4/16/23 28/78 New Music Ensemble

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28/78 New Music Ensemble

Sunday I April 16, 2023 I 2:30 pm

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Matthew Miramontes, conductor

Braydon Ross, conductor

Whitney Ross, Stephanie Hing, Kate Perkins, dancers

116th Performance I 2022–23 Academic Year I Conservatory of Music I University of the Pacific

Quintet for Horn and Strings (2021)

I. Allegro

Trio for Brass (2002)

Braydon Ross, horn

Charlotte Han, Emma Northcutt, violins

Sam Tse, viola; Hasina Torres, cello

Andrew Lewinter (b. 1966)

I. Allegro deciso

Kylie Ward, trumpet; Skylar Warren, horn

Matthew Miramontes, trombone

Homage to Duke (2005)

Lauren Bernofsky (b. 1967) Jeff Scott (b. 1968)

Natalie Kowalski, flute; Apollo Parish Mitchell, oboe

Abigail Miller, clarinet; Jordan Wier, bassoon; Skylar Warren, horn


Voices (2023)

Donald Parker (b. 2004)

Phoenix Farris, flute; Abigail Miller, clarinet; Jordan Wier, bassoon

Braydon Ross, Skylar Warren, horns

Donald Parker, electric guitar

Matthew Miramontes, conductor

Power Play (2015)

Phoenix Farris, flute; Apollo Parish Mitchell, oboe

Abigail Miller, clarinet; Jordan Wier, bassoon

Skylar Warren, horn; Kylie Ward, trumpet

Toby Keys (‘22), piano;

Thea Musgrave (b. 1928)

Charlotte Han, violin; Samantha Tse, viola; Hasina Torres, cello

Matthew Miramontes, conductor

Some Connecticut Gospel (2008)

Whitney Ross, Stephanie Hing, Kate Perkins, dancers

Natalie Kowalski, flute; Jordan Wier, bassoon

Matthew Miramontes, trombone; Toby Keys ’22, piano

Timo Andres (b. 1985)

Emma Northcutt, violin; Samantha Tse, viola; Hasina Torres, cello

Donald Parker, electric bass

Braydon Ross, conductor

PROGRAM I APRIL 16, 2023 I 2:30 PM

Stephanie Hing, Kate Perkins, and Whitney Ross have been dancing together since age four. They trained together throughout childhood in a pre-collegiate contemporary dance program, and each went on to study dance in college. In 2021 the group reconnected, traveling to Santa Barbara to present a new work at the Re:Emerge Dance Festival. Steph, Kate, and Whit are excited to be creating and dancing together again for this 28/78 concert.


28/78 New Music Ensemble is a student-run performing ensemble at University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. The ensemble focuses on the performance of contemporary music works from a diverse array of composers. 28/78 was formed in March 2018 by conductor and founder Andrew Lu (’19). The goals of 28/78 are to:

1. Provide a valuable supplement to ensemble members’ musical education

2. Become ambassadors of the Conservatory’s contemporary music scene

3. Encourage the listening to and performance of new music in the Conservatory and greater Stockton communities

4. Commission and promote the performance of works by a diverse range of composers.

The ensemble works to achieve its goals by hosting the 28/78 New Music Festival, presenting collaborative concerts, bringing guest artists and speakers to campus, and sharing the elements of contemporary music with the Pacific community through Open 78 workshops.


Phoenix Farris, flute

Natalie Kowalski, flute

Apollo Parish Mitchell, oboe

Abigail Miller, clarinet

Jordan Wier, bassoon

Skylar Warren, horn

Kylie Ward, trumpet

Toby Keys, piano

Charlotte Han, violin

Emma Northcutt, violin

Sam Tse, viola

Hasina Torres, cello

Donald Parker, electric bass/guitar

Matthew Miramontes, conductor, trombone

Braydon Ross, conductor, horn



Every gift to the Conservatory from an alum, parent, or friend makes an impact on our students. Our students rely on your generosity to enable them to experience a superior education.

Please contact the Assistant Dean for Development at 209.932.2978 to make a gift today. You may also send a check payable to University of the Pacific: Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific

Attn: Assistant Dean for Development

3601 Pacific Avenue

Stockton, CA 95211


Apr. 16 | 5:00 pm

Student Recital

Glenn Michael Adcock, oboe

Recital Hall

Apr. 16 | 7:30 pm

Student Recital

Marcus Loya, composition

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Apr. 17 | 7:30 pm

Varied Ensembles Recital I

Recital Hall

Apr. 18 | 7:30 pm

Student Recital

Jenna Bosnick, oboe

Recital Hall


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