he competition areas for the GHS athletes have gone through an overhaul the past couple of years. Most recently, the football field turf has been replaced after surpassing the 10-year life expectancy. The complete replacement of the turf and addition of a 20-year cushdrain shock pad will ensure the safety of the football and soccer athletes who compete on the field. Due to flooding during the winter storm event in February, the floor in
the competition gym was destroyed, which resulted in an unplanned complete replacement. The softball and baseball teams also benefit from a fairly new turf installation on the baseball and softball fields, which allows for continued competition during the rainy season as well as the ability to host tournaments. The most notable recent improvement in GHS athletic facilities is the addition of a six-court tennis complex. Since the GHS campus opened in 2008, the tennis
athletes have not had an on-campus court on which to practice. Thankfully, an agreement with NCTC allowed the use of their courts. The growing tennis program now has a beautiful facility in which to practice and host tournaments. All athletes continue to utilize the indoor multipurpose facility and weight room, which was a capital improvement project completed in the Fall of 2017. All of these improvements were paid for with the district’s fund balance. Summer 2021 • Gainesville SPOT SPOTlight light •