Mu's portfolio

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Enamel series

These three enamel series - blue flower, onion, pots and pans that I design for Finnish company - Muurla Design Marketing Ltd. My inspiration comes from all the detail of my daily life in Finland, such as cook in the kitchen, walking in the forest and so on. 這系列的琺瑯設計是為芬蘭公 司 Muurla Design Marketing 所 做的三款設計。 設計靈感來自於在芬蘭生活中 的小細節,例如在廚房做菜或 森林散步等生活小事。

mifo educational jigsaw puzzle

An ordinary jigsaw puzzle becomes boring and useless when it has once been put together. The idea of the mifo jigsaw puzzle which could be personalizes intriguing by the touch screen. With many functions and downloading possibility, the mifo jigsaw puzzle is also more environmentally friendly because it can be used many years without it becoming boring. 小蜜蜂教學拼圖 小蜜蜂教學拼圖是由接觸面板所 構成的,可以任意改變拼圖的圖 案而變的多樣性,取代傳統拼圖 因為只有單一圖案而容易對產品 本身感到枯燥乏味。此外小蜜蜂 教學拼圖還有許多教育和自行下 載圖案等多項功能,讓小蜜蜂教 學拼圖不會輕易被消費者淘汰而 對環境造成負擔效果。


I made those rings and pendants when I was exchange student to the school Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseno de Valencia's jewelry design department in Spain. I like to design the rings which can wear two sides. For example, the ring - sun and moon which you can choose the sun side or the moon side as you want when you wear it. Other jewelry objects just reflect to my personal reflection, such as suitcase that reflects I love travel and I always wear glasses and so on. 戒指和墬飾 這些戒指和墬飾是在我在西班牙 學校Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseno de Valencia珠寶設計科系 當交換學生時所完成的作品。我 喜歡將一個戒指做兩面的設計, 像是太陽和月亮戒指那件作品, 所以你可以選擇要戴哪一面。而 其他的作品主要是設計很多和我 相關的物件,例如:行李箱表示 旅遊,還有我總是帶著眼鏡,這 類的物品。

red umbrella ear ring

The idea was from the small red umbrella that I had when I was little girl. It was really cute, but I lost it. Hence, I want to keep the form to make the ear ring and build it by Rhino 3D software. Afterward, I can wear it even the girl already becomes the woman. The box also use same colour as umbrella so these two stuffs could integrate together. 小紅傘耳環 我記得當我還是小女孩時有一把 很可愛的小紅傘,我非常喜歡它 但某一天我弄丟了,於是在設計 耳環時我把印象中小紅傘的造型 用Rhino 3D 軟體再次創造出來。 所以之後就算我已經長大了,還 是可以戴著我最愛的小紅傘。另 外,我將外盒設計也用相同的色 調讓耳環含包裝更有整體性。

NOJA Noja means bookshelf in Finnish language. The idea is from sewing. I made the buttons and needle, and then "sewing" the books with rope. My idea is that the bookshelf not only can be useful stuff but also can be interesting and visible when you deal with books. Noja是芬蘭文書架的意思。我 的靈感來自於裁縫,因此我做 了鈕扣和針線來將書本“縫” 在一起。我的想法是書架除了 實用之外,也可以變的有趣和 觀賞的價值。

message coffee table

The table made from pine tree. The pine tree usually has a lot of knots on the surface of the wood and this is a theme of the task. Hence, I collected the wood which got the knots on the surface and cut it in the cubes and then through these knotty cubes people can play with the surface of the table. 訊息咖啡桌 這張桌子是由松樹所製成的而松 樹木材的表面時常有很多的節疤 ,這也是這堂家具設計課程要我 們所解決的課題。所以我將所有 有節疤的松樹木材切割成一個立 方體,借由這些節疤所產生的點 使用者可以讓原本的桌面隨時可 以有不同的圖案。

EVIRONMENTAL ART This project was finishing in in two days, six international students made a big bird, a huge nest and bird's eggs in Kalajoki which is located in the west of Finland. Some people go to Kalajoki to watch birds. Hence, we designed the bird, nest and eggs. This environmental art was very successful because many people took many photos with this environmental art and also few local newspaper and magazine reported the even. 環境裝置藝術 這個裝置藝術是由我們六個國際 學生所合力設計建造完成的,總 共花了2天。之所以會設計大型 的鳥、鳥巢和鳥蛋是因為針對 Kalajoki這個城市,是個很適合 賞鳥的區域,很多人會專程來這 賞鳥,所以我們才有此構想。而 這個環境裝置藝術受到不少當地 人喜歡,和我們的作品拍了很多 照片,也有當地的報紙媒體報導 這次的裝置藝術。

screen Printing

The basis of concept is from the product Hors d' Oeuvre dish. l used the same composition as the dish to create the pattern. 絹版印刷 這個作品的概念是Kaj Franck的 作品Hors d' Oeuvre餐盤所發想 出來的構想,並且相同的餐盤 結構設計成織布的圖案。


The theme of this dyeing fabric is from Kaj Franck's products. The basis of concept is from the Hors d' Oeuvre dish and I used the origami way to fold the fabric and that brought the special result from the dyeing process. 蠟染 這個作品的概念是Kaj Franck的 作品Hors d' Oeuvre餐盤所發想 出來的構想,並且以折紙的方式 讓布料在蠟染過程中產生特殊的 效果。

The trunk

Nature and silence make me think of the winter in Finland. During the winter, everything becomes very quiet and most of plant was dying. Only trunks without the leaves still stand in the snow. Hence, I use the trunk be my main idea and extend the design of three bags such as whole trunk be a laptop carrier, an annual ring of trunk be a shoulder bag and the part of trunk be a backpack.


在芬蘭的冬天是最能體會到自然和 50cm

沉靜的氣氛。在大雪紛飛的季節, 幾乎所有的植物都會凍死,只剩下 一棵棵掉光樹葉的樹幹聳立在雪中 ,因此,我以樹幹為主要概念發想 ,設計出這一系列的包款,有以整 棵樹型所發想的電腦包;年輪造形 的肩包;以及外型像樹幹的背包。









I designed those ceramic pieces to express the theme of Christmas which include the candle jar (10x10x18cm), reindeer tray (35x25x5.5cm) and Christmas tree tray (30x20x5cm). 聖誕節 藉由陶器來傳達溫馨聖誕節的感 覺,所以設計了蠟燭造型的蠟燭 罐(10x10x18cm)、馴鹿 (35x25x5.5cm)和聖誕樹 (30x20x5cm)造型的盤子,這些是 在聖誕節最常出現的幾樣物品, 所以更能襯托出聖誕節的氣氛。


The size is 12.5 x 12 x 25 cm. This sculpture express about the girl who ate the flower seeds, so she has to water herself to make the flowers growing fast with uncomfortable position. I want to express nowadays girls work hard to make them become more beautiful. Those processes are quite tough work, but they still keep working. 花兒女孩 這件作品的尺寸為12.5 x 12 x 25 公分。這是一個女孩吃了花兒種 子而花朵從身體內綻放的雕塑, 由於她吃了花兒種子,所以她必 須不斷的餵自己水而造成了挺腰 的這個姿勢。作品想要表現出女 性想要讓自己由內而外散發美麗 氣息其實是挺費力的,不過雖然 辛苦但還是要持續努力。

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