MultisportMagazine l 59


#8IN8IN8 8 IRON DISTANCE TRIATHLONS IN 8 DAYS IN THE 8 STATES/TERRITORIES OF AUSTRALIA Melbourne multisport coach and ultraman athlete Craig Percival has announced that he will be attempting an Australian triathlon first. From Sunday 6 March 2016, Craig will attempt to complete 8 full “ironman” distance triathlons in all 8 states and territories of Australia in 8 consecutive days. While undertaking this incredible test of human endurance, he will also be raising money for a cause close to his heart, the John Maclean Foundation. “I’ve been very fortunate throughout my athletic career to do some amazing events and training in spectacular locations. In taking on #8in8in8, I wanted to find a way to give back to the triathlon community that has been so fundamental to my life.” “John Maclean is one of my personal heroes. What that guy has achieved - as an athlete, as a person, and through his foundation - is just phenomenal. The thought of using my physical ability to raise money for young Australians living in wheelchairs, who may struggle to swim, bike and run like me, motivates me. The money raised will help grant these children equipment they need to remain active and included in their everyday lives”. Craig first dreamt #8in8in8 goal after finishing second at the 2014 Ultraman World Championship in Hawaii. Following his success in Hawaii, Craig assisted in bringing Ultraman to Australia for the first time in May 2015. At the same time, he started thinking about just how far he could push himself mentally and physically. A culmination of 30 years of athletic endeavour, Craig always likes to push the boundaries of what can be achieved. When he started thinking about the challenge of completing 8 ironmans over 8 consecutive days around Australia, he knew he wanted to be the first person to do it. 60 l MultisportMagazine

8IN8IN8 ITINERARY Sunday 6 March Darwin, NT Monday 7 March Perth, WA Tuesday 8 March Adelaide, SA Wednesday 9 March Hobart, TAS Thursday 10 March Canberra, ACT Friday 11 March Sydney, NSW Saturday 12 March Brisbane, QLD Sunday 13 March Melbourne, VIC Follow Craig’s journey and keep up to date with opportunities to get involved through the Facebook Page: 8 Ironmans in 8 days around Australia #8in8in8


WHAT WILL BE GOING THROUGH YOUR HEAD AT THE END OF #8INI8IN8? “When I think about crossing that final finish line in Melbourne, I hope for two things. To have my family with me; and to have smashed that $80,000 fundraising target for JMF. I’ve got the first bit covered and think the multisport community will rally to make sure I deliver on part 2 ….. If that is the case, it will have been worth every minute.”



Words: Tracy Doherty – Participation Programs Co-ordinator, Triathlon Victoria

Can you tell us about MPTC and what led you to consider running a kids program? MPTC is a community based triathlon club that caters to all and is run by volunteers. The committee was looking at our program offerings and thought this looked like a structured program for young children to get into triathlon, and the club, through participation rather than just watching their parents train or race. When asked by parents, how do you explain the program to them? We explained it to parents as a lead-up program to a kid’s triathlon (if the children wanted to go to the next step). But it was foremost games and fun with a bit of swim, bike and run skills mixed in. We had a number of venues including pool, beach and running track which made it really interesting and fun for the kids. What has the response been like? The experience was a very positive one for all concerned. We had a group of 12 for our first program and were delighted by the involvement of coaches and parents in a supportive and encouraging environment. This really added to the experience as we were able to give the children close individual attention and make sure they experienced success and achievement (skills not times).

What does TRYstars success look like for Mornington Peninsula Triathlon Club? Our main measure of program success was that every child that started the program finished the program. Attendance was over 95% and on the last day, when we did our practice race the camaraderie of the group was the highlight. Similar to what happens in the broader triathlon event space. Kids and parents helped each other out and supported them to do their best. We’ve found that TRYstars is social for both kids and adults and over half of the kids are now regularly racing kids tri events, and many others want to come back and do another TRYstars program …. just for fun! Have there been any challenges and what advice would you give other clubs thinking about running TRYstars? No significant challenges. We had plenty of helpers, found the backup from Triathlon Victoria really good and used the resources that are readily available on the website. The feedback from parents was that there was excellent value for money with the sessions and participants pack. My advice to other clubs would be to set a realistic starting point. Programs take some time to gain awareness and there will need to be greater resourcing in the first program. You will get a varied cross section of ages and skills and you just need to adapt as you do with any coaching … but interestingly that’s really rewarding. The first program was largely from within the club network, however bookings for program two are predominantly from word of mouth, which is great and provides a real growth platform for the club and triathlon.


