HRM Report outline

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Human Resource Management Research Report Outline

Recruitment & Selection ‘Hiring the Right People’

Submitted To: Mr. Ghulam Mohammad

Group Members Murtaza Asgher Ali Naeem Ahmed Shazia Siddiq Syeda Farah Naz 2|Page

Syeda Sarah Fatima


Introduction Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. For some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. Employers are always looking for the right staff to fill the job vacancies that they have on offer. Finding the right staff means that recruitment and selection processes are a key factor in the success of any business. In order to be truly effective it is essential that a business has the right kind of personnel. Having people who enjoy their jobs and want to make a success of them can be the making of a company, while uninterested and unsuitable staff can bring a successful business to its knees. In order to ensure the right kind of recruitment and selection of staff means that an employer should be aware of the kind of skills that they want an employee to have. Employers should also be aware of the kind of transferable skills that will be useful to the company. This means that employers need to be quite specific when they advertise a vacancy. If an employer decides to use the services of an agency in the recruitment and selection process, then he/she should be precise in their instructions to the recruitment consultant. One of the most important aspects of the recruitment and selection process is to have a clear framework for short listing candidates for a vacancy. This means that an employer should have some idea of what they want to see on a person’s resume or CV and what kind of experience they expect a potential employee to have had. During the recruitment and selection process it is also wise to establish which qualities and qualifications are essential to the job and which are desirable. Once you have your shortlist of potential employees then you have to decide whether a single interview will suffice or whether you want an interview and presentation. The recruitment and selection process is always easier if an employer can provide a recruitment agency or recruitment consultant with a very specific brief on what they want in an employee. They should also advise the agency/consultant of their own processes of selecting the right candidate. This way the agency or consultant can advise potential candidates at each stage of the recruitment and selection process. Whoever interviews candidates for a position should be ready to provide feedback on that interview, either to the candidate themselves or to the agency representing them. Before the interview (and presentation if stipulated) takes place the employer should have a definite idea of what they are prepared to offer as an employment package. It is not a good idea to be vague 4|Page

at this stage of the process because it is all too easy to forget that when it comes to recruitment and selection the candidate may also be sizing up their potential employer.

Problem Statement – Hiring the Wrong Person hurts everybody Hiring or promoting wrong person is twofold and it is a cost burden both when they are with the organization, and even after they leave. The wrong person takes a longer time to fit into the organization and job role, increasing training costs and loss in revenue. They result in poor productivity and are weak link in the team. The performance of the team suffers, as they are unable to meet deadlines, resulting in delayed project execution and loss in revenue not to mention lower profits. Tangible losses for the organization can be measured, but there are numerous intangible losses that often the companies don’t even bother to assess. A person leaving an organization can affect the motivation level and loyalty of the existing employees especially that of the team they were working with. If it’s a recurring phenomenon, the employees can lose their trust in the management and even right people might start looking elsewhere for opportunities. What happens when right people are hired? RIGHT people for the Right job are the important assets. So we need to hire or promote the right people, who have the right Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge so as to support and contribute to growth and progress of the organization. A person who has the right Attitudes fits into the job role faster and better, increasing his / her chances of staying with the organization longer, and hence the organization gets maximum returns on its investment. Also, it diminishes the costs of rehiring if the person is there to stay. 'So hire people for Attitudes and train them for knowledge and skills' Right people build strong, motivated teams that would eventually increase productivity and add to the bottom line. The right person with the right attitude can positively influence other people working on the same project. So now that the science of psychology gives you the internal view of the person just with a few online psychometric tests why not gain the benefit? Finding the Right person for the Right job is a difficult choice to make without getting to know the inner mind of the candidates. People mask their behavior all the time and more so during interviews. Selecting people for technical skills or knowledge alone does not guarantee success. Use the latest cutting tools in behavioral sciences to get a thorough understanding of the attitudes, thinking styles, core competencies and personality patterns before you make the costly decision to hire. To enhance human optimization, save on valuable resources and reduce attrition, you need to tackle the cause, the root-cause the selection. 5|Page

Setting Milestones – What are we going to do? Following milestones have been set; they will be followed – promptly – in order to get the complete essence of this research paper. •

A brainstorming session held to identify personal goals and objectives

Lookup for references and connections in the corporate world

Formation of basic questionnaire depending on the type of organization

Review of existing literature on subject

Going through the goals and history of the selected organizations

Study of values of the selected organizations

Identification of a personnel to be interviewed from each organization (belonging to the HR department)

Conducting survey research among the employees (hr department) using the preprepared questionnaire

Transformation of collected data into a understandable and configurative information

Workforce diversity plan for recruitment and selection guidelines

Regarding impact of recruitment and selection guidelines

Discussion analysis of results

Writing research synopsis

Bringing out the research findings and proposal of recommendations for amendments

Scope of Study – Why are we doing it? The research will emphasize on advance and improving effectiveness of organization and the people in those organizations. The field of human resources focuses on effective man power provision and making them function better in this agile and continually changing world. This helps in improving the performance of employees and organizations, on the whole. The result will help organizations to take necessary measures to correct the deviations to achieve future goals.


Methodology – How are we going to do it? Here is a plan as to how we will go through the process of collecting data from different organizations: •

Selection of random sample of 50 participants, each belonging to the human resources department of various organizations

Collection of data through conducting interviews - unstructured and structured – of high ranking people in the organizations

Employing appropriate statistical tools to enhance the research findings, probably Microsoft Excel or SPSS ver. 10.0 etc

Qualitative analysis of the found data

Conclusion Recruitment and selection being an extremely serious issue of all the organizations, has become one of the key concerns for the top management. A wrong person on a wrong place could led the organization on a roller coaster ride. Books and journals are filled with examples of people being hired on wrong positions and end up being terminated or resigning, and sending companies in heavy losses. Phase of hiring people should be made in compliance with continues positive changes. We suggest that this study would prove to an effective verdict in this regard. May this finding turn out to be an helpful tool for recruiters out there in the corporate world.



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