2015 Music & Arts Holiday Gift Guide | A Great Big World

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We sat down with Chad King and Ian Axel from the Grammy Award-winning duo A Great Big World to talk about their new album and sharing the gift of music.

Ian Chad

M&A: Who inspired you to play and sing? Ian: I started playing piano when I was three years old. I was really into piano players and singers like Ben Folds, Elton John and Billy Joel. I just learned from mimicking them. I would listen to what they did and try to repeat it.


M&A: Did you take music lessons at all as a kid? Ian: We still take lessons! But I started taking piano lessons when I was five. Practicing was always difficult for me. But I had one persistent piano teacher who used to take the sheet music away from me if I didn’t practice. And so to prove him wrong, I would go out and buy the music and then practice it. Chad: I took trumpet lessons for five years starting in middle school and then that moved on to voice lessons after college when I met this guy [Ian]. M&A: What would you say to parents to encourage their kids’ participation in music? Ian: In my life, taking part in piano lessons or playing music or being involved in a certain band, like marching band, or anything like that in high school was never forced upon me - it was always my choice. My parents helped me find teachers that enabled me to play traditional classical stuff but also learn modern songs and learn the music that I wanted to play. Music is about having fun and it had been my voice, and honestly, it has helped me find my way through the world growing up when I was a confused teenager. Chad: I think also having instruments around the house really helped me. I remember my grandma gave her piano to us (Ian – me too!) when I was like eight years old and I just remember being so inspired by the piano. I feel like had I not had that, who knows, I may not have gone into trumpet, and voice and, you know what I mean. So, having instruments around the house was key for me.

Yamaha P-45 88-Key Digital Piano p. 16

Shure SM58 Microphone p. 17

M&A: What advice would you give to young musicians trying to find their footing? Ian: To all the young musicians who are trying to find their footing: be fearless, don’t be afraid to show your vulnerabilities, the things that you’re most insecure about are the things that are the most beautiful about you. And, keep dreaming – keep the dreams alive and constantly seek what you want from life. Chad: To kind of piggy-back on that, I’d say, take risks. Like take risks that you would never take in your life because those are the ones that come out as the inspired ones.

A Great Big World - Is Anybody Out There? For Piano/Vocal/Guitar p. 27

M&A: After the worldwide success of your No.1 hit Say Something featuring Christina Aguilera, what’s next for you two? Ian: We have our second album coming out this November called When the Morning Comes. The first single ‘Hold Each Other’ is out now! We’ve been working on it for – a lot of hours – it feels like forever. We’re very excited about it and are looking forward to sharing it with the world! You can get the album on iTunes and pick up our sheet music at Music & Arts!


Follow the guys @agreatbigworld on

or at agreatbigworld.com

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Find the complete selection online at MusicArts.com/LaurelCanyon

Clip-On Chromatic All Instrument Tuner

TM-50 Combo Tuner/Metronome

Precision tuning and advanced features. The Snark Chromatic AllInstrument Tuner provides a solid connection to your instrument or music stand, precise tuning, and advanced features too. Its full-color display makes it fast and easy to tune, plus it has a tap tempo metronome, pitch calibration, and a transpose feature. Use the Snark tuner's built-in mic or internal vibration sensor to tune your instrument quickly and accurately. H65652 | LIST $39.00 | $19.95

Two functions in a single box. This one allows you to use the tuner and metronome simultaneously. Since this single unit is all you need for both pitch and rhythm training, it has become a favorite lesson tool for brass bands as well as many other types of musicians. It features a two-level backlight that enhances the visibility of the LCD display. Choose pearl white or black finish. H89867 | $29.99

Acoustic Guitar Pack

The LD-100PKG pairs our LD-100 guitar with everything you need to start your musical journey – guitar, gig bag, instructional DVD, tuner, picks, strap and strings. 196902 | LIST $249.99 | $149.95

Stocking stuffers for your favorite musician MusicArts.com/StockingStuffers



Sweet looks and sound with a price to match. This is the perfect gift for the beginning guitarist or to have as a knockaround guitar. It's a nicely crafted acoustic that sports a laminated spruce top for durability and mahogany body and neck for warmth. Other features include chrome hardware and rosewood fingerboard with dot inlays. Choose vintage sunburst, natural or black finish. 518569 | LIST $198.00 | $119.00




CT-30 Clip-On Tuner

This tuner and metronome is an excellent tool for practice or performance. Use it to tighten up your sense of time in practice and then to establish tempos in performance. Fully chromatic tuner works with any instrument, ideal for loud stages. H80039 | LIST $39.99 | $24.95

DMT-1 Digital Metronome

The Deltalab DMT-1 is a pocket-sized metronome that allows you to set a tempo between 30-360 BPM and listen to it through a built-in speaker. Beats per measure can be set from 0 to 9 to cover every time signature. A variety of beat values or rhythm styles are available, ranging from quarter notes to sixteenth notes with variables for triplets and syncopation. 118047N | LIST $14.99 | $12.95


A beautiful-sounding advanced jumbo body. With features usually reserved for higher-end guitars, this one sounds as good as it looks. The mahogany back and sides paired with a solid Sitka spruce top bring out rich harmonics and lots of projection. A glued-in dovetail neck joint keeps the guitar's neck and body stable, adding clarity and subtlety to the tone. The mahogany neck adds strength while the rosewood bridge and fingerboard produce lasting sustain. Features Grover tuners, nickel hardware and a beautiful polyurethane finish. Choose vintage sunburst or natural finish. 423939 | LIST $300.00 | $229.00

CT-40 Chromatic Tuner

The DeltaLab CT-40 is a chromatic tuner designed for most stringed instruments including 7-string guitar and bass guitars as well as keyboards and wind instruments. The compact design allows easy transport in a pocket or gig bag. H13996 | LIST $34.99 | $14.95

CTM-40 Tuner and Metronome

The DeltaLab CTM-40 is a chromatic tuner designed for use with most stringed instruments as well as keyboards and wind instruments. The CTM40 also incorporates a full-function digital metronome with input and output. A built-in metal kickstand makes the CTM-40 easier to use on a tabletop. H13997 | LIST $39.99 | $24.95


PR5-E Acoustic-Electric

Bright, cutting tone and small-body comfort. Countless guitarists have taken the stage with a PR5-E because it has the look, sound and electronics they need. Features a select spruce top, mahogany body, rosewood fingerboard with split-diamond inlays, and a Shadow P-4 preamp with piezo pickup. Natural finish. Limited lifetime warranty. 518640 | LIST $548.00 | $329.00


*Visit MusicArts.com/GLP for details



Already own an acoustic guitar? Add a legendary brand to your line-up. These guitars offer great value along with excellent tone, playability and quality. Whether you’re just getting started on guitar or need a good second instrument as a backup or for use with alternate tunings, Fender offers an impressive instrument that fits the bill.

Fender CP-100 Parlor, Sunburst

Sweet-sounding parlor acoustic. With distinctively rich midrange and a historic style, the parlor guitar evokes a distinctly traditional vibe. Fender’s CP-100 Parlor has a comfortable smaller body and a wonderfully sweet sound perfect for blues, folk and much more, great for guitarists looking to add an affordable new hue to their sonic palettes and to stand out from other players. H83208 | $199.99

Discovery Dreadnought Maple

Entry-level guitar that doesn't feel or look like one. The Discovery Dreadnought has a maple body with a solid Sitka spruce top and a nato neck with a rosewood fretboard to offer beginners excellent balance and clarity at an affordable price. J05576 | LIST $399.00 | $299.00

Visit your local store to see our expanded Breedlove selection MusicArts.com/Stores

Fender CD-60, with Case

Perfect first guitar … or second. The CD-60 is a genuine Fender that provides nicely balanced tone and plenty of volume thanks to its dreadnought body style and spruce top with scalloped "X" bracing. It includes a hardshell case for safe and convenient transport. Search Fender Acoustic H70152 | $229.99 for our entire collection

Fender Acoustic

Pursuit Dreadnought Mahogany Acoustic-Electric

Fender CD-140SCE

Versatile with Fishman electronics and USB out. This one has a solid mahogany top with back and sides of sapele, a tonewood with attributes similar to mahogany. Delivering a warm, musical tone when played both acoustically and plugged in, it also includes a built-in USB port for easy interfacing with GarageBand and other recording software. Choose mahogany top or natural finish. J02958 | LIST $669.00 | $499.00

Sweet for practice and performance. The CD-140SCE is a fantastic choice in an affordable, good-sounding acoustic-electric. The CD-140SCE features high-quality onboard electronics that make it even better when plugged in and its comfortable dreadnought cutaway shape with a solid spruce top makes it great for just about any kind of gig. H70147 | $299.99

Looking for the best pluck for your bucks? Yamaha delivers value and performance. Perfect for both student guitarists and seasoned players, these guitars feel great, have superb tone and rock-solid construction. This respected brand is preferred by top players worldwide. Choose from easy-to-play classical, dreadnought and acoustic-electric cutaway models.

Yamaha C40 II Classical

Pursuit Concert Bubinga Acoustic-Electric

An affordable, classical guitar from a respected company. The full-size C40 Classical Guitar delivers great performance with the remarkable playability, tone and quality Yamaha is known for delivering. H75956 | LIST $221.00 | $139.99

The original Breedlove shape with the beauty and tone of bubinga and the versatility of a built-in USB port for easy interfacing with recording software. Includes gig bag. J12093 | LIST $799.00 | $599.00

Yamaha FG700S Folk

Solid top Yamaha acoustic is a solid value. The heritage of Yamaha guitars begins with the FG line of acoustic guitars. The FG700S is a great entry-level acoustic guitar with deluxe features including die-cast tuners, solid Sitka spruce top, and a rosewood fingerboard. 518274 | LIST $322.00 | $199.99

Yamaha APX500III OBB Acoustic-Electric

The Yamaha APX500III Thinline Cutaway Acoustic-Electric Guitar combines incredible comfort, easy top-fret access and a sound perfectly suited to on-stage use with bright, clear mids, balanced highs and controlled lows. Specially designed nonscalloped X-type bracing allows the guitar's top to sing and maximizes the resonance of the unique body shape for a full, natural tone. With dynamics, sensitivity and clarity built into the design from day one, APX is a guitar not to be underestimated. J12426 | LIST $463.00 | $299.99



Eastman HE-222CE Acoustic-Electric

A popular choice for flatpicking & live vocal accompaniment. A solid spruce top with hand-carved scalloped X bracing produces an extremely dynamic response, from soft picking to hard strumming. Includes a Fishman Sonitone Pickup System for a clean amplified sound option. 206741 | LIST $999.99 | $599.95

Eastman HE-120CE Acoustic-Electric

Ideal choice for fingerstyle, flatpicking & vocal backing. Solid Sitka spruce top, hand-carved scalloped X bracing with balanced voice throughout the entire range. Includes a Fishman Sonitone Pickup System for a clean amplified sound option. 206740 | LIST $749.99 | $549.95



Every Laurel Canyon guitar is designed with essential features and built with a rich, warm tone expertly crafted from straight-grained hardwoods. Any fan of any skill level can pick up a Laurel Canyon guitar and begin a musical adventure.

Travel Easy with Revolutionary Design Protect your guitars with lightweight, high quality, tough, nylon cases in a variety of styles.


Looking for a dependable beginner guitar?

See the complete selection at MusicArts.com/LaurelCanyon

LA-100CESB Nex Style Acoustic-Electric

The LA-100CESB acoustic-electric from Laurel Canyon is a modified auditorium style body with sunburst finish that will feel comfortable in anyone’s hands. A spruce top and mahogany body ensure great, resonant tone. 196897 | LIST $349.99 | $199.95

Order yours at MusicArts.com/WolfPak

LD-100SCEHB Dreadnought Solid-Top Acoustic-Electric

The LD-100SCEHB solid top acoustic-electric in sunburst finish offers great tone through any amp or PA! The solid top provides amazing projection, and the AT-3000 preamp gives you control of your amplified sound. 196899 | LIST $449.99 | $299.95

LD-100J Junior

The LD-100J Junior dreadnought features a spruce top and mahogany back and sides for great tone. An “O” style rosette and body/neck binding ensure that it looks as beautiful as it sounds. 196901 | LIST $199.99 | $119.95

SP Lifespan

Martin SP Lifespan strings are the next level in studio performance. Treated for long life, they repel dirt, grit and other environmental elements that can quickly alter the sound of your strings. The treatment is so incredibly thin, you won’t even know it’s there.


Martin SP Flexible Core strings marry our thinnest core wire to our standard tensions. Our SP Flexible Core strings feel soft to the touch, making them ideal for beginners. But don’t be fooled by comfort, with SP Flexible Core, you get total flexibility and total control.


Martin Retro acoustic guitar strings are crafted from a long-lasting proprietary nickel-based alloy blend that mellows quickly to a warm vintage tone that brings out the unique, woody sounds in your guitar.



LUK-70 Ukulele

The LUK-70 is a great-sounding concert ukulele from Laurel Canyon. It features a spruce top, combined with beautiful rosewood back/sides. Enhanced cosmetic touches like abalone rosette and purfling give it a timeless style—reminiscent of high-end acoustic guitars—that matches its warm, articulate sound. 196909 | LIST $159.99 | $99.95


The LA-100 from Laurel Canyon is a modified auditorium style body that will feel comfortable in anyone’s hands. A spruce top and mahogany back and sides ensure great, resonant tone, and the die-cast tuners will keep you in tune all gig long. 196896 | LIST $249.99 | $149.95




We love what we do. After all, it’s in our name. We are master luthiers who create instruments of true distinction. It’s in our DNA to push the boundaries of design and craftsmanship. Being different is never the easy path. But in our view, it has far greater rewards. And while we respect tradition, we simply choose not to make instruments of yesterday. Imagination compels us to make instruments of tomorrow.



