Music & Arts | Sound Teaching | July 2018

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July 2018






Cultivating a Supportive Musical Environment at Home

Your Acquisition Support Team

What Makes a Successful Teacher?

My Technology Evolution: From Inexperience to Advocate

Cultivating a Supportive Musical Environment at Home B Y P E C O S S I N G E R , C E L L O I N S T R U C T O R I N G R E E N B E LT , M D

not. It was through the early tutelage

music student with the direction and

with Mozart’s father that Mozart was

breathing room they need to succeed.

able to achieve such high levels of distinction.

That is why I always include the parents of my students in the learning process.

It’s not difficult to find a contemporary

Especially with younger students, it

example. The prestigious Queen

is important that the parent invest in

Elisabeth Competition in Brussels,

their child’s musical development. I

Belgium was dedicated to the cello for

often recommend for my youngest

the first time in 2017 (prior iterations

students to have their parents sit in on

have included competitions only for

the first few lessons. This serves the

When it comes to learning to play an

only violin, piano, and voice). Of the

dual purpose of putting the parent and

instrument well, there is simply no

twelve finalists, only one cellist hailed

child at ease, while ensuring that when

substitute for regular private instruction.

from the United States: Brannon Cho.

the child returns home, there will be

This is true for any instrument, but

During his high school career, Cho

someone there who knows the content

is especially true for unfretted string

flew to Chicago once a month to attend

of the lesson and can provide additional

instruments, such as the violin, viola,

private lessons with Hans Jørgen

support at home if necessary.

cello, and upright bass. Practitioners of

Jensen, in addition to weekly trips from

these instruments have accumulated

New Jersey into New York to study with

With older students, at least until they

centuries of wisdom and knowledge

Jensen’s son, Jun. This type of long

reach adolescence, I do not necessarily

that has been passed down in an oral

distance travel is not unique among

ask parents to sit in on lessons, but I

tradition through generations.

students whose families value superior

always touch base with them after the

musical instruction. This in no way

lesson, keeping them up to speed on the

Historically this tradition has relied

belittles the tremendous individual drive

progress their child is making, as well

on support networks, whether they

and discipline that led to Cho’s many

as some specific recommendations for

are the religious institutions, powerful

successes, but it does highlight the

home practice.

monarchs, or civil societies, and this

ways in which a young instrumentalist’s

remains true today. Unfortunately

family can help propel them to great

Whether the goal is to be the next

the modern support network has

artistic heights.

Mozart, a future laureate of the Queen

deteriorated in certain areas, including

Elisabeth Competition, or MVP of the

the public school system. That is why

While these are two extraordinary

middle school orchestra, it all begins

now, as ever, it is vitally important that

examples, they illustrate how a child’s

with the support that students receive

the musical arts receive support from

early musical development relies on the

at home. There are few processes more

the family network at home.

support they receive at home. Although

rewarding than that of learning to play

parents may not want to subject their

a musical instrument, and the gift of

This has been true throughout history.

children to the overbearing techniques

private musical instruction is one that

Would we have had an Amadeus Mozart

of Leopold Mozart, a healthy balance of

any child will benefit from in many ways

without a Leopold Mozart? Certainly

support and freedom provides the young

for the rest of their lives.

2 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | July 2018

Your Acquisition Support Team B Y TJ G E S N E R , M & A S T O R E M A N A G E R I N J O H N S C R E E K , G A

harder, but the teachers and I were in

You might be wondering “what do I

this together. We had each others back

do now?” Well, just do what you do

and that’s the most important thing to

best! As a music teacher, you are one

remember. Having a familiar face to

of, if not the most valuable assets we

talk to makes all the difference in the

have as a company. Your students and

world. I know that’s not the case in every

their parents will be anxious about the

acquisition but in my experience, Music

changes too. They will be looking to

& Arts will be there to listen. Hannah

you for how to react. As they say, happy

and Laura are two incredible women

teachers equal happy students and with

that are wise, sympathetic, and are

that, your studio will most certainly

“Any change, even a change for the

always eager to help. Always know that

grow. Show them all the exciting

better is always accompanied by

you can talk to them openly about your

changes including all the awesome

drawbacks and discomforts.”


new products at their finger tips. You can even get commission when you

The M&A Johns Creek store was

During my acquisition, Hannah was

help your student pick out their new

acquired back in July of 2013, and at

my rock, and Laura, who was managing

instrument! I mean come on, that’s

the time, I was managing a modest and

a different store in the Atlanta, taught

awesome. And hey, if we don’t have

laid back business called Music Matters.

me so much about what I know. The

something that you normally use to

We focused more on lessons than

support I received from everyone was

teach, don’t worry, we will get it for you.

