November 2017
Music is Work
Referring Quality
In the Arts with Laura:
Improving Retention
Want More Students?
Through Events
Music is Work BY J O S E P H R A L S T O N , G U I TA R I N S T R U C T O R I N B U R I E N , WA
Music is work. Being good at it requires
though some scales in the lesson. Tell
scale. After a while of doing this, I told
them, “This is important. Practice this at
him to use these chunks to create a solo.
home.” Send them on their way. Next
The student floundered for a minute. I
week, when you ask if they practiced the
stopped the music and said, “Don’t try
scales, they will probably say something
to write the music as you go. Just let
like, “A little bit.” This means that they
it come out.” Steve Ray Vaughan once
did it once, hated it, and avoided it after
said that about how he played the blues.
the fact. Teachers can talk until we are
I started the music over, and he started
blue in the face about the importance
playing. He struggled for a minute, but
of scales, and most students will not
then it happened. He played a coherent
believe us. We cannot just say it is
solo. It was not the greatest solo ever,
important, and we cannot avoid the
but I saw on his face the exact moment
when he understood what he was doing.
a major life commitment. When
He now works his scales as well as any
students begin taking lessons, they do
As teachers we have to create a situation
not see the long road of scales, songs,
in which the students figure out for
etudes, reading exercises, etc. between
themselves just how important it is to
Music is work. It is often fun. It can also
where they are and where they want to
practice their scales. There is no cookie
be frustrating and worst of all, if you let
be. The job of a teacher is to guide the
cutter method for creating that situation.
it, it can become boring and tedious.
student down this path in a way that
We have to study our students. We
But in private lessons, we have a unique
encourages the student to continue (I do
need to know how they learn and what
opportunity to teach something that
not envy violin instructors in this task).
motivates them. Every kid is different.
is hard to learn in a classroom. Work
Most beginning students are under the
If you have 20 students, you may need
can lead to something deeper and
age of 18, and this creates a fundamental
to create 20 different approaches to get
more meaningful. Work is fulfilling,
obstacle for the teacher. Music is work.
each studnet to go home and practice.
and hopefully this idea carries to other
This can mean that you need to prepare
aspects of their lives besides music. If
Have you ever tried to ask a kid (or even
for your lessons. Music is work. This is
I have any success, it is because I teach
an adult) if they want to do some work
true for teachers as well as students.
this to my students. Music is work, but it is work that we love.
right now? It does not go over very well. What can a simple teacher do? We can
As an example, one of my students
teach them how to work. We can teach
needed to practice his scales to play the
them why they should practice. Take
rock/blues solo stuff that he wanted to
scales as an example.
play. Over a few weeks he played his scales a little, but he did not really see
Scales are arguably the most important
how going up and down notes would
thing for an instrumental musician to
enable him to do a solo. In one lesson,
practice. Every single one of us needs
I put on a song. I had him play a little
to do it, and almost no student wants to
piece of the scale. He did it several
actually do it at first. Give a kid a list of
times over to the music. We did this
scales in your lesson. Have them run
with a couple of different chunks of the
S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017
student I have ever had.
J O S E P H R A L S T O N is from Fayetteville, AR where he earned a degree in guitar performance from the University of Arkansas. After college, he spent four years in the Air Force as a radio technician. Currently, in addition to teaching music, he plays stringed instruments in musicals in the Seattle area. His own recorded music is posted on the youtube channel Hylobatidae.
Hello Everyone! My name is Rachel Stevenson and I’ve recently been hired at Music & Arts to help our stores with teacher hiring. In the last year, we’ve added more new stores than ever and have been actively seeking teachers. My role within the company will be to find, prescreen, and place qualified teachers to work in our stores. Recently I worked overseas in the Philippines as the Assistant Manager at a conference center. Although this wasn’t a music position, I must tell you that the Filipino people have the market on Karaoke! Karaoke is the favorite activity at any event - from birthday parties, to company outings! Unfortunately for me, I do not have the voice this requires! I am also challenged when it comes to playing an instrument.
