america letter | SPRING 2018 + 2017 ANNUAL REPORT

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america letter

Spring 2018 + Annual Report | A benefit of membership in the Museum of Danish America

Danish Ambassador to the U.S. Lars Gert Lose fields questions from Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton students.

inside WWII for Danish Americans Immigrant diaries

contents 07

boArD meetinG


WWii DAnish AmericAn eXperience


in their oWn WorDs


eXhibits neWs


intern and board news


curatorial highlights


naming opportunities


WWii: the Danish American experience


Danish Ambassador Visit


new members and old friends


collection connection


exhibits and events


2017 Annual report


Where are they now?


stories from the Genealogy center


Dining under rationing


Victor borge Legacy Award Winners


planned Giving

on the cover The U.S.’s top Danish diplomat toured the Danish Villages of Iowa. Read about it on page 19.


America Letter Spring 2018, No. 1 Published three times annually by the Museum of Danish America 2212 Washington Street, Elk Horn, Iowa 51531 712.764.7001, 800.759.9192, Fax 712.764.7002 |

director’s corner Let’s begin the first issue of the America Letter this year with a Hans Christian Andersen quote. In the song “Brødre, meget langt herfra” it is lamented that Skade, at Amerika skal ligge saa langt herfra – “shame, that America has to be so far away.” I am sure most of you can relate. Despite his adventurous spirit and declared love of travel, the great poet never did make it to America. Our world is a lot smaller now, but distance remains a barrier. It certainly was the reason I hadn’t been home for Christmas since 2011. We finally made it back over for the holidays last year and got to spend some much overdue quality time with friends and family. A personal highlight was overwhelming my cousins onceremoved (two girls, ages 7 and 9) with every variety of American candy I could get a hold of. Playing the role of the strange relative from America bearing unexpected gifts was just about the best time I had all year.

We arrived back to the U.S. in time for my biometrics appointment at Homeland Security in Omaha. These things are always a bit intimidating, but I must admit that my overall immigrant experience has been a very comfortable one. At one point, one of the immigration officers, upon hearing that I was Danish, even asked if I knew about “this museum out in Iowa.” Someone else wanted to discuss Danish furniture. The ease of it all stands in contrast to many other immigrant stories, past and present, we normally hear about. The first waves of Danish immigrants came to America to seek out a better life, driven from their home country because of a lack of opportunities. Most Danes who come over here now are not driven by lack of opportunities, but because they have so many. Whether your Danish-American connection is one of lineage and the struggle of the early pioneers, or you came over in your own lifetime, we are proud to be the stewards of your story.

We are also proud that so many of you make it to Elk Horn to visit us. We increased our attendance numbers to 8,700 last year, the highest numbers in 16 years! Our reach, however, goes far beyond our presence in Iowa. Between our traveling exhibits and our public events, we reached an additional 75,000 people. With a highly successful 2017 behind us, we are excited about looking to the future. Following our accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums, we are reaching out to you this year to ask how we can improve the ways in which we fulfill our mission to celebrate Danish roots and American dreams. What we learn from your feedback will inform the next strategic plan for the museum. We want to learn more about who you are, why you appreciate the museum, and how we can be more relevant to you.*

*Take the survey at

By Rasmus Thøgersen

America Letter


While dreaming big and imagining the opportunities in front of us, we must also be cognizant of the potential challenges on the road ahead. Numerous spokespeople from the nonprofit sector have voiced their concerns regarding the recent tax reform. The basic argument is this: with the increase in the standard deduction, fewer people will itemize their deductions. For some people, this creates less of a financial incentive to donate to charitable organizations, which, in turn, could reduce the support we would receive from our members. Time alone can tell what, if any, impact it will have on the nonprofit sector in general and on our museum, specifically. We can all agree that taxes are complicated, and, with the final bill being in flux until the last minute, there was a lot of confusion as to what it all meant. We can offer some ideas to our members to help minimize their taxes, while helping to support their favorite charities. One strategy is to bunch your charitable donations and other tax deductions, such as real estate taxes and estimated state tax payments, every other


Museum of Danish America

year to exceed the standard deduction. Another approach is to establish a donor-advised fund, which is particularly useful if you have appreciated assets and want to save on capital gains taxes. Another strategy, for members who are 70 ½ or older, is to distribute a portion of your required minimum distribution from your IRA directly to a charity. A qualified charitable distribution from your IRA account can reduce your taxable income and, perhaps, lower your future Medicare premiums. I encourage you to talk to your tax advisor regarding your individual tax situation. Everyone’s situation is different, but there are still plenty of ways you can continue to support the charities close to your heart - and reap the tax benefits. Being a happy Dane (and now a happy American), I remain optimistic about all this. The willingness to support others, whether it be with volunteer hours, expertise, or financial means, is one of the finest qualities of the American society. When talking about Denmark, we often refer to studies on happiness and equality and how Denmark always ranks among the best in the world. According to the World Giving Index, the United States consistently ranks among the most charitable countries in the world. Since arriving here, I have been amazed at the willingness to contribute and help. Even without the direct financial incentive, philanthropy is part of the DNA of this country.

Let me share a story of philanthropy for which I am particularly grateful. In December of last year, former museum board member Dennis J. Andersen donated the Genealogy Center’s physical home on Main Street in Elk Horn to us. He was the one who took it upon himself to renovate the building in 2000 – 2001; he designed and personally oversaw the construction. Everyone agrees that Dennis did a fantastic job matching the museum’s architecture while giving the space its own unique character. During the renovation project, Dennis was visited by Kay Esbeck, a fellow 1959 graduate of Elk Horn-Kimballton High School and former board member. When she saw what he was doing, she convinced her family to donate $100,000 from the Trust of her parents, Ruth and Howard Esbeck, to furnish the building and help get the Genealogy Center started. Continuing that tradition, David Esbeck, Kay’s brother and a current museum board member, recently agreed to upgrade our computers - not just at the Genealogy Center - but throughout the entire organization. Over the years the Genealogy Center has been very successful and has been mentioned by The Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle as the destination for anyone wishing to research their Danish ancestry. We now own a permanent location on Main Street and look forward to doing genealogy research for DanishAmericans for many years to come.

There is a certain point where increased financial wealth no longer contributes to your personal happiness and wellbeing. Beyond that, other things become important. Let me end this Director’s Corner as I started it, by referring to

Andersen. In “The Flax” – a short story about change and transition - it is stated that: Nu gør jeg gavn i verden, og det er det man skal gøre, det er den rette fornøjelse – “Now I shall be of some use in the world, as everyone ought to be; it is the only way to be happy.”

There is a lot of truth in that statement. We are all here to help each other. All the best, Rasmus

staff & interns Executive Director Rasmus Thøgersen, M.L.I.S. E: rasmus.thoegersen Administrative Manager Terri Johnson E: terri.johnson Development Manager Deb Christensen Larsen E: deb.larsen Communications Specialist, America Letter Editor Nicky Christensen E: nicky.christensen Accounting Manager Jennifer Winters E: jennifer.winters Building & Grounds Manager Tim Fredericksen E: tim.fredericksen

Albert Ravenholt Curator of Danish-American Culture Tova Brandt, M.A. E: tova.brandt Curator of Collections & Registrar Angela Stanford, M.A. E: angela.stanford Archival Collections Manager Cheyenne Jansdatter, m.l.i.s. E: cjansdatter Design Store Manager Nan Dreher E: nan.dreher Administrative Assistant Sadie Colebank, M.A. E: scolebank

Genealogy Center Manager Kara McKeever, M.F.A. E: kara.mckeever Genealogy Assistant Wanda Sornson, M.S. E: wanda.sornson Executive Director Emeritus John Mark Nielsen, Ph.D. E: johnmark.nielsen Weekend Staff Terri Amaral Rochelle Bruns Beth Rasmussen Rodger Rasmussen Interns Iben Kromann Peter Dam-Hein Katie Thompson

why “america letter?” Letters that were written by immigrants to family and friends back in Denmark are called “America letters” by historians. These letters are often given credit for influencing people to come to America, because they were full of details of how good life was here. We call our magazine America Letter because we also want to tell the good news about the museum and encourage people to join us!

To Contact Staff Use the prefix for the staff member shown after E:, followed by

America Letter


museum welcomes new interns Iben Kromann Hello. My name is Iben, and I am one of the new Scan Design Foundation interns at the museum. I have a bachelor’s degree in Dramaturgy (Theater Arts) and Museology from Aarhus University. Now, I am in my third semester of my master’s program in Performance Design and Educational Studies from Roskilde University. I have been very active in the theater community in my home city of Silkeborg and in student productions at Aarhus University. I have both acted on stage and worked on costumes and set construction backstage. In many ways the U.S. is my second home, as I lived here for a year in 2007 as an exchange student, and, since then, have traveled quite extensively around the country. I am very happy and excited to be back, and I’m thrilled that this time I will be working with another passion of mine: museums.

Iben Kromann and Peter Dam-Hein


Museum of Danish America

At the museum, I will be designing a tour for Bedstemor’s House, where I will be playing a firstperson character who lives in the house. Through this character I can immerse visitors in the atmosphere of the early 20th century and show them what life was like for immigrants in Elk Horn at the time. I am also working on a mini exhibition on the history of coffee in Denmark and the social aspects of consuming coffee. I am looking forward to working on these projects and all the other things that may come my way during this internship. Peter Dam-Hein My name is Peter Dam-Hein. I’m from the town of Løgumkloster in North Schleswig, and I’m currently studying to be a teacher at Den frie Lærerskole in Ollerup, Southern Funen. I’m a bit of a jack-of-all-trades; I am (amongst other things) a trained church singer, have studied a little theology and quite a bit of musicology at the university in Aarhus, and taken the basic course at an organic agricultural school. I’ve taught knitting, been a church verger, care worker, substitute teacher, farmhand, and have worked at a couple of warehouses - most recently hauling and packing tons of vulcanized rubber at the largest tire warehouse in Europe.

One of my biggest interests has always been music, and for the majority of the past 20 years, I’ve sung in church choirs. I’ve performed with choirs in Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, The Faroe Islands, Spain, and Poland, given concerts with my father in Belarus, and been the church singer at a prison church. At the museum I’ll be working on a project dealing with the collection of oral histories. There is a lot of material that hasn’t been touched since the recordings were made in the 70s and 80s, and my first task will be to do quite a bit of detective work, figuring out some basic facts about the material and its contents. I’ve set up shop at the Genealogy Center, and I’m spending about half of my time working for the genealogy department, translating Danish and German texts into English, helping to decipher old handwriting, and finding dodgy Danes in 19th century records especially fellows who didn’t die where their family thought they did. I’m glad to be here, and I’m sure I’ll be having a lot of interesting experiences in the U.S., both in Elk Horn and when traveling with the museum! Blog Check danishmuseuminterns. weekly for updates on their activities!

board of directors meet in tempe February 8-10, 2018

Tempe, Arizona was the site for our February board of directors meeting. The museum has many members who have either retired or “winter” there, and yes, there is also Danish history in Tempe! The Petersen House Museum, affiliated with the Tempe History Museum, was built by a Danish immigrant in 1892. Niels Petersen came to the Salt Valley in 1872 and became one of Tempe’s wealthiest and most revered citizens. He built the Queen Anne Victorian style home for his second wife, Susanna; both are buried on the property. The Museum of Danish America has had an ongoing partnership with the Tempe History Museum since 2006, when we were asked for assistance in planning a Danish Christmas at the home.

Social events included dinner for board members, spouses, and staff, hosted by Board Secretary Carolyn Larson and husband, Jerry, at their home on Thursday evening. Earlier in the day the executive committee met there – a much more comfortable place

for a meeting than a hotel board room! We also enjoyed a tour of the Tempe History and Petersen House Museums, mountain hiking for spouses, and a luncheon on Saturday with over 40 members of the Phoenix/Tempe DanishAmerican community joining us.

Board Members Tim Burchill, Jamestown, ND, President Beth Bro-Roof, Cedar Rapids, IA, Vice President Carolyn Larson, St. Paul, MN, Secretary Karen Suchomel, West Branch, IA, Treasurer Bente Ellis, San Jose, CA Anders Sand, Kansas City, MO Carl Steffensen, Houston, TX Carol Svendsen, Denver, CO Cindy Larsen Adams, Littleton, CO Craig Molgaard, Little Rock, AR Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA David Esbeck, San Diego, CA David Hendee, Omaha, NE Dorothy Stadsvold Feisel, Chestertown, MD Eric Olsen, Racine, WI

Garey Knudsen, Hutchinson, MN Glenn Henriksen, Armstrong, IA Honorary Consul Anna Thomsen Holliday, Houston, TX Honorary Consul Karen Nielsen, Overland Park, KS Linda Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Marnie Jensen, Nebraska City, NE Merlyn Knudsen, Elk Horn, IA Ole Sønnichsen, Bjert, Denmark Peder Hansen, Omaha, NE Randy Ruggaard, Hudson, OH Ex-Officio Dennis Larson, Decorah, IA Kai Nyby, LaPorte, IN Mark Frederiksen, Peyton, CO Nils Jensen, Portland, OR

By Terri Johnson

America Letter


The committees (Collections, Design Store, Development, Genealogy, Facilities, Finance, and Nominating) typically meet on Friday, with the meeting of the entire board occurring Saturday morning. An event with museum members and friends from the Danish-American community is held sometime during the board meeting, depending on our location and what happens to be on our agenda. It’s always great fun to see old friends and meet new people! The next board meeting is scheduled for June 14 – 16 in Tyler, Minnesota.

Board Front: Linda Steffensen, Dagmar Muthamia, Beth Bro-Roof, Tim Burchill, Garey Knudsen, Dorothy Stadsvold Feisel, Cindy Larsen Adams; Second: Dave Esbeck, Marnie Jensen, Merlyn Knudsen, Bente Ellis, Rasmus Thøgersen, Anders Sand, Carolyn Larson, Carol Svendsen; Back: Eric Olesen, David Hendee, Glenn Henriksen, Peder Hansen, Karen Nielsen, Randy Ruggaard. Absent: Anna Thomson Holliday, Craig Molgaard, Ole Sønnichsen, Carl Steffensen, Karen Suchomel 8

Museum of Danish America

wwii: the danish american experience

When Denmark was invaded by Nazi Germany in 1940, almost half a million Danishborn and second-generation Danish Americans were living in the USA. They quickly organized to work to support Denmark’s freedom and reputation. Danes in America and Danish Americans engaged in many different activities – from high-level diplomacy and writing press releases to raising funds for war bonds, making care packages for sailors, and sewing clothes to send to Denmark. Danish Americans were also active in the armed forces and the Merchant Marine. When Nazi German soldiers crossed the borders into Denmark to occupy the country in the early morning hours of April 9, 1940, many people far away from Denmark were affected. In the United States, the fate of this small European country likely felt particularly important to Danish Americans. The census of 1940 lists approximately 138,000 Danish-born people living in the United States and 306,000 secondgeneration Danish Americans – people whose mother, father or both had been born in Denmark. The editorial staff of The Danish Pioneer sums up the events in Denmark and captures the feelings of its readers with a framed notice on the front page in the first issue of this Danishlanguage U.S. newspaper following the occupation of Denmark: To the Readers of the Pioneer Very unexpected, our innocent old mother country has become tangled up in the clash of the European great powers. The night between Monday and Tuesday, a German army has occupied the country. Following orders, the Danish military did not attempt to fight them – which would probably have been hopeless – and Germany had prior to the invasion guaranteed that the country’s independence would be respected. ... We are of course aware that many Danish minds over here are now full of worry about the calamity which has struck our mother country – and especially among the ones who have parents, siblings and other close family in Denmark, and we shall as always attempt to get our readers as quick and reliable news as possible.1 ...


By Catrine Kyster Giery

01. Flag Framed fifteen-star flag representing members of the Clear Lake, Iowa, Danish Lodges who served in the armed forces during WWII. 2010020001

©Leslie Perkins

America Letter


During the war, readership of Danish-language American newspapers went up as they were the best source of information about conditions in Denmark which were not covered in detail by American papers. The actual invasion of Denmark, though, made the front page of the New York Times in a headline covering all eight columns: “GERMANS OCCUPY DENMARK, ATTACK OSLO; NORWAY THEN JOINS WAR AGAINST HITLER; CAPITAL IS REPORTED BOMBED FROM AIR.”2 Denmark did not resist the occupation with military force, and Danish Americans and Danes in the U.S. felt it was


important to stress to Americans that Denmark was not a willing accomplice of the Germans – that it was not a Nazi-German lapdog. The Danish Ambassador to the United States, Henrik Kauffmann, quickly published a statement which guided Danish Americans during the next five years. Distancing himself from the elected officials in Denmark, Kauffmann declared that he would work for the reestablishment of a free and independent Denmark and that many would work with him. And so they did. Within days of the German invasion of Denmark, Danish Americans organized to support Denmark and they continued throughout

the war. From 1940 to 1945, Danes in the United States and Danish Americans were active in diplomacy, in trying to influence public opinion, raising money to support the war effort, helping Danish refuges in Sweden, collecting clothes, supplying Danish merchant marines with care packages – as well as putting themselves in harm’s way as members of the armed forces and the Merchant Marine. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Danish American activities became part of a much larger effort – one small ethnic piece in a quilt of many different military and home front activities.


02. Support Stamps Danish American goodwill stickers for envelopes. Published by NADA, the National America Denmark Association. Author’s collection. 03. Denmark in Revolt The book “Denmark In Revolt” was written by Caspar Hasselriis in 1943 and published to inform Americans about the occupation of Denmark and Denmark’s resistance to it.

10 Museum of Danish America

Diplomacy on many levels Initially in 1940, Danish ambassador Kauffmann was working with both Danish officials in Denmark – who were cooperating with the German forces – and trying to convince the Americans that Denmark was not cooperating too much with the Germans. However, a year after the invasion of Denmark, Kauffmann signed an agreement authorizing the U.S. military to operate on the then Danish colony of Greenland. This led to a charge of high treason by the Danish government and the official cooperation between Denmark and its representative in the United States ended. Kauffmann continued his maverick work, and after the war the charge of treason was revoked – Kauffmann was celebrated and given a post as minister in the postwar government of Denmark.


While Kauffmann worked on the diplomatic front, a group of prominent Danish Americans founded the organization American Friends of Danish Freedom and Democracy the day after Denmark surrendered to the Germans. In an effort which nowadays may be termed public diplomacy and media relations, the organization set out to win the hearts and minds of Americans. Led by Danish American Caspar Hasselriis with assistance from public relations professional Edward L. Bernays, the organization set out to monitor, inform and influence public opinion. Initially, the organization focused its efforts on showing Denmark as a cultured and democratic nation that had been occupied against its will. After 1943, their goal of framing Denmark in a positive way became easier as

events in Denmark became more obviously anti-German with an increase in the activities of the Danish resistance movement, general strikes, and the escape of the Danish Jews from Denmark to Sweden. Working under a number of different names, the organization published press releases and weekly newsletters about Denmark which were disseminated to Danish-language newspapers in the free world, governmental offices, consulates, embassies, and Danish organizations and their members. A biweekly bulletin Danish Listening Post was disseminated to American newspapers and magazines, radio stations and educational institutions. The organization also produced letters to the editors and articles for magazines and newspapers, brochures about Denmark’s fight as well as war posters.


04. Pro Dania medal. The Danish King Christian X’s Medal of Freedom was established in 1946 and was awarded to foreigners and Danes living abroad who made special contributions on behalf of Denmark during WWII. This medal was given to Delores Jespersen in Nebraska who was part of a group collecting clothes to send to Denmark. 05. Men in Service List of men in service. Printed on Rear Squad stationary and dated July 7th, 1943. The Rear Squad in Chicago supported Dania members who served in the armed forces. America Letter 11

The effort to influence public opinion to support Denmark also took place “on the ground.” In the summer of 1940, in New York City and San Francisco, participation in the World’s Fair and the Golden Gate International Exposition respectively became, for the first time, organized locally rather than with support from Denmark. The exhibitions became gathering points for Danish Americans and friends of Denmark and the official ceremonies and speeches expressed support for Denmark. At the Danish pavilion at New York’s World Fair, young women in Danish national costume handed out pamphlets and postcards to visitors, rallying support for Denmark.

Danish organizations and volunteer work The war-related work of a large number of Danish American organizations, churches, institutions and clubs throughout the country also began soon after the Germans invaded Denmark. On May 4, 1940, the board of the Danish Brotherhood in America (the largest Danish American organization at the time) founded the umbrella organization National America Denmark Association (NADA). Before the war was over, over 500 Danish American organizations as well as many individual members had joined NADA, organizing a total number of 75,000-100,000 people.

One of NADA’s important goals was fundraising. Local members put together events to raise money for a number of causes, including Danish refugees in Sweden. Through the Danish Refugee Fund, over $100,000 was sent to Sweden to aid a convalescent home for refugees and to support the illegal shipping routes between Denmark and Sweden. From 1942, NADA organizations became very active in war bond drives. In California, Danish Americans raised such large funds that a Liberty Ship was named for the famous Danish California pioneer Peter Lassen. Danish American efforts in New York State raised $22 million and a ship was named Niels Poulsen after the founder of the American Scandinavian Foundation. Among the war bond drives were specific ethnic events such as Denmark Day in Seattle in the summer of 1943 and Denmark Week in Worcester, Massachusetts, in November 1944. From 1943, another way to do one’s bit for Denmark was to participate in one of the over 125 Danish War Relief clubs that were created to collect and/or create clothes to be shipped to people in Denmark who were perceived to be in dire need of clothes. In the fall of 1945, a total of 220 tons of clothing with an estimated value of $300,000-500,000 was shipped to Denmark. Many Danish American women were also active in the American Red Cross, some in special Danish American Red Cross chapters.


06. Certificate. Membership certificate documenting Luther Memorial Church’s donation to the National America Denmark Association.

12 Museum of Danish America

Armed forces and merchant marines The number of Danish Americans who joined the armed forces has been estimated at 30,000 but it’s hard to say if this number is accurate. ‘Danish American’ is not an official group and is not singled out in any statistics, and Danish Americans did not join a specific regiment. By 1940, most Danishborn men in the United States were already either American citizens and/or too old to serve in the military. Danish British-led efforts to make Danish Americans join specific military forces in England quickly fizzled out. However, once the United States entered the war, there is no doubt that many Danish Americans joined up or were drafted and fought side by side with other Americans, and local Danish American organizations rallied to support and honor their GIs. On April 9, 1940, many Danish sailors and ships found themselves outside of Danish waters. Many of them joined the allied war effort. 240 Danish merchant marine ships and around 6,000 Danish seamen – 2,000 of them onboard American ships – crossed the Atlantic on highly dangerous journeys. One of the activities of the Danish groups in the United States was to make and distribute care packages to these Danish sailors. Around 1,000 Danish seamen lost their lives in WWII.

Victory In the first issue of The Danish Pioneer following the liberation of Denmark in May 1945, the front page headline announces that “Denmark is free again” and features three framed poems celebrating “The Day of Release” written by Emanuel Nielsen. The first poem begins: “Open the gate to Denmark’s old house/and leave every window wide open/ so that the roaring cry of freedom/ can reach all the peoples of the world.” Contrary to Danes in Denmark, Danish Americans were in a situation in which they could openly support the return of a free Denmark, and it appears that they engaged in many activities to do this right from the beginning of the occupation. Once the United States joined the war, Danish Americans continued their work for Denmark and joined in the war effort of the entire USA. The two goals were intertwined and overlapping to a great extent. However, while winning the war was important to all Americans, the exact fate of Denmark – the

welfare of its citizens and whether it was perceived and accepted as an allied nation and member of the UN – likely weighed heavier on the minds of Danish Americans than many other Americans. The work of Danish Americans and Danes in America in framing the perception of Denmark in the USA was important for the future of Denmark. On the home front or putting their lives on the line, Danish Americans participated in the work to enable Denmark to eventually open its windows and leave the windows open. For a list of the sources used in this article and to read more about Danish Americans during WWII, please go to: www.danesusawwii. com to see the virtual exhibit on which this article is based. Born in Denmark, Catrine Kyster Giery now lives in South Carolina and is pursuing a master’s degree in history at American Public University. She holds a degree in journalism from the Danish School of Journalism, Denmark, and a master’s degree in International Communications from Leeds University, England.

1 “To the Readers of the Pioneer,” author’s translation, Den Danske Pioneer [The Danish Pioneer], April 11, 1940, the Digital Library of Danish American Newspapers and Journals, accessed January 17, 2018, 2 New York Times, April 9, 1940, accessed January 17, 2018, Late City Edition, TimesMachine, 3 Emanuel Nielsen, “Forløsningens Dag” [The Day of Release], author’s translation, The Danish Pioneer, May 10, 1945, the Digital Library of Danish American Newspapers and Journals, accessed January 17, 2018,

The exhibition Denmark, October 1943: Occupation and Resistance will be on view at the Museum of Danish America from September 29, 2018 through March 17, 2019. The exhibition is sponsored by The Danish Home in Croton-on-Hudson, New York, and Thanks to Scandinavia.

Across Oceans, Across Time, Across Generations 13

wwii through artifacts Many museum collections have pieces that tell the story of American involvement in World War II, both from the military side and the home front. Unique to our collection are pieces that represent Danish Americans, as well as wartime efforts to help Nazi-occupied Denmark. Here we focus on military careers, local welcomes and recognitions, and aid and assistance efforts during this monumental time in world history, as told through a handful of artifacts within the collections of the Museum of Danish America.


Adolph S. Petersen was born to Danish immigrant parents in North Dakota in 1907. He later attended Dana College and Trinity Seminary in Blair, Nebraska and was ordained in 1935. In 1941, Petersen joined the U.S. Army and served as Chaplain for two and a half years. Another military chaplain, this time for the U.S. Naval Reserves, was C.C. Madsen, serving from 1942 to 1946. Like Petersen, he attended school in Blair. Between 1956 and 1971, he served as president of Dana College.

Loved ones at home showed pride in their service members both during and after the war through public means. Many had jewelry, like lockets or pins, made with a soldier’s photo inside, and others made quilts listing the names of every service member within a specific county or church. The Danish Brotherhood and Sisterhood lodges in Clear Lake, Iowa jointly created a flag on which are fourteen blue stars and one gold star, each representing a lodge member who had served. The corner stars represent soldiers who had been injured, and the gold star at the center of the circle honors one who had been killed.


By Angela Stanford

01. Coat Adolph Petersen served primarily in North Africa, India, and China in his capacity as chaplain in the U.S. Army. 2000.250.001. 02. Pin Fred and Egidia Sorensen of the Exira, Iowa area had two sons serve in the armed forces during WWII. While we are unsure which man it is, this pin features either Marion or Floyd Sorensen. 2001.170.001.

14 Museum of Danish America

Many churches, social clubs, schools, and communities held “welcome home” ceremonies as service members returned. The Dania Rear Squad in Chicago sent out bright yellow invitations for a “Victory Party” in October 1946. A Danish American Athletic Club program details plans for an evening of remarks, songs, and dining in May of 1946, also honoring returning service members. Danish-American communities across the country were aware of the struggles in Denmark because of the war and the occupation by the Nazis. Area churches, businesses, and even individual families gathered and sent supplies. Some recipients showed gratitude by reaching out after the war. Through a local program, Flossie Maley of Stanton, Iowa sent coffee, spices, and other supplies to a family outside of Copenhagen. The Danish family thanked her by sending her several gifts in the late 1940s.


In addition, both relief societies and the Danish government itself recognized the efforts of these groups. The America Denmark Relief Incorporated sent receipts for each financial donation received toward their efforts, including one to Luther Memorial Church in Des Moines. The King of Denmark issued a Medal of Freedom to all those who were documented to have helped with the relief efforts. A framed certificate and medal reference the contributions of businessman and Danish immigrant Thorvald George Muller. The museum has several Medals of Freedom recognizing other contributers as well.

Archival materials and photographs help provide additional context for the museum’s WWII pieces, as does an unusually complete collection from a single U.S. Army soldier that includes sleeping bags, can openers and sewing kits, clothing, food rations, and more. These pieces give life to the details of this war and recognize the people who served on the frontlines and at home.


