Mu-rong Ke
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remember 2010 - 2014
overview Look back. p.1
CV CV p.4 editor & style director Mu-rong Ke clothes Mu-rong Ke make up & hair Mu-rong Ke
contributors Summer Lee, Stella Lai, Rita Luo, 林沛淳 ,Annie Lee, 李英萁 , 梁芸瑄 , 許桓齊 ,Caroline Chuang, 汪二 , 王真胖 , 楊尚璉 , 黃岳羚 , 吳侑庭 , Tammi Kuo, 詹紅紅 , 藍米 .
clothes Baseball p.6 Multiple Personality p.16 The Age of Innocence p.28 The Time to Live and the Time to Die p.42
make up & hair make up works p.60
contact +886929123394
Top Mu-rong Ke Photographer 詹红紅 Fashion editor Mu-rong Ke Make up Mu-rong Ke Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 李英萁 No part of the publication may be produced or trasmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
design experience 2012 年實踐大學服裝設計系在校生動態展演 < 創意設計組 優選 > PROMAN T-shirt pattern Designer PROMAN underwear pattern Designer 成億裝潢 wallpaper Designer
experience Fashion Design 本人自 2010 年進入實踐大學服裝設計系修習,2011 年隨班上至金門替當地”石蚵節”舉辦服裝展演,擔任設 計師及彩妝工作。大二獲 2012 年在校生動態展演「創意設計組 優選」,運用夜光顏料及黑燈管與服裝結合, 表現點的組成之概念,此系列曾出借於蔡依林演唱會舞團。2013 年替成億壁紙設計花樣參考,與 PROMAN 合作 設計一款內褲布花及三組 T-shirt 圖樣,並於西門紅樓市集販售其中一款 T-shirt。大三服裝展自己設計布
styling experience
Stella Lai 2014SS catalog makeup artist 2014 SCU Fashion Week makeup artist 2013《無違和世代》Drama makeup assistant 2013< 東京恐怖學園 > Haunted House style assistant 2013<2013 客家青春代言人 >makeup assistant 2013 YODEX SCU Fashion Show makeup artist 2013 SCU Model Selection poster makeup artist 2013 SCU Tea Party Fashion Show makeup artist 2013 Graduated Fashion Show makeup artist
出場順序到後台 dresser,所以對服裝秀流程及應對方式都十分了解,也曾在嘉裕西服及 Chanel 等大牌擔任 dresser。
Styling 自大三開始嘗試替同學做造型,因為非常有興趣就自己摸索,參與過許多造型工作,從同學間作品集拍攝、時 裝展動態秀、劇場造型、選秀比賽、徵選海報到品牌型錄拍攝等等。曾獨力幫學姐完成畢展妝髮造型及系上各 展演裝髮,2014 年替服裝設計老師同名品牌 Stella Lai 型錄做造型。目前為止經歷尚淺,還在自我磨練的階段, 也很希望能有機會與資深前輩合作。
education Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan Fashion Design Graduated: June 2014
Advantage & expectation 就學期間曾多次為設計老師讚許色彩敏感度佳,對於電腦布花也相當熟練,我認為自己相當適合色彩搭配及花 色設計相關工作,對於工作可完全投入並於時間內完成。我能聆聽並接納各方意見,既能獨立完成任務,於團 隊合作中也能適當給予建議並作良性溝通。 我的創作經驗不算多,但對於經手的工作一定會完全投入其中。專業判斷力需日積月累,我必定把握每次學習 的機會,增進自我技能以提升創作品質。
technical competencies Fashion Design Pattern Design Fashion Show makeup Hair Styling
Baseball Photographer 湪äş&#x152; , designer Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang
由 2013 趨勢分析可以看到許多運動休閒的時尚服飾,讓我想起最不喜歡的棒球運動。在記憶裡選手們總是汗流 浹背滿身紅土,與時尚看似摸不著邊。這次設計將棒球的縫線部分當作發想,加以改良後呈現較柔美的水滴形 裝飾,以人體線條之美詮釋棒球概念。
At the top -- detail & color At the middle -- method At the bottom -- cutting line
fashion illustration
At the top -- 布料實驗 At the middle -- 確定鋪棉範圍 At the bottom -- 塞入棉花後車縫
Multiple Personality Photographer 吳侑庭 , fashion editor Mu-rong Ke, designer Mu-rong Ke
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 黃岳羚
現在的人無論在外表還是內心,由於外在環境的影響,任何時候的心境會不同,相對服裝也變得需要迎合各種 需求。這次設計結合了高領與拉鍊,高領成了可拆式更能適應變化多端的氣候;在衣身和袖子部份的可調式拉 鍊能夠滿足一衣多穿的機能性,依照個人喜好調整至最舒服的尺寸。
At the top -- color At the middle -- detail At the bottom -- detail
fashion illustration
Fashion editor Mu-rong Ke, designer Mu-rong Ke
The Age of Innocence Photographer 楊尚璉 , fashion editor Mu-rong Ke, designer Mu-rong Ke
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 王真胖
初生之犢不畏虎,那個什麼都放膽做,曾經很引以為傲的自己,像花瓣凋零,只剩下守著嚴嚴實實的果子,卻 毫無趣味。此時總想起家鄉種的牡丹花,因為父母持續的栽培,無論何時返家總能看到它們盛開,從小到大陪 著我。純真年代回不去,卻可以重新開始,然後一次次開花。
At the top -- 用來詮釋概念的牡丹花圖騰 At the middle -- 變形複古圓點發想 At the bottom -- 參考刺繡技法描會輪廓
fashion illustration
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime, hair Mu-rong Ke, Model 王真胖 , Annie Lee
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime, hair Mu-rong Ke, Model Annie Lee
