Mural Arts Annual Report

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Annual Report 2012–2013


We are excited to share with you the work completed and goals accomplished over the past two years, our fiscal years 2012 and 2013. Our fundamental belief that art ignites change has led our work for over three decades. But when we use the word “art,” we mean something more than just the murals that are created. In these pages, we have chosen to highlight other important aspects of our practice: the support we provided to local artists; the jobs we created for program participants; the direct reinvestment of resources into local communities, their businesses, and their residents; the way we connected visitors to beauty in every neighborhood; and the leveraging of multiple resources to ensure that the impact of each investment is multiplied.

This annual report presents the work completed in Mural Arts’ fiscal years 2012 and 2013. During this time, our initiatives engaged approximately 51,000 individuals, including formal participants served in our three core program areas. Art Education engaged 2,300 students. Restorative Justice engaged 600 individuals, and Porch Light engaged another 600 individuals. 27,800 people participated in our Tour program.

The North Philadelphia Beacon Project © 2013 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / James Burns Broad & Lehigh

These outputs happened not by accident, but through careful planning and the strategic allocation of resources. By presenting this information, we wish to show our investors — the citizens, public officials, and foundation and corporate partners who trust us with their funds — the thoughtful approach we take to make every dollar provided to Mural Arts work across these multiple channels. In 2014 we completed a strategic planning process that set forth even more rigorous standards for excellence in both the quality of art that we produce, and in the integrity of the process used to create it. Going forward we will be even more conscious of these goals, and will use them to maximize the impact of our work. We hope to show our supporters that an investment in Mural Arts is an investment in a system of values and practices, that when combined, provide the fuel that ignites change. Sincerely, Joe Goldblum Board Chair Philadelphia Mural Arts Advocates

Jane Golden Executive Director Philadelphia Mural Arts Program

All photographs are by Steve Weinik unless otherwise noted.

Annual Report 2012–2013

Our Mission

WE BELIEVE ART IGNITES CHANGE. We create art with others to transform places, individuals, communities and institutions. Through this work, we establish new standards of excellence in the practice of public and contemporary art. Our process empowers artists to be change agents, stimulates dialogue about critical issues, and builds bridges of connection and understanding. Our work is created in service of a larger movement that values equity, fairness and progress across all of society.



We provide quality art education to underserved youth, who emerge with expectations and senses of direction that help them find success in higher education and within the work world.

We collaborate with community members to lead projects that build social capital, inspire a sense of communal ownership over space and empower people to become change agents.



We organize events and exhibitions in this think tank for advancing muralism in the 21st century. Artists, curators, social scientists and urban leaders offer fresh perspectives, broader contexts and new urgency.

We partner with the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services as well as health and social service agencies to situate art at the heart of recovery, resilience and healing. SPECIAL PROJECTS

TOURS We offer public and private tours of the world’s largest outdoor art gallery, where people explore the murals, artistic processes and community histories that inspire our work. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE

We listen with empathetic ears to understand the aspirations of our partners and participants. And through beautiful collaborative art, we provide people with the inspiration and tools to seize their own future.

We provide project-based jobs and work readiness training to formerly incarcerated individuals, probationary youth and current inmates, allowing participants to make healing contributions to Philadelphia’s communities.

We explore the experimental dimensions of public art. Special projects grow from the social and civic foundations of the mural tradition, while responding to innovative ideas that propel muralism into the future.


Annual Report 2012–2013

IF WE COULD RENAME THEM, WE WOULD CALL THEM SUPERHEROES Community art projects ask our artists to adopt many roles – visionaries, creators, community organizers, teachers, mentors and friends, to name just a few. Our artists take on these responsibilities with courage and compassion, and time and time again, they give more than is demanded. Their passion and creative vision transform the raw materials of individual and collective stories into stunning works of public art. We feel great responsibility to support the hundreds of artists we collaborate with each year, who stand at the front lines of our work. Artists are central to everything we do, which is why 23% ($3.4 million) of our budget represented direct payment to 325 individual artists. We not only paid artists for their time, we supported them in other important ways like providing trainings, networking opportunities, and referrals to work in other cities.



Annual Report 2012–2013

IN PRACTICE Students thrive when they have excellent teachers, and teaching artists are at their best when they are supported as both educators and artists. We designed a faculty structure in our Art Education program with competitive benefits and schedules that allow our teaching artists to pursue their personal artistic goals.



We gave all lead faculty members benefits and health insurance.

We offered a range of opportunities to our teaching faculty including learning from visiting educators, awards to attend specialized workshops and conferences, faculty retreats and skill building sessions.

FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES Faculty schedules were created to best serve participants AND allow artists time to establish or continue a studio practice.

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Photo by Dave Tavani

annual faculty positions in our Art Ed program



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Like many of our lead artists, Benjamin Volta lends his considerable talents to Mural Arts as both a muralist on projects and as a teaching artist, guiding program participants through the mural-making process. For Written in Wood, Volta worked with participants from The Guild re-entry program on the mural’s design and creation. He also led projects with students from our Art Education program and participants from the Porch Light Initiative.

Annual Report 2012–2013

“As a teaching faculty member, Mural Arts provides me with time for personal art exploration, mural creation, and to build engaging project curriculum. The youth collaborations with the neighborhood are my favorite – each mural becomes a spectacular visual reminder of our individual growth, and the united spirit in the community.” BRAD CARNEY Teaching Faculty Member

Annual Report 2012–2013


Photo by Dave Tavani


Annual Report 2012–2013

UNDERSTANDING THE ECONOMICS OF PERSONAL CHANGE Employment goals lie at the heart of much of our work. Through our Restorative Justice program, we hire individuals coming out of prison to work on mural projects, giving them the resources needed to get back on their feet. In Art Education, we hire students in the summer to become mural apprentices. As participants grow ready to take their next steps in life, we provide one-on-one mentorship, referrals, and job readiness training. We also sometimes hire participants as tour guides, assistant artists, and assistant teachers. In the past two years, Mural Arts spent over half a million dollars providing program participants with job opportunities. This is not simply a feel good exercise. It comes from our understanding of the economics of personal change; often the thing individuals need most to spark transformation in their lives are resources.



Annual Report 2012–2013

IN PRACTICE For individuals coming out of detention, finding meaningful employment is a key predictor of whether or not they will be re-arrested. The Guild offers returning citizens part-time, project-based employment. Participants gain work experience in construction, carpentry, building repair, and landscaping, while attending weekly workshops devoted to job readiness and life skills.

