3 3 moscow city committee on tourism and hotel industry, action guide moscow, 2013

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Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry


Best Places

of Moscow


Action Guide to Moscow

Throughout the world Moscow is well known by its awe inspiring sights. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and the monument to Alexander Pushkin are all recognizable icons of the Russian capital. Moscow’s unique and legendary sights attract a growing number of tourists each year. Annually, Moscow draws about five million tourists and business travelers from all over the world. Many interesting, vivid and unusual attractions are awaiting travellers in the Russian capital. Vacationers and businessmen will quickly fall in love with the city. We will assist you in finding Moscow’s hidden gems and intricate details to maximize your time and gain a deeper view of the city. This guide will help you to quickly navigate and explore the most important places in Moscow. The book is both a handy reference guide and a practical tool that will tell you how to find interesting architectural monuments, where to try Russian cuisine, and the best place to take memorable photographs. The curious traveler will benefit from this guide and make the best of their time while touring Moscow sights. We have divided the non-stop carnival of Moscow’s attractions into ten thematic sections devoted to all possible types of active urban vacations. To save you time and effort we accompany each section of the guidebook with tour instructions and useful tips. We also recommend taking the paths less traveled and carefully examining Moscow’s hidden places. Using our guidebook will provide you with the information to a fascinating journey, full of memorable adventures while becoming acquainted with the magical Russian city known as Moscow.

Contents Chapter 1. Visit the Heart of the Capital


Armory, Assumption Cathedral, Annunciation Cathedral, Cathedral of the Archangel, Pokrovsky Cathedral, Mausoleum, Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, GUM, Resurrection Gate, Alexander Gardens

Chapter 2. Discover Moscow’s Metro




Sovetskaya Cheburechnaya, LavkaLavka, Mamy, Nowhere Country, Chai & Kofsky, Shchisliva, Vatrushka, Mari Vanna, Godunov, Cafe Pushkin

Chapter 5. Walking in the Park

Chapter 7. Trek the Streets


Chistoprudny Boulevard, Sretenka, Nikolskaya, Kuznetsky Most, Kamergersky lane, Tverskaya, Malaya Bronnaya, Old Arbat, Ostozhenka, Rogozhskaya settlement, Moskva River

Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Tretyakov Gallery, State Historical Museum, Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, State Pushkin Museum, Andrei Rublyov Museum, All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, Muzeon, Moscow House of Photography, Vinzavod

Chapter 4. Enjoy the Taste of Moscow


Pashkov House, Pertsova’s House, Melnikov’s House, mansion of Morozov, house of Igumnov, Pogodin’s estate, Savvinskoye Podvorye, "House-egg", apartment house of the Trinity Church on Mud, Perloff‘s Teahouse

Mayakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Kievskaya, Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Vorobyovy Gory, Dostoyevskaya, Trubnaya, Sretensky Boulevard, Rimskaya

Chapter 3. Explore Museum Treasures

Chapter 6. Admire the Architecture


Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Botanical Garden of MSU, Tsytsin Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences, Vorobyovy Gory, Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno, Kuskovo, Hermitage Garden, Victory Park

Chapter 8. Savor the Perfect Evening Out


Bolshoi Theatre, Mayakovsky Theatre, Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow International House of Music, Crocus City Hall, Red October, Artplay, Bulgakov Museum, Sandunovskie Baths

Chapter 9. Show Moscow to a Child


Planetarium, Zoo, Oceanarium, Experimentanium, Darwin Museum, Museum of Soviet Arcade Games, Nikulin Circus, Circus of Fountains Aquamarine, All-Russia Exhibition Center, Moreon

Chapter 10. Take Moscow with You


Big Stone Bridge, Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Patriarchal Bridge, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Bolshoi Theatre’s New Stage, Novodevichy Convent, Krasnokholmskaya Embankment, Vorobyovy Gory, Ferris wheel "Moscow 850", panoramic restaurants

Moscow Tourist Information Centers 60 1


Visit the Heart of the Capital Chapter 1 Moscow’s main attractions are concentrated in the city center. Begin your acquaintance with Moscow from the Kremlin and Red Square. The architectural ensemble of Moscow’s Kremlin is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Each historical era has left its mark in the formation of the Kremlin’s unique look. The red brick walls, which we can see now, are not the original walls. The old wooden fortifications of the beginning of the 14th century were destroyed by fire. Later, in 1367, the fortress was built from the white stonewalls, which were replaced by the red brick walls during the period between 1482 and 1495. The Kremlin’s Cathedral Square retains the architectural features of the 15th century. You can view the stone churches of the 15th through beginning of 16th century, and the Terem Palace built in the 17th century. Since that time, the Kremlin towers with its tiered hipped roofs have become a popular sight and a symbol of Russia. The Arsenal and the Senate building were built a hundred years later, during the 18th century. The fire in 1812 badly damaged the Kremlin ensemble, when Napoleon’s army captured Moscow, but by 1836, the destroyed buildings were reconstructed. The buildings of the Grand Kremlin Palace and Armory were erected in the middle of the 19th century.

Instruction: Access the Kremlin via Kutafya tower; pay close attention to its unusual architecture. While passing the Troitsky Bridge, observe a beautiful view of the Alexander Garden. In addition to the cathedrals and museums within the Kremlin walls, there are many interesting attractions: domestic and trophy cannons near the Arsenal building, the famous Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell, and Granovitaya Palata (The Faceted Chamber), one of the oldest civil buildings of Moscow. Enjoy the scenery of Moskva River. Its panoramic view has been repeatedly captured in paintings and photographs over the years. You can trace the changes in Moscow over time from the old prints of the Moskva River. The ceremony of changing the Guard takes place at the Cathedral Square at 12.00 p.m. on Saturdays between April and October and includes the foot and horse guards of the Presidential Regiment. Take a walk outside the Kremlin walls. Have your camera ready and take advantage of the many opportunities to take interesting photographs.


Action Guide

Arts and Crafts Masterpieces in the Treasury of the Kremlin Museum What: • View unique items, made by the Kremlin's masters, and gifts from foreign ambassadors, which have been stored in the Kremlin for centuries. • Royal robes, vestments of the church hierarchy, silver and gold items, weapons and military armor. • Ceremonial carriages and horse accouterments. Where: Opened to the public in 1814, the Armory is a world-famous museum of treasures. The collection contains four thousand items of arts and crafts from Russia, Europe and the East with artifacts dating back to the 4th century. The collection is located in a building specifically constructed for the treasures by architect K.A. Ton in 1851.

The Kremlin Biblioteka Imeni Lenina +7 (495) 697-03-49 10:00, 12:00, 14:30, 16:30, day www.kreml.ru off – Thu 200–700 rub The Kremlin Biblioteka Imeni Lenina +7 (495) 697-03-49 10:00–17:00, day off – Thu 100–350 rub www.kreml.ru

Monomakh's Throne in the Main Orthodox Church What: • The Assumption Cathedral’s fragments of paintings from the period of 1482–1515, created with the participation of the famous icon painter Dionysius. The ancient iconostasis of 1653 represents the human history according to the Bible. • Tsar Ivan the Terrible’s Praying place, so called Monomakh's Throne, the praying-places of Tsaritsa (Queen) and the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch. • The Shrine of the Patriarchs of the Russian Church. Where: The Assumption Cathedral was built between the years of 1475–1479. For hundreds of years it was the main Orthodox church in the country: Russian monarchs were crowned here.



Ivan the Terrible’s Home Church What: • The exhibition "Treasures and Antiquity of the Moscow Kremlin". View the interiors of Ivan the Terrible’s reign in the Annunciation Cathedral. • 16th century wall painting depicting the "Apocalypse" and the "Tree of Jesse", the family tree of Jesus. • Iconostasis of the late 14th – the middle of the 16th century with the original place of the patrons' icon of the ruling tsar. After the death of the monarch the icon was carried to the Archangel Cathedral and placed at the grave. Where: In 1489, Russian masters in the tradition of Pskov and Moscow architecture erected Annunciation Cathedral, the home church of the Russian tsars. It was built on the ancient temple basement.

The Kremlin Biblioteka Imeni Lenina +7 (495) 697-03-49 10:00–17:00, day off – Thu 100–350 rub www.kreml.ru

The Ancient Princely Tomb What: • The necropolis of the Rurik dynasty and tombs of the first tsars of the Romanov dynasty. Tombstone portraits of the princes of the Moscow dynasty. • Wall painting of the 17th century. • The four-level iconostasis with icons "Archangel Michael in the deeds" (14th century) and the "Ustyug Annunciation" (16th century) in a wooden frame of the 17th century Moscow baroque style. Where: The Cathedral of the Archangel was built between 1505 and 1508, on the place of the ancient church, founded by Ivan Kalita in 1333. For many years this church was the burial place of the Muscovy rulers and their close relatives.


The Kremlin Biblioteka Imeni Lenina +7 (495) 697-03-49 10:00–17:00, day off – Thu 100–350 rub www.kreml.ru

Action Guide

The Symbolic Temple of Moscow located on Red Square What: • Nine temples, located on one basement. The church of St. Basil is attached. • Icons and monumental paintings from the 16th century. • St. Basil’s tomb, who is one of Moscow's most revered saints. Where: Pokrovsky Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, the most famous temple of Moscow. Tsar Ivan the Terrible built the church to commemorate the victory over the Kazan Khanate. In front of the temple there is a monument to the citizens of Moscow Minin and Pozharsky, who led the fight in 1610 against Polish invaders.

Red Sq. Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya +7 (495) 698-33-04 May–Oct – 10:00–19:00, Nov–Apr – 11:00–17:00 250 rub www.saintbasil.ru Red Sq. Okhotny Ryad +7 (495) 623-55-27, 923-55-27 10:00–13:00, days off – Mon, Fri free www.lenin.ru

Pantheon of Soviet Leaders along the Kremlin Wall What: • Lenin’s Mausoleum, one of the most known and debated monuments of the Soviet era. • The Memorial hall and the sarcophagus of the organizer and leader of the 1917, October Revolution and the first head of the Soviet state, Vladimir Lenin. • The necropolis of Soviet statesmen, located along the Kremlin wall behind Lenin's Tomb. Where: Lenin’s Mausoleum at the Kremlin Wall was built by architect A. Schusev in 1924–1930. For many years the Mausoleum was used as a platform for leaders of the Soviet State during parades and demonstrations.



Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the Reconstructed Cathedral What: • Modern painting of the Cathedral made in the historical manner. • Venerated Kazan icon of the Mother of God with the reliquary. • Rows of corbel arches and open galleries, which are typical of 17th century architecture. Where: The Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The church is associated with Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the liberation of Moscow from Polish-Lithuanian invaders in 1612. The Cathedral replaced the wooden church burned down in 1634. During Soviet times the cathedral was destroyed and later reconstructed on the same site in its historical manner.

