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preventing mental and pHYSical Strain FOr KidS in SpOrtS
On YOur Feet, SOldier!
Dr. Gar EufEmIo oN takING carE of your fEEt
By Saul anthony SiBayan
ost injuries that stem from overuse are generally believed to be preventable. the few controlled studies that indicate that these can be reduced, if not avoided, include the following tips:
Have pre-participatiOn examS. These may show prior injury patterns and can be a gauge for mental and physical maturation and motivation. enSure apprOpriate parental SuperviSiOn and cOacHing. Sports organizations and parents should advocate for workshops that provide coaches with basic education on and avoidance of overuse-related injuries in their respective sports. Sports medicine doctors can be asked to assist in this effort. Kids should not have to play through pain or injuries. recOgnize Spent readineSS. Coaches and parents should be aware of the changeability of mental development of kids and how this affects their sports participation. Expectations and instructions should be toward this aspect accompanied by the children’s physical development. aSSeSS equipment. Technology evolves. Leagues and parents should know what equipment is suitable for a particular sport and make sure that the equipment fits properly. Old and poor-fitting gear must be replaced. avOid training errOrS. Training should focus on general fitness and skills acquisition. While repetition is necessary for skills, excessive training must be avoided. Although situations differ, a general guide is to limit increases in training frequency, intensity, and duration to no more than 10 percent per week.
delaY Single-SpOrt SpecializatiOn. Parents must defer early specialization in a single sport, because it promotes social isolation, dependence, burnout, and injury. Some want their kids to start early, hoping that they become top athletes. But the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding sport specialization before adolescence. Triathlon has the potential to minimize one-sport burnout because it is composed of three sporting events, namely swimming, cycling, and running.
I'm 54 years old and I’ve been running for more than 30 years. Several running coacheshave told me that landing first with your heels is wrong. Is this true? I have a simple rule when it comes to runners: The best way to run… is the way you run. I’ve talked to a lot of other sports doctors and we see the same things with these new “techniques” — worse injuries. Stick with what’s comfortable for you. It’s unlikely that man has been running the wrong way for centuries and only corrected it the past few years.
enSure reSt and recOverY. At least one to two days of rest each week are vital for recovery and adaptation to the physical and emotional demands of sports. An additional prolonged time away from sports-specific training and competition is advised per year.
I was diagnosed to have plantar fasciitis and was advised to stop running. Is surgery the only way to get rid of the spur? Surgery may be done as a last resort. The objective is to relax the plantar fascia so as to lessen the pressure and inflammation. All you have is a tight plantar fascia — that’s the paper-like covering of the muscles and tendons under your foot. It inserts in your calcaneus or heel bone — yup, where the pain is. The ache is not from the spur but from the inflamed fascia. Medications and a physical therapy program work but give it time. You can also try heel cups, shoe inserts, and platelet-rich plasma injections. By the way, you can continue running.
avOid OverScHeduling. Parents should be careful about making their kids compete in more than one team at a time, especially if this schedule does not give the child one to two rest days each week. mOnitOr training during tHe adOleScent grOwtH Spurt. Training should be modified during this period because of the increased risk associated with growth-related musculoskeletal changes.
for more injury prevention and recovery advice , you may reach dr. gar eufemio at: SWEEt Sam. Yellow Cab-Tri Clark member Samantha Nalo runs to the finish line during the 2012 Alaska Milk Ironkids in Cebu. Though misdirected in the route and didn’t win, Sam inspires other athletes to "go hard and hurt good" on their races.
SAUL AnTHOnY SIBAYAn part-time academic instructor at ust sport science department strength and conditioning coach of kaya futbol club performance coach at focus athletics
+639178135740 DR. GAR EUFEMIO president, philippine orthopedic society for sports medicine head, ortho-rehabrheuma center of the de los santos/ sti megaclinic head –peak form sports recovery center
phoTo bY Ado YAp. RefeReNCe: dIfIoRI, J. p. (2010). evAluATIoN of oveRuSe INJuRIeS IN ChIldReN ANd AdoleSCeNTS. CuRReNT SpoRTS MedICINe RepoRTS: AMeRICAN College of SpoRTS MedICINe, 9(6), 372-378.
I was prescribed stability shoes because I overpronate. Now my feet hurt. Why did this happen and what can I do about it? They're treating the effect, not the cause of the problem, and it will probably be the root of another predicament. The common causes of overpronation are flat feet, high arches, tight Achilles tendons, bunions, knock knees, kneecap maltracking, and being overweight. You might need custommade shoe inserts or physical therapy. Have it checked by a doctor and go back to your old shoes.
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FOndO manila anniverSarY Since March 2012, the Fondo Manila Team has been hosting cycling tours in the Alabang, Cavite, and Tagaytay areas. For its first ever ride, the team started off with approximately 100 riders. Thousands of kilometers later, the team is still growing and getting better at hosting cycling events and logistical support. From March 1 to 3, the team will commemorate its one-year anniversary by holding its most ambitious ride: the Fondo Manila Baguio Series, a weekend of cycling on the best roads of Baguio. The ride is three adrenaline-filled days of grueling climbs, downhill sweeps, winding roads, and scenic views along Marcos Highway, Ambuklao Highway, and the pinnacle of the ride, Halsema Highway. Baguio was the chosen venue for having the highest point in the Philippine highway system, making it a befitting location to literally celebrate Fondo’s “A Higher State of Cycling.”
phoToS CouRTeSY of foNdo MANIlA
The Fondo Team takes safety very seriously. In order to bring the best experience to its participants, the team went on a two-day scouting trip of Baguio roads. Danger zones, elevation markers, landmarks, and notable trivia about the different roads have been catalogued, organized, and disseminated to the participants. Fondo Manila hopes to continue discovering roads and sharing stories with as many cycling enthusiasts as possible. The team is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to spread the joy of cycling, not only as a competitive sport, but to revive the camaraderie and bonding brought by the collective passion of its enthusiasts.
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