$275K 98 JOBS We provided jobs to 98 individuals released from detention or on probation. Each participant completed 30 hours of job training classes, and then received individual mentorship from our Job Opportunities Specialist.


in wages to Guild participants

37 LOCAL BUSINESSES We worked with a growing network of local businesses to employ participants once they completed the program. We also hired some participants directly onto mural projects as assistant artists, and we promoted one former participant into a full-time role as Coordinator for The Guild.



Annual Report 2012–2013

“Student jobs were embedded in the initial concept for the project. For two summers, Bodine students worked as members of interscholastic teams to paint murals and construct the many elements you see in the rich and complex ‘restored space.’” DR. ANN GARDINER Recently retired Principal at Bodine High School

In the Restored Spaces Initiative at Bodine High School, our goal was to create art that had a direct impact on the environment. The project was also a jobs engine, employing 62 high school students and 34 assistant artists (many art students at local colleges), to support lead artists Beverly Fisher, Eurhi Jones and Scott Shall. The outdoor classroom created for Bodine was included in the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale.


Photo by Mike Reali

Photo by Ashley Hahn

Annual Report 2012–2013


Photo by Dre Urhahn



Annual Report 2012–2013

KEEPING IT LOCAL Investing in Philadelphia means investing in the hundreds of neighborhoods that make up this great city, and whenever possible, keeping resources in the hands of Philadelphia business owners and residents. Every community is characterized by a different economic landscape, so the way we go about this kind of investment varies from project to project. But it is a value that Mural Arts is committed to across all areas of our work. In Southeast Philly, it meant using local businesses to cater project events. In North Philly it meant assisting local shop owners in repairs to their storefronts. In West Philly it meant opening a sign shop that painted signs for neighborhood businesses. In Center City it meant helping tour customers discover a locally owned café. We believe that this, combined with the beauty of the resulting artworks, is why Econsult found our murals to be one of the top five investments that can be made on Philadelphia’s commercial corridors.


Annual Report 2012–2013

IN PRACTICE Philly Painting was a project custom designed to address the unique local needs of the North Philadelphia neighborhood where Germantown and Lehigh Avenue meet. The project, led by the international duo Haas&Hahn, not only transformed a physical space, supported local merchants, reconnected the neighborhood to city services, and formed a local paid work crew, it also injected a large percentage of project resources directly into the local economy.


storefronts repaired and painted along Germantown Avenue in North Philly

FY12 and FY13

$30K DIRECTLY INVESTED in the local economy through payments to community partners, rent for artists’ studios and residences, and purchasing project supplies from local businesses.

21 EMPLOYED ON THE LOCAL PAINT CREW Crew members were paid over $135,000 for 9,200+ hours of work repairing and painting building facades.

Philly Painting was included among the Public Art Network’s 50 best projects nationally in their 2012 Year in Review.




FY12 and FY13


Southeast by Southeast is one of our hub-based community projects. In South Philadelphia the project team, led by Miriam Singer and Shira Walkinsky, has transformed a once abandoned storefront into a community arts and resource center for new refugees from Bhutan, Burma and Nepal. Together with residents, they host weekly events like ESL training, cultural food nights, sari giveaways and craft workshops.

Annual Report 2012–2013

“When possible, we use services from the neighborhood. When we need food for an event, we hire community members to cater. If that doesn’t work, we use a local restaurant. When we needed help managing the storefront we hired residents to take on different responsibilities. We also purchase project supplies from stores in the community.” WILL PACE Project Manager

Photo by Jon Kaufman

Annual Report 2012–2013




© 2012 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Thoughtbarn Canal View Park, Manayunk

© 2013 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Amber Art & Design featuring Tatyana Fazlalizadeh 15th and South Streets

Photo by Thoughtbarn


AQUI Y ALLA © 2012 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Michelle Ortiz 1515 South 6th Street

© 2012 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Josh Sarantitis and Paris Stancell 1425 Christian Street

THE COLOR OF YOUR VOICE © 2012 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Ernel Martinez, Keir Johnston, and Nina “Lyrispect” Ball 2417 Ridge Avenue

FIVE STANDARDS (DAZZLE) © 2013 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Virgil Marti Five Crescent Drive at The Navy Yard

A Place to Call Home Š 2012 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Ernel Martinez, Damon Reaves & Shira Walinsky 3828 Melon Street


Annual Report 2012–2013


Annual Report 2012–2013

BEAUTY IN EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD Mural Arts’ Tour program is not just about showing off the work, it’s about introducing people to Philadelphia through its diverse neighborhoods. We pride ourselves in taking tour customers off the beaten path, away from standard visitor destinations, and into the heart of its residential neighborhoods. We want visitors to see the beauty and creativity that we see in each and every community in which we work. Our tours focus on our community art projects, which means they focus on the individual and collective journeys that each finished mural embodies. We highlight the artists’ work as well as the local histories in each neighborhood and point out significant neighborhood landmarks – from local haunts to historic points of interest.



Annual Report 2012–2013

IN TOURS PRACTICE During FY12 and 13, more than 27,800 individuals took a mural tour. Tours were offered on foot, bike, by trolley and train, or our guides hopped onto private tour buses. Popular bike tours met at local restaurants, and we partnered with neighborhood businesses to offer Mural & Meal tours.

68% 15 LOCAL BUSINESSES We partnered with 15 local restaurants and cafes in neighborhoods across the city for specialty tours.


Photo by Adam Wallacavage

of tour customers were from outside Philadelphia

GREAT EXPERIENCE = LOYAL CUSTOMERS 48% of customers were referred by a friend or were repeat customers.



FY12 and FY13


Over the past several years we have been carefully curating new projects to compliment existing murals on view. For example, Mural Arts has partnered with Goldman Properties to invite some of the world’s most talented street artists to create murals on 13th Street (along our Mural Mile walking tour) with students from our Art Education program. We have also extended opportunities to create full-size murals to Philadelphia’s own street art icons, like Joe Boruchow, who created Watchtowers using his signature cutout style.

Annual Report 2012–2013

“You not only get to see great art, but the tour gives you an appreciation for the neighborhood as well. It was the unexpected highlight of my family’s visit to Philadelphia.” MURAL ARTS TOUR CUSTOMER

Personal Melody Š 2012 Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / How & Nosm 13th & Drury



Annual Report 2012–2013

THE SUM IS GREATER THAN THE INDIVIDUAL PARTS Every project and program we lead combines resources from government, foundations and investments from corporations and individuals. By leveraging each sector’s investment in our work with other resources, we maximize the impact of each dollar. Combining resources also keeps us accountable to a variety of stakeholders, who bring diverse values and perspectives, but are ultimately investing in the potential for transformational change in individual lives and entire communities. We matched every dollar we received from the government with a least a dollar from the private sector, stretching this public investment for maximum impact. We also leveraged every dollar we raised locally with resources from national funders, bringing much needed outside investments to Philadelphia’s communities.