anything else. We had a talented group

more than I ever expected, and my

Like I said before, we have an amazing

of teachers and a little bit of product,

teachers embraced the change quickly.

support system for our teachers and our

but it was comfortable. A little too

(They were most concerned about their

stores. We strive for success, and my


posters). Johns Creek started at only

teachers happiness is one of my biggest

260 students in July of 2013. Now, we


When the owner came to me and told

peak at approximately 700 students and

me my store would be acquired by the

we usually sit in the top 3 largest lesson

I’m not expecting you to blindly accept

big boys, I was scared. My comfortable

stores in the company! That certainly

change. Just to keep an open mind

little world would be changing and I’m

didn’t happen over night.

and you will see that we care. We care about you, your students, and most

not big on change. My teachers were worried as well. They didn’t like the

I had the pleasure to help with recent

importantly, your happiness. We want

thought of some big company coming

acquisition in Atlanta. I was there to

you to be proud to be a Music & Arts

in and telling them how to do things,

help train the staff but to also offer my

teacher. Five years ago, I never thought

but quite the opposite happened. Yes,

support for being the guy who went

my store would be where it is today.

we had to take down our Led Zeppelin

through it all. My goal was to make the

I couldn’t have done it without the

and Beatles posters but we were given

change as easy and exciting as possible.

support of the amazing people in this

so much more: more resources, tons of

I wanted them to see that we are warm

company. You can certainly call me if

support, and even more pay.

and welcoming and that we care. I

you have questions or need advice from

wasn’t the big bad wolf there to blow

a manger’s perspective. I’m happy to

Now don’t get me wrong, it was tough…

their house down. I was there to make it

help because, after all, I’ve been there

REALLY tough. I was working ten times



July 2018 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | 3

What Makes a Successful Teacher? BY K AT H L E E N O R I G , P I A N O / V I O L I N I N S T R U C T O R I N G A R L A N D , T X

When everyone is on the same page,

The more in tune you are with an

the result is a positive environment

individual student’s abilities and

of mutual respect and understanding.

ambition, the better you can teach

When we work as a team with students,

accordingly. Finding the optimal

parents and staff, we can greatly

learning style for each student is vital

increase our chances of success!

for attaining goals. For example, I find that relating instruction to familiar

As a private teacher, you can choose

interests, such as sports or fine arts,

what method and style to utilize.

makes learning fun and easier to

When I began teaching at Music & Arts,

However, it is important to understand

understand. Be inspired to research

the lesson process generated a list of

the Music & Arts agreement your

different techniques to encourage

questions. The main question: What

student signs. Because private

practice and progress. When students

makes a teacher successful at Music &

lessons have a different dynamic than

see and hear their advancement, practice

Arts? Throughout your teaching journey,

group lessons, consider providing a

becomes rewarding because they know

it helps to take a personal inventory of

supplement of your studio policies on

they are improving. Hearing their

questions and proactively seek answers.

make-up lessons and credits, lesson

progress and knowing they are getting

Your manager, staff, and especially your

decorum, and what is in your discretion.

worth out of lessons helps greatly

fellow teachers are invaluable resources

with retention. Find what your student

since many have experience and advice

Offering a Meet and Greet is a great

loves in music and encourage it with

on questions you may have. Everyone

way to present your teaching style and

genuine enthusiasm. When students

has knowledge to contribute and insight

learn more about a potential student.

achieve their goals, it motivates them

on how things work.

Be yourself! A Meet and Greet is often

to continue lessons and to recommend

the first impression for everyone. Both

others. When the student succeeds, the

At Music & Arts, being an instructor

students and parents want to know if

teacher succeeds!

is a wonderful experience because I

you are a good fit. When I feel a student

can focus on teaching. Store personnel

would benefit from another teacher or

help greatly to coordinate information,

scheduling doesn’t permit, I recommend

order supplies and music, and assist

a fellow teacher who can provide quality

with instrument needs; they alleviate

music education as well.

some aspects of teaching that can detract from the act of teaching. The

Though we teach a primary instrument,

staff plays an essential role in providing

it is valuable to offer the option of

administrative support and recruiting

another instrument in recruiting

students to facilitate and augment your

students. This is especially helpful in


the beginning when you are growing your studio. In my experience, students

Maintaining a harmonious work

interested in music tend to want to learn

relationship is integral to your success

more than one instrument. When your

and performance at Music & Arts.

students see your enthusiasm for your

Communication is key. Clarity gives

instruments, it inspires them to want to

the confidence to know what to expect.

learn more!

