4 minute read

Courage and resilience the keys to an empowered life

The words focused, determined, and courageous come to mind when I think about Salli Galvin. She is an Australian representative of Polocrosse, serial entrepreneur, wife and mother of four boys, and is extremely passionate about helping create grounded, resilient, and well-adjusted children to reach their full potential through her programs and services.

When I first met this tall, beautiful, Amazonian woman with long black hair, Icouldn't help but notice the strong, magnetic energy that radiated around her—and as we spoke, I learned a lot about what makes her … well her:


Born and bred in Perth, Western Australia, Salli lived an idyllic childhood, growing up on a wheat property in Western Australia. But unfortunately, that picturesque life was torn apart when her brother—at just two years of age—drowned. And then only a few years later, her father took his own life.

Salli’s mother, even though deep in her own grief, threw herself into her remaining children. Raising four strong-willed little girls, she taught them resilience, and enrolled them into every sport they could physically do. Her aim was to teach the girls commitment, discipline, and the ability to play all out. And play all out they did. Salli has won many awards, medals and competitions, as well as representing Australia all over the world in Polocrosse.

But her life was to take another turn, when just at 21 years of age, Salli’s boyfriend of over two years, took his own life. It was a heartbreaking, testing and very trying time for her and her family. But due to the strength, resilience and self-worth, Salli’s mother had taught her, she was able to navigate and overcome that traumatic part of her life.

Beyond that, Salli then worked—and worked, and worked—to create herself a life where she lives her dream, every single day. And with all that hard work, it seems that anything Salli puts her hand to becomes a success; which is of course, due to the commitment, focus, and determination instilled in her from her years as a professional athlete—all of which she now directs into her businesses.

Now, instead of training for her sport, Salli is focusing those same skills on her passion for helping children reach their full potential, particularly from a mindfulness and mental health awareness perspective; a notion that stems from wanting the next generations to be strong and irrepressible.

Why is she so inspired to make a difference in our children? That’s easy. Her unwavering motivation has been spurred on by her upbringing, and her life experiences.

For example, her riding school, Jarrahdale Equestrian Centre, has transformed into so much more than just a riding school. In the last 9 months, Salli has successfully launched Jarrahdale Mind Fitness for Kids, Jarrahdale Body and

and her own personal brand Salli Galvin, through which she shares her message, knowledge, and experience by speaking all over Australia.

No matter where you see Salli, she will always be working hard to grow her property into more than just an equestrian centre, supporting the community through other ventures, like the Blue Tree Project— which was a major success—or having a free open day at her beautiful property for the community to attend and experience her riding school, pat the horses and watch the horse demonstrations.

What I love about Salli, is that she is so encouraging for others to follow their passion and uncover their purpose. In doing so, her aim is to be for others to be able to help those that most inspire them. And if that isn’t enough, check out her following words as the guidance that has helped her through her most difficult challenges:

To understand the mind and to work on the mind is a powerful tool and life skill. It would be wonderful if that was taught in all schools. Equally, it would be amazing if all parents and children were shown the power of calmness, of being still and centering the mind. — Salli Galvin

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. — Fredrich Nietzsche It is not what happens to you in life that matters. It is how you overcome the challenge and what you learn from the experience that counts.

✔ If you think you can, you can.

✔ Always your best.

✔ Be kind to your family and to yourself.

✔ Look after each other.

✔ Be responsible for your own actions.

You are not responsible for anyone else’s actions, only your own.

Salli also believes that you must believe in yourself to be able to instill that belief into your family, grow a high level of self-worth that will serve you and your family well.

For 24 years Salli Galvin has been instilling belief in children globally, to build their self worth. She passionate about building grounded, resilient, well adjusted children reach their full potential and fly.

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