TRYstars is Triathlon Australia’s national ‘first touch’ participation program for children aged 7 to 12. The program uses swim, bike and run games to teach kids all the fundamental motor skills. Kyle Burns of the Mornington Peninsula Triathlon Club (MPTC) is an accredited development coach and the club’s TRYstars Coordinator. We caught up with him to talk through the club’s TRYstars experience.

TECHNICAL OFFICIAL PROFILE: SIMM VOLLMER – BAYSIDE TRIATHLON CLUB Why did you decide to become a Technical Official (TO)? I started as an athlete with my first race in 1999. I organized my first triathlon in 2010 and then wanted to know more about rules and regulations so attended an ITU Level 1 course in February 2012, just prior to Winter Triathlon European Cup held in Estonia. TO qualification level? As of 2016 I am accredited as an ITU Level 2 technical official. Highlight of your officiating career? World Triathlon Series in Stockholm, 2012 was my first big international event that brought me closer to the ‘world of TOs’ and helped to develop my interest in officiating. That was a big leap, considering I had no experience as TO prior to that. Highlight of your triathlon racing? I finished third in the 70.3 Estonian Championships in 2010 which would be my best result closely followed with my AG third place at Challenge Melbourne Sprint a week ago! That was my first triathlon since 2010 and until then I’d focused more on organizing and officiating than racing. Interests outside of triathlon? I love to go out in nature, take my backpack and hike up the mountains. I enjoy this and the development of my navigational skills through orienteering, rogaining, climbing and adventure sport. Best part about officiating? Seeing athletes crossing the finish line with pure joy and big smiles motivates me to do all this. I love to give back to the sport that I consider part of my life. MultisportMagazine l 61


GEELONG PERFORMANCE COACHING: 2016 HELL OF THE WEST Words: Stephane Vander Bruggen We embarked on a 1500km road trip to get a taste of the hardest race QLD has to offer. Hell of the West did not disappoint. The race is extremely professionally run & fully supported by the local Goondiwindi community. This was a good hit out five weeks before IM Taupo. We raced on semi-tired legs without much of a taper. The 2km non wet suit (water was 28 degrees!) swim leg was in the clean McInytre River which creates the

THE CLUB HUB AUSTRALIAN JUNIOR TRIATHLON SERIES ROUND 2 - VICTORIA’S BEST TAKE ON ROBINA In mid-January eighteen athletes from the Triathlon Victorian Development Program (TVDP) along with coaches and support staff travelled to take part in round two of the Australian Junior Triathlon Series (AJTS) in Robina, Queensland. The squad travelled several days earlier to set up a training base at the Gold Coast Recreation Centre. Previously, the TVDP has tended to fly into a race venue a day earlier and return as soon as practical after the event. The decision to spend extra time to familiarise and prepare our athletes before the event on Saturday afternoon made a significant contribution to the overall performance of the squad 62 l MultisportMagazine

border between NSW & QLD. Due to the high temperatures, race start was at 5am which means swimming for approx. 10-15mins in darkness upstream against a slight current. The bike was out & back flat course for 80km. There was a slight head wind on the way out, with some rough patches on the road. Plenty of officials made the race honest & three aid stations ensured everyone was ready for the hot run leg. The run was three out & back laps. There was a massive community presence at the aid stations with whole families handing out the much needed ice, Coke, water and Endura. The only thing missing were gels at the aid stations. Personally, I was quite happy with my race placing 10th overall and second in my age group to the untouchable Jared Medhurst. Although it feels ok to lose to someone who raced an 8.44 at IM Busselton, after this race I now know what work needs to be done

with some of the best results seen by TVDP athletes for a number of years. Jack Van Steklenburg had an outstanding race, winning the ITU junior male category while Alexander Evans also had a great race by finishing in the top ten. In the ITU junior girls category, Hayley Stanford finished in the top ten after capitalising on a great ride leg. In the ITU youth girls category, Brooke McCullough continued her improvement, narrowly missing the podium and finishing with a strong fourth placing. In the ITU youth boys event, young gun Gaius Robertson-Christie shined with an impressive fifth placing.

to finalize my IM prep. Coach Kate Bramley experienced her first taste of long distance racing leading into IM Taupo. She gained valuable experience in pacing & nutrition, very different from the sprint and Olympic distance races she is used to. Racing in the open female category she placed 3rd against some much more experienced athletes. Thanks for having us Goondiwindi!

