Can you find the correct number for the fol lowing question:
According to the inscription on the headstone above the main door, construction works on this fort were concluded in 1649, but initial ly, “Bateria do Guincho” was the name under which it was commonly known. Later on, due to the fact that it was located in the alignment both of the vil lage of Porto Salvo and the Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Porto Salvo, it was named Forte de Nossa Senhora de Porto Salvo. At the end of the nineteenth century it is also known as Fort of Giribita, because it is situated near a cluster of Summer residences bearing the same name. In 1874, some renovation works were undertaken, in the total amount of “273 mil reis” (‘reis’ was the ancient currency back then), and were later handed over to the Lisbon Defence Commission to be used as a warehouse for torpedo materials that would arrive in Lisbon. In 1911 it undergoes a few more renovation works and in 1942, it is handed over to the Naval Brigade of the Portuguese Legion. After 25 April 1974, it changes ownership once again and is transferred to the Direction of the Naval Facilities of the Portuguese navy. DI D YOU KNOW THAT.. A Torpedo is an explosive projectile which, after being propel led and launched, either above or under water, wil l explode as soon as it reaches its target. Over the main door of this fort you can see a headstone with the inscription about its construction. Complete the blank space of the fol lowing inscription. “REI NAN DO EL REI NOSSO SNOR SE FES ESTA OBRA POR MAN DADO DO CON DE DE CANTAN H EDE DOS SEVS CONS. DO ESTADO E GU ERRA VEEDOR DE SVA FZ NO AN NO DE 1649”
“W hat is the distance between the Giribita Fort and the Fort of São Bruno de Caxias?” metres
FORT OF According to the headstone over the doorway, it was in 1647 that the São Bruno de Caxias Fort was built, by request of king D. João IV, and because it was built so close to the Charterhouse of Laveiras [Cartuxa de Laveiras] which hosted the São Bruno Cartuxos Monks [Monges Cartuxos de São Bruno], it could not have been named differently. From 1735 to 1751, new restoration works were performed which were of the utmost importance during the war we faced with Spain. In 1903, it was handed over to the Fiscal Guard to fulfil a very important task, which was to be used as a guard post of the coastline that can be seen from here. DI D YOU KNOW THAT.. Firearms were only introduced in the fourteenth century. Before this invention, the slots of the sentry houses were narrower and were cal led loopholes. From these loopholes the defenders of the forts could shoot arrows and darts while always feeling protected. If you thought we had fixed our computer error, think again! Are you ready for another enigma? TXOARUCS
From Torre Beach, how many fire mouths or canons from the Fortress of São Julião da Barra can be sighted?
This is probably the smal lest beach of the whole road map, but it is definitely not the least beautiful one! W hen the tide is low, numerous rocky formations can be seen. You should use caution when diving. These rocks are ideal for the great explorers. A great deal can be uncovered in the deep sea, which has been imprisoned in these rocks. From this beach you can see the Fortress of São Julião da Barra, the next stop on this tour.
FORTRESS OF SAO JULIAO DA BARRA It is considered one of the greatest and most important military constructions in Portugal. Built at the entrance of the Tagus sand bar [Barra do Tejo], it came to be known as the “Shield of the Kingdom” [Escudo do Reino], a key point in the defence of Lisbon. It is estimated that its construction was initiated on 9 January 1553, Saint Julião Day, hence its name. From Torre beach, a few of the fire-mouths and sentry-houses of the fortress can be sighted. DI D YOU KNOW THAT… A sentry house is a smal l tower located on the corners of the main structure. It was used as a reinforcement of the fortress’s defences, thus providing better protection of the sentinels. W hich one of the fol lowing blueprints corresponds to the Fortress of São Julião da Barra? a)
a) 3
We wil l never forget the forts! However, I thought it would be very important to tel l you about the Gibalta Lighthouse, not only because its beauty and relevance, but also due to the history it “carries” along. This 31 metres high lighthouse is equipped with a light whose range covers 21 miles (or 39 Km for ease of comprehension), and it helps indicate and guide whoever tries to enter the Tagus sand bar in order to reach Lisbon by sea. But this lighthouse hasn’t always been like this, neither was it always situated on this precise location… There is a very sad story that marks its construction. In 1914, the original Gibalta Lighthouse was built and it was only 13 metres high. In 1952, its light became stronger and flashed in a punctuated way. That year, it rained heavily and the lighthouse keeper on duty warned about the large cracks that started to be noticeable, but it wasn’t enough to prevent the worse from happening. Despite the warning, on that same day there was a great landslide which hit the railway in the precise moment the penultimate carriage of a train was in transit. This accident led to many casualties and is stil l remembered by many. In fact, I believe no one wil l ever forget it. Since it was impossible to undertake refurbishment works in this old lighthouse due to the soil conditions, it was demolished. The one we see today, 30 metres away from the original one, started operating in 1954. In honour of the victims of the tragic accident I told you about, let’s find out the exact date on which it happened. It was the year 1952, but on which day and in which month might it have taken place? a) 31 January 1952 b) 31 March 1952 c) 15 May 1952
TORRE BEACH This shel l shaped beach is wel l known for its calm waters, ideal for good diving. Guarded, on one of the sides, by the Fortress of São Julião da Barra, it can offer some interesting findings to the most curious explorers.
