Publisher & Editor
Tim Beard
Managing Editor
Jana Melton
Assistant Editor
Bobbi Byrne
Diane Ciarloni, Leena Duwadi, Jean Eisenmann, Steve Gamel, Mark Miller
Advertising Inquiries
Graphic Designers
Cayla Davis | Lead Designer
Abby Bryan Steve Wulf Randee Paraskevopoulos
Greg & Jess Photography
Nolensville Town Life Magazine invites reader feedback, story suggestions and general comments. Email tim@nolensvilletownlife.com All submissions become the sole property of Brentwood Resource Group, LLC.
Editorial Inquiries
Call 615.347.5180 or email tim@nolensvilletownlife.com
Address: Brentwood Resource Group, LLC P.O. Box 1025, Nolensville, TN 37135
Nolensville Town Life Magazine is published monthly by Brentwood Resource Group, LLC. Some articles and/or content may be sponsored by advertisers. Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. Nolensville Town Life Magazine is not responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. Advertisers and its agencies assume all liability for advertising content. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without the permission in writing from the publisher. © 2024 Brentwood Resource Group, LLC
Our Historic Museum is an incredible labor of love preserved by members past and present. There, you can find displays that reflect a unique perspective of the history, culture, and identity of Nolensville families throughout the ages.
Guest speakers provide information on interesting subjects of historic and local interest at our bimonthly membership meeting. We also have a potluck dinner which is always delicious.
The Historic School facility includes a Gym and Cafeteria with sound system and stage for community events, such as School House Rocks which is an event for teenagers, youth sports groups that include fencing, basketball, wrestling, summer camps, worship services, community theater, and so much more. Membership is a $25 donation for one voting age member of a household or a $40 donation for two. Please see our website to sign up now! nolensvillehistoricalsociety.org