03. Bib Though Flossie Maley of Stanton, Iowa was not Scandinavian, she felt compelled to send relief supplies to Denmark. As a thank you, the Danish family she helped sent this bib as a gift for Maley’s first grandchild. 1997.039.002. 04. Certificate/medal T.G. Muller was a prominent businessman in Kimballton, Iowa. He sent many supplies from his grocery store and was recognized by the King of Denmark for his generosity. 2017.043.001. Collection Connection 15

where are they now?

SINCE 2004 THE MUSEUM HAS BENEFITTED GREATLY FROM ITS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AND THE OUTSTANDING STUDENTS WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED. HERE, FORMER INTERN ERIN HARNEY REFLECTS ON HER EXPERIENCE. I was very fortunate to intern with Angela Stanford in the Museum of Danish America’s collections department from August 2007 to May 2008. During that time, I received thorough training in collections management while helping to complete the museum’s inventory and reduce the accessioning backlog.

During this internship, I decided to focus my career in collections management – to have the privilege to preserve the stories of individuals, families, and communities through their artifacts and archival material. Angela was an excellent role model. Her dedication to the profession and quality of work in preservation and care set the standard by which I now base my own work. Following the completion of my graduate degree from Northern Illinois University in anthropology and museum studies, I worked briefly in the museum’s exhibitions department before departing for the University of Alabama. Initially hired to manage the archaeological collections, I was later selected as director of the Gorgas House Museum. As director, I managed all aspects of the museum – from care of the historic structure and artifact conservation, to exhibition development, grant writing, and event planning. While at the university, I completed a second master’s in business management and served as president of the Alabama Museums Association.

By Erin Harney

16 Museum of Danish America

In 2013 I accepted my current position at the Alabama Power Company, where I work in the corporate archives and museum and public relations department. One of the best parts of my current position is managing the collection – with over 100 years of corporate and state history. I credit my internship at the Museum of Danish America with helping to prepare me for this work. In appreciation for having a career that I love, and wanting to ensure that I continue to learn and grow within the profession, I have recently begun the University of Alabama’s Master of Library and Information Studies program. I reside in Birmingham, Alabama, where I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and sailing, and often travel to Nashville, Tennessee, to visit my sister. It was a pleasure to be a part of the Museum of Danish America and live in such a wonderful community. I will forever be grateful to Elk Horn and the museum for the wonderful experience and even better memories.

victor borge’s piano continues a legacy Four young musicians filled the museum with music during piano recitals on Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22. This is the seventh year of the Victor Borge Legacy Award, a program organized by the museum and supported by a gift from R. James and Janet Borge Crowle of Saint Michaels, Maryland, with additional support provided by the Eric and Joan Norgaard Trust, the Charles W. and Norma J. Wilson Foundation, and Des Moines Public Schools.

The winners were selected in piano competitions organized by the Southwest Iowa Music Teachers Association and the Omaha Music Teachers Association. Each competitor performed multiple piano solo works in front of a judge, and winners also prepared a written essay about the life and legacy of Victor Borge. Special thanks to the essay reviewers: Janet Borge Crowle, Kristi Johnson, and Dawn Nielsen.

The Victor Borge Legacy Award is designed to encourage young pianists in the Omaha, Des Moines, and Southwest Iowa regions while honoring the memory of Danish immigrant musician and comedian Victor Borge (1909-2000).

This year’s winners:


Madeline Koch, Council Bluffs, Iowa Second-place winner in the Southwest Iowa region Taylor Bowers, Des Moines, Iowa First-place winner in the Des Moines region

Laura Liu, Omaha, Nebraska Second-place winner in the Omaha region and essay prize winner Tylar Meister, Mitchellville, Iowa Second-place winner in the Des Moines region Alina Hatfield, Elkhorn, Nebraska First-place winner in the Omaha region Joseph McHugh, Woodbine, Iowa First-place winner in the Southwest Iowa region (Performing June 7) The winners performed on a 1929 grand piano owned by Victor Borge, who donated it to the Museum of Danish America in 1994. This opportunity adds to the excitement of the event, as described by past winner Jonathan Boissy: “The experience of playing on a piano with such a legacy is beyond what I could have ever hoped for in my piano career.”


By Nicky Christensen

01. Taylor Bowers, Rasmus Thøgersen, Madeline Koch 02. Tyler Meister, Laura Liu, Alina Hatfield, Rasmus Thøgersen

America Letter 17

highlights in the history of the curatorial department A VERY ABBREVIATED LIST IN HONOR OF THE MUSEUM’S 35TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR

October 1984 Original Collections Management Policy adopted 1985 Artifact donations began 1990 Bedstemor’s House donated May 1994 Installation of core exhibition on main floor June 1994 Donation of Victor Borge’s first piano, given by the man himself 1997 First international outgoing loan to Denmark 1999 Jens Dixen Cabin donated and relocated to museum grounds January 2006 Danish American Artist Series begins Fall 2006 Began total inventory, cataloging, and digitization project 2008 Addition to permanent exhibit, adding 1940s to present April 2008 Launched “View Our Collection” searchable online database October 2010 Redesigned core exhibition installed 2011 Traveling exhibits reach more than 10,000 people across the country November 2011 Negotiated purchase of 108 artifacts previously held by Dana College before its closure Spring 2012 Inaugural Victor Borge Legacy Award piano recital October 2012 Board of Directors approve plans for new Curatorial Center April 2013 Largest exhibition to date: Danish Modern: Design for Living opens August 2014 Collections begin move into new Curatorial Center addition Spring 2015 First major partnership among pan-Scandinavian museums in the U.S: Skål: Scandinavian Spirits opens July 2015 Began American Alliance of Museums Accreditation Process October 2016 Received full Danish Sisterhood in America archive February 2017 Museum awarded Accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums April 2017 Designed and installed new core exhibitions August 2017 Completed object inventory project after 11 years of work

Prepared by Angela Stanford and Tova Brandt

18 Museum of Danish America

museum’s 35th year begins with visit by danish ambassador Through the coordination of Nebraska Congressman Don Bacon’s office, the Ambassador of Denmark to the U.S., Lars Gert Lose, visited the Danish Villages of Elk Horn and Kimballton on Wednesday, April 4. Originally scheduled to arrive on Monday, April 2 but delayed by illness (his first sick day in 22 years), Ambassador Lose rearranged his schedule to ensure that a visit to Iowa came true. Though he missed a fun event kicking off our 35th anniversary year on Monday evening, rearrangements allowed for a similar schedule to occur a couple days later. The Danish Villages appearance included private tours of the museum’s exhibits and collections vaults, a question-

and-answer session with ExiraEHK elementary students, a tour of the Danish Windmill, a visit to Kimballton - including the newly remodeled Town Hall, a tour of the Hans Christian Andersen Sculpture Garden and Little Mermaid Park, and a tour of New Century Art Guild, a gallery space featuring artworks by veterans suffering from PTSD. The whirlwind afternoon concluded with a hyggelig gathering featuring coffee, kringle, and volunteers at the Genealogy Center.

Ambassador Lose’s Iowa/ Nebraska itinerary also included engagements at the First National Tower in Omaha, a visit with Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, a tour of the State Capitol, a meeting with University of Nebraska-Lincoln students, a talk with University of Nebraska Medical Center students (who do research with the University of Southern Denmark), and a roundtable discussion hosted by the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce.

Ambassador Lose presented his credentials to President Obama at the White House in September 2015 along with his wife, Ulla Kølvraa Rønberg, two daughters, and son. When the rock star dreams of his youth in Tønder did not pan out, he pursued studies in political science and international relations and has since served in several countries on behalf of Denmark’s Foreign Ministry and diplomatic mission.

Prior to this one, the last visit to the museum by a Danish Ambassador (then Peter Taksoe Jensen) occurred during the museum’s 30th anniversary celebration in June of 2013.



By Nicky Christensen

Stay tuned for more special events related to our 35th anniversary year by visiting our social media pages and website calendar.


01. Honorary Consul Lynette Rasmussen, Ambassador Lose, and Rasmus Thøgersen exit the museum on a sunny April 4. 02. Ambassador Lose speaks with an artist at New Century Art Guild’s gallery in Kimballton. 03. Angela Stanford shows Ambassador Lose pieces from the collection. America Letter 19

exhibition calendar Denmark – America’s Smallest and Biggest Ally Kramme Gallery On view through Sept. 3, 2018 Home-Grown Art Main floor On view through June 10, 2018 In Trunks, Hands, and Hearts: What Immigrants Bring to Iowa Multimedia Room On view May 26 – June 24, 2018 A traveling exhibition developed and organized by Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum with the support of Humanities Iowa, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and Edwin R. and Joan T. Hemphill.

“Iowa History 101” Mobile Exhibit Open June 22-24 Balancing Act / Peter Juhl Main floor Opens June 23, 2018 Denmark, October 1943: Occupation and Resistance Kramme Gallery Opens September 29, 2018 The Sound of Scissors: Paper Characters by Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen Multimedia Room Opens July 1, 2019 02




01. Zig+Zag+Zen by Peter Juhl. 02. Two’s Company by Peter Juhl. 03. Stack on Balance by Peter Juhl. 04. Character by Torben Jarlstrøm Clausen.

20 Museum of Danish America

events calendar Historical Interpreter “Marie Jensen” at Bedstemor’s House

June 7, June 21, June 23, July 5, July 19

BOARD MEETING June 14-16 Tyler, MN


June 23 Live music, picnic supper, bonfire at sunset, artist talk with Peter Juhl, and the State Historical Society of Iowa’s History on the Move Winnebago featuring “Iowa History 101”

“Workshop: Stone Balancing or How to Defy Gravity” June 23, 2-3:30pm All ages welcome – participants under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Members $10, nonmembers $15. Call the museum to reserve your place.


All programs begin at 12 noon and are free to the public

“In Trunks, Hands, and Hearts: What Immigrants Bring to Iowa”

Jennifer Kovarik, Vesterheim Museum June 7

“Stone Balancing Around the World” Peter Juhl, featured artist June 21

“Tak for Kaffe” Iben Kromann July 12


Monday-Friday 9 am – 5 pm Saturday 10 am – 5 pm Sunday Noon – 5 pm Business hours are Monday-Friday 8 am – 5 pm


4210 Main Street, PO Box 249 Monday-Friday 9 am – 5 pm Saturdays by appointment only Research assistance appointments welcomed to 712.764.7008.

BEDSTEMOR’S HOUSE 2105 College Street Memorial Day – Labor Day 1 pm – 4 pm


Museum members FREE with membership card Non-member Adults $5 Children (ages 8-17) $2 Price includes one-day admission to Jens Dixen House, Jens Jensen Prairie Landscape Park, Genealogy Center, and Bedstemor’s House. All facilities are closed on New Years, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

America Letter 21

in their own words STORIES FROM THE GENEALOGY CENTER To undertake genealogy research is to begin with questions about our ancestors and end with even more questions. We see that Great-Grandfather changed his name after immigrating – but how, and why, and how did he feel about it? What was it like for Grandmother to leave her home country? How did her family react? What was the voyage like? What about that first job in the U.S.? How quickly did they learn English? Did they get along with their neighbors? How did other people view them in the community? What did they do for enjoyment? Some families end up with boxes of old photographs and correspondence from their Danish immigrant ancestors, while others are left without even a clue as to the part of Denmark their ancestor came from. Sometimes the surviving correspondence is frustrating in its lack of detail, full of general well wishes and assurances that the family was doing well – not everyone wrote for the ages. But often it is poignant, heartbreaking, or humorous to have something of a voice survive long after the writer.

By Kara McKeever 22 Museum of Danish America

In the Genealogy Center library, our immigrant biography and memoir section contains a variety of stories about the immigrant or Danish-American experience in a variety of formats – from books, such as those published by Lur Publications at the Danish American Archive and Library, to spiral-bound typewritten memories, to translated letters and travel diaries. If we want to go beyond the names and dates to learn about what life was really like for real people, these are a great place to start; they’re more personal than a history book. Of course, as is often the case with archival materials, these are documents that were probably not originally intended to have more than one reader. The average person doesn’t sit down to write a letter to future generations; they write to their contemporaries, or they write to themselves, perhaps with a vague sense that they might leave something behind. While we certainly want to remember that these were real people with their own private lives, perhaps we also honor them by taking an interest in their lives long after their deaths. What they

wrote often goes beyond the personal to tell us about the times and places they inhabited. We’re fortunate when people share their ancestors’ stories with the Genealogy Center, where those voices join others in creating a richer perspective on the DanishAmerican experience. From Hans Peder Bonnesen’s diary of his 1892 voyage to the U.S., we get a point of view on the transatlantic journey that so many young Danes made at the time – experiencing seasickness, the death of children, sharing one kettle among 16 people, saying goodbye to Europe: “Right at this moment England is getting out of sight – the last of Europe – and from now on we will see the ocean, the ocean, and once more the ocean, young maids and lads full of love and some seasick also, Swedish, Poles and Danes, and maybe once in a while a shark.”

Bonnesen’s account gives us details we might not otherwise imagine – the amount of “rude and indecent speech” he hears on the ship: “It surpasses description – when somebody starts on it, it seems like everybody is trying to take over. To young people this trip is a bad school, they get to hear a lot of what they are better off not hearing.” And we learn how much romance flourishes on a ship full of young people: “This evening I went for a walk on the deck – I saw more than twenty couples sitting with their arms around each other.” And: “At 10 o’clock in the evening the deck must be cleared. It’s strictly prohibited for any man to be in the girls’ rooms. By now all the Danes know each other, and most of the Danish men already have a girlfriend, only I have still not gotten one, but maybe I will. There is material enough for writing a novel, if only one had the necessary talent of putting the scenes together.”

Baptist Church. He married Sanne Sandersen and had nine children. The family moved several times as he served multiple churches in Iowa, South Dakota, and eventually California. His journal from his time as a pastor in Cuppy’s Grove, Iowa, west of Elk Horn, is a composition notebook with pages filled top to bottom and edge to edge with his even cursive script. The journal covers 1911-1913, though date markers are rare. Here are a few excerpts: [Went] to a very large and pathetic funeral at the Nels Christensen home and E. Adventist church. N.C. drove thru bridge fence in creek 20 feet below and crushed his chest. In automobile. Little

girl along unhurt. Lived 3 hours. About 400 people present. 3 A. preachers. One, a gifted man, from Chicago preached. Spoke well. Especially in English. During the preaching a severe thunderstorm came up. A bolt of lightning struck the church tower – passed in and out above. Many underneath. Fortunate and remarkable that it did not go down inside and kill some and set fire to the church. One horse outside stunned. Two teams started to run away but were caught. As if God would warn “Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish.” Widow and daughters of deceased intensely grieved. One daughter fainted 3 times. ..

Bonnesen may not have been a novelist, but his words survive to take us back to May 1892 on the SS Normannia.

DIARY OF A PASTOR Peter Clemens Larsen

Peter Clemens Larsen immigrated as a child with his family. He kept a diary as a child and switched from Danish to English at around age nine. Though raised Lutheran, Peter became a Baptist as a young man while living in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and went on to become a minister in the Danish


01. Diary Peter Clemens Larsen’s 1911 Composition Book. 2017-007.001.

Genealogy 23

Mon. Nov. 25, wash-day. Tobiesen and Søren Nielsen here. Read in “Julius Caesar” by washing machine. What a wonderfully gifted man he was – earthly wisdom and military efficiency personified; but sad end. What barbarous times even in the heart of civilization! Wrote 2 letters and 3 postals. Tues. colder. With Sanne visited Jens Jensen (Thule J’s son) and John Rold. J.J. had a bad case of blood poisoning. Better. Wrote sermon. .. Sat. helped at the church. Jørgensen here with another beautiful poem. Sun. Dec. 8, continued cold. Glad to get in new church basement. Large forenoon attendance. Foreign Mission’s Offering $29.25. Eve. good meeting. Was some afraid of my topic “Meditations in a Church Basement,” but the Lord helped me. In the forenoon I tho’t it comparatively easier to preach but found it harder. Mon. continued cold. Boys to Harlan to dentist and stores. Wash-day and studying and reading by the machine, as usual. Tues. and Wed. studying and writing 2 sermons. Thurs. papered kitchen, etc. for O. Olsen. Fri. church business-meeting here. Nice spirit. General satisfaction that we expect to come out of church building without debt. .. The Sun. storm something terrible and unprecedented. From the Gulf to the Minn. line. From N.W. of Lincoln, Neb., to at least Webster City, Ia. Devastating to country.

24 Museum of Danish America

200 killed and 500 injured in Omaha. About 20 killed in Council Bluffs. Many in towns and country surrounding up to N. of here. 3 houses, church, 3 schools and many barns and outbuildings few m. from here. Clarence Jacobsen hurt seriously. One killed. One of houses demolished a fine new house. According to the paper some of the Merrill’s Grove brethren lost heavily. Landsmand everything. Lawrence Olson barns. And in east terrible floods. Many drowned. And cyclone also the week before in east and south. Terrible. Divine warnings. Fri. to Harlan. Saw about 6 great barns, etc., crushed and scattered in the storm like eggshells and kindling wood. 4 houses close by demolished. Also Clarence Jacobsen’s, Anderson’s and Bartelson’s, Merrill’s Grove. In eve. Bible study. Sat. wrote 10 letters and postal. Sanne sick in bed again Fri., Sat. and Sun. Tonsilitis. Also Opal. Too bad. Sun. Chris E. Rold’s here. Nice encouraging visits. Good meetings. Subjects “The storms of life and the peace of the Lord” and “What has the risen Christ for me?” .. A surprise party in eve. About 60 present. Tho’t at first it was chicken thieves, came sneaking in. It was Knudsens who came and drove far out in the grove. I called but none answered. Then a man came on horseback. I greeted but he only grunted. I commenced to get offended at such people and did not know what to think. Then I heard a woman’s voice out on the

road that sounded like Mrs. Hans Jensen. It commenced to dawn upon me, and when one wagon after another drove in it left no doubt what it meant. The roads were quite muddy and the night dark or there would have been many more. They served coffee and cake and presented Sanne a beautiful set of silverware. 1 doz, knives and forks, 1 doz. teaspoons, sugar shell and butter knife and 6 table spoons – fine goods – Rogers 16 Dwt. And solid metal. Also a beautiful oak chiffonier - the whole costing $31.25. It was very nice of them. .. Noticed in newspaper that Rev. Reichenbach and wife had narrow escape by lightning which struck their house. It passed between them. A little stunned. Little damage done. Stuck down into the telephone passed thru door and knocked out bottom of empty syrup can. A small tornado passed thru Fiscus community again last Wed. and did some damage. Also at Lake Manawa again, at Council Bluffs. Did much damage in Seward, Nebr. Killed 8. Fri. painted wagon and with Ed to Elk Horn. Sat. worked home and studied. Sun. 2 good meetings in O. church and Laartz schoolhouse. School-house filled with a respectful and an appreciative congregation. .. To Elk Horn in afternoon after sisters Lydia and Lily. “Grundlovs Fest” Day in Elk Horn. Thousands there to gloat upon one another. Hundreds of automobiles.

LETTERS FROM DENMARK Anders & Peder Andersen Anders Nielsen Andersen, the eldest son of Peder Andersen and Maren Jensine Nielsen of Ejby in northwest Fyn, immigrated to Omaha, Nebraska in March 1883, just a few days before his 22nd birthday. He had two younger brothers, Rasmus Peder and Niels Møller (known to their family as Peder and Møller), and a younger sister, Maren Kirstine. Over the next eight years, Anders received dozens of letters from his family in Denmark, including a few from the girl he eventually brought to the U.S. as his wife (as well as a girl who clearly wished to be considered for the part). We don’t have Anders’s letters in response, and so we must read between the lines.

the sheep has two big lambs, and the hen has 11 healthy chicks. It is summer and very warm here, but winter really hit us right after you left. We did not think that you would be cold with all the warm clothing you had. How did you get along with the clothing and the duvet? I can tell you that Mads the weaver has died, and so has Anders Jørgensen. Snedker out at the poor farm died by hanging himself. Dear Anders, please write often, when Mother is waiting for a letter she is unable to do any

work. When six weeks have gone by then she expects one again. Father wept all day on March 21st [Anders’s birthday] and Mother weeps when she thinks that she will never see you again. We pray to God that she may live long enough to see you again. Dear brother, do not forget to pray to God for his help, He is always with you. Dear brother, I have no more news this time other than loving greetings from your sister. Maren Kirstine Andersen.

Anders’s sister Maren Kirstine, who was 10 years old when he left, wrote him diligently in a neat school girl script, even if only because she had “nothing else to do” or there was, in her opinion, little to tell. Her first letter, however, speaks to their parents’ grief at being separated from their son. Langholm, 16 May 1883 Dear Brother. I want to write to you today to let you know how we are doing, everything is as usual. Father and Mother were bedridden during the Easter holidays. The cow gave birth two weeks too early and is not giving much milk, but 02

02. Letter Maren Kirstine Andersen’s 1883 letter to her brother Anders in Omaha.

Genealogy 25

Anders’s brother Rasmus Peder, who joined Anders in Omaha in 1884, had some practical questions for his older brother. Ronæs, 3 June ’83 Dear Brother I want to write a few words to you today although I do not have much to tell you, but I can let you know that I have started my new job and I am doing all right. It made me angry when I was visiting at home a week ago and read in your letter that you are earning almost as much in one month as I get in six months. I told Mother and Father that I wanted to leave next year if I can save enough money for the trip. If only I were over there with you we would be able to share both good and bad times and each other’s company, dear brother. I wish that I will be able to come over there next spring, you can also be helping me if you want to and I know that you are helping me if you will write home and tell them the truth, which I know you will, that you make money and quite a bit, which I can understand from your letter. And now there is no talk about Denmark but America is in my heart…

26 Museum of Danish America

Yes, now I will ask what you have heard and seen more than I have. And I think you will write the most important things to me through the summer. Well, I will start with what is most important to me. First of all I want to know how you got your clothes in Copenhagen from the train to the ship and what it cost for that transport and how much money you spent on the trip and in New York. How did it work out with the train in America when you arrived? Did you have to change train or seats, where was it and was it easy to manage or not? You wrote that you got $15.00 a month but you didn’t write if you get your food also. Write to me how many times you eat each day and what you eat, and what kind of work you do, if you work more or less. Oh, yes, and is it true that it is warm over there now. It is terribly hot here and dry. To tell the truth we have not had any rain in the month of May, and if it doesn’t come pretty soon we won’t get much grass or grain. Now I will wait to hear from you as soon as possible but don’t forget to tell me everything you know, and if it is possible I will be coming over there soon. As soon as I get a letter from you I will write back. Now there is no more room on the paper and I don’t know what else to write either this time. Greetings from your dear brother R. P. Andersen.

Another newsy note from sister Maren Kirstine: Ejby Langholm, 1 July 1883. Dear Brother. We received your letter yesterday and it made us very happy. We wrote in our last letter that there were flowers on the cherry tree, but there came no berries. I will now tell you what is new. Hans Brygger’s wife died with 5 little children, and Lars Larsen’s hired hand is going to America, but I do not know when. He almost walked out yesterday since Niels threatened him with the riding crop, but they had a talk and they agreed that he could do as much work as he felt like. We now have blue walls in the bedroom… Anders’s mother, Maren Jensine, wrote him the most often, full of concern and thoughts and advice for her eldest: Ejby, 3 July 1883. Dear Beloved Son. We received your letter on Saturday 30 June, and it was a joy for us to hear from you and thank you that you did not make me wait too long and write as soon as you get my letter. Thank God that you are doing well in that distant country. I believe that you know whom you can trust when there are troubles, dear son. Do not forget to pray to Him and do not forget that God will never forget you. If you are unable to hear God’s word over there then you must read it in your good books. Let me know that you remember it. Brother Peder was home last Sunday and he will be coming over next spring if you like it.

If you have any money left over, we feel that it would be best to deposit it at home. It would be too bad if somebody should lure it away from you. But you must make your own decision. Things are as usual here, we are working in the peat bogs right now. The grain is not looking too good since we need rain and it is very hot these days. I have never seen this little water in the peat bogs before but the well is doing fine… My dear son, I will now write and tell you a little about your girl. I spoke with her last night. She is serious about you and wanted me to write a little to you since she has difficulty writing and is very shy. I like her very much and she is a nice girl and I think she likes you and is sending her greetings. You could enclose a letter for her next time you write to me, then the others can’t say anything and I shall deliver it to her. She will then write to you when she gets the time and if she can. I do not know if she can. My dear child, your mother sends her loving greetings, and do not forget your savior. And we will meet in heaven if not in this life, and dear Jesus you will help through your grace and love. Let me know if you can read my writing. Live well and keep up your courage, and pray to God when you go to bed at night. And send a thought to your home, I send many to you – that is a mother’s love. Your sister does not have the time to write; she is working in the peat bog.

Langholm, 3 January 1884 My Dear Beloved Son Yesterday we received your letter dated December 9th and it made us happy. We had been looking for a letter from you. It had been many weeks since we heard from you. Time drags when I am looking forward to hearing from you. Dear son, it has been decided that Peder is coming next spring but he cannot come with Jepe since he is leaving in February and Peder cannot leave until May. Could you find a place where he could stay? Let me know if there is anything you would like to have him bring to you, and let me know if it is necessary to have a duvet over there. If it is necessary then Peder will bring one, but let me know what kind of clothes are the most practical for him to bring, dear son. We believe that is all right that you send your money home and we will make sure that you do not lose it, be sure to send it the right way so that you do not get cheated. It does not matter that it will cost a little more if it is secure when you send your money this far. Father and I feel

that it is best if you send it over here, it would be sad if you got cheated over there in a strange country. Dear son, write to me and let me know what to do about Peder’s clothes and I would also like to know if you know a little of the language over there, is it hard to learn. Let me know if you ever hear the word of God, do not forget to read it and believe in God and pray to him both when you are happy and when you are sad. His way is everywhere and He has the means and power to help you and make you happy if you believe in Him. I can promise that you will never regret it, my dear child. I also pray that I may live long enough to see you come back home, but God alone can decide that and He will do what is best, I believe that and that consoles me. The best wishes to you, dear son, from all of us. Peder and Møller came home on New Year’s Day and Møller is going to take over when Peder leaves this spring. Greetings from Father and Mother and little sister and both of your brothers, dear son. When I look at the sky in the evening and see the Big Dipper and the North Star, then I think about you over there in the distant land and wonder if you are looking up and thinking about your home and your mother and your God. Live well, my dear child and may God keep His hand over you forever.

Genealogy 27

Father thinks that it is proper that you send your money home and we shall take good care of it. Let me know if you are working for a Danish man and if he is married and who his wife is. Live well. In 1890, sister Maren Kirstine was 17 and working away from home in Middelfart; all three of her brothers had immigrated. Anders had married his sweetheart (also named Maren) and started a family. Langholm, 8 June 1890 Dear Friends, We received your letter eight days ago, we had been looking forward to maybe seeing you, my dear brother in about three years here at home with your family, but you have bought more, so we can probably give up the thought that we will ever see any of you although it would have been great to be together with you either here or over there. The desire to go to America has not left me and only God alone knows where we will end up and meet our dear mother’s highest wish to be able

to see her children once more, and we would like so much to see the small Americans you have over there, now you have three. Greetings to Peder and ask him if he is coming home to get a bride, it would be easy for him if he looks like the big picture we have of him, for there are many who like his picture so I am proud to show him off. But it really would be nice to see you and talk to you all over there, even though I have plenty to do I feel a loss for I am so alone. Here we don’t have anyone close, they are strangers. The whole family is in America. I don’t know if you have heard that Lars Larsen has died. Mother and Father went to the funeral, it was right after I got home from Middelfart, I was sick from influenza. I was going to go out there during Pentecost but I haven’t been there yet, I hardly got away from there for I had promised to stay there for the summer but then Mother wrote to me that I had to come home and help her, if I had been 18 I would have had to stay there. You can imagine that there are many engagements here and then they break up. Peder Væver’s Trine had

broken up with her fiancée and Jens Jakob’s Julie has also been engaged and now has a son at home and the well-digger’s Stine is married and lives in Odense – barely 18 years old, and Hans Jørgen Slatterød’s Ane has been engaged to Nils Jensen’s Jens but he broke up with her and sent her home, but then he almost ran himself to death before he made up with her again; she was over there and the banns were read, then it went wrong again but now everything is fine. The daughter at Viby Ellegaard is going to marry Juel in Ronæs, and Thomas and his sister in Ronæs are changing mates with Peder Jørgens in Rolund. I assume you tell this news to Peder and Møller. Mother says that if you don’t come home she wants to go and see you before she dies. Loving greetings to all my dear kin from me especially to my dear brothers and sister-in-law… Now I am sending you a picture. I don’t know if you can recognize such a serious sister. We hope to get a picture of you. …If I was alone and had the money to travel, then I wouldn’t hesitate. Kind regards from your devoted sister. Live well till we meet again, Your sister.

