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First published in 2019 by Murray Books (Australia)

Copyright Š 2019 Murray Books (Australia) Copyright Š 2019 Peter Murray ISBN: 978-0-9943945-1-4

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The author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the information contained in this book was correct at the time of going to press and accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person or organisation using this book.

History of the Cat The domestic cat as we know it today began life as a Near Eastern Wildcat around 8000 BC in Asia.

Millions of years earlier, ‘Panthera’ migrations out of Asia across land bridges resulted in eight main

lines of ancestry, and one of those was the ‘Felis’ genus - the ancestor of the domestic cat. It was

originally thought that Ancient Egyptians were the first civilisation to domesticate cats, but in the last decade, a Neolithic grave in Cyprus has been found, containing a human and a cat together and

placing the domestication of cats back at least 9,500 years. Genetic studies indicate that domestication

originally took place in the Middle East when man made the switch from hunter-gatherer to

agriculturalist, and cats were taken to Egypt and Cyprus afterwards. Further discoveries surrounding

the domestication of cats in China place humans and cats living alongside each other in Quanhucun at least 5,300 years ago, possibly as a result of the grain-rodent-cat cycle of life. It is also believed

that domesticated cats existed in late Iron Age Britain, as well as having been present across the vast Roman Empire.

From its earliest existence as a companion or working animal alongside man, the cat has progressed

through the centuries to become a much valued species that has been bred into specific pedigrees.

Pedigree cats are registered with organisations that keep ancestry records, and a cat is considered a

pure-bred when its ancestors are confined to the one breed only. Cat breeds are registered by one of

four global organisations, those being the International Cat Association, with 58 breeds, the International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance, with 73 breeds, the Cat Fanciers’ Association, with

44 breeds, and the Fédération Internationale Féline, with 43 breeds. The world of cats however, is

not confined to pedigree and pure-bred cats. Many millions of cats of mixed ancestry exist today as

companions and feral animals, and most are referred to as domestic long-haired and domestic short-

haired cats.

Cats, Religion & Superstition In history, the cat has long been associated with myths, superstition, witchcraft and religion. Ancient Egyptians revered the cat, which they associated with Bastet, a goddess who was often depicted as

a feline or a lion. In Norse mythology, the goddess Freya was borne about the place in a chariot

pulled by cats, and European literature places the cat squarely in the role of a witch's 'familiar'.

Superstition and cats go hand in hand, and many countries have their own. In France, a magical black cat known as Magatot brings prosperity to its human companions, and the Japanese believe

the black cat to be capable of healing children and offering protection against evil. Thailand, Sumatra and Java have superstitions that consider the cat capable of bringing rain, while in Madagascar, cats

are believed to carry the souls of the dead within them until they are laid to rest. In Iceland, children

are raised on fairy tales containing an evil child-eating cat, while other cultures revere the cat, which is portrayed as benign and harmless to humans. One of the world's most iconoclastic cats is Japan's 'Maneki Neko', or the Beckoning Cat, which is reputed to bring prosperity and subsequently appears all over the country as a good luck talisman (opposite).

Cats have their own patron saint, and she is Saint Gertrude of Nivelles. Cyprus too has a history of

concern for the cat, and the Monastery of Saint Nicolas of Cats in Limassol has existed on the country's 'Cat Peninsula' since the 4th century. Human existence includes certain beliefs, and in terms

of the cat, there are many beliefs surrounding the feline's longevity. Believed to have nine, seven or

six lives, the cat has intrigued man for centuries in its ability to survive near disaster and often land

on its feet against all expectations.

Cats in Art & Literature Artistic depictions of cats have been produced for centuries, and they were often considered a witch's

familiar and the subject of fear and superstition in the Middle Ages. In the Renaissance, the nicer

side of the cat appeared in the works of the great painters, which included Christus' 'Madonna and

Child' and Ghirlandaio's 'The Last Supper'. Baroque cats were cuddled, while the cats of the Impressionist era featured in paintings such as Renoir's 'Portrait of Julie Manet', Steinlen's 'Le Chat

Noir', Picasso's 'Still Life with Cat and Lobster', and Warhol's 'Blue Cat', which are some of the 20th

century's great works. Other greats such as Bresslern-Roth, Fini, Picabia and Hockney transferred their love of felines onto canvas and linocuts.