Sunday morning in the Australian sprint champs at the same venue. The Robina venue is of an excellent standard and should be for future junior development camps, prior to 2016/17 AJTS race season. A special thanks to the coaching team of Richard Stewart, Dave Huggett and Kyle Burns as well as the support team Vaughn McCullough and Daniel Adaway for their work throughout the trip.

There were many other strong performances from the squad across all age categories. Notable performances came from Noah Duebel, Damon Boag and Alexander Evans taking 4th 5th and 6th respectively. Hayley Stanford was 2nd, Hailey Mason 4th and Matilda Vidler 7th in the 16-19 girls and Brooke McCullough 3rd in 14-15yo girls. It is fair to say that making the effort to familiarise with the location and focussing on race preparation played a significant part in the overall success of the trip. Success was not only measured in terms of performances but with great team bonding and communication between athletes. The added bonus of setting up a training base before and after the main event also gave us the opportunity to race on the

Photo credit: Kye Wylde

If your club has been achieving some awesome goals and you want to share it with us, email 150 words and a hi-res photo to


TODD SKIPS AWAY, ELLIE BRINGS THE HOUSE DOWN AT CHALLENGE MELBOURNE 2016 Todd Skipworth rung in 2016 in a blistering manner, dominating the male elite field to take out the 2016, Challenge Melbourne event. Fellow Aussie compatriot, Ellie Salthouse played to her strengths and powered away from the field in the run leg to claim first place honours ahead of Natalie Van Coevorden and Carrie Lester. Storms were forecast for the morning but pushed south which produced ideal triathlon conditions. Skipworth was able to capitalise on these improved conditions from the 2015 edition of Challenge Melbourne, to rise from fifth place to take out the Champion honours. “I was able to get a little break in the swim and capitalised on that, before jumping on the bike where I was pretty strong.” said Skipworth. After opening up a lead of over one minute on the field through the swim leg, Todd held off a challenge from German elite Per Bittner commencing the 21.2km run with a 59 second lead. Skipworth continued, ‘I wasn’t sure how I would go on the run, but coming off the bike the legs felt good.” This was evident as Todd built his lead by

over three minutes through the run course. With the unfortunate mid-race withdrawals from Van Vlerken and Annabel Luxford, it was left to Salthouse and Van Coevorden to battle it out for the top podium stop. Competing in her first half distance event, Van Coevorden pushed her fellow Australian right after taking a two second lead on the swim leg but was unable to keep her nose in front. With Salthouse building a marginal lead through the 90km cycle, Ellie powered away to take out the Elite female race by over four minutes. Carrie Lester provided a super-consistent race, holding strong across all three disciplines to capture 3rd place on the podium. In a first for Scody Challenge Melbourne, the Giant Sprint Distance event provided a glimpse at the future elite athletes coming through the ranks as the young Luke Burns claimed top spot on the podium. Building a strong lead through the swim leg, the 15-19 year old category entrant Burns was able to hold his placing despite a strong challenge from up and coming country lad Luke Barker. Burns and Barker led the field, with Ben Allen placing third, under two minutes behind the pack leader.

Well-renowned triathlete Penny Hosken took out the Sprint distance for the females, in a hotly contested race crossing the line 44 seconds ahead of Jacqui Slack. Building an unassailable lead on the swim leg, Hosken was chased in a commanding way by Slack and third place Jo Ryn Tan as they tackled one lap of the 7km run course. As always, the ever-popular Terra Firma Teams event provided great competition and highlights for athletes on the day with the team from Giant Bicycles, affectionately known as Team Beast Squad Triathlon, crossing the line in first place in the Male category. Amazingly, the time recorded by the boys from Giant Bicycles was the fastest across all categories for the event. In the Female category, Team #KillingIt lived up to their name taking out first place almost twenty minutes ahead of Team Chicked in second place. Whilst in the Mixed category, powers combined to get Team Route 33 vs Roger over the line in first place. In what proved to be a memorable day for all competitors, scenes of ecstasy, relief and emotion overcame many athletes as they crossed the finish line as the realisation of their achievements set in.

Our passion is to inspire people of all ages to find joy in a more active lifestyle and turn their sporting dreams into reality...

