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Official News-letter from Shri Narnarayandevdesh Diocese Vol : 9 • No : 100 AUGUST-2015 Founded By H.H. Acharya Maharaj 1008 Shri Tejendraprasadji Maharajshri, Shri Narnarayandev Diocese. Shri Swaminarayan Museum Narayanpura, Ahmedabad-13. Phone : 27489597 • Fax : 27419597 H.H. Mota Maharajshri Phone : 27499597 www.swaminarayanmuseum.com With the directions of Shri Narnarayandev Pithadhipati H.H. 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharajshri Controlling Editors & Publishers Shastri Swami Harikrishnadasji MAHANT SHRI SWAMINARAYAN TEMPLE Kalupur, Ahmedabad-1. Phone : 22132170, 22136818 Karbhari office : 22121515. Fax : 22176992. www.swaminarayan.info Editorial & Subscription Address Shri Swaminarayan Shri Swaminarayan Temple Kalupur, AHMEDABAD-1 (INDIA) For a Change in Address : E-mail : manishnvora@yahoo.co.in



















11. NEWS


Life time Subscription : One Year : Rs. 50/- • @ Rs. 5/AUGUST-2015 • 03

The pious Chatur Maas has begun with the rains. All of us have to perform special Bhajan-Smaran of Sarvopari Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan during these pious Chatur Maas. One should take any one out of eight Niyams suggested in the pious ‘Shiksha Patri’, as it is the direction of our Istadev and therefore all the devotees should scrupulously follow them and then only it would be our genuine Nistha. Whatever Niyam you may choose to be observed, follow and observe it whole heartedly. Besides this, Kathashrava, reading Katha, Kirtan of qualities of Bhagwan etc. should be performed as Vishesh Niyam. Mahapooja of Bhawan should be performed with Panchamrit. Mantra of Bhagwan should be chanted, there should be singing of Strotras of Bhagwan, Pradakshina and Sastang Dandwat Pranam of Bhagwan should be performed. Any of these eight Niyams should be observed whole heartedly with utmost devotion by the devotee during this rainy season. Shreeji Maharaj has clearly stated this which is very much important for all of us. As regards respect, Shreeji Maharaj has narrated beautiful story.

suLku ¼q÷u Ãký ¼økðkLkLkwt Lkk{ {w¾uÚke LkeMkhu íkuLku yÚkuo ÃkkuíkkLkk þhehLkk [{oLkk òuzk fhkðe ykÃku íkku su ¼økðkLkLkk ¼õík nkuÞ Lku ¼økðkLkLkwt rLkhtíkh Lkk{ M{hý, ¼sLk, feíkoLk ðtËLk fhíkk nkuÞ íku òu ¼økðkLkLkwt {knkíBÞ Mk{síkku nkuÞ íkku íkuLke ykøk¤ þwt {kLk hnu ? Lk s hnu. {kxu {knkíBÞ Mk{su íÞkhu {kLk òÞ Au. Ãký {knkíBÞ Mk{ßÞk rðLkk íkku {kLk síkwt LkÚke. íku MkkÁt suLku {kLk xk¤ðwt nkuÞ íkuLku ¼økðkLkLkwt yLku MktíkLkwt {knkíBÞ Mk{sðwt.’ (Vachanamrit- 16 Loya) So dear devotees if we want to be happy by following the directions of Shreeji Maharaj, we should put aside our pride. Since pride has destroyed many, we should forsake pride. Editor Mahant Swami Shastri Swami Harikrishnadas

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Appointment Diary of H.H. Acharya Maharaj 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharajshri (July-2015) 2 to 8 Pilgrimate to foreign countries. 14 to 15 Graced Haridwar on the occasion of Parayan. 22 to 28 Performed Patotsav of Thakorji of Shree Swamicahan temple, Cleveland (America) on 24th July, Performed Patotsav of Detroit temple on 25th July and performed Patotsav of Shree Swaminaryan temple, Florida on 26th July. 28 Return to India. Graced Bhuj (Kachh) at night. 29 Graced Naranpar village on the occasion of Vastu Poojan. 30 Graced village Soja. 31 Guru-poojan in Vedic tradition by saints and Haribhaktas in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kalupur (Ahmedabad) on the pious occasion of Guru-Purnima.

APPOINTMENT DIARY OF H.H. SHRI LALJI MAHARAJ (July - 2015) Opened up Himalaya Darshan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kalupur, Ahmedabad during the pious Adhik Purushottam Maas. Group Mahapooja was performed in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kalupur on the pious occasion of pious Adhik Purushottam Maas. 18 to 24 Satsang Yuva Camp of Cleveland, America was completed in the pious company. 11

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The Epistle of Precepts (based on Shatanand’s Shikshapatri Arthadipika) By Pravin S. Varsani SPECIAL DHARMS OF GRIHASTAS (HOUSEHOLDERS)

Text – 144 One shall not rely merely on oral agreements with regards to amounts payable by either party in matrimonial affairs, but such agreements shall be in writing and duly witnessed. In weddings, at the time of Kanyadaan, similar documentation should be written as outlined in the previous Shloka. Never should a verbal agreement be accepted. Shatanand explains that those who do not act in this manner face difficulty and often dispute between families.

Text – 145 They shall spend money according to their income./ those who spend more than their income put themselves into severe difficulty. Ayadravyanusarena Vyavaha Karyo Hi Sarvada | Anyatha Tu Mahad Dukham Bhavedityavadharyataam ||145|| They should always (Sarvada) spend (Karya) money (Dravya) for the household (Vyavaha) according (Anusara) to their income (Aya). A simple but necessary Shloka. Thus Lord Swaminarayan forbids overspending and also according to Shatanand, underspending as well. Hence one should not be greedy with their money. Their excess income should be used in donation. Those that overspend beyond their capacity (their income) face difficulties.

Vrudha Charankya explains, ‘The best wisdom (or advice) is to spend less than their income.’ ‘Those whose income is for four but who spend for five or six (in terms of providing for such number of people) become Dharmabhrashta (betrayers of their duty).’ Kamakhanda Niti explains, ‘Those who spend excessively and repay the shortfall by borrowing money from elsewhere are consuming poison.’ This is a straightforward lesson in Economics and personal accounting. Those who spend excessively have to live in debt leading to social costs of depression, unrest and general unwell. Such foolish spending makes the whole family suffer as a result. Similarly, those who are wealthy and have excess income should spend this excess income so that all can benefit from it. This can be done by donating to various good causes or organizing religious festivals such as a ‘Katha’ or ‘Yagna’. By so doing, one cleanses their wealth of impurities and also is replenished by receiving fruits of such righteous action.

Text – 146 They shall keep daily records of their income and expenditure relating to social affairs in their social own legible handwriting. They should daily maintain an incomeexpenditure analysis of their business and social affairs. The daily accounts should be written (prepared) in their own handwriting to avoid deceit or fraud at the hands of others. Rajadharma explains, ‘Those who do not keep daily accounts, or who maintain illegible accounts can be accused of wrong doing in

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financial matters by the deceitful. Such people can swindle money from you and thus cause your downfall.’ Proper accounts are vital, especially in businesses in this day and age. Those who do not keep a record in this manner put themselves at risk of ruin.

Text – 147 They shall donate one tenth of their earnings, money or food grains, to Lord Shree Krishna. Those with insufficient income shall offer one twentieth. Nijavrutyudyampraptadhanadhanyaditas cha Taiha | Arpyo Dashanshaha Krushnaya Vishonashastivaha Durbalauha ||147|| From their earnings or their source of livelihood (Vruti), money or food grains (Dhan-Dhaanya) which has been obtained through work or business (Udhyam), should be donated to Shree Krishna according to their income (a tenth of their earnings if affordable or a twentieth). Dhan should be understood as money, land etc. And Dhaanya as grains of rice, cotton etc. Shatanand explains that donation of one’s tenth or twentieth part of earnings literally means going to the temple of one’s Ishtadeva (which you are comfortable with) and offering your wealth to Shree Krishna therein. Shatanand clarifies that Durbala here is a those who have greater costs in relation with their earnings. (E.g. in some places the cost of living may be quite high and the earnings of people may be minimal.) therefore these people should in such circumstance donate a twentieth of their earnings. Shatanand Muni states clearly that donation of such wealth is for the purification of one’s earnings and wealth. Shrimad Bhagwat says, ‘All who desire peace, well being and innumerable fruits of

action (Punya) should donate.’ Yagnavalkya explains Daan or donation as they very livelihood of man: ‘To perform Yagnas, understand the Vedas and to donate are the livelihoods of Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Brahmins should aid in performing Yagnas, teaching the Vedas and advising upon donations. A Kshatriyas foremost duty is to maintain and protect his subjects. Similarly a Vaishya should farm, lend, buy, sell and maintain animals. Shudras should serve the Dwijas Upper three classes – the twice born). Those Shudras unable to maintain a living through such service should also work for a living by learning a new craft or buying and selling.’ Deval Smruti further explains the duties of a Shudra: ‘A Shudra’s duties are serving the Dwijas, refraining from sinful acts, growing grains, maintaining animals, lifting or carrying things, selling, drawing or other art work, dancing, singing or playing musical instruments (flute, Mrudanga etc.) they should live off such disciplines. Shreemad Bhagwat explains, ‘Through time, land becomes purified. Similarly through bathing, they body; Sanskars, the foetus, penance, the senses; Yagnas, the mind; donation ones wealth; and through study the soul is purified.’ Danakhanda explains, ‘One should give charity to those who are worthy.’ However the greatest beneficiary is none other than Lord Shree Krishna. Narad in Bhagwat has therefore said, ‘The greatest of beneficiaries is God himself, O King! Decided by the wise, this Shree Krishna should be worshipped first and foremost in this Rajasuyagna (initiation of a King ceremony), whom through his omnipresence exists throughout this universe.’ Hemadri explains, ‘One’s earnings should be split into five parts. Three parts of which should be used for livelihood and two Con. from page 19........