Nikolskaya St. 3 Okhotny Ryad +7 (495) 298-01-31 9:00 till the end of evening service free www.kazanski-sobor.ru

Quarter of Boutiques under the Glass Arches What: • Gallery of fashion boutiques under glass arches. • Cafeteria #57 designed in the Soviet-style and cafe "Festivalnoye". Deli #1 sells many delicacies and food "brands" from the Soviet era. • Historical toilet that recreates the interior of prerevolutionary lounges. Where: The GUM (State Department store), which is the most famous store in the country, located on Red Square. The passages of the building were designed in pseudo-Russian style by architect A.N. Pomerantsev and opened in 1898.


Red Sq. 3 Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii +7 (495) 788-43-43 10:00–22:00 free www.gum.ru 200 rub

Action Guide The Beginning of All Roads at the Gates of Red Square What: • Iver Chapel, built in 1994, is the exact reconstruction of the 18th century chapel, which was demolished during the Soviet era. The famous architect M.F. Kazakov built the original chapel. • The Zero Kilometer mark of the Russian Federation’s roads is located in front of the gates. Tourists traditionally make a wish throwing a coin over their shoulder. • The monument to World War II Marshal Georgy Zhukov. Where: Resurrection Gate of China-town, reconstructed in 1994–1995. The historic Gate was built in 1535, with the two towers added in 1680.

Voskresenskiye Vorota Pass. Okhotnyy Ryad round-the-clock free The Kremlin, west side Borovitskaya, Okhotny Ryad free


Monuments of Three Wars What: • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a monument to soldiers killed in World War II. Nearby to the tomb is the Eternal Flame and the post #1 of guard of honor. • Grotto "Ruins", its wings are lined with the rubble of Moscow buildings that were destroyed by the war of 1812. • Monument to Patriarch Hermogenes, an organizer of the victory over the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Where: Alexander Gardens, created by architect Osip Bove after the Moscow fire of 1812, on the site of the riverbed Neglinka. The river now flows in the pipe beneath the Gardens. Kutafya Tower is the only surviving bridgehead tower of the famous Kremlin and Trinity Bridge.



Discover Moscow’s Metro Chapter 2 The Moscow metro is famous for its system of "underground palaces". Tourists can discover the subway as a significant journey to the many stylish metro stations. In 1931, a decision was made to build the metro in Moscow. Metrostroy constructed the first line, which was opened on May 15, 1935, linking Sokolniki and Park Kultury. The length of the line during this phase was 11.2 km. Moscow’s modern metro dwarfs its early beginnings as it now stretches across the city. For nearly 80 years, the Moscow Metro has become an underground city, which grows even faster than Moscow atop with new stations extending beyond the city limits.

Instruction: Use the main stations for your excursion and take the extra time to explore the elements of de’ cor, intricate ornamentation and architectural details. The best time to sightsee and avoid the busy hours is during the evening time, after 9.00 p.m., or the weekend mornings. It usually takes between 15–30 minutes to examine each station. The ride time between stations takes about 4 minutes. You are allowed to take pictures in the subway but be aware of passenger traffic. However, video is not allowed in the Moscow Metro. Several stations offer buffets and fast-food stands, so you can enjoy a meal without having to leave the metro. The Moscow Metro is also well known for its unique theme trains. Interesting exhibitions and various events can be observed within the metro train cars. The National Museum of the Moscow Metro is located at the station Sportivnaya opening in the mornings during weekdays. Admission is free for individual visitors.


Action Guide

The Most Poetic Station What: • Bright ceilings decorated with colorful mosaic glazed panels. The drawings for the panels were made by Social Realism style artist A. Deineka and illustrate "A Day in the life of the Soviet Union". • See the columns and arches, which turn the station into a palace hall. • Poetry of the famous Soviet poet, Vladimir Mayakovsky was used to decorate the station foyer. Where: The metro station Mayakovskaya opened in 1938. Its architect A. Dushkin created a masterpiece of art in his fascinating design. The station project received the Grand Prize at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York.

Mayakovskaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Novokuznetskaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Memory of Great Feats What: • The bas-reliefs, sculpted inserts and a central shield reveal the victories of World War II. • Portraits of outstanding military leaders. • Highlighted frescos created from the sketches of Deineka by A. Frolov, who died during the Leningrad siege. The Ladoga fleet sailors rescued the frescos from the blockaded city. Where: The metro station Novokuznetskaya opened during World War II, in November 1943. Its design elevated the Soviet people’s confidence in the coming future victory over the fascist enemy.



Romance of Elegant Stained-glass Panels What: • Brightly illuminated, steel framed, gilded and colorful glass panels. The decorations of the station are reminiscent of a fairy-tale castle. • Mosaic panel "World Peace" with stained glass windows created from the artist Pavel Korin's sketches. • Filmmakers used the location for the Oscar's Best Foreign Language Film of 1980 "Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears". Where: The metro station Novoslobodskaya was created by architects A. Dushkin and A. Strelkov and opened in 1952. Due to its original design the station received the status as an object of cultural heritage.

Ukrainian Festival in the Moscow Underground What: • The paintings on the Russian-Ukrainian friendship theme. • Murals by artist G. Opryshko. The paintings depict workers of the Soviet Ukraine. • Mosaics from glazes and stones. • The combination of distinctive marble, arches, lighting, unusual chandeliers, sculptures, mosaics, and stucco painted with elaborate colors and patterns. Where: At the three Kievskaya’s interchange stations – the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya, the Ring and the Filyovskaya lines. Each station has its own distinction of the Moscow Metro.


Novoslobodskaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Kiyevskaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Action Guide

Sculptures and Signs What: • Amazingly realistic sculptures depicting Soviets fighters and the people's peaceful occupations made by a team of sculptors under the leadership of M. Manizer. • The most famous dog in Moscow. Students believe that rubbing the nose of a border guard shepherd's statue brings good luck on their exams. It is unknown whether the sign works, but students continue to rub the dog's nose. Where: Created by architect A. Dushkin and opened in March 1938, Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station is a must-see destination.

Ploshchad Revolyutsii + 7 (499) 787-25-86 5:30–1:00 (western hall), 6:30–22:30 (eastern hall) www.mosmetro.ru Vorobyovy Gory + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


"Air" Station What: • A unique station-bridge, which has become a symbol of technological innovation. • The station’s glass walls allow visitors to observe the panorama of Moscow. From the train you can see the Moscow River, the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Vorobyovy Gory Park (Sparrow Hills). Where: The metro station Vorobyovy Gory was opened in January 1959, and became the first station in the world built over the river. The station is located in the bottom of the Luzhnetsky metro bridge. Khoroshevskoye highway is situated on the upper level of the bridge.



Raskolnikov's Shadow on a Gray Wall What: • The Shadows are one of the most unusual designs of the Moscow metro. • Heroes of the four most famous works from Russian classical literature, Fyodor Dostoevsky: "Demons", "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov" and "Idiot". • Scenes from famous novels created by artist I. Nikolaev designed in mosaics. Where: The metro station Dostoyevskaya, opened in 2010. Near the entrance of the station stands the house where Dostoevsky was born and spent his childhood.

The New Word in the Moscow Metro What: • Benches decorated with openwork forged and lights with brackets in the Art Nouveau style. • Stained Glass by Zurab Tsereteli on the themes of Moscow and the ancient Russian towns, famous for the architecture – Kizhi, Rostov, Novgorod, Palekh, Yaroslavl. • Zurab Tsereteli’s panels located above the end passages. Where: The metro station Trubnaya, opened in 2007, combines the old traditions with new technologies such as a luminescent diode bar on the edge of the platform.


Dostoyevskaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Trubnaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru

5:51 (odd)/5:45 (even)–1:00

Action Guide

Underground Boulevard What: • Steel elements with imprinted images in a unique technique. • Recognizable sights of the Boulevard Ring and its signs: monuments to A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, K. Timiryazev, trees and promenading people. I. Lubennikov was the artist of the station’s design. Where: The metro station Sretensky Boulevard was opened in 2007, and named in honor of the shortest boulevard of the famous Boulevard Ring.

Sretensky Bulvar + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Rimskaya + 7 (499) 787-25-86 www.mosmetro.ru


Legendary Infants at the Fountain What: • The only fountain in the Moscow Metro, which is the deepest fountain in the capital. • Medallions depicting landmarks of Rome. • The Eternal City’s founders, the infants Romulus and Remus, who are part of the unique sculpture "Columns". The architecture of the station connects with this monumental group. Where: The metro station Rimskaya was opened in 1995. Italian architects Giampaolo Imbrigi, Alberto Kuatrochchi, along with their fellow-artists and Soviet sculptor, Leonid Berlin, created the station’s design.



Explore Museum Treasures Chapter 3

There are about 450 museums in Moscow with ever increasing numbers. Classical, historic, art, literature and science museums all offer an innovative cultural experience. Modern museums provide an interactive environment for both children and adults. Visitors will see works of art made from sand and ice, a collection of retro cars, Mosfilm pavilions and a historical Jewish museum. Interested in modern art? Visit the art cluster located in a former factory where popular artists exhibit their art. Fond of antiques? Visit Izmailovo Kremlin, a town built in the 17th century style. Tour the Bread and Vodka museums, folk craft workshops and purchase souvenirs at Vernisazh Fair.

Instruction: Museums are usually closed on Mondays. Plan ahead to ensure you will have time for your visit. Inquire if guided excursions or audio-guided tours are offered. And ask if photography is allowed. Ask about complementary services: many museums offer thematic evenings, city tours, and children parties. Take into account the popularity of the museum you plan to visit. In order to avoid long lines it is recommended to arrive early. Museums gift shops offer souvenirs, magnets, calendars, posters, exhibition catalogues, video tours and books. Many museums are located in several buildings, so pay attention to the museum’s exhibition guides and maps.


Action Guide

World Art History in Three Buildings What: • West European art from antiquity to the 19th century. The permanent collection is located in the main building. • European and American art from the 19–20th centuries. The pearl of the museum is a collection of French impressionists art. • Private collections granted to the museum are exhibited in dedicated buildings. Where: The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, occupying three neighboring buildings in Moscow. The exhibition offers a comprehensive collection of the world’s paintings and sculptures.

Volkhonka St. 12 Kropotkinskaya +7 (495) 609-95-20 10:00–19:00, day off – Mon 200–400 rub www.arts-museum.ru Lavrushinsky pereulok, 10 Tretyakovskaya +7 (495) 957-07-92 10:00–18:00, Thu, Fri – till 21:00, day off – Mon from 250 rub www.tretyakovgallery.ru

Russian Art in a Merchant House What: • A collection of Russian fine art from the 11–20th centuries. • Old Russian icons including Andrei Rublyov’s Trinity. Where: Tretyakov Gallery named after a collector, art patron, businessman and cotton mill owner P. Tretyakov, was established in 1856. 20th century Russian art is represented in a permanent exhibition in the gallery on Krymsky Val St.