28 Museum of Danish America

By June 1891, Maren Kirstine and her parents had made a big decision: they would immigrate as well. The family would be reunited for good in the United States. Maren Kirstine wrote a last letter from Denmark to her brother Peder. Langholm, 10 June 1891 Dear Peder, It has been a while since I got your letter and I thank you many times for that but we have postponed writing to you for we felt there was nothing to write about, but then we got a letter from Anders yesterday and he asked us to write right away. Tomorrow Father is going out to get some lime and as soon as we get done whitewashing then we will do everything we can to sell what we have and come to you. Oh, how nice it would be if we could

be together again. We too, dear Peder, probably won’t recognize each other for I think I have changed since I was 10 years old. I have enough to do right now before Pentecost. I got so sick Thursday; you can probably tell the writing is bad but I was so tired yesterday when I went to the doctor and he forbade me to sit inside for a long time; he told me to go out in the fresh air; then I will regain my strength. At the pharmacy, I talked to Maren. Dorthe’s father is dying – then she will be a widow. Dad’s sister went over there today. My dear brother, please write what are the most important things to bring over there, for we are not going to write until we have sold everything and know which ship we are going on. If there is anything any of you want from the old country then write as soon as possible to us. Henrik Larsen’s wife took her sewing machine along. I also have a sewing machine – write to me if you think I should bring it along. I paid 34 kroner for it; I think I can get 30 kroner for it. When we see each other soon then it will be easier for you to think about what you want to know. I am so tired and have such a hard time writing. Your devoted sister. For a happy reunion.

The Genealogy Center collects biographical and genealogical information on Danish immigrants, their ancestors and their descendants, as well as narratives in all forms about their lives and experiences. Visit the Genealogy page at www.danishmuseum. org to fill out our Immigrant Information form. Send us the facts, but also the stories! Thank you to center volunteers Ann Podraza and Ralf and Inga Hoifeldt for their transcription and translation assistance.

They left Denmark the 4th of September, 1891.

03. Passenger list Ship’s manifest from 1891 showing Peder Andersen, Maren Jensine, and daughter Maren Kirstine traveling to Omaha, Nebraska.

Genealogy 29

to give or not to give Or rather, if there is anything to give from, whom to give to, and how to allocate?

My younger brother rightly said, “There are no pockets in the clothes we are going to be buried in.” So true. However, that doesn’t mean we have to go out and spend it all before our time is up. Death is a topic most of us shy away from, as it tends to be a very sensitive subject, yet it is unavoidable. My late husband and I had talked about having a will made up for years but were dragging our feet for some reason. So when my husband unexpectedly passed away four years ago, I was left with a lot of tough decisions – emotionally, and also of practical matters.

By Susanne Hohlen

30 Museum of Danish America

Not having any children, it was obvious to me that now was a good time to decide whom to pass on my worldly possessions after I am gone. I have always treasured my Danishness - holding an “immigrant status” living in the U.S., which has kept me alive in many ways while still embracing my new country and its customs. It is a fine balancing act at times.

We should never forget our roots and our heritage, and the Museum of Danish America is a testimony to this. For this reason, I am happy to have named the museum in my estate plans to keep the Danish spirit alive in generations to come. Never too early to plan.

named gifts For a more permanent legacy at the Museum of Danish America, we are pleased to offer a variety of naming opportunities. Support our vibrant and sustainable institution and help to preserve your Danish heritage while ensuring that your generosity will be recognized for years to come. A range of naming opportunities are available for individuals, families, organizations, and corporations, enabling donors to pay tribute to their relationship with the museum or to honor and recognize someone special in their lives. Please contact Development Manager Deb Christensen Larsen for more details and to see which of these named gifts may be available to suit your wishes.

Current naming opportunities include: Forsamlingshus (Event Center) Genealogy Center Development Office Space Visual Artifact Storage Front Entry Plaza Main Floor Art Gallery Genealogy Center Lobby Gallery Model A Garage & Exhibit Main Vault South Vault Fine Art Storage

By Deb Christensen Larsen

JENS JENSEN PRAIRIE LANDSCAPE PARK East Council Ring Museum Terrace Interpretive Sign Tree (Bronze plaque) Tree (Stake)


Executive Director Curator of Collections/Registrar Museum Educator Librarian Research/Translation Manager Jens Jensen Prairie Landscape Park Caretaker

Named Gifts Achieved To see a list of those who are currently honored with a plaque or signage at the museum and Genealogy Center, visit

America letter 31


October 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018 Through various funds, gifts have been received in memory of: Muriel Bacon Muriel Thomsen-Muller Bacon Lovely, Lovely, Lovely Muriel Bacon - whom I only met once but instantly adored and cherished. She shared her memories of my grandmother and stories of our Danish heritage. Then she gifted me with my grandmother’s cross stitch of “The House by The Side of the Road.” Thank you, Muriel. You live Forever. Kristy Galt, Granddaughter of Elena Marie Jorgensen Brodersen. Opal Jean Schultz Baker Mary Bergman, Pompano Beach, Florida John H. Besson Carl Bonnesen Lois Bowman Charles E. R. & Elizabeth Boye My Brodersen, Frederickson & Hoogensen family members Robert W. Brown Lorraine Jensen Cenovich Jens & Elna Christophersen Cecilie Petersen Clausen Donald Clausen George Clausen, my father, born 2.26.1897 Breninge, Æro, Denmark

Compiled by Deb Christensen Larsen 32 Museum of Danish America

Glen Clemsen Ralph Doonan Valborg Godfredsen Eve Hans & Mathilde Farstrup Bent and Lydia Hansen Clifford K. & A. Veola Hansen Walter Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hemmingsen Celebrating the Memory of Dr. LeRoy & Laura Henriksen, Armstrong, IA Herbert Hjortsvang The George Hoegh Family - Betty Jean & Harriet Hoegh, Bertha Molgaard Schukei, and Becker & Kenneth Hoegh Merlin Holland Ahlmann (Al) Iversen Frederick Jacobsen Allan Jacobsen, Audubon, IA Inge R. Jacobson Erving Jensen Irving & Elizabeth Jensen William R. (Bill) Jensen Virgil Jensen and in honor of his heritage Virgil Jensen, Palm Desert, CA Herluf Johansen, my husband Clark Johnsen Helen & Julius Johnsen Ronald M. Johnson Ronald Johnson, Raleigh, NC Dr. Jim Jorgensen, DVM (grandfather) Tage Ketelsen Hans Kiehn

Otto & Valbog Kiertzner Ruth & Peder Kirkegaard Leo Kirkhhoff John S. Kristensen Anton Kryger, Holte, Denmark Marius Landbo Russell Lange Russell & Joan Lange Kurt Klarskov Larsen Paul M. & Johanne Larsen Dorothea Laursen Ed Leistad Eivind Lillehoj Dorothy E. Landstrom Lund Clark Mathisen Elizabeth (Hansen) McCoy All four of my Danish grandparents (Marilyn Meyer) Hans & Joan Miller Great grandmother Karen Marie Mortensen & my grandfather, Carl Mortensen, whose items of memorabilia on display as they were donated years ago Anna Marie Madsen Nelson Norma Nelson Andy J. Nielsen LaVern & Marilyn Nielsen Marvin L. Nielsen Andy Nyby Christine Olsen Egon Østergaard Herbert Klint Paulsen (1931-2017) Tom Bech Paulsen, Bellevue, WA Anna M. Pedersen

Flemming V. Pedersen Herbert & Mabel Petersen Jim & Anna Petersen Norma I. Petersen Thorvald K. Petersen Alfred W. Petersen, my grandfather Rev. H. Milton & Karen Peterson Carl Rasmussen Delbert Rasmussen Gerald Rasmussen Lela Mae Rasmussen

Mr. & Mrs. H. Christian Rasmussen Reiner & Ida Rasmussen Louise Jorgensen Byriel Rattenborg Vivian Rock, Spencer, IA Andrew & Rosa Rosenkild Kevin Ruggaard Knute Ruggaard Miriam Rodholm Showalter Edith Skene Arlie Skov Chris & Robert Steffensen Richard Stilling

Marion Svendsen Evelyn Svendsen, my dear aunt Robert M. Swanson Charles A. Sweningsen Burdette (Tommy) Thomsen My Father, Arkivar Svend Waendelin, Dansk-Amerikansk Udvandrerarkiv, Aalborg, DK Walter Westergaard Peter & Dorothea Wolff - my grandparents

new additions to the wall of honor OCTOBER 1, 2017 – FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Danish Immigrant Wall of Honor provides families and friends with a means of preserving the memory of those who emigrated from Denmark to America. Over 4,500 immigrants are currently recognized on the Wall. Their stories and the stories of their families contribute to the growing repository of family histories at the museum’s Genealogy Center. You can find a list of the immigrants on the Wall of Honor at www.

PEDER MØRCK HANSEN (1996) Omaha, Nebraska – Andrea Hansen, Omaha, NE, Kaylan & DJ Bradley and William Hansen, Omaha, NE CARL JOHAN HOLM (1912) Fort Dodge, Iowa – Dale & Jan Johnson, Fremont, NE

JOHANNE WILLADSEN (1882) Clinton, Iowa – Susan Vitek, Port Orange, FL PETER WILLADSEN (1881) Clinton, Iowa – Susan Vitek, Port Orange, FL

PHILIP EUGEN LUND (2007) Portland, Oregon – Julie Lund, Portland, OR

The information below includes the immigrant name, year of immigration, location where they settled, and the name and city of the donor.

America letter 33

in honor

October 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018 Through various funds, gifts have been received in honor of people or special events. Jacob Bergstrom Elsie Bonnesen Lotte Christensen’s 90th birthday (Nov. 27, 2017) My Danish roots Elk Horn Class of 1950 Charles Faaborg Frederiksen

Genealogy Center - Tak for alt. “Fortsæt det gode arbejde.” (Keep up the good work) Emery and Izy Hoegh, my parents Jim & Marge Iversen Erna C. Jensen Gloria Layton Philip Eugen Lund Ellen Mary Henriksen McKinzie Appreciation of MoDA staff’s exceptional job of the military exhibit opening

Museum of Danish America’s staff and volunteers My museum colleagues John Mark Nielsen Tom Nielsen’s 80th birthday James Brent & Shirley Norlem Poul and Benedikte Ehlers Olesen Carl Rasmussen Einer Viggo Thode (my father) came to US in 1992 Rasmus & Jenny Thøgersen

new members OCTOBER 1, 2017 – FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Museum of Danish America is pleased to identify the following 88 individual memberships as its newest members: Kathleen Andersen, Laguna Beach, CA Arnold & Lisa Beasley, Bridgeport, CT Jonathan Bergstrom, Marshall, MO Ryan Berthelsen, Snellville, CA Del & Joy Bitter, Mokena, IL Soren & Elena Borre, Flower Mound, TX Alex Brandt, Minneapolis, MN Karen Brylle, Naples, FL Patricia Cargill, West Chester, OH Bette Christensen, Pine City, MN David & Jean Christensen, Bellingham, WA Eldon & LaDonna Christensen, Denison, IA Marshall & Arlene Cohen, Washington, DC Daniel & Kristine Coughlin, Hingham, MA Heather Eagon, Portland, OR Lavon Eblen, Atlantic, IA Robert Eddy, Litchfield, MN

Lori Feinman, Eugene, OR Barbara Fike, Peru, NE Nancy Freeman, Mount Vernon, IA Maurine Fuller, North Platte, NE Alan & Heidi Gease, Rapid City, SD Jess Henriksen, Ringsted, IA Richard Henriksen, Minneapolis, MN Holly Hermann, Alexandria, VA Gary & Patti Hurlburt, Elk Horn, IA Harold & Adele Iversen, Olympia, WA Marion Jensen, Basking Ridge, NJ Dale & Jan Johnson, Fremont, NE Jody Johnson, Henderson, NV René Kærskov, Solvang, CA Virginia Kohr, Jupiter, FL Amy Larsen, Carson, CA Gloria LeDroit, Elkhorn, NE Debbie Leistad, Atlantic, IA Frank & Linda Libra, Hinckley, MN Frank & Sally Mathiasen Light, Issaquah, WA Blake & Jan Lund, Omaha, NE Gactano & Ann Marie Melchionne, Stamford, CT Kristian Næsby, Seattle, WA Richard & Glennda Nelsen, Atlantic, IA

Anne-Marie Nishibun, Moreno Valley, CA Linda Nugent, El Dorado Hills, CA John Paulsen, Fargo, ND Marcia Petersen, Montgomery, TX Nancy Petersen, Santa Monica, CA Paul Petersen, Grand Marais, MI Barbara Pruett, Canon City, CO Finn & Bente Rasmussen, Houston, TX Sonja Rasmussen, Eugene, OR Knute & Stacey Ruggaard, Show Low, AZ Elliot Ryser, Okemos, MI Linda Schwarze, Winona, MN David Seymour, Rush, NY Dawn Sharpnack, Garibaldi, OR Rick & Gail Speckmann, Plymouth, MN Michael & Lynnette Spetman, Council Bluffs, IA Jed & Megan Starner, Chicago, IL Craig Thiesen, Saint Paul, MN Allen & Mary Thomsen, Madera, CA Ron Thorne, Pine, CO Carole Underwood, Maple City, MI Susan Vitek, Port Orange, FL Ron & Linda Wells, Audubon, IA

Membership in the Museum of Danish America is a meaningful gift for any occasion. As a museum member, the recipient will enjoy year-round admission, the America Letter magazine three times a year, a 10% discount in our Design Store, and reduced translation and research fees at our Genealogy Center.

34 Museum of Danish America

thank you, organizations October 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018

These 77 organizations have contributed memberships or gifts-in-kind of $100 or more or have received complimentary memberships in recognition of exemplary service to the museum. We acknowledge their generosity in each edition of the America Letter during their membership. Arcus AS, Hagan, Norway Atlantic Friends of The Danish Immigrant Museum, Atlantic, IA Boose Building Construction (Marty & Connie Boose), Atlantic, IA Carroll Control Systems, Inc. (Todd & Jalynn Wanninger), Carroll, IA Christopher Ranch LLC (Donald & Karen Christopher), Gilroy, CA The Copenhagen House (René G. Kærskov), Solvang, CA Country Landscapes, Inc. (Rhett Faaborg), Ames, IA Danebod Lutheran Church, Tyler, MN Dania Society of Chicago, Chicago, IL area The Danish American Archive and Library, Blair, NE Danish American Club in Orange County, Huntington Beach, CA area Danish American Club of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI area Danish Archive North East (DANE), Edison, NJ Danish Brotherhood, Heartland District Lodges, Iowa-Minnesota & surrounding states Danish Brotherhood, Pacific Northwest Lodges, Upper NW Washington area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #1, Omaha, NE area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #15, Des Moines, IA area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #16, Minden, NE area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #29, Seattle, WA area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #35, Homewood, IL area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #144, Dike, IA area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #268, Junction City, OR area

Danish Brotherhood Lodge #283, Dagmar, MT area Danish Brotherhood Centennial Lodge #348, Eugene, OR area The Danish Canadian National Museum, Spruce View, Alberta, Canada Danish Club of Tucson, Tucson, AZ area Danish Cultural Center of Greenville, Greenville, MI The Danish Home, Croton-OnHudson, NY The Danish Home of Chicago, Chicago, IL Danish Luncheon Club of Los Angeles, Inc., Los Angeles, CA area Danish Lutheran Church & Cultural Center, Yorba Linda, CA Danish Mutual Insurance Association, Elk Horn, IA Danish Sisterhood Dagmar Lodge #4, Chicago, IL area Danish Sisterhood Lodge #15, Burlington, WI area Danish Sisterhood Ellen Lodge #21, Denver, CO area Danish Sisterhood Lodge #102, Des Moines, IA area Danish Sisterhood Lodge #176, Dike, IA area Danish Sisterhood Flora Danica Lodge #177, Solvang, CA Danish Sisterhood Lodge #185, Cleveland, OH area Danish Sisterhood Lodges, Heartland District, Iowa-Minnesota & surrounding states Danish Sisterhood Lodges, Nebraska/ Colorado Districts, Lincoln, NE & Denver CO areas Den Danske Pioneer (Elsa Steffensen & Linda Steffensen), Hoffman Estates, IL

Elk Horn Lutheran Church, Elk Horn, IA Elk Horn-Kimballton Optimist Club, Elk Horn & Kimballton, IA area Elverhoj Museum of History and Art, Solvang, CA Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton Community School District, Elk Horn, IA area Faith, Family, Freedom Foundation (Kenneth & Marlene Larsen), Calistoga, CA Hacways (Helene & Nanna Christensen), Hals, Denmark Hansen Interiors (Torben & Bridget Ovesen), Mount Pleasant, WI Harlan Newspapers (Steve Mores & Alan Mores), Harlan, IA Henningsen Construction, Inc. (Brad Henningsen, Vice President), Atlantic, IA House of Denmark, San Diego, CA Independent Order of Svithiod, Verdandi Lodge #3, Chicago, IL area Kirsten’s Danish Bakery (Paul & Kirsten Andersen Jepsen), Burr Ridge, IL Knudsen Old Timers, Glendale, CA area Landmands Bank (Rod Rowland, President) Audubon, IA Main Street Market (Tracy Kenkel), Panama, IA Marne Elk Horn Telephone Co., Elk Horn, IA Nelsen and Nelsen, Attorneys at Law, Cozad, NE O & H Danish Bakery (Eric Olesen), Racine, WI Olsen, Muhlbauer & Co., L.L.P., Carroll, IA Outlook Study Club, Elk Horn, IA area Oxide Design Co. (Drew Davies), Omaha, NE

Did you know? Families, groups, clubs, or businesses can sponsor exhibits, events, free admission days, our website, Brown Bag Lunch programs, or the entire Brown Bag Lunch series! Contact us to discuss the possibilities that await you.

America Letter 35

Petersen Family Foundation, Inc. (H. Rand & Mary Louise Petersen), Harlan, IA Proongily (Cynthia McKeen), St. Paul, MN The Rasmussen Group, Inc., Des Moines, IA Rebild National Park Society, Southern California Chapter, Los Angeles, CA area

Red River Danes, Fargo, ND area Ringsted Danish American Fellowship, Ringsted, IA area Royal Danish Embassy, Washington, DC Royal Danish Guard Society, Chicago, IL area Scan Design Foundation, Seattle, WA Scandinavian Trade Association (Tom Mortenson), Detroit Lakes, MN

Shelby County Historical Society & Museum, Harlan, IA Shelby County State Bank, Harlan and Elk Horn, IA Symra Literary Society, Decorah, IA TK Petersen (Thorvald K. Petersen) Santa Monica, CA Vasa Order of America, Omaha Lodge #330, Omaha, NE

jens jensen heritage path OCTOBER 1, 2017 – FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Jens Jensen Heritage Path is a place to celebrate an occasion or achievement, recognize an individual or organization, or honor the memory of a loved one. Twice a year the pavers will be engraved and placed within the Flag Plaza – October and May.

Arthur & Betty Beckman, Omaha, NE Guy & Elizabeth Boye, Franklin, TN Sharon Brown, Omaha, NE Norman & Phyllis Choat, Omaha, NE Dottie Deines, Omaha, NE Daniel MacMillan & Juleann Fallgatter, Washington, D.C. Kay Cameron & Dennis Gray, Winston-Salem, NC

Marilyn Hammond, Omaha, NE David & Paulette Hendee, Omaha, NE Robert & Cherry Hufferd, Omaha, NE Tom & Inta Nielsen, Omaha, NE Nancy Petersen, Santa Monica, CA Linda Placzek, Papillion, NE Penny Sourile, Vadnais Hts., MN

Paver order forms can be found at

36 Museum of Danish America

annual report │ 2017

a letter from the president After enjoying five years on the Board of Directors of the Museum of Danish America, it is an honor and privilege to serve this, my final year, as President. It seems like just a few months ago I was doing my board orientation with the MoDA staff, along with four other “newbies”, including Cindy Adams, Dorothy Feisel, Garey Knudsen, and Linda Steffensen, and two not-so-newbies, Dagmar Muthamia and Anna Holliday. Dagmar and Anna had previously served on the board in years past. We refer to ourselves alternatively as the “Class of 2012” and “The Magnificent Seven”! I remember when I was asked to serve on the board, I thought I did not deserve to be a part of such a prestigious group. What could I possibly have to offer? After all, I was just a farm boy from North Dakota, and I’m not even of 100% Danish heritage (although the Danish part is my favorite!). What I found was that the members of the MoDA board are all ordinary people, from many different backgrounds and walks of life, from all over the country (and Denmark too), bonded together by a love of our Danish-American heritage and the Danish immigrant story. We share a common desire to tell this incredible story of Danes in America, past, present, and future to all who will listen. This may be my final year on the board, but MoDA, the experiences I’ve had through my association with the museum, and the wonderful people with whom I have had the privilege to work, will be part of me for as long as I live. Recently, our new Executive Director, Rasmus Thøgersen, completed his first year on the job. It has been gratifying to see Rasmus jump in with both feet, learn all the ins and outs of museum operations, reach out to the community, and develop relationships with the staff, our donors, and many supporters in the United States, and

also in Denmark. It is a unique advantage for us to have a native-born Dane at the helm, and his youth, energy, and enthusiasm are infectious. He is the first Executive Director to have Danish as his first language (although we do have to remind him to t-a-l-k m-o-r-e s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y once in a while!) Rasmus has gotten off to a fantastic start. But he couldn’t do it without the help and support of a very talented and dedicated museum staff. We are so fortunate. For the first time a few months ago, our endowment topped $5 million! It has taken some 35 years to get there! With some major new gifts, in addition to the bull market we’ve seen over the past few years, the growth in the endowment has been substantial. Of course, the goal of having an endowment is to provide a reliable source of income for MoDA, without having to depend so heavily on gifts which vary so much from year to year, in order to make ends meet. In the future we will want to continue to build the endowment. It is the key to our future success and stability. Unbelievably, our 2015-2020 strategic plan will need to be updated and built upon to take us into the third decade of the millennium and beyond. We need to think outside the box, and develop new opportunities not only to generate support for MoDA, but also to find new ways to share our mission and tell our story. In order for us to be successful, we must be relevant. And to be relevant, we must continually examine ourselves and be on the “cutting edge”. This will be a priority for us in 2018 and beyond. I wish to end by thanking you for supporting this wonderful endeavor, whether with your membership, financial gifts, volunteer time, or by other means. Working with you, I’m looking forward to a fun and exciting year!

By Tim Burchill

Annual Report 37

annual report │ 2017

board of directors The 2017-2018 Board of Directors is a special group of men and women who have unselfishly dedicated themselves to the preservation of their Danish American heritage and the mission of the museum. They join an elite group of individuals who over the past thirty-four years have worked to build and maintain a museum of which all Danes, Danish Americans and the American public can be proud. Participating at their own expense, the Board members come together three times a year to share their skills and experience in providing oversight to the administration of the museum and to develop ideas and plans that will contribute to its continuing vitality. It is the practice of the Board to meet each February and June in different locations around the United States so that they may share and celebrate Danish

heritage with those Danish Americans who may not otherwise be able to link directly with the museum. In 2017, the Board held its February meeting at the Cultural Center at the Emanuel Danish Lutheran Church in Yorba Linda, California, and its June meeting was held at Danish Archive Northeast (DANE) in Edison, New Jersey, with election of new board members. The annual October board meeting is always held in Elk Horn. New board members become oriented to the operation of the museum and its various departments and assume their office at that meeting. Without the dedication, energy, and support of a strong, team-oriented Board of Directors, the museum staff would not be able to work effectively in managing the day-to-day operations of the Museum of Danish America.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS SERVING IN 2017 Cynthia Larsen Adams, Littleton, CO Ronald Bro, Cedar Falls, IA Beth Bro-Roof, Cedar Rapids, IA Tim Burchill, Jamestown, ND Bente Ellis, San Jose, CA David Esbeck, San Diego, CA Dorothy Stadsvold Feisel, Chestertown, MD Peder Hansen, Omaha, NE David Hendee, Omaha, NE Glenn Henriksen, Armstrong, IA Hon. Consul Anna Thomsen Holliday, Houston, TX Marnie Jensen, Nebraska City, NE Garey Knudsen, Hutchinson, MN Merlyn Knudsen, Elk Horn, IA Carolyn Larson, St. Paul, MN Craig Molgaard, Little Rock, AR Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA Hon. Consul Karen Nielsen, Overland Park, KS Eric Olesen, Racine, WI Randy Ruggaard, Hudson, OH

38 Museum of Danish America

Anders Sand, Kansas City, MO Jerry Schrader, Elk Horn, IA Ole Sønnichsen, Bjert, Denmark Carl Steffensen, Houston, TX Linda Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Karen Suchomel, West Branch, IA Carol Svendsen, Denver, CO

Ex-Officio Nils Jensen, Portland, OR Dennis Larson, Decorah, IA Dr. John Mark Nielsen, Blair, NE, Executive Director Emeritus Kai E. Nyby, Fountain Hills, AZ Marc Petersen, Omaha, NE Rasmus Thøgersen, Omaha, NE, Executive Director

who we are mission statement

Vision Statement

The Museum of Danish America celebrates Danish roots and American dreams.

 To be widely recognized as the world’s leading compiler and communicator of the history and inspirational achievements of Danish-Americans.

Core values We are:

 Inspirational: We honor the vision, ambition and diligence of Danish-American achievers, and we seek to inspire future generations by telling their stories.  Deeply rooted: We treasure our Danish heritage, and we are deeply committed to our local American communities.  Focused on the future: We realize that to keep the past alive, we must always remain part of the future.

 To turn the museum and the villages of Elk Horn and Kimballton into one of Iowa’s top destinations for tourists, educators and local family excursions - and to support other local communities featuring Danish-American history.  To be widely recognized as a thought leader and trendsetter in the international museum industry, constantly featuring new and inspiring experiences for worldwide audiences through innovative exhibits, events, publications and online media tools.

staff & interns Executive Director Rasmus Thøgersen, M.L.I.S.

Communications Specialist Nicky Christensen, B.S.

Executive Director Emeritus John Mark Nielsen, Ph.D.

Design Store Manager Nan Dreher

Administrative Manager Terri Johnson

Accounting Manager Jennifer Winters

Albert Ravenholt Curator of Danish-American Culture Tova Brandt, M.A. Curator of Collections & Registrar Angela Stanford, M.A. Archival Collections Manager Cheyenne Jansdatter, M.A. Genealogy Center Manager & Librarian Kara McKeever, M.F.A. Development Manager Deb Christensen Larsen

Building & Grounds Manager Tim Fredericksen Administrative Assistant Erica Fahn Genealogy & Library Assistant Wanda Sornson, M.S Planned Giving Consultant Paul Johnson, C.F.P. Weekend Staff Terri Amaral Rochelle Bruns Beth Rasmussen Rodger Rasmussen

Bedstemor’s House Staff Rochelle Bruns Grace Greving Trudy Juelsgaard Heidi Madsen Kealey Nelson *Danish Interns Martin Armbrust, M.A., Aarhus University, Denmark (Genealogy Center) Peter Hansen, M.A., University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Exhibits) Nicolaj Stengaard Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Exhibits) American Intern Sadie Colebank, M.A., George Washington University, Washington, D.C. (Collections), Internship funded by Diane Skov of Lacey, Washington.