She is non –verbal, but through music
As we chatted about his education and
therapy, she developed a system of eye
experience, his passion for teaching was
gaze that enables her to communicate
apparent. I asked him how he heard
with us! I find it fascinating that music
about Music & Arts and he answered
touches her neurologically where
that his first music lessons as a child
nothing else can. The theory is that the
were at Music & Arts! He commended
neurons in her brain do not effectively
his Music & Arts teachers for passing on
make paths to each other. However,
their passion. How exciting to have an
music makes those pathways happen,
opportunity to hire a teacher who grew
enabling her to make connections and
up with Music & Arts lessons!
motivating her to respond! If you know someone who is passionate I owe music a lot! I love this new
about teaching music and meets our
opportunity to connect teachers to
requirements, please do not be shy
students. I want to find the type of
about referring them to Music and Arts.
teachers who help their students make
Even if there is not a current studio
positive neurological and emotional
opening at the store in which they are
pathways – growing them as musicians
interested, it is great to be able to have
and as caring human beings!
a pool of teachers ready and waiting to fill an empty spot. The best way for
At Music & Arts, we want (more)
interested teachers to apply is through
quality teachers. Yes, this means
the Music & Arts website. There is a
that they have a music degree and/
“Careers” link on the bottom of the page.
or quality teaching experience; but it
I will be checking the database daily!
also means we want teachers who are passionate about music, passionate
In the meantime, do not underestimate
about teaching, and someone we can
your impact as a music teacher! You are
trust with our students! It was so fun
positively changing the way someone’s
for me to recently hold an interview with
brain works!
a young man who plays the saxophone.
I have a guitar which I play for one person only – my eldest daughter, Jamie. Music changed Jamie’s life. Jamie was born with a neurological disorder called Rett Syndrome. As we learned more about how to help our daughter, we heard that music therapy was an effective tool. Jamie is now 21 years old and music therapy is the only therapy
N E W T E AC H E R O R I E N TAT I O N U P C O M I N G O R I E N TAT I O N DAT E S : Wednesday, December 20th @ 11am EST Thursday, January 25th @ 1pm EST Seminar phone number: 800-531-3250 Conference ID: 3860306 RSVP: e-mail
that had a proven effect on her disability! 3
S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017
We’re officially in the “Holiday Season”
I found that during my earlier years of
best interest to do so and that’s always
regarding make-up lessons. If any of
teaching that waiting for the holidays
an “easy sell.”
my students have a lesson that falls on
to try and schedule a make-up would
Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas
become a nightmare! Students had
My reputation for NOT GIVING
Day, New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day,
to cancel because out of town guests
CREDITS is well known and people
then we have to schedule a pre make-
would suddenly pop up. They canceled
want to be sure that they get their
up lesson to cover for that period.
because they were too stressed with
value from the experience. So, if they
That usually comes out to a whopping
holiday preparations. Or most often,
know going in that their only option is
60 extra lessons that will have to be
they forgot the scheduled lesson
to take the lesson they supposedly want
accounted for. So, in order to get them
altogether because they were in “holiday
or lose the payment for it, they are much
all in, I have to start now!
mode.” After all, the “Real Schools”
more motivated to come in. This system
were closed for winter break. How were
makes it far more palatable for them
There are multiple advantages to doing
they supposed to remember an isolated
to comply, as we’re working together
private lesson? In the end, it would be
with a shared goal. I would suggest
1. It guarantees that my students
lost income for me, as the student would
that any of you who are struggling with
will get every lesson they paid for
always opt for the credit (since the
maintaining your studio during these
without interrupting their holiday,
store was closed) to make things easier
periods adopt a similar program. You
as well as ensuring consistent
for them. So, I quickly learned that if I
will find that it is a lot easier to enjoy the
billing (no change in the monthly
got the lesson in BEFORE the holiday
holiday when all of the work leading up
amount makes it easier for students
madness started, everybody was happier.
to said holiday has been done on both
to plan their budgets). 2. It guarantees that my salary won’t
sides of this scenario. It’s not that much extra work if you plan
drop at the very point where
it out as part of your regular schedule.
expenses are guaranteed to rise!