Lessons of Russian History What: • The largest exhibition of Russian history from the Stone Age to the present day (Red Square 1). • The Museum of Patriotic War of 1812 offers to explore unique documents and historical objects of the Napoleon epoch (Ploshchad Revolyutsii 2/3). • Romanovs’ Chambers, the house of ancestors of the last Tsar dynasty (Varvarka St. 10). Where: The State Historical Museum was founded in 1872. Enjoy the unique collection of historical artifacts and the interior of the boyar (Russian aristocrat) house in the main building on Red Square.

Red Sq., 1 Okhotny Ryad +7 (495) 692-40-19 10:00–18:00, Thu – 11:00– 21:00, day off – Tue 300 rub www.shm.ru

Soviet Relics and the Underground Press What: • Showpieces of the early 20th century, October Revolution of 1917, Civil War, World War II and post war era. • Interiors of Moscow English Club of 1831–1917. Where: The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia is located in the former English Club building of the late 18th century. An underground printing press never discovered by the Tsar’s police still exists in one of the museum’s buildings (Lesnaya St. 55).


Tverskaya St. 21 Pushkinskaya +7(495) 699-54-58 10:00–18:00, Thu – till 21:00, Sat, Sun – till 19:00, day off – Mon 250 rub www.sovr.ru

Action Guide

Pushkin’s Moscow What: • Artifacts and documents belonging to Alexander Pushkin, his friends, and contemporaries. • A colorful performance of Pushkin’s tales. The exhibition is interesting for both adults and children, and located in the main building. • Exhibition devoted to Moscow of Pushkin’s era is located in the poet’s memorial apartment on Old Arbat. Where: The State Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka. The museum includes the poet’s memorial apartment on Arbat where he lived with his wife, Natalya Goncharova, for several months after their wedding.

Prechistenka St. 12/2 Kropotkinskaya +7 (495) 637-56-74 10:00–18:00, Thu – 12:00–21:00, day off – Mon 140 rub www.pushkinmuseum.ru Andronyevskaya Sq. 10 Ploshchad Ilyicha +7 (495) 678-14-89 11:00–18:00, Thu – 14:00–21:00, day off – Wed 30–150 rub www.rublev-museum.ru

Icons in the Ancient Monastery What: • Tver, Rostov, Suzdal, and Moscow icons from the 13–15th centuries. The most ancient showpiece is Yaroslavl Savior (Christ Pantocrator) from Gavshinka. • Handwritten and blackletter books belonging to Ivan Fyodorov, the founder of the first Russian printing press. • Monumental painting, sculpture, decorative and applied arts of Ancient Russia. Where: The Andrei Rublev Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art, located in the territory of the former Andronikov Monastery of the Savior. Its opening in 1960 was timed to coincide with the great icon painter’s 600th anniversary.



Applied Art History in Artifacts What: • Decorative and applied arts from the 16th century to present day. • Metalworks: samovars of various shapes, artistic casting, and goldsmithery. • Art Nouveau pictures. • Soviet art of 1920–1950 including agitation porcelain, and textile painting. Where: In the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum located in a 19th century building. The building is a significant architectural monument. The display includes the works of Mikhail Vrubel, Alexander Golovin, Sergei Malyutin, Sergei Konenkov and others.

Delegatskaya St. 3, bld 1 Novoslobodskaya +7 (495) 609-01-25 10:00–18:00, Thu – till 21:00, Sat – till 19:00, day off – Tue 200 rub www.vmdpni.ru

Monuments in Exile What: • Monuments of the Soviet era were once removed from Moscow streets for political motivations. • The monument to Ded Mazai and the Hares along with other extraordinary monuments, which have not found permanent home in their urban environment. • Works of abstract art. Where: In the open air Muzeon Park of Arts. See works of Soviet masters such as Yevgeny Vuchetich, Vera Mukhina, Sergei Merkurov. Listen to the guide, attend a film representation, while enjoying the fresh air park.


Krymsky Val St. 2 Park Kultury +7 (499) 238-36-79 autumn–winter – 8:00–22:00, spring–summer –8:00–23:00 free www.muzeon.ru

Action Guide

Moscow House of Photography What: • Displays of Russian and foreign photographers. Works from contests, festivals and biennale devoted to photographic art. • Over 80,000 original prints and negative proofs. • Presentations, workshops, and master classes by well-known photographers including A. Rodchenko Photography and Multimedia School artists. Where: The Moscow House of Photography, museum and exhibition complex founded in 1996. It is the first museum in Russia to solely exhibit photographic artworks. In 2003, the complex was reorganized into the Multimedia Art Museum.

Ostozhenka St. 16 Kropotkinskaya +7 (495) 637-11-00 12:00–21:00, day off – Mon 300 rub www.mamm-mdf.ru 4th Syromyatnichesky Ln. 1, bld 6 Kurskaya +7 (495) 917-46-46 day off – Mon www.winzavod.ru


Modern Artists in Factory and Underground Shops What: • Popular exhibitions of Russian and foreign artists and photographers. Installations, performances, and other forms of modern art, displayed in former production facilities. • Creative workshops and master classes for children and adults. • Show rooms, design studios, and shops including bookstalls. Where: The exhibition center Vinzavod (Winery) is a complex of seven industrial buildings of the late 19th century. Architect A. Brodsky redesigned the old facilities and shops. The center was opened in 2007, and has become a significant venue for art festivals, contests and biennale.


Russian Cuisine

Enjoy the Taste of Moscow Chapter 4 Travelers desiring to explore Russian culture should include a culinary experience along with visits to museums, concert halls and enjoying Moscow’s many attractions. When examining the menu of a Moscow restaurant, an inquisitive tourist will gain knowledge into the centuries of the Russian cuisine. Russian cuisine includes ancient dishes such as pottages, pies, and porridges, along with Southern European food adopted by chefs from the era of Peter the Great. Russian literature immortalized the delicacies and appetizers from noble families. Soviet cuisine combined traditional Russian dishes with those from former USSR republics. Central Asian pilaf, Caucasian shashlyk, chebureki (deep fried meat pies), lulah kebab, Ukrainian borsch (beetroot and cabbage soup) have all now become a part of the Russian cuisine. Enjoy good food and a special atmosphere in stylish de’ cor of Moscow Russian and Soviet restaurants.

Instruction: Book a table in advance if dinning at a popular restaurant. On any restaurant’s website you can find their number and information about events such as musical performances or a cocktail show. Begin your meal with unique Russian appetizers such as pickles, smoked meat and fish, and marinated vegetables. Taste one of Russia’s traditional soups. In the winter, hot borsch or rassolnik (soup with pearl barley and pickles). In the summer, enjoy a cold and refreshing bowl of okroshka (finely cut meat and vegetables with kvas or kefir) or svekolnik (cold sweet beet soup). Staff is always willing to help you. Don’t hesitate to ask your waiter for reasonable requests such as adjusting the volume of music, replacing an improperly cooked dish, or providing you with a warm cozy blanket while sitting in an open verandah on a cool evening. Normally, tips are not included into the bill. It is common practice to tip the waiter 10 percent of the bill.


Action Guide

Soviet Culinary in an Authentic Setting What: • Chebureki made from thin pastry with a tender filling of lamb, beef, potatoes and mushrooms. • Soviet favorite: pelmeni (meat dumplings) with the Olivier salad (potato salad). • Genuine Russian kvas (rye bread drink). Where: Sovetskaya Cheburechnaya preserves the essence of the Soviet era atmosphere along with a thick aroma of delicious mince pies. The restaurant is a self-service buffet reminiscent of the USSR style of dining. The restaurant offers low prices making it popular among Muscovites.

Krasina St. 27, bld 1 +7 (499) 254-91-94 up to 500 rub

Mayakovskaya 10:00–23:00

Nizhny Susalnyy Ln. 5, bld 10 Kurskaya +7 (495) 724-35-32 Mon–Fri –11:00–21:00, Sat, Sun till 20:00 500–1500 rub www.lavkalavka.com 150 rub

Seasonal Cuisine in a Farmer Cooperative What: • Okroshka, a renowned summer cold soup, made kvas (rye bread drink) or kefir (fermented milk drink). • Roasted chicken marinated in juniper sauce during the winter season or filleted pikeperch with vegetables in the summer season. • Hot tea with buckwheat honey and homemade jam. Where: At LavkaLavka, a culinary project of traditional and original cuisine in former industrial plant Arma. All guests sit together at a big wooden table. Dishes are prepared from seasonal organic farming without added preservatives.


Russian Cuisine

Childhood Memories at Mom’s What: • Vinegret, a traditional Russian cold vegetable salad. • Borsch, served with smetana (sour cream) and pampushki (garlic donuts) is one of the many traditional Russian meat soups. • Ptichye Moloko (Bird’s Milk), a favorite cake of the Soviet era, made from whipped eggs and coated with chocolate. Where: Mamy (Mothers), a home-style restaurant designed to evoke childhood memories. The menu offers meals that will remind you of your mother or grandmother’s cooking.

Sytinsky Ln. 7/14 Pushkinskaya +7 (495) 699-18-45 11:00–23:00 500–1500 rub www.mami2.ru

Culinary Greetings from the USSR What: • Shashlyk or lulah kebab made on a chargrill right in the middle of the dining hall. • Kholodets, a sophisticated meat jelly that has become a necessary element of a festive table. • Rich lagman, an Uzbek soup made with meat, vegetables and noodles. Where: Strana Kotoroy Net (Nowhere Country) restaurant located next to Red Square. The menu includes dishes from former USSR republics such as Russian, Georgian, Uzbek nostalgic meals.


Okhotny Ryad St. 2 Okhotny Ryad Mon–Thu – 10:00–24:00, Fri, Sat –till 01:00 +7 (495) 737-54-01 500–1500 rub www.novikovgroup.ru

Action Guide

Samovar Tea Party in a Vintage Cafe What: • Rabbit in sour cream sauce and baked pikeperch. • Blini (pancakes) a symbol of Russian cuisine. Try with light salted salmon or red caviar. • Traditional teatime served from a genuine samovar. Enjoy your tea with ring-shaped crackers and jam. Where: Chai & Kofsky apartment cafe, the atmosphere recreates the feel of a pre-revolutionary noble parlor. The name is a play on words "chai" (tea), "kofe" (coffee) and Tchaikovsky, the famous composer. Dishes from Russian and European cuisine are readily available along with a cup tea or coffee.