$399.00 LIST $299.00

For players seeking maximum projection for ample stage presence, as well the refinement needed for vocal accompaniment. Item # J05576



$1,065.00 LIST $799.00


CONCERT $665.00 LIST $499.00

For the singer-songwriter, the combination of rosewood and cedar create the quintessential Breedlove sound: clearly defined notes with a long sustain. Features solo side sound port. Item # J12621001



$665.00 LIST $499.00

Offers the projection of a full-depth dreadnought, with a desirable midrange and powerful punch of mahogany for tonal warmth when played both acoustically and plugged in. Item # J02958001

Kohala Concert Ukulele Pack

The Kohala “Player Pack” includes an upgraded mahogany ukulele with improved binding on the body and fingerboard, Aquila strings, and included padded carry bag and clip-on chromatic tuner. This a complete ukulele solution for anyone looking for an easy-to-play ukulele with a great sound and basic accessories included. 209318 | LIST $135.00 | $89.95

Soprano Ukulele

Join the fun. Here's a sweet, jam-grinding machine offered in a special finish. It's crafted with Eastern mahogany for great tone and has geared tuning machines to keep those tones happily in tune. It includes an instruction booklet to get you started. H86682 | MSRP $60.00 | $39.95

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$1,332.00 LIST $999.00

Designed for performance, a stage-ready acousticelectric with a distinct voice built on the original Breedlove concert body shape with all solid tone woods. Item # J19316001

The Pursuit Concert captures Breedlove’s distinctively crafted sound in an affordable package. Exuding an earthy, warm response from a light touch, the cedar-mahogany wood set is one of the most esteemed tonewood combinations. The popular concert body top is made of solid cedar, producing mature tones that are detailed and pleasing. Mahogany graces the back and sides. Includes built-in USB port for easy interfacing with recording software. Item # J02947001




$1,199.00 LIST $899.00 Designed for recorded performances, it captures all the detail and nuance of your performance. The maple back and sides offer a clear, precise tone that rises above the mix. New Fishman INK3 USB system. Item # J20716001

Concert Tone 300 Banjo Pack

A finely crafted 5-string and all you'll need to get pickin'. Whether you're new to the instrument or an experienced player, the affordable Concert Tone 300 Banjo Pack delivers everything you need, including a premium five-string banjo, gig bag, tuner, strings, picks and instructional materials. J18077 | MSRP $499.99 | $349.99


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Want to start a band? Squier is the quintessential starter guitar. Stop dreaming and start playing with Fender Squier guitars and basses. Chock-full of classic Fender features that made the originals a rock ‘n’ roll favorite, Squier offers sonic flexibility, authentic Fender sound, vintage style and eye-catching finishes.

Champion 100


Search Squier Guitar to see the collection

Squier Guitar

Squier Mini Electric Guitar

The Mini is the 3/4-size version (22.75" scale length) of the Bullet® and makes an ideal travel guitar for players of all ages and a great first guitar for young beginners. Featuring three single-coil pickups and five-way switching. 510421 | LIST $179.99 | $99.99

Mustang III V.2 100W

Squier Bullet Strat with Tremolo HSS

Our Bullet Strat with tremolo is a simple, affordable and practical guitar designed for beginners and students. Classic styling that includes the added benefit of two single-coils and one humbucking pickup for wide-range searing tone. 584391 | LIST $199.99 | $129.99 ®

Hot Rod Deluxe III


Squier Affinity Series™ Telecaster, Ice Blue Metallic

Cool as ice, this Affinity Series guitar features two single-coil pickups with three-way switching, smooth-playing rosewood fingerboard with 21 medium jumbo frets, and six-saddle top-load bridge. 213701N |LIST $329.99 | $219.95

Mustang Series

Mustang I V.2 20W

The Fender Mustang Amplifier Series raises the standard for modern guitar versatility and muscle. Driven by incredibly authentic amp models and a huge bank of built-in effects, Mustang Amplifiers come equipped with USB connectivity and Fender Fuse software, allowing your musical creativity and imagination to run wild. With sizes ranging from a 20W 1x8" combo to a 150W 2x12" combo, there’s more than enough power and tonal variety for any need.

Mustang I V.2 20W 1x8"

Mustang III V.2 100W 1x12"

H91524 | LIST $120.01 | $119.99

H91526 | LIST $330.01 | $329.99

Hot Rod Deluxe III 40W 1x12" Tube Guitar Combo

This 40W 1x12" combo has been a world standard for gigging guitarists everywhere. The third-generation of the Hot Rod Deluxe boasts a tighter overdrive, graduated volume and treble pot tapers, and a Celestion G12P-80 speaker. It's got 3 channels, 3-band EQ, a luscious Fender spring reverb, FX loop, and extension cab output. Includes 2-button footswitch and amp cover. H12889 | LIST $730.01 | $729.99


Champion 100 Guitar Combo

Two 12" Special Design speakers, with great amp voices and effects that make it easy to dial-up just the right sound. Two footswitchable independent channels: one is classic Fender clean tone and two has selectable amp voicing, including Blackface, British, Metal, Jazz and Tweed. Each channel offers selectable FX, including delay, chorus, reverb and more. H97919 | LIST $330.01 | $329.99

RUMBLE 25 1x8" 25W Bass Combo

The new Fender Rumble 1x8" 25W bass combo is an ideal choice for practice or studio play, with its great tone, small size and easy-to-use controls. Besides the 1x8" Fender special design speaker, its features include an aux. input, headphone output and 3-band EQ. And, at just 21 lb., it’s ready to hit the road and deliver smooth bass tone wherever you need it. J06154 | LIST $100.01 | $99.99

Squier Affinity Series™ Stratocaster HSS, Rosewood Fingerboard, Natural


Squier Affinity Series guitars are one of the best values in electric guitar design. The Affinity Series Stratocaster HSS delivers solid sound and style with single-coil neck and middle pickups, humbucking bridge pickup, five-way switching, smoothplaying rosewood fingerboard with 21 medium jumbo frets, synchronous tremolo bridge and large ’60s-style headstock. 159102N | LIST $299.99 | $199.99

LZZY HALE’S HOLIDAY PICK MusicArts.com/Lzzy to learn more!

Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Special

Superior tone, smooth playability, great comfort and fantastic value. The Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Special puts classic Fender looks into a distinctively sharplooking Squier bass model. The sleek offset-waist body and ultra-slim, fast-action neck make it great to play, and the combination pickups and active bass-boost circuit deliver versatile tone. H71306 | LIST $329.99 | $199.99

Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass '70s ®

Squier's best-selling 4-string bass with dual Fender-designed pickups and a slim "C"-shaped maple neck that feels great to play. Super ’70s sound and feel for today’s bassists, with superior Squier performance and value. H99641 | LIST $499.99 | $299.99

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MG CFX Series


From high-gain metal to classic rock to glassy cleans, with built-in studioquality FX, the MG CFX Series can do it all in everything from a 2W combo to a 100W half-stack. With sleek carbon-fiber looks, plenty of power for your needs and easy-to-use controls, the MG CFX is ideal for a first amp or a roadworthy workhorse.

MG30CFX 30W 1x10 Combo

MG50CFX 50W 1x12 Combo

H76561 | LIST $285.00 | $199.99

H76563 | LIST $580.00 | $399.99

DSL40C Limited Edition Guitar Combo Amp

This limited edition tube combo amplifier is a 40-watt workhorse. It boasts a Celestion 12" speaker, cream Tolex and the same front and rear panel features as the DSL100H. The Triode (Half Power) option drops the DSL40C's output to 20 watts, making this amplifier exceptionally versatile. J20403 | LIST $970.00 | $699.99

Lead Guitar Series

The Acoustic Lead Guitar Series guitar combo amps are ideal for solo practice, band rehearsal and some types of gigs. With 3-band EQ and mid-shift control, they give you the tone-shaping power of larger amps. With two switchable channels, you can easily change sounds for a variety of tonal combinations. Available in 10-, 20- and 35-watt versions. H77811 | G10 10W 1x8 | $59.99 H74442 | G20 20W 1x10 | $89.99 H74443 | G35FX 35W 1x12 | $149.99


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M-101 Phase 90 Pedal


For more stocking stuffers check out MusicArts.com/GuitarAccessories

2.5" Chocolate Suede Guitar Strap

A classic must-have effect. This device has found its way into many of Eddie Van Halen's recordings, adding a shimmery velocity to lead passages or a more dramatic swoosh to muted strumming. Not just for guitars, it works well with bass, keyboards and even vocals. Vary the speed from a subtle, long cycle to a fast, watery warble and myriad vintage vibrations in between. 151100 | LIST $114.28 | $79.99

Soft and strong. Supple chocolate garment suede strap, 2.5" wide, finished with double-ply end tabs, outlined with gold stitching for a refined, tailored look. Adjusts from 46" to 56". 360757 | LIST $44.99 | $39.95

Poly Pro Guitar Strap

(pedals not included)

Another great series from Perri, these basic straps have rugged leather ends and vibrant colors, so you can find one you connect with, and be sure that your guitar will be safe. Choose purple, red, pink, silver, blue, black or brown. H90590 | LIST $9.99 | $9.95

Aluminum Pedal Board

Lightweight aluminum "Made in the USA" pedal board. British Orange finish with universal mounting bracket for power supplies. Angled for access to pedals. Cable perforations make routing easy, adjustable no-slip rubber feet for board leveling. Choose black, green, yellow or orange finish. J11492 | LIST $159.99 | $99.99

Hootenanny Design Woven Guitar Strap

Original Cry Baby Wah Pedal

The original. Used by such greats as Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Steve Vai, and Joe Satriani, the Cry Baby never goes out of style. From subtle tonal shifts to all out shriekin' wah-wah lunatic soloing to those infectious grooves, the Original Cry Baby has you covered. Just lean on the button, you'll figure out the rest. 151000 | LIST $114.28 | $79.99

Quick-Change Capo Advantage Series 1/4" Straight Instrument Cable

Guaranteed for life. Super low-noise quality construction. Flexible materials cut down on kinks and twists for tangle-free performance and longer life. Quality soldering make these very quiet. 1/4" phone plugs. Choose 3', 5', 30', 10', 25', 1', 15' or 20' finish. 330470 | From $18.95

The capo of the stars. A perfect fit for the necks and fingerboards of acoustic 6-string guitars. A snap to park on the headstock and then reposition between frets using just one hand. Choose black, gold, silver, red, white, blue or red bandana finish. 361600 | LIST $24.95 | $21.95

This classic design is 2" wide and is adjustable up to 56" long. Very popular with any kind of folk guitar, this strap projects your lack of pretense and your peaceable nature. Choose blue/black or red/silver. H90595 | $19.95

Over 500 guitar strap choices online! MusicArts.com/GuitarAccessories

TS9 Tube Screamer Effects Pedal

A classic. The reissue of the Tube Screamer is just like the original. Same factory, same hand-wired analog circuitry, same famous seasick green paint, and the same warm overdrive that made the original one of the all-time classic pedals. 150284 | LIST $169.95 | $99.99

Monster Rock 1/4" Instrument Cable

Straight connectors, for rock guitar. Cable designed to enhance your instrument. Multi-gauge wire networks maximize your tone and a dense shield rejects hum. 24k gold connectors for conductivity and to resist corrosion. Choose 21', 12', 6' or 3' length. J06929 | From $49.95

Dual-Design Straplok System

The case hardened steel skin guarantees long life. The same strap can be used with several guitars, as the strap button is interchangeable. Choose brass, black, nickel or gold finish. 364008 | LIST $21.15 | $19.95

Ditto X2 Looper Effects Pedal

New features on a leading looper. Its ultrasimple design and features like dedicated start/stop button, loop import/export and backing tracks, true-bypass, analog dry-through, high-quality audio, as well as 5 minutes of looping time, unlimited overdubs make the Ditto Looper X2 the premiere looper. Plus, now you can play loops in reverse, half-speed or both at the same time. J04094 | LIST $231.00 | $179.99

12 |

Glass Guitar Slide 9-Volt Power Supply

Pedal power! Sure and steady voltage (supplies that waver eat your tone - Snark doesn't). Zero-hum proprietary noise filtering for silent operation. Powers up to 15 pedals. J05684 | LIST $24.95 | $19.95


Choose Dunlop Pyrex Glass Slides for a warmer, thicker tone that accentuates the middle harmonics of your sound. Today's most popular slide. Processed from high-quality Boron Silicate. Heat-treated and annealed to produce a flawless tube. Choose medium-wall short, heavy-wall large, medium-wall medium or heavy-wall medium. 364057 | LIST $9.39 | $7.95

2" Polypropylene Planet Lock Guitar Strap

Fits virtually any guitar's existing end pins and stays securely locked in place until you release the side pin. Easily swaps out to other guitars. Adjusts 32"-57". 501561 | LIST $23.15 | $19.95

NS Tri-Action Capo

Ned Steinberger design. Assures buzz-free, in-tune playing at any fret and reduces the force needed to open and close, applying even tension regardless of neck profile. H88286 | LIST $33.65 | $24.95


| 13


Guitar strings make great stocking stuffers! See more at MusicArts.com/GuitarStrings

Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings

High tension winding over a hex-core maintains tuning. EMP Treatment is then applied to all the strings (including plain strings) to produce great sound and feel with long life. Gauges: 12-53. H68671 | LIST $21.00 | $13.99

Coated Phosphor-Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings

Cleartone strings use a treatment process that protects against dirt and oil without sacrificing sound or feel. Incredible tone that not only lasts, but sounds great the whole time. Gauges: 13-56. 100945 | LIST $24.00 | $16.99


PSRE Portable Keyboards

Portable keyboard with the latest sounds and accompaniment. These are ideal instruments for a variety of situations. They are inexpensive, and have built-in speakers and a wide complement of sounds, so they are a fun and portable tool for learners of any age. Experienced musicians will appreciate the sound quality and the ability to entertain with full band auto-accompaniment. Different sizes, feature sets and price range ensure that there is a PSRE for everyone.