Annual Report 2012–2013

IN PRACTICE No area of our work showcased the power of leveraging dollars better than our Porch Light Initiative. Porch Light grew out of a close partnership with the City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services. It has brought in significant investments from local and national foundations to create a model program that uses a public art approach to achieving health and wellness in Philadelphia.


funding partners, including national and local foundations


Porch Light Initiative Funding:

We matched every public dollar invested in the Porch Light Initiative with almost $2 of private funds.





LOCAL DESIGN SOLUTIONS We are increasingly contracted by community groups to use public art to solve unique design challenges. When possible, we match these local resources with other funding to maximize impact. For Escaped Infrastructure, we partnered with the Manayunk Special Services District and Austin-based designers, Thoughtbarn, to create an intervention on the Manayunk Towpath and Canal that brought awareness to the these community assets.

FY12 and FY13

Escaped Infrastructure was included among the Public Art Network’s 50 best projects nationally in their 2012 Year in Review.


Photo by Thoughtbarn

Annual Report 2012–2013

“It was tremendous that Mural Arts was able to leverage the City’s significant investment in the Porch Light Initiative with support from local and national funders. These additional resources allowed us to test the model – to try it out in different neighborhoods, with different populations, and to evaluate its effectiveness. We could not have done all this with the City resources alone.” DR. ARTHUR C. EVANS, JR. Commissioner, City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services

Annual Report 2012–2013


ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents Grants, Program & Contribution Receivables


2013 2012 1,217,184




(net of allowances - $15,513 & $31,935 for 2013 & 2012 respectively) 114,872 113,665

Prepaid Expenses









Property & Equipment - Net Total Assets

Institutional Support

2013 2012 2,721,426


Contracted Services: Government


Other Assets


3,728,180 3,714,122


728,780 549,068

Contributions - Individuals





Investment Income Total Revenue & Support





5,902,873 5,810,478

Liabilities: Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses Accrued Payroll & Related expenses Deferred Revenue Total Liabilities









Net Assets: Undesignated Board-Designated Operating Reserve Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets


2,471,855 2,307,875 129,330








Support Services







Net Assets Beginning of Year



Net Assets End of Year



Total Expenses Change in Net Assets


INDIVIDUALS Ranges represent cumulative giving over FY12 and FY13.

10,000+ John and Eve Bogle Elia Buck Linda DeJure Julius Erving Joseph and Jane Goldblum Steve and Christina Graham Peter and Janie Gross Janet and John Haas Margaret Harris and Phil Straus Dr. Frederic and Linda Kremer Erik Hirsch and Margaret McAllister Mrs. J. Maxwell Moran Jeffrey and Marsha Perelman Frank and Ann Reed Alexander Rubin Tony and Pam Schneider Ellen Sherk Jennifer and Chase Utley Renèe and Joseph Zuritsky

$1,000–$9,999 Todd Albert Kimberly Allen Valerie Arkoosh and Jeff Harbison Daniel Astolfi Hilda Bacon Zvi and Dale Barzilay Ellen Baxter and Robert Kavash Peter Bell Robert and Marie Benz Ellen and Robert Bildersee Richard and Cheryl Binswanger Jamie Bischoff Karen Boyd-Rohde and David Rohde Ira Brind Marc and Amy Brownstein Sean Buffington Isaac Clothier IV and Barbara Clothier Stephen Cozen Lisa Cruikshank Patrick and Abbie Dean Terryl Decker Barbara Devenny Richard DeWyngaert Steven and Sue Dubow Tamala Edwards Robert and Nancy Elfant Caroline Estey King Belmont and Elizabeth Farley


Annual Report 2012–2013

Lenny Feinberg and Jill Govberg Jamie Field Howard and Phyllis Fischer Julia and David Fleischner Lois Friel John Gattuso Rick and Barbara Gillespie Jon Goldblum Jane Golden and Tony Heriza Bruce Goodman and Judie Johnson Goodman Peggy and Rich Greenawalt Allan and Jane Greenspan Robert and Diana Harding T. Roderick and Kerry Henkels Hugh and Louise Johnston Arthur Kaplan Gwen and David Keiser Harvey and Virginia Kimmel Carol Klein Nadia Kunz Susanna Lachs Adler and Dean Stewart Adler Roger LaMay Carolyn P. Langfitt David and Margaret Langfitt Gabriele Lee Robert and Julie Levine Joanna McNeil Lewis Alan Lindy Philip Lindy Margelle and Sheldon Liss Arthur Makadon Jason Mango Lynn and Joe Manko Bonnie-Kay and Bruce Marks Neal McGraw Matt McKeever Andrea Missias Irving and Diane Nachamkin Michael Newman Zach Oppenheimer Bob and Susan Peck Brian Pedrow Robert Post Gene and Robert Pratter David and Helen Pudlin Jay and Gretchen Riley Suzanne and Ralph Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rorer Paul and Wendy Rosen Michele and Jonathan Sacks Fenkel Meg and Peter Saligman Richard Seitchik Marjorie and Howard Silverman Deborah Silvers and Nicholas Adams Stan Smith Lawrence Spitz Sandra Spitzer McKelvey Joan Stemmler John Summers Joanne Sundheim

Thomas Tarantino Ed and Lyn Tettemer Ahmir Thompson James Touhey-Donovan Wayne Trotman Joseph Weiss Lisa Welsch Howard and Patricia Wilson Jami Wintz McKeon Albert E. Wolf John Wolf Richard Woosnam and Diane Dalto Woosnam George Zallie Ana Maria Zaugg

$500–$999 Ray Angelini Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garbose Lynda Barness Naomi Basickes Frances Baylson E. Carolan Berkley Esq. David and Pamela Berkman Frank and Sue Binswanger John Binswanger Carolyn and John Bjornson Don and Katherine Blenko Sarah Boser Todd Bressi Terry Buckman Carolyn Cannuscio and Daniel Rader Susan Catherwood Susan and Merrill Clampet-Lundquist Steven Cohen and Elsie Stern Kathleen Crane James Datin Jane Davis Joseph and April Denny Patricia Dent Vikram Dewan Liz Dow Rodd and Cari Feiler Bender Bill Fisher Diane Freedman Deena Friedland Robert Goldenberg Philip Goldsmith Jeff Gordon Philip Graan Ann and G. Davis Green Sean Grieve William and Samantha Harmelin Vi Haug Bruce Hauptfuhrer Mary Anne Hawrylak Martin Hecksher Michelle Hong Katherine H. Hovde and Kenneth M. Kulak Renee Cardwell Hughes Howard and Mary Hurtig