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- Sadhu Purushottamprakashdas (Jetalpurdham)

Grand temple of I.S.S.O. (International Swaminarayan Satsang Organization) of Shree Narnarayandev Diocese is situated along Temple Way road in Colonia City of New Jersey State of America. This temple is popularly known as (Kalupur) Ahmedabad Dham. In the centre there is an idol image of Shree Narnarayandev and beside it is the idol image of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj in Balswaroop and to its left is idol image of Shree Radhakrishnadev. This temple is ten years old. One Mumukshu American named Octavio Mejia is residing at a distance of one mile for the last 30 years. He belongs to Columbia of South America and he worked as Male Nurse in the nearby hospital. Everyday while going to the hospital, he used to perform divine Darshan of Dhaja and Kalash of our temple. Due to his daily routine of performing divine Darshan of Dhaja and Kalash, once he desired to perform Darshan of the deities of the temple. Before four months, he came inside the temple premises, parked his car in the parking area of the temple and waited for half an hour in front of the main gate of the temple. He obtained the information of Sampraday from the daily visitor devotees of the temple. One Haribhakta asked him to perform Snan and then to come to the temple for divine Darshan as everybody is welcome in Sampradaya and its temple. Due to night shift duty, this American had not taken his bath. So next day in the evening after taking his bath, this American

came to the temple for Sandhya Aarti Darshan. As his mind was pure and innocent and curious to perform Darshan, he felt something strange feelings while entering into the temple premises and the pious spiritual atmosphere and fragrance of the flowers and incense sticks had done miracle upon his thoughts. This American felt divine light around the idol images of the deities of the temple and he sat there for more than two hours staring at the idol images with his unblinking eyes. Later on he narrated his divine experience to the devotee Shri Bipinbhai Soni and Mahant Shastri Dharmkishordasji of the temple. Mahant Shastri Dharmkishordasji and Bipinbhai Soni narrated him about our Sampradaya briefly. Then, this American requested them to allow him to enter the temple and to perform divine Darshan of the deities daily. With smiling face, Mahant Swami replied that, the doors of temple are open for all irrespective of any caste, creed, religion or nationality. Now this devotee has changed his shift duty timing and he comes everyday regularly to the temple and avails the benefit of aarti, Nitya, Niyam, Dhoon and

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Kirtan and spends more than one hour in the temple. He is the last one to leave the temple though other devotees leave the temple early. To the surprise of all one incident occurred with this American Satsangi. In the period of only three months this American learnt by heart Sandhya Aarti Radhakrishnagovind Dhoon and other Padas. Though initially it was very difficult for him to speak out in Gujarati and Sanskrit languages but now with the help of English versions of the Gujarati and Sanskrit Scripts, he has overcome this difficulty and now he performs aarti, Dhoon and Padas very comfortably. He also plays the musical instruments like Tabla, Zanz etc and sings Kirtans loudly. During my visit of Colonia temple on th 25 April 2015, when I saw this American Satsangi performing Dhoon, Kirtan and Aarti with ardent faith and devotion, we were curious to know about his life. So one day on our request, he narrated his past life and we were surprised and the hairs of our body stood listening to his life-experiences. He was such divine experiences exactly in the same manner, as are found described in our scriptures. On 29/04/2015, we offered him Vartaman and Kanthi and he would obtain Mantra Diksha from H.H. Shri Acharya

Maharaj during the next Utsav. You would be surprised to know that he performs Tilak-Chandlo. On being asked he replied that, everyday he goes to the office by applying chandlo in his forehead and in the evening he applies Chandlo again after taking bath. He performs Dandwat Pradakshina of Bhagwan and he bows down to the photo-images of Saints and Acharya Maharaj. Satsang is organized on every Saturday wherein Dhoon, Kirtan, Katha are performed whose benefit is being availed by him. When one devotee asked him what and how does he feel when Katha is being narrated by the spokesperson in Gujarati language? He replied very beautifully that there is no language of God and Bhagwan is out of language!!! There is no need of any language to have divine experience of Bhagwan as He is not captivated by any language. Though he does not understand any words of Katha but he feels divine experience during Katha. Everyday for thirty minutes I used to listen to his various divine experiences and this has confirmed my faith and increased my Bhakti towards Bhagwan. Many such divine miracles have occurred in the past in other temples of America this is one such recent miracle.

For 24 hour live Darshan of Shree Narnarayandev

www.swaminarayan.info www.swaminarayan.in Aarti Darshan (Indian Standard time) _ Mangala Aarti : 5.30 hours Shangaar Aarti : 8.05 hours Rajbhog Aarti : 10.10 hours Sandhya Aarti : 19.30 hours Sayan Aarti : 20.30 hours

AUGUST-2015 • 09

AMRUTVANI BY H.H. SHRI ACHARYA MAHARAJ - Compilation by Gordhanbhai V. Sitapara (Hirawadi-Bapunagar)

While blessing the devotees on the occasion of Group Mahapooja organized in Approach temple, H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj has stated that, we perform Nitya Archan, Pooja, BhajanBhakti of Maharaj. We have been directed to perform Visheh Bhakti during Chatur Maas. When it comes to give time, we do not cut time for our business, job or family matters, all such restrictions of time come in BhajanBhakti and in morning pooja. Whatever balance is got minus in daily routine life, gets adjusted with Visheh Bhakti and occasions like Mahapooja. Everybody should join and participate in such special programmes because only balance of Bhakti would accompany us in our final journey.

Due to the services we render in the temple, we feel the sense of belongingness towards temple and Maharaj. Today it was a matter of pleasure for me that, persons who are regularly doing the work of cleanliness in the temple premises have been honoured. There are various types of services one can render in the temple. An electrician can render services of repairing or changing the non-functional bulb or tube-light. The person preparing garlands also renders his services, as the garlands prepared by him are offered to Bhagwan. Maharaj has given us such a wonderful tradition that devotees remain attached with Maharaj incessantly. At last H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj blessed the whole Sabha.

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Sarvopari Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan has made the way of Kalyan and Moksha very easy for all the devotees and Haribhaktas. It is not required to perform Tapa for thousands of years in this Kaliyyuga. Our Ishtdev becomes happy with very less. For example if your perform BhajanDhoon-Smaran of Bhagwan in the morning for two hours during the whole pious Dhanur Maas, you get the desired result. But whatever you do, Bhagwan should be in front of our eyes. And concentration and mental balance of devotees who have performed Bhajan-Bhakti for the whole pious Dhanur Maas, remains excellent. One thing is sure that, if you perform manan of anything constantly and daily, that thing remains in your mind for the whole year. And you cannot do anything wrong. You will be afraid to know that it is wrong and it cannot be done by you. This is not the work of only one day but we have to keep on doing constantly. In 1st Vachnamrit of Gadhda First Chapter, Shreeji Maharaj has stated this type of regular Bhajan-Bhakti-Smaran of Bhagwan as the toughest one. If one can do it, and can achieve it, nothing is worthier to be achieved in life. Therefore, whosoever and howsoever a person may be, once he gets attached with Bhagwan, he is sure to get emancipation at the end of his life. With the directions of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj, H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj and H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj and with the inspiration of Mahant Shastri Swami Harikrishnadasji beautiful arrangement of celebration of various utsavs during the whole Adhik Maas has been decided. There

is tradition of each utsav. Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji, Sadguru Bhandari J.P. Swami, Haricharan Swami, Kothari Swami Jaykrishnadasji, Natu Swami, Poojari Bhakti Swami and among devotees Shri Praful Kharsani, Shri Abhi Kharsani, Shri Tushar Kharsani and Urmik Patel and many other devotees rendered their beautiful services. Everyday various types of Utsav Darshan was being offered in front of the deities. Beautiful Himalaya Darshan was also organized in the temple premises behind the inner temple. On 11/07/2015 H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj and H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj opened Himalaya Darshan. Both Other Forms of Shree Hari were very much pleased and blessed all the devotees who rendered their beautiful services. Thereafter, H.H. Shri Laxmiswaroop Gadiwala, H.H. Shri Laxmiswaroop Mota Gadiwala and H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj performed divine Darshan and thus the whole Dharmkul was very much pleased. The arrangement of Himalaya Darshan was made in a such a way that, while performing Darshan one would feel chilling cold in his legs. Initially, this Himalaya Darshan was kept for divine Darshan only for three days. But considering the rush and warm welcome of the devotees and Haribhaktas of not only of the city of Ahmedabad but also from various other places, Mahant Swami, Brahmchari Raju Swami, J.K. Swami and Muni Swami suggested that this divine Himalaya Darshan may be made available for the whole Adhik Maas upto 16/07/2015 for divine Darshan of