In literature, cats feature heavily in children's tales such as 'Puss in Boots', 'Dick Whittington and

His Cat', and a number of Beatrix Potter and Lewis Carroll books. T. S. Eliot's 'Old Possum's Book

of Practical Cats' featured felines such as Alonzo, Bustopher Jones, Old Deuteronomy and

Bombalurina among others, and the book eventually became the musical phenomenon known simply

as 'Cats'. Adult horror fiction often features the cat, and Stephen King's 'Pet Sematary' joins Edgar

Allan Poe's 'Pluto' as a spine chilling tale. One of the world's most famous best-selling books featuring the cat is Akif Pirinรงci's 'Felidae'. Published in 1990, the original German novel has been

translated into nearly 20 languages. The story has a feline protagonist named Francis, whose job it

is to investigate several cat murders. Eventually, the book became an animated movie. Cats have become an essential part of human existence over the past centuries, and they continue to feature

strongly in art and literature, as they have done since man first daubed feline representations on the

walls of caves.

Cats on Film The film industry has featured cats since Hollywood first began churning out silent Westerns, and

many of Europe’s great filmmakers have featured the cat in some of their most iconic works. ‘A Cat in Paris’ is a French film that has a cat rescuing its child owner from kidnappers, and it received an

Academy Award nomination. While many movies have cats playing roles as extras, many others

have feline stars, with humans providing supporting actor roles. ‘La dolce vita’ and ‘Breakfast at

Tiffany’s’ used cats in supporting roles that provided an essential part of the storyline while not specifically focussing on the cat. The German film, ‘Felidae’, is cat specific, as are the French film,

‘Une vie de chat’ and the USA’s ‘Milo and Otis’. Animated cats have also been popular since the

cartoon was invented, and characters such as ‘Tom and Jerry’ and the Looney Tunes ‘Sylvester’ have been family favourites for decades.

The cat has also featured as the companion of many screen ‘baddies’, with James Bond Villain, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, starring with his blue-eyed Persian. In the ‘Austin Powers’ parody, the cat was

recreated as the hairless ‘Mr. Bigglesworth’. Due to concerns about animal welfare, many film cats

are actually a number of identical felines. The welfare of the animals is closely monitored, and

regulations ensure that veterinarians are always on hand. Today, cats can be funny, romantic, evil or

dramatic on film, and some of the greatest cat characters have appeared in adverts or in television

shows. The cat continues to entertain generations today, and has a future on film that is certain to

last for many more generations.

Cats as Therapists Cats play an important role in the medical world today as therapists. The main reason for introducing felines into human therapy is to promote the healing benefits of relaxation. Therapy cats are specially

trained in their roles, providing a means of interaction that stimulates beneficial hormone release.

Nursing homes, hospices, retirement villages, schools and other care facilities are involved in

programs that use cats as therapists. Size and breed are no barrier to a cat’s ability to offer therapeutic services, as it is temperament that determines its suitability. Patience, gentleness and confidence are the hallmarks of a suitable candidate, which can at times be handled clumsily by humans struggling

with a range of ailments and conditions. When a therapy cat is introduced to a human, physical

contact includes lifting, climbing, sitting or laying for some time, as well as petting. Children and

the elderly are particularly fond of having contact with animals in times of pain, confusion or stress, and many stroke victims have found cats to be beneficial bed companions as they have healed.

Animal companionship and contact is known to reduce blood pressure and anxiety as a result of

sensory stimulation. Victims of depression who struggle to find a sense of purpose are also ideal recipients, as are young people with developmental, hearing and speech barriers. Sociability is also

an important part of dealing with everyday life, and a cat can provide companionship to many isolated

people. This is especially significant in the treatment of dementia related conditions, as many sufferers feel isolated regardless of the number of people around them. Having a cat to stroke often

increases the mind’s ability to engage with a single, repetitive task, and enables better human to human communication for many. While many institutions are learning about the benefits of cats as

trained therapy tools, there many more healthy people around the world who connect with their cats

and are far less anxious people as a result of their relationship with their feline companions.