Osagie and Losenge Imasogie Jeri Lynn Johnson Nancy and Shahir Kassam-Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Keiser The Honorable James F. Kenney Elizabeth Kolsky Tracy Kroop Rick Landell Mr. Paul Lantieri III Dorothea Leicher and Howard G. Peer Holly Lentz Kleeman David Lerman and Shelley Wallock Caryn and Jon Liss Jane I. Lowe and Edward J. Speedling B.A. and Charlotte MacLean Cynthia Micka Andrea Mitchell Michelle Molano James and Rhona Mordy Leslie Pearlman Jamie Pearlstein Eileen Reilly Jennifer Robinson Michael Ross Steven Ross Patrick Sanaghan Anita Scott Stephen and Patricia Segal Antoinette Seymour Joseph Shapiro Leslye Silver Gerri Spilka Archie and Helene van Beuren Robert Vogel Vickie Waitsman Wendy White Marjean Willett Mary Alice and Anthony Wolf Charles Wright Ahmeenah Young

$250–$499 Norman Aamodt Craig Altman Tom Baier Louise C. Belden James and Arline Berkley Carrie Besnette Howard Bilofsky Claudia Booker Naomi Breman Lawrence Brent David Brigham Jim Bryson James and Elinor Buck Brett Cana Michael Carr Lee Casper


2300 Chestnut Associates, L.P. 25th Century Foundation AAA Mid-Atlantic ACE Group Albert M. Greenfield Foundation American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Ametek Anonymous Artex Manufacturing Company AT&T Azavea Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP Bancroft Bank of America Barbara and Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships Barra Foundation Beckman & Marion Bird in Hand Consignment Shop Blank Rome, LLP Blue Cadet Bowman Properties Limited Brandywine Realty Trust Bredenbeck’s Bakery Brighton Collectibles, LLC Brownstein Group Campbell’s Soup Company Carr & Duff, Inc. Cashman & Associates Catering By Design Center for Literacy Cherry Scaffolding Chestnut Hill Business Association Chestnut Hill Business Improvement District Chestnut Hill Garden District Fund Chestnut Hill Hospital Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation CIGNA Foundation Citizens Bank Foundation City Fitness City of Philadelphia City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services City of Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation City of Philadelphia Streets Department Cleary, Josem & Trigiani, LLP Comcast Foundation Comcast-Spectacor Charities Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Community College of Philadelphia Connelly Foundation Consulate General of the Netherlands Cotiga Development Company Daniel Veloric Foundation

Davis Charitable Foundation Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Dr. Martens Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP E-Built LLC Eagles Youth Partnership Eastern Regional Medical Center ECBM Insurance Brokers and Consultants Electronic Ink Elfant Wissahickon Realtors Elizabeth B. and Arthur E. Roswell Foundation Elko & Associates Elliot-Lewis Corporation Empire/Budge Industries Encore Brand, LLC Enterprise Holdings, Inc. Event Strategy Group FAO Schwarz Family Foundation First Cornerstone Foundation Inc. First Round Capital Firstrust Bank Florence and Gordon Holland Family Foundation Ford Foundation Forrest & Frances Lattner Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Community Partnerships Goldblum & Hess Goldman Properties Graham Partners Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC Hamilton Family Foundation Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller Heineken Hess Foundation Honickman Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Hummingbird Foundation IBM Independence Foundation INOLEX Insurance Innovators Inc. J.P. Mascaro & Sons J.P. Rainey Company, Inc. Jay and Gretchen Riley Fund Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. John K. & Elizabeth W. Knorr Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies JPMorgan Chase Foundation Julian A. and Lois Brodsky Foundation Keith Haring Foundation Keystone Property Group Kresge Foundation Leadership Philadelphia Leo Model Foundation Inc. L.F. Driscoll Co., LLC Liberty Property Trust



Annual Report 2012–2013

Liberty United Foundation Lincoln Financial Foundation Lockheed Martin Lomax Family Foundation Lumpkin Family Foundation Macy’s Foundation Malfer Foundation Manayunk Development Corporation Manayunk Special Services District Marano Electric, Inc. Marathon Restaurants Martin Elfant Inc. Mayor’s Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service Mayor’s Office of Sustainability McLean Contributionship Merck Partnership for Giving Metal Strategies Inc. Metropolitan Bakery Cafe MSI Mt. Airy Community Services Corporation National Analysts Worldwide National Endowment for the Arts Needles Family Foundation OMG Center for Collaborative Learning Parkway Corporation Partnership for the Delaware Estuary Patricia Kind Family Foundation PECO PennEngineering Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Pennsylvania Humanities Council Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust People’s Emergency Center Pew Center for Arts & Heritage Pew Charitable Trusts Philabundance Philadelphia Academies, Inc. Philadelphia Activities Fund Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation Philadelphia International Airport Philadelphia Mental Health Care Corporation Philadelphia Prison System Philadelphia Water Department Philadelphia Zoo Phillies Charities, Inc. Philly Dog Spot PhillyRising Pilot Freight Services PNC Foundation Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano Port Richmond Savings Bank PREIT Prudential Foundation PTS Foundation Public Health Management Corporation Quelque Chose Reinhold Residential Reit Management & Research LLC Rep, Inc. Rittenhouse Foundation Robert W. Deutsch Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Ross Family Fund Royal Paper Products, Inc. Russell P. & Elizabeth Crimian Heuer Foundation School District of Philadelphia Safeguard Properties, LLC Savran Benson LLP Seed the Dream Foundation SFOS Productions LLC Shelly Electric Company Inc Sherwin Williams ShopRite Brown’s Super Stores ShopRite Colligas Family Markets Sports Licensed Division of The Adidas Group, LLC Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Sun Capital Partners Foundation, Inc. Surdna Foundation TD Charitable Foundation Temple Sinai Sisterhood The Beneficial Foundation The Blum Merians Foundation Inc The Bruce Hauptfuhrer Charitable Fund The Carol and George Weinbaum Family Foundation The Christopher Ludwick Foundation The Do Gooders The Drumcliff Foundation The Glenmede Trust Company The Goldenberg Group The KeVen Parker Company The Motley Fool The PFM Group The Philadelphia 76ers, LP The Philadelphia Foundation The Quadrangle The Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation The Utley Foundation Thomas Skelton Harrison Foundation UBS Financial Services United Healthcare United States Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Urban Outfitters US Airways Valley Green Bank Verdi Contracting, Inc Victory Foundation Virginia and Harvey Kimmel Arts Education Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation Visit Philadelphia Wells Fargo Foundation West Philadelphia Alliance for Giving White and Williams LLP Whole Foods Market Callowhill William Gordon Painting William J. McCahan 3rd Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation William Penn Foundation WP Realty Wyncote Foundation Your Part-Time Controller LLC

