6 minute read

Welcome to issue 3! a new year, a new decade, and you being more you?

What a year 2019 was, it saw so many beginnings and endings, heartache and joy. I feel that because of what I have experienced, I have found more about myself — that’s exciting. I am loving who I am becoming, more authentic, connected to myself and others, and open to the limitless possibilities of what I can create, give & receive.

I have embarked on projects I never thought were possible of creating. Seeing them fly makes me so proud of the woman I am.


I wasn’t always so confident, loving and supportive of myself, quite the opposite in fact. Sometimes to the point where I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror. That was until I had a breakdown and had my breakthrough as cliché, as it sounds, It led me on a path of selflove, re-discovery and strengthening my belief in myself, my vision for the future, my spirituality and those around me.

By loving myself more, I become more me, where I am no longer confined by societies expectations and limited to other’s beliefs of who I should be. Instead, I follow MY own inner guidance with the support of some really great mentors. In doing so, my life has become full of enriching experiences, beautiful and soulful people who fill my cup instead of draining it.

My businesses are thriving and I am loving what 2020 is shaping up to become. I feel as I come more into alignment of my true nature, needs and desires, I become more congruent with loving, parenting and running my businesses. It creates beautiful energy people are attracted too without me forcing, endless social media posts or getting overwhelmed by having to always be accessible or present on social media.

2014 my 7 month old daughter & I this was at the height of my anxiety, yet looking in you would never know!

It’s all about mindset.

It’s all about how you believe and love yourself. It’s all about being you because that is your superpower.

This issue is here to support you to become more you. To find true happiness and success, and that means you must become your authentic self. You will ignite your inner light allowing it to guide you on a path of fulfilment.

Being you is a choice you get to make. It will take an investment of time, energy and resources to rediscover who you really are. You will find ways to love your strengths more than your weaknesses. To build upon your foundations of what makes you, YOU. Then, in your place of empowerment, you get to ask yourself, ‘Can I be of service to others in a fulfilling and sustainable way.’

There are things we each want to create and experience such as love, prosperity, health and all the beautiful things life has to offer us and every single one of us absolutely deserves to have it.

It will mean stepping into yourself, reaching higher, experiencing deeper yearning underneath all of the surface goals. To be brave enough to fully express yourself. To become the woman, you dream yourself to be, and to step into who you came to be in this world.

It’s time to share your knowledge, experiences, gifts and talents in ways that can make a meaningful difference to others, so you can;

Create blossoming relationships where you’re loved for who you are and powerfully supported to become the best version of yourself.

Be brave enough to become visible and seen in ways enabling you to step forward into the life calling you.

Have profound experiences of support and belonging and community.

Create success that aligns with your values.

Establish unwavering mind, body & soul selfcare practices for you to be able to contribute to your fullest ability.

Allow yourself to participate meaningfully in making the world a better place, expressing your creativity, and unique voice.

You are your superpower!

Let 2020 bring more opportunities with enriching experiences, nurturing people & nourishing food.

What has helped me to become more me?

Saying yes to myself in the most significant way yet!

Creating boundaries for myself and others (Read how Teneile Napoli set her boundaries Pg 19)

Slowing down in marketing (Dani Gardner is an authority in this field see her article on page 28)

Being More Resilient (Read Salli Galvin's Story ~ she will teach you about resilience! pg 42)

Being more me! (Alex Stalling shares inspiring why it's important to be you! Pg 26)

Feeling my feelings (Read Reclaim your powerby reclaiming your feelings Pg 48)

Investing in myself, my family & my future with business mentors.

Taking action on those inspired ideas

Being Limitless (Tamara Stiller shares how onPg 68)

Focused on my children and what the needed to be more confident

Stepping out of my comfort zone and saying yes to opportunities before I feel ready

Deepening my self-love practices and listening to my inner guidance (See Maya Morri's Article ~Turn on your inner Guidance System Pg 52)

Becoming more self-aware & responsible for myself, actions and words

Attending epic events & workshops to inspire, motivate and connect with like-minded people

Speaking on stage

Finding ways to express myself – I love my skin art created by the divine Teneile Napoli from Garage Ink Manor.

Finding my personal style (Amanda Herron canhelp you with her article Developing YourPersonal Style Pg 55)

I owned my story and was brave enough to share it in a co-authored book (Be inspired toown your story by Heidi Reid 36)

Being open to learning through new and old experiences

Stepping on stage in front of hundreds of people in New Delhi India at the Women's Economic Forum

Doing what I love and travelling more without mothers guilt (Read our article: How to Overcome Mumpreneur Guilt on Pg 24)

Spending time with my fur babies

Being present with my husband and kids

Learning to Pivoting within life and business

Letting go of the fear of change

Making choices that scare the *&^% out of me – Growth Edge

Owning my talents and utilising them

Be open to new friendships

Being okay not everyone will like or love me.

Continue to explore my truth (let Clare Deale's Quartley Guidance support you on Pg 62)





Knowing I am my Super Power!

Like a beautiful friend said, “It is under pressure that a diamond is made.” I believe we all are diamonds life is helping to shape.

It's up to us to allow ourselves to shine regardless of situations, experiences, other people etc.

My biggest takeaway from 2019, I am taking into 2020 is l no longer chose to survive. Instead, I choose to thrive.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey & here is a ‘high 5’ and ‘fuck yeah’ to my peeps who are journeying with me in 2020.2020 is going to be epic!

I invite you to write down all your lessons & accomplishments. It's not egoic, it is truth and allows you to see how far you have come and all that — YOU chose to do and be

So much love,

Tammie Pike xo

CEO & FOUNDER of The Mumpreneur Movement

Let 2020 be the year that you set yourself free!

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