This page : Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime, hair Mu-rong Ke, Model Annie Lee Opposite page : Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime, hair Mu-rong Ke, Model 王真胖 , Annie Lee
Opposite page : Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime, hair Mu-rong Ke, Model 王真胖 , Annie Lee
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Lime Crime, hair Mu-rong Ke, Model 王真胖 , Annie Lee
4 The Time to Live and the Time to Die Photographer 詹紅紅 , fashion editor Mu-rong Ke, designer Mu-rong Ke
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 李英萁
老一輩的人含辛茹苦,如今搖搖欲墜,我還來不及長大就要與他們分別,希望時光到退,讓我們一起共存在最 美好的時刻。以記憶中鄉下長輩穿著的花面衣料,與現代感的材質、版型結合,在懷舊中體現新意,在時尚中 尋找回憶,藉優雅的設計表現新舊相容的無違和感。
At the top -- 年輕年老共存之概念 At the middle -- 使用紗為渾沌界線之發想 At the bottom -- 老舊花布顏色氛圍
fashion illustration
At the top -- 部分縫 At the middle -- 立裁 At the bottom -- 半成品
This & opposite page : Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 李英萁
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline Hair Mu-rong Ke Model Tammi Kuo
Previous & opposite page : Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 李英萁
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Tammi Kuo
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 李英萁
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Tammi Kuo
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 李英萁
Make up Mu-rong Ke using Maybelline, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Tammi Kuo 李英萁
Make up & hair
Photographer 楊尚璉 , designer 黃山料 Make up Mu-rong Ke Hair Mu-rong Ke Model 張紘齊
Photographer 楊尚璉 , designer 黃山料 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 吳詠瑜 高承恩
Photographer 楊尚璉 , designer 黃山料 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang
Photographer 楊尚璉 , designer 黃山料 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Tequilas Shih
Photographer 詹紅紅 , designer Kenny Jhang Make up Mu-rong Ke using NARS, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 吳采芳
Photographer 趙紹伯 , designer 胡道格 陳立軒 Make up Mu-rong Ke using NARS, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 艾瑞克
Photographer 趙紹伯 , designer 胡道格 陳立軒 Make up Mu-rong Ke using NARS, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 徐晨軒
Photographer 楊尚璉 , designer Finn Chen Make up Mu-rong Ke, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Paul Yang Chien Hsiao
Photographer 楊尚璉 , designer Finn Chen Make up Mu-rong Ke, hair Mu-rong Ke, model な梓 Chien Hsiao
Photographer AK Lee, designer Stella Lai, brand Stella Lai Make up Mu-rong Ke using NARS, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Jacqueline Chung
Photographer 周懿文 , designer 沈昀姍 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang 禹晴 Anna Ma
Photographer 周懿文 , designer 沈昀姍 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang
Photographer 周懿文 , designer 沈昀姍 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang
Photographer Lighter Liang, designer 周恩聿 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 李冠禎 章廣辰
Photographer Lighter Liang, designer 周恩聿 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 章廣辰
Photographer 張霍爾 , designer 汪二 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang 章廣辰
Photographer 張霍爾 , designer 汪二 Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Caroline Chuang
Photographer 詹紅紅 , designer Bana Wu Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Weiber Kuo 黃姝毓
Photographer 詹紅紅 , designer Bana Wu Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 黃姝毓
This & opposite page : Photographer 詹紅紅 , designer Bana Wu Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model 黃姝毓
Photographer 詹紅紅 , designer Bana Wu Make up Mu-rong Ke using Kate, hair Mu-rong Ke, model Weiber Kuo 黃姝毓