Chistoprudny Blvd. 1 Chistye Prudy +7 (495) 972-36-33 10:00–24:00, Sat,Sun – 11:00–24:00 500–1500 rub www.chayikofskiy.ru Volkhonka St. 9, bld 1 Kropotkinskaya +7 (499) 393-39-61 8:00–24:00 (Sat, Sun –from 60 rub 10:00) 500–1500 rub www.volhonka9.ru

Classics in Modern Interpretation What: • Appetizers thinly sliced and delicious lardon with rye Borodinsky bread. • Shchi, a Russian soup made from veal and sauerkraut. • Homemade pastila, a traditional delight made from fruit or berries, a popular sweet since the 14th century. Where: Shchisliva Cafe opposite to the Pushkin Museum. The menu represents the traditional cuisine with a modern interpretation. A professional herbalist is on staff, responsible for making a variety of herbal and berry teas. You can buy honey, jam, pastila, and other delights from the cafe’ shop.


Russian Cuisine

Bistro at a Count’s Mansion What: • Svekolnik with currant, a burgundy colored cold soup with an unusual berry taste. • Stewed turkey neck with fluffy millet and sweet carrot sauce. • Vatrushka (curd pie), a special dessert. Where: Vatrushka, a bistro of "positive cuisine" located in Count Orlov’s ancient mansion. Variations of Russian cuisine, sometimes rather unexpected even for Muscovites.

Bolshaya Nikitskaya St. 5 Okhotny Ryad, Arbatskaya +7 (495) 530-55-11 08:00–24:00 1500–2500 rub www.vatrushka-cafe.ru

Home Menu in a Cozy Atmosphere What: • Herring in "shuba" (fur coat), a popular meal of Soviet cuisine. • Baked sterlet, a fish once considered to be a popular dish of the Russian Tsars. • Khrenovukha, a renowned hot vodka infused with horse radish. Where: Mari Vanna Restaurant, known for its home style and cozy atmosphere. During the Soviet times most Russians preferred to dine at home. Mari Vanna’s home style cuisine made it popular among Russians and foreigners. Mari Vanna restaurants are also open in St. Petersburg, London, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington.


Spiridonyevsky Ln. 10А Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya +7 (495) 650-65-00 9:00–24:00 1500–2500 rub www.marivanna.ru

Action Guide

Tsar’s Dining Rooms of the 17th Century What: • Buzhenina (oven-baked ham) with soused red bilberries, a delicacy traditionally served at feasts. • Suckling pig with fluffy boiled buckwheat. • Guryevskaya Kasha, an unusual baked sweet porridge from the 19th century. Where: Restaurant Godunov, famous for its 17th century-style interiors, folk songs and dances. The menu offers boyars’ favorite delicacies including spit roasted suckling pig, bear cutlets, and minced venison.

Teatralnaya Sq. 5/1 Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya +7 (495) 698-44-80 12:00–24:00 from 2500 rub www.godunov.net Tverskoy Blvd. 26А Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya +7 (495) 739-00-33 round-the-clock from 2500 rub www.cafe-pushkin.ru

Noble Culinary Traditions at a Famous Moscow Restaurant What: • Imperial Ukha (fish soup), a unique Russian dish served with ginger vodka. • Stewed duck stuffed with buckwheat and liver. • Rastegai and Kulebyaka, traditional oven-fresh pies. Where: Cafe Pushkin, one of the most well-known Moscow restaurants. The atmosphere creates the feel of a luxurious Moscow mansion. The menu includes many specialties of aristocratic cuisine. Cafe Pushkin restaurants are also open in Paris and New York.



Walking in the Park Chapter 5

Many people perceive Moscow as a concrete jungle. In fact, green zones including parks and forests occupy over one third of the capital. Explore scenic reserves, unique natural and historical parks with rare species of flora and fauna. Natural park complexes with interesting museums, ancient mansions and palaces await tourists for another view of the city. Every district of Moscow has its own green oasis with playgrounds for children and areas for sports and recreational activities.

Instruction: Most major Moscow parks are situated in the territories surrounded by ancient mansions, historical buildings, preserved palaces, houses, and pavilions, which now serve as museums with a variety of exhibitions. The parks provide space for outdoor activities, bikeways, and sporting areas. There are outdoor playground equipment and sandboxes for tots, and climbing walls and rollerdromes for older children. Fast food facilities, cafes, and ice-cream kiosks are available for park visitors. During holidays most parks are used as open-air concert venues. Water tours are available in selected parks. Enjoy riverboat tours and pond rides. Photography enthusiasts can discover landscapes, flower gardens, ponds with ducks and friendly squirrels await your camera lens. Parks are ideal for wedding photography. So don’t be surprised to see many newlyweds taking their wedding photos.


Action Guide

Round-the-Clock Recreation in the Central Park What: • Open air cinema, "The Green Theatre", Center for Contemporary Culture "Garage". • The largest skating-rink in Europe is open for the winter season. During the summer, Ping-Pong tables, biking, skatepark, "The Olive Beach", and other activities for sports enthusiasts are available. • The largest sandbox in Moscow and three Panda Park rope courses for children. Where: Gorky Park and Neskuchny Garden. The park is open roundthe-clock, Wi-Fi and sockets for charging devices, pouffes and chaise lounges are available for visitors’ convenience.

Krymsky Val St. 9 Oktyabrskaya +7 (495) 995-00-20 round-the-clock free www.park-gorkogo.com Sokolnichesky Val St. 1, bld 1 Sokolniki +7 (499) 393-92-22 round-the-clock free www.park.sokolniki.com

Sokolniki and Losiny Ostrov (Elk Island) Parks What: • Stages for concerts and dancing, walking areas, cozy cafes, and amusements. • Sports equipment, segways, pedal cars, bikes, a tennis complex, a shooting range and crossbow ground, miniature golf, chess and draughts club, billiard saloon, extreme sports facilities, a carting center, and water recreation facilities. • Enjoy the delicate fragrance of the park’s rose gardens. Where: Sokolniki, one of Moscow’s oldest parks, founded in 1878. Adjacent to Losiny Ostrov (Elk Island), the National Park, which attracts lovers of silence and solitude.



Garden of Peter the Great What: • A three hundred years old larch planted, perhaps, by Peter I himself. An ancient pond, alleys, and a wood bridge. • Over 2,000 species of fauna all marked with plates. Educational excursions for school children, students, and others. • Glasshouses of the latter half of the 20th century with a collection of exotic plants. Where: The garden founded by Peter I in 1706 for growing medicinal plants. The garden has preserved its historic name Aptekarsky Ogorod ("Pharmaceutic Garden", now known as the Botanical Garden of MSU). You can purchase plant samples in the garden shop.

Mira Ave. 26, bld 1 Prospekt Mira +7(495) 680-67-65 10:00–21:00 (Nov–Apr – till 19:00) 100–150 rub www.hortus.ru

Academic Botanical Garden What: • The Japanese Garden exhibition created under the patronage of the Embassy of Japan. Enjoy the cascading waterfalls, wooden pavilions, a stone pagoda from the 18th century, and ponds with small islands. • A rose garden composed from best Russian and foreign varieties. Guided tours are available. • The Permanent Blossom Garden and the Shadowy Garden are samples of decorative and everlasting gardens. Where: Tsytsin’s Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences, founded in 1945. The largest collection in Europe consists of over 10,000 species of plants. Gardeners can buy seeds, seedlings, and other plants.


Botanicheskaya St. 4 Vladykino +7 (499) 977-91-45 from 1 May till 20 Oct – 10:00– 20:00, days off – Mon, Thu 100 rub www.gbsad.ru

Action Guide

Ecological Paths of Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills) What: • Ecological paths of Andreyevskiye Ponds and Vorobyovy Gory equipped with plates showing information of local flora and fauna. • Free excursions on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. • Ecological and Educational Center Vorobyovy Gory teaches children to appreciate nature. The exhibition will tell about the natural phenomena and history of Vorobyovy Gory. Where: Vorobyovy Gory Nature Reserve founded in 1998. The major attraction of the nature reserve is the observation platform nearby Moscow State University.

Michurinsky Ave. 4/2 Vorobyovy Gory +7 (499) 739-27-07 round-the-clock free www.vorobyovy-gory.ru Andropova Ave. 39 Kolomenskaya +7 (495) 780-79-67 7:00–24:00 (Oct–May – 8:00–21:00) 600 rub www.mgomz.ru

Wooden and Stone Architecture at Tsar Residence What: • One of Moscow symbols, the Holy Ascension Church erected in 1528–1532, enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage. • Peter I House, built in 1702, brought here in 1934, from St. Petersburg. • Wooden architecture masterpieces, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich’s palace and the open-air wooden architecture museum. Where: Tsar’s former patrimonial estate, now the Kolomenskoye museum reserve. Visitors will see approximately 30 historic sites, old apple gardens, festivals and events such as Times and Epochs, "Afisha" Picnics, and a sand sculpture exhibition.



Catherine the Great’s Classical Park What: • The reconstructed Great Tsaritsyno Palace with museum and exhibition areas. • Buildings designed by one of the most famous Moscow architects V. Bazhenov such as Figurny Bridge, Cavalier Corpses, and Bread House. • The largest fountain in Moscow, 55 m in diameter is dynamically lighted with musical accompaniment. Where: Tsaritsyno palace and park ensemble founded by Catherine the Great in the area, previously known as Chornaya Gryaz (Black Mud) and chosen for her residence. Enjoy the gorgeous landscaped park with the Upper and the Lower ponds, considered to be the model for palace style landscaping.

Dolskaya St. 1 Tsaritsyno +7 (495) 321-63-66 6:00–24:00 free, single ticket to museums – 300 rub www.tsaritsyno.net

A Love Story in a Count Estate Scene What: • The Big House (Wooden Palace), built in 1769–1775 for summer ceremonial receptions. • Graceful park pavilions, including the pearl of the park, the baroque Grotto. • One of the world’s largest collections of ceramics and glass from antiquity to the present days in the Ceramics Museum. Where: Kuskovo estate, one of the most romantic places of Moscow, associated with the love story of count Nikolai Sheremetev and his talented actress Praskovya KovalyovaZhemchugova. Filmmakers often use this location for their films.


Yunosti St. 2, bld 12 Novogireyevo +7(495) 375-31-31 10:00–20:00 (ticket office – till 19:30),) days off – Mon, Tue 40–150 rub www.kuskovo.ru

Action Guide

Theatre and Music Hall Garden What: • Popular Moscow theatres Ermitazh, Novaya Opera, Sphera, the kiosk of Hermitage and Shchukinskaya stage are located in the garden. • A green recreation and walking area with fountains and a playground for children. • Lovebirds’ Heart – a small sculpture through which romantic couples walk making their dearest wishes. Where: Hermitage Garden founded in 1894 by a renowned theatre businessman and patron Ya. Shchukin. Festivals, carnivals, exhibition, fairs and other exciting events for children and adults are regularly held in the garden.