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the devotees and Haribhaktas and therefore a team of the saints made announcement including issuing public notice in the local newspapers that, divine Himalaya Darshan would be available for the whole pious Adhik Maas. Two Katha-Parayan were also organized during this Adhik Maas in our Ahmedabad temple. Firs Vachanamrit Granth Parayan was organized in the morning from 6.00 to 8.00 with Sadguru Shastri Swami Nirgundasji as spokesperson. Devotee Dr. Gangarambhai Patel family rendered the services as the hosts of this Parayan. Similarly, Shrimad Satsangijivan Saptah Parayan was also organized with Sadguru Shastri Swami Narayanvallabhdasji (Mahant of Vadnagar temple) as spokesperson. In Samhita Path Sadguru Purani Swami Dharmjivandasji was spokesperson and devote Shri Bhaktimata Mahila Mandal, Ahmedabad rendered the services as the hosts of Parayan. H.H. Shri Laxmiswaroop Gadiwala had granted permission for two hours on 29/06/2015 for Darshan of Rangmahol Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj and accordingly all the ladies devotees had availed the benefit of divine Darshan. A list of devotees who rendered their beautiful services for utsav of each day is as under : Group Mahapooja was organized in Vrajendra Bhuvan Bhojanalaya on pious day of Adhik Ashadh Sud-11. Haribhaktas had availed the benefit of this Mahapooja in the pious company of H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj. Adhik Ashadh Sud-1 Gvalbal Darshan : devotee Shri Ghanshyambhai Chandubhai Patel, Lavarpur. Adhik Ashadh Sud-2 Rathyatra : devotee Shri Valjibhai Karshanbhai Hirani and Jashodaben Bhmji Rabadiya through Shripal Bhimji Rabadia-Australia. Adhik Ashadh Sud-3 Abhishek

Patotsav of Shree Narnarayandev : Akshar Nivasi devotee Nathjibhai Iccharam Shukla and Akshar Nivasi Ishwarbhai Labhshankar Pandya through Shishya Mandal. Adhik Ashadh Sud-4 Ganesh Chaturthi : Devotee Shri Gitaben Pankajbhai Patel family, through devotee Nishaben. Adhik Ashadh Sud-5 Vasant Panchmi : (1) Devotee Shri Velji Naran Bhudiya (Vadasar-Bhuj) through Shanti Ramji Bhudiya (2) In memory of Akshar Nivasi Bhalja Saheb through Zala Prabodhbhai Chhaganbhai, through Dr.Nikul. Adhik Ashadh Sud-5 Abhishek of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj in Haveli : Devotee Shri Shardaba Shelat family through devotee Shri K.V.Shelat. Adhik Ashadh Sud-6 Kunj Gali : Shree Narnarayandev Auchhav Mandal through devotee Shri Bharatbhai Sheth. Adhik Ashadh Sud-7 Shakotsav : (1) Ghanshyambhai Ranchhodbhai Vandra (2) Choksi Manish Jitendrakumar family. Adhik Ashadh Sud-8 Hindola of flowers : (1) devotee Shri Raghuvirbhai Amir (2) devotee Shri Gurudatta Aaiya, Gandhinagar (3) devotee Sandhya Aiya, Gandhinagar Adhik Ashadh Sud-8 Radhastmi : Devotee Shri Indiraben K. Dave through Poojari Parmeshwar Swami Adhik Ashadh Sud-9 Ramnavmi : Devotee Shri Sureshbhai Mahasukhlal Soni through Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji. Adhik Ashadh Sud-9 Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj Janmotsav : (1) Deotee Shri Sureshbhai Mahasukhlal Soni through Nehalbhai, Dipalbhai (2) devotee Shri Hiteshkumar Chhotalal Adhik Ashadh Sud-10 Vijaya Dashmi : One Haribhakta. Adhik Ashadh Sud-11 Group

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Mahapooja : Devotee Shri Prafulbhai Kharsani, devotee Shri Patel Kamleshbhai Chandubhai Adhik Ashadh Sud-12 Vaman Baras : (1) Devotee Shri Parth Pankajbhai Patel (2) ladies devotees (Haveli) of Ful Mandal, Arnav Kalpeshbhai Vasaviya. Adhik Ashadh Sud-12 Patotsav of Rangmahol Ghanshyam Maharaj : Devotee Shri Amrutbhai Manibhai Patel, Chandkheda through Swami Rajendraprasaddasji. Adhik Ashadh Sud-13 Kunjvado H.H. Shri Mota Maharja, H.H. Shri Mota Gadiwala through Sandipbhai Choksi. Adhik Ashadh Sud-15 Shradatotsav : Devotee Shri Patel Ghanshyambhai Karshandas Jethidas (Dharampurwala) Adhik Ashadh Vad-1/2 Keshar Snan : Devotee Shri Khagenbhai Ramanbhai Patel (Vakil) (Ambapurwala) Adhik Ashadh Vad-3 Chocolate Hindola : Hariom Jewellers, Saraspur. Adhik Ashadh Vad-4 Hindola of Jari : Devotee Shri Divyakantbhai Indravadanbhai Shah. Adhik Ashadh Vad-5 Hindola of Moti : Akshar Nivasi devotee Savitaben Balkrishnabhai Upadhyay, devotee Shri Simaben Pravinbhai Upadhyay through devotee Shri Pravinbhai B. Upadhyay Adhik Ashadh Vad-6 Chhapaiyadham Darshan : Devotee Shri Pradipbhai Nandubhai Patel (Allentown, America) through Ravi, through Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji. Adhik Ashadh Vad-7 Vanvicharan Darshan : Devotee Shri Falguniben Pradipbhai Patel (Allentown, America) through Ravi, through Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji. Adhik Ashadh Vad-8 Janmastmi : Devotee Dr. Govindbhai Gopaldas Patel (Anandpurwala)

Adhik Ashadh Vad-9 Nand Mahotsav : Devotee Shri Pruthvi Sureshbhai Panchal. Adhik Ashadh Vad-10 Himalaya Darshan : (1) Devotee Shri Rameshbhai Jadva Rabadiya-Baladiya-Kachchh (America) (2) Devotee Shri Bhakti Navinchandra Maganlal (3) Kashiba family devotee Shri Ronak Rameshchandra Kantilal Thakkar. Adhik Ashadh Vad-11 Himalaya Darshan: (1) Devotee Shri Ravi Pradipbhai Patel (Allentown-America) through Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji (2) Devotee Shri Jasvantbhai Kantibhai Moti (Mahesana) (3) Devotee Shri Kunjani Dilipbhai Patel (America), devotee Shri Arvindbhai Aapabhai Patel. Adhik Ashadh Vad-12 Himalaya Darshan : (1) Devotee Shri Vinod Premji Vekaria (2) Devotee Shri Valji Karshan Hirani (Baladiya) through Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji (3) Devotee Shri Rohitbhai Popatlal Bhavsar (4) Devotee Shri Pravinbhai Narsinhbhai Patel (Memnagar). Adhik Ashadh Vad-13 Shivratri – Shiv Poojan : Devotee Shri Kantibhai Govindbhai Parmar. Adhik Ashadh Vad-14 Shree Hanumanji Poojan : (1) Devotee Shri Rameshbhai Thakkar – through Devotee Shri Darshil Thakkar through Brahmchari Swami Rajeshwaranandji (2) Devotee Shri Milan Jagdishbhai Patel, Khushbu Dilipbhai. Adhik Ashadh Vad-30 AnnakutGovardhan Pooja : With the noble aim of Akshar Nivasi Sadguru Shastri Swami Krishnajivandasji (Metpurwala) and with the inspiration of through Sadguru Shastri Swami Balkrishnadasji and Sadguru Swami Govindprasaddasji Akshar Nivasi devotee Prabhudas Gokalbhai Patel family through devotee Shri Bansibhai, devotee Shri Jasvantbhai and devotee Shri Ghanshyambhai family (Metpurwala- at present Mumbai)

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DALPATRAM BECAME “KAVISHWAR DALPATRAM” (Dalpat Shrinkhala-5) - Atul Bhanuprasad Pothiwala (Ahmedabad)

There was one Charan Kavi named Fulji Gadhvi in Muli village. He had studied in Poshal of Bhuj and people called him ‘Kusum Kavi’. He had earned much name and fame in the nearby States, too. In Fagan maas of Samvat 1901 this Kusukkavi reached in Muli temple. In the Sabhamandap he taunted at Mahant Swami Sadguru Devanand Swami of Muli temple and said that, earlier there were great kavi-saints like Brahmanand Swami, Premanand Swami, Muktanand Swami but now it appears as the ‘Sun’ of the poet-saints has set in Sampradaya. These words had an impact upon Lalo Kothari , who was also present in the Sabha. He challenged Charan Kavi and said that he would get the answer on the occasion of Samaiyo of

Janmastmi when H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj would grace the occasion. On the pious occasion of Samaiyo of Janmasti of Samvat 1901 H.H. Shri Acharya Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj graced Muli. Dalpatram also came alongwith the devotees of Wadhwan. Lalo Kothari had not forgotten the previous incident and so he narrated everything to Dalpatram. Dalpatram could not tolerate the words uttered by Charan Kavi to Mahant Swami and so he prepared himself to defeat Charan Kavi in the Sabha. He also requested Lalo Kothari for assistance of two-three learned Brahmins and accordingly arrangement was made.