*Danish internships are funded through a generous grant from the Scan Design Foundation, Seattle, WA

Annual Report 39

annual report │ 2017

a year of success We are grateful for yet another fantastic year here at the museum! HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:  Achieved accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums! The Museum of Danish America is now among the top 3% of museums in the nation.  The Genealogy Center building on Main Street was donated to the museum by former board member Dennis Andersen from Atlanta, GA.  Increased our visitors to Elk Horn by 6% compared to 2016. Reached a population of over 300,000 through visits to the museum, traveling exhibits, social media, and programs and presentations around the country.  Through a generous matching grant from the State Historical Society of Iowa, we were able to hire a twoyear Archival Collections Manager.  Participated in numerous festivals and events, including the Orange International Street Fair in California, Grundlovsdag celebrations at both the Danish Home at Croton-on-Hudson, NY and the Royal Danish Embassy in Washington, DC, Danebod Folk Meeting in Tyler, MN and Danish American Cultural Retreat in Menucha, OR.  Presented at various professional conferences, including the 40th anniversary conference of the Danish American Heritage Society and the annual conferences of the Association of Midwest Museums and the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies.  Expanded our Victor Borge Legacy Awards to include the Des Moines Public Schools.

EXHIBITS: The museum continued its active exhibits program in 2017.

 Denmark – America’s Smallest and Biggest Ally – an exhibit on the longstanding diplomatic relationship between the two countries. The opening of the exhibit was attended by the Deputy Chief of Mission from the Embassy of Denmark in Washington, DC, as well as representatives from the Danish veterans organization Wounded Warriors.  The Whimsical World of Bjørn Wiinblad – A retrospective exhibit organized by the Museum of Danish America

By Rasmus Thøgersen

40 Museum of Danish America

    

in cooperation with Arken Museum of Art located in Ishøj, Denmark. The exhibit traveled to the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle and received great reviews there. Skål! Scandinavian Spirits – Organized by our museum, this exhibit also represents the first cooperative effort by all six of the major Scandinavian-American museums. This year it was at the American Swedish Historical Museum in Philadelphia and the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis. Home-Grown Art – museum collection pieces from the tri-county area. Nordic Light: Paintings by Hanne Støvring – a Danish artist based in New York. Watercolors by Betty Pedersen Bell – on loan from the family. Hygge – a traveling banner exhibit intended to celebrate everyone’s favorite (old) new term. Art by Gert Mathiesen – An exhibit exploring the legacy of this contemporary Danish-born artist (1951-2013). The exhibit was at Nordia House in Portland, OR. Nine of the museum’s traveling exhibits were hosted by 19 different venues in 11 different states.

COLLECTIONS: Among the many valuable artifacts we added to the collection in 2017, we want to highlight the following:  Portraits of King Frederick VIII and Christian IX, originally commissioned by the royal family and displayed at Amalienborg Palace; donated by Christian Castenskiold, cousin of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.  Bag of øland flour. A Nordic heritage grain; donated by Elvira Meyer.  A statue by Danish-American sculptor Carl RohlSmith.  Wedding dress worn on both sides of the Atlantic - the dress has an incredible story which was told in the Spring 2017 issue of the America Letter; Henrik Linnet, Tønder, Denmark.  It is also worth noting that our 3D object collection inventory was completed in 2017.

annual report │ 2016 GRANTS

Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund Eric and Joan Norgaard Charitable Trust Shelby County Community Foundation Fabrikant Mads Clausens Fond Iowa Arts Council Iowa Tourism State Historical Society of Iowa, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs  Scan Design Foundation       


In 2017 volunteers at both the Museum and Genealogy Center contributed a total of 3,122 hours, down only 55 hours from 2016. Each year we lose a few volunteers, for a number of reasons – health, a move to a different community or other commitments. But once again, we’ve added a few to the roster – John Mark Nielsen and Nancy Sand at the museum and Julie McKeever and Ann Podraza at the Genealogy Center. Volunteers help with genealogy research, translations, assisting museum staff by greeting visitors at the front desk, helping to set up, serve and clean up at a number of museum events, data entry, mailings, and most recently, in the Jens Jensen Prairie Landscape Park. Staff could not do what we do on a daily basis without assistance from our devoted volunteers - every hour of time volunteers give is deeply appreciated. Mange Tak to ALL of our volunteers! The following are volunteers for whom we have documented hours in 2017.


Annette Andersen Marilyn Andersen Rosalie Andersen Virgil & Joyce Christensen Rosa Clemsen Connie Johnson Jeanette Lillehoj Dawn Nielsen John Mark Nielsen Wava Petersen Elva Rasmussen Nancy Sand Howard Sorensen

GRADUATE STUDENT INTERNS The museum continues to benefit from the work of graduate student interns. A generous donation by Diane Skov funded our American intern. We were thrilled to learn that we have been approved for funding from the Scan Design Foundation to continue our Danish internship program through 2021.


Bent Christensen June Haas Ralf & Inga Hoifeldt Connie Johnson Jeanette Knudsen Julie McKeever Michele McNabb Ann Podraza Suzanne Rasmussen Nancy Sand Charlotte Sorensen Karma Sorensen Gayle Stuart Donna Christensen Thomas Erik Høgsbro Østergaard We also want to recognize members of the Atlantic Chapter of the Friends of The Danish Immigrant Museum who have been long-time supporters and donors. The organization provides us with a variety of cookies we serve to museum guests during our annual celebrations of Tivoli Fest, held the weekend preceding Memorial Day, and Julefest, held the weekend following Thanksgiving Day. Its members include Harvey Andersen, Norma Andersen, Ramona Andersen, Marty & Connie Boose, Janet Bornholdt, Jack & Eileen Denne, Clayton Ellingson, Dean & Verna Esbeck, Gene & Kathleen Eyberg, Ileen Furne, Marcella Gaines, Calvin & Phyllis Hoegh, Chet & Marj Holland, Nadine Jacobsen, Doris Jensen, Gladys McCrory, Merlin & Sonya Mikkelsen, Beverly Nelson, Dale & Linda Nelson, Delores Nelson, Bob & Frances Nelson, Clara Pedersen, Helen Petersen, Darrell & Bertha Schroeter, and Nadine Williamson according to the most recent roster of record. Staff member Deb Christensen Larsen represents the museum.

By Terri Johnson

Annual Report 41

annual report │ 2017

exhibitions It’s a whole new museum! During the course of 2017, every exhibition space was changed, updated, and redesigned. For some of our galleries, that’s part of the routine – spaces that host temporary exhibitions for a few months or a year, and then feature something completely different. But in 2017 the museum installed brand new core exhibitions, the long-term displays that tell the museum’s central story. You can explore the faces, voices, and belongings of Danish immigrants from every decade and all over the country. You can follow a timeline, “14,000 years in 90 feet,” featuring the main events of Danish and Danish-American history. A new Kids Zone presents toys both old and new. Complementing the history, the new core exhibitions also introduces some facts and figures about modern Denmark in the 21st century, from taxes to immigration to reasons why Denmark might be “the happiest country in the world.”

In addition to the new core exhibitions, the museum maintained a full schedule of temporary and traveling exhibitions. We enjoyed sharing a “skål” with the American Swedish Historical Museum in Philadelphia, and later in the year with the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis. The Whimsical World of Bjørn Wiinblad spent the spring in Elk Horn, and then visited Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum for the summer and fall. A new traveling banner exhibition about Hygge defines this very Danish concept for audiences across the country, and even attempts to teach the correct pronunciation. In our changing exhibition galleries, we have continued to highlight artistic expression through the contemporary paintings of Hanne Støvring (Nordic Light), watercolors by Betty Pedersen Bell, and through pieces in the museum collection that were made right in the museum’s neighborhood (Home-Grown Art). In the Kramme Gallery, a major new exhibition presents the history of political and military cooperation between the United States and Denmark in Denmark: America’s Smallest and Biggest Ally. There is no shortage of Danish-American stories to tell, and we invite you to experience them for yourself – whether in Elk Horn or in communities across the country.

By Tova Brandt

* Would you like to share one of these exhibits in your community? Contact us to learn more about hosting a museum display!

42 Museum of Danish America


Traveling Exhibitions in 2017

Sport for Sports’ Sake: Athletes and Ethnicity in Danish America April 23, 2016 – September 4, 2017

Art by Gert Mathiesen Nordia House, Portland, Oregon

Brimberg Photographs for National Geographic (1990-2002) May 2016 – July 2017 The Whimsical World of Bjørn Wiinblad November 25, 2016 – May 30, 2017 Nordic Light: Paintings by Hanne Støvring June 24 – October 31, 2017 Watercolors by Betty Pedersen Bell July 2017 – May 2018 Denmark: America’s Smallest and Biggest Ally September 30, 2017 – September 3, 2018 Home-Grown Art November 24, 2017 – June 10, 2018

Church Basements and Children’s Homes Columbia Hall, Dannebrog, Nebraska Oaks Indian Mission, Oaks, Oklahoma Danish Sisterhood #15, Milwaukee, Wisconsin The Danish Pioneer Scandinavian Midsummer Festival, Omaha, Nebraska Danish American Heritage Society conference, Chicago, Illinois Exploring Danish Happiness Danish American Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Danish Language Village, Bemidji, Minnesota Hygge Danish Cultural Center, Greenville, Michigan Danish Church and Cultural Center, Yorba Linda, California Northwest Danish Association, Seattle, Washington Norden Club, Lincoln, Nebraska Jens Jensen: Celebrating the Native Prairie Danish American Heritage Society conference, Chicago, Illinois Skål! Scandinavian Spirits American Swedish Historical Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania American Swedish Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota Scandinavian Trade Association, Tampa Bay, Florida Becker County Historical Society, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Luck Historical Museum, Luck, Wisconsin Danish American Heritage Society conference, Chicago, Illinois Sport for Sports’ Sake Danish American Heritage Society conference, Chicago, Illinois The Whimsical World of Bjørn Wiinblad Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, Washington

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Throughout 2017, the museum graciously received a number of artifacts that communicate unique stories which we are excited to share with our members and visitors through our exhibitions, on and off site programs, and View Our Collection. One of those pieces is a lace wedding dress that was first worn in 1939 in the U.S. and then in Denmark in 1947. Another is a set of letters notifying a military family during World War I that their son had been killed in action, and then retracting that information and relaying that he was instead wounded and recovering in a hospital in France. Also new to our collection are dishes and photos documenting a Danish-immigrant owned restaurant and motel in Illinois that operated between the 1940s and 1980s. These, and so many more stories are now preserved and shared – we are grateful. Thank you for your continued and kind support. ARTIFACT DONORS David Andersen, Marion, IA Muriel Bacon, Harlan, IA Karen Beall, Santa Fe, NM Virginia Beck, Monument, CO Steve Berg, DeKalb, IL Lois Bornemeier, Danbury, CT O. Keith Bowman, Des Moines, IA Kenneth Bower, New York City, NY Dorte Brandenhoff, San Francisco, CA Christian Castenskiold, Thousand Oaks, CA Borge Christensen, Rochester, MN Rosa Clemsen, Exira, IA Norman Danielsen, Randolph, KS Danish Brotherhood Lodge #35, Homewood, IL Marilyn Denison, Rapid City, SD

By Angela Stanford

44 Museum of Danish America

Carol Ekberg, Tyler, MN Kristen Frank, Decorah, IA Erik Frodsham, Fresno, CA Rosanne Fulton, Council Bluffs, IA Family of Clara (Tange) and Arndt Hanson, Philomath, OR Raymond Holland, Bettendorf, IA Anni Holm, West Chicago, IL Family of Howell and Hanson, Mojave, CA Esther Jensen, Santa Maria, CA Kris Johnson, Seguin, TX Jeff Jul, Davenport, IA Art Koff, Chicago, IL Kolding Kunstforening, Kolding, Denmark Jacob Jensen, Lunderskov, Denmark David and Barb LaMaster, Park Rapids, MN Jeanette Lillehoj, Kimballton, IA Henrik Linnet, Tønder, Denmark Anja Lyager, Esbjerg, Denmark Darlene Maddox, Portland, OR Marion Marzolf, Ann Arbor, MI Linda Miller, Henderson, NV Descendants of Christian & Agnes Andersen Nielsen, Waverly, IA Elvira Meyer Nielsen, New York City, NY John Mark Nielsen, Blair, NE Leroy Nielsen, Audubon, IA Pat, Stave, and Darin Olsen, Omaha, NE Robert Ostergaard, Minneapolis, MN Doris Rasmussen, Harlan, IA Ed Shada, Council Bluffs, IA Christian Slinkard, Tenino, WA Dane Stauffer, St. Paul, MN The Thanks-Giving Foundation, Dallas, TX Pamela Whitmore, Des Moines, IA

genealogy center In 2017 the Genealogy Center saw the highest number of visitors in a year since opening (749). It is exciting to see so many people interested in researching their Danish roots! Our front room display, “Æbleskiver Pans: Past & Present,” featuring æbleskiver pans from the museum’s collection, opened for TivoliFest in alignment with the festival’s æbleskiver theme. In October, this was replaced by a local history exhibit in conjunction with the museum’s core exhibit redesign. The exhibit features artifacts and documents that tell the story of Danish settlement in Elk Horn and the surrounding area, emphasizing the Genealogy Center’s connection to the museum while illustrating the type of information that may be found within the library. Scan Design Foundation intern Martin Armbrust helped catalog 491 new items for our library and Special Collections. The hiring of a two-year Archival Collections Manager, Cheyenne Jansdatter, ensures that the museum’s archival collection and Genealogy Center’s Special Collections will merge into a cohesive collection meeting archival standards. Genealogy staff and volunteers completed 49 paid research projects and 29 translation projects, sent from around the country, in addition to working alongside walk-in patrons and responding to phone and email queries. Our Danish immigrant database has grown to over 10,000 files containing biographical and genealogical information. Volunteers donated over 2,000 hours to improving the Center’s resources, assisting with projects, and keeping us fueled on cookies and coffee. A very special thank you to Dennis Andersen, owner and landlord of the Genealogy Center’s beautiful home on Main Street since its move there in 2003, for his generous decision this year to donate the building to the Museum of Danish America. We are very grateful for all the work Dennis has done on the building over the years, and now for this gracious gift. We were thrilled this year to meet so many new faces and to be visited by old friends. Thank you to all patrons and donors for your kind and generous support. In 2017 we received and/or processed donations from the following individuals and institutions: Peer Louis Aarestrup, Vejle, Denmark Martín Adair, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ruth Amernick, San Francisco, CA

Annette Andersen, Kimballton, IA Ardean Andersen, Aurora, NE Gwendolyn Andersen, Rockville, MD Roger Andersen, Ames, IA Bradley Arakelian, Del Mar, CA Dennis Barten, Kirkwood, MO Karen Beall, Santa Fe, NM Raymond & Joan Beebe, Forest City, IA James & Deb Bieker, Elk Horn, IA Lois Bornemeier, Danbury, CT Doug Bro, Claremont, CA Ramona Christensen, Rosemount, MN Connie K. Christiansen, State College, PA Lis Clark, Boynton Beach, FL Rosa Clemsen, Exira, IA Linda Coulter, LeMars, IA Reinhard Danger, Rochester, NY Danish American Historical Society of California, Fresno, CA Dannevirke Lodge #9, Sparks, NV Lois Eagleton, Eugene, OR Barry Edmonds, Moodus, CT Laurin & Esther Eichhorn, Sioux City, IA Karen Eilers, Cottage Grove, MN David & Helen Esbeck, San Diego, CA Karen Fahn, Harlan, IA Jan & Larry Fajen, Elk Horn, IA Federation of Danish Associations in   Canada, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada Dorothy Stadsvold Feisel, Chestertown, MD Gloria Richelieu Fiedler, Davenport, IA Violet Fifield, Willmar, MN Susan Goodhope, Veronia, OR Dennis Gray, Winston-Salem, NC Berniece Grewcock, Omaha, NE Edie Grim, Dannebrog, NE Arnold & Doris Gude, Elk Horn, IA Donna Gude, Elk Horn, IA June Haas, Kimballton, IA Anne-Mette Hansell, Drexel Hill, PA Charles M. Hansen, Sausalito, CA Joyce Hansen, Kimballton, IA Lucy Hansen, Tipton, IA Walter Hansen, West Branch, IA John Havick, Stone Mountain, GA Mette Haydt, Hemet, CA Marie Henriksen & family, Arco, MN

By Kara McKeever

Annual Report 45

annual report │ 2016 2017 Clarence & Evelyn Holtze, Rosemount, MN Joy Ibsen, Villa Park, IL Barbara Jacobsen, Atlantic, IA Beverly Jensen, Lake St. Louis, MO James & Jane Jensen, Harlan, IA Judy Jernberg, Eugene, OR Alen & Penny Johnson, Marshfield, WI Connie & Lynn Johnson, Exira, IA Muriel Johnson, Littleton, CO Robert Johnson, New Brighton, MN Timothy Jorgensen, Rockville, MD Richard Juel, Cedar Falls, IA Magne Juhl, Viborg, Denmark Maren Kennedy, Mansfield, OH Andrew & Fern Kissel, Elk Horn, IA Constance Klein, Lincoln, CA Kathleen Klem, Rosemount, MN Mike Koehler, Waupaca, WI Edward Kruse, Apple Valley, MN Shirley Kuhlman, Westminster, CO Kenneth Larsen, Harlan, IA Knud Larsen, Roseburg, OR Sheri Larsen, Marshalltown, IA Randy Leete, Elk Horn, IA Debbie Leistad, Atlantic, IA Jeanette Lillehoj, Kimballton, IA Barb Lynch, Bettendorf, IA Richard Macdonald, Tremont, IL Darlene Maddox, Portland, OR Linda Madsen, Billings, MT Gary & Betty Martens, Walnut, IA John Masengarb, West St. Paul, MN Michele McNabb, Iowa City, IA Russell McNees, Atlantic, IA Daniel Mikel, West St. Paul, MN Marilyn Moller, Lakeville, MN Birgitte Molvig, Chico, CA Gannon Murphy, Edina, MN Dale Nelson, Elk Horn, IA Richard Nelson, Elk Horn, IA Rupert Nelson, Claremont, CA Christine Newman, Oro Valley, AZ John Mark Nielsen, Blair, NE Lori Nielsen, Blair, NE Margarita Nielsen, Jupiter, FL Mike Nielsen, Council Bluffs, IA

46 Museum of Danish America

Patricia Nielsen, Audubon, IA Raymond Nielsen, Homewood, IL Stanley Nielsen, Monona, WI Liv Norderhaug, Eden Prairie, MN Erik Nørkjær, Aulum, Denmark Brent & Shirley Norlem, Monticello, MN Ginger Nuesser, Winter Haven, FL Charles Olsen, Viborg, SD Ann Ostergaard, Pittsburgh, PA Marian ”Mittie” Ostergaard, Mission Viejo, CA Robert Ostergaard, Minneapolis, MN William Packwood, Rosemount, MN Georg Pedersen, Seattle, WA Charlotte Peebles, Plummer, ID David Petersen, Lincoln, NE Lisa Petersen, Owings, MD Muriel Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Susan Petersen, Yorba Linda, CA Helen J. Phillips, Altoona, IA Cleone Pritchard, Stillwater, MN Merle Rasmussen, Huxley, IA Suzanne Rasmussen, Kirkman, IA Thomas Rasmussen, Lake Elmo, MN Don Richelieu, Irene, SD John Riehle, Woodbury, MN Jeffery & Rita Ross, Stillwater, MN Tom Schofield, Alexandria, MN Michael Shain, Lincoln, NE Diane Skov, Lacey, WA Christian Slinkard, Tenino, WA Terry Smith, Portland, MN Theresa Sorenson, Denver, CO Martha Staby, Loveland, CO Dane Stauffer, St. Paul, MN Carl Steffensen, Houston, TX Gayle & Leo Stuart, Walnut, IA Dick & Sonja Switzer, Omaha, NE Arthur Tempel, Brooklyn, NY The Danish Home, Croton-on-Hudson, NY Craig Thiesen, St. Paul, MN Finn H. Thomsen, Aalborg, Denmark Craig Wilkinson, Salt Lake City, UT Minna Williams, Calistoga, CA Dee Wittkopp, Mesa, AZ Marilyn Wittrup, Scituate, MA Julie Wrase, Little Canada, MN

Condensed Financial Statements Years Ended August 31, 2017 and 2016 Condensed Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets - Modified Cash Basis 2017 2016 Assets Cash and Investments..................................................... 5,556,703.............4,466,888 Inventory............................................................................... 87,830..................99,535 Property and Equipment (Net)......................................... 4,600,425.............4,715,828 Total Assets.................................................................. 10,244,958.............9,282,251 Liabilities and Net Assets

Accrued Payroll Taxes................................................................... 0.......................424

Lines of Credit.................................................................... 200,000............... 263,000

Total Liabilities................................................ 200,000................263,424 Net Assets............................................................................. 10,044,958.............9,018,827

endowment The Museum of Danish America’s endowments provide the opportunity for members to perpetuate their contributions and at the same time help guarantee the museum’s longterm financial viability. Current market value as of December 31, 2017, was $5,241,734.97.


In 2017 the museum received $242,027.38 in Total Liabilities and Net Assets................ 10,244,958.............9,282,251 bequests, $2,593.30 (1%) has been invested in the museum’s Condensed Statement of Revenue and Support, Expenses, endowment funds and the balance and Changes in Net Assets – Modified Cash Basis for years ended August 31, $239,434.08 (99%) has been or is 2017 2016 being used for operations, special Support and Revenue projects and programming. The Museum of Danish America gratefully Contributions and Support.............................................. 1,726,535.............1,159,005 acknowledges the following estates, Admissions and Program Fees............................................ 16,015..................18,169 trusts and individuals:

Gift Shop Revenue (Net)....................................................... 52,921..................51,211

Investment and Other Income............................................ 623,669................290,108 Total Support and Revenue......................... 2,419,140.............1,518,493 Expenses Program Services............................................................... 842,799................892,329

Rita Neergaard Hansen, Kenosha, WI Elise Jensen, Newell, IA Doris Sorensen, Tulsa, OK Erik Sorensen, Knoxville, IA

Supporting Activities.......................................................... 550,210............... 507,161

Total Expenses............................................. 1,393,009.............1,399,490

Change in Net Assets.................................. 1,026,131................119,003 Net Assets – Beginning of Year............................................. 9,018,827.............8,899,824 Net Assets – End of Year........................... 10,044,958.............9,018,827

Annual Report 47

annual report │ 2017

merit of recognition

The Museum of Danish America permanently recognizes two groups of friends and members who have distinguished themselves with the outstanding support, both while living and in their estates plans.


Recognition includes five categories of giving. This reflects ALL cumulative donations of $25,000 and more from individuals or their estates, foundations, trusts and organizations. These names are inscribed on a large plaque at the entrance of the museum. During the calendar year of 2017, the Board of Directors was pleased to add the names of David W. & Helen A. Esbeck, San Diego, CA (Bronze) Howard & Ruth Esbeck Trust, Elk Horn, IA (Silver) Agnita M. Christensen Stine Schreiber Foundation, Inc., Shepherdstown, WV (Bronze) Erik Sorensen Trust, Knoxville, IA (Silver) Todd & Jalynn Wanninger/Carroll Control Systems, Carroll, IA (Bronze) And in addition, we acknowledge these donors having achieved a new level of lifetime giving: Dennis J. Andersen, Atlanta, Ga (Platinum) State of Iowa (Platinum) DIAMOND $1,000,000 Wayne Alwill Estate, Manning, IA Anonymous William & Berniece Grewcock, Omaha, NE Bruce R. Lauritzen Family, Omaha, NE Charles W. & Norma J. Wilson Foundation, Inc., Red Oak, IA PLATINUM $500,000 Dennis J. Andersen, Atlanta, GA Gunnar Horn, Omaha, NE Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund, Seattle, WA State of Iowa GOLD $250,000 Anonymous Mervin Bro, Scottsdale, AZ Marianne K. Festersen Trust, Omaha, NE Peter Kiewit Foundation, Omaha, NE

By Deb Christensen Larsen 48 Museum of Danish America

Roy J. & Rita Neergaard Hansen, Kenosha, WI Richard Hellman, Oceanside, CA Scan Design Foundation by Inger & Jens Bruun, Seattle, WA SILVER $100,000 Anonymous Anton & Gunver M. Berg, DeKalb, IL Esther “E.J.” Carlson Estate, Columbus, OH Carl Aage Christensen, Denver, CO Edna M. Christensen, Atlantic, IA Tom & Jan Christensen, Bettendorf, IA Elk Horn Lutheran Church, Elk Horn, IA Howard & Ruth Esbeck Trust, Elk Horn, IA Asta Forrest, Fountain Hills, AZ Charles & Joanne Frederiksen, Ames, IA Gertrude Gronbech, Washington, D.C. Stewart & Lenore Hansen, West Des Moines, IA Roy & Patricia Hougen, Ames, IA Iowa West Foundation, Council Bluffs, IA James D. & Margery Iversen, Ames, IA Clyde & Emma Johnson, Omaha, NE Martha Jorgensen, Audubon, IA John & Audrey Kofoed, West Branch, IA Lowell & Marilyn Kramme, Des Moines, IA Reola Lerager, Wichita, KS Lutheran Brotherhood, Minneapolis, MN Herbert C. Madison, Washington, DC Adelaide M. Madsen Estate, Cedar Rapids, IA A.P. Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark Mark & Lori Nussle, Palos Park, IL Folmer & Vera Nyby, Michigan City, IN Poul Olesen & Benedikte Ehlers Olesen, Eugene, Oregon Olga S. Olsen Estate, Watertown, SD H. Rand & Mary Louise Petersen, Harlan, IA John I. Petersen Estate, Kimballton, IA Erik Sorensen Trust, Knoxville, IA Harriet Albertsen Spanel, Bellingham, WA E. Irene Starrett, Audubon, IA Chrystal Hemmingsen Willis Wagner Estate, Seattle, WA Wilber Williamson, Des Moines, IA

BRONZE $25,000 Aalborg And Linie Aquavits, Arcus As, Hagan Norway Anonymous (2) Norman C. Bansen Estate, Blair, NE Mogens & Cindy Bay, Omaha, Nebraska Elna N. Bellows, Edina, MN Harold W. & Lois M. Berg, Ogden, IA Egon & Diana Bodtker, Salem, OR Sanna and Victor Borge Memorial Fund, New York, NY Marie A. Budolfson Estate, Ames, IA Cedar Valley Danes, Cedar Falls, IA area Jack & Barbara Christensen, Yankton, SD Lamont & Lois Christensen, Elk Horn, IA Glen & Rosa Clemsen, Exira, IA Dolores G. Connelly Estate, Atlantic, IA Country Landscapes, Inc., Ames, IA R. James & Janet Borge Crowle, Saint Michaels, MD Danish Brotherhood In America, Highlands Ranch, CO Danish Mutual Insurance Association, Elk Horn, IA Ane-Grethe Olesen & Rory A.M. Delaney, Wayzata, MN David W. & Helen A. Esbeck, San Diego, CA Gordon, Mary Lou & Janice Esbeck, Tipton, Iowa Ramona L. Esbeck, Ames, IA Sally og Gordon Faber, Urbandale, Iowa J. Emory & Edna Fredrickson Estate, Elk Horn, IA Margaret Louise Gee Estate, West Des Moines, IA Marilyn Andersen Gift & William Gift, Des Moines, Iowa Alf & Lili Gregerson, Ridgefield, WA Caroline L. Hansen, Harlan, IA Walter & Vesta Hansen, West Branch, Iowa Alma O. Hartvigsen Estate, Harlan, IA Henningsen Construction, Inc., Atlantic, IA Stanley & Helen Howe, Muscatine, IA Humanities Iowa, Iowa City, IA Vern E. Hunter, Fargo, ND Al & Bridget Jensen, Houston, TX Cornelius C.J. Jensen Estate, Edmonds, WA Irving & Elizabeth Jensen Foundation, Sioux City, IA Nils & Kathleen Jensen, Portland, Oregon Roland & Joan Jensen, Ankeny, IA

Iver (Whitey) & Lis Jorgensen, Burnsville, Minnesota Robert S. Kroman Estate, Elk Horn, IA Kulturministeriet, Copenhagen, Denmark Kurt K. & Joy Larsen, Oneonta, AL Richard Ledet, Des Moines, IA Leonard K. & Lenora J. Madsen Estate, Kansas City, MO Marne & Elk Horn Telephone Co., Elk Horn, IA Carl & Marilyn Mehr, San Diego, California Inez M. Mortensen Estate, Omaha, NE Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA Einar Schultz Nielsen, Tustin, CA Hans Thyge & Valborg Nielsen, Denver, CO John Mark & Dawn Nielsen, Blair, Nebraska Ruth Herman Nielsen Estate, Omaha, NE Irene A. Nissen Estate, Cedar Falls, IA Eric & Joan Norgaard Charitable Trust, Northbrook, IL Kay Esbeck North, Ames, IA Kai E. & Melody Starr Nyby, Laporte, IN Erik & Jackie Olsen, Glenbrook, NV Glenn & Mary Ellen Olsen, Atlantic, Iowa Peter & Irma Ă˜rum, Saint Charles, IL Marc & Carlene Petersen, Omaha, NE Kurt & Lynette Skov Rasmussen, Johnston, Iowa Eugene Robinson, Pensacola, FL Anelise Sawkins, Minneapolis, MN Agnita M. Christensen Stine Schreiber Foundation, Inc., Shepherdstown, WV Shelby County Community Foundation, Shelby County, IA Shelby County State Bank, Harlan, IA Ava Simonsen Estate, Audubon, IA Harold L. Sorenson Estate, Exira, IA Wilbur C. Sorenson Estate, Exira, IA Lemuel & Edith Sprow Estate, Mound, MN Carl & Frances Steffensen, Houston, TX Janet M. Thuesen, Falls Church, VA Svend & Lois Toftemark, Eugene, OR Erik & Lissi Vange, Palatine, Illinois Marion J. Walker Estate, Solvang, CA Todd & Jalynn Wanninger/Carroll Control Systems, Carroll, IA

For more information If you would like more information on how you can become a member of Lifetime Legacy Giving or a Heritage Builder, contact Rasmus Thøgersen, Executive Director; Deb Christensen Larsen, Development Manager; Paul Johnson, Planned Giving Consultant; or any member of the Board of Directors, who will be pleased to work with you.

