Café gourmand

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Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Bobowej, Poland Zespół Szkół Nr 6 in Szczecin, Poland Mjölby gymnasium, Dackeslolan, Mjölby, Sweden


Contents An apple with surprise Banoffe pie en verrine Biscuit Black current cake Caramel mini tart Carnival rose Chocolate brownie cake Chocolate cake Chocolate orange roulĂŠ Cinnamon roll Coconut meringue Chokladballs Cornflake cluster Croissant with chocolate Dammsugare vaccum cleaner Easter shortbread cookies Faworki Hazelnut cake Lussekat-bun Nuts Semla Stewed apple verrine Tiramisu Tubes with cream Vienese cheese cake


AN APPLE WITH SURPRISE Zespół Szkół Nr 6 in Szczecin, Poland



• an apple • 2 tablespoons of jam • 1 teaspoon of honey Procedure 1. Cut off a top of apple (don’t throw out) and hollow out. 2. Spread an apple with some honey. 3. Pour some cinnamon to your taste. 4. Add some jam to fill apple. Next put back the piece of apple which you cut earlier. 5. Put it into the roaster/oven to bake over 20 minutes (at 180°) 6. That’s all. Have fun.


BANOFFE PIE EN VERRINE Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France


Ingredients • Palets sablés • 230 g thick crème fraiche • 150 g mascarpone • 50 g icing sugar • 2 bananas • milk jam • Sweet cocoa powder

Procedure 1. Preheat the oven at 180°C. 2. Mix the crème fraiche, mascarpone and sugar in the bowl of food processor. 3. Mix the whipped cream. 4. Put into the fridge. 5. Peel the bananas and cut them inot slices. 6. Crumble the sablé. 7. Into the verinnes put the palets crumbs, the milk jam, 2 bananas slices, the whipped cream and coca. 8. Put into the fridge.


BISCUITS Zespół Szkół Nr 6 in Szczecin, Poland



• - 1 kilo of flour • - 1,5 cup of sugar • - 250 g of butter • - 2 table spoons of fat • - pinch of salt • - half of powder to baking • - vanilla sugar

Procedure 1. Preheat the oven to 180. 2. Mix all ingredients. 3. At the end add 4 eggs and a little of cream. 4. Roll and form small cookies.


BLACK CURRENT CAKE Zespół Szkół Nr 6 in Szczecin, Poland


Ingredients • 5 eggs • 1 ½ glass of flour • ¾ glass of oil • ½ glass of water • 1 glass of sugar + ½ cup of sugar + 6 spoons of sugar + 3 spoons of caster sugar • 3 tablespoons of cocoa • 1 teaspoon of baking soda • 1 teaspoon of banking powder • 1 cube of butter • ½ kg of curd cheese • 2 fixes for the cream • 0,5 l of 30% cream • 2 jars of blackcurrant jam

Procedure 1. Boil together ¾ glass of oil ½ glass of water 1 glass of sugar, 3 tablespoons of cocoa, and cool the whole mass.

2. Whip egg whites and ½ cup of sugar, add one egg after another. Pour into it the cooled cocoa mass, add the flour, baking powder and baking soda. Bake for about 40 minutes. 3. Blend butter and 6 spoons of sugar and add the cheese. 4. Whip the cream and 3 spoons of caster sugar. 5. Cut the dough into 2 pieces and place one after the other: 6. Dough, jam, cheese mass, dough, jam, whipped cream, chocolate topping - ready or grated dark chocolate


CARAMEL MINI-TARTS Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland


Ingredients • 500 g wheat flour • 125 g margarine • 125 g lard • 250 g caster sugar • 3 yolks • 2 eggs Caramel filling • 500 g sugar • 500 ml milk • 100 g butter Cream • 200 g butter • 1,5 cup of milk • 0,5 packed of vanilla custard • 4 sps sugar

Procedure 1. Sift flour and castor sugar and chop the lard. 2. Add mixed eggs. 3. Form the dough quickly, cool in the fridge 30 minutes. 4. Grease moulds carefully. 5. Place the dough into mould. Bake about 30 minutes at 220 C. 6. Cook milk and sugar until mixture thickens. 7. At the end add the butter. 8. Cook custard with sugar and cool in down. 9. Beat butter add a spoonful of the coaled custard and mix. 10. Decorate with dried or fresh fruit, chocolate, jelly etc.