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In the Sabha, C h a r a n K a v i challenged Lalo Kothari to bring any learned poet to compete with him. Lalo Kothari addressed the Sabha and inquired whether any learned poet-Satsangidevotee was present in the Sabha. At this Dalpatram came forward and accepted the challenge of Charan Kavi. Competition began with Charan Kavi singing Chhapay Chhanda wherein he c o m p a r e d Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj with an ocean. In reply to this, while obtaining time in the guise of asking questions and replying the counter questions of Charan Kavi, Dalpatram started singing Chhapay Chhanda and replied that Acharya Maharaj cannot be compared with the shallow salty water of ocean. Now it was the turn of Dalpatram and he sang his poem in the sabha :

[ktËMku þeík÷ ytøk, çkwrØ ni økòLkLkMke fk{Mku MkÁÃkðkLk, þtfh Mku æÞkLke ni.... “Ëk¾u Ë÷Ãkíkhk{ yðÄ«MkkËS fe økt¼ehíkk økqZ MkkíkkU Mkkøkh Mk{kLke ni. Charan Kavi could not reply this poem of Dalpatram. However, H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj intervened and sent back Dalpatram and his companion learned Brahmins to their residence and honoured Gadhvi with shawl and turban. But on the pious day of Janmastmi of Samvat 1901, the whole Satsang came to know that a great poet has born in the form of Dalpatram.

Thereafter Vasudev Brahmchari, Mahanubhavanand Swami and Devanand Swami came to H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and suggested that, Dalpatram should learn Sanskrit language. At this, H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj called Dalpatram and asked him to go to Ahmedabad and study Sanskrit language and informed him that all his household expenses of family members would be borne by H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj. So with the victory against Kusumkavi, Dalpatram became Kavishwar Dalpatram of Satsang and Gujarat. (continued…)

Con. on page 7

parts for Dharma (religion, donation etc.)’ Mahabharat explains, ‘Somebody with ten cows should give away one cow. Similarly those with a hundred cows should give ten and those with a thousand cows should give one hundred cows. The fruits of each are the same.’ Therefore it is not a case of quantity given but what proportion is given. Parashar explains, ‘A king should be given one-sixth, God one-twentieth and Brahmins one-thirty-third of one’s income. By so doing one does not incur sin.’ Those that do not donate in this way in order to purify their wealth are considered as senseless fools with little intellect. As a result their Dharma, Bhakti and Gnaan are fall reduced to nothingness and great pains befall them, says Shatanand. Although Lord Swaminarayan wrote that a tenth or twentieth should be donated, other Rishis have written differently: Deval has explained, ‘A quarter should be donated, a quarter saved and half used for daily expenditure needs.’ Mokshadharma explains, ‘Earnings should be split six ways. One part donated, one part saved, one part

offered to God and the rest used for daily expenditure.’ Angira says, ‘God’s share should always be taken out first, even if one may experience financial difficulty.’ None should take the attitude that they will donate some time in the future. They should always donate with love and dedication. It is not how much you donate but with what love you donate with, which is of importance. They should feel that it is their duty to donate and repay God the great debt that is owed. God has given infinitely and only a fool cannot see this and feel that he has nothing to repay God. One should never donate with an ego in order to make them more popular. Nor should they donate with any expectation. By giving a tenth to God we should in real terms feel that God has give us ninety percent and kept ten percent for himself. More broadly a tenth of everything you do should be donated either to God or to those that are less fortunate than ourselves, as compassion for others is a great duty. Therefore ten percent of our Vrata, Japa, Tapa, Yoga etc. should be offered.

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Shree Swaminarayan Museum RAKHDI OF PRASADI

Festival of Raksha Bandhan is coming in the next Shravan Maas. On this pious day of Raksha Bandhan, Brahmins change their Yagnopavit (holy-thread) and therefore this day is also known as Balev. Generally on this day, a sister ties Rakhi (RakshaKavach) around right hand of her brother as per the customs of Hindu Sanskriti; but during the times of Shreeji Maharaj many devotees and Brahmins used to tie Rakhi to Shreeji Maharaj. On one such day of Raksha Bandhan, Shree Hari was sitting in the Sabha organized in Ahmedabad and one Haribhakta had tied Rakhdi around right hand of Shreeji Maharaj. In turn Shree Hari also tied Rakhdi to this Haribhaktas. This Rakhdi was earlier tied to Shreeji Maharaj by Haribhakta Jivabhai Virugama of Nana Ankevalia, who had brought 3200 kg stone to the temple by dragging it himself in a cart at the time of construction of Ahmedabad temple and this stone is carved into Stambha (pillar) of Prasadi lying at present in front of the inner temple of Shree Radhakrishnadev. This Rakhdi of Prasadi is kept near cart and wheel of Prasadi in Hall No.4. - Praful Kharsani

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List of devotees who rendered their services under Shree Swaminarayan Museum Maintenance Bhet Yojna Julu-2015 Rs.25,000/- Devotee Shri Choksi Manjulaben Vanravandas family (Morbi) Rs.11,000/- Devotee Shri Vasantben Jayantilal Shah (Mumbai). Rs.11,000/- D e v o t e e S h r i K h u n t B h a r a t b h a i Ghanshyambhai Rs.5,500/- Devotee Shri Savitaben Prahladbhai Narndas Patel (Kotha (at present Bapunagar) Rs.5,500/- Devotee Shri Urvish Nareshbhai Bhavsar (Chandlodiya) through Arvindaben Rs.5,100/- Devotee Shri Alpeshbhai Parshottambhai Patel (Dangarva) on the occasion of Abhishek.

Rs.5,005/- Devotee Shri Dipakbhai Lalbhai Tarapara (Thaltej). Rs.5,001/- Devotee Shri Harjibhai Jethalal Patel (Viramgam) through son-in-law Smit Sanjaybhai. Rs.5,001/- Devotee Shri Patel ARvindbhai Trikamdas (Karjisan). Rs.5,001/- D e v o t e e S h r i K a u s h i k b h a i J o s h i (Ahmedabad). Rs.5,000/- Devotee Shri Minaben Dushyantbhai Thakkar (Ahmedabad). Rs.5,000/- Devotee Shri Modi Dashrathbhai Dahyabhai (Krishnanagar-Naroda). Rs.5,000/- Devotee Shri Dr. Harikrishnabhai Gokalbhai Patel (Sapawada) through Dharmeshkumar.

List of Host devotees who availed the benefit of Abhishek of Shree Narnarayandev in Shree Swaminarayan Museum july-2015 01/07/2015 02/07/2015 03/07/2015 04/07/2015 05/07/2015 07/07/2015 08/07/2015 09/07/2015 11/07/2015


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Satsang Samaj Swaminarayan temple, Vadu. Satsangi ladies devotees (Unjha) through Sankhya Yogi Kanchanba, Hiraba Bhaguba Guru Akshar Nivasi Sankhya Yogi Gauriba (Dhrangadhrawala). Anantrai Manilal Dholakia family (Mumbai) through Himanshubhai. Mahila Mandal Swaminarayan temple (ladies devotees), Darbargadh Morbi through Sankhya Yogi Rajkunvarba and Ushaba. (Morning at 11.00 hours) Alpesh Parshottamdas Mathurdas (Dangarvawala New Ranip). (Noon at 2.00 hours) Shree Swaminarayan temple, Washington (D.C.) (Evening) Madhubhai Dharamshibhai Donga (Bapunagar-Nikol) through Darshan. Satsang Seva Mandal (Naranpura-Kalupur) through Vitthalbhai and Chandubhai and Mavjibapa and Sureshbhai. Shree Swaminarayan temple, Hyustan through Manjibhai Hirani and Nimish Patel. Mahila Mandal, Swaminarayan temple, Ranip. (Morning) Gauriben Amrutbhai family (Maninagar) through Jatin and Ritesh (at 11.00 hours) Dhruval Shah (Hyustan) (evening) Satsnag Samaj, Swaminarayan, Bhaktinagar (memnagar) through Ishwarbhai Gangarambhai (morning) Satsnag Samaj, Swaminarayan temple (Kadi) through Harjivanbhai Patel. Satsang Samaj, Swaminarayan temple (Karmshakti) through Ashwinbhai Sardhara and B.M.Vekaria (evening) Shree Narnarayandev Yuvak Mandal, Halari Bhaktas, Rajkot. Lalji Karshan (Kisumivala-Kenya) Haribhaktas of Sokli having inclination Akshar Nivasi Swami Krishnajivandasji through Raghuvir Swami (morning) Mahila Mandal, Swaminarayan temple (Approach) through Rupamben (evening) Nilesh Mohanbhai Patel-Dharampurwala (Sydney-Australia) Soni Krishnaben Navinchandra Mandaliya (Morbi) through Pratikbhai (morning) Choksi Vanravandas Laxmichandbhai Morbivala through Bhratbhai,Kishanbhai, vasudevbhai family (Morbi) Charviben Ashwinbhai Jagani (Ahmedabad) Kumudben Bhogilal Patel family (Manek, Tal. Petlad) (at present Atlanta) through Prafulbhai Bhogilal Patel


