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Mum’s Mail Ladies Breakfast
The 7th Annu al Mum ’s Mail Ladies Breakfast in su pport of The Sun flo wer Fun d and sponso red by Maritzbu rg Arch Lifes tyle Cen tre, is approach ing . T he theme this year is include a stable internet life post lockdown’. Guests Flower Power - think connection and a computer can expect a full how-to 60s, bellbottoms, peace or smartphone device with guide before the event to signs and hippie. This a camera. There will be familiarise themselves fun virtual event is taking an enviable raffle prize with what to expect. Funds place on Wednesday 24 up for grabs at only R10 a raised from the event will June 2020 via Zoom from ticket and a few prizes will enable The Sunflower Fund 9am to 10.30am. Bookbe awarded to the bestto create awareness as well ing is essential and tickets dressed guests. This year’s as educate and recruit more cost R100 per person and line-up include a presentablood stem cell donors. includes two raffle tickets. tion by Peach Piche from Ladies are encouraged to Fresh Eyes who will be To book tickets or expose your brand dress to theme, make their speaking on ‘How to BLOSthrough prize sponsorship, please favourite breakfast and SOM despite the challenges’ contact Stephanie Berry on 078 207 9041 sign on for a morning of as well as a presentation by or email steph@sunflowerfund.org. For inspirational guest speakers Estelle van Gelder from Danmore information about The Sunflower and fun. Basic requirements dyLine Organisers who will Fund, visit www.sunflowerfund.org or call for successful participation be speaking on ‘A mediocre 0800 12 10 82.