PSRE253 61-Key J24684 | LIST $169.00 | $99.99

Shop over 50 choices online! MusicArts.com/PortableKeyboards

PSRE353 61-Key J24683 | LIST $269.00 | $159.99

NYXL1046 Light Electric Guitar Strings

Newly engineered, break-resistant steel core and plain steel alloy deliver a new confidence and power. Greater strength and tuning stability. Corrosionresistant tin coating application. J04931 | LIST $20.55 | $11.99

EJ16 Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings

Computer-controlled wrapping around a hex core. The popular alloy of phosphor and bronze lends the depth needed to make a dreadnought guitar speak, while retaining the sparkle a fine instrument can produce. H71091 | LIST $13.55 | $7.95

YPG-235 76-Key Portable Grand Piano

Affordable and portable keyboard, focused on grand piano sound and feel. The Yamaha YPG-235 digital keyboard features USB MIDI computer connectivity for quick-and-easy transfer of songs, Graded Soft Touch action, 76 piano-style keys and a 6-track song recorder. The portable grand button

YPG-235 is simplicity in itself, since it allows players to call up the best piano sound in the keyboard and simply play. USB allows you to add additional songs and play along. 706169 | LIST $519.00 | $249.99

M150 80/20 Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings

Bronze alloy for brilliance, clarity and longevity. The bronze winding is ideally suited for deep, rich basses and clear, bright trebles. The standard in bronze alloy strings. Gauges: 13-17-26-35-45-56. 100023 | LIST $11.65 | $5.95

MSP7100 SP Lifespan Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Guitar Strings

Brilliant sound and excellent longevity. Designed to repel the oils and dirt that can deaden strings. All six strings are treated to preserve the natural Martin SP sound. H61694 | LIST $31.99 | $14.95

V730 Nickel Wound Vega Banjo Strings

All raw materials are of premium quality to assure brilliance, clarity and longevity. The nickel/steel alloy's tonal qualities accent the strong resonating tendencies of most banjos. Gauges: 10-12-16-23-10. 100071 | LIST $8.75 | $5.95

M600 Clear Flourocarbon Ukulele Strings

Popular and affordable. Modern fluorocarbon increases the amplitude and improves the harmonic output. The increased tensile strength helps hold tunings longer. Available in standard and baritone gauges. 100047 | LIST $13.99 | $6.95

14 |

2723 Cobalt Super Slinky Electric Guitar Strings

Round-wound for clarity, sustain and punch. They resist sweat and moisture and have unmatched flexibility. Cobalt is highly magnetic and excites your pickups more than other strings. Gauges: 9-42. H79090 | LIST $17.00 | $11.95

2921 M-Steel Regular Slinky Electric Guitar Strings Cobalt alloy wrapped around a high-stress steel hex core wire, producing a richer and fuller tone with powerful low-end response. Specially tempered plain steel B and E. Gauges: 10-46. H99160 | LIST $21.50 | $14.95


Keyboard Bench

The Titan T1250 keyboard bench has a reinforced steel structure and a thick, high-comfort memory foam padded vinyl covering. It keeps you comfortable and focused throughout your performance. 202201 | $59.95

Keyboard Stand

The Titan T200KB keyboard stand can support medium-to-full-sized keyboards. It features locking height and width adjustments, quickrelease levers and fully-welded contact points. 202199 | $49.95


Keyboard Bag

WolfPak keyboard bags provide excellent protection at a great value. The bag’s exterior is water-, stain- and stretch-resistant. This bag also uses secure, double jumbo zippers to keep your instrument in place. 181649 | $39.95

| 15

Rhapsody 2 88-Key Console Digital Piano

Impressive looks, sound, feel and features. Twelve custom sounds crafted from a world-renowned grand piano, vintage electric pianos, organs, strings, synths and more. The improved keybed provides better response and feel. Modulation/FX control provides realistic rotary and vibrato effects on select instruments. It includes 12 demo songs, USB MIDI port, 2-track recorder, and convenient features such as split/layer, transpose, metronome, plus separate headphone and stereo out jacks. J17211 | LIST $899.99 | $499.99

Rhapsody 2

Music Education Essentials Your own recording tools for practice, rehearsal, and performance! AUDIOBOX™ iTWO STUDIO Record, edit, and play along with your favorite music. Item #J13663



AUDIOBOX STEREO Perfect for recording any ensemble. Item #J08398



AUDIOBOX MUSIC CREATION SUITE Compose, record, create, and more. Item #J06802

Overture 2 88-Key Console Digital Piano




Williams redefines digital piano elegance with the Overture 2. Luxurious ebony gloss finish, a robust sound palette, extraordinary feel and unexpected extras. The Overture 2 is built on 15 quick-to-grab custom-crafted sounds, as well as other instruments from brass to percussion and beyond. Rich dark finish. J17210 | LIST $1,199.99 | $699.99

Hear every detail of your music with these powerful monitors. Item #J00731 ©2015 All Rights Reserved, PreSonus Audio Electronics. AudioBox and Eris are trademarks of Presonus. Studio One is a registered trademark of PreSonus Software Ltd.

Overture 2



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(Stand not included)

Microphone Boom Stand

Arius YDP-181

P-45 88-Key Weighted Action Digital Piano

The most affordable Yamaha 88-key yet. This digital piano has a basic set of features ideal for the needs of the beginner piano student. It features 88 blocked-end semi-weighted keys, built-in speakers and best of all, Yamaha's legendary piano sound. It has other common keyboard timbres as well, including electric pianos, harpsichord and strings. J19265 | LIST $499.00 | $449.99

The Titan TMS220 Tripod Boom Microphone Stand safely and securely maintains the position you set for your microphone to capture the perfect sound -- in the studio or during live performance. The mic stand features die-cast metal clutches and nonskid legs. The fixed boom is 30.25" long. The stands height adjusts from 40" - 67". 202202 | $39.95

M120 120-Watt 4-Channel Compact Portable PA

Simple, portable and affordable sound system for rehearsals, performances, presentations. Includes a 4-channel powered mixer, loudspeakers and even speaker cables. J07337 | LIST $449.99 | $299.99

Arius YDP-181 88-Key Digital Piano

Classic piano feel blended with modern technology. The Arius YDP-181 88-Key Digital Piano offers all the great features, functions, and feel of the YDP-161 and adds additional voices, internal memory, and incorporates a USB device port for storing songs recorded on the instrument. Includes bench. 430606 | LIST $1,999.00 | $1,699.99

Arius YDP-142 88-Key Grand Piano

Arius YDP-142

16 |

Sampled 9' grand piano. Authentic piano touch and tone for any aspiring pianist. The Graded Hammer Standard (GHS) action builds proper fingering technique for an easy transition to playing on acoustic pianos. Choose black walnut, rosewood, rosewood or black walnut finish. Includes bench. H92686 | LIST $1,499.00 | $1,099.99


SM58 Microphone

The world’s most popular vocal mic. The legendary Shure vocal mic tuned to accentuate the warmth and clarity of lead and backup vocals. Consistently the first choice of performers around the globe. 270101 | LIST $124.00 | $99.00

Advantage Standard EXM Series Microphone Cable

Durable cable with accurate reproduction. Tour-proven Neutrik XLR connectors and a low-noise shield. Available in 3', 5', 15', 25', 50' and 100' lengths. 331095 | From $34.99


| 17

Own an iOS device? Recording is easier than you think. For beginners and advanced professionals alike, IK Multimedia products provide studioquality technology that connect with smart phones, tablets and desktops. IK Multimedia puts musicians first so that everyone can take their playing to the next level. Start making music today with your iOS device at MusicArts.com/iK

You’ll look back, years from now, from a sold-out concert stage. Thousands of lesson and practice hours behind you. The shows, the gear and even the years starting to blend together. Thousands of fans now screaming your name. But you’ll always remember your first drum set.


Successor to the popular and best-selling iRig interface. 1/4” instrument input for use with guitar, bass and other instruments. 1/4” AMP output for use with an external amplifier without an adaptor. Selectable dual-mode switch: FX and THRU. Comes with AmpliTube and other powerful IK applications and software. J20400 | $39.99

iRig HD Studio Quality Guitar Interface

High-quality instrument-level 1/4” Hi-Z input jack. High-quality low-noise, high-definition preamp. High-quality 24 bit A/D conversion. Powered by the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, or USB. Comes with AmpliTube and other powerful IK applications and software. H95653 | $99.99

iRig Power Bridge

Allows continuous use/charging of iOS device and digital iRig accessory. Works with iRig accessories with Mini-Din and Mini-USB ports. Power conditioner also prevents hum and noise to keep your signal clean. Status LED indicates when device is charging. Lightweight and pocket-sized with fully detachable cables. J22329 | $69.99

iRig Mic Standard

Ideal for all vocal applications from singing to speech. Great for all types of sound recording, at home or on the go. Quality condenser-electret unidirectional capsule. 3-way sensitivity switch for recording at different volumes and distances. Dual minijack connector allows real-time monitoring on headphones, speakers, mixers, PAs. Comes with apps for singers and songwriters. H72052 | $59.99

iRig Keys PRO

37 full-sized velocity-sensitive keys (3 full octaves). Works with hundreds of iPhone and iPad apps, plus Mac/PC software. Includes Lightning and USB cables. Powered by your device, no batteries required. Comes with virtual instrument apps on iOS and free software on Mac/PC. J02086 | $149.99

iRig MIDI 2 with USB/Lightning

USB-Lightning compatible (Mac/PC), cables included. Standard-sized MIDI IN, OUT, and THRU jacks for convenient connections with controllers, synths, and other gear. MIDI IN and OUT activity LEDs. Comes with a selection of MIDI apps and software. Compatible with all MIDI apps and software. J12168 | $79.99

iKlip Xpand Mini

Universal expandable mic stand mount for all iPhone, iPod touch models as well as most smartphones. Easy adjustable viewing angle and free rotation between portrait and landscape without un-mounting the device. Adjustable mic stand clamp (up to 1.2”/30.5mm) mounts on a vertical pole or horizontal boom. Two rubber grip points and a rubber padded base support the device securely without scratching or marring it. J11183 | $39.99

iKlip Xpand

Universal expandable mic stand mounting for all iPad models and most tablets in the 7"-12" range. Easy adjustable viewing angle and free rotation between portrait and landscape orientation without un-mounting the device. Adjustable mic stand clamp (up to 1.2”/30.5mm) can be mounted on vertical pole or horizontal boom. Four rubber grip points and a rubber padded base support the device securely without scratching or marring it. J11187 | $49.99

20 || 18


BLACK MODEL #: 212406 WINE RED MODEL #: 212405




Drum Set 5-Piece

Complete five-piece drum set with cymbal stands, cymbals, pedal and throne in two choices of finishes in black or wine red finishes. 212405 | $399.95

JETT Drum Throne

The JETT Drum Throne offers a padded, thick cushioned seat which provides comfort during play. It is height adjustable for any playing style and features a tripod base and double brace legs to provide strength and stability. 196545 | LIST $119.00 | $49.95

Drum Set 3-Piece

Complete three-piece Jr. VERVE drum set in a gloss black finish that includes cymbals, pedal, and a drum seat. Drum sticks and setup guide included. 212407 | $169.95

SD500 5-Piece Electronic Drum Set

Unbelievable versatility at an unprecedented value. This full-sized 5-piece e-kit includes five drum pads, three cymbal pads, hi-hat controller and an integrated kick pad/pedal. The SD500 Module offers 325 drum sounds across 25 drum kits making this kit ideal for virtually any musical genre. J08759 | LIST $699.99 | $499.99

JETT Single Bass Drum Pedal

See the full Pearl selection at MusicArts.com/Pearl

The JETT Single Bass Drum Pedal features a chain drive for smooth, quick, and responsive action. It has an adjustable beater angle and distance for a customizable playing response and feel. It also features a spring tension for further adjustability of playing response and dual side beater for solid punch and attack. 196543 | LIST $119.00 | $49.95

EXX724S/C70 Export 4-Piece Kit

Export Drum Kit

This Pearl Export Drum Kit features a black/gold sparkle color, and a 4-piece configuration with a virgin bass drum (no tom mounts). Cymbals and throne not included. Includes 830 Series hardware (2 snare stands, boom stand, hi-hat and cymbal stands) and upgraded P-930 bass drum pedal. 191462 | $599.99

Upgraded shells, hardware, and more make this Pearl Export EXX 5-piece drum set an upgraded version of one of the most popular and affordable drum kits around. 168987 | $649.99

20 |


Search Electronic Drums to see the selection online

Electronic Drums

JETT Cymbal Boom Stand

The JETT Cymbal boom stand features a ratchet style cymbal tilter for full range of angle and ease of cymbal positioning. Its boom arm provides a full range of cymbal placement while disappearing within the stand to transform from a boom to a straight stand. Contoured wing nuts and integrated memory locks sets up exact heights and positions every time. It also features double brace legs for strength and stability. 196553 | LIST $119.00 | $49.95

DTX430K Electronic Drum Set

Yamaha quality at an unparalleled price. The DTX430K features 169 professional DTX sounds, updated drum pads, and 10 customizable kits. The DTX400 module offers 10 training functions suitable for drummers of all levels. This exclusive kit also includes a genuine Yamaha bass drum pedal for true feel, and an advanced hi-hat controller that allows for “half-open” sounds to be produced. H87627 | LIST $899.99 | $599.99


| 21


From brassSBRcymbals for first steps, to our new intermediate level B8X, to smartly-priced pro level Xs20, SABIAN offen excellent value in box sets for the student drummen in your life - no maHer what level they're at! JASONBITTNER



424116 contains: 13" Hats 16" Crash



$99.95 Sale Price

B8X 2-PACK +14 Own the drumset that launched a thousand careers, Pearl Export Series. SHOWN IN 702 ELECTRIC BLUE SPARKLE




ITEM 94539 MSRP $1099.00



MSRP $749.00




$199 Sale Price

B8X PERFORMANCE SET +16 J18760 contains: 14" Hats 16" Thin Crash 20" Ride FREE 16" B8 Pro 0-Zone

$780 MSRP




J18757 contains: 14" Hats 18" Crash Ride FREE 14" Thin Crash

Includes: Stands, cymbals, throne, stick bag and 2 pair of sticks.

$299 Sale Price

XS20 PROMOTIONAL SET H86228 contains: 14" Medium Hats 16" Medium-Thin Crash 20" Medium Ride FREE 18" Medium-Thin Crash

$799 MSRP

$479 Sale Price

Sizes: 20x16 Bass, 10x8 Tom, 12x9 Tom, 16x17 Fl Tom, 14x5.5 Snare • RS505SC707 #J14673

Sizes: 22x16 Bass, 10x8 Tom, 12x9 Tom, 16x17 Fl Tom, 14x5.5 Snare • RS525SC91 #J14674



Extra savings on music with your educator login when you visit MusicArts.com/Educators


See over 1,000 choices online at MusicArts.com/WorldPercussion

Your First Fake Book

An entry-level fake book, this book features larger-than-most fake book notation with simplified harmonies and melodies, and all songs are in the key of C. 900574 | $19.95

Headliner Series Cajón

The Real Book, Sixth Edition

The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Since the 1970s, musicians have trusted these volumes to get them through every gig, night after night.

C Instruments

B♭ Instruments

E♭ Instruments

C Bass Clef

906518 | $39.99

906365 | $39.99

907616 | $39.99

463495 | $39.99

Synergy Conga Set with Stand Plastic Maracas

Siam Oak String Cajón

Toca Synergy Congas are attractive and affordable with quality 2-ply maple shells, black powder-coated hardware, and natural rawhide heads. A sturdy double stand is included. Available in red, blue or amber finish. 565615 | LIST $404.00 | $249.99

Synergy Series Bongo Set

Expressive Afro-Cuban sound and feel for an affordable price. Two-ply select wood shells with black powder-coated hoops and lugs and natural rawhide heads. EasyPlay hoops protect your hands and enhance the sound. 4-bolt tension plates diffuse the tension over the shell to allow high tuning. Available in transparent black, amber, red or blue finish. 501444 | LIST $76.00 | $49.99

The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology

Broadway selections organized for specific vocalist categories. All selections are in authentic form, excerpted from the original vocal scores. Weill, Rodgers, Sondheim, Kern and more.

Volume 1, Revised

Tenor Volume 1

900912 | $19.99

H20005 | $19.99

Bass/Baritone - Volume 1, Revised 900918 | $19.99

Kids' Broadway Songbook

This collection of music originally sung onstage by children was released in 1993, and has become the most used collection of theatre music for kids. Now with CD of piano accompaniments. 940547 | $24.99

Charlie Parker Omnibook

The book to master 60 solos by the "Bird." Spiral-bound with chord symbols, record information and practice suggestions.

