Joshua Cabardo, Senior Voice Recital, 4/11/22

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Joshua Cabardo Monica Adams, piano

Monday, April 11th, 2022 7:30pm Recital Hall


CO N C ER T P ROGR A M , A P R IL 1 1 , 2 0 2 2 , 7 : 3 0 P M La conocchia (1836) A Mezzanotte (1836) Me voglio fà ‘na casa (1837) Monica Adams, piano

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848)

Auf dem Wasser zu singen (1823) Im Abendrot (1824) Die Forelle (1817) Monica Adams, piano

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Intermission Vainement, ma bien aimée from Le roi d’Ys (1875)

Édouard Lalo (1823-1892)

Monica Adams, piano O Waly, Waly (1948) The Salley Gardens (1943) The Lincolnshire Poacher (1961) Monica Adams, piano

She Loves Me from She Loves Me (1963) Monica Adams, piano

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)

Jerry Bock (1928-2010)

T R A N S L AT ION S La conocchia Quann’a lo bello mio voglio parlare, ca spisso me ne vene lu golio, a la fenesta me mett’a filare, quann’a lo bello mio voglio parlare

The drop spindle When I want to speak to the one I love, because often I want to do that, I sit down spinning at my window when I want to speak to the one I love

Quann’isso passa po’ rompo lo filo, e co’una grazia me mett’a priare bello, peccarita, proite milo, isso lu piglia, ed io lo sto a guardare, e accossi me ne vao’mpilo mpilo ah jeme!

When he passes by I break the thread a bit and with grace begins to ask handsome one, please get it back to me he bends down and I stand watching him and so is lit in me a fire (which will burn) forever!

A mezzanotte Quando notte sarà oscura e le stelle in ciel vedrai, cheto, cheto mi verrai nel mio asilo a ritrovar. Nel silenzio della notte dentr’all’umile mio tetto, vieni pure, o mio diletto, la tua ninfa a consolar: canta pur la tua canzone ch’io t’attendo sul balcone. ah!

At midnight When night turns dark and you see the stars in the sky, silently, silently, you will come to find my solitary dwelling. In the silence of night inside, under my humble roof, come then, o my delight, to make your darling happy. Sing your song while I wait for you on the balcony. Ah!

Ma non debbo a te soltanto aprir l’uscio a notte bruna: coprirebbesi la luna vereconda in suo pudor. Noi due soli non saremo, verecondia nol consente, vuò che un terzo sia presente e quel terzo sia l’amor. Canta pur la tua canzone, ch’io t’attendo sul balcone, io t’attendo a mezzanotte, cheto cheto ne verrai, noi due soli non saremo, vuò che il terzo sia l’amor. ah!

But not for you alone must I open the threshold to the dark night: the moon in her modesty would cover herself for shame. We two will not be alone; modesty would not allow it. It wants a third person to be present, and that third is love. Then sing your song while I wait for you on the balcony. I expect you at midnight, silently, silently you will come, we two will not be alone, the third must be love. Ah!

T R A N S L AT ION S Me voglio fà ‘na casa Me voglio fa ‘na casa miez’ ‘o mare Fravecata de penne de pavune, Tralla la le la...

I want to build a house

D’oro e d’argiento li scaline fare E de prete preziuse li barcune, Tralla la le la...

Of gold and silver I will make the stairs and of precious stones, the balconies. Tralla la le la, tra la la la.

Quanno Nennella mia se va a facciare Ognuno dice “mò sponta lu sole”, Tralla la le la…

When my Nennalla leans out everyone will say, here comes the sun. Tralla la le la, tra la la la.

Auf dem Wasser zu singen

To be sung on the water Amid the shimmer of the mirroring waves the rocking boat glides, swan-like, on gently shimmering waves of joy. The soul, too, glides like a boat. For from the sky the setting sun dances upon the waves around the boat.

Mitten im Schimmer der spiegelnden Wellen Gleitet, wie Schwäne, der wankende Kahn; Ach, auf der Freude sanft schimmernden Wellen Gleitet die Seele dahin wie der Kahn; Denn von dem Himmel herab auf die Wellen Tanzet das Abendrot rund um den Kahn. Über den Wipfeln des westlichen Haines Winket uns freundlich der rötliche Schein; Unter den Zweigen des östlichen Haines Säuselt der Kalmus im rötlichen Schein; Freude des Himmels und Ruhe des Haines Atmet die Seel’ im errötenden Schein. Ach, es entschwindet mit tauigem Flügel Mir auf den wiegenden Wellen die Zeit. Morgen entschwinde mit schimmerndem Flügel Wieder wie gestern und heute die Zeit, Bis ich auf höherem strahlendem Flügel Selber entschwinde der wechselnden Zeit.

