Castles BOOKS
First published in 2019 by Murray Books (Australia)
Copyright Š 2019 Murray Books (Australia) Copyright Š 2019 Peter Murray ISBN: 978-0-9943909-0-5
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The author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the information contained in this book was correct at the time of going to press and accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person or organisation using this book.
Wisdom Castle
Wisdom Castle is the learning place of our mind. Every room is filled with “How�. How does this work? how does this grow? How am I here? The wisdom of visiting the Castle is the knowledge of sharing. Share what you have learnt and share the Castle you have buil with your friends.
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Heavenly Castle Heavenly Castle has watched over our Earth for thousands of years. The clock inside the castle gives us our seasons. Colour plays a magic hand with cool winters and warm summers. Heavenly Castle gives us all the colours of a festive world and controls everything we do on Earth.
Algonquian Castle Algonquian Castle resides above the clouds. Known as the “Earth Mother�, the Castle gives all species on earth life, water, food, nature and love. All is watched from the windows of the castle by Queen Algon and her friends ensuring harmony and balance on earth.
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Exploration Castle
The Castle of Exploration. Dare to go where no one has gone before. room on the Castle contains a letter . The letter will ask you to open your mind and use olours you have never used before. The magic of purple, Vermillion and shades of pastels. Be different - be daring and you will be surprised. Bon Voyage into the world of the unknown.
Conscious Castle The winding bridge to the Castle gives us time to consider the good things we can do for others. As the sun sets, we can right a wrong. Conscious Castle is filled with warmth and joy. Enter the library of Conscious Castle and discover all the wonders of a magical world.
Ice Castle Ice Castle was built to control the ice that covers the earth. Its inhabitants check the ice levels every day and in order to have the right amount of water and sun, everything is controlled so we are always healthy and happy. In recent years, Ice Castle has had to ensure that Climate Change does not destroy our way of living.
Abraxas Castle Abraxas Castle is in ancient Greece. The Castle is the home of Lernaen Hydra - a serpentlike Dragon. The Castle was built 10,000 years ago to house many ancient Dragons. Entry is cautioned. One never knows which Dragon is in the Castle at any given time.
Crystal Castle Crystal Castle sits on the planet Venus overlooking our Earth. This Palace is surrounded by mystery. No one has ever visited Venus or the Castle but we know that everything we do every day is seen by the Crystalians who note all our mistakes and our achievements. We hope that one day, the Crystalians will visit us..
Wish Castle Surrounded by magical forests, Wish Castle is always busy creating our hopes and wishes. Always remember to Wish carefully. You may get what you wished for! Now that you know the secret of Wish castle, close your eyes and imagine you are in the Castle before you make your secret wish.
Night Castle Night Castle has stood for 600 years in the hills of northern Scotland. Here, many tales started of which we have learned through the years. As day turns to night, Night Castle comes alive and stories are born. Writers are inspited by Night Castle and Children are told stories that were all created by writers who live at Night Castle.
Observatory Castle Observatory Castle was built high on mountains in Europe. The Castle has only one task to Observe humans and to report to the Universe. We will always be watched by the keepers of the Castle. remember, you are always being observed !
Air Castle Air Castle sits on a precipice overlooking lakes and trees in a beautiful mountain valley. This is where the air we breathe is created. You can visit Air Castle by taking a deep breath sand imagining you are there. Every prson on earth helps Air Castle with every breath they take.
Celebration Castle Celebration Castle sits on a precipice overlooking lakes and trees in a beautiful mountain valley. The Castle is responsible for every Celebration that we enjoy. from Birthday’s to Anniversaries. Every celebration is written into big book and each year, we are reminded of what celebrations are ahead and the workers prepare greeting cards to give us. WIthout Celebration Castle, our life would be very dull.
Colour Castle One of the most popular castles in the world. Every colour on the walls of the Castle has been painted by its inhabitants. The population are known as The Offspring. The Offspring are the children of The Colourians - ancient people who invented colour which we still use today. Every colour got its name from the Colourians - Green, red, Blue, Purple are all names of individuals who first started Colour Castle. Everyone is welcome! By colouring the Castle in this book, you will automatically gain entry to Colour Castle.
HYdra Castle Hydra Castle sits in a valley in the ObLisk Valley in Northern Europe. Here, young dragons are trained to fly and navigate the world. Each day, several dragons fly to different parts of the earth searching for inspiration to bring back home. The Castle is home to the ancient Tarragon people who are half dragon and half human. They have watched over our world for centuries destroying all evil and cleansing the world. Humans cannot get entry to the Castle unless they are accompanied by a dragon.
Pharoah Castle
Pharoah Castle was built over 5000 years ago - long before the the great Pyramids of Giza. It was constructed by 10,000 men over 20 years in the northern regions of Africa along the Nile River. Pharoah Castle holds the secrets to how many ancient landmarks were built around the world. To enter the Castle, you must know how to speak Latin but sometimes, the ancients allow children who wish to learn the secrets to enter the Castle. They are sworn to secrecy once they have gained the knowledge of the ancients. Below the castle sits the small village of Papyrus. This village introduced us to the first type of paper which is still in use today.
Enchanted Castle assembly Instructions
Enchanted Castle assembly Instructions