Please contact them by calling (712)764-7001 or toll free (800)759-9192; email address: Rasmus. , , or . Your inquiry will be treated confidentially. Annual Report 49

annual report │ 2017 The Heritage Builders Over the past 34 years, the Museum of Danish America has accomplished much because of special friends and members who have provided for the museum in their estate plans. During 2017 five new Heritage Builders plaques were added to the recognition board and they are indicated in bold. With their permission while living or the permission of their executors, the names of Heritage Builders are permanently inscribed on a plaque in the museum. Anonymous (4) (1) Dennis J. Andersen, Atlanta, GA Anne Bansen*, Ferndale, CA Norman C. Bansen*, Blair, NE Constance Boggild*, Delray Beach, FL Victor Borge*, Greenwich, CT Judy Brehm, Blair, NE Ronald D. & Mary L. Bro, Cedar Falls, IA H. Donald* & Margie E. Brown, Seal Beach, CA Marie Budolfson*, Ames, IA Borge & Lotte Christensen, Tucson, AZ Charles R. Christensen*, Omaha, NE Edna M. Christensen*, Atlantic, IA Myrvin F. & Anne C. Christopherson, Decorah, IA Dolores Gregersen Connelly*, Atlantic, IA Lydia Sorensen Eriksen*, Waterloo, IA David Esbeck*, Des Moines, IA Gordon R. & Jan Esbeck, Tipton, IA Howard Esbeck*, Ames, IA Ramona Esbeck, Ames, IA Dorothy & Lyle Feisel, Chestertown, MD Asta Forrest*, Fountain Hills, AZ Joanne Frederiksen, Ames, IA J. Emory* & Edna Fredrickson*, Elk Horn, IA Earl* & LaVena Fries, Des Moines, IA Margaret Gee*, West Des Moines, IA Gertrude Gronbech*, Washington, D.C. Caroline Hansen*, Harlan, IA Hans Hansen*, Des Moines, IA Laura E. Hansen*, Irwin, IA Rita Neergaard Hansen*, Kenosha, WI Rosa Hansen*, Hampton, IA Roger J. Hanson, Cedar Falls, IA Alma Hartvigsen*, Harlan, IA Richard Hellman*, Oceanside, CA Anna Marie Hjuler*, Audubon, IA Susanne Hohlen, Monticello, MN Anna Thomsen Holliday, Houston, TX Gunnar Horn*, Omaha, NE


50 Museum of Danish America

Joy Ibsen, Trout Creek, MI James D. & Margery Iversen, Ames, IA Genevieve Jensen*, Plainview, NE Ruth Jensen*, Ames, IA Agnes Johnson*, Garden City, MI Clyde* & Emma Johnson*, Omaha, NE Paul & Liz Johnson, Fremont, NE Martha Jorgensen*, Audubon, IA Mogens H. Kiehn*, Scottsdale, AZ Garey & Sherry Knudsen, Hutchinson, MN Joy S. Larsen, Oneonta, AL Jerome R. & Carolyn Larson, Saint Paul, MN Folmer* & Reola Lerager*, Wichita, KS Harald Hans Lund*, Higganum, CT Tom Lund, Harlan, IA Adelaide Madsen*, Iowa City, IA Rudolph* & Margaret Madsen*, Racine,WI Keith N. McFarland*, New Brighton, MN Helga Mikkelsen*, Waverly, IA Inez M. Mortensen*, Omaha, NE Ruth Rasmussen Nelson*, St. Cloud, MN Einer Schultz Nielsen*, Newport Beach, CA Jens Nielsen*, Newell, IA John Mark Nielsen & Dawn Marie Nielsen, Blair, NE Karen Madsen Nielsen*, Junction City, OR Margaret A. Nielsen*, King City, OR Ruth Herman Nielsen*, Omaha, NE Raymond* & Irene Nissen*, Cedar Falls, IA Eric* & Joan Norgaard*, Glenview, IL Folmer & Vera Nyby, Michigan City, IN Caroline Olsen*, Minneapolis, MN Olga S. Olsen*, Watertown, SD Marian E. (Mittie) Ostergaard, Mission Viejo, CA Dorothy C. Pedersen*, Omaha, NE John I. Petersen*, Waterloo, IA Lois Petersen*, Atlantic, IA Peyton* & Lucia Respess*, Omaha, NE Eugene Robinson*, Pensacola, FL Ava Simonsen*, Audubon, IA Bodil Sorensen*, Kirkland, WA Howard & Karma Sorensen, Elk Horn, IA Harold L. Sorenson*, Exira, IA Halvor Strandskov*, Osterville, MA Carol Svendsen, Denver, CO Margaret Syring*, St. Paul, MN Jennifer & Rasmus Thøgersen, Omaha, NE Nancy J. Walden, Des Moines, IA Sandra Wunder, Omaha, NE

special appeals During the course of each year, the Museum of Danish America invites its supporters to make contributions to special appeals. The individuals, businesses, or foundations listed below contributed to these appeals in 2017 (and are reflected in the Honor Roll of Contributors). Donors to the Summer Appeal and End-of-Year Appeal are included in the Honor Roll of Contributors.

AAM ACCREDITATION BOARD MEMBER CHALLENGE Gary & Cindy Larsen Adams, Littleton, CO Ronald & Mary Bro, Cedar Falls, IA Dr. John Roof & Beth Bro-Roof, Cedar Rapids, IA Timothy & Christine Burchill, Jamestown, ND Bente Ellis, San Jose, CA David & Helen Esbeck, San Diego, CA David & Paulette Hendee, Omaha, NE Hal & Hon. Consul Anna Thomsen Holliday, Houston, TX Marnie Jensen, Nebraska City, NE Garey & Sherry Knudsen, Hutchinson, MN Jerry & Carolyn Larson, Saint Paul, MN Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA Hon. Consul Karen Nielsen, Overland Park, KS Randall & Margaret Ruggaard, Hudson, OH Anders Sand, Kansas City, MO Carl & Frances Steffensen, Houston, TX Linda Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Karen Suchomel, West Branch, IA James Mead & Carol Svendsen, Denver, CO

BEDSTEMOR’S HOUSE Alan & Susan Steen, Elk Horn, IA CURATORIAL CENTER Irving & Elizabeth Jensen Foundation, Sioux City, IA CURATORIAL DEPARTMENT Exhibits Artist in Residence Anni Holm Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA Denmark: America’s Biggest and Smallest Ally The T.G. Jensen Family in honor of all who served to protect America Peter & Irma Ørum, Saint Charles, IL Royal Danish Guard Society (Mellemstaternes Garderforening), Algonquin, IL Ole & Eva Sindberg, Cary, IL The Whimsical World of Bjørn Wiinblad Mr. Lars Gert Lose, Ambassador, Royal Danish Embassy, Washington, DC Denmark, October 1943: Occupation and Resistance The Danish Home, Croton-on-Hudson, NY COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT Marion Marzolf, Ann Arbor, MI ENDOWED CURATOR POSITION (Albert Ravenholt Curator of Danish-American Culture) Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund, Hanlontown, IA ENDOWMENT Rita Neergaard Hansen Estate, Kenosha, WI

Monthly E-News We are looking for individuals, businesses, or organizations to help us cover the costs of our new email system. Contact the Development Department to bring another month of updates to our 5,600+ subscribers for $200.

Annual Report 51

annual report │ 2017 GENEALOGY CENTER Anonymous Dennis Barten, Kirkwood, MO James & Deb Bieker, Elk Horn, IA Raymond & Joan Beebe, Forest City, IA Ramona Christensen, Rosemount, MN Rosa Clemsen, Exira, IA Linda Coulter, LeMars, IA David & Helen Esbeck, San Diego, CA Arnold & Doris Gude, Elk Horn, IA Donna Gude, Elk Horn, IA Marie Henriksen, Arco, MN Clarence & Evelyn Holtze, Rosemount, MN James & Jane Jensen, Harlan, IA Jeff & Maren Kennedy, Mansfield, OH Andy & Fern Kissel, Elk Horn, IA Constance Klein, Lincoln, CA Debbie Leistad, Atlantic, IA Gary & Betty Martens, Walnut, IA Michele McNabb, West Branch, IA Daniel & Alice Mikel, West Saint Paul, MN Dale Nelson, Elk Horn, IA Richard Nelson, Elk Horn, IA William & Virginia Packwood, Rosemount, MN Muriel Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Terry & Leigh Ann Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Cleone Pritchard, Stillwater, MN Jerry & Karel Rasmussen, Houston, TX Thomas & Bonnie Rasmussen, Lake Elmo, MN John Riehle & Charles Riehle, Woodbury, MN Jeffery & Rita Ross, Stillwater, MN Michael Shain, Lincoln, NE Leo & Gayle Stuart, Walnut, IA Dick & Sonja Switzer, Omaha, NE Craig & Devona Wilkinson, Salt Lake City, UT Eric Netteberg & Julie Wrase, Little Canada, MN GRANTS Iowa Great Places Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA Collections Department Archival Collections Manager Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA Curatorial Department Traveling Exhibits The Whimsical World of Bjørn Wiinblad Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund, Hanlontown, IA The American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York, NY Danfoss A/S - Fabrikant Mads Clausen Fond, Nordborg, Denmark

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Whimsical Winter at MODA Iowa Economic Development Authority, Des Moines, IA Internships Danish Interns Scan Design Foundation, Seattle, WA American Intern Diane Skov, Lacey, WA IN PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS film Scan Design Foundation, Seattle, WA JENS JENSEN HERITAGE PATH PAVERS Arthur & Betty Beckman, Omaha, NE Guy & Elizabeth Boye, Franklin, TN Sharon Brown, Omaha, NE Norman & Phyllis Choat, Omaha, NE Etta Christensen, Bennington, NE Tom & Ann Christensen, Colorado Springs, CO Dottie Deines, Omaha, NE Daniel MacMillan & Juleann Fallgatter, Washington, DC Kay Cameron & Dennis Gray, Winston-Salem, NC Marilyn Hammond, Omaha, NE David & Paulette Hendee, Omaha, NE Beverly Hilton, Eau Claire, WI Cameron Gale & Brigham Hoegh, Atlantic, IA Robert & Cherry Hufferd, Omaha, NE Mark & Fae Lykke, Spencer, IA Tom & Inta Nielsen, Omaha, NE Northwest Danish Association, Seattle, WA Linda Placzek, Papillion, NE Bruce & Calla Poldberg, Kimballton, IA Nancy Porter, Iowa City, IA Tom & Judy Rine, Omaha, NE Kenneth & Carolyn Sand, Prairie du Chien, WI Janet Schroeder, Cedar Rapids, IA Penny Sourile, Vadnais Heights, MN Mark & Karen Stacey, Omaha, NE John Thomsen, Brooklyn, NY Judith Thomsen, Glendora, CA SPONSORSHIPS E-News Raymond James (Hon. Consul John & Jilliann Larsen), Scottsdale, AZ

Events Brown Bag Lunch – Beverages Salem Lutheran Homes, Elk Horn, IA Julefest - Julehjerter Station Craig & Shannon Jensen, Audubon, IA Sankt Hans Aften Landmands Bank, Audubon, IA Shelby County State Bank, Harlan & Elk Horn, IA 360° Cardboard Viewer Anonymous

TRAVELING EXHIBITS: Hygge Cynthia Larsen Adams & Gary Adams, Littleton, CO MODA in Solvang René Kærskov, Solvang, CA VIDEO CAMERA & ACCESSORIES Rasmus & Jennifer Thøgersen, Omaha, NE

danish immigrant wall of honor The purpose of the Museum, among other things, is to tell the continuing story of the Danish immigrant experience and influence in America and the evolving story of the Danish-American heritage. As a way of paying tribute, the Wall of Honor was established listing the name of the immigrant, year of entering the United States, and place of settlement. Their stories and family histories, if available, are part of the growing repository connected with the Museum of Danish America’s Genealogy Center. Listed below are the names of the immigrants placed on the Museum’s Wall of Honor in the year 2017: PEDER MØRCK HANSEN (1996) Omaha, Nebraska – Andrea Hansen, Omaha, NE; Kaylan & DJ Bradley; William Hansen, Omaha, NE CARL JOHAN HOLM (1912) Fort Dodge, Iowa – Dale & Jan Johnson, Fremont, NE JENS P.C. (CHRIS) JENSEN (1906) Greenfield, Iowa – Verla Elliott, Woodward, IA OTTO JENSEN & MARIE POULSEN JENSEN (1890 | 1925-26) Albert Lea, Minnesota – Pearl Swank, Poplar, MT RENE GROSS KÆRSKOV (1991) Solvang, California – René Gross Kærskov, Solvang, CA CHRISTIAN FREDERICK LARSEN (1909) Bergenfield, New Jersey – Brenda K. Ryan, Auburn Hills, MI LARS J. LARSEN & LAURA HANSEN LARSEN (1905 | 1928) Dagmar, Montana – Svend Larsen, Dagmar, MT PHILIP EUGEN LUND (2007) Portland, Oregon – Julie Lund, Portland, OR BODIL KATRINE MADSEN (1924) Laurel, Nebraska – Linda Madsen, Billings, MT; Merle Nielsen, Cody, WY

JENS KRISTIAN MADSEN (1924) Laurel, Nebraska – Linda Madsen, Billings, MT; Charles Madsen, Worland, WY KRISTEN & INGER (MIKKELSEN) MADSEN (1923 | 1924) Laurel, Nebraska – Linda Madsen, Billings, MT POULINE MADSEN (1924) Laurel, Nebraska – Donna Hausmann, Butte, NE ELISABETH MORTENSEN (1958) San Jose, California – Bente Ellis, San Jose, CA HANS MARTIN NIELSEN (1913) Vinton, Iowa – Wanda Lastovka, Belle Plaine, IA; Dan Lastovka, Belle Plaine, IA MARINUS NIELSEN & FREDERIKKA POULSEN (1907 | 1907) Albert Lea, Minnesota – Pearl Swank, Poplar, MT LOUIS PETERSON & MARIE (JENSEN) PETERSON (1887 | 1892) Stanhope, Iowa – Donald K. Wall, Ames, IA JENS POULSEN & KJERSTINE (CHRISTINA) HANSEN (1899 | 1901) Appam, North Dakota – Pearl Swank, Poplar, MT SOREN FRIIS (SAM) POULSEN (1907) Albert Lea, Minnesota – Pearl Swank, Poplar, MT ARNE CHRISTIAN RASMUSSEN (1958) San Jose, California – Bente Ellis, San Jose CA BIRGIT MARGRETHE SABO (1965) Lakeland, Florida – Birgit Sabo, Lakeland, FL JETTE SKOUBYE (1964) Corrales, New Mexico – Jim Tritten, Corrales, NM ANDREW PETER SVENDSEN (1884) Woodbine, Iowa – Linda LaFleur, Albany, OR

By Deb Christensen Larsen Annual Report 53

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memorials The Museum of Danish America is the grateful recipient of gifts made in memory of deceased friends and relatives. Darlene Elouise Andersen, Avoca, IA Opal Jean Schultz Baker Lorraine Nielsen Barton, Omaha, NE Gunver Berg John H. Besson Paul Blinkilde, my husband Carl Bonnesen Mr. and Mrs. Folmer Bonnesen Charles E. R. & Elizabeth Boye My Brodersen, Frederickson & Hoogensen Family Members Robert W. Brown Peter Caroe Lorraine Jensen Cenovich Jens & Magda Christensen Ray Christensen Ray Christensen, beloved announcer for WCCO Radio-Minneapolis Christiansen Olaf Christiansen Jens & Elna Christophersen Cecilie Petersen Clausen Hans & Cecelia Clausen Donald L. Clausen of Orlando, FL Donald L. Clausen, my husband George Clausen, my father Glen Clemsen Ralph Doonan Alf Moody Eastergard David M. Esbeck, Des Moines, IA Valborg Godfredsen Eve Hans & Mathilde Farstrup Thora Framsted, my mother Herman & Marie Friis Clifford K. & A. Veola Hansen Priscilla Hansen Shirley M. (Bondo) Hansen Walter & Vesta Hansen Walter E. Hansen Lydia Hansen of Rockford, IL Carma M. Hansen, my wife Ardis Elaine Henriksen, Minnesota Celebrating the memory of Dr. LeRoy & Laura Henriksen, Armstrong, IA Tom Higgins Herbert Hjortsvang

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The George Hoegh Family - Betty Jean & Harriet Hoegh, Bertha Molgaard Schukei, Becker & Kenneth Hoegh Merlin Holland Francis Holland, Mason City, IA Ahlmann (Al) Iversen Ellen Westergaard Jackson Frederick Jacobsen Jens & Anna Jacobsen Inge R. Jacobson Erving Jensen Irving & Elizabeth Jensen William R. “Bill” Jensen Herluf Johansen, my husband Clark Johnsen Helen & Julius Johnsen Ronald M. Johnson Ronald Johnson, Raleigh, NC Niels W. & Ingrid H. Jorgensen Dr. Jim Jorgensen, DVM (grandfather) Carol Jorgensen, my wife The Parents of Richard & Rita Juhl Tage Ketelsen Hans Kiehn Donald “Buck” King Ruth & Peder Kirkegaard Leo Kirkhhoff Dick Kramme John S. Kristensen Marius Landbo Norma Lange Russell Lange Clara Mathilda Larsen Paul M. & Johanne Larsen Nita Larson Dorothea Laursen Ed Leistad Eivind Lillehoj Rosella Nielsen Linquist Dorothy E. Landstrom Lund Bent & Lydia Hansen Alfred (Fred) Madsen Dr. Paul O. Madsen Clark Mathisen H. C. Mathison Rigmor Mattsen Elizabeth (Hansen) McCoy Ellen Mary Henriksen McKinzie

All four of my Danish grandparents (Marilyn Meyer) Connie Moeller Gotleib Mogensen (Berneta Mogensen Balsley’s father) Karen Marie Mortensen & Carl Mortensen - In memory of my Great Grandmother Karen Marie Mortensen and my Grandfather Carl Mortensen, whose items of memorabilia on display as they were donated years ago. Anna Marie Madsen Nelson Larry Nelson Norma Lange Nelson Andy J. Nielsen LaVern & Marilyn Nielsen Marvin L. Nielsen Moe Nielsen Carl H. Nielsen (Dana grad) Andy Nyby Ole & Marie Olsen Egon Østergaard Herbert Klint Paulsen (1931-2017) Tom Bech Paulsen, Bellevue, WA Tom Paulsen, Clyde Hill, WA (former museum board member) Anna M. Pedersen Flemming V. Pedersen Hans & Ivy Peitersen Arnold K. Petersen Celius (Cy) Petersen Jim & Anna Petersen Norma I. Petersen Thorvald K. Petersen Alfred W. Petersen, my grandfather Harry & Frances Petersen, my parents Herbert & Mabel Petersen, my parents Rev. H. Milton & Karen Peterson Scott Pettit Carl Rasmussen Delbert Rasmussen Lela Mae Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. H. Christian Rasmussen Reiner & Ida Rasmussen Hans Christian Rasmussen (Karen Alldredge’s father)

Louise Jorgensen Byriel Rattenborg Ruth Jensen Roberts Vivian Rock, Spencer, IA Astrid Roge, Paul’s mother Andrew & Rosa Rosenkild Kevin Ruggaard Knute Ruggaard Harry Sand of Stuart, Iowa Harry Sand. One great guy. Leroy Sand Agnita M. Christensen Stine Schreiber Myrtle M. Schroeder of Appleton, WI Miriam Showalter Miriam Rodholm Showalter Arlie Skov Virgil Sorensen Erik Sorensen, Monroe, IA James C. Sporleder Fay Norris Staley Chris & Robert Steffensen Ted Stenberg Theodore William “Ted” Stenberg Beryl Elaine Christensen Stewart Halvor & Joyce Pedersen Strandskov Evelyn Svendsen, my dear aunt Marion Svendsen Robert M. Swanson Charles A. Sweningsen Burdette (Tommy) Thomsen Burdette Leroy Thomsen Burdette (Tommy) Thomsen (aka to family as ”Bear”) Capt. Lars E. Toftemark USAF JAG my father, Arkivar Svend Waendelin, Dansk-Amerikansk Udvandrerarkiv, Aalborg, Denmark Henry Walters Aleen Weaver Walter Westergaard Anton “Tony” Whitehead Anton LeeRoy (Tony) Whitehead of Moorhead, MN Peter & Dorothea Wolff - my grandparents Agnes Jorgensen Zimmerline, my mother

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in honor

The Museum of Danish America receives many contributions as gifts to honor beloved family members and friends on special occasions. In 2017 the following people were honored: Martin Armbrust, Danish Intern Muriel Bacon’s happy and proud occasion and all the memories of my wedding dress 6/1/1939 Berneta Mogensen Balsley Jacob Bergstrom Elsie Bonnesen Lotte Christensen’s 90th birthday (Nov. 27, 2017) Danish Sisterhood Lodge #102 Elk Horn Class of 1950 Charles Faaborg Frederiksen Genealogy Center Genealogy Center - Tak for alt. Fortsæt det gode arbejde. Keep up the good work Peter Hansen, Danish Intern Layne & Kristy Hansen’s birthdays Emery and Izy Hoegh, parents of Curtis & Nancy Hoegh Ralf & Inga Hoifeldt Jim & Marge Iversen Erna C. Jensen Doris Jensen, member & treasurer of Atlantic Friends of The Danish Immigrant Museum Terri Johnson’s museum colleagues Norma Keating Dorothy Kerkhoff’s birthday Jens & Thora Krog

56 Museum of Danish America

Lee Anne Lack’s 8 Danish immigrant grandparents Britha Marie Larsen, Løgstør, Denmark , my friend and celebrating 40 years ago living and working together as volunteers in Tanzania Gloria Layton Philip Eugen Lund Kara McKeever and the Genealogy Center Ellen Mary Henriksen McKinzie Museum of Danish America being awarded accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums Museum Staff and Museum’s AAM accreditation Museum Staff appreciation for opening of military exhibit Norma Bernice Nelson, in honor of a woman with great strength, courage and wit. We are so happy to have had the chance to meet her. Dr. John Mark Nielsen John Mark & Dawn Nielsen Dawn & John Mark Nielsen-hoping they are enjoying retirement-such a life change Tom Nielsen’s 80th birthday John Mark Nielsen’s retirement Merete Nieto’s birthday! James Brent & Shirley Norlem Poul Olesen and Benedikte Ehlers Olesen Carl Rasmussen Mike & Suzanne Rasmussen’s Danish roots Anelise Sawkins, my mother Staff and Volunteers of the Museum Einer Viggo Thode (my father) came to US in 1992 Rasmus & Jenny Thøgersen Eiler & Hanne Thomsen

matching gifts The Museum of Danish America wishes to thank these members for initiating matching gifts during the 2017 calendar year from the following corporations and foundations: Assured Life Association William & Marilyn Gift, Clive, IA Harold & Carole Jensen, Ames, IA Richard & Karen Nelson, Albert Lea, MN Roger & Virginia Nelson, Kenosha, WI The Boeing Company Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA Douglas Raichle, Lawrenceville, NJ

The GE Foundation Borge M. Christensen, Ph.D., Rochester, MN William & Martha Miller, Bloomington, IL GoodDoneGreat Tom & Miriam Mackey, Cedar Rapids, IA JUSTGIVE Rasmus & Jennifer Thøgersen, Omaha, NE Thrivent Financial Foundation Paul & Elizabeth Johnson, Fremont, NE

Caterpillar Foundation David & Helen Esbeck, San Diego, CA Dominion Foundation Finn & Laetitia Jensen, Glen Allen, VA

in-kind gifts The following companies and individuals, through their kind gifts, supported the Museum of Danish America in the calendar year of 2017: Dennis Andersen, Atlanta, GA Den Danske Pioneer (Elsa Steffensen & Linda Steffensen), Hoffman Estates, IL

Al Dreher, Kimballton, IA Chris Fredericksen, Elk Horn, IA Main Street Market (Tracey Kenkel), Panama, IA Midwest Groundcovers LLC (Craig Keller & Christa OrumKeller, V.P.), Saint Charles, IL Oxide Design Co. (Drew Davies), Omaha, NE

Go Green Members may opt to receive this publication and/or their renewal notices electronically via email instead of postal mail by contacting

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new, complimentary, and gift memberships Throughout 2017 the Museum of Danish America attained 165 new members, awarded complimentary memberships or received contributions directed towards gift memberships for the following organizations or individuals: Consul General Jakob Andersen, Chicago, IL Kathleen Andersen, Laguna Beach, CA Margaret Ashby, Plainfield, IL Caroline Bader, Jamestown, NY Stephen Berg, DeKalb, IL Jonathan Bergstrom, Marshall, MO Ryan Berthelsen, Snellville, CA Del & Joy Bitter, Mokena, IL Ann Bokelman, Hanlontown, IA Dana Hendee Bork, Saint Paul, MN Guy & Elizabeth Boye, Franklin, TN Alex Brandt, Minneapolis, MN Etta Christensen, Bennington, NE The Copenhagen House, Solvang, CA Robert & Anneliese Festersen Crawford, Lake Forest, IL The Danish American Archive & Library, Blair, NE The Danish Canadian National Museum, Spruce View, AB, Canada Joe & Emily Davis, Omaha, NE Robert Eddy, Littlefield, MN Verla Elliott, Woodward, IA Elverhoj Museum of History and Art, Solvang, CA Inge Esbech, Brovst, Denmark April Esbeck, Iowa City, IA Craig Esbeck, Iowa City, IA Dane Esbeck, Tipton, IA John & Mary Esbeck, Tipton, IA Kristin Esbeck, Highland, MD Nick Martin & Alecia Esbeck, West Branch, IA Paul Esbeck, Glenwood Springs, CO Tom Esbeck, Carlsbad, CA William & Teresa Esbeck, Tipton, IA Karen Fahn, Harlan, IA Lori Feinman, Eugene, OR Nick & Erica Fitzgerald, West Branch, IA Dave & Eva Foulks, DeKalb, IL Alan & Marisa Gift, Omaha, NE Anna Jenks & Gary Gift, Richfield, MN