ADVISORY COUNCIL Cosmo Baker, Co-Chair Teresa C. Nino, Co-Chair Nicole Cashman, Co-Chair 2010-2013 Matt McClure, Co-Chair 2010-2013 Sean Agnew Berny Brownstein Gabe Canuso Jason Cevera Rachel Luber Cevera Maureen Clancy Hope Comisky Marita Crawford Rina Cutler Diane Dalto Woosnam Clayton Dehaan David DeVito Liz Dow David Dunphy Michele Fenkel Bill Fisher Dan Fitzpatrick Ayesha “Aya” Fraser Angela Giampolo Rick Gillespie Elaine Gillison Ed Glickman Richard Goldberg Jane Goldblum Josh Goldblum Steve Graham Margie Green Greta Greenberger Carole Haas Gravagno Melody Isis Herman Michelle Hong Mary Hurtig Tish Ingersoll Monica Jindia

Jeri Lynne Johnson Jazelle Jones Caryn Kunkle Pamela Lawler Meryl Levitz Paul Levy B.A. (Mackie) MacLean Marissa Matrone Leslie Ann Miller Robin Miller Marsha Moss Stephen Mullin Linda Munich Michael Norton Lisa Nutter Debbie O’Brien Aaron Polak Sylvia Purnell-Muldrow Blondell Reynolds Brown Mica Root Julia Shaw Melanie Sheerr Susan Sherman Patricia Smith Richard Snowden Dr. Joseph F. Sobanko Liz Solms Ben Stango Andrew Swinney Tiffany Tavarez Bill Tierney Brian Tierney Jr. Ken Weinstein Lisa Welsch John Westrum Renée and Joe Zuritsky



Annual Report 2012–2013

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joseph Goldblum, Chair

Thoai Nguyen

Linda DeJure, Vice Chair

Zach Oppenheimer

Jamie B. Bischoff, Secretary

Desiree Peterkin Bell

Rocco Albano

Nancy Peterson

Kimberly Allen

David Pudlin

Daniel Astolfi

Frank Reed

Hilda Bacon

Tomas Sanchez

Cindy Bass

Milton Schneider

Richard Binswanger

Gary Steuer

David W. Brown

Ed Tettemer

Marc Brownstein

Carlton E. Tolbert

The Honorable Darrell L. Clarke

Clarena L. Tolson

James Colligas

Wayne Trotman

Steve Dubow

Tariq Trotter

Tamala Edwards

Anthony Troy

Arthur Evans

Bryan Weingarten

Catherine Franks

Erin Wilson

John Gattuso

Howard E. Wilson

Everett Gillison Philip Goldsmith Peter Gross Erik Hirsch George “Zeke” James The Honorable James F. Kenney Susanna E. Lachs Roger LaMay David Langfitt Margelle Liss Lynn K. Manko Brett T. Mapp Bruce Marks


Judith Cassel and Peter Siskind Charles Chase Young Joo Chun Winston Churchill Ronnie and Jack Cimprich Elizabeth Cloues Lisa Collins James and Joan Conmy Kate Connolly and Alan Gardner Lee Cooper Julie Curson Jeff and Anne Dalke David and Sue Dannenberg Mark and Tobey Dichter Danielle Dinacci Donald and Marian Dixon Eileen Brazitis Patricia English William and Anne Ewing Lee L. Farber Joseph Fenkel Debra Fickler Julia Fiorello Cecelia Fitzgibbon Gloria Forbes Amy Fox Catherine Franks Pamela Furches Bill Gehrman Dawn Prall George Naomi Geschwind Nancy and William Giles Everett Gillison Neil Gilmour Amy Joy Goldberg Richard and Rita Goldberg Alicia Granor Ann N. Greene Maureen Grossi Luke Harsel Libby Harwitz and Burt Blender Jeff and Kelly Hayes Witold Henisz Ellen Hickman Jill Higa Craig Hill Amy and Kenny Holdsman Roger and Jean Holland Dennis Jackman Alan Jacobson Sam Katz Ann Kirk Robert Lamb Senator Daylin Leach Karen Lee Bell Charlotte and B.A. MacLean Brett Mapp Michael McLelland Laurie Menyo Mark Minter Tony Moore Virginia Morris Marsha and Jim Moss Linda Munich Ronald Naples Jamese Newsome-Williams Michael Norris

Sandra Orlin Nancy Peterson Harry Philbrick Kristine Plourde Golden Nancy Plummer Daniel Promislo Thomas and Josephine Rees Philip Russell Beth Rezet and Greg Fromell Betsy Roak Daniel R. Ross Daphne Rowe Timothy and Sally Rub Seymore Rubin Margaret Salamon Robert and Judith Schachner Ellen Schwartz Mitchell and Deborah Schwartzman Mary Ellen Scott Ann and Larry Seidman Brian and Lisa Siegel Laura and Ronald Siena Jerry Silverman David and Siddy Smith Ola Solanke Shanin and Tracey Specter Robert Spiegelman Janet Stern David Stevenson Marc Stier Dan Taylor and Shantih Brando Sadie Tettemer Daniel Thalman Clarena Tolson Andrew Toy and Patricia Risoli Toy Allison Tress Glen and Elise Unterberger Edith Unuigbe Beth Walker Donna Ward Benjamin Weinraub Harvey Welker Thomasina White Velma Whitlock Sarah Williams Laura Williamson Lawrence Wolk Deborah and Philip Zuchman

$100–$249 Majed Abdallah Louisa Abney-Babcock Robert Abramowitz and Susan T. Stewart Rita Achrekar Erica Van Adelsberg Richard and Christine Adler George Ahern C. Gloria Akers Ayedh Al-Saleh Ben and Lorraine Alexander Minnie Alexander Margaret Anderson