CARNIVAL ROSES Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland



• 300 g flour • 5 yolks • 3 tablespoons sour cream • 100 g butter • 1 tablespoon spirit • 1 litre oil • 1 strawberry jam

Procedure 1. Sift the flour, chop in butter and icing sugar. Add the yolks and stir in the cream and the spirit. Mix it using your hands for about 15 minutes. 2. Chill the dough for 30 minutes in the fridge. 3. Roll out as thin as possible and cut out the same number of in 3 different sized discs. 4. Using the tip of a knife, cut about 1 centimetre into the rings on the outside in four places. 5. Place 1 disc of each size on top of another (the smallest on top) and press with your finger in the center to stick them together. 6. Deep fry in hot oil, the smallest ring down. 7. When the cuts you made on the edges open, turn the roses over and fry a little more until they are a golden-brown colour. 8. Take out the roses, and drain the oil on a paper towel. 9. Decorate the roses with a dollop of jam in the centre and sprinkle witch icing sugar.


CHOCOLATE BROWNIE CAKES Zespół Szkół Nr 6 in Szczecin, Poland


Ingredients •

1 cube of butter

0,5 glass of milk

1,5 glass of sugar (375g)

4 eggs

4 spoons of cocoa

2 glasses of flour (340g)

1 spoon of baking powder (10g)

Procedure 1. Butter, milk, cocoa and sugar put into the pan, heat sugar until it melts and the mass is smooth and gleaming. 2. Pour out 2/3 glass of the mass and set aside. The rest of the mass put into the bowl. Mix the flour and the baking powder and put into the cocoa mass. Mix the ingredients together. 3. Separate the yolks from egg whites. While mixing the mass add the yolks one after another. 4. Whisk the egg whites with the mixer to stiff foam. 5. Add it to the cake and stir slowly with a spoon. 6. Put the cake into the tin, lined with greaseproof paper.

7. Bake for 50 minutes in the temperature of 180°C. Then remove the cake from the tin. When it gets cool, spread the remaining cocoa mass on top of it and leave to get solid.


CHOCOLATE CAKE Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France



• 225 g dark chocolate ( 65% ) • 112,5 g butter • 30 g unsweetened cocoa powder • 300 g sugar

• 3 eggs


1. Preheat the oven at 180° 2. Melt the chocolate with the butter 3. Add the cocoa, the sugar and eggs one by one 4. Pour the mixture into individual silicone cake tins, don't fill to the top 5. Cook from 7 to 9 min 6. Leave to cool


CHOCOLORANGE ROULE Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France


Ingredients • one chocolate sponge • 0,6 kg stewed oranges • chocolate topping

Procedure 1. Cut into two the sponge cake. 2. Spread half of the stewed oranges over the sponge cake. 3. Roll with greaseproof paper. 4. Decorate the Swiss roll with chocolate. 5. Put into the fridge


CINNAMON ROLLS Mjรถlby gymnasium Dackeslolan, Mjรถlby, Sweden



• 80 g fresh yeast • 2 eggs • 500 ml finger-warm milk (2 cups) • 1 kg wheat flour • 200 g demerara or muscovado sugar • 150 g butter, softened • 1 tsp salt • 2 tsp cardamom Filling • 80 g butter, softened • demerara or muscovado sugar • cinnamon Decoration • 1 egg, beaten with 1/2 tsp water, and a tiny pinch of salt • pearl sugar