David & Shayla Gift, Pella, IA Chris & Tammie Greve, Chandler, AZ Layne & Kristy Hansen, Harlan, IA Donna Hausmann, Butte, NE Craig Hendee, Estes Park, CO Laura Hendee, Washington, DC Jess Henriksen, Ringsted, IA Richard Henriksen, Minneapolis, MN James & Tera Herald, Lebanon, OH Beverly Hilton, Eau Claire, WI Connie Jacobsen, Puyallup, WA Mary Sarle & Robert Jennings, Venice, FL Bridget Lois Jensen, Houston, TX Gloria Jensen, Omaha, NE Dale & Jan Johnson, Fremont, NE René Kærskov, Solvang, CA Dana McKeever Kent, West Des Moines, IA Esther Kenyon, Hawaiian Gardens, CA Dorothy Kerkhoff, Audubon, IA Paul & Lauren Kite, Atlantic, IA Virginia Kohr, Jupiter, FL Linda LaFleur, Albany, OR Amy Larsen, Carson, CA Barbara Larsen, Morrison, CO Audrey Larson, Poulsbo, WA Dan Lastovka, Belle Plaine, IA Mr. Lars Gert Lose, Ambassador, Royal Danish Embassy, Washington, DC Cheryl Lucas, Lakeway, TX Philip & Julie Lund, Happy Valley, OR Tom Lund, Kila, MT Joyce Madison, Council Bluffs, IA Linda Madsen, Billings, MT Myra Madsen, Brooklyn Park, MN Steven & Lisa Mattson, Plymouth, MN Elliott McDonald, Davenport, IA Austin McKeever, Ames, IA John Mehr, Lake Ridge, VA Ole & Ilse Mikkelsen, San Rafael, CA Chad & Laura Mitchell, Omaha, NE Darrell & Joan Nielsen, Springfield, SD Lance & Wende Nielsen, Boise, ID

New, complimentary, and gift memberships, continued

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Laurits Nielsen, Golden Valley, MN Ron Nielsen, Los Gatos, CA Warren & Erin Nielsen, Fremont, CA Merete Nieto, Los Alamos, NM Anne-Marie Nishibun, Moreno Valley, CA James & June Norlem, Curtis, NE Mogens & Hanne Norlem, Moldrup, Denmark Hans & Birgitte Nørmølle, Chicago, IL Eric Nussle, Graham, WA Eric & Dani Olson, Wellsburg, IA Erik Østergaard, Roskilde, Denmark Nancy Petersen, Santa Monica, CA Jeannine Poldberg, Carter Lake, IA Nancy Porter, Iowa City, IA Cynthia Priesmeyer, El Campo, TX Barbara Pruett, Canon City, CO James & Suzanne Rasmussen, Burlington Junction, MO Leroy Rasmussen, Omaha, NE Mark Ravenholt, Kingston, WA Jacob & Laura Robertson, Des Moines, IA Melanie Phoenix & Teresa Robinson, Santa Rosa, CA Royal Danish Guard Society (Mellemstaternes Garderforening), Chicago, IL Brenda Ryan, Auburn Hills, MI Anne Rybowski (Hansen), Rahway, NJ

Robert & Birgit Sabo, Lakeland, FL Dina Scheel, Tacoma, WA Linda Schwarze, Winona, MN Judy Seifert, Elgin, IL David Seymour, Rush, NY Dawn Sharpnack, Garibaldi, OR Jernsen & Jan Skouby, Belle, MO Linda Skouby, Columbia, MO Mark Skouby, Mentor, OH Skovsøen Danish Language Village, Concordia Language Camp, Bemidji, MN Hon. Consul Nanna Nielsen Smith, Denver, CO Kathy Sonsalla, Webster City, IA Mary Sornson, Cape Coral, FL Elizabeth Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Hanne Støvring, New York, NY John Thomsen, Brooklyn, NY Jim & Jasmine Tritten, Corrales, NM Molly Martin & Torben Ulrich, Tiburon, CA Susan Vitek, Port Orange, FL Donald Wall, Ames, IA Karin Wasler, Los Angeles, CA Greg & Erin Westergaard, Polk City, IA Rob & Pam Wilson, Kentwood, MI Richard & Marilyn Wittrup, Scituate, MA

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the honor roll of contributors

The Honor Roll of Contributors recognizes all who have supported the Museum of Danish America during the 2017 calendar year. It especially recognizes all who attained membership at the various designated levels with cumulative contributions amounting to $25 or more, including gifts for annual support, designated purposes, memorials, Wall of Honor, Jens Jensen Heritage Path, special appeals, matching gifts, endowment gifts, and gifts-in-kind.

This year’s Honor Roll of Contributors includes over 2,400 individual members and donors from 47 states, Washington D.C., territory of Virgin Islands, and 3 countries; namely: Australia, Denmark, and France. Additionally, we are pleased to include on the honor roll, our Organization Associate members who contribute $100 or more to the Museum. The Organization Associates are listed according to their giving level.

2017 Annual Leadership Society ORDER OF JYLLAND | $10,000 & ABOVE

Dennis Andersen, Atlanta, GA David & Helen Esbeck, San Diego, CA Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA James & Margery Iversen, Decorah, IA Elise Jensen Estate, Newell, IA Irving & Elizabeth Jensen Foundation, Sioux City, IA Bruce & Gerry Lauritzen, Omaha, NE Eric & Joan Norgaard Charitable Trust, Crystal Lake, IL Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund, Hanlontown, IA Scan Design Foundation, Seattle, WA Agnita M. Stine Schreiber Foundation, Inc., Shepherdstown, WV Doris Sorensen Estate, Tulsa, OK Erik Sorensen Estate, Knoxville, IA

ORDER OF SJÆLLAND | $5,000 - $9,999

Gary & Cindy Larsen Adams, Littleton, CO Rita Neergaard Hansen Estate, Kenosha, WI David & Paulette Hendee, Omaha, NE Nils & Kathleen Jensen, Portland, OR ORGANIZATION ASSOCIATES Carroll Control Systems, Inc. (Todd & Jalynn Wanninger), Carroll, IA

ORDER OF FYN | $2500 - $4999

The American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York, NY Danfoss A/S, Nordborg, Denmark Bente Ellis, San Jose, CA Ramona Esbeck, Ames, IA Iowa Economic Development Authority, Des Moines, IA Garey & Sherry Knudsen, Hutchinson, MN Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA Randall & Margaret Ruggaard, Hudson, OH Diane Skov, Lacey, WA Karen Suchomel, West Branch, IA Rasmus & Jennifer Thøgersen, Omaha, NE ORGANIZATION ASSOCIATES The Danish Home, Croton-On-Hudson, NY Oxide Design Co., Omaha, NE

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ORDER OF BORNHOLM | $1,000 - $2,499

Enis & Karen Alldredge, Carbondale, CO Erik & Eva Andersen, Croton-on-Hudson, NY Rosalie Andersen, Harlan, IA Sarah Andersen, Bayport, MN Anonymous (2) Muriel Bacon, Harlan, IA Sandra Boeskov, Seattle, WA James Bramsen, Barrington, IL Bruce Bro, Gilbert, AZ Ronald & Mary Bro, Cedar Falls, IA Rich Inman & Melinda Brown, Littleton, CO Timothy & Christine Burchill, Jamestown, ND Borge M. & Lotte Christensen, Rochester, MN Carlo Christensen, Glendale, CA Daniel Christensen, West Des Moines, IA Lois Christensen, Elk Horn, IA R. James & Janet Borge Crowle, Saint Michaels, MD Lyle & Dorothy Stadsvold Feisel, Chestertown, MD Margrethe Feldman, Los Alamos, NM Charles & Joanne Frederiksen, Ames, IA Rodney & Rosanne Fulton, Council Bluffs, IA William & Marilyn Gift, Clive, IA Larry & Jeanne Gregory, Cedar Falls, IA Charles & Emma Hansen, Mt. Prospect, IL Walter Hansen, West Branch, IA Curtis & Nancy Hoegh, Clive, IA Hal & Hon. Consul Anna Thomsen Holliday, Houston, TX Roy & Patricia Hougen, Ames, IA Bridget Jensen, Houston, TX Erna Jensen, Des Moines, IA Marnie Jensen, Nebraska City, NE Vera Johnson, Urbandale, IA René Kærskov, Solvang, CA Karen Karlsson, Monrovia, CA Lowell & Marilyn Kramme, Des Moines, IA Jerry & Carolyn Larson, Saint Paul, MN Linda Madsen, Billings, MT Renate Madsen, Madison, WI

Annual Leadership Society, continued Marion Marzolf, Ann Arbor, MI Carl & Marilyn Mehr, San Diego, CA Marilyn Meyer, Everly, IA William & Martha Miller, Bloomington, IL John Mark & Dawn Nielsen, Blair, NE Peter Nielsen, Naples, FL Mark & Lori Nussle, Palos Park, IL Folmer & Vera Nyby, Michigan City, IN Eric & Lisa Olesen, Racine, WI Peter & Irma Ørum, Saint Charles, IL Marian ”Mittie” Ostergaard, Mission Viejo, CA Lloyd & Vickey Pedersen, Medford, OR Nancy Porter, Iowa City, IA Elva Rasmussen, Elk Horn, IA Sandra Rasmussen, Des Moines, IA Paul & Shar Roge, Northbrook, IL Leo & Gayle Stuart, Walnut, IA James Mead & Carol Svendsen, Denver, CO Pearl Swank, Poplar, MT Svend & Lois Toftemark, Eugene, OR

Lissi Vange, Evanston, IL Susan Vitek, Port Orange, FL ORGANIZATION ASSOCIATES Danebod Lutheran Church, Tyler, MN Danish Brotherhood Lodge #1, Omaha, NE Danish Brotherhood Lodge #75, Albert Lea, MN Den Danske Pioneer (Elsa Steffensen & Linda Steffensen), Hoffman Estates, IL Knudsen Old Timers, Glendale, CA Midwest Groundcovers LLC (Craig Keller & Christa OrumKeller), Saint Charles, IL O & H Danish Bakery (Eric Olesen), Racine, WI Petersen Family Foundation, Inc. (H. Rand & Mary Louise Petersen), Harlan, IA Red River Danes, Fargo, ND Royal Danish Guard Society-Mellemstaternes Garderforening, Chicago, IL Independent Order of Svithiod, Verdandi Lodge #3, Chicago, IL Vasa Order of America-Omaha Lodge #330, Omaha, NE

ORDER OF LOLLAND | $500 - $999

Wayne Madsen, Simi Valley, CA Richard Nelson, Elk Horn, IA Hon. Consul Karen Nielsen, Overland Park, KS Shelley Nielsen, Greeley, CO Valborg Nielsen, Denver, CO Hon. Consul Nanna Nielsen Smith, Denver, CO Brent & Shirley Norlem, Monticello, MN Linda Nugent, El Dorado Hills, CA Kai & Starr Nyby, Fountain Hills, AZ Rosemary Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Carl Rasmussen & Cindi Rasmussen, Nevada, IA Jorgen & Martha Rasmussen, Ames, IA Robert & Nancy Rasmussen, Berlin, NJ Norman & Rita Riis, Boulder, CO Anders Sand, Kansas City, MO Nancy Sand, Kimballton, IA Janet Schroeder, Cedar Rapids, IA Marc & Barbara Shelstrom, Lancaster, WI Ole & Eva Sindberg, Cary, IL Flemming & Lynn Smitsdorff, Germantown, WI Carl & Frances Steffensen, Houston, TX Linda Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Mark & Cheryl Strandskov, Mount Pleasant, MI A. Einar & Arlene Swanson, Leawood, KS John Thomsen, Brooklyn, NY Donald Wall, Ames, IA Norman Westergaard, Sloan, IA Evan Fischer & Maria Kramme Williams, Summit, NJ ORGANIZATION ASSOCIATES Christopher Ranch LLC (Donald & Karen Christopher), Gilroy, CA Danish American Club of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #15, Des Moines, IA House of Denmark, San Diego, CA Northwest Danish Association, Seattle, WA

Annette Andersen, Kimballton, IA T.R. Andersen, Audubon, IA Edward & Bente Bladt, Lumberton, NJ Dr. John Roof & Beth Bro-Roof, Cedar Rapids, IA Ellen Christensen, Montrose, CA Erik & Lone Christensen, Brown Deer, WI James & Joy Christensen, Elk Grove Village, IL Ingrid Christiansen, Brookline, MA Rosa Clemsen, Exira, IA C. Dale Eriksen, Parker, CO Randy & Kelly Esbeck, Cumming, GA Daniel MacMillan & Juleann Fallgatter, Washington, DC Laura Folden, Minneapolis, MN Kay Cameron & Dennis Gray, Winston-Salem, NC Johanne Hansen, Des Moines, IA Glenn Henriksen, Armstrong, IA Marie Henriksen, Arco, MN Beverly Hilton, Eau Claire, WI Raymond & Joyce Holland, Bettendorf, IA Peder & Doris Hoy, Modesto, CA Richard & Edna Jacobsen, Gig Harbor, WA Craig & Shannon Jensen, Audubon, IA Irving F. & Carolyn Jensen, Sioux City, IA Janet Jensen, Saint Peter, MN Joann Jensen, Des Moines, IA Orla & Shari Jensen, Templeton, CA Paul & Elizabeth Johnson, Fremont, NE Iver & Lis Jorgensen, Burnsville, MN Ronald Knapp, Gibson City, IL Dean & Barbara Larsen, Overland Park, KS Svend Larsen, Dagmar, MT William & Antoinette Lawson, Green Bay, WI Debbie Leistad, Atlantic, IA Jeanette Lillehoj, Kimballton, IA

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annual report │ 2017 ORDER OF FALSTER | $250 - $499

Andrew & Kelli Alldredge, Overland Park, KS Edwin & Ethel Barker, Iowa City, IA Carol Bassoni, Gilroy, CA Frank & Julie Bellon, Cedar Rapids, IA Jonathan Bergstrom, Marshall, MO Donald Best, Los Angeles, CA Thomas & Molly Boast, Brooklyn, NY Guy & Elizabeth Boye, Franklin, TN Douglas & Glenda Bro, Claremont, CA Everett & Louise Brown, Indianola, IA David & Staci Byrd, Denton, TX David & Linda Carlson, Leonardtown, MD Brent & Deanne Christensen, Alexandria, VA Don & Annegrethe Christensen, Tucson, AZ Ramona Christensen, Rosemount, MN Robert & Joyce Christensen, Park Ridge, IL Tom & Ann Christensen, Colorado Springs, CO Edmund Clausen, Oakland, CA Hans Clausen, West Hills, CA Mary Clausen, Orlando, FL Philip & Sally Clausen, Ames, IA Norman & Lola Danielsen, Randolph, KS Danish Brotherhood Lodge #84 (disbanded), Lincoln, NE Shirley Doonan, Alexandria, MN Verla Elliott, Woodward, IA William Emanuelsen, San Pedro, CA Gordon & Janice Esbeck, Tipton, IA Chris Fredericksen, Elk Horn, IA Chris & Jan Glintborg, Elgin, IL Keith Haan, Davenport, IA Frederick “Fritz” Hansen, Wichita, KS Ingrid Hansen, Lincoln, NE Peder & Andrea Hansen, Omaha, NE Roger Hanson, Cedar Falls, IA Thomas “Gunny” Harboe, Chicago, IL Donna Hausmann, Butte, NE Susanne Hohlen, Monticello, MN Harold Hoiberg, Silver Spring, MD Philip & Sarah Iversen, Decorah, IA Ken & Rachel Jacobsen, Seattle, WA Finn & Laetitia Jensen, Glen Allen, VA Harold & Carole Jensen, Ames, IA Ronald & Marlene Jensen, Rochester, MN Dale & Jan Johnson, Fremont, NE Lynn & Connie Johnson, Exira, IA Hans & Kathy Jorgensen, Loveland, CO Herbert Jorgensen, Green Lake, WI Marybeth Kantner, Arvada, CO Ronald & Diana Kay, College Station, TX Merlyn & Jeanette Knudsen, Elk Horn, IA Mogens Knudsen, Omaha, NE Svend & Elin Koch, Cedar Falls, IA Chris & Lisa Kofoed, West Branch, IA Gene & Lee Anne Lack, Montrose, MN Linda LaFleur, Albany, OR Allan & Reta Larsen, Elk Horn, IA William & Judith Larsen, Scottsdale, AZ Dan Lastovka, Belle Plaine, IA Erik Lillehoj, West Friendship, MD 62 Museum of Danish America

Inge Larsen & Jesper Lorenzen, Copenhagen, Denmark George & Kristen Lund, Scottsdale, AZ Philip & Julie Lund, Happy Valley, OR Steven Lund, Yuma, AZ Alan & Patricia Madsen, Champaign, IL Bruce & Linda Magelky, Houston, TX Gladys McCrory, Atlantic, IA Michele McNabb, West Branch, IA Alan & Donna Christensen Mores, Harlan, IA Richard & Karen Nelson, Albert Lea, MN David & Julia Nester, Spicer, MN Darrell & Joan Nielsen, Springfield, SD Eric & Ruth Nielsen, Antioch, IL Hillary Parker, Carter Lake, IA Martin Pedersen, Bennington, NE Dean Petersen, Lafayette, IN Everett & Doreen Petersen, Hampton, IA Svend & Grethe Petersen, Bloomington, MN Douglas Raichle, Lawrenceville, NJ Brenda Ryan, Auburn Hills, MI Robert & Birgit Sabo, Lakeland, FL Kenneth & Carolyn Sand, Prairie du Chien, WI Jerry Schrader, Elk Horn, IA Nola Schroeder, Cedar Rapids, IA Edith Skene, Ventura, IA Paul & Marie Sorensen, DeKalb, IL Lois Stangeland, Sioux Falls, SD Peter & Eva Stonebraker, Deerfield, IL Marion Svendsen, Cedar Falls, IA Paul & Becky Thompson, Woodbridge, VA Jim & Jasmine Tritten, Corrales, NM Thomas & Diann Weinman, Des Moines, IA ORGANIZATION ASSOCIATES Boose Building Construction, Marty & Connie Boose, Atlantic, IA Danish Brotherhood Lodge #35, Homewood, IL Danish Club of Tucson, Tucson, AZ Danish Mutual Insurance Association, Elk Horn, IA Danish Sisterhood Dagmar Lodge #4, Chicago, IL Faith, Family, Freedom Foundation (Kenneth & Marlene Larsen) Calistoga, CA Harlan Tribune Newspapers, Inc, (Steve Mores & Alan L. Mores), Harlan, IA Kirsten’s Danish Bakery (Paul & Kirsten Jepsen), Hinsdale, IL Landmands Bank, Audubon, IA Olsen, Muhlbauer & Co., L.L.P., Carroll, IA Royal Danish Embassy (Lars Gert Lose, Ambassador) Washington, D.C. Shelby County State Bank, Harlan and Elk Horn, IA

ORDER OF AMAGER | $100 - $249

Ernie & Marilyn Abariotes, Blair, NE Michael & Linda Abildtrup, West Des Moines, IA LeRoy & Sharlene Albertsen, Carroll, IA AmazonSmile Foundation, Seattle, WA Ann Andersen, Cornelius, NC Ardean & Annebell Andersen, Aurora, NE Dale & Nancy Andersen, Princeton, IL Eddie & Arlene Andersen, Rochester, MN Inger Andersen, St. Louis, MO Robert & Linda Andersen, Avoca, IA Romualdas Mickevicius & Judith Andersen, Baxter, MN

Tim & Janice Andersen, Audubon, IA Darrell & Milda Anderson, Luck, WI John & Lemay Anderson, Linwood, NE Karen Anderson, Des Moines, IA Anonymous Donald & Karen Antonel, Atascadero, CA Bradley Arakelian, Del Mar, CA Ron & Jan Arkfeld, Defiance, IA Arlie & Ardys Askelson, Indian Hills, CO Caroline Bader, Jamestown, NY Aase Bak, Aalborg, Denmark David & Minnie Ballard, Newport Beach, CA Jergen & Jean Barber, Waukesha, WI Ann Bartlett, Middleton, WI Amy Beckmann, Longmont, CO Bedstemor’s House, Elk Horn, IA Roger & Margo Behler, Avon, CO Anton Berg, DeKalb, IL Donald & Barbara Berg, Decorah, IA Harold Berg, Boone, IA Robert & Betty Berg, DeMotte, IN Stephen Berg, DeKalb, IL Erna Berthelsen, Albert Lea, MN Aase Besson, Lake Oswego, OR Signe T. Nielsen Betsinger, Falcon Heights, MN James & Deb Bieker, Elk Horn, IA Royal & Shirley Bierbaum, Griswold, IA Horace & Barbara Bjorn, Creston, IA Gerald & Patricia Blake, Ankeny, IA Hugo & Mary Ann Block, Neponset, IL Jerald & Ricke Bly, Marshall, MN Egon & Diana Bodtker, Salem, OR Betty Boeck & Brian Boeck, Denison, IA Steve & Jana Boettger, Harlan, IA P. K. & Gloria Bonde, Longmont, CO Richard Bonnesen, Aurelia, IA Neil & Janet Boothe, Granada Hills, CA John & Margie Bornhoft, Tyler, MN Byron & Diana Boysen, Argyle, WI Steven Olson & Tova Brandt, Harlan, IA Thomas & Linda Brandt, Minneapolis, MN Otto & Minna Brask, Kirkland, WA Bernice Bro, Ames, IA Henry & Patricia Brock, Selma, CA James & Annette Brown, Mishicot, WI Ryan & Susan Brown, Ankeny, IA Betty Cahoon, Iowa City, IA Tim & Kathleen Carlson, Bellevue, WA Christian & Cecily Castenskiold, Thousand Oaks, CA Joan Cavin, Eugene, OR Thomas Cheek, Akron, OH Dale & Linda Chimenti, Ames, IA Bent Christensen, Huntington Beach, CA David & Elizabeth Christensen, Boise, ID Dennis & Judy Christensen, Cedar Falls, IA Don & Arda Jean Christensen, Salt Lake City, UT Etta Christensen, Bennington, NE Frank & Edith Christensen, Shoreline, WA John & Jean Christensen, Fort Dodge, IA Vaughn Christensen, Blair, NE

Virgil & Joyce Christensen, Harlan, IA A. Gwendolyn Christiansen, St. Paul, MN Dale & Laurel Christiansen, Dannebrog, NE Monty & Connie Christiansen, State College, PA Philip & Deborah Christiansen, Omaha, NE Ardyth Christoffersen, Greenfield, IA Myrvin & Anne Christopherson, Decorah, IA Anita Clark, DeLand, FL Gary Clausen, Elk Horn, IA Beverly Clemsen, Alexandria, VA Robert & Joan Coffey, Menomonee Falls, WI Bent & Lee Collin, Washington, MO John & Marcia Copeland, Plymouth, MN Dale & Eunice Cox, Swedesburg, IA Henry & Carol Crain, Davenport, IA Robert & Anneliese Festersen Crawford, Lake Forest, IL Gloria Culpepper, Long Beach, CA Nellie Curran, Glenshaw, PA Marie Dahlman, Seal Beach, CA Reinhard & Pamela Danger, Rochester, NY Marvin & Shirley Davis, Ames, IA Paul & Marianna Delafield-Melichar, Minneapolis, MN William Derrenbacher, Riverside, CA William & Leah Doherty, Roseville, MN Elaine Dolgireff, Santa Rosa, CA Dan Donham, Junction City, OR Ellen Doty, Indianapolis, IN Al & Nan Dreher, Kimballton, IA William & Doris Duff, Weeping Water, NE Michael & Patricia Kragh-Durfee, Milwaukee, WI Leif & Sine Duus, Minneapolis, MN Sam & Pia Edgar, Bailey, CO Barry & Winnie Edmonds, Moodus, CT Stephen Beck & Candice Eggerss, Oakland, CA Karen Eilers, Cottage Grove, MN Gary Elmestad, St. Charles, MO Norman Enhorning, Queensbury, NY Don & Anne Eppley, Omaha, NE Johanne Ervin-Gade, Oakdale, CA Carl & Kathie Esbeck, Columbia, MO Edward Esbeck, Mill Valley, CA Roger & Marian Esbeck, Panora, IA Shirley Esbeck, Elk Horn, IA Eric Faaborg, Cedar Rapids, IA Otto & Shirley Faaborg, Ames, IA Sally og Gordon Faber, Urbandale, IA Larry & Janis Fajen, Elk Horn, IA Sigrid Festersen, Omaha, NE Sue Fisher, Des Moines, IA Nan Nixon & Hans Flinch, Chapel Hill, NC James & Judy Fogdall, Cedar Falls, IA Robert & Vibeke Alnor Fong, Los Angeles, CA Janice Forney, Waukee, IA Tim & Cindy Fredericksen, Elk Horn, IA Mark & Barb Frederiksen, Peyton, CO Sune & Barbara Frederiksen, Berea, KY Cynthia Friis, Minnetonka, MN Bente Fuller, Lincoln, NE Brian & Margaret Garrett, Centennial, CO Frank & Christie Gehringer, Omaha, NE

Annual Report 63

annual report │ 2017 Catrine Giery, Myrtle Beach, SC Craig & Jean Gifford, West Des Moines, IA Clyde & Nathalie Givens, Jr., Daleville, VA Gary & Paula Glissman, Omaha, NE Gerda Gomes, Leesburg, VA Chris & Trish Gowland, Alexandria, VA James & Sareta Brix Gregory, Collierville, TN Chris & Tammie Greve, Chandler, AZ Doris Greve, Walnut, IA Joanne Greving, Elk Horn, IA Esther Grindberg, Circle Pines, MN Neil & Arlene Grover, Staples, MN Erling Grumstrup, Solvang, CA William & Lois Gydesen, Inver Grove Heights, MN Preben & Alice Hammer, Austin, TX Carolyn Hansen, West Branch, IA Christine Hansen, Washington, DC David & Margaret Hansen, Ames, IA Garold & Nancy Hansen, Bagley, IA James Kasper & Lucy Hansen, Tipton, IA Joe & Rose Jean Hansen, Des Moines, IA Paul & Joyce Hansen, Lincoln, NE Peter & Karolee Hansen, Kenai, AK Robert Hansen, Minnetonka, MN Roger Hansen, Carroll, IA Sten & Tinna Hansen, Copenhagen, Denmark William Hansen, Overland Park, KS Gary & Rita Hanson, Lee’s Summit, MO Judy Hanson, Lake Crystal, MN Lee & Charla Hardesty, Jr., Fair Oaks, CA Jill Hardy, Boulder City, NV Glen Haselbarth, Minden, NE Margaret Hatcher, Harlan, IA Kathy Hauschildt, Greenfield, IA Wayne & Anna Haverland, Walcott, ND Kirsten Havrehed, San Francisco, CA William & Dorothy Hawkes, Fairfield, CA Claude & Harriet Hayes, Decorah, IA Doris Hedgcock, Colorado Springs, CO Steven & Lynda Hegg, Holland, MI Ruth Heggen, Wells, MN Michael & Jill Hennick, Blair, NE Kent & Carole Henning, Johnston, IA Gerry & Jill Henningsen, Monument, CO Alicia Henriksen, Chicago, IL Harry & Jeannine Henriksen, Mahomet, IL Paul & Kristy Henriksen, Pipestone, MN James & Tera Herald, Lebanon, OH Per & Laurie Hesel, Pawnee City, NE Don Christensen & Jackie Hill, Minneapolis, MN John & Barbara Hill, Camarillo, CA Judy Hill, Exira, IA Susan Hill, Carlisle, IA Graham & Norma Hoeg, Lake View, IA Cameron Gale & Brigham Hoegh, Atlantic, IA Ralf & Inga Hoifeldt, Urbandale, IA Spencer & Betty Holland, Colorado Springs, CO Irving & Ingrid Holm, Omaha, NE Martin & Lauren Holst, Cedar Falls, IA Willi Holst, El Paso, TX