On every pious day of Punam, H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj shall perform aarti in the morning at 11.30 hours in Shree Swaminarayan Museum. Museum Mobile : 98795 49597 Devotee Shri Parshottambhai (Dasbhai, Bapunagar) : Mobile No. 99250 42686

www.swaminarayanmuseum.org/com • email:swaminarayanmuseum@gmail.com

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SATSANG BALVATIKA Compiler Shastri Harikesavdasji (Gandhinagar)

Rathyatra Mahotsav - Shastri Haripriyadasji (Gandhinagar) With the commencement of Ashadh Maas of the rainy season, the dry land is converted into lush-green greenery all around as if a green carpet is spread over the earth. All living beings, birds and animals feel relaxed and cool. With this month, it also begins Bhajan, Bhakti and celebration of Utsavs. The first among these Utsav comes Rathyatra. Do you since when did this utsav of Rathyatra Utsav and in which village Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan celebrated Rathyatra? Let us know about it. Our Istadev Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan celebrated Rathyatra Utsav in Visnagar. At that time Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan was in Visnagar and it was the day of Ashad Sud-2. Shree Hari expressed the desire of celebrating Utsav of Rathyatra in front of the devotees. Chariot was prepared by decorating a cart. Nitya Swaroops whose poojan was being

performed by Shree Hari were placed in the Chariot and the devotees started dragging the chariot with the ropes by which the chariot was tied and in this way Rathyatra was celebrated with great fervour and enthusiasm in Visnagar. Now the question is Why this chariot is to be dragged by the human beings and not by any animal? The mythological anecdote about this is that Bhagwan Shree Krishna Himself has dragged the chariot of one Mahatma, who was none else by Muni Durvasa. Once Durvasaji came to Dwarika. This has been recorded in Puranas. Maharshi Durvasa was very pious but at the same very angry. On his arrival, Dwarikadhish performed poojan of Durvasa Muni. Muni expressed the desire of performing Snan. So Bhagwan Shree Krishna directed the attendants to bring horses from the stable. But it took some time and Muni Durvasa became angry. He directed Bhagwan Shree Krishna to drag his chariot and not by the horses and took

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his seat in the chariot. Bhagwan Shree Krishna Himself took the ropes in his hand and started dragging the chariot assisted by sister Subhadraji and elder brother Baldevji Maharaj !!! “òuLku f]»ý fuðk Mk{hÚk, {u÷e {kLk íkkÛÞku Ér»k hÚk.” (Bhakta Chintamani) After some time, Durvasa Muni felt repentance about this incident which he expressed before Bhagwan Shree Krishna. Shree Hari replied with the smiling face that, he had no objection as he had had an opportunity to render his services to a saint like Durvasa Muni. With utmost repentance Durvasa Muni requested Bhagwan Shree Krishna, Subhadraji and Baldevji to seat in the chariot and stated that now he would drag the chariot. He got all three of them seat in the chariot and Durvasa Muni started dragging the chariot assisted by his disciples and in this way Utsav of Rathyatra started. This is the reason that chariots during Rathyatra Utsav are being dragged by the human beings and not by any animals. Another thing to be learnt is to follow the directions of Guru scrupulously. One should be ready and eagerly willing to render utmost devout services to his Guru, which we can see from this ancient mythological anecdote. With a noble view that importance of this pious utsav is preserved from generation to generation, this Utsav is being celebrated in our Sampradaya. • SHRAM - YAGNA - Narayan V. Jani (Gandhinagar) Hard work is absolutely essential to get success in life of any person. And therefore it is stated that fruits of hard work are always sweet. However, intelligent a person may be, he can never get success in his life without hard work. The expeditious vehicle of progress in human life is hard work. In simple terms hard work means physical work with attitude to do it willingly. When a group of people does something for the society it is called ‘Shram Yagna’. It is an undisputed truth that by doing selfless ‘Shram Yagna’ society can be made happy. ‘Shram

Yagna’ is a wonderful Rasayan (chemical) by which social diseases like starvation and unemployment can be eradicated. With this aim, a number of ‘Shram Yagnas’ have been organized in our country from the ancient times. Bhagwan Shree Rama had got built a bridge across the sea to reach upto Sri Lanka through such ‘Shram Yagna’ only. However, during the 18th century situation worsened in the society in this regard. It was during this time that Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan revived the importance and value of ‘Shram Yagna’ amongst the people and again ‘Shram Yagna’ started to be organized in the society. First such ‘Shram Yagna’ was organized in village Mangrol to prepare a step-well. Thereafter a lake was prepared in village Kariyani followed by starting of many Annakshetra in various villages. In order to continue this tradition of selfless service in the society, Shree Hari got prepared nine great temples and it began with first temple in Ahmedabad. Many saints and Haribhaktas participated in ‘Shram Yagna’ organized for this noble purpose. Anandanand Swami and Brahmanand Swami provided guidelines and guidance in layout and structural design of the temple. Even Shree Hari himself participated in this ‘Shram Yagna’ carrying bricks upon his head alongwith other devotees and Haribhaktas!!! At the time of constructing temple at Gadhda, devotees, Haribhaktas and even Shree Hari used to bring stones from river Ghelo. This has been very well described by Nishkulanand Swami in the following words:

‘Lkkne ÃkkAk ð¤u sLk ßÞkhu, ÷eÞu yuf yuf þe÷k íÞkhu, íkuýu fhe þku¼u sLk ½ýwt, òýwt MkiLÞ [kÕÞwt hk{ íkýwt.” Thus, Shree Hari has brought back ‘Shram Yagna’ in the society and revived its importance. So friends! Let us tread the path shown by Shree Hari Himself and render our ardent services in such ‘Shram Yagna’ whenever and wherever they are organized in the society because ultimately we and our society would taste its sweet fruits.

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BHAKTI-SUDHA ‘WE HAVE TO PERFORM YATRA UPTO PARMATMA’ FROM THE BLESSINGS OF H.H. SHRI GADIWALA (ON OCCASION OF SABHA OF EKADASHI IN KALUPUR TEMPLE HAVELI) - Compiled by Kotak Varsha NatvarlalGhodasar Hurdles do come when we progress on spiritual the path and perform Bhakti. Hanumanji had gone to Sri Lanka to search out Sitaji. Sitaji means Sakshat Form of Bhakti. The first hurdle for Hanumanji came in the form of Surasa on the entrance gate. With the widening mouth, Surasa attempted to swallow Hanumanji, but intelligent Hanumanji transformed into minute form and came out of the mouth of Surasa. Surasa is a symbol of greed. The point to be understood from this is that, we get hurdles from our relatives in our path of Bhakti. The next hurdle for Hanumanji was Sinhika. Sinhika is the symbol of Irshya. Sinhika tried to fall the birds flying in the sky. In this world, other people would try to drag down the person who is going up and up in any field of his life, be it economic, social, political or religious field. This is human tendency. The next hurdle for Hanumanji was Lankini who tries to stop him at the gates of Lanka. Lankini is the symbol of Moh. But Hanumanji defeated her with the power of his fists and succeeds in entering into Lanka. In the religious path also we come across all such hurdles. Hanumanji used his muscle power and mental power and overcome or defeated such hurdles. Though it is fact that he used more of his mental power (intelligence) than his muscle power and overcome these hurdles very easily. How was it made possible? It was because Hanumanji was constantly

chanting the name of Bhagwan Shree Rama while performing his duties and Karmas. So learning lessons from this, we have to overcome our inner enemies like ‘Kam’, Kroadh’, ‘Lobh’, ‘Maya’ and ‘Moh’. And we have to protect ourselves from ‘Kusang’ because this ‘Kusang’ can sink our boat at any time in this ocean of life. And we do not know when this ‘Kusang’ will sink us. ‘Maya ‘ is also like this. Initially ‘Maya’ gives us ‘Sukh’ (happiness and pleasure) but later on there is destruction of everything. The battle between ‘Jiv’ and ‘Maya’ is like family quarrel and so its solution should be brought inside home only. It will be of no use by inviting and involving others to solve it. There are two types of ‘Maya’: ‘Uttam Maya’ and ‘Adham Maya’. Saints and Sattvik persons use ‘Uttam Maya’ and this ‘Uttam Maya’ functions as their maidservant. But the ignorant people use ‘Adham Maya’ and this ‘Adham Maya’ works as their Master as these ignorant people work under the impact and directions of this ‘Adham Maya’. So we have to surrender our selves to Maharaj and with the blessings of Maharaj we can overcome this ‘Maya’. But for that we have to hold three things permanently in our life. ‘Shil’ (Character), ‘Santosh’ (Satisfaction) and ‘Daya’ (Compassion). If we can preserve these three things in our life, we are sure to get emancipation in our life. • SUCH IS THY WONDERFUL ART - Sankhya Yogi Kokilaba (Surendranagar) Bhagwan Purushottam Narayan is very benevolent. We are nothing before Him. Without Him our existence is not possible. Panchgyan Indriyo in themselves are five wonders!!! Almighty Bhagwan has installed