Procedure 1. Crumble the yeast into a bowl. Add some of the tepid milk, and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Add the rest of the milk, half of the flour and both of the eggs. Leave to proof, covered, for one hour. 2. Add the rest of the flour, the sugar, salt, cardamom and butter. Work into a smooth and silky dough. Here's when you might need a bit more flour. Transfer the dough to a clean bowl, cover and leave to proof for 30 minutes. 3. Divide the dough into two. Roll out each part to a large rectangle. Spread with butter, and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Roll each rectangle into a tight roll, starting at the long edge, and cut each roll into about 20 pieces. Place each piece in a paper cup on a baking sheet (covered with parchment paper so you won't end up with a mess), cover and leave to proof for 30 minutes. 4. Beat the egg with a pinch of salt and 1/2 tsp of water, and brush this carefully on the buns. Finish by a light sprinkling of pearl sugar. 5. Bake at 250°C for 6-8 minutes, until they're as golden as you like them. 23

COCONUT AND CHOCOLATE TOPPED CAKE Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących(ZSO) w Bobowej , Poland


Ingredients For the sponge cake (makes 20 servings)

• 6 eggs • 250 g sugar • 125 g margarine • 200 g flour • 1/2 packaging baking powder For the chocolate topping

• 100 g sugar • 50 g margarine • 1 spoon flour • 1 spoon cocoa powder • 2 spoon water • 2 spoon vanilla sugar To sprinkle

• about 50 g shaved dessicated coconut


1. Warm up oven to 180 C. Grease the baking tin. 2. Mix egg yolks with sugar and margarine. In a separate bowl, mix egg whites until stiff peaks form. 3. Mixed eggs yolk, add whipped egg whites and flour, mix in the baking powder. 4. Pour out the dough onto the baking tin. 5. Bake in warm oven in 180 C for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the cake comes out clean. 6. Leave to cool. Cut the sponge cake in squares or rhombuses about 5 cm wide. 7. Prepare the chocolate topping: Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to boil. Keep stirring. 8. Put the coconut shavigs into a soup bowl. Dip the cake cubes in the chocolate topping, then in coconut. Put away on parchment paper to get cold. 25

COCONUT MERINGUE Zespół Szkół Ogólnoształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland



• 3 eggs whites • ¾ cup confectioner’s sugar • Pinch of salt • 200 g grated coconut • 1 spoon potato flour • 2 teaspoons vanilia essence

Procedure 1. Whip the egg whites into a stiff foam with sugar and salt. 2. Add the grated coconut, potato flour and vanilla sugar. 3. Place teaspoonfuls of the dough into a greased baking tray. 4. Bake about 20 minutes in 150C.


CHOKLADBALLS Mjรถlby gymnasium Dackeslolan, Mjรถlby, Sweden


Ingredients • 300 ml oats • 1 tsp vanilla sugar • 100 ml caster sugar • 2-3 tbs cold black coffee • 3-4 tbs cocoa • 100 g butter • pearl sugar (or desiccated coconut or sprinkles if you don't have pearl sugar) to roll the balls in

Procedure 1. Mix butter and sugar and stir until it is fluffy. Add the cocoa, vanilla sugar, coffee and the oats. Mix all ingredients until thoroughly mixed. Roll into balls (usually slightly smaller than a golf ball ) and coat in pearl sugar. 2. The ingredients are often varied to personal taste. Some prefer orange juice in lieu of the coffee. Don't be shy to find your favourite mix.


CORNFLAKE CLUSTER Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France


Ingredients • 100 g of cornflakes • 150 g of chocolate • 150 g of butter • 75 g of icing sugar


1. Melt the butter in a bowl over a pan of boiling water, stir till you obtain a cream. 2. Add the chocolate, stir again. 3. Add the icing sugar, stir. 4. Pour the cornflakes in a bowl, add the chocolate mixture, stir the cornflakes without breaking them. 5. Form small cakes on greaseproof paper. 6. Put into the refrigerator.


CROISSANTS WITH CHOCOLATE Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland



• flour, 300g • butter, 80g • cream, 150ml • sugar, 60g • yeast, 35g • vanilla essence, one pack • eggs, three pieces • salt • Nutella

Procedure 1. Mix yeast with warm cream, half sugar and 100g flour. Set aside. 2. Mix yolks with remaining sugar and vanilla essence. 3. When the yeast mixture doubles its volume, add the remaining flour, yolks with sugar and a pinch of salt. 4. Mix and add butter, knead the dough. 5. Put a tea spoon of Nutella on every one and roll from side to apex. 6. Place the shapely croissants on the baking tray and apply egg whites. 7. Bake about 20 minutes in 200 C.