There are plenty of sports events, PTA
This is a “win-win” for all concerned.
meetings, school concerts, etc. that
3. When I get new students as we
provide the openings necessary to
approach those holidays, my current
squeeze the lessons in. As long as the
students are already covered,
student/parent know that this is the
making it much easier to schedule
situation, they don’t have any problem
the newer students.
with staying an extra half hour or coming in early, or on short notice on a
I have been using this system for more
completely different day to get the pre
than 20 years with iron clad success.
make-up lesson in. After all, it’s in their
G T L I T T L E , J R is a rare combination of avid music enthusiast, experienced professional and university educated music scholar, whose range is virtually limitless. Born and raised in Maryland, GT studied piano at Peabody Preparatory as a child and later graduated from Towson State University with an M.F.A. in Composition. He has over 20 years’ experience teaching piano, theory, and music production, specializing in pop and jazz.
ATTENTION ALL TEACHERS: Please verify with our HR department that we have the correct mailing address on file so your 1099 arrives to the correct address. To correct your address, email an updated W9 form to S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017
In the Arts with Laura: Want More Students? BY LAURA ZOLFO, M& A REGIONAL LESSON MANAGER
to internet ads and communicating with
taking place. Giving new customers the
school music students, we’ll impact over
chance to see you and your students at
1 million households with The Lesson
work is a great way help make the idea
Studio at M&A this holiday season.
of learning an instrument more tangible. The holidays are perfect for this! Break
The Lesson Pyramid
out your instrument and play carols
You may have seen these around
during some bustling shopping hours.
the store, and even witnessed them happening in real time. The Lesson
Connect with local Music Teachers
Pyramid is our time-tested process for
A phone call, email or formal
Whether you’re new to teaching with
getting to know a customer, showing
introduction with a school teacher is
us, or just looking to fill in the schedule,
them what The Lesson Studio is all
a great way to connect yourself with
this is one of the most common
about, and identifying their best-fit
potential students. For an added
questions we get. Please know, I want
instructor and getting them on the
layer, you can offer a masterclass to
you to have students too! And lots
schedule. When new employees join
middle and high school students or
of them. The Lesson Team is always
the team, it’s a critical component of
just a general music demonstration for
looking for ways to put eager new
becoming sales certified in our stores.
elementary students.
learners in those studio chairs. There
These happen all day, every day and
are many things that go on behind the
they’re our strongest recruiting tool.
Offer a First Lesson Experience Taking gigs this season? Your store
scenes, and some things happen right Store Recruiting
manager can provide you with a
Our store teams have various customer
recruiting postcard. It’s like a coupon
Request Lessons
resources to work with when looking
for a first lesson, exclusively with you.
Every M&A store has their own page
for more students. My favorite is the
Fill in the card with your name and store
online, and as an M&A teacher so do
Stopped Lessons List. Each month, the
information. When doing your thing
you. As customers shop online for all
stores receive a list of customers who
around town, give them to potential
their music needs, they can view your
have stopped lessons in the last 30 days.
students as you see fit. It connects
teacher page and request online to take
Since music lessons often follow the
customers to the store, and the sales
lessons with you. Nationally, we get
flow of the school year, this list is my
team can get them on your schedule.
over 1,000 requests a month asking for
favorite opportunity to invite students
lessons this way. If you’re putting your
back into the program.
in your store.
in the past. If they resonate with you
best foot forward online, you’re going to get more requests.
Want even more? Here are some things
as an opportunity to grow your studio,
you can do to help fill your studio.
speak with your store manager about how to implement one or two of them
National Marketing Our Marketing Team is constantly at
In-Store Recitals and Clinics
work bringing musicians through our
It makes sense that customers are more
doors each season. From newspapers,
receptive when they can see lessons
I’ve had success with all of these tactics
S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017
Improving Retention Through Events BY R E B E C C A S C H I N A S I , M & A S T O R E M A N A G E R I N L I N D E N H U R S T, N Y
important in student retention. Having
people want to perform too! Having
consistency and approachability creates
all parties of the store together in one
a beautiful mentorship between the
room brings of sense of family to these
teacher and student. Coming to an open
students. The last open mic we hosted,
mic night and playing simultaneously
95 people from the community attended!
with your student, being on the stage with them, and supporting them through
Teacher and Store Relationship
nervousness and stage freight is where
Remember earlier when I mentioned
the best part of this relationship is
the word staff and needed to clarify that
built. In addition to this mentorship,
it meant both teachers and retail sales
Retention, as many of you know, is one
the enticing curriculum worked on for
associates? The separation of having
of the significant principles that holds
events helps keep the students excited;
two different “channels” in your lesson
the foundation for a successful and
creating a sense of commitment and
program is common and unfortunate.