T O P C AT B R E E D S Persian The lineage of the Persian cat stretches back into ancient times, and as its name indicates, the breed

originated from somewhere in the region of Persia or Turkey. Persian cats first arrived in Europe in the early 17th century, and the breed quickly became popular there and in the United Kingdom.

Eventually, the Persian arrived in America in the 19th century. The breed is heavy boned and has

large paws on the end of short and stubby legs. The broad chested cat also has large shoulders and a short, thick neck. The Persian’s head is a large one, but the coarseness of its build is saved by huge

expressive eyes set in a sweet looking face.

The nature of the Persian is one of gentle sweetness and affection. They love the company of both

humans and other cats, and they usually get along with most members of a household - human or

animal. The Persian is known to prefer a household without lots of noise, but it also thrives on company, so a balance of activity interspersed with quiet moments is ideal for the breed. Indoors is

its preferred habitat. The Persian has a number of different coat colours, and those colours are divided

into six separate categories for identification and showing purposes. The flat faced Persian is one of

the world’s most popular breeds, and its coat requires grooming daily to avoid matting or knots and

to ensure that skin health is at its peak.

Sphynx Hairless cats are believed to have lived in Mexico at the time of the Aztecs, but the Sphynx is a

purpose bred cat that arrived in Canada in the mid 1960s. Fine boned and muscular, it slightly

resembles the hairless Rex cats of England, but the breeds do not share a common ancestry. The

eyes of the Sphynx are generally the same colour as its skin, as is its nose. The long tailed hairless breed is not totally hairless, as closer inspection reveals the lightest covering of fine hair all over its

body. Possibly as a means of compensating for the lack of a coat, the skin of a Sphynx is quite warm to touch, and it sweats constantly, necessitating a constant bathing routine to remove the resulting

oil that is secreted.

The personality of the Sphynx is one that includes great affection for its human companions, and

although it might initially seem ugly to look at, its inner cat is generally quite beautiful. In terms of

its unusual aesthetics, the Sphynx can be one of a number of colours, and its skin is only wrinkled

on specific parts of its legs, body and head. Elsewhere, the skin remains taut throughout its life.

Unlike many cat breeds, the Sphynx will not overindulge in food for the sake of eating. Instead, it seems to be able to maintain a weight of between four and seven kilograms, and it will generally

regulate its own calorie intake.

Siamese Once considered sacred, the Siamese is a cat around which many legends have been written. The

breed’s ancestry is unknown, however a number of theories include crossbreeding between Burmese and Cambodian breeds. Regardless of its true ancestry, the Siamese cat arrived in Europe and England in the late 19th century. The Siamese has a very striking coat pattern. Its face, ears, tail and paws

have dark points, while the main coat is a often a creamy golden colour, but can also be blue, chocolate, lilac or seal. The shorthaired cat has soft and silky hair, which covers a lean but muscular

frame. Long necked and elegant, the most striking feature on a Siamese cat is its beautiful blue eyes. In terms of personality, the Siamese is character personified, and it lives for attention and interaction with other cats and humans. Highly intelligent and ‘talkative’, it is not unusual for a Siamese cat to

have a running conversation with its human companion and to follow a person around as they continue to ‘chat’. A Siamese cat has characteristics similar to that of a dog, and it will often play ‘catch’ with its human companions. Bonding is extremely important to the Siamese cat, and part of

a relationship includes the cat being the centre of attention. It is also not unusual for a Siamese cat to have a ‘favourite’ human within a household.

Ragdoll The Ragdoll Cat has a history as a specific breed beginning in the 1960s with a Persian or Angora

type cat that was crossbred with a Californian feral cat. The resulting litter had among its number

two male kittens who bred with other cats from their mother's litter. The first Ragdoll Cat registered

with the new breed was a male named Daddy Warbucks. In the 1980s, the breed was introduced into

Europe and Britain. When a Ragdoll kitten is born, it is always all white and then darkens as it

matures. The pattern on a Ragdoll cat can be either mitted, bi-colour or colourpoint, and its eyes are a beautiful shade of blue.