Karetnyy Ryad St. 3 Pushkinskaya +7 (495) 699-04-32 round-the-clock free www.mosgorsad.ru Bratyev Fonchenko St. 7 Park Pobedy +7 (499) 148-83-00 round-the-clock free www.poklonnaya-gora.ru

Military Relics on the High Hill What: • The Great Patriotic War Museum. Its collection comprises the Victory Flag set up on April 30, 1945 over Berlin Reichstag, weapons, military equipment, uniform, honors, and wartime photos. • Fountains, the Victory obelisk, the exhibition of the Great Patriotic War, and military equipment. • Temples of confessions including St. George the Victorious Orthodox Church, the memorial mosque and the memorial synagogue. Where: Victory Park, also known as Poklonnaya Gora, opened in 1995 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.



Admire the Architecture Chapter 6

A random walk along the streets of Moscow could be easily turned into the full-fledged tour. The most popular walking routes frequently pass by the monuments of different eras and styles. A medieval house, a noble palace, a baroque church, a quaint art nouveau mansion and austere constructivist building, all juxtaposed to each other. The oldest buildings of the historic Moscow’s center date back to the 15th and 16th centuries, surrounded by the modern constructions. A curious viewer with simple instructions cannot only admire the preserved antiquity, but also discover the masterpieces among the newly built houses.

Instruction: When in search for architectural marvels, be courageous and turn away from the famous avenues and streets to the secluded alleys and courtyards where you will find interesting monuments of the old Moscow often hidden away from the city’s main areas. Most of the old houses in the center are busy offices, banks, restaurants and shops. Take the time to get inside and explore their interiors, which are even more colorful than their external decoration. View the building from their different angles. Moscow has many urban axes: one line can contain several interesting objects. The back wall of the house often obscures an unusual pattern of stucco, a row of caryatids, or a plaque with the explanations. Pay attention to uncommon details. Architects often leave hidden messages on the facades of their architectural design. For example, the famous architect Leo Kekushev adorned his buildings with the image of a stylized lion.


Action Guide

The Grand Mansion on Vagankovsky Hill What: • High cylindrical belvedere with a bright green roof. • Statues of Greek gods on the porticoes of the front facade. • Roof terrace with stylized antiquity vases on figured columns. Where: The Pashkov House, now owned by the Lenin Library is a pearl of Moscow classicism. High palace, built in the 1780s, and designed by one of the best architects of Moscow, Vasily Bazhenov, proudly looks at the Kremlin. Famous Russian writer, Mikhail Bulgakov, in his novel "Master and Margarita" chose this grand aristocratic height to describe the farewell scene of Woland and his cortege with Moscow of 1930s.

Vozdvizhenka St. 3/5, bld 1 Borovitskaya +7 (495) 695-57-90 10:00–18:00, day off – Sun www.rsl.ru Soymonovsky Pass. 1 Kropotkinskaya Building is closed for tourists’ access

"Fairytale House" on the Bank of the Moskva River What: • Balcony panel mounts of dragons from Norse mythology. • Majolica panels with fabulous plants and animals: bears, bulls, fish and snakes. • Gilded rooster weathervane on the roof of the green tower. Where: Zinaida Pertsova’s apartment house is a vivid sample of neo-Russian architectural style popular during the early 20th century. Because of its ornamentation it has been called "Fairytale House". Pertsova’s House was built under the influence of the "Nordic" modern style. But in the decoration of the facade you can see both northern and ancient Russian motifs. The creator of the majolica panels is the artist Sergei Malutin, a "father" of Russian nesting dolls (matryoshka).



Cylinder House Near Old Arbat What: • A building with a huge window screen on the entire height of the second floor, which was ahead of its time. • A complex pattern of fifty-seven hexagonal vertical windows. • An autograph of the creator and owner above the entrance: the inscription in stone, "Konstantin Melnikov, the architect". Where: The architect Melnikov built the famous building #10 on Krivoarbatsky lane in the avant-garde style of the 1920s. The utopian house was designed from two cylinders, converged into each other by one-third of the radius. Melnikov created the home for his family where his descendants still reside.

Krivoarbatsky Ln. 10 Smolenskaya Building is closed for tourists’ access

"Portuguese Castle" on Vozdvizhenka What: • Arch of a front door stylized as Pyrenees fortress’ entrance. • Round towers with the toothed ends. • Seashells, Spanish flowers and grapes, which adorn the facade. Where: The mansion of Arseny Morozov, a young eccentric millionaire is one of the original residential buildings in Moscow. Architect Victor Mazyrin built this house for the nephew of Savva Morozov, in 1890. During the Soviet times, the building was called the "House of friendship with peoples of foreign countries". It was the meeting place for foreign cultural representatives.


Vozdvizhenka St. 16 Arbatskaya Building is closed for tourists’ access

Action Guide

Russian Tracery on the Merchant's Mansion What: • Multi-colored tiles stretched along the walls of the building. • Bright orange Syrins and blue crowned Phoenixes on the facades. • Red Porch with a double arch stylized as Russian tracery of the 17th century. Where: The house of Nikolai Igumnov, well known as a manufacturer, now belongs to the French Embassy. The richly decorated merchant's mansion was built in 1885, in the trendy pseudo-Russian style. Its architect Nicholas Pozdeev was inspired by the interiors of the Yaroslavl and Moscow churches and Saint Basil's Cathedral.

Bolshaya Yakimanka St. 43 Oktyabrskaya Building is closed for tourists’ access Pogodinskaya St. 12А Frunzenskaya, Sportivnaya Building is closed for tourists’ access

Peasant Log Cabin Surrounded by High-rise Buildings What: • Wooden lace in the Old Russian manner. • Richly carved casing windows. • A unique porch on pillars. Where: The remaining wing of Mikhail Pogodin’s estate is an exclusive work of wooden architecture in the pseudo-Russian style. The sky-blue cottage was built in 1856 for the famous historian and publicist Pogodin. Decorated with intricate carvings, the house served as a meeting place for Slavophil writers. Pogodin also used the estate for his collection of historical relics.



Old Russian Art Nouveau Behind the Stalin Buildings What: • Monumental central arch – niche. • Bright multi-colored tiles on the facade. • Turrets at the corners, lined with glazed light turquoise tiles. Where: Savvinskoye Podvorye (farmstead) is a building that perfectly blends modern materials and design with the decorative motifs in ancient traditions. It was built as an apartment building for the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery in the early 20th century. In the late 1930s, during the reconstruction of Tverskaya Street, the building mass of 23,000 tons was moved to the new foundations. Since that time it remains unknown, even for many Muscovites.

Tverskaya St. 6, bld 6 Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya Building is closed for tourists’ access

The Avant-garde "Faberge" on Chistye Prudy (Clean Ponds) What: • Roof-cap, decorated with cornice and dormer windows. • Giant volute feet comprise the base for the entire structure of the house. • Huge windows-portholes. Where: The "House-egg" is Moscow‘s most extravagant new building. This egg-shaped four-stored house was built in 2002, next to an 8-storey residential building on Mashkov Street. It is also called the "House-provocation", "Housesouvenir", "Toy-house" and the "House-joke". The house is ready for living but no one yet dares to make this flamboyant sample of modern architecture their permanent residence.


Mashkova St. 1/11 Krasnye Vorota Building is closed for tourists’ access

Action Guide

"House with the Beasts" on Chistoprudny Boulevard What: • Two-headed (smiling and frowning) lions with the wings. • Fairy birds with long tails. • Fire-breathing winged dragons. Where: The apartment house of the Trinity Church on Mud was built in the beginning of the 20th century. The main theme of the house’s facade is bas-relief images of fantastic animals, birds and trees. Carvings of the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir inspired the creator of the building, architect Sergei Vashkov. In 1945, two floors were added to the four-stored house. As a result, it lost the top row of tent towers and basreliefs on the sides.

Chistoprudny Blvd. 14 Chistye Prudy Building is closed for tourists’ access Myasnitskaya St. 19 Turgenevskaya +7 (495) 625-46-56 Mon–Fri – 9:00–21:00, Sat – 10:00–20:00, Sun – 10:00–19:00 www.domperlova.com

"Chinese Box" on Myasnitskaya Street What: • Two-roofs Chinese pagoda topped by a spire. • Facade signs with the stylized oriental lettering. • Metal bars on the roof with the images of dragons. Where: The Perloff‘s Teahouse is the only building in Moscow in the "Chinese" style. The house was built in the late 19th century for famous tea traders. The materials for the facades were delivered directly from China. The modern shop has a collection of more than a thousand varieties of tea and coffee. The fragrant drink of the teahouse will recall pleasant memories of your Moscow street walk.



Trek the Streets Chapter 7

Moscow’s charm can be discovered as you the walk along the narrow streets, busy highways and its wide squares. The heart of the city can be seen as you visit well-known roadways such as Tverskaya Street, Novy Arbat and Sadovoye Koltso, also known as the Garden Ring. When walking the quiet historic streets of Sretenka Soljanka, Varvarka, Prechistenka, Volhonka, Petrovka you will feel the soul of Moscow in its ancient architectural style. The monuments dedicated to outstanding people and heroic events create the iconic look of the city. The monument to the gifted Russian poet, A. Pushkin, can be seen in the distance. The city has many more monuments without pedestals making them look like random people in the crowd. The bronze statue of Moscow’s beloved bard Bulat Okudzhava on Old Arbat is one such monuments dedicated to the countless influential people of Moscow’s past.

Instruction: Going to a museum or theater, look for nearby sights. Not every interesting city attraction is listed in the guidebooks. While walking, be courageous and turn away from the famous avenues and streets to find secret treasures. Due to the historical radial-circular layout of the city, it is easy to get lost in Moscow. A good map of the city is useful when navigating Moscow’s streets. Start your journey with the boulevards and pedestrian areas, as you admire the architectural elements away from Moscow’s busy traffic. Public transportation is another way to explore Moscow. Travel on tram route A, so-called Annushka, which will take you along the Boulevard Ring or take the trolleybus round B known as Bukashka along the Garden Ring for an interesting view of the city. Red double-decker buses "CitySightseeing" go around the city. You can use your ticket to board the bus several times in one day. Tickets are valid for 24 hours.


Action Guide

Poetic and Theatrical Clean Ponds What: • The Monument to Alexander Griboyedov. The monument depicts characters from the famous comedy "Woe from Wit". • Chistye Prudy (Clean Ponds). In fact, there is only one pond, the plural in the title remains from the 17th century. • Theater Sovremennik (Contemporary), founded in 1956. • The Church of Archangel Gabriel is hidden in the lane of the Boulevard. This masterpiece of Baroque architecture of the 18th century is also known as Menshikov Tower. Where: Chistoprudny Boulevard is one of the sections of the Boulevard Ring. From this location you can continue your walk along the boulevards or take the tram "A" and travel to Yauzsky Boulevard.