E♭ Instruments

B♭ Instruments

H64083 | $17.99

H64024 | $17.99

C Instruments H64103 | $17.99

Bongo Cajón

Headliner Series Cajón

Classic cajón sound at an affordable price. Very useful for unplugged gigs or for delivering the rhythmic foundation when a full drum set can’t be used. Siam oak body and frontplate. Available in small, medium or large. J13289 | From $109.99

Bongo Cajón

Delivers the sound one expects from a traditional cajón, but the playing surface has high- and low-pitched areas so it can play bongo patterns as well. 445824 | LIST $89.00 | $49.99

Siam Oak String Cajón with Makah-Burl Frontplate Featuring a frontplate made from fine makah-burl wood, this cajón is a beauty in looks and sound. A built-in sizzle effect ensures the authentic rattling sound with voluminous bass tones and cutting highs. Guitar strings that touch the frontplate on the inside and span from top to bottom deliver a sensitive rattle that can be adjusted to fit various musical applications. 445096 | LIST $280.00 | $169.99

Plastic Maracas

Loud and crisp sound with a wooden handle for playing comfort. Durable shell. 446601 | LIST $25.60 | $15.99

24 |

NY Cowbell with Gibraltar Mount

American-made LP cowbell plus Gibraltar SC-AM1 mount that attaches to a cymbal or tom stand for top or bottom mounting of up to two bells. H68518 | LIST $42.00 | $24.95

Jam Block with Bracket

Real wood sound with high-impact durability. Traditional wood tone. Stands up to aggressive play. Choose high (blue) or low (red) pitch. 440540 | LIST $46.00 | $29.99


Jazz Play-Along Book/CDs

The Teen's Musical Theatre Collection Book/CD

Scott The Piano Guy's Favorite Piano Fake Book

Maiden Voyage

Nothin' But Blues

Volume 1

Volume 2

906634 | $14.90

906636 | $15.90

Young Women’s Edition

H14876 | $24.95

H14783 | $24.99

The backing tracks feature slower tempos and easier changes and the instruction is loaded with tips on soloing. Scales written for every chord change. Perfect for music directors.

Indispensable in teaching young singers, with plot notes for each song. with a companion CD of accompaniments for practice.

940552 | $29.99

Young Men's Edition H20221 | $29.99

This fake book includes 74 popular song arrangements from Scott Houston, the Piano Master of PBS. Includes Scott's unique simple chord frames for each song.


| 25


A Great Big World - Is There Anybody Out There? For Piano/Vocal/Guitar

MUSIC BY JOHN WILLIAMS SELECTIONS FROM STAR WARS FOR RECORDER This book features big, easy-toread notes, a beginner’s guide to playing the recorder, and a clear, simple introduction to reading music. Titles: Star Wars (Main Theme) • May the Force Be with You (“The Force Theme”) • The Imperial March (“Darth Vader’s Theme”) • Princess Leia’s Theme • Duel of the Fates • Yoda’s Theme • The Throne Room (and End Title). 38208 (HL00322024) Book Only | $5.95

STAR WARS® – A MUSICAL JOURNEY (MUSIC FROM EPISODES I - VI) arr. Tom Gerou Set amid stunning imagery from the films, these big-note piano arrangements include: 20th Century Fox Fanfare • Across the Stars • Anakin’s Theme • Battle of the Heroes • Binary Sunset • Cantina Band • Duel of the Fates • The Imperial March • Jawa Sandcrawler • Luke and Leia • May the Force Be with You • Princess Leia’s Theme • Star Wars (Main Title) • The Throne Room • Yoda’s Theme. 109142 (HL00322308) Big-Note Piano | $15.99

STAR WARS The Phillip Keveren Series arr. Phillip Keveren 8 intergalactic arrangements of Star Wars themes for late intermediate to early advanced piano duet, including: Across the Stars • Cantina Band • Duel of the Fates • The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme) • Princess Leia’s Theme • Star Wars (Main Theme) • The Throne Room (And End Title) • Yoda’s Theme. 186787 (HL00119405) Piano Duet | $14.99


Shop over 20,000 titles online when you visit MusicArts.com/MusicBooks

This matching songbook to their debut album contains all 12 songs, including their ubersuccessful duet “Say Something” featuring Christina Aguilera. J11790 | $16.99

The Guitar 3 Chord Songbook

Rock made easy! This songbook contains 50 top tunes playable after learning only 3 chords on the guitar: G, C and D. Includes All Apologies; All Shook Up; Barbara Ann; Can't You See; more. 905803 | $14.99

SELECTIONS FROM STAR WARS arr. Robert Schultz Included in this five-finger folio are: Anakin’s Theme • Augie’s Great Municipal Band • Cantina Band • Duel of the Fates • The Imperial March • Luke and Leia • Princess Leia’s Theme • Star Wars (Main Title) • Yoda’s Theme. The songs “Anakin’s Theme,” “Augie’s Great Municipal Band” and “Duel of the Fates” are from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. 4103 (HL00321903) Five-Finger Piano | $9.95

Taylor Swift - 1989 Easy Piano

Matching folio to Taylor's 2014 release, featuring easy piano arrangements for intermediate pianists. Songs include: Blank Space • Out of the Woods • Shake It Off • and more. J18697 | $16.99

The Beatles Complete Guitar Chord Songbook

All 194 songs written and sung by The Beatles, specially transcribed here for strumming guitarists, from the actual recordings, in the original keys. 900691 | $24.99

Teach Your Child to Play Piano Beginner's Kit

Continuing the incredible popularity of Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course, this new book adapts the same friendly and informative style for adults who wish to teach their children. J03090 | $39.99

STAR WARS® – A MUSICAL JOURNEY (MUSIC FROM EPISODES I - VI) arr. Dan Coates Set amid stunning imagery from the films, these easy piano arrangements include: Twentieth Century Fox Trademark • Anakin’s Theme • Across the Stars • Battle of the Heroes • Binary Sunset • Cantina Band • Duel of the Fates • The Force Theme • The Imperial March • Jawa Sandcrawler • Luke and Leia • May the Force Be with You • Princess Leia’s Theme • Star Wars (Main Title) • The Throne Room • Yoda’s Theme. 86104 (HL00322093) Easy Piano | $16.95

STAR WARS® – A MUSICAL JOURNEY (MUSIC FROM EPISODES I-VI) Set amid stunning imagery from the films, these piano arrangements include: 20th Century Fox Fanfare • Star Wars Main Title • Duel of the Fates • Anakin’s Theme • Across the Stars (Love Theme) • Battle of the Heroes • The Imperial March • Jawa Sandcrawler • Binary Sunset • Cantina Band • Princess Leia’s Theme • Ben’s Death / TIE Fighter Attack • Yoda’s Theme • Luke and Leia • Forest Battle • May the Force Be with You • The Throne Room. 85293 (HL00322092) Piano Solo | $19.95


Ed Sheeran - X Music: The Definitive Visual Frozen - Music From The Motion Piano/Vocal/Guitar Hardcover Book Picture Soundtrack for Easy Piano The sophomore album shot to #1 on the Billboard History The Definitive Visual History guides readers Full-color scenes from Frozen along with songs by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez for piano. Songs include: Do You Want to Build a Snowman? • Fixer Upper • Let It Go • and more. J07915 | $14.99

The Legend of Zelda Series for Easy Piano - Book From Koji Kondo's "The Legend of Zelda Main Theme" to "The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks" themes, the pieces in this book represent 25 years of Nintendo video game favorites. H81268 | $17.99

charts. Features piano/vocal/guitar arrangements of all 16 tracks including "Sing", plus: Afire Love • Bloodstream • Don't • and more. J18708 | $16.99

through the progression of music since its prehistoric beginnings, discussing music from all around the world. J03093 | $50.00

The Piano Guys Simplified Favorites, Vol. 1. for Easy Piano/Cello

Kid's Guitar Course 1- Book/CD

An eclectic mix of classical, film score, rock and pop that resonates with a variety of audiences. Play 12 of their most popular songs in these arrangements for easy piano with optional cello. J14259 | $16.99

Each lesson is explained in plain language with three guitar experts leading the way: a clever classical dog, a cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator who loves the blues. 943504 | $14.99


| 27

Great lengths were taken to maintain the original form while keeping the difficulty level under control. Each solo includes an optional duet, which helps to create a rich, authentic sound. H62175 | $7.95

Jingle Jazz Piano Solo 17 Christmas Standards

17 Christmas standards arranged with a touch of cool. I'll Be Home for Christmas · Jingle Bells · Merry Christmas, Darling · The Most Wonderful Time of the Year · Silver Bells · more. H65179 | $12.95

Easy Christmas Carols Instrumental Solos - Book/CD

Instrumental series arranged for Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Trumpet, Horn in F, and Trombone. The arrangements are compatible with each other and can be played together or as solos. Each contains a part appropriate for a Level 1 player, as well as an accompaniment CD.


Alto Saxophone

J01332 | $14.99

J01331 | $9.99



J01345 | $9.99

J01361 | $9.99


Piano Accomp.

J01359 | $9.99

J01374 | $12.99


Compatible Duets for Winds - Book

The duets within these books come in a variety of styles (classical, folk music, original pieces) that can be played with any combination of two wind instruments.


Horn in F

H68133 | $10.99

H68149 | $9.95

Alto/Baritone Saxophone


H68157 | $10.99

H68137 | $9.95

B♭ Instruments


H68147 | $9.95

H68159 | $9.95

ABC Keyboard Stickers Chanukah & Other Hebrew Holiday Songs

25 of the best-known Hebrew and Yiddish melodies for easy piano with lyrics and guitar chords. A popular selection of holiday songs and Israeli songs. H63129 | $8.50

Turns any keyboard into an easy-to-play instrument instantly! Inexpensive and self-adhesive, they attach to any size keyboard in seconds. The link to a system which has taught millions to play music. 9" x 6". 730033 | $2.50

Christmas Favorites, 2nd Edition Easy Guitar Tab Songbook

Chromatics Music Playing Card Deck

A perfect and inexpensive way to keep kids occupied with an educational and fun activity - in the car, at camp, on vacation, or anywhere! An instruction sheet is included with each deck. J03383 | $5.95

A super collection of 33 seasonal songs in standard notation and tab. 64 pages. 904412 | $10.99

My Practice Book

Alfred's Basic Piano Library Merry Christmas! Book 1A

Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method. H62171 | $5.95

Includes 32 weeks of lesson assignments and a music dictionary. Ideal practice log. 730165 | $0.99

Compatible Trios for Strings - Book

Educator pricing available online, login at MusicArts.com/Educators

Visit the mobile-friendly


A Simply Classic Nutcracker Piano

32 trios in a variety of styles from classical to folk to originals. Fun to play with any combination of three string instruments. Trios are a great way to learn how to play in chamber settings.





H96122 $12.99

H96116 $12.99

H96113 $12.99

H96129 $12.99

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Piano arrangements of all ten Vince Guaraldi pieces from A Charlie Brown Christmas. "Christmas Is Coming", "The Christmas Song", "Linus and Lucy" and more. Color section with Peanuts illustrations! 466757 | $15.99

Basic Music Writing Book

An attractive 8" x 6" manuscript book with a high-gloss varnish cover that is perfect for young beginners. Consists of six wide staves for practicing writing notes, clefs and key signatures. H63247 | $2.99

Compatible Trios for Winds Playtime Piano Christmas Level 1 F-Finger Melodies

Contents: The First Noel · Go, Tell It on the Mountain · Jingle Bells · O Christmas Tree · Pat-a-Pan · Silent Night · We Wish You a Merry Christmas · Christmas Music Calendar. H13849 | $5.99

28 |

Piano Adventures Christmas Book Level 2A

Contents: The First Noel · Go, Tell It on the Mountain · Jingle Bells · O Christmas Tree · Pat-a-Pan · Silent Night · We Wish You a Merry Christmas · Christmas Music Calendar. H13832 | $4.95


This collection contains 21 trios in a variety of styles, from classical to folk, and includes some original works as well. Each piece is playable by any combination of three wind instruments. Trios are a great way to learn how to play in a chamber music setting.

Essential Dictionary of Music Book


B♭ Instruments


H89024 | $9.99

H89043 | $9.99

H89030 | $9.99

Music Note Teacher All-In-One Flashcard

Alto/Baritone Saxophone

Trombone/ Euphonium

H89035 | $9.99

H89041 | $11.99

Definitions, composers, and theory. Pocket-sized reference covers every major aspect of music. Over 330 pages. 902766 | $5.95 Get results with Alfred's Music Note Teacher. This teaching aid provides an interactive way to learn note reading concepts of direction, distance, note stem direction, intervals, and more. J06021 | $7.99


| 29






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MANTRA Tenor Saxophone




New concept, design. Theo Wanne's passion for creating great musical products, combined with superior technology, has resulted in an incredibly advanced and innovative saxophone. H87282 | LIST $6,495.00 | $4,895.00 Search Yanagisawa Saxophone to see our entire collection

Yanagisawa Saxophone

Series II Model 52 Jubilee Edition Alto Saxophone

Flexible but centered tone that is natural in almost any playing situation. Yellow brass body tubes and keys resonate across the entire timbre spectrum: full-ribbed construction enhances durability. Superior intonation characteristics make the 52 a natural choice for any professional. Choose lacquer, gold-plated, silver-plated or black lacquer finish. H73248 | LIST $8,802.00 | $5,989.00

Alto Saxophone

The Giardinell by Eastman saxophone features a High F♯ key, adjustable palm key risers, Pisoni pads, a hand-hammered and engraved bell, and hand-engraved neck. 213445N | LIST $2,999.00 | $1,999.00

Model S-991 Professional Soprano Saxophone

SX90R Vintage Model Professional Alto Saxophone

The finest in Japanese craftsmanship. Remarkable intonation and ease of play combined with a full, rich tone. Comes with two interchangeable neckpipes. 460592 | LIST $7,161.00 | $4,189.00

The SX90R Vintage Model Alto Saxphone has a brass body with clear lacquered vintage finish body and keys, black pads, black mother-of-pearl key inlays without metal rim. Vintage finish. Includes a deluxe case. H72976 | LIST $9,766.00 | $5,957.00



”Fantastic saxophone” – Adam, MD Read the full review at MusicArts.com/YAS82ZII

YAS-82ZII Custom Z Alto Saxophone

Video Available

The Yamaha YAS-82ZII Custom Z alto saxophone is the ultimate horn for the working professional. Since the Custom Z was developed in 2003, the technology, craftsmanship and specifications of the Custom Z Series have continued to improve to fulfill the needs of the highest level musicians. J13661 | LIST $5,739.00 | $4,081.99