The Ragdoll is known for its ability to immediately relax when picked up. It will go limp in a person's

arms, and it makes an ideal lap cat. The Ragdoll is now being used as an assistance cat, and its love of sitting on human laps makes it an ideal therapy tool for the aged or sick children. The psychological benefits of connecting with an animal, along with the action of petting it, has been beneficial in many

situations, making the Ragdoll a boon in palliative and other care. In its relationship with humans,

the Ragdoll loves to be with people, and its sense of loyalty is much like that of dog's. When not limp and compliant on human laps, the Ragdoll is very active and will follow people around the

house in an attempt to interact.

American Shorthair During America’s early colonisation, European shorthaired cats arrived on ships that used them as

rat catchers. A few cats followed their human shipmates ashore, and they soon set up residence on

farms and in settlements - predominantly as vermin controllers. When cat shows began in the early

20th century, the American Shorthair became a much admired breed, and a breed registry was soon

established. The muscular cat has a long body that exceeds the length of its tail, and its chest is well developed, broad and deep. Medium sized, it has no extreme physical identifiers, and its round head,

standard sized nose and greenish eyes nose verge on the average in feline looks. The American

Shorthair has a short but thick and glossy coat, and up to 80 different colours, patterns and

combinations of both. In general, the male American Shorthair is larger than the female.

In terms of personality, the American Shorthair is a reasonably easy going cat and makes friends

easily. As a kitten, it is extremely playful, and that playfulness lasts through adulthood and only

begins to wane when advanced age sets in. The breed is not the quintessential lap cat, and it prefers

to be in the company of humans rather than adhered to them. Nevertheless, the American Shorthair is happy to be petted and made a fuss of on its terms, but it will equally remain happily independent

when part of a large household. The life span of the American Shorthair generally sits at around 12

to 15 years.

Birman The ancient lineage of the Birman includes its legendary status as the ‘Sacred Cat of Burma’.

Geneticists believe that in history, cats of Siamese origin arrived with invading humans and bred

with the Burmese cat population, although the actual origins of the breed remain unknown. Regardless of its true ancestry, the result was a beautiful, pale and dark pointed cat with brilliant

blue eyes. Shortly after World War I, the Birman arrived in France in the form of a pregnant female,

and the breed was established in Europe. By the mid 1960s, the Birman was in the USA, and it became a registered breed there in 1967.

The Birman is a well proportioned, silky cat that reaches maturity at about three years of age. It has

a round head and a distinctly Roman nose, with high set and angled ears. Aside from its beautiful

eyes, the Birman is also identified through its white-gloved round paws. Sweet natured in disposition,

it remains playful for most of its life, but it needs a reasonable amount of company to remain happy. Generally, a Birman will have a ‘favourite human’ with whom it bonds more deeply than others in

the household. As a semi-longhair cat with a dense coat, it requires a regular grooming timetable to

ensure that hairs are trapped in a brush rather than on furniture or in carpets. Generally living to around 15 years old, the Birman is not a breed that develops any particular health issues as it ages,

and it is known to remain healthy for most of its life.

Exotic The Exotic, or the Exotic Shorthair, is a breed that was recognised in the 1960s. Ostensibly, the

Exotic is a short haired Persian cat that initially came into existence as a result of crossing Persians

with American Shorthairs. Most Exotic litters will contain both long and short haired cats. The Exotic has the round face and snub nose of the Persian, with large and expressive eyes, full cheeks and

round ears. The Exotic has a short and thickset body, and when picked up, it is actually quite heavy

for its size. Its thick, short hair is plush and a delight to stroke, and it comes in virtually every cat

colour imaginable. Grooming is easy with an Exotic, and a cat is generally happy with a weekly

brush to collect any stray hairs, and to stimulate the skin.

The Exotic can be quite playful, but for the majority of its life it is an easy going, almost laid back

cat. Socialising with humans is a favourite pastime for the Exotic, and while it is not as demanding

as some breeds, it will trail a human on his or her travels about the house. A soft mew is generally

all that is heard from the cat if it tries to communicate. The Exotic enjoys a growing number of admirers in breed circles, as well as among the general public as a domestic cat in general. Its health

is similar to that of Persian’s, as is its life span.