Our tour would not be the same if we didn’t seize the chance to get to know a few beaches as we make our way through the forts. Between the Giribita Fort and the Fort of São Bruno de Caxias, we can find Caxias Beach. This place is ideal for those who want to rest, given its calmness.
b) 2
c) 5
According to several authors, Fort of Our Lady of Conceição of Pedrouços was designed at the end of the seventeenth century and built in 1703, by order of the Duke camp master. I decided to include him in the road map, although little is left of him. Today, through a glass we can observe part of the fort’s heavy and strong wal ls that were included in the modern construction, named “Project of the Fort Nossa Senhora da Conceição”. The casino operating in the ancient Conceição Palace [Palácio da Conceição] had an anexe, a smal l theatre which was named: a) Teatro Kursal l b) Teatro do Forte c) Teatro da Conceição
CARTUXA MONASTERY The Fort of São Bruno was erected very close to the Charterhouse of Laveiras, which belonged to the Cartuxos Franciscan friars, hence the name. In Portugal, there are only two Charterhouse monasteries, this one in Laveiras and another one in Évora. However, both have already been disabled. The Charterhouse of Laveiras was founded in the seventeenth century, after the one in Évora, and its construction can make one shudder. In the Cartuxa Monastery we can find a cloister. W hat is a cloister? a) A gateway/ entrance door of a monastery, which leads to the main hal l b) The highest tower in a church, where you can find the main bel l c) Part of the religious architecture where four corridors form a quadrilateral, and which normal ly includes a garden in the midd le
A tail light is a structure which is smal ler than that of a lighthouse, with a shorter range leading light. Its function is to mark the entry of the Recreational Port, as wel l as the green stripes tail light. COM PLETE TH E SENTENCE:“Al l the boats that reach the Oeiras Recreational Port wil l have to go past the entrance, which is done through two points marked by two green light tail lights, with an altitude of metres.”
Built in 1762, as a response to the urgent need to reinforce the defence of the Portuguese territory after the unexpected 1755 earthquake, this fort comprised 9 fire mouths, in other words, weapons that would fire big grenades through a tube. In 1851, this fortification was disabled, and since 1977 it has been under the supervision of the Portuguese Association of Youth Hostels [Associação Portuguesa de Pousadas da Juventude]. W hat is the meaning of the word “artil lery”?
CHAPEL OF I am very pleased to finish our tour with a legend about this chapel. Besides the fact that I am passionate about the History of Portugal, I am also very curious about the Portuguese legends, which reminds me…here’s one that I am particularly fond of. Wel l, it won’t be possible to tel l you the exact date of its construction, but there is plenty to tel l you about its history. Legend has it that a great ship sailed from India. Its destination was Portugal, but the sailors didn’t expect to face such a terrible storm. Despite knowing the sea like the back of their hands, these sailors thought they were completely lost. In a moment of great affliction, when salvation seemed impossible, they made a promise: if they could get to safe land, they would build a hermitage or chapel. The place chosen for the chapel would be a place of invocation and tribute to Our Lady, with a special emphasis on the name “Porto Salvo” [Safe Port]. The truth is that amid dreams, hopes, or as if by magic, these sailors sighted safe land in the midst of the terrible storm. So, because promises ought to be kept, they had a chapel built the Chapel of Our Lady of Porto Salvo [Capela de Nossa Senhora de Porto Salvo]. There is no better way to end this because I love legends, but not as much as I enjoyed making this journey in time, visiting the forts on the coastline of Oeiras. I wil l not be asking any more questions since it’s time to find out your score in the game. To conclude, one last chal lenge of Selfie Space. Thank you very much, Adventurers, and see you in our next journey! This wil l be the last photo and the evidence that you actual ly concluded your road map successful ly. If you already know your score, find a way to include al l the participants and your final score in this picture.
SCORE BY QU ESTION TYPE GEN ERAL KNOW LEDGE QU ESTION: Apply al l your knowledge, from al l areas!
EXTRA POI NTS QU ESTION: No help or multiple choice options wil l be provided, but if you answer correctly, you wil l surely get extra points
QU ESTION FOR TH E ASTUTE OBSERVERS: Observe everything around you very careful ly and you wil l easily find the answer to this question.