64 Museum of Danish America

Katherine Hoover, Lincolnshire, IL Norma Horswell, Lyndhurst, OH Suellen Hudson, Pensacola, FL Marcia Huey, Audubon, IA Don Lenef & Joy Ibsen, Ontonagon, MI O. Elizabeth Ibsen, Urbandale, IA Kent & Marge Ingerslev, Elk Horn, IA Herta Iversen, Oak Lawn, IL Connie Jacobsen, Puyallup, WA Kristin Jacobsen, Skokie, IL LaVonne Jacobsen, San Francisco, CA Lowell Jacobsen, Fairway, KS Susan Jacobsen, Minneapolis, MN Todd & Tami Jacobsen, Kimballton, IA William & Connie Jacobsen, Ralston, NE Bob & Hjordis Jacobsen-Batt, Wyoming, MI Marjory Jacobson, Helena, MT Christopher Calvin & Donita Jacques, Fountain Inn, SC Scot & Joellen Janssen, Stacyville, IA Mary Sarle & Robert Jennings, Venice, FL Daniel Jensen, Columbus, OH Douglas Jensen, Des Moines, IA Dwight & Patricia Jensen, Iowa City, IA Elaine Jensen, Merritt Island, FL Erik Jensen, Franktown, CO Ernst & Linda Jensen, Seattle, WA Joel & Marjorie Jensen, Saint Davids, PA Kenneth & Bonnie Jensen, Albert Lea, MN Mark & Tracy Jensen, Moorhead, MN Mary Ellen Herbert & Paul Jensen, Staten Island, NY Rose Marie Jensen, Elk Horn, IA Terrence & Susan Jensen, Ames, IA Timothy & Sharon Jensen, Blair, NE Virginia Jensen, Roseville, CA Paul & Ann Jeremiassen, Olney, MT Richard & Raita Jergensen, Arvada, CO Delores Jespersen, Des Moines, IA Richard & Glenda Jessen, Sun City West, AZ Betty Johansen, Algona, IA Doris Johansen, Milan, IL Margaret Johansen, Luck, WI Daniel & Brenda Johnson, Litchfield, MN David & Vid Johnson, Ocheyedan, IA Dennis & Carole Johnson, Morris, MN Dody Johnson, Blair, NE Joyce Johnson, Raleigh, NC Julianne Johnson, Columbus, OH Shirley Johnson, Temecula, CA Terri Johnson, Manning, IA Tom & Jane Johnson, Williamston, MI Verlee Johnson, Sun City, AZ Vernon & Margaret Johnson, Beaverton, OR Alice Jorgensen, Ferndale, MI Carl Jorgensen, Fort Collins, CO Don & Joyce Jorgensen, Ripon, WI Dorothy Jorgensen, Bemidji, MN James & Linda Jorgensen, Blair, NE Jon Frega & Elly Jorgensen, Prairie Village, KS Paul & Karen Jorgensen, Eugene, OR Richard & Rita Juhl, Minneapolis, MN

Thomas & Jerre Karl, Loudon, TN Ellinor Kasuga, Southold, NY Charles & Linda Kauffman, Audubon, IA Corinne Kellar, Sun City, AZ Peter Kelly, Middle Haddam, CT James & Beverly Keltner, New Auburn, WI Eric & Ginger Ketelsen, Rochester, MI Leroy & Joan Kiertzner, El Monte, CA Lise Kildegaard, Decorah, IA Leo Kirchhoff, Chico, CA Kim & Vicky Kirkegaard, Middleton, WI John Kirwan, Bellevue, NE Paul & Margit Kjeldbjerg, Prospect Heights, IL Chris Kjolhede, Cooperstown, NY John & Ramona Klaasmeyer, Omaha, NE Don & Petie Kladstrup, Paris, France Richard & JoAnn Kleber, Northfield, MN Constance Klein, Lincoln, CA Luther & Doris Kloth, Wauwatosa, WI Gary & Leonore Kopitzke, Spring Hill, FL William & Charlotte Kraft, Fall Creek, WI Christopher & Claire Kramme, Paris, France Marilyn Kramme, Des Moines, IA Robert & Ruth Kramme, Des Moines, IA Hans & Dawn Kristensen, Crystal Lake, IL Helene Kristensen, Monrovia, CA Kaj & Eva Kristensen, Corte Madera, CA Dale & Karen Krog, Tracy, MN Glenn Krog, Lake Benton, MN Robert & Joan Krogh, Blair, NE Michael & Melissa Kruse, Kansas City, MO Susan Righi & William Kuhre, Athens, OH James & Beverly Laing, Loveland, CO Kristine Lapehn, Centennial, CO Amy Larsen, Carson, CA Barbara Larsen, Morrison, CO Doug & Ginger Larsen, Polk City, IA Edith Larsen, Elk Horn, IA Hon. Consul John & Jilliann Larsen, Scottsdale, AZ Kent & Beverly Larsen, Polk City, IA Philip & Florence Larsen, Blair, NE Richard & Karen Larsen, Santa Rosa, CA W. Daniel & Yvonne Larsen, San Diego, CA Audrey Larson, Poulsbo, WA Natalie Larson, Hobe Sound, FL Paul & Carol Laursen, Crawfordsville, IN Reginald & Jerilyn Laursen, Decorah, IA Verner & Nadine Laursen, Concord, CA Arlo & Joann Ledet, Huxley, IA Phyllis Lentz, Aurora, IA Gracie Lernø, Simi Valley, CA Frank & Linda Libra, Hinckley, MN Carole Liljedahl, Missouri Valley, IA Kenneth & Beverly Lind, Waterloo, IA Jeff & Gerta Sorensen-London, Chicago, IL Christine Lundsberg-Geiger, Buffalo Grove, IL Lilian Lykke, Anaheim, CA Mark & Fae Lykke, Spencer, IA Maurice Lykke, Fargo, ND Larry Lyon, Washington, IL

Earl Madsen, Elk Horn, IA Edgar Madsen, Princeton, NJ Francis Madsen, Holladay, UT Ingrid Madsen, Berkeley, CA Myra Madsen, Brooklyn Park, MN Margaret Magnan, Detroit Lakes, MN Donald & Shirley Mann, Murrieta, CA Debra Marple, Sac City, IA Michael Marsh, Parker, CO Zona Mathison, Moorhead, MN Steven & Lisa Mattson, Plymouth, MN Elliott McDonald, Davenport, IA Craig & Joan McKee, Montezuma, IA Julie McKeever, Defiance, IA Toni McLeod, Mesa, AZ Sean & Laurie McNabb, Salt Lake City, UT Bruce & Kristie Hansen-Mendez, Chicago, IL Joe & LuAnn Meyers, Fitchburg, WI Jesper & Hanne Michelsen, Palatine, IL Daniel & Alice Mikel, West Saint Paul, MN David & Pauline Mikkelsen, Silverton, OR John & Merrilee Miller, Omaha, NE Ivy Marie Mitchell, Rochester Hills, MI Egon & Laina Molbak, Bellevue, WA Craig & Amanda Molgaard, Little Rock, AR John & Karen Molgaard, Atlantic, IA Leland & Virginia Molgaard, Ames, IA Birgitte Molvig, Chico, CA Steve & Michelle Mores, Harlan, IA Carla & Joel Mortensen, Minneapolis, MN Jill Mortensen, Millville, NJ Robert & Glennda Mortenson, Elk Horn, IA Robert & Stella Mosborg, Lisle, IL Kirsten Moss, Fredericksburg, TX Paul & Kaye Namkoong, Hollister, CA Eugene & Shirley Nelsen, St. Peter, MN James & Karen Nelson, Delavan, WI Marvin & Sandra Nelson, Enumclaw, WA Mary Nelson, West Lafayette, IN Roger & Virginia Nelson, Kenosha, WI Timothy Nelson, Madison, WI David & Gail Nielsen, Urbandale, IA Dianne Nielsen, Kimballton, IA Gordon & Catherine Nielsen, Tulsa, OK John W. & Elizabeth Nielsen, Blair, NE Larry Nielsen, Carroll, IA Leif & Diana Nielsen, Chicago, IL Lindbergh Nielsen, Waupaca, WI Lisa Nielsen, Fairfield, PA Michael & Karma Nielsen, Altoona, IA Phyllis Nielsen, Yankton, SD Robert & Arleen Nielsen, Bannockburn, IL Steve & Susan Nielsen, Bainbridge Island, WA W. Clayton Nielsen, Solvang, CA George & Inge Nord, Reedley, CA Hans & Birgitte Nørmølle, Chicago, IL Larry & Sherry Northup, Ames, IA John & Janet Norton, Moline, IL Andy & Diana Nyby, Humble, TX Allan & Ruth Nyegaard, Eugene, OR

Annual Report 65

annual report │ 2017 Norman Oleson, Cedar Falls, IA Glenn & Mary Ellen Olsen, Atlantic, IA James & Susan Olsen, Blair, NE Karl Olsen, Pittsburgh, PA Robert Olsen, Houston, TX William & Ruth Olsen, Warren, MI Kenneth & Wilma Olson, Cedar Falls, IA Duane & Karolyn Ortgies, Massena, IA Leland & Helen Osborne, Belmont, CA Ann Ostergaard, Pittsburgh, PA Erling & Henny Overgaard, Bixby, OK Maren Palmer, Temple, TX John Paulsen, Fargo, ND Kenneth & Jane Paulsen, Johnston, IA Bente Pedersen, Junction City, OR Cindy Abu Gheida & Paul Pedersen, Saint Charles, IL Duane Pedersen, Ames, NE Georg & Nina Pedersen, Seattle, WA Paul & Marolyn Pedersen, Kodiak, AK Wilma Pedersen, Iowa City, IA Melinda Pell, Jackson, MN Lisa Petersen, Owings, MD Lukas Petersen, Omaha, NE Lyle & Wava Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Peter & Shirley Petersen, Canyon, TX Terry & Norma Petersen, Washburn, ND William & Shirley Pickett, Oakdale, MN Murali Pillai, Tampa, FL Bruce & Calla Poldberg, Kimballton, IA Alex & Karen Pope, Austin, TX Kristian Poulsen, Sierra Madre, CA Robert Price, Lincoln, NE James & Brenda Purdy, Hudson, WI Kenneth & Karen Putt, Jr., Red Lion, PA John & Rita Race, Elkhorn, WI Bill & Karen Rafferty, Omaha, NE Amel Rahba, Copenhagen, Denmark Clark & Joanne Rasmussen, West Des Moines, IA Curtis Rasmussen, Adel, IA Finn & Bente Rasmussen, Houston, TX Gordon & Virginia Rasmussen, Sycamore, IL John Rasmussen, Palm Desert, CA John Rasmussen, Hicksville, NY L. Dale & Helen Rasmussen, Omaha, NE Michael & Suzanne Rasmussen, Kirkman, IA Norman Rasmussen, Ringsted, IA Sigrid Rasmussen, Junction City, OR Kathryn Rattenborg, Decorah, IA Reimert & Betty Ravenholt, Seattle, WA Donna Rector, Norfolk, NE David & Marjorie, Reerslev, Junction City, OR Raymond & Barbara Rehmeier, Henderson, NV Karen Reynolds, Moline, IL Mike & Lisa Riggs, Elk Horn, IA Cheryl Riley, Hiawatha, KS Tom & Judy Rine, Omaha, NE Tom & Barbara Roberts, Eugene, OR Thomas & Hon. Consul Eva Robinson, Butler, PA Vivian Rock, Spencer, IA Earl & Constance Rogers, Omaha, NE

66 Museum of Danish America

Gary & Lynne Rosenkild, Casa Grande, AZ Eleanor Rosenquist, Omaha, NE Deloris Ross, Austin, MN William & Lori (Norlem) Rothstein, Port Washington, NY Theodore & Jenny Susan Rudberg, Emerson, NE James & Mary Ruden, Littleton, CO Rita Ruggaard, Fountain Hills, AZ Anne Rybowski (Hansen), Rahway, NJ Richard & Lori Sand, Kansas City, MO Dina Scheel, Tacoma, WA Earl & Connie Schell, Fort Covington, NY Ellen Schloenvogt, Lincoln, CA Darrell & Bertha Schroeter, Exira, IA Albert & Nanda Scott, Wenham, MA Thomas & Bente Shoar, Napa, CA Michael & Judith Showalter, Palmetto, FL Bob & Renee Showalter-Hanson, Silver Bay, MN Phyllis Shrader, Gainesville, VA Betty Shults, Sun City, AZ Charles & Gwynn Siemen, Lexington, KY James & Pat Simms, Carlisle, PA Jens & Eileen Simonsen, Oakdale, NE Robert Simonsen, Topeka, KS Yvonne Skouby, Columbia, MO Harold Slaight, Omaha, NE Selma Sloth, Minneapolis, MN Delmar Smith, St. Paul, MN Douglas & Wanda Smith, Atlantic, IA LaVerne & Joyce Smith, Elk Horn, IA Mark & Barb Smith, Elk Horn, IA Raymond & Edna Smith, South Dayton, NY Robert Smith, Pleasant Prairie, WI Simon Smundak, San Francisco, CA Dianne Snell, Auburn, WA Ole Sønnichsen, Bjert, Denmark Christopher & Yvonne Sorensen, Wapakoneta, OH Howard & Karma Sorensen, Elk Horn, IA Joan Sorensen, Richardson, TX Margaret Sorensen, Minneapolis, MN Robert & Nancy Sorensen, Lincoln, NE Rodney & Zola Sornson, La Jolla, CA Wanda Sornson, Elk Horn, IA Barbara Spomer, Omaha, NE Mark & Karen Stacey, Omaha, NE Judith Stalnaker, Denver, CO Alan & Susan Steen, Elk Horn, IA Kirsten Strnad, Faribault, MN Helen Stub, Minneapolis, MN Gene & Carole Svebakken, Three Oaks, MI Jason Swalve, Rancho Mirage, CA Marilyn Swanson, Boulder City, NV Linda Tellefsen, Brooklyn Park, MN Agnete Temali, Arden Hills, MN Nick Temali, Mahtomedi, MN Craig Thiesen, Saint Paul, MN Paul Thisted, Evergreen, CO Phillip & Neoma Thomas, Ames, IA James & Darlene Thompson, Hereford, AZ Judith Thomsen, Glendora, CA Robert & Michelle Thomsen, Los Alamos, NM

Donald & Joyce Thomson, Denver, CO James & Bonnie Thordahl, San Clemente, CA John Thorup, Tucson, AZ Theodore & Mary Thuesen, Hickory, NC Karen Tinkham, Litchfield Park, AZ Hon. Consul Steven Tuchman, Indianapolis, IN Tom & Phyllis Tucker, Corydon, IN Arlen & Asta Twedt, Ankeny, IA Eric & Tasha Unkenholz, Rapid City, SD Donald & Kelli Valade, Allen, TX Larry Valade, Fredericksburg, VA Charlene Villars, Minden, NE Steffen Waendelin, Birmingham, AL Judith Walden, Des Moines, IA Nancy Walden, Des Moines, IA Evelyn Walker, Lake Orion, MI Sonja Walker, Minneapolis, MN Merle Walling, Polson, MT Robert & Helga Wallner, Duluth, MN Karin Wasler, Los Angeles, CA Marilyn Watkins, Burbank, CA Donald & Joyce Wegener, Bolingbrook, IL Birgit Werth, Evanston, IL Martin West, Huntington Beach, CA Pamela Whitmore, Des Moines, IA Richard & Mildred Wilcox, Cherry Hill, NJ Jeanette Williams, Springfield, MO Mike & Kim Williams, Omaha, NE Michael & Carol Wilson, Fountain Hills, AZ Merlyn & Sonna Winther, Spencer, IA Don & Phyllis Witzel, Palmer, AK Søren & Sue Wolff, Holland, MI Douglas & Kirsten Wood, Chino, CA John & Deborah Schou Wood, Bloomington, MN Sandra Wunder, Eaton, CO Alvie & Katherine Young, Ames, IA Debra Yurosek, Bakersfield, CA ORGANIZATION ASSOCIATES Atlantic Friends of The Danish Immigrant Museum, Atlantic, IA area The Copenhagen House (René G. Kærskov), Solvang, CA Dania Society of Chicago, Chicago, IL area Danish American Club in Orange County, Huntington Beach, CA area Danish Brotherhood Lodge #16, Minden, NE Danish Brotherhood Lodge #29, Seattle, WA Danish Brotherhood Lodge #268, Junction City, OR Danish Brotherhood Centennial Lodge #348, Eugene, OR Danish Cultural Center of Greenville, Greenville, MI The Danish Home, Chicago, IL Danish Luncheon Club of Los Angeles, Inc., Los Angeles, CA Danish Lutheran Church & Cultural Center, Yorba Linda, CA Danish Sisterhood Heartland District, Johnston, IA area Danish Sisterhood Ellen Lodge #21, Denver, CO Danish Sisterhood Lodge #102, Des Moines, IA Danish Sisterhood Flora Danica Lodge #177, Solvang, CA Danish Sisterhood NE/CO District, Lincoln, NE area Elk Horn-Kimballton Optimist Club, Elk Horn, IA Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton Community School District, Elk Horn, IA area

Hacways (Helene & Nanna Christensen), Hals, Denmark Main Street Market (Tracey Kenkel), Panama, IA Nelsen and Nelsen (Bruce J. Nelsen), Cozad, NE Outlook Study Club, Elk Horn, IA area Hansen Interiors (Torben & Bridget Ovesen), Mount Pleasant, WI Pacific NW District Lodges DBIA, Edmonds, WA area Shelby County Historical Society & Museum, Harlan, IA Skovsøen Danish Language Village, Concordia Language Camp, Bemidji, MN Symra Literary Society, Decorah, IA

ORDER OF LÆSO | $50 - $99

Niels Aagaard, Vojens, Denmark Marie Addison, Murdo, SD JoAnne Amoura, Omaha, NE Ingrid Ancker, Croton-on-Hudson, NY Edwin Andersen, Plymouth, MN Jerry & Shirley Andersen, Chicago, IL Roger & Joan Andersen, Ames, IA Howard & Joan Anderson, Turtle Lake, ND Paul Anderson, Napa, CA Paul & Lynne Anderson, Omaha, NE Margaret Arends, Prior Lake, MN Robert & Else Arnold, Madison, WI Barbara Bahnson, Edina, MN Cynthia Baker, Darien, IL Dale Haworth & Karen Beall, Santa Fe, NM Arnold & Lisa Beasley, Bridgeport, CT Grace Beck, Omaha, NE John Beck, Spokane, WA Ralph & Carmen Becker, Cincinnati, OH Inez Benjes, Craig, NE Dennis & Linda Berge, Atlantic, IA Sally Blount, Des Moines, IA Margaret Bogh, Highland, CA Soren & Elena Borre, Flower Mound, TX Elaine Bredesky, Des Moines, IA Judith Brehm, Blair, NE Arne Brinkland, Orange, CA Eugene & Ruthe Brocker, Anita, IA Leo & Keri Brooker, Jefferson, IA Calvin & Sandra Brummund, Elkhorn, NE Jytte Svarre & Erik Bruun, Plymouth, MN Bruce & Susan Bryan, Franktown, CO Mary Bullamore, Elkhart lake, WI Patricia Cargill, West Chester, OH John & Sondra Carver, Decorah, IA Roger & Carol Casteel, Lincoln, NE Amy Christensen, Billings, MT Barbara Christensen, Pine City, MN Carl Christensen, Boulder, CO Jens & Nyla Christensen, Rapid City, SD Steve Christophersen, Clarkston, MI William & Willa Cleary, Arlington, VA John Colwell, Ludlow, IL Susan Conner, Bend, OR Jim & Judy Cottingham, West Branch, IA Craig & Tonya Cunningham, West Des Moines, IA John Wilson & Paul Danielsen, Waterloo, IA

Annual Report 67

annual report │ 2017 Danish Sisterhood Midwest District, Elmwood Park, IL area Danish Sisterhood of America, Pacific Northwest District, Mountlake Terrace, WA area Ray & Cherry Daugbjerg, Brenham, TX Jack & Eileen Denne, Atlantic, IA Joe Melicher & Melissa Dinesen, Harlan, IA Mette Djokovich, Orange, CA Joe & Seena Drapala, Minden, NV Lois Eagleton, Eugene, OR Tracy Deutmeyer & Matt Edwards, Ankeny, IA Nathan & Alison Esbeck, Maplewood, MO John & Janice Faaborg, Columbia, MO Roger & Diana Faaborg, Loveland, CO Vanessa Timberlake & Dick Flebbe, Omaha, NE James & Mary Frederiksen, Spencerport, NY Larry & Carol Frost, Ashland, NE Albert Girtz, Mankato, MN Kenneth & Evelyn Gregersen, Ankeny, IA William & Dorte Griswold, Hingham, MA Richard & Nancy Gross, Greenfield, IA Arnold & Doris Gude, Elk Horn, IA Donald & Nealna Gylling, Brainerd, MN John & Hertha Haas, Harlan, IA Lenore Hageman, Hinton, IA Louis & Anne-Mette Hansell, Drexel Hill, PA Archie & Jewel Hansen, Wilmington, NC Cathy Villamor & Wayne Hansen, Carmel, IN Donald Hansen, Minneapolis, MN Erik & Greta Hansen, Racine, WI Marlene Hansen, Harlan, IA Roland & Peggy Hansen, Elk Horn, IA Verdell Hansen, Harlan, IA Verner & Joyce Hansen, Kimballton, IA Beverly Hanson, Minneapolis, MN Duane & Carol Hanson, Buffalo, MN Kent & Connie Hanson, Glendora, CA Peter & Lell Harboe, Zirconia, NC James & Birthe Hardin, San Antonio, TX Elaine Hasleton, Centerville, UT William & Geraldine Hastrup, Fresno, CA Dallas Havick, Harlan, IA Robert & Ellen Head, Montrose, SD Joy Heckman, Johnston, IA Lillian Baker & Christian Hedegaard-Schou, Sun City, AZ Timothy & Natalie Heer, Santa Cruz, CA Alan Hanson & Mary Jo Henriksen, Omaha, NE Howard & Rhoda Henriksen, Harlan, IA Alvina Hjortsvang, Council Bluffs, IA Clarence & Evelyn Holtze, Rosemount, MN Poul & April Hornsleth, Gulfport, FL James Horton, Scottsdale, AZ Curtis Hougen, Blair, NE Ruth Hovden, Robbinsdale, MN Jean Hulburt, Apple Valley, CA Betty Jacobsen, Chicago, IL Nadine Jacobsen, Elk Horn, IA George & Carolyn Jarmin, Lyons, CO Beverly Jensen, Lake St. Louis, MO Dale & Barbara Jensen, Ellendale, MN George & Dorothy Jensen, West Des Moines, IA Gloria Jensen, Omaha, NE 68 Museum of Danish America

Ida Jensen, Brønderslev, Denmark Ray & Julie Jensen, Aquilla, TX Richard & Dorothy Jensen, Provo, UT Dennis & Carol Jeppesen, Council Bluffs, IA Lynda Jeppesen, Oak Park, IL Ann Johnson, Manson, IA Harry & Rowena Johnson, Lexington, KY Kristi Planck Johnson, Bethesda, MD Royce & Peg Johnson, Iowa City, IA Eunice Johnsrud Albert, Lea, MN Timothy & Helen Jorgensen, Rockville, MD Tove Jorgensen, Lone Tree, CO Edith Kahl, Denison, IA Jean Kaldahl, Port Townsend, WA Cathy Karr, Monona, WI Ruth Karr, Omaha, NE Derwood & Arlene Keith, West Liberty, IA Robert & Ruth Kenaley, Le Mars, IA Adrian King, San Francisco, CA Donna Kirschenmann, Waverly, IA Andy & Fern Kissel, Elk Horn, IA Sonja Knudsen, Rock Island, IL Sonja Kromann, Everett, WA David & Bernice Larsen, Gretna, NE Gary & Kathleen Larsen, Brodhead, WI Jerol & JoAnn Larsen, Zearing, IA Leonard Larsen, Ames, IA Rodney Larsen, Kingaroy, Australia Sonja Larsen, Ottumwa, IA Arthur Laursen, Omaha, NE David Laursen, North Canton, Frank & Sally Mathiasen Light, Issaquah, WA Evelyn Linner, Stillwater, MN Jean Lowe, Fullerton, CA Jenny Mackenzie, Fargo, ND Donald & Andrea Maddock, Ypsilanti, MI Patricia Madsen, Denver, CO Wayne & Eleanor Magnuson, Omaha, NE Jordan & Kara McKeever Murphy, Elk Horn, IA Helen McRoberts, Ames, IA Ole & Ilse Mikkelsen, San Rafael, CA Pamm Minden, St. Cloud, MN Roger & Marilyn Moller, Lakeville, MN Jean Mortensen, Omaha, NE Wayne & Emma Mortensen, Scotia, NY Jørn & Bodil Muller, Hillsboro, OR Douglas & Ingrid Neale, Decatur, GA Lloyd Nelsen, Kimballton, IA Beverly Nelson, Atlantic, IA Liane Nichols, Cedar Falls, IA Glenn & Marie Nicholson, Loveland, OH Gail & Nancy Nielsen, Fremont, NE Lori Nielsen, Blair, NE Raymond & Marilyn Nielsen, Algona, IA Stanley Nielsen, Monona, WI Bruce & Debby Noland, Phoenix, AZ Freda Noll, Ida Grove, IA Nancy O’Keefe, Urbandale, IA Charles & Arlyce Olsen, Missouri Valley, IA Donald & Barbara Olsen, Rochester, MN Dorothea Olsen, Clinton, IA

Roger & Dorothy Olson, Blair, NE Norma Opperman, Ralston, NE William & Norma Ottesen, Waterloo, IA Katherine Pedersen, New Richmond, WI Ole Pedersen, Pacific Grove, CA Ernest Petersen, Lomita, CA Michelle Petersen, Iowa City, IA Paul Petersen, Grand Marais, MI Robert & Sandra Petersen, Loveland, CO Sherry Pettit, Omaha, NE Ronald Pigg, Omaha, NE Edward & April Poulsen, West Des Moines, IA Florence Pueschel, Des Moines, IA Ann Rasmussen, Junction City, OR Berger & Jo Rasmussen, Kenosha, WI Kent Rasmussen, Apache Junction, AZ Lars & Bente Rasmussen, Libertyville, IL Michael Rasmusson, Moorhead, MN Mark & Sharon Redfern, Helena, MT Wendell & Grace Rehnblom, Madrid, IA David & Laura Rendahl, Devils Lake, ND Bob & Mary Anne Rennebohm, Clive, IA Michael & Sharon Richardson, Salinas, CA Joyce Ford & Jim Riddle, Winona, MN Gregory & Merna Rierson, Casper, WY Salem Lutheran Homes, Elk Horn, IA James & Jerrie Savery, Carroll, IA Hon. Consul Annemarie Sawkins, Shorewood, WI Donald & Jane Scaro, Edgerton, KS Marilyn Schaefer, Cedar Falls, IA Dwain & Ellen Schmidt, Rodney, IA Bert Schou, Cedar Falls, IA Steven & Kathleen Schou, Minneapolis, MN Marin Sharpless, Oakland, CA Shirley Shiffler, Des Moines, IA Steven & Cynthia Shove, Gig Harbor, WA Betty Sievers, Audubon, IA Garret Drummond & Anna Siig, Livermore, CA Christian Slinkard, Tenino, WA Joan Smith, Boone, IA Ann Sorensen, LaVista, NE Harald & Carol Ann Sorensen, Albuquerque, NM Meredith Sorensen, Fairport, NY Penny Sourile, Vadnais Hts., MN Arlene Stork, Arlington, NE Barbara Struckman, West Babylon, NY Barry & Marianne Swanson, Littleton, CO Nancy Thompson, Urbandale, IA Randy & Becky Thompson, Exira, IA Tom & Karin Tilman, Anderson, CA Margene Timm, Lincoln, NE Mary Topp, Mankato, MN Charlotte Travis, San Antonio, TX Yvonne Trujillo, Cimarron, NM James & Gerd Tuchscherer, Lino Lakes, MN Douglas & Susan Tuve, Vermillion, SD Glenn Vaad, Longmont, CO Katrine Vange, Wilmette, IL Glen & Jewel Weien, San Diego, CA Pete & Bonnie West, Denver, CO Ed & Nicki Wiederstein, Audubon, IA

