Strategic Organizational Behavior

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Chapter 7 Workplace Stress

Michael A. Hitt C. Chet Miller Adrienne Colella Slides by R. Dennis Middlemist

Knowledge Objectives 1. 2. 3.


Define stress and distinguish among different types of stress. Understand how the human body reacts to stress, especially the signs of suffering from too much stress. Describe the demand-control model of workplace stress and discuss the most common workplace stressors. Recognize how people experience and manage stress.

Knowledge Objectives 5. 6. 7.

Explain the individual and organizational consequences of stress. Discuss methods that associates and organizations can use to manage stress. Understand the impact of effective stress prevention and management on organizational performance.

Workplace Stress Defined 

Stress –

A feeling of tension that occurs when a person assesses that a given situation is about to exceed his or her ability to cope and consequently will endanger his or her well-being.

Job stress –

The feeling that one’s capabilities, resources, or needs do not match the demands of the job.

Important Considerations: Stress ď Ź

ď Ź

The level of stress experienced depends on individual reactions to a situation The source of stress, or stressor, can be either real or imagined.

Source and Persistence of Stress Source and Persistence of Stress

Source of Stress Emotional stress Physiological stress

Definition Stress that results when people consider situations difficult or impossible to deal with. The body’s reaction to certain physical stressors.

Persistence of Stress Definition Acute stress A short-term stress reaction to an immediate threat. Chronic stress A long-term stress reaction resulting from ongoing situations

Stress Model Stress response


Restores balance Creates imbalance

Body’s energy supply

Stress-Related Conditions Exhibit 7-1

Some Stress-Related Conditions

Conditions that can result from acute stress Feelings of uneasiness and worry Feelings of sadness Loss of appetite Alertness and excitement Increase in energy Short-term suppression of the immune system Increased metabolism and burning of body fat

Adapted from Exhibit 7-1: Some Stress-Related Conditions

Stress-Related Conditions Exhibit 7-1

Some Stress-Related Conditions

Conditions that can result from chronic stress Anxiety and panic attacks Depression Long-term disturbances in eating (anorexia or overeating) Irritability Lowered resistance to infection and disease Diabetes High blood pressure Loss of sex drive

Adapted from Exhibit 7-1: Some Stress-Related Conditions

Stress Levels 

Eustress – – – –

Positive stress Meeting challenges and difficulties Expectation of achievement Energizing and motivating

Dystress – –

– – – – –

Negative stress Physiological and psychological problems Feel irritable Sleeping difficulties No joy out of life Appetite is disturbed Relationship problems

Job Control

Demand-Control Model of Workplace Stress High

Low Strain







Job Demands

Adapted from Exhibit 7-2: The Demand-Control Model of Workplace Stress

Yes! The “most “least stressful” life event is:

Life Event Stressors

Which of the following “Life Events” is the top-ranked stress event (most stressful)? Which is the least stressful event?

• • • • • • • •

Fired from job or laid off Change in financial state Jail term Death of a spouse or life partner Pregnancy Sex difficulties Change in church activities Minor violations of the law

• Change in recreation • Taking on a small mortgage or debt • Change in living conditions • Trouble with your boss • Change in residence • Personal injury or illness • Major business readjustment • Child leaving home

Organizational and Work-Related Stressors 

Stressors –

Environmental conditions that cause individuals to experience stress     

Occupation Work overload Role conflict Role ambiguity Resource inadequacy

   

Working conditions Management style Monitoring Job insecurity

The Art of Compassionate Management      

Read your own and others’ emotional cues and understand the impact such cues have on others Keep people connected Empathize with those who are in pain Act to alleviate the suffering of others Mobilize people to deal with their pain Create an environment where compassionate behavior toward others is encouraged and rewarded

Individual Influences on Experiencing Stress 

Type A vs. Type B Personality –

Type A    

Competitiveness Aggressiveness Impatience Increase their own volume of work overload

Self-esteem –

People with high self-esteem   

Experience greater well-being More resistant to the effects of stressors More likely to engage in active coping behaviors when stressed

Individual Influences on Experiencing Stress 

Hardiness –

Persons high in hardiness tend to    

Have strong internal commitment to their activities Have an internal locus of control Seek challenge in everyday life Experience less sever negative stress reactions

