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Sustainability Management
The ethical and Good Governance principles that govern the actions of the Museum and set the ethical guidelines for the actions of the Board of Trustees and its professionals are:
In this sense, the Museum carried out a
materiality analysis in order to identify the most relevant sustainability issues for both the Museum and its main stakeholders.
The process consisted of the following phases: 1. Identification of material issues, based on a benchmarking of relevant Museums and an analysis of the main public news and initiatives at an international and national level. In addition, sustainability standards such as SASB and GRI were analysed, as well as regulations applicable to non-financial information. In this phase, 27 issues were identified and grouped into five areas: Economic, People, Governance,
Environmental and Society.
Sustainable economic management Search for alternative financing Conservation and preservation of heritage Artistic offer Supplier management Visitor experience Visitor safety Data privacy and information security Digital transformation Innovation of content and experience
Ethical management Good governance and transparency
Equal opportunities Employment People Employee health and safety Training of professionals in museums Balance between personal and professional life
Accessibility Equal access to culture Society Adaptation of fees for certain groups Promoter of education and culture Connection with the community Communication and marketing strategy
Environmental Sustainable use of resources (energy/water) Energy transition and climate change Circular Economy and Waste Management Internal and external environmental awareness
2. Consultation with internal and external
stakeholders. The Museum sent a questionnaire both to a sample of its main stakeholders and to its Directorate and Headquarters in order to collect their assessment of the issues identified in the previous phase.
3. Prioritisation of material issues. Based on the analysis of the valuations of the stakeholders and of the Management and Headquarters, a list of the material issues was obtained, prioritised from highest to lowest relevance. 4. Preparation of the materiality matrix based on the results obtained. Said matrix collects the issues according to the level of relevance for the
Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum and its stakeholders. The results have been validated by the General Management.