• Adult Triathlon Program Options • Junior Triathlon Programs (Geelong & Torquay Area) • ‘Run Fast, Run Free’ coaching programs • Swim Squads Phone Michelle today on: 0402 299 589 - Torquay

MultisportMagazine l 63


HYDRATE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS! Words: Bianca van Elteren, Morlife PR and Marketing

We all love summer! Especially as training sessions don’t involve getting up on those cold, dark mornings with five layers on! Summer also makes it easier to train outdoors, and therefore allows us to turn our competition dial to ‘extreme’. However, we must remember one VERY important thing; to keep HYDRATED! We know water is important, but as we approach our hottest months, we need to remember to keep our fluids up to ensure we are functioning properly. With all the time we will be spending out doors, sweating and soaking up the sunshine, we tend to forget about drinking a sufficient amount of water. The fact is this. Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to function. Your body needs water to control temperature, to remove waste, toxins and to lubricate joints. As water makes up 45 to 75 percent of your weight, you can understand why it’s so important to keep our fluids up! For many people, (especially athletes like yourselves) maintaining a healthy fluid balance can be difficult, however, keeping your body hydrated is vital for proper body function!

Keeping well hydrated ensures that you’re focused, energised and your concentration is maintained. It also assists in keeping your skin moisturised, helps to reduce headaches and also fends away drowsiness. We loose water everyday and it’s not just from the obvious; sweating and going to the toilet. We also loose water through being sick and even just by breathing. A strong sign that shows we are dehydrated is by the colour of our urine. A clear sample indicates that we are hydrated, whilst a very yellow test shows that we are dehydrated - so if you notice this… start guzzling! Symptoms like this indicate to us that we have a strong need for water and everything it contains. Wait a second? Everything it contains? I thought water was… just water? The elements in water contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and minerals which have various benefits for our bodies and control balance. I have been searching for new ways to hydrate my body as I’m an active person and like my fair share of sunshine. So I have discovered that coconut water is not only delicious, but with its high electrolyte content is extremely hydrating! I think it

should be called the ‘new-age sports drink’ (but totally natural), booting its sugary counterparts out the door. Coconuts, known as the ‘wonder nut’ has countless benefits and are notorious for their potassium content which is great for heart health and boosting the immune system. They are also jam-packed with magnesium which cleanses the kidneys. Coconuts are also naturally high in calcium, not only is this ‘wonder nut’ good for your insides, it’s also dubbed with beauty powers for the skin and hair. In order for consumers to ensure their water intake is functionally hydrating, Morlife have formulated the Coco Hydrate bar range with coconut water powder, an on-the-go food bar which is perfect for hydration and vitality. Coco Hydrate bars are available in Cacao and vanilla and are an all-in-one bar. They contain hydrating and alkalising elements like coconut water, magnesium, calcium and potassium. They also consist of pea protein, BCAA’S, prebiotics, digestive enzymes and l-glutamine to support an active lifestyle. These summer-inspired power bars were developed to revitalise and hydrate the body after extensive body fluid is lost; whether it is through exercise, heat exposure or just enjoying our Aussie summer! Coconut Hydrate bars are the essential raw nourishment to your post-training schedule. They assist with optimal hydration and as well as being highly functional, they taste amazing!

64 l MultisportMagazine




For your chance to WIN one of these great prizes, simply head to our website and look for the giveaways tab. Enter your question for one of our contributors and if we publish your question - you WIN!!

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Simply head to our website and enter via the giveaways tab for your chance to win a Go for Gold Cycling session with Sara (Qld residents only).

Do you have a running question? Simply head to our website and enter via the giveaways tab for your chance to win a pair of New Balance Performance Running Shoes (Valued at RRP $170).


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WIN A $300 SCODY VOUCHER! Do you have a question for one of our contributors? Simply head to our website and enter via the giveaways tab for your chance to win a $300 voucher to use at Scody online.

Simply head to our website and enter via the giveaways tab for your chance to win a pair of Brooks Ravennas running shoes (valued at RRP $200). $300


ASK AND WIN! Do you have a question for our Podiatrist contributors?

Distance: 16km or 25km trail race

Simply head to our website and enter via the giveaways tab for your chance to win a biomechanical assessment, shoe advice and video run analysis valued at $160.

Location: Currumbin Valley, Gold Coast (Queensland)

Date: Sunday 20th of March

Simply head to our website and enter via the giveaways tab for your chance to win one of 3 entries to Up The Buff Trail Race (valued at $70 each).

66 l MultisportMagazine (Victoria)

11 - 13 MARCH 2016

Individual, relay team and festival entries available.


Race solo or in a relay team. Entries available.


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