YAS-480 Intermediate E♭ Alto Saxophone

YAS-875EXII Custom Series Alto Saxophone

Influenced by high-end Yamaha saxes, the YAS-480 alto has accurate intonation, a warm tone and a quick response. Choose lacquer or silver finish. H82868 | LIST $3,412.00 | $2,439.99

YAS-62III Professional Alto Saxophone Student Alto Saxophone

This saxophone features a gold lacquered body and keys, High F♯, teardrop front F with G♯ articulation arm, and a form-fitted zippered cordura case with shoulder strap. 164387N | $649.99

34 |

The YAS-62III carries the tradition of excellence forward while introducing further refinements to the tried-and-true Yamaha YAS-62. The neck's narrower bore provides a faster response and greater control, and allows a comfortable flow of air for a solid tonal core. Available in lacquer or silver-plated finish. H93184 | LIST $4,809.00 | $2,999.99

An enhanced saxophone design for today's professional. Features include redesigned ergonomics, improved low-range response, improved intonation and a new case with a smart, contemporary look and backpack straps for ease of transport. J27355 | LIST $5,739.99 | $4,081.99

MAC 8 Alto Saxophone

For the pro player who wants to make a statement, this is your saxophone. The MAC 8 Series Saxophones, unlike any of MACSAX's other horns, offers a larger bore, enlarged bell size, and double key arms on the low C and B keys. The result is a huge low-end sound, but also one that will scream in the upper register. Choose vintage bare brass or dark gold lacquer finish. J11060 | $3,295.00


593GL Deluxe Baritone Saxophone

One impressive sax. The 593GL has all of the features you will need. A low A key, tilting B♭ spatula key and Jupiter's legendary tone come standard. Gold lacquer finish. 460255 | LIST $5,940.00 | $4,226.00

YTS-480 Intermediate B♭ Tenor Saxophone

Accurate intonation, a warm tone and a quick response. The YTS-480 is lightweight, durable, and comes with a professional-quality 62-style neck for a more mature sound. H82871 | LIST $3,916.00 | $2,809.99

VTS10 Series Tenor Saxophone by Eastman

Vintage feel and key placement but with a modern build quality. High F♯ key, as well as adjustable palm key risers, allowing the player to boost the height of the palm keys for a better hand position. Low C, B, and B♭ keys feature two braces, for a better seal. Pisoni Pads, handhammered and engraved bell, hand-engraved neck, and blue steel springs. J17165 | LIST $3,900.00 | $2,999.00


| 35

What do the pros play? Jazz saxophonist James Carter prefers P. Mauriat. Handmade from start to findish, P. Mauriat professional saxophones are lovingly crafted for discerning musicians like Mr. Carter and you. Thoughtfully constructed from a variety of fine materials, each instrument offers a unique, full tone and a distinctive depth of sound.

See the full P. Mauriat selection at MusicArts.com/PMauriat

Greg Osby



P. Mauriat Greg Osby Signature Professional Alto Saxophone

This Greg Osby inspired saxophone is based on the SYSTEM-76 body tube. The combination of different metal alloys and finishes allow the player to achieve a depth of sound that is complex, full, and lush. Only 100 will be made and each carries its own discrete number. J01202 | LIST $5,999.00 | From $4,299.00

P. Mauriat Master-97A Alto Saxophone Lacquer

The Master-97A Alto Saxophone is a dual-alloy horn with two sterling silver octave pips that add density and warmth, and a yellow brass body, bow, and bell that add a glassy clarity to the top end. It additionally features premium Pisoni Pro 105 pads and nylon resonators for improved tone. J19869 | LIST $5,099.00 | $3,699.00




P. Mauriat Le Bravo Series Intermediate Saxophones

The Le Bravo combines warm, resonant red brass with the powerful solid nickel silver neck to create a thick sound with serious punch. Pearl key touches and leather pads with metal resonators offer an excellent playing experience. The Le Bravo is a beautifully crafted instrument that will make any serious saxophonist happy to play it.

200S Soprano Sax J27513 LIST $2,249.00 $1,999.00

200A Alto Sax H72351 LIST $2,279.00 $2,079.00

200T Tenor Sax H72353 LIST $3,199.00 $2,729.00

200B Baritone Sax J06201 LIST $5,379.00 $4,299.00

Educator pricing available online, login at MusicArts.com/Educators


P. Mauriat Professional Saxophones


This saxophone has an enlarged bell that lets the warm, fat sound really cut through an ensemble. This model also features a Super VI style neck, abalone key touches, and rolled tone holes that are drawn from the body instead of being soldered. Available in cognac, gold, dark lacquer, silver plated or 18K-gold lacquer finishes.


P. Mauriat Influence Professional Saxophones

The Influence Saxophone is a professional-class instrument that is fitted with oversized nickel-silver key touches to achieve an effortless feel and to further facilitate natural vibration throughout the horn, bringing you even more in touch with your sound. Available in dark lacquer or un-lacquered finishes.

PMXA-67R Alto Sax

PMXA-67RX Alto Sax

H72350 | LIST $3,699.00 | From $2,579.00

H72358 | LIST $4,799.00 | From $3,439.00

PMXT-66R Tenor Sax

PMXT-66RX Tenor Sax

H72352 | LIST $4,929.00 | From $3,399.00

H72356 | LIST $6,379.00 | From $4,279.00

36 |



76 Series Alto

76 Series Tenor

P. Mauriat System 76 Series Professional Saxophones

With an expanded bore and bell, the P. Mauriat System 76 Saxophone produces a bigger sound with a core that is full of rich overtones. This beautifully engraved instrument features a Super VI style neck and abalone key touches. Available in gold, dark lacquer and un-lacquered finishes.

76 Series Soprano

Alto Sax H72357 | LIST $3,329.00 | From $2,579.00

Tenor Sax H72355 | LIST $4,579.00 | From $3,279.00

Soprano Sax J06196 | LIST $3,399.00 | From $2,479.00

Hear James Carter play P. Mauriat's finest at MusicArts.com/PMauriat


| 37


Video Available MusicArts.com/Ventus ”Amazing sound.” –Sydney, TX Read the review at MusicArts.com/R13

R13 Professional B♭ Clarinet

A top choice of professionals around the world. An industry standard. Developed in 1955 by Robert Carré, Buffet R13 B♭ Clarinets are the world's most popular professional clarinets. The R13 clarinet offers unparalleled flexibility, focus, and response, with a lively sound you won't find anywhere else. The body of the R13 clarinet is made from hand-selected and stained grenadilla wood, and features a polycylindrical bore that provides for better focus in the tone and more ring. Includes leather covered, wood case and all necessary care accessories.

Nickel-Plated Keys 462799 | LIST $5,604.00 | $3,363.00

Silver-Plated Keys 462788 | LIST $6,339.00 | $3,803.00

E12 France Intermediate B♭ Clarinet

Perfect intermediate instrument. The E12 is an excellent step-up instrument for clarinetists. They sound better and are better constructed than your average student clarinets, and will prepare a student for a professional instrument as they develop their abilities. It is constructed of grenadilla wood and comes with a hard case. H93033 | LIST $2,440.00 | $1,830.00

1193 Prestige Low C Bass Clarinet

The choice of many professionals. Buffet combines its history of a rich, pure tone with modern keywork to produce the 1193 Prestige bass clarinet. A musthave for the serious college student or professional bass clarinetist, the 1193 produces a big, powerful sound that will carry in any hall but still maintains a core tone that is unmistakably Buffet. 475481 | LIST $18,111.00 | $10,866.00


1193 Prestige R13 Professional

E12 France


”One of the best!” –Tria, GA Read the review at MusicArts.com/YCL450

YCL-450 Series Intermediate Clarinet

Intermediate clarinet perfection. The YCL-450 incorporates some of the distinctive qualities of Yamaha's professional and custom clarinets but at a student-friendly price. The body is made from select grenadilla wood and produces a warm and rich sound. The keywork is very solid and comes with silver or nickel plating. 483872 | From $1,262.99

Student Clarinet

The Verve CLV-100N Clarinet is specially designed for the beginner player. Verve offers a quality and design that every beginning clarinet player can depend on. Play a Verve today. 164388N | $299.99

38 |

YCL-CSVR Series Professional B♭ Clarinet

Top quality orchestral clarinet. Well-centered and flexible, providing a wide palette of tonal colors. Individually hand-tapered and undercut tone holes for optimum tone quality, intonation and uniform response. J19128 | LIST $4,200.00 | $2,999.99



B Clarinet by Backun ♭

Rich and colorful, its tone is solid through the range of the instrument. It offers a familiar ergonomic spread to any player who has played industry standard professional clarinets. Perfect resistance, ease of play and a tone that can become your own have made the Backun clarinets a favorite among committed players. Available in grenadilla and cocobolo. J17909 | From $1,999.00


(shown folded)

Low Profile Clarinet Stand

(clarinet not included)

The Low Profile Titan folding clarinet and flute stands are lightweight and compact making them perfect for traveling, studio use and home practice. J15320 | LIST $23.95 | $11.95

Colors Series Lightweight Polyfoam Clarinet Case Rugged, nylon exterior with heavy-duty zippers and an adjustable shoulder strap. Lightweight and easy to carry, the WolfPak case offers excellent protection for your instrument. Choose pink, purple or blue. J16399 | LIST $74.95 | $52.95


| 39

For those who demand a higher standard, the search ends at Yamaha. Innovative and inspiring, Yamaha band instruments are at home in any setting, from studio to big band, concert band, chamber group, or orchestra. Relying on cutting-edge manufacturing technology, Yamaha crafts each instrument with extraordinary quality, unprecedented consistency, and rich, clear tone.

Yamaha YFL-677HCT Professional Flute

See the full Yamaha selection at MusicArts.com/Yamaha

Yamaha 677H professional flutes combine the brilliance of nickel silver keys with the characteristic warm colors of a sterling silver headjoint and body. 600 Series Yamaha flutes boast a 0.43mm wall thickness which, when combined with the hand-finished sterling silver headjoint, provides a remarkably warm and rich tone. J01308 | LIST $5,779.00 | $3,797.99


YTR-8335IIRS Reverse Leadpipe

Yamaha Xeno Series Bb Series Trumpets YAS-875EXII


Yamaha YAS-875EXII Professional Alto Saxophone

The YAS-875EXII has been a favorite among advancing students and professionals for over 13 years. With a more ergonomic key layout design, the Custom EX gives players unrivaled comfort and makes hand adjustment easy and almost stress-free. Also tone hole design enhances low-note playability. J27355 | LIST $5,739.00 | $4,081.99

Traditional hand-craftsmanship augmented by cutting-edge manufacturing technology has created an extraordinary quality of unprecedented consistency. The heavyweight construction produces a solid tone core for a rich, strong sound that won't spread or break up no matter how hard you push it. It blows freely and comfortably, while still providing enough air resistance for quick response and superb tonal flexibility. The hand-hammered, one-piece bell gives an agile, quick response with a beautiful tone.


YTR-8335IIRS Reverse Leadpipe

J05512 | LIST $3,578.00 | $2,495.99

J05517 | LIST $3,651.00 | $2,589.99

”Sings in every register.” – Eric, CT Read the review at MusicArts.com/XenoTrombone

Yamaha YAS-62III Professional Alto Saxophone YCL-CSVR

Video Available

The YAS-62III has redefined the market by offering superior quality and durability at an affordable price. The 62III neck's slightly narrower bore provides a faster response and greater control. This style neck allows a comfortable flow of air so that every player can attain a solid tonal core. H93184 | LIST $4,609.00 | $2,999.99


Yamaha YCL-CSVR Professional Bb Clarinet

The Yamaha YCL-CSVR Clarinet is the result of years of development dedicated to a clearly focused concept: crafting a custom clarinet that has a beautiful sound, consistent quality, and an affordable price. The custom barrel design provides the CSVR with a well-balanced response and a rich, warm tone. J19128 | LIST $4,200.00 |$2,999.99

40 |


Yamaha YSL-882O Xeno Professional F-Attachment Trombone

Yamaha YSL-882O Xeno Series F-Attachment Trombones features a .547" bore, fixed gold brass leadpipe, 8-11/16" one-piece hand-hammered bell, yellow brass drawn one-piece outer slide, chrome-plated nickel silver drawn inner slide, open F-attachment wrap, and lacquer finish. 483576 | LIST $4,112.00 | $2,683.99


| 41

About to take the stage? Depend on Azumi flutes. These flutes are a perfect fit for the serious student and aspiring flutist and embody the ideals of vintage inspiration and modern technology. Each Azumi flute offers masterfully hand-sculpted headjoints and precision tubings for excellent intonation, carefully tuned harmonics and balanced registers.

Stuff the stockings with Légère reeds. It guarantees a happy response. Used by players in the world's most prestigious orchestras, Légère synthetic reeds produce a warm, rich sound the same as your best cane reed, but offer distinct advantages. With instant response they are consistent and impervious to weather, affordable and long lasting.

Légère Classic Bb Clarinet Reed

AZ2 Offset G

The Légère Bb Clarinet Reed is made of a low density material that is extremely similar to conditioned cane. Légère reeds represent the best synthetic reeds on the market today. Perfect for all types of playing. Sold individually. 471556 | LIST $27.77 | $20.95

Légère Signature Series Bb Clarinet Reed

Designed to the most exacting specifications, these reeds deliver all the depth and warmth that elite players demand. The Signature Series Reeds are the solution for players who haven't yet found the perfect sound with other synthetic reeds. 583352 | LIST $37.39 | $27.95

Azumi AZ2SRBO Intermediate Flute

The Azumi AZ2SRBO features a sterling silver z-cut headjoint, a B footjoint, open hole keys, and an offset G. Comes with case and cleaning products.

Offset G

Offset G Split E

H91019 | LIST $1,785.00 | $1,427.00

H91019 | LIST $1,885.00 | $1,529.00

AZ3 Offset G

Find the complete selection online at MusicArts.com/Legere

Légère Signature Series Saxophone Reeds

Légère now offers Signature Series technology for alto and tenor sax. These reeds follow the spectacular success of Légère's Signature Series clarinet reeds, which have been hailed as a breakthrough in synthetic reeds. Signature Series are very playable reeds with a response nearly identically to cane reeds. They are very natural sounding, well-balanced, and very consistent. Signature Series alto and tenor sax reeds will not warp and are available in strengths 2 - 3.5.

Alto H68170 | LIST $37.39 | $27.95

Azumi AZ3SRBO Intermediate Flute

The Azumi AZ3SRB0 features a sterling silver z-cut headjoint, a sterling silver body, a B footjoint, open hole keys, and an offset G. Comes with case and cleaning products.

