Add a lovely, nostalgic touch to stationery, gift packages, tiles, mirrors, and a host of other flat surfaces with the help of this lovely sticker collection of old-fashioned roses.Selected from rare turn-of-the-century archives, 45 full-color illustrations display the queen of flowers in all its splendor —as full-blown, lush single blossoms, in dainty bouquets, as nosegays, and more. Simply peel and apply to delight the eyes and arouse the senses.

***************** Old-Time
Roses Stickers (Dover Stickers)
***************** CLICK BUTTON FOR DOWNLOAD Synopsis Book: Add a lovely, nostalgic touch to stationery, gift packages, tiles, mirrors, and a host of other flat surfaces with the help of this lovely sticker collection of oldfashioned roses.Selected from rare turn-of-the-century archives, 45 full-color illustrations display the queen of flowers in all its splendor —as full-blown, lush single blossoms, in dainty bouquets, as nosegays, and more. Simply peel and apply to delight the eyes and arouse the senses.