1 minute read
Daniel Leber
Buenos Aires, 1988
Daniel Leber builds his unique worldview from the symbology of an array of spiritual cultures. From his many notebooks of automatic drawings, he chooses which motifs he will render geometric in works on canvas and paper. After painting, he often writes something concise about his experience of making a given piece.
The following words written to accompany the work Unum est vas describe Leber’s position, which is not without conflict, on life and contemporary good intentions: “What use are your stones, your incense, you historical materialism, your health shakes, your yoga, your poetry workshops, your ayurveda, your mantras, your astral projections, your political struggles, your Egyptian tarot deck, your Tibetan singing bowls, your marches, your crystals, your indignant posts, your reiki, your healing plants, your sacred geometry, your critical readings, your online shaming, your healing gongs, your tai chi, your deconstructed preferences, your counterhegemonic babbling, your Tao? What use is all that if you don’t even realize that your neck itches and you are scratching it?
I like my mystical trip. Raw, barely cooked, artisanal, rustic and polished, sabotaged time and again.”