Anita Arjundas Vijay Arumbakkam Carolyn Asbury Sergio Asis Naomi and Robert Atkins Liesel Baker Louis and Danielle Barson John Bartlett Marc Baxter Sylvia Beck Jerry Belew Lee Berg Penny and Sheldon Bernick James Billetz Sandra Bloch Bob and Jean Boell Neil Bookman Peter Bosma Stephen Boyle Damon Branch Alvin Brothers David Brown Diane Brumble Melvin Buckman Beverly Budin Sonia Buhrer-Bowen Laura Bullitt Gus and Jenny Carey Pearl Carpel Andrew Carter Elizabeth Cashin Howard Casper Sally Castle Paulette Chambers Judy Chance Morris and Cynthia Cheston Eddie Cheung Men Chew Leo Chirello Margaret Christian Edward Claghorn Rhoda Coben Beth Ellen Cohen Edna Cohen Marilyn Cohen Milton Cohen Samuel M. Cohen Dorin Comaniciu Hal Commons Harold Commons David and Rona Comroe Katherine Conner and Marc Ross Gabriele Corte Anthony Creamer Karen Cromley Donna D’Alessandro John Dale Janecy Daly Lawrence Darrow Katherine Davidson Susan Davis Drew and Cathy Dedo Donald Deemer Nancy DeLucia Neal Demp Jean-Manuel Dersy Steven Devlin Charles Dildine Robert Dildine

Ann Marie Dimino Marc Dinardo Sacha Djokic Linda Donnelly and Joan Skivo Brady Dreasher Louisa Dubin Marlene and Leonard Dubin W. and Loretta Duckworth Chad Emerich Sara Enriquez Leonard Evelev Rachel Falkove and Michael Masch John Farrell Brad Fenton Richard Fernandez David Fine Joy Finkel Vincent Firth Nancy Fischer Michael and Barbara Fishbein Geraldine Flach and Glenn Sybesma Laurie Franz Alyne Freed Kathleen Freed Allan Freedman Jeanette Frese Marsha Friedman Rabbi and Mrs. Alan Fuchs Jeffrey Gabriel Elizabeth Gaines Thomas Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Garfinkel Albert and Novella Gaskins Walter and Esther Gerhard Susan Gettlin Stephen and Lori Gillespie Howard Gillette Susan Glazer Bruce Goldman Jovan Goldstein Joan Goodman Yis Goodwin Sophia Gordon Gary Gordon Terry Graboyes Trisha Grace Bernard and Marie Granor Margie Green Paul Gregersen Therese Guadagno and David Megley Mary Gutman Huub Haarlemmer Julia Haas Anisa Haidary Justin Halfin Robert and Randie Harmelin Gail and Jim Harp Ian and Caryn Harris Lawrie Ryerson Harris Steve and Shelley Harris Thomas and Holly Harrity Jane Hastings Sylvia Hayre Randolph Kee Hean Soh


Nannette HechlerFayd’herbe de Maudave Anne Hegele Catherine Heigel Alexander and Phyllis Hersh Curtis Hess Ralph and Nina Hillman William Hite and Deirdre Francis-Hite Bettina Hoerlin Judy Hollinger Stephen and Jennifer Horton Ellis and Margot Horwitz Gail Howard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Huber William and Martha Hudson Margaret Hughes Bonnie Hurtig William Hutchison Joann Hyle Tish Ingersoll Gayle Isa Thora Jacobson Katayun Jaffari Zeke and Nigeria James Jessica Jarmon Melanie Johnson Marjorie Jones Michael Judge and Kathleen Cummings Judge Yasmin Kafai Jaijune Kang Periakaruppa Kaniappan Bart and Betty Kaplan Karefa Kargbo Achyut Kasireddy Elkan Katz Michael and Mary Kearney Joseph M. Kelly Darrell King Josh Kopelman Jane Krumrine Kunal Kumthekar Prabakaran Kutty Bozena Lamparska Daniel Lanzilloti Nancy Lassen Mary and Lance Laver Pamela Rainey Lawler James and Eleanor Lee Jeng-cheng Lee Virginia Lee Joanne Leva Mosemann Marjory Levitt Richard and Dale Levy Carol Lidz Jeff Linn Cecily and John Littleton Gail Lopez-Henriquez Nancy Lucas Marilyn Luber Kim Lui Robert Luna Judy Luther Walter Lynch Jeanne MacAlpine D. Macbeth Joan Mackie


Annual Report 2012–2013

Zandra Maffett Mary Brooke Maher Alan Mallach Gregory Managh Leonora Mangine Steve Manley Nelson Marin Constance Martin Wayne Marquardt Barbara Marshall John Mason Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. McAllister, Jr. Stephen and Deborah McCarter Thomas McEwan Anne McNally Basil Merenda Faye Mertz Thomas Hession Paul Meyer Andrew Mezvinsky and Marjorie MargoliesMezvinsky Roger Michaud George Miller Ilene Miller Naomi Miller Philippus and Sally Miller Linda Mills Hemant Mishr Kimberly Moon Maggie Moose Kristina Moriconi Marjorie Moss-Coane Reisa Mukamal Jeanne Mulcahy Susan Muller Euan Munro Francis and Marcia Murphy T. Jonathon Muthige Eleanor Nalle Lisa Nance Judy Nathanson and Bob Zimmerman Ida Newman Eliot Nierman Kazuhiro Nomoto Michael Newmius Jeff and Marilyn Nyman Joseph Oates Clif Ogburn Ellen Oppenheim Blarney Pac Marcello Pace Joanne Packer Marjorie Paller Angela Pannella David Park Janet Parrish Avinash Patankar Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Perchick Merrill Pereyra Jeffrey Perkins Susan Perloff Judith Peters Everard Pinneo

Larry Pitt Sherryan Plesse Bobbie and Bill Potsic Dr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Praiss Frederic Pryor Due Quach Narda Quigley Anand Raman Laurie Rapp Margery Reed Nona Reinhart Deb and Richard Reis Gloria Reisman Ms. Barbara P. Rex Pam Reynolds Shannon Reynolds Heejun Rho Estelle Richman and Nancy Lucas Evelyn Richman Melvyn and Linda Richter Ellen Rieder Annemieke Rijke Elise Rivers Martin and Irene Roach Deborah Robina Kevin Roche Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rock Edward and Jean Rodier Susan Rogers Laura Romano Dorilona Rose J. Randall Rosensteel Eithne Ross Paul Rossi Milton Rossman Jan Rothschild Anne Rouse Sudduth and Matthew Sudduth Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Rowland Arlene Rubel Diane Rurode and Jim Lord Michael Sager Satoharu Saito Ronald Sarachan Deena Schneider Beth Moskow-Schnoll Irene and Marvin Schuman Sameer Sehgal Hermine Seidenberg Elliott Seif Barry Seymour Naresh Shahani Shailendra Sharma Carolyn Shebesta Barry Shender Joan Shepp Marciarose and Jerome Shestack Viral Sheth Joan Shrager Jean-Christophe Sibileau Lauri Sussman Siegel Wayne Simmons Mark Sims Kati Sipp Amy Sisson