4 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | July 2018

K A T H L E E N O R I G is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She teaches violin and piano at Music and Arts in Garland and Lewisville, Texas. Her former teachers include: Carol Sharp, Sachiko Mori, Sho-Mei Pelletier, an Associate Principal of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, and UNT professor of violin, Julia Bushkova. Kathleen is an alumna of the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra and a participant in the 1996 GDYO Tour d’France. More recently she freelances as a music artist in various shows, festivals and concerts as well as volunteers for those in need of music therapy.

In the Arts with Laura: Finding Your Voice Using the Internet BY LAURA ZOLFO, M& A REGIONAL LESSON MANAGER

you want to come across as qualified.

Keep Them Coming Back: If you’ve

But professional, fun, engaging and safe

checked off all these steps, I encourage

rank higher on the customer’s list of

you to utilize social media to your

priorities. Consider this when deciding


what elements of your page will be most


Whether you choose Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or all of the above, they are all powerful

Make a Great First Impression: •

Use a professional-looking photo.

mediums to broaden your reach. •

Any media consultant will tell you

Historically, M&A has established and

Imagine shopping online for a

to post every day. Yes, every day.

expanded our reach for new customers

product, and there aren’t any

The internet likes frequent content

through school relationships. For

pictures. You skip right over it!

just as much as unique content.

decades, the local music director was

A professional headshot is not

the most reliable source for a parent

necessary. But a clear image that

really, but be yourself. You can fuel

to determine where to shop for their

shows your face with a pleasant

ongoing inspirations by choosing a

musical needs. While these relationships

look will do the trick. If you don’t

theme: favorite teaching moments,

remain pivotal to our business overall,

have a current photos, ask the Store

what you learned today, practice

there’s no denying that the world wide

Manager to take one for you.

tips, stories of your musical journey.

Create your tagline - a quick quote

It’s even okay to sprinkle in posts

or statement that speaks about

unrelated to teaching.

web is now- at least for lessons- the greatest avenue to reach new customers.

who you are and what you offer. It

What to post? Anything you want,

Tag your posts. Yes, use hashtags. sees over half a million

should motivate a customer to keep

They’re the social-media snowball

visitors every month. We also appear in

reading, keep scrolling, and keep

effect. Pick a few that can be

over 4 million Google searches, monthly.


regularly included in your

This level of visibility gives our lesson

posts (ex. #TeachingMoments,

program and online presence like no

Offer Additional Clicks: Add photos,

#TeachingMusic, #MusicArts,

other. So out of all those searches and

videos, testimonials, products you

#TheLessonStudio). The more you

clicks, how do you make sure you’re

recommend, and even links to your

tag, the more likely you’ll pop up on

heard? The great news is that in of all

Facebook, Instagram or professional

new peoples’ feed.

the information available, the internet

page. Having this additional content

likes unique content.

tells potential students you’re willing

This may seem like quite the project, but

to engage with them before you even

the return on this investment is huge.

Consider your Audience: Think about

meet them. Most people will spend

Having not just a basic presence, but a

what a parent considers most important

no more than 45 seconds on a page

robust one is more important than ever.

when selecting a music teacher. This list

before deciding whether to move on, or

While there are over 20,000 pianos to

is different than the student’s, but both

hang around to learn more. Give them

choose from at, what’s

will be vastly different than comparing

something to look at!

more unique at Music & Arts than each

yourself to a fellow musician. Of course

of our 2,800 teachers? July 2018 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | 5

My Technology Evolution: From Inexperience to Advocate BY L AU R A Z A R U TA , P I A N O I N S T R U C T O R A N D R O L A N D R E P R E S E N TAT I V E

These students aren’t all the same,

happen immediately for everyone,

so why am I teaching them the same

but I soon noticed the following

way? I needed to find different tools for

improvements: steady and consistent

different students, and I needed to make

tempo, fewer counting problems,

piano fun again!

not skipping rests, and a better understanding of time signatures. The

Like many of you, I had a Roland piano

students who practiced this way at home

in my teaching studio. But at that time,

had substantially faster progress than

I didn’t know anything about it or

those who only practiced this way in

anything about technology. I just knew I

the lesson. In addition, they avoided the

needed solutions if I were going to keep

dreaded “I practiced it wrong all week”

Greetings fellow teachers! I am

my students engaged. I began exploring

situation, because it’s difficult to learn a

delighted to join you in print for the

the piano – the sounds, rhythms,

piece incorrectly when you are playing

next few months as we discuss teaching,

metronome, recording, and playing

with an accompaniment. Not having to

students, and how to get the most out of

along with background MIDI files. The

correct these “mistakes that had become

our new Roland pianos. I’d like to share

students loved exploring music in this

habits” freed up more lesson time

my story, because I’m sure I have a great

way and I began seeing a new energy

and also contributed to happier, more

deal in common with many of you –

from everyone!