DAMMSUGARE VACCUM CLEANER Mjรถlby gymnasium Dackeslolan, Mjรถlby, Sweden



• 500 g of crumbs of sponge cake,muffin,or similar • 150 g butter,unsalted • 0.5 cups of cocoa • 0.75 cups of punch Garnish • 500 g marzipan • 200 g of chocolate (50%) of dark Sheeting • potato flour


1. First mix broken koksma lorna in a food processor. Add the butter,cocoa and punch and mix quickly into a thick paste . Fill the mixture into a piping bag without tull 2. Color marzipan green with green and yellow food coloring . Dust the work surface with a little potato flour and roll out the marzipan into a rectangle ,about 35*45 cm and about 2 mm thick. 3. Cut the marzipan into three long strips, about 10 cm wide.Pipe filling in long strings of marzipan. 4. Wrap the marzipan around the filling, press the seam. The cutting rollers in pieces of about 5 cm long. Let extractors in the refrigerator 30 min. 5. Melt chocolate in microwave or water bath. Dip Floor-care ends in chocolate. Place them on a baking sheet and let harden in the refrigerator. Keep cold.


EASTER SHORTBREAD COOKIES Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France



• 250 g of flour • 70 g of grated almonds • 2 egg yolks • 0,2l of double cream with 18% fat • 25 g of white sugar • ½ packet of baking powder


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 2. Mix the flour, the baking powder, the sugar, the yolks, the grated almonds then the cream to obtain a dough that doesn't stick to your fingers. 3. Add some flour if needed. 4. Shape into a ball. 5. Leave it for one hour in a fridge . 6. Spread out to 5mm thickness and cut out with pastry cutters of Easter shapes : rabbit, bell... 7. Bake for about 15min checking the colour regularly. They mustn't be too pale.


FAWORKI Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland



• 6 eggs • 8 spoons beer • 3 spoons confectioner’s sugar • 250 g. flour • 1 litre oil

Procedure 1. Mix eggs with confectioner’s sugar and add beer and flour. 2. Mixed precisely all ingredients. 3. Shape ball from pastry and beat with rolling pin for 5 mins. 4. Put pastry in fridge for 30 mins. 5. Roll pastry until about 2mm thick. 6. Cut into striped about dimension 15x3cm. 7. Make a cut in the middle and fold it through the holes. 8. Fry in hot oil in a deep dish. 9. Sprinkle ready cookies with sugar.


HAZELNUT CAKE Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France



• 450 g of flour • 375 g of melted butter • 375 g of hazelnuts • 1,5 packets of baking powder • 6 tablespoons of cream • 9 eggs • 375 g of sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 180°. 2. Whisk the eggs and the sugar until the mixture rises. 3. Add the hazelnuts, the melted butter, the cream, the flour and the baking powder then whisk little by little until the ingredients are mixed in . 4. Pour the mixture into individual silicone baking cases, don't fill to the top. 5. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes.


LUSSEKATT -BUNS Mjรถlby gymnasium Dackeslolan, Mjรถlby, Sweden



• 150 grams of butter • 5 cups milk • 50 grams of yeast • 0.5 tsp salt • 1.5 cups of sugar • 1 pc egg • 1 gram of saffron (2 pkt, optional if you like saffron) • about 16 cups flour Garnish buns • 1 cup raisins • 1 pc egg

Procedure 1. Melt butter and mix with the milk, heat until it is lukewarm, feel with your finger. 2. Mix the yeast in a portion of the dough liquid, then add the rest. 3. Stir in sugar, salt, eggs, most of the flour and saffron if you want it. 4. Knead the dough until it is smooth and shiny and releases from bunker edges without sticking, add any more flour if necessary. Save some flour to bake out. 5. Let the dough rise in the bowl with cloth in about 30 minutes. Avoid drafts and set the bowl warm. 6. Knead the dough and divide it into 36 pieces that you bake out the buns. 7. Place the saffron cats on greased baking sheet or parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees and let rise 20-30 minutes under canvas. 8. When saffron cats yeast ready to garnish with raisins and brush with beaten egg. 9. Bake 5-7 minutes in middle of oven until buns are golden brown cats.


