Rock Types and Classification

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Geology and Soil Mechanics FORMATION PROCESSES Rocks can be grouped into three broad classes, depending on their origin. They are-• • •

Igneous. Sedimentary. Metamorphic

CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS Rocks can be grouped into three broad classes, depending on their origin. They are-• • •

Igneous. (Origin from magma/lavas) Sedimentary. (Weathering/erosion of other rocks) Metamorphic (pressure and heating of rocks)

Classified on TEXTURE/ FABRIC







Geology and Soil Mechanics GRAIN SIZE Grain Size





2mm- 0.06

Require hand lens to see individual grains/crystals



Individual grains not seen with hand lens



Grains contained in a matrix

Visual Seen with naked eye

Glassy in appearance

interlocking crystals

interlocking crystals (foliation) -banding




Texture:- Grain size (fine, medium, coarse), sorting and roundness.

are classified primarily on the basis of--

are classified primarily by--

Composition:- based on maturity, one dominant mineral MATURE, range of minerals IMMATURE. TEXTURE

Mineral content. •

Texture. Fine grained (cannot see crystals), medium (see crystals with aid of hand lens), and coarse grained (crystals visible with the naked eye).

Colour (or mineral content). Light coloured minerals (FELSIC) dark coloured minerals (MAFIC)

Web link to Rock Types

Fabric imparted by the agents of metamorphism. They are readily divided into two descriptive groups known as-Foliated. Consist of alignment of minerals often see as banding. (Pressure and heat) Nonfoliated. Crystalline nature, with no banding (heat alone eg marble)

Geology and Soil Mechanics


Geology and Soil Mechanics

Igneous The groups forming the subdivisions from which all igneous rocks are classified are-• •

Intrusive igneous rocks (cooled from magma beneath the earth's surface). Extrusive igneous rocks (cooled from magma on the earth's surface).

Igneous rocks are classified primarily on the basis of-• •

Texture. Colour (or mineral content).

The common igneous rocks are-• • • • • •

Granite. Felsite. Gabbro and diorite. Basalt. Obsidian. Pumice.

Geology and Soil Mechanics Sedimentary Sedimentary rocks, also called stratified rocks, are composed of • • •

chemical precipitates, biological accumulations, or clastic particles.

Loose sediments are converted to rock by several processes collectively known as lithification. These are-• • •

Compaction. Cementation. Recrystallization.

Sedimentary rocks are classified primarily by-• •

Grain size. Composition.

Some typical sedimentary rocks are-• • • • • • •

Conglomerate and breccia. Sandstone. Shale. Tuff. Limestone. Dolomite. Chert.

Geology and Soil Mechanics Metamorphic The alteration of existing rocks to metamorphic rocks may involve the formation within the rock of new structures, textures, and minerals. The major agents in metamorphism are-• • •

Temperature. Pressure. Chemically active fluids and gases.

Metamorphic rocks are classified primarily by-• •

Mineral content. Fabric imparted by the agents of metamorphism.

They are readily divided into two descriptive groups known as-• •

Foliated. Nonfoliated.

The common foliated or banded metamorphic rocks include-• • •

Slate. Schist. Gneiss.

The common nonfoliated metamorphic rocks include-• •

Quartzite. Marble.

Geology and Soil Mechanics

Geology and Soil Mechanics

Activity (click on the link below and follow instructions) Rock Identification • •

Work through the identification process, then identification test. Fill in the table below, print off and include in your portfolio.

Sample Number

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Rock Name

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