Henrietta Slap Patricia Smail Jim and Donna Smith Ralph Smith and Cookie Otani Smith Cathy Snyder Matthew Snyder Leila Sobel Dan Sørensen Larry Spector Walter Spencer Marilyn L. Steinbright David Steinman Daniel Sher and Juliet Sternberg Andrew Stober Francis Strawbridge, III Louise Strawbridge Adelaide Sugarman Kathleen Sullivan Robert and Carol Summers Leon Sunstein Glenn Sykes Vilaivan Tapwongsri Marian Tasco Laura Thierer Ann Thompson Peter and Betty Tilley Jean-Jacques Tizou Robert Toporek Santiago Torras Frank Trommler Walter Tsou Karyn Tufarolo Venkateswararao Tummalapalli Chiara Jade Turner Donna Vanzile Gerald Vernose Kathleen Vetrano Fred and Margaret Vincent Paul and Brenda Waber Kent Wagner and Rosanna D’Orazio Jacqueline Waiters E. Walter and Frances Baker Robert Ward Jane Warren Deb Warshal and David Felman Sue Wasserkrug and David Casarett Leslie Watkins Julie Hirsch Waxman Deborah Weinstein Regina Welker Raymond Welsh Sara Wenger Judith Wentz Carol West Richard Westergaard Mary Westervelt Robert Westle Anne Wetzel David and Betsy Wice Benjamin Williams Ronald Wilson David and Ilene Winikur

Sophia Wisniewska Stephanie Wittenberg Flora Wolf Jennifer and Justin Wolfe Nancy Wolff Jon Yardney William Zeidner Pam Zimmerman Ben Zuckerman Michael Zuckerman

$1–$99 Sarabeth Abir Marcia Abrams Allan and Helga Abramson Evelyn Adler Carol O. Allen Christine Allen Robert Allen Abigail Anderson Muriel and Richard Anderson Matthew Anthony Lavon Arms David Armstrong Marilyn Ashbrook Michelle Atherton Rosemary Avery Elaine Axelman Broudy Barbara and Michael Ayes Darren Bader Carol and Ben Baldridge Joshua H. Barash Theresa and Charles Barringer Joyce Barton Sofia Barucco Elizabeth Bass Jennifer Bassett Elaine Becker Stephen Belfiglio Tish and Mark Berchtold Debbie Berger Peter Bergson Amanda Bergson-Shilcock Sandy Berkowitz and Jeff Shender Joseph Betz B A Bigham Evelyn Blackman Terry Blau Julia Blaukopf Wayne and Sheree Bloch Tiffany Bloom Bettye Bolling Roz Bovey Harry Bower Darlene Branch Smith Sylvan Brandman Peter Breslauer Maria Brooks Elizabeth Brown P. Brownstein Kurt Brunner Lisbeth Bucci Beverly Bump Jean Burkow

Judith Burry Bernard and Sheila Burstein Joan Burt Horn Myrna Butkovitz Laurence Buxbaum Will Byrd Margaret Cain David Caldwell Kelli Caldwell Dean and Michelle Camacho Meryl Candor Lozano Gary and Gail Cantor Ronald and Roseanne Cantor Gabe Canuso Lydia Carle James Carson Mahlon and Pamela Cephas Barbara Chandler Allen Harry Chen Nancy Chen Arthur and Janet Cherry Lisa Chichura Kondakis Alice Chittenden Anthony Clark Donna Cleland Angela Clinton Andrea Clyman Michael Coffey Gladys Cohen Sharon Coleman Susan Collings Ronnie Collins Casey Combs Kaye Cook Gladys Cooper Emily and David Cooper Moore Kevin Cremin Charles Croce Lori Curtis Iris C. Cutler David Defilippis Rich and Adriene DeFiore Cornelia Degerberg Tracey Delfiner Maureen Devine Eleanor and Alfred Dezzi Robert Diamond Kathy Dickson Elizabeth Difelice Lori Dillard Christine Donahower Leslie Donnell Mary Ann Drew Lee and Phoebe Driscoll Susan and Ronald Drucker Phyllis Drucker Sichel Edward Duffy Anna and Peter Durbin Craig Eaton Leila Eckstein Daniel and Nina Edelman Freda Egnal Steve Ehrlich Beverly Elliott Richard and Gilda Ellis Charles W. Enicks

Ellen Epps Phyllis Epstein Shemise Evans Sheldon and Joyce Eveloff Elaine M. Farago Sidney Feldman Ann Marie Felkel Diane Filter Linda Fink Pat Fiorella Mary Fish Megan Fitzgerald Mrs. Charlotte Flynn Kathleen Folwell Carrie Foster Steven and Kari Fox John and Elaine Frank Walter Frankel Joy Frayer Melania Freeburn Ann Freedman Michelle Freeman Donald Friedman Leslie A. Friedman Sunny Friedman Deborah Frishman and Richard Siegel Michael Frumer Jahleem Furahaali John Gaeta Maxine Gaiber Bette Ganter Stephen Garland Richard and Marsha Gash Christine Gaskill Ryan Geary Leslie and Judith Gelb Valerie Genarie Donna Gentile O’Donnell Mary and Ken Gergen Aaron Gerowitz Victoria Gerstenfeld Jessica Gibney Herbert Gilder Gwen and Alvin Gilens Nancy Gilhool Elaine Gjeltema Susan Gleeksman Barbara and Steven Gold Dana Gold Randi Goldberg Arthur Goldman Rebecca Goldman Lenore and Irwin Gordon Marvin Gottlieb Penina Gould Cherae Grant Jane Gray Donna Greenberg Michael Greenberg Cody Greenes Keith Greiman Carolyn Griggs Joseph Gringlas Sheila Grossman Joseph Guerin Paul Giuliano Michael Guinn