Maine Coon The world’s most popular cat today is the Maine Coon, so named as it originated from the state of

Maine in the USA. The breed began in America in the mid 19th century when long haired cats arrived

with sailors on foreign vessels and then bred with the local short haired cat population. Over time,

a new breed began to predominate, marked with a strong physique, a semi-long coat and a bushy

tail similar to that of a raccoon’s. From that similarity and the geography, the name of the Maine Coon emerged. For years, the Maine Coon was a favourite breed in North America, but neutering

cats was popular and led to a decline in numbers. In the mid 20th century, those numbers began to

rise again, and the Maine Coon soon began to appear in Europe and the United Kingdom, eventually

becoming a much loved breed worldwide.

Enormous in stature, the Maine Coon has a powerful body and sturdy legs. Its head is slightly

elongated, and is set off by a firm jawline. The eye colour of a Maine Coon can be anything from green to copper or gold, and its coat can be any colour from dark to white. Over the century and a

half of its development in the colder USA states, the breed has developed a thick coat that consists of an undercoat and a thick waterproof outer coat. The back ruff along its neck is not as heavy in

females, and its tail hair is long and prolific.

Oriental The Oriental resembles the Siamese Cat, but it has various coat colours and none of the pointing of

the Siamese. The breed first appeared in the 1950s as a result of a breeding program between Siamese

cats, Abyssinians and Russian Blues. The first Oriental was born with a brown coat. In the United

Kingdom, the Oriental is known as the Foreign Shorthair. In the 1970s, the Oriental arrived in Europe

and the USA.

The Oriental is an elegant and fine boned cat with a muscular body and a long thin tail that tapers to

a point. Its wedge shaped head, almond eyes and large triangular ears present a beautiful picture.

Combined with a smooth and glossy coat that comes in a variety of colours and patterns apart from

points, Oriental litters can produce a variety of different kittens. There are approximately 600 different Oriental coat variations. In personality, there is little difference between the Oriental and

the Siamese. It is a talkative, intelligent and very sociable breed that remains kittenish well into adulthood. Active and curious, the Oriental also enjoys ‘lap time’ with its human companions, and many individuals have been accustomed to walking out on a leash. The sociable breed loves companionship in human, canine and feline form, and many families have pairs of Orientals as a

means of ensuring that their cat is never alone for long hours. The average life span of the Oriental

is 15 years.

Abyssinian The Abyssinian is one of the world’s oldest known breeds of cat. Its exact origins remain unknown, but its similarity to ancient Egyptian cats lends the theory of Middle Eastern/North African origins.

The Abyssinian first appeared in Europe and Britain in the middle of the 19th century. During that century, Britain’s Crystal Palace hosted cat shows, and an Abyssinian was shown there in 1872 and

was described as having been ‘captured in the late Abyssinian war’. Some cat geneticists believe that the Abyssinian was created through crossbreeding brown and silver tabbies with local ticked

cats. By 1882, the Abyssinian was a recognised breed, and its standard of points was established

before the end of the century.

The long-tailed Abyssinian is an elegant and muscular cat, slender of body with a short and silky

coat. Its wedge shaped head has distinctive almond shaped eyes, and its ears seem disproportionately large. Abyssinian breed colours include tawny, silver and ruddy. In temperament, the Abyssinian is

known to be highly intelligent, and it can be quite the extrovert. It is a very active cat, and it will

even play ‘fetch’ with its human companions. Humans and Abyssinians generally form strong bonds, and although the breed has soft ‘voice’, it will nevertheless communicate often with its feline and

human playmates. Loyal, inquisitive and extremely playful, the Abyssinian is a cat capable of becoming more than a ‘house cat’, and new arrivals will quickly establish themselves as the centre

of life within a human household.

The Oriental is not only intelligent, but it is also physically clever. It is not unusual for an Oriental to learn how to open drawers or cupboards as part of its inquisitive nature.

Kittens have blue eyes when they are born, but their eyes will often change colour as they reach maturity. In some breeds, the blue is permanent, and its intensity is governed by light refraction.

The long haired Persian has a distinctive round face and a short muzzle. The breed was first imported into Europe in the 17th century from the Middle East, where it is known as the Shiraz.

The Maine Coon is often described by its human companions as 'dog-like'. It is an active, intelligent breed that is happiest when socialising with its human house mates.













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