Chistoprudny Blvd. Chistye Prudy, y Turgenevskaya, Sretensky Bulvar Sretenka St. Sukharevskaya, Sretensky Bulvar

Churches and Monasteries of Old Devout Moscow What: • 17th century temples: the Church of the Trinity In Leaves and the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. • The Cathedral of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of Mother of God in the Sretensky Monastery. The monastery gave the name to the street Sretenka, although it is situated at the beginning of Bolshaya Lubyanka Street. • Moscow State Museum of Folk Graphics, created in 1989. Located in one of the many side streets of the Sretenka district. Where: Sretenka Street has numerous lanes. In the olden days this area was a part of the road to the biggest Russian Orthodox monastery, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.



Pedestrian Path from Red Square to Lubyanka Street What: • Spassky Cathedral, the only surviving temple of the Zaikonospassky monastery. • Building of the Mint, which was founded in 1553. The remaining building was erected during the 19th century. Its facade is decorated with a pair of sundials. • Tretyakov Passage, a building-gate of Kitay-Gorod (Chinatown). Created by architect A. Kaminski, on the request of the Tretyakov brothers in 1870–1871. Now, as in the 19th century, this is a district of luxurious boutiques. Where: Nikolskaya Street that connecting two areas, Red Square and Lubyanka, recently became a pedestrian path.

Nikolskaya St. Lubyanka, Teatralnaya, Okhotny Ryad

Pedestrian Oasis near Tverskaya Street What: • Apartment houses of the late 19th, early 20th century, built in the neo-Russian, eclectic style. • TSUM, the Central Department Store, was built in 1880, for the trading house "Muir and Mereliz". • Moscow Art Theater named after A. Chekhov and its museum in the building, renovated by the famous architect F. Schechtel. • The monument to Anton Chekhov created in 1998. Where: The pedestrian area of the Kuznetsky Most Street and Kamergersky lane decorated with benches and flowerbeds. The Central Department Store’s open-air cafes await tourists.


Kuznetsky Most St., Kamergersky Ln. Kuznetsky Most, Teatralnaya, Okhotny Ryad

Action Guide

Monuments of the Moscow’s Main Streets What: • The monuments to Alexander Pushkin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and the founder of Moscow, prince Yuri Dolgoruky. • Significant Stanislavsky’ and Yermolova’ theaters, and the Concert Hall named after P. Tchaikovsky. • Architectural monuments of the former English Club (now the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia), the Eliseevsky Store, the Moscow City Council building, Savvinskoye Podvorye, the Telegraph building and the hotel National. Where: The main street of the capital, Tverskaya. In the olden days, it was the beginning of the road to Tver, leading to St. Petersburg. Tourists can find rest on one of the benches under shade trees.

ул. Tverskaya Mayakovskaya, Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Okhotny Ryad Malaya Bronnaya St. Mayakovskaya, y Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya

Moscow of Master and Margarita What: • Patriarshiye Ponds, a cozy corner of Moscow, made famous by the novel of Michael Bulagkov "The Master and Margarita". (A special sign warns you not speaking to strangers.) Ivan Krylov is another famous writer known for his fables whose monument is located nearby the pond. • Historical buildings of Malaya Bronnaya Street, nearby streets and lanes preserved mansions and apartment buildings of the late 19th, early 20th century. • Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, founded in 1946, is one of the top ten theatres in Moscow. Where: The Malaya Bronnaya Street connects Bulvarnoe Kol’tso (the Boulevard Ring) and Sadovoe Kol’tso (the Garden Ring).



Pushkin, Tsoi and Okudzhava in Neighboring Yards What: • The legendary restaurant Prague opens the most famous street of Moscow, Arbat. • "Golden" fountain-sculpture of Princess Turandot in front of the theater named after Vakhtangov. • Viktor Tsoi’s Wall, where fans of the rock music icon leave messages in his memory. • An attractive monument to a 1960s, cult poet Bulat Okudzhava, who devoted many songs to Arbat Street. • Museum-Apartment of Alexander Pushkin. Where: The first pedestrian street in Moscow – Old Arbat – preserves the atmosphere of old merchant houses and a unique art market.

Arbat St. Smolenskaya, Arbatskaya

"Golden Mile" What: • "The house under a glass", the apartment building of merchant Y. Filatov, with a roof in the shape of an upturned wine glass, as a symbol to his sobriety. • Well-known architects including L. Kekushev designed mansions in the area between the 18th and 20th centuries. • Copper House, Stolnik, Ostozhenka Park Palace. • Zachatievsky monastery, founded in the 14th century. • The house of Ivan Turgenev’s mother, where the events reflected in his story "Mumu", took place. Where: The Ostozhenka Street and lanes of Prechistenskaya waterfront received the nickname the "Golden Mile" because of the astronomical cost of the real estate.


Ostozhenka St., Prechistenskaya Emb., Khilkov Ln., Butikovsky Ln., 1st, 2nd and 3rd Zachatyevsky Ln. Park Kultury, Kropotkinskaya

Action Guide

Old Moscow in the Rogozhskaya Settlement What: • The pedestrian Shkolnaya Street where tourists can observe the buildings of the 19th century Rogozhskaya settlement. • The St. Sergius of Radonezh Street with the chapel "Proshcha" of the Spaso-Andronikov monastery is located on the odd side of the street. • Empire-style church of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1818) and the baroque temple of St. Alexis (1748–1752) on Nikoloyamskaya Street. Where: The former Rogozhskaya Yamskaya settlement formed around the Rogozhskaya outpost of Kamer-Kollezhsky Val. Two-storey houses, former inns, preserve the atmosphere of old Moscow.

Shkolnaya St. Ploshchad Ilyicha, Rimskaya "Novospassky Bridge" ( Proletarskaya), "Kiyevsky station" ( Kiyevskaya), "Vorobyovy Gory" ( Vorobyovy Gory) April–October

Along the Water Street of Moscow What: • Overview of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Central House of Artists, the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the main building of Moscow State University, Novodevichy Convent. • Romantic Bridges: Borodinsky, Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s, Pushkinsky, Krimsky, Patriarch’s, the Big Stone and the Big Moskvoretsky bridges. • Kremlevskaya, Sofiyskaya, Bersenevskaya, Moskvoretskaya, Pushkinskaya embankments. Where: Moskva River, the main waterway of the city. Learn about Moscow from another angle. Winter riverboat rides are especially interesting.


Evening in Moscow

Savor the Perfect Evening Out Chapter 8

In Moscow, like in any other world’s megacity, life does not fade away in the evening, but rather, becomes alive. There are over a hundred theatres, dozens of concert and movie venues, and nightclubs, where tourists can spend their evenings. A must-visit for tourists is a Moscow theatre. Modern theatres still hold the traditions of Stanislavsky, Chekhov and Meyerhold in acting and storytelling. Concert advertisements are lined with the names of Russian and foreign stars. Another pleasure of Moscow is its famous Russian bathhouses. Night tours will familiarize you with the urban views illuminated with the city’s lights.

Instruction: Premiers and theatre openings are to be expected in the autumn, while summer is the time for exciting festivals and foreign companies’ tours. On a limited budget? The lowest priced seats are in the first row in the balcony. If you wait to buy your ticket at the beginning of the performance you will have a chance to purchase a cheap admissions tickets for a vacant seat. Students are normally offered discounts for tickets. Well-known Moscow theatres have subtitles in English for foreigners. Book tickets beforehand. Tickets are available online at www.kassir.ru, www.kontramarka.ru, http://www. ticketland.ru/. Event schedules are both in Russian and English. If you want to spend time with your friends, the solution is a time cafe where you pay only for the time spent. You can bring your own food while enjoying free tea or coffee and biscuits. Large tables are provided along with a variety of board games offering entertainment for your guests. Enjoy another traditional pastime by visiting a collective bathhouse.


Action Guide

The Main Moscow Theatre on Teatralnaya Square What: • The classics of opera and ballet and experimental plays. See John Cranko’s "Onegin" or "Paquita" of the Paris National Opera during the current season. • A historical scene design with a picturesque plafond "Apollo and the Muses", gold plating, and crimson draperies. • A portico with a bronze horse quadriga driven by Apollo, the god of Arts, designed by Peter Clodt. Where: In the reconstructed Bolshoi Theatre. The architecture and interiors of the historical building were designed by Alberto Cavos in 1856. During the reconstruction cuttingedge acoustic and lighting solutions were added.

Teatralnaya Sq. 1 Teatralnaya +7 (495) 455-55-55 box-offices – 11:00–20:00 from 250 rub www.bolshoi.ru Bolshaya Nikitskaya St. 19/13 Arbatskaya, Pushkinskaya +7 (495) 690-46-58 box-office – 11:00–20:00 from 150 rub www.mayakovsky.ru

Moscow Stage Stars in the Former Revolution Theater What: • Classical and modern dramas, comedies, musicals, and children plays. • Plays by Sasha Denisova, one of the most popular Moscow young play-writers. • Moscow stage stars – Anna Ardova, Olga Prokofyeva, Igor Kostolevsky, Tatyana Aygshkap. Where: Mayakovsky Theatre located in a historical building from 1886. The building of Paradiz Theatre was designed by architect Tersky with his young pupil Schechtel. At the turn of the 20th century, the theatre was renamed as the International theatre with performances by Sarah Bernhardt and Eleonora Duse.


Evening in Moscow

Stanislavsky Heritage What: • Highly professional company headed by the famous actor and director Oleg Tabakov. • The classics of Russian and world drama such as plays by Moliere, Chekhov and Ostrovsky. • Plays directing by Oleg Yefremov, Kirill Serebrennikov, Anton Yakovlev, Ja’ nos Sza’ sz. Where: Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre established by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko in 1898. Over the right entrance there is a beautiful modernistic high relief "The Swimmer" by Anna Golubkina, reminding of Maxim Gorky’s plots.

Kamergersky Ln. 3 Okhotny Ryad +7 (495) 629-87-60 box-office – 12:00–19:00 from 250 rub www.mxat.ru

The Center of Music Life in Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory What: • Classical music performed by Moscow and foreign virtuosi. • The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, with unique acoustics re-opened in 2011 after reconstruction. • A bronze monument to Tchaikovsky made by Vera Mukhina in the 1940s. Where: Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, a musical academic institution equipped with several music venues. You can attend a free educational concert held in the Conservatory on a regular basis.


Bolshaya Nikitskaya St. 13/6 Arbatskaya +7 (495) 629-94-01 box-office – 10:00–22:00 from 100 rub www.mosconsv.ru

Action Guide

House of Music on Krasnye Holmy (Red Hills) What: • A music temple, with ten floors and three concert halls. • Famous Russian and foreign performers, symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles. • The Star Ladder, a row of music stand-shaped sculptures with open scores. Their cement pages bear the names of the most outstanding musicians who have honored this arts center with their presence. Where: Moscow International House of Music at Kosmodamianskaya Embankment, established in 2002 upon an initiative of the world-famous musician Vladimir Spivakov.