Gender –

Women are generally    

Lower-paid More likely to experience discrimination, stereotyping and workfamily conflict More likely to work in stressful service industries Experience more work-related stress than men

Individual Consequences of Stress Psychological • • • • • • •

Anxiety Depression Low self-esteem Sleeplessness Frustration Family problems Burnout


Behavioral • Excessive smoking • Substance abuse • Accident proneness • Appetite disorders • Violence

Physiological • High blood pressure • Muscle tension • Headaches • Ulcers skin diseases • Impaired immune systems • Musculoskeletal disorders • Heart disease • Cancer

Organizational Consequences of Stress Exhibit 7-3

Managerial Costs of Job Stress

Job stress has been estimated to cost American industry $150 billion per year due to: Absenteeism Diminished productivity Compensation claims Health insurance Direct medical expenses To put this figure into perspective, consider the following: This is 15 times the cost of all strikes combined The U.S. gross domestic product (the market value of the nation’s goods and services) was approximately $10,794 billion in 2003 Total U.S. corporate profits after taxes was $452.9 billion in 2002 500 million workdays are lost each year due to illness and disability 93 million workdays are lost due to associates’ back problems 23 million workdays are lost due to associates’ cardiovascular problems Adapted from Exhibit 7-3: Managerial Costs of Job Stress

Individual Stress Management Exhibit 7-4

What You Can Do to Manage Stress

Exercise regularly. Twenty to 30 minutes of exercise per day benefits you physically and mentally. Practice healthy habits. Get enough sleep. Eat a healthy diet. Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs. Be realistic. Understand your limits and be willing to say “no!” Use systematic relaxation. Meditate. Engage in breathing exercises. Sit quietly and think of only pleasant things. Ten to 20 minutes of reflection can raise your resistance to chronic stress. Develop and use planning skills. Planning can help you avoid stressors and figure out ways to cope with those you do encounter. Simplify your life. Delegate. Get organized. Drop unnecessary and unpleasant activities. Take one thing at a time. Avoid unnecessary overload. Don’t take work problems home. Don’t take home problems to work. Adapted from Exhibit 7-4: What You Can Do to Manage Stress

Individual Stress Management Exhibit 7-4

What You Can Do to Manage Stress

Avoid unnecessary competition. No one is always the best. Give in occasionally. Recognize and accept personal limits. Drop the urge to be “superman” or “superwoman.” No one is perfect. Develop social support networks. Research consistently shows that social support helps mitigate the effects of stress. Don’t try to cope alone. Focus on enjoying what you do. Laugh! Go easy with criticism. Go easy on yourself and others. Look for the positive. Research from the Mayo Clinic suggests that people with a positive outlook on life are healthier and live longer than those with a negative outlook. Take time off. Go on vacation. Spend time everyday doing something you enjoy.

Adapted from Exhibit 7-4: What You Can Do to Manage Stress

Organizational Stress Management What Organizations Can Do to Manage Stress

Increase associates’ autonomy and control. According to the demandcontrol model, increased control should help associates cope with increased demands. Ensure that associates have adequate skills to keep up-to-date with technical changes in the workplace. Increase associate involvement in decision making. This is also a critical feature of the high-involvement workplace. Increase the levels of social support available to associates. Encourage compassionate management, as discussed in the earlier Managerial Advice feature. Provide opportunities for social interaction among associates. Improve physical working conditions. For example, use ergonomically sound equipment and tools. Provide for job security and career development. Provide educational opportunities so that associates can continue to improve their skill sets. Use job redesign and job rotation to expand associates’ skill sets.

Organizational Stress Management What Organizations Can Do to Manage Stress

Design jobs so that they are meaningful and stimulating. Provide healthy work schedules. Avoid constant shifting of schedules. Allow for flex-time or other alternative work schedules. Maintain job demands at healthy levels. For example, reduce overtime, reduce caseloads, and introduce changes carefully. Improve communication to help avoid uncertainty and ambiguity. Develop an occupational stress committee to assess the sources of stress facing associates.

Adapted from Exhibit 7-4: What You Can Do to Manage Stress

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