consistently growing lesson program.
interest (the exact things we promised
We all have the same goals, run the
the student would feel from the
same program, and care about the same
The easiest way to improve retention
beginning). This can be inspired by the
students. We are one team, with one
for both the store and the individual
student, store, or teacher! I personally
goal. When managers stop looking at
teachers, is having store events. I would
pick out themes like 90s-day, pop punk
their teachers like product or contractors
be lying if I told you that your manager
night, or 70’s night to bring in different
and start thinking of them as part of
is not a big part in this. If your manager
crowds and give different types of
their team, you see a difference in
does not host these events already,
students things to look forward to.
culture and work efficiency. Every
reach out! Often managers assume that
single teacher in our store knows I am
teacher participation is unrealistic and
A Sense of Community
ambitious and quick to get things done,
therefore leave retention in the hands of
Being part of a community brings a
but they also know I love dinosaurs
the teacher. This stress is undying and
sense of commitment from students,
and enjoy a good conversation
painful, but completely avoidable. With
families, staff, and your town’s local
about veganism. Having this type of
better relationships and communication
musicians. At our store on Long Island,
relationship with your manager and
between the student and teacher,
we strive to have open mics every
retail associates is an additional way
teacher and store, and store and student,
month, quarterly recitals, and two
to create an environment full of family
retention improves drastically.
large community events yearly. This
values. Events can contribute to getting
commitment is an easy way to keep
to know each other better in the same
Teacher and Student Relationship
people wanting to stay a part of your
professional and fun environment you
Providing a professional level of
program. Having an energetic and
are giving to the students.
emotional support becomes so
enthusiastic host at these events makes
R E B E C C A S C H I N A S I is a native New Yorker who has an enormous passion for helping people grow. Rebecca is the full-time lesson program director and store manager in Lindenhurst, NY. This is the very same location she began lessons at in 2nd grade. Her passion for helping people has encouraged her to pursue education in human behavior and developmental growth through counseling. This year, she will be receiving her BA in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and plans on continuing her education in Mental Health Counseling.
S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017
Teaching Classical Guitar Technique BY S C O T T S C H W E R T F E G E R , G U I TA R I N S T R U C T O R I N B U R K E , VA
The modern, nylon string “classical”
get this instrument for the purpose
Christopher Parkening’s “The Art and
guitar is an amazing instrument
of forming a good foundation, and
Technique of the Classical Guitar”
and vehicle for music expression. It
freeing the hands. Having access to a
volumes one and two. It does an
comes from a long line of distant
bench is better than using any kind of
excellent job of uniting the mind to the
cousins, including the Lute, Vihuela,
chair. A piano bench is most common,
staff, and the hands to the strings.
Renaissance Guitar, and Baroque
and available now through Music &
Guitar. Since the first construct of the
Arts, as well as the standard footstool
Performance Opportunities
modern design in 1859 by Antonio de
for elevation of the left leg for good
Once a student has developed and
Torres Jurado(1817-1892), a rich history
ergonomics. Being centered, and finding
forged their technique, and have
of repertoire and pedagogy has been
one’s center of gravity while sitting
developed some music they enjoy
handed down to us, providing a path
is fundamental to the overall process.
playing, I encourage them to share it
for each unique person to find the best
Chairs that are designed for comfort,
as a live public performance. I never
in their technique. Each person who
thus having sloped seats and arms on
force this, but always encourage it. It’s
begins the quest of the guitar may differ
them work against the ergonomics.
a deep and personal thing to perform,
in their musical background and artistic
Lastly, I recommend having a music
and I believe it’s up to everyone to
desires, but taking time to explore the
stand. Having materials placed on the
come to the decision if they wish to
technique of the classical guitar will
couch or floor or table is going to work
share their music. Finding a venue
provide a strong foundation for playing
against the process. On the music stand,
and creating an environment free of
any kind of guitar (electric guitar,
I would place a metronome, and a pencil
criticism and full of support is fairly
electric bass guitar, banjo, etc.), and if
for taking notes. These things provide
easy. If it’s possible to have a consistent
guided properly, will weed out any flaws
consistency to one’s work and increase
performance opportunity, I’ve seen that
in their technique.