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haehnle Jack Nagel Carly Hall Jean Hallahan Drum Kathryn Hamerslag William and Mary Hangley Lisa Hantman Michelle Harmon Sharon Haynie Geoff Haywood Sarah Heady Hilary Heckman Sue Henick Maureen Hennessey Michael Henry Ruth Herrero Susan Herskovits Sara Hirsch Kaplan Nadine and Lewis Hoch Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman Helen Holmes Bertha Holt Lescher Holzbaur Matthew Honea Mark Horowitz Patricia Houck Richard Houston Susan Howard Christine Hoyler Barbara Hughes Crystal Hughes David Huisken Diana Hulboy Anne Hunter Barbara Hurd Irene Hurford Carol Isard Lynn Jackson Rosalie Jacobs Robert Jacobson Joanne and Donald Jarrell Bethann Jensen Bob and Janet Jepsen Ariell Johnson Betty Johnston Ira Josephs Micah Kagan James and Debra Kahn Eden Kainer Harriett Kalogrithis Lila Kaplan Richard Katz Karen and David Katz Kathleen Kauffman Ary and Nancy Kaufmann Robert Kay Ben Kendall Nancy Kendrick Mary Kenly Gall Stacey Kennealy Debby Kern Karel Kilimnik Kathleen King Michael King Ellen and Ray Kirsch Josephine Klein


Sharon Kling Laurence and Bonnie Klugman Joseph Kohler David Kohn Donald Kramer Neil Kugelman Sara LaBate Joseph LaPenta Sigrid Larson Kimberly Latona Deborah Leavy Hillary Lebowitz Denise Ledvina Kathleen Lee Mary Lee Rob Levin Janet Levit Mr. and Mrs. Levitt Debra Levy Elisabeth Li Sumpter Dale Lieberman Vivian Lieberson Lawrence Lindsay Shiffonne Lindsey Jonathan Lipner Jules Lippert Sarah and Robert Locke Vernon Loeb Nadine Lomakin Darlene Long Lisa Longo and Steve Eisenstein Mary Kathleen Louie Arnold and Florence Lovitz Meryl Lozano Patricia Lund Dan Lynch Jennifer Lyons Marty and Martha Macartney Henry Magaziner Robin Mamolou Joel and Martha Marcus John Margerum Lisa Margerum Alvan Markle Hannah Marks Aaron Marks Mary Martin Jose Martinez Eric Mauro Charles McBrearty Barbara McCormick Kathleen McGrann Lynn McQuade Steven Meisel Rita Merkin Sylvia Metzler Marion Mezzetti Rosemary Mick Joseph Mikuliak Corinne Militello Andrew Miller Emma Jane Miller Susan Miller Mark Mills Tara Mohan Dan Moise


Annual Report 2012–2013

Albert and Mary Monillas Carol Moore and Philip Schulman Lawrence Moore Sue Moore Charles and Margaret Morscheck Catherine Murray Thomas and Joan Naff Judith Nagle Eva Nagy-Wilkins Jonathan Nguyen Natale W. Nixon Michelle Norbeck Amanda Norbutus C. Erik Nordgren Dennis and Janet Novack Daniel Noznisky Sara and Chris O’Brien Mimi O’Malley Eileen O’Rourke Max Oran Fred and Vera Orthlieb Michael and Lisa Oswald Cynthia Otto Ezgi Ottolenghi John Pagnucco Jane and Joe Palmer Irene Palmer Fayette Parker Judith Parker Kenneth W. Parker Vox Parvis Carol Paslay Bryna Paston Clifford Pearlman Jeffrey Pearlman-Storch Alex Peltz Randi Perez Gail Perkin Pauline Perkins Lisa Perry Mark and Carol Peterson John Pettit Jamie Picardy and William Tilton Bob Pierson Manny Pokotilow Joseph and Lynn Pokrifka Dell Poncet Curt Pontz Donnell Powell Anne and Donald Powers Joseph Quigley Raymond and Legora Ragland David Ramirez Linda Ramsey Bonnie Randall Anne Ravdin Taylor Bryan Raynor Abe and Sherri Reich George Reid Brian Reidy Michele S. Reimer Alan Reinach Emily Reuman Stephanie Richards

Valerie Richardson Patricia G. Riffkin Barry Rinker Claire Robertson-Kraft Susan and Clifford Rogers Jennifer Romberger Daniel and Lauren Romer Ann Romine Kendra Rosati Richard Rose Elmer and Barbara Rosen Amy Rosenberg Myra Rosenberg Adam Rotwitt Robert and Ola Roy Matthew Royles Vera Royster Robert S. Ruane Edward Ruback Harriet Rubenstein and Marty Brigham Jane Rutkoff Karen Sabatino Patricia Sanders Athena Sarafides Doug Sata Alfred and Bobbie Schmidt Adele Schneider Malcolm and Leone Schoenberg Ellen Schrecker Gerald Schultz Samuel Schwartz Leonard Scott Susan C. Seifert Paul Selbst Irma Shapiro Elaine Sharer Bob Sharp James Shepard Sharon Sherman Kate Shields Scott Shubert Don Silberberg Zelda Silberstein Jules Silk Florence Silvers Kate Simmer Susan Simmons Donna Simon Samuel Sisinwine Elena Sisti Lucille Sisti Cassandra Smith Eleanor Smith Evangeline Smith Jeremy Smith Ingeborg L. Snipes Clinton Snyder Bernard Sobel Pat Somers Leonard Sosnov Joe Speight Diana Sperle Paula Spielberg Bartholomew St. John Stephen Stamm

Rabbi Richard and Diane Steinbrink Mark J. Stern Andrew Stocking and Amy Myers Margaret Straker-Fant Karen Strauss Bertram and Lynne Strieb Rabbi Steve Stroiman Cy and Lois Swartz Elizabeth Sytsma Rose Talley Stanley Tarailla Maria Texidor Anna Thompson Susan and Ron Thompson Sean Tighe R Caryn Timchak Carlton and Robin Tolbert Steve Udicious Brandon Underwood Eric Valdez Sharon Vallianos Sarah Van Aken Jaap Veneman Virginia Vitucci Benjamin Volta Jennifer Walling Ted and Marcia Wasserman Victoria Watkins M. Karen Weaver Bertrand Weidberg Lyric Weinbaum Nancy Weinberger Joan Weiner Molly Weingart Elaine Weiss Susan Weiss Marvin Welsch Tracy Werner Bill and Nancy Whichard Saul and Joan Wider Howard Wiener Mark and Marjorie Wildstein Marjorie Wilhite Erin Wilson James and Anna Lee Winans Stephanie Wissel Marc Witte Joan and Milton Wohl Anne Wood Cherie Wright Lillian Youman Marion Young Oliver and Mary Young Katherine Yulman Wayne Zachary Susan Zemel Joseph Zorc Nicole Zumpano *If we have inadvertently left your name off this list, please contact us and accept our advance apologies.

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