3 minute read
Limited or Limitless Your Choice
I walked into my local shopping centre to purchase some new workout wear this morning, and lit up when I saw the words ‘Empowering Women’. I hurried forward, and beyond those words, I could see the appealing fabrics, attractive designs and—as I was about to learn—the limited sizes ... as a plus-sized woman, I can tell you that it was at that moment that I felt anything but ‘empowered’.
I stood looking at those petite garments, and hardly felt like I had the power to be a healthier me. And just like that, my old limiting beliefs snuck in: I felt helpless, even foolish for wanting to exercise. How dare I even think about changing my habits.
WHAT! How crazy to think I was about to limit myself, based on the limitations of someone else. I needed to remind myself—fast—that the only person I need to empower me – is me. Because I am the only one who can give myself the authority to make healthy changes. No matter what my current circumstances may be, or what someone else may say.
Now, as a mum of six, my body has gone through many changes over the years. I have experienced the satisfaction of being in great shape as a competitive dancer; the joy and wonder of being pregnant; as well as the heartache and shame of being overweight when I neglected to prioritise my own health and happiness.
But, as I settle into the rhythms of 2020, I am determined to be a healthier me. And ‘being a healthier me’ includes loving and appreciating the body that has allowed me to experience so many amazing moments in life.
How about you?
Perhaps—like me—you’ve held yourself back from certain experiences, projects or opportunities because you’re stuck in a place of self-loathing. Maybe it’s the messages you receive from society, peers, or your own negative self-talk that have you stuck in that cycle offear, disappointment and despair.
But just stop yourself for a second and ask yourself: What would it look like if you truly accepted and —maybe even—loved where you are today … on the way to where you want to be tomorrow? What would it feel like to let go of

those moments of shame, guilt or disappointment, and simply substitute them for gratitude and enjoyment?
Recently, a friend of mine shared with me that an upcoming procedure will require her to sport a moon boot for 6 weeks, post-surgery. And instead of feeling sorry for all that gym time she’d be missing out on, she purchased a boxing bag and a pair of gloves to keep herself active during recovery! No complaints. No excuses. She just did it.
Her ability to see what is possible, rather than the impossible, really inspires me, and reminds me that it’s time we look at out bodies in terms of what we can do, rather than what we can’t—and even going as far as saying that we should be talking about what is right with our bodies, rather than what is wrong with them.
As I sit here, considering what I can do— especially when I think about my friend and her boxing gloves—I am left with fewer excuses. I find myself grateful for what my body has accomplished in our lifetime together, and I realise I have plenty of inspiration to draw upon.
Could it be, that the very things that we think are holding us back, are—in fact—our own thoughts used to keep us ‘safe’? After all, if I am not ‘empowered’ by a women’s fashion outlet to exercise, I don’t have to step out of my comfort zone to write an article about my own body love … do I?
Life is life—there will always be genuine setbacks and moments of disappointment, hurt or injustice that we have to heal from. But, let’s just be sure that we aren’t being held back from enjoying the life we long to live, because of our own toxic thoughts.
This is a call to action: love and appreciate what your body can do, today! And remember, the only person who can empower you to be the healthiest version of yourself, is you.
Tamara Stiller