NUTS Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland



Nut shell • 500g flour • 2 egg yolks0,5 cup cream • 250g margarine • 125g caster sugar • 1 teaspoon almond essenc • 0,5 teaspoon ammonia Filling •

350g margarine (at room temperature)

200g caster sugar

200g walnuts

0,5 cup of milk

Procedure 1. For the nut shell: Knead the dough from all the ingredients. Refrigerate for one hour. Make small balls from the dough and fry in a special frying pan. 2. For the filling: Grate walnuts. Boil milk with sugar, cook for 10 minutes and add the walnuts. Boil again and then cool it down. Mix margarine with the walnut filling. Fill the baked shells with nut filling and join two shells to make one nut.


SEMLA Mjรถlby gymnasium Dackeslolan, Mjรถlby, Sweden


Ingredients • 75 gr or 3/4 stick butter (or margarine for vegan) • 2.5 dl or a bit less than 1 (.85) cup milk • 2.5 dl or about 1 cup sugar • 25 gram fresh or 3.5 tblspn dry yeast • 7.5 or 3 cup white flour • teaspoon cardamum • Filling: • 300 gram or maybe 2? cup Mandelmassa (almond paste, or I think Marzipan would work too) • 3 dl or 1 1/4 cup whipped cream. • Powdered sugar!

Procedure 1. Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Add in the milk and warm to “fingervarmt”, or around body temperature. 2. Dissolve the yeast in ab0ut 1/4 c water. Mix until the thick mixture is homogeneous, let sit for 10 min. 3. Add the rest of the dough ingredients: the salt sugar, cardamom and the majority of the flour. Save a little bit of the flour for forming the buns. Knead the dough until it is smooth and shiny, about 10-15 min. Place the dough back in the bowl and let rise for 40 min in warm, dry, place. 4. Take out the dough onto a flat surface. Form the buns by rolling circular shapes with your hands. They should be around 1.5 inches in diameter, but you can make them however you want. 5. Place the buns on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Let them rise for 30 minutes more. Heat the oven to 430 F (225 C) 6. If you want to, you can brush the buns with an eggwash or with soymilk. Set in the oven and bake for 10 min or so until done. 7. After then buns have baked and cooled for around 5 min, cut the top off each bun, about 1/4 inch down the bun. Pull out a bit of the warm bread-flesh from inside the bun. Add the extracted bread-flesh to a bowl with the (chopped or otherwise shredded) mandelmassa and stir them together. 8. Add the mandelmassa mixture to the empty spot in each bun. A top each mandelmassa, add a dollop of whipped cream. Set the tops back on each bun, and sprinkle them with powdered sugar, like snow. 9. Eat them


STEWED APPLE VERRINE Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France



• 2, 5 kg apples • 100 g sugar • 0,5 l water

• 1 teaspoon of cinnamon


1. Wash the apples 2. Peel and dice the apples. 3. Put them in saucepan with water,sugar and cinnamon 4. Cook on a low heat until the apples are crushed (about 20 min) 5. Mix if you want them even consistency 6. Serve cool


TIRAMISU Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących(ZSO) w Bobowej , Poland



• 6 egg yolks • 6 heaped tablespoons of sugar • 50 grams of mascarpone • 4 tablespoons amaretto • About 20 biscuits • 1,5 cup of strong coffee • 2 tablespoons natural bitter cola powder • 2 tablespoons grated dark chocolate


1. Put the yolks into a bowl, add sugar and beat at high speed mixer for 8-10minutes, until they are fluffy and white. 2. Add the mascarpone and mix together for a minute until it is well combined. Add amaretto, coffee. 3. Dip biscuits in cold coffee for 2-3 seconds. Then gently shake them to remove the excess liquid. 4. In a flat dish arrange a layer of biscuits, pour over one third at the mass. 5. Arrange another layer of soaked biscuits, pour cream. Repeat. 6. Wrap the dish carefully with plastic wrap, and place for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator. 7. Then sprinkle with cocoa and chocolate.