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three powers in this human body. Iccha Shakti, Gyan Shakti and Kriya Shakti. All these three powers due to blessings of Bhagwan only. If these three powers are withdrawn, this body is relegated into a model to be kept in showcase. Air, without which we cannot live for a moment, is given and granted to us free of cost. None of us has seen any bill of oxygen given by Bhagwan. Wind, water and salt are also given to us free of cost. The grains are also given to us at affordable price and the precious minerals and metals like gold are available at costly price. Would we be able to purchase the grains at the costly rate at which the gold is available today in the market!!! The energy, light and heat of the Sun are available at the free of cost. The beauty and light of the Moon which has medicinal properties are also available free of cost. The population of this world is about 6 billion yet no two persons are exactly the same and alike. The watermelon does not grow at the mango trees and there is also difference between the biological structure of the animals and human beings. There are all types of strange and beautiful varieties which we find in the Nature. Though Atma (soul) is one and same, it takes form of different bodies of animals, insects, birds etc. Thus, the art of Parmatma is wonderful and we are indebted to Him for it. • CONCENTRATION - Patel Labhuben Manubhai (Kundal Tal. Kadi) There is village Dharampur in Valsad district. Kushalkanvarba was the queen of the village. She was running the administration of her State very efficiently. When she became Satsangi, she invited Shreeji Maharaj to Dharampur. Accepting her invitation, Shreeji Maharaj graced the village Dharampur, stayed there for one month and celebrated many Utsavs. At the time of leaving Dharampur by Shreeji Maharaj, Kushalkunvarba was greatly disturbed and she ardently requested Maharaj what they would do in absence of Maharaj???

At this Maharaj smiled and blessed her and Kushalkunvarba closely watched Maharaj from head to toe and caught the image permanently in her heart and mind. After fifteen days, Kushalkunvarba passed away and Maharaj took her to Akshardham. While remembering ardent Bhakti of Kushalkunvarba, Maharaj has described her ardent faith in 2 Chapter of Sarangpur Chapter and directed all devotees and Haribhaktas to perform divine Darshan of Form of Maharaj very attentively like Kushalkunvarba. So while performing divine Darshan of Bhagwan we should 1) Perform Darshan with great attention and concentration 2) Perform Darshan while cherishing importance of Maharaj 3) Perform Darshan of each and every limb and organ of the idol image while watching Vagha very closely 4) Perform Darshan receiving something in our heart 5) Perform Darshan with new energetic and enthusiastic feelings in our heart The order in which we should perform divine Darshan of idol image should be as follows: 1) What is placed upon the head of Bhagwant? (Mugat, Safo, Pagh etc.) 2) Tilak Chandlo, eyes, nose, cheek, Tal etc. 3) What is worn in ears? 4) Which type of necklace is worn around neck? (flower, pearls, gold, silver etc.) 5) How are Vagha? (Surval, Jamo, Kediyu, Zabbho, Dhotiyu, Khesh etc.) 6) What is there in hand? (handkerchief, stick, lotus, Ponchi, Vedh, ring, kada, Bajubandh) 7) What is there in leg? (Mojdi, Zanzar, Chakhdi, Kada etc.) 8) Besides this Bhav of eyes, lips, Mudra of Hath etc. So by performing divine Darshan of the idol image as has been vividly described in the first Vachanmarit of Gadhda Chapter, we would get happiness and emancipation in our life.

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Guru Purnima Mahotsav in Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kalupur (Ahmedabad) On the pious day of Ashadh Sud-15 Guru Purnima on 31/07/2015 and in the pious company of shree Narnarayandev, Guru Purnima Mahotsav was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. First of all H.H. Shri Acharya Maharja and H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj performed Shangaar aarti of Shree Narnarayanev and Shri Radhakrishnadev and graced the Sabha organized on the occasion. The learned Brahmins performed Swasti-vachan, poojan-archan as per the cuostoms. Thereafter learned saints, elder saints performed poojan-aarti. Thereafter, all the members of Scheme Committee of the temple and all leading devotees performed poojan-archan and obtained the blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharja and H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj. Devotee Shri Dahyabhai Mafatlal Patel (Sanpadwala at present America) and Pankajbhai family rendered the services as the host of this pious festival of Guru Purnima. The book entitled 'Atyantik Kalyan' and published by Mandal of Akshar Nivasi Bhalja Saheb, was released by the Dharmkul. Akshari Nivasi devotee Shri Mahendrabhai Galiyara family and his had rendered the services for the publication of this book. The devotee had also performed poojanarchan and obtained the blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj. The learned saints had explained the importance of Acharya of Dharmkul. Under the guidance of Mahant Shastri Swami Harikrishnadsji, saint-mandal had made beautiful arrangements. Atlast H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj had blessed all the devotees and had asked them to remain ardent devotees of Shree Narnarayandev. Thousands of devotees and Haribhaktas had performed poojanarchan-darshan and obtained the blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj. The Sabha was conducted by Shastri Swami Ramkrishnadasji. Shree Narnarayandev Yuvak Mandal had rendered beautiful services in the kitchen, parking, temple etc. places. (Kothari Shastri Narayanmunidasji) Saptah Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple (ladies) Jetalpur With the directions and blessings of H.H. Laxmiswaroop Gadiwala and with the inspiration of Sankhya Yogi Bachiba, Shree Ghanshyam Leelamrut Saptah Parayan was organized during the pious Adhik Maas in Shree Swaminarayan temple (ladies devotes), Jetalpur. The whole arrangement was made by Madhuba Natvarbhai Gamdiwala. Sankhya Yogi Narmadaba had narrated Katha of Leela Charitra of Bhagwan. On

13/07/2015 H.H. Shri Mota Gadiwala gracd the occasion and blessed all the ladies devotees. (Jetalpur Mahila Mandal) Panchanh Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kankaria With the directions and with blessings of H.H. Shri Laxmiswaroop Gadiwala and under the guidanceof Mahant Swami of Kankaria temple, ‘Shree Janmangal Mahima Katha’ was organized from 28/06/2015 to 02/07/2015 inMaruti Hall. This parayan was organized by the devotee Shri Patel Chandrikaben Prakashbhai (Kuhawala). Sankhya Yogi Narmadaba Guru Bachiba (Jetalpur) was the spokesperson of this Katha. On the first day H.H. Shri Mota Gadiwala had graced the occasion and had granted the benefit of blessings and divine Darshan to the ladies devotees. During Katha, Shree Ghanshyam Janmotsav was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. (Shree Narnarayandev Mahila Mandal, Kankaria) Shrimad Satsangijivan Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Approach (Bapunagar) With the directions and blessings of H.H Shri Laxmiswaroop Gadiwala and with the arrangements of Shree Narnarayandev Mahila Mandal, Bapunagar, Shrimad Satsangjijivan Katha Saptah Parayan was organized from 18/06/2015 to 24/06/2015 during the pious Purushottam Maas. Kothari Swami Harikrishnadasji Guru Sadguru Swami Laxmanjivandasji was the spokesperson of the Parayan. Akshar Nivasi Nandlal A. Chanani family through Kanubhai rendered the services as the chief host of Parayan. On this occasion saints from Kalupur and Kankaria had also arrived. Sadguru Shastri Swami Nirgundasji (Asarwa Gurukul) had narrated beautiful stories. On 24/06/2015, H.H. Shri Gadiwala blessed the devotees telephonically. Shodasopchar Abhishek of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj was performed in Vedic tradition during the pious Adhik Maas. (Gordhanbhai Sitapara) Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Vadnagar With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and under the guidance of Mahant Sadguru Shastri Swami Narayanvallabhdasji, Shrimad Satsangibhushan Saptah Parayan was organized by the ladies devotees of Shreeji Mahila Mandal from 17/06/2015 to 23/06/2015. Sadguru Mahant Shastri Swami Narayanvallbhdasji and Kothari Shastri Swami Vishwaprakashdasji were the spokespersons of this Parayan. Poojai Swami Dharmaviharidasji had offered various types of

