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ˈməltəˌt(y)o͞ od/ “A multitude is irreducible multiplicity; The singular social differences that constitute the multitude must always be expressed and can never be flattened into sameness, unity, identity, or indifference.”


accidental architecture

Antonio Negri (multitude, p.104)

extract from blog post

extract from blog post

extract from blog post

extract from blog post

> Network

> The Great Biennale

> Keeping up Appearances

> Amplifier #0000

by Colt Sievers

by nomoreladida

by Amplifier Editor


We, at mul­ti­tude, are fairly excited by the upcom­ing grand open­ing of the Bien­nale of Venice.

There’s noth­ing wrong with rigid plan­ning, as Le Cor­busier

If you want to receive a hard copy of On Work by mul­ti­


Spon­t a­neous asso­ci­a­tion of per­sons united

We can’t wait to have our time­lines filled with field reports

under­lined in his book Air­plane: “To those who love life, I

tude, you’ll prob­a­bly have to print it your­self.

for polit­i­cal or trade union.

from each and every sin­gle Archi­tec­ture blog describ­ing

say pre­pare plans. Make your plans! …”.

2. In a party or a trade union, a group of per­sons

all sec­tions of the exhi­bi­tion, the par­ties, the loca­tion,

We all wish we could make a plan that –on paper– fixes

with liaisons out­side of the party, who deal

how the city is, itself, an exhi­bi­tion space and how dare

all of society’s prob­lems and shows us the path to a bet­ter

with a spe­cific topic or issue.

you to drink my pros­ecco.

life. That’s ok.

Plat­form 1.

Fun­da­men­t al pro­gram at the basis of a com­-

mon action or nego­ti­a­tion car­ried out by a group.

These two words have be­ come the new cliché terms used by archi­tects.

It is prob­a­bly the most impor­t ant event of this year’s Archi­tec­ture agenda.

But to put that in a pub­lic press release 80 years later and con­sider it inno­v­a­tive seems a lit­tle ignorant.

We invite who­ever is inter­ ested, to crit­i­cally address field report

extract from blog post

(pho­tos, tweets, texts, sketches…) con­cern­ing two issues:


extract from blog post

1. Biennale’s back­stage and the pro­duc­tion of knowl-

by 100100101

> Haze

edge oper­ated by the mul­ti­tude (actors that all

Now, great Idea. I think it worked, and it can also be that

by Bastille

together have thought, designed, real­ized research

some­one really vis­ited Vicenza because of the light­ing

I already told you mum: it was not an inter­view and I’m

and exhi­bi­tion spaces of pavil­ions, events and so on);

fes­ti­val. But that is where things get a lit­tle weird.

not gonna work for them, but with them…

2. Bien­nale as a place to be rather than a place of

How do you mean?


It’s called fes­ti­val and as such it should dis­play the work of mul­ti­ple artists.

Come on, we already spoke about that. I’m just try­ing to under­s tand if I can start doing some­thing on my own.

extract from blog post

…I’m sick of work­ing for other peo­ple.

> Exchange

Yeah cooky, but you can’t waste your time: it’s the moment

by Hammer

pas­sion­ate par­tic­i­pa­tion, a vari­ety of entries and it is a

for you to seri­ously focus on your­self and on what you really

‘Noth­ing is more basic to the func­tion­ing of cap­i­t al­

way to pro­mote the work of those who, against all evi­

want to do.

ist soci­ety than the ele­men­t al trans­ac­tion in which we

dence, are still try­ing to keep the city alive and kicking.

It’s exactly what I’m doing! By the w ­ ay, remember when

acquire a cer­t ain quan­tity of use value in return for a cer­

City Coun­cil, instead, com­mis­sioned the entire fes­ti­val to

you and Dad told me to start work­ing on my own?

tain sum of money’. 1 This type of trans­ac­tion facil­i­t ates

one office alone.

Yeah, but we meant a real job…

eco­nomic inter­ac­tion between two strangers. But it also

It is a real job! extract from blog post

To involve young archi­tects and design­ers guar­an­tees a

means that you and me don’t have to engage in any­thing more than a very brief moment of exchange, after which we can become strangers again.

We never knew each other, and we will never get to know each other either.

to contribute, criticize or donate, you can always try to drop us an email at:


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