Kosmodamianskaya Emb. 52, bld 8 Paveletskaya +7 (495) 730-10-11 box-offices – 10:00–21:00 from 200 rub www.mmdm.ru 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road Myakinino +7 (499) 550-00-55 Mon–Fri – 10:00–19:00 from 500 rub www.crocus-hall.ru

A World-Class Sound in a City Music Hall What: • Nonstop concerts of Russian and world stars. • A transformer hall with a 7,000 seating capacity, equally hospitable for a chamber acoustic concert, a rock marathon, or a boxing bout. • A dinner in Nobu restaurant opened by Robert De Niro in 2009, in Crocus City. Where: Crocus City Hall located in the third pavilion of the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center. The Hall was opened in 2009 by a businessman Aras Agalarov in honor of his friend, the famous Soviet singer and musician Muslim Magomayev.


Evening in Moscow

Bohemian Island and the Chocolate Factory What: • The setting of an ancient red brick factory inhabited by Moscow’s intellectual elite. • Galleries of modern art such as Red October, Koloniya, and the Lumiere Brothers’ Center of Photography. • The best Moskva River view from open verandahs of famous bars such as Strelka bar and Gypsy bar, popular among Muscovites and the tourists. Where: In the former Red October territory bordered from one side with the Moskva River and from the other side with Vodootvodny Canal, which has become a major art cluster over the recent years.

The spit of Bolotny Island Kropotkinskaya +7 (495) 991-04-49 round-the-clock www.redcluster.ru

Design and Creativity Center near Kursky Station What: • Three exhibition halls hosting modern art exhibitions, alternative concerts, video art festivals, plays, film representations, lectures, and workshops. • Over three hundred architectural firms, design studios, and show rooms. • An entire quarter with an area of 75,000 square meters, full of creative and extraordinary personalities. Where: Artplay Design Center where you can buy souvenirs from artists, sculpturers, and fashion designers. In winter, on its roof there is a skating rink offering a splendid evening view.


Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya St. 10 Chkalovskaya +7 (495) 620-08-83 Mon–Fri – www.artplay.ru 10:00–17:30

Action Guide

Moscow Mysticism at Patriarshiye Ponds What: • The most popular night excursion is following the footsteps of Mikhail Bulgakov’s Master and Margarita characters. • Thematic exhibitions, concerts, and lectures in the writer’s museum. • Interactive theatrical productions presented in the museum corridors and other areas. Where: The "evil" apartment on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street 10, which was the main scene of the novel "Master and Margarita". The apartment is now the location of Bulgakov’s museum. Follow the trail of Voland and his devilish assistants’ footsteps along Patriarshiye Ponds and further to the neighboring streets.

B. Sadovaya St. 10 Mayakovskaya +7 (495) 699-53-66 Tue–Sun – 12:00–19:00 (Wed–till 18:00), Thu – 14:00–21:00, day off – Mon up to 70 rub www.bulgakovmuseum.ru Neglinnaya St. 14, bld 3–7 Kuznetsky Most +7 (495) 625-46-31 10:00–23:00 from 1500 rub, discount ticket – from 300 rub www.sanduny.ru

Rest for Soul and Body in Best Russian Traditions What: • An irreplaceable remedy for keeping the soul and body fit, the Russian banya (bathhouse). • Three men’s and two women’s washing chambers with various historically designed interiors: Baroque, Moresque, Classicism, Revival, Gothic. • A range of related services such as laundry, restaurant, and a beauty salon. Where: Sandunovskie Baths on Neglinnaya Street, known since the 18th century. Actor Sila Sandunov who served to Catherine II’s court built the first bathhouses. The initial payment for construction of the bathes was the jewelry presented by the empress to Sandunov’s wife as a wedding gift.


With children

Show Moscow to a Child Chapter 9

Moscow is a city where the children are never bored. Theaters, museums, a zoo, a planetarium, circuses, parks all provide kids with an endless playground. Most "adult" museums and theaters also include interesting children's programs. Many restaurants and cafes offer special menus for children making dinning a delight. During school holidays, especially the Christmas season, professional clowns and entertainers organize New Year's performances for children under the richly decorated Christmas trees on the central streets. Winter city has many areas for fun sports and games including Muscovites’ favorite skating rink on Red Square. In the summer, the Times and Epochs Festival on the Kolomenskoye Museum-Estate has plenty to offer the little and big ones. Enthusiasts restore the life of ancient Russia along with diverse crafts classes and ancient music allow children a glimpse into the past. Children and adults alike will enjoy their experience in Moscow.

Instruction: While touring with children in Moscow, include entertainment attractions, water parks, and master classes in your excursion. When planning you day, remember that children become tired faster than adults. Students can explore the many literary and natural science museums. Children will enjoy the entertaining and interactive programs. It is recommend to access the official websites of attractions to obtain current times and prices of entertainment attractions. Children 7 years old and below can ride public transportation for free. Most museums offer a discount for children. Come back to Moscow for the new bright impressions.


Action Guide

Stars and Planets under a Dome What: • Big Star room, the 25 meter dome depicts a realistic picture of the bottomless sky. • Urania Museum, visitors will see small meteorites, relief globes of the planets, the layout of the solar system, and more. • Interactive Museum "Lunarium" where students will learn the laws of physics and astronomy. Where: The Moscow Planetarium founded in 1929. It has everything to arouse children's interest in outer space and the human achievements in its conquest.

Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St. 5, bld 1 Barrikadnaya +7 (495) 221-76-90 10:00–22:00, day off – Tue from 300 rub www.planetarium-moscow.ru Bolshaya Gruzinskaya St. 1 Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 255-53-75 10:00–20:00, day off – Mon from 300 rub, up to 17 years – free www.moscowzoo.ru

Visiting a Lion and a Flamingo What: • One of the world's largest collections of exotic and well-known animals. The kids will have fun watching the lions, tigers, white, brown and Himalayan bears, giraffes, elephants, monkeys and other animals from around the world. • Exhibitions devoted to rare birds including flamingos, birds of prey, cranes and storks. • Terrarium, Exotarrium, pools and ponds with unusual reptiles, amphibians and other aquatic life. Where: The Moscow Zoo founded in 1864, is represented with 1127 species and 7,755 creatures.


With children

Explore the Deep Ocean What: • A collection of aquatic life from Earth’s climatic zones, from Antarctic penguins to the residents of the Equator. • Birds-of-paradise, parrots and monkeys and exotic fauna. • An amazing variety of shapes and colors from the coral reefs. • Terrarium with crocodiles, giant turtles and a live anaconda snake. • Trained sea lions and shark feeding show. Where: Oceanarium on the Dmitrovskoye highway. Through a clear glass passage visitors can examine underwater creatures up close.

Dmitrovskoye Hwy. 163 Altufyevo +7 (495) 988-51-12 10:00–22:00 from 150 rub, up to 4 years – free www.oceanarium-rio.ru

Entertaining Games at the Museum What: • Popular science and physics experiments including optics, mechanics, and acoustics. • An exhibition on the human body containing interesting facts. • Non-fiction films in a spherical theater. • Educational games for the little ones. Where: Museum of Entertaining Science Experimentanium. It was opened in 2011 and has already become well known outside of Moscow. Children can touch the exhibits.


Butyrskaya St. 46/2 Savyolovskaya from 200 rub +7 (495) 789-36-58 Mon–Fri – 9:30–19:00, Sat, Sun – 10:00–20:00 www.experimentanium.ru

Action Guide

Darwin’s History of All Things What: • The exhibition represents all varieties of wildlife, the stages of evolution of the Earth‘s life and the history of man's exploration of the world. • Sessions of documentary films in the cinema museum, which illuminate the topics for children. • Full dome astronomical show at the exhibition complex building. The exhibition highlights how life on Earth is connected with the cosmos and the scientific world. Where: The Darwin Museum is one of the largest museums in Moscow dedicated to the study of the Earth's history, origin and development of all life.

Vavilova St. 57 Akademicheskaya +7 (499) 783-22-53 10:00–18:00, days off – Mon, last Fri of month from 90 rub, discount ticket – from 20 rub www.darwin.museum.ru Baumanskaya St. 11 +7 (916) 167-19-25 Fri–Sun – 13:00–20:00

Baumanskaya Mon–Thu – 13:00–21:00, 350 rub www.15kop.ru

Ancestors of Computer Games What: • Forty antique gaming machines including "Highway", "Rally", "Battleship", "Gorodki" (Townlets) and other popular games of the Soviet times. Fifteen games are available and included in the ticket price. • Tour on the history of slot machines and their appearance in the Soviet Union. Where: The Museum of Soviet Arcade Games. Children can explore the past of their parents, while adults return to their childhood. Access to a game cost only 15 kopecks. By the way, the machines still take old coins as they did in the Soviet era.


With children

Nikulin’s Inheritors in the Famous Russian Circus What: • Trained parrots, dogs, horses, and the unforgettable attraction of Andrei Kornilov’s elephants. • Acrobatic tricks of aerial gymnasts, and dancers on the high wire. • Clowns’ performances between the main attractions have became the symbol of the circus since the time of the magnificent Yuri Nikulin. Where: The Nikulin Circus at Tsvetnoy Boulevard was opened in 1880. It was a small stationary circus with only five rows of seats. Now the circus entertains more than 2,000 young viewers and their parents.

Tsvetnoy Blvd. 13 Tsvetnoy Bulvar +7 (495) 625-89-70 ticket offices – 11:00– 19:00 from 400 rub www.circusnikulin.ru

Show of Multicolored Fountains What: • An unusual circus show with ice dancers, illusionists, clowns, trained animals, musicians and singers. • A show of dancing fountains dazzles viewers, young and old. • The circus carnival is full of surprises with pony rides, attractions for children, free ice cream and photography. It is allowed to take snapshot of the fountains and circus animals during the show. Where: The Circus of Dancing Fountains Aquamarine. All shows are held in front of the fountains, which are lighted in colors while "dancing" to the music.


Melnikova St. 7 Proletarskaya +7 (495) 792-30-72 ticket offices – 7:00–24:00 400–2300 rub www.circ-a.ru

Action Guide

Magical Adventures and Scientific Entertainments What: • House of Tales "Once Upon a Time", a museum-theater, where children meet with fairy-tale characters and explore folk art. • Moscow Butterfly House, where butterflies flutter freely. • The Ice Age Museum includes the exhibit Paleontological Collection and the Hall of Artistic Carving on a Bone in the Scientific Expositional Center. • Panopticon of Scientific Entertainment, an interactive exhibition center. The Moscow Museum of Animation and other unusual scientific exhibits for children. Where: The All-Russia Exhibition Center located near the VDNKh metro station.