I want to build a house surrounded by the sea

made of the feathers of a peacock. Tralla la le la, tra la la la.

Above the tree-tops of the western grove the red glow beckons kindly to us; beneath the branches of the eastern grove the reeds whisper in the red glow. The soul breathes the joy of heaven, the peace of the grove, in the reddening glow. Alas, with dewy wings time vanishes from me on the rocking waves. Tomorrow let time again vanish with shimmering wings, as it did yesterday and today, until, on higher, more radiant wings, I myself vanish from the flux of time.

T R A N S L AT ION S Im Abendrot O wie schön ist deine Welt, Vater, wenn sie golden strahlet! Wenn dein Glanz herniederfällt, Und den Staub mit Schimmer malet; Wenn das Rot, das in der Wolke blinkt, In mein stilles Fenster sinkt!

In the glow of the evening How lovely is your world, Father, in its golden radiance when your glory descends and paints the dust with glitter;

Könnt’ ich klagen, könnt’ ich zagen? Irre sein an dir und mir? Nein, ich will im Busen tragen Deinen Himmel schon allhier. Und dies Herz, eh’ es zusammenbricht, Trinkt noch Glut und schlürft noch Licht.

Could I complain? Could I be apprehensive?

Die Forelle In einem Bächlein helle, Da schoß in froher Eil’ Die launische Forelle Vorüber wie ein Pfeil. Ich stand an dem Gestade Und sah in süßer Ruh Des muntern Fischleins Bade Im klaren Bächlein zu.

The trout In a limpid brook the capricious trout in joyous haste darted by like an arrow. I stood on the bank in blissful peace, watching the lively fish swim in the clear brook.

Ein Fischer mit der Rute Wohl an dem Ufer stand, Und sah’s mit kaltem Blute, Wie sich das Fischlein wand. So lang dem Wasser Helle, So dacht ich, nicht gebricht, So fängt er die Forelle Mit seiner Angel nicht.

An angler with his rod stood on the bank cold-bloodedly watching the fish’s contortions. As long as the water is clear, I thought, he won’t catch the trout with his rod.

Doch endlich ward dem Diebe Die Zeit zu lang. Er macht Das Bächlein tückisch trübe, Und eh ich es gedacht, So zuckte seine Rute, Das Fischlein zappelt dran, Und ich mit regem Blute Sah die Betrogene an.

But at length the thief grew impatient. Cunningly he made the brook cloudy, and in an instant his rod quivered, and the fish struggled on it. And I, my blood boiling, looked on at the cheated creature.

when the red light that shines from the clouds

falls silently upon my window.

Could I lose faith in you and in myself? No, I already bear your heaven here within my heart. And this heart, before it breaks, still drinks in the fire and savours the light.

T R A N S L AT ION S Vainement, ma bien aimée Puisqu’on ne peut flechir ces jalouses gardiennes, Ah! laissez-moi conter mes peines Et mon emoi!

In vain, my beloved Since these jealous guardians will not be moved to mercy, ah, let me tell you of my anguish and my torment!

Vainement, ma bien-aimee, On croit me desesperer: Pres de ta porte fermee. Je veux encor demeurer!

In vain, my beloved, do I seem to despair: next to your closed door I am determined to stay!

Les soleils pourront s’eteindre, Les nuits remplacer les jours, Sans t’accuser at sans me plaindre, La je resterai toujours!

Suns may be extinguished, nights replace days, but without blaming you and without complaining, I shall stay here for ever!

Je le sais, ton ame est douce, Et l’heure bientot viendra, Ou la main qui me repousse. Vers la mienne se tendra! Ne sois pas trop tardive A te laisser attendrir! Si Rozenn bientot n’arrive, Je vais, helas mourir!

I know that you have a kind heart, and the hour will soon come when the hand which now pushes me away will reach out towards mine! Do not delay too long in allowing yourself to be won over by your tender feelings; If Rozenn does not appear soon soon, I, alas, shall die!

J O S HUA C A BA R DO This recital is presented as a degree requirement towards a Bachelors of Music in Vocal Performance.

Joshua Cabardo is a senior vocal performance major at University of the Pacific. He currently studies with Professor Daniel Ebbers.

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