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beautiful Darshan of Thakorji during the pious Adhik Maas. On the pious day of Amaas, Group Mahapooja wa also organized in the temple wherein Shastri Jayeshbhai Vyas had got performed Mahapooja from 250 Haribhaktas. (Poojari Swami Dharmaviharidas, Vadnagar) Celebration of Puushottam Maas in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Mandvi (Kachchh) During the whole pious Adhik Maas and in the pious company of Shree Vindavan Vihari Harikrishna Maharaj and with the support and serics of Swami Radharamandasji, Swami Narayanpriyaasji, Madhav Swami, all Utsavs of our Sampradaya were celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm.Thakarthali Rasotsav-Sharadaotsav was celebrated with Musical Orchestra with great enthusiasm. Katha of the pious Shree Purushottam Maas was performed wherein devotees had rendered their beautiful services as the host devotees of each day. Udhyan Utsav of Amaas was celebrated with Group Mahapooja whose benefit was availed by many devotees and Haribhaktas. Devotees also availed the divine benefit of Abhishek of Thakorji withi Panchamrit alongwith saints. With the inspiration of Sankhyayogi Kanbai, the devotee Shri Laljibhai Mavjibhai Pindoriya family had rendred the services as the chief host of Abhishek Anakut, Thakarthali and Mahapooja. Devotee Shri Kunvarji Jadavji Chhabhadia and his wife devotee Premilaben and family (Mandvi) also rendred the services as the host of Prasadi in the memory of their parents. Saints-Bhaktas and Sankhya Yogi ladies devotees had performed Sagan-Snan in early morning and Anusthan Udhyapan of Vrat was performed. (Shastri Bhaktipriyadas, MandviKachchh) Ratri Katha and Himalaya Darshan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Himatnagar With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and with the inspiration of Mahant Shastri Premprakashdasji, Tridinatmak Ratri Katha was organized from 01/07/2015 to 03/07/2015 with Shastri Chandraprakashdasji (Siddhpur) as the spokesperson. Simultaneously, beautiful Himalaya Darshan was organized for divine Darshan by Shree Narnarayandev Yuvak Mandal, Himatnagar. Beautiful Sabha was also organized on this occasion wherein saints from Jetalpur, Chhapaiya, Valli and Siddhpur had participated and had narrated the talks about the importance of Shree Hari and Dharmkul. (Rameshbhai B. Patel) Group Mahapooja in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Mansa With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and the saints and in the pious company of Shree Radhakrishnadev Harikrishna Maharaj and Sarvopari Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj,

Group Mahapooja was organized on 12/07/2015 on the pious day of Ekadashi whose benefit was availed by many devotees and Haribhaktas. (Patel Sanjay Babulal) Gyan Satra in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Bopal With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and the whole Dharmkul, Katha of 2nd Chapter of Shrimad Satsangijivan was performed in Gyan Satra at night from 8.00 to 10.30 hous from 23/06/2015 to 27/06/2015 in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Bopal. Shastri Swami Divyaprakashdasji (Muli) was the spokesperson of Katha. On the pious occasion of the concluding organized on 27/06/2015, Mahapooja was organized. Shodasopchar Abhishek and Annakut Aarti of Shree Harikrishna Maharaj were performed by H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj. In the Sabha organized on the occasion, H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj blessed all the devotees and Satsang activities of Bopal. Devotee Shri Babubhai Chaturbhai Patel had rendered the services as the chief host of this Gyan Satra. Devotee Shri Kaushikbhai Joshi had rendered the services as the host of Mahapooja. The Sabha was conducted by Purani Harinandan Swami and saints from various places had arrived on this pious occasion. Devotee Shri Ratibhai Khimjibhai Patel( Member of Scheme Committee Kalupur) and other devotes had also remained present. Kothari Shri Amrutbhai patel, R.B.Patel and Shri Arvindbhai Sendhabhai Patel and Yuvak Mandal had rendered their inspirational services during the whole occasion. (Pravinbhai B. Upadhyay) Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kherol (Panchmahal) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj, Shrimad Bhagwat Katha was organized in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kherol during the pious Adhik Paas with Sadguru Purani Swami Hariswaroopdasji as the spokesperson. Benefit of Katha was availed by all Haribhaktas. (Kothari Dalpatbhai) Mahapooja in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Vavol With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and with the inspiration of Sankhya Yogi Surajba, on 05/07/2015, Sankhya Yogi Darshanaba had got performed Group Mahapooja in the morning during the pious Adhik Purushottam Maas wherein 100 ladies devotees had participated. Ladies devotees had also availed the benefit of Abhishek of Shree Harikrishna Maharaj. (Ushaben, Vavol) Shree Swaminarayan temple, Dangarava (Vanto) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj, Shree Swaminarayan

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Mahamantra Dhoon was performed at night from 8.30 to 9.30 by 80 Haribhaktas during the whole Adhik Purushottam at our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Dangarva (Vanto). Kothari Shri, Yuvak Mandal and devotee Shri Anantsinh Dabhi had beautiful arrangements. (Dabhi Rajuji Shivaji, Kothari) Shree Narnarayandev Dharmik Shikshan Vibhag, Kalupur (Ahmedabad) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj, the next Relgious Examtion ofour shree Narnarayandev Dharmik Shikshan Vibhag would be held on Sunday 20/12/2015 at the concerned local Centres. In the current year examination of two Sections viz. Bal Satsang and Kishor Satsang would be held. A list of candidates of the each centre intending to participate in the examination may be got prepared and be sent at the below address by 30/10/2015: Shree Narnarayandev Dharmik Shikshan Vibhag Chief Organizer: Shri Ranchhodbhai Devani Shree Swaminarayan temple, Kalupur, Ahmedabad-1 Ratri Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Meghaninagar With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj, Tridinatmak Ratri Katha of Bhakta Chintamani Granth was organized with Shastri Madhav Swami of Kalupur temple as spokesperson during the pious Adhik Maas in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Meghaninagar. Many devotees had availed the benefit of this Katha. (Baldevbhai Patel)

MULI DESH Programmes organized in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Surendranagar as a part of future Dasabdi Mahotsav Akhand Dhoon in villages of Muli Desh as a part of future Dasabdi Mahotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Surendranagar With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and the whole Dharmkul and with the noble concept of Mahant Swami of Surendranagar temple, various programs are being organized as a part of future Dasabdi Mahotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Surendranagar. Accordingly as a part of 12 hour Shree Swaminarayan Mahamantra Akhand Dhoon was to be organized in 125 villages of Muli Desh, Dhoon was organized in the following villages. Kantipur, Nasitpur, Chanchavadarda, Rangparbela, Kaliyana of Khakharia,Dediyasan, Manipura, Joshipura, Nana Bhuda and Trent villages 12 hour Akhand Shree Swaminaryaan Mahamantra Dhoon and Satsang Sabha were organized wherein Kothari Swami Krishnavallabhdasji, Shastri Swami Premvallabhdasji, Poojari Swami Nityaprakashdasji,

Parshad Ravi Bhagat etc, saint mandal narrated Katha of importance of Dev-Gadi-Sthan and Bhagwan whose benefit was availed by large number of devotees and Haribhaktas. Akhand Dhoon in Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Dholka With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and the whole Dharmkul and as a part of future Dasabdi Mahotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Surendranagar, 12 hour Akhand Shree Swaminarayan Mahamantra Dhoon was organized in Prakatyabhumi Chhapaiya of Sarvopari Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj and in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Ayodhya. H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj had especially graced this occasion. Mahant Brahmchari Swami Vasudevanandji, P.P. Swami of Jetalpur and Mahant Dev Swami of Ayodhya temple, Kothari Krishnavallabhdasji, Bhaktihari Swami and Jishnu Swami etc. saints Haribhaktas had performed Akhand Mahamantra Dhoon in the pious presence of Other Form of Shree Hari. (Shailendrasinh Zala) Akhand Dhoon in Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Jetalpur With the directions of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj 12 hour Akhand Dhoon of Shree Swaminarayan Mahamantra was performed in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Jetalpur. Large number of devotees availed the benefit of this Dhoon. Aong the sains Kothri Swami Krishnavallabhdasji, Shastri Swami Shreejiprakashdasji (Hathijan), Premvallabh Swmi and Poojari Nityaprakash Swami had emained present. Mahant Shri K.P. Swmi of Jetalpur temple had made beautiful arrangements. Akhand Dhoon in Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Bhuj With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj, 12 hour Shree Swaminarayan Mahamantra Akhand Dhoon was performed in front of Shree Narnarayandev in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Bhuj. Large number of devotees and Haribhaktas of Muli Desh had participated in it. In the Sabha organized on the occasion, Mahant Purani Swami Dharmnandandasji, Parshand Shri Jadavji Bhagat, Kothari Swami Devprakashdasji, Premprakash Swami, Sadguru Purani Swami Keshavpraaddasji, Uttam Swami etc. saints had blessed the devotees. The whole arrangement was made by Kothari Swami Krishnavallabhdasji and Shastri Premvallabhdasji. The sabha was conducted by Shailendrasinh Zala. (Shailendrasinh Zala) Paryan in Charadava temple during pious Adhik Maas As a part of celebration of 43rd Prakatyotsav of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj and with the directions of H.H. Shri Lalji Maharaj and with inspiration of Mahant Swami, Shrimad Satsangijivan Panchandintamak