motivated students.

the challenges we face with students, or

Playing along with MIDI files was

In addition to the musical benefits,

starting from scratch with technology in

the biggest game-changer because

students were having fun practicing!

the studio.

it’s like playing in the band. It’s so

They were happy, their parents were

important for pianists to learn how to

happy, and I was happy. I still rely on

I am a classically-trained pianist who

be collaborative players, but sometimes

MIDI files and today it’s even easier to

had “traditional piano lessons” growing

the traditional lesson format doesn’t

access them via online downloads or

up. I majored in piano, received a

focus on these skills. In an ensemble,

apps – like the Piano Adventures Player

Master’s Degree in Piano Pedagogy,

you listen to the other players, their

App. Now students can use their mobile

and then began teaching. Like many

parts, their tempo, their intonation. You

devices when practicing!

teachers I meet, I started teaching the

begin to understand how all of the parts

way I had been taught: the same lesson

musically interact, and you work on

In my next article we will navigate

format, similar repertoire, and “classical

blending, balancing, and playing in time.

through some of the features on your

whether it’s our educational background,

Roland pianos. We will then wrap up this

goals” for most students. But I soon encountered some challenges – students

We began using MIDI files by

series by discussing how to incorporate

losing interest, not coming to lessons

incorporating them into the existing

these features seamlessly into your

prepared, and not making progress. I

lesson plans. We didn’t change anything

lessons in order to enjoy the benefits

was afraid of losing them – and I did

– we just changed the way we played. My

technology can offer both you and your

lose some. I couldn’t figure out why

students were listening while playing

students! Until then, Happy Teaching!

this was happening, and then it clicked:

and this led to great results. They didn’t

6 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | July 2018

Inside The Lesson Studio with Hannah BY H A N N A H B E S T, M & A R E G I O N A L L E S S O N M A N A G E R

the lesson is cancelled, rescheduled,

performance opportunities. We also

or lengthened in any way. A good

learned that if a student was engaged

communicator is critical for the

in a regular performance at least once

student’s success.

every three months, they would stay in lessons longer.

3. An attentive, compassionate teacher. This means a teacher

We believe that the regular schedule of

that can adapt to the mood of the

having performances gives the student

student, notice their behavior. The

something to work toward in terms of

range on this is broad. Over time,

goals This also helps build confidence,

looking for when they’re choosing their

teachers will be able to notice signs

ensures that the student is more well-

music teacher. Do you know what the

of boredom, frustration, happiness,

rounded, and gives the student (and

top things are that they look for?”

anxiety, etc. Families want to know

their family) an opportunity to hear

that they’re dropping off a member

the progress that’s been happening in

of their family to learn music


Q “I want to know what parents are

A “Wow, students and their parents are looking for a variety of different

and that the teacher is listening

things when they’re selecting a music

attentively to the student’s needs.

Once we learned this, we started building more performance

teacher. The most commons things These are the three most common

opportunities into the schedule.

requests when a family is looking for a

Generally, we aim to have some type

music teacher. Experience, education,

of performance event once every

student’s individual progress. This

performance level, and appearance are

quarter. As a teacher, you’re able to

means a teacher that is able to

also contributing factors. However, the

schedule more frequent performance

customize the lesson to cater to that

top three is what causes a student to

opportunities with your students.”

student’s specific needs. This also

stick to the instrument (not always, but

means, not just the style of music

often) and will also stay in your studio

Q “The store was closed recently for

that the student may want to learn,

over time.”

4th of July and I would like to schedule

though, across the board are: 1. A teacher that is interested in the

but a teacher that is able to decipher the style of learning that would help

Q “I like to involve my students

the student make the most progress.

in regular performances. However, is there a recommended number of

some make up lessons for my students. How do I make sure I get paid for those lessons?”

recitals or performances that you

A “I’m glad you’re able to schedule

want to know what is expected

would recommend to keep students

some make up lessons. Excellent!

from them in terms of progress. If

engaged in lessons?”

The team at the store will need to add

2. A good communicator. Families

this isn’t established early on in

charges to offset the previously credited

the lesson, families often take a

A “We surveyed students and their

backseat (not coming into the store

families a while back to get a good

month’s lessons are paid for by families,

at all) because they don’t know that

gauge on this. What we learned is that

the charges for the make-up lessons will

they have a role in the student’s

families were more likely to choose

be collected and this amount will be

progress. They also want to know if

M&A for lessons if there were regular

added on your next pay check.”

lessons so that when the following

July 2018 | S O U N D T E A C H I N G | 7

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