Offset G

Offset G C# Trill Key Split E

H91020 | LIST $2,805.00 | $2,243.00

H91020 | LIST $3,265.00 | $2,651.00

Offset G C# Trill Key

Offset G Split E

H91020 | LIST $3,160.00 | $2,549.00

H91020 | LIST $2,905.00 | $2,345.00


H68168 | LIST $37.39 | $27.95

BPC-300 Piccolo Standard

High-quality materials and attention to detail throughout make this easy-playing piccolo sound and look great. Includes wood case. 463678 | LIST $700.00 | $489.00

Giardinelli by Wm S. Haynes Flute

Assembled in Boston at the historic Haynes flute factory, the Giardinelli by Wm S. Haynes flutes offer a suite of professional features, at an attractive price point. 213443N | LIST $1,599.00 | $1,249.00

Student Flute

This student flute offers plateau keys, silver-plated nickel silver headjoint, body and keys, top adjustment screws, offset G, and a zippered Cordura case with shoulder strap. 164389N | LIST $500.00 | $299.99


*Visit MusicArts.com/GLP for details

| 43


505 Sonare Series Flute Quantz 665 Series

PFP-105 Grenaditte Piccolo

The Pearl PFP-105 piccolo employs a new composite called Grenaditte. This piccolo achieves the feel and response of grenadilla as well as a full, dark sound. Unlike grenadilla, Grenaditte is impervious to changes in temperature and humidity. This means there is no danger of cracking, and intonation is much more stable. 466949 | LIST $1,560.00 | $1,014.00

Quantz 665 Series Flutes

One of the most popular step-up flutes, the Pearl 665 Quantz incorporates features usually reserved for artist-level instruments including Pearl's patented pinless mechanism and one-piece core-bar construction. This ingenious yet simple design affords even the student or amateur flutist an exceptionally efficient and dependable mechanism. Available in B foot offset or inline G. 466969 | LIST $1,850.00 | $1,202.50


Sonare's best value. The Sonare 505 is perfect for students and teachers. It features a sterling silver Powell Signature headjoint made in Boston. The keys feature pointed arms. In order to help keep these amazing features available at an affordable price, these flutes utilize a silver-plated body, foot and keys. H70499 | LIST $2,168.00 | $1,599.00

Quantz 765 Series Professional Flute

For flutists ready to upgrade. Similar to the 665 Quantz series, the 765 series features French pointed arms and a pinless mechanism, and additionally a sterling silver body and foot. For a tremendous sound with an even playability, the 765 is a great choice. 466970 | LIST $3,425.00 | $2,226.25

See our full selection of flutes at MusicArts.com/flutes

601 Sonare Series Flute

Professional performance at an intermediate price. The Sonare 601 flutes are an excellent value in professional flutes. They feature handmade, sterling silver, Powell Signature headjoints made in Boston, as well as sterling silver bodies also made in the USA, by Powell, with the Modern Powell Scale. These flutes utilize Elgiloy steel alloy springs with silver-plated keys and Y-arms. These flutes are sure to become a mainstay in the flute community for years to come. H70498 | LIST $2,975.00 | $2,195.00

Search Sonare Flutes to see our entire collection

Sonare Flutes YFL-221 Series

705 Sonare Series Professional Flute

381 Series

Rich and colorful sound. The Sonare 705 flute is responsive and effortless to play. This top-of-the-line flute has a handmade, sterling silver Powell Signature headjoint, and a U.S.-made sterling silver body with the Modern Powell Scale. Other features include French-style pointed arms and cups, silver-plated nickel silver keys, and Elgiloy steel alloy springs. An optional B foot is available. H70496 | LIST $3,518.00 | $2,595.00

YFL-461 Series

Professional 677H Series

YFL-361 Series Intermediate Flute YFL-221 Student Flute

Designed specifically for the beginning flutist, the Yamaha YFL-221 flute offers your students the best start. From the undercut embouchure that offers immediate response to the ergonomically designed keys and the foot joint marking, each facet of the YFL-221 contributes to the musical success of the young player. Includes YAC-1310 case. 461420 | LIST $923.00 | $923.00

381 Series Intermediate Flute

Improved scale for better intonation and an undercut, beveled embouchure hole for clean attack, accurate intonation. Strong post design, accessible and improved adjustment screws, and more. 483871 | LIST $1,841.00 | $1,253.99

YFL-461 Series Intermediate Flute

The Yamaha YFL-461 Series Intermediate Flute is an outstanding choice for the advancing student. The head, body and footjoints are made of solid silver, which produces a warm, rich tone. The headjoint’s embouchure hole is undercut for a clean attack, sensitive response and accurate intonation. Double bladder pads extend life, while a thicker post will help maintain accurate alignment. Available options: C or B foot, inline or offset G, goldplated lip plate. 483707 | From $1,963.99

44 |

This step-up flute is perfect for advancing students who are not yet ready for a professional flute, but wish to improve their tone with a solid silver head joint. A great choice for middle school band or orchestra. 483708 | LIST $1,841.00 | $1,253.99

YFL-481 Series Intermediate Flute

Improved scale and an undercut, beveled embouchure hole for a clean attack, sensitive response, and accurate intonation. Stronger post design to prevent post bending, accessible adjustment screws, improved adjustment screw material, and a body mark for proper footjoint alignment. 483876 | LIST $2,939.00 | $2,053.99

(flute not included)

Professional 577H Series Flute

Features include drawn and rolled tone holes, French-style (open hole) keys, an offset G, a split E mechanism, an FLC-48II case and case bag. It is constructed of a sterling silver headjoint and a nickel-silver body, keys and B footjoint with gizmo key. Available options: C♯ trill, gold-plated lip-plate. J01309 | From $2,699.99

Professional 677H Series Flute

Inheriting many merits of top-of-the-line Yamaha handmade flutes, the 677H model offers rich, nuanced tonality over a wide dynamic range. It is constructed of a sterling silver headjoint, body and B footjoint with gizmo key, along with nickel silver keys. Available options: C♯ trill, gold-plated lip-plate. J01308 | From $3,647.99


(shown folded)

WPFL-PK Colors Series Lightweight Polyfoam Flute Case

Low Profile Flute Stand

The Low Profile Titan folding clarinet and flute stands are lightweight and compact, making them perfect for traveling, studio use and home practice. J15323 | LIST $23.95 | $11.95

(flute not inclded)

The WolfPak WPFL-PK Flute Case features a rugged, nylon exterior. Lightweight and easy to carry, it has a stylish handle, heavy-duty zippers, and an adjustable shoulder strap. Available in pink, purple or blue. J16400 | LIST $64.95 | $44.95


| 45

Want a better sound? Nothing shapes sound better than a new mouthpiece. Free-blowing, great intonation, top-quality control, innovative state-of-the-art design and rich tone throughout the range of the instrument are some of the reasons why professionals and students alike love these mouthpieces from JodyJazz. Hear the JodyJazz saxophone mouthpieces at MusicArts.com/JodyJazz

JodyJazz DV Saxophone Mouthpiece

The JodyJazz DV Saxophone Mouthpiece produces a bigger, fatter sound that is achieved effortlessly with better intonation and response. That means that there are lots of harmonics and great projection, without the annoying shrillness that is associated with loud bright mouthpieces.

Alto Sax (Facings 5-9*)

Tenor Sax (Facings 7-10*)

471634 | $550.00

471632 | $595.00

JodyJazz HR* Hard Rubber Mouthpiece

HR* Sax Mouthpiece is a hard rubber mouthpiece for professionals and students looking for a traditional yet, versatile mouthpiece. High-quality control standards, a beautiful warm sound and a nice free-blowing feel make the HR* mouthpiece a great value.

Alto Sax (Facings C*-9M)

Tenor Sax (Facings C*-10*)

471630 | $179.00

471631 | $189.00

Renard Model 335

JodyJazz JET Saxophone Mouthpiece Renard Model 240

The JET features a new chamber and facing curve that delivers a brighter and more focused sound. Though versatile enough to serve intermediate and advanced students, professionals will appreciate their playability and effortless altissimo.

Renard Model 222

Renard Model 240 Bassoon

For the aspiring high school or college bassoonist. The Fox Renard 240 features a tone that is very open, flexible, and designed with the solo performer in mind. The red maple body can achieve the deep, rich sound that most players aspire to create, and the natural rubber lining of the wing and boot-joints helps prevent cracking. The mechanism of the Renard 240 boasts a full German system that is complete with high D and E keys. 462096 | LIST $13,125.00 | $8,299.00

Renard Model 222 Bassoon

Fox's least expensive wood bassoon. Offering a great value for the school music program, the 222 features a long bore and a dark, round sound throughout the range of the instrument. Teachers will also find the plateau keys on the wing aid students with smaller hands. 462095 | LIST $9,750.00 | $5,899.00

Renard Model 330 Oboe

Fox's most popular intermediate oboe. The Renard 330 Intermediate Oboe by Fox is ideal for serving students through high school. It features a high-quality resin body that resists cracking and offers more consistent intonation. The key mechanism is a handmade modified conservatory system that is silver-plated. 462098 | LIST $5,450.00 | $3,499.00

Alto Sax (Facings 5-10)

Tenor Sax (Facings 6-9)

J05039 | $179.00

J19888 | $189.00

Renard Model 335 Artist Oboe

Premium intermediate oboe. Well-loved by students and teachers alike, the Renard Artist is Fox's most popular wood oboe for its tone quality, resonance, intonation and durability. Now with the addition of the third octave key and B (flat) vent to the standard keywork, this intermediate oboe will accommodate advancing musicians as they grow in both sound and production and technical facility. J16059 | LIST $5,950.00 | $4,495.00

YOB-441 Series Intermediate Oboe

Great for schools. Modified conservatory system with semiautomatic octave keys, left-hand F key, fork F resonance keys and silver-plated nickel silver keys. Aged and seasoned grenadilla wood. Choose all plastic or all grenadilla finish. 483705 | LIST $5,174.00 | $3,355.99

JodyJazz GIANT Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece

The revolutionary JodyJazz GIANT combines the outside shape and look of a hard rubber mouthpiece with the precision of Aerospace Grade Anodized Aluminum. The GIANT has a dark, big saxophone sound but with strong projection and cut. It is a versatile and powerful mouthpiece excellent for jazz, straight-ahead, bebop and big band. Facings 6*- 8* J09540 | $350.00

JodyJazz DV CHI Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Oboe Reed

The choice of professionals. The Jones Oboe Reed is one of the few commercial oboe reeds available with the long scrape used by nearly all professionals. Finest French cane is sorted, selected, and processed by skilled craftsmen, then the reeds are created using the world's most advanced reed machinery. Choose medium, medium hard or medium soft. 462688 | LIST $20.99 | $14.95

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Bassoon Reeds

The DV CHI produces a darker tone than the contemporary sound of the JodyJazz DV, but a considerably brighter and more modern tone than the JodyJazz DV NY. Simply put, the DV CHI combines the best properties of the highly successful DV and DV NY. Facings 7-9* 585950 | $650.00

Premium French cane from the Var region of France. French cut, French filed. Medium strength. Choose medium soft or medium hard, soft, hard or medium. H97884 | LIST $18.00 | $11.49



| 47

Not all reeds are created equal. Try Vandoren and see for yourself. Since 1905, Vandoren reeds, mouthpieces and accessories have become the standard among clarinetists and saxophonists throughout the world. With excellent response in all registers, and rich, clear tone, Vandoren reeds and mouthpieces offer consistent quality.

Educator pricing available online, login at MusicArts.com/Educators


Alto Saxophone Reeds

Frederick L. Hemke reeds offer the dark tone favored by many classical and traditional jazz saxophonists. Their design is especially best-suited for traditional, round chambered mouthpieces. Box of 5. 462627 | LIST $24.25 | $13.83

Reserve Classic B♭ Clarinet Reeds Vandoren Traditional Reeds – Box of 10

Traditionals are known for their excellent response in all registers. They are also extremely flexible, allowing the legato or staccato execution of large intervals while maintaining a richness of tone that gives body and clarity to the sound.

Bb Clarinet Reeds

Baritone Saxophone Reeds

462584 | LIST $43.99 | $25.95

462582 | LIST $72.99 | $42.95

Alto Saxophone Reeds

Bass Clarinet Reeds 462583 | LIST $40.99 | $23.95

462581 | LIST $54.99 | $32.95

Alto Saxophone Reeds

Vandoren Java Red Reeds – Box of 10

Java Reds are more flexible than the Traditional, with a little more tonal body, the Java “Filed - Red Cut” offers a full, rich, centered sound and excellent projection with an extremely precise attack.

Alto Saxophone Reeds

Tenor Saxophone Reeds

501764 | LIST $54.99 | $32.95

501765 | LIST $39.99 | $23.95

462591 | LIST $39.99 | $23.95

Vandoren V12 Reeds – Box of 10

Alto Saxophone Reeds

Tenor Saxophone Reeds

462593 | LIST $54.99 | $32.95

462594 | LIST $39.99 | $23.95

V12 reeds have a thicker heel and are cut on a longer palette with a slightly thicker tip than the Traditional. The longer palette means that more of the reed is vibrating, resulting in a deeper, richer sound. The thicker tip gives body to the attack and also increases the longevity of the reed.

Bb Clarinet Reeds – 3

Tenor Saxophone Reeds

462745 | LIST $56.99 | $33.95

H70392 | LIST $39.99 | $24.99

Reserve Alto Saxophone Reeds

Unfiled with a narrower blank taper and more gradual tip shape, offering the most precise articulation and flexibility. Suited for a wide range of symphonic and solo playing styles. Box of 10. J11180 | LIST $53.00 | $28.49

Vandoren V16 Reeds – Box of 10

The V16 has a thicker tip than the traditional Vandoren reeds and a longer palette. V16 reeds have a medium-thick heart (more than Java but less than Traditionals), with a profile designed for producing a strong attack with a deep, rich sound.

