OBITUARY. It is with ?eep ~y.mpathy with the relatives that I have to report the deaths of rr \Vllham Bennett, K.C.V.O., urgeon-in-Chief; Mr. \V. Harvey Reeve, O.B.E. (Commi ioner No. 3 Di trict), and Major A. Hammer ley Johnston, O.B.E. (Acting Commi ioner No. 6 Di trict). Their deaths are lamented by all who served under them and by those who knew them personally. The large amount they accompli hed i a fine example for those who follow to emulate with just pride. CONCLUSIO . ly ~epo~t.would.not be comple~e without special reference being made to the m Pl!-I?g a 1 tanc~ ~t all afforded to the Brigade by a great many Mumclpal Authontle , ChIef Con tables and iembers of their Forces,. the.l\I~dical.Profe ion, whose uns.elfi h labours enable the Brigade to mamtam Its hIgh tandard of effiCIency, the Pre s, e pecially the County Press, for the great help given in making known the work of the Brigade and, in many cases, for it a istance in rai ing fund to enable our members to carryon their ervice, and finally to all ranks of thi great organization for the loyal upport and good-will they have accorded me since I took office. There are many member of the public who have yet to learn of the national importance of the Brigade, and it i hoped that, as the Brigad believes in deeds, not words, the bright example et by member of the Brigade may encourage others to give a portion of their time and their means to th~ ~reat work of diminishing human ufiering, for which so many op~ortumh~s are offered by the t. John Ambulance Brigade. In conclusl~n, I W1 h to thank all members of the Brigade for their loyal and .efficlent support and for the ex.emplary manner in which they have carned out therr often arduous dube. By their work th y have set ~~ ex~mple ?f self- ac~i~ce and humanity which I am glad to ee recelvmg mcreasmg recogmtIOn by the public. ST. JOH Colonel
L. Sleeman, the Chief Commissioner, reports as follows : -
I have the honour to submit my report on the work of the t. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas for the year ended 31st December, 1931. During the year 33 n~w. I?ivisions (21 Ambulance and 12 Tur ing) have been formed, and 12 DIvISIOns (8 Ambulance and 4 Nur ing) have been disbanded, making a net increase of 21 new Divisions. There ha been an increase of 362 members during the year, so that the trength of the Brigade Overseas on 31st December, 1931, was : Ambulance Nursing
Divisions. 294 125 419
Personnel. 8,895 2,992 11,887
I am plea ed to be able to report a considerable increase in the Cadet strength during 1931, when 13 Ambulance and 13 Nursing Divisions were formed, and one Ambulance Division disbanded. This, with an increase of 547 members, bring the strength of the Cadet movement within the Brigade Overseas to : Ambulance ursi ng
Divisions. 30
728 613
During the year, 117 Service Medals and 50 Service Medal Bars were awarded by the Order to members of the Brigade Overseas, and 340 Service Badge were issued by the Brigade Overseas Headquarters. These figures show an increase over those for the previous year. It was a matter of much satisfaction to me that the Brigade Overseas wa represented so well at the Centenary Celebrations of the Order, when 163 Brigade Overseas members travelled long distances at their own expen e to be present. The largest contingent was from South Africa and Rhode ia, and practically every Dominion and Colony where the Brigade i established was represented. I was very glad to meet the Chief Commissioners for India and South Africa, and the enior Officers of other Dominion, with whom I had many helpful discussions. It. ~'a my great plea ure to meet and welcome the first contingent to arnve-that from outh Africa and Rhodesia-and I am indebted to 1\1rs. Lancelot Dent, A.R.R.C., the Lady Superintendent-in-Chief, Dr. D. Bennie Hewat, Commandery Commissioner for Southern Africa, and Captain Cahu ac, Chief ecretary of the Ambulance Department, for repre enting me on the arrival of the Canadian contingents when I wa ' , unfortunately, unable to be present. ry fir t opportunity of meeting the rest of those who came over to th celebration wa on lIIonday, 22nd June, when I arranged a Parade at the Queen' \Vestmin ter Drill Hall, Buckingham Gate, with a view to explaining what would be required of them at the Parade prior to the Commemoration ervice at \Vestminster Abbey and the Review in Hyde Park. Over 130 members paraded in uniform, and the drill which follow.ed showed an excellent standard of discipline and efficiency. ~ WIsh, on behalf of the members of the Brigade Overseas who visited thl country for the Centenary Celebrations, to thank all the Hosts and Hoste es who so kindly and generously entertained the members and their friend. Their kind ho pitality was whole-heartedly appreciated, and the programme of entertainments thoroughly enjoyed. As the ChapterG.e~eral ?ad kin~ly extended invitations as far as possible to all overseas :VI ?tor lrrespechve of whether they were members of the Order or not, It IS not perhap out of place to include references to functions which were primarily re erved for members of the Order. To the Banquet at t. James's. Palace on 22nd June, presided over by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, It was only pos ible to invite the senior representatives of the Dominions and Colonies, but all other members rece~ved invitation to the Reception, which followed it, and all were recelVed by His Royal Highness. Seventeen members of the Brigade