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Monthly Summary Of Imported Coal & Petcoke
Indicative Imported Coal Price
COAL (kcal/kg) Weekly Price - FOB Weekly Price - FOB Weekly Price (USD) SouthAfrica 6000NAR USD207.60 INR17104 5.97 SouthAfrica 5500NAR USD145.84 INR12016 2.83
Australia 5500NAR USD138.17 INR11384 0.38 Indonesia 5000GAR USD118.74 INR 9783 -4.35 Indonesia 4200GAR USD 90.43 INR 7450 2.87
Indicative Pet Coke Price
PET COKE Sulphur Price Weekly Change ($) Exchange Rate Change (Weekly) India-RIL(Ex-Ref.) -5% INR17811 SaudiArabia(CIF) +8.5% INR14682($178.00) (INR)-1138 -7.00 INR82.39 0.96
USA(CIF) -6.5% INR14550($177.00) -10.00
Indicative Coking Coal Price
Current Week
Weekly Change (USD)
Premium Low Vol Low Vol HCC Semi SoftLow Vol PCI Mid Tier PCI MET COKE 62% CSR FOBAus CFRChina FOBAus CFRChina FOBAus FOBAus FOBAus CFRIndia FOB NChina 262.60 310.40 243.33 274.70 215.85 252.60 250.60 394.50 408.90
-25.05 11.21 -25.83 17.83 -25.27 -28.21 -28.21 -6.19 39.28
Indonesian Coal News:
* Indonesia produced 668.75mn t in December 2022, exceeding the year's target, according to the latest ESDM data. Actual output during the period is likely to have been higher as some producers do not report their production volumes promptly. Indonesian coal production has recovered strongly after the ESDM imposed a month-long blanket ban on exports in January 2022 because of a domestic supply crunch. Production rose despite sporadic disruptions from rain throughout the year, and despite a shortage of heavy machinery.
*Thiess, the mining arm of Cimic Group, has received a A$345m ($230.6m) contract extension from Bayan Group to continue providing services at the Melak coal mine in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Under the contract, which is effective from May 2023, Thiess will provide full mining services including load and haul, drill and blast, coal hauling and road maintenance, and rehabilitation at the mine. Thiess Indonesia secured a contract in October 2008 for the development and operation of the Bayan Groupowned Melak coal mine located near Melak in East Kalimantan, for a period of eight years. The Melak mine comprises two different mine concessions including Teguh Sinar Abadi and Firman Ketaun Perkasa.
Australian Coal News:
*Authorities in Australia are optimistic that the value of exported Australian coal will overtake that of iron ore in the next six months. The federal Department of Industry, Science and Resources confirmed metallurgical coal and thermal coal exports totaled $114 billion during the 2022 financial year (FY). In FY23 this figure is expected to increase by 16.7 % to $133B, reducing iron ore’s $114B sum for the same period. In the following fiscal period, coal will decrease 24.1 % to $101B but this will still be higher than iron ore’s $95B total. The department expects coal production to jump in New South Wales and
Queensland, from 163M tonnes (Mt) in FY22 to 183Mt by FY24 (up 12.2 %).
* The Australian coal industry says China's market matters less than before, even if the import ban ends. Queensland Resources Council says industry would welcome restrictions Australia would benefit from a lifting of China’s ban on its coal but any gains would likely be modest as miners have largely redirected supplies elsewhere, analysts said .Shares of ASXlisted coal miners shot up on Wednesday after reports China was considering lifting its restrictions on coal imports from Australia from April. The ban was imposed in mid-2020 amid deteriorating bilateral relations that have since begun to improve.
South African Coal News:
*The Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroads) has signed a Sh38.359 billion deal with a Turkish firm to construct a tarmac road that is expected to ease coal transportation to neighboring countries. AVMDilingham Construction International Inc will build the 32-kilometer road connecting Ibanda, Kajunjumele, Kiwira, and Itungi Port. The company got the contract following a competitive procurement procedure through Tanroads in which six firms expressed interest. Speaking at the signing ceremony, minister in charge of Works and Transport Prof Makame Mbarawa said that it will link the regions of Mbeya, Ruvuma, and Njombe when it is finished, making it one of the vital road networks.
*The Transnet SOC Board and Minerals Council South Africa Office Bearers have agreed to establish joint collaborative structures whose purpose is to ensure that all possible actions are taken to stabilize and improve the throughput of South Africa’s rail and port systems to enable inclusive growth and maximize the movement of commodities in the national interest. To achieve stabilization and improved performance, the Transnet Board and Minerals Council Principals have agreed to establish an Oversight Panel, a Recovery Steering Committee, and Channel Optimization Teams for each of the major commodities (coal, iron ore, manganese, and chrome).
. European Coal News:
*Despite pledges to abandon coal altogether; the raw material is back in the mix. France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Greece are reactivating coal-fired power plants. As the ban on Russian oil kicked in earlier this month in tandem with freezing temperatures across Europe, the continent has turned to traditional, outdated energy sources to prevent extensive power shortages this winter. Poland is reviving its defunct mines and even opening new ones .Meanwhile, households unable to afford more expensive heating options are firing up their coal furnaces. However, with Russian coal out of the picture, there’s just not enough fossil fuel on the continent to meet this rising demand. This means Europe is looking beyond its borders to buy coal in bulk, and it's shaking up an industrial sector in transition in the process.
* Coal stocks at northwestern European import terminals have risen more than 2% to around a threemonth high, port data showed, as vessel arrivals outstrip stock withdrawals. Combined inventories at four key terminals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp (ARA) were assessed last at 6.4m tonnes, up 0.14m tonnes from a week ago and the highest since the week beginning 26 September, according to estimates from dry bulk data provider DBX .Stock levels were also more than 2m tonnes higher than this time last year. Just under 0.5m tonnes of coal was delivered to Amsterdam and Rotterdam last week, compared with nearly 0.9m tonnes in the previous week. Port sources said withdrawals from stock were relatively low over the Christmas and New Year period, due in part to barge operators taking seasonal breaks.
US Coal News:
* US Energy Information Administration data stated that coal deliveries to US power plants in October were up by 6.5% on the year and totaled 40.7 million tonnes. Deliveries from January through October totaled 389.5 million tonnes up 3% from 378.1 million tonnes in the same period of 2021. Railroads delivered 28.7 million tonnes of coal to utilities in October, which represented 70.5% of all US utilitycoal deliveries. Compared with September, railroad coal deliveries fell by 1%. Barges were the next mostcommon mode of coal transport to power plants with 47.1 million t delivered in October, up from 46.5 million tonnes in September.
*The latest US Commerce Department data show that by the end of October, US steam coal exports to Europe on a year-to-date basis had climbed to a four-year high of 10.4mn short tons (9.45mn metric tonnes), while volumes to Asia dropped by more than 6mn st to 13mn st. The shift in US thermal coal exports in 2022 came as Europe continued to recover from the Covid-19-induced downturn, a colder-than-