Tenor Saxophone Reeds

Rico Royal reeds are designed for the advancing player. They are French filed for freedom of response, especially in the low register, adding clarity to the tone and making soft attacks easier. Box of 10. 462701 | LIST $47.50 | $27.99

Unfiled with a narrower blank taper and more gradual tip shape, offering the most precise articulation and flexibility. Suited for a wide range of symphonic and solo playing styles. Box of 10. J11182 | LIST $56.00 | $29.99

Select Jazz Filed Alto Saxophone Reeds

Vandoren V21 Clarinet Reeds – Box of 10

Rico Jazz reeds are highly flexible and responsive, which makes them ideal for pitch modulation and vibrato, common tools of the jazz improviser. Available with or without a French file. 462671 | LIST $50.50 | $27.19

V21 reeds combine the conical shape of a 56 rue lepic reed with a V12 profile. This unique combination makes all registers of the clarinet more accessible with warmth and a depth of sound. J18846 | LIST $56.99 | $34.95

Alto Saxophone Reeds 501766 | LIST $54.99 | $33.99

B♭ Clarinet Reeds

Vandoren 5RV Lyre Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece

The 5RV Lyre is responsive and easy to control in all registers. It is an excellent choice for the advancing student or for general playing. With a slightly more open tip it takes a slightly lighter reed, giving the player more flexibility and a more open sound. 483902 | LIST $172.99 | $99.95

Reserve Classic Bass Reeds

Vandoren B45 Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece

Comfortable and easy to play. Excellent for all-around playing or saxophonists doubling on the clarinet. It has an intermediate tip opening and a medium-long facing. 483747 | LIST $172.99 | $99.95

5RV Lyre


Find the complete selection online at MusicArts.com/Vandoren


Vandoren V16 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Expect the V16 series Vandoren Alto Sax Mouthpiece to deliver comfort, great blowing and ease of articulation. Crafted from hard rubber, it's a great jazz mouthpiece in the New York tradition. A5 model pictured. 463139 | LIST $232.99 | From $119.99

Vandoren M/O Series Clarinet Ligature

Vandoren M/O Series ligatures combine the lightweight construction of the legendary Masters Series ligature with the highly efficient tightening of the OPTIMUM Series ligature. This advanced ligature allows the reed to freely vibrate for crisp tonal articulation. H72526 | LIST $71.99 | From $39.99

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Designed for a wide variety of playing situations, Rico Bb Clarinet Reeds are cut of Rico’s most flexible grade of cane. The ease of play and affordable price are why musicians worldwide find Rico to be a great value. Among the most popular reeds in the world. Available in strengths 1.5 through 3.5 in boxes of 10. J24847 | LIST $31.25 | $18.99


Made from lower-internode cane, the most consistent and dense cane available. Many top bass clarinet artists rely on Rico. 585388 | LIST $41.00 | $21.99

Venuto B♭ Clarinet Reeds Venuto reeds are constructed from premium French cane from the Var region of France, among the most coveted reed cane in the world. They are French cut and filed for ease of response and greater control, and are available in a variety of strengths to accommodate players of all levels of conditioning. Available in strengths 2.5 through 5 in boxes of 10. H97890 | LIST $29.99 | $14.99

B♭ Clarinet Reeds

Likely our most popular reed for the high school player, the Mitchell Lurie Reeds have a traditional, unfiled cut. Each reed offers professional-level performance, outstanding playability, and excellent consistency at a great price. Available in strengths 1.5 through 5 in boxes of 10. 462651 | LIST $34.75 | $21.95

Premium B♭ Clarinet Reeds

Designed with the needs of the discriminating clarinetist in mind, Mitchell Lurie Premium Reeds are French file cut. This cut gives maximum flexibility and, like all Lurie reeds, they offer subtle tonal nuances and a wide dynamic range in all registers. Box of 5. 462653 | LIST $19.00 | $10.49


| 49

Endorsed by top performers and educators for every musical journey. If you're ready to take your performance to the next level, a new Jupiter XO professional saxophone, trumpet or trombone will help you get there faster. XO band instruments incorporate handcrafted features, superior materials and high-precision construction for exquisite tone and performance.

Optimum Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

Hard Rubber Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece S80 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

The best for general playing, these mouthpieces are preferred by students and pros worldwide. Facings available in B*, C, C*, C**, D, E, F, G, H. 463101 | LIST $281.00 | $159.00

Meyer mouthpieces offer a variety of sounds, responses and dynamic ranges. Select from different chambers and facings to personalize your tone. 472750 | LIST $171.25 | $104.95

The Vandoren Optimum features an elegant outer design that creates its own distinctive sound that is immediately recognizable. Its interior design and mouthpiece make it free-blowing and quick to respond. Available in AL3, AL4 and AL5 size. 463138 | LIST $232.99 | $119.99


XO Professional Bb Trumpet Silver

The 1602S Professional Bb Trumpet features a .459" bore and a 4.8" one-piece hand-hammered bell for excellent response and tone. It includes rounded and elliptical tuning slides, regular- and light-action spring sets that allow you to customize the response of the instrument to your needs.

1602S 465362 | LIST $2,980.00 | $2,185.00

Jupiter 1100S Intermediate Bb Trumpet

The Jupiter 1100S trumpet resides within Jupiter's intermediate line. It is a great-sounding, easy-playing trumpet that intonates well and sports features that are often solely the province of professional-level instruments. It is plenty enough horn to take a student through his or her high school and college studies, and is additionally presentable in numerous professional environments. H83164 | LIST $1,685.00 | $1,199.00

1602S-R J20572 | LIST $3,100.00 | $2,227.00

1624S XO Professional Series C Trumpet YAC-1295 5C Baritone Saxophone Mouthpiece

Reserve B♭ Clarinet Mouthpiece Milled, not molded, from hard rubber for a higher level of consistency, every Reserve mouthpiece is machined to the strictest tolerances. Available in 1.0mm, 1.05mm and 1.10mm tip openings. H86366 | LIST $183.75 | $99.00

The Yamaha YAC-1295 5C Tenor/Bari Saxophone Mouthpiece provides a somewhat richer tone with greater variety of colors than 4C and excellent flexibility and response. Popular with soloists. 462508 | LIST $77.99 | $55.95

Select Jazz Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

Find the complete selection online at MusicArts.com/XO

The 1624S XO Series features a one-piece, hand-hammered bell designed for excellent response and tone. Included with the 1624S are elliptical and rounded main tuning slides, regular and light-action valve springs, and a set of both standard and heavyweight bottom valve caps. This allows the player to customize the sound and feel of the trumpet. 620302 | From $2,333.00

KALI Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

The KALI alto mouthpiece's short high baffle and True Large Chamber give a fullness to the sound rarely heard in an alto mouthpiece. A really fun mouthpiece to play, it is fully machined from a solid rod of real premium hard rubber, not a molded resin or plastic. Available in sizes 6 through 9. H87280 | LIST $675.00 | $475.00

1236L-O 1270S

The Select Jazz line is milled from solid rod rubber using precise CADCAM technology. Classic sound and response with even intonation. Available in tip openings 5, 6, 7. J12620 | LIST $240.00 | $149.00

1236L-O XO Professional F-Attachment Trombone

The Jupiter 1236L-O Professional Trombone is designed for optimum performance with a .547" bore and a .563" bore throughout the F-attachment section for a free-blowing instrument with a full sound. The 1236 Series also features an 8.5" one-piece handhammered bell. J20578 | LIST $3,995.00 | $2,449.00

1270S XO Professional Series Compensating Euphonium

The Jupiter 1270S XO is a compensating euphonium designed for the professionallevel player. It features a traditional 3+1 valve design, .590-.660" graduated bore, and a leadpipe made of rose brass to give it a rich, warm timbre. Available in lacquer or silver finish. Includes mouthpiece and case. 585113 | LIST $7,305.00 | $5,715.00

Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece Kit HR* Hard Rubber Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece

High-quality, control standards, a beautiful warm sound and a free-blowing feel. 471630 | $179.00

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Giardinelli mouthpieces are made from molded plastic and fit standard instruments. They come complete with Giardinelli ligature and cap. J13357 | LIST $29.95 | $21.95

B♭ Clarinet Mouthpiece

The Giardinelli Clarinet Mouthpiece offers a great value to the beginning clarinetist. Plastic molded, the Giardinelli clarinet mouthpiece is durable and offers excellent playability. J13358 | LIST $18.95 | $12.95

H-Ligature for Alto Saxophone

The H-Ligature and Cap was conceived as a "retro" version of the famous Harrison ligature used by many of the world's greatest clarinetists and saxophonists. Choose silver or gold finish. 581681 | LIST $49.50 | $28.95


1646L XO Professional Series B♭ Flugelhorn

The 1646L features a handcrafted 6" one-piece, hand-hammered bell. It also features a tunable nickel silver leadpipe and a wooden 3rd valve trigger with mini-ball linkage. Available in lacquer finish with yellow brass bell. Includes XO Tourlite case and mouthpiece. 620305 | LIST $3,290.00 | $2,361.00



| 51


180S37 YTR-2330

YTR-4335GII LR19043B

180S37 Stradivarius Series B♭ Trumpet

Excels in any musical setting. Legendary. Combines depth and color with the even intonation and response professionals need. Features a standard weight body and a medium large bore. Available in silver finish. 483836 | LIST $3,948.00 | $2,759.00


LT1901B Stradivarius Commercial Series B♭ Trumpet ML bore with a French-style bell rim, plus twopiece brass valve casing with bronze balusters. This design is continued in the brass outer and nickel-silver inner slide tubing. Minimal bracing for maximum vibration. Available in lacquer or silver finish. J14186 | LIST $4,371.00 | $3,059.00

LR19043B Stradivarius Mariachi Series B♭ Trumpet

Designed especially for mariachi. An exquisite horn, the LR19043B Bach Stradivarius Mariachi Series B♭ trumpet sounds as beautiful as it looks. Adorned with unusually ornate filligree across the bell, it is additionally apportioned with yellow brass (70% copper, 30% zinc) on the valve casing, and a bronze brass bell (90% copper, 9-1/2% zinc along with elements of tin). H93779 | LIST $4,371.00 | $3,059.00

Video Available

YTR-2330 Standard B♭ Trumpet

One of the most popular student trumpets. The Yamaha YTR-2330 is the latest version of Yamaha's main student trumpet, an instrument that has assisted in the development of thousands of trumpeters all over the world. The two-piece bell of the YTR-2330 is crafted using state-of-the-art production methods, delivering a consistent, vibrant tone. Choose lacquer or silver finish. H82869 | $1,197.00

YTR-4335GII Intermediate B♭ Trumpet

Intermediate trumpet from a leading manufacturer. The newly redesigned Yamaha YTR-4335GII is the latest of Yamaha's intermediate trumpets. It features a gold brass bell that produces a richer, wider range of tonal colors. Durable, yet light, the bell promotes easy endurance while playing. The richness of tone quality and free-blowing feel make this trumpet a great vehicle for those players looking to take their performance to the next level. Choose silver or lacquer finish. H82866 | LIST $2,526.00 | $1,595.99


YTR-8335RS Xeno Series B Trumpet ♭

Smooth resistance and airflow for easy play and a rich tone. The reverse slide extends the length of tubing before a break and eliminates the ridge created by the main tuning slide being inside the leadpipe, which in turn removes some pressure. J05517 | LIST $3,651.00 | $2,589.99

YTR-8335S Xeno Series B♭ Trumpet

The YTR-8335S is at the heart of the Xeno line. It is Yamaha's flagship professional trumpet, featuring hand-lapped slides, Monel pistons, a handhammered one-piece annealed bell and double main tuning slide braces. The .459" bore offers medium resistance, and the overall design results in power and projection as well as a big, warm sound. Choose silver or lacquer finish. J05512 | LIST $3,578.00 | $2,495.99

In-Bell Trumpet Stand

Features five pullout legs that will hold your trumpet up safely and securely on stage or in the pit orchestra. They are also handy for daily practice. Travels comfortably in your bell. J15319 | LIST $21.95 | $14.95

SB7XC Silent Brass System for Trumpet

Practice in silence. Features Brass Resonance Modeling technology. The lightweight, compact design delivers superior and realistic brass instrument sound. Allows a headphone jack and allows easy attachment of an external player for practicing with recorded material. J05787 | LIST $229.99 | $183.95

Video Available MusicArts.com/Ventus

VTR10 Pro Series B♭ Trumpet by Eastman

(trumpet not included)

Beautifully designed intermediate horn. It would be a great instrument to learn on, or to move up to from your first horn. Designed and crafted with the Eastman Company. 134815N | LIST $2,399.00 | $1,699.00

TPT-1A Trumpet Straight Mute TRV-100L Student Trumpet

The Verve TRV-100L Trumpet is specially designed for the beginner player. Verve offers a quality and design that every beginning trumpet player can depend on. Play a Verve today. 164386N | LIST $600.00 | $349.99

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From jazz to classical, Jo-Ral is the mute of choice. Made of spun aluminum and tested to perform in all registers. Neoprene-enhanced corks provide durability and a tight fit. 360340 | LIST $65.00 | $39.95

Colors Series Lightweight Polyfoam Trumpet Case

Stylish trumpet case. Rugged nylon exterior. Lightweight and easy to carry, it has a stylish handle, heavy-duty zippers and an adjustable shoulder strap. Choose red or blue. J16401 | LIST $124.95 | $79.95

TPT-3 Tri-Tone Trumpet Cup Mute

Three cup mutes in one. This all-aluminum mute includes two felt rings that can be inserted to create different sounds. Specifically designed to provide exceptional versatility for all types of playing. 360346 | LIST $85.00 | $49.95


| 53


See our full selection of euphoniums at MusicArts.com/euphoniums

TBV-100L Student Trombone

The Verve TBV-100L Trombone is specially designed for the beginner player. Verve offers a quality and design that every beginning trombone player can depend on. Play a Verve today. 164385N | LIST $600.00 | $349.99

YEP-321S Search Trombones to see more


8D CONNstellation Series Double Horn

The world's most popular pro horn for decades. The legendary Conn 8D has been a favorite among professional horn players for decades. It features a large throat bell and nickel finish for a dark, open sound and subtle response. Its .468" bore is praised for its excellent control and intonation. The 8D is a perfect choice for any playing situation, from small chamber ensembles to concert band and symphony orchestra work. Nickel silver fixed bell. 483596 | LIST $6,797.00 | $4,559.00

Video Available

F-Trigger Trombone


The Ventus by Eastman trombone features an F-attachment conversion kit and comes with three different leadpipes, each with different tapers to allow the players to find their preferred feeling of resistance. The VTB10 has a .547" large shank receiver and is made from yellow brass. 151022N | LIST $2,899.00 | $2,099.00


YHR-567 Geyer Series Intermediate Double French Horn YSL-448G Intermediate Trombone

Pro features - intermediate price. This instrument is a quality choice for students making the move to an intermediate-level instrument. It has a large .547� bore, a standard wrap F-attachment, a seamless gold brass bell and a one-piece drawn brass outer handslide. Available in lacquer finish. 461518 | LIST $2,424.00 | $1,865.99

Superior step-up instrument. The YHR-567 is an excellent instrument for the advancing player. It features a Geyer wrap and tapered gold brass leadpipe design for better response and intonation. An adjustable thumb lever adds an additional level of playing comfort. Available in lacquer finish. 461481 | LIST $4,797.00 | $3,349.99

YEP-321S Series 4-Valve Euphonium

Popular instrument. Four nickel-plated top-action valves offer quick action and the gold brass leadpipe allows for proper note slotting and warm sound. Available in lacquer or silver finish. 483643 | LIST $3,848.00 | $2,612.99