SH U FFLI NG LETTERS: Throughout the informative text, you wil l find many important words whose letters we decided to shuffle. Can you reorganize them and find the correct word? QU ESTION 2
3 5 6
CLASSI FICATION OF TH E DEGREE OF KNOW LEDGE Wel l done! Congratulations! You are true experts in this subject matter and true connaisseurs of the history of Oeiras!
Congratulations! But you can invest more next time you visit!
Come on! You can do much better! Do the tour again and explore the spaces with closer attention!
SCULPTURE “AT THE DOORWAY OF THE SEA” This sculpture, which dates back to 2003 was made by Luís Vieira Batista and constitutes a tribute to the Portuguese Discoveries. Its shape reminds us of a ship, or rather, a carrack. Decipher this enigma and find the word:N ITASVIOSI
SCULPTURE “THE DIVE OF THE WHALE” Augusto Cid is the author of the sculpture “The dive of the whale”. This representation of a whale’s tail pays tribute to the inhabitants of the island of Faial, where this artist was born.
Register this moment of the tour with a family/group selfie.
BUGIO LIGHTHOUSE The Fortress of São Lourenço de Cabeça Seca, which came to be known as Torre do Bugio [Bugio Tower] at the beginning of the eighteenth century, was a project by friar Vicêncio Casale. Its construction began in 1590, on 12 August Saint Lourenço Day as defended by some authors, and was erected on a smal l portion of sand and rocky formation that was named Cabeça Seca [Dry Head]. Forward-facing, observe the Bugio Tower. The bridge on your left is: a) Vasco da Gama
b) 25 de Abril
c) Arrábida
a) Material used in the construction of different war weapons b) Building material used in the forts c) War material which comprises powerful firearms
FORT OF SANTO AMARO Built near the Chapel of Santo Amaro and the Areeiro Real, this fort came to be known as the Fort Santo Amaro or Fort Areeiro. Its construction took place between 1647 and 1659, during the kingship of D. Afonso VI. In 1751, during some conservation works, it was equipped with 8 fire mouths and thus prepared for the war with Spain in 1762.
SANTO AMARO BEACH Perhaps because of its usual ly calm waters, or because of its extensive shore, this is one of the most sought after beaches in the Oeiras area, which easily gets crowded during the Summer. In addition, it used to be the first choice of the first President of the Portuguese Republic, Manuel José de Arriaga. Make the most of the extensive sandy shore of Santo Amaro beach and take the best photo of your lives!
TRADING POST OF THE ARTILLERY BATTERY These wal ls came to be known as “Bateria da Feitoria”, in the eighteenth century when its potential was acknowledged, as wel l as the potential of other existing forts, to prevent possible enemy shipments on the Santo Amaro beach. In 1763, this military battery was equipped with 12 fire mouths, and later in 1793, after recovery works, 13 could be counted.
GREEN STRIPES TAIL LIGHT This tail light signals another entry point to the recreational port. Along the way you crossed the “Passeio Olímpico da Fama” [Olympic Wal k of Fame].
“A Military Battery is an organisation or strategic cluster of several fire mouths, also known as canons, to defend the territory.”
W hat is the third name you can find on the plaque that refers to the Olympic games of 1952, in the Rowing modality?
a) True
a) João N. Lemos b) José M. Pinheiro c) João da S. Cravo
b) False
DI D YOU KNOW THAT… The war between Portugal and Spain, which took place between 1762 and 1763, came to be known as the Fantastic War because, without the ferocious wars and by means of strategic moves, Portugal managed to oust the Spanish troops. In Oeiras you can find several hermitages, such as the Chapel of Santo Amaro or the Chapel of Senhor Jesus dos Navegantes. But, what is a hermitage? a) Warehouse for war material b) Chapel or church of smal l dimensions c) Place destined for prayer inside the forts .
FORT OF SAO JOAO DAS MAIAS The wal ls of this fort were built during the kingdom of D. João IV and due to the characteristics of the place where it was built, it became one of the most important and powerful fortifications. This fortification at one point was equipped with 24 fire mouths available for a potential attack and was, in fact, one of the most powerful forts in Portugal. Can you decipher this enigma? LH DSARTEIADO
HELLO, HELLO, HELLO! Hi there! My name is Fortes! I was given this nickname because I am the most enthusiastic snooper ever about the fantastic stories hidden within the wal ls of the forts. I have done research, asked around, observed and I managed to get a great deal of information! I decided to create these routes so that I could tel l you everything I know! But, as a good adventurer also likes to make his own findings on his own, along the way, I wil l present some chal lenges which you wil l have to respond correctly if you want to score points and get to the highest level of this tour the level of “Historian”. Good luck!