the quality of the results.
it really accelerates the overall growth of what students are doing. In addition,
Consistency and Ergonomics
Supplement Materials
creating performing ensembles for your
Whether a seasoned pro or just starting
Being able to communicate well
students is a wonderful way to break the
out on the journey, having a good
musically is a skill that combines many
ice on performing, and quickly builds
setup and consistent workspace are
factors. I recommend to everyone
keys to getting results quickly. Even if
that they learn to read standard staff
their desire is a style that exclusively
notation. For classical guitar there
uses electric guitar, I recommend they
are many methods, but I recommend
S C O T T S C H W E R T F E G E R received his B.S. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies combining Music Performance and Music History from West Liberty State College, studying Classical Guitar technique with Dr. Nels Leonard, student and friend of Andres Segovia. After completing his undergraduate studies, Scott was awarded a teaching assistantship at the University of Akron, where he received his M.M. in Music Performance in 1994, working closely with renowned guitarist and pedagogue Stephen Aron, who chairs the Guitar Departments at The University of Akron and Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Throughout his undergraduate and graduate studies, Scott has participated in Masterclasses with famed and renowned guitarists such as Sharon Isbin, John Holmquist, Ricardo Iznaola, and David Tannenbaum. Scott has participated in numerous projects and recordings since graduating, and has been featured in local and national radio and television broadcasts, in addition to serving on the faculties of the Cleveland Institute of Music and Bethany College as Lecturer and Teacher of Classical Guitar.
S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017
Inside the Lesson Studio with Hannah BY H A N N A H B E S T, M & A R E G I O N A L L E S S O N M A N A G E R
Q “What should I be thinking about
If you would like to host your own
2. Network with teachers and potential
right now with the holiday season
performance event, please speak
students. This can come in many
coming up?”
with your Store Manager to begin
forms. Sometimes there are
making arrangements.
tables set up where you can assist
A “It’s during the holidays that many
Another thing to be thinking about is
with instrument demonstrations.
students cancel lessons or request
that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New
Other times, you may be moving
changes in their schedule. The best
Year’s Day are automatically credited to
throughout the store. When you are
things to be thinking about right now
students. This means that when students
approached by an employee with a
pay for lessons in November, they will
student that would like to meet you,
1. Have you notified your students to
not be charged for lessons if they fall on
this is the perfect time to talk about
find out who is planning on going
the holidays in December (mentioned
the things that make you a strong
out of town or who will be able to
above). You are welcome to make up
maintain their normal schedule
those lessons to keep your income
Showcase the unique things that make
during the holidays? We have a
stable during this time. Please notify the
you stand out:
Holiday Letter available for you to
Store Manager so that they’re able to
1. Customized Lessons & Curriculum
give to your students to find out
add charges to offset lesson credits (or
their plans.
refunds) before students are charged in
and how this makes you a
strong teacher.
2. Do you have all of your students’ contact information in case there are cancellations that you can fill in
Q “My store has an event coming
with make-up lessons? (The store
up and they asked me to participate.
can supply you with a Student
What am I supposed to do during the
Directory, which has your students’
contact information available). 3. Do you have a plan in place for
A “First, thank you so much for your
Explain the methods you use
Talk about the supplements you use that make your lessons fun.
Show the family how you create the curriculum for your students.
2. Performance Opportunities
inclement weather? Are you aware
willingness to participate. One of the
of which days the store has open
best ways to build your studio is to
types of performance
studios to schedule make-up
participate in events. This interaction
opportunities you coordinate
lessons? Do you feel confident
really helps teachers develop a positive
for your students and/or
about scheduling make-up lessons
reputation in the community!
the performances you have
(maybe this is your first holiday
Steps for Participation:
coming up in the community.
season at M&A)?
1. Performing in the store is a great
4. Are your students performing
way to inspire new students! After
Tell the family about the
Give out a flyer for upcoming events.
in any upcoming events? If your
you’ve finished a performance, use
For more information about event
students are performing in the store
this as an opportunity to introduce
participation, please feel free to contact
hosted recital, now would be the
yourself as a teacher at Music &
me at”
time to notify the Store Manager.
S O U N D T E A C H I N G | November 2017