Glen & Lola Wiese, River Falls, WI Craig & Devona Wilkinson, Salt Lake City, UT Eric Netteberg & Julie Wrase, Little Canada, MN Nina York, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands


Kathleen Abernathy, Glendale, AZ Mary Ahrenholtz, Harlan, IA Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, IN Dorothy Andersen, St. Paul, MN Harvey Andersen, Exira, IA Lillian Andersen, Kenosha, WI Patricia Funk & Dale Jay Andersen, Omaha, NE Ramona Andersen, Elk Horn, IA Roger & Jackie Andersen, Elk Horn, IA Cristopher & Maria GennĂŠ Anderson, Minneapolis, MN Paul & Dianne Anderson, Seattle, WA Mark Andreasen, Gerald, MO James & Rose Andrews, Wilkesboro, NC Paul & Julie Angeles, Bloomington, MN Donna Archer, Altoona, IA Kenneth & Sue Arentson, Des Moines, IA Colleen Augustin, Girard, KS Jean Aulner, Omaha, NE Sybille Bartels, Omaha, NE Dennis Barten, Kirkwood, MO Pamela Bataillon, Omaha, NE Todd & Nicky Bauerkemper, Anita, IA Diane Baum, Cedar Falls, IA Peter & Birgit Beaudette, Columbia, SC Paul & Donna Bebensee, Des Moines, IA Jan Bechtold, Billings, MT Marion Beck, Birmingham, MI Richard & Shirley Beck, Omaha, NE Arthur & Betty Beckman, Omaha, NE Raymond & Joan Beebe, Forest City, IA John & Jane Beekman, Muncie, IN Alice Bekke, Minneapolis, MN Cecilia Bell, Silver City, NM Delia Benton, Guthrie Center, IA Jean Berg, Fargo, ND Gary & Vivian Biesecker, High Point, NC Gyritha Blinkilde, Lathrup Village, MI Ronald & Kathy Block, Harlan, IA Burnell & Kirsten Blockhus, Los Angeles, CA Deloris Bollin, Litchfield, MN Virginia Bonvicini, Denver, CO Keith & Janice Bowman, Des Moines, IA Anne Boyle, Omaha, NE Bryan & Ann Brace, Volga, SD Janice Bradley, Fort Gratiot, MI Gunter & Jane Brakner, Bemidji, MN Donald & Lorraine Braun, Cedar Falls, IA Barbara Breining, West Des Moines, IA Dawn Breining, Des Moines, IA Patty Brewster, Overland Park, KS Solveig Brodsky, Palo Alto, CA Andrea Brooks, Wahoo, NE Ken & Bernie Brown, Raleigh, NC Sharon Brown, Omaha, NE Janice Brunk, Rockwall, TX Annual Report 69

annual report │ 2017 Louise Bruynseels, River Forest, IL Karen Brylle, Naples, FL Michael & BebeAnna Buck, Eau Claire, WI Christopher & Lori Burgess, Urbandale, IA Joan Burnett, Leawood, KS Norma Burnham, Marion, IA Dorothy Butler, Oskaloosa, IA William & Marcia Cameron, Elgin, IL Jack & Christine Canfield, New Brighton, MN Lois Cardinal, Littleton, CO Margaret Carlson, Sauk Centre, MN Paul & Eileen Cash, Ames, NE Michele Caskey, Mount Pleasant, WI Norman & Phyllis Choat, Omaha, NE Bette Christensen, Pine City, MN Doris Christensen, Audubon, IA Eldon & LaDonna Christensen, Denison, IA Elizabeth Christensen, Parkville, MO Gary & Jeanne Christensen, Omaha, NE Harold & Rosemary Christensen, Pearland, TX Jeanne Christensen, Greensburg, PA Joanna Christensen, Castle Rock, CO Paul & Gloria Christensen, Columbia Heights, MN Preben Christensen, Ballwin, MO Rodger Christensen & Brian Christensen, Union, IA Stephen Painter & Jesse Christensen, Brooklyn, NY Thomas & Gloria Christensen, Isle, MN Timothy Christensen, Silvis, IL Verda Christensen, Baton Rouge, LA Carol Christiansen, West Des Moines, IA Rita Christianson, West Des Moines, IA Tom Hall & Aelea Christofferson, Bend, OR Wanda Claflin, Rockwall, TX Kathrine Clark, Sioux Falls, SD Malcom & Jean Clarrissimeaux, Dallas, TX Larry & Nancy Cohen, Persia, IA Marshall & Arlene Cohen, Washington, DC James & Darla Colvard, Chetek, WI Kate Confer, Joliet, IL Jørgen & Conny Conradsen, Roswell, GA Frank & Hanne Correl, Chevy Chase, MD Kay Cota, Sergeant Bluff, IA Linda Coulter, LeMars, IA Janice Cozad, Simi Valley, CA Ruth Crandall, Wheeling, IL Merrill Crawford, Dubuque, IA Peter & Mildred Cundy, Rockwall, TX Lyle & Judy Damgaard, Arvada, CO Danish Sisterhood Lodge #15, Oregon, WI Danish Sisterhood Lodge #3, Davenport, IA Laurie Dauber, West Branch, IA Joan Dawson, Nebraska City, NE Dottie Deines, Omaha, NE Tove Dierssen, White Bear Lake, MN Mark & Nadine Dobbe, Ames, IA Bruce Dugstad, San Francisco, CA Jay & Jean Dunn, Castle Rock, CO Jolene DuVall, Audubon, IA Lavon Eblen, Atlantic, IA Jeffrey & Susan Edwards, Audubon, IA Clayton Ellingson, Atlantic, IA 70 Museum of Danish America

Mike & Juanita Erickson, Elk Horn, IA Dean & Verna Esbeck, Atlantic, IA Magda Esbeck, Elk Horn, IA Dorothy Eyberg, Arispe, IA Douglas & Erica Fahn, Harlan, IA Anne Fege, San Diego, CA Joan Felkner, Centerville, IA Janet Fenton, Grand Island, NE Janice Feustel, Mason City, IA Barbara Fike, Peru, NE Christine Finkle, Tumwater, WA Susan Finn, Harlan, IA James & Paulette Fisher, Le Claire, IA Bruce & Mary Ellen Fleury, New Orleans, LA Kim Foresman, Atlantic, IA Gordon & Lisa Frank, Elkhorn, NE Nancy Freeman, Mount Vernon, IA Marian Froker, Exira, IA Esther Frost, Sun City West, AZ Maurine Fuller, North Platte, NE Charlotte Gabelhaus, Omaha, NE Niels-Peter Gade, Haderslev, Denmark Jerry & Sandra Gallagher, Castle Rock, CO Ole Galsgaard, Houston, TX Stephen & Barbara Gardner, Centerville, IA Michael & Kristin Garey, Hovland, MN Donald & Holly Gautier, Palo Alto, CA Alan & Heidi Gease, Rapid City, SD Brian & Kerry Gegner, Norwalk, IA Lyndell Gibbs, Midland, MI William & Katherine Gibson, Aurora, IA Tim Gier, Montgomery Village, MD James & Mary Alice Gilson, West Des Moines, IA Amanda Ginn, Lancaster, CA Susan Goodhope, Vernonia, OR Elaine Grantham, Atlantic, IA Karen Grover, Kansas City, MO Donna Gude, Elk Horn, IA Lowell & Esther Haahr, Newell, IA June Haas, Kimballton, IA Anne M. Haber, Colorado Springs, CO Diane Pauk & Daniel Hall, Cross Plains, WI Marilyn Hammond, Omaha, NE Dale & Julie Hammons, Inver Grove Hts, MN Aase Hansen, Burbank, CA Bo & Lisa Hansen, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Charles Hansen, Atlantic, IA Chris Hansen, Napoleon, ND J. Thomas & Deborah Louise Hansen, Cedar, MN Janice Hansen, Harlan, IA Marilyn Hansen, Manning, IA Robert & Illa Mae Hansen, West Bend, WI Ronald & Wendy Hansen, Holts Summit, MO Willis Hansen, Elk Horn, IA William & Beverly Hartranft, Elk Horn, IA Robert & Carolyn Harvey, Battle Creek, MI John & Barbara Havick, Stone Mountain, GA Paul Hedlund, Salina, KS Dennis & Angela Hemminger, Blair, NE Joanne Henderson, Ankeny, IA Holly Hermann, Alexandria, VA

Manuel & Jeri Herrera, Lincoln, NE Katherine Herschel, Atlanta, GA Edward & Linda Hickman, Williamsburg, MO Anita Hinners, Humboldt, IA David & Andrea Hoffart, Lincoln, NE Steven & Laurie Hoifeldt, Ames, IA Claudia Holcomb, Altoona, IA Chet & Marj Holland, Atlantic, IA Tom & Phyllis Holven, Toledo, IA Linda Holz, West Des Moines, IA Ronald Hoppe, Niles, IL Joyce Houck, Zephyrhills, FL Don & Lila Huff, Anita, IA Robert & Cherry Hufferd, Omaha, NE Inger Hughson, Hinsdale, IL Gary & Patti Hurlburt, Elk Horn, IA Michael & Hedy Hustedde, Davenport, IA Amber Whisler & Liam Hutelmyer, McLeansville, NC Allen & Roberta Hye, Spring Valley, OH John Hyltoft, Luray, VA John Impagliazzo, Northport, NY Harold & Adele Iversen, Olympia, WA Barbara Jacobsen, Atlantic, IA Chelsea Jacobsen, Davenport, IA Eric & Dorothy Jacobsen, North Liberty, IA Gerner Jacobsen, Valby, Denmark Stig & Marie Jacobsen, Edina, MN Marie Jaeger Nielsen, Solvang, CA Louis Nielsen & Marcia Jante, New Berlin, WI Andrea Jensen, Ann Arbor, MI Craig Cadman & Pixie Jensen, Sioux Rapids, IA Doris Jensen, Atlantic, IA Glenn & Marjorie Jensen, Marion, IA Jack & Opal Jensen, Arlington, NE James & Jane Jensen, Harlan, IA Jean Jensen, Audubon, IA Jens & Kathleen Jensen, Rockford, MN Jerome & Hope Jensen, Audubon, IA John Jensen, Elk Horn, IA Kathryn Jensen, Minneapolis, MN Marilyn Jensen, Exira, IA Marion Jensen, Basking Ridge, NJ Mark Jensen, Melba, ID Mark & Pamela Jensen, Council Bluffs, IA Vagn Jensen, Richfield, MN Faye Johansen, Norfolk, VA Barry & Ardell Johnson, Watertown, SD David & Jolene Johnson, Ames, IA David & Karen Johnson, Murphys, CA Harry & Jerry Johnson, Pasco, WA Jody Johnson, Henderson, NV Marlys Johnson, Bettendorf, IA Mary Jane Johnson, Marietta, GA Niel Johnson, Independence, MO Robert Johnson, New Brighton, MN Robert & Donna Johnson, Sioux Falls, SD Brian & Jessica Jorgensen, Manhattan, KS Avis Jorgenson, Tucson, AZ Roy & Mary Julie, Queenstown, MD Barbara Kadlec, Battle Creek, IA Penny Karrer, Sioux Falls, SD

Jim & Inga Keldsen, Walnut Creek, CA Gladys Kempe, Tustin, CA Jeff & Maren Kennedy, Mansfield, OH Esther Kenyon, Hawaiian Gardens, CA Catherine Kerst, Silver Spring, MD Darrell & Viola Kilworth, Exira, IA Kirsten Kirkes, Phoenix, AZ Roger & Patricia Klotz, Anaheim, CA Kevin Knitt, Stevens Point, WI Michael & Alice Knoop, Minot, ND Esther Knudsen, Spokane, WA Marie Knudsen, Hamilton, OH Wayne & Jana Knudsen, Emporia, KS Jean Knudson, Kimberling City, MO Ole Kofoed, Brondby, Denmark Matt & Bonnie Kosmider, Paducah, KY JoAnn Kramer Clarion, IA Cathy Kristiansen, Silver Spring, MD Marilyn Krohn, Marne, IA Carol Kropf, Kimballton, IA Shirley Kuhlman, Westminster, CO Jody & Alyssa LaCanne, Exira, IA Jim & Mary Louise Landfried, Cambridge, MA Beulah Larsen, Fremont, NE Carol Larsen, Chicago, IL Karen Larsen, Birmingham, AL Verlyn & Carol Larsen, Hutchinson, MN Nita Larson (deceased), Harlan, IA Terri Larson, Brooklyn Park, MN Charles & Jean Lauder, Hastings, MN Verner & Barbara Laursen, Appleton, WI Lea Lautenschlager, Salem, VA Ronald & Mavis Lebeck, Audubon, IA Gloria LeDroit, Elkhorn, NE Daniel & Julia Lee, Chicago, IL John & Cathie Lehman, Racine, WI Neale & Anne Lehmkuhl, Bloomington, IL James & Carol Leonard, Hastings, MN Kai Licht, Canton, OH Richard & Ellen Lindauer, Bellevue, NE Dewey Linden, Walnut, IA Fern Lindvall, Atlantic, IA Dennis & Sharon Littlejohn, Altoona, IA Anthony & Jennifer Lund, Murray, UT Phil & Janis Lustgraaf, Sr., Crescent, IA Gene & Inger Lutz, Cedar Falls, IA Robert & Joy Maag, Lincoln, NE Tom & Miriam Mackey, Cedar Rapids, IA Bill & Dixie Madsen, Cedar Falls, IA George & Julie Madsen, Omaha, NE Mabel Madsen, Avoca, IA Phyllis Madsen, Atlantic, IA Diane Manown, Sheboygon, WI Gilbert & Ella, Marten, Ames, IA Gary & Betty Martens, Walnut, IA Carol Martin, Detroit Lakes, MN Nora Martinez, Bothell, WA John Masengarb, West St. Paul, MN Richard Mathews, Roosevelt, UT Eric & Herta Matteson, Rochester, MN Nancy Maynard, Davis, CA Annual Report 71

annual report │ 2017 Barbara McCaughey, Palm Beach, FL Suzanne McCoy, Spirit Lake, IA Delores McGillivray, Rochester, MN Catherine McIntire, Golden Valley, MN Andrea McWilliams, Logan, IA Kim Meeker, Marion, IA Gactano & Ann Marie Melchionne, Stamford, CT Thomas Michels, New Richmond, WI Michael Michelsen, Anoka, MN Merlin & Sonya Mikkelsen, Atlantic, IA Terry & Gail Miller, Clarion, IA Kirsten Mitchell, St. Paul, MN Ruth Modlin, Cedar Rapids, IA Barbara Lowe & Jon Moen, Oxford, MS Nick Mogensen, København, Denmark Madeline Mongar, Urbandale, IA Adele Mortensen, Santa Rosa, CA Minna Mortensen, Brook Park, OH Norma Mortensen, Granite Bay, CA Hope Mosier, Sioux Falls, SD Carol Mueller, Glenview, IL Bob & Marcia Munn, Rockwall, TX Ruth Murphy, Philadelphia, PA Kristian Næsby, Seattle, WA Inge Nagata, Littleton, CO Alan Clark & Renee Neff-Clark, Westwood, KS Richard & Glennda Nelsen, Atlantic, IA William & Margie Nelsen, Saint Peter, MN Carol Nelson, White Bear Lake, MN Dale Nelson, Elk Horn, IA Delores Nelson, Atlantic, IA Doreen Nelson, Minden, IA Jeneen Nelson, Rocky Ford, CO Paul & Sandra Nelson, Ames, IA Verne & Ilene Nelson, Harlan, IA James & Ellen Nester, Eden Prairie, MN Leon & Alice Neve, St. Paul, MN Loyd & Marie Neve, Omaha, NE Anne Mette Nielsen, København, Denmark David Nielsen, Winfield, KS Diane Nielsen, Omaha, NE Donald & Patricia Nielsen, Audubon, IA John & Barbara Nielsen, Fremont, NE Karen Nielsen, Chicago, IL Kathryn Nielsen, Green Bay, WI Laurel Nielsen, Audubon, IA Mike & Barb Nielsen, Council Bluffs, IA Nancy Nielsen, Cedar Springs, MI Tom & Inta Nielsen, Omaha, NE Howard & Dee Nilson, Rapid City, SD Anne-Marie Nishibun, Moreno Valley, CA Dan & Frannie Nissen, Elk Horn, IA Daryl & Tammy Nissen, Elk Horn, IA Mark & Sandy Nissen, Audubon, IA Jeff Nordstrom, Castle Rock, CO Erik Nørkjær, Aulum, Denmark Stacy Norris, Virginia Beach, VA John & Janet Nothnagel, Hyde Park, NY James & Carol Nymann, Georgetown, TX Henry & Sharon Olesen, Woodstock, IL

72 Museum of Danish America

Charles & Jane Olsen, Leawood, KS Erik & Carol Olsen, Hyde Park, VT Donna Olson, Kimballton, IA Jack Ottosen, Morrison, IL Russ & Dorothy Overgard, Lakewood, CO William & Virginia Packwood, Rosemount, MN Jerry & Connie Paul, Woodland Park, CO Elaine Bakke & Larry Paulsen, Savage, MN Ivan & Patricia Paulsen, Walker, MN Clara Pedersen, Atlantic, IA Diane Pedersen, Windsor Heights, IA Erik Pedersen, Solvang, CA Loetta Pedersen, Superior, NE Richard Pedersen, Clive, IA Andreas & Angela Perrigo, Ankeny, IA Don & Terry Petersen, Whitefish, MT Donald Petersen, Lacey, WA Elmer Petersen, Galesville, WI Larry & Barbara Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Lawrence Petersen, Lake Forest Park, WA Muriel Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Niels & Cynthia Petersen, Newcastle, WA Terry & Leigh Ann Petersen, Elk Horn, IA Todd Petersen, Volo, IL Wanda Petersen, Tucson, AZ Carol Peterson, Omaha, NE Gene Peterson, Watertown, SD Richard & Brenda Peterson, Lincoln, KS Virgil & Marlene Peterson, Coon Rapids, MN Richard & Elizabeth Philipsen, Asheville, NC Janis Camery & John Pientok, St. Francis, WI Linda Placzek, Papillion, NE Anna Porter, Beaverdam, VA Helen Prall, Carlisle, IA Cleone Pritchard, Stillwater, MN Robert & Loretta Prostine, Marion, IA Phyllis Quarg, Lakeside, CA Susan Quist, Centennial, CO James & Bonnie Raasch, Cedar Rapids, IA Dirk & Julie Rasmussen, Hamlin, IA Doris Rasmussen, Harlan, IA Jeffrey Rasmussen, Racine, WI Jennifer Rasmussen, Omaha, NE Jerry & Karel Rasmussen, Houston, TX Leroy Rasmussen, Omaha, NE Ove Rasmussen, San Antonio, TX Ruth Rasmussen, Mackinaw, IL Thomas & Bonnie Rasmussen, Lake Elmo, MN William & Christine Rattenborg, Fort Collins, CO Barbara Rennert, Omaha, NE Russell & Idella Richardson, Ames, IA Sonja Richardson, Laguna Niguel, CA John Riehle & Charles Riehle, Woodbury, MN Elaine Rietz, Brookings, SD Roland & Barb Rinell, Urbandale, IA Everett & Randee Rissler, Arvada, CO David Roberts, Lubbock, TX Matthew & Brittany Roberts, Canton, MO Todd & Tonya Robson, Beaverton, OR Susann Rogberg-Lavars, Corralitos, CA

Richard & Sonja Rollins, Summerfield, FL Anna Ronne, Salt Lake City, UT William & Ann Roof, Avoca, IA Beth Rosenquist, Omaha, NE Jeffery & Rita Ross, Stillwater, MN Jeffrey & Birgitte Ross, Lakewood, CO Douglas & Barbara Rossbach, Humboldt, IA Robert Rubel, Kellogg, IA John & Carol Rudisill, Des Moines, IA Robert & Donna Rugaard, Audubon, IA Donna Ryterske, Lily Lake, IL RuthAnn Salsbery, Tipton, IA Kevin & Karla Sandberg, Gering, NE Earl Sande, Adel, IA Stephen Sawtell, Omaha, NE Scandinavian Club of Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM Jane Schierup, Fenton, MI Belita Schindler, Austin, MN Constance Schneider, Lincoln, NE Lori Schultz, Harlan, IA Connie Scott, Sidney, IA Jay & Peggy Scott, Mesa, AZ Joann Scott, North Hollywood, CA Preben & Lene Sepstrup, Malling, Denmark Patricia Severson, Clear Lake, IA Michael Shain, Lincoln, NE Marian Sheldon, Schuyler Falls, NY Ann Sherlock-Jones, Chatham, IL James & Jane Simon, Ames, IA Paul Sindberg, Oakwood Hills, IL Arnold & Helen Skov, Alden, MN Doris Skow, Santa Clara, CA Charles & Debra Smith, Omaha, NE Edgar & Louella Smith, Moorhead, MN J. Christina Smith, Malden, MA Oliver & Martha Smith, San Bruno, CA Johannes & Kathi Smits, Roselle, IL David & Ellen Solevad, Washougal, WA Theodora Sonntag, Pearl River, NY Carl & Gloria Sorensen, Glendale, CA Charlotte Sorensen, Exira, IA Esther Sorensen, Wood Dale, IL Joan Sorensen, St. Paul, MN Lars & Brenda Sorensen, North Bend, WA Martin & Linda Sorensen, Lombard, IL Richard Sorensen, Adel, IA Richard & Carol Sorensen, Independence, MO Robert & Nerita Sorensen, Walnut, IA Rick & Gail Speckmann, Plymouth, MN Michael & Lynnette Spetman, Council Bluffs, IA Peter & Karolyn Spirup, Oregon City, OR Adrienne Spyridakos, Elk Horn, IA John & Martha Squire, Des Moines, IA Martha Staby, Loveland, CO Virginia, Stafford, Ames, IA Angela Stanford, Adair, IA

Jed & Megan Starner, Chicago, IL Helen Steen, Clinton, IA Edward & Caryl Steenberg, Circle Pines, MN Elizabeth Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Elsa Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL Ruth Steffensen, Paradise, CA David & Brenda Steiniche, Cameron, MO Beverlyn Stoneking, Cushing, IA Kurt & Susan Stotts, Des Moines, IA Annalee Strandskov, New Brighton, MN Leon & Mary Swanson, Clinton, IA Patty Swartzbaugh, Omaha, NE Dick & Sonja Switzer, Omaha, NE Martin & Hanne Taekker, Eugene, OR Teespring, Providence, RI Ramona Teisan, Woodland Hills, CA Donna Thomas, Papillion, NE Allen & Mary Thomsen, Madera, CA Finn Thomsen, Aalborg, Denmark Laura Thomsen, Overland Park, KS Mark & Karen Thomsen, Mount Pleasant, WI Ron Thorne, Pine, CO John & Gitte Toben, Marietta, GA Michael & Lis Trent, Sun City West, AZ Patricia Turner, Brush, CO Austin Turney, Lawrence, KS Lily Uhren, Glendale, WI Jon & Mary (Bro) Van Gerpen, Moscow, ID Thomas Van Hon, Des Moines, IA Mark & Sharon Vasicek, Ankeny, IA William & Marion Vierow, Saco, ME David & Bente Vinci, Skokie, IL Drew & Renee Virlee, Mount Vernon, IA Esther Volhøj, Bindslev, Denmark Sandra Walling, Spring Branch, TX Mardell Walter, Elk Horn, IA Dennis & Jodi Walz, Otho, IA Donald & Peggy Watkins, Omaha, NE Robert & Carol Watson, Overland Park, KS Warren & Nancy Watson, Elk Horn, IA Mary Lou Webber, Richmond, VA Janet Wedlock, Beaufort, SC Richard & Joan White, Lincoln, NE Timothy & Diane White, Omaha, NE Rosalie Wiand, Pulaski, WI Rex & Hope Wilhelm, Stuart, IA J. Roger & Annette Wilson, Harlan, IA Karen Wilson, Kimball, NE Elaine Winkler, Plymouth, MN Jennifer Winters, Elk Horn, IA John & Gail Ann Witzel, Bloomington, MN Patricia Wobschall, Phoenix, AZ Patti Wojahn, Las Cruces, NM Michael & Nancy Christensen Wright, San Carlos, CA Preben & June Wulff, Linwood, NJ Todd & Diane Zygmontowicz, Troy, MI

Corrections Every effort has been made to ensure that all information contained in the 2017 Annual Report of Contributions is accurate. We respectfully regret and apologize for any omissions, misspellings, or misplacements. Please contact the Development Department with any questions or corrections.

Annual Report 73

a rational approach In both WWI and WWII, many countries strictly rationed foods such as meat, sugar, butter, and canned goods. To supplement their diets, citizens were encouraged to plant so-called “Victory Gardens” and grow their own fresh fruits and vegetables. During WWII, Americans planted 20 million gardens and cultivated nearly half the nation’s vegetables in their backyards.

01. Danish Ration Stamps One sheet contains four stamps for kaffe (coffee) and twenty stamps for 1/2 kg of sukker (sugar). Both of these stamps have a pale pink background with black text. They both have possible expiration dates in 1952. 2000.264.003. Gift of Martin & Johanne Taekker. 02. U.S. War Ration Book belonging to Ebba West Stabell, about 1942. 2012.036.042. Gift of Susan Pallant. 03. OPA Red Point The U.S. Office of Price Administration issued dime-size “red point” celluloid tokens to be given in change for red ration stamps (meats and fats), and “blue point” tokens in change for blue stamps (processed foods). 2004.058.077. Gift of the Estate of Ruth Adeler Lassen Schreiber. 04. Hand Cultivator made by immigrant carpenter Fred Johnsen. 1989.021.014. Gift of Catherine Hyatt. 05. Vegetable Garden Peter Foersom Clement and a dog stand amongst a vegetable garden. 2011.013.566. Gift of Carey Snow.

74 Museum of Danish America

danish apple pudding Serves 4 – 6

Ingredients • • • • • •

2lbs apples (peeled and thinly sliced) 2 teacups of breadcrumbs 2 tablespoons of table/maple syrup 1-2 level teaspoons sugar per apple used (according to taste) 1/2 oz margarine several drops of almond extract


1. Place apples in saucepan with a couple tablespoons of water and cook over medium/ high for 5 minutes or so until apples become soft. 2. Add in the sugar and almond extract and mix thoroughly with fork until mixture is pulpy. 3. Grease a pie dish with the margarine. 4. Add a layer of breadcrumbs to the bottom and then cover with a layer of applesauce. Continue like this until all the mixture is used up and finish with a layer of breadcrumbs. 5. Drizzle the syrup over the top. 6. Place in a 350°F oven for 45 minutes or until the top is golden. TIP: Make sure the breadcrumbs used on the top layer are quite fine. If you use larger chunks, they can resemble croutons! --Adapted from a British Ministry of Food recipe book, via

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America Letter 75

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perfection Wine expert and designer Tom Nybroe has designed the Perfection range with the aim of creating the perfect wine glass. He succeeded. The result is a range designed for the perfect handling and serving of wine. The characteristic bend in the cup of the glass creates a streamlined and elegant look – and also gives Perfection its unique functionality. All the glasses have been designed with a bend that works as a pouring mark that indicates where the wine will have the largest surface and the best conditions for developing. This means that you avoid pouring too much or too little – to ensure professional serving every time.

no. 5




Per Lütken was one of Holmegaard’s most advanced glassblowers. The mouth blown No 5 range was launched in 1970, and is still a favorite today. The classic shape of the glass with its solid base calls for a good whisky, beer or shot. An ideal gift for a special occasion.

01. Akvavit glass, set of 6, #5730, $100. 02. White wine, set of 6, #5729, $100. 03. Burgundy glass, set of 6, #4964, $100. 04. Beer glass, #5727, $30. 05. Shot glass, #4363, $20. 06. Whiskey glass, short, #5728, $30.00.

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