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Katha was organized with Shastri Satyapraksh Swami as spokesperson from 1207/2015 to 16/07/2015 in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Charadava. Devotee Shri Bhagwanbhai Bhavanbhai Sonagra rendered the services as the host of Parayan. Large number of devotees of village Charadava availed the benefit of this Parayan. During the whole programme services of Kothri Swami and saint Mandal and Yuvak Mandal were inspirational. As a part of the above programme Mahant Swami and saint Mandal had performed KathaVarta in Zulasan, Lunawada, Balasinor, Kothamba, Gothib etc. places. (Shree Narnarayandev Yuvak Mandal)

OVERSEAS SATSANG NEWS Katha Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Itaska With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj and the whole Dharmkul and with the inspiration of Shastri Yagnaprakashdasji (Kankaria) and Poojari Swami Shantiprakashdasji, satsang activities are going on very well in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Itaska. Special Katha was organized on every Saturday and Sunday during the pious Adhik shadh Purushottam Maas wherein Shastri Swami Yagnaprakashdasji was the spokesperson. All Leela Charitra of Katha were celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. On the pious day of Agiyaras Shastri Swami had gor performed Group Mahapooja whose benefit was availed by many devotees. Haribhaktas also availed the benefit of rendering services as hosts of Thaal of Thakorji and meals of saints. (Vasant Trivedi, Chicago) 7th Patotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Toronto (Canada) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj and H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj and with the inspiration of Sadguru Shastri Swami P.P. Swami of Jetalpurdham andin the presence of Mahant Shastri Premprakashdasji of Himatnagar, who had arrived here, 7th Patotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Toronto was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. On this occasion from 03/07/2015 to 05/07/2015 Shrimad Bhagwat Dasm Skanda Tridtinatmak Parayan was organized with Premprakashdasji as spokesperson. Pothiryatra was also organized on this occasion. On04/07/2015 Mahapooja was organized whose rituals were got performed by Shri Ashishbhai Shatri. Swami had explained the importance of Mahapooja and many devotees had availed the benefit of this Mahapooja. On 05/07/2015 on the occasion of Patotsav of Thakorji, Shodsopchar Abhishek of Shree

Harikrishna Maharaj was performed in Vedic tradition under the guidance of Shri Ashish Shastri and Shri Viralbhai Mehta. In the sabha organized on the occasion, poojan of photo-image of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj, poojan of saints and honouring of the guests with Smriti Bhet were performed. Video recording of the blessings of H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj was also offered in the Sabha. President Shri Dashrathbhai Chaudhary had hailed and praised the services rendered by all. Atlast Annakut Aarti of Thakorji and Aarti were performed. Large number of Haribhaktas participated in the Sabha and availed the benefit of Mahaprasad. The whole Mahotsav was conducted very efficiently by the Secretary Shri Rasikbhai Patel. (Bhailalbhai Patel) Parayan in Shree Swaminarayan temple, Leicester (U.K.) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj and H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj, Panchdinatmak Katha of Shree Bhaktchintamani Parcha Prakaran by Sadguru Nishkulanand Swami was organized from 01/07/2015 to 05/07/2015 during the pious Purushottam Maas in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Leicester. Shastri Swai Ghanshyamdasji was the spokesperson of Parayan. At lat Shastri Kechavcharan Swami had narrated talks to have faith in Shree Narnarayandev. Devotee Shri Rutulbhai Girishbhai Patel family had rendered the services as the chief host of this occasion who were honoured by the saints. The spokesperson of Katha was honoured by the President and members of Scheme Committee of the temple.with the blessings of Dharmkul, Satsang activities are going on very well here. (Kiran Bhavsar, Sahmantri, Leicester) 4th Patotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Atlanta (G.A.) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj and H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj and under the guidance of Shri P.P. Swami of Jetalpur, 4th Patotsav of Shree Swaminarayan temple, Atlanta was celebrated with gret fervor and enthusiasm from 19th July to 21st June 2015. Devotee Shri Navinbhai Patel rendered the services as Chief Host of Patotsav and devotee Shri Jasvantlal S. Patel family rendered the services as the co-host of Patotsav. On this occasion under the guidance of Mahant Swami of the temple and K.P. Swami and with the support of all Haribhaktas temple was decorated with beautiful lighting. During the Patotsav Mahotsav, Tridinatmak Parayan of Shrimad Satsangibhusan scripture by Sadguru Vasudevanand was organized with Shastri Satsangibhushandasji. On this occasion the host Akshar Nivasi Nathjibhai E. Shukla Mandal (through devotee Pinakinbhai Patel) had performed poojanarchan, aarti and obtained the blessings of H.H. Shri

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Acharya Maharaj. In the beautiful cultural programme under the guidance of Shri Akash Patel and Shri Hiralben Patel, young children had performed beautiful drama on the theme of curse of Durvasa Muni in Badrikashram of Shree Narnarayandev. H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj was very much pleased with the performance on stage of the participant young children and blessed them all. The Sabha was conducted by K.P. Swami. Mahant Swami and Yuvak Mandal had offered Annakut and Shangar to Thakorji whose benefit was availed by all the devotees and Haribhaktas. In the morning at 9.00 hours on 21st June 2015 H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj performed Shodasopchar Mahabhishek of Thakorji and Annakut Aarti and honoured and blessed the host devotees with shawl and garlands. At last Shri P.P. Swami (Jetalpur) made announcement that the next Pancham Patotsav will be celebrated in the pious company of the whole Dharmkul for which names of five host devotees were decided of total five occasions. H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj as well as saints of I.S.S.O. Chapters, who were present there, blessed these devotees. Devotee Shri Rajubhai Patel, Shri Shaileshbhai Patel had rendered beautiful services in the temple and had obtained the blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj. (President Dakshesh Patel) Shree Swaminarayan temple, Colonia (America) With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj and H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj and in the presence of Mahant Shastri Dharmkishordasji of temple, all Haribhaktas had offered Praad of mangoes to Shree

Ghanshyam Maharaj in the evening 5.00 to 8.00 on Saturday 04/07/2015 whose divine Darshan was performed by all the devotees and Haribhaktas. In the Sabha organized on the occasion DhoonBhajan-Kirtan were performed and Swamiji had explained the importanceof Amra Utsav. At lat ThaalAarti, Hanuman Chalisa, Group Janmangal Path were performed followed by Mahaprasad whose benefit was availed by all the devotees and Haribhaktas. (Pravin Shah) Annakut Utsav in Chhapaiyadham Parsipenny With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya 1008 Shri Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj and H.H. Shri Mota Maharaj, Annakut Utsav was celebrated by all the devotees in the evening from 4.00 to 7.00 hours on Sunday 05/07/2015 in the presene of Mahant Swami of the temple. In the Sabha, Mahant Swami had explained the importance of Annakut. (Pravin Shah) Shree Swaminarayan temple, Weehawken With the directions and blessings of H.H. Shri Acharya Maharaj, various types of utsav such as Shree hari Jayanti, Annakut Utsav, Rathyatra Utsav, Shakotsav, Group Mahapooja, Shiksha Patri Jayanti, Amra Utsav were celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm by the devotees and haribhaktas in our Shree Swaminarayan temple, Weehawken. The whole arrangement of all these Utsavs was made by Mahant Swami Shreeji Swaroopdasji of the temple and Shastri Narnarayandasji. Poojari Shastri Purnanand Swami of Jetalpur and Shatri Bhaktinandan Swami had also narrated Katha-Varta. Mahaprasad was organized at the end of each of these Utsav. Services of young devotees, ardent devotees of the temple and ladies devotees were inspirational. (Patel PankajbhaiWeehawken)

AKSHARVAAS Unava (Balva) – Devotee Shri Lalbhai Pranbhai Patel (elder brother of devotee and trustee of Shree SWaminarayan temple, Kalupur Shri Ramanbhai Pranbhai Patel) passed away to Akshardham on 23/06/2015 while chanting the name of Shree Hari. Karjisan - Devotee Shri Patel Dahiben Parshottamdas (age 77 years) passed away to Divine Abode of God on 01/01/2015 while chanting the name of Shreeji Maharaj. Zulasan (Tal. Kadi) – Devotee Shri Patel Prahladbhai Kashiram (age 82 years) has passed away to Akshardham on 04/06/2015 while chanting the name of Shri Hari. Nandol - Devotee Shri Kalidas Shanabhai Patel passed away to Divine Abode of God on 11/07/2015 while chanting the name of Shreeji Maharaj. Nandol – Devotee Shri Babarbhai Shankarbhai Patel has passed away to Akshardham on 11/07/2015 while chanting the name of Shri Hari. Nandol – Devotee Shri Shanaben Chhotabhai Patel has passed away to Akshardham on 15/07/2015 while chanting the name of Shri Hari. Editor, Printer and Publisher : Mahant Shastri Swami Harikrishnadasji for Shree Swaminarayan Temple Kalupur, Ahmedabad. Printed at Shree Swaminarayan Printing press, Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kalupur, Ahmedabad (GUJARAT) Pin-380 001 and Published at and for Shree Swaminarayan Temple, Kalupur, Ahmedabad (GUJARAT) Pin-380 001.

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