H179 Farkas Series Fixed Bell Double Horn

Top Holton horn. The H179 Farkas Series is a free-blowing horn with a rich, dark sound designed especially for the "big horn" artist. The H179 has tapered tubing and the bell throat is larger for a bigger, darker tone. The bell flare produces a mellow, velvety tone plus a little overtone of a ringing quality. Hard nickel-silver responds quickly and sounds brighter up close. Available in nickel-silver finish. 460376 | LIST $6,453.00 | $4,349.00

Video Available MusicArts.com/Besson

42BO Stradivarius Series F-Attachment Trombone

One of Bach's best. The 42BO features an open-wrap design for a less-resistant feel and an 8.5" one-piece, hand-hammered bell for excellent resonance, projection and tone. Available in lacquer or silver finish with a yellow or gold brass bell. 483626 | LIST $4,408.00 | $3,089.00

BE967 Sovereign Series Compensating Euphonium

Large-bell Sovereign. The BE967 Euphonium has a larger diameter bell, giving excellent projection. A receiver connected by only a brace, as opposed to being completely soldered to the bell, allows for free vibration and enhanced tone. Its patented spring damper set creates quieter valve action. Includes case and mouthpiece. 462767 | LIST $13,061.00 | $7,479.00

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Heritage 6802 Bb/F Double French Horn

Top German horn. The 6800 Heritage Series is similar in design and construction to old pre-war Kruspe-Horner. The 6800 Series features .468" bore with a fixed nickel-silver large throat bell for excellent resonance and projection. Available in nickel-silver finish. 463251 | LIST $7,853.00 | $5,379.00


| 55


Compact Flute Stand



Low Profile Clarinet Stand



Trumpet Stand



Alto / Tenor Sax Stand w/ Flute Stand



Compact Trumpet Stand



Trombone Stand



Violin / Viola Stand


















• Lightweight high-grade ABS resin construction • Available in 11 vibrant colors • TrueNote® leadpipe technology provides richer sound • Precision crafted with all metal valves











See the complete line of Allora products, including Aere Series Trombones at MusicArts.com/Allora

©2015 allora

Search JoRal Mute for the collection

Contoured PRO PAC Trumpet Case

Extra protection from a fitted interior. Velvet-lined molded interior, rugged 1,000-denier nylon exterior, roomy exterior pocket, zipper closures, carrying strap, and heavy-duty nickel-plated hardware. Choose blue, red, chocolate, black or army green. 541010 | LIST $154.00 | $109.99

Contoured PRO PAC Bass Trombone Case

The contoured bass trombone PRO PAC fits bells up to 10.5” and has open/close wraps. The 309CT features a durable and highly protective lightweight frame plus an interior compartment and an exterior pocket and organizer. 540232 | LIST $344.00 | $229.95


JoRal Mute

TPT-2A Trumpet Bubble Mute

1A Tenor Trombone Straight Mute

The ideal choice for any musical genre, the Jo-Ral tenor trombone straight mute produces a distinct, muted sound throughout the natural range of the instrument. It is free-blowing in all registers and designed to fit all tenor trombone bells. 360339 | LIST $75.00 | $55.95

The bubble with the buzz. It's a traditional “wah wah” mute but with an innovative bubble shape that allows it to produce a louder buzz sound, making it especially exciting for jazz musicians. It also features a high-quality synthetic cork for an excellent fit in any trumpet. This mute is the choice for many top players. 360344 | LIST $75.00 | $55.95

Mid-Suspension Trumpet and Mute Gig Bag

SB5XC Silent Brass System for Trombone

The innovative, award-winning system provide trombone players with the ultimate practice tool, ideal for use in any silent practice or warm-up situation. J05786 | $199.95

Gard Bags have long been a favorite among trumpet players at all levels needing quality protection at a reasonable price. The Mid-Bag Suspension Series builds upon this popularity. In ordinary bags, the trumpet rests on the bottom of the bag. If dropped, the protruding parts are likely to dent. Using strategically placed blocks of padding the Mid-Bag Suspension Series "suspends" your instrument away from the sides. H67663 | LIST $155.00 | $119.99

See our full selection of cases at MusicArts.com/Wolfpak

102 Trumpet Cup Mute

Top fiber cup. The 102 features a big, rich open sound throughout the entire register of the instrument with excellent intonation, making the 102 perfect for solo or section work. Available in red and white finish. 360053 | LIST $43.50 | $25.95

J1 Triple Play Combo Trumpet Mute

Combination Mute. The J1 features a design that is a combination of a straight, cup and plunger mute all in one unit. Available in aluminum finish. 360161 | LIST $62.00 | $48.95

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121 French Horn Straight Mute Non-transposing straight mute. Willie Berg invented Stonelined Mutes in 1935. This is one of the finest horn mutes available in the world. Stonelined Mutes play perfectly in tune and are easy blowing. Available in red and white finish. 360065 | LIST $48.00 | $27.95


Polyfoam Case Fibre Straight Mute for B♭ Trumpet

These sensational mutes have seamless construction and wood bases. The Denis Wick Fibre straight mutes are suitable for orchestra but are also great for jazz, with a gentle sound that is great for ensembles. They have Denis Wick's hallmark intonation, and provide a professional mute at a student price. H82463 | LIST $17.99 | $11.95

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The WolfPak Polyfoam Case is a protective, but lightweight case that lives up to the WolfPak name. It features a durable 1,200-denier external covering and a plush-covered lightweight foam interior designed to give your instrument excellent protection. This case is a great choice for the student needing a light case. Available in black only.



464528 | LIST $89.95 | $49.95

464527 | LIST $139.95 | $79.95

Colors Series Lightweight Polyfoam Trumpet Case

Stylish trumpet case. Rugged nylon exterior. Lightweight and easy to carry, it has a stylish handle, heavy-duty zippers and an adjustable shoulder strap. Choose red or blue. J16401 | LIST $124.95 | $79.95

Polyfoam F-Attachment Trombone Case

Lightweight protection. The WolfPak Polyfoam F-Attachment Trombone Case offers a protective lightweight case that lives up to the WolfPak name. This WolfPak case features a durable 1,200 denier external covering, plus plush-covered lightweight foam interior designed to offer excellent protection to your instrument. This case is designed to fit standard and open wrap F-attachment trombones. 464526 | LIST $149.95 | $84.95


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Already renting from us? Apply 100% of your credit towards your purchase. Yes, it’s true that you can apply your rental credit towards an upgraded string brand like Otto Benjamin. Known for exemplary quality, and traditional sound and craftsmanship, Otto Benjamin is highly regarded for creating fine violins, violas and cellos.




MA-615LE MC-615LE

ML-615LE Violin Outfit

The ML-615LE is crafted from aged European tonewoods and features a solid spruce top and flamed maple back, with an antique varnish, ebony pegs, fingerboard and chinrest. The limited edition comes with Thomastik Vision strings, a pernambuco wrapped carbon fiber bow, and a Schertler Basik pickup. 208058N | MSRP $2,600.00 | $1,999.00

MA-615LE Viola Outfit

The MA-615LE is crafted from aged European tonewoods and features a solid spruce top and flamed maple back, ribs and scroll with an antique varnish. The MA-615LE has ebony pegs, fingerboard and chinrest and a gold fine tuner. This is a full outfit complete with Thomastik Vision Strings, oblong case with a Cordura cover and a Pernambuco wrapped carbon fiber bow. 208059N | MSRP $2,749.00 | $1,999.00

MC-615LE Cello Outfit



ML-206 Violin Outfit

The ML-206 features a European spruce top with maple back and sides. Features ebony Parisian eye pegs and endbutton, French bridge, ebony tailpiece, Guarneri model ebony chinrest.The ML-206 features a Pernambuco bow, a wood shell case with Cordura cover. 209255N | MSRP $1,400.00 | $999.00

ML-300 Violin Outfit

The ML-300 has a select aged spruce top and select aged maple back and sides, as well as a maple neck, ebony fingerboard, and a rosewood tailpiece, fittings, and chinrest. The ML-300 has a Despiau bridge and features a BL-60 Pernambuco bow, and comes with an oblong case and Helicore strings. 41620N | MSRP $1,779.00 | $1,299.00

ML-405 Violin Outfit

The MC-615LE is crafted from aged European tonewoods features a solid spruce top and flamed maple back, ribs and scroll with an antique varnish. The MC-615LE has ebony pegs, fingerboard and chinrest and a gold fine tuner. This is a full outfit complete with Thomastik Vision Strings, oblong case with a Cordura cover and a Pernambuco wrapped carbon fiber bow. 208063N | MSRP $4,870.00 | $3,499.00


ML-500 Violin Outfit

The ML-500 features a premium spruce top with select aged maple back and sides, as well as a maple neck, ebony fingerboard, and boxwood tailpiece, fittings, and chinrest. The ML-500 has a Despiau bridge and features a Pernambuco bow, and comes in an oblong case with Dominant strings. 46199N | MSRP $2,299.00 | $1,699.00

MC-300 Cello Outfit

The MC-300 has a select aged spruce top, a select aged maple high flame back and sides, a maple neck, ebony fingerboard, a Wittner tailpiece, and ebony fittings. The MC-300 has a Despiau bridge and features a BC60 Pernambuco bow. The MC-300 comes with a fiberglass case and Helicore strings. 41800N | MSRP $3,599.00 | $2,699.00

ML-605 Violin Outfit

The ML-605 features a spruce top with maple back and sides, as well as a maple neck, ebony fingerboard, and boxwood tailpiece, fittings, and chinrest. It has an antiqued varnish. The ML-605 has a maple bridge and features a Pernambuco bow, and comes in a wood shell case and Cordura cover with nylon core strings. 66336N | MSRP $2,457.00 | $1,799.00

MC-500 Cello Outfit

The MC-500 features a premium spruce top with select aged maple back and sides, as well as a maple neck, ebony fingerboard and fittings, and a Wittner tailpiece. It has a multilayer antiqued spirit varnish. The MC-500 has a Despiau bridge and features a Pernambuco bow. The MC-500 comes with a fiberglass case with wheels, Helicore and Larson strings. 41268N | MSRP $4,399.00 | $3,299.00

The ML-405 has a spruce top with maple back and sides. Features ebony Parisian eye pegs and endbutton, ebony tailpiece, ebony Guarneri chinrest. The ML-405 comes with a Pernambuco bow, a wood shell case with Cordura cover and Tonica strings. 128148N | MSRP $2,100.00 | $1,499.00


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Travel Light Violin PRO PAC Case This lightweight case features a tough, waterand arasion-resistant exterior with two exterior pockets for accessories and sheet music. Soft lining and a built-in hygrometer. Choose purple or black. J02276 | LIST $190.00 | $139.95

Deluxe Violin Case The rs of make – the ant Domin standard c n e are refere strings – t n n li in vio d to prese t s prou e lat their ion! at innov

Lightweight carry-all violin case with modern composite design. Features a strong wood frame and a polyfoam internal cover, making it strong, lightweight, durable, and worthy of carrying a beautiful instrument. Deluxe appointments include 1,200-denier exterior with oversize zippered accessory compartment (includes reflective strip for nighttime safety) and Velcro weather-guard flap over zipper. Available for 4/4, 3/4, 1/2, or 1/4 sizes. Includes backpack straps, comfortable handle, 3-point interior cushions and plush blanket. 5-year limited warranty. 471012 | LIST $124.95 | $99.95

(Violin not included)

More than 500 choices online at MusicArts.com/strings


Kaplan Premium Rosin

Formulated using the original Kaplan recipe that produces less dust and helps keep the instrument cleaner. Packed in an attractive case designed for easy one-handed use. Choose dark or light. H70278 | LIST $16.50 | $12.95

Kaplan Amo Series Violin String Set Brazilwood 4/4 Violin Bow

The 1076 brazilwood violin bow has a round shaft, silver grip with a half-lined ebony frog with eye and three-part button. 95710N | $39.99

Braided Carbon Fibre Violin Bow

The 1076 brazilwood violin bow has a round shaft, silver grip with a half-lined ebony frog with eye and three-part button. 96420N | $67.95

Advanced Carbon Fiber Violin Bow

These bows have a solid core to give them an even feel and balance. The carbon fibers used to make this bow are woven into a continuous pattern. This creates a seamless bow that carries its fiber patterns down its entire length. Professional performance potential at an affordable price. 464311 | LIST $500.00 | $337.95

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Brazilwood 4/4 Cello Bow

Karl Willhelm Carbon Fiber bows are well-balanced and affordable. They feature genuine horsehair, a wire grip, and an ebony frog with abalone eye. Their piano black finish adds a sense of refinement. The Karl Willhelm Carbon Fiber Bow is well-suited for the advanced student or intermediate musician.

4/4 Size J00965 | LIST $160.00 | $139.99


Scaled to fit 4/4 size violin with a playing length of 13", these medium tension strings are optimized to the needs of a majority of players. Packaged in sealed pouches for protection. J14611 | LIST $168.00 | $89.95

Tonica Series Violin String Set

These formula synthetic strings are characterized by a lively, open and direct tone. They feature great projection and brilliance, and an easy and fast response. They're not sensitive to humidity and have a well-balanced set harmony. H96518 | LIST $63.71 | $29.95

Collapsible Violin Shoulder Rest

The crescent shaped Kun shoulder rest is fully adjustable for height, width, and pitch. It features a contoured shoulder area that is foam padded for playing comfort and has collapsible legs for easy storage. Choose 4/4 or 3/4-1/2 size. 484925 | From $27.95

Folding Violin or Viola Stand Features a bow holder, folding tripod legs, velveteen rubber contact surfaces and an adjustable neck. Fits violins and violas. J15730 | LIST $49.99 | $24.95


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Search Music Stands to see more choices online

Music Stands

Conductor Music Stand

The Titan conductor stand is a heavy duty music stand that is capable of supporting your heaviest books. It has 3 different height adjustment levers to accommodate any player and the folding tri-pod legs make it easy to travel with. 192159N | $39.95

Colored Folding Music Stands

Sturdy, fully height-adjustable and collapsible for easy storage, these colorful music stands are great for any musician moving from practice space to home. Includes carrying case.




203529N | $24.95

203543N | $24.95

203535N | $24.95




203533N | $24.95

203537N | $24.95

203535N | $24.95

Folding Music Stand

This stand is great for the musician on the move or with limited practice space. It collapsible, easy to carry and is sturdy enough to withstand rigors of a practicing musician. 194060N | $17.95

Soprano Recorder

Soprano recorder in many colors. Affordable soprano recorder available in a wide range of colors. Plastic construction, comes with cleaning rod. Baroque fingering. Choose ivory, brown, transparent pink, green, yellow, blue, red, purple, clear or orange. H81928 | LIST $6.99 | $4.95

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