TUBES WITH CREAM Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland

We had some problems realising the tube, that's why there are flat and round !



Tubes • 1000g flour • 650g margarine (at room temperature) • 6 egg yolks • 1,5 glass cream • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Cream (filling) • 2 liters milk • 300g sugar • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence • 6 spoons flour • 4 spoons starch • 1 packet of instant vanilla custard • 4 egg yolks • 500g margarine (at room temperature)

Procedure Tubes: 1. Knead all ingredients into dough and then refrigerate for one hour. 2. Roll it into 0,5cm thickness. Cut into 2cm wide strips. 3. Place the strips on special cookie cutters. 4. Put into the preheated oven. Bake about 15 minutes at 200 ºC. Cream 1. Mix the sugar, vanilla essence, flour, starch, instant vanilla custard, and yolks with 0,5l milk. 2. Boil the rest of milk. Add mixed ingredients to boiling milk. 3. Refrigerate for one hour. 4. Mix the custard with margarine. 5. Fill the tubes with custard.


VIENESE CHEESECAKE Zespół Szkół Ogólnnokształcących (ZSO) w Bobowej, Poland



• 1 kg cottage cheese • 8 eggs • 100g butter • 2 spoonfuls of flour • 1 spoon instant dessert vanilla • 1,5 glass icing sugar • 10 dag raisins • half teaspoon baking powder

Procedure 1. Bake 45 mins in 180 C. 2. Mix the cottage cheese 3 times in a food processor. 3. Mix the butter, the icing sugar. Add 1 yolk at a time keep mixing. 4. Add the cottage cheese, butter and egg mix, add flour, instant dessert. 5. Whip the egg whites until stiff. 6. On a sieve, pour some boiling-hot water over the raisins and drain. Leave to cool. 7. Add egg whites and raisins to the cheese mixture and stir softly using a wooden spoon. 8. Pour the dough into a greased tin.

9. Decorate with chocolate shavings.


Zespół Szkół Nr 6 in Szczecin, Poland Students

Wojciech Oszczyk Piotr Wojcieszczuk Wiktor Sagat Mateusz Łosiński Jakub Malicki Milena Zdobylak Dawid Pokorski Angelika Rusoł

Teachers : Patrycja Kosińska Lampka, Beata Pelech


Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Bobowej, Poland Students : Klasa II Technikum – Technik organizacji usług gastronomicznych: Bartoszek Klaudia Drozd Aneta Gawrońska Justyna Kantor Ewelina Kmak Łucja Lichoń Agnieszka Magiera Beata Mól Magdalena Raczoń Małgorzata Radzik Gabriela Święs Paulina Szura Bogdan Warzecha Karolina

Klasa III Technikum – Kelner:

Biskup Szymon Bogusz Maciej Chmielowski Albert Chronowska Ewelina Framęga Damian Garbowska Małgorzata Góra Tomasz Gryzło Maria Gwiżdż Łukasz Kolek Marcin Król Kinga Mróz Kinga Mucha Damian Murawska Danuta Nowak Konrad Smoszna Sylwia Sowa Rafał Starzec Dariusz Stawiarska Danuta Szeptak Radosław Totoś Grzegorz Witek Adrian Gargula Dawid

Teachers : Dominka Tokarz, Bernadeta Libront, Agata Mruk.


Lycée Louis Blériot, Trappes, France Students : Derya Durgut Diomanssi Cissiko Fatimata Dia Hugues Abbevi Jonathan Matundu Mpezo Laura Richard Mariame Sylla Soraya Makhloufi Vigni Mawabi

Teachers : Annick Zerbini, Deborah Richmond, Murièle Dejaune


DACKESKOLAN, SWEDEN Students : Algin Sena Allard Rebecca Gustvasson Love Kardell Amanda Kirch Sandra Knutsson Ida Ljung Jennifer Ryd Isabella

Teacher : Michael Isaksson


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