Laura Buckingham and Bex Gunn are co-founder of award-winning and UK top 20 podcast
The Worst Girl Gang Ever.
Dedicated to raising awareness and redefining coversations around miscarriage, they have been embraced by the baby loss community and are championed spokeswomen for miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Having accumulated a thriving and fast-growing social media following over the past year, their platform has become a beacon of light and respite. Together, they are lifting the lid on why opening the conversation on miscarriage is so important for the mental health of anyone going through it. Their aim is simple - for women to feel heard and validated through this heart-breaking trauma. Laura and Bex have come together, bonded by their shared experience of baby loss. Laura’s seven-year journey to motherhood was marked by an equal number of miscarriages, and unbearable truth which is so often believed to be unusual. As a woman with three children, Bex was devastated to learn her baby had no heartbeat at her 12-week scan. She was shocked to find that a woman, capable of carrying three healthy babies to term, could later be unable to do the same with a fourth. As a greatly misunderstood phenomenon, miscarriage is widely believed to only be experienced by a few unlucky women. Laura and Bex have found that fertility and miscarriage are severely under-researched areas within medical science, and there is a severe lack of sufficient education in schools on the subject. Conversations about miscarriage and the misconceptions around it, are alarmingly still rife. In fact, one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage.