Think of your Children and Stay away from Sin What man thinks he is man enough if he is careless to the welfare of his family. I encourage man to think and think again before they indulge in any form of sin.
Just when I sat down to write this post, I was reminded of a song by Reverend James Cleveland that say ‘Only a look at Jesus will turn me away from sin’. This brought to picture that whenever you are tempted to sin, what you do may either deter you from sin or encourage you to go on and sin. Cleveland found looking at Jesus to be the solution in turning him away from sin and this should surely be the case for all Christians. Having said that, I want to mension that sometimes you have to look around for something else that will make you run away from sin. Having options like the one I’m suggesting in this issue will help. I have seen and come to know that the bond between a father and a child can serve many purposes to the good of the entire family. A story of a man who was just about to commit suicide but was saved by the thought of his son is told. He had a lot of trouble with his wife to the point of thinking suicide as the only way out. In this situation, reminding him of his wife would have justified his intention to commit suicide but not with the thought of his son. This man had pulled over next to a cliff in his car and was just about to release the brakes to let the car rollover when then his pastor called. The pastor wanted to know where this man was and this man told him the truth that he was at the verge of committing suicide. This pastor did not remind him of his wife but what would become of his children if he died. The thought of his children helped him changed his mind not to commit suicide. In his case, thinking about his children save his life.
I want to emphasize this point once again now focusing on the common sin with man, ‘adultery’. When you look at that woman that seems to be a good substitute for your wife, and when you feel like it wouldn’t hurt tasting adultery for once, the thought of the consequences to your kinds is most likely to keep you away from this sin. An adult man would know that amongst many of the consequences the sin of adultery leads to divorce, violence, leakage of family resources, sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancy, etc. Yet the most forgotten is the pain that goes to your kids when you and them suffer the consequences. What man thinks he is man enough if he is careless to the welfare of his family. I encourage man to think and think again before they indulge in any form of sin. Let God be our source and we will overcome.
What do you use the Social Network for?
Social Networks have flooded the communication space world over. On average, a person would join more than five but at least keep two them active. According to in an article posted on January 9, 201 3, Social Networking Eats Up 3+ Hours Per Day For The Average American User. The statistics may not differ much for other areas of the world. It is doubtless that some people join and participate in social networks without even realizing it. Some would be surprised when you tell them that WhatsApp is a social network, a favorite recently invented social network that works with cellphone contact numbers. It is also interesting to note that WhatsApp can be installed in a desktop and work similar to how it does on a smart phone.
For many, WhatsApp is easier and cheap to use because it works as a substitute to the traditional SMS service. A Christian father is encouraged to take advantage of any social network he chooses to participate in and use it to strengthen family relations, church communication and preach the Word of God. Pastors can use networks to send out notices and delegate responsibilities. Watch out for the devil at work through social networks. The devil can have many ways of disrupting a family relationship as well as the Christian life of a father that is not careful. Take some time out of social networks and relate to your family and people around you. I would like to share a WhatsApp update that the father’s fellowship in my church received from my pastor in past week. It is highly targeted yet so insightful and relevant. I hope you will enjoy it too.
Tip of the week 30 RULES FOR MEN - 1 . Don’t ever beat your wife for any reason. Prov. 1 9:11 , Prov. 20:3; 2. Don’t ever
forget that your wife is your greatest asset. Prov. 1 2:4, Prov.1 8:22. 3. Don’t ever forget to check the level of peace of your wife. Prov. 27:1 7. 4. Don’t associate with men that lack credibility and generational mindset. Prov.1 3:20. 5. Don’t ever hurt your wife no matter the level of insults passed on you. Col. :1 9, 1 Pet. 2:1 9-20 6. Don’t ever wave off the ideas, advice or suggestions of your wife because of your selfish interest. Pro. 1 :5, Pro. 1 9:20. 7. Never treat your wife as a servant. Eph. 5:29. 8. Never make your wife a negative case study before friends and family. Prov. 5:1 8, Prov. 21 :23 . 9. Never doubt your wife no matter what you know about her past. 1 Cor. 1 3:5. 1 0. Don’t deny your wife of sex. 1 Cor. 7:4-5. 11 . Don’t be careless about the welfare of your home. 1 Tim. 5:8. 1 2. Don’t compare your wife with anyone. 2Cor. 1 0:1 2. 1 3. Never cheat on your wife no matter the condition. Prov. 6:32, Prov. 5:20. 1 4. Never cut short the love you showed to your wife, rather, water it, and nurture it for effective continuous growing. Eph. 5:28-29. 1 5. Never disregard the effort of your wife, rather appreciate her more and more. Prov. 31 :28b. 1 6. Never discuss the weak points of your wife at public opinion polls. Prov. 5:1 7. 1 7. Don’t call your wife unpleasant names such as prostitute, witch, fruitless entity, harlot, useless wife, bastard, rather call her blessed, precious, capable, beautiful and irtuous woman. Col. 4:6, Prov. 31 :28-29. 1 8. NEVER EVER PLACE YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY OR WORK ABOVE YOUR WIFE. 1 9. Don’t be self centered. Eph. 5:28, Phil. 2:3-4. 20. Don’t ever cook up plans against your wife because of your lustful desires. 21 . Never set up a family without having a family vision. Prov. 29:1 8, Hab. 2:2-3 . 22. Never make your wife feel inferior and uneducated before your friends, family, anyone or even you the husband. 23. Never compare your wife’s attitude with your one time girlfriend’s attitude. 2Cor.1 0:1 2. 24. Don’t be lazy to cater for your wife and family. 1 Tim. 5:8. 25. Never allow money to be the bond of love in your marriage. 1 Tim. 6:1 0. 26. Never allow your parents or family members to dictate the affairs of your home, remember, ‘’therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wifeEEE’’. Gen. 2:23-24. 27. Don’t ever let your children come between you and your wife. You married your wife not your children, remember they have their life to live and when married and gone, only your wife will still be with you, to cook for you, comfort you, refresh your body, soul and spirit in the bedroom. Matt. 1 9:6 . 28. Never hide any phone calls, text messages, or password to mailbox from your wife. Transparency is the ultimate key to continuous trust and confidence in marriage. Rom. 1 2:9-1 0 . 29. Never owe your wife anything, always give her the very best; best in love, best care, most precious things and that which belongs to her. Rom.1 3:8 . 30. Never show a heart of ungratefulness to God and your precious wife, always and always be ever grateful for their presence in your life. Prov. 31 :28b
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