Mira Ave. 119 VDNKh +7 (495) 544-34-00 9:00–21:00 (May–Sep – till 23:00) free www.vvcentre.ru Golubinskaya St. 16 Yasenevo +7 (495) 530-12-30 9:00–23:00 adults – 750 rub, children – from 150 rub www.more-on.ru

Year-Round Tropical Resort What: • Children's village for kids for ages 3 to 10 years old. Children enjoy swimming with the help of professional instructors. • Older children and their parents can explore the many water slides, including a 130 meters Inner Tube slide for rapid descent on inflatable rafts. Families can also experience the broad Family slide. • Swimming pools equipped with whirlpools, waterfall effects and artificial sea waves. Where: The largest metropolitan water park Moreon. Its tropical plants create the atmosphere of a southern resort, with a window view of the birch forest.


Viewing platforms

Take Moscow with You Chapter 10

Capture Moscow’s famous sights through the lens of your camera. Photographers dedicate their time to hunting for the best shots of Moscow’s scenic beauty as they tour around the capital. Spectacular views can be seen from all the seven hills of the city or from the bell towers of churches, and from the roofs of modern skyscrapers. Photographers can find many fascinating and interesting views close to many of the city’s popular attractions. Delight in the panoramic views from one of the many bars and restaurants located in Moscow’s skyscrapers. While you enjoy a pleasant meal you will have a bird’s eye view of the city. A unique experience awaits those seeking adventure as you soar above the capital in a balloon or hang in the wind in the open cabin of a Ferris wheel on VVC (All-Russia Exhibition Centre) for a different point-of-view.

Instruction: Moscow’s viewing platforms are divided into open / free (parks, bridges, embankments) and closed / paid (temples, towers, Ferris wheels, etc.). The price is usually not higher than 500 rubles. Tickets for paid sites can be purchased at the entrance or at the tour center. The visiting time, as a rule, is from 9:00 to 18:00. However, it is necessary to verify the schedule at the tourist site or by phone. Some city heights can be reached only with a prebooked guided tour (for example, the roof of Moscow State University). Wear windproof clothing for the climb up: the best panorama views usually are the windiest places. It is especially important to wear warm clothing during the cold season. Urban (and romantic) landscapes look best after dark. The city’s lights provide an amazing view of Moscow.


Action Guide

History Carved in Stone and Metal What: • Panorama of Moscow’s famous waterfronts: the Kremlin, St. Sophia, Prechistenskaya embankments. • The Pashkov House, which is a sample of classical architecture. Pashkov House is one of the most beautiful and famous buildings in Moscow. • The legendary "Government House" (or "The House on the Embankment") built in 1931 for the Soviet elite. Where: The Big Stone Bridge appears on many postcards that include a view of the Kremlin. It connects the two banks of the Moskva River near the Kremlin’s Borovitskie gates. This site is immortalized on the passports of Russian Federation citizens.

Borovitskaya Sq., Mokhovaya St., Znamenka St. Borovitskaya round-the-clock free Sobornaya Sq. Biblioteka Imeni Lenina +7 (495) 697-03-49 10:15, 11:30, 13:45, 15:00, 16:00, day off – Thu 150–500 rub www.belltower.kreml.ru

The Capital from the Royal Bell Tower What: • Famous Moscow cathedrals at a glance: Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation cathedrals. • House on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment , the one of Stalin skyscrapers, so called "sisters", in all its glory is visible from the bell tower. • Curves of ancient small streets of Zamoskvorechye, the oldest district of Moscow. Moscow’s nickname "goldendomed" (i.e. located in the shadow of Russian churches) the capital got because of Zamoskvorechye district. Where: Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the tallest building of the Moscow Kremlin, which was built in the beginning of the 16th century.


Viewing platforms

Bridge for a Romantic Walk What: • The Cathedral of Christ the Savior (Khram Khrista Spasitelya) offers a spectacular view. • View of the three embankments of the Moscow River – Prechistinskaya, Bersenevskaya and Crymskaya waterfronts. • Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), one of the famous Stalin skyscrapers in all of its grandeur. Where: The pedestrian Patriarchal Bridge is one of the most beautiful bridges in Moscow decorated with stylized antique lanterns and openwork lattice. Perfect for a romantic evening walk to the former chocolate factory "Red October", which has been turned into restaurants, shops and trendy galleries.

Prechistenskaya Emb., Bersenevskaya Emb., p Yakimanskaya Emb. Kropotkinskaya round-the-clock free

Under the Golden Dome of the Temple What: • The grand monument to Peter The Great, the founder of the Russian Fleet, by Zurab Tsereteli, erected in 1997, on the special artificial island. • The view of the new Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after A.M. Gorky (Gorky Park). • Landscape of Park Pobedy (Victory Park), the memorial devoted to the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Where: From the four viewing sites of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at a height of 40 meters where you can observe the wonderful panorama, cathedral’s dome, the crosses on its belfry, the bell towers and the bell.


Volkhonka St. 15 Kropotkinskaya, Borovitskaya +7 (495) 637-28-47 9:00–18:00 from 110 rub www.xxc.ru

Action Guide

Moscow from the Scene What: • City sketches: couples set their dates near by the famous "Bolshoi Theater Fountain". • View of the 5-star luxury hotel "Metropol", built in 1905, in the Art Nouveau style. • Church of the Epiphany of the former monastery of the Epiphany (located close to the "Metropol"), built in the style of Naryshkin (or Moscow) baroque. Where: Balcony and a high porch of the Bolshoi Theatre’s New Stage, where the troupe was accommodated during the time of large-scale reconstruction of the historic building (2006–2011). The monument to the leader of the proletariat, Karl Marx, is also visible from this site.

Bolshaya Dmitrovka St. 4/2 Teatralnaya +7 (495) 455-55-55 round-the-clock free www.bolshoi.ru Novodevichy Pass. 1 Sportivnaya +7 (499) 245-31-68 10:00–17:30 from 150 rub, discount ticket – from 60 rub www.patriarchia.ru

The Meditative Monastic Tranquility What: • Silhouettes of temples, museums and historic buildings of the Khamovniki district. • Moscow-City’s business complex with its sparkling glass and metal buildings. The noisy Third Ring Road on the horizon. • Novodevichy Cemetery extends through the valley below. It is the second most important national pantheon after the famous Kremlin wall. Where: Novodevichy Convent, the oldest and most beautiful female monastery in Moscow. It was founded by Grand Prince Vasily III in 1524 to commemorate the victory over Smolensk city. Since 2004, the Novodevichy convent has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


Viewing platforms

On the Red Hills of the Capital What: • A spectacular view of the Moscow International House of Music. • The aspiring upward skyscraper of Swissotel Red Hills, the 34-storey building is one of the highest in Moscow. • Novospassky monastery. The first monastic cloister of Moscow, founded in the early 14th century by Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan III. Where: Krasnokholmskaya Embankment starts from the Big Krasnokholmsky Bridge and ends at Novospassky bridge, one of the oldest bridges of Moscow. It is possible to continue the walk by the water: the excursion boat dock is located next to the monastery.

Krasnokholmskaya Emb. Taganskaya, Paveletskaya round-the-clock free

Moscow from a Bird's Eye View What: • View of the huge "cup" of the Olympic sports complex "Luzhniki" (Grand Sports Arena) located on the bank of the Moskva River. • Blue skyscrapers of the Moscow International Business Center "Moscow City". • A panoramic view of the seven Stalin skyscrapers of Moscow. Where: Vorobyovy Gory (the former Leninskie Gory, known as Sparrow Hills) – Moscow's most majestic view. Enjoy the best panoramic views of the Stalin era and modern urban architecture, the shaded green area of the Moskva River, Gorky Park, restaurants, fashion boutiques and souvenir shops.


Kosygina St. Vorobyovy Gory +7 (499) 739-27-07 round-the-clock free www.vorobyovy-gory.ru

Action Guide

A View from the Cabin of the Ferris Wheel What: • The bird's eye view on the immense monument "The Worker and the Collective Farm Girl". • Shining in the sun hotel "Cosmos", the famous monument "To the Conquerors of Space" and Cosmonauts Alley. • The needle of the Ostankino TV tower, one of the highest symbols of the city. Where: Moscow’s tallest Ferris wheel "Moscow 850" at the AllRussia Exhibition Centre, offering panoramic views of the city from a height of 74 meters. One revolution of the wheel takes 7 minutes. Both the timid and confident can enjoy either the closed or open cabins of the Ferris wheel.

Mira Ave. 119 VDNKh +7 (495) 780-08-01 11:00–22:00 (autumn–winter – 12:00–19:00) 300–350 rub www.koleso-vvc.ru Tverskaya St. 3 Okhotny Ryad +7 (495) 229-01-09 12:00–02:00 mean check – 3000 rub www.ritzcarltonmoscow.ru

Panoramic Cocktail and Haute Cuisine What: • Panoramic views of the Moscow Kremlin and the city center. • A view of the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh". During the times of Tsar Russia, horses of the royal regiment made their rounds. • Alexander Garden, the famous park of the Eternal Flame and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Where: O2 Lounge, a stylish bar on the roof of The Ritz-Carlton hotel. Also visit SkyLounge (22nd floor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, www.skylounge.ru), bar CitySpace (33rd floor of the Swisshotel Red Hills, www.cityspacebar.com), Kalinabar (shopping center LottePlaza, www.kalinabar.ru).


The Museum of Patriotic War of 1812


Action Guide

Moscow Tourist Information Centers:

In the Museum of Patriotic War of 1812 building Revolyutsii Sq. 2/3

In Leningradsky Station building Komsomolskaya Sq. 1

In Kievsky Station building Kiyevskogo Vokzala Sq. 2

In Belorussky Station building Tverskaya Zastava Sq. 7

In Paveletsky station building Paveletskaya Sq. 1

In Vnukovo airport building 2nd Reisovaya St. 2, bld 2

Tourist helpline 8-800-220-00-01/02 For calls within Russia:

+7 (495) 663-13-93 For international calls


Action Guide 2013 Published on the order of the Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry www.moscomtour.mos.ru

Contractor: Advertising Agency LBL Company Ltd 115088, Moscow, Ugreshskaya St. 2, bld 25 +7 (495) 789-45-43 E-mail: info@lbl.ru, www.lbl.ru Publishing group: Editor-in-chief: Anna Malozemova Art-director: Sofia Boldova Editors: Vladimir Vodyanitsky, Anastasia Demakhina Writers: Olga Klimentova, Denis Drozdov Photo: Gennady Shingarev, Diana Ayvazyan Design, layout: Konstantin Demin, Alexey Shumov Translation: Diana Gratigny Project coordinator: Leonid Nevezhin ProMedias Ltd 127055, Moscow, Obraztsova St. 14 +7 (495) 741-91-29 www.promedias.ru Printing House: Rozhdestveno Publish Ltd Tver, 2nd Lazo St. 31 +7 (4822) 41-99-77

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